US-led NATO is military, nuclear fist of expansionist strategy By Global Times
Editor's Note: April 4, 2024, marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO. As a product of the Cold War, NATO should have been disbanded, but over the years, it has served as a war machine and facilitated US hegemony. The Global Times talked to a number of experts and scholars to reveal how the US exploits NATO to serve its geopolitical purposes and how NATO destabilizes the world, exacerbates nuclear threats and brings confrontation to Asia. In the first interview of the series, Global Times (GT) reporter Wang Wenwen talked to Zivadin Jovanovic (Jovanovic), president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals who served as the minister of foreign affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia between 1998 and 2000. Serbia recently marked the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of what was then Yugoslavia. He recalled this brutal operation of NATO and how the US and NATO obstruct a just world order. GT: How does the NATO bombing in 1999 still affect people in Serbia today? Jovanovic: Serbia mourned and paid respect to around 2,000 civilians killed by NATO 25 years ago. We also remembered that NATO bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade killing three Chinese journalists. We recall that NATO used missiles with depleted uranium, cluster bombs and other forbidden means and methods. This resulted in maligned diseases and deaths of people even today, and material damage amounting to over $100 billion. The objective of the US-led NATO was to take the Province of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia, transform it into the Balkans carrier of US troupes for expansion to the East, topple the government of former president Slobodan Milosevic, and make a precedent for future military interventions violating the UN Charter and the supremacy of the UN Security Council and International Law, in general. The aim was also to firmly discipline European allies behind the concept of unipolar world order, supporting US geostrategic interests. In 1999, NATO went beyond its founding treaty, abandoning its defensive and adopting an offensive, aggressive character. The US-led NATO pursues these interests today. Military aggression has been replaced by other means. Right now, they use pressure, including blackmailing Serbia to recognize the secession of its autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohija and accept its membership in the international organizations. Serbia, of course, will not submit. Economically, Serbia has not as yet fully recovered. Ruins from the aggression could be seen even in the heart of Belgrade, but Serbia's GDP nevertheless maintains a constant rise, even above the European average. Unfortunately, the Balkans are far from stable. It is divided, dependent and militarized. GT: You attended an international conference in Belgrade a few days ago that marked the anniversary. The theme of the conference was "From the Aggression to a New Just Order." What are the obstacles to a new just world order? Jovanovic: The main obstacle to the new world order based on the principle of sovereign equality and non-interference in internal affairs is the policy of expansion and global domination of the minority of Western countries led by the US. It seems that they do not understand the global changes and trends of multi-polarization and tend to believe that they can stop those historic trends, even reverse them, by force, including nuclear. These doctrines represent the main source of serious threats to global peace and development. This is a threat to humanity. GT: Taking into consideration NATO actions from NATO bombing Yugoslavia 25 years ago to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, what role does NATO play in facilitating US hegemony? Jovanovic: The NATO aggression on Yugoslavia in 1999 was the beginning of the globalization of military interventionism of the US-led NATO. Afterward, we saw many interventions and aggressions based on the 1999 NATO precedent on Yugoslavia. German politician Willy Wimmer said in 2022 that the first bombs fell on Ukraine in 1999. The US-led NATO, in my opinion, is the military, nuclear fist of expansionist strategy, of global domination within unipolarity. GT: The US has leveraged NATO to sustain dominance over Europe. Do you think Europe has the will and ability to reflect on its position? Is Europe feeling more secure or less secure? Jovanovic: European autonomy at present is at its lowest point since World War II, this includes its dignity, identity and morality. It is not because of the people, European nations or cultural heritage. It is, first of all, because of the quality of the present political elite which has lost its sense of traditional civilization values, which seems to have abandoned morality, solidarity, justice and legality and which has practically reduced everything and everybody to the profit by all means. I don't know, really, what term would best express such characteristics, but perhaps, it is not far from - corruption, one way or the other. Global changes could hardly leave Europe untouched. Some changes toward autonomy, dignity and sovereignty are taking place, particularly in some European countries, like Hungary, Slovakia and others. We shall see what the elections for the European Parliament in June will show. I hope it will be the beginning of changes, changes for the better. One election may not be sufficient, but the trends matter. GT: China was also a victim of the NATO bombing 25 years ago. In the past two years, NATO has declared China a security challenge. The NATO chief also linked what's happening in Ukraine to the Taiwan question. What do you think of the NATO moves against China? Jovanovic: It is true. China was not only the victim, but also the target of NATO military aggression in 1999. Just minutes later, I was at the scene seeing public services rescuing survivors from the debris. Bombs were still hitting a nearby hotel and the surrounding park, when then-Chinese ambassador Pan Zhanlin was freed out of the ruins. I expressed my condolences and assured him of my government's solidarity and support. Should anybody wonder why Serbia and China are "iron friends" and comprehensive strategic partners ever since? Who, what and why represents the challenge depends on who is assessing it and from positions of which values. Learning from recent history, I suppose, countries demanding equal security and sovereignty over natural resources, such as oil and gas reserves, uranium and other strategic minerals deposits, huge markets, and geostrategic connectivity lines have always been a challenge for NATO and Western power centers. What we have been witnessing over the past decades is that the US and NATO have for years now been expanding and reinforcing their presence through their branches in the Far East and Indo-Pacific like Quad and some newly born alliances. Seen from Europe, the US-NATO expansionist strategy is directed to the East, to Russia, the Caspian Sea and the Middle East. Asia and Siberia seem to be real objectives, from both geographic positions. US-NATO exploits similar, or the same means and methods: spreading fear, insecurity and disorientation, demonstrating power through a series of massive "defenders" exercises, offering protection of scarred ones, use of separatism, terrorism and human rights. We know from their rhetoric that China represents a "systemic" challenge and Russia a "malign influence." This only means that they have no solutions for their own problems nor do they have the courage to face today's reality. So far, they opt to continue living in the past, instead of accepting a new reality called equality and living in togetherness. Source: NOT TO FORGET! 1999 – 2024. THE BELGRADE DECLARATION by Christopher Black
This Declaration was made at the conclusion of the International Conference held in Belgrade organized by the Beograd Forum For A World Of Equals in association with other organisations, including the World Peace Council, attended by delegates, ministers, and officials from countries around the world, and headed by Zivadin Jovanovic, President of the Forum and former foreign minister for Yugoslavia at the time of the NATO aggression. WE, participants of the International Conference held in Belgrade on March 22-24, 2024, on the occasion of marking the 25th anniversary of NATO’s armed aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) dedicated to the theme “From the Aggression to a New Just Order”, gathered from all over the world, hereby declare: We belong to different countries, nations, ideologies, religions and civilizations, but stand firmly united in our commitment to peace, equality, and prosperity for all peoples, as well as in our condemnation of interventionism, expansion, domination, and hegemonism. We firmly condemn the unprovoked armed aggression by NATO against the FRY (Serbia and Montenegro) in 1999 as an unlawful, invading and criminal war against a sovereign, peace-loving European country, waged devoid of a UN Security Council mandate, in blatant violation of the United Nations Charter, the OSCE Helsinki Final Act (1975) and the fundamental principles of international law. We underline: That the aggression was carried out under false pretexts and that therefore NATO’s responsibility cannot be diminished. It was not state authorities but, instead, NATO’s expansionism that actually threatened a ‘humanitarian disaster’. What happened in Rachak was not a ‘massacre of civilians’, but instead a legitimate response of the state to terrorism. The ‘Horseshoe Plan’ did not exist. ‘Humanitarian’ wars or interventions do not exist. Prevention of human suffering can hardly be prevented by depleted uranium, cluster bombs and by poisoning the air, soil and water. Back in 1999, NATO reintroduced the war on the European soil, ironically, a war that Europe waged on itself. It was neither a “little Kosovo war”, but rather a war of these geopolitical goals: a) carving the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija out of Serbia and a full control over the Balkans; b) deployment of the US troops in the Balkans for the purposes of the strategy of Eastward expansion; c) creating a precedent for subsequent interventions conducted in violation of international law and of the inviolability of the UN Security Council; d) justifying the existence of NATO and its acting beyond the area defined in its Founding Act of 1949. “Wherever the law presented an obstacle to the policy of expansion, it must be removed” – was yet another NATO new rule. The NATO aggression embodied the undoing of the legal order of peace and security in Europe and the world, established on the outcome of the Second World War. Today, the Balkans is more unstable, Europe militarized on dangerous tracks, without autonomy, identity and vision. The aggression took the lives of 1,139 soldiers and police officers, about 3,000 civilians also including 89 children, while some 10,000 people were wounded. However, the consequences of prolonged effects of weapons filled with depleted uranium and toxic compounds are by far greater. NATO, also, bombed the Embassy of the PR of China, in Belgrade, killing three Chinese journalists and destroying the building of the Chinese Embassy. We pay our highest respect to all the fallen innocent people and express our deepest, sincere condolences to their families. The aggressor had been systematically destroying or badly damaging civilian infrastructure, such as railways, roads, bridges, airports, energy system, as well as apartment buildings, industrial facilities, schools, hospitals, kindergartens, and many more objects. Over thirty radio and TV stations and transmitters had been bombed, including the national public TV RTS killing 16 professional employees on duty. The direct damage totals some USD 100 billion. We emphasize that NATO and its member states, participants in the illegal act of aggression, are obliged to compensate Serbia for the war damage they have inflicted. We appeal that special state and expert bodies, tasked with determining the consequences of aggression on the health of people and the environment, resume their work, and that the war crimes against civilians and crimes of non-compliance with the war-related conventions be prosecuted and sanctioned. We express our strong support and solidarity with Serbia’s efforts to mitigate the consequences of the aggression and her endeavoring to prevent the continuation of NATO’s armed aggression by other means. We express our full support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia in her internationally recognized borders within which she continued her membership in the UN, the OSCE, and other universal international organizations. We are deeply concerned about the mass-scale violation of the basic human rights of the Serbian community in Kosovo and Metohija embodied in the continuation of their systematic expulsion from, and in preventing the free and safe return of over 250,000 expelled Serbs and other non-Albanians to, their homes and property. We firmly believe that the future status of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija may be resolved only in accordance with international law and, in particular, with UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of June 10, 1999, which is a lasting, legally binding document. We demand that all provisions of the UNSC resolution 1244 be fully respected and implemented. We condemn each and all violations of that Resolution and the policy of blackmail and pressuring, and all one-sided steps aimed at legalizing the seizure of state territory and completing the ethnic cleansing of the remaining Serbian population, in preparation to create the so-called Greater Albania. We oppose the unipolar world order based on the strategy of hegemonism and global domination with NATO as its military feast. The aggression against the FRY in 1999 was speeding up of the strategy of expansion to the East, and a source of danger to peace in Europe and the world. At the time of the aggression, NATO had 19 members, and today counts 32. After the erection of US military base Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo and Metohija, there followed dozens of new NATO bases. Presently, Europe hosts a far larger number of foreign military bases and stockpiles of nuclear weapons than it did during the bipolar world and the Cold War era. We express our deepest concern about the accelerated escalation of hostilities and conflicts in global relations that add fuel to the fire of conflict, continued provocations, and the looming danger of a global conflict. The world sits on the brink of the abyss. Humanity will either restrain the rampant aggressiveness of the alienated power centers, or fall into that abyss. This makes us stand unified in the demand for an immediate beginning of the dialogue at the strategic level, under the auspices of the UN, aimed at putting to a halt the escalation, the accumulation of conventional and nuclear weapons, and the breaching of international agreements. We demand the closure of foreign military camps, the complete withdrawal from Europe of the US tactical nuclear weapons and installations of the so-called anti-missile defenses that make security more volatile. We call for an end to warmongering rhetoric, and invite all responsible statesmen to resort to dialogue and to finding peaceful, just and sustainable solutions to the ongoing conflicts and crises. We appeal to all peace-loving forces in the world to join forces in the struggle for the observance of international law, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, reinforcing the authority and role of the United Nations and other universal international organizations, the observance of principles of equality, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and for cooperation and coordination in the fight against terrorism and separatism as global threats. We support the process of multi-polarization of global relations and their democratization on the basis of the sovereign equality of all states and peoples. We support the peace, security and development initiatives that are based on the principle of mutual indivisibility of peace, security and development, and that take note of the root causes of problems. The key roles in that process play BRICS, EAEU, Global Initiative “Belt and Road”, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, NAM. We support the abolition of all monopolies, privileges based on ‘exceptionalism’. We refuse unilateral sanctions, erection of new ‘walls’ or divisions. The attempt to divide the world into ‘democracies’ and ‘autocracies’ is a trickery of the power-centers designed to extend the life of the unipolar world order. The policy of confrontation, interventionism, and interference in internal affairs, backed by the military-industrial complex and large financial capital, must give way to dialogue, partnership, respect for fundamental norms of international law and the multipolar world order. Peace, stability, democracy and inclusive development require radical changes in present global relations, observance of sovereign equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, multilateralism, respect of common interests, and exclusion of any egoism, protectionism and privileges of the past. The biggest obstacle to the world order of sovereign, equal nations is the relics of the Cold War. That is why NATO should be dissolved and the doctrine of hegemonism, expansionism and neocolonialism consigned to history. We condemn the mass-scale killing of the innocent Palestinian people, in particular of children, and call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and other areas inhabited by the Palestinian people, in order to finally stop this human suffering unprecedented in recent history, and for unhindered delivery of food, medicines, water, and other necessities of life to the vulnerable population. We support a two-state solution, the free and safe return of all expelled persons, the abolition of the occupation and the establishment of a Palestinian state within the pre-June 4, 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as the capital, all in accordance with the United Nations Resolutions. We express our solidarity with the people of Cuba, who have been suffering the devastating consequences of the unilateral US embargo for many years. The Cuban people have an inalienable right to choose the paths of internal development of their own, without external interference. We demand respect for the UN positions on the lifting of the US blockade of Cuba, and the removal of Cuba from the list of ‘states sponsoring terrorism’ because it was inserted without any bases. We hold that the Ukrainian crisis is a corollary of NATO’s strategy of expansion to the East, under betrayal of all agreements of the otherwise. We believe this crisis can be resolved peacefully, by acknowledging and removing the causes and by guaranteeing equal security for all countries. The common future of humanity excludes egotism and selfish approaches such as the ‘golden billion’ security thesis. We express our acknowledgment and gratitude to our hosts – the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia, SUBNOR of Serbia, the Diaspora Fund for Serbia, and the Association of Veterans of the Military Intelligence Service, as well as to the citizens of Serbia – for their hospitality and good organization of the Conference. The organizers express their acknowledgment to the participants of the Conference, including the World Peace Council and all its members, for their decades long solidarity and support to Serbia and the Serbian people, as well as for their extraordinary contribution to the results of this Conference. Belgrade, March 23, 2024 STATEMENT OF CONDEMNATION OF THE TERRORIST ATTACK IN MOSCOW Participants of the International Conference held in Belgrade on March 22-24, 2024, on the occasion of marking the 25th anniversary of NATO’s armed aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, – Condemn in the strongest terms the heinous, bestial and provocative terrorist attack in Moscow that killed so many innocent people, and express belief that the perpetrators will be quickly apprehended and brought to justice. – At the same time, express their deepest condolences to the families of the killed and the injured ones, to the citizens of Moscow, and to the entire Russian people, in the moment of their pain and huge grief. – Call for a determined and coordinated combatting of terrorism as a global danger that threatens all the peoples of the world. In Belgrade, March 23, 2024 Source: Kosovo War at 25: Blair’s secret invasion plot to ‘topple Milosevic’ revealed
KIT KLARENBERG·MARCH 24, 2024 The grayzone Top secret papers reviewed by The Grayzone reveal Tony Blair demanded strikes on civilian targets in Yugoslavia days before NATO attacked them. While the UK military acknowledged a NATO strike on Hotel Jugoslavia would mean inflicting “some civilian casualties,” it insisted the deaths were “worth the cost.” Declassified British Ministry of Defence (MOD) files reviewed by The Grayzone reveal that officials in London conspired to embroil US troops in a secret plan to occupy Yugoslavia and “topple” President Slobodan Milosevic during NATO’s 1999 war on the country. Though the crazed scheme was never implemented, details of the plot reveal precisely how British officials successfully shaped Washington into a blunt force instrument of their vanquished empire in years to come. March 24 marks the 25th anniversary of Operation Allied Force, NATO’s 78-day-long bombing campaign against Yugoslavia. Still venerated in Western mainstream as a successful “humanitarian intervention” conducted to prevent an impending “genocide” of Kosovo’s Albanian population, the war was in fact a wantonly destructive, illegal assault on a sovereign, multiethnic country, based on lies and atrocity propaganda. Belgrade had in fact been engaged in a counterinsurgency battle against the CIA and MI6-backed Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), an Al Qaeda-linked extremist group. The KLA—funded by the narcotics trade and organ harvesting—explicitly sought to maximize civilian casualties, in order to precipitate Western intervention. In May 2000, a British parliamentary committee concluded all purported abuses of Albanian citizens by Yugoslav authorities occurred after NATO’s bombing began, finding that the alliance’s intervention had actually encouraged Belgrade to aggressively neutralize the KLA. Meanwhile, in September 2001, a UN court in Pristina determined that Belgrade’s actions in Kosovo were not genocidal in nature, or intent. These findings are largely overlooked today. A February Politico investigation into the West’s post-war pillage of Kosovo axiomatically asserted that NATO intervened in Yugoslavia “to halt an unfolding genocide against the ethnic-Albanian population.” Similarly forgotten is just how close leading NATO states came to invading Belgrade during that chaotic spring. British proposals for US invasion of Yugoslavia By April 29, 1999, NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia had entered its fifth week. On that date, Richard Hatfield, then-Policy Director of Britain’s Ministry of Defence, dispatched a “Strategic Planning Group discussion paper on Kosovo ground force options” to London’s military, security, and intelligence apparatus. In a documentmarked “Secret – UK eyes only,” Hatfield demanded an “immediate” decision on whether to formally invade Yugoslavia: “If we are to influence US thinking on ground force options, we need to pass the paper to them very quickly…Our planning is ahead of the US, other allies and [NATO HQ]…We believe the US may be developing its initial thinking on ground force options this week. Our paper could exercise significant influence on their conclusions. The [Chiefs of Staff] therefore agreed we should pass it to the US privately (through military and policy channels) as quickly as possible.” According to Hatfield, London had to “overcome” a “great deal of reluctance and scepticism” in Washington regarding a formal ground invasion, so “decisions need to be taken quickly if we are to launch an operation before Winter.” Evidently, a firm timeline for action had germinated in London. It was simultaneously vital to “make clear” to then-Prime Minister Tony Blair that “although we can influence planning for a possible ground campaign, we cannot expect the US or NATO to accept British views easily or unreservedly.” Therefore, an “early agreement in principle to a ground campaign” was considered “more important than the details,” the document states. In other words, securing US commitment to putting boots on the ground trumped all basic technical concerns. After all, Blair’s invasion fantasy hinged entirely on Washington dispatching hundreds of thousands of US soldiers to Yugoslavia. London would by contrast deploy just 50,000—most of the available British Army at the time. This disparity was likely a key source of American “reluctance and scepticism.” London therefore drafted four separate scenarios for the war. This included invading Kosovo alone and “liberating” the province from Belgrade’s control. This option would limit “overspill into other areas of Serbia”, while guaranteeing “no permanent military presence elsewhere” in the country. Another proposal, dubbed “wider opposed,” would see NATO invade Yugoslavia outright, with the aim of “defeating the Serb armed forces and if necessary toppling Milosevic.” The latter forecast an “organised Serb resistance” at every level in response. Another source of US “reluctance and scepticism,” no doubt, was the fact that every country bordering Yugoslavia—even NATO members and aspirants—were either on the record as having rejected, or being expected to reject, the use of their territory for ground invasion. For example, two of London’s war proposals depended “fundamentally on Greek agreement to use their port facilities and airspace.” Without Greece’s acquiescence, NATO “would have no choice but to mount a wider opposed operation from Hungary, Romania and/or Bulgaria, which would be even more difficult politically.” Coupled with deep historic and cultural ties, the longstanding record of warm relations between Athens and Belgrade effectively ruled out both plans that were dependent on Greece. An invasion conducted via the latter countries, on the other hand, meant that “it would be impossible to constrain the scope of war with Serbia.” Meanwhile, Albania, which supported the KLA while serving as NATO’s effective headquarters throughout the bombing of Yugoslavia, and Macedonia, “where [NATO] troop levels [were] already causing problems,” were said to fear becoming formal belligerents in any conflict due to likely “Serb retaliation.” Blair calls for ‘coalition of the willing’ Despite the apparent infeasibility of a ground invasion, British officials—Blair in particular—were completely determined to push ahead in Yugoslavia. Their bombing campaign was a failure. Limited to the skies, NATO jets relentlessly blitzed Serbian civilian, government, and industrial infrastructure, killing over a thousand innocent people—including children—and violently disrupting daily life for millions. But Yugoslav forces cunningly deployed decoy vehicles to divert the military alliance, while concealing their anti-KLA operations under adverse weather and deception tactics. In public, NATO military apparatchiks, political pawns, and media minions exalted their stunning success and inevitable victory on the battlefield. But the declassified files show Ministry of Defence officials spent much of their time bemoaning the fact that their bombs were neither intimidating Milosevic, nor hindering the Yugoslav army’s war on the KLA. Belgrade’s forces were said to have consistently deceived NATO “very successfully” via extensive use of “camouflage, dummy targets, concealment and bunkers.” British officials repeatedly expressed concern that the Yugoslav army could actually succeed in expelling the KLA from Kosovo entirely, allowing Milosevic to declare victory and dictate peace terms to NATO. Blair was reportedly determined to reject any such offer. Moreover, it was well-understood that NATO’s bombing had rallied citizens to support their leader. As one paper conceded, alliance airstrikes on Yugoslavia’s Interior Ministry “demonstrated to Belgrade citizens just how vulnerable their city is, but achieved little else.” “Forewarned by a target list posted on CNN’s website last week, the Serbs had already moved out of the building. Kosovo has been swept clean in less than a week and in the US, a climbdown may be on the cards, as the costs and dangers of escalation hit home,” the April 4 missive asserted. The following day, Blair dispatched a personal “note for the record” to senior British government, intelligence and military officials. He lambasted the bombing campaign’s lack of “vigour,” suggesting the British public “does not have the confidence we know what to do,” before concluding: “we appear not to have a grip.” Blair then proposed the formation of a “coalition of the willing” to counteract opposition to escalation within NATO and “prosecute this to the end.” In an apparent fit of bloodlust, the Prime Minister proceeded to outline a series of demands: “We must strengthen the targets. Media and communication are utterly essential. [Attacking] Oil, infrastructure, all the things Milosevic values… is clearly justified.” “What is holding this back?” Blair fumed. “I have little doubt we are moving towards a situation where our aim will become removing Milosevic. We will not want to say so now, but autonomy for Kosovo inside Serbia is becoming absurd. And plainly Milosevic will threaten the stability of the region as long as he remains.” The Ministry of Defence subsequently circulated a memoon “targeting,” which warranted “immediate attention,” that noted London had “offered the US three significant targets” identified by MI6: Belgrade’s iconic Hotel Jugoslavia; a Cold War-era Bunker; and the Yugoslav capital’s Central Post Office. While conceding that a strike on Hotel Jugoslavia would mean “some civilian casualties,” the memo insisted that their lives were “worth the cost.” NATO subsequently hit Hotel Jugoslavia on May 7 and 8 in 1999, damaging its bars, boutiques, and dining halls while killing a refugee who sought shelter inside. The Washington Post promptly justified the strike by claiming it may have targeted a notorious Serbian paramilitary leader, who allegedly owned a casino housed within the hotel. Asked by the newspaper if he took the bombing personally, the fighter, known as “Arkan,” replied: “When they hit civilians, I take it personally. You don’t change minds with Tomahawks. If they want to bring me to justice, why do they want to kill me? If they want to get Arkan, send ground troops so I can see their faces. I want to die in a fair fight. Bill Clinton is in deep you-know-what. He bombs what he can. He says ‘God bless America’ and the rest of the world dies.” NATO bombing stokes Chinese and Russian fears Later that April, as per Blair’s personal order to target “media,” NATO bombed the Belgrade headquarters of the Yugoslav TV network RTS. The strike killed 16 journalists and wounded 16 more, with many trapped under rubble for days. The Prime Minister personally defended the criminal assault, claiming the station was a core component of Milosevic’s “apparatus of dictatorship and power”. The NATO-funded International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia later investigated the RTS bombing. It concluded that while the site wasn’t a military target, the action aimed to disrupt Belgrade’s communications network, and was therefore legitimate. Amnesty International branded the ruling a miscarriage of justice. Then-NATO General Wesley Clark, who oversaw the bombing campaign, admitted it was understood that the attack would only interrupt RTS broadcasts for a brief period. Indeed, RTS was back on-air after just three hours. The RTS strike represented one of several egregious war crimes NATO committed throughout the Yugoslavia campaign with total impunity. Officially, the 78-day-long aerial onslaught destroyed just 14 Yugoslav tanks, while devastating 372 industrial facilities, leaving hundreds of thousands jobless. The military alliance allegedly took directions on what to target from US corporations, including Philip Morris. NATO’s deliberate obliteration of chemical plants polluted soil, air, and water across the Balkans with over 100 toxic substances. Not coincidentally, Serbia today is a world leader in cancer rates. On the first night that Hotel Jugoslavia was bombed, NATO carried out a simultaneous strike against Beijing’s embassy in Belgrade, killing three journalists, wounding dozens sheltering inside, and outraging Chinese and Serb citizens alike. NATO declared that this was merely an accident, caused by erroneous CIA targeting data. While the declassified Ministry of Defence files conspicuously contain no reference to this highly controversial international incident, they do mention grave Chinese concerns over the wider campaign. Namely, that it would “constitute a precedent for intervention elsewhere.” British officials sought to allay these fears not only in Beijing, but Moscow. Then-Russian premier Yevgeny Primakov learned NATO had launched its campaign against Yugoslavia while he was literally mid-air, en route to the US for an official meeting. He immediately ordered the pilot to return to Russia. Despite his protest, the Kremlin thereafter attempted to compel Milosevic to cease hostilities in Kosovo via diplomatic channels. Once it became clear that Russia would not intervene on his side, Milosevic folded and pledged to withdraw all Yugoslav forces from Kosovo on June 3 1999. In turn, NATO would occupy the province. That same month, a cable dispatched from the British Embassy in Moscow observed the bombing was widely viewed locally “as a blow to [the] UN Security Council and threat to Russian interests… setting an unacceptable precedent for action out of area, circumventing the Security Council if necessary”: “[Moscow’s Ministry of Defense] has used NATO’s resort to force to argue Russia’s new military doctrine should take more serious account of a potential threat from NATO, with all that that means in terms of force levels, procurement and the future of arms control… The UK’s forward position on the use of force has not gone unnoticed… The Kosovo campaign has reinforced the perception here of an expanding NATO as a powerful tool for the imposition of US will in Europe.” Blair reportedly walked away from his destruction of Yugoslavia with newfound confidence. According toveteran British journalist Andrew Marr, the Prime Minister realized “he had tried to bounce [Clinton] too obviously over Kosovo,” thus concluding that “American Presidents need tactful handling” to achieve desired results. Blair also “learned to cope with giving orders which resulted in much loss of life.” Directing Yugoslavia’s collapse furthermore “convinced him of his ability to lead in war, to take big gambles, and to get them right.” It was this arrogant attitude that guided Blair into the quagmire of Iraq, and to further interventions which wreaked havoc on the globe. Blair fulfills ‘Britain’s destiny’ With the Yugoslav army fully withdrawn from Kosovo, the province began to resemble post-World War II Germany, carved into Western occupation zones. As a November 1999 OSCE report documented in sickening detail, a very real genocide immediately commenced. KLA fighters proceeded to not only purge Kosovo’s Roma and Serb population, but also clear out their Albanian political and criminal rivals via intimidation, torture, and murder—all under the watchful eye of NATO and UN “peacekeepers.” The Independent reported that month that the KLA’s post-war campaign of “murder and kidnap” in NATO-occupied Kosovo—officially described as an effort “to ensure public safety and order”—reduced Pristina’s Serb population from 40,000 to just 400. A local European human rights worker told the newspaper that over the prior six months, “every single Serb” they knew had “been intimidated—verbally in the street, on the telephone, [or] physically” by the Al Qaeda-tied KLA. In December 2010, a British “peacekeeper” posted to Kosovo during this time attributed Pristina’s modern day status as “an impoverished, corrupt and ethnically polarised backwater” to NATO’s “unwillingness to control KLA gangsters.” He recalled how London under his watch consistently “emboldened the KLA to greater brutality.” Whenever he captured the terror group’s fighters on the streets, heavily armed and “intent on murder and intimidation,” his superiors ordered them freed: “I witnessed… the KLA rampaging like a victorious mob intent on retribution,” he explained, adding that “systematic murder of Serbs, often shot in front of their families, was commonplace.” Given that “KLA thugs wielding AK47s, knuckledusters and knives terrified residents of Serbian apartment blocks, Many Serbs fled,” the former soldier noted. “The Blair government’s spin machine wanted moral simplicity. The Serbs were the ‘bad guys’, so that must make Kosovo Albanians the ‘good guys’… Prostitution and drug and people trafficking increased as the KLA’s grip on Pristina tightened.” However, KLA fighters were shielded from ICTY prosecution for their innumerable horrific crimes by direct NATO decree. Only today is justice being vaguely served, to almost total Western indifference. In many cases, American politicians continue to sing the praises of brutal KLA leaders. In 2010, then-Vice President Joe Biden referred to later-indicted war criminal Hashim Thaci as Pristina’s “George Washington.” Thaci’s 2018 autobiography proudly features fawning promotional quotes from the current Oval Office occupant on its sleeve. Since 1945, British officials have been overwhelmingly preoccupied with maintaining the bigger, richer, more powerful US Empire’s global dominance, so as to surreptitiously guide it in direction of their choosing. Rarely is this sinister mission so candidly articulated as in the documents presented here. While Blair’s reverie of “toppling” Milosevic via US force was unrequited, Washington’s calamitous post-9/11 “Global War on Terror” was explicitly British-inspired. Not long after planes hit the World Trade Center that fateful day, Blair dispatched a bust of Winston Churchill to the White House, evoking the wartime leader’s famed December 1941 address to Congress, which heralded Washington’s entry into World War II. At the same time, the British premier privately wrote to President George W. Bush, urging him to exploit “maximum” global sympathy produced by 9/11 to launch military interventions across West Asia. This wave of belligerence was foreshadowed during Blair’s 1997 election campaign: “Century upon century it has been the destiny of Britain to lead other nations. That should not be a destiny that is part of our history. It should be part of our future… We are a leader of nations, or we are nothing.” A British-steered global Pax Americana was forged in Yugoslavia 25 years ago, in an incendiary baptism of airstrikes and atrocity propaganda, which subsequently inflicted death, destruction, and misery throughout the Global South. Today, untold millions across the world grapple with the painful legacy of Blair’s determination to fulfill London’s “destiny.” Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda Works. John Pilger, His Legacy Will Live
By John Pilger John Pilger’s legacy will live.
To access his archive of Global Research articles (2007-2023), click here. This article focussing on media propaganda was first published on August 22, 2023, is John Pilger’s edited version of an address to the Trondheim World Festival, Norway, on 6 September, 2022.
In the 1970s, I met one of Hitler’s leading propagandists, Leni Riefenstahl, whose epic films glorified the Nazis. We happened to be staying at the same lodge in Kenya, where she was on a photography assignment, having escaped the fate of other friends of the Fuhrer. She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public. Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I asked. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said. I think of this as I look around at the propaganda now consuming Western societies. Of course, we are very different from Germany in the 1930s. We live in information societies. We are globalists. We have never been more aware, more in touch, better connected. Are we? Or do we live in a Media Society where brainwashing is insidious and relentless, and perception is filtered according to the needs and lies of state and corporate power? The United States dominates the Western world’s media. All but one of the top ten media companies are based in North America. The internet and social media – Google, Twitter, Facebook – are mostly American owned and controlled. In my lifetime, the United States has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, mostly democracies. It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries. It has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries, most of them poor and defenceless. It has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries. It has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries. The extent and scale of this carnage is largely unreported, unrecognised; and those responsible continue to dominate Anglo-American political life.
‘US foreign policy,’ he said, is ‘best defined as follows: kiss my arse or I’ll kick your head in’. It is as simple and as crude as that. What is interesting about it is that it’s so incredibly successful. It possesses the structures of disinformation, use of rhetoric, distortion of language, which are very persuasive, but are actually a pack of lies. It is very successful propaganda. They have the money, they have the technology, they have all the means to get away with it, and they do.’ In accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature, Pinter said this: ‘The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.’ Pinter was a friend of mine and possibly the last great political sage – that is, before dissenting politics were gentrified. I asked him if the ‘hypnosis’ he referred to was the ‘submissive void’ described by Leni Riefenstahl. ‘It’s the same,’ he replied. ‘It means the brainwashing is so thorough we are programmed to swallow a pack of lies. If we don’t recognise propaganda, we may accept it as normal and believe it. That’s the submissive void.’ In our systems of corporate democracy, war is an economic necessity, the perfect marriage of public subsidy and private profit: socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. The day after 9/11 the stock prices of the war industry soared. More bloodshed was coming, which is great for business. Today, the most profitable wars have their own brand. They are called ‘forever wars’: Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and now Ukraine. All are based on a pack of lies. Iraq is the most infamous, with its weapons of mass destruction that didn’t exist. Nato’s destruction of Libya in 2011 was justified by a massacre in Benghazi that didn’t happen. Afghanistan was a convenient revenge war for 9/11, which had nothing to do with the people of Afghanistan. Today, the news from Afghanistan is how evil the Taliban are – not that Joe Biden’s theft of $7billion of the country’s bank reserves is causing widespread suffering. Recently, National Public Radio in Washington devoted two hours to Afghanistan – and 30 seconds to its starving people. At its summit in Madrid in June, Nato, which is controlled by the United States, adopted a strategy document that militarises the European continent, and escalates the prospect of war with Russia and China. It proposes ‘multi domain warfighting against nuclear-armed peer-competitor. In other words, nuclear war. It says: ‘Nato’s enlargement has been an historic success’. I read that in disbelief. A measure of this ‘historic success’ is the war in Ukraine, news of which is mostly not news, but a one-sided litany of jingoism, distortion, omission. I have reported a number of wars and have never known such blanket propaganda. In February, Russia invaded Ukraine as a response to almost eight years of killing and criminal destruction in the Russian-speaking region of Donbass on their border. In 2014, the United States had sponsored a coup in Kyiv that got rid of Ukraine’s democratically elected, Russian-friendly president and installed a successor whom the Americans made clear was their man. In recent years, American ‘defender’ missiles have been installed in eastern Europe, Poland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, almost certainly aimed at Russia, accompanied by false assurances all the way back to James Baker’s ‘promise’ to Gorbachev in February 1990 that Nato would never expand beyond Germany. Ukraine is the frontline. Nato has effectively reached the very borderland through which Hitler’s army stormed in 1941, leaving more than 23 million dead in the Soviet Union. Last December, Russia proposed a far-reaching security plan for Europe. This was dismissed, derided or suppressed in the Western media. Who read its step-by-step proposals? On 24 February, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy threatened to develop nuclear weapons unless America armed and protected Ukraine. This was the final straw. On the same day, Russia invaded – according to the Western media, an unprovoked act of congenital infamy. The history, the lies, the peace proposals, the solemn agreements on Donbass at Minsk counted for nothing. On 25 April, the US Defence Secretary, General Lloyd Austin, flew into Kyiv and confirmed that America’s aim was to destroy the Russian Federation – the word he used was ‘weaken’. America had got the war it wanted, waged by an American bankrolled and armed proxy and expendable pawn. Almost none of this was explained to Western audiences. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is wanton and inexcusable. It is a crime to invade a sovereign country. There are no ‘buts’ – except one. When did the present war in Ukraine begin and who started it? According to the United Nations, between 2014 and this year, some 14,000 people have been killed in the Kyiv regime’s civil war on the Donbass. Many of the attacks were carried out by neo-Nazis. Watch an ITV news report from May 2014, by the veteran reporter James Mates, who is shelled, along with civilians in the city of Mariupol, by Ukraine’s Azov (neo-Nazi) battalion. In the same month, dozens of Russian-speaking people were burned alive or suffocated in a trade union building in Odessa besieged by fascist thugs, the followers of the Nazi collaborator and anti-Semitic fanatic Stephen Bandera. The New York Times called the thugs ‘nationalists’. ‘The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment,’ said Andreiy Biletsky, founder of the Azov Battaltion, ‘is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival, a crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen.’ Since February, a campaign of self-appointed ‘news monitors’ (mostly funded by the Americans and British with links to governments) have sought to maintain the absurdity that Ukraine’s neo-Nazis don’t exist. Airbrushing, a term once associated with Stalin’s purges, has become a tool of mainstream journalism. In less than a decade, a ‘good’ China has been airbrushed and a ‘bad’ China has replaced it: from the world’s workshop to a budding new Satan. Much of this propaganda originates in the US, and is transmitted through proxies and ‘think-tanks’, such as the notorious Australian Strategic Policy Institute, the voice of the arms industry, and by zealous journalists such as Peter Hartcher of the Sydney Morning Herald, who labeled those spreading Chinese influence as ‘rats, flies, mosquitoes and sparrows’ and called for these ‘pests’ to be ‘eradicated’. News about China in the West is almost entirely about the threat from Beijing. Airbrushed are the 400 American military bases that surround most of China, an armed necklace that reaches from Australia to the Pacific and south east Asia, Japan and Korea. The Japanese island of Okinawa and the Korean island of Jeju are loaded guns aimed point blank at the industrial heart of China. A Pentagon official described this as a ‘noose’. Palestine has been misreported for as long as I can remember. To the BBC, there is the ‘conflict’ of ‘two narratives’. The longest, most brutal, lawless military occupation in modern times is unmentionable. The stricken people of Yemen barely exist. They are media unpeople. While the Saudis rain down their American cluster bombs with British advisors working alongside the Saudi targeting officers, more than half a million children face starvation. This brainwashing by omission has a long history. The slaughter of the First World War was suppressed by reporters who were knighted for their compliance and confessed in their memoirs. In 1917, the editor of the Manchester Guardian, C.P. Scott, confided to prime minister Lloyd George: ‘If people really knew [the truth], the war would be stopped tomorrow, but they don’t know and can’t know.’ The refusal to see people and events as those in other countries see them is a media virus in the West, as debilitating as Covid. It is as if we see the world through a one-way mirror, in which ‘we’ are moral and benign and ‘they’ are not. It is a profoundly imperial view. The history that is a living presence in China and Russia is rarely explained and rarely understood. Vladimir Putin is Adolf Hitler. Xi Jinping is Fu Man Chu. Epic achievements, such as the eradication of abject poverty in China, are barely known. How perverse and squalid this is. When will we allow ourselves to understand? Training journalists factory style is not the answer. Neither is the wondrous digital tool, which is a means, not an end, like the one-finger typewriter and the linotype machine. In recent years, some of the best journalists have been eased out of the mainstream. ‘Defenestrated’ is the word used. The spaces once open to mavericks, to journalists who went against the grain, truth-tellers, have closed. The case of Julian Assange is the most shocking. When Julian and WikiLeaks could win readers and prizes for the Guardian, the New York Times and other self-important ‘papers of record’, he was celebrated. When the dark state objected and demanded the destruction of hard drives and the assassination of Julian’s character, he was made a public enemy. Vice President Biden called him a ‘hi-tech terrorist’. Hillary Clinton asked, ‘Can’t we just drone this guy?’ The ensuing campaign of abuse and vilification against Julian Assange – the UN Rapporteur on Torture called it ‘mobbing’ — brought the liberal press to its lowest ebb. We know who they are. I think of them as collaborators: as Vichy journalists. When will real journalists stand up? An inspirational samizdat already exists on the internet: Consortium News, founded by the great reporter Robert Parry, Max Blumenthal’s Grayzone, Mint Press News, Media Lens, Declassified UK, Alborada, Electronic Intifada, WSWS, ZNet, ICH, Counter Punch, Independent Australia, the work of Chris Hedges, Patrick Lawrence, Jonathan Cook, Diana Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone and others who will forgive me for not mentioning them here. And when will writers stand up, as they did against the rise of fascism in the 1930s? When will film-makers stand up, as they did against the Cold War in the 1940s? When will satirists stand up, as they did a generation ago? Having soaked for 82 years in a deep bath of righteousness that is the official version of the last world war, isn’t it time those who are meant to keep the record straight declared their independence and decoded the propaganda? The urgency is greater than ever. Source: The Collapse of the Global American Empire
Empires rise and empires fall, often through the looking glass of their own internally destructive and self-inflicted wounds. The Roman Empire, it is said, collapsed under the circumstances of unsustainable debt driven by fiat currency, insatiable desire for war and conquest, disintegration of the moral and social fabric, corrupt degeneracy of its elite, and absorption of foreign elements that never integrated into the pre-established Roman social norms. The Global American Empire, sometimes known as the Empire of Chaos, will regrettably meet a similar end if it continues on its current path. As hard-working Americans gathered their families around the Thanksgiving table, more expensive from year to year, the nation’s disengaged ruling elite had no real strategy or willingness to assist their own deteriorating country or citizens. The uni-war party on both sides of the political landscape is rather full of nationalistic fervor, sympathy and passion for every nation and people not named America or American. In a similar vein, the administration of President Joe Biden continues to be cloaked in secrecy due to a number of controversies that tangle like webs. The latest polls indicate a significant decrease in popular support for the president and his administration, with the majority of voters agreeing that the country is falling into the abyss. Given Biden’s questionable mental capacity to serve, Americans are left wondering who actually is conducting this train as it runs off the tracks. Moreover, the administration is perceived as a third Obama mandate, especially when it comes to foreign policy. There are even explicit suggestions that Biden should be openly viewed as the worst president in history, seeing him as the deceitful embodiment of every destructive system and regime. His policies blatantly threaten to undermine the founding principles, upending established social norms and family structure, destabilizing the economy, engaging in entangling alliances, and violating every civil right and religious freedom that our forefathers struggled for. Unbothered by criticism and questionable cognitive abilities, Biden and his political allies appear to be eyeing a second presidential term. This means a continued squandering of tax dollars on things like never-ending wars, foreign aid to nations that hate us, welfare for illegal immigrants via the unprotected and open borders, the World Economic Forum’s “green” agenda, persecution of political opponents, sexualization of children, and 10 percent for the Big Guy as usual. Meanwhile, mounting discontent and public protest are audible across the political spectrum, leading to further polarization and growing resentment toward the entire ruling political elite. Both the Ukraine and Israel fallouts serve as a massive blemish on Biden’s administration, bringing about escalating global chaos and a potential World War III that could go nuclear. It is more than evident that a number of fundamentalist organizations operate freely in the U.S. under the convenient and now clearly failed pretext of “multiculturalism,” encouraging intolerance, undermining our American traditions, and using racial and economic unrest as a weapon against the majority of the population. America is being inundated with large numbers of people — receiving full social assistance, which adds to the economic burden — who despise it and would stop at nothing to undermine its Christian customs and values. Through cunning manipulation of ignorant voters with a mask of social problems and policies like women’s rights and abortion, LGBT rights and gay marriage, minorities’ rights, and racial divisions, radical leftist ideology is progressively gaining more power, dividing and conquering, affirmed by the spineless uni-party. Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the architects of leftist globalist policy, warned us a long time ago that Russia and China would gradually overtake America as the world’s superpowers, ushering in a new era of multipolarity. The unaffordable national debt, economic outsourcing, and a financial system controlled by the private Federal Reserve Bank that enslaved the American people and created widening income disparity with an impoverished middle class are the main causes of the pessimistic outlook for America’s future. The world’s developing nations are investing in infrastructure while America is aging, worn out and collapsing under its own unsustainable weight. America’s single constant investment — more than the combined GDP of the top 10 nations and with ample support from the uni-war party — is in armaments, demonstrating the single-minded continuation of the global racket — WAR. Given that the U.S. is led by selected avaricious and corrupt people and policies, it is unclear how and when the world’s most powerful nation will fall, as well as who will fall with it into the abyss. The greatest nation on earth has been built by generations of honorable and unselfish Americans, but sadly, the worst forms of greed, corporatism, kleptocracy and never-ending hostility are destroying it. Like many people worldwide, Americans are victims of a governmental, media and financial empire of political duopoly — one party with two faces — that continues to mislead and manipulate. This is an existential battle in which Americans must awaken from their apathy and lethargy if we are to not only survive, but leave a lasting legacy to future generations. Will the American-created geopolitical West face its permanent sundown as freedom ventures East where the sun rises, or are we going to fight unconditionally for America First: of, for and by We the People? Source: HAMAS PLAN: ISRAEL KNEW IT FOR OVER A YEAR
Manlio Dinucci “Israel has known Hamas' attack plan for over a year,” reveals the New York Times. A 40-page document code-named by Israeli intelligence as "Walls of Jericho" proves it. Without specifying the date, it outlines point by point exactly the attack carried out by Hamas on October 7, 2023. The plan has circulated widely for over a year before October 7, 2023, among Israeli military and intelligence leaders. Still, they concluded that “an attack of this magnitude is beyond the capabilities of Hamas.” Last July, just three months before the attack, a veteran analyst from Unit 8200 Israel's intelligence agency warned that Hamas had conducted an intense exercise similar to the one described in the plan. But an intelligence agency colonel trashed her report. On October 7, 2023, Hamas executed the attack plan with "astonishing precision": a barrage of rockets, drones to disable security cameras and automatic machine guns along the barrier surrounding Gaza, armed men entering Israeli territory from gaps opened with bulldozers in the barrier. Exactly as it was written in the plan called the "Walls of Jericho" by Israeli intelligence. This exceptional documentation - the political-media mainstream has essentially passed over it in silence - confirms what we have demonstrated based on facts and not opinions since episode 113 of Grandangolo entitled "September 11th in the Middle East": the leaders of Israel were not taken by surprise by the Hamas attack, but contributed to its execution to have the pretext of implementing their strategic plan. It consists of exterminating the population of Gaza: the dead and seriously injured people, mostly women and children, have so far amounted to around 60 thousand, equivalent to around 2 million dead and seriously injured in Italy (if we were in a similar situation). At the same time, the plan consists of making Gaza uninhabitable by pounding it with thousands of bombs supplied by the USA: in less than seven weeks Israeli bombings have destroyed almost 70% of the buildings in the North, and they are now doing the same in the South, while in throughout the Second World War, Allied bombing of Germany destroyed 60% of the buildings in Dresden and other cities. In the plan of Israeli leaders, the final solution involves the deportation of the Gaza population to the Sinai desert and the cancellation of Gaza as Palestinian territory, then they will do the same thing with the West Bank. The leaders of Israel are thus committing not only crimes of war but a real crime of genocide. This international crime consists of the methodical destruction of an ethnic, racial, or religious group as such, carried out through the extermination of individuals, the dissociation and dispersion of family groups, and the dismantling of all social, political, religious, and cultural institutions. THE BELT AND ROAD TO BETTER LIFE
Renown Chinese and World economic magazine China Investment has published in its December 2023 issue the article authored by Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals titled "The Belt and Road to Better Life", which is reproduced bellow. Link to the article: A LETTER OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE OF PALESTINE
November 29th 2023 Dear friends, On occasion of the Day of International Solidarity with the Palestinian People the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals expresses sincere solidarity with the friendly people of Palestine and strong support for their long-standing just struggle for freedom, and the realization of legitimate national rights, based on the universal principles of International Law, and relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council. We deeply sympathize Palestinian people which is exposed to the tragic humanitarian consequences of Israel`s brutal military action in the Gaza Strip. We strongly condemn the forcible displacement of the Palestinian people and the brutal attacks by Israel in the Gaza Strip, which have been followed by the indiscriminate destruction of Palestinian population, hospitals, schools and children`s institutions, which led to thousands of innocent victims, particularly among children, women and disabled persons. Contrary to the international law, Palestinian people of Gaza has been exposed to a total blockade leaving two million civilian people without food, water, electricity, medicine, fuel and other necessities. The current military attack on the Gaza has become one of the largest humanitarian tragedies of the recent history. It is direct consequence of the 75-year of occupation by Israel, of the violent expulsion of hundreds of thousands of the Palestinian people from their land, of establishment of illegal settlements on the Palestinian territory, and of the prolonged denial of their legitimate national rights. In order to uproot the causes of the current conflict, avoid any further human tragedies, prevent spillover of the war and create conditions for lasting peace in the We also demand the unconditional release of all Israelis prisoners of Hamas, and Palestinians political prisoners from Israeli prisons. We call on the international community, especially the United Nations, to urgently provide the people of Gaza and the entire Palestinian people with the necessary humanitarian and reconstruction aid, in urgent elimination of the tragic consequences of war conflicts, and for the establishment of lasting peace in the Middle East. Friendly greetings, Tribunal Internacional contra el Bloqueo a Cuba. Parlamento Europeo
Mensaje de Zivadin Jovanović El bloqueo de los EE.UU a es ilegal e inhumano. Contrario a la Carta de la ONU y el derecho internacional The Rome Peace Conference "Stop the 3rd World War"
Delegates from 40 organizations and individuals from 25 countries gathered in Rome on October 27 - 28, 2023, to discuss the causes of the current war in Ukraine, the war’s impact on international peace, the dangers facing our people and the tasks of the movement for a fair and permanent peace. Our conclusions: - The aggressive policies of the United States and its closest allies (the West) are the root causes of the war in Ukraine and, as we see in Palestine, are pushing humanity to the brink of a third world war. In this framework the West: - Attacks Russia with the clear goal to destroy it as a sovereign state and split it into a collection of weak vassal states. Our stance regarding the current war in Ukraine: It was not on Feb. 24, 2022, that the war in Ukraine started, nor even when the U.S. incited the 2014 coup, but further back in time, with the bloody expansion of NATO towards East Europe. The dirty wars in Yugoslavia and the disintegration of the once strongest Balkan state, the instigation of wars in Caucasus were all phases of the same project. The war against Russia had already started right after the illegal dissolution of the USSR, which was imposed against the will of its citizens. The formation of new borders in Eastern Europe and Central Asia has been imposed outside the framework of international law. NATO was the instrument of the U.S. to impose its control over all Europe. Its expansion to the East was illegal and presents a permanent threat against all sovereign and independent countries. The Russian government tried to avoid the current phase of the war, but the West, through its proxies in Ukraine, has continued targeting the Russian populations and has refused any peace agreement based on equal security, as proposed by Russia. The West’s actions made the war unavoidable. How the West conducts the war shows that it aims at an unending escalation and to exhaust both Ukrainians and Russians to the maximum. The use of illegal weapons like cluster bombs and depleted uranium ammunition shows that the inhumane action of the western elites has been without limits. Their efforts to involve all the Eastern European countries −− as well as other countries −− in the conflict show that the West’s leading elites are trying to use the European population as cannon fodder just as they now use Ukrainians. The only basis for solving international disputes should remain International Law, which has at its core the UN Charter. The will of the U.S. and its allies −− the so-called “rules-based order” −− should no longer be a compulsory rule for the world. . What the world’s people need: - A defeat of NATO in Ukraine. Without this prerequisite there is no possibility for a durable peace. A Western victory over Russia would be a new disaster for humanity. It would become a starting point for new wars in the Balkans, the Middle East and in East Asia, significantly in South China Sea and Korean peninsula,that is a protracted third world war. - A new framework of cooperation in East Europe and Balkans, liberated from U.S.-EU control, based on equal relations and reshaping the catastrophic consequences of the West’s victory in the Cold War. - A world of sovereign countries where peoples can determine their future, free of the global economic dictatorship imposed by the West, free of Unilateral Coercive Measures. The world needs commercial, financial, communication and transportation networks free from the West’s control. In this direction, the formation of new organizations for cooperation between states, free from Western control, and the enhanced role of the Global South in the existing international organizations are positive developments. - A new architecture in the UN reflecting the rights of the global South and the principle of equal sovereignty for all states. Our tasks - We have much to do regarding information and education. There exists in NATO-EU countries and other U.S.-dominated countries a virtual total censorship. We should inform these populations that the West’s war in Ukraine is an unjust war. We have decided 1. To form a permanent network to coordinate the above tasks under the name of Statement of the WPC about the developments in Palestine
It would not be wise to expect that the accumulated injustice and occupation would not trigger and produce reactions of the Palestinian people who have the legitimate right to resist the occupation, as it is clearly stated in the International Law. The current Israeli government, in continuation of all previous ones, has escalated further the provocations in the West Bank, in East Jerusalem and the live of millions of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip is more of an “open air” prison. The decision to end the current hostilities lies with the Israeli government, which tries to take advantage of the situation by heavy bombardment of the Palestinian Gaza Strip while heavy and severe responsibilities belong to the USA, the EU and their allies in the region and the world, who not only support and endorse the ongoing occupation and all its actions but also speak today hypocritically about the “right for self-defense of Israel”, neglecting provocatively any such right to the Palestinian people. The government of Israel is actually hostile also to its own people (Jews and Arabs) by the ongoing occupation of Palestine; the current escalation proves that the denial of the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people does not allow peace and stability in the whole region and especially these hours where the danger for a regional war exists. The WPC reiterates and underlines its demand for the end of the occupation of all Palestinian lands by Israel, the establishment of an independent State of Palestine within the borders of pre-4th June 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital. We demand the release of all Palestinian political prisoners from Israeli jails and the right to return of all the Palestinian refugees according to the UN resolution 194. Occupation and Injustice cannot last forever! The WPC Secretariat 8th October 2023 Eagle in the East
Alexander Wolfheze Preliminaries (*) Dedication: This three-fold ‘iconostasis’ is dedicated to an Eagle in the East: the Serbian nation and its courageous freedom fight against truly overwhelming odds. (*) Organization: Part One of this three-part essay gives a written outline of the author’s presentation for the Serbian Eurasianist Movement in May 2023. It serves to remind the international reader of the fact that the anti-globalist struggle, at the highest level of international diplomacy and military effort, not only has an Eastern Front, where a titanic, truly world-changing battle is currently being fought over the Eastern Slav lands, but also a Balkan Front, where a smaller, true David-against-Goliath battle was recently fought over the South Slav lands. Part Two, the centrepiece of this essay, gives the author’s review of Michel Chossudovsky’s book The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia, one of the few impartial English-language treatises on the largely ‘memory-holed’ topic of the West’s ‘controlled demolition’ of Yugoslavia. It serves to remind the reader of the Yugoslav War antecedents of the current Ukraine War: the former prefigures the latter as a stand-off between Western sea-power, which aims at imposing Atlanticist hegemony and globalist uni-polarity, and Eastern land-power, which aims at creating Eurasianist sovereignty and non-globalist multi-polarity. Part Three concludes this essay with the author’s report on his July 2023 attempt to visit General Ratko Mladic, a long-term political prisoner in a United Nations-sponsored facility located in the author’s old home city of The Hague, the Netherlands. For over twelve years now, General Mladic is serving a life sentence, allegedly for ‘war crimes’ but actually for defending his country and his people against Atlanticist aggression, while people like Clinton and Blair, the actual instigators of the first European war of aggression since 1945, walk free. This third part serves to remind the reader that doing the right thing in the present must start with righting the wrongs of the past. (*) Acknowledgements: The author wishes to express his gratitude to Rade Drobats, Deputy President of the Belgrade Forum for Equals, for providing a review copy of Michel Chossudovsky’s book The US-NATO War, to Milorad Djoshic, Editor-in-Chief of publishing house Cirilitsa, for facilitating an important forum discussion, and to Bobana Andjelkovits, Eurasianist Movement representative, for her many useful introductions and good conversations. Part One: ‘Unforgiven’ Presentation for the Serbian Eurasianist Movement (Belgrade, May 2023) Errare humanum est sed perservare diabolicum The first time the author of this essay visited Serbia, then still at the heart of the Yugoslavian state, was in the summer of 2000, a little over a year after NATO’s ‘humanitarian intervention’ and a few months before the colour ‘Bulldozer Revolution’ overthrow of President Slobodan Milosevic. At that time, Belgrade was undoubtedly one of Europe’s most tourist-proof capital cities: that year, very few visitors from NATO aggressor states were tempted to visit Belgrade. Admittedly, it was a surreal experience: the city was studded with patches of bombed-out buildings, suffering frequent utility blackouts and many city centre shops and establishments were permanently boarded up. The train connection from Budapest was interrupted at Novi Sad due to the NATO bombing of some bridge - the journey had to be continued by car, with taxis slowly slaloming around bomb-damaged intersections on improvised field roads and endlessly queuing at supply-starved fuel stations. Although wads of worthless billion-dominated old banknotes still adorned the few tourist kiosks of the near-empty Kalemegdan park avenues, hyperinflation had already given way to the grim austerity of the Deutschmark-pegged last Yugoslav Dinar. The sanction-struck economy was clearly on its last legs: during that last summer of independent Yugoslavia, scarcity and poverty had already pushed many citizens to the standard responses of ‘disaster capitalism’: the black market, emigration and despair. The vacant stare of young soldiers in well-worn uniforms on the bus stops, the resigned patience of old women in tattered scarves scouring the markets and the paranoid alertness of dark-suited body-guards at Mercedes car doors - all these tell-tale signs pointed to the impending ‘final victory’ of ‘market economy’ and ‘democratic values’. Rump-Yugoslavia, by then reduced to Montenegro and Serbia (minus its NATO-occupied southwest), simply constituted the very last outpost of the doomed Second World, just about to disappear. Clearly, this was the terminus of the old Eastern Bloc, the very edge of the blank slate that is supposed to come with the ‘End of History’, reached only after a full decade of the West’s full-spectrum assault on the East. The full history of this decade of systematic and coordinated Western infiltration, bribery, sabotage, blackmail, sanctions and violence perpetrated on the then-Eastern Bloc - with multiple variations on the theme of Stunde Null for each of the affected countries - has yet to be written, but it is unlikely to be well-received until some great historical change has occurred within the current Western Bloc. Any attempt at historical fact-finding regarding the defeat of the Eastern Bloc is, in fact, sure to be carefully censored as long as the victors’ narrative stands - and it will stand as long as its beneficiaries stand: the corrupt sell-outs of the old communist nomenclature, the shameless traitors of the abolished nation-states and the collaborating conmen of the neo-liberal order. In the widest sense, this beneficiary category includes all those belonging to the nouveau riche ‘money class’ that grew fat on the corpse of the Eastern Bloc during the wild 90’s ‘regime change’ decade - from the handful of oligarch billionaires who came out on top during the ‘privatization’ gold-rush, to the multitudes of now-‘legit’ black market pioneers who pocketed the last savings of the betrayed workers and peasants of East Europe’s former ‘people’s republics’. And the ex-Eastern Bloc’s successor generation, its present-day gilded youth, comfortably wrapped in a ‘virtual reality’ bubble-life of Western-style materialism and hedonism, is unlikely to be interested in the true story of their parents’ path to status and money. Their parents’ true story, crawling through the ‘90s open sewer of raw gangsterism, naked prostitution and shameless grifting, has been glossed over by a very carefully crafted narrative that permits no substantial questioning of its ideological dogmas - especially any actual content investigation of its ‘freedom’, ‘democracy’ and ‘meritocracy’. But if it is still too early to write a full history of the fall of the Eastern Bloc and the break-up of its larger states, the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, it is not too early to learn some preliminary lessons about the geopolitical strategies by which these larger states were defeated, strategies that allowed the First World West to quite literally devour the Second World East. Such propaedeutics, a collection of well-researched case studies on the agony of Yugoslavia, are now available in Michel Chossudovsky’s book The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia, which is reviewed in Part Two of this essay. It would be highly perilous for the presently rising Multipolarity and Eurasianist movements to ignore the lessons that can be learnt from Professor Chossudovsky’s historical study because it describes the globalist West’s standard multi-dimensional warfare strategies, strategies by which it not only defeated, divided and enslaved Yugoslavia but by which it exercises hegemonic power all around the world. Since the Western conquest of Yugoslavia, these same strategies, ranging from media manipulation and economic blackmail to colour revolution and military invasion, have been used against many minor and medium-sized ‘poles’ of resistance to the Western hegemon’s unipolar New World Order project, from Venezuela to Iraq, from Hungary to Hongkong and from Belarus to Yemen. More importantly, the Western hegemon has recently engaged these same strategies - albeit with ‘updated’ technical instruments and on a much larger scale - in what appears to be meant as a final offensive against the world’s last major sovereign powers, Russia and China. The neocon-created Ukrainian phantom-state - effectively a Neo-Khazarian anti-state, is meant to handicap, challenge and degrade Russian sovereignty, most directly through proxy war, in the same way that the phantom-state of ‘Kosovo’ was (and continues to be) meant to handicap, challenge and degrade Yugoslavian and Serbian sovereignty. Anyone studying Professor Chossudovsky’s work will immediately notice the similarity in the schemes of the Western hegemon: it should be compulsory reading for all those who wish to understand current global geopolitics as well as for all those who are engaged in realpolitik resistance to the Western hegemon’s imperialist agenda. But before proceeding to the review of Professor Chossudovsky’s book the author, who was born, raised and educated in the West, here wishes to address a few words to his ex-Yugoslav and especially his Serbian audience. It is only proper to state the obvious: that no words of apology, however well meant, would undo the evil done to Yugoslavia as a whole, and to Serbia in particular, by the Western war-mongers responsible for that evil - such words would neither bring back the dead to life nor undo the tangible (‘depleted uranium’) and intangible (‘guilt narrative’) poison that the West injected into the Balkans during the ‘90s. But is also important to state the less obvious: that no such words can be expected to be spoken unless and until the Western Empire of Lies collapses in on itself - an outcome that may be hoped for and striven to, but that only Divine Providence can have the final word on. The burden of guilt and shame, created by the Yugoslav war and many other subsequent wars of aggression farther afield, now accumulated by the collective West, is simply too great. It would require a true revolution of mind and soul (in more archaic words: repentance and atonement) to acknowledge and discharge this burden - and no such revolution is possible as long the key institutions of the Empire of Lies - NATO, EU, IMF, World Bank - endure. The author’s memory may here serve to illustrate the true weight of this collective burden. One day during the first week of ‘Operation Noble Anvil’, i.e. the NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999, when the author was still employed by a large financial corporation in Amsterdam, during his break, he joined his colleagues in the corporate canteen where a large crowd of office staff watched the TV news on a large screen. Almost without exception, his colleagues cheered and clapped as they watched a barrage of missiles and bombs hitting Belgrade, much like a crowd of football fans watching an exciting match. Then and there, the author realized that talking and arguing with such people is useless: these people unthinkingly cheered on the death of innocent people and the destruction of precious work, for reasons that they were too stupid to understand and under pretences that they were too lazy to investigate - all from the safety of their spacy offices and their luxury apartments, filling their fat bellies from their fat paychecks. No meaningful apologies can ever come from such people: these are not merely docile ‘sheeple’ - these are accessories to murder and accomplices to evil. Since that time, these people and their brood - and there should be no mistake about it: there are still masses of them around the West - have consistently added to the mountain of their collective guilt, now weighing down on the collective West to the point of altering its collective consciousness. These people are complicit in the reign of terror that the Western ‘rules-based order’ has unleashed on the world and that has, over decades, drowned entire nations in blood, tears and sweat, first far away - Libya, Syria, Yemen and Syria to name but the most obvious places were suffering was deliberately imposed - and then nearer to home, in Ukraine. They have, again and again, swallowed the MSM lies hook and sinker (‘911’, ‘weapons of mass destruction’, ‘Russian collusion’, ‘MH17’, ‘Putin is Hitler’), they have, again and again, voted in obvious cheats, liars and war criminals (Clinton, Blair, Bush, Johnson, Biden), they have, again and again, enthusiastically supported degeneracy exports (‘Femen’, ‘Moscow Pride’, ‘SOVA Centre’) and they have, again and again, generously funded war-mongering puppets (Saakashvili, Guaidó, Zelensky). By now, the West - one could say: ex-West because it lost the soul that gave it life[i] - is so deeply mired in sin, having deliberately distanced itself from redemption, that the crimes it has committed, and continues to commit, at the collective level have surpassed the level of mere ‘deadly sins’: these sins are now attaining the level of what, once upon a (pre-Vatican II) time, the now effective defunct Catholic Church recognized as peccata clamantia: ‘screaming sins’, i.e. sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance, designed to deliberate provoke the Wrath of the Creator. There is, however, one level of sin deeper still: the unforgivable sin, i.e. the kind of persistence in mortal sin, without penitence, that is inspired by sheer malice. In the final analysis, this ultimate sin involves the sinner’s self-condemnation, by-passing divine mercy by the sinner’s free and conscious choice, to hell. Of course, hell on earth is exactly what the West’s radical nihilism, taken to its logical consequences, aims at. Within the ex-West, that hell has already been realized in many ways and many spheres. One need only look at the unspeakable filth of the West’s online ‘sexual liberation’, the industrial-scale genital mutilation of its children, the massive child sacrifice resulting from its ‘abortion’ and ‘vaccination’ rituals, the perversely inverted ‘justice system’ that glorifies criminals (‘BLM’) and punishes the innocent (‘J6’), the institutionalized racism that gives preferential treatment of colonizing invaders (represented as being ‘asylum seekers’) while dispossessing innocent natives (represented as having ‘white privilege’) and the shameless lies and false flags by which it justifies its ever-escalating wars of imperialist conquest, aimed at carving up resource-rich states that dare resist its demands (Libya, Syria, Russia). Once these sins, deadly and screaming to Heaven for vengeance, do finally reach the status of unforgivable sin, a time of reckoning is sure to follow. Without excluding a truly (eschatology-) ‘based’ scenario, in which the ex-West drags all of humanity into a fire-and-brimstone final reckoning, we should remember that it is also possible - and it would not be the first time in human history - that the Wrath of the Creator is channelled through human agents. Sometimes, the avenging angel is just a man who decides he has had enough. It is not inconceivable that, at some point in the not-too-distant future, enough good men will have had enough and decide that they will settle the score once and for all. The Eurasianist mission is to work towards just such a brotherhood: эа вашу и нашу свободу. Part Two: The Yugoslav Crucible Revisited Review of Michel Chossudovsky, The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia (Belgrade Forum for Equals: Belgrade, 2021) Vae victis Preliminaries (*) Overall assessment: Chossudovsky’s book is one of the very few solid, i.e. professionally researched and historically contextualized, English-language publications on the Yugoslav conflict in which the author is brave enough to take draw honest conclusions about its root causes, narrative repercussions and moral implications. The main reason Chossudovsky manages to avoid standard-narrative pitfalls, such as ‘end of history’ teleology or ‘clash of civilization’ schematism, is that he manages to consistently maintain an older and more realistic analytic model, viz. the Marxist model of capital accumulation and imperialist expansion as important geopolitical factors. Especially useful contributions by Professor Chossudovky are his depth-analysis case study studies of specific episodes from the long-drawn out agony of Yugoslavia, such as the strategic and financial foundations of Camp Bondsteel (appendix to his Ch. 5), the eco-warfare bombing of the Panchevo petrochemical plant (his Ch. 6) and the human impact of NATO’s uses of depleted uranium ammunition in a de facto campaign of low-intensity nuclear warfare (his Ch. 7). Chossudovsky ruthlessly exposes a number of deeply disturbing - and equally deeply memory-holed - ‘hybrid warfare’ strategies of the West’s war on Yugoslavia, including the West’s deliberate and extensive employment of drug mafias and terror networks, and he shows how the West’s take-down of Yugoslavia was in some ways a ‘test run’, after which they became standard instruments in the globalist cabal’s foreign policy tool kit. (*) Review aim: Above all, this review aims to ‘operationalize’ the lessons of Chossudovsky’s book, i.e. to show how they are useful in exposing the main strategies and the overall aims of the West-based globalist cabal in their ‘inverse crusade’ to make the world ‘safe for tyranny’ ever since the end of the Cold War. If what the West did to Yugoslavia in the ‘90s is taken as a comprehensive ‘test run’ of full-spectrum ‘hybrid warfare’, then what the West is now doing to Russia in the ‘20s may be looked at as the ultimate test of the ‘hybrid warfare’ tools and mechanisms ‘tested’ in Yugoslavia. It should be noted that this perspective in no way diminishes the sufferings and injustices inflicted upon the people of Yugoslavia: rather, the lessons that can be learnt from the globalist cabal’s successful dismantling and recolonization of Yugoslavia in the ‘90s should be taken to heart by those tasked with preserving the integrity and independence of Russia in the ‘20s - and by all those dedicated to the defence of all authentic forms of state sovereignty and national identity. Above all, the various means and mechanisms of the globalist cabal’s ‘hybrid warfare’ should be understood as mutually reinforcing, continually improved and carefully selected tools and mechanisms from within a fairly standard ‘tool kit’. Their ultimate aim is nothing less than ‘multi-dimensional’ and ‘full-spectrum’ dominance: not merely the subjugation of nations, groups and individuals and the achievement of political and economic control, but their essential alteration and the utter destruction of their original identities. The ever more transparently anti-human, trans-human and post-human nature of the globalist hegemon’s policies is explained by the ever more consistent, sophisticated and invasive application of these tools and mechanisms in pursuit of total control. Currently, the globalist cabal is engaged in a crucial campaign in its quest for world dominance: its ‘Ukraine War’ campaign against Russia aims at taking down its single most important state-sovereign challenger in the international agenda. It cannot afford to lose this campaign and is bound to use its entire ‘multi-dimensional warfare’ arsenal: it is important that those entrusted with the defence of state sovereignty and national identity in the face of the globalist onslaught, now reaching its climax in the West’s war on Russia, a take full cognizance of the precedents and antecedents of the West’s war on Yugoslavia. This applies especially to those operating in the very vanguard of cognitive warfare - above all, the Eurasianist movement. (*) Reader alert: The lessons to be learnt from the West’s war on Yugoslavia are inevitably shaped by historical and geopolitical settings and well-educated and tradition-informed readers will appreciate the importance of a firm grasp of history and geography as the necessary basis of classical international diplomacy and politics, i.e. the realm of pre-globalist international relations and statecraft. But this appreciation - and this may seem to be a contradiction but is anything but - also constitutes a grave danger in the sense that it may skew the reader’s view, blinding him to the fact that the globalist cabal acts, thinks and feels in direct defiance of history and geography - and of reality itself. It insists upon altering reality, completely and forever: it seeks to rule the world and reshape it, erasing history, overcoming geography and destroying reality. The more intelligent of the globalist cabal’s puppets and mouthpieces, the Blinkens, the Nulands, the Sunaks, the Macrons, are not blind ignoramuses: they just deliberately chose to ignore history, geography and reality. They are driven by a ‘greater’ vision that is stamped upon them and maintained in the very peculiar ‘cultic bubble’ void in which they ‘live’. Essentially, it is an anti-human, trans-human and post-human vision - a vision that undoubtedly anticipates and prepares the as-yet-unrealized vision of the Antichrist, who long ago deliberately set himself up against the reality of creation. Thus, the tools and mechanisms of the globalist cabal’s arsenals are deliberately applied against history, geography and reality. The entire package - military aggression (from ‘humanitarian intervention’ to ‘regime change’), economic warfare (from ‘sanction regime’ to ‘market reform’), bio-leninist subversion (from ‘women’s suffrage’ to ‘critical race theory’), psycho-social deconstruction (from ‘MK Ultra’ experiments to ‘transgender’ legislation), biotechnical control (from to ‘morning-after pill’ to ‘vaccination mandate’) - has only one direction and one exit. The anti-globalist East now experiences the ruthless real-world application of these tools and mechanisms to its collective body and mind, but it should know that there is something still worse than being killed and maimed in body and mind. The still-standing East only has to look to the already-fallen West, to look at its zombified masses, and it will know what it means for the soul to be killed and maimed: fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell - Matthew 10:28 Tools and techniques After showing how the demolition of Yugoslavia was planned by the US-led West as far back as the early ‘80s (tracing such planning back to the Reagan administration’s 1982 National Decision Directive 64), Chossudovsky groups the tools and mechanisms by which this demolition was achieved into two main categories: (1) economic-financial and (2) political-military. (Ad 1) The West’s economic-financial assault on Yugoslavia involved the ‘opening up’, through a combination of bullying, bribery and blackmail at the highest policy-making levels, of the Yugoslav economy to neo-liberal (‘Reagonomic’/’Thatcherite’) ‘free market’ mechanisms. The dictates of the high finance-directed ‘international institutions’ (International Monetary Fund, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Bank of International Settlement), always imposed with the help of and for the benefit of ‘venture capitalist’ ‘investors’ such as George Soros, resulted in a round of economic ‘shock therapy’ (‘market reforms’, ‘austerity programs’) that destroyed the Yugoslav economy and Yugoslav society as well as - indirectly - the Yugoslav state. The de-regulation of foreign trade led to grotesque ‘dumping’ practices: markets were flooded with cheaply imported commodities, elbowing out domestic producers. The abolition of protective trade barriers led to the mass insolvency of state- and worker-owned enterprises: these found themselves suddenly and artificially ‘indebted’ and forced into fire-sale liquidation. These state- and worker-owned assets, including real estate, industrial facilities and inventory stocks, were then sold off to foreign ‘vulture fund’ investors at bargain prices: local currency-nominated ‘book values’ were signed off by corrupt bureaucrats and managers who were either bribed or ‘partnered in’. These - largely communist party - apparatchiks were directly complicit in the economic demolition of their own nation’s economy and state.[ii] In the course of ‘liberalizing’ foreign investment legislation, state revenue became collateral for foreign debt servicing, which meant that a sovereign economic policy was no longer possible. At the same time, foreign donor support and international reconstruction loans were made conditional on the implementation of legal and political ‘structural reforms’, allowing foreign powers to effectively impose their legal frames and political ideas on Yugoslavia. Yugoslav federal government control was systematically degraded and thwarted as loan conditions were imposed, credit lines were threatened and budget controls were imposed. Crucially, transfer payments by the federal government funds to Yugoslavia’s constituent republics and autonomous regions were interrupted and federal government tax powers were devolved to these republics and regions: federal government authority was fatally compromised. At the same time, Yugoslavia’s social fabric started coming apart under sheer economic pressure: plant closure and budget cuts led to mass unemployment, ‘austerity’ imposed wage freezes and ‘privatization’ imposed utility price-rises led to collapsing living standards. Faced with reform-mandated currency devaluation, shrinking government tax revenue and ballooning foreign currency-denominated external debt the federal government resorted to money printing, leading to skyrocketing inflation. Between 1990 and 1994, Yugoslavia went through five currencies and multiple cycles of hyper-inflation, ending only when the final Yugoslav dinar (Novi Dinar), the YUM, was pegged to the Deutsch Mark, replacing the previous dinar, the YUG at a rate of 1 YUM to 13 million YUG (some months before, the YUG had itself replaced the earlier YUO at a rate of 1 YUG to 1 billion YUO). Over this time, the destruction of industry, the roll-back of workers’ rights and the dismantling of the welfare state, meant that the mass of people lost their rights and livelihoods: rights and livelihoods that had been carefully built up over decades were erased in the course of a few months. Ordinary people, wage-earners, the unemployed, the sick, and pensioners, were exposed to pre-modern living conditions, often thrown into Dickens-style poverty and squalor. The social fall-out was catastrophic, as evidenced by mass emigration, spiking crime rates, endemic substance abuse and widespread prostitution. Even today, Yugoslavia’s successor states still struggle to overcome the impact of Yugoslavia’s ‘controlled demolition’: the legacy of mass emigration, the ‘brain-drain’ of young professionals, the exodus from the countryside, the degradation of honest work and dignified retirement, the mafia culture of gangster survivalism and the culture-distorting impact of decades of negative birth-rates are heavy mortgages, weakening the successor states’ social fabric and stunting their socio-cultural development. As usual, however, history is written by the victors: Administered in several doses since the 1980s, NATO-backed neo-liberal medicine has helped destroy Yugoslavia. Yet, the global media [and academia] ha[ve] carefully overlooked or denied its central role. Instead, they.. sing.. the praises of the ‘free market’… The social and political impact of economic restructuring in Yugoslavia has been carefully erased from our collective understanding. Opinion-makers instead dogmatically present cultural, ethnic, and religious divisions as the sole cause of war and devastation. …Such false consciousness not only masks the truth, it also prevents us from acknowledging precise historical occurrences. Ultimately, it distorts the true sources of social conflict. When applied to the former Yugoslavia, it obscures the historical foundations of South Slavic unity, solidarity and identity in what constituted a multiethnic society. (p. 43-4) …The eventual ‘reconstruction’ of Yugoslavia formulated in the context of the ‘free market’ reforms and financed by international debt largely purport to create a safe haven for foreign investors rather than to rehabilitate the country’s economic and social infrastructure. The… national economy will be dismantled, [Western] banks will take over financial institutions, local industrial enterprises which have not been totally destroyed will be driven into bankruptcy. The most profitable state assets will be transferred into the hands of foreign capital under the World Bank sponsored privatisation programme. In turn, [this] ‘strong economic medicine’ imposed by external creditors will contribute to further boosting a criminal economy… which feeds on poverty and dislocation. (80-1) (Ad 2) The West’s initial political-military strategy involved the systematic fostering of secessionist political movements and the undercover organization of armed secessionist militias in the constituent republics and autonomous regions of Yugoslavia, which was a federal state inhabited by a large number of different ethnicities with widely diverging languages, religions and culture. This strategy aimed at undermining Yugoslavia’s relatively young and tenuous state identity, which dated back to the assertion of a common Southern Slav national idea during the weakening and the collapse of the Ottoman and Hapsburg rule throughout the Balkan between the early 19th Century rise of the independent Serbian state and the early 20th Century fall of the Austria-Hungarian state. Yugoslav state identity was based on the shared history, the common culture and the Serbo-Croatian lingua franca. After Yugoslavia’s liberation struggle during World War II, this state identity was expanded to include a state ideology of moderate ‘market-socialism’ at home and ‘non-alignment’ abroad. As ‘market socialism’ allowed Yugoslav society a balance between the extremes of capitalism’s Darwinist ‘war of all against all’ and communism’s all-levelling ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ domestically, so ‘non-alignment’ allowed the Yugoslav state to balance between the West Bloc and the East Bloc internationally. Thus, Yugoslavia managed to remain truly independent during the Cold War, when almost all of Europe was effectively reduced to vassal status under either the United States or the Soviet Union. Yugoslavia also gained diplomatic leverage and international prestige as the de facto centre of the Non-Alignment Movement, founded in Belgrade in 1961 at the initiative of President Tito, supported by international heavy-weights such as India’s Nehru, Indonesia’s Sukarno, Egypt’s Nasser and Ghana’s Nkrumah: it effectively led much of the Third World on the ‘third way’ of non-alignment. As the Cold War drew to a close and as the communist East Bloc started to dissolve, however, Yugoslavia could no longer sustain its ideological and geopolitical balancing act: its sovereignty at home and its status abroad had been a function of the ‘bipolar’ Cold War global balance of power and were no longer sustainable at the start of the ‘unipolar’ era: after the fall of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991, Yugoslavia faced the full, unchallenged might of Atlanticist power alone. The Western purpose was to split Yugoslavia, a medium-size, semi-autarkic state of considerable demographic, economic and military weight, into a patchwork of small-size, import-dependent vassal-states unable to challenge the hegemonic power of Anglosphere-based Atlanticist hegemon. Divide et impera. Ideally, from an Atlanticist perspective, would be an ex-Yugoslavian space crowded by a maximum number of sub-sovereign successor states, thoroughly alienated from each other and each separately subject to ‘foreign debt rescheduling’ and ‘structural readjustment negotiations’. From a larger historical perspective, the ‘leaders’ of these successor states would be nothing but collaborators with an informal but no less real Atlanticist occupation regime. As Chossudovsky points out repeatedly, these ‘leaders’ are nothing but vassals in a system of globalist colonial rule imposed on the former Yugoslavia, as proven by the fact that they enthusiastically lined up to join globalist trans-nationalist power structures - EU, NATO - as soon as possible. In those cases where successor states are so grossly artificial that joining these formal structures is problematic, as in Bosnia and Kosovo, openly neo-colonial regimes are imposed, with globalist-written ‘constitutions’, globalist-cloned legal systems and un-elected, non-native UN ‘high representatives’. The West’s political-military campaign to achieve Yugoslavia’s formal division into successor states, more or less along ethnic and religious lines, began with covert sponsorship of separatist politicians and militias (ranging from intelligence and funding to military training and equipment), it continued with overt propaganda for separatist movements (including ‘atrocity propaganda), it expanded to include diplomatic pressure (newly-united Germany obliged its Atlanticists masters by initiating the ‘diplomatic recognition’ of break-away states) and it finally peaked in direct military intervention (in Bosnia and Kosovo). Of course, the West’s political-military campaign ran simultaneously with the West’s economic-financial campaign: the latter undermined Yugoslavia’s civilian economy and it destroyed Yugoslavia’s social cohesion to such an extent that its people lost their trust in the old system, the old state and the old leadership, making them susceptible to the Western-sponsored narratives of ‘market reforms’ and ‘national self-determination’. Even so, the demolition of Yugoslavia was far from easy: the Yugoslav state died hard and it only did so after the application of the full force of Western military might. The greatest challenge to the Western campaign of demolition was Serbian nationalism: in many ways, the first Yugoslav state had been the natural extension and crowning achievement of Serbia’s struggle for independence. After a series of ferocious freedom fights against its old-empire Ottoman and Hapsburg overlords and a series of brutal border wars against its new-nation Italian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Albanian neighbours, Serbia had effectively created Yugoslavia as the logical expression of its maximal territorial aspirations (the unification of all Serbs and their fellow South Slaves in one state) and its maximal strategic needs (the creation of a land-corridor to allied Greece, broad access to the Adriatic Sea and a territorial buffer around its capital). The Western demolition of Yugoslavia, however, required more than the mere roll-back of Serbia’s gains: it also required the permanent impairment of Serbia’s status as a regional power. This means permanently ‘disabling’ and ‘handicapping’ Serbia, which is why it has been reduced to a small land-locked state, why it has been isolated as an island surrounded by a sea of EU-NATO enemies and why it has been made to suffer the amputation of sacred soil in Kosovo - so that it can never recover and stand up again. Aside from the fact that the Serbian state’s tradition of political independence and military prowess was bound to make Serbian revanchism inevitable, the main reason for the West’s implacable animosity towards Serbia was Serbia’s natural alliance with Russia. Throughout its existence, which overlapped with the late 19th and early 20th Century ‘Great Game’ period and Russia’s expansion towards Tsargrad-Constantinople and the Turkish Straits, the Serbian state had been Russia’s most consistent ally: fellow Slav and fellow Orthodox Russia had been Serbia’s faithful sponsor, ally and protector. It was, in fact, Russia’s commitment to the preservation of Serbian independence in the face of the Hapsburg intervention that triggered the outbreak of World War I. At the level of nationalist sentiment, Serbia’s historically intimate ties to Russia did survive Russia’s switch from devout Orthodoxy to communist atheism: the first Yugoslav state gave shelter to large numbers of White Russian refugees and the second Yugoslav state was founded on the strategic partnership between its founders and the Soviet Union. After the fall of the Soviet Union and communism, Serbia and Russia are again naturally aligned. This alignment follows from simple geo-political logic: they have a common enemy, viz. the Atlanticist hegemon invading the former Serbian and Russian imperial spaces. But this also follows simple cultural-historical logic: both are crowned with the double-headed eagle of Byzantium and both are called to defend Europe and Christianity against the double-tongued Atlanticist-globalist Empire of Lies: they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run, and not be weary and they shall walk, and not faint - Isaiah 40:31 Time-lines and fault-lines This review of Chossudovsky’s book does not need to reconstruct the entire time-line of the prolonged agony of ex-Yugoslavia at the hands of its Atlanticist tormentors. Of course, Chossudovsky’s book focuses on the culminating stage of Yugoslavia’s defeat: the ‘Kosovo War’ of 1999, but he does repeatedly pay attention to its earlier (Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian) and the later (‘Bulldozer Revolution’, ‘Macedonian Insurgency’) stages. It is important to note that Chossudovsky does so in terms of ‘parallel viewing’ and ‘pattern recognition’: he clearly shows how it is useful to view the entire process of Yugoslavia’s demolition - spread out over one and half decades if formally defined by the state’s break-up from 25 June 1991 (Slovenian and Croatian independence) to 3 June 2006 (Montenegrin independence) - as one single campaign. Or rather as a coherent ‘rolling operation’ showing consistent strategy patterns: …Washington’s military-intelligence ploy is… to replicate pattern[s]: …to fracture… territory, foster internal social divisions and fuel ethnic strife. The design is to destroy all social and political ties between [groups], who have coexisted for more than half a century within a multi-ethnic society. These socio-ethnic divisions are deliberately created so as to curb all forms of social resistance [and], more importantly, …to prevent the development of a broader ‘common front’ against the enemy. (p. 139) One very specific strategy pattern was the re-use of the personnel employed by Atlanticist organizations for the neo-colonial occupation and administration of various parts of Yugoslavia: [NATO] personnel and UN bureaucrats previously stationed in Croatia and Bosnia have been routinely reassigned to Kosovo. (p. 96) Many strategic patterns can be discerned within the domain of ‘information warfare’. On the one hand, the Western MSM consistently portrayed Atlanticist military aggression as ‘justified’ as a response to refugee crises that were actually deliberately engineered and to atrocity stories that were entirely fabricated. Thus, NATO air strikes against Yugoslav targets were consistently portrayed as ‘humanitarian interventions’ meant to ‘save’ Bosniaks in 1992 and Kosovars in 1999. On the other hand, the Western MSM consistently ignored the massive refugee crises and very real atrocities caused by Atlanticist-sponsored anti-Yugoslav militias. Thus, the systematic reign of terror unleashed by the KLA (‘Kosovo Liberation Army’, the ethnic Albanian militia set up by Western intelligence services to destabilize south-west Serbia) during the Kosovo crisis was deliberately glossed over. The massacres of civilians in Kosovo [we]re not disconnected acts of revenge by civilians by so-called ‘rogue elements’ within the KLA, as claimed by NATO and the UN. They [we]re part of a consistent and coherent pattern. The intent and result of the KLA sponsored atrocities have been to trigger the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Serbs, Roma and other minorities in Kosovo. (p. 89) In the reviewer’s opinion, however, the most important strategy pattern distinguished by Chossudovsky is the economic strategy pattern by which Yugoslavia’s successor states were effectively turned into Western colonies, with (‘privatized’) natural resources plundered and (‘debt interest’) tribute extracted to boost the profits of Western ‘venture capital’. An important part of the Western economic war strategy vis-à-vis Yugoslavia was to let war pay for itself: neo-colonial profits extracted from Western-conquered parts of Yugoslavia were used first to pay for the maintenance of occupation troops, (‘peacekeepers’, ‘security presence’) and then for the build-up of the armed forces of the newly ‘independent’ successor-states, with handsome profits boosting the Western military-industrial complex, including many private military contractors. Chossudovsky gives a particularly insightful analysis of how Camp Bondsteel (the grande dame in a network of US bases running both sides of the border between Kosovo and Macedonia – p. 106) was funded, making the fortunes of the defence contractors involved, including US Vice President Cheney’s Halliburton company (cf. appendix to his Ch. 5). In the final analysis, the West managed to make the chunk-by-chunk conquest and occupation of Yugoslavia pay for itself. In passing, Chossudovsky mentions that this very same strategic pattern, virtually ignored by Western historians and journalists, also applies to other - earlier and later - Western wars of aggression: few people realize Vietnam and Iraq were both billed for the West’s war expenses as a condition for the lifting of economic sanctions and the resumption of diplomatic relations. This review of Chossudovsky’s book does not need to reconstruct all the ethnic, religious and cultural fault-lines that the Western aggressors managed to exploit during their campaign to bring down the Yugoslav state. It is important to note, however, that he sheds light on many frequently overlooked episodes in the long-drawn out Western campaign against Yugoslavia. Thus, he reminds the reader of the true background, the true nature and the true impact of ‘Operation Storm’, i.e. Western-backed Croatian conquest of the internationally unrecognized Serbian break-away proto-state of Kraina in August 1995. ‘Operation Storm’ involved foreign investors (eying newly-discovered coal and oil deposits) guiding Croatian policy making, foreign specialists (including retired US generals and German mercenaries) guiding Croatian military actions and foreign media ignoring massive suffering among the Kraina Serb civilian population (at least 420 killed and up to 180.000 displaced). Chossudovsky also reminds the reader of the equally overlooked episode of the ‘Macedonian Insurgency’, i.e. the Western-backed terror campaign by the NLA (‘National Liberation Army’, the ethnic Albanian militia set up by Western intelligence services to destabilize Macedonia) between January and November 2001. Similar to the KLA, its equivalent in Kosovo, the NLA was set up by Western intelligence services, funded by Western-facilitated drugs networks, trained by Western military contractors and, once put in action, directly supported by Western armed forces. The NLA’s terror campaign in north-west Macedonia served a similar purpose to the KLA’s terror campaign in south-west Serbia: to create ethnically cleansed base territories for these groups, which are meant to serve as safe zones for criminal activities and Western military bases, to weaken the central government and, last but not least, to generate long-term revenue for the West’s military-industrial complex. For Western policymakers, the ‘Macedonian Insurgency’ was a far easier operation to pull off than the ‘Kosovo War, because it was aided and abetted by corrupt Macedonian government officials and treacherous Macedonian army officers. The cost in terms of civilian suffering, however, was considerable: at least up to 100 dead and 140.000 displaced, almost all ethnic Macedonians and Bulgarians - this in one of Europe’s smaller countries, inhabited by only 1,8 million people. Once again, the true background, true nature and true impact of this campaign of terror and ethnic cleansing were either entirely ignored or thoroughly distorted in the Western press. Lest we forget the true depths to which the West’s Empire of Lies has sunken over the last decades, it is only proper that we occasionally remind ourselves of all the injustices and crimes described in Chossudovsky’s book. And of the fact that we should not despair of justice: the eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good - Proverbs 15:3 Pirates and prostitutes Over the last four or three decades, under the impact of transnationalist power accumulation covered by liberal-normative ideology, all the formerly sovereign states of the West have undergone a slow but steady - albeit recently ‘reset’-accelerated - process of politicide. The power once vested in these states, and by extension the political power once held by the nations represented by their governments, has been almost entirely erased, to be replaced by a faceless ‘globalist’ power, increasingly overtly totalitarian in character as the ‘reset’ progresses. The power of the globalist regime ruling the West is financial and economic in nature, it is embodied in international banks and multi-national cooperations, and its interests are served by trans-national institutions, ranging from truly global organizations such as the UN, the IMF and the World Bank to large regional organizations such as the NATO, the EU and the ECB. Under this transnational level, the globalist regime’s political agenda is entirely negative: it aims at preventing, thwarting and undermining all forms of political action that would threaten the maximal exploitation of natural and human resources. Any exercise of political power that threatens the interests of globalist high finance and globalist big business - effectively the unrestrained and borderless rule of bankster usury and capitalist exploitation - is anathema to the globalist regime: any sovereign state threatening open borders, any religious institution threatening social atomization and any traditional family-structure incompatible with narcissist consumerism is will inevitably find itself the target of globalist demolition. Under the trans-national level of globalist control, the true aim of the globalist regime is the creation and maintenance of an anarcho-tyrannical anti-order: a permanent ‘free for all’ economic ‘jungle war’ of ‘all-against-all’, creating a ‘market-society’ in which literally everything is for sale, including people and ideas. To put it bluntly: the ideal globalist ‘state’ - referring to the psycho-dynamic ‘state’ of a people rather than a government - would only have gangsters and prostitutes as its inhabitants, with minor variants within the first category (pirates, pimps) as well as the last (pop-stars, porn-stars). Ideally, such a ‘pirate republic’ would be ‘charismatically’ led by the 21st Century equivalent of the 20th Century ‘five family’-style mafia council: a WEF/Davos-style Chief Executive Officer/Public Relation Manager congregation of compradors-in-chief. In such an ideal ‘state’, which may be provisionally termed the Gangster-Prostitute State (GPS) - of course, Made in USA - any deviation would be considered an anachronism and an obstacle: it would not leave any space for non-materialist vocations and non-hedonistic ideas. In the GPS, there would be no place for martial heroism, knightly honour, priestly piety, monastic celibacy, philosophical contemplation, scholarly wisdom, paternal responsibility, maternal love, marital fidelity or pre-marital chastity. There would be no love of any object except the ‘self’, baby boomer-style inflated into the narcissist stratosphere: no love for nation, tribe, family, spouse - least of all God. To the extent that any such anachronistic notions would still marginally exist, the GPS would be bound to erase them from the public sphere for the sake of the undisturbed ‘bubble life’ of the masses: it would be bound to impose an all-levelling weight of hyper-egalitarian legislation, to instil an anti-meritocratic ethos and to create an all-smothering blanket of perversion-propaganda. Throughout the Western world, huge strides towards the GPS utopia have already been made on each of these three fronts: tradition-killing matriarchy and xenocracy (the rule of post-gender ‘women’ and post-racial ‘immigrants’), ethos-killing plutocracy and idiocracy (the rule of the corruption-only ‘rich’ and the paper-only ‘higher educated’) and civilization-killing kakocracy and pornocracy (the rule of the lowest and dirtiest) are already facts of life. Throughout the Western world, however, there remains a significant residue of ‘legacy institutions’ (be it monarchic, parliamentary, ecclesiastic, academic, artisanal, entrepreneurial, literary or artistic in nature), delaying the full flowering of the GPS. Of course, the early ‘20s’ Great Reset has greatly accelerated the take-down of these institutions: ‘Covid’ lockdowns undermined the economically independent small business sector and the cognitively conservative middle class, ‘BLM’ activism undermined public safety and the rule of law, the ‘Biden’ coup undermined representative government and freedom of speech and the ‘Ukraine’ campaign undermined the economic system and global security - but the West has yet to achieve full-blown GPS utopia. For a sneak preview of GPS utopia in action, it is necessary to look East, to ex-Yugoslavia, where a ‘model GPS’ of sorts has already been created in Kosovo, a.k.a. the ‘black hole of Europe’. In some ways, Kosovo may be considered the geopolitical equivalent of an anti-gravity experiment: within this ‘black hole’ the rules of geopolitics are suspended. The founding of the entirely artificial statelet of Kosovo constitutes the crowning achievement in terms of globalist ‘state building’: it embodies the highest achievemeny of what the globalist ‘rules-based order’ may achieve if left unopposed. Chossudovsky analyses the genesis of the Kosovo ‘state’ in great detail, describing it as a mafia-run pirate-state ‘safe haven’ for globalism’s many grey and black channels, created as a de facto safe zone for drugs traders, arms dealers, organ traders, people smugglers, money-launderers and terror-funders, and as a ‘safe house’ for compromised, redundant or retired ‘assets’. It is an arrangement that equally benefits the local mafia underlings, who are promoted to ‘legit’ status and gain legal immunity in charge of their own ‘state’, and their globalist overlords, who can ‘skim’ Kosovo for resource profits and showcase Kosovo as a model achievement of ‘international governance’. Western big business was able to buy up Kosovo’s mines (copper, zinc, gold, silver, coal) and industry (metal smelting plants, power plants, battery plants) at fire sale prices, Western high finance was able to take-over Kosovo’s currency (imposing the Deutsch Mark and then the Euro) and banks (taking over expropriated and excluded Yugoslav banks) and Western NGOs were able to sign lucrative ‘assistance’ and ‘training’ contracts (as in George Soros’ Open Society branch office in Pristina in support of ‘governance development’. The vital link between the Kosovo mafia ‘government’ and its globalist overlords is found in the narcotics trade, which started with the KLA being funded from the highly lucrative Balkans narcotics route, linking corrupt Turkish officials to the East with Albanian emigrants to the West: …the KLA is sustained by organised crime with the tacit approval of the US and its allies. Following the pattern set during the war in Bosnia, public opinion has been carefully misled. The multibillion dollar Balkans narcotics trade has played a crucial role in ‘financing the conflict’ in Kosovo in accordance with Western economic, strategic and military objectives. (p. 48) …Western intelligence agencies have developed a complex relationship to the illegal narcotics trade. In case after case, drug money laundered in the international banking system has financed covert operations. …The pattern in Kosovo is similar to other CIA covert operations in Central America, Haiti and Afghanistan, where ‘freedom fighters’ were financed through the laundering of drug money. (p. 50) …The extensive links of the Kosovo Liberation Army to organized crime and the Balkans narcotics trade were not seen by the ‘international community’ as an obstacle to the installation of ‘democracy’ and ‘good governance’. (p. 41) The narcotics trade, however, was not the only ‘cash cow’ that was milked to raise the KLA: since the early ‘90s, with the international embargo on Yugoslavia and the Greek blockade of Macedonia, a triangular narcotics-oil-arms trade network had developed in the Balkans, expanded to Western Europe through the increasing corporation between Albanian and Italian crime syndicates in arms smuggling and prostitution racketeering. Soon, not only simple light arms but sophisticated anti-aircraft, anti-armour and electronic surveillance systems (the latter connected to NATO satellites) found their way to the KLA. At the same time, the KLA was provided with professional and motivated cadres through the enlistment of mujahideen fighters, often trained by Al-Qaeda affiliates in secret camps in Afghanistan and Bosnia. All this took place with the full knowledge of, and indeed at the instigation of, Western intelligence services. The built-up of the KLA, its funding, equipment, intelligence and training were all instigated, funded and facilitated by the West and the same applies to the KLA’s terror campaign: in fact, Chossudovsky states that [t]he KLA killings [of civilians] were ordered by NATO. Blamed on Serbian police and armed forces, th[ey] were used as a pretext and justification to wage a ‘humanitarian war’ on Yugoslavia. The ties of the KLA to organized crime were actively fostered by the US and NATO. The result was the formation of what is best described as a ‘mafia state’. (p. 45) In the aftermath of the NATO air war, the Western occupation powers aided and abetted the KLA’s subsequent reign of terror, protecting KLA commanders responsible for crimes committed against the Serbian, Roma, Gorani and Turkish minorities, under the pretext of suspected collaboration with the Yugoslav authorities but often just as a simple settling of personal scores. Those Western-created organizations that were specifically supposed to uphold law and order, the peace-keeping ‘Kosovo Force’ (KFOR) and the ‘International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia’ (ICTY) above all, consistently turned a blind eye to the systematic campaign of confiscation, looting, arson, abduction, rape and murder by the KLA, with the Western MSM either ignoring or white-washing these atrocities as ‘regrettable but justifiable acts of vengeance’. Thus, through their direct involvement in NATO’s military action (in a particularly cowardly form, viz. a push-button air war), their indirect involvement in the KLA’s terror campaign and their deliberate inaction in the face of the KLA’s subsequent lawlessness, Western governments… bear a heavy burden of responsibility in the deaths of civilians, the impoverishment of both the ethnic Albanian and Serbian populations and the plight of those who were brutally uprooted from towns and villages in Kosovo as a result of the bombings. (p. 56) Thus, the geopolitical void in which the ‘Kosovo’ CPS took shape was created by the West: Chossudovsky’s analyses leave no room for ‘plausible deniability’ cover stories. After the Kosovo War and the KLA take-over, Chossudovsky describes how Kosovo became a true ‘narco-democracy under NATO protection’ (Chossudovsky, 79): [n]arcodollars from the multibillion dollar Balkans drug trade [were] recycled towards servicing the external debt as well as ‘financing’ the costs of ‘reconstruction’. The lucrative flow of narcodollars thus ensures that foreign investors involved in the ‘reconstruction’ programme will be able to reap substantial returns. In turn, the existence of a Kosovar ‘narco-state’ ensures the orderly reimbursement of international donors and creditors, [who] are prepared to turn a blind eye [because t]hey have a tacit vested interest in installing [and maintaining] a government which facilitates the laundering of drug money. (p. 99) Following Chossudovsky’s analysis, Kosovo truly represents a GPS utopia: there, the West has truly created an ‘anti-state’: While calling for democracy and ‘good governance’ in the Balkans, the US and its allies have installed in Kosovo a paramilitary government with links to organized crime. The… outcome [has been] the outright ‘criminalization’ of civilian state institutions and the establishment of what can be best described as a ‘mafia state’. The complicity of NATO and the alliance governments, namely their relentless support of the KLA, points to the de facto ‘criminalisation’ of KFOR and of the UN peacekeeping apparatus in Kosovo. The donor agencies and governments providing financial support to the KLA, e.g. the funds approved by the US Congress in violation of several UN Security Council resolutions, are in this regard also ‘accessories’ to the de facto criminalisation of state institutions. (p. 96) …Under NATO occupation, the rule of law has visibly been turned upside down. Criminals and terrorists [have] become law enforcement officers. (p. 87) With the KLA pirate regime in place, the prostitution of Kosovo began. Its resources, its industry and its infrastructure were ‘pimped out’ - sold to the lowest foreign bidder. Its Serbian, Roma and Gorani minority communities were ‘shunned’ - demoted to dispossession, displacement and discrimination. Its old and sick, its village folk and its working people were left ‘to fend for themselves’ - exposed to the elements (container ‘housing’, electricity ‘black-outs’), to disease (depleted uranium poisoning, land-mine injury) and to grinding poverty (record unemployment, sky-rocketing prices). Most of the middle-aged population, previously raised, educated and shielded by Yugoslavia’s semi-socialist system, was suddenly thrown into a free-for-all cauldron of b/gangster-style capitalism, mostly suffering utter ruination. Youngsters, to the extent that they did not join, or liaise with, the gangsters and mobsters ruling the streets and the ‘state’, were left waiting on the gangster, doing expat laundry or otherwise ‘servicing’ the NATO-UN-NGO (more specifically: KFOR-UNMIK-OSCE) crowd. To this crowd, the lands, riches and people of Kosovo are nothing but ‘spoils of war’. This is what Kosovo, the ancient cradle of the Serbian state and a model of peaceful multi-ethnic coexistence in the Yugoslav state, was reduced to under Western occupation - a Gangster Prostitute State: How is the faithful city become a harlot! It was full of judgment, righteousness lodged in it, but now murderers. Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water. Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves: every one loveth gifts, and followeth after rewards. They judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them. Therefore saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts, the Mighty One of Israel: Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies - Isaiah 1:21-4 Echoes and omens Undoubtedly, the most powerful message of Chossudovsky’s book is the importance of pattern recognition: readers are bound to be struck by its pin-point accuracy in recognizing certain strategic warfare patterns that recur throughout the West’s campaign against Yugoslavia. The historical patterns discerned by Chossudovsky in the Atlanticist take-down of Yugoslavia in the ‘90s may be said to constitute direct precursors to the fully-integrated strategy of fully-fledged multi-dimensional warfare waged by the Atlanticist West against the Eurasianist East in the ‘20s.[iii] It takes but a small step to project Chossudovsky’s pattern recognition forward, to the West’s current multi-dimensional ‘Ukraine’ campaign against Russia. As another reviewer of Chossudovsky’s book succinctly put it: time has confirmed [Chossudovsky’s] fear of the [Western] intervention [in Yugoslavia] being used to set a pattern, establish a principle to be used later on whenever convenient for the US. There have, in fact, ensued preventive and even preemptive wars, so-called ‘humanitarian bombings’ or colored revolutions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, Venezuela, Belarus. …[Chossudovsky] examines the consequences of such approach, and matters that the protagonists do not wish to discuss at all. Underlying the grand ideals of defending the human rights and freedoms of endangered people, are cruel operations which use depleted uranium-filled missiles, ecocides, and pacts with drug cartels or colorful radicals and fundamentalists. …[Chossudovsky’s] monograph, therefore, is more than a testimony in the search of truth, it is also a sort of warning. When the facts are ignored, there remains propaganda whose purpose is to conceal the truth, all that in order to enable various interest groups, be those official or behind the scenes, state, para-state or non-governmental ones, to achieve their goals even if they had, in the process, to violate international law, commit ecocides and war crimes, or cooperate with mobsters and terrorists. (Dushan Prorokovicj apud Chossudovsky, p. 162-3) Following up on this important point of the West’s ‘information warfare’ - in other words: its war on the truth - it can be argued that the greatest value of Chossudovsky’s book is found in its break-out from the Western MSM ‘narrative bubble’. In the final analysis, the statement of truth about the Western campaign against Yugoslavia will be quite an important nail into the coffin of the Western Empire of Lies: the Yugoslav campaign was an important stepping-stone in the Western MSM’s achievement of ‘disinformation supremacy’ - it was its first systematic application of ‘inverse journalism’. For the first time, Western MSM’s blanket censorship of truthful reporting was systematically combined with deliberate and sustained disinformation: for over a decade, it managed to maintain a constant ‘firehose of falsehood’ on the topic of Yugoslavia, imposing a narrative of falsehood befitting the Western elite’s shift into fully-fledged ‘post-truth politics’. One of the mechanisms by which the poison of the fork-tongued Western Lügenpresse worked its way into the Western collective psyche was the emotive and seductive use of ‘soothing’ and ‘therapeutic’ language, carefully calibrated to appeal to its key audience: the effeminate and reality-averse Western consumer masses. This sickening jargon, mixing ‘motivational’ management talk with ‘femo-feely’ psycho-babble, was designed to systematically prevent critical thoughts, sabotage realpolitik assessments and deceive gullible (‘midwit’, gutmensch) tv-audiences. In a mind-bending exercise of truly Orwellian proportions, ‘peace-keeping’ came to mean warfare, ‘good governance’ came to mean mafia rule, ‘confidence building’ came to mean word-breaking and ‘inter-ethnic reconciliation’ came to mean legal discrimination. The Western MSM, supported by well-paid academics and purged of honest journalists, deliberately engineered a ‘consensus’ that was so far removed from the truth that it may perhaps best be described as a ‘reality distortion field’. This war [wa]s also a war against the truth. …NATO has reinforced its clutch over the mass media. [Alongside] a stylized ‘wag the dog’ media masquerade, a full-fledged ‘cover-up operation’ has been set in motion with a view to thwarting public debate on the war. …[A]nti-war commentators have been carefully removed from mainstream public affairs programmes, TV content is closely scrutinised… [and] journalists are under tight supervision.…Public ‘disapproval’ of NATO bombings is immediately dismissed as ‘Serb propaganda’. Those who speak out against NATO are branded as ‘apologists of Milosevic’. …The hidden agenda is to ‘silence the silent majority’. The Western media heeding to the alliance’s demands has blatantly misled public opinion. (p. 61-3) By and large, the Western MSM’s ‘information war’ during the Yugoslav campaign achieved its purpose. Undoubtedly, its most drastic cognitive effect was the utter erasure of the last remnants of geopolitical realism in the Western public sphere. Drowned in the barrage of media images and self-serving analyses, the broader strategic interests and economic causes of the war go unmentioned. The [West’s strategic goals] largely consisted in ‘installing a Western-style regime in Yugoslavia and reducing the geographic areas, power and influence of Serbia to a minimum’. In this context, the installation of American power in southern Europe and the Mediterranean also constitutes a step towards the extension of Washington’s geopolitical sphere of influence beyond the Balkans into the area of the Caspian Sea, Central Asia and West Asia. In this regard, NATO’s military intervention in Yugoslavia, in violation of international law, also sets a dangerous precedent. To achieve its strategic objectives, national economies are destabilized, regional conflicts are financed through the provision of covert support to armed insurgencies… The conflict in Yugoslavia creates conditions which provide legitimacy to future interventions of the alliance into the internal affairs of sovereign nations. (p. 59) At the time that this review is written, Chossudovsky’s warning, that the West’s successful demolition of Yugoslavia would create a dangerous precedent in international relations, has been proven most accurate. The West’s ‘getting away’ with the demolition of Yugoslavia has merely whetted its appetite: it has since set its sights on much larger quarry. In fact, at the time of writing, the West’s multi-dimensional warfare arsenal is fully engaged in an all-out assault on the ultimate geopolitical prize: Russia. In hindsight, the Western campaign to divide and colonize the ex-Yugoslavia in the ‘90s was just a small-scale test run for the division and colonization of the ex-Soviet Union in the ‘20s. Much is at stake now: now in ex-Soviet space, as then in the ex-Yugoslav space, [i]n the name of global capital, borders [are being] redrawn, legal codes rewritten, industries destroyed, financial and banking systems [are being] dismantled, social programs eliminated. …At stake… are the lives of millions of people. [Globalist] macroeconomic reform combined with military conquest… [is] destroy[ing] livelihoods and [is making] a joke of the right to work. It put[s] basic needs such as food and shelter beyond the reach of many. It [is] degrading culture and national identity. (p. 44) Now, all the tools and techniques applied in the ex-Yugoslav space of the ‘90s are applied to the ex-Soviet space of the ‘20s, of course with slightly updated technology and on a hugely amplified scale. The same proxy strategy, now with Ukrainian instead of the Kosovar freedom fighter cannon fodder and ‘Azov’ instead of ‘mujahideen’ foreign volunteers. The same undeclared ground war, with the same ‘plausible deniability’ employment of the same ‘advisors’, ‘trainers’ and ‘special forces’. The same atrocity propaganda, now with a ‘Bucha Massacre’ instead of a ‘Ratchak Massacre’. The same ‘international outrage’, now with (cheaper) blue-yellow social media posts instead of Bosnia fundraising dinners. The same ‘international justice’ agenda, now indicting the Russian president instead of the Yugoslav president. The same nauseating self-righteousness, now starring ‘Biden’ and Johnson instead of Clinton and Blair. But there is a difference: the sheer staleness of the West’s utterly worn-out slogans and the obvious futility of the West’s utterly predictable motions indicate that, after a long string of victories from Yugoslavia to Libya, the West has finally - and fatally - overreached itself. All indications are that it has fallen into the same age-old trap of triumphalist hubris and imperial overreach that finally brought down such once-invincible empires as Napoleon’s and Hitler’s. The West’s take-down of Yugoslav was possible in the limited regional setting of the Balkans, pitting the then substantial industrial and military resources of the combined West against a vastly outmatched enemy that lacked strategic depth and major power allies. None of these conditions apply now. Against Russia, the West operates in unlimited space on a global stage, possessing the world’s ultimate strategic depth in the Heartland of the World Island, and it is backed up by an ever-lengthening list of allies, including China, the world’s greatest industrial power. The West, on the other hand, has ‘outsourced’ its industry, ‘wokefied’ its military and ‘diversified’ its populace. The latter factor, ‘diluting’ the nations of the First World by decades of ‘immigration’ from the Third World, has fatally compromised the internal cohesion and core identity of the West: it is now but a shadow of its former self. This ex-West is rapidly decomposing in plain sight, transforming into a scary-looking but substance-less vampire, unable to substantially handle anything approaching a substantial ‘reality check’. Those that have to fight the ‘zombified’ ex-West would do well to remember that the ex-West has already largely abandoned actual reality: its people have largely retreated into virtual reality. The ex-West now bears all the classic hallmarks of the vampire, leading a ghostly existence of ‘virtualized’ experience, shunning the day-light of truth, leaching off the lifeblood of others and preying on the naive and vulnerable. That means, first of all, that the ex-West needs to be exorcized as much as it needs to be fought. For this to be accomplished, the ex-West’s now in-human nature and its now anti-human trajectory need to be properly understood. It needs to be understood that to collectively and consistently indulge in trans-human experiments - infanticidal ‘birth control’, black magic ‘transgenderism’, mRNA ‘gene-therapy’, AI technology ‘second life’ - is to abandon human rationality. It needs to be understood that to collectively and consistently indulge in sub-human experiences - eco-system destroying ‘conspicuous consumption’ gluttony, family-destroying ‘sexual revolution’ lust, society-destroying ‘Wolf of Wallstreet’ greed, world-destroying ‘rules-based order’ pride - is to abandon the human heart. Such things trigger a permanent severance from humanity. After the ex-West severed itself from the Creator, it was just a matter of time before it severed itself from creation, first from the natural world and then from the human world - and, ultimately, from reality itself. Caught in a downward spiral of evil and madness, the West has now conclusively severed itself from the rest. De facto, the West is now at war with the rest. The rest must allow this harsh reality to sink in: reality must be accepted before it can be handled. The rest must choose - whether or not to follow the West on its chosen path. The echoes of the past and the omens of the present point to the end of that path - the path of Severance: the birds of leaving call to us yet here we stand endowed with the fear of flight overland the winds of change consume the land while we remain in the shadow of summers now past indifference the plague that moves throughout this land omen signs in the shapes of things to come - Dead Can Dance, ‘Severance’ Part Three: Spandau-am-See Report on an Attempted Visit to General Ratko Mladic (The Hague, July 2023) After being indicted by the Western-created International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in 1995 and living in hiding after the Western-supported ‘Bulldozer’ colour revolution overthrow of (Yugoslav President) Slobodan Miloshevitj in 2001, General Ratko Mladic (born Bozhanovici, Bosnia,[iv] 12 March 1942), Supreme Commander of the army of the break-away Republika Srpska during the Bosnian War (1992-95), was arrested by a multi-agency special forces unit in Lazarevo, Serbia, in the early hours of 26 May 2011, only to be extradited to the same tribunal, located in The Hague, five days later. Ever since that day - over twelve years ago now - General Mladic has been subject to the fury of the Atlanticist-defined ‘international community’, hell-bent to punish the General’s temerity to defy the Atlanticist-imposed ‘New World Order’ at its triumphalist zenith (the Yugoslav conflict started just after that order’s formal announcement in March 1991) - he has not walked in the sun or breathed the air as a free man since then. Following its insane - because megalomaniac - self-appointed role as ‘global conscience’, the triumphant West chose to deny the General his proper rights as a simple Prisoner of War, instead subjecting him to the farcical ‘international law’ proceedings of its own purpose-designed ICTY: not satisfied with the mere defeat of its Yugoslav and Serbian enemy, Western leaders decided to subject their defeated enemies to the humiliation of being branded as maximally-monstrous ‘war criminals’. Of course, in terms of ‘narrative marketing’ and ‘perception management’, the persecution of the best-known enemy war leaders, including the General, was best served by imposing various ‘remit restrictions’ on the ICTY, making sure that the ultimate instigators of the Yugoslav bloodbath would enjoy effective ‘legal immunity’ from persecution. Even the most obviously bloody-handed of Western political puppets and military yes-men were carefully shielded from the ICTY: neither Bill Clinton and Tony Blair nor Wesley Clark (born Kanne) and Javier Solana were ever indicted. Similarly, the political and military leaders of the Western-backed break-away states from Yugoslavia, even if most obviously involved in and responsible for bloodshed, were by and large left alone the ICTY. The irredeemable anti-Yugoslav and anti-Serbian bias of the ICTY was further proven by its consistent refusal to investigate obvious cases of Croatian war crimes, such as the Medak Pocket massacre (1993) and the shelling of Knin during Operation Storm (1995). These events were simply ‘memory-holed’: no publicity, no recriminations, no official record… [it] simply never happened (Chossudovsky, 95). In the final analysis, the ICTY failed to uphold even the illusion of impartiality: it merely served to demoralize the defeated. Of course, the old-fashioned practice of the victors [is] putting the vanquished to the sword, behind a facade of retroactive law and elegant speeches. …A powerful aggressor, if undefeated in war, cannot and will not be punished (David Irving, Nuremberg. The Last Battle). In the final analysis, the ICTY that convicted General Mladic was nothing but a kangaroo court: it allowed the Western MSM to spin a short-span narrative about General Mladic as a war criminal, but this will not alter his place in his own country’s long-span history, which is that of a war hero. The ICTY, now defunct after serving its purpose from 1993 to 2017,[v] was a typical product of its time: it derived its international legal authority based on United Nations Security Council Resolution 827, passed at the triumphalist height of the ‘unipolar moment’, the zenith of Atlanticist power just after the fall of the Soviet Union. At that time, with the end of the Cold War, the defeat of the ‘Second World’ East Bloc and the disarray of the East Bloc’s erstwhile ‘Third World’ allies, the ‘First World’ West Bloc’s writ ran virtually unchallenged around the globe. The victorious leaders of the self-styled ‘Free West’ decided they were now the masters of the world and would create a ‘New World Order’ of which they would be the sole-superpower arbiter: they would simultaneously write, persecute and execute its laws - they would be jury, judge and hangman all rolled in one. Post Cold War, the West’s attitude to defeated Yugoslavia was similar to the Allies’ attitude to defeated Germany post World War II: the West’s vae victis verdict - the calculated cruelty, ruthless exploitation and shameless self-exaltation it imposed on a defenceless nation - was written with the same words of self-righteousness. If anything, the ICTY’s cloak of pharisaic hypocrisy in pronouncing on the rights and wrongs of Yugoslav history at The Hague was even thicker than the Allies’ International Military Tribunal that had pronounced sentence on German history at Nuremberg. Whereas ‘Nuremberg’ was a clear-cut and unabashed example of the Allies’ victor’s justice, meted out amid the smouldering rubble to which Germany had been reduced by these same Allies’ terror bombing, ‘The Hague’ was a fully-fledged attempt to create ‘international law’ ex nihilo. Following up on tentative attempts at building a theoretically ‘universal’ but practically West Bloc-defined ‘rules-based order’ in the wake of World Wars I and II (respectively, the ‘Commission of Responsibilities’ set up by the 1919 Paris Peace Conference and the International Military Tribunal set up at Nuremberg in 1945), the 1993 ICTY and the copy-cat 1994 International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, were major milestones in the West Bloc’s campaign to permanently enshrine its world-view as absolute ‘international law’. The final stage of this campaign began in 1998, with the formal establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC), also in The Hague. According to its foundational Rome Statute, with came into effect in 2002, the ICC has full transnational authority, overriding national legislation and diplomatic protocol, to prosecute individuals from the statute’s signatory states who have been deemed to have infringed upon certain ill-defined crimes such as ‘crimes as humanity’ and ‘crimes of aggression’. Thus, it serves as a moral as well as legal reference point for the West Bloc-defined ‘rules-based order’: many of those who have dared to defy that order since the ICC was established, including several heads of state such as Muammar Ghadaffy of Libya, Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and Laurent Gbagbo of Ivory Coast, have been recipients of its indictments. As was the case with the early-globalist ICTY and the ICTR, the full-globalist ICC’s focus seems to be on ‘rogue leaders’ in ‘rogue states’ in the hic sunt dragones margins of the ‘civilized world’, outside the ‘golden billion bubble’ of the ‘rules-based order’ and especially on Black African or Orthodox Christian leaders. In this sense, the ICTY’s indictment of General Mladic, in July 1995, seems to have been a mere warm-up exercise for the much larger quarry in the ICC’s sights: more than a quarter century later, in March 2023, the ICC indicted President Putin of Russia. As was the case with the ICTY and ICTR, the legal status of the ICC as an instrument of ‘international law’ may be highly doubtful (major powers such as China and India do not recognize the ICC and both the US and Russia have withdrawn from the Rome Statute), but the overall trajectory is clear: the globalist elite of the West Bloc is creating a legal framework for its ‘New World Order’ project. Within that framework every non-compliant leader is not merely a threat to Western-imposed ‘global security’ but also a threat to the Western-defined ‘rules-based order’. In this sense, the ICTY-imposed punishment of the top figures of Yugoslavia’s recalcitrant political and military leadership, including Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, Krajina Republic President Milan Babic, Republika Srpska President Radovan Karadzic and Republika Srpska Army Commander General Mladic, above all served the purpose of creating a precedent in ‘international law’. Thus, a stark warning was sent to potentially recalcitrant leaders elsewhere: this is what will happen to you if you do not play by our ‘rules’. In this sense, the West Bloc’s ‘rules-based order’ narrative is heavily invested in - even dependent on - upholding the punishments it inflicted upon its defeated enemies through ICTY: these punishments not only serve to remind defeated nations, such as Serbia, of their past defeat and humiliation - they also serve to remind as-yet undefeated enemies, such as Russia, of the future fate that they will suffer if they allow themselves to be defeated and humiliated. Of all ICTY convicts still alive, only General Mladic is still detained in The Hague, the self-proclaimed ‘city of international justice’ - the other detainees have either served their sentences or have been transferred elsewhere. And a statistically remarkable number of them have died. Only one of these deaths may be credibly explained: Croatian General Slobodan Praljak took poison at The Hague ICTY during sentencing, in plain view of his persecutors, preferring Goering-like suicide over un-military dishonour. The ‘causes’ formally given for multiple other ‘deaths in custody’ are not quite as convincing, with the most high-profile controversy surrounding that of the tribunal’s main defendant, Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. Whatever the exact circumstances of these other, highly suspicious cases, it is clear that imprisonment in The Hague facilities of ‘international justice’, or what MSM whorenalists often called the ‘Hague Hilton’, is not particularly healthy or conducive to a long life expectancy. At the moment of writing, of all ICTY only General Mladic still survives there. With the former ICTY defunct, with his former fellow inmates either dead, released or transferred, with the new ICC in place and with multiple globalist wars of aggression - from Iraq to Ukraine - pushing the Yugoslav wars into the forgotten past, the General’s presence in The Hague is becoming more and more of an anachronism: a left-over fixture from the past - a trophy kept to adorn the globalist ‘city of international justice’. The General’s detention in The Hague, more specifically in the sea-side suburb of Scheveningen, is becoming something of a time-warp aberration - not unlike the continued detention of Rudolf Hess in what became the single-detainee prison of the river-side Berlin suburb of Spandau Prison. In the same way as Hess’ Spandau imprisonment then, the General’s Scheveningen imprisonment now combines long-term victor’s justice ‘functionalities’: a reminder of who is in charge by insistence on continued imprisonment, an embarrassment to the nation that is made to host the prison - and an ‘example made’ in the simple human suffering of the prisoner. Because it should not be forgotten that every true warrior - and, if anything, the General was that - prefers to die with honour, either on the field of battle or by a firing squad, than to be kept in a cage with his honour smeared. But, of course, that is exactly what is here intended: to deny the courtesy, respect and honour due a now vanquished but once formidable enemy. In the summer of 2023, to learn from somebody who embodies history and to have a friendly talk about matters of mutual interest, the author, supported by his Eurasianist Yugoslav friends, applied for permission to visit the General in detention - this application was first delayed and then refused on some bureaucratic pretext. The author may re-apply and the ‘powers that be’ may reconsider but these powers may be subject to ‘higher considerations’ outside of any sane reasoning. After all, the General belongs to a special prisoner category to be kept under special restrictions. But even if the United Nations Detention Unit (UNDU) that keeps the General in custody, falls under special ‘international’ jurisdiction (visitors need a passport to enter it) it is still located within an old but partially renovated Dutch prison (Penitentiaire Inrichting Haaglanden) in the sea-side Scheveningen suburb of The Hague. The General’s detention is, therefore, something of a legal anomaly: the sentence of actual all-life imprisonment, as currently served by the General, would be illegal and impossible under Dutch law. To illustrate the point: the man responsible for and convicted of the 2002 murder of Pim Fortuyn, the Netherlands’ most high-profile and most impactful political murder since the country’s founding, went free after serving twelve years. Whereas the Netherlands’ eagerness to host prestigious ‘international justice’ institutions such as the ICTY and the ICC may be explained by the wish to cling to the Netherland’s old - and by now fictitious - reputation as a neutral arbiter as well as the wish to cash in on the spin-off business that comes with hosting deep-pocketed foreign diplomates and dignitaries, but the Netherlands’ willingness to tolerate the UNDU facility and the General’s interminable imprisonment within it, in stark contradiction to the Dutch tradition of temperance and humanity, is truly intolerable. Speaking as a Dutch citizen, the writer here wishes to suggest to those of his nation who still possess some sense of proportion and realism about the great affairs of international relations and basic geopolitics. If any degree of sanity can be restored to Dutch politics - which would have to start with denouncing and rejecting any further dealing with all the myriad globalist ‘letter institutions’ that thwart Dutch sovereignty and suffocate Dutch values, from NATO and EU to ICC and UNDU - then a good start may be made by our country’s unilateral decision to release the General and return him to his family, to spend his remaining years on the soil of his fatherland. This would go a long way to restore the friendship between his nation and our nation and it would send an unequivocal signal to all that our country will no longer permit its good name to be lent to the utter travesty and ugly perversion of ‘international justice’ that our transnationalist overlords are projecting from their present The Hague headquarters. Let us not forget that once before, not too long ago, the very prison where General Mladic is currently held was used by those who sought to make our country part of another transnational utopia. Between 1940 and 1945, this prison was the place where the German occupiers used to imprison Dutch freedom fighters, political dissidents and minority undesirables; it was then known as the Oranje Hotel, Oranje - English ‘Orange’ - being the dynastic name of the Dutch royal family and a symbol of national resistance in the face of foreign occupation. From there, and from the window of General Mladic’s cell, it is but a short walk through the dunes and trees to the Waalsdorpervlakte, the quiet dune valley where the German occupiers shot many Dutch patriots and where the Netherlands’ second most important war memorial service is held, every year on 4 May. The German occupation may be a long time ago, but, in a cruel twist of fate, the Waalsdorpervlakte memorial is now only a stone’s throw away from one of the key power centres of the Netherlands’ new foreign occupation: since 2015, the new, purpose-built ICC ‘justice palace’ and its high corridors of globalist power are located right next to it. The German occupation of the Netherlands lasted five long years - nobody knows how long the globalist occupation of the Netherlands will last. But we may hope that both prisoners, the Dutch nation as well as the General, will outlast it because The strongest of all warriors are these two: Time and patience - Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace Notes [i] Cf. Alexander Wolfheze, ‘Downfall of the West’, Geopolitica 29 October 2020 and Alexander Wolfheze, ‘The White Whale’, 4 November 2022. [ii] The Communist Party bureaucracy, most notably its military and intelligence sector, was… specifically… offered political and economic backing on the condition that wholesale scuttling of social protection for Yugoslavia’s workforce was imposed. (Ralph Schumann, ‘Divide and Rule Schemes in the Balkans’, The Organizer, 11 September 1995, apud Chossudovsky, The US-NATO War, 30) [iii] For an up-to-date assessment of Atlanticist multi-dimensional warfare strategy, cf. Leonid Savin, Ordo Pluriversalis. The End of Pax America and the Rise of Multipolarity (Black House: London, 2020). For an in-depth review of Savin’s book, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, ‘Anima Mundi’, 1 April 2022. [iv] Note that, at the time of the General’s birth, his native town was formally located on the territory of the Axis-supported ‘Independent State of Croatia’, which had been carved out of the territory of the Axis-occupied first Yugoslav state. Thus, ironically, Bozhanovitj was located in Axis puppet-state territory at the time of his birth, as it is located in Atlanticist puppet-state territory now. From this perspective, the General’s 1992-95 Bosnian War campaign was something rather different than the simple black-and-white, good-Bosniak-against-evil-Serb ‘civil war’ portrayed by the Western MSM: it was an attempt, heroic in some ways, to prevent the foreign (Atlanticist, globalist) re-occupation of territory that had been liberated from foreign (Axis, Nazi) occupation at the cost of the blood, sweat and tears of countless Yugoslavs half a century earlier. [v] Note that the ICTY’s (and the ICTR’s) residual legal tasks were subsequently relegated to the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), set up in 2010 under the terms of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1966. Detainees convicted by the ICTY and now under IRMCT jurisdiction, such as General Mladitj, are physically held in the United Nations Detention Unit (UNDU) located in Scheveningen prison, The Hague - the UNDU now also holds ICC detainees. The Great Chessboard: China’s Economic Rise and the Collapse of America. Mike Whitney
The One Chart That Explains Everything Look carefully at the chart below. What do you see? You see the development of a high-speed rail system that is unrivaled anywhere on earth. You see the actualization of plan to connect all parts of the country with modern-day infrastructure that reduces shipping costs, improves mobility and increases profitability. You see a vision of the 21st century in which state-directed capital links rural populations with urban centers lifting standards of living across the board. You see an expression of a new economic model that has lifted 800 million people out of poverty while paving the way for global economic integration. You see an industrial juggernaut expanding in all directions while laying the groundwork for a new century of economic integration, accelerated development and shared prosperity. Is there a high-speed rail system in the United States that is comparable to what we see in China today? No, there isn’t. So far, less than 50 miles of high-speed rail has been built in the United States. (“Amtrak’s Acela, which reaches 150 mph over 49.9 miles of track, is the US’s only high-speed rail service.”) As everyone knows, America’s transportation grid is obsolete and in a shambles. But, why? Why is the United States so far behind China in the development of critical infrastructure? It’s because China’s state-led model is vastly superior to America’s “carpetbagger” model. In China, the government is directly involved in the operation of the economy, which means that it subsidizes those industries that enhance growth and spur development. In contrast, American capitalism is a savage free-for-all in which private owners are able to divert great sums of money into unproductive stock buybacks and other scams that do nothing to create jobs or strengthen the economy. Since 2009 US corporations have spent more than $7 trillion on stock buybacks which is an activity that boosts payouts to rich shareholders but fails to produce anything of material value. Had that capital been invested in critical infrastructure, every city in America would be linked to a gigantic webbing of high-speed rail extending from “sea to shining sea”. But that hasn’t happened, because the western model incentivizes the extraction of capital for personal enrichment rather than the development of projects that serve the common good. In China, we see how fast transformative changes can take place when a nation’s wealth is used to eradicate poverty, raise standards of living, construct state-of-the-art infrastructure, and lay the groundwork for a new century. Here’s more from a report by the Congressional Research Service on “China’s Economic Rise…” Since opening up to foreign trade and investment and implementing free-market reforms in 1979, China has been among the world’s fastest-growing economies, with real annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth averaging 9.5% through 2018, a pace described by the World Bank as “the fastest sustained expansion by a major economy in history.” Such growth has enabled China, on average, to double its GDP every eight years and helped raise an estimated 800 million people out of poverty. China has become the world’s largest economy (on a purchasing power parity basis), manufacturer, merchandise trader, and holder of foreign exchange reserves…. China is the largest U.S. merchandise trading partner, biggest source of imports, and the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury securities, which help fund the federal debt and keep U.S. interest rates low. China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States, Congressional Research Service Here’s more from an article at the Center for Strategic and International Studies titled Confronting the Challenge of Chinese State Capitalism: China now has more companies on the Fortune Global 500 list than does the United States… with nearly 75 percent of these being state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Three of the world’s five largest companies are Chinese (Sinopec Group, State Grid, and China National Petroleum). China’s largest SOEs hold dominant market positions in many of the most critical and strategic industries, from energy to shipping to rare earths. According to Freeman Chair calculations, the combined assets for China’s 96 largest SOEs total more than $63 trillion, an amount equivalent to nearly 80 percent of global GDP. Confronting the Challenge of Chinese State Capitalism, Center for Strategic and International Studies And here’s one more from a report by the IMF titled “Asia Poised to Drive Global Economic Growth, Boosted by China’s Reopening”: China and India together are forecast to generate about half of global growth this year. Asia and the Pacific is a relative bright spot amid the more somber context of the global economy’s rocky recovery. As the Chart of the Week shows, the region will contribute about 70 percent of global growth this year—a much greater share than in recent years.” Asia Poised to Drive Global Economic Growth, Boosted by China’s Reopening, IMF In short, the Chinese state-led model is rapidly overtaking the US in virtually every area of industry and commerce, and its success is largely attributable to the fact that the government is free to align its reinvestment strategy with its vision of the future. That allows the state to ignore the short-term profitability of its various projects provided they lay the groundwork for a stronger and more expansive economy in the years ahead. Chinese reformer Chen Yun called this phenom the “birdcage economy”, which means the economy can “fly freely” within the confines of the broader political system. In other words, the Chinese leadership sees the economy as an instrument for achieving their collective vision for the future. China’s success is only partially due to its control over essential industries, like banking and petroleum. Keep in mind, “the share of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the total number of companies in the country has dropped to just 5%, though their share of total output remains at 26%.” And even though the state sector has shrunk dramatically in the last two decades, Chinese President Xi Jinping has implemented a three-year action plan aimed at increasing competitiveness of the SOE’s by transforming them into “market entities” run by “mixed-ownership.” Simply put, China remains committed to the path of liberalization despite sharp criticism in the West. It’s also worth noting that the so-called Chinese Miracle never would have taken place had China implemented the programs that were recommended by the so-called “western experts”. Had China imposed the radical reforms (like “shock therapy”) that Russia did following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, then they would have experienced the same disastrous outcome. Fortunately, Chinese policymakers ignored the advice of the western economists and developed their own gradual reform agenda that produced success beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. The story is summarized in a video on You Tube titled “How China (Actually) Got Rich”. I have transcribed part of the text below. Any mistakes are mine: The single most stunning economic story of the last few decades has been the rise of China. From 1980 to 2020, China’s economy grew more than 75-fold…. It was the largest and most rapid improvement in material conditions in modern history…. China had been one of the poorest countries on earth but now it is an economic powerhouse… Economists predict it will overtake the US as the largest economy in the world by the end of the decade. People call it The Chinese Miracle. Some people describe this miracle as a straightforward story of the “free market”. They say “it’s a simple story. China was poor (but) then the economy was freed from the grip of the state. Now China is rich.” But this is misleading. China’s rise was NOT a triumph of the free market. ... Since the 1980s, free market policies have swept the globe. Many countries have undergone far-ranging transformations. Liberalizing prices, privatizing entire industries, and opening up to free trade. But many of the economies that were subjected to the market overnight have since stagnated or decayed. None of them have had a growth record like the one seen in China. African countries experienced brutal economic shrinkage. Latin American countries experienced 25 years of stagnation. If we compare China to Russia, the other giant of Communism in the 20th Century, the contrast is even more staggering. Under state socialism, Russia was an industrial superpower while China was still largely an agricultural economy. Yet during the same period that Chinese reforms led to incredible economic growth, Russia’s reform led to a brutal collapse. Both China and Russia had been economies that were largely ordered through state commands. ….Russia followed the recommendations of the most “scientific economics” at the time, a policy of so-called “shock therapy” As a basic principle, the idea was that the old planned economy had to be destroyed, to make space for the market to emerge…. Russia was expected to emerge as a full-fledged economy overnight. …When Boris Yeltsin took power he eliminated all price controls, privatized state-owned companies and assets, and immediately opened up Russia to global trade. The result was a catastrophe. The Russian economy was already in disarray, but shock therapy was a fatal blow. (Western economists) predicted some short-term pain, but what they didn’t see coming was how severe and destructive the effects would be. Consumer prices spiraled out of control, Hyperinflation took hold, GDP fell by 40%. The shock therapy slump in Russia was deeper and longer than the Great Depression by a large margin. It was a disaster for ordinary Russians…. Alcoholism, childhood malnutrition and crime went through the roof. Life expectancy for Russian men fell by 7 years, more than any industrial country has ever experienced in peacetime. Russia did not get a free market overnight. Instead, it went from a stagnating economy to a hollowed-out wreck run by oligarchs. If just getting rid of price-controls and government employment didn’t create prosperity but did destroy the economy and kill huge numbers of people, then clearly, the rapid transition to “free markets” was not the solution. … Throughout the 1980s, China considered implementing the same type of sudden reforms that Russia pursued. The idea of starting from a clean slate was attractive, and shock therapy was widely promoted by (respected) economists… But in the end, China decided to not implement shock therapy. …Instead of knocking over the entire (economy) at once, China reformed itself in a gradual and experimental way. Market activities were tolerated or actively-promoted in non-essential parts of the economy. China implemented a policy of dual track pricing…. China was learning from.. the world’s most developed nations, countries like the US, UK, Japan and South Korea. Each of these managed and planned the development of their own economies. and markets, protecting early-stage industries and controlling investment. Western free market economists thought this system would be a disaster …. But China’s leaders did not listen, and while Russia collapsed after following the “shock therapy” program, China saw remarkable success. The state kept control over the backbone of the industrial economy, as well as the ownership over the land,. As China grew into the new dynamics of its economy, state institutions were not degraded to fossils from the past, but were often the drivers at the frontier of new industries, protecting and guaranteeing their own growth. China today is not a free market economy in any sense of the word. It is a state-led market economy. The government effectively owns all land, and China leverages state ownership through market competition to steer the economy. The shock therapy approach advocated around the world was a failure. While Russia collapsed after its sudden transition, China’s gradual reforms allowed it to survive. And that made all the difference.” How China (Actually) Got Rich”, You Tube. The fact that China’s SOEs are shielded from foreign competition and receive government subsidies, has angered foreign corporations who think China has an unfair advantage and is not playing by the rules. That is certainly fair criticism, but it’s also true that Washington’s unilateral sanctions—which have now been imposed on roughly one-third of all the countries in the world—are also a clear violation of WTO rules. In any event, China’s approach to the market under Xi has been ambivalent at best. And while “the state sector’s share of industrial output dropped from 81% in 1980 to 15% in 2005”, (in the spirit of reform) Xi has also ensured that the CCP has greater influence in corporate management and corporate decision-making. Naturally, none of this has gone-over well with US and EU businesses titans who firmly believe that corporate stakeholders should rule the roost. (as they do in the West.) The larger issue, however, is not that China subsidizes its SOEs or even that China is set to become the biggest economy in the world within the next decade. That’s not the problem. The real problem is that China has not assimilated into the Washington-led “rules-based order” as was originally anticipated. The fact is, Chinese leaders are strongly patriotic and have no intention of becoming a vassal-state in Uncle Sam’s global empire. This is an important point that political analyst Alfred McCoy sheds light on in an article at Counterpunch: China’s increasing control over Eurasia clearly represents a fundamental change in that continent’s geopolitics. Convinced that Beijing would play the global game by U.S. rules, Washington’s foreign policy establishment made a major strategic miscalculation in 2001 by admitting it to the World Trade Organization (WTO). “Across the ideological spectrum, we in the U.S. foreign policy community,” confessed two former members of the Obama administration, “shared the underlying belief that U.S. power and hegemony could readily mold China to the United States’ liking… All sides of the policy debate erred.” In little more than a decade after it joined the WTO, Beijing’s annual exports to the U.S. grew nearly five-fold and its foreign currency reserves soared from just $200 billion to an unprecedented $4 trillion by 2013. The Rise of China and the Fall of the US, Counterpunch Clearly, US foreign policy mandarins made a catastrophic error-in-judgement regarding China, but now there’s no way to undo the damage. China will not only emerge as the world’s largest economy, it will also control its own destiny unlike western nations that have been subsumed into the oligarch-led system (WEF) that decides everything from climate policy to mandatory vaccination, and from transgender bathrooms to war in Ukraine. These policies are all set by oligarchs who control the politicians, the media, and the sprawling deep state. Again, the issue with China is not size or money; it’s about control. China presently controls its own future independent of the “rules-based order” which makes it a threat to that same system. If we look again at the first chart (above), we can understand why Washington rushed into its proxy-war with Russia. After all, if China was able to spread its high-speed rail network across all of China in just 12 years, what will the next 12 years bring? That’s what worries Washington. China’s emergence as regional hegemon on the Asian continent is a near-certainty at this point. Who can stop it? Not Washington. The US and NATO are presently bogged down in Ukraine even though Ukraine was supposed to be a launching pad for spreading US military bases across Central Asia and (eventually) encircling, isolating and containing China. That was the plan, but the plan looks less likely every day. And remember the importance that national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski placed on Eurasia in his classic The Grand Chessboard nearly 3 decades ago. He said: “Eurasia is the globe’s largest continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world’s three most advanced and economically productive regions. ….About 75 per cent of the world’s people live in Eurasia, and most of the world’s physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for 60 per cent of the world’s GNP and about three-fourths of the world’s known energy resources.” (The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives, Zbigniew Brzezinski, p.31) The consensus opinion among foreign policy mucky-mucks is that the United States must become the dominant player in Central Asia if it hopes to maintain its current lofty position in the global order. Former Undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz went so far as to say that Washington’s “top priority” must be “to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union.” Wolfowitz’s sentiments are still reiterated in all of recent US national security documents including the National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy. The pundits all agree on one thing and one thing alone; that the US must prevail in its plan to control Central Asia. But how likely is that now? How likely is it that Russia will be forced out of Ukraine and prevented from opposing the US in Eurasia? How likely is it that China’s Belt and Road Initiative will not expand across Asia and into Europe, the Middle East, Africa and even Latin America? Check out this brief excerpt on China’s Belt and Road plan: China is building the world’s greatest economic development and construction project ever undertaken: The New Silk Road. The project aims at no less than a revolutionary change in the economic map of the world…The ambitious vision is to resurrect the ancient Silk Road as a modern transit, trade, and economic corridor that runs from Shanghai to Berlin. The ‘Road’ will traverse China, Mongolia, Russia, Belarus, Poland, and Germany, extending more than 8,000 miles, creating an economic zone that extends over one third the circumference of the earth. The plan envisions building high-speed railroads, roads and highways, energy transmission and distributions networks, and fiber optic networks. Cities and ports along the route will be targeted for economic development. An equally essential part of the plan is a sea-based “Maritime Silk Road” (MSR) component, as ambitious as its land-based project, linking China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea through Central Asia and the Indian Ocean. When completed, like the ancient Silk Road, it will connect three continents: Asia, Europe, and Africa. (and, now, Latin America) The chain of infrastructure projects will create the world’s largest economic corridor, covering a population of 4.4 billion and an economic output of $21 trillion… For the world at large, its decisions about the Road are nothing less than momentous. The massive project holds the potential for a new renaissance in commerce, industry, discovery, thought, invention, and culture that could well rival the original Silk Road. It is also becoming clearer by the day that geopolitical conflicts over the project could lead to a new cold war between East and West for dominance in Eurasia. The outcome is far from certain. (“New Silk Road Could Change Global Economics Forever”, Robert Berke, Oil Price) Xi Jinping’s “signature infrastructure project” is reshaping trade relations across Central Asia and around the world. The BRI will eventually include more than 150 countries and a myriad of international organizations. It is, without question, the largest infrastructure and investment project in history which will include 65% of the world’s population and 40% of global GDP. The improvements to road, rail and sea routes will vastly increase connectivity, lower shipping costs, boost productivity, and enhance widespread prosperity. The Belt and Road is China’s attempt to replace the crumbling post-WW2 “rules-based” order with a system that respects the sovereignty of nations, rejects unilateralism, and relies on market-based principles to affect a more equitable distribution of wealth. The BRI is China’s blueprint for a New World Order. It is the face of 21st century capitalism and it is bound to shift the locus of global power eastward to Beijing which is set to become the de facto center of world. * Note to readers: Please click the share buttons above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. This article was originally published on The Unz Review. Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).
Kosovo and Metohija, situation and prospects
Q.- The situation in Kosovo Metohija is considered perhaps the most difficult since the NATO aggression of 1999. What is your opinion/assessment of what concrete and realistic steps could be taken to find a "right" way out? R. It is a month now since the situation in Kosovo and Metohija escalated. It was triggered by forcible seizure of municipal mayor offices in four Serbian-majority Municipalities by new mayors, of Albanian descent, recently elected at the local municipal elections. Elections were held in the wake of the general walkout of Serbs from the institutions, including municipal ones, under the Albanian-run institutions in Pristina claiming to be of so-called Kosovo. This was a collective political gesture of the Serbian people, because Pristina denied them living normal lives. Secondly, those elections were participated by about less than 5 percent of the electorate, almost exclusively ethnic Albanians. Serbs boycotted these elections, protesting, among many other issues, the militarization of the area, confiscation of their private and municipal land for erection of special Albanian forces’ bases, legal and physical insecurity, daily attacks and arbitrary imprisonment of Serbs, noncompliance with 2013 and 2015 Brussels Agreements on establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities. Hence, newly elected Albanian mayors were effectively imposed on Serbs who exclusively or predominantly populate those municipalities. To avoid the worse, the causes must be removed. Concretely, it is necessary to free all unjustly imprisoned Serbs, to withdraw special forces and close their bases in the northern Serb populated districts, to withdraw illegitimate Albanian mayors and to establish Community of Serbian Municipalities as agreed and signed in Brusseles in 201. The key cause of the prolonged crisis, however, is that Albanian leaders in Pristina have no interest in anything else but recognition of so called “Kosovo Republic” by Serbia. While the Province is still under UN mandate, Albanian leadership supported by their Western promoters, simply ignores UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) and any previously signed agreements, keeps continuously provoking Serbs, violating their basic human rights such as personal security, freedom of movement, private property. About 130,000 Serbs in the Province are treated as hostages in ghettos, whereas additional 250,000 expelled from the Province more than 20 years ago, still are not permitted to return to their homes and properties. Unfortunately, western countries, primarily the USA, the UK and Germany, keep ignoring such disturbing reality. Apparently, they are not ready to undertake concrete steps to make Albanian leadership comply with UN SC resolution 1244, Brussels Agreements and basic human rights vis-à-vis Serbs. Their double standards policy appears now as punishing Serbia and Serbs by proxy, for not recognizing unilateral illegal secession of Kosovo and Metohija, for remaining military neutral, and for not adopting sanctions against Russia. Q. - In many parts both in KosMet and outside, there is talk of a possible war. What is his point of view. R. All that I can say now is that Serbia and Serbs are definitely for committed to peace, a peaceful solution based on the universal principles of International Law and UN SC resolution 1244. Nobody should expect that Serbia will recognize robbery of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is extremely dangerous that those same parties who conducted aggression in 1999 and imposed recognition of criminal secession in 2008, are trying now to compel Serbia to legalize all that, thus retroactively converting their actions into being purportedly moral, peace oriented, and free of expansionism and hegemony. Therefore, provocations of Pristina, whoever may be behind them, must stop, human rights of Serbs must be respected, the signed Brussels Agreements implemented in their original wording, and the dialogue on normalization resumed. Q - Demonstrations by some political forces against the government continue in Serbia. Are they attempts at a "color revolution"? R. Weekly demonstrations started some days after the tragic events of last May in one Belgrade school and in the town of Mladenovac, under moto “Stop violence”. After Belgrade, now about 10 other cities hold simultaneous peaceful demonstrations demanding resignations of the Minister of Interior and the Director of Security Agency (BIA), replacement of members of Board of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media, replacement of management of the public TV RTS and alike. No doubt that the opposition political forces behind the demonstrations aim at changing the entire government. They insist on installing interim government, first, and holding elections later. The Government seems to be ready to hold early elections but refuses idea about interim government. All this coincides with the growing pressures by leading western powers on Serbian leadership to recognize unilateral illegal secession of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija, to abandon the policy of military neutrality and to introduce sanctions to Russia. While antigovernment demonstrations going on, Ambassadors of certain western powers in Belgrade keep making public statements that Serbs know that Serbia completely belongs to the West. It is baffling that nobody from the actual government came up to remind them that 85% of Serbia’s population is against NATO, that approximately the same percentage is even against EU membership if conditioned by the recognition of secession of Kosovo and Metohija. Or, to ask such ambassadors if they really believe that Serbs forgot who had enforced most severe sanctions ever on them in the 1990s, who had launched criminal aggression in 1999 that took some 4,000 lives, wounded about 10,000 people, threw 15 tons of depleted uranium, and so on? Q - I receive from the Province of Kosovo and Metohija, on the daily basis, many criticisms, doubts, perplexities and even attacks concerning the work of the Serbian President A. Vucic. What do you think? R. I agree that there are reasons to criticize policy of the present government. For example, I think there is the need for Serbia’s leadership to be explicit in demanding full implementation and respect of UN SC resolution 1244 binding every UN member, including EU and NATO members, to respect territorial integrity of Serbia. The government should be much more proactive in international fora with a view to guaranty real genuine security and freedom for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. In parallel, there is the need for persistent initiative to guaranty the right to free and safe return of about 250,000 Serbs and other non-Albanians to their homes and their lands in the Province. Who needs now military exercises of Serbia with NATO, in spite of official moratorium? We should be mindful and learn lessons from historic experiences. While traying to solve real socioeconomic problems, to improve living standards and democratize governance, we must not repeat mistakes by overlooking dubious positions of some opposition forces about the future status of Kosovo and Metohija, membership to NATO, or sanctions against Russia. I believe that Serbia should continue to balance her political, economic and cultural relations with all countries and integrations which accept her as an equal partner, persistently defending own legitimate interest based on universal principles and international law, and stay neutral. Thak You. Enrico Vigna, Unruhen im Kosovo – eine weitere Front im Dritten Weltkrieg? | Von Hermann Ploppa
Ein Kommentar von Hermann Ploppa. Es wird überall eifrig gezündelt, um den zerbrechlichen Noch-Frieden in Europa zu zerstören. Georgien, Berg-Karabach und Transnistrien sind neben dem Balkan buchstäblich ganz heiße Kandidaten für neue Brandherde. Da gehen wieder Bilder durch die Medien. Derbe serbische Burschen greifen da im Kosovo Ordnungskräfte der internationalen Organisation KFOR wütend an. Es gibt auf beiden Seiten Verletzte <1>. Zum Glück noch keine Toten. Da fragen wir unbedarfte Fernseh-Konsumenten uns doch ganz unwillkürlich: was gibt es denn da wieder für Kloppereien? Können die sich nicht mal endlich vertragen? Nun ja: die Vorgeschichte dieser Raufereien ist kompliziert und verschachtelt. Das oder der Kosovo ist eine kleine Provinz im Herzen des Balkan. Sie gehörte mal zu der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien. Die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien war dereinst ein Leuchtturm des aufgeklärten Sozialismus. Jugoslawien geriet aber dann in die Verschuldungsfalle westlicher Banken. Um die Schulden abzutragen, mussten erhebliche Einschnitte in der Lebensqualität der Jugoslawen vorgenommen werden. Dann fachten westliche Politiker wie der ehemalige deutsche Außenminister Hans-Dietrich Genscher ethnische Konflikte in der vielgestaltigen Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien an. Es kam zu blutigen Kriegen zwischen Serben, Kroaten, Bosniern und Albanern. Slowenien, Kroatien und Bosnien-Herzegowina traten aus dem Bundesstaat Jugoslawien aus. Dass dieser Zerfall von der westlichen Wertegemeinschaft forciert wurde, leugnet niemand mehr. Mit dem völkerrechtswidrigen Überfall des westlichen Waffenbündnisses NATO auf die Reste der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien im Jahre 1999 wurde das Ende eben dieser Bundesrepublik besiegelt. Es blieb als Rest der Staat Serbien. Soweit, so schlecht. Der Austritt aus einer Bundesrepublik kann im besten Falle ein ganz normaler Vorgang sein. Auch der Bundesstaat Texas könnte rein theoretisch aus den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ganz einfach austreten. Ganz genau so wie der Freistaat Bayern aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland austreten könnte. Vollkommen legal. Allerdings wurde der völkerrechtswidrige Überfall der NATO auf Jugoslawien dadurch gekrönt, dass sich die NATO zusätzlich die Provinz Kosovo ganz kackfrech aus dem Teilstaat Serbien herausgeschnitten hat. Auf dem neuen quasi-staatlichen Gebilde Kosovo wurde die zweitgrößte US-Militärbasis in Europa nach Ramstein, Bondsteel, errichtet. Als Rechtfertigung für diesen zu hundert Prozent illegalen Landraub diente wieder einmal ein ethnischer Hintergrund. Denn in Kosovo leben mehrheitlich muslimische Albaner. Mitte der 1990er Jahre wurde eine Terrormiliz mit Namen UCK von Deutschland aus massiv aufgebaut und aufgebläht. Eine extrem gewalttätige und zudem kriminelle Vereinigung, die den Hass und Terror gegen Serben kultivierte. Die UCK-Kämpfer agierten offen als Kollaborateure der NATO und unterstützten die westlichen Bomber bei der Auswahl ihrer Ziele. Nachdem das Kriegsziel der NATO, nämlich die Zerschlagung der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien und die Installierung einer US-Militärbasis im Herzen des Balkans erreicht waren, wurde die UCK aufgelöst. Mission accomplished. Nun wurden die UCK-Extremisten in die Polizei und Armee des neuen Quasi-Staates Kosovo aufgenommen. Seitdem müssen die im Kosovo verbliebenen Serben verdammt gut aufpassen. Im letzten Spätherbst wurden Bürgermeisterwahlen im Kosovo verordnet. Im Norden des Kosovo gibt es noch Gemeinden mit serbischer Bevölkerungsmehrheit. Die dort lebenden Serben boykottierten diese Kommunalwahlen. Die Wahlbeteiligung lag in diesen Regionen folglich bei unerheblich über drei Prozent. Die an der Wahl teilnehmenden albanischen Kandidaten wurden von ihren Landsleuten gewählt, sodass nun Bürgermeister mit der lächerlichen „Legitimation“, von drei Prozent der Wahlberechtigten ins Amt gehoben worden zu sein, die Rathäuser besetzen wollen. Dies war nun gerade der Fall. Die Serben in der Region sind nicht bereit, diese absurde Situation zu akzeptieren. Das sehen auch die meisten Nachbarländer des Kosovo ganz genau so. Nicht nur Serbien lehnt eine völkerrechtliche Anerkennung des Kunstgebildes Kosovo ab. Auch Rumänien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Slowakei, aber auch globale Schwergewichte wie die Volksrepublik China und Russland wollen mit dem Konstrukt Kosovo nichts zu tun haben. Das veranlasste vor einigen Monaten Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz und den französischen Staatspräsidenten Emmanuel Macron, Serbien zu erpressen. Der Macron-Scholz-Plan gewährt Serbien nur den Eintritt in die Europäische Union, wenn Serbien die gleichzeitige Anerkennung und Integration des Kosovo in die Netzwerke des Europa-Rats, von Interpol, UNESCO, Europäische Union, UNO und schließlich NATO akzeptiert. Mit anderen Worten: Serbien soll den Diebstahl seiner Provinz Kosovo durch die westliche Wertegemeinschaft nicht nur akzeptieren, sondern sogar aktiv unterstützen. Unklar ist allerdings in diesem Zusammenhang umso mehr, wer eigentlich jetzt ein Interesse an Unruhen im Kosovo hat und wer die Unruhen anheizt. Immerhin haben die Unruhen als Ergebnis, dass die westliche Wertegemeinschaft weitere 700 Soldaten ihrer KFOR-Einheiten in den Kosovo entsendet. Damit wird immer noch mal deutlicher, wer im Kosovo eigentlich das Sagen hat. Das wird schon lange unterstrichen durch eine Aufpasser-Organisation der Europäischen Union. Die Rede ist von der Rechtsstaatlichkeitskommission der Europäischen Union, der so genannten EULEX. Über zweitausend Polizisten, Gefängnisaufseher und Zollbeamte aus anderen EU-Staaten führen hier ein Eigenleben. Die kosovarischen Behörden haben kein Einspruchsrecht in das Wirken und Weben der EULEX. Wie lebt es sich so im Kunstprodukt Kosovo? Das habe ich bereits im Jahre 2019 in meinem Buch „Der Griff nach Eurasien“ beschrieben. Zum Abschluss noch ein paar Auszüge aus meinem Buch, zur weiteren Illustration des völkerrechtlichen Skandals, der den Namen „Kosovo“ trägt: „Nun muss Serbien auch noch ein Stück des eigenen Territoriums an die NATO abtreten, nämlich das Kosovo-Gebiet, wo sich mittlerweile kriminelle Banden und Faschisten eingenistet hatten. Rechtlich blieb Kosovo bei Serbien, jedoch wurde es sozusagen für nicht absehbare Zeit an die Westmächte kostenlos überlassen. Das Kosovo war jetzt zu annähernd hundert Prozent mit Albanern bewohnt. Die letzten verbliebenen Serben sowie Sinti und Roma wurden unter den Augen der eingerückten mittlerweile 50.000 NATO-Soldaten der KFOR-Mission bestialisch gelyncht. Im neu eroberten Kosovo installierten die US-Streitkräfte dauerhaft ihre Militärbasis Camp Bondsteel. Nun hatten die USA neben ihrer Militärbasis Ramstein in Deutschland eine zweite starke Basis in einem exterritorialen Raum. Sozusagen ein Stück USA in Südosteuropa, ein „Brückenkopf“ (in den Worten Brzezinskis <2>) für die Inbesitznahme Eurasiens. Wir sprachen ja davon, dass das Organisierte Verbrechen seit der Einführung der Clearing-Systeme zu einem gleichberechtigten Spieler am runden Tisch der Weltbeherrschung aufgestiegen ist. Auch diese ehrenwerte Branche bekommt das Kosovo als Basis für ihre rege und munter expandierenden Geschäftstätigkeiten zugesprochen. Im Schutz des Militärs und der Exterritorialität entwickelt sich das Kosovo zur Drehscheibe des Drogen-, Organ- und Menschenhandels für das restliche Europa: „Anscheinend war das schnelle Anwachsen der UCK auf eine ‚30.000 Mann starke Streitkraft mit Granatwerfern, Panzerabwehrwaffen und AK47-Kalaschnikows‘ im Jahre 1999 eng mit der wachsenden Beteiligung von Kosovaren am Heroinhandel in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und Skandinavien verknüpft.“ <3> 40 Prozent des heute in Europa konsumierten Heroins ist aus Afghanistan über Kosovo an die Endverbraucher gelangt. Außerdem gilt das Kosovo als Umschlagplatz von Kokain aus Lateinamerika, von hier aus unbehelligt von irgendeiner staatlichen Kontrolle portioniert und verschickt an die Endkunden in Europa. Es ist überhaupt kein Geheimnis, dass vom kleinen Drogenkurier bis zum Präsidenten dieser seltsamen Enklave im Herzen Europas alle von kriminellen Geschäften unterschiedlichster Art profitieren. Und wollen tatsächlich einmal europäische Fahndungsbeamte dieser Connection auf den Grund gehen, sind garantiert Herrschaften aus den USA zur Stelle, die die Fahnder ausbremsen <4>. Das ist schon erstaunlich. Denn das Kosovo untersteht seit 1999 der Verwaltungshoheit der Vereinten Nationen <5>. Zudem wird seit 2008 die politische Entwicklung in der Enklave durch einen bürokratischen Wasserkopf namens EULEX überwacht. Und die kosovarischen Finanztransaktionen unterstehen seit 1999 der strengen Kontrolle durch den Internationalen Währungsfond und – der deutschen Commerzbank! Seit nunmehr zwanzig Jahren sind sämtliche ehrenwerten Weltorganisationen im Kosovo mit starkem Personal präsent. Und trotzdem, oder vielleicht gerade deswegen, floriert gerade hier das Organisierte Verbrechen so stark wie nirgendwo anders in Europa. Was sind daraus für Schlüsse zu ziehen? Und obwohl im Kosovo eine beachtliche Anzahl von extrem teuren Nobelkarossen zu bestaunen ist, leben die normalen Menschen, die gerne einer ehrlichen Arbeit nachgehen würden, in einer Armut, die mit Bangladesh konkurrieren kann. Die Arbeitslosigkeit oszilliert um die 50 Prozent-Marke. Jugendarbeitslosigkeit erreicht in schlechten Zeiten eine Marke von 70 Prozent. Und 34 Prozent aller Menschen in diesem Drogenparadies vegetieren unterhalb der Armutsgrenze vor sich hin. Wer kann, wandert aus nach Deutschland oder in andere Regionen dieser Welt. Nicht nur das Kosovo – der gesamte Balkan blutet aus. Junge Frauen aus dem Südosten Europas werden mit interessanten Jobangeboten nach Deutschland gelockt, um sodann in die Zwangsprostitution verkauft zu werden. Sklaverei in unserer Mitte ist an der Tagesordnung. Die Männer müssen ihr Leben vergeuden als LKW-Fahrer in Mitteleuropa, einsam und trostlos gepfercht in die Fahrerkabinen ihrer Gigaliner, von A nach B fahrend, ohne Sozialkontakte. In deutschen Trucker-Bordellen treffen sie dann womöglich Frauen aus ihrer Heimat wieder. Während gleichzeitig zuhause auf dem Balkan junge Männer und Frauen dringend benötigt werden, um die Trümmerlandschaften wieder aufzubauen.“ Verstehen Sie nun, warum es jetzt auch im Kosovo so ungemütlich brodelt? Source: How To End the War in Ukraine?
by Jean Bricmont Posted on July 12, 2022 Given the devastating effects of this war, first in Ukraine but also, through sanctions, on the world economy and the risks of famine that they entail, it seems obvious that the first task of any diplomat and political leader should be to end this war. The problem is that there are at least two ways of considering how this will end and they are irreconcilable. The first, which until recently was the view of the U.S. government, which is the view of the Ukrainian government, European Greens, and the majority of our media, is that the Russian invasion is illegitimate, unprovoked, and must simply be repelled: Ukraine must regain all of its territory, including Crimea (which has been attached to Russia since 2014). The other, supported by individuals as different as Chomsky, the Pope, Lula in Brazil, and Kissinger, is that a negotiated solution is inevitable, which in practice means Ukraine giving up territories such as Crimea and Donbass and presumably other regions, as well as agreeing to the neutrality of that country. The supporters of the first solution shower those of the second with insults: Putin-lovers, pro-Russians, supporters of appeasement in the face of Russian fascism etc. But we can ask at least two questions about this first solution: is it fair? And is it realistic? The fundamental problem with the fairness of this solution is that it assumes that there is one Ukraine and one Ukrainian people under attack by Russia. But Ukraine, which became independent in 1991 with the dissolution of the USSR, was not a former nation annexed by Russia in the past. Certainly, there was a historical Ukraine that had been absorbed into the Russian empire, but what became independent in 1991 was the former Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, created in 1922 following the October revolution and which incorporated Russian-speaking populations in the east of the present Ukraine, and to whose opinion was never asked by anybody. It included also territories in the west added to Ukraine in 1939-1945 as well as the Crimea added in 1954. The disintegration of multi-national states such as the USSR or Yugoslavia or even the former colonial empires opposes the idea of state sovereignty, including the “territorial integrity” of the state, against the idea of the right to self-determination of peoples. At the time of the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the territorial integrity of this state was considered illegitimate in the West in the face of the desire for independence of the Croatian and Slovenian peoples; but the borders of the Croatian republic then became sacrosanct in the name of the right to self-determination of peoples, while a good number of Serbs lived within these borders. They did not accept their new situation and were eventually expelled from Croatia by force. A similar situation occurred in 1999 with Kosovo, which was part of Serbia but whose majority of the population, Albanians, wanted to break away. There, NATO took it upon itself to bomb Serbia for 78 days in order to obtain the de facto independence of Kosovo, with the expulsion of many of the non-Albanian speaking minorities living there. If the right to self-determination of peoples is sacrosanct in the face of the territorial integrity of states in which they are minorities, then why does the territorial integrity of republics, which were in part administrative entities in dissolving multinational states, suddenly become sacrosanct in the face of the aspirations of minorities living in those republics? The precedent of the Kosovo war is often recalled by the Russians: if the NATO intervention there was legitimate to support the Kosovars, why is the Russian “military operation” to protect the inhabitants of Donbass not legitimate? There have been many other conflicts of the same kind, and much bloodier: for example, the partition of the British Empire of India in 1948 between India and Pakistan, which initially included the present Bangladesh (called at the time East Pakistan) that became independent after a fierce war in 1971. There is no simple solution to this kind of conflict. In principle, there could be one: ask by referendum on a local basis to which state each population wants to belong. But this solution is accepted by almost no one: if a referendum in Crimea is in favor of joining Russia, of which Crimea was a part between 1783 and 1954 (and, at that time, the joining of Crimea to Ukraine was decided in a purely authoritarian way), the West declares it illegitimate. If other referendums are held in the rest of Ukraine, they will also be declared illegitimate. What we should hope for in order to resolve these local conflicts is that foreign powers do not use them to advance their economic and strategic interests. However, the United States and Britain have done exactly the opposite since 2014 (if not before) in Ukraine, first encouraging a coup that led to the overthrow of the legally elected president, Yanukovych, who had to flee for his life. This president was seen as pro-Russian, and the United States and Britain were not prepared to accept the situation. As the new power in Kiev was not only violently anti-Russian but also hostile to the Russian-speaking part of its population, a fraction of the latter demanded more autonomy within Ukraine, which was refused. Since then, there has been a more or less low-intensity war between part of the Donbass and the Ukrainian army. Again, in principle, a peaceful solution could have been found through negotiations with the leaders of the rebel provinces, and this is what the Minsk agreements, accepted by the Ukrainian government but never implemented by it, provided. It is true that there are other minorities in the world who are persecuted or badly treated by their governments, but it was particularly irresponsible for the Kiev government to behave in this way towards its minority in the east of the country, knowing that it could benefit from the protection of the Russian “big brother." And it is unlikely that this conduct would have been adopted without the encouragement and political and military support of the United States and Britain. This is why it can be considered that it was the American-British policy that pushed Russia to intervene. One can obviously condemn this intervention as contrary to international law, but then one would have to answer the question: what should the Russians have done to protect the populations of eastern Ukraine, assuming that their demands for autonomy are accepted as legitimate (and if not, in the name of what to refuse them)? Wait? Negotiate? But that is what they have been doing for eight years, sending very clear signals at the end of 2021 that their patience had limits. Moreover, it is difficult for the architects of the wars in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan to pose as great defenders of international law in the face of the Russians. Whatever one thinks of their military intervention in Ukraine, it is less illegitimate than the Western wars mentioned above. One can obviously react by saying that “Putin has fallen into the trap” set for him by the United States. But, on the one hand, this is admitting that the United States has indeed pushed Russia into war and, to know whether he has really fallen into a trap, we will have to wait until the end of the hostilities. If Russia wins, at least in part, it will be the United States that will lose face and be caught in its own trap. It is also necessary to point out the incredible hypocrisy of the discourse on the war in Ukraine, and on the accompanying sanctions, on the part of most of our journalists and intellectuals: when did we do anything similar during the US invasion of Iraq? Of course, no economic sanctions were taken at that time, but no symbolic sanctions either, while in the case of Russia everything is sanctioned: political figures, but also sportsmen, artists, scientists. Even the works of the past are “canceled." What does Dostoyevsky have to do with the war in Ukraine? The only way to justify this double standard is to openly admit that we are on the side of the United States, either because we share their values or because it is in our interests. As far as values are concerned, we should go beyond facile slogans about democracy, which nobody, and certainly not the Russians or the Chinese, is endangering here, and become aware of the monstrosity of American foreign policy. Even without going back to the war in Iraq (or Vietnam) one can think of Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is waging a war far more brutal than what Russia is doing in Ukraine and which is armed by the United States and its European allies. Or Afghanistan, where the United States has confiscated half of the public treasury while the country is suffering from famine. Or think of the human consequences of the embargoes and sanctions taken by the United States against a multitude of countries: Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Iraq (between 1991 and 2003). In terms of interests, it is clear that the United States is using every weapon at its disposal, including espionage, to favor its businesses at the expense of ours. But more profoundly, their policy is increasingly opposed in the non-Western world: the most surprising aspect of the reactions to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is perhaps the fact that the majority of countries, while condemning the invasion in principle (which was the minimum to do given their adherence to the UN Charter – and large countries such as India and China did not even perform this minimum service), did not apply any sanctions to Russia. The recent “Summit of the Americas," from which Biden excluded Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, was criticized and even boycotted for this reason by several Latin American countries, including Mexico. The ASEAN countries gathered in Washington refused to condemn Russia; they are probably going there to recover (some) money and investments but certainly not to align themselves with Washington. Relations between China, another country in Washington’s sights, and the rest of Asia are better than they have ever been. African countries “remember” the support of the USSR during the independence struggles and recently had a very cordial summit with Lavrov in Moscow. We can shrug our shoulders and say that these countries are driven by anti-American resentment or that they do not weigh much in the world economy, which would be a rather typical “Western” reaction, but totally contrary to our long-term interests. We Europeans have no influence whatsoever on American policy and our “alliance” with this country is purely a matter of following them. But the effect of this following is that we inevitably share the hostility that the United States draws to itself from the rest of the world. And while hostility is expressed toward the masters, it is combined with contempt when it comes to their servants. As for realism, a distinction must be made between the economic and the military aspects. On the economic issue, i.e. the sanctions, for the moment it is a total failure: the ruble has strengthened instead of collapsing, the Russian economy is surviving and reorienting itself towards Asia. Moreover, the majority of the world’s countries refuse to implement the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union, and everything indicates that these sanctions are going to hurt the Western economies, without even considering the effect of possible Russian counter-sanctions. As for the military issue, it is difficult to make definite predictions, but for the moment the Russians are moving forward, even if much more slowly than at the beginning. No Ukrainian counter-offensive has had a lasting effect. Some hope for a reversal of the situation following the delivery of sophisticated weapons to Ukraine by the United States and its allies, but this remains to be seen, and various voices in Washington itself are considering the need for negotiation as the only solution to the crisis. In any case, it seems unlikely that Ukraine’s war aims of recovering the entire eastern part of the country and Crimea can be achieved. The Russians consider these territories, and especially Crimea, to be part of the “motherland” and they are far from having committed all their forces to this battle. For the Ukrainian war objective to be realized, there would have to be a complete collapse not only of the Russian military but of Russian society as a whole, with a regime change and the installation of a pro-Western leader in Putin’s place. The least we can say is that this perspective is not, for the moment, in the cards: the main criticisms addressed to Putin in the Russian public opinion are that he is too soft in the conduct of the war and too lenient with what he continues to call his Western “partners." Of course, as always in wars, a reversal of the situation is possible. So, wait and see. If we were to embark on the path of negotiations, we would first have to see what the Russians are asking for: recognition of the attachment of Crimea to Russia, independence of the Donbass and probably of other regions such as Kherson or Zaporizhzhia, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. If the first of these demands are legitimate, or at least if their legitimacy could be verified by means of referenda, the last two are much more questionable: to ask that one’s neighbor be disarmed when one is overarmed oneself is a typical behavior of a great power, and the “denazification” of Ukraine is too vague a demand to be really implemented (at what point does one stop being extreme right-wing to become a Nazi?) In an ideal world such a demand as the demilitarization of one’s neighbor should not exist. But the context again matters: the original intention of post-2014 Ukraine was to be part of NATO, not just to have an army. This was again an irresponsible policy, since it was obvious that Russia would never accept this membership and that it had the means to prevent it, as history has shown. As for the reproach that Russia is pursuing a gre0at power policy, it should be remembered that the United States did not accept the deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962 and even considered the Sandinista revolution of 1979 in tiny Nicaragua to be a threat to its national security. Great power policies can only be ended if their rejection applies to all. In the end, it is likely that the only ones who will have defended the true interests of the Ukrainian people (as well as those of Europe) will be those who have advocated from the beginning (i.e., at least since 2014) for a negotiated solution to the conflict. Jean Bricmont is a retired Belgian theoretical physicist. He is the co-author with Alan Sokal of Fashionable Nonsense Postmodern Intellectuals’ Abuse of Science (Picador, NY, 1998), of Humanitarian Imperialism; Using human rights to sell war (Monthly Review, NY, 2007), and of Quantum Sense and Nonsense (Springer, 2017). Source: Genuine Multilateralism and Diplomacy vs the “Rules-Based Order”
Russian Foreign Minister since 2004.
For almost 80 years since its inception, the UN has carried out the most important mission entrusted to it by its founders. The shared understanding among the five permanent members of the Security Council regarding the supremacy of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter has guaranteed global security for decades, thus creating the necessary conditions for truly multilateral cooperation, which are regulated by universally recognised norms of international law. Now the UN-centric system is undergoing a deep crisis, the root cause of which was brought on by the decision of certain UN members to replace international law and the UN Charter with some “rules-based international order”. These mysterious “rules” have never been the subject of transparent international consultations, nor have they been laid out for everybody’s attention. It is obvious that they are being made up on the move and used to counteract the natural processes of the formation and strengthening of new independent centres of development, which are an actual manifestation of multilateralism. Moreover, we are seeing attempts to contain the new world centres by means of illegitimate unilateral measures, such as blocking access to modern technologies and financial services, forcing out of supply chains, confiscating property, destroying competitors’ critical infrastructure, and manipulating universally agreed norms and procedures. These actions have led to the fragmentation of global trade and the collapse of market mechanisms. They have paralysed the WTO and finally transformed the IMF, without a hint of disguise, into a tool for achieving the goals of the United States and its allies, including military goals. In a desperate attempt to assert its dominance by punishing anyone who disobeys, the United States tried to derail globalisation – a process that had been extolled as the highest virtue for humanity, serving the multilateral global economic system for years. Washington and other Western capitals subordinate to the US are applying their “rules” whenever they need to justify their illegitimate steps against countries that draft their policies in accordance with international law and refuse to service the selfish interests of the “golden billion.” They blacklist any dissenters, deeming whoever is not with them as acting against them. Our Western colleagues have long since become uncomfortable with holding talks in universal formats, such as the UN. To provide an ideological basis for their policy of undermining multilateralism, the theme of united “democracies” countering “autocracies” has been put into circulation. In addition to “summits for democracy”, the members of which are designated by the self-proclaimed hegemon, other “clubs of the chosen ones” are being created that operate in circumvention of the UN. Summits for Democracy, the Alliance for Multilateralism, the Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence, the Global Media Freedom Coalition and the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace – these and other non-inclusive projects have been designed to undermine talks held under the auspices of the UN on relevant issues, and to impose non-consensual concepts and decisions that benefit the collective West. First, they agree on something secretly as a small group and then present their agreements as “the position of the international community.” Let’s face it: no one entrusted the Western minority to speak on behalf of all humankind. They must behave decently and respect all international community members without exception. By imposing a “rules-based order,” its masterminds haughtily reject the key principle underlying the UN Charter, which is the sovereign equality of states. The “proud” statement by the head of the EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, that Europe is a “garden” and the rest of the world is a “jungle” personifies their worldview of being exceptional. I will also quote the NATO-EU Joint Statement of January 10, 2023 which states: “The united West will use all the economic, financial, political, and military tools available to NATO and the EU to ensure the interests of our one billion.” The collective West has set out to reshape the processes of multilateralism at the regional level to suit its needs. Recently, the United States called for reviving the Monroe Doctrine and wanted Latin American countries to scale back their ties with the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China. However, this faced pushback from the countries of this region, which instead resolved to strengthen their own multilateral structures, primarily the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), while upholding their legitimate right to establish themselves as a pillar of the multipolar world. Russia fully supports just aspirations of this kind. The United States and its allies have deployed significant forces to undermine multilateralism in the Asia-Pacific Region where an ASEAN-centred, successful, and open economic and security cooperation system has been taking shape for decades. This system helped them develop consensus approaches that suited the 10 ASEAN members and their dialogue partners, including Russia, China, the United States, India, Japan, Australia, and the Republic of Korea, thus ensuring genuine inclusive multilateralism. Washington then advanced its Indo-Pacific Strategy in an effort to break up this established architecture. At last year’s summit in Madrid, NATO, which never tires of convincing everyone of its “love of peace” and the exclusively defensive nature of its defence programmes, put out a statement about its global responsibility and indivisible security in the Euro-Atlantic region, as well as in the so-called Indo-Pacific region. This means NATO’s boundaries as a defensive organisation are being moved towards the western coastal regions of the Pacific. This bloc-oriented policy, which is eroding ASEAN-centred multilateralism, manifests itself in the creation of the AUKUS military alliance, with Tokyo, Seoul, and several ASEAN countries being drawn into it. The United States is leading the effort to develop mechanisms to interfere in maritime security in a move to ensure the unilateral interests of the West in the South China Sea region. Josep Borrell, whom I referred to earlier, promised to send EU naval forces to that region. No one is hiding the fact that this Indo-Pacific strategy seeks to contain China and to isolate Russia. This is how our Western colleagues interpret the concept of “effective multilateralism” in the Asia-Pacific Region. As soon as the Warsaw Treaty Organisation was dissolved and the Soviet Union vanished from the political arena, many entertained the hope that the principle of genuine multilateralism, void of dividing lines across the Euro-Atlantic area, could be brought to life. However, instead of tapping the OSCE’s potential on an equal, collective basis, Western countries not only preserved NATO but, despite their firm pledges to the contrary, also pursued a brazen policy of bringing neighbouring areas under their control, including those that have always been and will be of vital interest to Russia. As then US Secretary of State James Baker said while talking to President George H.W. Bush: the OSCE is the main threat to NATO. One is left with the impression that today both the UN and the provisions of the UN Charter pose a threat to Washington’s global ambitions. Russia patiently tried to reach mutually-beneficial multilateral agreements based on the principle of indivisible security, which was solemnly declared at the highest level, that is, in the documents of OSCE summits in 1999 and 2010. They are formulated in the clearest possible terms – openly and unambiguously – that no nation shall strengthen its security at the expense of the security of others and that no country, or group of countries, or organisation shall be vested with the pre-eminent responsibility of maintaining peace in an OSCE region, or treat any part of an OSCE region as its sphere of influence. NATO cared little about the commitments that were assumed by the presidents and prime ministers of its member countries and started to act precisely in contradiction with its promises by announcing its “right” to behave in any matter it saw fit. The most glaring example of this was the illegitimate bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, including with depleted uranium shells, which later led to a surge of patients with oncological conditions, both among Serbs and NATO service members. Joe Biden was a senator at the time and went on record as saying, with some pride, that he had personally insisted on bombing Belgrade and destroying all bridges across the Drina River. Today, US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill has used mass media to call on the Serbs to turn the page and suppress their pain. As for “suppressing their pain”, the United States has vast experience under its belt. Japan has long since been ashamedly reticent about who in fact bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. School textbooks make no mention of it. Speaking at a recent G7 meeting, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken demonstratively grieved over the suffering of the victims of those bombings, however, he kept silent about who was behind them. Such are the “rules”. And nobody is allowed to argue with them. Since World War II, Washington has pulled off dozens of reckless criminal military operations without even trying to secure multilateral legitimacy. Why bother when your “rules” are unbeknownst to everyone. The disgraceful invasion of Iraq by the US-led coalition in 2003 was carried out in violation of the UN Charter, just like the aggression against Libya in 2011. Both led to the destruction of each country’s statehood, hundreds of thousands of lost lives, and rampant terrorism. The US’s intervention in the domestic affairs of post-Soviet countries is nothing short of a flagrant violation of the UN Charter. “Colour revolutions” were concocted in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, and a bloody coup was staged in Kiev in February 2014. Attempts to seize power by force in Belarus in 2020 were part and parcel of this approach. The Anglo-Saxons at the helm of the West not only justify these lawless adventures, but also parade them as a policy for “promoting democracy,” while also doing so according to their own set of rules, such as how they recognised Kosovo’s independence without a referendum, but still refused to recognise Crimea’s independence, even though a referendum there was in fact held. According to British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, the Falklands/Malvinas are not an issue because a referendum was held there. That’s amusing. In order to avoid double standards, we call on everyone to follow the consensus agreements that were reached as part of the 1970 UN Declaration on Principles of International Law, which remains in force today. It clearly declares the need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states that conduct “themselves in compliance with the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples as described above and thus possessed of a government representing the whole people belonging to the territory.” Any unbiased observer can clearly see that the Nazi Kiev regime can in no way be considered a government representing the residents of the territories who refused to accept the results of the bloody February 2014 coup, against whom the putschists unleashed their war. It is just as clear that Pristina cannot claim to represent the interests of the Kosovo Serbs, to whom the EU promised autonomy, in the same manner as Berlin and Paris promised a special status for Donbass. We are well aware of how these promises played out in the end. In his message to the second Summit for Democracy on March 29, 2023, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the following: “Democracy flows from the United Nations Charter. Its opening invocation of ‘We, the Peoples’ reflects the fundamental source of legitimate authority: the consent of the governed.” I will emphasise the word “consent” once again. Multilateral efforts were made to stop the outbreak of war in the east of Ukraine as a result of the government coup. These efforts towards peaceful settlement were embodied in UN Security Council Resolution 2202 that unanimously approved the Minsk agreements. Kiev and its Western handlers trampled all over these agreements. They even cynically admitted with a tinge of pride that they had never planned to fulfill them, but rather merely wanted to gain time to flood Ukraine with weapons to use against Russia. In doing so, they publicly announced the violation of a multilateral commitment by UN members as per the UN Charter, which requires all member countries to comply with Security Council resolutions. Our consistent efforts to prevent this confrontation, including proposals made by President Vladimir Putin in December 2021 to reach agreement on multilateral mutual security guarantees, were haughtily rejected. We were told that nobody can prevent NATO from “embracing” Ukraine. In the years following the coup, and despite our strong demands, nobody from among Kiev’s Western overseers reined in Petr Poroshenko, Vladimir Zelensky, or Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada when the Russian language, education, media and, in general, Russian cultural and religious traditions were being consistently destroyed by legislation. This was done in direct violation of the Constitution of Ukraine and universal conventions on the rights of ethnic minorities. In parallel, the Kiev regime was introducing the theory and practice of Nazism in everyday life and adopting related laws. The Kiev regime shamelessly staged flashy torchlight processions under the banners of SS divisions in the centre of the capital and other cities. The West kept silent and rubbed its hands with satisfaction. These developments fully fit into the US plans to put to use Kiev’s openly racist regime, which Washington had created in the hope of weakening Russia across the board. It was part of the US’s strategic course towards removing its rivals and undermining any scenario that implied the assertion of fair multilateralism in global affairs. Everyone is aware of it, even though not everyone is talking about it openly: the real issue is not about Ukraine, but rather about the future of international relations. Will they be forged on a sustainable consensus, one based on the balance of interests? Or will they be reduced to an aggressive and explosive advancement of hegemony? The Ukraine issue cannot be considered outside its geopolitical context. To reiterate, multilateralism implies respect for the UN Charter and all of its interconnected principles. Russia has clearly elaborated the goals of its special military operation, which are to remove threats to its security that have been instigated by NATO for a number of years and right on Russia’s borders, and to protect the people who were stripped of their rights set forth in multilateral conventions. Russia wants to protect them from Kiev’s public and outright threats to annihilate and banish them from the land where their ancestors had lived for centuries. We have been forthright about what and for whom we are fighting. Amid the US- and EU-fuelled hysteria, I am tempted to ask them in retort: What did Washington and NATO do in Yugoslavia, Iraq, and Libya? Were there any threats to their security, culture, religion, or languages? What multilateral regulations were they guided by when they declared Kosovo’s independence in violation of OCSE principles or when they were destroying stable and economically wealthy Iraq and Libya, countries located 10,000 miles away from US coasts? Western countries’ brazen attempts to bring the Secretariats of the UN and other international organisations under their control are a threat to the multilateral system. The West has always enjoyed a quantitative advantage in terms of personnel, but until recently the Secretariat tried to remain neutral. Today, this imbalance has become chronic while Secretariat employees increasingly allow themselves politically-driven behaviour that is unbecoming of international office holders. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres must ensure that his staff meets impartiality standards in keeping with Article 100 of the UN Charter. We also call on the Secretariat’s senior officials to be guided by the need to help member countries find ways to reach consensus and a balance of interests, rather than playing into the hands of neoliberal concepts. Otherwise, instead of a multilateral agenda, we will see a widening gap between the “golden billion” countries and the Global Majority. Speaking of multilateralism, we cannot limit ourselves to the international context. By the same token, we cannot ignore the international context when we speak about democracy. There should be no double standards. Multilateralism and democracy should enjoy respect both within the member countries and in their relations with one another. Everyone is aware that while imposing its understanding of democracy on other nations, the West opposes the democratisation of international relations based on respect for the sovereign equality of states. Today, along with its efforts to promote its “rules” in the international arena, the West is also putting a choke hold on multilateralism and democracy at home as it uses increasingly repressive tools to crack down on dissent, much the same way as the criminal Kiev regime is doing with the support of its teachers – the United States and its allies. Just like in the Cold War years, humanity has approached a once-dangerous, and perhaps an even more dangerous line in the sand. The situation is further aggravated by loss of faith in multilateralism, all the while the financial and economic aggression of the West is destroying the benefits of globalisation and Washington and its allies drop diplomacy and demand that things be sorted out “on the battlefield”. All of this is taking place within the walls of the UN, a body that was created to prevent the horrors of war. The voices of responsible and sensible forces, and calls to show political wisdom and revive the culture of dialogue, are drowned out by those who set out to undermine the fundamental principles of communication between countries. We must all return to our roots and comply with the UN Charter’s purposes and principles in all their diversity and interconnectedness. At this juncture, genuine multilateralism requires that the UN adapt to objective developments in the process of forming a multipolar architecture of international relations. It is imperative to expedite Security Council reform by expanding the representation of countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The inordinate over-representation of the West in the UN’s main body undermines the principle of multilateralism. Venezuela spearheaded the creation of the Group of Friends in Defence of the Charter of the United Nations. We call on all countries that respect the Charter to join. It is also important to use the constructive potential provided by BRICS and the SCO. The EAEU, the CIS, and the CSTO are all willing to contribute. We stand for using the potential of the regional associations of the Global South. The G20 can also be instrumental in maintaining multilateralism if its Western participants stop distracting their colleagues from priority items on its agenda in the hope of downplaying their responsibility for the pile-up of crises in the global economy. It is our common duty to preserve the United Nations as the hard-won epitome of multilateralism and coordination of international politics. The key to success lies in working together, renouncing claims on exceptionalism and – I reiterate – showing respect for the sovereign equality of states. This is what we all signed up for when we ratified the UN Charter. In 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested convening a summit of the UN Security Council permanent members. The leaders of China and France supported this initiative, but, unfortunately, it has not been brought to fruition. This issue is directly related to multilateralism – not because the five powers have certain privileges over the rest, but precisely because of their special responsibility under the UN Charter to preserve international peace and security. This is exactly what the imperatives of the UN-centric system, which is crumbling before our eyes as a result of the actions of the West, call for. Concern about this situation can be increasingly heard in multiple initiatives and ideas from the Global South countries, ranging from East and Southeast Asia, the Arab and the Muslim world in its entirety, all the way to Africa and Latin America. We appreciate their sincere desire to ensure the settlement of current problems through honest collective work aimed at agreeing on a balance of interests based on the sovereign equality of states and indivisible security. We will continue to forge productive cooperation with them in the name of improving the international situation, while advancing communication between countries based on the principles of true multilateralism, international law, truth, and justice. Source: Kosovo Liberation Army leader Hashim Thaçi on trial for war crimes
From March 24 to June 9, 1999, NATO bombed Serbia for 77 days. It was the first major war on European soil since the Second World War—even this fact is suppressed and denied today in view of the war in Ukraine. War propaganda was in full swing at the time: NATO was laying waste to Serbian cities in order to defend “human rights” and to stop the “ethnic cleansing” Serbia was accused of carrying out in Kosovo. Greens, liberals and pseudo-left groups, who only a few weeks before had been invoking pacifism, eagerly took up this propaganda and switched to the war camp with flying colours. In Germany, the Greens and Social Democrats organised the first military combat mission involving German armed forces since Hitler’s defeat in 1945. Now, the man whom Joe Biden embraced in 2009 and called the “George Washington of Kosovo” is facing a special court as a war criminal. On Monday, the trial of Hashim Thaçi, the co-founder and spokesman of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and later Kosovo’s foreign minister, head of government and president, began in The Hague. The 70-page indictment accuses Thaçi and three other high-ranking KLA members—Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi—of being responsible for more than a hundred murders and numerous other war crimes in 1998 and 1999. All four are accused of having personally participated in threatening or abusing prisoners. The prosecution has handed over 56,000 documents to Thaçi’s defence lawyers that prove these accusations. The indictment describes in detail the brutality with which the KLA acted against Serbs, Roma and other non-Albanians. Kosovo Albanians who opposed their policies and supported Thaçi’s rival Ibrahim Rugova, who advocated a peaceful solution to the conflict with Serbia, were mercilessly persecuted. The KLA ran numerous detention centres where several hundred inmates were held and, according to witnesses, abused with torture, mock executions and death threats. Victims were beaten with guns, baseball bats, metal tools and wooden sticks and tortured using electric shocks or feigned drowning. Other prisoners and family members had to watch the torture or were forced to abuse one another. Others were shot by the dozens. The killings continued even after NATO forced Kosovo to secede from Serbia and stationed its 50,000-strong Kosovo Force (KFOR) there. The KLA took revenge on Serbs, Roma and Rugova supporters, dozens of whom were murdered. Thaçi, whose wartime name was “The Snake,” was considered their strong man. The Thaçi trial is an object lesson in imperialist war propaganda, which stops at no lie to camouflage its predatory and criminal aims. This applies not only to the war in Yugoslavia at the time but also to today’s war in Ukraine. Here, too, criminals are celebrated as freedom fighters—who, like the members of the Azov Battalion, wear Nazi insignia and for eight years persecuted all those in eastern Ukraine who spoke Russian or had sympathies for Russia. Here, too, politicians—who hang on the apron strings of oligarchs and Western puppet masters, or like Ukraine’s President Zelensky unscrupulously send tens of thousands of young soldiers to their deaths for NATO’s goals—are glorified as democrats and freedom fighters. The positive and negative signs are simply reversed. For example, for nine years, not a day has gone by without the media proclaiming that Russia’s annexation of Crimea was a violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, which was unacceptable under international law and historically unprecedented. But the immediate objective of the 1999 NATO war was to force Kosovo’s secession, which was indisputably part of Serbian territory under international law. After the war it was placed under international administration, and in 2008, against Serbia’s declared will, it proclaimed its state independence, which was immediately recognised by the US and most European states. With the secession of Kosovo, a destitute province with 1.8 million inhabitants, the imperialist powers completed the division of Yugoslavia into seven powerless petty states completely dependent upon them. Above all, Serbia, traditionally politically and culturally linked to Russia, was thus to be isolated and weakened. Hashim Thaçi played a key role in this criminal enterprise. In 1999, Madeleine Albright and Joschka Fischer, the foreign ministers of the US and Germany, invited the KLA spokesman to the Rambouillet Conference, where he provided NATO with the alibi for bombing Yugoslavia. It was already known at the time that Thaçi’s KLA was carrying out terrorist attacks against Serbian targets and political opponents and financed itself through criminal enterprises, such as trafficking in drugs, women and human organs. The CIA had even classified the KLA as a terrorist organisation before NATO enlisted its services and reclassified it as a “liberation movement.” After NATO forced the secession of Kosovo, it relied on Thaçi and the KLA to maintain “peace and order” there. After independence, Thaçi became foreign minister, prime minister and finally president of the new country, establishing a corrupt and criminal oligarchic regime. While many Serb politicians were arrested and hauled before The Hague War Crimes Tribunal, Thaçi and the KLA leaders were under American and European protection. In Kosovo itself, they spread a climate of fear. “Almost no one dared to testify against KLA veterans,” the Frankfurter Allgemeine described the situation in Kosovo after the Yugoslav war. “And those who did take the risk fared badly: Inexplicable car accidents with fatal outcomes, ‘suicides’ and sniper attacks could be the result.” The Chief Prosecutor of The Hague Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Carla Del Ponte, also reported intimidation and terror in her memoirs published in 2009: “Witnesses were so fearful and intimidated that they were afraid to even talk about the presence of the KLA in some areas, let alone actual crimes.” Those who spoke anyway put their lives in danger and had to be taken to other countries with their families, Del Ponte reports. Even members of the KFOR force and some Hague Tribunal judges were afraid of attacks. The situation only changed when Swiss lawyer Dick Marty presented a comprehensive report on KLA crimes in 2011. Marty did this on behalf of the Council of Europe, to which 47 states belong and which is independent of the European Union. The EU then appointed its own special investigator. It chose US lawyer John Clint Williamson, who was considered “credible” because he had co-authored the indictment against Serb leader Slobodan Milošević. After more than two years, Williamson concluded that Marty’s accusations were solidly substantiated. Now the EU felt compelled to set up a special court in The Hague, formally part of Kosovo’s judicial system but staffed by foreign judges and prosecutors and financed by European funds. The special court investigated for over five years without any charges being brought. Presumably the whole thing would have fizzled out had it not been for conflicts between the US and the EU. Richard Grenell, appointed by President Donald Trump in 2019 as special envoy for negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo, worked closely with President Thaçi, while the EU leaned on his rival, head of government Albin Kurti. When Thaçi was about to leave for a summit meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić at the White House in Washington in June 2020, the Special Court published the indictment. Thaçi had to cancel the trip and resign. The fact that the trial finally opened two and a half years after the indictment was published does not at all mean that Thaçi will eventually be convicted. According to the presiding judge, the trial is expected to last several years. The accused are being defended by top US law firms. And several prominent individuals, including the NATO Supreme Commander in the Yugoslav war Wesley Clark and the former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, are expected to testify in support of Thaçi. But even Thaçi’s lawyers do not deny that the crimes described in the indictment took place. They are pursuing a familiar defence strategy from the Nuremberg trials of the Nazi war criminals: The KLA units had indeed committed crimes, but Thaçi, founding member, commander and official spokesman of the KLA, had known nothing about them! In any case, the trial of Thaçi has already shattered the lies with which the Yugoslav war was justified. The WSWS had already categorically rejected this “clumsy and cynical propaganda campaign,” pointed out the real reasons for the war and campaigned for the building of an antiwar movement of the international working class based on a socialist programme. An article posted in the WSWS on May 24, 1999 titled “Why is NATO at war with Yugoslavia? World Power, Oil and Gold” [1], stated: “Once the fraudulent claims of the NATO spokesmen and the falsifications of the media are stripped away from this war, what remains? A naked aggression by imperialist countries against a small federation, in which the official reasons given for the onslaught serve as a smokescreen.” The article linked the Yugoslav war to US plans to dominate the Eurasian landmass and warned: “The potential for a conflict with Russia, it should now be clear, has actually increased over the past ten years.” This warning has since been dramatically borne out. ——- [1] David North, A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990-2016, Oak Park, MI: Mehring Books, 2016, p. 123 Source: FOR THE SAKE OF THE FUTURE - Živadin Jovanović
Živadin Jovanović, Speech at the Round Table “NATO Aggression – 24 years on”, Ladies and Gentlemen, There has been almost a quarter of a century since NATO aggression on Serbia and Montenegro (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). During the aggression, some 4,000 of our fellow citizens were killed and twice as many injured. Three quarters of casualties were civilians, among them sadly a large number of children, from Milica Rakić, a toddler from Batajnica, to Sanja Milenković Serbia’s high school champion in mathematics from Varvarin. It will hardly ever be precisely determined how many more victims succumbed to delayed effects of weapons filled with depleted uranium, toxic chemical agents, or unexploded cluster bombs. It is for all of them why we have gathered as we are getting together, today it is here, as is each and every year throughout the country, across Europe and other continents, wherever there is one of us. We pay tribute and dedicate our thoughts and prayers to them, all the fallen heroes of our defense, all the innocent victims. Serbia has not recovered yet from the pain and injustice, either spiritually or materially. In the very heart of Belgrade, we are still passing by the destroyed buildings whose gaping ruins make a lasting reminder of the deeds of our partners. As we praise donations they make, we still refrain from filing the announced but forgotten claims for war damages. It is hard to estimate to which extent this reflects our desire to be constructive, realistic, and respected. It might be a good idea to have the ruined structures of the Military General Staff and the Police declared and protected as monuments of culture, not merely because this would require less funds, but rather because it would make more sense that either their reconstruction or erection of brand-new edifices. It was a crime against peace and humanity, against a country which posed no threat to anyone, the least of all to NATO or its members. Today, we are warning, not just repeating the truth, when we say that NATO aggression was carried out in violation of the fundamental principles of international affairs, the UN Charter, the OSCE Helsinki Final Act, and the Paris Charter; when we say that, five and a half decades since the end of World War Two, NATO reintroduced the war on European soil; that bombs and cruise missiles killed citizens of Serbia but were nonetheless intended for others as well; that, while raining down, they also dismantled the European and global architecture of security and cooperation; that, in its essence, it was a war against Europe waged by Europe itself; that it served as a case precedent for the ensuing wars of conquest and coups within the proclaimed strategy of Eastward expansion and a deceptive democratization; that NATO, by virtue of its aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) marked its 50th anniversary by transitioning from a defensive and a regional into an invading alliance with global hegemonistic goals. We also do this because the recent messages and views from Brussels, Ohrid, Washington and some other destinations warn us that the aggression against Serbia continues, albeit with other means but nonetheless with the same goal: to disenfranchise and humiliate the entire Serbian people in the Balkans and make them permanently shift away from their traditional friends and their support, and to renounce their statehood rights to the Province of Kosovo and Metohija. The past 24 years and the contemporary developments reconfirm, time and again, that the true goal of the aggression was to carve Kosovo and Metohija out from Serbia, together with overthrowing President Slobodan Milošević and, ultimately, transforming the Balkans into a springboard for warpath against the East. Having in mind all past experiences and trends that brought about profound changes in global relations, I am convinced that the best path forward for Serbia is to reaffirm an independent, neutral and well-balanced foreign policy, to preserve and strengthen relations with traditional friends and allies, and to remain open for equal-footed relations and cooperation with all countries and integrations that endorse Serbia as an equal partner. Any just and durable solution for the province of Kosovo and Metohija is only possible with the consistent observance of the Constitution of Serbia, the fundamental principles of international law, and UN Security Council Resolution 1244 in its capacity of a permanent and irrevocable legal duty. This is the only solution capable of serving the interests of lasting peace, security, and cooperation. Any other status imposed by force, threats and/or extortion, regardless of the form it assumes, cannot transform into a right or compromise, nor can it evolve into contribution to peace. Quite the contrary. If I may suggest that we send three pleas from this gathering: Thank you! Russia’s nuke arms in Belarus is response to collective West — ex-top Yugoslav diplomat
Zhivadin Yovanovitch noted that the agreement between Moscow and Minsk followed the announcement of the UK about plans to supply depleted uranium shells to Kyiv BELGRADE, March 26. /TASS/. The deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus can be seen as a response to the actions of countries of the collective West, ex-Foreign Minister of former Yugoslavia Zivadin Jovanovic told TASS on Sunday. "I think that the agreement on the deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus is a very serious response and a warning to the so-called collective West (the United States, NATO, the European Union). It is a response to the escalation and the direct influence by NATO countries into the conflict in Ukraine, to the reckless actions to add fuel to the fire by means of advanced weapons, intermediate-range missiles, tanks, warplanes and other offensive weapons for targeting Russia’s territory. The agreement between Russia and Belarus followed the statement that the United Kingdom and some other NATO countries plan to supply Kiev with shells with depleted uranium, which can be interpreted as the beginning of the use of nuclear weapons against Russian troops and Russia. NATO’s propaganda is seeking to underplay the danger of such weapons, which, as a matter of fact, are weapons of mass destruction," he said. He stressed that the use of such shells in 1995 and 1999 had caused the growth of cancer incidence in former Yugoslavia. "Or better, let them ask the families of hundreds of Italian, Spanish and other soldiers who died after returning from the KFOR (NATO-led international security force in Kosovo) mission how "healthy" it is to spend time in places where shells with depleted uranium were used. Finally, if these shells are harmless, as they claim, then why their use has been banned in NATO (EU) member countries?!" Jovanovic noted. According to the former top Yugoslav diplomat, the collective West has deployed large bases with nuclear weapons in many European countries, namely Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Poland and Romania have construed so called missile defense shields capable of launching nuclear warheads. Moreover, some countries, which don’t have nuclear weapons so far, allocate huge sums to buy advanced US bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons. Why spending huge amounts of money if not because of plans to possess nuclear warheads!"For instance, in addition to its regular [military] budget, Germany has allocated an extra sum of 100 billion euro to purchase American F-16A bombers. Last but not least, the doctrine of the preemptive use of nuclear weapons is related to the collective West," he stressed. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that at Belarus’ request Russia will deploy its tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, like the United States has long been doing on the territories of its allied countries. Moscow has already transferred to Minsk an Iskander system that can use nuclear weapons. According to the Russian leader, the construction of a depot for tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus is expected to be completed on July 1. 26 March, 2023. Source: NATO’s Use of Depleted Uranium Weapons in Serbia in 1999: The War that Won’t End
In Serbia, aggressive cancer among young and old has reached epidemic proportions in recent years. The suffering of the people cries out to heaven. The south of Serbia and Kosovo are particularly affected. According to the Serbian Ministry of Health, a child falls ill with cancer every day. The entire country is contaminated. Due to the damage to the genetic material (DNA), generations upon generations of deformed children will be born. Knowingly and willingly, genocide has been committed. Until recently, the politicians, with the help of the media, withheld the truth from the unsettled citizens of Serbia under pressure from the perpetrators of the genocide. Courageous and responsible doctors, ex-military, ex-politicians and scientists have now succeeded in breaking through this wall of silence – for the benefit of the Serbian people and the many other peoples of this world who share their fate. When the USA used the defoliant “Agent Orange” and napalm in Vietnam, the world was horrified. That was no longer war, that was butchery of the civilian population and lasting destruction of nature. Fifty years later, generation after generation is born severely disabled – born to die. But the weapons industry, including the nuclear weapons industry, has rapidly developed its business since Vietnam. All wars are illegal wars of aggression according to the legal standards of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and they are becoming ever more murderous, insidious, widespread, genocidal. This was also the case with the first war of the US-led NATO on European soil against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999. Here, with the tacit acquiescence of NATO allies – including Germany – the US army used weapons of mass destruction that it had already tested in the 2nd Gulf War in 1991 and in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1994/95: highly toxic and radioactive uranium weapons. NATO itself has admitted that it has fired 30,000 shells with depleted uranium (DU), the Serbian military speaks of 50,000 shells. This is equivalent to 10 to 15 tonnes of uranium. Since extensive scientific literature and film material (“Deadly Dust”) on this war crime are already available in German, English and Serbian, here are just a few comments: Because of the long degradation process of radioactivity and its toxicity, waste from the uranium and nuclear industry – mainly DU of the isotope 238 – is stored in secured dumps for a very long period of time. To reduce the high costs associated with this, DU is therefore readily given away free of charge to interested parties such as the military. DU has characteristics that are particularly attractive to the defence industry. According to Professor Siegwart-Horst Günther, DU projectiles developed according to a German technology have a high penetrating power due to the high density of metallic uranium (1.7 times greater than that of lead) and are especially suitable for breaking steel armour and underground concrete bunkers. DU is also a combustible material that self-ignites when it penetrates armour plate, burning at 3,000 degrees Celsius to form uranium oxide dust and releasing highly toxic and radioactive material (uranium oxide). This uranium oxide aerosol with particle sizes in the nanoscale enters the human body via the air we breathe, the water and, in the long term, also via the food chain. In the lungs, the DU dust particles are also attached to the red and white blood cells and thus enter all organs of the body, including the brain, kidneys and testicles, causing cancer in many organs and irreversible damage to the genetic material (DNA). The strong carcinogenicity of DU is due to the fact that chemotoxicity and radiotoxicity act synergistically. DU can also reach an unborn child via the placenta and cause severe damage. Possible long-term damage includes genetic defects in infants, childhood leukaemia, cancer and kidney damage. Since the uranium oxide particles have taken on the property of ceramics due to the heat of combustion, they are insoluble in water, are fixed in this form in the body and can develop their radioactive effect (alpha radiation) for years. For biochemist Albrecht Schott, DU is an example of interventions in creation that endanger it existentially, and thus not a weapon against states, but a weapon against the planet. The well-known German journalist and filmmaker Frieder Wagner calls uranium weapons “weapons of extermination” and the victims of these murderous weapons the “dead of silent death”. Uranium weapons are the “perfect weapon” to kill masses of people, that is, to commit genocide. Since the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948, genocide has been a criminal offence under international criminal law that is not subject to a statute of limitations. It is characterised by the specific intention to destroy, directly or indirectly, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such, in whole or in part. This is why genocide is also called a “unique crime”, a “crime of crimes” or the “worst crime in international criminal law”. The Australian doctor, nuclear weapons specialist and peace activist Helen Caldicott writes in her book “Nuclear Danger USA”: “It is clear that the Pentagon knew about the health risks posed by uranium-containing munitions long before Operation Desert Storm [2nd Gulf War 1991; the author]. Numerous military reports acknowledge that uranium-238 can cause kidney damage, lung and bone cancer, (non-malignant) lung disease, skin disease, neurocognitive disorders, chromosomal damage and birth defects.” For this reason, wars involving the use of highly toxic and radioactive uranium weapons are both war crimes and knowingly and willingly committed genocide – including the war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999. Under the UN Convention against Genocide, the Parties to the Convention undertake to punish genocide or persons committing genocide, whether they are governments, public officials or private individuals. The bombing of Serbia lasted 78 days. In the process, 1,031 soldiers were killed, 5,173 soldiers and police officers were wounded, 2,500 civilians died – including 78 children – and over 6,000 civilians were wounded. In addition to the projectiles with DU, which also contained traces of highly toxic plutonium, other explosive combinations and rocket fuels with certain chemical compounds were used, which have a very toxic effect when exploded and cause cancer. The number of these cancers grew year by year. Also, the number of newborns with deformities and those with aggressive childhood leukaemia increased. More than a year ago, estimates by the Serbian Association for Cancer Control became known: Studies had shown that the use of uranium weapons had led to 15,000 cases of cancer and 10,000 deaths between 2001 and 2010, according to the head of the association and oncologist Prof. Slobodan Cikaric, MD. In total, there were 330,000 cancer cases in Serbia during this period. The death rate has increased by 2.5 per cent annually since 1999. Back in 2013, Professor Cikaric said in the Serbian newspaper Blic that 14 years after the DU bombing, Serbia was expecting an explosion of cancers of all kinds. He was to be proved right. What is reported are breakdowns of the immune system with increasing cases of infectious diseases, severe functional disorders of the kidneys and liver, aggressive leukaemias and other cancers (including multiple cancers), disorders of the bone marrow, genetic defects and malformations, as well as miscarriages and premature births in pregnant women as after the Chernobyl disaster. If you read a Serbian newspaper today or walk through a Serbian cemetery, you will notice the short lifespan of many of the deceased in the page-long obituaries or epitaphs. In each case it should read: “Died as a result of DU poisoning and radiation”. Many citizens of Serbia are psychologically burdened because of their years of pity for sick relatives and because of the anxious waiting if and when they too might be caught up by one of the terrible and mostly fatal diseases. Even if most of them suspect the cause of the serious illnesses, there is still a great deal of uncertainty that triggers persistent feelings of stress. Politicians in Serbia as well as in the other DU-contaminated countries in the Near and Middle East and in the NATO countries themselves have deliberately not informed the population. Among other things, they wanted to avoid recourse claims and continue their murderous trade undisturbed. Stress, anxiety and depression additionally weaken the already burdened immune system and lead to a higher susceptibility to infections. This is shown by research results from the interdisciplinary field of psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI). In order to be able to organise one’s own life and that of one’s family satisfactorily, to make provisions for the future or, as a married couple, to decide whether or not to have children, every citizen must be able to realistically assess the economic, social and political conditions in his or her country. But they cannot do this if they are deprived of the truth about incidents that can severely affect their lives. Therefore, it is a moral obligation of all those who have dealt with the problem of contamination in the country – doctors, scientists, journalists, military personnel and civilians affected by contamination – to educate and assist their fellow citizens. In addition, the identity of a nation is based on the citizens’ right to truth and knowledge of their history. Historians and representatives of other sciences have an important contribution to make. However, the debate must not be left to them alone. The search for truth and the enlightenment of the people is also a political task that must be solved by political leaders and must not be prevented by them under any circumstances. Government and parliament have to take a stand. How can citizens trust a government or people’s representation that withholds the truth from them about a problem that affects them existentially? Note to readers: Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a school rector, educational scientist and graduate psychologist. After his university studies, he became an academic teacher in adult education. As a retiree he worked as a psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and professional articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral education in values as well as an education for public spirit and peace. In 2021, he was awarded the Republic Prize “Captain Misa Anastasijevic” by the Universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad for services to Serbia. Source: NATO 1999 AGGRESSION ON YUGOSLAVIA TURNING POINT
This March 24rth, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Generals and Admirals Association of Serbia, Veterans Association SUBNOR of Serbia and some other independent associations and think tanks, will mark 24rth anniversary of the NATO aggression on Serbia and Montenegro (FR of Yugoslavia) honoring fallen heroes of the defense of the country as well as all the victims of this illegal and criminal act. As it is widely recognized, this aggression was undertaken in violation of the basic principles of International Law, including violation of the UN Charter and without authorization of the UN Security Council. Having regard that Yugoslavia was not a threat to any NATO member country, the NATO leadership thus violated even its own founding act while NATO member countries violated their own constitutions insofar that they acted without authorization of their respective parliaments. At the NATO high level conference held 28-30 of April 2000. in Bratislava USA representatives have confirmed explicitly to the allies and then candidate allies, three important the motives for the "war against Yugoslavia": first, to take away Kosovo (and Metohija) from Serbia and make it separate, independent state; second, to turn it into the Balkans carrier of US troupes; and, third, to make precedent for military interventions all around the world without seeking UN SC mandate. While it was falsely presented by natiozied mass media as "humanitarian intervention", in fact it was the war of NATO/US geo-political expansion towards East, towards Russian borders, also setting the precedent for other aggressions which followed - Avganistan, Irak, Libya, Syria... Immediate establishment of the major US military base "Bondstil", near Urosevac, Kosovo and Metohija, was only the first in a long chain of the new US military bases in the central and Eastern Europe - Bulgaria (3), Rumania (3), Poland... Thus NATO did not only bring the first war on European soil but at the same time gave extraordinary impetus to the process of intensive militarization of the Old Continent. All member countries were obliged to meet 2% of their GDP military spending, to adapt civilian infrastructure to the new military requirements, to limit sale of major companies to only EU and NATO prospective investors ("for security reasons"), not to import new technologies from "unreliable suppliers" (5G), not to buy gas and oil from from those who use them "to undermine security of Europe". Messiles, including those with depleted uranium bombs, including cluster bombs, had definitely been falling on Serbia and Montenegro, killing their citizens and destroying their economy. Sebia still is recovering from immense economic and social losses. Belgrade and other major cities, even in the very central parts, still continue to live with ruins and debris of government and other buildings bombed by NATO. But at the same time NATO 1999 aggression on Serbia and Montenegro (FRY) had destroyed the whole security and cooperation architecture of Europe and the world, annulling Teheran, Jalta, Potsdam, Helsinki and other agreements and pillars of the post Second World War Order, thus ushering disorder, insecurity, even, chaos. NATO aggression ended by the UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) guaranteeing sovereignty and territorial integrity of FRY (Serbia) and large autonomy for the Province of Kosovo and Metohija within Serbia. The aggression, however, has continued ever since by other means. The objective to take out the Autonomous Province from Serbia, got a new framework.While the Province has been under UN mandate and KFOR mostly composed of NATO troops empowered to guarantee equal security for all, about 250.000 Serbs and other non-Albanians have been purged, their homes burnt, lands usurped. In 2008, former KLA terrorist leadership, proclaimed unilateral secession. NATO&EU countries, with exception of Spain, Romania, Slovakia, Greece and Cyprus, were among first to recognize secession fully aware that it was contrary to the international law, UN SC 1244 resolution, and Serbia`s Constitution. Lately, Serbia is under unprecedented pressure from the USA/NATO/EU not to oppose Kosovo`s membership in the international organizations, including UN, to establish good neighboring relations based on equality, mutual respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity, to mutually recognize state and national symbols, establish quasi diplomatic relations. Under the guise of "normalization of relations" the West, led by the USA, seeks in fact to oblige Serbia to de facto recognize a new state of Kosovo resulting from the NATO 1999 aggression. Promises of membership to the EU, investments and donations are being exploited to lure Serbia to recognize secession of the part of own state territory, thus renouncing of all the rights based on the international law, UN Charter, UN SC guaranties as well as on own Constitution. All these demands are contained in the so called "Agreement on the path of normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia" presented to Serbia on February 27th, 2023 and confirmed on March 18, 2023, in Ohrid, Northern Macedonia, in the form of an, more or less, open ultimatum. Interestingly, this ultimatum, accompanied with the threats of economic, financial and other measures and restrictions in the case of non compliance, will be confirmed by European Council on March 24rth, 2023, the date when exactly 24 years ago NATO started bombing Belgrade, Pristine and other cities all over Serbia. What are real reasons for all these? To make Kosovo eligible to join NATO and even unite with Albania; to establish complete NATO-ionization of the Balkans, encompassing Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina; to push away Russian and Chinese presence from the Balkans; to remove objection of five EU member states (four NATO) to the recognition of unilateral secession of Kosovo, thus reestablishing unity within alliances. The NATO aggression on Serbia and Montenegro (FRY) in 1999, was the turning point of the Alliance from defensive to aggressive, of Europe partially autonomous to complete submission to the USA in pursuit of globalization of the interventionism and global confrontation with Russia and China. Although, it did appear the peak of unipollar arrogance and USA/NATO hegemony, it was wake up call to everybody who believe in new democratic world order Zivadin Jovanovic, CHINESE DELEGATION VISITS THE BELGRADE FORUM
Delegation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) paid visit to the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals. The hosts and the guests exchanged opinions on mutual cooperation, also including the positions on the ongoing happenings in Euro-Asia. It was assessed that the countries of growing economic and political power are making decisive contributions to the development of a new and just world order, one that is based on sovereign equality, non-interference in internal affairs, and democratization. it was further concluded that the vast majority of countries in the world embrace the multipolar world. A joint evaluation was made that associations, scientific and cultural organizations have a vital role in promoting the understanding and the equal and mutually beneficial cooperation between Serbia and China as comprehensively strategic partners. Representative of the Belgrade Forum underlined that the Global Security Initiative of Xi Jinping, the President of the People's Republic of China and the 12-point plan for peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine, are examples of the positive, constructive, and responsible role of China at the times of escalating tensions, divisions, and overall danger of uncontrolled developments. It was affirmed that peace and security are indivisible, and that success in identifying a peaceful solution to any conflict or problem primarily depends on the accurate determination of the root causes and their removal. Participants expressed mutual interest in expanding and further improving the existing good cooperation. THE BELGRADE FORUM INFORMATION SERVICE Message for Mr Miroslav Lajcak - EU Special facilitator for Belgrade-Pristina dialog
Dear Mr. Lajcak, May we advise you not to overload EU boat with seventeen new models for the community of Serbian districts in Kosovo and Metohija . Let as stay with the single model defined duly sight by the so-called parties and EU in 2013, and elaborated in details in 2015. And also, let us not be mistaken any community of Serbian districts in Kosovo and Methija, has to be in the framework of UN Resolution 1244, guaranteeing sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. Please stay consistent and predictable, truly yours, Živadin Jovanović GLOBALink | Supply of western weapons prolongs Ukraine crisis, harms Europe: former Serbian diplomat
The West isn't looking to stop the Ukraine crisis but to protract it to the benefit of its own interest and hegemony, a former Serbian senior diplomat has said. Source: THE POSITIONS OF THE BELGRADE FORUM CONCERNING THE ‘EU PROPOSAL-AGREEMENT’
In its response to the EU/US pressuring Serbia to accelerate, step-by-step, her recognition of unilateral and illegal secession of Kosovo and Metohija, the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals hereby recalls the following: The armed part of the aggression ended with negotiations, and negotiations ended with the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 that, inter alia, guarantees the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) whereas for the Province of Kosovo and Metohija is foreseen substantial autonomy within Serbia (the FRY). UN SC Resolution 1244 is a document of the highest legal authority and force within the existing global legal order, one that binds each of 193 members of the United Nations, without exceptions and without any time constraints. This legal act is still in force and no other than the UN Security Council is entitled to cancel or alter it, nor violate it by imposing any kind of a different solution. Serbia’s vital interest is that this Resolution be duly observed and fully implemented. From its opening recital to its closing Article 11, the “EU Proposal-Agreement on the path to normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia” published on the European Union website on February 27, 2023, is but a gross violation of UN SC Resolution 1244, the principles of international law, and the Constitution of Serbia. EU’s endeavors vis-à-vis Serbia, as an old European country and a member of the United Nations and other international organizations, employing threats and extortion to compel Serbia to concede to becoming an equal in terms of rights and obligations with her own Autonomous Province, now entrusted to an interim UN mandate, makes a one-of-a-kind episode in recent history that embodies arrogant and arbitrary behaving, violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity, abuse of a UN General Assembly mandate, and setting of a precedent with a hard-to-predict consequences for peace and security in the Balkans and in Europe. The ‘Proposal-Agreement’ is teeming with contradictory provisions and formal symmetries, each detrimental to Serbia’s vital interests. The authors made sure to leave room for ‘Parties’ to sell victory to their respective public, each in its own way. If the ‘Proposal-Agreement’ were accepted, it is beyond any doubt that disputes would be decided by the EU/US, just as is clear that their ruling, as always before, would be to Serbia’s detriment. The official narrative is that ‘Proposal-Agreement’ was not signed, without stating whether it was verbally endorsed or not; differing information and interpretations swirling around only cause confusion among the public. In given backdrop, the consent of all participants to negotiate the implementation of this ‘Proposal-Agreement’— one that has not been signed or confirmed as endorsed, that has not been published in any institution or official medium in Serbia — is nothing short of amazing. Such an attitude is incompatible with the fateful significance of the matter at hand. Serbia and the Serbian people are faced with EU/US attempt of a historic hoax. The solution is not in acceptance of this hoax while citing the preserving of peace and prospects for progress and a better life as an excuse. Any solution that is inherently unjust and imposed under threats and fraud and that serves the global confrontation, can be anything except a contributing factor to peace, development, and a better life. We must diverge from any plans or forecasts still based on theses invoking ‘end of history’ and any inducements to permanently renounce our enduring life interests for the sake of small shiny offers and benefits. The EU has shown its true colors also back in 2013, by compelling Serbia to withdraw state institutions in the north of the Province, the police and judiciary including, for the promise of an established Community of Serbian Municipalities (the CSM). We all know what followed there, and in particular the outcome of NATO’s broken promise not to allow deployment of anyone’s long-barreled arms to the north: not only did we get long-barreled guns but also erected military camps, land grab, and full militarization in the north! Ten years on, the EU/US once again offer promises of the CSM, only this time as a package – “both implementation of the ‘EU Proposal-Agreement’ and a CSM compliant with the Constitution of the so-called Kosovo”. Suffice to say of respecting the document signed. And we may as well have a déjà vu – implementation of the ‘EU Proposal-Agreement’ only! But – we are soothed – there will be guarantees! Whose?! Of those same ones who have previously been granting but never honoring them?! The promises of investments and donations should Serbia renounced her state rights to a part of her state territory, at the expense of her dignity and identity, is an example of aggressiveness exerted by the revived neo-colonial and neo-racist mentality and utter hypocrisy, which we have mistakenly believed had been long ago consigned to history. In our relationship with the EU, as well, we should be guided by the principle that Serbia needs others as much as they need Serbia, instead of being guided by ‘realism’ into accepting of our own free will to succumb the inferiority complex. It is high time we took more into account and in a more responsible way, all that Serbia and the Serbian people have experienced and survived throughout history and who from, while keeping in mind that neocolonial appetites are insatiable. We must not rely on promises and guarantees offered by those who most often betrayed us. BELGRADE FORUM FOR THE WORLD OF EQUALS Il piano Scholz-Macron, un ultimatum per schiacciare la Serbia con il suo consenso
L'UE afferma di essere neutrale circa il Kosovo, per quanto riguarda il suo status. L'ultima"proposta" di Scholz-Macron non è che un ultimatum, che richiede alla Serbia di riconoscere l'indipendenza unilaterale illegale del cosiddetto Kosovo, accompagnata da un elenco di minacce di ciò che accadrà alla Serbia se non si conformerà. Inoltre, in questo ultimatum è dichiarato che è la posizione dell'intera UE. La sua vera natura non è mutata dall'essere presentato al popolo serbo come "un nuovo quadro negoziale dell'UE sostenuto dagli Stati Uniti". Un ultimatum resta un ultimatum, qualunque sia l'involucro. Dobbiamo dire la verità: in primo luogo, che l'UE ha drasticamente abbandonato la sua neutralità di status e, in secondo luogo, che l'ultimo documento ( da chiunque sia stato scritto, seguito o sostenuto) è la prova che l'Unione europea esce tacitamente oltre il mandato assegnatogli dall'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite. Non ho alcun dubbio sul fatto che questa questione sia della massima importanza per la Serbia e che sia un'impresa da pazzi cercare di comportarsi come se si trattasse di incombenze usuali. Perché, se di fronte allo scenario in cui la decisione, giuridicamente vincolante, del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite non viene rispettata e gli orientamenti politici dell'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite sul mandato dell'UE di "facilitare il dialogo tra le parti" vengono ignorati, abbiamo la responsabilità e il dovere di dire ad alta voce che questo non è normale, non è vantaggioso per la fiducia reciproca e non è accettabile per la Serbia. Anzi, non dovrebbe essere normale o accettabile per qualsiasi stato membro in buona fede delle Nazioni Unite. Se siamo d'accordo che gli eventi in corso riguardano gli interessi vitali e strategici della Serbia, se siamo fiduciosi che le nostre posizioni e punti di vista sono giusti, basati sui principi e ben fondati, cosa di cui siamo certi, e se una delle parti si irrita per questo, ci rammarichiamo, ma ciò nonostante dobbiamo mantenere la nostra posizione e non ritirarci. Non dobbiamo lasciarci trasportare dall'attuale stato di avanzamento del confronto o lasciarci influenzare da interessi a breve termine. Dobbiamo discernere le tendenze strategiche e articolare le nostre posizioni sulla base delle nostre esperienze, lezioni insegnateci dalla storia e le tendenze generali valutate con tutti gli aspetti fondamentali, invece che da ogni singola angolazione. Temo che, come paese e nazione, siamo stati continuamente esposti a un'influenza eccessiva della propaganda, delle opinioni e degli interessi unilaterali dell'Occidente. Questo non può essere un bene per noi, nemmeno se nasce da buone intenzioni; quando diviene un precursore della strategia dell'egemonia e del dominio, può diventare chiaramente disastroso. L'unica vera chiave per la pace, la sicurezza e una vita migliore per tutte le nazioni dei Balcani, compresi i popoli serbo e albanese, risiede nell'osservanza dei principi fondamentali del Diritto internazionale, della Carta delle Nazioni Unite e dell'attuazione coerente della risoluzione del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite 1244. Niente di tutto ciò si trova nel cosiddetto piano Scholz-Macron, presentato al pubblico come una sorta di "nuovo quadro negoziale dell'UE, sostenuto dagli USA" o come "accordo di base" tra la Serbia e il cosiddetto Kosovo . Il piano Scholz-Macron non è un quadro per i negoziati o per qualsiasi soluzione giusta o sostenibile. Questo è un piano per schiacciare la Serbia. Se possibile, con il consenso della Serbia. Se il piano Scholz-Macron è la chiave di tutto, nel contempo non è la chiave per la pace, la stabilità e il progresso di qualsiasi regione, nazione o Europa nel suo insieme. È il piano per il dominio totale della NATO guidata dagli USA sul popolo serbo e sui Balcani, e per impostare i Balcani come palcoscenico strategico nella guerra globale contro Russia e Cina. È la base del titano che continua a schiacciare la Serbia e l'intera nazione serba nei Balcani. Se il loro piano avesse avuto qualche buona intenzione, si sarebbero sforzati di fare almeno riferimento alle garanzie del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU nei confronti della Serbia, date dai loro predecessori il 10 giugno 1999. Se fossero stati di principio, se davvero volevano rispettare principi e diritto internazionale, se hanno perseguito una politica possibile come si aspettano che facciano gli altri, perché dovrebbero tenersi alla larga dalle Nazioni Unite e dalle decisioni prese dal Consiglio di Sicurezza? Dal momento che non lo erano, e non l'hanno fatto, la Serbia dovrebbe rimanere fedele a se stessa, al suo popolo, ai suoi antenati, al suo patrimonio storico e alle conquiste durature appartenenti alla civiltà mondiale. Perché avevano bisogno della Meloni? Per aiutare Macron ad annacquare il suo ruolo poco onorevole nel "duetto" con Scholz? O per rafforzare congiuntamente la dimensione europea del "Piano"? O forse aiutare Roma, come vicina, a rivendicare un pezzo di merito per la concretizzazione connivente della Grande Albania? A parte gli Stati Uniti come mente, al trio manca ancora Rishi Sunak ( il neo premier inglese, ndt)per riprendere il ruolo di Neville Chamberlain, così da fare una replica di "salvare la pace" nel 1938 a Berchtesgaden almeno come convincimento che la prima copia fu 85 anni fa. In base all'"Accordo di Bruxelles" del 2013, la Serbia ha ritirato il proprio ordinamento giuridico e costituzionale e le proprie istituzioni nel nord della provincia del Kosovo. A sua volta, seppur solo sulla carta, la Serbia ha assicurato alla Comunità dei comuni serbi (CCS) poteri esecutivi. Ora, dopo dieci anni passati a 'tendere la corda' fino a spezzarla, sembra che gli avversari della Serbia, la leadership serba giura che questa corda è 'l'unica alternativa', siano decisi a costringere la Serbia a pagare ancora una volta un prezzo per l'istituzione della CCS, e cioè una CCS vuota, assoggettata alla cosiddetta Costituzione del Kosovo. Per questo magro guadagno, la Serbia dovrebbe accettare che il piano/accordo Scholz-Macron sia una buona base per la ripresa dei negoziati che porteranno alla conclusione di un "accordo completo e giuridicamente vincolante sulla normalizzazione". Quindi, USA, UE, NATO e Priština proclameranno e spiegheranno che "normalizzazione" significa riconoscimento reciproco, creazione di "relazioni di buon vicinato", rispetto della reciprocità, della sovranità e dell'integrità territoriale delle "parti" e della cosiddetta piena adesione del Kosovo nelle organizzazioni internazionali, comprese le Nazioni Unite e simili. Se la Serbia accetta ciò che è stato escogitato da coloro che le preparano sempre la stessa trappola, potrebbe anche articolare il suo consenso in modo diverso, ma questo di per sé non modificherebbe molto lo svolgersi degli eventi a scapito della Serbia. È molto rischioso affidarsi alle garanzie date da chi ha già dimostrato di non aver mai mantenuto la parola data, invece di insistere sulle garanzie esistenti date dal Consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU e da chi ha visioni del mondo diverse e sostiene la sovranità e l'integrità territoriale di Serbia. Questi ultimi comprendono quasi i 2/3 del mondo, la cui rilevanza nelle relazioni globali sta aumentando, anziché diminuire. Le pressioni e la gravità della situazione in cui si trova la Serbia non sono e non possono servire da giustificazione per allontanarsi dai diritti, dai principi e dalle garanzie esistenti. Al contrario. *Ministro degli Esteri della Yugoslavia dal 1998 al 2000 e attuale presidente del Forum Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali Traduzione a cura di Enrico Vigna Forum Belgrado Italia Эксперты: НАТО использует Косово для создания конфликта между Сербией и Россией
В "Белградском форуме за мир равноправных" подчеркнули, что опубликованное Евросоюзом 27 февраля "Соглашение о пути к нормализации отношений Косова и Сербии" представляет собой грубое нарушение резолюции Совбеза ООН БЕЛГРАД, 7 марта. /ТАСС/. Одностороннее решение непризнанного Косова об отделении обусловлено желанием Североатлантического альянса господствовать в регионе и подготовиться к конфронтации с Россией. Об этом во вторник сообщили ТАСС в организации влиятельных сербских дипломатов, политологов, военных и медиков "Белградский форум за мир равноправных". "Одностороннее отделение Приштины стало результатом агрессии НАТО, совершенной 24 года назад. Целью вооруженной агрессии было господство на Балканах в рамках стратегии расширения НАТО на Восток и подготовки к конфронтации с Россией. Целью продолжающейся агрессии, выражающейся в ультиматуме для Сербии признать Косово, является то же самое - формализация захвата края силой, противопоставление Сербии России и Китаю, а также подготовка глобальной расправы", - говорится в заявлении организации. В документе также подчеркивается, что опубликованное Евросоюзом 27 февраля "Соглашение о пути к нормализации отношений Косова и Сербии" представляет собой "грубое нарушение резолюции Совбеза ООН 1244 (о том, что автономный край Косово и Метохия является частью Сербии - прим. ТАСС), принципов международного права и конституции Сербии" и каждый его пункт "наносит ущерб жизненным интересам Сербии". "От Сербии требуется уменьшить свою конституционно установленную, международно признанную государственную территорию, с которой она стала членом ООН, ОБСЕ и всех других международных организаций, и передать ее в состав преступно навязанного образования", - отметили представители форума. "Обещание инвестиций и дотаций [со стороны ЕС], если Сербия откажется от своих государственных прав на части своей государственной территории, своего достоинства и идентичности, является примером агрессивности возрожденного неоколониального, неорасистского менталитета и лицемерия, которые, как мы считали, давно остались в истории. <...> Мы не должны полагаться на обещания и гарантии тех, кто чаще всего нас подводит", - заключили эксперты. Белградский форум за мир равноправных - клуб экспертов, основанный в 2000 году, занимающийся анализом событий в Сербии, на Балканах и во всем мире. Одним из основателей форума и его нынешним председателем является экс-глава МИД Союзной Республики Югославия Живадин Йованович (1998-2000 годы). Source: Rachak - view from Helsinki
There are still two politicians active in Finnish politics who collaborated with the US and German governments to bomb Yugoslavia to surrender to US demands of NATO-occupation of the whole of Yugoslavia. They are president Sauli Niinistö, and minister of foreign affairs Pekka Haavisto . The government of Finland in 1999 hid the results of the forensic Finnish team about the battle between Albanian terrorists and Serbian police in the village of Racak. The Finnish government lied. The OSCE chief William Walker from US collected the bodies into a pitch and showed it to a group of journalists claiming the then were executed. The forensic team led by professor Antti Penttilä diagnosed that all of the victims had died in combat and not a single one had been shot at close distance. The Finnish government and German government decided to hide the forensic results. This gave president Clinton the way to start the bombing "because of this massacre". Actually the UN Security Council did not accept, when Ahtisaari asked, any changes in 1244. As for Finland you can realize that the application of Finland to NATO against all odds at this moment is a surrender to the US. It is against all interests of Finns, who have not been able to say their opinion in a popular vote. The Scholz-Macron Plan how to Crush Serbia with her Consent
Zivadin Jovanovic The EU claims to be neutral [Kosovo] status-wise. Or at least, the EU has not declared parting ways with its status neutrality. Back in September 2019, the UN General Assembly welcomed “the readiness of the European Union to facilitate a process of dialogue between the parties”, on the basis of the EU’s declared status-neutrality. Тhis Scholz-Macron “proposal” is but an ultimatum requiring Serbia to recognize the illegal unilateral independence of the so-called Kosovo, accompanied by a list of threats of what will beset Serbia should she fail to abide. In addition, this ultimatum is declared to be the position of the entire EU. Its true nature is not altered by being presented to the Serbian public as “a US-backed, EU’s new negotiating framework”. An ultimatum will be an ultimatum, whatever the packaging. We need to vocalize the truth: firstly, that the EU has drastically abandoned its status-neutrality and secondly, that the latest paper (whoever by written, joined, or backed) is proof of the European Union silently stepping out and beyond of the mandate given to it by the United Nations General Assembly. I have no doubts whatsoever that this matter is of utmost importance for Serbia, and that it is a fool’s errand trying to act as if this is business as usual. Because if faced with the scenario where the legally binding decision of the UN Security Council are not observed, and the UN General Assembly political guidance on mandating the EU to “facilitate the dialogue between the parties” are disregarded, we have responsibility and duty to say out loud that this is not normal, not beneficial for mutual trust, and not acceptable for Serbia. Rather, it should not be normal or acceptable for any bona fide state member to the United Nations. If we agree that the ongoing events concern the vital and long-term interests of Serbia, if we are confident that our positions and views are righteous, principled, and well-based – which we are – and if any party gets angered by this, we regret but nonetheless we have to stand our ground, and not retreat. We must not get carried away by a current state of play, or get swayed by any short-term interests. We must discern strategic trends and articulate our positions based on our own experiences, lessons taught by history, and overall trends as evaluated from all important aspects instead of any single angle. I am afraid that, as a country and a nation, we have been continuously exposed to an excessive influence of the West’s one-sided propaganda, views, and interests. This cannot be good for us, not even if stemming from good intentions; when creeping in as a precursor to the strategy of hegemony and domination, it can be plainly disastrous. The one true key to peace, security, and a better life for all nations in the Balkans, including the Serbian and Albanian people, lies in the observance of the fundamental principles of international law, the UN Charter, and the consistent implementation of UNSC Resolution 1244. None of the above is to be found in the so-called Scholz-Macron plan, presented to the public as a sort of “EU’s new negotiating framework, US-backed” or a “Basic Agreement” between Serbia and the so-called Kosovo. The Scholz-Macron plan is not a framework for negotiations, or for any just or sustainable solution. This is a plan to crush Serbia. If possible, with the consent of Serbia. If the Scholz-Macron plan is the key to anything, the least of all is it a key to peace, stability and progress of any region, nation, or Europe as a whole. It is the plan for the total domination of the USA-led NATO over the Serbian people and the Balkans, and for setting the Balkans as the strategic stage in the global war against Russia and China. It is the juggernaut plant to keep crushing Serbia and the entire Serbian nation in the Balkans. If their plan had had any good intentions, they would have made an effort to at least refer to the UN Security Council guarantees vis-à-vis Serbia, given by their predecessors on June 10, 1999. If they were principled, if they really respected principles and international law, if they pursued a predictable politics as they expect others to do, why would they stay clear from the United Nations and the decisions taken by the Security Council! Since they were not, and did not, Serbia should remain true to herself, to her people, ancestors, historical heritage and enduring achievements belonging to the world civilization. Why did they need Meloni? To help Macron water down his not-so-honorable role in ‘duet’ with Scholz? Or to jointly bolster the EU dimension of the ‘Plan’? Or maybe help Rome, as a neighbor, claim a piece of merit for the connived incarnation of Greater Albania? Apart from the USA as mastermind, the trio still misses Rishi Sunak to reprise the role of Neville Chamberlain, so to make rerun of the 1938 “saving the peace” in Berchtesgaden at least as convincing as its premiere was 85 years ago. Under the “Brussels Agreement” of 2013, Serbia withdrew her legal and constitutional order and institutions in the north of the Province. In turn, albeit in paper only, Serbia ensured the Community of Serbian Municipalities (the CSM) with executive powers. Now, after ten years of ‘stretching the rope’ to the point of snapping, it looks like Serbia’s adversaries, the same one that Serbian leadership swears are the ‘only alternative’, are set on forcing Serbia to pay once more for the establishment of the CSM, that is, an incapacitated CSM fashioned pursuant to the so-called Kosovo Constitution. For this meagre gain, Serbia is expected to agree that the Scholz-Macron plan/agreement is a good basis for the resumption of negotiations that will lead to, and result in, the conclusion of a “comprehensive and legally binding agreement on normalization”. Then, the USA, the EU, NATO and Priština will proclaim and explain that ‘normalization’ means mutual recognition, establishment of ‘good neighborly relations’, respecting reciprocity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of ‘parties’ and the so-called Kosovo’s full membership in international organizations including the UN, and the like. If Serbia does accept what was devised by those always brewing a same plot for her, she might as well articulate her consent in a different way, but this in itself would not alter the unfolding of events much to the detriment of Serbia. It is very dicey to rely on the guarantees given by those already proven to have never kept their word, instead of insisting on the existing guarantees given by the UN Security Council and by those who have differing worldviews and who support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. The latter comprise almost 2/3 of the world, whose relevance in global relations is increasing, rather than decreasing. The pressures and gravity of the situation in which Serbia finds herself are not and cannot serve as justification for shifting away from the rights, principles and existing guarantees. Quite the contrary. Translated by Branislava Mitrovic EU categorically demands that Serbia recognizes Kosovo’s independence — ex-minister
Zivadin Jovanovic noted that the Franco-German plan "is not the key to peace, stability and progress of any region, people or Europe as a whole" BELGRADE, February 27. /TASS/. The French-German plan for talks between Belgrade and Pristina is the ultimatum against Serbia, demanding the recognition of Kosovo’s independence, ex-Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Zivadin Jovanovic told TASS. "The proposal of [German Chancellor Olaf] Scholz and [President of France Emmanuel] Macron is the ultimatum against Serbia to recognize the unlawful unilateral independence of unrecognized Kosovo, which is accompanied by a list of threats to follow if Serbia does not accept it. It was said that the ultimatum is the position of the entire EU. It does not change the essence that this ultimatum is named for the Serbian public as ‘new negotiation framework of the EU backed by the US.’ An ultimatum is an ultimatum, irrespective of the wrapping," Jovanovic said. "We must tell the truth that the EU abruptly abandoned its status neutrality and that the last paper (irrespective of the one writing it, joining or supporting it) is evidence that the EU withdraws from the mandate of the UN General Assembly," the ex-minister noted. The French-German plan "is not the key to peace, stability and progress of any region, nation or Europe on the whole. This is the plan of total domination of NATO headed by the US over the Serbian people and the Balkans, the plan of preparing the Balkans as the strategic position in the global war against Russia and China," Jovanovic said. The French-German plan of solving the issue of unrecognized Kosovo will only continue "splitting up Serbia and the Serbian nation in the Balkans," he added. Source: Бывший глава МИД Югославии: судьба Косово будет решаться в СВО на Украине
Эксклюзивное интервью бывшего министра иностранных дел Югославии (1998-2000 годов) Живадина Йовановича корреспонденту 36ON на Балканах, доктору филологических наук, профессору Владимиру Сапунову. В. С.: Господин Йованович, что вы думаете, если говорить о нынешней внешней политике Сербии, как вы можете её оценить? Как можете охарактеризовать принцип равноудаленности, который декларируют сербские дипломаты? В. С.: Такой принцип оправдан, когда и партнёры заинтересованы в равноправных отношениях. Однако нынешний Запад совершенно не хочет видеть в Сербии равноправного партнёра. Политика Вашингтона и Брюсселя по отношению к Сербии — это выкручивание рук, шантаж и ультиматумы. Последние примеры с давлением на Белград с требованиями признания Косово и введения санкций против России — хорошие тому иллюстрации. Стоит ли тогда так упорно твердить о «безальтернативности европейского пути для Сербии»? Ведь политика «буриданова осла» уже не проходит, коллективный Запад требует сделать выбор. В. С.: И тем не менее Запад предъявил ультиматум и однозначно не собирается от него отступать. В. С.: Вы как один из тех, кто работал над резолюцией 1244 СБ ООН от 10.06.1999 по Косово, разумеется, не признаёте принятие «плана Ахтисаари-Черномырдина» и Кумановского соглашения капитуляцией. Тем не менее Югославии пришлось вывести свои войска из Косово, а тот миротворческий контингент, который вошёл под эгидой ООН, фактически представлял собой силы под командованием НАТО. Можно только представить, насколько тяжело далось тогда Слободану Милошевичу то решение — подписать соответствующие документы и вывести войска. А вот почему потом, уже после государственного переворота 5 октября 2000 года сербские власти ничего не делали, чтобы противостоять погромам со стороны косовских албанцев, массовому изгнанию сербов из автономного края, разрушению святынь, — это уже вопрос к пришедшим к власти в Белграде прозападным «демократам». Зачем было подписывать Брюссельский договор, который фактически лишил Белград возможности влиять на ситуацию в Косово без контроля ЕС? Из этого же ряда договоры IPAP с НАТО, они дали право НАТО свободно передвигаться по всей территории Сербии, против чего мы выступали в Рамбуйе. В. С.: Разумеется, Запад, не хотел таким образом в принципе закончить военные действия на Балканах, просто добился перемирия там, где ему это было выгодно. Готовилась новая война — в Боснии. Тот же Циммерман в марте 1992 года убедил лидера боснийских мусульман Алию Изетбеговича отозвать свою подпись под планом Каррингтона-Кутиельро, который предполагал более или менее справедливое этническое разделение в рамках Боснии. В награду США признали независимость Боснии. А дальше была война. В. С.: Возвращаясь к американскому давлению 1990-х на Белград. И хорватская операция «Буря» в августе 1995 с ликвидацией Сербской Краины из этого же ряда. Ситуация была очень некомфортной, если не сказать напряженной. Тогда Милошевич сказал: «Ну, ты же сам однажды сказал, что Жика — детерминист. У тебя нет причин злиться». Затем Милошевич быстро спросил Холбрука, как дела у его жены Кэти (Нортон, активистка по защите прав человека), которая занималась освобождением журналистов из турецких тюрем. Таким образом Милошевич преодолел неприятную атмосферу, и началась встреча. После Милутинович раскритиковал меня за то, что я «чуть не сорвал переговоры». Через таможню тогда шли материалы с Запада — агитационные, деньги оружие. Тогда задержали на сербской таможне британский дипломатический груз с деньгами — а мне звонит британский посол и спрашивает: «Как вы смеете задерживать на таможне дипломатический груз Её Величества». Я отвечаю: «Мы не претендуем на груз Её Величества, только пусть он отправится обратно на родину Её Величества». ACURA ViewPoint: Krishen Mehta: The Ukraine War viewed from the Global South
ACURA VIEWPOINTFebruary 22, 2023 In October 2022, about eight months after the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the University of Cambridge in the UK harmonized surveys that asked the inhabitants of 137 countries about their views of the West, Russia, and China. The findings in the combined study are robust enough to demand our serious attention. Of the 6.3 billion people who live outside of the West, 66% feel positively towards Russia, and 70% feel positively towards China. 75% of respondents in South Asia, 68% of respondents in Francophone Africa, and 62% of respondents in Southeast Asia report feeling positively toward Russia. Public opinion of Russia remains positive in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, and Vietnam. These findings have caused some surprise and even anger in the West. It’s difficult for Western thought leaders to comprehend that two-thirds of the world’s population is just not lining up with the West in this conflict. However, I believe there are five reasons why the Global South is not taking the West’s side. I discuss these reasons in the short essay below. 1. The Global South does not believe that the West understands or empathizes India’s foreign minister, S. Jaishankar, summed it up succinctly in a recent interview: “Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe’s problems are the world’s problems, but the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems.” Developing countries face many challenges, from the aftermath of the pandemic, the high cost of debt service, and the climate crisis that is ravaging their environments, to the pain of poverty, food shortages, droughts, and high energy prices. Yet the West has barely given lip service to the seriousness of many of these issues, even while insisting that the Global South join it in sanctioning Russia. The Covid pandemic is a perfect example. Despite the Global South’s repeated pleas to share intellectual property on the vaccines with the goal of saving lives, no Western nation has been willing to do so. Africa remains to this day the most unvaccinated continent in the world. African nations have the manufacturing capability to make the vaccines, but without the necessary intellectual property, they remain dependent on imports. But help did come from Russia, China, and India. Algeria launched a vaccination program in January 2021 after it received its first batch of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccines. Egypt started vaccinations after receiving China’s Sinopharm vaccine at about the same time, while South Africa procured a million doses of AstraZeneca from the Serum Institute of India. In Argentina, Sputnik became the backbone of the national vaccine program. This all happened while the West was using its financial resources to buy millions of doses in advance, then often destroying them when they expired. The message to the Global South was clear — the pandemic in your countries is your problem, not ours. 2. History matters: who stood where during colonialism and after independence? Many countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia view the war in Ukraine through a different lens than the West. They see their former colonial powers regrouped as members of the Western alliance. This alliance — for the most part, members of the European Union and NATO or the closest allies of the US in the Asia-Pacific region — makes up the countries that have sanctioned Russia. By contrast, many countries in Asia, and almost all countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, have tried to remain on good terms with both Russia and the West, shunning sanctions against Russia. Could this be because they remember their history at the receiving end of the West’s colonial policies, a trauma that they still live with but which the West has mostly forgotten? Nelson Mandela often said that it was the Soviet Union’s support, both moral and material, that helped inspire South Africans to overthrow the Apartheid regime. Because of this, Russia is still viewed in a favorable light by many African countries. And once independence came for these countries, it was the Soviet Union that supported them, despite its own limited resources. Egypt’s Aswan Dam, completed in 1971, was designed by the Moscow-based Hydro Project Institute and financed in large part by the Soviet Union. The Bhilai Steel Plant, one of the first large infrastructure projects in newly independent India, was set up by the USSR in 1959. Other countries also benefited from the political and economic support provided by the former Soviet Union, including Ghana, Mali, Sudan, Angola, Benin, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Mozambique. On February 18, 2023, at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the foreign minister of Uganda, Jeje Odongo, had this to say: “We were colonized and forgave those who colonized us. Now the colonizers are asking us to be enemies of Russia, who never colonized us. Is that fair? Not for us. Their enemies are their enemies. Our friends are our friends.” Rightly or wrongly, present-day Russia is seen by many countries in the Global South as an ideological successor to the former Soviet Union. Fondly remembering the USSR’s help, they now view Russia in a unique and often favorable light. Given the painful history of colonization, can we blame them? 3. The war in Ukraine is seen by the Global South as mainly about the future of Europe rather than the future of the entire world. The history of the Cold War has taught developing countries that getting embroiled in great power conflicts carries enormous risks but returns scant, if any, rewards. As a consequence, they view the Ukraine proxy war as one that is more about the future of European security than the future of the entire world. From the Global South’s perspective, the Ukraine war seems to be an expensive distraction from its own most pressing issues. These include higher fuel prices, rising food prices, higher debt service costs, and more inflation, all of which Western sanctions against Russia have greatly aggravated. A recent survey published by Nature Energy states that up to 140 million people could be pushed into extreme poverty by the soaring energy prices seen over the past year. High energy prices not only directly impact energy bills — they also lead to upward price pressures along supply chains and ultimately on consumer items, including food and other necessities. This across-the-board inflation inevitably hurts developing countries much more than the West. The West can sustain the war “as long as it takes.” They have the financial resources and the capital markets to do so, and of course they remain deeply invested in the future of European security. But the Global South does not have the same luxury, and a war for the future of security in Europe has the potential to devastate the security of the entire world. The Global South is alarmed that the West is not pursuing negotiations that could bring this war to an early end, beginning with the missed opportunity in December 2021, when Russia proposed revised security treaties for Europe that could have prevented the war but which were rejected by the West. The peace negotiations of April 2022 in Istanbul were also rejected by the West in part to “weaken” Russia. Now, the entire world — but especially the developing world — is paying the price for an invasion that the Western media like to call “unprovoked” but which likely could have been avoided, and which the Global South has always seen as a local rather than an international conflict. 4. The world economy is no longer dominated by America or led by the West. The Global South now has other options. Several countries in the Global South increasingly see their futures as tied to countries that are no longer in the Western sphere of influence. Whether this view reflects an accurate perception of the shifting balance of power or wishful thinking is partially an empirical question, so let’s look at some metrics. The US share of global output declined from 21 percent in 1991 to 15 percent in 2021, while China’s share rose from 4% to 19% during the same period. China is the largest trading partner for most of the world, and its GDP in purchasing power parity already exceeds that of the US. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, China, India, and South Africa) had a combined GDP in 2021 of $42 trillion, compared with $41 trillion in the US-led G7. Their population of 3.2 billion is more than 4.5 times the combined population of the G7 countries, which stands at 700 million. The BRICS are not imposing sanctions on Russia nor supplying arms to the opposing side. Russia is one of the biggest suppliers of energy and foodgrains for the Global South, while China’s Belt and Road Initiative remains a major supplier of financing and infrastructure projects. When it comes to financing, food, energy, and infrastructure, the Global South must rely more on China and Russia more than on the West. The Global South also sees the Shanghai Cooperation Organization expanding, more countries wanting to join the BRICS, and some countries now trading in currencies that move them away from the dollar, the Euro, or the West. Meanwhile, some countries in Europe are risking deindustrialization thanks to higher energy costs. This reveals an economic vulnerability in the West that was not so evident before the war. With developing countries having an obligation to put the interests of their own citizens first, is it any wonder that they see their future more and more tied to countries outside the West? 5. The “rules-based international order” is losing credibility and in decline. The vaunted “rules-based international order” is the bulwark of post–World War II liberalism, but many countries in the Global South see it as having been conceived by the West and imposed unilaterally on other countries. Few if any non-Western countries ever signed on to this order. The South is not opposed to a rules-based order, but rather to the present content of these rules as conceived by the West. But one must also ask, does the rules-based international order apply even to the West? For decades now, many in the Global South have seen the West as having its way with the world without much concern for playing by the rules. Several countries were invaded at will, mostly without United Nations Security Council authorization. These include the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. Under what “rules” were those countries attacked or devastated, and were those wars provoked or unprovoked? Julian Assange is languishing in prison and Ed Snowden remains in exile, both for having the courage (or perhaps the audacity) to expose the truths behind these and similar actions. Even today, sanctions imposed on over 40 countries by the West impose considerable hardship and suffering. Under what international law or “rules-based order” did the West use its economic strength to impose these sanctions? Why are the assets of Afghanistan still frozen in Western banks while the country is facing starvation and famine? Why is Venezuelan gold still held hostage in the UK while the people of Venezuela are living at subsistence levels? And if Sy Hersh’s expose is true, under what ‘rules-based order’ did the West destroy the Nord Stream pipelines? A paradigm shift appears to be taking place. We’re moving from a Western-dominated to a more multipolar world. The war in Ukraine has made more evident the international divergences that are driving this shift. Partly because of its own history, and partly because of emerging economic realities, the Global South sees a multipolar world as a preferable outcome, one in which its voice is more likely to be heard. President Kennedy ended his American University speech in 1963 with the following words: “We must do our part to build a world of peace where the weak are safe and the strong are just. We are not helpless before that task or hopeless for its success. Confident and unafraid, we must labor on towards a strategy of peace.” That strategy of peace was the challenge before us in 1963, and it remains a challenge for us today. The voices for peace, including those of the Global South, need to be heard. Krishen Mehta is a member of the Board of the American Committee for US Russia Accord, and a Senior Global Justice Fellow at Yale University. L’ultimatum dell’Occidente alla Serbia
Živadin Jovanović, Belgrado 21 gennaio 2023 Anche se il testo dell''Accordo di base' presentato dai “Grandi Cinque” occidentali (Ue, Usa, Germania, Francia, Italia) su Kosovo e Metohija, che circola da tempo sui media albanesi e dal 20 gennaio anche sui social network serbi, è molto vicino a quello autentico, non può essere visto come una sorta di accordo, ma piuttosto come un ultimatum che costringe la Serbia a riconoscere de facto la secessione forzata della sua provincia. Il documento, originariamente attribuito al presidente francese Macron e al cancelliere tedesco Scholz, leader delle due più grandi democrazie europee, si distingue come un'altra grave violazione della risoluzione 1244 del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, del principio fondamentale delle relazioni internazionali democratiche, della Carta delle Nazioni Unite, della Carta di Parigi, e l'Atto finale di Helsinki dell'OSCE. Questo testo sta umiliando la Serbia e la nazione serba, dicendo alla Serbia di osservare l'uguaglianza, la sovranità, l'integrità territoriale e le insegne di stato del cosiddetto Kosovo e, del resto, di tutti gli altri Stati, tranne che mantenere la sua sovranità, l’integrità territoriale e i suoi confini, riconosciuti a livello internazionale e confermati come tali dall'ONU, dall'OSCE, e da altre organizzazioni internazionali e dal Comitato Arbitrale di Badinter. Gli autori intendono utilizzare la resa della Serbia all'ultimatum come un modo per i non-riconoscitori (Spagna, Romania, Slovacchia, Grecia e Cipro), che coinvolgono cinque membri dell'UE e quattro membri della NATO, per riconoscere il cosiddetto Kosovo e sanare così la diatriba interna, sia all'interno dell'UE che della NATO. Questo vergognoso documento resterà in futuro a illustrare come gli obiettivi espansionistici dell'aggressione militare della NATO contro la Serbia (FRY) nel 1999 siano stati per decenni proseguiti con altri mezzi come ultimatum, minacce di coercizione economica e politica. Questa linea d'azione sconsiderata, unilaterale e arbitraria, oltre ad essere anti-serba, è piena di conseguenze imprevedibili. La causa principale e l'essenza del problema che riguarda Kosovo e Metohija risiede nella geopolitica determinata dal predominio delle principali potenze occidentali e dalla loro espansione ad est. La NATO fa del suo meglio per trasformare il Kosovo e Metohija, così come l'intera Serbia, in un trampolino di lancio per la sua incursione verso est, per mettere la Serbia contro Russia e Cina. Anche se la Serbia si arrendesse all'ultimatum, i serbi in Kosovo e Metohija rimarrebbero insicuri, le loro proprietà occupate illegalmente non verrebbero recuperate, circa 250.000 serbi espulsi e altri non albanesi rimarrebbero nell'impossibilità di tornare alle loro case liberamente e in sicurezza, le proprietà sociali e statali rimarrebbero usurpate. Un eventuale consenso dato dalla Serbia all'adesione del cosiddetto Kosovo alle Nazioni Unite e ad altre organizzazioni internazionali equivarrebbe al riconoscimento della personalità giuridica internazionale di queste ultime, con conseguenze di ogni genere, a partire da un'escalation fino alla creazione della Grande Albania a spese dei territori statali, non solo della Serbia ma anche di altri stati balcanici. C'è un'anima in Serbia che crede nelle nuove garanzie e promesse date dall'Occidente? Non è stata Angela Merkel che di recente ci ha ammonito a non fidarci delle loro rassicurazioni? Oppure la nostra creduloneria è già entrata nella fase senza limiti? La storia avverte che la pace, la stabilità e una vita migliore non possono essere preservate cedendo all'ultimatum a scapito della sovranità e dell'integrità territoriale. La posizione assunta nei confronti della Costituzione, della risoluzione 1244 del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, dei confini internazionalmente riconosciuti della Serbia e del diritto internazionale, non è una questione che possa essere risolta da ultimatum o con un accordo una tantum, ma piuttosto occorre mettere in risalto l’importanza della sopravvivenza della Serbia come vecchio Stato europeo e della nazione serba come fattore che contribuisce alla pace, alla stabilità e al progresso nei Balcani, in Europa e nel mondo. Tale status e reputazione della Serbia sono riaffermati dalla maggior parte dei paesi del mondo, da circa due terzi della popolazione del pianeta, che non hanno voluto e non vogliono riconoscere questo costrutto illegale come stato; tra questi c'è un numero non così piccolo di paesi che, su richiesta della Serbia, hanno ritirato i loro precedenti riconoscimenti senza temere pressioni come ultimatum da parte dell'Occidente a non farlo. *Ministro degli Esteri della Yugoslavia dal 1998 al 2000 e attuale presidente del Forum Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali Traduzione a cura di Enrico Vigna Forum Belgrado Italia Ultimatum - True Name for a ‘Basic Agreement’ Proposal
By Živadin Jovanović, formerly Yugoslav Minister of Foreign Affairs If the wording of the ‘Basic Agreement’ on Kosovo and Metohija that has been circulating for a while in the Albanian media and as of January 20 in the Serb-used social networks as well, is anywhere close to the authentic one, it cannot be viewed as any sort of an agreement -- short of being styled as one and including the substance grouped in articles -- but rather as an ultimatum compelling Serbia to practically (de facto) recognize the enforced secession of her Province. The document, attributable to French President Macron and German Chancellor Scholz, leaders of two largest European democracies, stands out as another gross violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, the basic principles of democratic international relations, the UN Charter, the Paris Charter, and the OSCE’s Helsinki Final Act. Inspired by their own power and greatness, this text is humiliating Serbia and the Serbian nation by telling Serbia to observe equality, sovereignty, territorial integrity and state insignia of so-called Kosovo and, for that matter, of all other states but her own sovereignty, territorial integrity and her internationally recognized borders confirmed as such by the UN, the OSCE, other international organizations, and the Badinter Arbitration Committee. The Scholz-Macron paper requests Serbia to not oppose the so-called Kosovo’s membership in all international organizations, including the United Nations. Therein, Serbia is expected to cooperate in deconstruction of her own integrity, own Constitutional order and international standing, so that the ‘Kosovo case’ subsequently could not be utilized by any party as a precedent for future unilateral secessions. The authors intend to use Serbia’s yielding to ultimatum as a way for non-recognizers (Spain, Romania, Slovakia, Greece, and Cyprus), which involve five EU and four NATO members, to recognize the so-called Kosovo and thus heal internal disunity within both the EU and NATO. Their another objective is to transfer all responsibility for casualties, devastation and consequences of using weapons with depleted uranium during NATO’s 1999 aggression onto Serbia, even though Serbia herself was its victim. Their final objective is to incorporate Serbia into a so-called ‘alliance of democracies’ set up as the front against Russia and China. The alleged proposal of Scholz and Macron now turned into a US-backed EU initiative, coupled with the latest activities of the ‘Big Five’ in Belgrade, are nothing short of usurpation and prejudging the prerogatives of, and decisions made by, the UN Security Council as the only body in charge of issues pertaining to the peace and security; they ignore UN Security Council Resolution 1244 as a universally binding legal act of the highest force and seek to drag Serbia, a peaceful and militarily neutral country, into a global confrontation. This reckless, one-sided and arbitrary course of action, in addition to being anti-Serb, is fraught with unforeseeable consequences. Kosovo and Metohija is not a frozen conflict, as purported by the West and echoed in Belgrade, nor can it be resolved by presenting an ultimatum to Serbia. A hypothetical acceptance of ultimatum would not save either peace or safety of Serbs in the Province, only help the conflict potential accumulate, other separatisms encourage, and humiliate Serbia and the Serbian nation. The root cause and the essence of the problem concerning Kosovo and Metohija lies in the geopolitics determined by the dominance of the leading Western powers and their expansion to the East. NATO does it utmost to turn Kosovo and the entire Serbia into a springboard for its incursion eastwards, to pit Serbia against Russia. This matter cannot be solved by accepting ultimatum but instead by insisting on the observance of the Constitution, as well as of the internationally recognized borders and UNSC Resolution 1244. Even if Serbia surrendered to ultimatum, the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija would remain unsafe, their illegally occupied property would not be repossessed, some 250,000 expelled Serbs and other non-Albanians would remain unable to return to their homes freely and safely, Serbian state-owned and socially-owned property would remain usurped. If anything, Serbia should be aware that yielding to ultimatum could only result in speeding up dangerous trends of confrontation and escalation, at the regional and the European level just the same. A potential consent given by Serbia to the so-called Kosovo joining the United Nations and other international organizations would be tantamount to the recognition of the latter’s international legal personality, entailing all sorts of consequences, beginning with an escalation and going all the way to the creation of Greater Albania at the expense of state territories not only of Serbia but also of few other Balkan states. Is there a soul in Serbia believing in new guarantees and promises given by the West? Was it not Angela Merkel who recently cautioned us to not trust their assurances! Or has our gullibility already entered the stage of no limits! The position taken vis-à-vis the Constitution, UN SC Resolution 1244, internationally recognized borders of Serbia, and international law, is not a matter of an ultimatum or of a one-off deal, but rather the matter of the position taken vis-à-vis the survival of Serbia as an old European state, and of Serbian nation as a factor contributing to peace, stability and progress in the Balkans, Europe, and the world. Such status and reputation of Serbia are reaffirmed by the majority of countries in the world, by some two-thirds of the planet’s population, who did not and wish not to recognize this illegal construct as a state; among those is a not so small number of countries which, at Serbia’s request, withdrew their previous recognitions without fearing ultimatum-fashioned pressures from the West not to do so. IT IS PRINCIPLES THAT PROTECT INTERESTS, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND
Živadin Jovanović What we read and listen is that Serbia in the matter of important issues, will position herself in line with her interests. Thus, heeding the criterion of own interests, Serbia will set her stance vis-à-vis the West’s campaigning to make Kosovo a member of various international organizations, vis-à-vis the Western pressures to introduce sanctions against Russia, as well as in terms of the Scholz-Macron plan. No matter how logical this approach seems to be, such a criterion leaves ample room for different interpretations in respect of what, under various circumstances, might be construed as the interest of Serbia. This view draws on the fact that any discussion about the existential state and national matters -- also including the future of Kosovo and Metohija -- is regularly and extensively shadowed by talks of a high degree of Serbia’s economic and financial dependence on the West (i.e., investments, trade, donations, ‘benefits’, shared values, etc.). It is in principle unacceptable that the matter of sovereignty and territorial integrity as the crucial issues in terms of the durable survival of the state and the nation, get to be treated on par with economic, financial or EU membership issues, since all the latter are incomparably less important and also subject to swift changes. No matter how thirsty we may be for investments, a more rapid development and a better life, it is far from recommended to turn greedy and to hastily rely on any or rather anyone’s promises, and in the least on cajoling and sugar coated promises of those who have already and so many times in the past played dirty tricks on us. We must simply bear in mind that those values are not comparable, and let this thought guide us in any given situation. We must also take into account that, throughout history of Europe, some other imposed solution used to be heralded as ‘peace saving’ while in the real life paving the way for a global disaster. It must not be taken for granted that the present-day seizure of Kosovo and Metohija is any less relevant for peace and security in Europe than it was the case of the German seizure of the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia back in 1938, endorsed by France, the UK and Italy. It is worth recalling this was done ‘behind Russia’s back’, just like the current attempt to wrest off Kosovo and Metohija. Is this part of an historical insight of Scholz and Macron or, for that matter, of the USA which supports in earnest the pair’s plan for carving Kosovo and Metohija out from Serbia? Or are those new gamblers, in their arrogance, convinced they are the Messiahs who save those less fortunate ones? There seems to be missing a consistent invoking of principles, the law, and the Constitution of Serbia, all of which make the foundation for permanent defending of vital national and state interests. For an independent, sovereign and peace loving Serbia, the principles are at the same time her steadfast support, her right and her duty. They are her historical legacy, identity hallmark and the pledge of her reputation in Europe and the world. In a paradoxical twist, while US high representative Derek Chollet during an official visit, in the very heart of Belgrade, claims it necessary to observe the ‘Constitution’ of a criminal and secessionist creation, there is no one in the audience feeling the urge to remind him, at least in protocolary terms, of the principle of observing the Constitution of Serbia! We have anyhow just marked 140 years of diplomatic relations between Serbia and the USA! From a principled point of view, the ‘red line’ should not consist only of so-called Kosovo’s membership in the UN, but rather its membership in any international organization bringing together sovereign states. We are witnessing the so-called ‘footnote with asterisk’ evolving, under a step-by-step tactic, into a sort of a ‘guiding star’ that opens the door of certain international associations, forums and missions for the separatist leadership in Priština, leaving us numbly indifferent, even complacent in the public domain, finding a small solace in the fact that the ‘star’ is being observed. So short-sighted! Autistic. Since we are fully aware that the Western tactic is to attain a partial international legal subjectivity in a couple of steps, then, whatever being told or promised, we simply must not assume the role of a passive by-stander or spectator. Wherever and whenever occur any behavior or gesture of any actor in the international domain that affect our interests, we must assume an active attitude and a clear and adequate diplomatic response. As for the West’s lobbying for Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe, in addition to our opposing it in no uncertain terms, it would only be logical to submit to each Member State, in a timely manner, our position that Serbia would perceive such a gesture as a grave violation of the basic principles and criteria endorsed by the CoE, as a counterproductive precedent and a provocation! There are plenty of principled arguments to support such position. When it comes to pressures to introduce sanctions against Russia, the point is made that those sanctions were introduced by the West and not by the UN Security Council, as the sole authorized body in the world for such measures, which make those sanctions one-sided and legally unfounded. Furthermore, as Serbia is painfully aware of from her experience, such sanctions are inhumane. Serbia does not endorse them on the grounds of principle, not for any scheming reasoning. A vast majority of the global community, including Serbia’s strategic partners, rejects Western sanctions against Russia, too. Serbia is not pitted against the world, but against violation of the rule of law and of principles in international affairs. Serbia is sided with the countries holding ¾ of countries in the world and the global population. Inferring from statements of officials and the majority of domestic analysts, we seem to be satisfied with Chollet’s position that the Community of Serbian Municipalities (the CSM) must be established. Overshadowed by such acceptance is Chollet’s position that such CSM be in line with the ‘Constitution’ of so-called Kosovo. Even though the CSM was endorsed as a compromise 10 years ago, without anyone’s reference to anyone’s constitution, we seem to be now offered a reduced version of the CSM – one without executive powers, and one that is a part of a fresh new compromise embodied in the Scholz-Macron ‘Plan’ and upgraded into a ‘US-backed EU’s Plan’. Does anyone dare to officially question whether this amounts to a blatant usurpation of the UN Security Council mandate, or an unauthorized exercise of someone else’s prerogatives? The ‘facilitating the dialogue between the parties’, this being the EU’s role as set under the UN General Assembly resolution, cannot be used as a cover for any pressures, blackmails, deadlines, ‘deals’ or ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ plans, no matter of their creators. The war in Ukraine, the recognition of Pristina’s illegal secession by the leading Western powers and their satellites in the aftermath of the criminal aggression of NATO in 1999, are not the reasons to relativize the need to incessantly stress Serbia’s principled positions based on the international and Constitutional law. With regard to the so-called Plan Scholz-Macron+, it is necessary to reaffirm, time and again, the principled position that Serbia is ready for dialogue and negotiations leading to a peaceful, just, and sustainable solution which is in line with the UN Charter, UN Security Council resolution 1244 and the Constitution of Serbia. Everything still pending and non-implemented under UN SCR 1244 and the subsequently reached agreements ought to be implemented prior to any further course of action. It should be stated in no unclear terms that Serbia will not concede to any trade-off or accept any solution imposed on her that are contrary to international law and the Serbian Constitution. At the beginning of any dialogue, all stakeholders should be advised that, for Serbia, UN SCR 1244 is a codified compromise reached by and among the most important global actors in the area of foreign affairs, and a legal document of permanent applicability for so long as it gets fully implemented. Serbia’s expectations from the part of the EU and each of its member states individually, as well as from the countries supporting EU’s role, are no less than full compliance with UN SCR 1244 and the UN General Assembly mandate, given in the form of ‘facilitating the dialogue of parties’. Nothing more and nothing less. Serbia was right to see the West’s true attempt to isolate the Security Council, and in particular Russia and China as its permanent members and strategic partners of Serbia, from the process of dialogue and resolving the matter of Kosovo and Metohija, for their own geopolitical interests. The neglect of lessons taught by history, especially on the part of France and Germany, is deeply concerning. Lastly, as we are all aware of Serbia’s substantial economic and financial reliance on the EU and the West in general, I firmly believe it will be useful to reduce this narrative, so that neither Brussels, Berlin, London nor Washington should begin to think that Serbia is an upstart ready to trade Kosovo and Metohija and national identity for their investments and donations. Finally, why not remind them that the material damage alone, inflicted by the 1990s sanctions and illegal aggression of 1999, amounts to some $ 250 billion. What are their subsequent investments and donations when put against the backdrop of this figure!? What about the human casualties!? Or the consequences of the use of weapons with depleted uranium!? It is certainly high time to recall what is the policy of a balanced distribution of economic interests as an indispensable presumption of a balanced foreign policy and an established international position. Belgrade, January 16, 2023 Greetings from China Center for Contemporary World Studies, Beijing, China
Dear Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic , Greetings from China Center for Contemporary World Studies, Beijing, China. We hereby extend to you sincere gratitude again for sending us letter of congratulation back in October on the occasion of convention of 20th CPC National Congress. We appreciate your letter as symbol of our friendship. Please find attached message of appreciation, carrying personal stamp of Mme Yue Yanghua, Director General of China Center for Contemporary World Studies and Secretary General of Secretariat, Silk Road Think Tank Association, International Department of CPC Central Committee. We look forward to having more frequent and in-depth exchanges with you and cementing our friendship. Nie Shengquan writing on behalf of Mme Yue Yanghua, Director General of China Center for Contemporary World Studies and Secretary General of Secretariat, Silk Road Think Tank Association (SRTA) Secretariat, Silk Road Think Tank Association (SRTA) China Center for Contemporary World Studies, International Department of Communist Party of China No.4 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, The Message of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of CC of CP of China Liu Jianchao to the Belgrade Forum
Zivadin Jovanovic Beijing, 1 December 2022 Dear Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic, On the occasion of the successful concluding of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the election of the new central leadership at the first plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, I wish to place on record my appreciation for the message of congratulations you sent on the opening of the congress and the re-election of Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Your insightful comments on the major achievements and significance of the congress have demonstrated the good will of you and the Belgrade forum for a World of Equals to the Communist Party of China. Liu Jianchao (Signed) Бывший глава МИД Югославии: эскалация в Косово подогревается НАТО
Ситуация в Косово развивается от плохой к худшей. Об этом бывший глава МИД Югославии Живадин Йованович заявил специальному корреспонденту международной редакции ФАН на Балканах. В Белграде прошли массовые выступления в поддержку соотечественников на севере Косово. Ранее власти непризнанного Косово мобилизовали свои силовые структуры и заблокировали въезд в регион со стороны Сербии. За этим последовали вооруженные столкновения с сербскими жителями края и отдельные аресты. Президент Сербии Александр Вучич в ответ на косовские провокации заявил, что готов применить армию страны для защиты сербского населения на территории непризнанной республики и призвал ввести на север Косово сербских миротворцев. Корреспондент ФАН на Балканах выяснила у Живадина Йовановича, каким он видит развитие ситуации в крае. «Ситуация в Косово и Метохии развивается от плохой ситуации к худшей. Из-за кулис за ниточки дергают правительства ведущих стран НАТО, которые используют незаконного ставленника Курти и свое боевое крыло ROSU [полиция непризнанного Косово. — Прим. ФАН]. Для них это «контролируемая эскалация» как часть механизма для ускорения «диалога», который, по их ожиданиям, должен привести к ускоренному «соглашению о нормализации» [эвфемизм, используемый Приштиной и Западом для «взаимного признания», точнее — признание Белградом независимости Косово — Прим. ФАН]», — заявил бывший глава дипломатического ведомства Югославии. Живадин Йованович также отметил, что «на Белград оказывается давление и шантаж, с другой — обещания ускорения на «европейском пути», инвестиций, финансовые предложения. Целью является непрямое признание незаконного насильственного творения («Республики Косово»), прощение преступления агрессии 1999-го, излечение отсутствия единства внутри ЕС и НАТО, вовлечение Сербии и Боснии и Герцеговины в НАТО, ликвидации Республики Сербской, унитаризация Боснии и Герцеговины как «исламского государства✱ в центре Европы», завершение военного контроля над Балканами». Экс-глава МИД с уверенностью утверждает, что «Сербия имеет право на главное слово. Резолюция СБ ООН 1244 предусматривает возвращение контингента армии и полиции в южный сербский край — до 999 силовиков. Очевидно, что правительства ведущих стран НАТО сейчас не готовы на это пойти. Но несмотря на это Сербия, исходя из все более очевидных угроз физической безопасности сербов в Косово и Метохии, должна без промедления направить такое требование в СБ ООН и параллельно проводить интенсивную дипломатическую деятельность для мобилизации международной поддержки своими легитимными требованиями. Белград должен ясно показать, что Сербия не является ничьей разменной монетой в глобальных отношениях». Йованович также считает, что в случае вооруженных нападений на сербов в Косово: «У Сербии не будет иного выбора, кроме как встать на их защиту всеми средствами, которыми она располагает. Это граждане Сербии на ее государственной территории. Если силы с мандатом от СБ ООН не в состоянии или не имеют желания предложить защиту жизней мирных граждан — у Сербии не будет иного выбора, кроме как отреагировать», — подытожил экс-министр. ✱ - запрещенная в РФ террористическая организация The WPC at its 22nd Assembly in Vietnam, 73 years after its establishment
Thursday, December 8, 2022 Statements "We strengthen the Anti-Imperialist Struggle and Solidarity
After the meeting of the outgoing Executive Committee on November 21, which reviewed the work done by the EC in the last years and the preparations for the Assembly to start, all international delegates paid homage to the historical revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh at the Mausoleum and visited the premises where he lived and worked. On the same day, 22nd November, a briefing session about Vietnam was held in which the President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga, made a presentation of the achievements, progress and challenges Vietnam is facing today, on national and international level. Many questions were answered along with short interventions by guests were made. The session of the Assembly began on 22nd November with the welcome speech of the Vietnam Peace Committee by its President Uong Chu Luu, former vice-Speaker of the National Assembly of Vietnam, who saluted all participants on behalf of the host organisation, stating the historical importance of the XXII Assembly of the WPC for the first time on Vietnamese soil, wishing success and fruitful outcome to its deliberations. Thus, the VPC President declared the opening of the WPC assembly. The Assembly continued with the speech of the outgoing President of the WPC, Socorro Gomes who underlined: “It is a great honor to return to this country, where its heroic people uphold a fruitful work in search of economic prosperity and social development, the consolidation of their independence, opening new pages of progress, performing a sovereign role in the world. We reiterate our full solidarity with their constructive efforts and, once more, condemn those who caused the colonialist war that left tragic and indelible consequences. Here, criminally, weapons of mass destruction were used, like Agent Orange, which caused prolonged and damaging consequences for the country. But the Vietnamese people were able to achieve their liberation and rebuild their nation, which demonstrates their revolutionary character. Socorro Gomes stated in her speech furthermore: Humanity lives a troubled time, marked by chronic economic and social crises for which it finds no solutions, surrounded in contradictions and political and military conflicts, militarist escalation, wars that are spreading and intensifying the threat of a nuclear hecatomb. This conjuncture brings complex challenges to the organizations that struggle for world peace, social justice, the peoples’ rights, and equality between the nations”. Socorro Gomes concluded her speech by stating: “Facing this complex and challenging scenario, the World Peace Council is called upon to play a uniting, organizing and mobilizing role to confront the militarist forces causing wars, interventions and coups, and to move forward, in the struggle for peace and the peoples’ emancipation This struggle will require from us ever greater clarity of purpose, spirit of unity, initiative, and militancy, to open a clear path in this historical crossroads where humanity finds itself.” During the presentation of the Report of the outgoing General Secretary, Thanassis Pafilis, who, thanked the Vietnam Peace Committee on behalf of the WPC and expressed the undivided solidarity of the WPC to the heroic people of Vietnam, he noted: "In the years that have passed since the 21st Assembly of the WPC in Sao Luis, the WPC developed multifaceted action in conditions of tension of imperialist aggression, heightened rivalries between monopolies and states that give rise to wars, in conditions of the intensity of capital's attack against the working class, the peoples, the youth, in conditions of a capitalist crisis that worsens the lives of the people for the profits of the few, of those who steal wealth from the many who produce it". He highlighted the rich actions of the WPC against the imperialist plans of the USA - NATO - EU, the solidarity actions for the people of Palestine, Western Sahara, Cuba, Venezuela, but also for the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya that were the victims of the long-standing imperialist wars of interventions by the US, NATO, the EU and their allies. Referring to recent developments, after condemning the imperialist war in Ukraine, he noted: "The recent NATO Summit in Madrid in June 2022 reviewed, renewed and accelerated a series of decisions from previous years. This war machine is increasing its aggression even more through the NATO 2030 strategy and the New Strategic Concept that it is preparing for the next year. Old and new pretexts, such as hybrid threats, cyber security and the so-called climate crisis, the energy crisis, etc. are mobilized to pave the way for new interventions. The WPC participated in the mass demonstration of June 26 in Madrid, with its own distinct presence. (....) The NATO 2030 Strategy foresees the strengthening of the military means of the alliance, but also its technological modernization, its planned expansion around the world, its enlargement with new members, but also the development of partnerships with dozens of states, the formation of ready combat units, the integration of Sweden and Finland, the sending of troops to Eastern Europe, around Ukraine. This is what the creation of 30 infantry units, 30 naval units and 30 aviation units aims at, which, being fully equipped, have the ability to intervene within 30 days on any front chosen by NATO. NATO forces are spread across the globe, from Afghanistan and the NATO protectorate of Kosovo to the Baltic, the Caucasus, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and Africa." With reference to the role of the European Union, Thanassis Pafilis highlighted its further militarization in order to more effectively serve the needs of European monopolies, through its Global Strategy, but also its "Strategic Concept", so that it can operate both autonomously and in addition to NATO ,a fact recorded, among others, by the establishment of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), the European Initiative for Interventions, etc., within the framework of the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP). Concluding, he noted "Despite the negative correlation of forces and the militarization of international relations, we are optimistic that the anti-imperialist peace movement is gaining strength and our Assembly is such proof that we are holding high the flag of anti-imperialist struggle and solidarity." The opening ceremony of the XXII assembly of the WPC was also attended by Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga, President of the Vietnam Union for Friendship Organisations (VUFO), which contributed decisively to the success of the Assembly. The special chief guest of the opening was Tran Thanh Man Standing Vice-Chairman of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Vietnam and member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, who welcomed warmly all delegates to Vietnam and to the Assembly. As per decision of the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, the Supreme Order of Friendship was awarded to the World Peace Council and separately to Socorro Gomes, Thanassis Pafilis and Iraklis Tsavdaridis, for their contribution to the anti-war, anti-imperialist, peace movement. The order was awarded by Tran Thanh Man in a very emotional fraternal ceremony. During the rich and diverse program of the 22nd WPC Assembly, the international delegates were received by the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, the local authorities of Hanoi, the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Fatherland Front of Vietnam Do Van Chien, as well as by officials of the Vietnam Peace Committee and the Vietnamese Union for the Friendship of Peoples (VUFO), who were the hosts of the events. The international delegates had also the opportunity to visit the Quang Ninh province where one of the most emblematic sites is situated, the Halong Bay whereas all international guests enjoyed the marvelous environment and local hospitality. During the Assembly and after the presentation of the five regional reports, a rich discussion took part in which more than 50 delegates and guests took part. The greetings speeches of five International Organisations and structures were conveyed by their representatives such as Rafael Cardino, member of the Presidential Council of the World Federation of Trade Union (WFTU), Aritz Rodriguez, President of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), Annie Raja, Vice-President of the Women International Democratic Federation (WIDF), Jun Sasamoto, Member of the Bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) and Corazon Valdez from the Asia-Europe Peoples’ Forum (AEPF). After the organizational and financial reports, the 22nd Assembly of the WPC elected its new Executive Committee (EC) consisting of 40 organizations. At its first meeting, the new Executive Committee elected a 13-member Secretariat, consisting of movements from the following : All India Peace& Solidarity Organisation (India), Greek Committee for International Détente &Peace (Greece), Portuguese Council for Peace & Cooperation (Portugal), U.S. Peace Council (USA), South African Peace Initiative (South Africa), Palestinian Committee for Peace &Solidarity (Palestine), Cuban Institute for the Friendship of the Peoples(Cuba), Cyprus Peace Council (Cyprus), Syrian National Peace Council (Syria), Sudan Peace& Solidarity Council (Sudan), Brazilian center for the solidarity of the peoples and struggle for Peace ( Brazil), Nepal Peace &Solidarity Council (Nepal) and Japan Peace Committee (Japan). During the first session of the new EC, Pallab Sengupta on behalf of the All India Peace and Solidarity Organization (AIPSO) was elected unanimously as the new President of WPC, while Thanassis Pafilis and Iraklis Tsavdaridis were re-elected unanimously to the posts of General and Executive Secretary respectively, representing the Greek Peace Committee (EEDYE). Words of thanks and appreciation were expressed by Iraklis Tsavdaridis and Thanassis Pafilis about Socorro Gomes for the 14 years of contribution and service to the WPC as its President. The Executive Committee appointed also five Vice-Presidents from respective number of regions, namely: Elisa Salvador, President of the Angolan League for the Friendship and Solidarity of the Peoples (LAASP), Alfred Marder, President of Honor of the U.S. Peace Council (USPC), Uong Chu Luu, President of the Vietnam Peace Committee (VPC), Milan Krajca, Chairman of the Czech Peace Movement (CMH), Jamshid Ahmadi, Coordinator of the Association for the Defense of Peace, Solidarity and Democracy, Iran (ADPSD). During the meetings of the Executive Committee of 21st and 24th November the following five (5) new Member Organisations were affiliated to the World Peace Council: The Assembly of the WPC discussed and unanimously approved a political declaration. Attached Appendixes: political_declaration_xxii_assembly_wpc_english1.doc “The US-NATO War of Aggression Against Yugoslavia“ by Michel Chossudovsky
Launching of Michel Chossudovsky's Book, Belgrade Forum on October 24, 2022 My sincere thanks for this welcome to the Republic of Serbia. I must say my heart is in the Republic of Serbia today. And my thanks to Zivadin. I should mention that just about 15 minutes ago he gave me a bottle of Sljivovica. It was delivered to my room at quarter to 11, 15 minutes ago. It‘s a weapon of mass destruction [Laughter] but it’s also an act of solidarity and sharing. And when I arrived here I had the bottle of Sljivovica in my hands and somebody confiscated it and put it on the table over there. But we will share it, we will share it together at the end of this presentation [Laughter]. Well that bottle is a symbol of division but also solidarity in the Serbian context. This presentation I think is important inasmuch as the world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. In many regards the US-NATO war against Yugoslavia which extended incidentally over a period of 20 years or more, because it started in the early 80s was a dressed rehearsal for all US sponsored subsequent wars. It is important to point out that prominent scholars entitled that war against Yugoslavia as a “Just War”. Now, there’s nothing “Just” about that war, it’s a criminal undertaking. But you have people like Professor Richard A. Falk from Princeton University (currently involved in the anti-war movement in relation to Ukraine), who in 2001 put forth the notion of “The Just War“. He was referring to Yugoslavia and Afghanistan: Interview with R. Falk
I should mention also that when the war on Yugoslavia broke out, on the 24th of March 1999, progressives in other words leftist movements in both Western Europe as well as North America we’re firmly behind NATO. And these were anti-war and anti-globalization activists who were either totally ignorant, but I suspect through complicity, they were supportive of the alleged “humanitarian war” to the rescue of the Albanian population of Kosovo. I should mention that most of my research was done outside Serbia. I have visited Serbia on several occasions but when the war broke out on the 24th of March, I started writing. Many of the texts which are in this book were written more than 20 years ago, some of them were written actually in the mid 1990s. I had started my research in the early 1990s focusing on the economic and social dimensions which are crucial to an understanding of the military and strategic dimensions. I’m referring to the fact that in the early 1980s there was, what we might describe as, an “Economic War Plan” largely with instrumented by the IMF and the World Bank, which essentially consisted in dismantling an entire National economy. I recall that the war against Yugoslavia as of March 24 1999 was targeting essentially civilian infrastructure: schools, hospitals, the infrastructure of residential areas. These are amply documented but there was one element which is beyond criminality. When I was in Belgrade a year later, I visited the Children’s Hospital and the children hospital had been identified as a target, a strategic target by US – NATO. And when we say US – NATO, it’s really US. NATO is simply an appendage of the Pentagon. US-NATO stated categorically that their objective was to save lives and because of that they did not bomb the section of the hospital where the babies were residing, but instead they bombed the power generators which provided electricity to the hospital and to the children in incubators. What this meant is that the entire hospital was destroyed because these smart bombs had undermined the basic functioning of the hospital, which then required the subsequent evacuation of the hospital, and many children, of course, died as a result of this. That’s one example, but it’s one example that I investigated when I returned to Belgrade a year later to attend the commemoration organized under the auspices of the Belgrade Forum. I would like to look at the issue of chronology and history of this war. Starting in the 1960s and 1970s, Yugoslavia was a successful economy with a social project. It was entitled “Market Socialism”, it had a cooperative structure of enterprise management and it had the highest growth rate when compared to European countries, in excess of 6 percent and a full-fledged welfare state. I should mention that this process was in a country which had experienced heavy casualties during World War II, which were commemorated yesterday. I should mention my first visit to Yugoslavia was in 1967 as a student. In fact, it was a group of students from the Institute of Social studies in The Hague Netherlands and we decided we wanted to go to Yugoslavia, to take cognizance of “Market Socialism”. The Institute arranged for this to take place. Without personalizing: during this visit I had a minor health problem. I went to a clinic and received treatment from a medical doctor. Then I said “How much do I owe you?” and he said to me “Nothing”. He responded “In the Republic of Serbia we also welcome our foreign visitors and provide them with full health coverage”. No other country in the world would have that kind of procedure. It was full-fledged health coverage for the citizens of Yugoslavia but also visitors to the country. That experience was something which had an obvious impact on the way I analyzed the history of what happened to this societal project and how it was deliberately destroyed. In other words, a societal project [Market Socialism and the Welfare State] had been carried out, with inevitable divisions at a political level. But ultimately based on a social consensus, that was what the people of Yugoslavia wanted. And that that is what was destroyed quite deliberately through a series of economic, social and political mechanisms starting in the early 1980s. In 1984 the Reagan Administration published what was called a National Security Decision Directive. It was an important policy document, entitled “secret and sensitive”. It was intended to undermine market socialism and integrate Yugoslavia into a so-called free market economy. That was a 3-page document. I think that many people in this room have read this document. There’s nothing secret about it and there’s nothing sensitive about it. It was made public, but there was also another agenda which was not revealed. There was a military intelligence agenda. I did not have access to those documents. But there was one document to which I had access and it was a World Bank report published in the early 1990s, which revealed the entire logic of how you destabilize and destroy a country. I have sent that document, it is on file with the Belgrade Forum. I must say that at the time I received that document it was an internal document of the World Bank. I received it from a representative of the government of Yugoslavia at the time. Normally this was something that was not supposed to be released. What this document describes is essentially a bankruptcy program, which was initiated under the auspices of the World Bank which then led to the outright closing down of the industrial sector, applied to all major sectors of the Yugoslav economy, dictated of course by the creditors of the Belgrade government. What this report described were the policies implemented on behalf of Belgrade’s creditors, which consisted in the phasing out of socially owned Enterprises. In other words, that was the condition and then there were conditions with regard to bankruptcy and privatization. They sent in an army of advisors and Western lawyers and consultants to implement this crucial operation. There was the Financial Operations Act of 1989, which was passed and played a crucial role in engineering the collapse of of Yugoslavia’s industrial sector. The terminology is diabolical in many regards. The bankruptcy process involved what they called an exit mechanism. Exit mechanism is like killing the economy, killing the industry. In other words these enterprises were thrown out of the economic landscape. This was under, what was called, The 1989 Financial Operations Act. It was entirely controlled by Western creditors, the IMF and the World Bank. And already in 1989 there were tens of thousands of workers who were simply removed from their employment and the socially managed enterprises went bankrupt. In the meantime this set the stage for subsequent macroeconomic policies, because it led to the impoverishment of the entire population. In other words, it didn’t totally kill the welfare state because, I think, there was a commitment to retaining the welfare state, but it certainly killed the whole economic structure of a sovereign country and its social achievements in the wake of World War II. Without getting into the detail, this project, was in some regards even more deadly than the US-NATO military operations which were waged at a subsequent stage. Already in 1989 they had more than 200 enterprises which were targeted and almost a 100,000 workers lost their work. That was the first stage both prior and in the wake of the 1990 January IMF Shock Treatment. January 1990 was the Shock Treatment by the IMF, which ultimately broke down the fiscal structure of the Yugoslav Federation. The fiscal structure of the Yugoslav federation played a central role in the transfer of resources from the central government to the republics. That’s the basis of a federal structure. These transfers of revenues and expenditures from the central government to the member states of the Federation. When shock treatment was applied, the federal fiscal structure was destroyed and dismantled, paving the way and creating the conditions for secession. Already in early 1990, 614 000 workers were dismissed out of a Workforce of the order of 2.7 million. In other words, almost the quarter of the labor force with the largest concentrations of bankrupt firms in Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Macedonia and Kosovo. The January 1990 IMF Shock Treatment: That was their economic terminology – shock treatment – the idea is that you get shock treatment and then you recover. Meanwhile the fiscal structure is destroyed, the links between the central government and the republics are undermined and at the same time all the major components of the Yugoslavia economy with regard to large-scale electrical companies, petroleum, refinery, machinery, engineering all of this was precipitated into bankruptcy. I should mention that this process of economic disintegration was the precondition for the so-called Civil War including military intervention. Social divisions were created. People were impoverished. And this then led to the subsequent stage of military intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was also related to Operation Storm in Kraijina and Operation Medak Pocket and the various military actions in Croatia directed against Serbian civilians, from the early 1990s to the mid 1990s. During the period 1990-1995, the US intelligence strategy was to bring in their terrorists namely Al-Qaeda. Al Qaeda was integrated into the Bosnian Muslim Army as of an early stage. This is not necessarily known to everybody but Al-Qaeda was a creation of the CIA going back to first War on Afghanistan what was called the the Soviet Afghan War (1979-1989). It wasn’t the Soviet Afghan War, it was a US sponsored war with so-called “freedom fighters”, namely what was subsequently described as Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda means “The base” and Al-Qaeda was the base in the CIA data bank of the Freedom Fighters who were recruited to wage war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. The relationship between the Bosnia Muslim Army and Al-Qaeda is documented in a congressional document. In other words it’s a document of the US Senate, which was drafted by the Republican party at the time, and they accused the Clinton administration of bringing in Al Qaeda. It’s all confirmed. They brought in Al-Qaeda in Bosnia and Herzegovina and, of course, they brought in Al-Qaeda into Kosovo at a subsequent stage. I should also mention that the Kosovo Liberation Army, they were also trained in Afghanistan, courtesy of the US intelligence. In other words, the KLA as an entity was linked up with Al-Qaeda terrorists at a much earlier stage, training in Afghanistan and then ultimately these Kosovo terrorists were given United Nations status, as you know that’s came subsequently. But the history goes back to Bosnia and the use of terrorists to create conditions which then led to ultimately, as far as Bosnia is concerned the so-called Dayton Agreement. In 1995 there was an alleged peace agreement which was signed in a US military base in Ohio [Dayton, Ohio]. It wasn’t in Geneva, it was in a US military base in Ohio and it was monitored by the US government and military with an army of lawyers and consultants. It was at Dayton that they drafted the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Now this goes beyond colonialism. They drafted the Constitution of a so-called sovereign state. It wasn’t a sovereign state at all. And in that Constitution there is a clause that struck me, I went into the appendices, it wasn’t easy to find it at that time. The Constitution said that the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is a key instrument of monetary and macroeconomic policy, the president of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina will not be a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina, or of a neighboring country. He/she she will be appointed by the IMF. That’s what you call democracy. There is a transition from Bosnia to Kosovo. The United States had private mercenary companies, because they wanted to avoid being directly involved. This was Military Professional Resources Incorporated (MPRI). And MPRI was involved in training terrorists in Croatia and Bosnia and ultimately these acts of training were also conducive to the crimes committed against the Serbian population in Croatia, namely Kraina, the Medak Pocket, if I recall correctly. We then had, of course, a chief of staff whose name was Agim Çeku, which of course everybody knows who he is. But Agim Çeku was recruited by by Military Professional Resources Incorporated MPRI), mostly composed of former high level officers of the Pentagon. Agim Çeku, of course, then became Commander in Chief of the Kosovo forces at a subsequent stage. But in the earlier period he was instrumental in Operation Storm, which was a criminal operation directed against the Serb population in Croatia. There is another individual which of course everybody knows, it’s General Michael Jackson. It’s not the pop singer. I think I should mention a little bit about the background of Michael Jackson. He was first involved in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, appointed by the United Nations. He held the highest rank in the British Military. And ultimately became Head of the Joint Chief of Staff. But there’s something else about Michael Jackson which I don’t think people in Serbia know. I know that because I’m of Irish descent and he was the second officer in command of the Bloody Sunday Massacre in Northern Ireland, that was in the 1970s. He was a young officer and all his training was based in Northern Ireland, largely directed against civilians. I will make that article available. But it’s important to understand how they appoint criminals to high-ranking positions under UN auspices. So that in effect, the methods of killing civilians was something that he had inherited from his role in Derry, Northern Ireland. It was in 1972, when civilians were involved in a protest movement and they were shot, killed on the orders of Michael Jackson. There is a lot of detail in history, but let me proceed to the subsequent stage of the US-Nato Aggression against Yugoslavia, which is the 1999 Illegal invasion and bombing of Yugoslavia, and the role of the alleged Kosovo Freedom Fighters namely the KLA. This was portrayed as a humanitarian undertaking and the media conformed throughout the Western world and, as I mentioned earlier, the Kosovo Liberation Army was viewed as a legitimate entity protecting the human rights of the Albanian minority. This of course is total rubbish, because the Kosovo Liberation Army was linked to organized crime. Hashim Thaçi had a file with Interpol, this was well known and they were, of course subsequently, the Kosovo Liberation Army freedom Fighters were then given UN passport, so to speak. The Freedom Fighters linked to organized crime then became the Kosovo Protection Corps and all of that was, of course, not only illegal but criminal. In late March 1999, I started writing an article which was called and “Kosovo Freedom Fighters financed by organized crime“. I was a regular contributor to the Le Monde diplomatique which was a prestigious French monthly, and still is, and I worked with them for a period of 10 years starting in 1989, and that article was never published by the Le Monde diplomatique, and I was under attack by various people on the Left regarding my assessment of the Kosovo Liberation Army. As I mentioned earlier the Kosovo Liberation Army was protected by the CIA and German intelligence – the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND). It was also trained by these intelligence operatives and, as I mentioned, some of the training took place in Afghanistan and the KLA had links to Al-Qaeda right from the beginning prior to 1999. The issue was as far as media coverage was concerned: it was absolutely prohibited to mention that Hashim Thaçi was on file with Interpol. I knew it, I checked it, that information was known but it was never released in the course of the war. In other words not only is the leader of a terrorist organization links to organized crime, but at the same time the leader of that organization becomes the ideal candidate for position of head of state of the self-proclaimed Kosovo Republic. T he irony is that Hashim Thaçi became president with a criminal record and it was only more than almost 20 years later that there was a report coming from the Hague Tribunal saying that he had committed crimes against humanity etc. Very convenient: that came 20 years later, when it was known in the late 90s that he was a criminal. But I should say one thing, criminals were considered as the ideal candidates for high office (President, Prime Minister). Why because they obey orders! Criminal appointees, corrupt politicians are not going to question the people who are behind them. So what happened: the Mafia State installed by NATO was by a political entity and a leader who was on the Interpol list, but that doesn’t matter because he’s not going to make any decisions, the decisions are taken by US – NATO and this is a very convenient appointment. I think I should conclude referring to the utmost relevance of US-NATO wars on Yugoslavia in an understanding of what is now happening in Ukraine and beyond. Because since Yugoslavia there have been a series of US-NATO-sponsored Wars either directly or indirectly but certainly with regard to Libya NATO was involved. Libya, Syria, of course, Afghanistan. Afghanistan was officially a NATO project, because Article 5 of the Atlantic Treaty was endorsed and within three weeks after the 9/11 attacks allegedly by terrorist, (September 11 2001(, on October 7th 2001 they waged war on Afghanistan, based on fraudulent statement that somehow Afghanistan had attacked America. There were no Afghan jets in the skies of New York that day and meanwhile Osama bin Laden had been admitted for treatment to Pakistani military hospital in Rawalpindi within walking distance of the US military Mission, They knew where he was: was he coordinating the 9/11 attacks from his hospital bed with his laptop? That’s another dimension, but I think what we have undertake, starting in the Republic of Serbia, we have to build a Worldwide movement against US-NATO and also against what is now treason, political treason, within the European Union. The term Mafia state is not limited to Kosovo. In many regards the European Union has become the Mafia state. I will not dwell upon this but there’s one key appointment in the European Union which is the president of the European Central Bank. Now it just so happens that Christine Lagarde, formerly managing director of the International Monetary Fund, has the criminal record in France. She was condemned to a prison sentence of one year attributable to her role in money laundering and deviation of public funds. It’s all on record. But she was then released of that decision by French judges when the IMF governing board, which she chairs, incidentally sent a note to the French government saying that she was a very honest person and they asked for the repeal of the Judgment. But the criminal record is still there and why is that important. Because she is obeying orders from the upper echelons of the financial establishment. There are many elements of Mafia state appointments within the European Union which are now unfolding. I am going to complete this presentation focusing on the nature of the crisis now affecting the European Union and, of course, Ukraine. It’s interconnected. There is an act of economic Warfare which in many regards is modeled on the act of economic Warfare against Yugoslavia. It’s the triggering of bankruptcies, it’s the destabilization of agriculture. It’s very complex, but it is focusing essentially on two variables: 1. energy and 2. food. Energy is the input into production, food is survival. Those two variables and the actions of the United States to block the supply of energy to the European Union are crimes against humanity. But, on the part of the European, as we say in French La classe politique, it is an act of treason, because they are sleeping with the enemy. This is a war on Europe, it’s not a war on Russia, It’s a war in Europe and it has a whole history behind it. I won’t enter into the details. Specifically North Stream was an act of sabotage by the US government. We have all the information to that effect and Biden said „Yes, I promise we will do it“. We have evidence. In international law, an act of sabotage directed against infrastructure in the territorial waters of sovereign states of the European Union, namely Sweden and Denmark, is an act of War, it’s defined as an act of War. My thanks to everybody. This is not meant to be a “serious statement” but I think it’s a good idea for the Republic of Serbia not to join the European Union at this particular moment.
The book is available on our website online. Actually, I posted it back today. It has been read quite extensively online and we will continue promoting it. I think the problem is that print versions are not easy to distribute in this particular context because there is censorship. My research center is not continuing with print publications. First of all, we don’t have the resources, but we are now moving into what we call ebooks. I’ve just completed a book on the Corona crisis which I think is also relevant to the debate here. But that’s another topic. But yes it is available now. There are Serbian communities in North America and many cities particularly in Canada and Toronto. I’ve lost contact a little bit because, we were very active in 1999 at various venues in which the late Ramsey Clark was involved. There was a coherent peace movement. I think the problem now is that we don’t have a coherent peace movement. Question 2: Second, you touched upon a few issues relating to the war in Ukraine and European Union and I’m just wondering if you’re planning to write a book on those topics? It would be very interesting. I have written extensively on Ukraine in the form of articles and, of course, we’ve also got very numerous contributors and authors which have written on that. At this stage, all that information is available on Ukraine, in terms of daily coverage. The books that I’ve written recently or less recently are on nuclear war, the first of which came out in 2011. Then another book which is entitled “The globalization of War“ came out in 2015 and then my latest book is on the Corona crisis which essentially is almost two years of research, it’s very detailed. Let me just mention one dimension, and that’s very important. The economic crisis did not start in February of this year, it started in January of 2020. And what economists do not understand, but that’s also a characteristic of our discipline, is that when you implement a lockdown requiring the confinement of the labor force and you close down the workplace in 193 countries simultaneously, what are the impacts. it’s the largest economic and social crash in world history which was instrumented on March 11, 2020. That I’ve tackled very extensively so that all the corona crisis is part of of our understanding of what’s happening in Ukraine and so on and so forth. Again it’s another topic but that book is available online and I will make sure that it is also available to the Belgrade Forum so that all of you can get a copy of it. I think in a sense you are very fortunate in Serbia not to have experienced this crisis as in most countries. Because there was an awareness and I mean, I’m coming from Canada, people are still wearing the mask. The restrictions, the levels of devastation are beyond description and the logic of this Corona crisis is bankruptcy as well. And it’s the building up of debt and it’s the fiscal crisis of the state. This is outlined in the book there are several chapters on the economic dimensions. Source: CHINA’S PRIORITIES – SCIENCE, THECNOLOGY, AND EDUCATION
Chinese path to modernization and the new form for human advancement, bear specific characteristics. Without ambition to list them all or elaborate in details, here are some to be mentioned. First, modernization and human advancement is the core of Chinese development philosophy, in general. It is based on the unprecedented achievements of China in all spheres of socio-economic, scientific, technologic and cultural development over the period of building the moderately prosperous society which has been successfully completed. The unique, enormous success of eradication of poverty of the hundreds of millions of the people, not to mention many other great achievements, comprises not only economic and financial resources, but even more, political, cultural, moral and human values, vision and persistence. With such achievements with no comparison in history China is entering the new era of further building and modernizing own society. President Xi Jinping pointed out at the recent 20th Congress of CPC – that “Chinese people of all ethnic groups will realize the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and to advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization”. Second, Chinese path to modernization stems from the unique socio-economic system of socialism with the Chinese characteristics the core sense of which is satisfying the needs and expectations of the people. Therefore, the Chinese path to modernization is scientifically based as actually, the whole socio-economic system. Its core objective is better life of the people. Therefore the policy of modernization and New Form of Human Advancement is not partial, sectoral, but comprehensive strategy applicable to all fields and all strata of socio-economic, political, governmental and non-governmental, scientific, technologic, educational, cultural and other fields and levels of organizations and entities. Third, the vision of modernization bears the seal of deep rooted six millennia-long culture of the Chinese nation which has been continuously, enriching humanity with so many innovations, modern solutions and discoveries so that it is hardly possible to find comparison in the history of civilization, This, of course, is contributing factor to stability of the process of modernization, essential element of the people’s self-confidence and self-reliance. It is also durable and stable foundation for the successful implementation of the strategy for the New Era including the new path to modernization and human advancement. Fourth, Chinese path to modernization presumes firm commitment to deepening of the policy of reform and opening up, but at the same time includes self reliance, further development of the socialist market economy, focusing on domestic economy and interplay between domestic and international economic processes. The new development philosophy adopted at the 20 th Congress of CPC is well based on domestic experiences as well as on good command of the global trends which require built in precaution and adaptability. Fifth, the new Chinese development philosophy attaches the highest importance to self-reliance in science and technology which are termed “the primary productive forces”, to the advancement of education as “the high priority” and to the innovation as “primary driver of growth”. Such a resolute strategy deserves highest recognition and should serve as inspiration for better understanding of the importance of investing in science, technology, education and culture. This, of course is not left to the automatic solution by market and the private sector but primarily to the government and public sector. Sixth, the new form of human advancement is based on equality of all nations and all Human beings. It encompasses openness, inclusiveness and human solidarity, excluding any protectionism, privileges or egoism. One of the important directions to strengthen mutual understanding and remove mistrust should be encouraging people-to-people exchange, including exchange and cooperation in the fields of science, education, culture, sports, NGO and think tanks. Chinese concept of building community of the shared future of humanity deserves global promotion and support. Drawing attention of the world community to the coming problem of starvation of about a billion of human beings on our planet and concrete steps to prevent this to happen is the most urgent, top priority of humanity today. Chinese policy of peace, win win cooperation, support to the democratization of international relations, creation of the new, democratic, multi-polar World Order and adherence to the five principles of peaceful coexistence are also part and parcel of Chinese path to modernization and new form of Human advancement. China has been implementing this policy in many concrete ways, particularly by contributing to the open and inclusive global development, demonstrating impressive solidarity in the global struggle to achieve control of the Covid 19 pandemic, by helping development of the least developed nations and by launching Global Development Initiative Belt and Road decade ago – to mention some. Being comprehensive strategic partner with China, active participant in the process of the Global Belt and Road Initiative (2013) and in China+CEEC cooperation framework (2012), I am convinced that Serbia will continue win win cooperation in the Chinese New Era of modernization and Human Advancement. Jan Oberg's visit to the Belgrade Forum
Jan Oberg, founder of TFF (Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research), visited the Belgrade Forum for World of Equals on November 25th, 2022, where he met with Zivadin Jovanovic, and talk about potential partnership TFF and Belgrade. Jan Oberg is a university professor, a researcher of international relations and the author of a number of books, whose main theme is - peace is built exclusively by peaceful means -. He visited Serbia many times, he was a guest lecturer at the faculties of social sciences, and these days he participated in the Conferences in SANU on the social role of intellectuals. Appello del Forum di Belgrado Stampa
Il Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali esprime la sua più profonda preoccupazione per l'aggravarsi del confronto globale che è accompagnato da una profonda crisi economica e sociale in Europa e nel mondo. Questa crisi, che sta peggiorando ogni giorno, costituisce una minaccia per la vita, la pace e la sicurezza nel mondo. Questa preoccupazione è di vitale importanza, dato il fatto che nessuna iniziativa significativa e onesta sostiene il passaggio a una scelta vitale del confronto, del dialogo, della diplomazia e della distensione. Le lezioni della storia non possono essere ignorate. Un tale stato di inerzia e di mancanza di comprensione dei pericoli che si stanno manifestando, incide potenzialmente sulle fondamenta stesse dell'esistenza delle discipline umanistiche. Il conflitto in Ucraina deve essere risolto rivolgendosi alle sue radici. Gli sforzi di pace non devono essere ostacolati, le nuove cortine di ferro devono essere rimosse, le sanzioni unilaterali devono essere escluse dalla prassi internazionale. Partendo dall'esperienza storica della Serbia, comprese quelle del recente passato, le esperienze dell'Europa, il Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali rivolge un appello a tutte le associazioni per la pace, i governi, così come le organizzazioni internazionali, in particolare all'ONU, ad appoggiare il dialogo, la diplomazia e la distensione come unica via possibile per prevenire un conflitto globale che minaccia il futuro dell'umanità. Facciamo appello al dialogo immediato e all'azione diplomatica ai massimi livelli tra Washington, Mosca, Pechino e Bruxelles. Il focus di fondo non può che essere sulla “convivenza pacifica” tra nazioni sovrane determinate a prevenire un ulteriore aggravamento del conflitto che potrebbe portare allo scenario della terza guerra mondiale, senza escludere gli incenerimenti nucleari. Il riconoscimento dell'uguaglianza, dell'interdipendenza e del partenariato nel preservare la pace, la sicurezza e lo sviluppo, come valori di civiltà indivisibili, è l'unico modo per la sopravvivenza e il futuro sicuro dell'umanità. Belgrado, Serbia 26 ottobre 2022 Traduzione a cura di Enrico Vigna, portavoce del Forum Belgrado Italia BELGRADE FORUM APPEAL
CALL FOR DIALOGUE, DIPLOMACY AND DETENTE The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals expresses its deepest concern regarding the worsening of the global confrontation which is accompanied by a deep-seated economic and social crisis in Europe as well as worldwide. This crisis which is worsening on a daily basis, constitutes a threat to global life, peace and security. This concern is of critical significance given the fact that no meaningful and honest initiatives advocate turning from the track of confrontation to essential dialogue, diplomacy and detente. The lessons of history cannot be ignored. Such a state of inertia and lack of understanding of the unfolding dangers potentially affects the very foundation of humanities existence. The conflict in Ukraine has to be resolved by addressing to its roots. Peace efforts must not be obstructed, new iron curtains must be removed, unilateral sanctions have to be excluded from the international practice. Starting from the Serbia's historical experience, including those from the recent past, the experiences of Europe, Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals makes an appeal to all peace associations, governments, as well as international organizations, particularly to OUN, to endorse dialogue, diplomacy and detente as the only possible path for preventing a global conflict that threatens the future of humanity. We appeal for the immediate dialogue and diplomatic action at the highest levels between Washington, Moscow, Beijing and Brussels. The underlying focus can only be on “peaceful coexistence” between sovereign nations determined to prevent further worsening of the conflict which could lead to a World War III scenario, without exclude nuclear incinerations. Recognition of equality, interdependence and partnership in preserving peace, security and development, as indivisible civilizational values, is the only way for the survival and secure future of humanity. PEACE THROUGH DIALOGUE, MUTUAL RESPECT AND PARTNERSHIP
Zivadin Jovanovic, Excerpts from the speech at the International Conference organized by Peace can be preserved by peaceful means, only. Global militarization of political decision making, economy, infrastructure, mass media, education – militarization of global thinking. Openness, adaptation to new realities, vision of common future of mankind. Global challenges, such as pandemics, climate warming, recession, food and energy production and distribution, need global concerted efforts. Exclusiveness, domination or hegemonism have to go to history. Dialogue on root causes of problems: - addressing root causes of escalation, not propaganda The role of the Movement of Nonaligned (NAM), making 2/3 of UN membership, in reinstating dialogue and détente. Serbia remains open for win-win cooperation, military neutral, does not wish to join NATO (86% against), nor illegal sanctions against Russia. From the own recent history Serbia is quite aware that sanctions have effects as the armament for massive destruction. EU sanctions against Russia seems to be getting more and more counterproductive. The world needs more constructive strength
Today’s world is in turmoil with obvious risks of further complications and increase of tensions on global level that can lead to the conflict of broader significance and possible tragic consequences. That is an outcome of the extended duration of the system of international relations based, on big part, on inequality between states and nations and of the attempt of some of them to organize the world affairs to fit only their own interests, and the refusal of some states to tolerate that anymore. The inequality is the result of the egoism of the privileged states, that support and practice domination, double standards, injustices, disregard of the international law, oppression, coercion, deception, exploitation, media manipulation and many other bad and negative practices. All them are almost always in favor oft hat privileged group of countries and implemented by them. Consequences of such policies toward other countries are very serious. They consist in restriction of their political independence, devastation and degradation of their economic wealth and the limit of their possibilities to progress and develop. If the majority of the world’s countries search to change the actual situation and build the world community on a more positive and constructive basis, it have to be conscious of the strength of retrograde forces, of their long experience in troubling world affairs, interfere everywhere and corrupt important institutions and individuals. It should understand that the struggle for freedom and equality in international relations is far to be finished. To succeed It is important to understand that the progressive countries have the imperative to unite for a joint struggle against the oppression that last so long. The difference in position and, consequently, in the approach in relation to this issue by two opposite block of countries is a result of their historical path. Those two groups could be nearly defined as former colonial powers and former colonies or, maybe more precisely, developed and developing ones. Although there are no precise criteria for the definition of “developed” and “developing” countries, it is broadly assessed that the majority of Western countries are in the group of “developed” countries, with the meaning rich and privileged ones, and that the rest of the world is in the group of “developing” ones, in some part former colonies, with the meaning poor and oppressed ones. By Investopedia team*, countries may be classified as either developed or developing based on the gross domestic product (GDP) or gross national income (GNI) per capita, the level of industrialization, the general standard of living, and the amount of technological infrastructure, among several other potential factors. It is evident that those characteristics depend deeply from the historical development of each country and that the developed ones, 36 countries by Investopedia team, are all located in North America, Europe, or “Developed Asia and Pacific”. On the other side, 126 developing ones (Investopedia team) are all located in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. And they are frequently experiencing a lack of jobs, food, clean drinking water, education, healthcare, and housing. Consequently, developed countries are practically all colonial ones and developing ones in big part former colonies. That’s explaining the base of the antagonisms and the approaches to the international relations. But today, the difference in economic wealth, level of development and international influence is not anymore so big as it was. Combining previously enumerated factors, Investopedia team consider that, based on the research updated in April 2022, in 2020 the USA was the richest developed country on Earth with a total GDP of $20.95 trillion and China was the richest developing country on Earth, with a total GDP of $14.73 trillion. We can agree or not, but we can’t deny that China has high incomes, developed industrial base, has access to modern technologies, and succeed to eradicate the poverty, in a most populated country of the world and, consequently, could be treated also as developed country. And not just China. Nevertheless, that clearly demonstrates that the differences between the diverse groups of the countries exists, in their origins, their actual position and consequently in their political engagement. The roots of their differences are in the fact that the developed countries, colonial ones, got their wealth by exploitation and oppression of the colonized ones. Contrary to that, developing countries, many of them former colonies, were by centuries devastated and robbed by colonial states. They are, by that, natural enemies, in first place because former colonial powers, independently of their rhetoric, still practice the same neocolonial policies and doesn’t want to renounce to their domination in the international relations and easy profits. The former colonies think that they have right to be remunerated for the past exploitation, or at least to be free of further exploitation, what is not easy to achieve. The right question is if developing countries became strong enough to confront colonial ones seriously and get not just formal independence, but substantial one. We are now precisely in one of those moments in which a number of states achieved certain capacity. That’s mean economic, military and consequently political one, and is trying to challenge that unfavorable system, the countries that are representing it, and the ones that have benefits from such a system. It is clear that such a challenge provokes a violent reaction of the privileged former colonial countries with serious risks for a broader war. The actual conflict in Ukraine is not only an excellent proof of profound differences between two parts of the world represented this time by RF and USA, but in the some time the obvious evidence that the antagonisms between actual and new superpowers began to be disputed by force. The conflict in Ukraine is certainly a consequence of the strategy of domination, expansion and deterrence which NATO conducts under the leadership of USA. Relatively to that, it should be stressed that the security is indivisible and is equal for everybody, not somebody’s privilege at the expense of others. There are many views that the conflict in Ukraine is a struggle for the multipolarity that should replace the actual unipolarity, lead by USA. It has to be said that in the globalized world nobody is self-sufficient or exempted. Egoism, protectionism, double standards, domination should be left to the history. Only multipolarity, based on full respect of sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs, could be the pillar of peace and stability in the world. How far that conflict can go, we will see. But, the profundity of the antagonisms and their extended duration suggest in fact that they probably can’t be solved easily and without defeat of one of the sides what would have serious impact on tomorrow’s world. If the conflict in Ukraine is formally run between RF and Ukraine, effectively it is conduct between RF and USA, as representatives of a privileged group of countries and the rest of the world that struggle against inequality. China is not participating actively in it, at least not yet but, in fact, is sharing the position of RF on many aspects and especially on the basic one – a regain of the equality. It has to be said that China and many other countries in the world, didn’t introduce sanctions to RF, in spite of frenetic pressure of the West to do it. Unilateral sanctions are unacceptable. Introducing them doesn’t resolve anything. Contrary, sanctions are an arm for massive destruction and a part of the war policy, sometime its introduction. It is also true that the right question is who those sanctions would hit more- the ones that introduced them or the targeted ones. What is certain is they will cause enormous damage to the global economy that still didn’t overpass the consequences of the Covid 19 pandemic. Speaking about sanctions, conflict and wars, it is maybe necessary to stress that the world should think about more important global issues, in first place about the big problem of the modern humanity that is the increase of poverty. It could be suppressed if the race in arms became replaced by a race for the extermination of poverty and unjust repartition of the wealth. The world needs investments and help of the developed countries to the countries in development, particularly in Africa, instead of their exploitation. The world needs also the democratization of the inclusive global governance. China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the cooperation format 1 + 17 are giving the biggest contribution to the global development and by that to the peace and stability, and China’s win-win cooperation and solidarity have become symbols of its approach to the international community. Those are the good examples of constructive strength. The challenge of the unipolar world under USA leadership consist in the legitimate attempt of some countries, in first place Russian Federation (RF), and then China, as the ones that have the real capacities to compete, in any field, with USA, to defend themselves from constant aggressive behavior, military encirclement, real threats, conditioning, oppression, economic pressures, media accusations and many other activities of the Western countries The problem for USA and other Western countries with RF and China is that they are trying to establish free, fair and transparent international relations, based on relative equality and mutual respect of interest. That means especially in the fields of security, economy, and international relations and to build confidence between states, countries, nations and religions. They would like to bring to an end the domination of developed countries in international affairs, the dependence from them, their interference in bilateral affairs, and relations with other countries, their pressures and threats about many questions in relation to their internal and international policies. Those goals are precisely the attributes of the world based on constructive strength. But precisely those goals represent a big problem for USA, GB, EU and some others Western countries ( including Australia and New Zealand), because if such rules prevail, they will erode their supremacy in the world affairs. That’s practically means that it would shrink their political influence on the international organizations and on bilateral level, endanger the repartition of world resources and economic distribution of wealth that is in their favor, reduce their financial privileges and exclusive right to print money without control and cover, especially US Dollar, diminish technologic advantages, weaken their media supremacy that is a serious base of their manipulation in the world affairs and many other proceedings. For centuries, privileged – Western countries use their supremacy toward other countries to incite and deepen differences between them, to spur and incite conflicts, to introduce very often sanctions to other countries as measure of pressure, to disable any country to rise to the level to challenge them, to harm the interest of other countries, undermine the international organizations, disrespect the international laws trying to build and defend their policy of privileges, exceptionality in the international arena and to destroy everything that can endanger their position, especially to prevent any aspirants of overthrowing them. Without their supremacy they would loose their power and influence, consequently profits and, probably, face internal instabilities. Their economic system is based on exploitation of foreign cheap resources and labor and on the monopoly of selling the final products. The antagonism between the privileged group of the countries and practically the rest of the world last very long, through few centuries, taking diverse forms in different historical periods, provoking from time to time instability, conflicts, political or economic sanctions, regional and even world wars, changing names and actors, but never settling because the basic difference between privileged and oppressed countries. That’s mean in first place in the inequality in position, rights, possibilities, level of development, influence, and many other aspects, that persist even today. But the conflicts are provoked not just because of the attempt of some countries to challenge the exceptional position of superpowers of the Western countries. The truth is that happen much more as the result of the ambition of former colonial countries to grab every time more then they already have- political power, economic resources, territories, richness and wellness in the world. Also, it is the result of the attempt to try to impose itself as the only and supreme power. The periodical challenges of that ambition are just contributing to he turmoil in the world but the everyday life is during whole history full of regional conflict, sanctions, pressures and similar proceeding through which western superpowers were trying to keep the rest of the world under their domination, supremacy and rules, exploit their wealth and resources and prevent them to develop and possibly challenge them. The colonial policy was based on inequality, injustice, slavery, exploitation, including all kind of inhuman proceeding against indigenous populations in Africa, America and Asia. From that time, colonial countries adopted the stand of underestimation of indigenous population, then on much lower civilization level. From the difference in level of development and civilization they concluded that the indigenous population deserve to be treated differently that their own, that means much worse. Such an approach had as consequence the behavior toward the indigenous population without any respect of their rights on life, property, territory, integrity, practicing inequality, injustices, slavery, forced labor, exploitation, pressures, conditioning and in some cases even almost total extermination. The problem is because it seems that former colonial powers still believe in the supremacy of their race, culture and civilization and are continue treating the rest of the world and especially their former colonies as inferior. If we analyze the nowadays behavior and the activities of those former colonial powers we can’t avoid to conclude that they are acting on the same old colonial way as in the past. The source of a wealth of today’s richest countries in the world is precisely that period of a wild exploitation of the colonies, using against the indigenous population every mean to keep it enslaved and obedient, in order to continue the robbery as long as possible. The exploitation of the colonies continued during centuries, changing name to neocolonial. In fact, until nowadays, there ware no big changes. In recent time, such policy is called globalization but, in essence, that was always the same policy and the same approach. The basic difference between the former colonial block of countries and the block, if we can speak in those terms, of “constructive” countries, could be more understandable with some example; perhaps Serbia could be a good one. Speaking about the violent break up of Yugoslavia, inspired from outside, in the nineteen’s of the previous century, Serbia was the only one accused and guilty for that without taking in account that it was the only one to defend Yugoslavia, as the only legal country in the moment of the attack on it. Serbia was also accused for the crimes and destructions during the civil war committed everywhere on the former Yugoslav territory, regardless the fact that Serbs were all the time first to be attacked. Serbs were accused to be occupiers of territories they lived for centuries, accused for ethnic cleansing of other nationalities and religions contrary of the evidence that they were the only ones ethnically cleansed from Croatia, Bosnia and Hertzegovine (BiH) and Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). Serbia was the sole republic to be subject of severe sanctions of Western countries, attacked by NATO in 1999. (19 mightiest and richest countries of that time) during 78 days, part of its state territory was usurped and put under UN control under false accusations. After that, without any opposition or protest, it was silently given to be occupied by Albanian terrorist and recognized by colonial countries as independent state in 2008 (although illegally), complete political and military leadership of Serbia and Republika Srpska were broth to the illegal Hague tribunal and sentenced. In the same time, the leaders and dignitaries of other republics were liberated. All that is a very good example of the behavior of the former colonial countries, their devotion to a international laws, justice, and truth. Another good example could be the candidature of Serbia for the full membership in the EU. Serbia applied for a full membership in December 2009 and, until now, didn’t advanced very much. There is always new preconditions to achieve, temporary goals to reach, requests to fulfill, new exigencies and expectations to be delivered and even when done, there is little progress but new conditions comes. Out of very complex and complicated procedures to fulfill, practically “unique” there is always some new “crucial” conditions to reach as the most important step for the faster membership. It was first to deliver to the Hague tribunal former President of Serbia Slobodan Milosevic. Once done, it was to deliver general Ratko Mladic, then Radovan Karadzic, former President of BiH, then successively many times new requests. Today, in 2022, Serbia is still far away of the membership in EU and there is of course new conditions – to recognize KiM, to stop to support Republika Srpska, to renounce from the cooperation with RF and China, because of their “negative influence on Serbia”. And there are many additional requests. In the same time, Serbia is cooperating very much with RF and China, on base of equality, under fair and correct agreements and acceptable financial arrangements, friendly, without any precondition of similar proceeds, respecting contracts, dates, quality and with full mutual respect. The cooperation between Serbia and China and RF is constantly progressing, on political, but also economic and all other levels, including military-technical cooperation, cooperation in big infrastructural projects, in energy, in the field of transport and all that without any political conditioning. Even contrary to that, with open support in the UN in the questions that are on the vital interest of Serbia, not just because Serbia and China and RF are friends, but because they support the international law and the legality in international affairs. In short, they cooperate on constructive basis and that could be the model how the countries from over the world should cooperate and cherish their relations and interests. The actual circumstances in the world offer real possibilities for states such RF and China to change the state of things and abolish, at least to some extent, the negative interference and influence of former colonial countries to other states, international organizations and institutions, and by that dismantle the colonial net existing from centuries. They have the opportunity to bring to an end the inequality, injustice and exploitation, liberate the world from chains and open new era of free and open world. By defending itself and their equality, they will defend the oppressed countries, revitalize international organizations and institutions, inciting the rest of the international community to lean on international law, give possibility for free and fair economic cooperation for everybody and continue to give by their example the confirmation that it is possible. On that way they would help the world to rely on constructive forces, interested for free, fair and just international relations and for the equal opportunities for every state to follow its lucky star and achieve its goals- political, economic and social and every other. In that aim it should be crucial to search to achieve those goals respecting fully the interests of its partners, not to act against them, but also, to prevent former colonial states to continue to manipulate and dominate in international affairs. That is certainly not an easy task, even it is risky, but is worth to fight for. Yugoslavia - Krajina The Donbass of thirty years ago
CNGNN & Associazione per un Mondo senza Guerre Pangea Wide Angle: INSIDE THE NEWS on BYOBLU Digital terrestrial channel 262 Yugoslavia - Krajina The Donbass of thirty years ago After signing the INF Treaty in 1987 with Mikhail Gorbachev, President Ronald Reagan promised Russia that NATO would never reach its borders, a commitment reiterated by President George Bush Sr. in the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. The Cold War was temporarily hibernated, while the United States, now the only world power, had already planned the dissolution of Yugoslavia and the isolation of the Serbs too close to Russia. In addition, it was urgent to find a new placing for NATO. Through the World Bank, the US enforced the repayment of loans, financed the Croatian far-right parties, and supported the demands of the Muslims of Bosnia, in order to be able to act with the consent of public opinion, they started a media campaign against the Serbs. To complete the work, CIA agents with a lot of cash persuaded politicians and media representatives to support the established narrative. Then they imposed heavy sanctions. The Serbs were portrayed in the international media as warmongers, accused of wanting a Greater Serbia. There are many similarities with what happened in Donbas: it can be said that in Yugoslavia a dress rehearsal was staged to test a protocol also applied in Ukraine. Krajina like Ukraine means border. The Serbian Krajines, inserted in Croatia, would not have formed the Serbian Republic of Krajina if they could remain in a Croatia federated with the other Yugoslav republics. But with independence, the Croatian government promulgated a constitution that excluded the rights of any ethnic group other than the Croatian one. In 1993 the ethnic cleansing of the Krajines began with the Medak Pocket culminating in the Flash and Storm operations (1995) supported by US mercenaries: half a million Serbs without protection had to leave their territory. This doc-film presented by Pangea Grandangolo - Dentro la Notizia was shot in September 1993 by a cameraman of Knin TV which no longer exists, like the Krajines. Synchronization of the EU into a "values superpower" capable of defense or Integration into the final struggle for a unipolar world?
Wolfgang Effenberger After EU Council President Charles Michel proposed to make Ukraine and Moldova candidates for EU membership, the draft final declaration of the June 23-24 EU summit in Brussels on June 21, 2022, stated, "The European Council has decided to grant candidate country status to Ukraine and Moldova."(1) (Georgia is to be granted candidate status as well.) It is assumed that the 27 heads of state and government will follow the EU Commission's recommendation. Since June 21, the self-propelled howitzer 2000 promised by Germany "has finally become part of the 155-millimeter howitzer arsenal of the Ukrainian artillery," Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Resnikov wrote on Twitter. In doing so, he thanked Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) "for all efforts" to support Ukraine.(2) While British Prime Minister Boris Johnson warns the West of a "long war" in Ukraine(3) in the Times, the Chief of the British Army Staff, General Sir Patrick Sanders, tunes soldiers to fight alongside their allies to defeat Russia: "Russia's invasion of Ukraine underlines our core mission to protect the United Kingdom - by being prepared to fight and win wars on the mainland,"(4) Sanders said on Sky News on June 19. British army chief warns 'must prepare to fight in Europe'(5) Aimed at the First World War In view of the ever louder drums of war that can currently be heard, a reference to the parallels of the present situation to that before 1914 seems not only permissible but even necessary. After the imperial wars of 1898 (USA against the great power Spain in Cuba and the Philippines), 1899- 1901 (UK against the Boers in Africa) and 1900 (the "value West" against China), tensions were building up in the world and especially on the part of Great Britain, France and Russia against Germany. From early December 1907 to February 1909, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt(8) had a large part of his new war fleet steam around the globe in sensational voyages, to the delight of naval strategist Alfred Thayer Mahan.(9) Sixteen modern armored battleships and cruisers demonstrated their superiority in striking power and mobility all around the world. Today, 11 nuclear-powered U.S. aircraft carriers are in service on the world's oceans along with their accompanying fleets. In 2020, NATO and U.S. military spending totaled $1,102 billion, while that of China and Russia was $314 billion. Of this, Germany and Russia's spending balanced out at about $60 billion.(10) Armament budgets 1880-1913 in U.S. Dollars (in thousandths)
Even before this issue of the NYT appeared, the British cut the German-American Atlantic cable in the early hours of the morning; thus, news from Berlin no longer reached the U.S. and vice versa. One day after Woodrow Wilson's pledge of neutrality on August 19, 1914, the naval blockade of Germany by Great Britain, which was contrary to international law, began without any major protest from the United States. This blockade was intended to isolate and economically strangle Germany. According to the official historian of the Royal Navy, Sir Julian Corbett, this blockade had been planned from 1908 on by Lord Hankey in the Committee of Imperial Defence (CID) with "an orderly completeness of detail which has no parallel in our history"(14). Realignments after World War I Three times in the 20th century the international order was "reordered"(16) With the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact (and the Soviet Union), the world hoped for a peaceful future. But after the victory of the "West" in 1990, "wars of order" were instigated in many places in the world, such as the war against Iraq orchestrated by Bush Sr. in 1991. Some may still remember the unsavory "incubator lie" that ultimately tipped the scales in favor of the UN's blessing for that war. When, on March 24, 1999, NATO launched the first war of aggression in its history without a UN mandate and thus in violation of international law against a sovereign country, it was immediately followed by a new doctrine permitting future interventions without a UN mandate. NATO's war in Yugoslavia began on March 24, 1999 - 12 days earlier Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary had joined. Was this just another war in the wake of the post-Yugoslav secession wars since the early 1990s? Certainly not, because 4 imperial motives of the USA can be identified(17) After the Yugoslav war, so-called "color revolutions" were concerted in Eastern Europe, most of which then led to regime change and desired EU and NATO accession. Former Canadian professor of economics and head of the Globalization Research Centre, Michel Chossudovsky, drew attention in June 2015 to the fact that behind the Ukraine crisis lies a broad military strategy that goes far beyond Ukraine: "NATO - and when we say NATO, we also mean the United States - is engaging in war games on Russia's doorstep ... Now they are threatening Russia with nuclear weapons, and it's obvious that the nuclear option has been discussed in the U.S. Congress."(19) Turn of the tide? Three days after the Russian attack on Ukraine - just as illegal under international law as all U.S. wars since the attack on Yugoslavia - Chancellor Olaf Scholz introduced his government statement on Feb. 27 with the words: Two days before the governmental declaration, the SPD newspaper "Vorwärts" stated: With the attack on Ukraine on Feb. 24, the European order that had more or less held since 1950 had come to an end, said the two "European activists and publicists" Vincent-Immanuel Herr and Martin Speer on April 2 in the guest commentary So we should be prepared for a prolonged war - making a European security order encompassing the EU as well as Russia a very distant prospect. Comments 1) Wolfgang Effenberger, born in 1946, a former officer in the German armed forces, has been a committed peace advocate since his first book, "Pax americana" (2004). In April 2022, he published "Die unterschätzte Macht: Von Geo- bis Biopolitik - Plutokraten transformieren die Welt". Other books by him on the subject: The dark strategy On the Escalation of the Ukraine War to Global Domination
Wolfgang Effenberger On June 7, 2022, Ukrainian President Volodimir Selenskyi told the Financial Times that "victory must be won on the battlefield."(1) Ukraine's short-term goal, he said, was to return to the situation before the Russian invasion on February 24. Selenskyi cited the recapture of all Russian-controlled territory, including Crimea, as a long-term goal. Selenskyi is only a mouthpiece of this resolution, in which the preliminary goal of the U.S. is firmly outlined and on the basis of which Ukraine has been militarily prepared by the U.S. for this war. This also explains why the security guarantees demanded by the Russian president since mid-December 2021 from the U.S. and NATO were never seriously negotiated. 1. implementation of the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of March 11, 2021 "On the Strategy of De-occupation and Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol" (attached). 2. approval of the strategy of de-occupation and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (attached). 3. The control over the implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine issued by this decree shall be vested in the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine."(4) This decree comes very close to a Ukrainian declaration of war on Russia. On April 6-7, 2021, the Ukrainian President and his Chief of General Staff Khomchak met with the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Britain's Stuart Perch, Chief of the Royal Air Force, who subsequently stated, "NATO members are united in condemning Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea and its aggressive actions in eastern Ukraine."(5) The U.S. President and Chief of General Staff Khomchak are also on the ground of the U.S. resolution. Thus, with the "forcible annexation" version of Crimea, a senior British officer is also on the ground of the U.S. resolution. According to this version, the West indeed had to take coercive measures - similar to the approach taken in the forcible annexation of Kuwait by Iraq. But the circumstances in Crimea are different. Here, on March 16, 2014, the population living in Crimea overwhelmingly decided in a referendum to break away from Ukraine and return to Russia (Crimea had only been assigned to Ukraine within the Soviet Union in 1954).(6) As commander-in-chief, on April 8, 2021, state leader Selenskyi traveled to Crimea. April 2021, head of state Selenskyi traveled in combat gear to the front lines in the east to motivate Ukrainian soldiers loyal to the government.(7) Nothing remained of his campaign promise to ensure peace in the Donbass first and foremost - or had it been just a lie anyway? On October 21, 2021, the Süddeutsche Zeitung ran the headline: "NATO gears up for conflict with Moscow"(8). The Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014 had led to a reassessment at NATO of the threats from Moscow. As a result, for the first time since the end of the Cold War, a defense plan was defined to respond to possible attacks from Russia. Twenty years before the Western-orchestrated coup in Ukraine, which violated international law, a long-term strategy "for the development of full-dimensional operations for the strategic army of the early twenty-first century" had gone into effect in the United States in TRACOC 525-5.(9) Instead of fighting communism, the 21st century will have to fight national and religious extremism. If in the 20th century one had permanent allies, in the 21st century they are only temporary allies. The U.S. Army should adapt to this, he said, and pay attention to two premises: rapid technological change and the reordering of geostrategy. Modern war theater relies on more advanced technology such as combat robots and drones, as well as "non-nation forces" - mercenary armies that do not have to abide by any laws and are paid according to measured success. In Ukraine, the stages of escalation described in 525-5 are readily observable: Turmoil (Maidan), Crisis (Slavyansk), Conflict (Crimea), and, since February 24, 2022, All-out War. "According to 525-5, the path to the intended war leads via the targeted destabilization of the state, in which one wants to bring about a "regime change" for one's own advantage. An important tool here: operations other than war (OOTW) - meaning operations ranging from financial to cyber warfare, the use of covert special forces to drone warfare, and all facets of shadow warfare." At the lowest level of the dynamic is "democracy promotion" in the style of the National Endowment for Democracy. In early October 2014 - eight months after the Maidan and two months before Resolution 758 - at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) conference, senior officers and representatives of the U.S. Department of Defense showed the vision of future armed conflicts and presented the document Army Operating Concept (AOC) "Win in an Complex World 2020-2040"(10)-surrounded by lobbyists of the weapons industry, whose companies presented the latest weapons systems. Another U.S. Army strategy paper for 2025 to 2040 projects that enemies will launch increasingly massive attacks in a variety of domains - land, sea, air, space, and online-with the lines between war and peace blurring. Meanwhile, the U.S. Army is preparing for decades of hybrid wars 2025-2040.(12) Currently, as part of a new security package, the U.S. is supplying Ukraine with modern multiple rocket launchers to defend against the Russian invasion. In an op-ed for the New York Times, U.S. President Joe Biden wrote that the missile delivery will enable the invaded country to more precisely hit "key targets on the battlefield in Ukraine."(13) Russia must pay a high price for attacking Ukraine, he said, or it could lead to the end of the rules-based international order and catastrophic consequences worldwide. Since the war of aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999, which violated international law, the U.S. has undermined international law and the UN's monopoly on the use of force by introducing the vague term "rules-based international order," which in reality describes an order based on "U.S. rules" so that Washington can continue to pursue its unipolar power goals. For the tireless critics of the public broadcasters Friedhelm Klinkhammer and Volker Bräutigam, the "rule-based order" is linguistically as wrong as the "white white horse"; any order already represents a set of rules itself, it does not need to be additionally "based" on rules.(14) For both, the notion of "rules-based world order" serves only to camouflage the political intentions of the U.S. empire to advance its interests in violation of international law. For grassroots organizations like "Fridays for Future", "Campact" or "CORREKTIV", the war in Ukraine does not have the same importance as e.g. climate protection, although the military (armament, maneuvers and wars) is the biggest environmental destroyer. The demand for "outlawing war" is nowhere to be heard. Is it perhaps also because this demand would be directed primarily against the interests of U.S. corporations? According to Wimmer, the way of thinking and the choice of words of today's experts in the German media reveal not only whose brainchild they are, but also what their clients expect from them. The public statements of the German Foreign Minister about Russia and its president are not inferior to this.(18) The constant escalations lead the Ukraine war closer and closer to the edge of a pan-European conflict. In its wake, Europe could be destroyed and the world economy and financial market could be thrown into unprecedented turmoil. Comments 1) Grandangolo Pangea - International press review for Byoblu - Interview with M.Chossudovsky
In this special Pangea's Grandangolo episode Jean Marazzani Visconti interviews Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - award-winning, author of 11 books, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, and Founder, and Director of the Center for Research on Globalization (CRG). Prof. Chossudovsky discusses current geopolitical events, including the war in Ucraine and the possibility of nuclear escalation. He remarks that the US Military-Industrial Complex and nuclear weapons manufacturers, through a progressive whitewashing operation started in 2003, have gradually convinced government decision-makers to soften the thresholds for using nuclear bombs, even in conventional wars, claiming their limited danger to the population. He also talks about the privatization of war and governments and how this impacts current events. Traduzione in Italiano (video in Inglese) Il Prof. Chossudovsky discute gli attuali eventi geopolitici, inclusa la guerra in Ucraina e la possibilità di un'escalation nucleare. Osserva che il complesso militare-industriale degli Stati Uniti e i produttori di armi nucleari, attraverso un'operazione di sbiancatura progressiva iniziata nel 2003, hanno gradualmente convinto i responsabili delle decisioni nei governi a ridurre le soglie per l'uso delle bombe nucleari, anche nelle guerre convenzionali, perché limitatamente pericolose per le popolazioni. Parla anche della privatizzazione della guerra e dei governi e di come ciò influisca sull'attualità. Ukraine conflict - into the third world war?
Wolfgang Effenberger Obviously, in the 21st century, the U.S. is consistently implementing the global strategy of the long-serving and influential Polish-born U.S. security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski with his road-map to "empire." Rough drafts of a globalist road map were already sketched out by the British geographer Alfred Mackinder with his theory of the three steps to world domination published in 1904: The long-serving and influential Polish-born U.S. national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski has done much to further fine-tune this road map to empire and, above all, has had a lasting influence on the Democratic elite - from President Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama. In his 1997 book, The Only World Power: America's Strategy for Domination (English: The Grand Chessboard. American Primacy and is geostrategic Imperatives), Brzezinski explains a comprehensive and self-contained "geostrategy" with regard to "winning" Eurasia. The very first page of the introduction states: "Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard, is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent state contributes to Russia's transformation. Without Ukraine, Russia is no longer a Eurasian empire.... However, if Moscow were to regain dominion over Ukraine, with its 52 million people, significant mineral resources, and access to the Black Sea, Russia would automatically gain the means to become a powerful empire spanning Europe and Asia. If Ukraine lost its independence, this would have immediate consequences for Central Europe and would make Poland a geopolitical pivot on the eastern border of a united Europe."(9) How could the NATO Secretary General arbitrarily make such far-reaching promises to a country without EU or NATO membership? In October 2017, another strategic concept went into effect, U.S. Army Is Preparing For Decades Of Hybrid Wars 2025-2040.(15) Also indicative of clandestine war preparations is the spring 2019 re-establishment of the Committee on the Present Danger: China.(16)This committee existed during the McCarthy era in the 1950s, but now it has been re-established and is directing its activities solely against China. Thus, the Anglo-American financial oligarchy is planning war against Russia and China as a way out of its own misery. With Christine Lagarde, a woman without any experience in banking inherited ECB President Mario Draghi. To compensate, she can think strategically, because as a member of the think tank "Center for Strategic and International Studies" (CSIS) she led the USA-EU-Poland Action Committee together with Zbigniew Brzezinski from 1995 to 2002. From 1995 to 2002, she was especially involved in the working group "Arms Industry USA-Poland". In 2003, she was also a member of the "Euro- Atlantic Action Commission" in Washington.(20) When analyzing Poland's military activities today, it must be noted that Ms. Largarde did great groundwork, which was purposefully continued by Ms. von der Leyen. On January 10, 2022, the nuclear engagement paper, "The Nuclear Disposition Review: What It Is and Why It Matters," became public. Putin's February 21, 2022 statement was likely a response to U.S. threats to use nuclear weapons preemptively against Russia.(24) On February 28, 2022, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly (417:10) passed the "Ukrainian Democracy Defense Land-Lease Act," a reauthorization of the January 1941 Land-Lease Act - the same year the U.S. was then in World War 2. The bill had been introduced on January 19, 2022 - one month before the outbreak of war in Ukraine(!). In view of such an overwhelming majority in the U.S. Congress for a war-promoting law, it is not to be expected that peace-promoting impulses will emanate from this Congress, especially since this war will again flush a lot of money into the U.S. arms industry. Thus, it cannot be ruled out that the United States is aiming to "provoke Russian President Vladimir V. Putin into a major war."(25) Ramsey Clark 1991: And Thomas Mann, in U.S. exile, had recognized the Americans' inclination, On May 8, the day on which world peace is praised as the highest good worldwide and especially in Germany, and no parliament can do without the dogma of gaining peace for the future from an unpeaceful past, the U.S. continues its unreserved march to expand its global domination, even at the price of world peace. Notes 1) Zbigniew Brzezinski: „Die einzige Weltmacht: Amerikas Strategie der Vorherrschaft“ 1999 (Englisch: The Grand Chessboard. American Primacy and ist geostrategic Imperatives 1997), S. 15 Jan Oberg: BREAKING How they have lied to you about the Russian threat for the last 30 years
An indisputable authority on NATO affairs reveals the truth – without knowing he does and without the media Jan Oberg April 8, 2022 Truth will out, as they say, and sometimes it in strange ways. On March 9, 2022, the former Danish Prime Minister and former NATO Secretary-General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, gave an interview to Danish Television 2. Here a 30 sec excerpt. In my view, it was deeply shocking for three reasons. First, what he actually says: “If we send planes, it’s to protect Ukrainian airspace, and then we have to be ready to shoot down Russian planes. That would undeniably mean war between NATO and Russia.” That doesn’t worry him. He does not say that the West/NATO should therefore refrain from doing so. See below how he thinks it will go. “I think if it’s going to deter Putin, we shouldn’t rule anything out. And I’m among those who say we should keep Putin in maximum uncertainty.” Not ruling out anything in NATO parlance indisputably means that the use of nuclear weapons is also a possibility. And he knows that very well as a former NATO S-G. Fogh Rasmussen does not mention nuclear weapons. It is better not to. But he does know that NATO is based on nuclear weapons and reserves the right to be the first to use them even against conventional attacks, so that is what he must be interpreted to mean. Precisely with the background he has. Keeping an adversary in “maximum insecurity” in a dangerous conflict is, from a risk-analytic perperspective, an insane and dangerous philosophy. The conflict is already heavily militarized and both sides have large arsenals of nuclear weapons; moreover, all Western media and commentators are now claiming that Putin has probably gone mad in the psychiatric meaning of mad. So it is not just a completely irresponsible philosophy. The statement testifies that Fogh Rasmussen, despite his background, is conflict illiterate. “We cannot exclude that NATO sends fighter aircraft against Russia, says Fogh” “The Ukrainians have shown an amazing willingness to fight, and we will support them to the end.” To the end? In the context of his escalation idea, it is reasonable to assume that he also – by that formulation – includes nuclear bombing of Russia until it stops its military activities in Ukraine. It also says that in Fogh Rasmussen’s view Ukraine is in effect a NATO member that we should support – even though formally it is not. He does not stress that the West has no obligation to support Ukraine since it is not a NATO member and therefore not covered by NATO’s musketeer oath (Art 5 in the NATO Treaty). Then TV2 continues: “And should the Russian president end up interpreting the West’s weapons as a declaration of war, the former secretary general has no doubt who would ultimately win? And listen carefully to Fogh Rasmussen’s answer with no hesitation: “Putin will be beaten to a pulp by NATO. Once NATO moves, it will be with enormous force. You have to remember that the investments we make in defence are ten times greater than Putin’s,” he says. So what has not been mentioned in the Danish and Western media so far suddenly comes out here: Russia is a military dwarf compared to NATO’s 30 members. It can beat Putin – Russia – to a pulp (in Danish “Plukfisk” – fish meat torn to pieces). Says a man who knows NATO from the inside. In other words, you and I have been deceived – grossly – the last three decades. Tax payers money squeezed out by lying about the immense Russian threat and, thereby, increasing citizens’ fears. The exact situation right now, I can inform you, is that Russia’s military expenditure is 8% of NATO’s – namely US$ 66 billion and has been decreasing the last few years. There will now be a gigantic further over-armament within NATO – all up to 2% of their GNP, or more. Germany has shrugged off all restrictions and will henceforth have a military budget of US$ 112 – that alone is almost double Russia’s. In other words, Fogh Rasmussen speaks as the suddenly militarily superior, victory-proof militarist who in reality does not at all see Russia as a threat but is confident that the formidable alliance can beat Putin – by which he means by definition all of Russia and its people – to a “pulp.” I wrote “shocking” above. It is deeply shocking what is actually being said here: nuclear war in Europe is perfectly OK, even if it is not something Fogh Rasmussen wants. But that bastard in Moscow, we can corner even further so he might overreact again – and then we beat the crap out of him. Russia, which we have heard for decades is a gigantic threat to us, must be crushed with our superior power. We’re not the least bit afraid of Putin Plukfisk! The second shocking thing is that TV2 does not understand what it is doing – or not doing with these sensational views. He is allowed to state them unchallenged, without their content being problematised, without others being asked to comment on such extremist positions or point out that Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s statements are completely unacceptable both professionally and ethically. How long will TV2 – and virtually all other media – continue to cheer on the West’s self-righteous war of revenge? How far will they go? Consciously or because editors and journalists have no relevant expertise on war – let alone peace – but think mainly in terms of ratings. And then it’s shocking for a third reason. If it had come to light that twenty years ago Fogh Rasmussen had put his hand on a woman’s thigh, the Danish press would be in a frenzy to condemn him in the media court. So far, he has – only – been partly responsible, as NATO S-G, for the suffering of millions in Iraq and Libya, in total violation of international law and the UN Treaty. Now he says – only – that we must win over Russia once and for all even if it means major war. Nuclear war. And nobody reacts. In the Danish spirit pond and its media, he is regarded as a great statesman who speaks wise words. About nuclear war for the sake of good democracies. Source: Ukraine Consultation in Ramstein: Demonstration of Power by an Occupying Power?
Wolfgang Effenberger At the invitation of U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, representatives of 40 countries discussed the Ukraine war at U.S. Air Force Base Ramstein/Rhineland-Palatinate on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, one day after his departure from Kiev. Among them were countries that are not members of NATO. In the run-up, the U.S. Department of Defense had stressed that the meeting was not taking place under the umbrella of the alliance. Why did the meeting not take place in Washington, why not in Brussels, but at the U.S. base in Ramstein? On a military airfield of the "United States Air Force", which is located on German territory but has immunity similar to an embassy and is thus exempt from German jurisdiction,(1) "Ramstein Air Base" also hosts the headquarters of the "United States Air Forces Europe", the "Air Forces Africa" and the "Allied Air Command Ramstein", a NATO command authority for the command of air forces. Furthermore, the base is home to the "US-603d Air and Space Operations Center"(2) which conducts the control of combat drone missions with targeted killings of terror suspects in Africa (Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and formerly Afghanistan).(3) Potentially illegal US arms deliveries as well as prisoner transfers running through Ramstein are also off-limits to German law enforcement agencies. Most importantly, the U.S. base, always a hub of U.S. military operations, has been increasingly used for cargo and troop shipments to Rzeszów-Jasionka in southern Poland, near the Ukrainian border, for several months. On March 25, 2022 -U.S. President Joe Biden visited the U.S. garrison there and pointed out the importance of their deployment far beyond Ukraine. Should these U.S. soldiers be wounded, they would be transported to the "Landstuhl Regional Medical Center", the largest U.S. military hospital outside the United States, located just 13 kilometers from Ramstein Air Base. Largely unnoticed by the public, the not only largest but also most modern American military clinic is now being built within walking distance of Ramstein: nine operating theaters, a total of more than 4,500 rooms (a large part of the costs are borne by the Federal Republic).(4) The best U.S. military surgeons and trauma specialists will be working here as late as 2022. So the U.S. is well prepared for a major war in Europe. Departing Kiev on 4/25/2022, Austin emphasized that the Ukrainians could win "if they have the right equipment and the right support."(5) As a war goal, Austin stated, "We want Russia weakened to the point where it is no longer capable of something like invading Ukraine."(6) Pushing Russia even below the status of a regional power means, in plain English, conjuring up a nuclear war. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke of a "historic meeting" at the opening of the Ukraine consultations in Ramstein. There is no doubt that the Russian leadership disregarded the prohibition of the use of force under international law by invading Ukraine and united left and right, liberals and conservatives, nationalists and globalists in one front with this operation. In March 1999, at the start of the war against Yugoslavia/Kosovo, the United States permanently enshrined NATO's crisis intervention role with the new NATO Strategy MC 400/2. Since then, the alliance has reserved the right to intervene militarily even without an explicit mandate from the United Nations Security Council. Thus, Serbia was then bombed for 78 days and nights with appropriate enemy propaganda. In 2001, the bombing and invasion of Afghanistan followed. The only offense: The Taliban had not delivered asylum seeker Osama bin Laden fast enough. Mearsheimer can only be agreed with this. However, this honorable approach collides with the Anglo-Saxon competitive ideology of "the winner takes it all". At the time of publication of his article, Mearsheimer could not have known anything about the strategy paper TRADOC 525-3-1 "Win in a Complex World 2020-2040", which was also published in September 2014. Notes 1)Wissenschaftliche Dienste „Der Bundestag“: China’s comment on US global policy
Pirkko Turpeinen-Saari, MD. Chief psychiatrist, former member of Finnish Parliament
The propaganda stream from last week has reminded me strongly of the propaganda surrounding the US-EU-Germany initiated destruction and occupation of Yugoslavia 30 years ago. The actions of Ruder-Finn marketing firm, economically supported by CIA and US-nazi-diaspora resembled the present ”western” propaganda. Now it is not only one firm but more than 100 firms. Ruder-Finn had a permanent collaboration with 400 journalists, to whom they fed the information CIA and US-foreign policy and EU-Germany’s BND wanted them to convey. The journalists needed to visit places of action only briefly in order to get the taste of genuinity and blood to their stories. Serbs, who supported democracy, international law and the independence of Yugoslavia, not the splitting, had to be demonized. Deeply humane general Ratko Mladic, who because of his intelligence and creativity described the false images conveyed by the ”west” as questionable, had to be proven a ”war criminal”, just like president Putin is described in the present conflict in Ukraine. The explosions in Markale square and bread-line were false flags and gave the reason to bomb the Serbs by NATO. The collaboration between caliphate building Bosnian muslims, NATO and American generals leading the muslim troops like John Galvin was seamless. The ”Srebrenica massacre” had been ordered by president Clinton already in 1993. Now it was reinvented in August 1995 by ICTY official visiting Tuzla, 80 km apart from Srebrenica. At the same time, side by side with him was an UN-official interviewing Srebrenica inhabitants, out of whom no one had seen any massacres. During 25 years scientists have collected enourmous amounts of information about what happened during 1992-93 in Serb-villages around Srebrenica, when muslim villagers attaced and killed Serbs. There is also piles of information, what happened after Bosnian Serb army had arrived in Srebrenica, the Muslim army had fled fighting its way towards Tuzla. Every bone has been studied. Has the person died of artillery barrage, in the minefields or been executed. The number of executed persons has been around 400. I have on my desk a massive book: Srebrenica, Reality and Manipulations. Articles have been written by scientists, generals, UN-commanders out of whom general Karremans has explaned how massive the politcal pressure was right after the conflict, to describe what happened according to the western narrative. In spite of all the information available, the first propaganda narrative is very much alive and is in use again in the information war concerning the Russian military operation in Ukraine. The governments of Finland in the 1990s gave their unconditional support to the Ruder-Finn war-narrative. Finland wanted to be a member of EU. That is why it wanted to please the US-led NATO, but especially EU-Germany and Helmut Kohl. That decennium was in a way psychological and physical; military rehearsal to join the unipolar US-led world, where the expansion was performed through bombings and horrendous economic sanctions. For me it is most painful to tell my grand-children to which extent the Finnish government led by Paavo Lipponen was ready to go to serve the US and Germany. President Bill Clinton wanted to occupy militarily the whole of Yugoslavia. It had a strong military presence in Europe already by occupying Germany. He wanted however more. He wanted to rule the whole of Balkans to rule the oil- and drugtrade and human trafficing. Finnish president Ahtisaari was a helping hand in all of this. Yugoslavia had been threatened with new bombings since the Dayton accords. Nazi-Croats and Osama bin Laden’s jihadists were president Clintons allies. Kosovo Albanians were not for democarcy but for direct action and violence. They did not want to participate in democratic rule for 9 years. In 1998 president Clinton renamed the terrorists as freedom-fighters. The Serbian government police-force informed the media and society that it was 15.1.1999 going to empty the village of Racak in Kosovo of terrorists and weapons as the Albanians had killed local police-officers. AP-TV cameras recorded the fights from early morning until afternoon about Several journalists, OSCE- inspecors were stationed at the hill tops. The bodies could not be fethced from the hills as there was sporadic shooting at judical officers trying to get the bodies down. As the judge and policemen came the next day to verify the situation, the US chairman of Kosovo OSCE, William Walker was already at the scene with a large group of journalists. The group convened around a ditch, which was full of dead bodies 45, all together. Walter claimed that the people had been executed in a brutal way. Heads cut, shot at neck as victims had tried to climbe from the ditch. This false statement was telephoned to all NATO-governments during the week-end, before the journalists had got their articles and films out for the public. As a result of this provocation all the NATO-countries agreed that there is no space for any negotiations longer. The only alternative is to bomb Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav government invited a Finnish forensic team to study the Racak bodies and find out if the victims had died of execution or fighting. The Finnish forensic specialists found that no one had been shot from short distance. None the less there were any decpitations, as Clinton had claimed. There were no minors either. The government of Finland had chosen a dentist, Helena Ranta, to function as the chairman of the forensic team in spite of the fact that a dentist has nothing to do with finding the cause of death of the victims. She did not explain at all to the media what her collagues had found. Instead of clearly saying the results, she pondered filosophically about matters, which had nothing to do with the team’s task. The term crime against humanity was on her vocabulary, not the facts. It seems that the chosen chairman was politically suitable for the task. The government of Finland in collaboration with the German ministry of foreign affairs decided to hide the results of the forensic team, permanently. They could care less, what would be the result of their omission. The chief specialist of the forensic team, world known professor Antti Penttilä could not accept this end result. He published the results in an international forensic journal – two years after the bombings had already occurred. Because of the decisions by the Finnish governent, the bombings of Yugoslavia started some days after the media statements by Helena Ranta. *** In the case of Srebrenica the end results are the following: The political ICTY-court has sentenced, as a result of the western propaganda, Serb-generals to long prison sentences. Facts based on scientific research and scientific research as such have been declared criminal. After Dayon accords in 1995, the highest official in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been the High Comissionen, the first commisioner having been Swedish Carl Bild. The US has had through NATO- occupation and later a bit lighter EU-military presence a position which resembles a colonial ruler just like US has now in Ukraine. The last High comissioner Christian Schmidt, German christian democrat, has been member of the German government until 2018. One could say the the country is ruled by US-German tandem. Christian Schmidt has ruled questioning of the ”Srebrenica western truth” a crime . If a person according to scientific research questions the western narrative, he is threatened by a jail sentence. *** Denial of the western narrative about Racak ”execution” and telling the truth about the fight in the village is a crime in Kosovo. Ivan Todosijevic, a Serb-member of Kosovo parliament spoke the truth about Racak in a speech commemorating the 20 year anniversary of Yugoslav-bombings in 2019. He told that the execution was staged by William Walker. The ”high court” of Kosovo sentenced him to 2 years in prison. If the government of Finland would like to save mr Todosijevic, they should tell the truth. William Walker has got a statue in Racak village in a celebration in 2017 in the presence of that time president HashimThaci. *** The procedures by the government of Finland have distanced themselves further and further from the truthful reality and humanity which it valued before entering the membership in EU. Former Finnish prime minister Alexander Stubb visits, these weeks, all around Sweden to encourage the country to join NATO. Alexander Stubb served the US- and EU- interests remarkably as he as EU-representative claimed in 2008 that Russia had attacked Georgia in 8.8.2008. The truth was that president Saakashvili of Georgia had attacked Russian peace-keepers in South-Ossetia and bombed Tsinvali expecting for support from the US. As prime minister of Finland Alexander Stubb prepared the steps together with president Sauli Niinistö towards Finland joining the military alliance NATO. The first task was to educate the Finnish media and prepare them to fit the NATO-narrative. To achieve that he found that by sending 100 Finnish journalists and civil servants to Harvard for special CIA-indoktrination would do the job. (In Jugoslav wars, the CIA had too much work preparing the news by itself, in order to deliver them to journalists. It would be smoother as the journalists themselves would have the right attitude to start with) The government in power after Alexander Stubb, was Juha Sipilä’s right wing government. They put the Harvard-education to action. In addition to that education, NATO-hybrid information Center was invited to start its function in Helsinki, Finnish capital. So the collaboration between educated journalists, civil servants and NATO would be smooth. President Sauli Niinistö let the representative of Finnish army to sign NATO- host country agreement, during the summer vacation of the parliament, in 2014. So the parlament was not bothered by discussing and deciding this strong allignment with NATO. Locating nuclear weapons on Finnish soil were not forbidden in the agreement. President Niinistö made several bilater military collaboration agreements for example with the US, Britain and Germany. The Swedish parliament worked through the NATO-host agreement and bringing nuclear weapons to Sweden became forbidden. Finland has a committee for security matters. The highest civil servants of each ministry form the committee, the chief civil-servant of Finlans’s president included. This security committee, supports economically so called ”Mediapool”, the task of which is to secure the co-ordination of all newspapers, publishing houses and State TV according to the NATO-narrative. *** Russia started its military operation in Ukraine February 24, 2022. Its goal is to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine and secure Donbass, which has been for 8 years under military threat by the government of Ukraine. Russia has tried diplomatic approach for 8 years to save the Russian speaking parts of the country from annihilation. EU-countries Germany and France, even though signatories of the Minsk treaties, have done nothing to persuade the government of Ukraine to proceed to fulfilment of the treaty. 14000 killed during the 8 years, 400 children too. Continuous pressure and sleeping nights in cellars have made all children of the area vulnerable according to a study by a Finnish doctor. He compared children from Donbass, to children on middle Ukrainian areas and western parts. The differense in mental stress is enormous. Finnish NATO-educated media does not reveal that it knows about US led military coup in Ukraine in 2014. It does not reveal that it knows that president Obamas vice president ruled Ukraine as a colonial ruler. Biden’s son Hunter’s role in supporting economically the founding of military laboratories in Ukraine, has not reaced the Finnish media. Neither they know that president Obama threatened to make Russia to become a pariah-state. The Finnish media does not know about the US and British military advisers in Ukraine nor the NATO exercises there. They do not know that the, in the military coup so essential, nazi- army has been integrated to the Ukrainian army seamlessly. Nor do they know that all opposition parties have been denied their function. Russian language is forbidden to be spoken in public. Education in Russian language is forbidden. A multitude of TV-stations have been closed. In the UN vote, fall 2021, conserning support to nazism, only USA and Ukraine did not mind nazism. The EU-countries absteined as they could not revel their positive attitude to Ukrainian nazism. However EU-countries have supported and allied with nazis and jihadists in Libya, Syria, Afganistan, Bosnia, Kosovo and Ukraine. The western media claimed that in Mariupol the maternity hospital had been bombed by Russian forces. Without any further information , president of Finland and prime minister Marin, condemned with a stern voice, the horrific attac to the hospital by Russians. The publicly announced principal of the Ukrainian nazis is to systematically kill all Russians, roma and Russian speaking ukrainians or expell them accross the border to Russia. In the neighbourhood of capital Kiev, in the city of Bucha the Russian army was accused of killing civilians and leaving the bodies laying along the streets. After the initial report, the Finnish president and prime minister again condemd the brutality of Russian soldiers on twitter. From several sources the story appeared to be different. After the Russian troops left the city March the 30th, the mayor of Bucha rejoiced the recapture of the city by Ukrainian army and the Azov nazi-groups arrived the following day. A female city council member in military gear boasted on TV that the Azov had arrived and started clensing the city of collaborators. They killed civilians who had Russian army rations in their hands or had white ribbons on their arms symbolizing to Russian soldiers that these civilians are their friends. Ilja Kiva, member of Ukraine’s parliament until last month and chairman of socialist party, reported Bucha killings by Russian forces to be a false flag planned and organized by the SBU, Ukrainian intelligence service together with MI6, the British intelligence. The US/EU-media denies the Ukrainian war from being a civil war, where Ukrainians fight between themselves. The war was initiated after the US-led coup, when the newly formed illegal government had been formed and the illegal chairman of the parliament, Mr Turchinov, declared a war against Eastern Ukrainians, who did not want to obey the illegal coup, the illegal government and the parliament clensed from major parties. *** Mariupol steel factory in Donbass is now the last bastion of the nazi-Azov-army. One part of the military escaped in two helicopters. Among the passengers were US military advisers, just like in Syria. After the liberation of Aleppo, US- and other NATO- advisers were found in the cement tunnels built by the western forces for the rebel-fighters. Why do the president and prime minister of Finland support the false flag information case after case even though there is no proof from what has really happened. Why the government of Finland hides the scientific forensic results of what happened in the village of Racak in winter 1999. Why the Finnish government and the media have built a horrific and disgusting atmosphere of hate towards Russia and Russians that they hope all inhabitants of Finland to aquire and identify with. In the destruction of Yugoslavia, German minister of foreign affairs, Joschka Fisher was most eager to bomb the Serbs. He declaired right after he became minister of foreign affairs that ”Serbs must be put on their knees”. It felt unbelievable that a relative of nazi-occupiers should treat holocaust survivors like that. Now it is the turn of Russians to be in place of Serbs. Russians have managed to overcome the nazi-invasion in 1940- 45.They will never forget the atrozities of nazis no matter wether in Eastern Europe or Ukraine now. The Russians are on the right side of the history, building a multipolar world together with countries who are tired of US atrocities, military oppression,killings, economic sanctions, injustice, and colonial attitude towards other countries. Too many countries are still afraid of US power-using and cannot act independantly. Russia is corageous and hopefully soon wins the battle against nazism everywhere where it still excists. Wer ist der Angreifer?
Über das Jahr 1914, Hetzkampagnen gegen Russland und einen klugen Schweizer Exoberst imago/United Archives International Man kommt in Gedanken immer wieder darauf zurück. 1914. So ungefähr muss es gewesen sein, die Hetze, der Hass, der – heute durchgeschaltet wertebasierte – Propagandapilz in voller Entfaltung. Mit allerdings dem einen, alles entscheidenden Unterschied: Es gab 1914 noch keine Atomwaffen. Das heißt, alle konnten mit Begeisterung und ohne Angst vor dem Globalsuizid die einzig gerechte Strafe für soviel Greuel und Schlechtigkeit auf seiten des Feindes herbeisehnen – der Feind, das waren damals die Serben, die es frech gewagt hatten, den österreichischen Thronfolger zu ermorden; es war vor allem der Franzos’, er sann ja die ganze Zeit schon auf Rache für »70/71«; und es waren natürlich mal wieder die Russen. Die einzig gerechte Strafe: der Krieg. Jeder Krieg der Neuzeit begann mit einer Hetzkampagne, mit fundamentalen Lügen. Der Feind musste mit allen Mitteln bis hin zu raffinierten Greuelinszenierungen verachtet, gehasst, verdammt sein. Es waren wenige, die 1914 einen kühlen Kopf behielten. Selbst ein mit Recht als Leuchtturm des bürgerlichen Journalismus bewunderter Autor wie Theodor Wolff brauchte zwei Jahre, bis er sich von seiner Kriegsbegeisterung geheilt hatte. Thomas Mann brauchte länger, immerhin: Er schaffte es auf beeindruckende Weise noch im Exil. Heute sieht es eher aus, als müssten wir auf die Theodor Wolffs, die Alfred Döblins und Erich Maria Remarques, die Hermann Hesses und Brüder Mann lange warten. Heute schallt es uns von überall dröhnend entgegen: »Stimmt ja alles nicht!« Die freieste Presse, die es je auf deutschem Boden gab, weiß es besser: »Im Unterschied zu 1914«, triumphiert sie, »war es Putin, der, wie 1914 der deutsche Kaiser, den Krieg vom Zaun brach!« Aber sage niemand etwas gegen die sozialen Medien. Neben allem Schlechten, was sie in Händen schlechter Menschen anrichten, haben sie ihr Gutes in Händen guter Menschen. Ob indes der ehemalige schweizerische Oberst Jacques Baud ein guter oder schlechter Mensch ist, entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis. Er ist ein bürgerlicher Mensch, er hat sich akademisch mit den Ursachen des Krieges beschäftigt und ist als Schweizer Militär für die UNO und für die NATO unterwegs gewesen, unter anderem vier Jahre in der Ukraine. Und er hat sich, über die sozialen Medien verbreitet, von einer Schweizer Zeitung interviewen lassen. Als Bürger eines neutralen Landes, das aus schlechten Gründen auf der russischen Liste »unfreundlicher« Staaten gelandet ist, zeigt er sich geradlinig empört über die westliche Art Berichterstattung. Was er als exzellenter Kenner der Situation und ihrer Vorgeschichte dagegen setzt, dürfte in manchen Punkten selbst linke Durchblicker überraschen. Im Ergebnis kommt er zu dem Schluss: Nein, Putins Krieg ist eine Katastrophe wie jeder Krieg, aber er ist kein Angriffskrieg. Er ist ein Verteidigungskrieg gegen eine aggressive NATO, die Russland seit dem Verschwinden der Sowjetunion Schritt für Schritt systematisch eingekreist hat ( Wenn es, neben zahllosen Fakten, eines letzten Beweises dafür bedürfte, wer der Angreifer und wer der Angegriffene ist, dann liegt er in der Antwort auf die Frage: Wo war die große Hetzkampagne vor diesem, dem ukrainischen Krieg? Von seiten Russlands gab es zwar die kriegsüblich extrem einseitige Sicht auf die jeweilige Situation. Aber weder vor dem Krieg noch in seinem Verlauf waren aus Moskau hasserfüllte Töne in Richtung Gegenseite wahrzunehmen. Statt dessen anhaltendes Dringen auf friedliche Lösungen bis zuletzt, ja noch während des Krieges, alles NATO-seitig abgebogen. Der Westen dagegen arbeitet seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt in einer Weise an der Dämonisierung Putins, die von Anfang an auf einen Krieg hindrängte. Wer ist der Angreifer, wer der Angegriffene? Russia and China firmly in the USA's sights
Wolfgang Effenberger On Monday, March 28, 2022, the Pentagon submitted a $773 billion budget request for fiscal year 2023, asking Congress for a significant increase in spending to build new weapons "to curb the emerging Chinese military, check Russia's aggression in Europe, and boost pay for troops."(1) "I am calling for one of the largest investments in our national security in history," U.S. President Biden said of the budget request, "with the funding necessary to ensure that our military remains the best-prepared, best-trained, and best-equipped military in the world"; he noted that the funds were being requested to " forcefully respond to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's aggression against Ukraine."(2) However, the request was largely completed before Putin ordered his troops into Ukraine on February 24. The U.S. responded to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 with dynamic imperial geopolitics that quickly filled the resulting power vacuum - a policy that virtuously uses the connections between geography and space for its strategic visions in foreign policy. It is not currently about Putin Biden or even Selensky, it is about a gigantic power game that has been set in motion at the latest since the collapse of the Soviet Union: Five days before the bombing of Yugoslavia began, the U.S. House of Representatives had passed the "Silk Road Strategy Act." It stated: In Ukraine, after the initial successes of the 2010 "Orange Revolution" were challenged with the election of Viktor Yanukovych, Western-directed unrest erupted in late 2013, eventually leading to the president's flight to Russia on February 21, 2014. This brought the coup to a "successful" conclusion. The U.S. sponsored the coup to the tune of $5 billion. In parallel, George Soros also supported the Maidan revolution.(13) In current reporting, however, Putin alone was and is seen as responsible for the Ukrainian tragedy. In early October 2014, at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) conference, senior officers and representatives of the U.S. Department of Defense revealed the vision of future armed conflicts. Amidst weapons industry lobbyists whose companies presented the latest weapons systems, the new TRADOC document 525-3-1 "Win in an Complex World 2020-2040"(19) was unveiled. The United States Army "Training and Doctrine Command" (TRADOC) is one of three Army-level commands, and thus one of the most important commands in the U.S. Armed Forces. This event prompted Bill van Auken and David North to write a blistering article on, the mouthpiece of the "International Committee of the Fourth International" (ICVI): "U.S. Army Drafts Blueprint for Third World War."(20) Both authors infer extremely ominous implications from the text of the document, as the first priority for the armed forces was to reduce the threat from Russia and China, second was the threat from North Korea and Iran, and only third was terrorism. Successfully, the U.S. military under its first "Pacific" president shifted its capabilities massively toward Asia. On December 4, 2014, the U.S. Congress overwhelmingly (only 10 votes against) passed H. Res. 758. On the same day, long-time Congressman Ron Paul commented on it on his website with the article "Reckless Congress 'Declares War' on Russia"(21), saying: Notes 1) NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard
Declassified documents show security assurances against NATO expansion to Soviet leaders from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and Woerner Washington D.C., December 12, 2017 – U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991, according to declassified U.S., Soviet, German, British and French documents posted today by the National Security Archive at George Washington University ( The documents show that multiple national leaders were considering and rejecting Central and Eastern European membership in NATO as of early 1990 and through 1991, that discussions of NATO in the context of German unification negotiations in 1990 were not at all narrowly limited to the status of East German territory, and that subsequent Soviet and Russian complaints about being misled about NATO expansion were founded in written contemporaneous memcons and telcons at the highest levels. The documents reinforce former CIA Director Robert Gates’s criticism of “pressing ahead with expansion of NATO eastward [in the 1990s], when Gorbachev and others were led to believe that wouldn’t happen.”[1] The key phrase, buttressed by the documents, is “led to believe.” President George H.W. Bush had assured Gorbachev during the Malta summit in December 1989 that the U.S. would not take advantage (“I have not jumped up and down on the Berlin Wall”) of the revolutions in Eastern Europe to harm Soviet interests; but neither Bush nor Gorbachev at that point (or for that matter, West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl) expected so soon the collapse of East Germany or the speed of German unification.[2] The first concrete assurances by Western leaders on NATO began on January 31, 1990, when West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher opened the bidding with a major public speech at Tutzing, in Bavaria, on German unification. The U.S. Embassy in Bonn (see Document 1) informed Washington that Genscher made clear “that the changes in Eastern Europe and the German unification process must not lead to an ‘impairment of Soviet security interests.’ Therefore, NATO should rule out an ‘expansion of its territory towards the east, i.e. moving it closer to the Soviet borders.’” The Bonn cable also noted Genscher’s proposal to leave the East German territory out of NATO military structures even in a unified Germany in NATO.[3] This latter idea of special status for the GDR territory was codified in the final German unification treaty signed on September 12, 1990, by the Two-Plus-Four foreign ministers (see Document 25). The former idea about “closer to the Soviet borders” is written down not in treaties but in multiple memoranda of conversation between the Soviets and the highest-level Western interlocutors (Genscher, Kohl, Baker, Gates, Bush, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Major, Woerner, and others) offering assurances throughout 1990 and into 1991 about protecting Soviet security interests and including the USSR in new European security structures. The two issues were related but not the same. Subsequent analysis sometimes conflated the two and argued that the discussion did not involve all of Europe. The documents published below show clearly that it did. The “Tutzing formula” immediately became the center of a flurry of important diplomatic discussions over the next 10 days in 1990, leading to the crucial February 10, 1990, meeting in Moscow between Kohl and Gorbachev when the West German leader achieved Soviet assent in principle to German unification in NATO, as long as NATO did not expand to the east. The Soviets would need much more time to work with their domestic opinion (and financial aid from the West Germans) before formally signing the deal in September 1990. The conversations before Kohl’s assurance involved explicit discussion of NATO expansion, the Central and East European countries, and how to convince the Soviets to accept unification. For example, on February 6, 1990, when Genscher met with British Foreign Minister Douglas Hurd, the British record showed Genscher saying, “The Russians must have some assurance that if, for example, the Polish Government left the Warsaw Pact one day, they would not join NATO the next.” (See Document 2) Having met with Genscher on his way into discussions with the Soviets, Baker repeated exactly the Genscher formulation in his meeting with Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze on February 9, 1990, (see Document 4); and even more importantly, face to face with Gorbachev. Not once, but three times, Baker tried out the “not one inch eastward” formula with Gorbachev in the February 9, 1990, meeting. He agreed with Gorbachev’s statement in response to the assurances that “NATO expansion is unacceptable.” Baker assured Gorbachev that “neither the President nor I intend to extract any unilateral advantages from the processes that are taking place,” and that the Americans understood that “not only for the Soviet Union but for other European countries as well it is important to have guarantees that if the United States keeps its presence in Germany within the framework of NATO, not an inch of NATO’s present military jurisdiction will spread in an eastern direction.” (See Document 6) Afterwards, Baker wrote to Helmut Kohl who would meet with the Soviet leader on the next day, with much of the very same language. Baker reported: “And then I put the following question to him [Gorbachev]. Would you prefer to see a united Germany outside of NATO, independent and with no U.S. forces or would you prefer a unified Germany to be tied to NATO, with assurances that NATO’s jurisdiction would not shift one inch eastward from its present position? He answered that the Soviet leadership was giving real thought to all such options [….] He then added, ‘Certainly any extension of the zone of NATO would be unacceptable.’” Baker added in parentheses, for Kohl’s benefit, “By implication, NATO in its current zone might be acceptable.” (See Document 8) Well-briefed by the American secretary of state, the West German chancellor understood a key Soviet bottom line, and assured Gorbachev on February 10, 1990: “We believe that NATO should not expand the sphere of its activity.” (See Document 9) After this meeting, Kohl could hardly contain his excitement at Gorbachev’s agreement in principle for German unification and, as part of the Helsinki formula that states choose their own alliances, so Germany could choose NATO. Kohl described in his memoirs walking all night around Moscow – but still understanding there was a price still to pay. All the Western foreign ministers were on board with Genscher, Kohl, and Baker. Next came the British foreign minister, Douglas Hurd, on April 11, 1990. At this point, the East Germans had voted overwhelmingly for the deutschmark and for rapid unification, in the March 18 elections in which Kohl had surprised almost all observers with a real victory. Kohl’s analyses (first explained to Bush on December 3, 1989) that the GDR’s collapse would open all possibilities, that he had to run to get to the head of the train, that he needed U.S. backing, that unification could happen faster than anyone thought possible – all turned out to be correct. Monetary union would proceed as early as July and the assurances about security kept coming. Hurd reinforced the Baker-Genscher-Kohl message in his meeting with Gorbachev in Moscow, April 11, 1990, saying that Britain clearly “recognized the importance of doing nothing to prejudice Soviet interests and dignity.” (See Document 15) The Baker conversation with Shevardnadze on May 4, 1990, as Baker described it in his own report to President Bush, most eloquently described what Western leaders were telling Gorbachev exactly at the moment: “I used your speech and our recognition of the need to adapt NATO, politically and militarily, and to develop CSCE to reassure Shevardnadze that the process would not yield winners and losers. Instead, it would produce a new legitimate European structure – one that would be inclusive, not exclusive.” (See Document 17) Baker said it again, directly to Gorbachev on May 18, 1990 in Moscow, giving Gorbachev his “nine points,” which included the transformation of NATO, strengthening European structures, keeping Germany non-nuclear, and taking Soviet security interests into account. Baker started off his remarks, “Before saying a few words about the German issue, I wanted to emphasize that our policies are not aimed at separating Eastern Europe from the Soviet Union. We had that policy before. But today we are interested in building a stable Europe, and doing it together with you.” (See Document 18) The French leader Francois Mitterrand was not in a mind-meld with the Americans, quite the contrary, as evidenced by his telling Gorbachev in Moscow on May 25, 1990, that he was “personally in favor of gradually dismantling the military blocs”; but Mitterrand continued the cascade of assurances by saying the West must “create security conditions for you, as well as European security as a whole.” (See Document 19) Mitterrand immediately wrote Bush in a “cher George” letter about his conversation with the Soviet leader, that “we would certainly not refuse to detail the guarantees that he would have a right to expect for his country’s security.” (See Document 20) At the Washington summit on May 31, 1990, Bush went out of his way to assure Gorbachev that Germany in NATO would never be directed at the USSR: “Believe me, we are not pushing Germany towards unification, and it is not us who determines the pace of this process. And of course, we have no intention, even in our thoughts, to harm the Soviet Union in any fashion. That is why we are speaking in favor of German unification in NATO without ignoring the wider context of the CSCE, taking the traditional economic ties between the two German states into consideration. Such a model, in our view, corresponds to the Soviet interests as well.” (See Document 21) The “Iron Lady” also pitched in, after the Washington summit, in her meeting with Gorbachev in London on June 8, 1990. Thatcher anticipated the moves the Americans (with her support) would take in the early July NATO conference to support Gorbachev with descriptions of the transformation of NATO towards a more political, less militarily threatening, alliance. She said to Gorbachev: “We must find ways to give the Soviet Union confidence that its security would be assured…. CSCE could be an umbrella for all this, as well as being the forum which brought the Soviet Union fully into discussion about the future of Europe.” (See Document 22) The NATO London Declaration on July 5, 1990 had quite a positive effect on deliberations in Moscow, according to most accounts, giving Gorbachev significant ammunition to counter his hardliners at the Party Congress which was taking place at that moment. Some versions of this history assert that an advance copy was provided to Shevardnadze’s aides, while others describe just an alert that allowed those aides to take the wire service copy and produce a Soviet positive assessment before the military or hardliners could call it propaganda. As Kohl said to Gorbachev in Moscow on July 15, 1990, as they worked out the final deal on German unification: “We know what awaits NATO in the future, and I think you are now in the know as well,” referring to the NATO London Declaration. (See Document 23) In his phone call to Gorbachev on July 17, Bush meant to reinforce the success of the Kohl-Gorbachev talks and the message of the London Declaration. Bush explained: “So what we tried to do was to take account of your concerns expressed to me and others, and we did it in the following ways: by our joint declaration on non-aggression; in our invitation to you to come to NATO; in our agreement to open NATO to regular diplomatic contact with your government and those of the Eastern European countries; and our offer on assurances on the future size of the armed forces of a united Germany – an issue I know you discussed with Helmut Kohl. We also fundamentally changed our military approach on conventional and nuclear forces. We conveyed the idea of an expanded, stronger CSCE with new institutions in which the USSR can share and be part of the new Europe.” (See Document 24) The documents show that Gorbachev agreed to German unification in NATO as the result of this cascade of assurances, and on the basis of his own analysis that the future of the Soviet Union depended on its integration into Europe, for which Germany would be the decisive actor. He and most of his allies believed that some version of the common European home was still possible and would develop alongside the transformation of NATO to lead to a more inclusive and integrated European space, that the post-Cold War settlement would take account of the Soviet security interests. The alliance with Germany would not only overcome the Cold War but also turn on its head the legacy of the Great Patriotic War. But inside the U.S. government, a different discussion continued, a debate about relations between NATO and Eastern Europe. Opinions differed, but the suggestion from the Defense Department as of October 25, 1990 was to leave “the door ajar” for East European membership in NATO. (See Document 27) The view of the State Department was that NATO expansion was not on the agenda, because it was not in the interest of the U.S. to organize “an anti-Soviet coalition” that extended to the Soviet borders, not least because it might reverse the positive trends in the Soviet Union. (See Document 26) The Bush administration took the latter view. And that’s what the Soviets heard. As late as March 1991, according to the diary of the British ambassador to Moscow, British Prime Minister John Major personally assured Gorbachev, “We are not talking about the strengthening of NATO.” Subsequently, when Soviet defense minister Marshal Dmitri Yazov asked Major about East European leaders’ interest in NATO membership, the British leader responded, “Nothing of the sort will happen.” (See Document 28) When Russian Supreme Soviet deputies came to Brussels to see NATO and meet with NATO secretary-general Manfred Woerner in July 1991, Woerner told the Russians that “We should not allow […] the isolation of the USSR from the European community.” According to the Russian memorandum of conversation, “Woerner stressed that the NATO Council and he are against the expansion of NATO (13 of 16 NATO members support this point of view).” (See Document 30) Thus, Gorbachev went to the end of the Soviet Union assured that the West was not threatening his security and was not expanding NATO. Instead, the dissolution of the USSR was brought about by Russians (Boris Yeltsin and his leading advisory Gennady Burbulis) in concert with the former party bosses of the Soviet republics, especially Ukraine, in December 1991. The Cold War was long over by then. The Americans had tried to keep the Soviet Union together (see the Bush “Chicken Kiev” speech on August 1, 1991). NATO’s expansion was years in the future, when these disputes would erupt again, and more assurances would come to Russian leader Boris Yeltsin. The Archive compiled these declassified documents for a panel discussion on November 10, 2017 at the annual conference of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) in Chicago under the title “Who Promised What to Whom on NATO Expansion?” The panel included: * Mark Kramer from the Davis Center at Harvard, editor of the Journal of Cold War Studies, whose 2009 Washington Quarterly article argued that the “no-NATO-enlargement pledge” was a “myth”;[4] * Joshua R. Itkowitz Shifrinson from the Bush School at Texas A&M, whose 2016 International Security article argued the U.S. was playing a double game in 1990, leading Gorbachev to believe NATO would be subsumed in a new European security structure, while working to ensure hegemony in Europe and the maintenance of NATO;[5] * James Goldgeier from American University, who wrote the authoritative book on the Clinton decision on NATO expansion, Not Whether But When, and described the misleading U.S. assurances to Russian leader Boris Yeltsin in a 2016 WarOnTheRocks article;[6] * Svetlana Savranskaya and Tom Blanton from the National Security Archive, whose most recent book, The Last Superpower Summits: Gorbachev, Reagan, and Bush: Conversations That Ended the Cold War (CEU Press, 2016) analyzes and publishes the declassified transcripts and related documents from all of Gorbachev’s summits with U.S. presidents, including dozens of assurances about protecting the USSR’s security interests.[7] [Today’s posting is the first of two on the subject. The second part will cover the Yeltsin discussions with Western leaders about NATO.] Read the documents: Document 01 U.S. Department of State. FOIA Reading Room. Case F-2015 10829 One of the myths about the January and February 1990 discussions of German unification is that these talks occurred so early in the process, with the Warsaw Pact still very much in existence, that no one was thinking about the possibility that Central and European countries, even then members of the Warsaw Pact, could in the future become members of NATO. On the contrary, the West German foreign minister’s Tutzing formula in his speech of January 31, 1990, widely reported in the media in Europe, Washington, and Moscow, explicitly addressed the possibility of NATO expansion, as well as Central and Eastern European membership in NATO – and denied that possibility, as part of his olive garland towards Moscow. This U.S. Embassy Bonn cable reporting back to Washington details both of Hans-Dietrich Genscher’s proposals – that NATO would not expand to the east, and that the former territory of the GDR in a unified Germany would be treated differently from other NATO territory. Document 02 The U.S. State Department’s subsequent view of the German unification negotiations, expressed in a 1996 cable sent to all posts, mistakenly asserts that the entire negotiation over the future of Germany limited its discussion of the future of NATO to the specific arrangements over the territory of the former GDR. Perhaps the American diplomats missed out on the early dialogue between the British and the Germans on this issue, even though both shared their views with the U.S. secretary of state. As published in the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s official 2010 documentary history of the UK’s input into German unification, this memorandum of British Foreign Minister Douglas Hurd’s conversation with West German Foreign Minister Genscher on February 6, 1990, contains some remarkable specificity on the issue of future NATO membership for the Central Europeans. The British memorandum specifically quotes Genscher as saying “that when he talked about not wanting to extend NATO that applied to other states beside the GDR. The Russians must have some assurance that if, for example, the Polish Government left the Warsaw Pact one day, they would not join NATO the next.” Genscher and Hurd were saying the same to their Soviet counterpart Eduard Shevardnadze, and to James Baker.[8] Document 03 George H. W. Bush Presidential Library This concise note to President Bush from one of the Cold War’s architects, Paul Nitze (based at his namesake Johns Hopkins University School of International Studies), captures the debate over the future of NATO in early 1990. Nitze relates that Central and Eastern European leaders attending the “Forum for Germany” conference in Berlin were advocating the dissolution of both the superpower blocs, NATO and the Warsaw Pact, until he (and a few western Europeans) turned around that view and instead emphasized the importance of NATO as the basis of stability and U.S. presence in Europe. Document 04 U.S. Department of State, FOIA 199504567 (National Security Archive Flashpoints Collection, Box 38) Although heavily redacted compared to the Soviet accounts of these conversations, the official State Department version of Secretary Baker’s assurances to Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze just before the formal meeting with Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, contains a series of telling phrases. Baker proposes the Two-Plus-Four formula, with the two being the Germanies and the four the post-war occupying powers; argues against other ways to negotiate unification; and makes the case for anchoring Germany in NATO. Furthermore, Baker tells the Soviet foreign minister, “A neutral Germany would undoubtedly acquire its own independent nuclear capability. However, a Germany that is firmly anchored in a changed NATO, by that I mean a NATO that is far less of [a] military organization, much more of a political one, would have no need for independent capability. There would, of course, have to be iron-clad guarantees that NATO’s jurisdiction or forces would not move eastward. And this would have to be done in a manner that would satisfy Germany’s neighbors to the east.” Document 05 U.S. Department of State, FOIA 199504567 (National Security Archive Flashpoints Collection, Box 38) Even with (unjustified) redactions by U.S. classification officers, this American transcript of perhaps the most famous U.S. assurance to the Soviets on NATO expansion confirms the Soviet transcript of the same conversation. Repeating what Bush said at the Malta summit in December 1989, Baker tells Gorbachev: “The President and I have made clear that we seek no unilateral advantage in this process” of inevitable German unification. Baker goes on to say, “We understand the need for assurances to the countries in the East. If we maintain a presence in a Germany that is a part of NATO, there would be no extension of NATO’s jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east.” Later in the conversation, Baker poses the same position as a question, “would you prefer a united Germany outside of NATO that is independent and has no US forces or would you prefer a united Germany with ties to NATO and assurances that there would be no extension of NATO’s current jurisdiction eastward?” The declassifiers of this memcon actually redacted Gorbachev’s response that indeed such an expansion would be “unacceptable” – but Baker’s letter to Kohl the next day, published in 1998 by the Germans, gives the quote. Document 06 Gorbachev Foundation Archive, Fond 1, Opis 1. This Gorbachev Foundation record of the Soviet leader’s meeting with James Baker on February 9, 1990, has been public and available for researchers at the Foundation since as early as 1996, but it was not published in English until 2010 when the Masterpieces of History volume by the present authors came out from Central European University Press. The document focuses on German unification, but also includes candid discussion by Gorbachev of the economic and political problems in the Soviet Union, and Baker’s “free advice” (“sometimes the finance minister in me wakes up”) on prices, inflation, and even the policy of selling apartments to soak up the rubles cautious Soviet citizens have tucked under their mattresses. Turning to German unification, Baker assures Gorbachev that “neither the president nor I intend to extract any unilateral advantages from the processes that are taking place,” and that the Americans understand the importance for the USSR and Europe of guarantees that “not an inch of NATO’s present military jurisdiction will spread in an eastern direction.” Baker argues in favor of the Two-Plus-Four talks using the same assurance: “We believe that consultations and discussions within the framework of the ‘two+four’ mechanism should guarantee that Germany’s unification will not lead to NATO’s military organization spreading to the east.” Gorbachev responds by quoting Polish President Wojciech Jaruzelski: “that the presence of American and Soviet troops in Europe is an element of stability.” The key exchange takes place when Baker asks whether Gorbachev would prefer “a united Germany outside of NATO, absolutely independent and without American troops; or a united Germany keeping its connections with NATO, but with the guarantee that NATO’s jurisdiction or troops will not spread east of the present boundary.” Thus, in this conversation, the U.S. secretary of state three times offers assurances that if Germany were allowed to unify in NATO, preserving the U.S. presence in Europe, then NATO would not expand to the east. Interestingly, not once does he use the term GDR or East Germany or even mention the Soviet troops in East Germany. For a skilled negotiator and careful lawyer, it seems very unlikely Baker would not use specific terminology if in fact he was referring only to East Germany. The Soviet leader responds that “[w]e will think everything over. We intend to discuss all these questions in depth at the leadership level. It goes without saying that a broadening of the NATO zone is not acceptable.” Baker affirms: “We agree with that.” Document 07 George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, NSC Scowcroft Files, Box 91128, Folder “Gorbachev (Dobrynin) Sensitive.” This conversation is especially important because subsequent researchers have speculated that Secretary Baker may have been speaking beyond his brief in his “not one inch eastward” conversation with Gorbachev. Robert Gates, the former top CIA intelligence analyst and a specialist on the USSR, here tells his kind-of-counterpart, the head of the KGB, in his office at the Lubyanka KGB headquarters, exactly what Baker told Gorbachev that day at the Kremlin: not one inch eastward. At that point, Gates was the top deputy to the president’s national security adviser, Gen. Brent Scowcroft, so this document speaks to a coordinated approach by the U.S. government to Gorbachev. Kryuchkov, whom Gorbachev appointed to replace Viktor Chebrikov at the KGB in October 1988, comes across here as surprisingly progressive on many issues of domestic reform. He talks openly about the shortcomings and problems of perestroika, the need to abolish the leading role of the CPSU, the central government’s mistaken neglect of ethnic issues, the “atrocious” pricing system, and other domestic topics. When the discussion moves on to foreign policy, in particular the German question, Gates asks, “What did Kryuchkov think of the Kohl/Genscher proposal under which a united Germany would be associated with NATO, but in which NATO troops would move no further east than they now were? It seems to us to be a sound proposal.” Kryuchkov does not give a direct answer but talks about how sensitive the issue of German unification is for the Soviet public and suggests that the Germans should offer the Soviet Union some guarantees. He says that although Kohl and Genscher’s ideas are interesting, “even those points in their proposals with which we agree would have to have guarantees. We learned from the Americans in arms control negotiations the importance of verification, and we would have to be sure.” Document 08 This key document first appeared in Helmut Kohl’s scholarly edition of chancellery documents on German unification, published in 1998. Kohl at that moment was caught up in an election campaign that would end his 16-year tenure as chancellor, and wanted to remind Germans of his instrumental role in the triumph of unification.[9] The large volume (over 1,000 pages) included German texts of Kohl’s meetings with Gorbachev, Bush, Mitterrand, Thatcher and more – all published with no apparent consultation with those governments, only eight years after the events. A few of the Kohl documents, such as this one, appear in English, representing the American or British originals rather than German notes or translations. Here, Baker debriefs Kohl the day after his February 9 meeting with Gorbachev. (The chancellor is scheduled to have his own session with Gorbachev on February 10 in Moscow.) The American apprises the German on Soviet “concerns” about unification, and summarizes why a “Two Plus Four” negotiation would be the most appropriate venue for talks on the “external aspects of unification” given that the “internal aspects … were strictly a German matter.” Baker especially remarks on Gorbachev’s noncommittal response to the question about a neutral Germany versus a NATO Germany with pledges against eastward expansion, and advises Kohl that Gorbachev “may well be willing to go along with a sensible approach that gives him some cover …” Kohl reinforces this message in his own conversation later that day with the Soviet leader. Document 09 This meeting in Moscow was the moment, by Kohl’s account, when he first heard from Gorbachev that the Soviet leader saw German unification as inevitable, that the value of future German friendship in a “common European home” outweighed Cold War rigidities, but that the Soviets would need time (and money) before they could acknowledge the new realities. Prepared by Baker’s letter and his own foreign minister’s Tutzing formula, Kohl early in the conversation assures Gorbachev, “We believe that NATO should not expand the sphere of its activity. We have to find a reasonable resolution. I correctly understand the security interests of the Soviet Union, and I realize that you, Mr. General Secretary, and the Soviet leadership will have to clearly explain what is happening to the Soviet people.” Later the two leaders tussle about NATO and the Warsaw Pact, with Gorbachev commenting, “They say what is NATO without the FRG. But we could also ask: what is the WTO without the GDR?” When Kohl disagrees, Gorbachev calls merely for “reasonable solutions that do not poison the atmosphere in our relations” and says this part of the conversation should not be made public. Gorbachev aide Andrei Grachev later wrote that the Soviet leader early on understood that Germany was the door to European integration, and “[a]ll the attempted bargaining [by Gorbachev] about the final formula for German association with NATO was therefore much more a question of form than serious content; Gorbachev was trying to gain needed time in order to let public opinion at home adjust to the new reality, to the new type of relations that were taking shape in the Soviet Union’s relations with Germany as well as with the West in general. At the same time he was hoping to get at least partial political compensation from his Western partners for what he believed to be his major contribution to the end of the Cold War.”[10] Document 10-1 Hoover Institution Archive, Stepanov-Mamaladze Collection. Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze was particularly unhappy with the swift pace of events on German unification, especially when a previously scheduled NATO and Warsaw Pact foreign ministers’ meeting in Ottawa, Canada, on February 10-12, 1990, that was meant to discuss the “Open Skies” treaty, turned into a wide-ranging negotiation over Germany and the installation of the Two-Plus-Four process to work out the details. Shevardnadze’s aide, Teimuraz Stepanov-Mamaladze, wrote notes of the Ottawa meetings in a series of notebooks, and also kept a less-telegraphic diary, which needs to be read along with the notebooks for the most complete account. Now deposited at the Hoover Institution, these excerpts of the Stepanov-Mamaladze notes and diary record Shevardnadze’s disapproval of the speed of the process, but most importantly reinforce the importance of the February 9 and 10 meetings in Moscow, where Western assurances about Soviet security were heard, and Gorbachev’s assent in principle to eventual German unification came as part of the deal. Notes from the first days of the conference are very brief, but they contain one important line that shows that Baker offered the same assurance formula in Ottawa as he did in Moscow: “And if U[nited] G[ermany] stays in NATO, we should take care about nonexpansion of its jurisdiction to the East.” Shevardnadze is not ready to discuss conditions for German unification; he says that he has to consult with Moscow before any condition is approved. On February 13, according to the notes, Shevardnadze complains, “I am in a stupid situation – we are discussing the Open Skies, but my colleagues are talking about unification of Germany as if it was a fact.” The notes show that Baker was very persistent in trying to get Shevardnadze to define Soviet conditions for German unification in NATO, while Shevardnadze was still uncomfortable with the term “unification,” instead insisting on the more general term “unity.” Document 10-2 Hoover Institution Archive, Stepanov-Mamaladze Collection. This diary entry from February 12 contains a very brief description of the February 10 Kohl and Genscher visit to Moscow, about which Stepanov-Mamaladze had not previously written (since he was not present). Sharing the view of his minister, Shevardnadze, Stepanov reflects on the hurried nature of, and insufficient considerations given to, the Moscow discussions: “Before our visit here, Kohl and Genscher paid a hasty visit to Moscow. And just as hastily – in the opinion of E.A. [Shevardnadze] – Gorbachev accepted the right of the Germans to unity and self-determination.” This diary entry is evidence, from a critical perspective, that the United States and West Germany did give Moscow concrete assurances about keeping NATO to its current size and scope. In fact, the diary further indicates that at least in Shevardnadze’s view those assurances amounted to a deal – which Gorbachev accepted, even while he stalled for time. Document 10-3 Hoover Institution Archive, Stepanov-Mamaladze Collection. On the second day of the Ottawa conference, Stepanov-Mamaladze describes difficult negotiations about the exact wording on the joint statement on Germany and the Two-Plus-Four process. Shevardnadze and Genscher argued for two hours over the terms “unity” versus “unification” as Shevardnadze tried to slow things down on Germany and get the other ministers to concentrate on Open Skies. The day was quite intense: “During the day, active games were taking place between all of them. E.A. [Shevardnadze] met with Baker five times, twice with Genscher, talked with Fischer [GDR foreign minister], Dumas [French foreign minister], and the ministers of the ATS countries,” and finally, the text of the settlement was settled, using the word “unity.” The final statement also called the agreement on U.S. and Soviet troops in Central Europe the main achievement of the conference. But for the Soviet delegates, “ the ‘Open Sky’ [was] still closed by the storm cloud of Germany.” Document 11 State Department FOIA release, National Security Archive Flashpoints Collection, Box 38. This memo, likely authored by top Baker aide Robert Zoellick at the State Department, contains the candid American view of the Two-Plus-Four process with its advantages of “maintain[ing] American involvement in (and even some control over) the unification debate.” The American fear was that the West Germans would make their own deal with Moscow for rapid unification, giving up some of the bottom lines for the U.S., mainly membership in NATO. Zoellick points out, for example, that Kohl had announced his 10 Points without consulting Washington and after signals from Moscow, and that the U.S. had found out about Kohl going to Moscow from the Soviets, not from Kohl. The memo pre-empts objections about including the Soviets by pointing out they were already in Germany and had to be dealt with. The Two-Plus-Four arrangement includes the Soviets but prevents them from having a veto (which a Four-Power process or a United Nations process might allow), while an effective One-Plus-Three conversation before each meeting would enable West Germany and the U.S., with the British and the French, to work out a common position. Especially telling are the underlining and handwriting by Baker in the margins, especially his exuberant phrase, “you haven’t seen a leveraged buyout until you see this one!” Document 12-1 George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons ( These conversations might be called “the education of Vaclav Havel,”[10] as the former dissident-turned-president of Czechoslovakia visited Washington only two months after the Velvet Revolution swept him from prison to the Prague Castle. Havel would enjoy standing ovations during a February 21 speech to a joint session of Congress, and hold talks with Bush before and after the congressional appearance. Havel had already been cited by journalists as calling for the dissolution of the Cold War blocs, both NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and the withdrawal of troops, so Bush took the opportunity to lecture the Czech leader about the value of NATO and its essential role as the basis for the U.S. presence in Europe. Still, Havel twice mentioned in his speech to Congress his hope that “American soldiers shouldn’t have to be separated from their mothers” just because Europe couldn’t keep the peace, and appealed for a “future democratic Germany in the process of unifying itself into a new pan-European structure which could decide about its own security system.” But afterwards, talking again to Bush, the former dissident clearly had gotten the message. Havel said he might have been misunderstood, that he certainly saw the value of U.S. engagement in Europe. For his part, Bush raised the possibilities, assuming more Czechoslovak cooperation on this issue, of U.S. investment and aid. Document 12-2 George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons ( This memcon after Havel’s triumphant speech to Congress contains Bush’s request to Havel to pass the message to Gorbachev that the Americans support him personally, and that “We will not conduct ourselves in the wrong way by saying ‘we win, you lose.’” Emphasizing the point, Bush says, “tell Gorbachev that … I asked you to tell Gorbachev that we will not conduct ourselves regarding Czechoslovakia or any other country in a way that would complicate the problems he has so frankly discussed with me.” The Czechoslovak leader adds his own caution to the Americans about how to proceed with the unification of Germany and address Soviet insecurities. Havel remarks to Bush, “It is a question of prestige. This is the reason why I talked about the new European security system without mentioning NATO. Because, if it grew out of NATO, it would have to be named something else, if only because of the element of prestige. If NATO takes over Germany, it will look like defeat, one superpower conquering another. But if NATO can transform itself – perhaps in conjunction with the Helsinki process – it would look like a peaceful process of change, not defeat.” Bush responded positively: “You raised a good point. Our view is that NATO would continue with a new political role and that we would build on the CSCE process. We will give thought on how we might proceed.” Document 13 George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons ( The Bush administration’s main worry about German unification as the process accelerated in February 1990 was that the West Germans might make their own deal bilaterally with the Soviets (see Document 11) and might be willing to bargain away NATO membership. President Bush later commented that the purpose of the Camp David meeting with Kohl was to “keep Germany on the NATO reservation,” and that drove the agenda for this set of meetings. The German chancellor arrives at Camp David without Genscher because the latter does not entirely share the Bush-Kohl position on full German membership in NATO, and he recently angered both leaders by speaking publicly about the CSCE as the future European security mechanism.[12] At the beginning of this conversation, Kohl expresses gratitude for Bush and Baker’s support during his discussions with Gorbachev in Moscow in early February, especially for Bush’s letter stating Washington’s strong commitment to German unification in NATO. Both leaders express the need for the closest cooperation between them in order to reach the desired outcome. Bush’s priority is to keep the U.S. presence, especially the nuclear umbrella, in Europe: “if U.S. nuclear forces are withdrawn from Germany, I don’t see how we can persuade any other ally on the continent to retain these weapons.” He refers sarcastically to criticisms coming from Capitol Hill: “We have weird thinking in our Congress today, ideas like this peace dividend. We can’t do that in these uncertain times.” Both leaders are concerned about the position Gorbachev might take and agree on the need to consult with him regularly. Kohl suggests that the Soviets need assistance and the final arrangement on Germany could be a “matter of cash.” Foreshadowing his reluctance to contribute financially, Bush replies, “you have deep pockets.” At one point in the conversation, Bush seems to view his Soviet counterpart not as a partner but as a defeated enemy. Referring to talk in some Soviet quarters against Germany staying in NATO, he says: “To hell with that. We prevailed and they didn’t. We cannot let the Soviets clutch victory from the jaws of defeat.” Document 14 George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons ( Foreign Minister Shevardnadze delivers a letter to Bush from Gorbachev, in which the Soviet president reviews the main issues before the coming summit. Economic issues are at the top of the list for the Soviet Union, specifically Most Favored Nation status and a trade agreement with the United States. Shevardnadze expresses concern about the lack of progress on these issues and the U.S. efforts to prevent the EBRD from extending loans to the USSR. He stresses that they are not asking for help, “we are only looking to be treated as partners.” Addressing the tensions in Lithuania, Bush says that he does not want to create difficulties for Gorbachev on domestic issues, but notes that he must insist on the rights of Lithuanians because their incorporation within the USSR was never recognized by the United States. On arms control, both sides point to some backtracking by the other and express a desire to finalize the START Treaty quickly. Shevardnadze mentions the upcoming CSCE summit and the Soviet expectation that it will discuss the new European security structures. Bush does not contradict this but ties it to the issues of the U.S. presence in Europe and German unification in NATO. He declares that he wants to “contribute to stability and to the creation of a Europe whole and free, or as you call it, a common European home. A[n] idea that is very close to our own.” The Soviets—wrongly—interpret this as a declaration that the U.S. administration shares Gorbachev’s idea. Document 15 Ambassador Braithwaite’s telegram summarizes the meeting between Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Douglas Hurd and President Gorbachev, noting Gorbachev’s “expansive mood.” Gorbachev asks the secretary to pass his appreciation for Margaret Thatcher’s letter to him after her summit with Kohl, at which, according to Gorbachev, she followed the lines of policy Gorbachev and Thatcher discussed in their recent phone call, on the basis of which the Soviet leader concluded that “the British and Soviet positions were very close indeed.” Hurd cautions Gorbachev that their positions are not 100% in agreement, but that the British “recognized the importance of doing nothing to prejudice Soviet interests and dignity.” Gorbachev, as reflected in Braithwaite’s summary, speaks about the importance of building new security structures as a way of dealing with the issue of two Germanies: “If we are talking about a common dialogue about a new Europe stretching from the Atlantic to the Urals, that was one way of dealing with the German issue.” That would require a transitional period to pick up the pace of the European process and “synchronise it with finding a solution to the problem of the two Germanies.” However, if the process was unilateral – only Germany in NATO and no regard for Soviet security interest – the Supreme Soviet would be very unlikely to approve such a solution and the Soviet Union would question the need to speed up the reduction of its conventional weapons in Europe. In his view, Germany’s joining NATO without progress on European security structures “could upset the balance of security, which would be unacceptable to the Soviet Union.” Document 16 This memorandum from the Central Committee’s most senior expert on Germany sounds like a wake-up call for Gorbachev. Falin puts it in blunt terms: while Soviet European policy has fallen into inactivity and even “depression” after the March 18 elections in East Germany, and Gorbachev himself has let Kohl speed up the process of unification, his compromises on Germany in NATO can only lead to the slipping away of his main goal for Europe – the common European home. “Summing up the past six months, one has to conclude that the ‘common European home,’ which used to be a concrete task the countries of the continent were starting to implement, is now turning into a mirage.” While the West is sweet-talking Gorbachev into accepting German unification in NATO, Falin notes (correctly) that “the Western states are already violating the consensus principle by making preliminary agreements among themselves” regarding German unification and the future of Europe that do not include a “long phase of constructive development.” He notes the West’s “intensive cultivation of not only NATO but also our Warsaw Pact allies” with the goal to isolate the USSR in the Two-Plus-Four and CSCE framework. He further comments that reasonable voices are no longer heard: “Genscher from time to time continues to discuss accelerating the movement toward European collective security with the ‘dissolving of NATO and WTO into it.’ … But very few people … hear Genscher.” Falin proposes using the Soviet Four-power rights to achieve a formal legally binding settlement equal to a peace treaty that would guarantee Soviet security interests as “our only chance to dock German unification with the pan-European process.” He also suggests using arms control negotiations in Vienna and Geneva as leverage if the West keeps taking advantage of Soviet flexibility. The memo suggests specific provisions for the final settlement with Germany, the negotiation of which would take a long time and provide a window for building European structures. But the main idea of the memo is to warn Gorbachev not to be naive about the intentions of his American partners: “The West is outplaying us, promising to respect the interests of the USSR, but in practice, step by step, separating us from ‘traditional Europe.’” Document 17 George H. W. Bush Presidential Library, NSC Scowcroft Files, Box 91126, Folder “Gorbachev (Dobrynin) Sensitive 1989 – June 1990 [3]” The secretary of state had just spent nearly four hours meeting with the Soviet foreign minister in Bonn on May 4, 1990, covering a range of issues but centering on the crisis in Lithuania and the negotiations over German unification. As in the February talks and throughout the year, Baker took pains to provide assurances to the Soviets about including them in the future of Europe. Baker reports, “I also used your speech and our recognition of the need to adapt NATO, politically and militarily, and to develop CSCE to reassure Shevardnadze that the process would not yield winners and losers. Instead, it would produce a new legitimate European structure – one that would be inclusive, not exclusive.” Shevardnadze’s response indicates that “our discussion of the new European architecture was compatible with much of their thinking, though their thinking was still being developed.” Baker relates that Shevardnadze “emphasized again the psychological difficulty they have – especially the Soviet public has – of accepting a unified Germany in NATO.” Astutely, Baker predicts that Gorbachev will not “take on this kind of an emotionally charged political issue now” and likely not until after the Party Congress in July. Document 18 Gorbachev Foundation Archive, Fond 1, Opis 1. This fascinating conversation covers a range of arms control issues in preparation for the Washington summit and includes extensive though inconclusive discussions of German unification and the tensions in the Baltics, particularly the standoff between Moscow and secessionist Lithuania. Gorbachev makes an impassioned attempt to persuade Baker that Germany should reunify outside of the main military blocs, in the context of the all-European process. Baker provides Gorbachev with nine points of assurance to prove that his position is being taken into account. Point eight is the most important for Gorbachev—that the United States is “making an effort in various forums to ultimately transform the CSCE into a permanent institution that would become an important cornerstone of a new Europe.” This assurance notwithstanding, when Gorbachev mentions the need to build new security structures to replace the blocs, Baker lets slip a personal reaction that reveals much about the real U.S. position on the subject: “It’s nice to talk about pan-European security structures, the role of the CSCE. It is a wonderful dream, but just a dream. In the meantime, NATO exists. …” Gorbachev suggests that if the U.S. side insists on Germany in NATO, then he would “announce publicly that we want to join NATO too.” Shevardnadze goes further, offering a prophetic observation: “if united Germany becomes a member of NATO, it will blow up perestroika. Our people will not forgive us. People will say that we ended up the losers, not the winners.” Document 19 Gorbachev felt that of all the Europeans, the French president was his closest ally in the construction of a post-Cold War Europe, because the Soviet leader believed Mitterrand shared his concept of the common European home and the idea of dissolving both military blocs in favor of new European security structures. And Mitterrand did share that view, to an extent. In this conversation, Gorbachev is still hoping to persuade his counterpart to join him in opposing German unification in NATO. Mitterrand is quite direct, telling Gorbachev that it is too late to fight this issue and that he would not give his support, because “if I say ‘no’ to Germany’s membership in NATO, I will become isolated from my Western partners.” However, Mitterrand suggests that Gorbachev demand “appropriate guarantees” from NATO. He speaks about the danger of isolating the Soviet Union in the new Europe and the need to “create security conditions for you, as well as European security as a whole. This was one of my guiding goals, particularly when I proposed my idea of creating a European confederation. It is similar to your concept of a common European home.” In his recommendations to Gorbachev, Mitterrand is basically repeating the lines of the Falin memo (see Document 16). He says Gorbachev should strive for a formal settlement with Germany using his Four-power rights and use the leverage of conventions arms control negotiations: “You will not abandon such a trump card as disarmament negotiations.” He implies that NATO is not the key issue now and could be drowned out in further negotiations; rather, the important thing is to ensure Soviet participation in new European security system. He repeats that he is “personally in favor of gradually dismantling the military blocs.” Gorbachev expresses his wariness and suspicion about U.S. effort to “perpetuate NATO,” to “use NATO to create some sort of mechanism, an institution, a kind of directory for managing world affairs.” He tells Mitterrand about his concern that the U.S. is trying to attract East Europeans to NATO: “I told Baker: we are aware of your favorable attitude towards the intention expressed by a number of representatives of Eastern European countries to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact and subsequently join NATO.” What about the USSR joining? Mitterrand agrees to support Gorbachev in his efforts to encourage pan-European processes and ensure that Soviet security interests are taken into account as long as he does not have to say “no” to the Germans. He says “I always told my NATO partners: make a commitment not to move NATO’s military formations from their current territory in the FRG to East Germany.” Document 20 George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, NSC Scowcroft Files, FOIA 2009-0275-S True to his word, Mitterrand writes a letter to George Bush describing Gorbachev’s predicament on the issue of German unification in NATO, calling it genuine, not “fake or tactical.” He warns the American president against doing it as a fait accompli without Gorbachev’s consent implying that Gorbachev might retaliate on arms control (exactly what Mitterrand himself – and Falin earlier – suggested in his conversation). Mitterrand argues in favor of a formal “peace settlement in International law,” and informs Bush that in his conversation with Gorbachev he “indicated that, on the Western side, we would certainly not refuse to detail the guarantees that he would have a right to expect for his country’s security.” Mitterrand thinks that “we must try to dispel Mr. Gorbatchev’s worries,” and offers to present “ a number of proposals” about such guarantees when he and Bush meet in person. Document 21 Gorbachev Foundation Archive, Moscow, Fond 1, opis 1.[13] In this famous “two anchor” discussion, the U.S. and Soviet delegations deliberate over the process of German unification and especially the issue of a united Germany joining NATO. Bush tries to persuade his counterpart to reconsider his fears of Germany based on the past, and to encourage him to trust the new democratic Germany. The U.S. president says, “Believe me, we are not pushing Germany towards unification, and it is not us who determines the pace of this process. And of course, we have no intention, even in our thoughts, to harm the Soviet Union in any fashion. That is why we are speaking in favor of German unification in NATO without ignoring the wider context of the CSCE, taking the traditional economic ties between the two German states into consideration. Such a model, in our view, corresponds to the Soviet interests as well.” Baker repeats the nine assurances made previously by the administration, including that the United States now agrees to support the pan-European process and transformation of NATO in order to remove the Soviet perception of threat. Gorbachev’s preferred position is Germany with one foot in both NATO and the Warsaw Pact—the “two anchors”—creating a kind of associated membership. Baker intervenes, saying that “the simultaneous obligations of one and the same country toward the WTO and NATO smack of schizophrenia.” After the U.S. president frames the issue in the context of the Helsinki agreement, Gorbachev proposes that the German people have the right to choose their alliance—which he in essence already affirmed to Kohl during their meeting in February 1990. Here, Gorbachev significantly exceeds his brief, and incurs the ire of other members of his delegation, especially the official with the German portfolio, Valentin Falin, and Marshal Sergey Akhromeyev. Gorbachev issues a key warning about the future: “if the Soviet people get an impression that we are disregarded in the German question, then all the positive processes in Europe, including the negotiations in Vienna [over conventional forces], would be in serious danger. This is not just bluffing. It is simply that the people will force us to stop and to look around.” It is a remarkable admission about domestic political pressures from the last Soviet leader. Document 22 Margaret Thatcher visits Gorbachev right after he returns home from his summit with George Bush. Among many issues in the conversation, the center of gravity is on German unification and NATO, on which, Powell notes, Gorbachev’s “views were still evolving.” Rather than agreeing on German unification in NATO, Gorbachev talks about the need for NATO and the Warsaw pact to move closer together, from confrontation to cooperation to build a new Europe: “We must mould European structures so that they helped us find the common European home. Neither side must be afraid of unorthodox solutions.” While Thatcher speaks against Gorbachev’s ideas short of full NATO membership for Germany and emphasizes the importance of a U.S. military presence in Europe, she also sees that “CSCE could provide the umbrella for all this, as well as being the forum which brought the Soviet Union fully into discussion about the future of Europe.” Gorbachev says he wants to “be completely frank with the Prime Minister” that if the processes were to become one-sided, “there could be a very difficult situation [and the] Soviet Union would feel its security in jeopardy.” Thatcher responds firmly that it was in nobody’s interest to put Soviet security in jeopardy: “we must find ways to give the Soviet Union confidence that its security would be assured.” Document 23 This key conversation between Chancellor Kohl and President Gorbachev sets the final parameters for German unification. Kohl talks repeatedly about the new era of relations between a united Germany and the Soviet Union, and how this relationship would contribute to European stability and security. Gorbachev demands assurances on non-expansion of NATO: “we must talk about the nonproliferation of NATO military structures to the territory of the GDR, and maintaining Soviet troops there for a certain transition period.” The Soviet leader notes earlier in the conversation that NATO has already began transforming itself. For him, the pledge of NATO non-expansion to the territory of the GDR in spirit means that NATO would not take advantage of the Soviet willingness to compromise on Germany. He also demands that the status of Soviet troops in the GDR for the transition period be “regulated. It should not hang in the air, it needs a legal basis.” He hands Kohl Soviet considerations for a full-fledged Soviet-German treaty that would include such guarantees. He also wants assistance with relocating the troops and building housing for them. Kohl promises to do so as long as this assistance is not construed as “a program of German assistance to the Soviet Army.” Talking about the future of Europe, Kohl alludes to NATO transformation: “We know what awaits NATO in the future, and I think you are now in the know as well.” Kohl also emphasizes that President Bush is aware and supportive of Soviet-German agreements and will play a key role in the building of the new Europe. Chernyaev sums up this meeting in his diary for July 15, 1990: “Today – Kohl. They are meeting at the Schechtel mansion on Alexei Tolstoy Street. Gorbachev confirms his agreement to unified Germany’s entry into NATO. Kohl is decisive and assertive. He leads a clean but tough game. And it is not the bait (loans) but the fact that it is pointless to resist here, it would go against the current of events, it would be contrary to the very realities that M.S. likes to refer to so much.”[14] Document 24 George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons (( President Bush reaches out to Gorbachev immediately after the Kohl-Gorbachev meetings in Moscow and the Caucasus retreat of Arkhyz, which settled German unification, leaving only the financial arrangements for resolution in September. Gorbachev had not only made the deal with Kohl, but he had also survived and triumphed at the 28th Congress of the CPSU in early July, the last in the history of the Soviet Party. Gorbachev describes this time as “perhaps the most difficult and important period in my political life.” The Congress subjected the party leader to scathing criticism from both conservative Communists and the democratic opposition. He managed to defend his program and win reelection as general secretary, but he had very little to show from his engagement with the West, especially after ceding so much ground on German unification. While Gorbachev fought for his political life as Soviet leader, the Houston summit of the G-7 had debated ways to help perestroika, but because of U.S. opposition to credits or direct economic aid prior to the enactment of serious free-market reforms, no concrete assistance package was approved; the group went no further than to authorize “studies” by the IMF and World Bank. Gorbachev counters that given enough resources the USSR “could move to a market economy,” otherwise, the country “will have to rely more on state-regulated measures.” In this phone call, Bush expands on Kohl’s security assurances and reinforces the message from the London Declaration: “So what we tried to do was to take account of your concerns expressed to me and others, and we did it in the following ways: by our joint declaration on non-aggression; in our invitation to you to come to NATO; in our agreement to open NATO to regular diplomatic contact with your government and those of the Eastern European countries; and our offer on assurances on the future size of the armed forces of a united Germany – an issue I know you discussed with Helmut Kohl. We also fundamentally changed our military approach on conventional and nuclear forces. We conveyed the idea of an expanded, stronger CSCE with new institutions in which the USSR can share and be part of the new Europe.” Document 25 George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, NSC Condoleezza Rice Files, 1989-1990 Subject Files, Folder “Memcons and Telcons – USSR [1]” Staffers in the European Bureau of the State Department wrote this document, practically a memcon, and addressed it to senior officials such as Robert Zoellick and Condoleezza Rice, based on notes taken by U.S. participants at the final ministerial session on German unification on September 12, 1990. The document features statements by all six ministers in the Two-Plus-Four process – Shevardnadze (the host), Baker, Hurd, Dumas, Genscher, and De Maiziere of the GDR – (much of which would be repeated in their press conferences after the event), along with the agreed text of the final treaty on German unification. The treaty codified what Bush had earlier offered to Gorbachev – “special military status” for the former GDR territory. At the last minute, British and American concerns that the language would restrict emergency NATO troop movements there forced the inclusion of a “minute” that left it up to the newly unified and sovereign Germany what the meaning of the word “deployed” should be. Kohl had committed to Gorbachev that only German NATO troops would be allowed on that territory after the Soviets left, and Germany stuck to that commitment, even though the “minute” was meant to allow other NATO troops to traverse or exercise there at least temporarily. Subsequently, Gorbachev aides such as Pavel Palazhshenko would point to the treaty language to argue that NATO expansion violated the “spirit” of this Final Settlement treaty. Document 26 George H. W. Bush Presidential Library, NSC Heather Wilson Files, Box CF00293, Folder “NATO – Strategy (5)” The Bush administration had created the “Ungroup” in 1989 to work around a series of personality conflicts at the assistant secretary level that had stalled the usual interagency process of policy development on arms control and strategic weapons. Members of the Ungroup, chaired by Arnold Kanter of the NSC, had the confidence of their bosses but not necessarily the concomitant formal title or official rank.[15] The Ungroup overlapped with a similarly ad hoc European Security Strategy Group, and this became the venue, soon after German unification was completed, for the discussion inside the Bush administration about the new NATO role in Europe and especially on NATO relations with countries of Eastern Europe. East European countries, still formally in the Warsaw Pact, but led by non-Communist governments, were interested in becoming full members of international community, looking to join the future European Union and potentially NATO. This document, prepared for a discussion of NATO’s future by a Sub-Ungroup consisting of representatives of the NSC, State Department, Joint Chiefs and other agencies, posits that “[a] potential Soviet threat remains and constitutes one basic justification for the continuance of NATO.” At the same time, in the discussion of potential East European membership in NATO, the review suggests that “In the current environment, it is not in the best interest of NATO or of the U.S. that these states be granted full NATO membership and its security guarantees.” The United States does not “wish to organize an anti-Soviet coalition whose frontier is the Soviet border” – not least because of the negative impact this might have on reforms in the USSR. NATO liaison offices would do for the present time, the group concluded, but the relationship will develop in the future. In the absence of the Cold War confrontation, NATO “out of area” functions will have to be redefined. Document 27 George H. W. Bush Presidential Library: NSC Philip Zelikow Files, Box CF01468, Folder “File 148 NATO Strategy Review No. 1 [3]”[16] This concise memorandum comes from the State Department’s European Bureau as a cover note for briefing papers for a scheduled October 29, 1990 meeting on the issues of NATO expansion and European defense cooperation with NATO. Most important is the document’s summary of the internal debate within the Bush administration, primarily between the Defense Department (specifically the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Dick Cheney) and the State Department. On the issue of NATO expansion, OSD “wishes to leave the door ajar” while State “prefers simply to note that discussion of expanding membership is not on the agenda….” The Bush administration effectively adopts State’s view in its public statements, yet the Defense view would prevail in the next administration. Document 28 Rodric Braithwaite personal diary (used by permission from the author) British Ambassador Rodric Braithwaite was present for a number of the assurances given to Soviet leaders in 1990 and 1991 about NATO expansion. Here, Braithwaite in his diary describes a meeting between British Prime Minister John Major and Soviet military officials, led by Minister of Defense Marshal Dmitry Yazov. The meeting took place during Major’s visit to Moscow and right after his one-on-one with President Gorbachev. During the meeting with Major, Gorbachev had raised his concerns about the new NATO dynamics: “Against the background of favorable processes in Europe, I suddenly start receiving information that certain circles intend to go on further strengthening NATO as the main security instrument in Europe. Previously they talked about changing the nature of NATO, about transformation of the existing military-political blocs into pan-European structures and security mechanisms. And now suddenly again [they are talking about] a special peace-keeping role of NATO. They are talking again about NATO as the cornerstone. This does not sound complementary to the common European home that we have started to build.” Major responded: “I believe that your thoughts about the role of NATO in the current situation are the result of misunderstanding. We are not talking about strengthening of NATO. We are talking about the coordination of efforts that is already happening in Europe between NATO and the West European Union, which, as it is envisioned, would allow all members of the European Community to contribute to enhance [our] security.”[17] In the meeting with the military officials that followed, Marshal Yazov expressed his concerns about East European leaders’ interest in NATO membership. In the diary, Braithwaite writes: “Major assures him that nothing of the sort will happen.” Years later, quoting from the record of conversation in the British archives, Braithwaite recounts that Major replied to Yazov that he “did not himself foresee circumstances now or in the future where East European countries would become members of NATO.” Ambassador Braithwaite also quotes Foreign Minister Douglas Hurd as telling Soviet Foreign Minister Alexander Bessmertnykh on March 26, 1991, “there are no plans in NATO to include the countries of Eastern and Central Europe in NATO in one form or another.”[18] Document 29 U.S. Department of Defense, FOIA release 2016, National Security Archive FOIA 20120941DOD109 These memcons from April 1991 provide the bookends for the “education of Vaclav Havel” on NATO (see Documents 12-1 and 12-2 above). U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Paul Wolfowitz included these memcons in his report to the NSC and the State Department about his attendance at a conference in Prague on “The Future of European Security,” on April 24-27, 1991. During the conference Wolfowitz had separate meetings with Havel and Minister of Defense Dobrovsky. In the conversation with Havel, Wolfowitz thanks him for his statements about the importance of NATO and US troops in Europe. Havel informs him that Soviet Ambassador Kvitsinsky was in Prague negotiating a bilateral agreement, and the Soviets wanted the agreement to include a provision that Czechoslovakia would not join alliances hostile to the USSR. Wolfowitz advises both Havel and Dobrovsky not to enter into such agreements and to remind the Soviets about the provisions of the Helsinki Final Act that postulate freedom to join alliances of their choice. Havel states that for Czechoslovakia in the next 10 years that means NATO and the European Union. In conversation with Dobrovsky, Wolfowitz remarks that “the very existence of NATO was in doubt a year ago,” but with U.S. leadership, and NATO allied (as well as united German) support, its importance for Europe is now understood, and the statements of East European leaders were important in this respect. Dobrovsky candidly describes the change in the Czechoslovak leadership’s position, “which had revised its views radically. At the beginning, President Havel had urged the dissolution of both the Warsaw Pact and NATO,” but then concluded that NATO should be maintained. “Off the record,” says Dobrovsky, “the CSFR was attracted to NATO because it ensured the U.S. presence in Europe.” Document 30 State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), Fond 10026, Opis 1 This document is important for describing the clear message in 1991 from the highest levels of NATO – Secretary General Manfred Woerner – that NATO expansion was not happening. The audience was a Russian Supreme Soviet delegation, which in this memo was reporting back to Boris Yeltsin (who in June had been elected president of the Russian republic, largest in the Soviet Union), but no doubt Gorbachev and his aides were hearing the same assurance at that time. The emerging Russian security establishment was already worried about the possibility of NATO expansion, so in June 1991 this delegation visited Brussels to meet NATO’s leadership, hear their views about the future of NATO, and share Russian concerns. Woerner had given a well-regarded speech in Brussels in May 1990 in which he argued: “The principal task of the next decade will be to build a new European security structure, to include the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact nations. The Soviet Union will have an important role to play in the construction of such a system. If you consider the current predicament of the Soviet Union, which has practically no allies left, then you can understand its justified wish not to be forced out of Europe.” Now in mid-1991, Woerner responds to the Russians by stating that he personally and the NATO Council are both against expansion—“13 out of 16 NATO members share this point of view”—and that he will speak against Poland’s and Romania’s membership in NATO to those countries’ leaders as he has already done with leaders of Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Woerner emphasizes that “We should not allow […] the isolation of the USSR from the European community.” The Russian delegation warned that any strengthening or expanding of NATO could “seriously slow down democratic transformations” in Russia, and called on their NATO interlocutors to gradually decrease the military functions of the alliance. This memo on the Woerner conversation was written by three prominent reformers and close allies of Yeltsin—Sergey Stepashin (chairman of the Duma’s Security Committee and future deputy minister of Security and prime minister), Gen. Konstantin Kobets (future chief military inspector of Russia after he was the highest-ranking Soviet military officer to support Yeltsin during the August 1991 coup) and Gen. Dmitry Volkogonov (Yeltsin’s adviser on defense and security issues, future head of the U.S.-Russian Joint Commission on POW-MIA and prominent military historian). Photo: Michail Gorbachev discussing German unification with Hans-Dietrich Genscher and Helmut Kohl in Russia, July 15, 1990. Photo: Bundesbildstelle / Presseund Informationsamt der Bundesregierung. Notes [1] See Robert Gates, University of Virginia, Miller Center Oral History, George H.W. Bush Presidency, July 24, 2000, p. 101) [2] See Chapter 6, “The Malta Summit 1989,” in Svetlana Savranskaya and Thomas Blanton, The Last Superpower Summits (CEU Press, 2016), pp. 481-569. The comment about the Wall is on p. 538. [3] For background, context, and consequences of the Tutzing speech, see Frank Elbe, “The Diplomatic Path to Germany Unity,” Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 46 (Spring 2010), pp. 33-46. Elbe was Genscher’s chief of staff at the time. [4] See Mark Kramer, “The Myth of a No-NATO-Enlargement Pledge to Russia,” The Washington Quarterly, April 2009, pp. 39-61. [5] See Joshua R. Itkowitz Shifrinson, “Deal or No Deal? The End of the Cold War and the U.S. Offer to Limit NATO Expansion,” International Security, Spring 2016, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 7-44. [6] See James Goldgeier, Not Whether But When: The U.S. Decision to Enlarge NATO (Brookings Institution Press, 1999); and James Goldgeier, “Promises Made, Promises Broken? What Yeltsin was told about NATO in 1993 and why it matters,” War On The Rocks, July 12, 2016. [7] See also Svetlana Savranskaya, Thomas Blanton, and Vladislav Zubok, “Masterpieces of History”: The Peaceful End of the Cold War in Europe, 1989 (CEU Press, 2010), for extended discussion and documents on the early 1990 German unification negotiations. [8] Genscher told Baker on February 2, 1990, that under his plan, “NATO would not extend its territorial coverage to the area of the GDR nor anywhere else in Eastern Europe.” Secretary of State to US Embassy Bonn, “Baker-Genscher Meeting February 2,” George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, NSC Kanter Files, Box CF00775, Folder “Germany-March 1990.” Cited by Joshua R. Itkowitz Shifrinson, “Deal or No Deal? The End of the Cold War and the U.S. Offer to Limit NATO Expansion,” International Security, Spring 2016, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 7-44. [9] The previous version of this text said that Kohl was “caught up in a campaign finance corruption scandal that would end his political career”; however, that scandal did not erupt until 1999, after the September 1998 elections swept Kohl out of office. The authors are grateful to Prof. Dr. H.H. Jansen for the correction and his careful reading of the posting. [10] See Andrei Grachev, Gorbachev’s Gamble (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2008), pp. 157-158. [11] For an insightful account of Bush’s highly effective educational efforts with East European leaders including Havel – as well as allies – see Jeffrey A. Engel, When the World Seemed New: George H.W. Bush and the End of the Cold War (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017), pp. 353-359. [12] See George H.W. Bush and Brent Scowcroft, A World Transformed (New York: Knopf, 1998), pp. 236, 243, 250. [13] Published in English for the first time in Savranskaya and Blanton, The Last Superpower Summits (2016), pp. 664-676. [14] Anatoly Chernyaev Diary, 1990, translated by Anna Melyakova and edited by Svetlana Savranskaya, pp. 41-42. [15] See Michael Nelson and Barbara A. Perry, 41: Inside the Presidency of George H.W. Bush (Cornell University Press, 2014), pp. 94-95. [16] The authors thank Josh Shifrinson for providing his copy of this document. [17] See Memorandum of Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and John Major published in Mikhail Gorbachev, Sobranie Sochinenii, v. 24 (Moscow: Ves Mir, 2014), p. 346 [18] See Rodric Braithwaite, “NATO enlargement: Assurances and misunderstandings,” European Council on Foreign Relations, Commentary, 7 July 2016. Published at NOT TO FORGET 23 years since the beginning of NATO aggression on Serbia (the FRY)
In keeping with the tradition maintained over all previous years, the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals is marking March 24, remembering this day back in 1999 when the NATO Alliance’s illegal and criminal aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (the FRY) began, thus paying tribute to the fallen defenders of the motherland and the killed civilians. This aggression was the first war on European soil waged since the end of World War II. As the bombs and cruise missiles thrown by the most powerful military machinery in the history of civilization were busy destroying a small European country, they also destroyed the European and global security system based on the UN Charter, the OSCE Final Act and the Paris Charter. To this day, Europe and the world still suffer the severe consequences of that destruction. In the process, NATO allied with the so-called KLA, a separatist-terrorist formation, as its infantry wing, thus boosting separatism and terrorism. On March 23, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., representatives of the Belgrade Forum, together with its partner Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia and other patriotic-oriented organisations, will lay a wreath at the Monument to Serbian children killed during the aggression in the Tašmajdan Park. During the ceremony, Dragutin Brčin, Director of the Belgrade Forum, will address the audience on behalf of the Forum. Next, around the noon, representatives of the Belgrade Forum and the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia, together with other patriotic organizations, will pay tribute to all victims of NATO aggression at the monument “Eternal Fire”, in Novi Beograd. On the occasion, General Luka Kastratović, ret., President of the Executive Board of the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia, will address the audience. The Belgrade Forum invites all patriotic organisations and individuals that cherish the memory of the fallen members of the Serbian military and security forces and all those killed in the aggression, to join these events and thus pay their respect for the fallen defenders and civilians. At present, we are witnessing calls for observance of international law and blaming other countries for violating it, cynically made by the USA, the UK, Germany and NATO as a whole, that is, the exactly same countries and bodies that had themselves illegally attacked the FRY without a UN Security Council decision, the same ones who intentionally used missiles filled with depleted uranium and other banned weapons to deliberately and indiscriminately bomb our country’s infrastructure and the civilian targets, killed children, women, hospital patients and civilians, and who openly conducted smear campaigns against the Serbian people in global media. The marking of the beginning of the 1999 NATO aggression against our country is another opportunity to recall all their crimes and atrocities and to remind our public, especially the youth, of the horrors and damage the aggression caused, as well as of the consequences of which many are yet to be remedied. The precedent of aggression executed without the UN Security Council approval was reused in the subsequent aggressions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria. NATO’s aggression against the FRY in 1999 was a stepping stone in bringing to life the strategy of military expansion to the East, closer to the Russian borders, which is the root cause of the Ukrainian crisis. During 79 days of unrelenting attacks on the FRY, from March 24 to June 10, 1999, the mass- scale assaults of NATO aviation sending missile systems and other weapons from air, waterways and land, with collaboration comprising the terrorists Albanian KLA, the regular army of the Republic of Albania, the mercenaries recruited and financed by Western states, and the instructors and special operation units of the leading Western states, has indiscriminately killed members of the Yugoslav Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Serbia, as well as civilians including children, and destroyed cultural monuments, churches and monasteries, devastated military, economic, strategic and traffic infrastructure, business facilities, civilian facilities and institutions, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and even the public broadcaster – the Radio Television of Serbia, killing 16 of the RTS employees. Over the course of this aggression, NATO carried out 2,300 airstrikes on 995 facilities throughout the coutnry, and its 1,150 fighter planes launched some 420,000 projectiles with the total mass of 22,000 tons, including depleted uranium weapons. About 4,000 casualties were estimated, of whom some 3,000 civilians and 1,031 members of the army and the police. 89 children were killed. In total, more than 12,000 people were wounded, of whom about 6,000 civilians including 2,700 children, and 5,173 soldiers and police officers. 25 persons are still listed as missing. Since the precise list of civilian casualties has not been established yet, the Belgrade Forum reiterates its appeal to the state authorities to finally see to this sad task being completed. In their attacks on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, NATO forces employed approximately a thousand aircrafts (fighters, fighter-bombers, bombers, spy planes, etc.); the largest share in the air attacks had the forces of the USA, UK and Germany, albeit with significant roles in the aggression also played by other members. The air assaults destroyed and damaged 25,000 residential buildings, disabled 470 km of roads and 595 km of railways. They also inflicted damage to 14 airports, 19 hospitals, 20 health centers, 18 kindergartens, 69 schools, 176 cultural monuments, and 44 bridges, while leaving additional 38 totally destroyed. Among the latter, of special significance are the destruction of two oil refineries (in Pančevo and Novi Sad), the demolition of the Avala Broadcasting Tower, the building of the Serbian Radio and Television, the Petrochemistry Complex in Pančevo, the bombing of bridges in Novi Sad, the Zastava automobile factory in Kragujevac, the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, and many other civilian targets. Estimates are that some 38% of targeted facilities were of a civilian purpose.. The war damage was estimated to about USD 100 billion. During the bombing of the territory of the Republic of Serbia, ammunition banned under the Geneva Convention was routinely used, with in total 15 tons of uranium dumped on Serbia. As a direct consequence of missiles filled with depleted uranium, in 2015 Serbia was announced to be the top-ranking country in Europe in terms of mortality from malignant tumors. In addition, about 1,000 cluster bombs were dropped on 219 locations on an area of 23,000 km2, killing a large number of civilians. As a result of that, from the end of the aggression until 2006, 6 people perished from detonated cluster bombs throughout the territory of Serbia and Montenegro, while additional 12 were wounded. In all likelihood, all those who fell victims to the delayed effects of missiles with depleted uranium, unexploded cluster bombs and other lethal means, will hardly ever be exactly accounted for. The Belgrade Forum invites the competent state authorities to ensure the continuation of the work of special bodies tasked with determining the consequences of the use of depleted uranium weapons and other means and methods employed during the NATO aggression. The aggression ended on June 10, 1999, upon the signing of the Military-Technical Agreement in Kumanovo and the subsequent adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which established the truce and temporarily transferred the administering of Kosovo and Metohija to the United Nations. Pursuant to this Agreement, the FRY Army, the Police and the administration of the FRY and the Republic of Serbia, withdrew on an interim basis to the territory of Central Serbia. Along the withdrawal of the army and police, about 250,000 Serbs and other non-Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija fled to central parts of Serbia. This made Serbia the country hosting the largest number of refugees and internally displaced persons in Europe, after this and other wars that marked the violent and forcible breakup of Yugoslavia. It is cynical to the extreme to take to accusing other countries of crimes that the leading NATO states have continuously committed themselves. It would serve them well if, at least as late as today, as they stand accusing others, they halt for a moment and remember their own misdeeds, repent and remedy all the injustices they have done to our country as well as to others, most notably, to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and others. . Never forget. See you on March 24, 2022 Consequences
NATO expansion, the Ukrainian crisis and sanctions against Russia will most likely accelerate the strategic connection between Russia and China, and also accelerate the placement of China to the first place in the world economy. Sanctions are a particularly severe blow to export-oriented economies (EU, Germany, Japan, South Korea). The strengthening of the synergy of the New Silk Road and The Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC) and the accelerated reduction of the West's participation in world trade and GDP are to be expected. The Bretton Woods system will face new systemic challenges as the strengthening and creation of new international institutions accelerates. A further reduction of the global role of the dollar is almost certain. This will, among other things, significantly limit the spillover of Western inflation, enormous arms costs and productivity decline to the East and developing countries. The loss of privileges of the former economic and financial system, the deficit of energy and strategic minerals will most likely further encourage egoism within Western integrations and thus their dispersal (EU). All in all, the constitution of a new multipolar world order has gained momentum. Zivadin Jovanovic Calling Russia’s Attack ‘Unprovoked’ Lets US Off the Hook
Many governments and media figures are rightly condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine as an act of aggression and a violation of international law. But in his first speech about the invasion, on February 24, US President Joe Biden also called the invasion “unprovoked.” It’s a word that has been echoed repeatedly across the media ecosystem. “Putin’s forces entered Ukraine’s second-largest city on the fourth day of the unprovoked invasion,” Axios (2/27/22) reported; “Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine entered its second week Friday,” said CNBC (3/4/22). Vox (3/1/22) wrote of “Putin’s decision to launch an unprovoked and unnecessary war with the second-largest country in Europe.” The “unprovoked” descriptor obscures a long history of provocative behavior from the United States in regards to Ukraine. This history is important to understanding how we got here, and what degree of responsibility the US bears for the current attack on Ukraine. The story starts at the end of the Cold War, when the US was the only global hegemon. As part of the deal that finalized the reunification of Germany, the US promised Russia that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward.” Despite this, it wasn’t long before talk of expansion began to circulate among policy makers. In 1997, dozens of foreign policy veterans (including former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and former CIA Director Stansfield Turner) sent a joint letter to then-President Bill Clinton calling “the current US-led effort to expand NATO…a policy error of historic proportions.” They predicted: In Russia, NATO expansion, which continues to be opposed across the entire political spectrum, will strengthen the nondemocratic opposition, undercut those who favor reform and cooperation with the West [and] bring the Russians to question the entire post-Cold War settlement.
I think it is the beginning of a new cold war. I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. Of course there is going to be a bad reaction from Russia, and then [the NATO expanders] will say that we always told you that is how the Russians are—but this is just wrong. Despite these warnings, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic were added to NATO in 1999, with Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia following in 2004. US planners were warned again in 2008 by US Ambassador to Moscow William Burns (now director of the CIA under Joe Biden). WikiLeaks leaked a cable from Burns titled “Nyet Means Nyet: Russia’s NATO Enlargement Redlines” that included another prophetic warning worth quoting in full (emphasis added): Ukraine and Georgia’s NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests. Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face. A de facto NATO ally But the US has pushed Russia to make such a decision. Though European countries are divided about whether or not Ukraine should join, many in the NATO camp have been adamant about maintaining the alliance’s “open door policy.” Even as US planners were warning of a Russian invasion, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg reiterated NATO’s 2008 plans to integrate Ukraine into the alliance (New York Times, 12/16/21). The Biden administration has taken a more roundabout approach, supporting in the abstract “Kyiv’s right to choose its own security arrangements and alliances.” But the implication is obvious. Even without officially being in NATO, Ukraine has become a de facto NATO ally—and Russia has paid close attention to these developments. In a December 2021 speech to his top military officials, Putin expressed his concerns: Over the past few years, military contingents of NATO countries have been almost constantly present on Ukrainian territory under the pretext of exercises. The Ukrainian troop control system has already been integrated into NATO. This means that NATO headquarters can issue direct commands to the Ukrainian armed forces, even to their separate units and squads…. Kiev has long proclaimed a strategic course on joining NATO. Indeed, each country is entitled to pick its own security system and enter into military alliances. There would be no problem with that, if it were not for one “but.” International documents expressly stipulate the principle of equal and indivisible security, which includes obligations not to strengthen one’s own security at the expense of the security of other states…. In other words, the choice of pathways towards ensuring security should not pose a threat to other states, whereas Ukraine joining NATO is a direct threat to Russia’s security. In an explainer piece, the New York Times (2/24/22) centered NATO expansion as a root cause of the war. Unfortunately, the Times omitted the critical context of NATO’s pledge not to expand, and the subsequent abandonment of that promise. This is an important context to understand the Russian view of US policies, especially so given the ample warnings from US diplomats and foreign policy experts. The Maidan Coup of 2014 A major turning point in the US/Ukraine/Russia relationship was the 2014 violent and unconstitutional ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych, elected in 2010 in a vote heavily split between eastern and western Ukraine. His ouster came after months of protests led in part by far-right extremists (, 3/7/14). Weeks before his ouster, an unknown party leaked a phone call between US officials discussing who should and shouldn’t be part of the new government, and finding ways to “seal the deal.” After the ouster, a politician the officials designated as “the guy” even became prime minister. The US involvement was part of a campaign aimed at exploiting the divisions in Ukrainian society to push the country into the US sphere of influence, pulling it out of the Russian sphere (, 1/28/22). In the aftermath of the overthrow, Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine, in part to secure a major naval base from the new Ukrainian government. The New York Times (2/24/22) and Washington Post (2/28/22) both omitted the role the US played in these events. In US media, this critical moment in history is completely cleansed of US influence, erasing a critical step on the road to the current war. In another response to the overthrow, an uprising in Ukraine’s Donbas region grew into a rebel movement that declared independence from Ukraine and announced the formation of their own republics. The resulting civil war claimed thousands of lives, but was largely paused in 2015 with a ceasefire agreement known as the Minsk II accords. The deal, agreed to by Ukraine, Russia and other European countries, was designed to grant some form of autonomy to the breakaway regions in exchange for reintegrating them into the Ukrainian state. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian government refused to implement the autonomy provision of the accords. Anatol Lieven, a researcher with the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, wrote in The Nation (11/15/21): The main reason for this refusal, apart from a general commitment to retain centralized power in Kiev, has been the belief that permanent autonomy for the Donbas would prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and the European Union, as the region could use its constitutional position within Ukraine to block membership. Ukraine opted instead to prolong the Donbas conflict, and there was never significant pressure from the West to alter course. Though there were brief reports of the accords’ revival as recently as late January, Ukrainian security chief Oleksiy Danilov warned the West not to pressure Ukraine to implement the peace deal. “The fulfillment of the Minsk agreement means the country’s destruction,” he said (AP, 1/31/22). Danilov claimed that even when the agreement was signed eight years ago, “it was already clear for all rational people that it’s impossible to implement.” Lieven notes that the depth of Russian commitment has yet to be fully tested, but Putin has supported the Minsk accords, refraining from officially recognizing the Donbas republics until last week. The New York Times (2/8/22) explainer on the Minsk accords blamed their failure on a disagreement between Ukraine and Russia over their implementation. This is inadequate to explain the failure of the agreements, however, given that Russia cannot affect Ukrainian parliamentary procedure. The Times quietly acknowledged that the law meant to define special status in the Donbas had been “shelved” by the Ukranians, indicating that the country had stopped trying to solve the issue in favor of a stalemate. There was no mention of the comments from a top Ukrainian official openly denouncing the peace accords. Nor was it acknowledged that the US could have used its influence to push Ukraine to solve the issue, but refrained from doing so. Ukrainian missile crisis One under-discussed aspect of this crisis is the role of US missiles stationed in NATO countries. Many media outlets have claimed that Putin is Hitler-like (Washington Post, 2/24/22; Boston Globe, 2/24/22), hellbent on reconquering old Soviet states to “recreat[e] the Russian empire with himself as the Tsar,” as Clinton State Department official Strobe Talbot told Politico (2/25/22). Pundits try to psychoanalyze Putin, asking “What is motivating him?” and answering by citing his televised speech on February 21 that recounted the history of Ukraine’s relationship with Russia. This speech has been widely characterized as a call to reestablish the Soviet empire and a challenge to Ukraine’s right to exist as a sovereign nation. Corporate media ignore other public statements Putin has made in recent months. For example, at an expanded meeting of the Defense Ministry Board, Putin elaborated on what he considered to be the main military threat from US/NATO expansion to Ukraine: It is extremely alarming that elements of the US global defense system are being deployed near Russia. The Mk 41 launchers, which are located in Romania and are to be deployed in Poland, are adapted for launching the Tomahawk strike missiles. If this infrastructure continues to move forward, and if US and NATO missile systems are deployed in Ukraine, their flight time to Moscow will be only 7–10 minutes, or even five minutes for hypersonic systems. This is a huge challenge for us, for our security. The United States does not possess hypersonic weapons yet, but we know when they will have it…. They will supply hypersonic weapons to Ukraine and then use them as cover…to arm extremists from a neighbouring state and incite them against certain regions of the Russian Federation, such as Crimea, when they think circumstances are favorable. Do they really think we do not see these threats? Or do they think that we will just stand idly watching threats to Russia emerge? This is the problem: We simply have no room to retreat. Having these missiles so close to Russia—weapons that Russia (and China) see as part of a plan to give the United States the capacity to launch a nuclear first-strike without retaliation—seriously challenges the cold war deterrent of Mutually Assured Destruction, and more closely resembles a gun pointed at the Russian head for the remainder of the nuclear age. Would this be acceptable to any country? Media refuse to present this crucial question to their audiences, instead couching Putin’s motives in purely aggressive terms. Refusal to de-escalate By December 2021, US intelligence agencies were sounding the alarm that Russia was amassing troops at the Ukrainian border and planning to attack. Yet Putin was very clear about a path to deescalation: He called on the West to halt NATO expansion, negotiate Ukrainian neutrality in the East/West rivalry, remove US nuclear weapons from non proliferating countries, and remove missiles, troops and bases near Russia. These are demands the US would surely have made were it in Russia’s position. Unfortunately, the US refused to negotiate on Russia’s core concerns. The US offered some serious steps towards a larger arms control arrangement (, 2/2/22)—something the Russians acknowledged and appreciated—but ignored issues of NATO’s military activity in Ukraine, and the deployment of nuclear weapons in Eastern Europe (, 2/17/22). On NATO expansion, the State Department continued to insist that they would not compromise NATO’s open door policy—in other words, it asserted the right to expand NATO and to ignore Russia’s red line. While the US has signaled that it would approve of an informal agreement to keep Ukraine from joining the alliance for a period of time, this clearly was not going to be enough for Russia, which still remembers the last broken agreement. Instead of addressing Russian concerns about Ukraine’s NATO relationship, the US instead chose to pour hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons into Ukraine, exacerbating Putin’s expressed concerns. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy didn’t help matters by suggesting that Ukraine might begin a nuclear weapons program at the height of the tensions. After Putin announced his recognition of the breakaway republics, Secretary of State Antony Blinken canceled talks with Putin, and began the process of implementing sanctions on Russia—all before Russian soldiers had set foot into Ukraine. Had the US been genuinely interested in avoiding war, it would have taken every opportunity to de-escalate the situation. Instead, it did the opposite nearly every step of the way. In its explainer piece, the Washington Post (2/28/22) downplayed the significance of the US’s rejection of Russia’s core concerns, writing: “Russia has said that it wants guarantees Ukraine will be barred from joining NATO—a non-starter for the Western alliance, which maintains an open-door policy.” NATO’s open door policy is simply accepted as an immutable policy that Putin just needs to deal with. This very assumption, so key to the Ukraine crisis, goes unchallenged in the US media ecosystem. ‘The strategic case for risking war’ It’s impossible to say for sure why the Biden administration took an approach that increased the likelihood of war, but one Wall Street Journal piece from last month may offer some insight. The Journal (12/22/21) published an op-ed from John Deni, a researcher at the Atlantic Council, a think tank funded by the US and allied governments that serves as NATO’s de facto brain trust. The piece was provocatively headlined “The Strategic Case for Risking War in Ukraine.” Deni’s argument was that the West should refuse to negotiate with Russia, because either potential outcome would be beneficial to US interests. If Putin backed down without a deal, it would be a major embarrassment. He would lose face and stature, domestically and on the world stage. But Putin going to war would also be good for the US, the Journal op-ed argued. Firstly, it would give NATO more legitimacy by “forg[ing] an even stronger anti-Russian consensus across Europe.” Secondly, a major attack would trigger “another round of more debilitating economic sanctions,” weakening the Russian economy and its ability to compete with the US for global influence. Thirdly, an invasion is “likely to spawn a guerrilla war” that would “sap the strength and morale of Russia’s military while undercutting Mr. Putin’s domestic popularity and reducing Russia’s soft power globally.” In short, we have part of the NATO brain trust advocating risking Ukrainian civilians as pawns in the US’s quest to strengthen its position around the world. ‘Something even worse than war’ A New York Times op-ed (2/3/22) by Ivan Krastev of Vienna’s Institute of Human Sciences likewise suggested that a Russian invasion of Ukraine wouldn’t be the worst outcome: A Russian incursion into Ukraine could, in a perverse way, save the current European order. NATO would have no choice but to respond assertively, bringing in stiff sanctions and acting in decisive unity. By hardening the conflict, Mr. Putin could cohere his opponents. The op-ed was headlined “Europe Thinks Putin Is Planning Something Even Worse Than War”—that something being “a new European security architecture that recognizes Russia’s sphere of influence in the post-Soviet space.” It is impossible to know for sure whether the Biden administration shared this sense that there would be an upside to a Russian invasion, but the incentives are clear, and much of what these op-eds predicted is coming to pass. None of this is to say that Putin’s invasion is justified—FAIR resolutely condemns the invasion as illegal and ruinous—but calling it “unprovoked” distracts attention from the US’s own contribution to this disastrous outcome. The US ignored warnings from both Russian and US officials that a major conflagration could erupt if the US continued its path, and it shouldn’t be surprising that one eventually did. Now, as the world once again inches toward the brink of nuclear omnicide, it is more important than ever for Western audiences to understand and challenge their own government’s role in dragging us all to this point. Source: NOT TO GIVE IN TO PRESSURES
Statement of the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals The root causes and the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis arise from, and rest on, the U.S.- led NATO’s strategy of military expansion to the East and threatening security of Russia, whom the West has defined as the enemy in its doctrines. The first victims of NATO’s strategy of eastward expansion were Serbian people and Serbia. The centers of power which have, back in the day, prevented the implementation of the Peace Plan in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and presently demand revision of the Dayton Accords and UNSC Resolution 1244, are now preventing the implementation of the Minsk Peace Agreement in Ukraine, rejecting negotiations on equal security, and firmly pushing for further expansion and ultimately for military encirclement of Russia. Serbia and Russia, the Serbian and Russian people are centuries-old friends, allies and strategic partners. As a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, Russia protected Serbia from groundless accusations for alleged genocide, coming from the West. It goes without saying that Serbia must not accuse, or impose any measures and sanctions against such a friend and partner as Russia is, in relenting to pressures coming from those same subjects who bear the greatest responsibility for the gravest violations of the UN Charter and international law in general, for the criminal aggression of NATO in 1999, and for illegal secession of Priština. The harder, more turbulent and volatile the times are, the greater the moral obligation to respect trusted friends and allies is. Public speculation on whether Russia might be excluded from the United Nations is not well judged. Pursuant to the UN Charter, any initiative would have beforehand to secure consent of the permanent members of the Security Council. Any such attempt in that body would certainly be vetoed Russia, if not China as well. In other words, the UN Security Council would not be able to refer a valid proposal to the General Assembly. Russia has become a permanent member of the UN Security Council by virtue of the act establishing the world organization, as the country that had contributed the most, and had laid the greatest human sacrifice to the altar of the Allies’ victory in World War II and, accordingly, this is the status she cannot be deprived of. Any contrary course of actions would only make the UN share the fate of Public speculations on the destiny of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 that go so far as to mention a possibility of the People’s Republic of China withdrawing its support for this universally binding legal document, in succumbing to a hypothetical pressure from the West, does not benefit anyone, least of all Serbia. For Serbia, UN SC Resolution 1244 is and should remain an irreplaceable generally binding legal document of enduring importance, until its consistent and full implementation. Information service of the De-escalation at all levels is the order of the day
Wolfgang Effenberger The early morning news on February 24, 2022, about Russian attacks on Ukraine were shocking. War in Europe! Pictures of fierce air attacks, of destroyed houses, bridges and infrastructure were last seen 23 years ago, when the USA and NATO bombed the rest of Yugoslavia for days and nights on end without a UN mandate, following the escalation strategy of General John A. Warden. This doctrine, still in effect today, pursues the strategic goal of breaking an adversary's will to resist as quickly as possible. Priority attacks on vital infrastructure and population serve this purpose. This turns current international law, which prohibits attacking non-combatants and destroying power plants, refineries, bridges and hospitals, on its head. NATO's inhumane use of 30 tons of uranium munitions at the time permanently poisoned the living environment. And the attack on the Chinese embassy in Belgrade gave Beijing the message to stay away from Europe. Only after the signing of UN Resolution 1244, which established Kosovo's affiliation with Serbia, did the bombing cease. Despite this resolution, Kosovo was unilaterally declared independent by the U.S. - where it immediately established Camp Bondsteel, the largest U.S. base in the world after 1945. The importance of this base, located in the center of Europe, is obvious. In the summer of 2001, during a visit to soldiers stationed at Camp Bondsteel, U.S. President Bush spoke clearly about U.S. imperial goals disguised as a mission of values: "We seek a world of tolerance and freedom. From Kosovo to Kashmir, from the Middle East to Northern Ireland, freedom and tolerance is the defined goal for our world. And your service sets an example of this for the entire world."(6) At that time, however, the rest of Yugoslavia posed no threat to NATO and certainly not to the United States. Socialist Serbia, which had ties to China, was merely standing in the way of NATO's planned eastward expansion. For this geopolitical goal, the "value West" accepted a destroyed environment and nearly 2,500 deaths. The coup in Ukraine orchestrated by the West in February 2014 was followed by the referendum in Crimea, in which the vast majority of the inhabitants voted for annexation to the Russian Federation. This was denied to the breakaway republics in the Donbass, Luhansk and Donetsk. A fierce civil war immediately broke out there between Ukrainian government troops and the "rebel republics." A civil war of which the Western media provided no images, and if they did, then only propaganda images from Kiev. In late February 2021, Ukrainian President Selensky, with Western blessing, drafted the decree to "de-occupy Crimea." The number of civilians killed in the Ukrainian civil war since 2014 is estimated at 9,000 by Darya Morozova, the human rights representative of the Donetsk People's Republic, some of whom she counted as civilians included members of the People's Militia. The UN's official estimate of civil war casualties is 13,000, including 5,000 civilians.(7) At the end of January 2022, the SPD party leadership recognized that every conversation must now be held "to seek a diplomatic way out of the crisis and to prevent war."(8) Having invested five billion U.S. dollars in Ukraine regime change in 2014, the U.S. now wants to see dividends. Should Putin make good on his plan in Ukraine, and should the U.S. for its part continue to pursue its unipolar policy, an almost unimaginable catastrophe could be in the offing. To exacerbate the situation at such a heated stage - Russia's suspension from the Council of Europe, exclusion from the SWIFT agreement - could push the conflict to the brink of a major war. The situation in February 2022 is quite similar to that in August/September 1939, when Poland was encouraged by Britain to torpedo negotiations with Germany. In the war that immediately followed, GB declared war on Germany but did nothing. Before the war in Ukraine, the U.S. and Britain gave Ukraine a free hand in acting against the breakaway republics. Now the war is here, and both countries let Ukraine fight alone. The developments before World War I and World War II were quite similar. Local conflicts were enough to ignite a major conflagration. Such strategies were already known to Macchiavelli (1469-1527), who warned: " Not he who first takes up arms is the instigator of disaster, but he who compels it." In order to have a future worth living at all, however, we need today more than ever a policy aimed at eliminating the causes of conflict worldwide.(16) The prerequisite for this is a multipolar peace order in which slights, intrigues and secret agreements have no place. This then also includes a media landscape in which freedom of opinion and freedom of the press are respected and restricted only by the criminal code. Notes 1) "Man rechnete in Washington für die nächsten 15 Jahre mit gewaltigen militärischen Investitionen der drei neuen Nato-Mitgliedsstaaten: 60 bis über 100 Milliarden US-Dollar." - Helmut SCHMIDT in der ZEIT v. 22.4.99 Rethinking is the only way out of danger
Wolfgang Effenberger After the recognition of the breakaway territories in the Donbass by the Russian president, A look at the map shows that this statement is more than foolish. Russian troops are still on A greater danger could come from current U.S./NATO activities. The shuttle traffic between U.S. economist and publicist Paul Craig Roberts has been following Putin's address to the Former U.S. President Donald Trump caused a stir with unusual praise for Russian leader To this end, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858-1947), founder of quantum physics, gives Notes 1) NATO Expansionism in Europe
Manlio Dinucci " NATO enlargement in recent decades has been a great success and has also paved the way for a further enlargement of the EU": NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg reiterated this last Saturday at the Munich Security Conference. To fully understand his words, it is necessary to reconstruct this story of "great success" in essential terms. It began in the same year - 1999 - in which NATO demolished Yugoslavia with the war and, at the Washington summit, announced its intention to "conduct crisis response operations not provided for in Article 5 outside the territory of 'Alliance". Forgetting that it had pledged with Russia not to "expand even an inch to the East", NATO began its expansion to the East. It incorporated the first three countries of the former Warsaw Pact: Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Then, in 2004 it extended to other seven nations: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (formerly part of the USSR); Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia (formerly part of the Warsaw Pact); Slovenia (formerly part of the Yugoslav Federation). In 2009, NATO incorporated Albania (once a member of the Warsaw Pact) and Croatia (formerly part of the Yugoslav Federation); in 2017, Montenegro (formerly part of Yugoslavia); in 2020 North Macedonia (formerly part of Yugoslavia) In twenty years, NATO has expanded from 16 to 30 countries. In this way, Washington achieves a threefold result. It extends close to Russia, right into the territory of the former USSR, the military Alliance of which it maintains the command levers: the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe is by tradition, always a US general appointed by the President of the United States and the other key commands also belong to the USA. At the same time, Washington binds the Eastern countries not so much to the Alliance, but directly to the United States. Romania and Bulgaria, as soon as it enters, immediately make the important military bases of Constanta and Burgas on the Black Sea available to the United States. The third result obtained by Washington with the expansion of NATO to the East is the strengthening of its influence in Europe. Central-Eastern European countries that joined NATO between 1999 and 2004, seven out of ten joined the European Union between 2004 and 2007: the EU expands to the East and the United States overlapped NATO that expands to the East over Europe. Today 21 of the 27 countries of the European Union belong to NATO under US command. According to NATO rules the North Atlantic Council, the Alliance political body, decides not by the majority but always "unanimously and by mutual agreement", which is in agreement with what was decided in Washington. The participation of the major European powers in these decisions (excluding Italy, which obeys in silence) generally takes place through secret negotiations with Washington on giving and take. This entails a further weakening of the European parliaments, in particular the Italian one, already deprived of real decision-making powers on foreign and military policy. In this context, Europe today finds itself in an even more dangerous situation than that of the Cold War. Three other countries - Bosnia and Herzegovina (formerly part of Yugoslavia), Georgia, and Ukraine (formerly part of the USSR) - are candidates to join NATO. Jens Stoltenberg, spokesman for the US before NATO, declares that "we keep the door open and, if the Kremlin's goal is to have less NATO on the borders of Russia, it will only get more NATO". In the US-NATO escalation, clearly aimed at detonating a full-scale war in the heart of Europe, nuclear weapons come into the game. In three months, the serial production of the new B61-12 nuclear bombs will begin in the US, which will be deployed under US command in Italy and other European countries, probably also in the East even closer to Russia. In addition to these weapons, the US has in Europe two land bases in Romania and Poland and four warships equipped with Aegis missile systems, capable of launching not only anti-missile missiles but also nuclear-warhead cruise missiles. They are also preparing intermediate-range nuclear missiles to be deployed in Europe against Russia, the invented enemy that can however respond destructively if they attack. To all this, the economic and social impact of growing military spending is added. At the meeting of Defense Ministers, Stoltenberg triumphantly announced that "this is the seventh consecutive year of increasing European Allied defense spending, which has increased by $ 270 billion since 2014". More public money is stolen from social spending and productive investment, while European countries have yet to recover from the 2020-21 economic lockdown. Italian military spending has exceeded 70 million euros per day, but it is not enough. Prime Minister Mario Draghi has already announced "We must equip ourselves with a more significant defense: it is very clear that we will have to spend much more than we have done so far". Very clear: let's tighten our belts so that NATO can expand. (il manifesto, February 22, 2022) Is Russia escaping the US/EU/NATO anvil?
Wolfgang Effenberger After the G7 meeting organized on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock made an urgent appeal to Russia, warning Putin not to attack Ukraine. The second reason Roberts sees in the influence of U.S. foreign policy under Zionist neoconservatives who hate Russia for historical reasons. When Putin announced the end of the U.S. "unipolar world" at the 2007 Munich Security Conference, he had finally made himself an enemy of the neoconservatives. Under defense policy expert Paul Wolfowitz, they had drafted a doctrine named after him that advocated preemptive military action to safeguard U.S. unilateralism, to suppress in advance any future potential threat to U.S. hegemony.(4) The overthrow of Ukraine's democratically elected government and the installation of a neo-Nazi regime subordinate to Washington can also be attributed to the neoconservatives. But the attempt to take over the Russian naval base in the Black Sea in Crimea failed when the population there voted overwhelmingly to join Russia. The Russians in the Donbass would have liked to follow suit, but Putin would not allow it. Thus, since 2014, the Donbass region has been a trouble spot, with people living there dying and suffering. The Western media have concealed from the public that the Kiev government has massed close to 125000 troops on the Grnez Line to the breakaway regions. The blueprint is Kosovo, where the then German Chancellor Kohl was the second to recognize sovereignty under international law, thus making the US Bondsteel camp in Kosovo possible in the long term. On 21.2.2022 at 20:38 the breaking news ran on the Tagesschau that Putin in a TV address announced the recognition of the independence of the separatist republics in eastern Ukraine by his country and signed a decree to that effect. He said he would ask the Russian parliament to approve it.(5) Who has been breaking international law here in Europe for years? The coup orchestrated by the West in Kiev was a violation of international law, and the war of aggression against the rest of Yugoslavia in violation of international law was a war crime. Who today remembers how the "Western community of values" lied this war into existence? On March 15, 1999, in Rambouillet, the Serbs did not refuse to sign the draft treaty prepared by the Balkan Contact Group. They merely refused to sign a quickly added and non-negotiable annex, Part B, Article 8 of which ultimatively demanded: "NATO personnel, together with their vehicles, aircraft, and equipment, should be able to move freely and unimpeded, and without access restrictions, throughout the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, including its airspace and territorial waters." On top of that, NATO should enjoy immunity in all legal proceedings, whether civil, administrative, or criminal."
Rudolf Augstein judged at that time: "The USA had set military conditions in Rambouillet that no Serb with a school education could have signed."(8) Five days later, NATO opened the war against "Remnant Yugoslavia" with its air strikes. Preparations for this had been in full swing since the summer of 1998, although at that time the situation there was still stable.
UN Resolution 1244 of June 10, 1999, provided the basis in international law for the establishment of the Interim Administration Mission. This established Kosovo's territorial affiliation with Serbia. Notwithstanding this, the West pressed ahead with Kosovo's independence and made its case before the International Court of Justice in The Hague on April 17, 2009. Even before the fifteen judges in The Hague could consider the independence request, U.S. Vice President Biden underscored the country's independence as irreversible during a visit to Kosovo in May 2009. It is hard to imagine a clearer disregard for a supreme court.(13) This plan has been consistently implemented ever since. For example, the July 21, 2021 U.S.-Germany Joint Statement in Support of Ukraine strongly expresses support for the Three Seas Initiative (Baltic Sea-Black Sea-Adriatic Sea) and its efforts to strengthen infrastructure connectivity and energy security in Central and Eastern Europe.(16) In the SPD's parliamentary group meeting at the end of January 2022, SPD co-leader Lars Klingbeil made a very clear statement to the Tagesschau about the Ukraine conflict: "The escalation is coming from Russia."(18) This statement applies not only to the SPD, but to the entire government. How can Annalena Baerbock call on Putin to engage in serious negotiations under these circumstances?(19) The leadership of the German republic seems to have dangerous deficits in historical knowledge or is not even aware of these deficits. Is it just stupidity and arrogance or do the ignorant politicians simply succumb to the siren songs of their transatlantic whisperers? Notes 1) Munich Security Conference 2022: Demonstration of power by the transatlanticists
Wolfgang Effenberger The 58th Munich Security Conference (MSC, described by the German Ministry of Defense as the most important informal security policy meeting in the world) will be held from Feb. 18 to 20 at the Bayerischer Hof Hotel on Promenadenplatz in Munich's Old Town, and will be attended primarily by representatives of Western political celebrities. The MSC is not an official government event. It is hosted by the Munich Security Conference Foundation, a non-profit limited liability company. A large police force has to ensure the safety of the guests and cordons off the area between Marienplatz, Frauenkirche and Odeonsplatz. Demonstrations are inevitable, especially when one considers that only a few kilometers away from Munich, the Air Force Officers' School, located on the barracks grounds in Fürstenfeld, could accommodate, supervise and secure the participants in the best possible way. The costs for the event could be considerably reduced in this way, too. The Munich Security Conference has been held annually in Munich since 1963. Between 1963-1992 as the Internationale Wehrkundebegegnung / Münchner Wehrkundetagung, then renamed the Munich Conference on Security Policy, and since 2009 it has operated as the Munich Security Conference. Many see the MSC as a forum supporting the transatlantic agenda for a unipolar world. This, of course, brings opponents of any policy that appears imperial to the streets. In 2017, for example, Eugen Drewermann and Lisa Fitz, in stirring appeals for peace, called for policies that serve peace and opposed the intentions of a conference whose diplomacy is based on mutual threats and war. A similar view is held by Scott Ritter, a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer "who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of weapons of mass destruction." 1. to maintain international peace and security and, to this end, to take effective collective measures to prevent and eliminate threats to the peace, to suppress acts of aggression and other breaches of the peace, and to clean up or settle international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace by peaceful means in accordance with the principles of justice and international law; This seminal Article 1 of the Charter seems to have been nothing more than moot for decades now, when the illegal wars since the dissolution of the Soviet Union are remembered. "If the same "defensive" alliance that bombed its ally Belgrade and participated in the overthrow of the Libyan leader," writes Scott Ritter, "seeks the admission of Ukraine and Georgia as members, such actions, from the Russian perspective, can only be viewed as aggressive, offensive-minded measures that are part of a broader anti-Russia campaign."(12) Notes 1) Transatlanticists and financial-military-industrial complex at the finish line?
Wolfgang Effenberger The 58th Munich Security Conference, which was dominated by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, came to a close on Sunday, Feb. 20, 2022. At the conclusion of the three-day deliberations, outgoing leader Wolfgang Ischinger noted, "I have the impression that this weekend sends a message of transatlantic unity and resolve."(1) He then expressed regret that Europe should fear a new war. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned the BBC at the conference of a war on the scale of World War II, saying "it could really be the biggest war in Europe since 1945."(2) Since every war so far has been started with a lie, the media should ask themselves where such reports come from, who verified them, and who benefits from them. In 1990, the media adopted without verification the report that Iraqi soldiers, during the invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, the beginning of the Second Gulf War, had torn Kuwaiti premature babies from their incubators and thrown them onto the cold stone floor, where they died. This gave U.S. President George H. Bush the UN authorization to wage war against Iraq. The 2003 Iraq War was justified by the U.S. government on the grounds of "Iraqi weapons of mass destruction" and an "Iraqi connection to Al Qaeda terrorists." On February 5, 2003, U.S. Secretary of State Powell presented alleged evidence of Iraq's NBC weapons to the UN Security Council, all of which turned out to be fabricated by mid-2004. And the July 2004 report of the 9/11 Commission refuted the alleged link to al Qaeda. And the list of contrived reasons for war is not exhaustive.(7) On April 2, 1917, U.S. Senator George W. Norris, in his rebuttal speech, rejected Wilson's reasons for entering the war against Germany and - quoting from a customer letter of the "New York Stock Exchange" - pointed out the interests of Wall Street: "Canada and Japan are at war and prospering more than ever. On the outbreak of immediate hostilities, stocks would react swiftly, clearly and heatedly with a gratifying look. The old-fashioned bull market would enjoy it as it did at the outbreak of war with Spain in 1898. By contrast, the onset of peace would adjust commodity prices downward and most likely inhibit enterprise."(9) In 1934, when fears of a new war were running rampant in the U.S. and the development of the "Rainbow War Plans" was underway, a committee of inquiry ("The Special Committee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry") under the chairmanship of Senator Gerald P. Nye began work in the U.S. Congress on the reasons for the entry into the war in 1917. After a careful two-year investigation, the so-called Nye Committee was able to show convincingly that bankers and munitions industrialists, in addition to price-fixing, had exerted strong influence on U.S. foreign policy before and during the war, thus "tricking" the country into war.(11) The net profits of some arms manufacturers showed exorbitant increases: Net profits in comparison in %: 1911/1914 to 1915/1918 At Du Pont, net profits increased by almost 1000 percent during the war! Incidentally, in the 2008 U.S. election campaign, Morgan's name appeared among Obama's biggest donors - just behind Goldman Sachs and ahead of Citigroup.(12) In 1935, the American artist Mabel Dwight created a monument to the profiteers of war and crises with her lithograph "The Merchants of Death". "The merchants of death are tough and long-lived ... their sole interest is self-interest, their sole god is profit. ... As politicians, their interest is directed toward a strong ruling class and the pooling of privileges ... What they rarely realize, however, is that Death is their leader. He loves them because he knows that sooner or later they will line his pockets. He knows that they hatch wars and revolutions ... their stubbornness and their time-honored stupidity exceed any understandable measure. We are talking here about beings who are decidedly perceptive, yet incurably short-sighted. In this country, they hate the ideal of democracy, but they are happy with the loose reins and the freedom it gives them."(13) Following the regime change orchestrated by the West in Kiev in February 2014, the demons of 1914 resurfaced in the fall of 2014: The strategy paper "TRADOC 525-3-1" Win in a Complex World 2020-2040" assigned the armed forces the task of eliminating the threat posed by Russia and China. It does not focus on direct conquest of individual states, but on a targeted dual strategy of destabilization and influence via nongovernmental organizations and intelligence agencies. In other words, first the creation of chaos, then the establishment of the desired structures. The four escalation stages of the destabilization script were already described in detail in the predecessor paper "525-5" of 1994 and can be illustrated by the example of Ukraine: Turmoil - Crisis - Conflict - War. As was the case a hundred years ago, the main danger in the United States is seen in possible cooperation between Germany and Russia, a point made surprisingly clearly by George Friedman, founder and chairman of the leading private U.S. think tank STRATFOR, on February 4, 2015. The U.S. has no "relationship" with Europe, he said; there are only bilateral relations with individual states. "The main interest of U.S. foreign policy during the last century, during World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, has been the relationship between Germany and Russia.... For a century, the main goal for the United States has been to prevent the unique combination between German capital, German technology and Russian raw material resources, Russian labor."(16) In 2017, participants at the Munich Security Conference (MSC) called for the accelerated transformation of the EU into a wartime alliance. According to a recent study by the MSC, management consultants McKinsey, and the elite Hertie School of Governance the European confederation should be able to carry out a "mission" comparable to the 2011 military operation against Libya at any time. It calls for drastic increases in the defense budgets of EU member states and investment in modern war equipment. The goal is to unify European defense standards and further expand government research funding. In June 2017, the U.S. Army War College stated in its one-year study that the world had entered a completely new phase of transformation in which U.S. power was waning, the world order was decaying and the authority of governments everywhere was crumbling. This now needed to be countered. The current reports give rise to fears that a war-like situation is already prevailing. Why war? Is it, as in all previous wars, about hard economic interests? Is Russia to be eliminated as an important energy supplier so that Germany then has to buy the dirty gas from the USA? Who would profit from a war in Europe? A few will increase wealth and power and millions will lose everything. Have we forgotten that stable relations between Germany and Russia also provided stability in Europe? Otto von Bismarck had internalized that. But today's transatlanticists in the German government seem to be primarily stooges of the U.S. financial lobby, approvingly accepting the widespread destruction of Europe.
1),SxuxbQr NATO did promise Moscow it wouldn't expand, former German defense official tells RT
Willy Wimmer told RT he personally witnessed the West vowing that NATO Despite their denials, Western leaders did make a promise to the USSR that NATO would not expand to Central and Eastern Europe when Moscow agreed to Germany’s reunification, Willy Wimmer, a former vice president of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), has claimed in an interview with RT on Saturday. The veteran politician, who served as parliamentary secretary to Germany’s defense minister between 1985 and 1992, said that he personally witnessed this promise when he “sent Chancellor Helmut Kohl the statement on the Bundeswehr in NATO and NATO in Europe, which was completely incorporated into the treaties on reunification.” Berlin’s decision at that time “not to station NATO troops on the territory of the former East Germany and to stop NATO near the Oder” was part of this promise, Wimmer added. The bloc has long denied such a promise had ever been made, insisting it has always had an 'open door policy.' However, a document recently published by Germany’s Der Spiegel weekly purportedly shows that the pledge was made, supporting Moscow's claims the commitments were later broken. The minutes of a March 6, 1991 meeting in Bonn between the political directors of the foreign ministries of the US, UK, France, and Germany on German reunification appear to show that the Western nations made it “clear” to the still-existing Soviet Union that NATO would not expand further to the east. Wimmer believes that the promises made by the Western leaders in the early 1990s were eventually dashed by the US ambitions formulated in the infamous 1992 ‘Wolfowitz Doctrine’. The ‘doctrine’ was in fact a Defense Planning Guidance for the 1994–1999 fiscal years that was leaked to the New York Times at that time and sparked a wave of criticism even in the US itself. The document outlined the policy of unilateralism and pre-emptive military actions designed to suppress potential threats and prevent any supposedly authoritarian states from becoming superpowers. The official text of the guidance was then changed following the uproar but many tenets of the ‘doctrine’ still found their way into the former US President George W. Bush’s foreign policy. Since that time, the US and its allies have been on the “wrong track” as they have been virtually doing everything to create a fairly “justified” impression in Moscow that the Western nations seek to “kick Russia out of Europe, to build a new wall between the Baltic and the Black Sea” and eventually to “destroy” Russia instead of cooperating with it, Wimmer pointed out. The root of all the current security problems in Europe lies within America’s policy of continuously antagonizing Russia, according to Wimmer. “All the misery we are dealing with started with the United States conducting the policy aimed at kicking Russia out of Europe for the last 20 or almost 30 years,” he said. As long as the US continues to “do everything to achieve this goal” both through NATO and bilateral agreements, Europe’s security problems can hardly be resolved, Wimmer warned, adding that it was Washington that should fundamentally change its ways. The former OSCE vice president also echoed Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, describing the present state of relations between Russia and the West as a conversation between “a mute” and a “deaf.” Moscow's top diplomat made similar remarks earlier in February following talks with British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss. The US and its partners in Europe have been “certainly deaf” for decades since they “drew no conclusions” from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s landmark speech at the Munich Security Conference back in 2007, when he showed quite clearly “where the problems lie on the Euro-Asian continent,” Wimmer said. At that time, the Russian leader warned that US unilateral hegemonism and “uncontained” use of force in international relations erode the global security system and weaken international law. It was also one of the first times he mentioned NATO’s promise to Russia not to expand to the east. Source: Putin in the Stranglehold of the US-NATO Anaconda
Wolfgang Effenberger After his election as Federal President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier had nothing else to do than to assign the responsibility for the escalation in the Ukraine conflict to Russian President Vladimir Putin in clear words and even let himself be carried away to an appeal to Putin to "Loosen the noose around Ukraine's neck"(1). To great applause from the Federal Assembly, he advised Putin not to make the mistake of underestimating the strength of democracy - clarity, deterrence and determination. This promise has been broken three times so far – with each time Steinmeier being involved: And in February 2014, we witnessed the orchestrated coup in Ukraine, which cost the U.S. five billion U.S. dollars. German Foreign Minister Steinmeier was also involved in the EU and NATO support of the US at that time. It was he who "persuaded" ousted President Yanukovych to "peacefully hand over power. The U.S. had "pre-planned everything that today has bone of contention potential in and around Ukraine." In March 2014, during his repeated visits to Kiev, Steinmeier again called the referendum a breach of international law.(4) Yet the Crimean residents, in accordance with international law, had only exercised their right to self-determination. Ex-president Yanukovych became an enemy of the West when he refused to sign the association agreement with the EU. This, too, is only partly true. This treaty consists of two parts, the economic and the political-military part. Yanukovych was initially supposed to sign only the second part (close cooperation in foreign policy). With the Association Agreement, the EU is trying to bind neighboring states more closely to itself without opening up EU membership to them.(5) His successor, the oligarch Poroshenko, who is more favorable to the West, signed the political part in March 2014 and the economic part on June 27, 2014. For Willy Wimmer, "Ukraine is only the vehicle for the implementation of purely American interests against Russia." Along with Ukraine, the EU is paying the price (Nuland "F... EU(8)). Victoria Nuland is said to have offered the Kremlin in October 2021: "Russia swings to the American line in return for billions of dollars in investment."(9) This does not seem to have gone down well, however, because just a few days later the CIA chief flew to meet with President Putin. On February 4, the opening day of the Winter Olympics, the U.S. military flew its reinforcements from Ramstein via Görlitz to Rzeszow-Jasionka in Poland, close to the Ukrainian border. On February 9, 2021, in a tumultuous parliamentary session, Slovak deputies voted in favor of a military agreement with the U.S.: Among other things, Slovakia will place the two military airports in Sliac and Kuchyna fully under the control of U.S. forces for the next ten years. In the end, 79 out of 140 parliamentarians present voted in favor of the so-called "Defence Cooperation Agreement" (DCA), while two-thirds of the population is against it, fearing the loss of sovereignty, the stationing of nuclear weapons on its own territory and the danger of being drawn into a possible armed conflict between neighboring Ukraine and Russia.(10) On February 10, U.S. President Joe Biden called on American citizens in Ukraine to leave the country as soon as possible after invoking the threat of "world war" and warning that "things between the U.S. and Russia could quickly go crazy" and quickly get out of hand. (15) Today's "Russia bashers" are likely to emerge from the intellectual background of those who waged the war of mobile capital (North) against immobile capital (South) in the U.S. Civil War. At the very beginning of the Civil War, Lieutenant General Winfried Scott proposed a strategic approach involving blockade and devastation of the South to end the Civil War. This operation went down in history as the Anaconda Plan. Western howls of war are hung on the claim that Putin intends to invade Ukraine. Why should he do so? Former U.S. foreign intelligence officer and member of an association of former U.S. intelligence and intelligence exploitation professionals (VIP), Raymond Mcgovern, considers a Russian invasion of Ukraine about as likely as the much-heralded arrival of the ominous "Godot" in Beckett's play Waiting for Godot.(17)The former intelligence man thinks Putin is not so unwise as to provide(18) the U.S. with the pretext for sanctions and war. Even Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj expressed irritation at the alarming statements from Washington. " If you or anyone else have additional information about a 100 percent invasion on the 16th (of February), please give it to us,"(19) he said smugly. Undoubtedly, there are forces in the US and UK that see war as the solution to their problems. These circles will not be opposed by the top of German politics - President Steinmeier, Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. On the contrary! They are beating the war drum in an irresponsible manner: a fatal situation for Germany and for peace in Europe. The war against Russia, which the USA has been striving for since 1945(20), is none of Germany's business, just as the wars against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria have been. It is always only about geopolitical interests and access to raw materials for US corporations. Everything else serves only the obfuscation! A falling world empire is unpredictable. Today we are dealing with even more powerful interest groups than at the beginning of the 20th century, when the Rhodes-Milner group - respectively a small conspiratorial circle of British politicians - intrigued behind the backs of cabinet and parliament and took the unsuspecting members by surprise with destructive world conquest strategies. Finally, it is worth recalling Willy Brandt, who in 1976 emphasized: Notes 1) Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development
February 4, 2022 At the invitation of President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir V. Putin visited China on 4 February 2022. The Heads of State held talks in Beijing and took part in the opening ceremony of the XXIV Olympic Winter Games. The Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, hereinafter referred to as the sides, state as follows. Today, the world is going through momentous changes, and humanity is entering a new era of rapid development and profound transformation. It sees the development of such processes and phenomena as multipolarity, economic globalization, the advent of information society, cultural diversity, transformation of the global governance architecture and world order; there is increasing interrelation and interdependence between the States; a trend has emerged towards redistribution of power in the world; and the international community is showing a growing demand for the leadership aiming at peaceful and gradual development. At the same time, as the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection continues, the international and regional security situation is complicating and the number of global challenges and threats is growing from day to day. Some actors representing but the minority on the international scale continue to advocate unilateral approaches to addressing international issues and resort to force; they interfere in the internal affairs of other states, infringing their legitimate rights and interests, and incite contradictions, differences and confrontation, thus hampering the development and progress of mankind, against the opposition from the international community. The sides call on all States to pursue well-being for all and, with these ends, to build dialogue and mutual trust, strengthen mutual understanding, champion such universal human values as peace, development, equality, justice, democracy and freedom, respect the rights of peoples to independently determine the development paths of their countries and the sovereignty and the security and development interests of States, to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order, seek genuine multipolarity with the United Nations and its Security Council playing a central and coordinating role, promote more democratic international relations, and ensure peace, stability and sustainable development across the world. I The sides share the understanding that democracy is a universal human value, rather than a privilege of a limited number of States, and that its promotion and protection is a common responsibility of the entire world community. The sides believe that democracy is a means of citizens' participation in the government of their country with the view to improving the well-being of population and implementing the principle of popular government. Democracy is exercised in all spheres of public life as part of a nation-wide process and reflects the interests of all the people, its will, guarantees its rights, meets its needs and protects its interests. There is no one-size-fits-all template to guide countries in establishing democracy. A nation can choose such forms and methods of implementing democracy that would best suit its particular state, based on its social and political system, its historical background, traditions and unique cultural characteristics. It is only up to the people of the country to decide whether their State is a democratic one. The sides note that Russia and China as world powers with rich cultural and historical heritage have long-standing traditions of democracy, which rely on thousand-years of experience of development, broad popular support and consideration of the needs and interests of citizens. Russia and China guarantee their people the right to take part through various means and in various forms in the administration of the State and public life in accordance with the law. The people of both countries are certain of the way they have chosen and respect the democratic systems and traditions of other States. The sides note that democratic principles are implemented at the global level, as well as in administration of State. Certain States' attempts to impose their own ”democratic standards“ on other countries, to monopolize the right to assess the level of compliance with democratic criteria, to draw dividing lines based on the grounds of ideology, including by establishing exclusive blocs and alliances of convenience, prove to be nothing but flouting of democracy and go against the spirit and true values of democracy. Such attempts at hegemony pose serious threats to global and regional peace and stability and undermine the stability of the world order. The sides believe that the advocacy of democracy and human rights must not be used to put pressure on other countries. They oppose the abuse of democratic values and interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states under the pretext of protecting democracy and human rights, and any attempts to incite divisions and confrontation in the world. The sides call on the international community to respect cultural and civilizational diversity and the rights of peoples of different countries to self-determination. They stand ready to work together with all the interested partners to promote genuine democracy. The sides note that the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set noble goals in the area of universal human rights, set forth fundamental principles, which all the States must comply with and observe in deeds. At the same time, as every nation has its own unique national features, history, culture, social system and level of social and economic development, universal nature of human rights should be seen through the prism of the real situation in every particular country, and human rights should be protected in accordance with the specific situation in each country and the needs of its population. Promotion and protection of human rights is a shared responsibility of the international community. The states should equally prioritize all categories of human rights and promote them in a systemic manner. The international human rights cooperation should be carried out as a dialogue between the equals involving all countries. All States must have equal access to the right to development. Interaction and cooperation on human rights matters should be based on the principle of equality of all countries and mutual respect for the sake of strengthening the international human rights architecture. II The sides believe that peace, development and cooperation lie at the core of the modern international system. Development is a key driver in ensuring the prosperity of the nations. The ongoing pandemic of the new coronavirus infection poses a serious challenge to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is vital to enhance partnership relations for the sake of global development and make sure that the new stage of global development is defined by balance, harmony and inclusiveness. The sides are seeking to advance their work to link the development plans for the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative with a view to intensifying practical cooperation between the EAEU and China in various areas and promoting greater interconnectedness between the Asia Pacific and Eurasian regions. The sides reaffirm their focus on building the Greater Eurasian Partnership in parallel and in coordination with the Belt and Road construction to foster the development of regional associations as well as bilateral and multilateral integration processes for the benefit of the peoples on the Eurasian continent. The sides agreed to continue consistently intensifying practical cooperation for the sustainable development of the Arctic. The sides will strengthen cooperation within multilateral mechanisms, including the United Nations, and encourage the international community to prioritize development issues in the global macro-policy coordination. They call on the developed countries to implement in good faith their formal commitments on development assistance, provide more resources to developing countries, address the uneven development of States, work to offset such imbalances within States, and advance global and international development cooperation. The Russian side confirms its readiness to continue working on the China-proposed Global Development Initiative, including participation in the activities of the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative under the UN auspices. In order to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the sides call on the international community to take practical steps in key areas of cooperation such as poverty reduction, food security, vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity. The sides call on the international community to create open, equal, fair and non-discriminatory conditions for scientific and technological development, to step up practical implementation of scientific and technological advances in order to identify new drivers of economic growth. The sides call upon all countries to strengthen cooperation in sustainable transport, actively build contacts and share knowledge in the construction of transport facilities, including smart transport and sustainable transport, development and use of Arctic routes, as well as to develop other areas to support global post-epidemic recovery. The sides are taking serious action and making an important contribution to the fight against climate change. Jointly celebrating the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, they reaffirm their commitment to this Convention as well as to the goals, principles and provisions of the Paris Agreement, including the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. The sides work together to ensure the full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, remain committed to fulfilling the obligations they have undertaken and expect that developed countries will actually ensure the annual provision of $100 billion of climate finance to developing states. The sides oppose setting up new barriers in international trade under the pretext of fighting climate change. The sides strongly support the development of international cooperation and exchanges in the field of biological diversity, actively participating in the relevant global governance process, and intend to jointly promote the harmonious development of humankind and nature as well as green transformation to ensure sustainable global development. The Heads of State positively assess the effective interaction between Russia and China in the bilateral and multilateral formats focusing on the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, protection of life and health of the population of the two countries and the peoples of the world. They will further increase cooperation in the development and manufacture of vaccines against the new coronavirus infection, as well as medical drugs for its treatment, and enhance collaboration in public health and modern medicine. The sides plan to strengthen coordination on epidemiological measures to ensure strong protection of health, safety and order in contacts between citizens of the two countries. The sides have commended the work of the competent authorities and regions of the two countries on implementing quarantine measures in the border areas and ensuring the stable operation of the border crossing points, and intend to consider establishing a joint mechanism for epidemic control and prevention in the border areas to jointly plan anti-epidemic measures to be taken at the border checkpoints, share information, build infrastructure and improve the efficiency of customs clearance of goods. The sides emphasize that ascertaining the origin of the new coronavirus infection is a matter of science. Research on this topic must be based on global knowledge, and that requires cooperation among scientists from all over the world. The sides oppose politicization of this issue. The Russian side welcomes the work carried out jointly by China and WHO to identify the source of the new coronavirus infection and supports the China – WHO joint report on the matter. The sides call on the global community to jointly promote a serious scientific approach to the study of the coronavirus origin. The Russian side supports a successful hosting by the Chinese side of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing in 2022. The sides highly appreciate the level of bilateral cooperation in sports and the Olympic movement and express their readiness to contribute to its further progressive development. III The sides are gravely concerned about serious international security challenges and believe that the fates of all nations are interconnected. No State can or should ensure its own security separately from the security of the rest of the world and at the expense of the security of other States. The international community should actively engage in global governance to ensure universal, comprehensive, indivisible and lasting security. The sides reaffirm their strong mutual support for the protection of their core interests, state sovereignty and territorial integrity, and oppose interference by external forces in their internal affairs. The Russian side reaffirms its support for the One-China principle, confirms that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and opposes any forms of independence of Taiwan. Russia and China stand against attempts by external forces to undermine security and stability in their common adjacent regions, intend to counter interference by outside forces in the internal affairs of sovereign countries under any pretext, oppose colour revolutions, and will increase cooperation in the aforementioned areas. The sides condemn terrorism in all its manifestations, promote the idea of creating a single global anti-terrorism front, with the United Nations playing a central role, advocate stronger political coordination and constructive engagement in multilateral counterterrorism efforts. The sides oppose politicization of the issues of combating terrorism and their use as instruments of policy of double standards, condemn the practice of interference in the internal affairs of other States for geopolitical purposes through the use of terrorist and extremist groups as well as under the guise of combating international terrorism and extremism. The sides believe that certain States, military and political alliances and coalitions seek to obtain, directly or indirectly, unilateral military advantages to the detriment of the security of others, including by employing unfair competition practices, intensify geopolitical rivalry, fuel antagonism and confrontation, and seriously undermine the international security order and global strategic stability. The sides oppose further enlargement of NATO and call on the North Atlantic Alliance to abandon its ideologized cold war approaches, to respect the sovereignty, security and interests of other countries, the diversity of their civilizational, cultural and historical backgrounds, and to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards the peaceful development of other States. The sides stand against the formation of closed bloc structures and opposing camps in the Asia-Pacific region and remain highly vigilant about the negative impact of the United States' Indo-Pacific strategy on peace and stability in the region. Russia and China have made consistent efforts to build an equitable, open and inclusive security system in the Asia-Pacific Region (APR) that is not directed against third countries and that promotes peace, stability and prosperity. The sides welcome the Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapons States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races and believe that all nuclear-weapons States should abandon the cold war mentality and zero-sum games, reduce the role of nuclear weapons in their national security policies, withdraw nuclear weapons deployed abroad, eliminate the unrestricted development of global anti-ballistic missile defense (ABM) system, and take effective steps to reduce the risks of nuclear wars and any armed conflicts between countries with military nuclear capabilities. The sides reaffirm that the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is the cornerstone of the international disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation system, an important part of the post-war international security system, and plays an indispensable role in world peace and development. The international community should promote the balanced implementation of the three pillars of the Treaty and work together to protect the credibility, effectiveness and the universal nature of the instrument. The sides are seriously concerned about the trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom (AUKUS), which provides for deeper cooperation between its members in areas involving strategic stability, in particular their decision to initiate cooperation in the field of nuclear-powered submarines. Russia and China believe that such actions are contrary to the objectives of security and sustainable development of the Asia-Pacific region, increase the danger of an arms race in the region, and pose serious risks of nuclear proliferation. The sides strongly condemn such moves and call on AUKUS participants to fulfil their nuclear and missile non-proliferation commitments in good faith and to work together to safeguard peace, stability, and development in the region. Japan's plans to release nuclear contaminated water from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean and the potential environmental impact of such actions are of deep concern to the sides. The sides emphasize that the disposal of nuclear contaminated water should be handled with responsibility and carried out in a proper manner based on arrangements between the Japanese side and neighbouring States, other interested parties, and relevant international agencies while ensuring transparency, scientific reasoning, and in accordance with international law. The sides believe that the U.S. withdrawal from the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles, the acceleration of research and the development of intermediate-range and shorter-range ground-based missiles and the desire to deploy them in the Asia-Pacific and European regions, as well as their transfer to the allies, entail an increase in tension and distrust, increase risks to international and regional security, lead to the weakening of international non-proliferation and arms control system, undermining global strategic stability. The sided call on the United States to respond positively to the Russian initiative and abandon its plans to deploy intermediate-range and shorter-range ground-based missiles in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe. The sides will continue to maintain contacts and strengthen coordination on this issue. The Chinese side is sympathetic to and supports the proposals put forward by the Russian Federation to create long-term legally binding security guarantees in Europe. The sides note that the denunciation by the United States of a number of important international arms control agreements has an extremely negative impact on international and regional security and stability. The sides express concern over the advancement of U.S. plans to develop global missile defence and deploy its elements in various regions of the world, combined with capacity building of high-precision non-nuclear weapons for disarming strikes and other strategic objectives. The sides stress the importance of the peaceful uses of outer space, strongly support the central role of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space in promoting international cooperation, maintaining and developing international space law and regulation in the field of space activities. Russia and China will continue to increase cooperation on such matters of mutual interest as the long-term sustainability of space activities and the development and use of space resources. The sides oppose attempts by some States to turn outer space into an arena of armed confrontation and reiterate their intention to make all necessary efforts to prevent the weaponization of space and an arms race in outer space. They will counteract activities aimed at achieving military superiority in space and using it for combat operations. The sides affirm the need for the early launch of negotiations to conclude a legally binding multilateral instrument based on the Russian-Chinese draft treaty on the prevention of placement of weapons in outer space and the use or threat of force against space objects that would provide fundamental and reliable guarantees against an arms race and the weaponization of outer space. Russia and China emphasize that appropriate transparency and confidence-building measures, including an international initiative/political commitment not to be the first to place weapons in space, can also contribute to the goal of preventing an arms race in outer space, but such measures should complement and not substitute the effective legally binding regime governing space activities. The sides reaffirm their belief that the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BWC) is an essential pillar of international peace and security. Russia and China underscore their determination to preserve the credibility and effectiveness of the Convention. The sides affirm the need to fully respect and further strengthen the BWC, including by institutionalizing it, strengthening its mechanisms, and adopting a legally binding Protocol to the Convention with an effective verification mechanism, as well as through regular consultation and cooperation in addressing any issues related to the implementation of the Convention. The sides emphasize that domestic and foreign bioweapons activities by the United States and its allies raise serious concerns and questions for the international community regarding their compliance with the BWC. The sides share the view that such activities pose a serious threat to the national security of the Russian Federation and China and are detrimental to the security of the respective regions. The sides call on the U.S. and its allies to act in an open, transparent, and responsible manner by properly reporting on their military biological activities conducted overseas and on their national territory, and by supporting the resumption of negotiations on a legally binding BWC Protocol with an effective verification mechanism. The sides, reaffirming their commitment to the goal of a world free of chemical weapons, call upon all parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention to work together to uphold its credibility and effectiveness. Russia and China are deeply concerned about the politicization of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and call on all of its members to strengthen solidarity and cooperation and protect the tradition of consensual decision-making. Russia and China insist that the United States, as the sole State Party to the Convention that has not yet completed the process of eliminating chemical weapons, accelerate the elimination of its stockpiles of chemical weapons. The sides emphasize the importance of balancing the non-proliferation obligations of states with the interests of legitimate international cooperation in the use of advanced technology and related materials and equipment for peaceful purposes. The sides note the resolution entitled ”Promoting international Cooperation on Peaceful Uses in the Context of International Security“ adopted at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on the initiative of China and co‑sponsored by Russia, and look forward to its consistent implementation in accordance with the goals set forth therein. The sides attach great importance to the issues of governance in the field of artificial intelligence. The sides are ready to strengthen dialogue and contacts on artificial intelligence. The sides reiterate their readiness to deepen cooperation in the field of international information security and to contribute to building an open, secure, sustainable and accessible ICT environment. The sides emphasize that the principles of the non-use of force, respect for national sovereignty and fundamental human rights and freedoms, and non-interference in the internal affairs of other States, as enshrined in the UN Charter, are applicable to the information space. Russia and China reaffirm the key role of the UN in responding to threats to international information security and express their support for the Organization in developing new norms of conduct of states in this area. The sides welcome the implementation of the global negotiation process on international information security within a single mechanism and support in this context the work of the UN Open-ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) 2021–2025 (OEWG) and express their willingness to speak with one voice within it. The sides consider it necessary to consolidate the efforts of the international community to develop new norms of responsible behaviour of States, including legal ones, as well as a universal international legal instrument regulating the activities of States in the field of ICT. The sides believe that the Global Initiative on Data Security, proposed by the Chinese side and supported, in principle, by the Russian side, provides a basis for the Working Group to discuss and elaborate responses to data security threats and other threats to international information security. The sides reiterate their support of United Nations General Assembly resolutions 74/247 and 75/282, support the work of the relevant Ad Hoc Committee of Governmental Experts, facilitate the negotiations within the United Nations for the elaboration of an international convention on countering the use of ICTs for criminal purposes. The sides encourage constructive participation of all sides in the negotiations in order to agree as soon as possible on a credible, universal, and comprehensive convention and provide it to the United Nations General Assembly at its 78th session in strict compliance with resolution 75/282. For these purposes, Russia and China have presented a joint draft convention as a basis for negotiations. The sides support the internationalization of Internet governance, advocate equal rights to its governance, believe that any attempts to limit their sovereign right to regulate national segments of the Internet and ensure their security are unacceptable, are interested in greater participation of the International Telecommunication Union in addressing these issues. The sides intend to deepen bilateral cooperation in international information security on the basis of the relevant 2015 intergovernmental agreement. To this end, the sides have agreed to adopt in the near future a plan for cooperation between Russia and China in this area. IV The sides underline that Russia and China, as world powers and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, intend to firmly adhere to moral principles and accept their responsibility, strongly advocate the international system with the central coordinating role of the United Nations in international affairs, defend the world order based on international law, including the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, advance multipolarity and promote the democratization of international relations, together create an even more prospering, stable, and just world, jointly build international relations of a new type. The Russian side notes the significance of the concept of constructing a ”community of common destiny for mankind“ proposed by the Chinese side to ensure greater solidarity of the international community and consolidation of efforts in responding to common challenges. The Chinese side notes the significance of the efforts taken by the Russian side to establish a just multipolar system of international relations. The sides intend to strongly uphold the outcomes of the Second World War and the existing post-war world order, defend the authority of the United Nations and justice in international relations, resist attempts to deny, distort, and falsify the history of the Second World War. In order to prevent the recurrence of the tragedy of the world war, the sides will strongly condemn actions aimed at denying the responsibility for atrocities of Nazi aggressors, militarist invaders, and their accomplices, besmirch and tarnish the honour of the victorious countries. The sides call for the establishment of a new kind of relationships between world powers on the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation. They reaffirm that the new inter-State relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ”forbidden“ areas of cooperation, strengthening of bilateral strategic cooperation is neither aimed against third countries nor affected by the changing international environment and circumstantial changes in third countries. The sides reiterate the need for consolidation, not division of the international community, the need for cooperation, not confrontation. The sides oppose the return of international relations to the state of confrontation between major powers, when the weak fall prey to the strong. The sides intend to resist attempts to substitute universally recognized formats and mechanisms that are consistent with international law for rules elaborated in private by certain nations or blocs of nations, and are against addressing international problems indirectly and without consensus, oppose power politics, bullying, unilateral sanctions, and extraterritorial application of jurisdiction, as well as the abuse of export control policies, and support trade facilitation in line with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The sides reaffirmed their intention to strengthen foreign policy coordination, pursue true multilateralism, strengthen cooperation on multilateral platforms, defend common interests, support the international and regional balance of power, and improve global governance. The sides support and defend the multilateral trade system based on the central role of the World Trade Organization (WTO), take an active part in the WTO reform, opposing unilateral approaches and protectionism. The sides are ready to strengthen dialogue between partners and coordinate positions on trade and economic issues of common concern, contribute to ensuring the sustainable and stable operation of global and regional value chains, promote a more open, inclusive, transparent, non-discriminatory system of international trade and economic rules. The sides support the G20 format as an important forum for discussing international economic cooperation issues and anti-crisis response measures, jointly promote the invigorated spirit of solidarity and cooperation within the G20, support the leading role of the association in such areas as the international fight against epidemics, world economic recovery, inclusive sustainable development, improving the global economic governance system in a fair and rational manner to collectively address global challenges. The sides support the deepened strategic partnership within BRICS, promote the expanded cooperation in three main areas: politics and security, economy and finance, and humanitarian exchanges. In particular, Russia and China intend to encourage interaction in the fields of public health, digital economy, science, innovation and technology, including artificial intelligence technologies, as well as the increased coordination between BRICS countries on international platforms. The sides strive to further strengthen the BRICS Plus/Outreach format as an effective mechanism of dialogue with regional integration associations and organizations of developing countries and States with emerging markets. The Russian side will fully support the Chinese side chairing the association in 2022, and assist in the fruitful holding of the XIV BRICS summit. Russia and China aim to comprehensively strengthen the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and further enhance its role in shaping a polycentric world order based on the universally recognized principles of international law, multilateralism, equal, joint, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security. They consider it important to consistently implement the agreements on improved mechanisms to counter challenges and threats to the security of SCO member states and, in the context of addressing this task, advocate expanded functionality of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure. The sides will contribute to imparting a new quality and dynamics to the economic interaction between the SCO member States in the fields of trade, manufacturing, transport, energy, finance, investment, agriculture, customs, telecommunications, innovation and other areas of mutual interest, including through the use of advanced, resource-saving, energy efficient and ”green“ technologies. The sides note the fruitful interaction within the SCO under the 2009 Agreement between the Governments of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member States on cooperation in the field of international information security, as well as within the specialized Group of Experts. In this context, they welcome the adoption of the SCO Joint Action Plan on Ensuring International Information Security for 2022–2023 by the Council of Heads of State of SCO Member States on September 17, 2021 in Dushanbe. Russia and China proceed from the ever-increasing importance of cultural and humanitarian cooperation for the progressive development of the SCO. In order to strengthen mutual understanding between the people of the SCO member States, they will continue to effectively foster interaction in such areas as cultural ties, education, science and technology, healthcare, environmental protection, tourism, people-to-people contacts, sports. Russia and China will continue to work to strengthen the role of APEC as the leading platform for multilateral dialogue on economic issues in the Asia-Pacific region. The sides intend to step up coordinated action to successfully implement the ”Putrajaya guidelines for the development of APEC until 2040“ with a focus on creating a free, open, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent and predictable trade and investment environment in the region. Particular emphasis will be placed on the fight against the novel coronavirus infection pandemic and economic recovery, digitalization of a wide range of different spheres of life, economic growth in remote territories and the establishment of interaction between APEC and other regional multilateral associations with a similar agenda. The sides intend to develop cooperation within the ”Russia-India-China“ format, as well as to strengthen interaction on such venues as the East Asia Summit, ASEAN Regional Forum on Security, Meeting of Defense Ministers of the ASEAN Member States and Dialogue Partners. Russia and China support ASEAN's central role in developing cooperation in East Asia, continue to increase coordination on deepened cooperation with ASEAN, and jointly promote cooperation in the areas of public health, sustainable development, combating terrorism and countering transnational crime. The sides intend to continue to work in the interest of a strengthened role of ASEAN as a key element of the regional architecture. World Peace Council Condemns the Growing Imperialist Aggressiveness and Escalation of Tensions Around Ukraine
The World Peace Council (WPC) expresses its deepest concerns about the escalating tensions in Eastern Europe and particularly around the Ukraine, caused primarily by the growing aggressive expansion of NATO towards Eastern Europe, its massive deployment of troops from the Baltic Sea to Bulgaria, and creating a belt aiming at the encirclement of the Russian Federation. Since the coup d’état of 2014 in Kiev and the takeover of the government by reactionary and pro-NAZI forces sponsored by the USA, NATO and the European Union, NATO has been planning and implementing its further expansion aiming at the integration of the Ukraine into the biggest war machine which has committed wars, crimes and coups throughout its history. NATO is openly advocating, and not hiding, its aggressive goals. It even declared in its Warsaw summit in 2016 that it was ready for a nuclear strike against its opponents. The huge military exercises like the recent “Defender Europe 2021,” and its new strategy of NATO 2030, endorsed by all NATO members, is ferociously escalating the tensions and opening a real danger of a regional war which could lead to a war of global dimensions. The WPC is aware that conflicts and wars are taking place for the sake of the control of raw materials, energy resources and roads, for the profits and markets and for the control of spheres of influence of powerful states. The more than 1,7 trillion USD global military spending annually (40% of which only by the USA) on the one hand, and the 820 million people suffering from hunger in the world on the other, show clearly the injustice of the world today, dominated by the imperialist system. In times of the global health pandemic, it becomes even more offensive to observe how the access of the peoples in many countries —especially in Africa— to vaccination and medicine is being handled by the multinational pharmaceutical corporations and the respective governments. The ongoing tensions and war rhetoric in Eastern Europe and the military build-up along the borders of the Ukraine also have heavy consequences on the daily life of peoples in Europe and the world, including the multiplication of the fuel and natural gas prices, from which the competing energy giants are making huge profits. The war games are also accompanied by an ideological campaign to re-write the history, in which the European Union plays a leading role by equating reactionary fascist, Nazi theories and actions with the ones that stood up and defeated these forces seven decades ago. In the current situation, the peace-loving people and forces in the world should denounce and condemn the imperialist war rhetoric and plans, demand the withdrawal of the NATO troops from the region around the Ukraine, and the de-escalation of the situation from all sides. The WPC from its founding days has been fighting against NATO, has called for its dissolution, and has supported the struggle of the peoples and their movements in the NATO states for the withdrawal from this alliance. The WPC is committed to the struggle against NATO and will actively participate with our partners at the anti-NATO actions in Madrid on29 – 30 June 2022 with its distinct presence and, as in previous occasions, will organize its own events under the banner of “Yes to Peace – No to NATO.” The World Peace Council, as the historical anti-imperialist international organization of peace movements, is in principle against imperialist wars and defends the rights of the peoples and their just causes, and struggles for a world free from imperialist wars and exploitation, for a world of peace and social justice. The WPC Secretariat 10th February 2022 NATO/EU split? - Viktor Orban on a peace mission
Wolfgang Effenberger In the current crisis, Hungary's head of government Viktor Orban was able to exchange views with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in a nearly five-hour meeting on February 1, 2022. Putin reiterated his calls for security guarantees for Russia and warned of a threat of war in Europe in case Ukraine becomes a member of NATO. In his view, Ukraine wants to take back the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea at all costs and by force if necessary. And on July 31, 1914, just hours before the war began and shortly before he was assassinated, French historian and socialist Jean Jaurès warned, "[...] Here in France we are working with all violent means for a war that must be fought to satisfy disgusting desires and because the Paris and London stock exchanges have speculated in Petersburg [...]; one seeks the war that one has been fomenting for a long time."(7) Should the war break out, it will spread like a plague and lead to the most terrible genocide since the Thirty Years' War."(8) Comments 1) Rio Tinto will in Serbien Mineral abbauen - Grosse Umweltkatastrophe in Aussicht.
Dr. Mirjana Andjelković Lukić. Ingenieurin für Technologie Das Mineral Jadarit ist ein neu entdecktes Mineral, ein Silikat aus Natrium, Bor und Li- thium mit der Formel LiNaSiB3O7 (OH). Das Mineral Jadarit ist ein neu entdecktes Mineral und einige Geologen glauben, dass es nicht so „epochal“ lithiumreich ist. Es enthält 0,5 bis 2 Prozent pro Tonne Erz. Das Salzwasser aus der Grube wird in einer Menge von 942.000 m3/Jahr. oder 2.812 m3/ Tag verwendet werden. Das Wasser aus den unterirdischen Salzquellen wird in ausgeho- benen Tanks gespeichert, die mit einer undurchlässigen PVC-Folie ausgekleidet sind, und ein Tank wird bis zu 400.000 Kubikmeter Wasser enthalten! Rio Tinto ist sehr an der Erzgewinnung interessiert und hat keinerlei Interesse an den Menschen, die in diesen Regionen leben. Das Unternehmen ist für seine arrogante Hal- tung gegenüber der Natur bekannt und zerstört alles, was sich dort befindet, nur um Profit zu machen. Zu ihrem Pech kam Rio Tinto auf die kleine Pazifikinsel Bougainville. Als Rio Tinto die Gold- und Kupfermine nach 45 Jahren Ausbeutung verließ, ließen sie den Horror zurück! Zerstörte, mit Rückständen bedeckte Erde, von der aus verschiedene Gifte Mineral Jadarit ist ein neu entdecktes Mineral. den Fluss und das Wasser verschmutzen. Papua, Neuguinea, hat Rio Tinto wegen Um- weltverschmutzung verklagt und verlangt, dass das Land auf der Insel von verschiedenen chemischen Giften befreit und repariert wird. Glaubt irgendjemand in Serbien, wenn er gute Absichten hat und sich um Serbien sorgt, wirklich, dass Rio Tinto sich in unserem Land anders verhalten wird? Das einzige, was für das Unternehmen zählt, ist der Profit und sie sind blind und taub für die lebenswichtigen Bedürfnisse der Bevölkerung. Serbien wird ein unglückliches Land sein, wenn dieses seelenlose und heimatlose Unter- nehmen in das fruchtbare Land von Macva und Radjevina eindringt, 20 Dörfer vertreibt, die Menschen aus ihren jahrhundertealten Heimen vertreibt, Obstgärten und Weinberge abholzt, Bienenstöcke zerstört und fast ein Drittel von Westserbien verschmutzt . Lassen wir uns nicht davon täuschen, dass Rio Tinto sich anders verhalten wird. Am Anfang, so die Zeitungen, sind diese Unternehmen immer sanftmütig, sie „werden sich immer um die Umwelt kümmern“, und wenn sie sich fest installiert haben, sieht man, wie rücksichtslos sie sind. Wie Rio Tinto denkt, dass es sich um die Umwelt kümmern wird, wenn es einen enormen Wasserverbrauch voraussieht, nutzt die Straßen für seine Die Verarbeitung des Erzes zu Natriumsulfat, Borsäure und Lithiumcarbonat ist kompliziert, aber Rio Tinto möchte nicht, dass der Prozess vollständig offengelegt wird. Als Rohstoffe für die Erzverarbeitung werden unter anderem konzentrierte rauchige Schwefelsäure mit einer Konzentration von 94% bis 98%, ebenfalls konzentrierte Salzsäure und ein starkes Alkali, Natriumhydroxid, verwendet. Täglich werden 20 bis 30 Kesselwagen mit einem Volumen von 50 Tonnen Schwefelsäu- re transportiert. Jeden Tag, 300 Tage im Jahr, wird ein Zug mit 20 Eisenbahntanks mit 50 Tonnen konzentrierter Säure durch Serbien fahren. (Von Bor oder Pirdop aus Bulgarien) und wird Serbien von Ost nach West durchschneiden, mit dem großen Risiko, dass er umkippt oder vom Waggon mit Säure von den Schienen springt! Die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Unfalls beim Transport oder bei der Freisetzung von Schwefelsäure ist hoch, was ein langfristiges Risiko für Serbien darstellt. Der Transport der Rückstände in einer Entfernung von 14 Kilometern zur Deponie Stavin- ci erfolgt ebenfalls mit schweren Lastwagen, etwa 30 Lastwagen pro Tag über Loznica- Valjevo, das sehr bald ruiniert sein wird. Die Industriemülldeponie hat die Form von vier Pyramiden, die 2 Kilometer lang und einen halben Kilometer breit sind und eine Höhe von 40 Metern haben. Das Gefälle beträgt 15%. Dies kann bei starken Regenfällen Erdrutsche geben. Das Volumen einer Pyramide beträgt 18,78 Millionen m3, für 12 Jahre Betrieb der Mine. Während der Produktion fallen riesige Mengen an Rückständen an, die sich auf ins- gesamt 2.687.500 Tonnen / Jahr oder 7.646 t / Tag belaufen. Im Prozess der Erzaufbereitung wird Schwefelsäure in einer täglichen Menge von 851 t konzentrierter Schwefelsäure pro Tag verwendet! Der jährliche Verbrauch an konzentrier- ter Rauchsäure (94-98 %) beträgt 299.700 Tonnen. Aus dem Schwefelsäureprozess wird Schwefelwasserstoff (H2S) freigesetzt, ein giftiges und äußerst unangenehm riechendes Gas, dessen Abbau nicht vorgesehen ist ; Es wird erwartet, dass die Mine mit Betriebsgebäuden auf 1.235 Hektar des frucht- barsten Bodens von Radjevina und Macva liegen wird. Rio Tinto soll etwa 700 bis 1.000 Arbeiter beschäftigen, die für extrem gefährliche Arbei- ten in der Mine in großer Tiefe und bei der Erzaufbereitung mit konzentrierter und ätzen- der Säure eingestellt und erbärmlich bezahlt werden, was nichts ist im Vergleich zu der Anzahl der Einwohner, die vertrieben werden sollen. Die von dieser Gesellschaft gesponserten Fakultäten und ihre Professoren haben sich auch in die Arbeit gestürzt, Rio Tinto nach Macva zu bringen, um einen günstigen Bericht über die zukünftige Produktion zu erstellen, aber sie haben Serbien großes Elend bereitet. Es sind unmoralische Menschen, die zwar wissen, was die Eröffnung der Mine für Serbien aus Einkommensgründen bedeuten wird, aber ihre Prinzipien mit Füßen getreten und die Ankunft des berüchtigtsten Erzverarbeitungsunternehmens Serbiens ermöglicht. Der Vorsitzende des Vereins „Schützen wir Jadar und Radjevina“, Momcilo Alimpić, er- klärte, dass Rio Tinto „eine Mülldeponie biblischen Ausmaßes in der Nähe von Gornji Brezovici bei Krupanj bauen will und dass das Bergbaubecken bei Loznica 36 bis 40 Quadratkilometer umfassen würde.“ Alle Städte in der Nähe der Mine würden ökologisch verseucht, weder Loznica noch Krupanj würden verschont bleiben, und auch Sabac wäre stark gefährdet. Die Deponie bei Krupanj soll 450 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel liegen, so dass der Wind den Abfall bis nach Valjevo verteilen wird. Die Personen, die darüber entscheiden, ob Rio Tinto nach Serbien kommt, mögen Ser- bien nicht und arbeiten gegen seine Interessen und die Interessen seiner Bürger. Einige Mitglieder der serbischen Regierung haben jeweils zwei Pässe, sie fühlen Serbien nicht als ihr Land und sie können Serbien verlassen, wenn sie mit der Verwüstung fertig sind, wie es ihre Vorgänger (Djelic und Co.!) getan haben, um Serbien von einer Müllhalde und verwüsteten Welt in ein Land zu verwandeln, in dem das Leben wirklich unmöglich wer- den wird. Die Bürger Serbiens, insbesondere die Bewohner der Region Loznica, sind entschlossen, ihre jahrhundertealten heimatlichen Feuerstellen mit ihrem Leben zu verteidigen und nicht zuzulassen, dass ein ausbeuterisches, skrupelloses und ökologisch absolut unverantwort- liches Unternehmen auf ihre fruchtbaren Felder kommt. Die Prüfung der Durchführbarkeit des zukünftigen Jadar-Projekts kam zu dem Schluss, dass das Projekt aus technischer und ökologischer Sicht nicht durchführbar ist und weder für die Bewohner von Radje- vina noch für die Republik Serbien ökologisch vertretbar ist. Rio Tintos prognostizierte Gesamteinnahmen aus dem Jadar-Projekt belaufen sich auf etwa 551 Millionen Euro pro Jahr. Die Höhe der Entschädigung Serbiens für die Nutzung der mineralischen Ressour cen würde etwa 7,6 Millionen Euro pro Jahr betragen, wenn das Unternehmen ein tat- sächliches Nettoeinkommen ausweisen würde (und die Annahme ist, dass dies nicht der Fall sein wird!) Und wenn der Staat es einnehmen würde. In den ersten zehn Arbeitsjahren wird das Unternehmen rund 4 Milliarden Euro aus Serbien herausholen, es ist also klar, welches Interesse an der Umsetzung des Jadar-Projekts besteht. Nach den Erfahrungen der Länder, in denen Rio Tinto tätig war, haben sie die ver- wüsteten Gebiete nie rehabilitiert Die mögliche Realisierung des Jadar-Projekts wird RS nur sehr geringe sozioökonomische Vorteile bringen und großen sozioökonomischen Schaden anrichten, nicht nur aufgrund der versteckten Produktionsparameter für die Produktion, sondern auch aufgrund der Tat- sache, dass die sozioökonomische Analyse des Projekts die schädlichen Auswirkungen der Investition nicht berücksichtigt hat, der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung, der Arbeitsfä- higkeit und der Umwelt, da Agrarland in Bauland umgewandelt wird, wie es die weltweite Praxis der Rio Tinto Corporation ist, rücksichtslos mit der Umwelt und den Arbeitskräften umzugehen. Das verwüstete Land mit Millionen Tonnen von Rückständen, Abfällen wird für die nächsten Jahrhunderte bleiben, selbst wenn Rio Tinto die Mine verlässt. In diesen Tagen hat unsere Regierung alle Genehmigungen widerrufen, die Rio Tinto er- teilt wurden. 24.01.2022 "Wir haben keine Wahl": Bernard-Henri Lévy fordert Intervention der USA im Ukrainekonflikt
Er war für die Bombardierung Serbiens, den NATO-Krieg gegen Libyen und auch für eine Intervention in Syrien – nun zündelt er wieder: Der französische Autor Bernard-Henri Lévy sprach sich auf "Fox News" für eine Intervention der USA im Ukrainekonflikt aus. Der französische Publizist Bernard-Henri Lévy während einer Konferenz über Afghanistan an der Schweizer Universität UMEF in Genf am 7. September 2021. Der französische Autor und Publizist Bernard-Henri Lévy sprach sich am 27. Januar in einem Interview mit dem US-amerikanischen Sender Fox News für eine militärische Intervention der USA im Ukrainekonflikt aus. Laut Lévy habe der Westen, insbesondere die USA, "keine Wahl" und müsste auf das reagieren, was er für eine "Kriegserklärung Wladimir Putins in der Ukraine" hält. "Sie werden kämpfen": Mit diesen Worten umschrieb Lévy die aktuellen Spannungen in der Ukraine. Er ergänzte: "Wenn Putin beschließt, einzumarschieren, wird es ein wirklich blutiger und schmutziger Krieg werden." Und weiter: "Die Ukrainer sind heute in der Lage zu kämpfen, sie sind in der Lage, sich zu verteidigen. Ich habe ihre Schützengräben gesehen, ich habe ihre Waffen gesehen. Sie haben nicht die Mittel, um zu siegen, aber sie haben die Mittel, um sich selbst zu verteidigen." Auf die Frage, ob die jüngsten bewaffneten Konflikte, insbesondere Afghanistan für die USA, die Öffentlichkeit ermüdet hätten, sagte Lévy: "Wir haben keine Wahl, wir leben nicht in einer Welt der Engel." Lévy zufolge könne es gar Auswirkungen auf die Situation in Taiwan haben, wenn die USA ihre Präsenz in der Ukraine nicht bekräftigen würden. Mehr noch, der Publizist glaubt, dass eine passive Haltung der Amerikaner die Weltordnung auf den Kopf stellen könnte: "Wir werden in einer anderen Welt leben, die von den Chinesen beherrscht wird, die von den Russen beherrscht wird. [...] Wenn wir Frieden wollen, müssen wir den Kalten Krieg akzeptieren." Bernard-Henri Lévy, der in den 1970er Jahren zu den Initiatoren der Bewegung der "Neuen Philosophen" gehörte, ruft nicht zum ersten Mal zu einem bewaffneten Konflikt auf. Bereits 1999 unterstützte er die NATO-Bombenkampagne in Jugoslawien, die sich gegen serbische Ziele richtete. Im Jahr 2011 forderte er Frankreich auf, Libyen den Krieg zu erklären, eine Intervention, die er aufgrund angeblicher Bombardierungen der Zivilbevölkerung durch die libysche Luftwaffe als "humanitär" bezeichnet. Ließ sich Lévy kaufen? Die Konflikte hatten mehrere zehntausend Todesopfer gefordert, auch unter der Zivilbevölkerung. Zehn Jahre später veröffentlichte das von dem investigativen Journalisten Denis Robert gegründete Medienunternehmen Blast ein Dokument, das eine "Zahlungsanweisung" in Höhe von 9,1 Millionen Euro an den Publizisten dokumentieren soll und im Oktober 2011 von Yousef Hussain Kamal Al-Emadi, dem damaligen Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister des Emirats und Präsidenten der Qatar National Bank (QNB), an den Leiter des Finanzministeriums von Katar gerichtet worden sein soll. Lévy prangerte indes eine "grobe Fälschung" an und verklagte Robert wegen Verleumdung. Am Mittwoch, dem 22. September, wies die 17. Kammer des Pariser Strafgerichts die Klage des Publizisten ab. Der Fall geht heute in die Berufung. Zu Lévys weiteren "Verdiensten" zählen seine Ansprachen an die Menge auf dem Maidan-Platz in Kiew am 2. März 2014, in denen er den Staatsstreich unterstützte, der wenige Tage zuvor den ehemaligen Präsidenten Wiktor Janukowitsch gestürzt hatte. Oder sein Treffen mit der weißrussischen Oppositionspolitikerin Swetlana Tichanowskaja im August 2020, auf dem Höhepunkt der Protestbewegung nach der Wiederwahl von Alexander Lukaschenko zum Präsidenten. Seine Stellungnahmen und seine gern kriegerischen Neigungen haben ihm jedoch nicht nur Freunde eingebracht. Insbesondere die Zeitung Le Monde diplomatique widmete ihm ein umfangreiches Dossier, das nun frei zugänglich ist, um seine "Hochstapelei" anzuprangern. Source: War concert: score or coffee grounds?
Wolfgang Effenberger In early November 2021, in Minsk, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told senior military officials of allied Russia and Belarus: "On the western borders of our union of states, the U.S. and other NATO members are actively building up their offensive potential." He said the U.S. is not relenting in imposing its will on other countries politically, economically and militarily: "These actions undermine strategic stability in the region and force Russia to take countermeasures to defend itself, including on its western flank."(1) This is Moscow's motive for stationing nearly 100,000 troops on Russia's western border. Missing from this NATO map are references to U.S. war materiel landed in Ukraine up to now and U.S. military advisors operating in Ukraine. Ignoring this threatening development for Russia, the Western war concert sounds louder and faster every day. Is Putin responsible for the escalation? To answer this question in a sustainable way, a look at Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev's speech, which he gave on the occasion of the Franz Josef Strauss Award ceremony in Munich on December 10, 2011, may help: Following the collapse of security talks last week, not only are fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine being stoked and the withdrawal of embassy staff from Kiev announced, but Russia is additionally accused of seeking to install a pro-Russian leader in Ukraine. This was reiterated by U.S. Secretary of State Blinken. He also referred to the warning from London that Russia is allegedly exerting massive political influence in Ukraine and wants to establish a pro-Russian leadership in Kiev. "Such actions, he said, are part of a Russian "toolbox."(6) Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Treaty Organization in 1991, the U.S. has permanently used wars and regime changes in violation of international law to realize its fantasies of world domination. As a result, chaos, suffering and destruction spread, millions of people were uprooted and forced to flee. Furthermore, the USA maintains about 800 military bases in 80 countries. These include the U.S. base in Ramstein - the linchpin for all warlike activities in North Africa and the Near and Middle East - Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, the U.S. bases in South Korea and Japan, in Cuba, the Philippines and in the Pacific (Guam), as well as a large number in South America. They serve primarily regional hegemony and control including resource security. Former UN expert on promoting a democratic and just international order, Alfred de Zaya, shook up the public in his article "From Vietnam to Afghanistan: the U.S. leaves deserts behind and calls it peace" and took a sharp swipe at U.S. strategists. For him, the U.S. should never have invaded Afghanistan - as well as Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Grenada, Nicaragua, Libya or Syria. In his opinion, "the U.S. has thoroughly destabilized Afghanistan, and it is not impossible that the conflict will now degenerate into civil war - a continuing tragedy for the long-suffering Afghan people"(9). The U.S. has never really been interested in "nation building", but only in geopolitics. They want to control the region and only want client governments, not independent nations. For de Zaya, the U.S. needs permanent war "to feed the insatiable military machine that requires trillion-dollar budgets. It would be better to spend our tax dollars on conflict prevention, health care, education, etc."(10) De Zaya wants the International Criminal Court to conduct an honest investigation of U.S. and NATO crimes. The number of civilians killed in the civil war since 2014 is estimated at 9,000 by Darya Morozova, Human Rights Commissioner of the Donetsk People's Republic; she partly included members of the People's Militia among the civilians. The official UN estimate of the number of victims of the civil war is 13,000, including 5,000 civilians.(14) How can the "Western community of values" allow the population in Donetsk and Luhansk to suffer like this? And why is the pro-Russian majority in Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk denied the right to self-determination? Comments: 1) Munich Is Not in Ukraine: Appeasement Begins at Home
By David Swanson The word “Munich” — for me it calls up images of surfing in a giant park with nude sunbathers and nearby beer halls. But in U.S. news media it means the unconscionable failure to launch a war more quickly. According to the new Munich movie on Netflix — the latest in the relentless avalanche of WWII propaganda — the decision made at Munich not to launch WWII just yet was not the horrendous moral failure we’ve all come to know and love, but actually a shrewd part of the battleplan aimed at allowing time for Britain to build up its military, thereby winning the utterly inevitable war. Oh boy. Where to start? Britain and the United States played minor roles in WWII, which was principally won by the Soviet Union. The war was not decided by the state of the British military. WWII was not a moral good, but the worst thing ever done in any short space of time. If we want to travel back in time and prevent the war, we’ll do better to go back and prevent part one, otherwise known as the Great War. We’ll also do well to stop U.S. and British companies funding and arming the Nazis, to undo decades of U.S. and British prioritization of keeping leftists down in Germany, and to persuade England and France to accept the Soviet proposal to join in opposition to German war rather than seeking a militarized Germany and hoping to direct its assaults toward Russia. Whether the famous original sin of “appeasement” created the war or actually won it, it’s still part of a cultural saturation effort to make war appear inevitable, even in a radically different world. Once you fantasize that war is inevitable in some new spot, like Ukraine, you’re best off preparing for it, even starting it, or at least provoking it. This is what’s called a self-fulfilling belief. But what if the great appeasement fear is missing the mark completely? What if “Munich” is not in Ukraine. What if it’s in Washington, D.C.? When President Biden says it’s his sacred duty to go on arming Eastern Europe, how much of that is “standing up to” Russia, and how much of it is bowing down before the weapons dealers, the war mongers, the NATO bureaucrats, the bloodthirsty media, and the Pentagon? What if Munich is actually not in Europe at all? If we insist on finding Munich in Ukraine, we had better get clear on who is playing the role of the Nazis. I know it’s forbidden to compare anyone to Nazis, unless it’s the Russians or the Syrians or the Serbians or the Iraqis or Iranians or Chinese or North Koreans or Venezuelans or doctors advocating vaccinations or rioters at the U.S. Capitol or, really, just about anyone other than, perhaps, the self-identified neo-Nazis in the Ukrainian government and military. But it’s mostly forbidden because of the Nazis’ sadistic and genocidal domestic policies, majorly inspired by the United States, and openly tolerated by the U.S., UK, and other nations that publicly refused for years to help refugees — and did so for openly antisemitic reasons. So, again, let’s be clear who’s expanding an empire and who’s afraid of losing territory. When Germany recently refused to allow Estonia to send weapons to Ukraine, was it perhaps nationally playing the role of those who courageously stood up against Nazism? When the President of France recently urged Europe to decide its own approach toward Russia and make it a less hostile one, what can he have had in mind? When Russia sees all the weapons and troops amassing and practicing near its borders, shouldn’t the Pentagon Entertainment Office — an office that promotes the Munich/Appeasement story through film and television — want the very last thought in the minds of Russian officials to be “We must not appease”? Source: USA/NATO: Continuing on course of war and oppression
Wolfgang Effenberger After eight grueling hours of negotiations on January 10, 2022, between Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Alexeyevich Ryabkov and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, Ned Price of the U.S. State Department spoke up: Washington will not consider Russian proposals for NATO expansion and has no intention of even discussing the idea.(1) In the midst of this highly explosive mix-up, Russia is alleged to have carried out a cyber-attack on Ukraine government Internet sites. Now Ukraine shall even be given access to a NATO malware platform. Meanwhile, Lavrov is demanding a written NATO and U.S. response to Moscow's demands for binding security guarantees by next week.(4) The West's constant attempts to brand Russia as an aggressor necessitate a flashback to the end of World War II: - As of July 1, 1945, the war plan "Operation Unthinkable," commissioned by Winston Churchill, was intended to roll back the then-Soviet Union and restore an independent Poland.(5) - The National Security Decision Directive 54 (NSDD-54) of September 2, 1982, created an instrument with which the entire Soviet bloc could be subversively undermined. State after state was induced to break away from the Soviet Union with the promise of American support. In addition to destructive operations ("undermining the military capabilities of the Warsaw Pact"), economic incentives were provided, most notably the prospect of loans and cultural-scientific exchanges.(8) -The League of Nations in 1919 and the UN in 1945 were born out of the thinking of war - must finally find its way to an international organisation born in the spirit of peace.(12) This organisation must be able to sanction any policy that is hostile to peace. Notes 1) Coup in Kazakhstan - another provocation by Russia?
Wolfgang Effenberger On December 30, 2021, Presidents Biden and Putin held a telephone conversation that focused on the implementation of the agreement to begin negotiations on the draft bilateral treaty with Washington on granting legally binding security guarantees to Russia that Putin published on December 17, 2021. This treaty provides for guarantees of peace. Three days after the hopeful talk between Biden and Putin, protests erupted in western Kazakhstan on January 2, 2022, after the government refused to continue to keep liquefied natural gas fuel prices low through subsidies.(2) The doubling of the price (from 60 tenge/0.12euro to 120 tenge/0.24 EUR per liter of liquefied natural gas) reportedly brought citizens into the streets. Although Kazakh President Qassym-Shomart Toqaev capped gas prices, the country did not calm down. As a result, demonstrators invaded the offices of the ruling party Nur Otan, took control of numerous public buildings in Kazakhstan, partially setting them on fire, such as the mayor's office in Almaty, stormed national television stations, destroyed military vehicles and disarmed soldiers.
Three days after the hopeful talk between Biden and Putin, protests erupted in western Kazakhstan on January 2, 2022, after the government refused to continue to keep liquefied natural gas fuel prices low through subsidies.(2) The doubling of the price (from 60 tenge/0.12euro to 120 tenge/0.24 EUR per liter of liquefied natural gas) reportedly brought citizens into the streets. Although Kazakh President Qassym-Shomart Toqaev capped gas prices, the country did not calm down. As a result, demonstrators invaded the offices of the ruling party Nur Otan, took control of numerous public buildings in Kazakhstan, partially setting them on fire, such as the mayor's office in Almaty, stormed national television stations, destroyed military vehicles and disarmed soldiers. A picture of Joe Biden being flanked by Massimov and his son Hunter can be found on the web. On January 7, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken commented on the tense situation in Kazakhstan. In doing so, he questioned the role of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and warned Kazakhstan's leaders against assistance from Russia: With the alternative operations (upper circle OOTW), it can then go to the regional conflicts (left circle) and even to a major war (right circle). And all three circles have a common intersection! Operations preceding a war include: Civil Support (Civil Support) The war entry options listed in OOTW are quite serious. Figure 2-3 (Scope of Future Operations) shows this spectrum for future operations: These range from relief operations in Somalia/Bosnia/Northern Ireland to combat (against infantry) in Afghanistan up to combat between complex adaptive forces and armored mech forces as in Iraq (Operation Desert Storm). For 30 years, the U.S. has tried by all means to implement its unipolar world concept. After the 2014 upheaval in Ukraine, Russia refused to be provoked and instead, in an unusual move in mid-December 2021, conveyed its wishes to the U.S. and NATO in two treaties ready to be signed. Notes 1)“Draft Treaty betweeen the USA and Russia on Security Guarantees“ Voltaire Network vom 17 December 2021 Is there a chance for peace in Europe?
Wolfgang Effenberger The subsequent announcements made by the Kremlin and the White House are revealing. Here, you should reach your own conclusions: The Kremlin: "Vladimir Putin explained the basic approaches underlying the Russian drafts of the treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States of America and the agreement between the Russian Federation and the member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. He stressed that the negotiations must lead to solid legally binding guarantees that rule out NATO's eastward expansion and the deployment of weapons that threaten Russia in the immediate vicinity of its borders. Vladimir Putin also stressed that a nation's security can be guaranteed only if the principle of indivisible security is strictly observed. The White House: "President Biden called on Russia to de-escalate tensions with Ukraine. He made clear that the United States and its allies and partners will respond decisively if Russia further penetrates Ukraine. "I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our veterans. Especially those who have served in Afghanistan. There have been no terrorist attacks on our countries organized from Afghanistan for over twenty years. We have to thank you for that. And I pay tribute to all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom." Back to Stoltenberg: "As we look to the new year and our summit in Madrid, we are adapting our alliance to meet a more dangerous and competitive world. Back to Stoltenberg Dec. 16, 2021: "We call on Russia to return to diplomacy. To de-escalation. And to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Any further aggression against Ukraine will have serious consequences. ... Since Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, we have carried out the largest strengthening of our collective defense in a generation." Rus/NATO, then OSCE is not designed for a solution, as the chicken pile per se cannot serve that." According to W. Wimmer, the key questions are: Will they succeed in strangulating Russia? On the same day, Congressional legend Ron Paul commented on it on his homepage with the article "Reckless Congress 'Declares War' on Russia"(5): "Today in the U.S. House of Representatives, in my opinion, one of the most evil pieces of legislation was passed". FALCOACCAME has left us.
Enrico Vigna, 14 december 2021
I had the honor of having been at his side in the last thirty years, in many battles for the peoples attacked or trampled on, by imperial and imperialist arrogance. Falco had a profound sense of the State, a profound sense of ethical values and social justice, a firm defender of our Constitution born from the Resistance, always beyond bounding logics, continually aimed at the interests of the working class, the humble, the least. A socialist, not from a party, but a socialist of social values. From the courageous choices to continue the battles with the Foundation of General Nino Pasti, his great friend and comrade, against NATO and all wars, to the thousands of interpellations, with which he invested the defense commissions of trend and color, both when he was a parliamentarian, but also later from the outside, in the battle to unveil the criminal use of depleted uranium weapons, which destroyed countries, peoples but also Italian military personnel. Always at the forefront of any fight against wars. In 1999 he was one of the pillars of the Ramsey Clark International Tribunal for NATO War Crimes against Yugoslavia and was always present for any initiative of denunciation, struggle and solidarity against NATO and the side of attacked or oppressed peoples, without NEVER hesitation or calculation of utility or opportunity. This of him being upright and not willing to compromise or accommodation, as well as being marginalized by his Party, had also accumulated a strong resentment and hostility from the political apparatuses and various intelligence services. In the late 1990s, he was dragged into the Mitrokhin scandal, accusing the 261 suspects of being alleged Italian spies in the service of Russian intelligence. A real reckoning towards those who did not align themselves with pre-established truths or functional to national policies towards the countries of the international socialist movements. Accame he considered this accusation so ridiculous and unreal that he often answered ironically on the phone with «... Hello, I am the spy from the East ...». When nine years ago we proposed to him to help us in the construction of the CIVG, he did not have a moment of doubt to give his name and contribute articles, materials, and often in public or televised debates he presented himself as President of the CIVG. For us this was and remains a great honor. In a note, his son Carlo remembers him as the author of numerous books and dossiers on depleted uranium, on the Moro case, on military and NATO issues, also honorary president of the Center for Truth and Justice Initiatives (Civg) and deputy -president of the Seagull Committee for safety at sea ... During his life he has always loved to understand the multiplicity of elements that generate "reality", to deepen, analyze by actively participating in the public life of the country with articles, bills, debates, demonstrations . At 96, perhaps the time had come to leave us because he felt he was no longer able to fight against injustices ", he wrote. I report the letter sent to the constitutive meeting of the CIVG held on 22 September 2012: Falco Accame was senior naval officer and represented Italy at Unesco, at the 1973 World Congress on Threat Perception and distinguished himself for the many battles to denounce the business and anti-democratic background of the military organization. In July 1975 Accame resigned from command of the Indomito ship to protest the authoritarian management of power in the Armed Forces. Elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1976, on the Socialist Party list, he was president and vice-president of the Defense Commission as well as a member of the parliamentary commission of inquiry into military orders. He was also elected as a councilor to the Liguria Region and the Municipality of Rome, and was the national councilor of the Lega Ambiente. As President of the Nino Pasti International Peace Foundation, he represented the R. Clark Tribunal for NATO War Crimes in the former Yugoslavia in Italy. President of the National Association of Families of the Victims of the Armed Forces (Anavafaf). Deputy chairman of the Seagull committee for safety at sea and member of the committee for the defense and revitalization of the Constitution. Author of numerous essays and articles, he is particularly active in denouncing the unclear role exercised in Italy by the secret services to the dependence of the United States and the changes taking place in the military institution, to make it more suitable for Italy's aggressive role in the field born on the international scene. Companion of Nino Pasti in many battles to denounce the business background and the undemocratic purposes of the military organization, Accame was a senior naval officer and in this capacity he directed the Joint Forces Operations Research group and represented Italy at Unesco at 1973 World Threat Perception Congress. In July 1975, Accame resigned from command of the ship "Indomito" to protest against the authoritarian management of power in the armed forces. In October 1999, the dossier of former KGB agent Vasili Mitrokhin was made public. Among the politicians allegedly contacted by the Soviet services is Accame. In 1977 the KGB would have pushed him to present a question against the presence of US submarines in Sardinia. When the Mitrokhin scandal broke out, Accame flaunted confidence and irony, calling the whole situation ridiculous. To phone calls from journalists he replied: "Hello, I am the spy from the East". In the case of depleted uranium he immediately took a stand, making it a battle that continues to this day, demanding truth and justice. He never hid his criticisms of the work of the Commission of Inquiry led by Franco Mandelli. Endowed with great culture and with an acquired patrimony of documentary knowledge, Accame was a very active parliamentarian and prone to controversy, both towards the military leaders and his party comrades. In recent years he has mainly devoted himself to the study of new non-violent defense strategies and the struggle for peace. A way to combine his ancient military vocation with his passion for civil rights. He left us a great fighter, a man of one piece, a man who not only wrote, talked, debated, but every day of his intense life, did his part, took sides and fought, and as he said Ramsey Clak, former United States Attorney and president of the homonymous Tribunal against NATO, who later became his friend and companion in battles: "...." The measure of your quality as a public person, as a citizen, lies in the difference between what you do and what you say ". FALCOACCAME ci ha lasciato.
Enrico Vigna, 14 dicembre 2021
Con profonda commozione, a nome del Civg (Centro Iniziative per Verità e Giustizia) di cui è stato e rimarrà, con nostro grande onore, Presidente onorario, e del Forum Belgrado Italia di cui era parte, intendo salutare con queste righe, la scomparsa di un grande uomo, socialista e sinceramente democratico, eticamente integerrimo e instancabile combattente di mille battaglie per la verità e la giustizia. Un uomo semplice ma culturalmente profondo, che fino all’ultimo ha continuato ad essere “partigiano”, schierato cioè nelle battaglie, anche se impossibilitato a muoversi. Il figlio Carlo in una nota, lo ricorda come autore di numerosi libri e Dossier sull’uranio impoverito, sul caso Moro, sulle questioni militari e della NATO, anche Presidente onorario del Centro di iniziative per la verità e la giustizia (Civg) e vice-presidente del Comitato Seagull per la sicurezza in mare…Durante la sua vita ha sempre amato capire la molteplicità di elementi che generano la “realtà”, approfondire, analizzare partecipando attivamente alla vita pubblica del paese con articoli, proposte di legge, dibattiti, manifestazioni. A 96 anni forse era venuto il tempo di lasciarci perché sentiva di non essere più in grado di combattere contro le ingiustizie» ha scritto. Falco Accame è stato ufficiale superiore di marina e ha rappresentato l'Italia all'Unesco, al Congresso mondiale sulla percezione della minaccia del 1973 e si è distinto per le molte battaglie di denuncia dei retroscena affaristici e antidemocratici dell'organizzazione militare. Ci ha lasciati un grande combattente, un uomo tutto di un pezzo, un uomo che non solo scriveva, parlava, disquisiva, ma ogni giorno della sua intensa vita, ha fatto la sua parte, si è schierato e si è battuto, e come diceva Ramsey Clak, ex Procuratore degli Stati Uniti e presidente dell’omonimo Tribunale contro la Nato, divenuto poi suo amico e compagno di battaglie: “….“ La misura della vostra qualità come persone pubbliche, come cittadini, sta nella differenza tra ciò che fate e ciò che dite”. Appeal of the National Council of the Peace Movement - France For a European mobilisation on 8 and 9 January 2022
On 12, 13 and 14 January 2022 the 27 defence ministers and 27 foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) will hold a summit in Brest (France) on defence and security issues. This summit is also likely to address the military aspects of the Ocean Summit to be held in February 2022 in Brest. This meeting is therefore of crucial importance for the definition of the EU's strategic orientations in these areas and thus for peace we need. According to initial public information, the following issues are likely to be discussed at the summit : - The European "Strategic Compass" project discussed at the last All these orientations will be defined, in compliance with the European treaties, and therefore in compliance with the strategic orientations of NATO as provided for in Article 42 of the Lisbon Treaty. It is therefore the moment to act and to put forward proposals for Peace Against the preparations for war that will undoubtedly be on the agenda of the European summit of 12, 13 and 14 January 2022 in Brest, let us contribute to the success of the demonstration of 9 January 2022 in Brest in the early afternoon. To face the logic of war and militarisation let us demand: - A Europe of Peace and stop the militarisation of the EU The National Council of the french Peace Movement supports all the initiatives already planned by its committees and local collectives, particularly in the west of France. The National Council of the Peace Movement calls on partner or friendly organisations and movements in each country i Europen to contribute to the success of the two days of 8 and 9 January 2022 by being present in Brest on 8 and 9 January and/or by setting up public actions to give a Le Conseil National du Mouvement de la Paix le 13 décembre 2021 JOINT STATEMENT OF WORLD POLITICAL PARTIES, SOCIAL ORGANISATIONS AND THINK TANKS ON MAKING INDEPENDENT EFFORTS TO EXPLORE THE PATH TOWARD DEMOCRACY AND WORKING TOGETHER TO PROMOTE COMMON DEVELOPMENT
Democracy represents an important achievement of humanity in the advancement of political civilisation, and development an eternal pursuit throughout human history. People of different countries and regions, through their unremitting explorations, have brought about distinctively varied forms of democracy and development paths, presenting a magnificent spectacle of flourishing human civilisations. Political parties, as they are in a position to build, preserve and develop democracy, have been charged with the important mission to realise democracy and promote development. In view of the above, we, the 351 political parties, social organisations and think tanks from 140 countries and regions, issue a joint statement to the whole world as follows: I. We are of the view that the world we live in is a diverse and colorful one. Diversity is what defines the fascinating feature of human civilisations, and indeed the source of vitality and dynamism for the development of the world. The ways and means of realising democracy are varied. Since different countries and regions may not necessarily share the same history, culture, social system and development stage, there does not exist any system of democracy or pattern of development that is applicable to all countries. The practice of judging the rich variety of political systems around the world by a single yardstick, or observing the colorful political civilisations of the humanity from a monochromatic sight, is in itself undemocratic. Nor is it conducive to development. II. We are of the view that the best way to evaluate whether the political system of a country is democratic and efficient is to observe whether the succession of its leading body is orderly and in line with the law, whether all people can manage state affairs and social, economic and cultural affairs in conformity with legal provisions, whether the public can express their requirements without hindrance, whether all sectors can efficiently participate in the country’s political affairs, whether national decisions can be made in a rational, democratic way, whether professionals in all fields can be part of the team of national leadership and administrative systems through fair competition, whether the ruling party can serve as a leader in state affairs in accordance with the Constitution and laws, and whether the exercise of power can be kept under effective restraint and supervision. III. We are of the view that the judgement on whether a country is democratic hinges on whether the people can become the real masters of the country. While it is necessary to observe whether the people can enjoy the right to vote, it is even more important to observe whether their right of extensive participation is guaranteed. While it is necessary to observe what verbal promises the people get during election campaigns, it is even more important to observe how many of the promises are fulfilled after elections. While it is necessary to observe what political procedures and rules are stipulated in regulations and laws, it is even more important to observe whether these regulations and laws are rigorously enforced. While it is necessary to observe whether the exercise of power follows democratic rules and procedures, it is even more important to observe whether the exercise of power is truly subject to the supervision and restraint by the people. IV. We are of the view that democracy is the right of all peoples, rather than an exclusive privilege of the few. The judgement on whether a country is democratic or not should be made by their people. We stand opposed to acts that interfere in the internal affairs of others in the name of democracy. V. We are of the view that the point of departure as well as the goal of the development of human society should be to improve people’s wellbeing and to achieve well-rounded human development. The promotion of democracy should focus on the continuous realisation of people’s aspiration for a better life and the upliftment of their sense of fulfillment, happiness and security. Currently, countries need to especially strengthen cooperation in the fields of poverty alleviation, food security, COVID-19 response and vaccines, development financing, climate change and green development, industrialisation, digital economy and connectivity, and to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, so that concentrated efforts are devoted to solve problems of the greatest, most immediate and most practical concern to the people. All countries and all peoples of the world deserve the opportunity and right to development. Efforts need to be made to promote inclusive development and ensure that no country is left behind. VI. We are of the view that to make international relations more democratic is the trend of the times and the only way to realise this lies in putting true multilateralism into practice. As mankind is faced with various challenges and global issues, the effective response thereto can only be found in more inclusive global governance, more effective multilateral mechanism and more proactive regional cooperation. Better performance in the practice of multilateralism can always lead to better answers to the common problems facing humanity. VII. We are of the view that efforts to build a human community with a shared future point the right direction to the development and progress of civilisation. The shared human values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom must serve as guidance in the endeavour to build such a community with a strong sense of responsibility for the future of humankind, so that countries with different social systems, ideologies, histories, cultures and levels of development can share interests, rights and responsibilities in international affairs and work together to build a better world. Deeply aware of the joint mission placed on our shoulders to promote democracy and improve people’s livelihood, we undertake to work hand in hand to rise above all kinds of differences, promote exchanges and mutual learning, enhance mutual understanding and build broad consensus, so that we continue to make our due contribution to the people’s wellbeing, national development, world peace and human progress. The world on the brink of war
Wolfgang Effenberger On Friday 3thrd December 2021, the seventh round of the mentioned talks over the ongoing talks between Iran and the group 4+1 (Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China) in Vienna has ended after five days of continued negotiations including two days for "sanctions removal working group" and "nuclear working group". „While the United States must assess new and emerging threats, many current operational challenges will exist into the future. Harbingers of future conflict include competing powers (e.g., China and Russia), regional powers (e.g., Iran and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)), transnational terrorist networks (e.g., al Qaida, its affiliates, and transnational criminals), and cyber threats. The following are examples only and illustrate a limited number of threats for which future Army forces must prepare. China China’s goal over time is to expand its influence to establish stability along its periphery.While China prefers to avoid direct confrontation with the U.S., it uses civilian assets to challenge actions such as U.S. surveillance flights. Moreover, China’s behavior has created friction with regional neighbors including U.S. allies and partners Russia Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and use of conventional and unconventional land forces in Ukraine suggest that Russia is determined to expand its territory and assert its power on the Eurasian landmass. Russia deployed and integrated a range of diplomatic, information, military, and economic means to conduct what some analysts have described as “non-linear” operations. Russia conducted operations to pursue its war aims below the threshold that would elicit a concerted North Atlantic Treaty Organization response. In addition, Russia used cyberspace capabilities and social media to influence perceptions at home and abroad and provide cover for large-scale military operations. While the long-term results of the incursion into Ukraine are not yet certain, Russia demonstrated the centrality of land forces in its effort to assert power and advance its interests in former Soviet states. Without a viable land force capable of opposing the Russian army and its irregular proxies, such adventurism is likely to continue undeterred. Iran Iran's management of its nuclear aspirations will shape its role as a rising power in the Middle East. Iran, empowered by expanding sectarian conflicts in the greater Middle East, poses a hybrid threat to U.S. interests and allies in the region. As it continues to apply pressure on the region to erode and supplant U.S. power, Iran uses combinations of economic and diplomatic overtures with irregular forces to advance its interests. Iran develops partnerships with disenfranchised populations, religious factions, and criminal elements to create disorder focused on subverting the influence of the U.S. and partner nations. Iran avoids direct military confrontations while developing advanced capabilities and pursuing comprehensive military modernization. Iran’s modernization efforts include the use of automated systems on land, sea, and air; ballistic missiles; and the development of nuclear capability.“ On November 8, 2021, for the first time since the end of the Cold War, the 56th U.S. Artillery Command was reactivated - a major United States Army unit based in the Mainz-Kastel district of the city of Wiesbaden, reporting to a two-star general. The commander, Major General Stephen Maranian, stated on November 3, 2021, "The reactivation of the 56th Artillery Command will provide U.S. forces in Europe and Africa with significant capabilities for multidomain operations...It will also enable synchronization of joint and multinational fires and effects, as well as the employment of future ground-to-ground long-range fires." The U.S. activates a nuclear unit in Germany. (Screenshot via The Sun) According to the U.S. Army, Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) are intended to ensure that joint forces [Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Space Force] can "meet and defeat a near-equal adversary capable of attacking the United States in all domains [air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace], both competitively and in armed conflict." The concept also describes how U.S. ground forces will be able to meet and defeat adversaries in the future. The concept goes on to describe how U.S. ground forces, as part of the joint and multinational team, can deter and defeat highly capable, peer adversaries in the 2025-2050 timeframe. To that end, multi-domain operations are intended to provide commanders with numerous options "for conducting simultaneous and sequential operations using surprise effects and the rapid and continuous integration of capabilities across domains to plunge the adversary into multiple dilemmas to gain physical and psychological advantage as well as influence and control over the operational environment." The Sun reportet on 4. August 2021: Today, we are witnessing a throwback to one of the most dangerous periods of the Cold War, when in the early 1980s the rearmament resolution was rushed through and the obsolete Pershing I missiles were replaced by the Pershing II. The increase in range from 800 to 1200 kilometers was not dramatic for the layman, but it was for the experts in the Kremlin. Because now the bunkered command posts around Moscow could be taken out in just a few minutes. Reagan's dream of a decapitation strike had become reality. In Washington, the vision "Victory is possible" haunted the halls of the Capitol. It is time to finally form a community of nations born of the will for peace. Without truthfulness towards history there can be no sustainable peace. For a peaceful coexistence of the European states in the Council of Europe, the imperial plans of a small plutocratic US/UK elite must be stopped. Obiettivi e personale occidentali in Serbia
Scritto da Zivadin Jovanovic
Nell'attuare la loro strategia, la cui essenza è il dominio, applicano vari metodi e mezzi, dall'adulazione e "incoraggiamento" al ricatto, alla divisione, alle sanzioni e alla forza militare. Incorporare il "popolo serbo” utilizzando personale compiacente nelle strutture governative, da un lato, e prevenire il posizionamento degli avversari, dall'altro, è parte integrante della tecnologia del dominio. L'interferenza più diretta nell’organico della struttura serba inserendone dei filo –occidentali, è avvenuta durante il colpo di stato del 2000, quando gli americani e gli ambasciatori dei “cinque” inserirono nella struttura del governo elementi filo-occidentali riempiendo alcuni dipartimenti statali; (ricordiamo i famosi incontri nel "Businessmen's Club", a Dedinje). È noto anche il “contributo” del generale Nato, consigliere del ministero della Difesa per la riforma dell'Esercito serbo. Il “contributo del generale NATO” ebbe l’effetto di far ritirare tutti i generali e gli ammiragli, che parteciparono alla difesa del paese contro l'aggressione della NATO nel 1999, così facendo assicurarono che posizioni importanti nell'esercito fossero occupate da persone che erano loro fedeli. Così, l'esercito serbo, fu rovinato, disarmato e umiliato, l'intero sistema di difesa fu distrutto e il paese fu privato dei migliori capi militari. Questa scelta, che costituì un cambio totale del personale sia civile che militare, fu sperimentato in quasi tutti i compartimenti dello stato serbo, compresi gli affari esteri, la sicurezza dello stato e l'economia. Sebbene siamo un paese militare neutrale e indipendente, i consiglieri dei paesi della NATO sono stati portati in molte istituzioni. I ministri degli esteri, apertamente filo-occidentali e filo-NATO, hanno letteralmente espulso i diplomatici più professionali, abolito il servizio di intelligence straniero (SID) e le comunicazioni criptata con il DCM, spiegando che non ci sono segreti in uno stato "democratico" (leggi - filo-occidentale)! Un tale grado di umiliazione e adulazione collaborativa non è mai stato registrato nella storia secolare dello stato serbo. WikiLeaks è piena di testimonianze sul comportamento ambiguo e falso dei nuovi quadri, ormai apertamente filoamericani, che ebbero atteggiamenti e pratiche orientate al più bieco servilismo nei confronti degli invasori Tutto era camuffato da “difesa reale della Serbia”, da "democratizzazione", "europeizzazione", "vita migliore", "prevedibilità", "politica responsabile" e altre frasi ipocrite. Gli Stati Uniti, il Regno Unito e la Germania, con la loro pratica decennale, dimostrano di non accettare la Serbia come Paese europeo sovrano, indipendente ed egualitario. Resta inteso che negheranno pubblicamente tali valutazioni, e metteranno in risalto le amichevoli intenzioni, i "valori comuni", le potenzialità della Serbia, il valore delle donazioni e degli investimenti, il volume degli scambi commerciali e molto altro. Tuttavia, in pratica, per loro, la Serbia è un paese a sovranità limitata, senza confini riconosciuti, in cui è diventata membro dell'ONU, dell'OSCE e di altre organizzazioni internazionali. A loro avviso, alla Serbia non deve essere consentito di perseguire una politica estera indipendente e un partenariato strategico con Russia e Cina. Invece di scusarsi per l'aggressione illegale nel 1999 per le vittime umane e per compensare i danni di guerra, quei paesi stanno facendo pressioni sulla Serbia perché riconosca che, è solo sua la responsabilità per tutto ciò che è successo! Per imporre questa geopolitica del dominio e perseguire, i loro interessi e i loro obiettivi, cercheranno, in futuro e in vari modi, esecutori e personale per inserirlo in tutte le importanti istituzioni e domini nella gestione dello stato serbo. Non credo che le liste dei quadri idonei a ciò, siano poco numerosa, in quanto i responsabili a questo scopo delle nazioni occidentali, hanno una ricca esperienza e un elaborato sistema di preparazione, selezione e schieramento di vassalli capaci. Un altro problema è che le potenze occidentali non accettano nuove realtà nel fissare i propri obiettivi, sfere di influenza, mezzi e modi per raggiungerli. Riguardano, in primo luogo, i mutati equilibri di potere sulla scena mondiale ed europea con la comparsa di nuovi, inevitabili fattori globali, e poi, almeno in parte, il mutato programma della politica estera e degli interessi economici esteri della Serbia oggi; considerando il fatto che esiste una tendenza, in alcuni quadri dirigenti serbi a schierarsi, quasi completamente, con gli interessi e la strategia dell'Occidente (NATO, UE). La Serbia vuole certamente buone e migliori relazioni con l'Occidente, ma non a costo di indebolire il partenariato strategico con Russia, Cina, India o con altri paesi di crescente potenza. Il potenziale di ricatto su cui l'Occidente ha fatto affidamento a lungo nella sua politica nei confronti della Serbia e del popolo serbo non è oggi lo stesso di 20 anni fa. Anzi, il tempo e le relazioni odierne indicherebbero piuttosto che l'Occidente riconosce più apertamente le proprie carenze e gravi errori in relazione alla Serbia e al popolo serbo, piuttosto che rilanciare metodi anacronistici della Guerra Fredda e dell'ordine unipolare. Accettare la Serbia e il popolo serbo come un partner importante e indipendente nei Balcani, riconoscerne gli interessi vitali e, soprattutto, la sovranità e l'integrità territoriale, correggere gli errori del passato, è l'unico modo giusto per stabilire una fiducia reciproca e una cooperazione globale. Le forze e i servizi stranieri possono ancora provare a "incorporare" i "loro favoriti" nelle strutture delle istituzioni serbe in conformità con i loro obiettivi e interessi, anche se ciò sarà sempre più difficile. Tuttavia, ancora più importante è la questione di quale sarà la politica del personale serbo. Deve essere guidato da conoscenze e competenze e non da lealtà di partito o personali. Le barriere più efficaci contro l'interferenza e l'influenza straniera sono: in primo luogo, una strategia coerente di indipendenza, sovranità, integrità territoriale e processo decisionale autonomo; secondo, risolvere le questioni aperte attraverso il dialogo, pacificamente, sulla base del diritto internazionale, degli accordi validi e delle decisioni del Consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU; terzo, buon vicinato e apertura alla cooperazione con tutti i paesi e integrazioni sulla base dell'uguaglianza e degli interessi reciproci; e, quarto, la selezione dei più capaci, il personale più professionale e fedele alla Serbia per raggiungere gli obiettivi dichiarati. Per ora la tendenza attuale è ancora quella di eleggere individui in posizioni di responsabilità nello Stato legati a interessi vari e lobby, ciò è estraneo, controproducente e incompatibile con il principio di indipendenza. Dobbiamo lavorare affinché il personale abbia competenza, professionalità e sicurezza. Belgrado, 8 novembre 2021 da Politika Traduzione a cura del Forum Belgrado Italia/CIVG Source: FORUM IN BEIJING - Zivadin Jovanovic
FORUM IN BEIJING Zivadin Jovanovic, Honorable Mr. Speaker, Dear Friends, There is particular a reason today, to say that the contemporary world is not in need of divisions, new alignments exclusive clubs, power politics. The world and humanity are in need of understanding, partnership and solidarity in solving common challenges, such as, Covid 19 pandemic, climate changes, looming socio-economic crisis, massive migration and terrorism. Everybody should understand that every country has the right to freely choose own socio-economic system, internal and foreign policy. Nobody has the right to prescribe what is democracy and what is not. Democracy is not export commodity. It cannot be imposed by force or blackmail. More than ever, we need intensification of direct exchange and contacts in the fields of health, culture, education, science, sports, publishing. Geographic distances remain relevant for transport, logistics and physical connectivity, in general. Otherwise, as human beings, as inhabitants of the “global village”, we all are each other’s neighbor. Thus, in order to facilitate mutual understanding, to rid ourselves of any possible prejudices, to live and work in harmony, to free the space for interaction, creativity and synergy - we need to know each other much better. Therefore, there exist the vast field for activity and the need for appropriate contributions of different associations, think-tanks, scholars and research organizations. Our host CIRONET has already achieved remarkable results in initiating, uniting and coordinating the NGO activities not only within China but also on international level. This role has been all the more important in the period of Covid 19 pandemic which has appeared and continues to be, quite unexpected and unusual challenge. We fully support strengthening of such role of CIRONET and adaptation to the future realities. Dear Friends, Thank you. Why We Should Oppose the Democracy Summit
By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, December 2, 2021 The exclusion of certain countries from the U.S. “democracy summit” is not a side issue. It is the very purpose of the summit. And excluded countries have not been excluded for failing to meet the standards of behavior of those that were invited or the one doing the inviting. Invitees didn’t even have to be countries, as even a U.S. backed failed coup leader from Venezuela has been invited. So have representatives of Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, DRC, Zambia, Angola, Malaysia, Kenya, and — critically — pawns in the game: Taiwan and Ukraine. What game? The weapons sales game. Which is the whole point. Look at the U.S. State Department website on the Democracy Summit. Right at the top: “‘Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend it, fight for it, strengthen it, renew it.’ –President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.” Not only do you have to “defend” and “fight,” but you have to do so against certain threats, and get a big gang in on the fighting to “tackle the greatest threats faced by democracies today through collective action.” The representatives of democracy at this amazing summit are such experts at democracy that they can “defend democracy and human rights at home and abroad.” It’s the abroad part that may make you scratch your head if you’re thinking of democracy as having anything to do with, you know, democracy. How do you do it for some other country? But keep reading, and the Russiagate themes become clear: “[A]uthoritarian leaders are reaching across borders to undermine democracies — from targeting journalists and human rights defenders to meddling in elections.” You see, the problem is not that the United States has long been, in reality, an oligarchy. The problem is not the U.S. status as top holdout on basic human rights treaties, top opponent of international law, top abuser of the veto at the United Nations, top incarcerator, top environmental destroyer, top weapons dealer, top funder of dictatorships, top war launcher, and top coup sponsor. The problem is not that, rather than democratizing the United Nations, the U.S. government is attempting to create a new forum in which it is, uniquely and even more than before, more equal than everybody else. The problem is certainly not the rigged primary election that Russiagate was concocted to distract from. And in no way whatsoever is the problem the 85 foreign elections, counting just those we know of and can list, that the U.S. government has interfered in. The problem is Russia. And nothing sells weapons like Russia — though China is catching up. The oddest thing about the democracy summit is that there will not be a democracy in sight. I mean not even in pretense or formality. The U.S. public votes on nothing, not even on whether to hold democracy summits. Back in the 1930s the Ludlow Amendment almost gave us the right to vote on whether any war could be started, but the State Department shut that effort down decisively, and it’s never returned. The U.S. government is not just a system of elected representation rather than a democracy, and a highly corrupted one that fundamentally fails to represent, but it’s also driven by an anti-democratic culture in which politicians routinely brag to the public about ignoring public opinion polls and are applauded for it. When sheriffs or judges misbehave, the main criticism is usually that they were elected. A more popular reform than clean money or fair media is the anti-democratic imposition of term limits. Politics is such a dirty word in the United States that I received an email today from an activist group accusing one of the two U.S. political parties of “politicizing elections.” (It turned out that they had in mind various voter-suppression behavior, all too common in the world’s beacon of democracy, where the winner of every election is “none of the above” and the most popular party is “neither.”) Not only will there be no national democracy in sight. There will also be nothing democratic happening at the summit. The handpicked gang of officials will not vote or achieve consensus on anything. The participation in governance that you could find even at an Occupy Movement event will be nowhere to be seen. And neither will there be any corporate journalists shrieking at them all “WHAT IS YOUR ONE SINGLE DEMAND? WHAT IS YOUR ONE SINGLE DEMAND?” They already have several completely vague and hypocritical goals on the website — produced, of course, without a shred of democracy being employed or a single tyrant being harmed in the process. Not wishing to impose thousands of pages on you, let me select at random just one of the invitees to the Democracy Summit as identified by the U.S. State Department: the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Here’s is just a bit of how the State Department describes the DRC in the last year: “Significant human rights issues included: unlawful or arbitrary killings, including extrajudicial killings; forced disappearances; torture and cases of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary detention; political prisoners or detainees; serious problems with the independence of the judiciary; arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy; serious abuses in an internal conflict, including killing of civilians, enforced disappearances or abductions, and torture and physical abuses or punishment, unlawful recruitment or use of child soldiers by illegal armed groups, and other conflict-related abuses; serious restrictions on free expression and the press, including violence, threats of violence, or unjustified arrests of journalists, censorship, and criminal libel; interference with the rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of association; serious acts of official corruption; lack of investigation and accountability for violence against women; trafficking in persons; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting persons with disabilities, members of national, racial, and ethnic minority groups, and indigenous people; crimes involving violence or threat of violence targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex persons; and existence of the worst forms of child labor.” So, maybe it’s not the “democracy” or the human rights. What could it be that gets you invited to these things? It’s not anything. Of 30 NATO countries, only 28 plus various countries targeted for addition, made the cut (Hungary and Turkey may have offended someone or failed to buy the right weapons). The point is simply to not invite Russia or China. That’s it. And both have already taken offense. So success is already achieved. Source: An interesting letter on the East-West conflict by Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Jochen Scholz
Jochen Scholz 1 was a professional officer in the German Air Force until 2000. During his career he worked for many years in NATO committees, multinational NATO staffs and in the German Ministry of Defense. Later, Scholz was active in the peace movement and since then has also repeatedly spoken out critically on current developments. Now Jochen Scholz has written a letter to a member of a regional german parliament, which contains an immense number of interesting facts about the build-up to the East-West conflict. We are pleased to be able to publish this piece of writing for our readers. The reason for my mail to a member of a regional parliament was, on the one hand, his letter to the editor of the FAZ 2 , which shows that he has adopted the propaganda in the German mainstream press about aggressive Russia and is obviously completely clueless as to why relations between Germany and the Russian Federation are so desolate. Second, to clarify what to make of the NATO Secretary General's claim of a military threat to Ukraine from Russian troops, as recently voiced by retired Lieutenant General Brauß 3. Some notes and clarifications have been added to the original mail for better understanding Dear Mr.. 1. the telephone conversation between President Bush and Chancellor Kohl in May 1990 5 2. the promised implementation (transformarion of NATO into a consultative body) at the following NATO summit in London 6 3. the Charter of Paris in the same year 7 4. And what happened next? With the Wolfowitz Doctrine, also known as the "No-Rivals-Plan", all agreements were turned into their opposite 8 All further strategy documents since that time have gone in the direction taken at that time. NATO's eastward expansion today sees the alliance on the Russian border. Former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow Jack Matlock, who participated in all the reunification negotiations in Moscow, commented, quote: "I'm sure if Bush had been reelected and Gorbachev had remained president of the USSR, there would have been no NATO expansion during their tenure. There was no way to commit successors, and when Gorbachev was deposed and the USSR broke apart, their arrangements became moot." 9 The essence of NATO's eastward expansion was and still is evident from Willy Wimmmer's letter to then-Chancellor Schröder. He discusses the contents of the Bratislava conference in 2000, which was held on behalf of the State Department by the American Enterprise Institute, whose working group "Project for the New American Century " 10 published the strategy paper "Rebuilding America's Defenses" 11 a few months later, to which only neocons contributed. Ten individuals from the working group served in the George W. Bush administration beginning in 2001, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz. The implementation of the Bratislava intentions occurred in 2002, and NATO was expanded to include the three Baltic states, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, and Slovakia. Willy Wimmer's letter can be found here 12 on pages 7 and 8. Fifteen years after Bratislava, George Friedman, then head of the private intelligence agency STRATFOR, gives a talk at a Chicago think tank, puts on this slide in the subsequent press conference and declares as a constant goal of American foreign policy to prevent a prosperous German-Russian coexistence. 13 (Note: this excerpt from the subsequent press conference was edited by the authors for clarity with the yellow statements, the graphic appears from minute 11:10). A year earlier, Friedman had already used the graphic in this STRATFOR article 14 under the title "THE NEW CONTAINMENT," thus reactivating the name for the strategy of containing the Soviet Union, the "Truman Doctrine" 15 which marked the beginning of the Cold War in 1947. Friedman's remarks could be called Continuity of History and Strategy, in reference to another term (Continuity of Government) You are complaining about the development of Russian hypersonic missiles. Well, who unilaterally terminated the ABM Treaty in 2001 and at the same time started to deploy the AEGIS missile defense system in Eastern Europe and on ships? Should Russia have stood by, exposed itself to the U.S. blackmail calculus? A calculus that U.S. political scientists Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press describe as follows on page 22 of the analysis below 17, which also appeared in the leading U.S. foreign policy journal Foreign Affairs: "Although both criticisms are cogent, even a limited missile shield To the point: Neutralizing Russia's second-strike capability through the missile defense system. A leap into the year 2021, as far as Russian troops on Ukraine's eastern border are concerned. "On the strategy of evacuation and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Russia should not be allowed to react to this, especially since you can be sure that such decisions are not made in Ukraine without Washington's and London's approval or acquiescence? I could go on citing a plethora of documents that refute your claims of Russia's aggression. However, I do have a few recommendations, however. First, reading Horst Teltschik's book "Russian Roulette" and reading Brzezinski's book "The Grand Chessboard"; then it will become clear why things have turned out the way Teltschik laments. Reinhard Merkel 20 and Hans-Christof Kraus, the only German scholar who understood the basis of any U.S. strategy regarding the Eurasian continent 21 With kind regards Jochen Scholz In the light of current events, let us take another look at the situation in Ukraine. If it has not been possible - so far at least - to admit it to NATO, one cannot help thinking that the unresolved conflict over Donetsk and Luhansk should also remain unresolved from the point of view of some Western countries. For then a means is always at hand with which the Russian Federation can be accused of an aggressive policy. The most recent example is the failure to hold a meeting in the so-called Normandy format 22 , which was planned for November 11 and for which the German and French foreign ministers blamed Russia in a joint statement 23 , without citing its reasons. If the matter were not so serious, it could be dismissed as a farce. Foreign Minister Lavrov's collar has probably burst. Because after prior announcement to his partners, he made the diplomatic note exchange available to the international public 24. It is clear from it that the German and French sides had no intention to influence Ukraine to finally comply with its obligations under the Mink II Agreement 25 of 2015 (!), which is applicable international law 26 . This primarily concerns points 9, 11 and 12. Final remark with regard to the German generalship, for which Lieutenant General Brauß quoted above stands pars pro toto. Since the war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, which was contrary to international law, it has been clear that the Generals have surrendered their obligations under the German Soldiers' Act in Washingtonington and sin against Stauffenberg 27 every year on July 20 in the Bendlerblock 28 with unctuous words. The prospect of being retired with a decent pension is more unbearable for this group of people than the prospect of being shot was for the officer who tried to kill Hitler in 1944. 1 6 7 8 12 The war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia had been waged in order to revise General Eisenhower's wrong decision in the Second World War. Notwithstanding the subsequent legalistic interpretation of the Europeans, according to which the war against Yugoslavia was an exceptional case of NATO's extended field of activity beyond the treaty area, it was of course a precedent that anyone could and would invoke at any time. To this end, Poland must be surrounded to the north and south with democratic In any process, the right of self-determination must be given precedence over all other rules orprovisions or rules of international law......................might shall prevail over right. 13 16 17 18 Karl Feldmeyer, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung v. 23. 11. 202, page 1 "The end of the old NATO“, quote: 20 21 22 25 26 27 SERBIA AND CHINA –LASTING STEEL FRIENDS
2. Chinese people have experienced through history horrors of foreign aggressions, occupations and imposed foreign domination. This is why China has been investing tremendous efforts in safeguarding peace and stability in the world. Being the largest contributor to the UN peace keeping operations among the permanent members of UN SC and the second largest funding contributor to the UN and UN peacekeeping operations, China demonstrates in practice her continuous devotion to peace and solution of all international problems by peaceful means. As the permanent member of UN SC China has always advanced principled, constructive and conducive positions for peaceful, just and sustainable solutions of all disputes. We recall that in May 1992 China’s representative had not voted in favor of UN SC inhumane sanctions against FRF of Yugoslavia. Peace and global development are unthinkable objectives without equitable economic cooperation and inclusive development. In this regard, BRICS, Shanghai Organization for Cooperation, New Development Bank and a number of other new international institutions initiated, founded or cofounded by China, clearly illustrate China’s comprehensive approach to safeguarding peace and stability through cooperation and development. Peace through development and win win cooperation without any political, ideological or other preconditions, have become main features of China’s international policy. 3. NATO 1999 aggression against Serbia (FRY) was the peak of moral bankruptcy of the USA led Western Alliance. It was illegal act based on untruths. Illegal, because it was launched without authorization of the UN Security Council, in violation of the UN Charter, OSCE Final Document (1975) and International Law, in general. Based on untruths, because there was nothing of alleged “massive violation of human rights” of Albanian national minority in the autonomous region of Kosovo and Metohija, there was no alleged “massacre of civilians” in Rachak, there was no alleged “horseshoe plan” and so called “Rambouillet talks” were only cover up, alibi, to justify premeditated military aggression against one independent, sovereign, peace loving European country. In fact, NATO aggression was notorious abuse of alleged human rights for geopolitical expansion of NATO to the East. Thousands people (including three Chinese journalists in the premises of Chinese Embassy in Belgrade) had been killed, our economy, infrastructure, schools, hospitals, all destroyed, depleted uranium sewed to poise the soil, waters and air for billions of years. But, they also inflicted irreparable damage to the European and global UN security order established after the end of the Second WW. The time has come for the western powers to recognize historic mistake committed toward Serbia and Serbian people, to apologize for the crimes and pay the war damage estimated at over 100 billion USD. It is of paramount importance for the UN to reinforce full respect of the international law, particularly UN Charter, to reaffirm the role of the Security Council as the highest authority for peace and security, to upgrade efficiency of preventive measures and, particularly, to stop any abuse of human rights for interfering in internal affairs of other countries. Humanity of the 21 century is fed up of the policy of force, cold war alignments and perceptions, “theories” of limited sovereignty and exceptionality of any country or nation, reminiscent of not too glorious strategies of “higher races”. Multi polar, equitable and inclusive new world order is irreversible reality providing the ground for democratic, inclusive New World Order. 4. China’s success in eradicating poverty 10 years ahead of the target set up by the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is unique achievement of global importance for humanity. In the period of growing socio economic gaps and poverty, China’s success continues to attract worldwide attention and to inspire new approaches and strategies to future development. No doubt, that the system of socialism of Chinese characteristics placing people’s needs in the very center of development strategy have played primary role. Consequently, eliminating of poverty is historic contribution to human rights, be they of socio economic, political, or cultural. China’s multi millennium culture, deep rooted sense of humanity, justice and solidarity as well as Chinese people’s devotion their glorious identity, creativity and progress, have also contributed to this unprecedented achievement of eliminating poverty of millions of people. 5. Success of China in eradicating poverty is shining example of responsible approach to the internationally accepted objectives as well as encouragement to other governments and nations to reinforce their resources and energy in the same direction. China has proved that poverty is not human destiny but the challenge which can be resolved by appropriate strategy, including international coordination and solidarity. Eliminating poverty globally require active, coordinated and comprehensive approach. This includes openness of reach countries to reexamine their relative policies in practice, including redistribution and the level of budget funds for the elimination of global poverty. Generally, there is need for broader understanding that the poverty is often the source of instability, extremism, massive migrations, national and international conflicts. It is disturbing to see such level misunderstanding among political elites of some rich countries who believe that new walls, barb wired and militarized borders, destroyer fleet patrols and alike, are appropriate defense against massive migrations of desperate, hungry people from the war thorn countries and regions, primarily from Africa and Euro-Assia . 6. China is the leader in contributing to the global GDP growth, her contribution being higher than contribution of EU, USA and Japan together. The global Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched by the President Xi Jinping in 2013, supported by 140 countries and 32 international organizations, has further reinforced global role of China in recovering the world economy, reforming the global economic system to be based on equality, openness and inclusiveness. Serbia and China being comprehensive strategic partners have been developing closest cooperation bilaterally and in international forums supporting one another. Serbia plays important role in the process of realization of BRI and cooperation format CEEC+China, under BRI, since its inception. The results are impressive. First Chinese bridges on European soil has been constructed in Serbia, first high speed railway Belgrade – Budapest (in progress by Chinese, Russian and Serbian companies), first steel factory (Smederevo), first thermo electric factory (Kostolac B), first Scientific - Industrial Park (Belgrade). First water purification factory, first Covid 19 laboratories. Hundreds of kilometers of modern highways in Serbia have been constructed by Chinese companies. In addition, Serbia is the first European country to have signed agreement with China on abolishment of entry visa system. 7. In the globalized world multilateralism has become the only viable framework for resolving the most important challenges of contemporary humanity. Peace, sustainable development, elimination of socioeconomic gap North-South, poverty, inevitable reforms of global governance and many other challenges are unthinkable without multilateral framework. United Nations have played vital role strengthening multilateralism; therefore it is of ultimate importance to 3further reinforce the UN role. China has been and continues to be the strong and trusted supporter of multilateralism, strengthening of the role of UN, respect of UN Charter and basic principles of International law. Many strategically important initiatives of China, particularly in the fields of global, open and inclusive development, presented at the UN conferences have been adopted. China played exceptionally important role in overcoming severe consequences of financial and economic crises 2008-2012. In addition, China has been co-founder of a number of multilateral forums such as G-20, BRICS, NDB, AIIB and other regional or universal organizations clearly showing constructive position and full understanding of relevance and the role of multilateralism in the era of globalized world. 8. Having regard to multiple crises, fundamental changes in the global relations, accumulation of global challenges and crises, in my opinion, the first and foremost step should be to normalize and intensify the dialogue among the leaders of the most responsible countries, meaning, among the leaders of of the countries - permanent members of UN Security Council. The aim would be to consider and prioritize global challenges with the view of their impact on the security and stability in the world, to find common denominator for the ways to stop further aggravation of the situation. Some challenges and problems have been already considered at the multiple conferences under the UN auspices such as sustainable development, climate change, Covid 19 pandemic. Common positions have been taken, the documents adopted, but their implementation lags behind of what has been agreed, or is hindered because os some narrow interests. Only dialogue could help removing whatever obstacles and reaffirming common, coordinated action. The fact that only few percent of all anticovid 19 vaccines went to the less developed world must have long ago ignited red light, especially especially in the offices of the leaders western wealthiest countries. The burden of resolving problem of climate change can’t be carried by developing and pore countries but primarily by the most industrialized ones. The President Xi Jinping’s proposal to build community of the shared future of mankind is visionary one comprising positive and constructive approach to the future, to building the new open and inclusive World Order free of any narrowness, national egoism or double standards. The proposal is based on the profound understanding of contemporary trends and proven experiences that nobody is self-sufficient. As Covid 19 pandemic has shown, nobody, rich or pore, big or small, militarily strong or weak on the planet can claim to be protected, isolated or exempted from calamities. To put it simply, all human beings and all nations are sovereign and equal , regardless of races, religions, or regional origins. Globalized reality calls for connectivity, solidarity understanding of interdependence; inward minded policies have become anachronism. This is why the President Xi Jinping’s conception of community of shared future, does have future. 9. China deserves highest recognition for extraordinary efficiency in putting under control Covid 19 pandemic. Having regard that China I the most populated country on the planet, this success was, at the same time important contribution in the global efforts to control the spread of pandemic to other regions of the world. It is already historic fact that China has been the first country in the world to globally provide direct assistance to other countries of the world in terms of medical personnel, disinfection materials diagnostic equipment, vaccines, masks… The scopes and quality of Chinese assistance, efficiency and perfection of distribution have set new world standards to be proud of. Serbia and China are lasting steel friends. At arms, the enemy is at the gates
Manlio Dinucci The art of war NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg met President Draghi on November 17 in Rome to address "the current security challenges" arising from "Russia's military build-up in and around Ukraine". Stoltenberg thanked Italy because it "contributes to our presence in the Baltic Region with the air policing and troops". The Italian Air Force - specifies the Ministry of Defense - has deployed at Ämari airport in Estonia F-35A fighters from the 32nd Wing of Amendola and Eurofighter Typhoon fighters from the 4th Wing of Grosseto, 36th Wing of Gioia del Colle, 37th Wing of Trapani, and 51st Wing of Istrana (Treviso). When Russian planes fly into the international airspace over the Baltic, usually heading for the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, the Italian fighters receive an immediate take-off order from the NATO command on alert and within minutes they intercept them. The official purpose of this operation is "to preserve allied airspace". The real purpose is to make Russia appear as a threatening power preparing to attack Europe. This is fuelling a growing climate of tension: the F-35A and Eurofighter Typhoon fighters deployed within minutes of Russian territory are dual-capable fighters with conventional and nuclear capabilities. What would happen if similar Russian fighter jets were deployed on the border with the United States? The "air policing" on Russia's borders is part of the frenzied U.S.-NATO military escalation in Europe against an invented enemy, Russia, in an increasingly dangerous grand strategic game. It was initiated in 2014 with the US/NATO-directed coup in Ukraine, supported by the EU, in order to provoke a new cold war in Europe to isolate Russia and strengthen US influence and presence in Europe. Russia has been accused of forcibly annexing Crimea, ignoring that it was the Crimean Russians who decided in a referendum to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Russia to avoid being attacked, like the Russians in Donbas, by neo-Nazi battalions in Kyiv. Those used in 2014 as a strike force in the Maidan Square putsch, triggered by Georgian snipers who fired on demonstrators and policemen, and in subsequent actions: villages put to fire and sword, activists burned alive in the Odesa Chamber of Labor, unarmed civilians massacred in Mariupol, bombed with white phosphorus in Donetsk and Lugansk. Stoltenberg and Draghi also addressed the issue of the "crisis on the border of Belarus with Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania". NATO accuses Belarus of using, with Russia's support, "vulnerable migrants as tools of hybrid tactics against other countries, putting their lives at risk." Defending the migrants, expressing fear for their lives, are the same US and NATO leaders, including the Italian rulers, who in the last thirty years have led the first war against Iraq, the war against Yugoslavia, the war in Afghanistan, the second war against Iraq, the war against Libya, the war against Syria. Wars that have demolished entire states and broken up entire societies, causing millions of victims, forcing millions of people to forced emigration. The day after the meeting with Draghi, Stoltenberg attended the 70th anniversary of the NATO Defense College, to which about 15,000 military and civilian personnel from 80 member and partner countries of the Alliance have graduated in Rome since 1951. After being educated in every aspect of "international security," they went on to "hold the highest civilian and military positions," that is, positions of responsibility in the governments and armed forces of NATO member and partner countries. In this university of war, where the most sophisticated strategies are taught, the most important sector is dedicated to Russia. It will now be joined by another. In his celebratory speech, the NATO Secretary-General in fact stressed, " Russia and China are leading an authoritarian push-back against the rules-based international order." Stoltenberg has however forgotten to specify that “the international order must be based on our rules".
All’armi, il nemico è alle porte
Manlio Dinucci L’Arte della guerra Il segretario generale della Nato Stoltenberg ha incontrato il presidente Draghi, il 17 novembre a Roma, per affrontare «le attuali sfide alla sicurezza», provenienti dal «rafforzamento militare della Russia in Ucraina e attorno ad essa». Stoltenberg ha ringraziato l’Italia perché «contribuisce alla nostra presenza nella Regione Baltica con il pattugliamento aereo e sue truppe». L’Aeronautica militare italiana – specifica il Ministero della Difesa – ha schierato nell’aeroporto di Ämari in Lettonia caccia F-35A del 32° Stormo di Amendola e caccia Eurofighter Typhoon del 4° Stormo di Grosseto, 36° Stormo di Gioia del Colle, 37° Stormo di Trapani e 51° Stormo di Istrana (Treviso). Quando aerei russi volano nello spazio aereo internazionale sul Baltico, in genere diretti all’exclave russa di Kaliningrad, i caccia italiani ricevono dal comando Nato l’ordine di decollo immediato su allarme e in pochi minuti li intercettano. Scopo ufficiale di tale operazione è «preservare lo spazio aereo alleato». Scopo reale è far apparire la Russia come una potenza minacciosa che si prepara ad attaccare l’Europa. Si alimenta così un crescente clima di tensione: gli F-35A e gli Eurofighter Typhoon, schierati a pochi minuti di volo dal territorio russo, sono caccia a duplice capacità convenzionale e nucleare. Che cosa avverrebbe se analoghi caccia russi fossero schierati ai confini con gli Stati uniti?
Il giorno dopo l’incontro con Draghi, Stoltenberg ha presenziato al 70° anniversario del Nato Defense College, al quale si sono laureati a Roma dal 1951 circa 15.000 militari e civili di 80 paesi membri e partner dell’Alleanza. Dopo essere stati istruiti su ogni aspetto della «sicurezza internazionale», essi sono andati a «ricoprire le più alte cariche civili e militari», ossia posti di responsabilità nei governi e nelle forze armate dei paesi membri e partner della Nato. In questa università della guerra, in cui si insegnano le strategie più sofisticate, il più importante settore è dedicato alla Russia. Ora sarà affiancato da un altro. Nel discorso celebrativo, il Segretario generale della Nato ha infatti sottolineato: «La Russia e la Cina stanno guidando una spinta autoritaria contro l'ordine internazionale basato sulle regole». Stoltenberg ha però dimenticato di precisare «sulle nostre regole». (il manifesto, 23 Novembre 2021) How the war in Bosnia began
Former canadian ambassador to Belgrade James Bissett said: the only party responsible for the war in Bosnia is the USA Armin-Paul Hampel- What Germany did in Kosovo
Armin-Paul Hamper, head of the foreign policy committee of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the Bundestag, has for several years been a voice different from Berlin's official position when it comes to Kosovo. Statement of the WPC about the recent developments in Afghanistan
The World Peace Council expresses its deep concern about the recent developments in Afghanistan. Twenty years after the US and NATO imperialist aggression and invasion of Afghanistan, the suffering of its people has no ending. When the US launched their supposed “War on Terror” in 2001, the anti-imperialist peace-loving forces were well aware of the hypocrisy and real goals of the aggression in Afghanistan. The Mujahedin, Taliban and other extremist religious forces, who were created, The adjustment of the foreign policy of the United States and NATO in central Asia had in mind confrontation with Russia and China. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives, These days the Biden administration started the withdrawal of US forces from the country after long negotiations (which started by the Trump administration) with the Taliban forces. The country is being handed over to the “previous enemy” with imminent danger for institutional obscurantism and fundamentalism. The USA is not leaving Afghanistan for the sake of cutting expenses. Their priorities in the Pacific Ocean require such readjustment and redeployment of their military. Amongst many other issues, the new situation will add new social problems for the people of Afghanistan, particularly for the women of the country. The danger exists for the stronger emergence of religious fundamentalism in the region, heavily armed with the military equipment the US is leaving behind, while concerns for a new wave of refugees are growing. The WPC expresses its solidarity with the people of Afghanistan, who, for the last 30 years, has never had the freedom to decide upon its future and fortunes. The US/NATO military occupation and the rule of the Taliban are the two sides of the same coin. А letter of thanks from the Chinese think-thank association and congratulations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the CPC
Dear friends of CNIE, It is our honor to extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on accession of marking 100 anniversary of foundation of the Communist Party of China. We join you, and the friendly people of China in all your festivities and celebrations of this great jubilee. Since its foundation the CPC has led the great Chinese nation to liberate and preserve freedom, to defend sovereignty, territorial integrity and dignity, to freely choose and implement socialism of Chinese characteristics, to open up and reform along the way bringing China today to the level of powerhouse of modern economic, social and cultural development of Asia and the world. CPC’s people centered policy made China successful in eliminating poverty in own society and actively engagening in helping other nations to efficiently address this grave problem. This is right approach to human rights based on 1948 UN Universal Declaration and therefore must not be abused for meddling in internal affairs. Chinese people today stand proud of the fact that China is the first global trading power, the first contributor to the rise of global GDP, the second strongest economy in the world and globally recognized partner in win win cooperation. The shining example of visionary constructive and peaceful international role of China is the global Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched by the Secretary General of CPC and president of China Xi Jinping. Coupled with 17+1 format of cooperation BRI is connecting not only economies but continents, civilizations and peoples thus promoting peace, understanding and values for the whole humanity. In the present situation of Covid 19 pandemic China has shown the capacity and highest solidarity in practice providing doctors, medical equipment and vaccines to all countries in need, respecting only human merits, without any political, ideological or other shortsighted calculations. This has further reinforced world-wide trust in China as true and steady partner in any difficulties. The CPC’s people-centered internal policy, paired with peace-centered international policy based on the principles of sovereign equality, territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs, is broadly recognized and highly respected in the world. China is seen as one of the pillars of the multi-polar world order based on equitable, inclusive and democratic governance without any privileges, dominance or exceptionality. We are convinced that CPC will continue to lead China and the great Chinese nation in the future on the road of peace and progress, in the interest of China, peace in the world and community of shared future of mankind. In this framework, we will continue to support further strengthening of traditional friendly relations and ever deeper cooperation between Serbia and China being comprehensive strategic partners. We will be honored to continue good cooperation with CNIE. With the best wishes, Zivadin Jovanovic, president Belgrade forum for a World of Equals, Silk Road Connectivity Research Center (COREC) Statement of the World Peace Council on the recent protest events in Cuba
The World Peace Council (WPC) expresses its serious concern about the recent well orchestrated and paid imperialist plan to create chaos and disorder in Cuba, using as pretext the severe shortages of imported goods and other products of primary necessity, as well as electricity cuts, facts that have to the great extend their root causes in the almost sixty (60) years criminal blockade imposed by the USA on Cuba. Particularly during the last period and in conditions of the global health pandemic, Cuba is being prevented through new and additional measures and sanctions to purchase and import medicine and raw material for medicine as well as technical hospital supplies. While acknowledging the suffering of the Cuban people the WPC underlines in the strongest way its rejection to any actions of interference and subversive actions which are aiming in the “regime change” by paid elements and mercenaries as we have observed it in other parts of the world with “Color Revolutions”. The Cuban people know too well that the imperialists have never stopped the war against their country, regardless the rotating methods or the changing residents of the White House. These criminal and inhuman policies are being helped by its imperialist allies of the European Union and their agents inside Cuba and in Florida who demanded today even an open intervention under humanitarian pretext as it has been witnessed also in other cases of countries before. We denounce the cynical interest of those forces that cause the suffering by political and economical sanctions and blockade first and their hypocrisy then for the “poor Cuban people” who have to be taught “democracy and human rights”. Cuba particularly has given lessons of solidarity and dignity many times from the triumph of the Revolution in 1959 on, but this last period during the Covid-19 pandemic, the island of the Revolution has championed one more time with its selfless internationalist aid to peoples in need while it is developing in extremely difficult conditions its own vaccines very rapidly with the commitment to help poor and oppressed peoples of the world as well. We express our indignation to the imperialist plans to create social discontent and direct it against the sovereign Cuban government. The achievements of the Socialist Cuba constitute an example and source of inspiration for the peoples of Latin America and the world. The WPC stands in Solidarity with the heroic people of Cuba and its Revolution! We demand the immediate lifting of the blockade and of all sanctions against Cuba! End to the imperialist provocations! Hands off Cuba! The WPC Secretariat -- NATO wants to close Hungary behind an iron curtain
DECLARATION OF THE HUNGARIAN PEACE COMMUNITY Statement of the WPC about the recent brutal oppression in Jerusalem by Israel
The above actions are not only violating basic human rights of the Palestinians of Jerusalem, they constitute also a clear violation of the international Status of Jerusalem as described in the relevant UN resolutions. It is the continuation of the efforts of the Israeli occupation regime to proceed with the Judaization of the city of Jerusalem which is being fully endorsed by the US administrations and tolerated by the European Union. These actions are aiming at the “ethnic cleansing” of Jerusalem and land robbing which are only comparable with an “Apartheid-style” policy against the Palestinian people. The WPC expresses its full-hearted solidarity and support to the just cause of the Palestinian people for the end of the occupation of all Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, the dismantling of the settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem. We demand the release of all Palestinian political prisoners from Israeli jails, the right to return of the Palestinian refugees to their homes and we reiterate our demand for the establishment of an independent viable Palestinian State within the borders of pre-4th June 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital. End the Occupation Now! Free Palestine! 10th May 2021 The WPC Secretariat Reclaman en Serbia fin del bloqueo de EEUU a Cuba
Belgrado, 27 abr (Prensa Latina) El presidente del Foro de Belgrado por un Mundo de Igualdad, Zivadin Jovanovic, ratificó hoy su adhesión al clamor mundial por el fin del bloqueo de Estados Unidos contra Cuba. En una alocución mediante video desde la sede de esa institución, quien fuera ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de la República Federal de Yugoslavia (1998-2000) expresó plena solidaridad, amistad y admiración hacia ese pueblo que calificó de fraternal. Denunció que quienes pretenden ser excepcionales portadores de la democracia, el estado de derecho, la libertad y los derechos humanos desde hace seis décadas mantienen sanciones ilegales y brutales mediante un cerco a ese pequeño país. Eso ocurre, exclusivamente, dijo, porque 'el pueblo cubano quiere vivir con libertad, independencia y dignidad, porque lucha por la paz, igualdad de derechos y solidaridad y rechaza con decisión todo intento de injerencia externa, arrogancia y dominación desde posiciones fe fuerza', sentenció. Afirmó Jovanovic que, pese a las incivilizadas sanciones del bloqueo y una propaganda imperialista sin precedentes, el pueblo cubano desarrolló exitosamente su sociedad basada en una política de principios que tiene como centro al hombre y sus necesidades en la economía, educación, salud, ciencia y cultura. Aseveró que eso es posible gracias a grandes logros en el desarrollo interno, así como a una política de paz, solidaridad y cooperación en igualdad de derechos y el no alineamiento en el plano internacional. 'Cuba se transformó en un faro de libertad, independencia y dignidad para muchos países y pueblos en el mundo', opinó. El exdiplomático ratificó su adhesión a la demanda de la inmensa mayoría de la humanidad para que se ponga fin sin dilaciones a las ilegales, unilaterales e inhumanas sanciones del bloqueo de Estados Unidos de América contra Cuba. Jovanovic hizo llegar a Prensa Latina una foto del encuentro que sostuvo con el presidente cubano Fidel Castro, en una ocasión de su manda, to como jefe de la diplomacia de Yugoslavia. Source: The WPC pays tribute to the veteran militant peoples’ lawyer ROLAND WEYL
The World Peace Council (WPC) expresses its grief for the passing of the beloved and respected comrade Roland Weyl, a committed Communist French Lawyer, who dedicated his long life to the just causes of the peoples and their rights. In his 102 years of life Roland Weyl championed with modesty in defending hundreds of political activists and social fighters in various countries, the struggles of the people of Algeria, Palestine, Cuba among many others were always in his heart. Roland Weyl was a genuine internationalist who understood like only few others, the moral and professional duty as a people’s lawyer to defend people under oppression and exploitation. Roland Weyl was known and involved with the WPC for many decades. As a comrade who had the privilege to be present in the foundation of the WPC in April 1949 in Paris he was always a source of precious information and inspiration. He attended many WPC meetings and events and served always as the “liaison” between the WPC and the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) of which was co-founder and served for many years as first Vice-President. The WPC comrades who had the pleasure to meet and know him, remember his expertise and firm stand against NATO in its aggression against Yugoslavia and all other crimes of NATO. He stood clearly against the militarization of the European Union and its arbitrary positions towards the just causes of the peoples. Roland Weyl, with his humor and intelligence was enlightening and enriching our meetings, he had always a clear class criterion and never abandoned his principles. Our comrade Roland lived a life full of struggles and sacrifices, in the court rooms and in the streets, in clandestine and in legality, always side by side with the poor and the oppressed. His legacy will be remembered and his spirit will prevail in the current and future struggles. We express our full-hearted condolences to his family and daughter France Weyl, to his fellow fighters for peace and social justice in the “Droit et Solidarité” of France and the IADL. The WPC Secretariat 100 year since foundation of CPC
THE BELGRADE FORUM FOR A WORLD OF EQUALS, Dear friends of CNIE, It is our honor to extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on accession of marking 100 anniversary of foundation of the Communist Party of China. We join you, and the friendly people of China in all your festivities and celebrations of this great jubilee. Since its foundation the CPC has led the great Chinese nation to liberate and preserve freedom, to defend sovereignty, territorial integrity and dignity, to freely choose and implement socialism of Chinese characteristics, to open up and reform along the way bringing China today to the level of powerhouse of modern economic, social and cultural development of Asia and the world. CPC’s people centered policy made China successful in eliminating poverty in own society and actively engagening in helping other nations to efficiently address this grave problem. This is right approach to human rights based on 1948 UN Universal Declaration and therefore must not be abused for meddling in internal affairs. Chinese people today stand proud of the fact that China is the first global trading power, the first contributor to the rise of global GDP, the second strongest economy in the world and globally recognized partner in win win cooperation. The shining example of visionary constructive and peaceful international role of China is the global Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched by the Secretary General of CPC and president of China Xi Jinping. Coupled with 17+1 format of cooperation BRI is connecting not only economies but continents, civilizations and peoples thus promoting peace, understanding and values for the whole humanity. In the present situation of Covid 19 pandemic China has shown the capacity and highest solidarity in practice providing doctors, medical equipment and vaccines to all countries in need, respecting only human merits, without any political, ideological or other shortsighted calculations. This has further reinforced world-wide trust in China as a true and steady partner in any difficulties. The CPC’s people-centered internal policy, paired with peace-centered international policy based on the principles of sovereign equality, territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs, is broadly recognized and highly respected in the world. China is seen as one of the pillars of the multi-polar world order based on equitable, inclusive and democratic governance without any privileges, dominance or exceptionality. We are convinced that CPC will continue to lead China and the great Chinese nation in the future on the road of peace and progress, in the interest of China, peace in the world and community of shared future of mankind. In this framework, we will continue to support further strengthening of traditional friendly relations and ever deeper cooperation between Serbia and China being comprehensive strategic partners. We will be honored to continue good cooperation with CNIE. With the best wishes, Zivadin Jovanovic, president Belgrade forum for a World of Equals, Silk Road Connectivity Research Center (COREC) Boris Rozin's Article over the attitude of the United States of America toward the war with Russia
Military activity is increasing on the borders of Russia Since the start of the new administration, the White House has continued and even intensified its course aimed at increasing the military presence of the US and NATO armed forces in the states bordering Russia under the pretext of "containing Russia" and "protecting Europe from the Russian military threat." Vladimir Kršljanin: The Noble Fighter, Ramsey Clark (1927-2021)
He has dedicated last five decades of his life to such noble struggle. We, the Serbs, had an honor to feel this to the fullest extent, and we will forever remember him as one of our greatest friends. During the aggression on our country, Ramsey Clark organized a people’s tribunal that has condemned NATO’s crimes and demanded the abolitionof NATO. Ramsey met Slobodan Milošević while Milošević was the President in 1999, and later, in 2001, while he was a prisoner at The Hague. Ramsey came to Belgrade on June 28, 2001, at our request, in an effort to stop the extradition of Slobodan Milosevic. Unfortunately, he was late for a few hours, due to the refusal of the Serbian (and a pro-USA) Ambassador to Washington Milan St. Protić to issue him a visa. Ramsey spoke on June 29 at a large rally in Belgrade in front of the Parliament building, organized by the Socialist Party of Serbia. He also came to Belgrade on a sad occasion in 2006, to speak at the funeral of Slobodan Milošević. He came to Belgrade for the last time in 2009, at our invitation, to speak at the people’s rally on the Republic’s Square on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the NATO aggression. It was a cold evening on March 24, 2009 in Belgrade, and Ramsey, 82 at the time, didn’t bring a coat on his trip. He climbed on the stage, putting on two jackets. Beautiful human modesty, simplicity and warmth, enormous erudite as a lawyer, and a talented speaker, along with a charming Texan accent – that was Ramsey – from the times while a young official in Kennedy and Johnson administrations, and in 1967-69 as an Attorney General, and later, as he was fighting against all American wars, from Vietnam till today, including the last three decades as the founder of the International Action Center, as well as two decades as Co-Chairman of the International Committee “Slobodan Milosevic.” Ramsey Clark was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Belgrade University and has been awarded the highest Serbian medal, “Sretenski orden.” It was a great pleasure and honor to be friends and to collaborate with such unforgettable, dedicated and great man. Belgrade, April 10, 2021 Vladimir Kršljanin Source: Twenty-two Years Since the Launch of the NATO Aggression on Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Unipolarity can't be reincarnated
Американцы надеются, что силой возродят однополярный мир — экс-глава МИД Югославии
Президента «Белградского форума за мир равноправных» Живадина Йовановича без преувеличения можно назвать одним из легендарных представителей сербской дипломатии «старой школы». В сложнейшие для Югославии годы, с 1998 по 2000, он занимал один из самых ответственных постов — был главой Министерства иностранных дел. По долгу службы неоднократно встречался с ведущими политиками других стран, был в приятельских отношениях с Евгением Примаковым. На его глазах происходили процессы подготовки к военному вторжению на территорию суверенного балканского государства. По случаю 22-й годовщины агрессии НАТО против Союзной Республики Югославии в эксклюзивном интервью корреспонденту международной редакции Федерального агентства новостей на Балканах дипломат рассказал об истинных причинах операции и поделился своим видением нынешней геополитической ситуации в мире. — Вы были непосредственным участником той трагической ситуации, видели ее изнутри. Расскажите нашим читателям, почему НАТО начало агрессию против Югославии, и какова была ее истинная цель? — Целей у главного идеолога этой «акции», руководства США, было несколько. Изначально они не касались Сербии и Черногории и в принципе Балкан. Нужно смотреть глубже: с июня 1999 года началась реализация доктрины об экспансии НАТО на восток, а конкретно — на Россию. Они этот процесс начали в 1989 году, после договора с Горбачевым, который сами же нарушили! Одним из главных итогов бомбардировок стало создание в Косово и Метохии (КиМ) самой большой американской военной базы вне пределов США — Бондстил. За ней последовали базы в Болгарии, Румынии, Словакии, Чехии, Польше и других странах в непосредственной близости от России. От меня лично еще в 1998 году адмирал Лейтон Смит в Мадриде требовал разрешение на присутствие войск НАТО в Косово — во время конференции Совета по миру в Боснии и Герцеговине. Во время обеденного перерыва Смит пригласил меня сесть с ним за один стол, и прямо спросил: «Почему вы не пускаете нас в Косово?» Для меня этот вопрос был сюрпризом: мы были коллегами, встречались на переговорах. Я с юмором ответил: «Адмирал, вам нечего делать на Косово. Но если продолжите думать об этом, я прошу не забывать о том, что мы, сербы, давно там». Агрессия НАТО была использована как повод для неограниченного употребления военной силы на планете со стороны США и других стран — Германии, Франции, Великобритании, Италии в качестве союзников. Поэтому важно понимать, что властям Америки необходимо было довести дело до войны. И это становится ясно, если обратиться к документам и сообщениям с саммита НАТО в Братиславе.
Там говорилось: «независимо от легалистских толкований наших союзников в Европе, нападение на Югославию стало прецедентом и будет прецедентом всегда, когда это потребуется». Таким образом, война им была необходима, они никогда не хотели мира. Второй их целью было пресечение попыток и стремлений Европы к самоидентификации и автономности через жесткую дисциплину служения глобальным геополитическим американским интересам. США такое вассальное положение Старого света важно — из политических и психолого-политических причин, а не из-за недостатка оружия. Американскому правительству нелегко вести войны в одиночку, потому что это воспринимается американским обществом более негативно, чем ведение войны вместе с европейскими союзниками. Третья цель — демонстрация силы США и слабости России — как официальной Москве, так и другим игрокам. Они на примере Югославии показали, что Россия не может помешать их действиям, не может помочь братской стране. При этом, и это очень важно, они нанесли удар по самой ООН, по международной правовой системе, системе безопасности в Европе, существующей на основании Хельсинского соглашения, и разрушили базисные принципы международных отношений. Их целью был не мир, а война, причем без разрешения на нее Совбеза ООН, его контроля… Руководство НАТО также признало, что ждало того дня, когда оно будет использовать для своих интересов интервенции без согласия Совбеза. И это стало прецедентом: затем «ради борьбы с Аль-Каидой»1 агрессия проявилась против Афганистана, в 2003 году было нападение на Ирак, затем были Ливия и Сирия, Мали, Судан и т. д. — Что же стоит в основе такого болезненного стремления США и инструмента, которым по сути является НАТО, к организации переворотов, военных конфликтов в суверенных государствах по всему миру? — Здесь стоит обратить внимание на сам менталитет среднестатистических заокеанских жителей и на их самоопределение как «избранного народа», особой страны. Им свойственна уверенность в том, что они могут написать заново историю, что в мире должна быть только одна держава, которая могла бы остальным странам приказывать — и на ней история останавливается. И здесь вступил в силу закон Хантингтона — о столкновении цивилизаций. Конечной целью той же агрессии против Югославии стала абсолютная власть США на планете и непризнание равноправности ни одной другой державы, в том числе России и Китая. Тогда эти страны не были настолько сильны, как сейчас. Это было время, когда Америка «поймала звезду»... В Белом доме думали, что могут делать все, что захотят. Но тогда они не ожидали таких крутых перемен в Москве: максимум считали, что на пост президента придет Черномырдин или личность, подобная ему — но никак не Путин. Получилось по-другому, на счастье России, Европы и международных отношений в целом. И мы рады, что Россия — независимая, самостоятельная держава, что сегодня ни один глобальный вопрос не может быть решен без ее участия — не только потому, что мы братские страны, но и потому, что это хорошо для Европы. Необходимо ограничить самодурство на мировом уровне. Тезисы об американской исключительности становятся старомодными фразами, которые нужно похоронить в архивах. — Как США показали, что они хотят войны? И когда вы поняли, что бомбардировки неизбежны? — За несколько лет до начала агрессии Сербия была очень активна в поисках мирного и устойчивого решения вопроса по Косово и Метохии через признание широкой автономии края, при соблюдении Конституции Сербии и ее единства. Единая армия, единая система безопасности и внешней политики — при полном самоуправлении албанского нацменьшинства. Я сам неоднократно присутствовал при переговорах с президентом Милошевичем, и знаю, что он говорил о том, что никто не хочет вмешиваться в их самоуправление. Планировалось, что у сербов и нацменьшинств Косово будет защита прав, свои документы и т.д. Однако албанцы отказывались от таких переговоров, потому что США не хотели мирного политического решения. Они годами, если не десятилетиями, финансировали и поставляли оружие террористической «Освободительной армии Косово» (ОАК). В этом были также замешаны, в первую очередь, Германия, Великобритания, в меньшей мере — Италия, и даже Швейцария. Америка готовила почву для войны, и именно она несет самую большую ответственность за ситуацию в КиМ в 1998 году. Когда бунт албанцев был нейтрализован, заокеанских «партнеров» удивил успех правительства Сербии и Югославии, которое сумело победить терроризм в крае. Тогда они решились оказать страшное давление на Сербию, вынудить принять миссию ОБСЕ — якобы для того, чтобы «верифицировать» ситуацию в КиМ, и убедиться, что там все спокойно. По всем документам это должна была быть наблюдательная миссия — 1500 «верификаторов» из числа гражданских лиц. Однако все те, кто пришел тогда в край, за исключением сотрудников из России, оказались бывшими офицерами, разведчиками, военными и полицейскими чиновниками. Это были профессионалы, одетые в гражданскую одежду. Изначально за эту миссию голосовала в Вене и Россия, но потом в Кремле раскрыли обман. В итоге миссия возродила террористическую организацию и продолжила ее оснащение суперсовременными средствами коммуникации, оружием — готовя боевиков ОАК к войне, а не к миру. — Вы говорите так на основе особой, закрытой информации, к которой вы имели доступ? — Информации много, но она разрозненная. Однако у меня она «из первых рук». К сожалению, немецкий дипломат, который был главой миссии ЕС в Косово в тот период времени, уже скончался. Но тогда он мне сказал: в окружении Уильяма Уокера, главы миссии ОБСЕ в южной сербской провинции, постоянно говорили о том, что расположение части армии НАТО в Косово не имеет альтернативы, это обязательно произойдет. Понятно, что американский разведчик с опытом борьбы в Латинской Америке, каким был Уокер, получил задание подготовить предпосылки для агрессии НАТО. У него была целая сеть представителей в каждом крупном населенном пункте в КиМ. Он получал ежедневные отчеты от них, и отправлял их в Брюссель, Берлин и ОБСЕ. Немецкий дипломат был у меня в Белграде два раза. Он также выступал в Гааге свидетелем со стороны защиты по делу Милошевича. У меня есть его письмо. «Ни в одном моем отчете, который я отправлял в Брюссель, Берлин и другие столицы, не было ни одного упоминания о массовом нарушении человеческих прав албанцев, массовых преступлениях, особенно о геноциде и схожих вещах. Все то, что публиковалось в СМИ стран ЕС, полностью противоречило моим данным». Я это не могу объяснить ничем другим, кроме как прямым участием ЕС в подготовке агрессии. Тут видно единство их целей и это разделение по типу «ЕС хороший, а НАТО плохой» относительно, поскольку у них общая стратегия, и на 90% это стратегия Вашингтона — доминирования и эксплуатации других стран. Это пирамидальное устройство глобальных отношений, где на вершине стоят США с НАТО в качестве инструмента, а под ними все остальные государства, которые должны слушаться — в том числе и союзники. — Получается, что истинные цели вступают в прямое противоречие с официальными целями агрессии? — Официально одной из задач была защита от гуманитарной катастрофы. Однако беженцы начали покидать свои дома только после первой бомбы НАТО, сброшенной на Югославию, не раньше. Не было никаких массовых преступлений, которые якобы согнали народ с их земли. А для того, чтобы получить оправдание агрессии, кукловоды НАТО легитимную антитеррористическую акцию наших сил безопасности представили как резню мирного населения в деревне Рачак в 1998 году. Это было инсценировкой, «спусковым крючком» — чтобы командование альянса в Вашингтоне могло начать бомбардировки. Наш следователь прокуратуры из Приштины Даница Маринкович, когда произошла зачистка террористов, в тот же день приехала на место происшествия для расследования. Однако неизвестные лица обстреляли ее из автоматического оружия, и она не могла провести осмотр места боя. Уокеру нужно было успеть закончить инсценировку и представить эту антитеррористическую акцию как резню мирных граждан. Для этого они переобували и переодевали трупы, а затем раскладывали так, словно они стояли в одной шеренге для расстрела. Однако входные отверстия пуль и другие улики показывали, что эти лица были убиты в ходе боя. На следующий день, когда журналисты попали на место операции, все уже выглядело как массовое убийство. Хелена Ранта, патологоанатом из Финляндии, возглавлявшая тогда команду экспертов ЕС, с которыми сотрудничали наши и белорусские специалисты, ни разу не подтвердила, что это было массовым убийством мирного населения. И не было никаких доказательств, что кого-то расстреляли с небольшого расстояния. К тому же есть видеозаписи, где руководству миссии ОБСЕ югославские власти рассказывали о подготовке и проведении той антитеррористической операции. А потом появилось заявление Клинтона о массовом убийстве мирного населения... — А как на самом деле прошли переговоры в Рамбуйе? — То, что было в этом красивом французском дворце, назвать переговорами сложно. Но это была последняя попытка договориться о мирном политическом решении, однако здесь снова «дирижировали» США, которые управляли своими союзниками из НАТО и ЕС, исполнителями американской воли. Рамбуйе — это место, где были представители Югославии, Сербии и албанцы из Косово и Метохии, но где ни минуты не проводились переговоры, не был подписан ни один документ или договор. Это была обычная манипуляция американских «алиби-дипломатов». Есть текст на 60 страницах, который Сербия не подписала — он был написан без переговоров. Этот спектакль был устроен с одной целью — подтвердить, что нет иного решения в отношении Милошевича, кроме бомбардировок. В том документе есть и пункт, на основании которого необходимо оккупировать всю территорию Югославии. Генри Киссинджер во время нашей встречи в Нью-Йорке сказал мне, что этот документ был позорным и вообще не должен был появиться в мире. Ни одно правительство суверенного государства такой документ не подписало бы. И это не оценка министра Югославии или сербского националиста, это оценка бывшего госсекретаря США — и подобных оценок было много. Здесь важно отметить и письменное свидетельство полковника, военного атташе Великобритании в Белграде Джона Кросланда, который в документе, отправленном в Гаагский трибунал, отметил, что в мае 1998 года Клинтон, Олбрайт и Блэр приняли решение о свержении режима Слободана Милошевича. При этом они оценили, что им в этом проекте может помочь террористическая ОАК. С того момента стало полностью неважно, что думают в мире об этой организации... Понятное дело, что он ничего хорошего не говорит о нас и Милошевиче, но он привел ключевые факты для понимания того, что происходило и что будет происходить здесь. И конфликт в Боснии, и столкновения в Хорватии, в Сербской Краине — были той же подготовкой, чтобы обвинить сербский народ и выставить его «геноцидным», достойным бомбардировки. — Вы часто говорите, что именно 24 марта 1999 года стало началом падения авторитета США. Почему Вы так считаете? — Это абсолютно так! Все, что было тогда сделано, привело к падению доверия к НАТО и администрации США. Сейчас тяжело найти хоть одно государство, которое им доверяет. А первый шаг в пропасть эта держава сделала именно через агрессию против Югославии. Все ведут себя с США послушно, потому что боятся их силы, но не доверяют им. Они боятся американского ковбойского хамства и нахрапистости, ведь только так можно объяснить поведение Америки и всех ее президентов до Байдена. У американцев ковбойский менталитет: тот берет пистолет, убивает человека — и ничего. У них такая же история и отношений к правам человека. При этом они считают себя исключительной, самой мощной и непобедимой нацией. А сейчас они смотрят на биржевой курс и видят, как падает их роль в глобальном порядке сил — не только в военном, но и экономическом смысле. И тогда у них «чешутся руки» применить ядерное оружие. Они думают, что таким образом вызовут падение России и Китая, а сами удержат роль сверхдержавы. И в этом состоит самая большая опасность глобального конфликта. Но я уверен, что Москва и Пекин это хорошо понимают. — А что вы можете сказать о сегодняшней геополитической ситуации? — Скажу прямо — то, что происходит сегодня, смело можно назвать частью подготовки к войне. Если вы мобилизируете 40-50 тысяч солдат, если гражданская инфраструктура ЕС полностью приспосабливается к нуждам армии, чего до сих пор не было — когда совершается милитаризация промышленности и инфраструктуры, когда слышим воинственную риторику, когда у нас уже есть экономическая война и есть военные учения у границ нелюбимого государства — России. Чего еще ожидать? В прошлом году НАТО проводило учения в Балтийском море — Defender Europe 2020, в этом году запланированы Defender Europe 2021 на Черном море, есть также и Defender Indo-Pacific 2021… Те, кто время от времени смотрит на карты, понимает, что они стремятся окружить Россию и Китай. При этом пытаются вовлечь Москву в союз против Пекина, и наоборот. Однако счастье не только для России или Китая, но и для всей планеты, что в этих странах есть мудрые головы, которым Бог дал способность анализировать и делать выводы, и которые хорошо понимают геополитику. Возможно ли это, что американцы настолько ограничены, что рассчитывают на то, что Пекин войдет в союз с ними против Москвы, или наоборот? Вряд ли. Я понимаю, что они уже опоздали. Но они все еще надеются с помощью силы и ядерного оружия возродить однополярный мир. Я всегда говорю, что самая большая опасность исходит от сил, которые осознают, что теряют свою мощь, которые пытаются навязать войну, чтобы остановить свое падение. И они понимают, что с каждым днем они слабеют и пытаются сократить дни мира. На данном этапе они остановились на стратегии, которую опробовали в первую «холодную» войну. Это стратегия измождения. Они идут на экономическое и финансовое истощение России и Китая, но рассчитывают скорее на то, что Россия сдастся раньше, так как ее экономика не настолько сильна, чтобы выдержать санкции. Президент Путин, которого, как и Милошевича, пытаются сейчас демонизировать, ответил переориентацией на развитие собственных технологий и рынка, современного производства и проведение четвертой промышленной революции при стратегическом сотрудничестве с Китаем. Многие союзники США, в НАТО и вне его, готовы также подключиться к стратегии измождения России. В том числе и такие страны, как Новая Зеландия, Австралия, Южная Корея и Япония, новый демократический блок. И тут очень важно поведение Индии. Для всех стратегически это становится важно, потому что Америка пытается подкупить Дели всеми способами. Они пользуются нерегулируемыми отношениями между Китаем и Индией, и косвенно эта ситуация представляет собой большую опасность как для Пекина, так и для Москвы. Думаю, что тут важно сделать отношения между Москвой и Дели более интенсивными. Тут необходимо использовать и БРИКС, это более выгодно, чем двусторонние отношения, нет простора для спекуляции. — А что же Сербия? — Я не знаю, понимает ли официальный Белград, какую опасность для Сербии несет подобная ситуация с теоретической возможностью войны сверхдержав. Я бы сказал, что это огромная опасность. И не стоит говорить, что мы маленькая страна, которая занимается только Балканами. Белград должен выступать за мир и равноправие в глобальных отношениях. Мы страдали как жертвы неравноправия, санкций, агрессии — наш голос, как символ страданий, имеет вес. Цель западных стран — повернуть курс Сербии против России. Они день и ночь работают над этим и верят, что могут повторить опыт Мило Джукановича (нынешнего президента Черногории, который поддержал санкции против России. — Прим. ФАН). Белград и Москва должны это осознавать и разработать определенные виды сотрудничества. Я считаю, что Россия экономически должна больше присутствовать в Воеводине — потому что там готовится очередной случай сепаратизма, на который рассчитывает Запад. Мультиполярность стала фактом и реальностью. Необходимо устанавливать структуры, которые отражают многополярность. ШОС — это одна структура, ЕАЭС — вторая, БРИКС — третья. Надо дальше исследовать, что может обеспечить структуру, которая поставит перед фактом иллюзионистов от однополярного порядка. И не позволит им использовать силу, чтобы уничтожить цивилизацию. При этом важно понимать, что сегодня единства нет уже и в ЕС. Там присутствуют свои «полюсы» силы, например, та же Германия. Лакмусовой бумажкой здесь станет «Северный поток — 2», который покажет, насколько Берлин стремится к самостоятельности. 1 Организация запрещена на территории РФ. UNIPOLARITY CAN’T BE REINCARNATED
22 years since the launch of the NATO aggression on Serbia (the FRY) The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia and a number of other independent, non-partisan, non-profit organizations have been continuously marking March 24rth 1999, the date of the beginning of NATO military aggression since the year 2000 to date, organizing commemorative ceremonies, domestic and international conferences, laying wreaths at the memorials dedicated to the victims of aggression, publishing books, releasing statements, and reminding friends and partners in the country and abroad to also take part in these activities. This makes a distinct part of the overall commemorative activities of the Serbian society and, as of lately, of the state institutions of Serbia as well. This year’s activities had to be in line with the measures effected due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The first and the foremost reason is the sense of moral duty towards human victims, military, police and civilian ones alike, because all of them are innocent victims fallen on the soil of their own country from the foreign aggressor’s weapons. The aggression itself took between 3,500 – 4,000 human lives, of whom more than 1,100 were military and police personnel, whereas the rest comprised civilians, women and children, workers, the public TV-broadcaster’s employees, passengers in trains and busses, displaced people on the move. The numbers of those who died after the armed aggression, firstly from among some 10,000 wounded, then of those who perished from the scattered cluster bombs, and of those who succumbed to consequences of the use of missiles filled with depleted uranium and of the poisoning by noxious gasses generated upon the bombing of refineries and chemical plants, are yet to be determined. We remember them all today and pay our deepest homage. We are confident that today’s youth and all future generations will also remember those victims, aware of this remembrance being the moral duty of entire nation, a precondition for preserving dignity and peaceful future. The second reason is to defend the truth, to leave no room for forgeries, lies and trickeries aimed, then and now, to diminish the aggressor’s responsibility by inculpating the victim. This is why we have to clarify that the NATO war was neither an intervention, nor an aerial campaign, nor a “small Kosovo war”, not even a mere bombing, but instead an illegal aggression committed without a United Nations Security Council’s approval, blatant violation of the UN Charter, the OSCE Final Act, the fundamental principles of international law and, most notably, violation of the NATO Founding Act of 1949 and respective national constitutions of the latter’s member states. This was the first war on European soil since World War II, waged against an independent and sovereign state which neither attacked nor otherwise threatened either NATO or any of its individual member states. Thus, NATO inflicted a heavy blow to the legacies of World War II and of the agreements reached in Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam and Helsinki. Its aggression on Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) in 1999 undermined the basic principles of international relations and the security system, for which tens of millions of people were killed. March 24rth, 1999 has entered history as a turning point in the world relation symbolizing the peak of uni-polar domination, the beginning of its downfall and emerging multi-polar world order. Not once, we heard that by launching attack on Yugoslavia NATO and its leading power wanted to preserve its international credibility. What came as the result was just the opposite. The aggressor wanted the war by all means, not any peaceful and sustainable solution for Kosovo and Metohija, the least to protect human rights or avoidance of “humanitarian catastrophe”. It wanted a war to justify NATO’s existence in the post-Cold War era and enormous budget appropriations for armaments, that is, the huge profits for military-industrial complex. NATO wanted a war to demonstrate in practice implementation of the doctrine of expansion to the East, to Russian boarders and also to create a precedent for the globalization of armed interventionism devoid of observance of international law and the role of the UN Security Council. It was cover-up for deployment of American troops in the Balkan Peninsula an mushrooming of a chain of the new USA military basis from Bond Steel in the province of Kosovo and Metohija to a dozen of other bases from Black to Baltic Seas. Europe sank deep conceding to participate in a war on itself. The fact that Europe still fails to put focus on itself, its own interests and identity, while pressuring Serbia to accept forcible theft of a part of her state territory (Kosovo and Metohija) and agree to the Dayton Agreement’s revision and the creation of a unitary Bosnia and Herzegovina, only testifies to a worrying syndrome of the past now threatening its independence, unity, and development. Thirdly, because we do not assent to defeatism and propensity of some media from the so-called non-governmental sector and some public figures who interpret NATO aggression in a way that reduces the aggressor’s responsibility, while suggesting that Serbia, in the name of a purported realism and for the sake of a “better future”, should shelve the topic of aggression and ‘relieve herself’ of Kosovo and Metohija as of a burden choking her progress. However, NATO’s responsibility for aggression and alliance with the terrorist and separatist KLA cannot be reduced in any way, the least of all could it be transferred onto Serbia. This would be shameful for Serbia and the Serbian people, and very detrimental for Europe and the future of global relations. The future of Europe’s identity, autonomy, security and cooperation is highly dependent on reexamining 1999 aggression on Yugoslavia, accepting it was historic mistake. Otherwise it will continue to seriously hinder its own interests. Although devoted to Europe, Serbia cannot pay the price of re-establishing perturbed unity of the EU and NATO and/or of pursuing geopolitical goals of their key members, by means of renouncing Kosovo and Metohija, her state, cultural, and spiritual foundation. I am confident that Serbia will remain committed to a peaceful, just, and sustainable solution in line with the basic principles of peace, security and cooperation, while observing her Constitution and UN Security Council Resolution 1244. By far largest share of humanity has come to understanding that there are no humanitarian wars or wars to protect population. “Colored revolutions” and cruising missiles do not help ‘export’ democracy and human rights but rather serve interests of domination of liberal multinational corporate capital. In contrast to whatever the policy of force and the self-proclaimed ‘exceptionality’ may presume, history cannot be halted, nor uni-polarity reincarnated. Fourthly, we are deeply concerned over the unending escalation of global relations, the arms race, the absence of dialogue among the leading powers and the deepening of mistrust among the key stakeholders in European and global relations. Public denominating of nuclear powers and permanent UN Security Council members as adversaries, plans to create ‘democratic coalitions’ aimed at confrontation with ‘authoritarian systems’, mass-scale military exercises deployed from the Atlantic and Baltic to the Indo-Pacific to ‘contain’ the ‘malign influences’ – signal a serious deterioration of global relations and risk unpredictable consequences. All this does not concern the great powers only, although is mostly dependent on them, but also reflects adversely on the position and development of all countries in the world, including also the position of Serbia and other small and medium size countries. As peace is indivisible, so are the dangers to peace and security. Hence we call on the dialogue on the highest level of permanent members of UN Security Council, urgent relaxation tensions, halt of deepening mistrust, respect for equality and partnership in resolving main urgent international challenges and problems, such as Covid 19 pandemic, deepening global economic and social gaps, climate warming, arms race and many of actual or potential conflicts. Fifthly, because we do not want to witness a repeat of the anguish, victims, and devastation suffered by our nation during and after NATO’s 1999 aggression ever, anywhere in the world. The tragic destiny of children in Belgrade, Varvarin, Korisha, Kosovska Mitrovica, Murino, must not be repeated. PER NON DIMENTICARE MAI! 1999 - 2021 UN POPOLO CHE LOTTA PER LA LIBERTÀ NON PU ESSERE SOTTOMESSO
24 marzo 2021 Rispetto alle precedenti, le commemorazioni di quest'anno hanno mostrato una più ampia rappresentanza dei giovani e di partiti politici, compresi i partiti al potere. I fiori sono stati posati dal Forum di Belgrado per il mondo degli uguali, dal Club dei generali e degli ammiragli della Serbia, dall'Associazione degli ospiti della Serbia, organizzazioni che tradizionalmente hanno sempre organizzato queste e altre attività commemorative simili , per più di due decenni. Oggi, le ghirlande sono state deposte per loro conto da Zivadin Jovanovic, Presidente del Forum di Belgrado, dal Luogotenente Generale Milomir Miladinovic, Presidente dell'Assemblea del Club dei Generali e degli Ammiragli, Prof. Dott.ssa Miladin Sevarlic, Presidente del Comitato esecutivo dell'Associazione degli ospiti della Serbia. L'onore alle vittime dell'aggressione è stato porto anche dall'Ambasciatore della Bielorussia, Sig. Valerij Briljov, il direttore della Casa russa di Belgrado, Yevgeny Alexandrovich Baranov. La delegazione del Partito Socialista Serbo (SPS) era guidata da Nikola Sainovic, il Movimento Socialista da Vladimir Ilic,hanno inoltre partecipato il presidente del Consiglio comunale, il Comune di Nuova Belgrado, il vicepresidente dell'Assemblea Srdjan Minic, per il SUBNOR Dragan Stevic, l'Associazione Scout Zeljko Valkovic un membro della dirigenza della Repubblica, l'Associazione Stara Bezanija, lo scrittore Ranko Spalevic. "Durante l'aggressione Nato è stata uccisa la vita di 89 bambini, a testimonianza del suo carattere criminale", ha ricordato ai presenti Dragutin Brcin, della direzione del Forum di Belgrado. Al monumento della Fiamma Eterna, il generale Luka Kastratović, presidente del Consiglio di amministrazione del Club dei generali e degli ammiragli, si è rivolto al pubblico a nome degli organizzatori, sottolineando che”… le persone che lottano per la libertà e la dignità, non possono essere sconfitte. Siamo obbligati a lottare costantemente per la verità sull'aggressione della NATO, come atto illegale e criminale contro la pace e l'umanità, che non deve mai e in nessun luogo ripetersi”, ha sottolineato il generale Kastratović. Belgrado, 24 marzo 2021. Traduzione e a cura di Enrico Vigna, portavoce del Forum Belgrado Italia A 22 anni dall'inizio dell'aggressione della NATO contro la Serbia (FRY)
Il Forum di Belgrado per il mondo degli eguali, il Club dei generali e degli ammiragli della Serbia e altre organizzazioni indipendenti, apartitiche e senza scopo di lucro, ogni anno ricordano il 24 marzo, il giorno dell'inizio dell'aggressione della NATO, a partire dal 2000 fino ad oggi. Lo fanno con cerimonie commemorative, conferenze nazionali e internazionali, posa di fiori al memoriale delle vittime dell'aggressione, resoconti dei media, ricordando ad amici e associati nel paese e all'estero di parteciparvi. È una parte distinguibile delle attività commemorative della società serba e, più recentemente, dello stato della Serbia. Quest'anno lo abbiamo fatto rispettando le misure provocate dall'epidemia di Covid 19. Lo facciamo soprattutto per un senso di dovere morale nei confronti delle vittime umane, militari e di polizia, nonché dei civili, perché tutte quelle vittime innocenti sono cadute sul suolo del nostro Paese colpite dalle armi degli aggressori. Durante l'aggressione stessa, sono morte da 3.500 a 4.000 persone, di cui oltre 1.100 soldati e agenti di polizia, altri erano civili, donne, bambini, lavoratori, professionisti della radio e della televisione, passeggeri dei treni e persone di colonne sfollate. Oltre a tutte quelle persone che hanno perso la vita dopo la fine dell'aggressione armata, tra i circa 10.000 feriti, quante dalle rimanenti bombe a grappolo e soprattutto quante dalle conseguenze dell'utilizzo di proiettili di uranio impoverito e dall'avvelenamento da gas velenosi, provocato dai bombardamenti di raffinerie e impianti chimici, deve ancora essere determinato. Ancora oggi li ricordiamo tutti, porgendogli il più profondo rispetto. Crediamo che i giovani di oggi, così come tutte le generazioni future, ricorderanno queste vittime, consapevoli che è dovere morale della nazione, condizione per preservare la dignità e un futuro in pace. La seconda ragione è che la verità si difende in questo modo e non lascia spazi vuoti a falsificazioni, bugie e sotterfugi, il cui obiettivo era e rimane quello di ridurre la responsabilità dell'aggressore e di dichiarare colpevole la vittima. Pertanto, dobbiamo dire in questa occasione che non si è trattato né di un intervento, né di una campagna aerea, né di una "piccola guerra in Kosovo", né di un bombardamento ma di un'aggressione armata, illegale, condotta senza l'approvazione del Consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU, in violazione della Carta delle Nazioni Unite, il Documento finale dell'OSCE, i principi fondamentali del diritto internazionale, in particolare violando l'atto fondante della NATO dal 1949 e le costituzioni nazionali degli Stati membri. È stata la prima guerra sul suolo europeo dalla seconda guerra mondiale, contro un paese indipendente e sovrano che non ha attaccato o minacciato in altro modo la NATO o nessuno dei suoi membri. La NATO ha così inferto un duro colpo ai risultati della seconda guerra mondiale, agli accordi di Teheran, Yalta, Potsdam e Helsinki. L'aggressione alla Serbia (FRY) nel 1999, ha messo in pericolo i principi fondamentali delle relazioni internazionali e il sistema di sicurezza per il quale sono state uccise decine di milioni di vittime umane. L'aggressore voleva una guerra e non una soluzione pacifica e sostenibile in Kosovo e Metohija. Una guerra che giustificherà l'esistenza della NATO anche dopo l'era della Guerra Fredda e investimenti ad alto budget in armamenti, cioè nel complesso militare-industriale, una guerra che in pratica dimostrerà la dottrina dell'espansione ad est e sarà un precedente per la globalizzazione e il ruolo del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. L'Europa ha inciampato fortemente accettando la partecipazione alla guerra contro se stessa. Il fatto che l'Europa non riesca ancora a rivolgersi a se stessa, ai suoi interessi e alla sua identità, che fa pressione sulla Serbia affinché riconosca il sequestro forzato di parte del suo territorio statale, per concordare con la revisione dell'Accordo di Dayton e la creazione di una BiH unitaria, a danno del popolo serbo, testimonia la preoccupazione di una sindrome del passato che non genera indipendenza, unità e sviluppo. In terzo luogo, perché non sopportiamo il disfattismo e la tendenza dei media, il cosiddetto settore non governativo delle ONG e alcuni personaggi pubblici, che interpretano l'aggressione della NATO in un modo che diminuisce la responsabilità degli aggressori, suggerendo che la Serbia, in nome del presunto realismo e di un futuro migliore, dovrebbe mettere da parte il tema dell'aggressione e "liberare" il Kosovo e Metohija come un fardello che ne ostacola il progresso. Tuttavia, la responsabilità della NATO per l'aggressione e l'alleanza con l'UCK terrorista e separatista non può essere diminuita in alcun modo, né può essere trasferita come responsabilità alla Serbia. Sarebbe vergognoso per la Serbia e il popolo serbo, e molto dannoso per l'Europa e il futuro delle relazioni globali. Sebbene orientata verso l'Europa, la Serbia non può, rinunciare al Kosovo e Metohija, una sua esistenza statale, culturale e spirituale, pagare il prezzo di stabilire l'unità disturbata dell'UE e della NATO, cioè gli obiettivi geopolitici dei loro membri chiave. Pertanto, siamo convinti che rimarrà permanentemente impegnata per una soluzione pacifica, giusta e sostenibile, in conformità con i principi fondamentali di pace, sicurezza e cooperazione, rispettando la sua Costituzione e la risoluzione 1244 del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. La maggior parte dell'umanità ha capito che non ci sono popolazioni a cui far subire guerre umanitarie o guerre di protezione, che rivoluzioni colorate e missili da crociera non "esportano" democrazia e diritti umani, ma il dominio e gli interessi del capitalismo multinazionale liberale. Qualunque cosa si pensi della politica della forza e dell '"eccezionalità" data da Dio, la storia non può essere fermata, né l'unipolarismo riconcretizzarsi e rinascere. In quarto luogo, siamo profondamente preoccupati per la costante escalation delle relazioni globali, la corsa agli armamenti, l'assenza di dialogo e l'approfondimento della sfiducia tra i principali attori delle relazioni europee e mondiali. L’additamento pubblico delle potenze nucleari e dei membri permanenti del Consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU come nemici, piani per creare "coalizioni democratiche" per affrontare "sistemi autoritari", esercitazioni militari generalizzate dall'Atlantico e dal Baltico all'Indo-Pacifico per "frenare" "influenze avverse", sono segni di grave deterioramento delle relazioni globali con conseguenze imprevedibili. Ciò non riguarda solo le grandi potenze, sebbene dipenda maggiormente da loro, ma ha anche un effetto negativo sulla posizione e sullo sviluppo di tutti i paesi del mondo, compresa la posizione della Serbia. Perché, come la pace è indivisibile, così sono indivisibili anche i pericoli per la pace e la sicurezza. Pertanto, chiediamo dialogo e considerazione, fermando l'approfondimento della sfiducia, il rispetto dell'uguaglianza e il partenariato nella risoluzione di tutti i problemi internazionali. Quinto, perché non vogliamo che la sofferenza, il sacrificio e la distruzione a cui è sopravvissuto il nostro popolo durante e dopo l'aggressione armata della NATO nel 1999, si replichino in qualsiasi momento, in nessuna parte del mondo. Il tragico destino dei bambini a Belgrado, Varvarin, Kosovska Mitrovica, Murine non deve ripetersi. Traduzione e a cura di Enrico Vigna, portavoce del Forum Belgrado Italia 24 Marzo 1999 – 24 Marzo 2021: NOI NON DIMENTICHIAMO - A cura di Enrico Vigna
“…Ho appena dato mandato al comandante supremo delle forze alleate in Europa, il generale Clark, di avviare le operazioni d'aria (ndt: bombardamenti aerei…) sulla Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia…Tutti gli sforzi per raggiungere una soluzione politica negoziata alla crisi del Kosovo sono falliti e non ci sono alternative all'intraprendere l'azione militare…”. L'aggressione alla Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia/ Serbia…era motivata dalla necessità di fermare una “pulizia etnica”, un “genocidio” e ripristinare i “diritti umani” nella provincia. Perché queste furono le tre basi fondanti su cui la cosiddetta Comunità Internazionale: cioè gli otto paesi più ricchi della Terra, cioè il loro braccio armato, la NATO (in quanto i governi dei 2/3 dell'umanità tra voti contrari e astensioni, erano contrari alla guerra) hanno decretato l'aggressione alla Jugoslavia il 24 Marzo 1999.
24 marzo 2021 – Anniversario dell’aggressione della NATO alla Repubblica Federale Jugoslava MA ESSA E’ TUTTORA CALPESTATA E RIMOSSA. Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali Italia Yugolsavia my third country by Jan Oberg
And now back to Europe and another love story – Yugoslavia. It begins in 1974 in Dubrovnik at the Adriatic coast in what is now Croatia. That’s where there was a multi-national Inter-University Centre, IUC. Professors from all republics came there to teach philosophy, literature, politics, international affairs, etc – and their students came from around the world. Not so strange because about 120 universities around the world delivered the non-Yugoslav students and teachers free of charge to the IUC. So it was an international meeting place like no other between East and West – and Yugoslavia was a neutral, non-aligned country with amazing relations with both the East and West and the so-called Third World. One of the teachers at IUC was Håkan Wiberg (1942-2010) who was also one of my sociology professors at Lund University. He had stimulated my interest in peace and conflict research because he gave a short introductory course to it. He was also the head of the Lund University Peace Research Institute – or Department – LUPRI (closed down in 1989). He must have sensed my interest because one day he said, Come along with me to Dubrovnik, I think it will be an eye-opener for you! And so I did. And so it was. At the time, the director of IUC was Johan Galtung, whom I had met when he gave a lecture at my high school in Aarhus in 1968. So, here I was with two pioneering eminent and very different peace scholars who became my main mentors in the field of peace and conflict research. The first years I was a student, took all the courses I could and wrote one paper after the other; we called it high-temperature education. Apart from some sleep, a sista with lunch – often oysters and white wine at some beautiful square in the old town – and a swim in the sea, it was work, work and more work until late dinner and then up early the next morning. In particular, Galtung was a super-productive creativity-driven master who inspired young people East, West, North and South… in the end, however, too much for the Yugoslav authorities. As you’ll see here and there through this book, they are guilty of much when it comes to my intellectual career and production. Later, I became a teacher at ICU and enjoyed it tremendously – also because it gave me the opportunity to learn from some of Yugoslavia’s best intellectuals – including the Praxis philosophers, people like Mihailo Markovic and Svetozar Stojanovic.
Interestingly, Josip Broz Tito – the “dictator” as ignorant people in the West called him after his death in 1980 – had an interesting way of treating thinking dissidents; he took their passport from them and, so, the only place they could interact with scholars from abroad was in – yes, Dubrovnik. That was great for me because I learned one thing in 1974 that I could not have operated without later: Yugoslavia was hellishly complex; don’t believe that you understand it because you have read a book or two. Always look for various explanations, be aware that everything is related to everything else in the Yugoslav space and – finally – don’t believe that the Balkans is a kind of backyard of primitive thinking and atavistic conflicts. Concretely – there I sat as a 23-year-old student and listened into the wee hours of the night to the – heated – discussions among the best intellectuals from all Yugoslavia’s republics discussing the most important thing that year and indeed signalling the fate of the country – the new Constitution that had been adopted in February 1974, a 300+ page document that allegedly made it the second-longest constitution in the world after that of India. From 1974, Yugoslavia became the third country that I felt I belonged to. I have visited it more than a hundred times, almost every corner of it. With my TFF team members, I was very intensely and closely involved in all the processes of its violent dissolution through the 1990s and I have conducted about 3000 interviews in all republics, at all levels and with people of all walks of life – in addition to internationals, UN people, humanitarian workers, journalist and, on one occasion, CIA. I have served as goodwill (unpaid) mediator between three governments in Belgrade and the Kosovo-Albanian leadership under then-President Dr Ibrahim Rugova. TFF’s team produced a comprehensive plan for a 3-year negotiated solution which was the only one that got widely published in leading media on both sides. It was all destroyed by those who wanted a violent solution, the US, CIA, the German intelligence service and the murky Kosovo-Albanian forces that got all the weapons. They undermined Dr Rugova’s nonviolent policies and later became the Kosovo-Albanian Liberation Army, or KLA/UCK, NATO’s allies on the ground. Two of their leader still play prominent roles in the new states’ political system, Hashim Thaci and Ramush Haradinaj. And that was basically what the 72-days NATO bombing of Kosovo and Serbia from March 24, 1999, was all about. The Clinton administration’s illegal (according to intrnational because it lacked a UN Security Council mandate) Serbophobic project produced nothing but destruction, fear, higher cancer rates due to the criminal use of depleted uranium bombs, 800 000 refugees who ran down to Macedonia, etc. I was there during the bombing, visited Novi Sad and Belgrade. Remember standing in my room on the 6th floor of Hotel Moskva in the centre of Belgrade and feel the pressure wave up through my body when NATO relently punded the Batajnica air base, built to withstand tactical nukes, 10 kilometres away. No one who was not there would ever understand what crime it was. And the result? The US Bondsteel Base, the largest at the time outside the US, being built in Kosovo for strategic reasons, an even today failed stated called Kosova and a Serbia that has long ago lost faith in joining the West. Why? I’ll tell you. Law professor, Vojislav Kostunica, who became President after Slobodan Milosevic told me during a conversation I had with him in his home in the cozy Skadarlija Street that Washington had already told him – a couple of months after NATO’s bombing – that Serbia would only be allowed to join the EU after it had joined NATO. This deep engagement – with TFF’s several Associates and Wiberg and Galtung in particular – has produced what I believe to be the largest single analytical work, equivalent to about 2500 A4 pages, namely the blog called “Yugoslavia – What Should Have Been Done” (2014) in which everything we wrote from the wars broke out there in 1991 is published as it was originally written. It’s also unique in its systematic focus on not only criticism – of which we do a lot – but on how the world could have helped the peoples of Yugoslavia to divorce in a better way and live better together afterwards. Had the West not bee so ignorant and arrogant and mainly produced peace-prevention policies. I remain of the belief that that conflict and the ways it was mishandled has changed Europe and certain matters beyond Europe more than the fall of the Berlin Wall and the demise of the Soviet Union. In summary, much more to be said in due course. Europe in the New Cold War
International Manifesto Group, Statement of Mr. Rade Drobac in Zoom Conference Europe in the New Cold War, Ladies and Gentleman, Dear colleagues, I would like to thank the organizers for giving me the possibility to speak today here and praise them for choosing such an interesting subject. Dear colleagues, I think that today we can’t speak about “new cold war” because the actual situation in the world and the repartition of forces on the international level, even in Europe itself, is totally different than it was during the period of cold war. Then we had just two super powers confronted ideologically and strategically. Today we are living in the post American world, in emerging multilateral reality, characterized by the appearance of a new powers and a number of states that are rapidly strengthening themselves to the point to become a challenge to every super power. Also, today, there is no more ideological conflict between the opponent forces, just strategic, political and economic differences. Let me remind you that in the time of cold war Europe was divided between Western, capitalist countries, and Eastern, socialist countries, aligned in NATO and Warsaw pact, with some neutral countries, such as Yugoslavia. The blocs were confronted in many questions, in first place about the vision of the world, ideologically. What was incontestable at that time was the leadership of USA over the Western and SU over the Eastern bloc. Their rivalry resulted in regional crises, race in arms production, local wars and instabilities, verbal confrontation but the global war didn’t happen because of the balance of power and fear between them. Such a situation facilitated the appearance of the third bloc, Movement of Non-aligned countries, which occupied the space between them and became important factor in the international theatre, balancing between them and defending the interests of small countries and the improvement of the international low and cooperation. One of the leading countries of that movement was Yugoslavia, that helped many small countries to get independence and liberate themselves from colonial powers, to grow economically, to get strength politically and to unite in that international movement in their own interest and in the interest of all small countries. But, despite its importance and big number of members, the movement never had enough capacities to become a third super power. It was just a big international voting machine without real power-military and economically. When we speak about today’s Europe, we have to have in mind that actually the big majority of European countries are members of the European Union (EU), or are in some relation with it. That’s mean that almost whole today’s Europe is oriented toward “Western values”, what ever that means, from EU member countries, candidates for membership countries, even “neutral” ones, such Sweden or Switzerland, or Norway, for example, not member of EU, but member of NATO. This is the consequence of the period of USA domination over the world as a unique super power, after the break out of SU in a number of new independent states, used by USA to take them under its influence. The result id that today almost whole Europe is a zone of influence of USA. But, if almost whole Europe is today politically oriented to the West, that doesn’t mean that EU and other countries in Europe close to it are unified and without problems. EU had passed years of grow and strength, political influence and financial power, from small group of countries to a potent internationally important organization, from 6 to 28 member countries, from union of countries gathered for one purpose to almost super state. During a long period from 1952 when EU was born, until today, changing its structure, unifying every time more, from Rome agreement in 1958, unification of the executive powers in 1967, Maastricht agreement in 1993, Amsterdam agreement in 1999, adoption of Euro in 2002, Nice agreement in 2003, to Lisbon Treaty in 2009, that international organization, with ambition to became global power and global multiethnic and multi confessional super state, took many faces and practices, attracted many European countries to be part of it, in the attempt to became a super power. From 1952, it enlarged six times, from 1973, 1981, 1987, 1995, 2004, 2007, until 2013 when Croatia became its 28-th member. But it seems that last ten years EU is facing serious problems and the erosion of its unity and power. It started to loose discipline of the member countries, unity over the same goals, strength, vision, support of the member states, facing differences of the member states about internal and international policies, the policy of enlargement and, it seems, began to understand, if true, that Brussels overestimated its power to manage so many different countries and oblige them, despite their particular interests, to unify over same goals. Nowadays we are witnessing that United Kingdom (UK) has left EU, searching its freedom, suzerainty and independence, not without problems and consequences on both sides. The exit of UK left EU much weaker than it was, especially damaged its image of prosperity, wellness and progress and worse, left it without vision how to overpass the situation when one of its most prestigious members has left the organization. Moreover, it is more that clear that between EU members there is different views about the structure of the organization and its future transformation. There is the group of the countries that advocate stronger unification of the executive power in the attempt to become global multinational super state with the main power in Brussels, with supremacy over the nation states and its executive power. But also, there is a number of countries that oppose to that, especially and openly countries members of the Visegrad group - Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic, that don’t want to leave their national executive power to Brussels.. This problem is becoming every day more evident and important blocking the efficiency of the organization in many fields, including finances, budget, internal and foreign policies. Speaking about the problems of EU, one of the most urgent to resolve is also the relation between USA and EU. During the mandate of the former American president D. Trump, the differences between USA and EU become very serious, from political priorities, economic cooperation with RF and China, defense policies and about energy supplies. EU is now in the situation to decide if it would continue to be, as it was until D. Trump come to power, strongly linked to USA, or to search its own road. In both cases it has to resolve the relations between its two strongest member states, Germany and France, differences between nationalist countries, such as Visegrad group, and globally oriented ones, and to settle its relation with USA and UK. So, it is evident that today’s world differ very much from the one during cold war and already elaborated arguments give reason why today we can’t speak about cold war but what we can is to speak about hope that the new balances of power in the world could be the opportunity to start again to respect international law, not only interests of the most mighty countries.
Rade Drobac Vladimir Kršljanin: Slobodan Milošević – The Man Who Connected Centuries
He was born 80 years ago and fell a martyr 15 years ago How the XX and XXI centuries will connect, many Serbs and many in the world did not understand. And if they understood, Slobodan would still be with us. The XX century was the century of socialist revolutions. And the XXI century is a century of synthesis of the just and effective society (socialism) with centuries-old cultural traditions. And the age of synthesis of the best in all cultures, the best in mankind, the true birth of mankind. This linking of centuries and this universal human synthesis, the colossal results of which we now see in Russia and China, were begun by Slobodan Milošević. Slobodan Milošević was a great Serb, a great socialist and a great man. He perfected Yugoslav socialism and freed it from historical blunders. Unfortunately, thus improved, the system became too good for Western aggressors to allow it to survive. Slobodan made it so that Historical Serbia was resurrected – as a great idea and achievement of Balkan history, as an enlightened democracy, and as a fraternal country and ally of Great Russia. And of course independent, creative and just. By the 5th October coup and by the murder of Slobodan, they tried to destroy it, but they did not succeed. She is here again. But in fact, if she is resurrected, then she is eternal. As well as Slobodan, who fell a martyr for his people and their faith. He had endless charisma and endless modesty. As a politician, he was the most consistent socialist, and as a person, the most moral Orthodox Christian. He returned Kosovo and Metohija to the constitutional system of Serbia, began deep economic and democratic reforms, resisted the breakup of Yugoslavia and the separation of parts of the Serbian people from their homeland. He led the people’s struggle for freedom and defense against NATO aggression. Thanks to his wisdom and the will of the people, in the most difficult international circumstances he achieved the Dayton Agreement and Resolution 1244. The largest number of Orthodox churches were renovated and built while he was at the head of Serbia. Slobodan was also our catechon. Serbia temporarily lost its independence when he was overthrown in a putsch organized by outside powers. Even against this putsch, he did not use force, because he was confident in the democratic strength and the future of his people. Federal Yugoslavia was abolished only when he was sent to The Hague, and Montenegro was torn away from Serbia only when he was killed. Putin’s Russia signed a free trade agreement with the Milošević government. She provided a peaceful transit of power after the putsch. She gave guarantees for Slobodan’s medical treatment in Moscow (with special efforts by former Prime Minister Primakov), which were rejected by the Hague Tribunal. She even agreed to the funeral of Slobodan in Moscow, with state honors. Publicly and officially, she rejected in the UN Security Council the tribunal’s report on Slobodan’s death. Slobodan’s wife and son received political asylum in Russia, and the son subsequently received Russian citizenship. The fate of Slobodan united the freedom-loving and progressive world. With the demand for his release, patriots of the Serbian diaspora and Western European communists marched along the streets of The Hague, from the center to the Nazi prison in Scheveningen, carrying crosses to commemorate those who until then had become victims of the tribunal, and all this to the loud sounds of Tchaikovsky’s Marche Slave , written back in 1876 to the glory of the Serbian struggle. The International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milošević, as well as during the trial of Dimitrov for the Reichstag fire, gathered the most distinguished intellectuals, artists and activists of the world. Slobodan has made senseless the most costly and worst mistake in the history of the UN, the NATO pact’s lackey body – the Hague Tribunal. This illegal and criminal quasi-court therefore killed him, despite the campaign for his medical treatment, which was waged throughout the world, but was not heard enough. One of the first international events reported by the newly created Russia Today was – the funeral of Slobodan Milošević. There remains a moral duty of Serbia and the world – to review the work of the tribunal and prosecute those responsible for the murder of Slobodan Milošević. A million people came to Slobodan funeral. Gennady Zyuganov, Sergei Baburin, Konstantin Zatulin, General Leonid Ivashov, Ramsey Clark, Peter Handke, Mihailo Marković, Milorad Vučelić, Aleksandar Vučić (read Vojislav Šešelj’s letter), Branko Rakić spoke in Belgrade and Požarevac… Ivana Žigon recited the “Stubborn Poem” of the poet Dobrica Erić. Orthodox Russians and Serbs fought shoulder to shoulder in the twentieth century for the victory over fascism and for a humane world. They fought, and at the cost of huge sacrifices, they won, giving the world a new and lasting system of international relations and international law. This system should be preserved because the world is entering a period of great synthesis. Slobodan Milošević forever dismantled the Cold War effort to divide Serbs and Russians. Thus, with his faith and sacrifice, he resurrected Historical Serbia and created a new chance for Europe, Eurasia, and the world. In this way, he poured the greatest human achievements from the XX into the XXI century and created a road of cooperation between states and cultures, for a new, peaceful and just world, which today is successfully led by moral powers, Russia and China, and in which Serbia has its decent place. Source: We denounce the murderous US attack on Syria
Even before three weeks have passed with the new US President Joe Biden in power, the first American bombings in Syria were carried out. In an unprovoked airstrike in eastern Syria last Friday, the United States dropped bombs that killed dozens of people. In fact, the murderous US strike was carried out under the pretext of de-escalating the situation in eastern Syria and Iraq and protecting US personnel and the coalition forces. The Cyprus Peace Council (CCP) denounces this murderous US attack, which constitutes a flagrant violation of International Law, and we call on the Cypriot government to condemn it. The US attack on Syria is a slap in the face of those who believed that Biden's election and the change of government would at the same time change the foreign policy of this imperialist country. They ignore the fact that US foreign policy is determined by the war-mongering arms industry. The US attack was also a slap in the face of President Anastasiades’ one-dimensional and pro-American policy, which is focused on forging dangerous military agreements with the US, Israel and other imperialist powers, believing that they will help us in the process of solving the Cyprus problem against Turkish aggression and intransigence. We also point out that the US military presence in the British bases in Cyprus, for several years now, has been established to be used for such aggressive raids on our neighbouring countries, involving Cyprus in dangerous imperialist plans. The Cyprus Peace Council warns that in the period ahead of us the new US President will act to serve the interests of the representatives of capital, the multinationals and especially the military deep state, causing a new escalation of tensions and military interventions in the region of the Middle East. Secretariat of the Cyprus Peace Council Monday, 1st March 2021 Source: 2021: 80th anniversary of President Milošević and 20th anniversary of our committee
The President of Serbia and Yugoslavia Slobodan Milošević was born on August 20, 1941 in the town of Pozarevac. On the initiative of Velko Valkanov, who realized that Milošević was threatened by a new Reichstag Fire Trial, the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milošević was established in Belgrade and Berlin on March 25, 2001, which later, in addition to Velko Valkanov (Bulgaria), was also headed by Ramsey Clark (USA) and Alexander Zinoviev (Russia), as Co-chairmen. The committee included about 160 prominent personalities from around the world. In terms of its illegal methods and five-year duration, the process at the NATO Hague Tribunal turned out to be much worse than the Leipzig 1933 one, and therefore the fate of Milošević turned out to be worse than that of Dimitrov – Miloševiđ fell victim to judicial murder 15 years ago, on March 11, 2006. But thanks to his life achievements and his The Hague defense, he will remain in eternal memory as one of the greatest persons of our time. We are proud that the activities of our committee continue. The twentieth century with the victory of the USSR over fascism opened up new prospects for mankind based on the sovereign equality of nations and a socially oriented state. Like the Russian people in the USSR, the Serbian people in Yugoslavia played an important role in the achievements of the 20th century. And with his perseverance and his feat, Milošević ensured the continuity of the achievements of the twentieth century in the twenty-first. Thanks to him, little Serbia withstood the armed aggression of the entire NATO, opening the door for the final collapse of Western capitalism and the beginning of a new world led by moral powers – Russia and China. We intend to mark the 80th anniversary of President Milošević and the 20th anniversary of our committee throughout the year. In that sense, we invite each of our members to take the initiative, and at least send us their text, commentary, memoir and / or video on Milošević’s activities or the relevance and historical meaning of his and our struggle.
По своим незаконным методам и пятилетней продолжительности, процесс в Гаагским НАТО трибунале оказался гораздо хуже Лейпцигского, а следовательно и судьба Милошевича оказалась хуже судьбы Димитрова – Милошевич пал жертвой судебного убийства 15 лет назад, 11 марта 2006 года. Но благодаря его жизненной деятельности и его Гаагской защите он останется в вечной памяти как один из самых великих людей нашего времени. Мы гордимся тем, что деятельность нашего комитета продолжается. ХХ столетие победой СССР над фашизмом открыло новые перспективы для человечества, основанные на суверенном равенстве наций и социально ориентированном государстве. Подобно русскому народу в СССР, сербский народ в Югославии сыграл важную роль в достижениях ХХ столетия. А своей стойкостью и своим подвигом Милошевич обеспечил преемственность достижений ХХ столетия в ХХI. Благодаря ему маленькая Сербия выстояла против вооруженной агрессии всего НАТО, открывая дверь для окончательного крушения западного капитализма и начала нового мира, возглавляемого моральными державами – Россией и Китаем. Мы намерены в течении всего года достойно отмечать 80-летие президента Милошевича и 20-летие нашего комитета. В том смысле приглашаем каждого нашего члена проявить инициативу, а по крайней мере направить нам свой текст, комментарий, воспоминание и/или видео ролик на тему деятельности Милошевича или актуальности и исторического смысла его и нашей борьбы. Клаус Хартман, сопредседатель Source: Why NATO Needs to Go
The February 17-18 meeting of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Defense Ministers, the first since U.S. President Joe Biden took power, revealed an antiquated, seventy-five-year-old alliance that, despite its military failures in Afghanistan and Libya, is now turning its military madness toward two more formidable, nuclear-armed enemies: Russia and China. Biden’s election has not changed Europeans’ views much from a previous survey in 2019, because they see Trumpism as a symptom of more deeply rooted and long-standing problems in American society. This theme was emphasized by U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in a Washington Post op-ed in advance of the NATO meeting, in which he insisted that “aggressive and coercive behaviors from emboldened strategic competitors such as China and Russia reinforce our belief in collective security.” Using Russia and China to justify more Western military build-up is a key element in the alliance’s new “Strategic Concept,” called NATO 2030: United For a New Era, which is intended to define NATO’s role in the world for the next ten years. IL MULTILATERALISMO È LA CARATTERISTICA DELL’UMANESIMO
Zivadin Jovanovic, Presidente del Forum di Belgrado per un mondo di uguali Intervista a Zivadin Jovanovic di Ren Yan, corrispondente europeo di "People’s Daily", in occasione del Primo Summit online del 17CEEC + Cina. 5 febbraio 2021 D. Quali sono le sue aspettative per il prossimo vertice della Cina e delle nazioni dell'Europa centrale e orientale? D. Quale ruolo ha svolto tale quadro di cooperazione nella promozione dello sviluppo economico nella regione e nelle relazioni tra Cina e la Regione? D. Che significato ha il vertice nel contesto della pandemia globale? D. Dallo scoppio del COVID-19, la Serbia e la Cina hanno collaborato strettamente per combattere l'epidemia. Potresti fornire alcuni esempi per dimostrare il sostegno reciproco e l'aiuto nella lotta contro l'epidemia? D. Diversi anni fa, il presidente cinese Xi Jinping ha effettuato con successo una visita in Serbia. Come valuti il risultato della visita? D. Come vede il ruolo del multilateralismo nell'affrontare la crisi globale come l'attuale pandemia? Belgrado, 5 febbraio 2021 Le congratuazioni di J. Biden al presidente serbo A. Vucic
di Zivadin Jovanovic*, Belgrado 8 febbraio 2021
Z. Jovanovic diplomatico in pensione ed ex Ministro degli Esteri della Repubblica Federale Jugoslava, attuale presidente del Forum Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali
Экс-глава МИД Югославии назвал непристойным и оскорбительным письмо Байдена Вучичу
Ранее президент США поздравил Сербию с предстоящим Днем государственности, указав на необходимость реформ и признания независимости непризнанного Косова БЕЛГРАД, 8 февраля. /ТАСС/. Поздравительное письмо президента США Джо Байдена, поступившее 5 февраля в адрес президента Сербии Александара Вучича, является необычным, непристойным и оскорбительным. Такое мнение высказал ТАСС в понедельник экс-глава МИД Союзной Республики Югославия Живадин Йованович. "Поздравление Байдена в адрес Вучича является необычным, непристойным и оскорбительным. Необычным потому, что поздравления не принято использовать для уведомлений о политических взглядах неделикатной природы. Непристойным потому, что суверенные и равноправные государства не читают друг другу лекции, а если такое случается, то это выражение гегемонии, а не демократии и союзничества, и уж никак не дружбы. Оскорбительным является то, что все это Байден делает, явно не понимая, что этим он бередит раны, нанесенные сербскому народу в 1999 году (агрессия НАТО против Югославии - прим. ТАСС), углубляет недоверие, вместо укрепления взаимоуважения", - говорится в заявлении Йовановича, поступившем в ТАСС. Сербский политик и дипломат считает, что Байден мог прочитать свою лекцию Вучичу, хоть это и неприемлемо, по дипломатическим каналам. "То, как он сделал это - высокомерно, открытым письмом, - ранило чувства сербского народа и углубило недоверие", - считает экс-министр. "Байден требует, чтобы Сербия смирилась с насильственным, незаконным похищением Косова и Метохии и признала часть своей территории независимым государством, что равняется поощрению беззакония и хаоса в Европе и мире. Позиция, что сила и угрозы выше всех международных законов, представляет собой опасное заигрывание, которое мировое сообщество в новом формате глобальных отношений решительно отбрасывает. Старые сигналы нового американского президента, упакованные в напоминания о 140-летних дипломатических отношениях, союзничестве в двух мировых войнах и вкладе сербской диаспоры в развитие и прогресс США, являются уловкой, которую сербская общественность распознает, понимает и с негодованием отвергает. Поразительно, что славная история отношений между двумя странами не обязывает Байдена исправлять ошибки своих предшественников по отношению к союзному сербскому народу, особенно ошибки с 1990 по 2000 год", - говорится в заявлении бывшего главы МИД. Поздравление Байдена Ранее президент США Джо Байден поздравил Сербию с предстоящим Днем государственности, указав на необходимость реформ и признания независимости непризнанного Косова. В ответ президент Сербии Александар Вучич заявил, что "позиции Белграда по признанию Косова ясны" и о признании не идет речь. Сербский автономный край Косово и Метохия провозгласил независимость в одностороннем порядке в феврале 2008 года и в последние годы активно пытается вступить в международные организации, включая ЮНЕСКО и Интерпол. Против признания Косова выступают свыше 60 стран, в том числе Россия, Индия и Китай, а также пять государств - членов ЕС. 14 февраля администрация в Приштине намерена провести внеочередные парламентские выборы, что дополнительно накаляет ситуацию в автономном сербском крае. MULTILATERALISM IS THE FEATURE OF HUMANISM
Zivadin Jovanovic President of Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, First online Summit of 17CEEC+China
Q. What expectations do you have for the coming summit of China and central and eastern European nations? I am convinced that the Summit will also produce ideas and proposals how to efficiently cope with the socio-economic, financial and other serious consequences of Covid 19 pandemic, how to revive the pace of economic development and how to adjust overall 17+1 cooperation to the new circumstances. It is good opportunity to note that 17+1 cooperation format has proved in practice to be integral part of EU-China strategic partnership and that recent signing of Investment Agreement between EU and China offers stable legal base for expansion of that cooperation. The 17+1 Summit will demonstrate that only by solidarity, new initiatives, win-win cooperation and adjustments to the new realities, international community can overcome any difficulty and create a vision of the common future for humanity. Q. What role has the Cooperation Framework played in promoting economic development in the region and relationship of China and the region? R. 17CEEC+China format of cooperation should be observed as the bridge between Europe and Asia making Euro-Asia space interconnected by modern and efficient infrastructure, facilitating growth of trade, development and people to people connectivity. It is also, important part of the global China-EU partnership which recently received new strategic incentive by signing of the EU-China Agreement on Investment. This cooperation format has helped greatly to speedier economic growth of all member countries by facilitating trade, investments, people to people exchange. It has improved bilateral communication and cooperation between the member countries as well as between CEEC and other countries along the Silk and Road. Finally, it has helped internal EU efforts to diminish the gap in levels of socioeconomic development between CEEC and countries of western parts of EU. In the midst of the straggle to establish control of pandemic, with efforts to preserve economies from further erosion and open perspective for normalization and regaining stable growth as soon as possible, there is growing interest for intensification of cooperation within 17+1 format. Therefore, the initiative of the President Xi Jinping is welcome and timely. Whenever there is important challenge, or difficulty the best is to bring new initiatives, open new perspectives and it is exactly what China does now. Q. What significance does the summit have in the situation of pandemic R. Having regard to the great achievements of Chinese science and the health sector in making China the first country in the world which succeeded in establishing full control over pandemic and in normalizing socio-economic development, the Summit will be excellent opportunity for all participants to receive first hand information, exchange experiences and plan future activities in a more efficient and coordinated way. Q. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Serbia and China cooperated closely to fight against the epidemic. Could you please give some examples to show the mutual support and help in combating the epidemic? R. China was the first country to help Serbia in fighting the pandemic. Since the beginning of the pandemic in the spring last year, the air bridge Belgrade-Beijing was established expeditiously transporting and delivering specialists, medicaments, humanitarian assistance and equipment. Two modern diagnostic centers equipped by Chinese suppliers have been set up (Nis and Belgrade) processing about 20.000 tests per day. China is Serbia’s number one supplier of anti-Covid 19 vaccines. I am sure that Serbia’s president Aleksandar Vucic will express sincere gratitude of our citizens to China and president Xi Jinping for their solidarity and enormous assistance which helped Serbia to be among the most successful countries in the world in fighting pandemic. Q. Several years ago, Chinese president Xi Jinping made a successful visit to Servbia. How do you see the fruit of the visit? R. Serbia and China have longstanding relations of friendship, cooperation without any precondition, mutual respect and trust. They support each other in the international arena, first of all in the UN, in defending principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, sovereign equality and noninterference. Q. How do you see the role of multilateralism in dealing with the global crisis like the current pandemic? R. In the era of globalization, modern communication, interconnectivity and mutual dependency multilateralism has become “sine qua non” of the common future of mankind and its prosperity. Global governance, global security, global economic growth, global environment, global space and many other areas of vital importance to common future of mankind are unthinkable without further improvement of multilateralism. Covid 19 pandemic being the global enemy of the whole humanity has clearly shown the need for human solidarity, inclusive multilateral cooperation and coordination free of any prejudices, regardless of any political divergences, religions, races, military might, or levels of socio-economic development. In fact, pandemic has reminded us that multilateralism is essential feature of humanism. Pandemic does not recognize who thinks what of oneself but what we all do jointly. Kosovo Endgame: A Perfect Storm of Betrayal
Stephen Karganovic It is difficult to avoid the impression that the denouement of the Kosovo political saga is approaching at an accelerated pace. On September 4 an important meeting will be held in Washington, with President Trump’s attendance at some stage strongly suggested. Its purpose is to sort out the finer details of what should soon be unveiled as a “comprehensive and legally binding” settlement between Serbia and its province of Kosovo. Kosovo has been illegally occupied by NATO since 1999 and was spurred on in 2008 to unilaterally proclaim its “independence.” A few preliminary facts need to be stated before embarking on an analysis of the current maneuverings. Kosovo was forcibly separated by NATO powers from the rest of Serbia in 1999, after NATO’s military aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, at that time consisting of Serbia and Montenegro. For both Serbia and Montenegro, Kosovo is a territory of extraordinary cultural and spiritual importance in a sense very much analogous to the significance of the Holy Land to the Jewish people. The three-month NATO assault failed to result in a military defeat for the Yugoslav army and ended, rather, in a stalemate. The Yugoslav army withdrew from Kosovo largely intact, with NATO forces occupying it in their wake, while to bring the conflict to a close the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1244 recognizing Kosovo as a part of Serbia to be temporarily administered by the UN, assisted by a NATO contingent, until details of its future are sorted out in negotiations between the parties. The resolution guaranteed security to all residents of Kosovo, Albanians, Serbs, and members of other communities. Subsequent negotiations between the parties were fruitless because the “international mediators,” whose identity it is superfluous to specify, were making promises of support for full independence and encouraged the Albanian side to intransigently reject Serbian offers of broad autonomy. The euphemism “independence” for the inherently unviable Albanian Kosovo statelet, of course, actually meant a protectorate under the lordship of the imperial powers which arranged for setting it up in the first place. Indeed, Kosovo’s “constitution” contained until recently the embarrassing provision that the international representative on its territory is the supreme authority in all administrative matters, including interpreting the constitution’s meaning and scope [Article 147]. The provision was abrogated in 2012, four years into “independence,” but there are few illusions about who continues to call the shots in Pristina. That hardly makes for the supreme law of a truly independent land or even, as some would be bold enough to argue, of a protectorate. Ever since 1999, the Serbian government has been between a rock and a hard place with regard to Kosovo. On the one hand, domestic public opinion is adamant that Kosovo, where some of the most important Serbian religious shrines and historical places are located, is an inalienable part of Serbia and that no effort should be spared to reintegrate it. On the other, pressure from Western “partners” has been ferocious to officially recognize Kosovo’s separation from Serbia, renounce all pretensions to it, and ultimately to establish formal state-to-state relations with Serbia’s historical and spiritual heartland. Membership in the European Union was initially offered to Serbia as a carrot, but it is a reward which for obvious reasons has lost much of its luster lately. It would be a useful analogy to imagine Israel being broken up into Judea and Samaria, and Judea compelled to accept and recognize a Samaria under foreign control as a different and independent country. Successive Serbian governments, all dominated to one degree or another, by Western agents or Euro-integrationist enthusiasts, undeniably have actively entertained the idea of going along with (to put it blandly) the Western-proposed Kosovo disengagement scheme, at least to the extent that they dared. For sound legal and geopolitical reasons of its own the Russian Federation has made it clear that it will oppose in the UN any alteration to Kosovo’s status or solution to the Kosovo dispute outside the provisions of Resolution 1244, which unequivocally recognizes Kosovo as an integral part of Serbia. Significantly, as if anticipating a breakdown of official resolve in Belgrade, the Russian Foreign Ministry and other competent high-level bodies have lately broadened their Kosovo rhetoric to insist that any solution must not only be consistent with UN Resolution 1244, but also be “acceptable to the Serbian people” (and here). Returning now to the scheduled Washington conference on Kosovo at the beginning of September, the media activation a few days ago of William Montgomery, former US ambassador to Yugoslavia (2001 – 2004), has caused quite a stir. Montgomery who, since his “retirement” in 2004 has remained in the Balkans as a “private businessman,” has a habit of lecturing the Serbian political elite on what it should do. He is listened to partly because over the years he has assiduously built up for himself the reputation of a non-stereotype American official, receptive to the Serbian point of view. Atypically for a US public figure, in 2008 he voiced scepticism about Kosovo independence (and here) and even expressed comprehension for the “very real plight” of the Serbian community there. In 2010 Montgomery publicly advocated Bosnia’s dissolution, with each entity being allowed to go its separate way. Here is a man who knows how to win brownie points with ordinary Serbs, and he does it by expressing sentiments that, incidentally, also happen to be good for business. Still, it should not be neglected that the empathetic Mr. Montgomery does not pursue only the noble dictates of his own independent judgment, but has also loyally served as a conduit of some higher interests. In 1999 and 2000, from his Budapest command post, Montgomery was in charge of funnelling logistical support, including millions in cash, for the implementation of the then Otpor (currently in Belarus, Canvas, but same difference) color revolution coup in Yugoslavia, which brought to power in Belgrade a coterie of Western-controlled and dependent politicians. Predictably, in 2001 the new government he was covertly helpful in installing had no objections to welcoming him as a diplomat to the country he had just subverted. So as Serbia faces what is being shaping up as a climactic moment in the two-decade campaign to wrench out its spiritual and historical heart – Kosovo, what is the sage advice that ex-US ambassador-turned-friend William Montgomery has to offer to Serbs? In the style of a seasoned political hustler, it is that “time is running out” and that the Serbian delegation must not miss this extraordinary and probably final opportunity to capitulate with honor. Raising tensions, Montgomery the US political pundit warns the Serbs not to disdain whatever crumbs are offered to them in September because “President Trump is likely to lose and his successor Joe Biden favors Kosovo and the Albanians.” If exchange of territory is to be part of the “deal,” Montgomery urges, “speed is of the essence” and he expects the “Israeli scenario” as in the normalization of relations between Israel and UAE to be re-enacted. In that case, Montgomery argues, Trump will most likely push for immediate implementation because – and here anyone with even a superficial knowledge of American politics will surely agree with him – all President Trump really wants “is the photo-op of Serbian and Kosovo leaders shaking hands and announcing that they have reached an agreement.” For Trump, he added quite correctly, such an outcome would be a huge political victory just before the November elections. But while the political benefits to Trump might be beyond dispute, it surely is not the mandate of the Serbian delegation to (God forbid!) try to influence American elections, especially not by being rushed (or sweet-talked) into a deal that does not pass muster from the standpoint of their own country’s national interest. Montgomery’s “friendly advice” notwithstanding, the key to the Kosovo conundrum is entirely in Serbia’s hands. Legally and morally, Kosovo is part of its national territory and outcomes secured by force and in contravention of international law cannot change that situation. Nor is the status of the NATO-occupied statelet altered by corruptly obtained “diplomatic recognitions” by Vanuatu or Tuvalu, any more than similarly induced “recognitions” will ever make Guaido the legitimate President of Venezuela. The imperialist core of the self-proclaimed “international community” understands that perfectly, and that is why they seek to engineer Serbia’s consent for their shameful rapine. As we approach the scheduled Washington Kosovo photo-op, things seem to be shaping up roughly along the lines urged by Serbia’s new friend and political advisor, ex-Ambassador William Montgomery. What offers are circulating behind the scenes, what deals are being discussed confidentially, and who this time round may turn out to be Serbia’s Dr. Emil Hácha, remains to be seen. Some important pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are already falling in place. Serbia’s pesky constitution contains a preamble which proclaims Kosovo an integral and inalienable part of Serbia. Until now, that was considered an insuperable obstacle to the legalization of the country’s dismemberment, no matter by whom such a “deal” might be signed. In the June parliamentary elections, however, the governing coalition awarded itself a dubious over seventy percent majority in parliament, which by sheer coincidence is more than sufficient to satisfy the two-thirds majority required for the constitution to be amended by a loyal show of hands. Why have none of the self-appointed guardians of the rule of law and European values reacted to the unpersuasive result of the recent balloting? If the French magazine Le Point is to be trusted, it is because “the West believes that the current leadership is capable of bringing lasting peace to the heart of Europe.” “But how?” Le Point’s editors ask in seeming wonderment. “By recognizing Kosovo,” they calmly answer their own rhetorical question. Perhaps Moscow is not wide off the mark when it insists that any Kosovo outcome that it could recognize, besides satisfying UN Security Council Resolution 1244, must also be acceptable to the Serbian people. Source: Joe Biden is no blank page, may well return to warmongering policies waged by US before 2016, former OSCE vice-president tells RT
There's a ‘good chance’ that the US will return to a policy of foreign wars under Joe Biden, which will make its reconciliation with the EU impossible, Willy Wimmer, former vice-president of the OSCE, has warned. The main reason why Americans voted for Donald Trump four years ago was that they were tired of constant wars waged by their country, as well as a collapsing economy and infrastructure in the US, Wimmer told RT. Trump kept his promise and didn’t start any new foreign conflicts, but that may well change if a member of the Democratic Party is in the White House, the former vice president of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Parliamentary Assembly said. Joe Biden isn’t an empty white sheet – he represents the Democratic Party, who in the 1990s destroyed the Charter of the UN. The German political veteran recalled the US-led NATO bombing of Yugoslavia under Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1999. He also pointed out that “in the presidency of [Barack] Obama, Biden was vice president and he was in absolute accordance with Obama’s drone wars and the wars in the Middle East, therefore there’s a good chance that Joe Biden continues in the same way as the Democratic Party did it in the 1990s and under Obama” before 2016. “And going back to before 2016 means going back to war” for the US, Wimmer argued. Relations between Washington and Brussels have deteriorated under Trump over his demands for EU nations to make larger financial contributions to NATO, as well as applying political and economic pressure on the bloc to stop dealing with Russia and China. Hopes that things would improve under Biden will be dashed, “as long as the US and NATO don’t return to the Charter of the UN,” said the 77-year-old, who also served as state secretary to Germany’s defense minister. However, he pointed out that a question remains as to whether the current US economy, which was heavily hit by the coronavirus, would even allow Biden to return to the aggressive policy which the Democrats used to pursue. Unlike German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has already congratulated Biden for beating incumbent Donald Trump in the US presidential election, Wimmer believes that others “should be very, very careful with congratulations.” The Democratic candidate declared himself the winner on Saturday after several major television networks projected that he was on a path to take more than the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency after four days of tense vote counts in several battleground states. “It’s quite unusual… that the result of an election is announced by a news agency or a news channel. We’re used… in all our countries which belong to the OSCE, that we have election committees who announce results. And this hasn’t been done yet in the US,” he pointed out, describing the events surrounding the American election as “unbelievable.” Source: Statement of the WPC about the recent escalation of tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia
The WPC denounces and condemns all foreign intervention, whether this be of provoking and escalating tension or of direct or indirect participation in the conflict itself and demands the end of the actions taken by certain forces so far. It is not a secret that the specific area and the broader region are of geostrategical interest for powerful countries and the control of energy resources and roads as it is been observed in the Middle East, North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The WPC is aware of the complex history of the disputed territory and is concerned with the serious consequences that the outbreak of a conflict between the two countries has - for its peoples and for the peoples of the already troubled region. Recognizing the very real possibility of such a conflict escalating into a war of much greater proportion, the WPC calls for: • An immediate ceasefire and end to all hostilities, The WPC believes that the above is the only way forward in the interests of the peoples of Azerbaijan and Armenia against the imperialist plans and for peace in the region. The Secretariat of WPC Athens 28th September 2020 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to questions from the Moscow, Kremlin, Putin programme Moscow, September 13, 2020
Sergey Lavrov: I believe that the SCO is a very promising modern mechanism for promoting foreign policy priorities. Initially, the SCO was established to deal with border issues. But its members gradually became aware of its advantages for addressing more serious matters, including for coordinating their efforts to strengthen Asia Pacific security, promoting economic development and trade, and lifting barriers. Another vital SCO element is humanitarian cooperation, which is acquiring more practical forms, such as youth exchanges and exchanges between women’s organisations and parliaments, sports interaction, and much more. In addition to ensuring security and creating conditions for economic and social development in the member states, the SCO’s voice is gaining more weight during international discussions at the UN and the G20. And it is a highly constructive voice. In fact, it provides an alternative to those who would like to dominate international affairs, first of all our Western colleagues. In this context, the documents, which the SCO foreign ministers approved a few days day ago, are a major step forward when it comes to the ongoing international discussions on what the world should be like. The SCO’s firm stand is that it should be a fair and democratic world based on respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states without exception. The SCO has put forth a number of important and constructive initiatives towards this goal, towards creating a new multipolar world where all the guiding principles are based on the UN Charter. The SCO has great potential, as you can see from the number of countries that would like to join the SCO as full members, observers or dialogue partners. Question: Western countries are once again talking about imposing new sanctions on Russia. If they end up doing so, will Russia respond or just ignore them? Sergey Lavrov: Last I checked, the reciprocity principle was still valid in international relations. Let's wait and see what the new sanctions look like. Of course, we will respond. We cannot leave this without a response. First, it would be wrong in terms of the laws governing diplomacy. Second, we are seeking to limit the negative influence exercised by various Western structures, including states and the numerous NGOs, on our plans and the plans that our allies have. The Western sanctions have been an eye-opener for us. They started long before the events in Ukraine or the referendum in Crimea. This process can be traced back to the Obama administration, when Edward Snowden found himself on Russian territory. He may have broken the US law, but he was persecuted for exposing activities by US structures, which were totally illegal, illegitimate and in many ways criminal, consisting of using unacceptable approaches abroad and undermining legitimate governments. Since then, we have grown used to sanctions. Reducing our response to all this to the so-called import substitution would be a narrow way of looking at things. In principle, the geopolitical response over these years consisted of recognising that our Western partners were unreliable, including, unfortunately, members of the European Union. We had many far-reaching plans, and there are documents setting forth the path to developing relations with the EU in the energy sector and high technology, and stepping up economic cooperation in general. We share a single geopolitical space. Considering our shared geography, logistics, and infrastructure across the Eurasian continent, we benefit from a substantial comparative advantage. It would certainly be a grave mistake for us and the European Union, as well as other countries in this space, including the SCO, the EAEU, and the ASEAN, which is also nearby, not to use our comparative geopolitical and geoeconomic advantages in an increasingly competitive world. Unfortunately, the European Union sacrificed its geoeconomic and strategic interests for the sake of its momentary desire to match the United States in what they refer to as “punishing Russia.” We have grown used to this. We now understand that we need a safety net in all our future plans related to reviving the full partnership with the European Union. This means that we need to proceed in a way that if the EU sticks to its negative, destructive positions, we would not depend on its whims and could provide for our development on our own while working with those who are ready to cooperate with us in an equal and mutually respectful manner. Question: The Americans are seeking to rally everyone against China, and are sending unambiguous signals to Russia. What do you think about the policy of forging friendships against someone? Sergey Lavrov: This kind of policy is alien to us. Neither Russia nor China, nor our allies have ever proposed building friendly relations for the sake of opposing someone. The very approach of pitting someone against those you do not like contains an answer to the question of what we think about it. This represents a diplomatic and political culture that is totally different from ours. We want to build good relations with everyone. Whenever we seek stronger ties with anyone, we never require undermining relations with states that have fallen out with Washington or anyone else as a price to pay for cooperation. I believe that the notion of being “friends against someone” contradicts the very meaning of “friendship.” Source: To Mr. Gideon Greif
With a great sadness we learned that your mother Beatrice Greif passed away and please accept our deepest condolences. Živadin Jovanović Nowitschok- statement by the federal government is a further step in the escalation policy
On Wednesday, government spokesman Steffen Seibert announced that Charité doctors had provided unequivocal evidence of the poisoning of Russian oppositionist Alexej Navalny with a nerve agent from the Novitschok group. Sputnik talked to Willy Wimmer about it. Mr. Wimmer, as the German government announced today, with reference to the toxicological findings of the Charité, the Russian oppositionist Alexej Navalny is said to have been poisoned “undoubtedly” with a chemical warfare agent from the Novitschok group. What do you do with this message? These are things that should be processed criminologically. You have to ask yourself which bodies could do this appropriately in view of the dimension that has now been achieved internationally. If you want to find out what really happened, you will probably find institutes on this globe that can clarify this because it is part of their business. The incident in Great Britain at that time has already raised the question of whether it was the British account that we should be dealing with, or whether it was not in view of the British government's facilities in Porton Down, in the immediate vicinity of where the Skripals attacked were exposed to this fact should be included. These are all things that contribute to a great deal of uncertainty among the public because they speak in favor of the fact that forces are at work here who are trying to bring about a war situation in Europe through procedures of this kind against certain people. We must not see the current report from the Federal Government in isolation from the events in Minsk and Belarus. These are all things where, after the experiences that we had again and again before the American elections, in connection with the Yugoslav war, we saw that every day we could see that every opportunity was used to pull governments into war. In the United States we are faced with a situation in which the American President Donald Trump is apparently only responsible for the state of the rose garden of the White House, and outside of this rose garden the Democratic-Republican War Alliance is also responsible for the course of things in us Definitely Europe. The American president must ask himself whether he has any influence on the politics of his own country. In such a situation, as we unfortunately have to find out for the West with massive participation by the German government, we can easily ponder whether we should be included in a dispute with the Russian Federation before the American presidential elections. That is the reality we are faced with in Europe, and unfortunately, we have to face this reality in such a way that we can no longer find ways out. Either we behave like a sovereign state or let us be demonstrated according to the taste of NATO. I don't even want to think about possible escalation levels in this context. Rather, it is a declaration that is tailored to London's interests. In connection with the Skripal story, the British saw that the thoughtfulness in continental Europe was great enough not to allow a further policy of confrontation with the Russian Federation to arise. To this day this is the great annoyance among those who habitually fabricate reasons for war. First of all, London should be mentioned. If the federal government makes such a declaration now, it will not be dropped like a hot potato in Brussels at NATO, but rather greeted with gratitude so that the Germans can finally be put on the curb. This no longer has anything to do with normal international relations or a policy geared towards peaceful cooperation. Reasons for war are sought. And yet we see the military incidents, which are increasing, reminds us of the worst times of the Cold War. Such a declaration can only be classified in this context. So could it be a false flag from a third party trying to provoke this very reaction? Kosovo Endgame: A Perfect Storm of Betrayal
Stephen Karganovic
A few preliminary facts need to be stated before embarking on an analysis of the current maneuverings. Kosovo was forcibly separated by NATO powers from the rest of Serbia in 1999, after NATO’s military aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, at that time consisting of Serbia and Montenegro. For both Serbia and Montenegro, Kosovo is a territory of extraordinary cultural and spiritual importance in a sense very much analogous to the significance of the Holy Land to the Jewish people. The three-month NATO assault failed to result in a military defeat for the Yugoslav army and ended, rather, in a stalemate. The Yugoslav army withdrew from Kosovo largely intact, with NATO forces occupying it in their wake, while to bring the conflict to a close the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1244 recognizing Kosovo as a part of Serbia to be temporarily administered by the UN, assisted by a NATO contingent, until details of its future are sorted out in negotiations between the parties. The resolution guaranteed security to all residents of Kosovo, Albanians, Serbs, and members of other communities. Subsequent negotiations between the parties were fruitless because the “international mediators,” whose identity it is superfluous to specify, were making promises of support for full independence and encouraged the Albanian side to intransigently reject Serbian offers of broad autonomy. The euphemism “independence” for the inherently unviable Albanian Kosovo statelet, of course, actually meant a protectorate under the lordship of the imperial powers which arranged for setting it up in the first place. Indeed, Kosovo’s “constitution” contained until recently the embarrassing provision that the international representative on its territory is the supreme authority in all administrative matters, including interpreting the constitution’s meaning and scope [Article 147]. The provision was abrogated in 2012, four years into “independence,” but there are few illusions about who continues to call the shots in Pristina. That hardly makes for the supreme law of a truly independent land or even, as some would be bold enough to argue, of a protectorate. Ever since 1999, the Serbian government has been between a rock and a hard place with regard to Kosovo. On the one hand, domestic public opinion is adamant that Kosovo, where some of the most important Serbian religious shrines and historical places are located, is an inalienable part of Serbia and that no effort should be spared to reintegrate it. On the other, pressure from Western “partners” has been ferocious to officially recognize Kosovo’s separation from Serbia, renounce all pretensions to it, and ultimately to establish formal state-to-state relations with Serbia’s historical and spiritual heartland. Membership in the European Union was initially offered to Serbia as a carrot, but it is a reward which for obvious reasons has lost much of its luster lately. It would be a useful analogy to imagine Israel being broken up into Judea and Samaria, and Judea compelled to accept and recognize a Samaria under foreign control as a different and independent country. Successive Serbian governments, all dominated to one degree or another, by Western agents or Euro-integrationist enthusiasts, undeniably have actively entertained the idea of going along with (to put it blandly) the Western-proposed Kosovo disengagement scheme, at least to the extent that they dared. For sound legal and geopolitical reasons of its own the Russian Federation has made it clear that it will oppose in the UN any alteration to Kosovo’s status or solution to the Kosovo dispute outside the provisions of Resolution 1244, which unequivocally recognizes Kosovo as an integral part of Serbia. Significantly, as if anticipating a breakdown of official resolve in Belgrade, the Russian Foreign Ministry and other competent high-level bodies have lately broadened their Kosovo rhetoric to insist that any solution must not only be consistent with UN Resolution 1244, but also be “acceptable to the Serbian people” (and here). Returning now to the scheduled Washington conference on Kosovo at the beginning of September, the media activation a few days ago of William Montgomery, former US ambassador to Yugoslavia (2001 – 2004), has caused quite a stir. Montgomery who, since his “retirement” in 2004 has remained in the Balkans as a “private businessman,” has a habit of lecturing the Serbian political elite on what it should do. He is listened to partly because over the years he has assiduously built up for himself the reputation of a non-stereotype American official, receptive to the Serbian point of view. Atypically for a US public figure, in 2008 he voiced scepticism about Kosovo independence (and here) and even expressed comprehension for the “very real plight” of the Serbian community there. In 2010 Montgomery publicly advocated Bosnia’s dissolution, with each entity being allowed to go its separate way. Here is a man who knows how to win brownie points with ordinary Serbs, and he does it by expressing sentiments that, incidentally, also happen to be good for business. Still, it should not be neglected that the empathetic Mr. Montgomery does not pursue only the noble dictates of his own independent judgment, but has also loyally served as a conduit of some higher interests. In 1999 and 2000, from his Budapest command post, Montgomery was in charge of funnelling logistical support, including millions in cash, for the implementation of the then Otpor (currently in Belarus, Canvas, but same difference) color revolution coup in Yugoslavia, which brought to power in Belgrade a coterie of Western-controlled and dependent politicians. Predictably, in 2001 the new government he was covertly helpful in installing had no objections to welcoming him as a diplomat to the country he had just subverted. So as Serbia faces what is being shaping up as a climactic moment in the two-decade campaign to wrench out its spiritual and historical heart – Kosovo, what is the sage advice that ex-US ambassador-turned-friend William Montgomery has to offer to Serbs? In the style of a seasoned political hustler, it is that “time is running out” and that the Serbian delegation must not miss this extraordinary and probably final opportunity to capitulate with honor. Raising tensions, Montgomery the US political pundit warns the Serbs not to disdain whatever crumbs are offered to them in September because “President Trump is likely to lose and his successor Joe Biden favors Kosovo and the Albanians.” If exchange of territory is to be part of the “deal,” Montgomery urges, “speed is of the essence” and he expects the “Israeli scenario” as in the normalization of relations between Israel and UAE to be re-enacted. In that case, Montgomery argues, Trump will most likely push for immediate implementation because – and here anyone with even a superficial knowledge of American politics will surely agree with him – all President Trump really wants “is the photo-op of Serbian and Kosovo leaders shaking hands and announcing that they have reached an agreement.” For Trump, he added quite correctly, such an outcome would be a huge political victory just before the November elections. But while the political benefits to Trump might be beyond dispute, it surely is not the mandate of the Serbian delegation to (God forbid!) try to influence American elections, especially not by being rushed (or sweet-talked) into a deal that does not pass muster from the standpoint of their own country’s national interest. Montgomery’s “friendly advice” notwithstanding, the key to the Kosovo conundrum is entirely in Serbia’s hands. Legally and morally, Kosovo is part of its national territory and outcomes secured by force and in contravention of international law cannot change that situation. Nor is the status of the NATO-occupied statelet altered by corruptly obtained “diplomatic recognitions” by Vanuatu or Tuvalu, any more than similarly induced “recognitions” will ever make Guaido the legitimate President of Venezuela. The imperialist core of the self-proclaimed “international community” understands that perfectly, and that is why they seek to engineer Serbia’s consent for their shameful rapine. As we approach the scheduled Washington Kosovo photo-op, things seem to be shaping up roughly along the lines urged by Serbia’s new friend and political advisor, ex-Ambassador William Montgomery. What offers are circulating behind the scenes, what deals are being discussed confidentially, and who this time round may turn out to be Serbia’s Dr. Emil Hácha, remains to be seen. Some important pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are already falling in place. Serbia’s pesky constitution contains a preamble which proclaims Kosovo an integral and inalienable part of Serbia. Until now, that was considered an insuperable obstacle to the legalization of the country’s dismemberment, no matter by whom such a “deal” might be signed. In the June parliamentary elections, however, the governing coalition awarded itself a dubious over seventy percent majority in parliament, which by sheer coincidence is more than sufficient to satisfy the two-thirds majority required for the constitution to be amended by a loyal show of hands. Why have none of the self-appointed guardians of the rule of law and European values reacted to the unpersuasive result of the recent balloting? If the French magazine Le Point is to be trusted, it is because “the West believes that the current leadership is capable of bringing lasting peace to the heart of Europe.” “But how?” Le Point’s editors ask in seeming wonderment. “By recognizing Kosovo,” they calmly answer their own rhetorical question. Perhaps Moscow is not wide off the mark when it insists that any Kosovo outcome that it could recognize, besides satisfying UN Security Council Resolution 1244, must also be acceptable to the Serbian people. Source: Intervention of Ambassador in retirement Rade Drobac, Deputy President of Belgrade Forum for the world of Equals
Statement of Mr. Rade Drobac in Round table The path to victory. Socio-Political and Scientific Significance of the cycle of traveling exhibitions for the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the peoples of Europe from Nazism.
Ladies and Gentleman,
Dear colleagues, during that unfortunate war, in the multinational and multi confessional country, as Yugoslavia was, Serbian people were the core of the very strong resistance against the Nazism and a lot of them lost their lives in the combats against the fascists during long four years. Moreover, some hundred thousands of them lost their lives in the concentration camps on the territory of Yugoslavia and in neighboring countries, victims of the extreme and brutal extermination of the occupation forces in our country, in the concentration camps abroad and, especially, in the puppet criminal state, established in the part of the country called Croatia, under the name “Independent state of Croatia”, after the entrance of the fascists in our country. Only in the concentration camp of Jasenovac in that criminal state about 700.000 Serbs were killed during its existence, some 33.000 of Jews and about 80.000 Roma, all civilians, and between them a lot of women and, even worse, children. In connection with the contemporary identity of the peoples of Europe and the World War II and the historical experience of the XX century, it is maybe necessary to remind to you that Yugoslavia was occupied not only by Germany, but parts of the country were under the occupation of Italy, Hungary and Bulgaria. Parts of its territory were given to the friendly population toward fascists, such to Croats in the Independent state of Croatia or to Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, that was formally under Italy but where Albanians persecuted the Serbian population without limits or restrictions. It is important to know that during World War II more than 120.000 Serbs left that province, in order to escape the killings and terror of Albanians over them. After the end of the World War II it was more or less evident who has the positive and who the negative role in that war and what really happened in our country and in Europe. Who are the bad boys again – Serbs naturally, as during the World War II. Dear colleagues, Thank you for your attention. BRICS: insieme sono piu' forti
Scritto da Forum Belgrado Italia/CIVG Intervista a Zivadin Jovanovic di Vesti “…L'unione dei paesi BRICS è nata in conseguenza della crescita delle potenzialità economiche, militari e politiche dei paesi che ne fanno parte”, spiega per ”Vesti'' l’ex capo diplomazia jugoslava Z. Jovanovic. “Il BRICS è un frutto dei cambiamenti significativi nei rapporti al livello globale e nel complesso di paesi potenti nel mondo. Si tratta degli sforzi dei paesi la cui potenza è in forte ascesa, perchè si possa arrivare a cambiamenti nella gestione dell’economia globale perchè i paesi occidentali finora avevano possibilità privilegiate. Essi tendono a una gestione inclusiva globale e contro la dominazione dell'Occidente”, dice Jovanovic. “…I BRICS non sono cinque paesi qualsiasi. Sono le economie in sviluppo. La Cina è la seconda potenza economica nel mondo e fa da capofila nel settore commerciale con reali prospettive per diventare nel prossimo futuro la prima nel pianeta. Anche la Russia, erede dell'URSS è una di due maggiori potenze militari, poi c’è l'India, al secondo posto per popolazione e con economia e tecnologia crescenti, particolarmente per quanto riguarda le tecnologie di comunicazione. Il Brasile è il maggiore paese del continente latinoamericano per territorio, popolazione e potenzialità economiche, Repubblica del Sudafrica, che ha aderito come quinto membro tre anni dopo la costituzione di BRICS, è il paese economicamente più forte dell'Africa, che per decenni aveva un alto successo nell'impiego di energia nucleare. Tutto questo basta per capire potenzialità e influenza dei paesi che occupano non solo gran parte della popolazione mondiale ma anche del territorio del pianeta. Sottolineo anche il fatto, non tanto noto, che gli USA nel 1960 hanno partecipato nel PIL mondiale con il 40%, mentre oggi partecipano con il 25%. Questo non è successo perchè la produzione negli USA è calata, oppure perchè la loro economia è diventata debole, ma perche' i paesi BRICS si sono sviluppati più velocemente degli USA sul piano economico e tecnologico…”, ha ribadito l’ex diplomatico jugoslavo. “I paesi BRICS sempre di più partecipano alla crescita di PIL mondiale, più della UE, di USA e Giappone ciò illustra nel modo migliore i cambiamenti a livello globale. La Nuova Banca di Sviluppo è un passaggio strategico fondamentale. Gli incontri tra i cinque leaders, sono, non solo incontri di presidenti e membri dei loro governi, ma rappresentano processi di cooperazione sotto tutti gli aspetti. Ora hanno anche istituzioni di supporto come la Nuova Banca di Sviluppo che occupa un ruolo globale nel mercato internazionale della finanze ed è alternativa alla Banca Mondiale. Essa accumula mezzi finanziari e sempre di più dimostra ambizioni per diventare un concorrente autorevole. Già ora fa prestiti di più di decine di miliardi a molti paesi, tra i quali Egitto, Repubblica Sudafricana e India per i progetti infrastrutturali. La Nuova Banca di Sviluppo offre prestiti a condizioni molto più favorevoli della Banca Mondiale o di altre istituzioni finanziarie mondiali.”. Secondo Jovanovic tutto questo dimostra che non si tratta di cambiamenti ipotetici ma istituzionali e, come spiega, si tratta della costituzione di nuovi rapporti economici globali. Riguardo all'influsso del Covid che ha fermato il pianeta, l’ex diplomatico dice che, questa emergenza ha dimostrato come la Cina aiuta globalmente. “…Nell'ambito dell’iniziativa cinese della “Nuova via della seta”, loro hanno creato la “nuova via della salute'', che coinvolge più di 100 paesi, ed in base a questo la Cina rende disponibili esperienze e mezzi, tra questi è coinvolta anche la Serbia. In questa iniziativa partecipano anche i BRICS per rendere possibile la cooperazione e sinergia tra tutti questi paesi. Credo che la pandemia e lotta contro il virus possano ancora di più avvicinare questi paesi e spingerli a una maggiore cooperazione. Però, tutto questo non significa che in questo gruppo di cinque membri la situazione sia ideale. Le relazioni dentro i BRICS non sono e non possono essere ideali perchè ne fanno parte paesi con orientamenti e politiche diverse. Li tiene uniti però, l’aspirazione a uno sviluppo più veloce del proprio paese e uno sviluppo più dinamico di economia globale, specialmente per gestire democraticamente i rapporti a livello mondiale. In tale senso i BRICS tendono alla multipolarità dei rapporti al livello mondiale, che non potrà essere fermata…Molti altri paesi vorrebbero accedere al Gruppo, e come candidati ci sono già Turchia, Iran, Nigeria e molti altri. In questa fase alcuni di loro hanno lo status di osservatori e sono interessati per accedervi perché il progetto BRICS è attraente per il futuro dell'economia globale.”, ha concluso l’ex Ministro Esteri jugoslavo. Da Vesti Traduzione a cura di Rajka V. per Forum Belgrado Italia/CIVG Source: Bill Clinton's Serbian War Atrocities Exposed In New Indictment
Authored by Jim Bovard via The Libertarian Institute, President Bill Clinton’s favorite freedom fighter just got indicted for mass murder, torture, kidnapping, and other crimes against humanity. In 1999, the Clinton administration launched a 78-day bombing campaign that killed up to 1500 civilians in Serbia and Kosovo in what the American media proudly portrayed as a crusade against ethnic bias. That war, like most of the pretenses of U.S. foreign policy, was always a sham. Kosovo President Hashim Thaci was charged with ten counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity by an international tribunal in The Hague in the Netherlands. It charged Thaci and nine other men with “war crimes, including murder, enforced disappearance of persons, persecution, and torture.” Thaci and the other charged suspects were accused of being “criminally responsible for nearly 100 murders” and the indictment involved “hundreds of known victims of Kosovo Albanian, Serb, Roma, and other ethnicities and include political opponents.” Hashim Thaci’s tawdry career illustrates how anti-terrorism is a flag of convenience for Washington policymakers. Prior to becoming Kosovo’s president, Thaci was the head of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), fighting to force Serbs out of Kosovo. In 1999, the Clinton administration designated the KLA as “freedom fighters” despite their horrific past and gave them massive aid. The previous year, the State Department condemned “terrorist action by the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army.” The KLA was heavily involved in drug trafficking and had close to ties to Osama bin Laden. But arming the KLA and bombing Serbia helped Clinton portray himself as a crusader against injustice and shift public attention after his impeachment trial. Clinton was aided by many shameless members of Congress anxious to sanctify U.S. killing. Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CN) whooped that the United States and the KLA “stand for the same values and principles. Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights and American values.” And since Clinton administration officials publicly compared Serb leader Slobodan Milošević to Hitler, every decent person was obliged to applaud the bombing campaign. Both the Serbs and ethnic Albanians committed atrocities in the bitter strife in Kosovo. But to sanctify its bombing campaign, the Clinton administration waved a magic wand and made the KLA’s atrocities disappear. British professor Philip Hammond noted that the 78-day bombing campaign “was not a purely military operation: NATO also destroyed what it called ‘dual-use’ targets, such as factories, city bridges, and even the main television building in downtown Belgrade, in an attempt to terrorize the country into surrender.” NATO repeatedly dropped cluster bombs into marketplaces, hospitals, and other civilian areas. Cluster bombs are anti-personnel devices designed to be scattered across enemy troop formations. NATO dropped more than 1,300 cluster bombs on Serbia and Kosovo and each bomb contained 208 separate bomblets that floated to earth by parachute. Bomb experts estimated that more than 10,000 unexploded bomblets were scattered around the landscape when the bombing ended and maimed children long after the ceasefire.
In the final days of the bombing campaign, the Washington Post reported that “some presidential aides and friends are describing Kosovo in Churchillian tones, as Clinton’s ‘finest hour.’” The Post also reported that according to one Clinton friend “what Clinton believes were the unambiguously moral motives for NATO’s intervention represented a chance to soothe regrets harbored in Clinton’s own conscience… The friend said Clinton has at times lamented that the generation before him was able to serve in a war with a plainly noble purpose, and he feels ‘almost cheated’ that ‘when it was his turn he didn’t have the chance to be part of a moral cause.’” By Clinton’s standard, slaughtering Serbs was “close enough for government work” to a “moral cause.” Shortly after the end of the 1999 bombing campaign, Clinton enunciated what his aides labeled the Clinton doctrine: “Whether within or beyond the borders of a country, if the world community has the power to stop it, we ought to stop genocide and ethnic cleansing.” In reality, the Clinton doctrine was that presidents are entitled to commence bombing foreign lands based on any brazen lie that the American media will regurgitate. In reality, the lesson from bombing Serbia is that American politicians merely need to publicly recite the word “genocide” to get a license to kill. After the bombing ended, Clinton assured the Serbian people that the United States and NATO agreed to be peacekeepers only “with the understanding that they would protect Serbs as well as ethnic Albanians and that they would leave when peace took hold.” In the subsequent months and years, American and NATO forces stood by as the KLA resumed its ethnic cleansing, slaughtering Serb civilians, bombing Serbian churches and oppressing any non-Muslims. Almost a quarter-million Serbs, Gypsies, Jews, and other minorities fled Kosovo after Mr. Clinton promised to protect them. By 2003, almost 70 percent of the Serbs living in Kosovo in 1999 had fled, and Kosovo was 95 percent ethnic Albanian. But Thaci remained useful for U.S. policymakers. Even though he was widely condemned for oppression and corruption after taking power in Kosovo, Vice President Joe Biden hailed Thaci in 2010 as the “George Washington of Kosovo.” A few months later, a Council of Europe report accused Thaci and KLA operatives of human organ trafficking. The Guardian noted that the report alleged that Thaci’s inner circle “took captives across the border into Albania after the war, where a number of Serbs are said to have been murdered for their kidneys, which were sold on the black market.” The report stated that when “transplant surgeons” were “ready to operate, the [Serbian] captives were brought out of the ‘safe house’ individually, summarily executed by a KLA gunman, and their corpses transported swiftly to the operating clinic.” Despite the body trafficking charge, Thaci was a star attendee at the annual Global Initiative conference by the Clinton Foundation in 2011, 2012, and 2013, where he posed for photos with Bill Clinton. Maybe that was a perk from the $50,000 a month lobbying contract that Thaci’s regime signed with The Podesta Group, co-managed by future Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta, as the Daily Caller reported. Clinton remains a hero in Kosovo where a statue of him was erected in the capital, Pristina. The Guardian newspaper noted that the statue showed Clinton “with a left hand raised, a typical gesture of a leader greeting the masses. In his right hand he is holding documents engraved with the date when NATO started the bombardment of Serbia, 24 March 1999.” It would have been a more accurate representation to depict Clinton standing on a pile of corpses of the women, children, and others killed in the U.S. bombing campaign. In 2019, Bill Clinton and his fanatically pro-bombing former Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, visited Pristina, where they were “treated like rock stars” as they posed for photos with Thaci. Clinton declared, “I love this country and it will always be one of the greatest honors of my life to have stood with you against ethnic cleansing (by Serbian forces) and for freedom.” Thaci awarded Clinton and Albright medals of freedom “for the liberty he brought to us and the peace to entire region.” Albright has reinvented herself as a visionary warning against fascism in the Trump era. Actually, the only honorific that Albright deserves is “Butcher of Belgrade.” Clinton’s war on Serbia was a Pandora’s box from which the world still suffers. Because politicians and most of the media portrayed the war against Serbia as a moral triumph, it was easier for the Bush administration to justify attacking Iraq, for the Obama administration to bomb Libya, and for the Trump administration to repeatedly bomb Syria. All of those interventions sowed chaos that continues cursing the purported beneficiaries. Bill Clinton’s 1999 bombing of Serbia was as big a fraud as George W. Bush’s conning this nation into attacking Iraq. The fact that Clinton and other top U.S. government officials continued to glorify Hashim Thaci despite accusations of mass murder, torture, and body trafficking is another reminder of the venality of much of America’s political elite. Will Americans again be gullible the next time that Washington policymakers and their media allies concoct bullshit pretexts to blow the hell out of some hapless foreign land? Source: National and state interests come first
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals
Since its foundation, the Belgrade Forum has been actively cooperating with other international organizations in the world and "Think tank" organizations, with similar orientations and goals, from the Russian Federation, Canada, Brazil, China, Italy, Greece, Switzerland and other countries. It is a member of the World Peace Council based in Athens (Greece), and participates at numerous gatherings abroad. Clear attitudes on national interest. The Belgrade Forum is consistently against, not only Serbia's membership in NATO, but also against NATO as an organization which is a "relic" of the "cold war" and a time of global confrontation. With the disappearance of the Warsaw Pact from the political scene, the reasons for the existence of NATO ceased to exist; and that alliance should has been dissolved, because today, in the time of a multipolar world, it seems completely anachronistic. Instead of being dissolved, from a defensive military alliance, NATO has turned into an offensive, aggressive military organization, and the most important exporter of instability in the world. As a "world policeman", without decisions of legal international organizations such as the UN, NATO has committed numerous aggressions around the world and left large number of victims and caused material damage to many countries. That is why the Belgrade Forum cooperates with all anti-NATO organizations in the world, considering the fact that FR Yugoslavia was one of the first countries in the world to experience NATO violence, aggression, cruelty, unprincipledness and immorality and suffered great human and material casualties in violent disintegration of Yugoslavia and in the attempt to seize Kosovo and Metohija by NATO. The Belgrade Forum is not against Serbia's membership in the EU, but believes that Serbia should join the EU only in the manner other member states joined. It is unacceptable for Serbia to be discriminated upon accession compared to other states, conditioned by the acceptance of the violent and illegal secession of its southern province of Kosovo and Metohija. Also, Serbia stands for the EU of equal and independent member states, and not for EU as a super state to which all member states would surrender their sovereignty and freedom and be reduced to satellites of several most powerful members, such as Germany, France and Italy. The Belgrade Forum is also against plunderous privatizations and the seizure of national resources by global powers, which first carried out aggression against Yugoslavia and then took away its wealth and resources. The Belgrade Forum believes that national resources are inalienable and cannot be sold to foreigners, primarily food, energy, security, telecommunications, health, traffic and the like. Patriot's house. As an independent, non-governmental, non-profit and non-partisan association of citizens, since its founding, the Forum brings together progressive intellectuals, sincere patriots, who, through their reputation and achieved results, speak best about the Forum, its goals and activities. Among the members of the Belgrade Forum are academics, former ministers, ambassadors, professors, diplomats, senior civil servants, officers, prominent businessmen, cultural representatives, journalists and many others. All of them selflessly engage in the Forum with the aim of advocating for the national and state interests of the Republic of Serbia and preserving its territorial integrity and sovereignty, for its political promotion, economic prosperity and cultural affirmation, for peace, equality and cooperation in the world based on international law and equal international cooperation. It should be reminded that after the overthrow of the patriotic government in 2000, the new government identified Serbia's interests with the interests of Western powers, promoting them instead of ours, suffocating all patriotic forces in Serbia and pursuing a policy of breaking patriotic consciousness, institutions important for defending the country and those media that defended Serbia's interests. At that time, it was very difficult to survive, let alone raise your voice to the force, not only of its own government, but also of its mentors from abroad. Only the Belgrade Forum then publicly raised its voice against such a policy, against distortion of facts, persecution of patriots, surrender of Kosovo and Metohija, wild privatization and much more. The Belgrade Forum was created as a reaction to the intention of the Western powers, in conjunction with the then new government, to collapse Serbia and as an attempt to prevent Serbia's staggering and its downfall. The Belgrade Forum was aware that, due to its patriotic attitudes and activities, from its foundation, it would be faced with challenges conducted by the political leadership of the country, media and with many other blockades and vilifications by its members and sympathizers. Due to the blockade of the Belgrade Forum, the general public still does not know enough about what and how much the Belgrade Forum worked for to make its views and arguments generally accepted in the political structure of Serbia and the Serbian public. For two decades the Belgrade Forum did not deviate from its patriotic and principled positions, and in the period after the change of unpatriotic government in 2012, these attitudes slowly but surely gained wider legitimacy and confirmation among political factors in Serbia and in out general public. That is why it is important to point out, as an illustration of the consistent action of the Forum, that regardless of obstructions of all kinds from the first day of its establishment, May 22nd 2001, we use the term NATO aggression on the FRY and we call it by the real name - aggression. At that time, euphemisms such as "military intervention", "bombing", "military action" and the like were used, and the term "aggression" was consistently used only by the Belgrade Forum. Only much later, state representatives began to use the term "NATO aggression", and then the media. It was one of the first steps towards a return to the policy of protecting the national interests of Serbia, to which the Forum made a decisive contribution. The key to peace and the truth about terrorists. From the beginning, the Forum persistently used the term "terrorist KLA" and it still does today, tirelessly pointing out that "Kosovo" is today part of the world's fundamentalist terrorist network and a terrorist recruiting center for Syria. The Forum continuously points out the disastrous consequences of the use of depleted uranium ammunition in the NATO aggression on the FRY and persistently advocates greater engagement of the National Assembly (NS) and the interdepartmental working group of the NS on this issue. The lethal consequences of uranium ammunition are best evidenced by a letter from the Finnish Minister of the Environment HASS to the EU, in which he talks about the harmful consequences that will last for thousands of years. For years, the Forum has been persistently advocating for the erection of a monument to the victims of NATO aggression, apart from the monument dedicated to the victims of all wars, which is being offered as a replacement. The Forum believes that NATO crimes should be specially marked and set apart from others. The Forum still advocates the thesis that NATO aggression against our country continues today through persistent efforts of NATO leaders to seize Kosovo and Metohija, and Republika Srpska to collapse into unitary Bosnia and Herzegovina, by binding Serbia to NATO, and by many other means. At the meeting of the Forum "International Relations on the Threshold of the XXI Century" held in 2001, for the first time in our country the thesis about the "multipolar world" was presented, which is a reality today. Let us also mention the latest idea, the value of which we will only be convinced of, and that is to respect UN Security Council Resolution 1244 as “the key to peace in Europe”. In his book of the same title, the President of the Forum Zivadin Jovanovic, the author of the book, very extensively and arguably argues that only UN Security Council Resolution 1244 is the basis for achieving peace and a lasting solution between Serbia and its autonomous province. The Forum regularly points out that numerous occasional "initiatives" of Western powers to resolve this issue obscure simple facts, giving the impression that there are some concrete possibilities to resolve this conflict in some other way, and the truth is that Western powers, in every initiative, are looking to settle their and the interests of the secessionists in Pristina at the expense of the interests of Serbia. All their proposals and initiatives are reduced to the same - surrender of Kosovo and Metohija, which is not an agreement but only the completion of aggression, this time by coercion instead of brutal military force, and it is doomed to failure, as time will show. Defense, strength and personal sacrifice. Today, twenty years after its founding, the Belgrade Forum has not only survived, but is still true defender of homeland and its highest values. Serbia is to some extent at safe now thanks to, among other things, the efforts and devotions of the Belgrade Forum which persistently, and when others did not dare, publicly and clearly stated its views on the assessment of the situation, problems, activities, intentions, goals and consequences of various factors involved in the Serbian public and political area, and does so now. During all the past twenty years of existence and work, the Belgrade Forum has faced numerous and great problems, from financial and material to various obstructions and marginalizations, but with the strength of its attitudes and beliefs, intellectual capacities of its members, patriotic goals and actions, has managed to solve all problems in a timely manner. This all was possible because of the voluntary work of all active members of the Forum and thanks to many patriotic citizens of our country, either from Serbia or abroad, who recognized the Belgrade Forum as "their" organization, the one whose views, arguments and advocacy they share and support. Belgrade, June 4th 2020 Unilateral concession
The real question is not whether the status of Kosovo and Metohija should be negotiated; the actual questions to be asked are: On which basis? About what? Whom with? The sole legitimate basis is that Kosovo and Metohija is an integral part of Serbia currently placed under UN mandate, pending a Security Council decision ending it. In other words, this is mandate cannot be terminated either by the EU, or NATO, the USA, Germany, or France and, should this idea ever occurred to anyone, Serbia cannot end it, either. The Brussels Agreement is Baroness Ashton’s unconstitutional dictate and could hardly be construed as anything else. While it stopped short of changing the status of Kosovo and Metohija, it did substantially alter the reality in the north of this Province, where it effected the removal of the constitutional and legal order of the Republic of Serbia and, by virtue of a signature on behalf of Serbia, the establishment of an unlawful separatist and terrorist order. Regardless of a culprit, any previous errors made to the detriment of Serbia and the Serbian people ought to be remedied by not making fresh ones and by not justifying oneself by wrongdoings of predecessors. Reciprocity is not a proper term for the relation of Serbia as an entirety vis-à-vis Kosovo and Metohija as her part. The struggle for the upholding of the constitutional order, and for the observance of international law and resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council cannot be put on equal terms with ambition to legitimise separatism, terrorism, and aggression. It was a huge mistake to accept the terms for the meeting in Washington DC and yet another one-sided concession. Serbia is fighting for her sovereignty and territorial integrity which therefore also include the interests of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija as a people, and not as merely members of a national minority. Unprincipled positions championed by Ms Merkel and Presidents Macron and Trump are but an exhibition of the policy of force and their narrow-minded geopolitics, and cannot be taken as an obligation for Serbia, the UN Security Council and the global community. It is only the principled approach to the resolving of status of Kosovo and Metohija which is capable of contributing to peace in the Balkans and in Europe. Otherwise, arbitrariness and trampling on rights and UN Security Council Resolution 1244 are steps closer in the direction of general confrontation and new clashes. The leaders of aggressor countries, exponents of policy of domination and conflict and outgoing leaders cannot be the guarantors of Serbian interests. This role is exclusively reserved for the United Nations Security Council.
The Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia has reliable information that General Ratko Mladic has been in a very bad health condition for a long time. It is more worrying that the disease has been getting worse every day lately, and that the patient is in the detention facility where there are no appropriate conditions for diagnosing and treatment of his health condition. We are acquainted that General Mladic's defence attorneys submitted a request to The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals in The Hague for the transfer of the patient to a hospital, due to his severe condition, in order to get adequate therapy and appropriate medical care. Serbian doctors, who were aware of Mladic's health, were agreed with this request. We are concerned that, in spite of his severe condition, the numerous appeals of the defence team and the family for his hospitalization have not been taken into account, that obvious health complications are being ignored and that his fundamental human rights in health care are endangered (right to adequate treatment, right to information about the health condition, treatment and upcoming interventions). Neither the defence team is provided with regular official reports and official medical documentation on his health, nor his medical team is provided with weekly health information. The condition is life-threatening, and his life is at stake. That is what concerns the most, because the natural, international law and human dignity are all neglected. Moreover, the right to a fair and just trial has also been put at risk by this attitude of The Mechanism, due to Mladic's limited abilities for preparation and participation in further trial. We publicly appeal to The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals in The Hague to respect one of the fundamental human rights - the right to medical treatment, and for General Mladic to be urgently transferred to an appropriate medical institution for specialist diagnosis of the condition and adequate treatment. We appeal that official medical documentation be regularly submitted to the defence team and weekly information on the health condition to his medical team, in accordance with the decision of the Appeals Chamber. We appeal to the appropriate institutions of the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the authorities of the Republic of Serbia, primarily the Ministry of Justice, to decisively demand undertaking of the proposed measures in order to protect the life and fundamental human rights of General Mladic. We demand that general Ratko Mladic be immediately transferred to a hospital in order to urgently get appropriate treatment measures. At the meeting of the Executive Board of the Club, the decision was made to make this appeal public. In Belgrade, June 15th 2020. Statement of Mr. Rade Drobac in Round table The resistance movement: people, history, memory
Round table The resistance movement: people, history, memory Statement of Mr. Rade Drobac in Round table The resistance movement: people, history, memory. Organizers of this Round table are The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, Russian Historical Association "History of Motherland" Found
Intervention of Ambassador in retirement Rade Drobac, Ladies and Gentleman, Dear colleagues,
It is the right time to discuss again about the struggle against fascism because from some time we are facing very strong attempts from all over the world, but especially in the Western countries, to change the facts of the history and rewrite it, trying the clean the biography of forces that were aggressors, lost the war and were responsible for crimes against the humanity, and, in the same time, to marginalize and ignore the role and victories of the forces that achieved to defend themselves, in the first place, win the war, destroy the fascists “contagion” and help many occupied countries liberate themselves. Today, after 75 years, we have to repeat again the facts we believed were well known and historically proven, not only to fortify their incontestable significance, but to prevent the rebirth of some new fascism and defend the integrity and the dignity of the countries that contributed the most to the struggle against them and paid for that an enormous price in human lives and destruction of their counties. I would like to stress that the resistance movement in Yugoslavia of Tito`s Partizans, that started in July 1941, was so strong that during the whole war its obliged Hitler`s Germany to keep in Yugoslavia more than 10 divisions. The Partizans of Tito were in the big percentage Serbs and they were the “force majeure” of the resistance in Yugoslavia. Why, because Yugoslavia was a case little bit more complicated than the other states in Europe. It was occupied not only by Germany, but parts of the country were under the occupation of Italy, Hungary and Bulgaria. Moreover, on its territory were installed a puppet states, such an Independent state of Croatia (NDH), that was not just ally of the Nazi Germany, but worse of it, committing a huge genocide against the Serbs, in the first place, and smaller extent Jewish and Roma population. Just in the concentration camp in Jasenovac, more that 700.000 Serbs were killed, some 33.000 of Jews and about 80.000 Roma, all civilians, and between them a lot of women and, even worse, children. A part of a Muslim community joined the military forces of the fascist Croatian forces, called “Ustasha” and contributed to the fight against Serbs, that were leaders of the antifascist struggle. The Serbs from Yugoslavia, under the fire from many sides suffered a huge loss in human lives. About 1.700.000 Yugoslavs were killed during the World War II, and between them about 1.200.000 Serbs. The fights in Yugoslavia were very strong, against the invaders, but between different internal forces too, and if Soviet Union can pay tribute to the bravery of its soldiers and citizens in Stalingrad, Leningrad, Kursk ant many other places, Yugoslavia Partisan’s resistance always remember battles on Sutjeska, Neretva, Kozara and other places.. I am convinced that today’s round table will certainly contribute to that Interview: George Floyd death reveals U.S.' double standards on human rights, says former Yugoslavian FM
BELGRADE, June 6 (Xinhua) -- The death of George Floyd and the U.S.' response to ensuing protests demonstrated double standards in the country's policies on certain rights it has been insisting on around the world, according to Zivadin Jovanovic, former foreign minister of Yugoslavia. Jovanovic told Xinhua that the United States' respect for human rights is reserved only for those countries on which it wishes to impose domination. "The rights are acceptable for them only in their objective to dominate globally," Jovanovic said. He noted that such policies are rooted "in the theory of their exceptionality and the strategy of hegemonic and global domination." The senior Yugoslavian diplomat believes that double standards are the source of many problems in global relations, while obtaining peace, stability and prosperity requires all countries to abandon such practices. As for the U.S. itself, Jovanovic said racial discrimination is deeply rooted in the history of the country's socio-economic and political practice, and that segregation is still visible in the distribution of wealth and availability of health protection. "The present problem should be treated in much broader contexts and only a systematic approach could deliver the sustainable solution and social stability," he said. Moreover, Jovanovic said that the U.S.' double standards are also reflected in its disrespect of international conventions and agreements, such as those related to the International Criminal Court, arms control, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the World Health Organization. "They accused some countries of interfering in their electoral process, without any proof, but the U.S. is particularly interfering in the electoral process all over the world by bribing political parties and blackmailing politicians," he pointed out. Enditem Source: ‘Sadness’ and Disbelief From a World Missing American Leadership
The coronavirus pandemic is shaking bedrock assumptions about U.S. exceptionalism. This is perhaps the first global crisis in more than a century where no one is even looking for Washington to lead. BERLIN — As images of America’s overwhelmed hospital wards and snaking jobless lines have flickered across the world, people on the European side of the Atlantic are looking at the richest and most powerful nation in the world with disbelief. “When people see these pictures of New York City they say, ‘How can this happen? How is this possible?’” said Henrik Enderlein, president of the Berlin-based Hertie School, a university focused on public policy. “We are all stunned. Look at the jobless lines. Twenty-two million,” he added. “I feel a desperate sadness,” said Timothy Garton Ash, a professor of European history at Oxford University and a lifelong and ardent Atlanticist. The pandemic sweeping the globe has done more than take lives and livelihoods from New Delhi to New York. It is shaking fundamental assumptions about American exceptionalism — the special role the United States played for decades after World War II as the reach of its values and power made it a global leader and example to the world. Today it is leading in a different way: More than 840,000 Americans have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and at least 46,784 have died from it, more than anywhere else in the world. As the calamity unfolds, President Trump and state governors are not only arguing over what to do, but also over who has the authority to do it. Mr. Trump has fomented protests against the safety measures urged by scientific advisers, misrepresented facts about the virus and the government response nearly daily, and this week used the virus to cut off the issuing of green cards to people seeking to emigrate to the United States. “America has not done badly, it has done exceptionally badly,” said Dominique Moïsi, a political scientist and senior adviser at the Paris-based Institut Montaigne. The pandemic has exposed the strengths and weaknesses of just about every society, Mr. Moïsi noted. It has demonstrated the strength of, and suppression of information by, an authoritarian Chinese state as it imposed a lockdown in the city of Wuhan. It has shown the value of Germany’s deep well of public trust and collective spirit, even as it has underscored the country’s reluctance to step up forcefully and lead Europe. SIPRI Numbers: New Record Level of Global Military Expenditure – Arms Race Continues
Johanna Pelzer Global military spending reaches new record high – SIPRI figures show: the international arms race continues Despite the burning need to solve the major global problems together on the basis of cooperation, the industrial nations continue to rely on arms races and rivalry. The SIPRI figures clearly show the disproportionate nature of military spending – and the disastrous consequences for the environment, climate and now health are unmistakable. The new figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute were commented on and interpreted by the International Peace Bureau on Monday, after SIPRI published the latest data. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the press conference was held online this year. The SIPRI figures were also assessed in the light of the current pandemic, which made it all the more apparent how the prioritization of military spending worldwide is in massive imbalance compared to sectors. USA: Lonely at the top Source: SIPRI Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2019 In 2019, global military spending reached another record level with an increase of 3.6 percent compared to 2018, continuing the global trend of arms races in recent years. Tarja Cronberg, Fellow at SIPRI, interprets the increase and especially the spending of the USA, China and Russia – all among the top 5 – as proof of the increasing rivalry between the three major powers. With its arms budget, the USA alone accounts for 38% of global arms expenditure. Amela Skiljan, IPB coordinator, helps to break down the enormous sum of $1,917 billion in global arms expenditure in 2019, to help us grasp the sheer size: $1,917,000,000,000 per year means global military spending of $60,800 per second. Germany came eighth, behind France and the UK, with a 10% increase in its budget compared to 2018. The 29 NATO states together account for almost half of all military spending worldwide, at $1,305 billion. Other major economic powers are also top of the list and almost without exception are recording an increase in spending in each country. In contrast, the largest declines show in African countries and some states in the Middle East, where military conflicts nevertheless continue. Karin Vogler, politician for Die Linke (the Left) calls the new figures “frightening” and demands that there must be “a political discussion” about them. What is going to happen next? She labels Germany the “world champions in armament” and blames the German government’s striving for a military leadership role. But especially in times of the Corona crisis, Vogler emphasizes the need for a redistribution of German military spending and a rethinking of the Federal Government. The pandemic “shows the serious consequences if social and health care systems are not fully functional” when it is actually necessary to cushion the economic and social effects of the pandemic, fight poverty and provide infrastructure that meets the needs of the population. “We must not accept these horrendous military expenditures”, Vogler appeals and also points to the imminent hunger pandemic, which the United Nations World Food Programme has already warned of. “With 13.5% of global military expenditure, every person on earth could have something to eat every day,” she says, once again highlighting the huge imbalance in expenditure. After the Corona pandemic, a re-distribution battle is imminent. Germany must develop from a world champion in armament to a world champion in disarmament in order to initiate international rearmament and redistribution. Amela Skiljan agrees and emphasizes that military spending must be redistributed to areas such as infrastructure, education, health, social affairs and development. As a representative of civil society, Michael Müller, Parliamentary State Secretary for the Environment, Naturefriends e.V., calls for a diverse peace movement and emphasizes that forces must be joined with social and environmental movements. An idea of cooperation, understanding and a policy of détente must be taken up: “Humanity needs bread, not bombs”, Müller quotes from the Pope’s Easter blessing. Philip Jennings, Co-President of the IPB, shares a similar opinion: “It is time for global solidarity […] time for a peace movement. SIPRI’s dark and frightening figures must be followed by a lively, optimistic and ambitious response. Civil society must exert pressure and introduce the dimension of peace into the global discourse.” Let Bill Clinton's failed Kosovo strategy wither amid the COVID-19 pandemic
ANALYSIS/OPINION: Like a political cult’s fantasy park, a 10-foot statue of a waving Bill Clinton leers over Bill Clinton Boulevard not far from the Hillary clothing boutique. A metal bust of President Clinton’s former secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, lurks in the park nearby. Out of town, near an American military base, a 20-mile stretch of road is named after Joe Biden’s late son. A congressman from the Bronx, Eliot Engel, not only got his own boulevard but earned his face on a postage stamp. It sounds like a freak show for The Swamp, and it’s real. All made possible with $2 billion of the American taxpayers’ money. Add an extra big bill for American troops there — not to protect the place from foreign invaders or to secure American vital interests — but to keep the locals from killing one another. The freak show is called Kosovo. Kosovo is a never-ending mess. Its own people, a mishmash of irreconcilable cultures, historically can’t get along without some form of dictator or military occupation. Each side ethnically “cleanses” itself of the other in a civil war horror between ethnic Albanian Muslims and ethnic Serbian Christians. The Albanian majority forced out most of the Christians — hardly anyone in the world cared — and declared independence from Serbia. The breakaway landlocked province has zero strategic value to the United States. Less than half the area of Vermont, Kosovo is home to a population almost the size of the Bronx. It’s a babel of five official languages with two alphabets. Eighty percent of its young people don’t work. Kosovo’s most famous exports are jihadists. Just over two decades ago, Kosovo’s bloody civil war against the Christians and the Christian Serbs’ tough response prompted Congressman Engel to persuade Ms. Albright and Mr. Clinton to use American force to defeat the Christian side. Mr. Clinton used NATO as a fig leaf to run a bombing campaign affectionately called “Madeleine’s War” supposedly to stop the bloodshed. The humanitarian bombing brought autonomy to Kosovo, but the bombs weren’t enough: An Islamist insurgency, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), ran guerrilla operations on the ground to shape the new rebel government. Many U.S. officials at the time considered the KLA as an Islamist terrorist group, but Mr. Engel wasn’t perturbed. He used his seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee to sponsor legislation to fund the KLA. That arguably helped earn Mr. Engel his picture on a Kosovo postage stamp. After the war, the locals proved once again that they couldn’t get along and needed an armed babysitter. Mr. Clinton brought in American troops with European allies flying the NATO banner, and absurdly invited Russian troops to “help.” The awkward hybrid nearly resulted in a NATO military confrontation with Russia. With the United States and allied ground forces providing militarized child care, a “peace process” dragged on for years, during which the secessionist province broke from Serbia in 2008 and declared independence thanks to U.S. troops, who ensured that the peace process would continue stalling endlessly. Seeing that Russia had taken advantage and renewed its centuries-old ties with Serbia, with the Chinese in pursuit for a European foothold, the Trump administration has been trying to pull the United States out of the Kosovo mess and woo Serbia westward. Serbia, though small, remains a hub linking southeastern and central Europe, and a partial land bridge from central Europe away from the Russian- and Turkish-dominated Black Sea, toward the Mediterranean. But Kosovo-backers want nothing of it. Recently in pandemic-shuttered Washington, scripted talking-point recyclers are bleating for attention to save the Clintonian status quo. One of them took a break from the lockdown to call Kosovo “the most pro-American country in Europe.” Another hailed the microstate as “the most pro-US country on the globe.” That might be true as long as the stupid Americans continue to pump in cash and provide military protection from the hated Christians. But it doesn’t quite reconcile with Kosovo’s status as the West’s biggest per-capita recruitment ground for jihadist terrorists. Now, longtime partisans of the Clinton machine are lamenting that “America’s Kosovo strategy is melting down.” It’s about time. • J. Michael Waller is senior analyst for strategy at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC. Follow him on Twitter @JMichaelWaller. Source: Is NATO Still Necessary?
There will inevitably be other global challenges that countries will face together over time. However, NATO at seventy is not the instrument to address them. April 18, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic that is ravaging the world brings a prolonged public health crisis into sharp focus—along with the bleak prospect of a long-term economic crisis that can destroy the social fabric across nations. World leaders need to reassess expenditures of resources based on real and present threats to national security—to reconsider how they may be tackled. A continuing commitment to NATO, whose global ambitions are largely driven and funded by the United States, must be questioned. One: NATO was created in 1949 for the three main reasons outlined above. These reasons are no longer valid. The security landscape in Europe is totally different today than seventy years ago. Russian president Vladimir Putin actually proposed a new continental security arrangement “from Dublin to Vladivostok,” which was rejected out of hand by the West. If accepted, then it would have included Russia in a cooperative security architecture that would have been safer for the global community. Two: It is argued by some that the threat of present-day Russia is why America needs to stay in Europe. But consider this: The economy of the EU was $18.8 trillion before Brexit, and it is $16.6 Trillion after Brexit. In comparison, the economy of Russia is only $1.6 trillion today. With an EU economy more than ten times the economy of Russia, do we believe that Europe cannot afford its own defense against Russia? It is important to note that the UK will surely stay in a Euro defense alliance and will very likely continue to contribute to that defense. Three: Cold War I was one of extreme global risk—with two superpower adversaries each armed with thirty-thousand-plus nuclear warheads. The current environment presents an even greater danger, that of extreme instability arising from non-state actors, such as terrorist groups, acquiring weapons of mass destruction. Russia and the NATO principals are uniquely capable of addressing these threats—if they act in concert. Four: The only time a NATO member has invoked Article 5 (the “attack on one is attack on all” clause) was the United States after the terrorist attack of Sept 11, 2001. The real enemy was not another nation but the common threat of terrorism. Russia has consistently advanced this reason for cooperation—indeed Russia provided invaluable logistical intelligence and base support for the post–9/11 Afghan engagement. Coronavirus has dramatized another grave concern: that of terrorists possessing and using biological weapons. This cannot be underestimated in the climate in which we now live. Five: When Russia has a potential enemy on its border, as with 2020 NATO military exercises, Russia will be more compelled to veer toward autocracy and the weakening of democracy. When citizens feel threatened, they want leadership that is strong and affords them protection. Six: The military actions of NATO in Serbia under President Clinton and in Libya under President Barack Obama, along with almost twenty years of war in Afghanistan—the longest in our history—were substantially U.S. driven. There is no “Russia factor” here, yet these conflicts are used to argue a raison d’etre chiefly to confront Russia. Seven: Along with climate change, the greatest existential threat is that of a nuclear holocaust—this sword of Damocles still hangs over all of us. With NATO having bases in twenty-nine countries, many along Russia’s borders, some within artillery range of St. Petersburg, we run the risk of a nuclear war that could destroy humankind. The risk of accidental or “false alarm” was documented on several occasions during the Cold War and is even more frightful now, given the Mach 5 speed of today’s missiles. Eight: As long as the United States continues to spend close to 70 percent of its discretionary budget on the military, there will always be a need for enemies, whether real or perceived. Americans have the right to ask why such exorbitant “spending” is necessary and whom does it really benefit? NATO expenditures come at the expense of other national priorities. We are discovering this in the midst of the coronavirus when the health-care systems in the west are woefully underfinanced and disorganized. Diminishing the cost and needless expense of NATO will make room for other national priorities of greater good to the American public. Nine: We have used NATO to act unilaterally, without congressional or international legal approval. America’s conflict with Russia is essentially political, not military. It cries out for creative diplomacy. The truth is that America needs more robust diplomacy in international relations, not the blunt military instrument of NATO. Ten: Lastly, exotic war games in Russia’s neighborhood—coupled with a tearing up of arms control treaties—provides a growing threat that can destroy everyone, particularly when international attention is focused on a more elusive “enemy.” The coronavirus has joined the list of global threats that demand cooperation rather than confrontation even more urgently than before. Joint Statement by President Donald J. Trump and President Vladimir Putin of Russia Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Meeting on the Elbe
April 25, 2020, marks the 75th Anniversary of the historic meeting between American and Soviet troops, who shook hands on the damaged bridge over the Elbe River. This event heralded the decisive defeat of the Nazi regime. The meeting on the Elbe represented a culmination of tremendous efforts by the many countries and peoples that joined forces under the framework of the United Nations Declaration of 1942. This common struggle required enormous sacrifice by millions of soldiers, sailors, and citizens in multiple theaters of war. We also recognize the contributions from millions of men and women on the home front, who forged vast quantities of war materials for use around the world. Workers and manufacturers played a crucial role in supplying the allied forces with the tools necessary for victory. The “Spirit of the Elbe” is an example of how our countries can put aside differences, build trust, and cooperate in pursuit of a greater cause. As we work today to confront the most important challenges of the 21st century, we pay tribute to the valor and courage of all those who fought together to defeat fascism. Their heroic feat will never be forgotten. Source: The Coronavirus and the Economic Crisis this Time
By Prof. Sam Gindin “…so many of the out-of-the way things had happened lately, that Alice has begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible” — Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.
Because each such crisis modifies the trajectory of history, the subsequent crisis occurs in a changed context and so has its own distinct features. The crisis of the 70s, for example, involved a militant working class, a challenge to the American dollar, and a qualitative acceleration in the role of finance and of globalization. The crisis of 2008-09, on the other hand, involved a largely defeated working class, confirmed the central global role of the dollar, and brought new ways of managing a uniquely finance-dependent economy. Like the previous crisis, the 2008-09 crisis yielded more neoliberal financialization, but this time it also opened the doors to right-wing populism alongside an acute disorientation of traditional political parties. The Crisis This Time: Health Versus the Economy The crisis this time is unique in an especially topsy-turvy way. The world, as Alice would express it, is getting “curiouser and curiouser.” In past capitalist crises, the state intervened to try and get the economy going again. This time, the immediate focus of states is not on how to revive the economy, but how to further restrict it. This is obviously so because the economy hasn’t been brought to its knees by economic factors or struggles from below, but rather, by a mysterious virus. Ending its hold over us is the first priority. In introducing the language of ‘social distancing’ and ‘self-quarantine’ to cope with the emergency, governments have suspended the social interactions that constitute a good part of the world of work and consumption, the world of the economy. This accent on health, while putting the economy on the backburner, has brought a rather remarkable reversal in political discourse. A few short months ago the leader of France was the darling of business everywhere for leading the charge to decisively weaken the welfare state. France would become, he heralded, a business-friendly nation that “thinks and moves like a start-up.” Today Emmanuel Macron is gravely proclaiming that “[f]ree healthcare … and our welfare state are precious resources, indispensable advantages when destiny strikes.” Macron was not alone in scrambling to reverse himself. Politicians of all stripes raised the idea of limiting factory production to socially necessary products like ventilators, hospital beds, protective masks and gloves. Telling corporations what they should produce became commonplace, with the UK’s conservative Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, calling on auto companies to “switch from building cars to ventilators” and President Trump, astonishingly going further and “ordering” GM to make ventilators under the Defense Production Act. In this new world, it’s hard to remember that over the past year any suggestion of doing what political leaders are now themselves demanding was ignored or derisively waved off, and not only by them and by business, but even by some key union leaders. At the same time, to those who previously turned a blind eye, the crisis graphically exposed the extreme fragility of working-class budgets. With so many people facing severe deprivation and the threat of social chaos, all levels of government have been forced to address people’s basic health and survival needs. Republicans are now joining Democrats in proposing legislation to postpone mortgage payments, tighten rent controls and cancel interest payments on student debt. Their disagreements are generally not over whether to get more money to workers forced to stay home and to radically improve sick pay and unemployment insurance, but how significant these supports should be. During the Great Depression there was a similar political shift that legitimated social programs and labour rights. However that development was a concession to popular mobilization; this time, it is a response to the extent of the health pandemic and the need to keep people away from work. This is not to say that the ‘economic’ is being ignored, only that its traditional precedence is taking a back seat to the social, i.e., the health threat. There remains a deep and concerted effort to preserve enough of the economic infrastructure (production, services, trade, finance) to facilitate a return to some semblance of normality ‘later’. This is leading to massive bailouts and this time – unlike the crisis of 2008-09 – the money is flowing not just to banks but also to sectors like air travel, hotels and restaurants, and in particular to small and medium sized businesses. The economy was foremost in the mind of Trump in his initial casual response to the health crisis, leading one exasperated blogger to comment that “if the Martians invaded earth, our first response would be to lower interest rates.” After Trump was convinced by his advisors that this response would not do, a far more sombre Donald Trump appeared on our screens, winning praise for looking and sounding properly presidential and decisive. The Democratic establishment, which had to that point focussed on defeating Sanders – in part because they feared Trump would exploit Sanders’ radicalism electorally, in part because they feared the implications of a Sanders victory for their hold on the party – were now kept awake by another scenario: what if Trump’s emergency measures pre-empts the Dems from the left. “Up is down, north is south” a Democratic Party insider wryly commented. Consistent in his inconsistency, Trump turned on a dime again, a matter of his own business and populist instincts and reinforced by the stock market, Fox News and the business leaders that had his ear. The lock-down, he announced, will be over in a matter of “days, not weeks or months.” This mindless declaration couldn’t prevail as the body count grew and hospitals were overwhelmed, and we were reminded – not for the last time – that by virtue of America’s place in the world, Trump was not only the most powerful of world leaders, but also the most dangerous. Solidarity with Venezuela
Dear Venezuelan Friends, On the occasion of the Global Day of Action and Solidarity with Venezuela the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and numerous other independent peace organizations in Serbia, express full solidarity and friendship with the brotherly people and the leadership of Venezuela in your heroic struggle to safeguard sovereignty, dignity and independence from the imperialistic interference, illegal sanctions and threats of military interventions. Orchestrated propaganda based on the false accusations, immoral alliances and hired "democrats" cannot any longer hide greedy imperialistic goals aimed at occupying natural, particularly, energy resources, of Venezuela. Yours in solidarity, GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION IN SOLIDARITY WITH VENEZUELA
Dear Comrades and Friends of the WPC
- the letter from our Member Organisation COSI (in Spanish and English) - the proposed CALL (In English, Spanish and French) to be endorsed by - the Flyer for the campaign in English,Spanish and French Despite the difficult and challening times, we call upon all members and We call upon you to publish and disseminate the common Flyer of COSI and You will find the related publications also on the facebook page of the Comradely yours Iraklis Tsavdaridis COVID-19 - eine Zwischenbilanz oder eine Analyse der Moral, der medizinischen Fakten, sowie der aktuellen und zukünftigen politischen Entscheidungen
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Paul Robert Vogt - Bild: Sandro Diener
DMZ – FORSCHUNG / MEDIZIN / POLITIK / Überlegungen eines besorgten Schweizer Bürgers
Vorwort: wieso nehme ich überhaupt Stellung?
Aus 5 Gründen: 1. bin ich mit meiner Stiftung «EurAsia Heart – A Swiss Medical Foundation» seit mehr als 20 Jahren in EurAsien tätig, habe fast ein Jahr in China gearbeitet und seit 20 Jahren eine kontinuierliche Verbindung zum «Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College/Huazhong University of Science and Technology» in Wuhan, wo ich eine meiner vier Gastprofessuren in China habe. Die 20-jährige Verbindung zu Wuhan habe ich auch in den jetzigen Zeiten konstant aufrechthalten können. 2. ist COVID-19 nicht nur ein Problem der mechanischen Beatmung, sondern betrifft das Herz in ähnlicher Weise. 30% aller Patienten, welche die Intensivstation nicht überleben, versterben aus kardialen Gründen. 3. ist die letzt-mögliche Therapie des Lungenversagens eine invasiv-kardiologische, respektive kardiochirurgische: die Verwendung einer «ECMO», der Methode der «extrakorporellen Membran-Oxygenation», d.h. die Verbindung des Patienten mit einer externen, künstlichen Lunge, welche bei diesem Krankheitsbild die Funktion der Lunge des Patienten so lange übernehmen kann, bis diese wieder funktioniert. 4. bin ich – ganz einfach – um meine Meinung gefragt worden. 5. sind sowohl das Niveau der medialen Berichterstattung wie auch sehr viele Leser-Kommentare nicht ohne Widerspruch hinzunehmen und zwar in Bezug auf Fakten, Moral, Rassismus und Eugenik. Sie benötigen dringend einen Widerspruch durch zuverlässige Daten und Angaben. Die dargelegten Fakten entstammen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, welche ein «peer-review» durchlaufen haben und in den besten medizinischen Zeitschriften publiziert worden sind. Viele dieser Fakten waren bis Ende Februar bekannt. Hätte man diese medizinischen Fakten zur Kenntnis genommen und wäre man fähig gewesen, Ideologie, Politik und Medizin zu trennen, wäre die Schweiz heute mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit in einer besseren Lage: wir hätten pro Kopf nicht die zweitmeisten COVID-19-positiven Leute weltweit und eine bedeutend kleinere Zahl an Menschen, welche ihr Leben im Rahmen dieser Pandemie verloren haben. Zudem hätten wir mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit keinen partiellen, unvollständigen «Lock-down» unserer Wirtschaft und keine kontroversen Diskussionen, wie wir hier wieder «herauskommen». Anmerken möchte ich noch, dass alle wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, die ich erwähne, bei mir im Original erhältlich sind.
1. Die Zahlen in den Medien Es ist verständlich, dass alle das Ausmass dieser Pandemie auf die eine oder andere Art erfassen möchten. Nur, die tägliche Rechnerei hilft uns nicht weiter, da wir nicht wissen, wie viele Personen lediglich folgenlos Kontakt mit dem Virus hatten und wie viele Personen tatsächlich krank geworden sind. Die Anzahl asymptomatischer COVID-19 Träger ist wichtig, um Vermutungen über die Ausbreitung der Pandemie machen zu können. Um brauchbare Daten zu haben, hätte man jedoch zu Beginn der Pandemie breite Massentests durchführen müssen. Heute kann man nur noch vermuten, wie viele Schweizer Kontakt mit COVID-19 hatten. Eine Arbeit mit einer amerikanisch-chinesischen Autorenschaft hat schon am 16. März 2020 publiziert, dass auf 14 dokumentierte mit 86 nicht-dokumentierten Fällen von COVID-19-positiven Personen zu rechnen ist. In der Schweiz muss man deshalb damit rechnen, dass wohl 15x bis 20x mehr Personen COVID-19-positiv sind, als in den täglichen Berechnungen dargestellt wird. Um den Schweregrad der Pandemie zu beurteilen, bräuchten wir andere Daten:
Nur diese Zahlen ergeben ein Bild vom Schweregrad dieser Pandemie, respektive von der Gefährlichkeit dieses Virus. Die aktuelle Anhäufung von Zahlen ist derart ungenau und hat einen Touch von «Sensations-Presse» - das letzte, was wir in dieser Situation noch brauchen.
2. «Eine gewöhnliche Grippe» Handelt es sich hier nur um «eine gewöhnliche Grippe», die jedes Jahr vorüberzieht und gegen die wir üblicherweise «nichts» unternehmen – oder um eine gefährliche Pandemie, welche rigide Massnahmen benötigt? Um diese Frage zu klären, muss man bestimmt keine Statistiker fragen, die noch nie einen Patienten gesehen haben. Die reine, statistische Beurteilung dieser Pandemie ist sowieso unmoralisch. Fragen muss man die Leute an der Front. Keiner meiner Kollegen – und ich natürlich auch nicht – und niemand vom Pflegepersonal kann sich erinnern, dass in den letzten 30 oder 40 Jahren folgende Zustände herrschten, nämlich dass:
Aufgrund von 1-8) ist es klar, dass es sich um einen gefährlichen Virus handelt, der dieser Pandemie zugrunde liegt. Die Behauptungen, eine «Influenza» sei genau gleich gefährlich und koste jedes Jahr gleich viele Opfer ist falsch. Zudem ist die Behauptung, man wisse nicht, wer «an» und wer «wegen» COVID-19 sterbe, ebenso aus der Luft gegriffen. Vergleichen wir Influenza und COVID19: hat man das Gefühl, bei Influenza seien immer alle Patienten «wegen» Influenza gestorben und nie einer «mit»? Sind wir Mediziner im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie nun alle plötzlich so verblödet, dass wir nicht mehr unterscheiden können, ob jemand «mit» oder «wegen» COVID-19 stirbt, wenn diese Patienten eine typische Klinik, typische Laborbefunde und ein typisches Lungen-CT aufweisen? Aha, bei der Diagnose «Influenza» waren natürlich alle immer hellwach und haben immer die ganze Diagnostik bemüht und waren immer sicher: nein, bei der Influenza sterben alle «wegen» und nur bei COVID-19 viele «mit». Zudem: wenn es in einem Jahr in der Schweiz angeblich 1600 Influenza-Tote gab, so sprechen wir über 1600 Tote über 12 Monate – ohne präventive Massnahmen. Bei COVID-19 gab es jedoch 600 Tote in 1(!) Monat und das trotz massiver Gegenmassnahmen. Radikale Gegenmassnahmen können die Verbreitung von COVID-19 um 90% senken – man kann sich also vorstellen, welches Szenario ohne Gegenmassnahmen herrschen würde. Zudem: in einem Monat wurden in der Schweiz >2200 Patienten wegen COVID-19 hospitalisiert und es wurden gleichzeitig bis zu 500 Patienten auf verschiedenen Intensivstationen hospitalisiert. Nie hat jemand von uns auch nur annähernd solche Zustände im Rahmen einer «Influenza» gesehen. Im Rahmen einer «gewöhnlichen» Influenza erwerben ca. 8% der Betreuenden ebenfalls eine Influenza, aber niemand stirbt daran. Bei COVID-19 werden 25% bis 30% der Betreuenden infiziert und das ist mit einer signifikanten Mortalität verbunden. Dutzende von Ärzten und Pflegepersonen, die COVID-19 Patienten betreut haben, sind an derselben Infektion verstorben. Zudem: suchen Sie einmal die harten Zahlen zu «Influenza»! Sie werden keine finden. Was sie finden, sind Schätzungen: ca. 1000 oder 1600 in der Schweiz; ca. 8000 in Italien; ca. 20'000 in Deutschland. Eine FDA-Studie (US Food and Drug Administration) hat untersucht, wie viele der 48'000 Influenza-Toten eines Jahres in den USA wirklich wegen klassischer Influenza-Pneumonie gestorben sind. Resultat: alle möglichen Krankheitsbilder wurden unter «Tod durch Pneumonie» subsummiert, so z.B. auch die Lungenentzündung eines Neugeborenen, der bei der Geburt Fruchtwasser in die Lunge aspiriert hat. Die Anzahl der effektiv «wegen Influenza verstorbenen» - Patienten sank in dieser Analyse dramatisch weit unter 10'000 ab. Auch in der Schweiz kennen wir die genaue Anzahl von Patienten nicht, die jährlich an Influenza versterben. Und dies trotz Dutzender massiv überteuerter Datenerfassungs-Systeme; trotz sinnloser Doppel- und Triple-Erfassung der Daten durch Kliniken, Krankenkassen und Gesundheitsdirektionen; trotz eines sinnlosen und überteuerten DRG-Systems, das nur Nonsens produziert. Wir können nicht mal exakt die Zahlen von hospitalisierten Influenza-Patienten pro Monat liefern! Aber Millionen und Milliarden für überteuerte und kontraproduktive IT-Projekte verschwenden. Aufgrund des aktuellen Wissensstandes kann man insgesamt nicht von einer «gewöhnlichen Grippe» reden. Und deshalb ist die widerstandslose Durchseuchung der Gesellschaft auch kein Rezept. Ein Rezept, notabene, welches Grossbritannien, die Niederlande und Schweden versucht und nacheinander aufgegeben haben. Aufgrund des aktuellen, mangelhaften Wissensstandes sagen auch die Zahlen des Monats März überhaupt nichts aus. Wir können glimpflich davonkommen, oder eine Katastrophe erleben. Rigide Massnahmen bewirken, dass die Kurve der Kranken flacher verläuft. Es geht aber nicht nur um die Höhe der Kurve, es geht auch um die Fläche unter der Kurve und diese repräsentiert am Ende die Anzahl Toter.
3. «Es sterben nur alte und kranke Patienten» Prozentzahlen – Nebendiagnosen – Moral und EUGENIK Das Alter der in der Schweiz Verstorbenen liegt zwischen 32 und 100 Jahren. Zudem gibt es einige Studien und Berichte, welche zeigen, dass auch Kinder an COVID-19 verstorben sind. Ob wegen COVID-19 nun 0.9% oder 1.2% oder 2.3% versterben ist sekundär und bloss Futter für Statistiker. Relevant ist die absolute Anzahl an Toten, die diese Pandemie verursacht. Sind 5000 Tote weniger schlimm, wenn sie 0.9% aller COVID-19-Träger darstellen? Oder sind 5000 Tote schlimmer, wenn sie 2.3% aller COVID-19-Träger darstellen? Angeblich beträgt das durchschnittliche Alter der verstorbenen Patienten 83 Jahre, was von vielen – von zu vielen in unserer Gesellschaft – wohl als vernachlässigbar abgetan wird. Die lässige Grosszügigkeit, wenn andere sterben, ist in unserer Gesellschaft nicht zu übersehen. Das andere, das sofortige Geschrei und die immediaten Schuldzuweisungen, wenn es einem selber oder nächste Angehörige trifft, kenne ich zur Genüge. Alter ist relativ. Der eine US-Präsidentschafts-Kandidat ist heute 73 und der andere ist 77 Jahre alt. Mit guter Lebensqualität ein hohes, selbstbestimmtes Alter zu erreichen, ist ein hohes Gut, für das wir in der Schweiz ins Gesundheitswesen investiert haben. Und es ist das Resultat der Medizin, dass man auch mit drei Nebendiagnosen bei guter Lebensqualität ein hohes Alter erreichen kann. Diese positiven Errungenschaften unserer Gesellschaft sind nun plötzlich nichts mehr wert, sondern, mehr noch, nur noch eine Last? Zudem: wenn 1000 über 65-Jährige oder 1000 über 75-Jährige untersucht werden, die bisher meinten, sie seien gesund, haben nach einem gründlichen Check wohl >80% neu 3 "Nebendiagnosen", besonders wenn es sich um die weit verbreiteten Diagnosen „hoher Blutdruck“ oder „Zucker“ handelt. Gewisse Medien-Artikel und Leser-Kommentare – viel zu viele, meiner Meinung nach – überschreiten bei dieser Diskussion jede Grenze, haben den üblen Geruch der Eugenik und es kommen Erinnerungen an bekannte Zeiten auf. Muss ich wirklich jene Jahreszahlen nennen? Es erstaunt mich, dass unsere Medien nicht bemüht sind, in dieser Sache einmal Klartext zu schreiben. Es sind ja unsere Medien, welche diese erbärmlichen Meinungsäusserungen in ihren Kommentarspalten publizieren und so stehen lassen. Und ebenso erstaunlich ist, dass die Politiker es nicht für notwendig erachten, einmal eine klare Stellungnahme zu diesem Punkt abzugeben.
4. Diese Pandemie war angekündigt War die Schweiz minimal auf diese Pandemie vorbereitet? NEIN. Hat man Vorkehrungen getroffen, als COVID-19 im China ausgebrochen ist? NEIN. Hat man wissen können, dass eine COVID-19-Pandemie über die Welt ziehen wird? JA, SIE WAR ANGEKÜNDIGT UND DIE DATEN LAGEN BIS MÄRZ 2019 VOR. Im Prinzip waren das 8 KONKRETE, DEUTLICHE WARNUNGEN INNERHALB VON 17 JAHREN, dass so etwas kommen wird. UND DANN KOMMT ES TATSÄCHLICH! Im Dezember 2019, 9 Monate nach Peng Zhou's Warnung. Und die Chinesen informieren die WHO nachdem sie 27 Patienten mit atypischer Pneumonie ohne Todesfall gesehen haben. Noch am 31. Dezember beginnt die Reaktionskette von Taiwan, die aus insgesamt 124 Massnahmen bestand – alles bis zum 03. März 2020 publiziert. Und nein, es wurde nicht auf Taiwanesisch-chinesisch in einer Asiatischen Medizinischen Zeitschrift publiziert, sondern unter Mitarbeit der University of California im „Journal of American Medical Association“. Das Einzige was man tun musste: ab dem 31. Dezember 2019 „bat + coronavirus“ in «PubMed», der U.S. National Library of Medicine, eingeben und alle Daten lagen vor. Und man musste nur die Publikationen bis Ende Februar 2020 verfolgen, um zu wissen, 1) was auf uns zukommt und 2) was zu tun ist. Uzbekistan hat im Dezember ihre 82 Studenten aus Wuhan zurückbeordert und alle in Quarantäne gesteckt. Am 10. März habe ich von Uzbekistan aus, weil ich nach meiner Meinung gefragt worden war, die Schweiz gewarnt: Parlamentarier, Bundesrat, BAG, Medien. Und was hat die Schweiz seit der Meldung China's an die WHO am 31. Dezember 2019 gemacht? Unsere Landesregierung, unser BAG, unsere Experten, unsere Pandemiekommission?Es sieht so aus, dass sie nichts mitbekommen haben. Natürlich, die Situation ist heikel. Sollte man die Bevölkerung informieren? Panik säen? Wie vorgehen? Was man wenigstens hätte tun können: die exzellenten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten der Chinesischen und Amerikanisch-Chinesischen Wissenschaftler studieren, die in den besten Amerikanischen und Englischen Medizinischen Zeitschriften publiziert worden sind. Man hätte wenigstens – und das wäre ohne Information an die Bevölkerung, ohne Panik zu säen, machbar gewesen – man hätte wenigstens das notwendige medizinischen Material auffüllen können. Dass die Schweiz mit ihrem 85-Milliarden-schweren Gesundheitswesen, in welchem eine durchschnittliche 4-köpfige Mittelstandsfamilie die Krankenkassen-Prämien nicht mehr bezahlen kann, nach 14 Tagen lauem Gegenwind an der Wand steht, über zu wenig Masken, zu wenig Desinfektionsmittel und zu wenig medizinischem Material verfügt, ist eine Schande. Was hat die Pandemie-Kommission gemacht? Wenn das keine PUK braucht. Aber keine, die nur mit Politkern besetzt ist. Und so hat sich das behördliche Versagen bis heute fortgesetzt. Keine der von Singapur, Taiwan, Hongkong oder China erfolgreich eingesetzten Massnahmen wurden angewendet. Keine Grenzschliessung, keine Grenzkontrollen, jeder konnte und kann immer noch problemlos in die Schweiz immigrieren ohne überhaupt kontrolliert zu werden (habe ich am 15. März selber so erfahren). Es waren die Österreicher, welche die Grenze zur CH geschlossen haben und es war die italienische Regierung, welche Ende März endlich die SBB gestoppt hat und so weiter und so fort. Und noch heute gibt es keine Quarantäne für Personen, die in die Schweiz einreisen. Wurde die Forschungsgruppe von Antonio Lanzavecchia in Bellinzona konsultiert? Antonio Lanzavecchia, der an den oben erwähnten Forschungsarbeiten zu den synthetisch hergestellten Corona-Viren als Co-Autor beteiligt war? Wie kann es sein, dass Hr. Lanzavecchia am 20. März in einem kleinen Tessiner TV-Sender sagt, dass dieses Virus extrem ansteckend und extrem resistent sei – das BAG am 22. März, 2 Tage später also, von einem «Silberstreifen am Horizont» schreibt? Wie kann es sein, dass eine gemischt Amerikanische-Chinesische Autorenschaft am 06. März im «Science» publiziert, dass nur eine kombinierte Grenzschliessung und eine lokale Ausgangssperre effektiv sind, dann aber die Verbreitung des Virus um 90% einzudämmen vermögen – das BAG und Bundesrat aber mitteilen, dass Grenzschliessungen nichts bringen, «weil sich die meisten sowieso zu Hause anstecken» würden. Das Maskentragen wurde für nicht notwendig befunden – aber nicht, weil dessen Effektivität nicht bewiesen wäre. Nein, weil man schlicht nicht genügend Masken zur Verfügung stellen konnte. Man müsste lachen, wenn es nicht so tragisch wäre: statt die eigenen Versäumnisse einzugestehen und sie immediat zu korrigieren, hat man lieber den Deutschen Botschafter einbestellt. Was hat man ihm gesagt? Dass das 85-Milliarden-schwere Schweizer Gesundheitswesen keine Masken hat, um seine Bürger, Pflegende und Ärzte zu schützen? Die Serie von peinlichen Pannen lässt erweitern: Hände-Desinfektion! Empfohlen, da wirksam und schon zu Zeiten der Spanischen Grippe empfohlen. Haben wir von unseren Entscheidungsträgern je gehört, welche Desinfektionsmittel denn wirksam sind und welche nicht? Haben wir nicht, obwohl am 06. Februar 2020 ein Summary von 22 Arbeiten im «Journal of Hospital Infection» publiziert worden ist, welches schon damals berichtete, dass Corona-Viren bis zu 9 Tage auf Metall, Plastik und Glas überleben können und welche drei Desinfektionsmittel das Virus innert 1(!) Minute killen und welche nicht. Natürlich konnte man das richtige Desinfektionsmittel nicht konkret empfehlen: der Bürger hätte dann gemerkt, dass gar nicht genug davon vorhanden ist, weil das Pandemie-Lager, welches Ethanol (62%iges bis 71%iges Ethanol killt Corona-Viren innerhalb einer Minute) bereithalten sollte, 2018 aufgelöst worden war. Als die Schwierigkeiten der Pandemie auch für das BAG offensichtlich wurden, liess man verlauten, dass Patienten, welche auf die Intensivstation müssten, sowieso schlechte Chancen hätten. Dies im klaren Widerspruch zu 4 bis dahin publizierten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, welche übereinstimmend berichten, dass 38% bis 95% aller Patienten, die auf die Intensivstation mussten, nach Hause entlassen werden konnten. Ich will hier keine weiteren Punkte erwähnen. Klar sind zwei Dinge: die Pandemie wurde seit 2003 mindestens 8x angekündigt. Und nachdem ihr Ausbruch am 31. Dezember 2019 der WHO gemeldet worden war, hätte man 2 Monate Zeit gehabt, die richtigen Daten zu studieren und die richtigen Konsequenzen zu ziehen. Taiwan zum Beispiel, dessen 124 Massnahmen früh publiziert worden sind, hat am wenigsten Infizierte und Todesfälle und hat keinen «Lock-down» der Wirtschaft durchführen müssen. Die Massnahmen der Asiatischen Ländern wurden aus politischen und diffusen Gründen als für uns nicht machbar qualifiziert. Einer davon: das Tracking Infizierter. Angeblich unmöglich und das in einer Gesellschaft, die ihre privaten Daten ohne Probleme an iCloud’s und Facebook auslagert. Tracking? Wenn ich jeweils in Tashkent, Peking oder Yangon aus dem Flugzeug steige, dauert es 10 Sekunden und Swisscom heisst mich im jeweiligen Land willkommen. Tracking? Nein gibt es bei uns nicht. Hätte man sich besser orientiert, hätte man gesehen, dass gewisse Länder ohne rigide Massnahmen ausgekommen sind. In der Schweiz hat man allenfalls semi-rigide oder gar keine Massnahmen ergriffen, sondern hat die Bevölkerung im eigentlichen Sinne durchseuchen lassen. Rigidere Massnahmen wurden zu spät ergriffen. Hätte man reagiert, hätte man vielleicht keine solchen Massnahmen ergreifen müssen – und könnte sich die aktuellen Diskussionen um einen «Ausstieg» ersparen. Von den ökonomischen Folgen will ich gar nicht reden.
5. Politische Aspekte - Propaganda Warum hat man nicht nach Asien geschaut? Es gab genug Zeit. Oder anders: wie hat man nach Asien geschaut? Die Antwort ist klar: arrogant, ignorant und besserwisserisch. Typisch europäisch, oder sollte ich sagen, typisch schweizerisch? Xi Jinping war noch nett, als er meinte, Europa sei wegen seines «Narzissmus» innert kürzester Zeit das weltweite Zentrum der Pandemie geworden. Ich würde hinzufügen: wegen seiner Arroganz, seiner Ignoranz und seines unsäglichen Besserwissertums. In den Kommentarspalten haben immer mehr Leser unserer Medien bemerkt, dass wir vielleicht aufhören sollten, andere konstant zu belehren, wenn wir selber pro Kopf mit Spanien zusammen die höchste Rate an COVID-19-positiven Leuten und eine der höchsten Sterberaten haben. Europa scheint unbelehrbar. Amerika – zumindest seine Wissenschaftler und ein Teil seiner politischen Journalisten – haben anders reagiert. Amerika hat die exzellenten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten Chinesischer Autoren anerkannt und sie in ihren besten Medizinischen Zeitschriften publiziert. Selbst im «Foreign Affairs», der wichtigsten Essay-Zeitschrift zur internationalen Politik finden sich Arbeiten mit Überschriften wie: «Was die Welt von China lernen kann»; und «China hat eine App und der Rest der Welt braucht einen Plan»; ferner, dass die «internationale Kooperation der Wissenschaftler ein Beispiel dafür sei», wie man in anderen Bereichen «multipolar zusammenarbeiten müsse» und wie die Welt nun einmal «interconnected» sei. Selbst der oft zitierte Anthony Fauci, Trump’s Chef-Virologie, rühmte im «Foreign Affairs» die Zusammenarbeit mit den Chinesischen Kollegen. Dass die US-Politführung das nicht umgesetzt hat, ist nicht das Problem der Wissenschaftler, welche, inklusive WHO, die exzellente Arbeit der Chinesen vor Ort lobten: «the Chinese know exactly what they do»; «and they are really, really good at it». Dagegen veröffentlichte das Deutsche Magazin DER SPIEGEL einen Artikel mit der Überschrift «Tödliche Arroganz» und damit meinten sie nicht Amerika, sondern das überhebliche Europa. Was sind die Fakten? Ohne Zweifel hat die «Command and Control»-Struktur Chinas initial zu einer Unterdrückung relevanter Informationen geführt, umgekehrt jedoch später bei der Begrenzung der Pandemie umso effektiver funktioniert. Der Umgang mit dem Augenarzt Li Wenliang ist schrecklich, passt jedoch zu solchen Ereignissen. Als 1918 der amerikanische Landarzt Loring Miner in Haskell County im US-Bundesstaat Kansas mehrere Patienten mit Grippesymptomen sah, welche an Heftigkeit alles Bisherige übertrafen, hat er sich an den „United States Public Health Service“ gewandt und um Unterstützung gebeten. Diese wurde im verweigert. Drei Patienten von Haskell County wurden zum Militärdienst eingezogen. Albert Gitchell, der Küchenunteroffizier – der Patient NULL – verbreitete das Virus in jener Kompanie, für die er kochte und die nach Europa verlegt wurde. 40 Tage später gab es in Europa 20 Millionen Infizierte und 20'000 Tote. Die 1918 Pandemie hat mehr Tote verursacht, als der 1. Weltkrieg. Die Klagen des Westens über die «Behandlung» von Li Wenliang sind berechtigt, aber triefen von Doppelmoral, weiss man doch, welches Schicksal Whistleblower im Westen mit seinen tollen Werten widerfahren. Auch die US-Regierung versuchte, medizinische Informationen zu filtern, indem die führenden Virologen Amerikas von Trump angewiesen worden waren, jede öffentliche Aussage zuvor mit Mike Pence, dem Vize-Präsidenten, zu besprechen, was im kürzlich erschienen «Science» unter dem Titel «Do us a favor» als «unacceptable» bezeichnet und mit China verglichen worden ist. Politik ist das eine, die wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sind das andere. Bis Ende Februar 2020 sind derart viele, exzellente wissenschaftliche Arbeiten mit Chinesischen und gemischt Amerikanisch-Chinesischen Autoren erschienen, dass man hätte wissen können, um was es bei dieser Pandemie geht und was man vorkehren sollte. Warum hat man alles verpasst? Weil weder Politiker, noch Medien und die Mehrzahl der Bürger nicht fähig sind, in einer solchen Situation Ideologie, Politik und Medizin zu trennen. Eine virale Pneumonie ist ein medizinisches und kein politisches Problem. Dank des politisch-ideologisch begründeten Ignorierens medizinischer Fakten hat sich Europa in kürzester Zeit selber zum weltweiten Pandemie-Zentrum gemacht – mitten drin die Schweiz mit der zweithöchsten pro Kopf Infektionsrate. Politik und Medien spielen hier eine besonders unrühmliche Rolle. Statt sich auf das eigene Versagen zu konzentrieren, wird die Bevölkerung durch ein fortgesetztes, dümmliches China-Bashing abgelenkt. Dazu kommen, wie immer, Russland-Bashing und Trump-Bashing. Man muss Trump keinesfalls mögen – aber bis die USA bezüglich der COVID-19-Todesfälle pro Kopf gleichauf mit der Schweiz liegt, müssen sie 30'000 Tote haben. Wie kann man konstant andere Länder kritisieren, wenn man mit dem zweitteuersten Gesundheitswesen der Welt pro Kopf am zweitmeisten Infizierte hat und weder genügend Masken, noch genügend Desinfektionsmittel, noch genügend medizinisches Material vorweisen kann? Die Schweiz wurde von dieser Pandemie nicht überrascht – nach dem 31. Dezember 2019 hat man mindestens 2 Monate Zeit gehabt, die dringendst notwendigen Vorkehrungen zu treffen. Und zu diesem Verhalten haben die Medien beileibe genug dazu beigetragen. Die mediale Berichterstattung erschöpft sich im Schönreden, was Bundesrat und BAG veranlassen sowie im Kritisieren anderer Länder. Beispiele von dümmlichem China-Bashing gibt es genug: «die Chinesen sind schuld»! Wer so etwas behauptet, versteht nichts von Biologie und Leben überhaupt. «Alle Pandemien kommen aus China»: die Spanische Grippe war in Tat und Wahrheit eine Amerikanische Grippe, HIV kam aus Afrika, Ebola kam aus Afrika, die Schweinegrippe aus Mexico, die Cholera-Epidemie der 60er-Jahre mit Millionen von Toten aus Indonesien und MERS aus dem Nahen Osten mit Zentrum Saudi-Arabien. Ja, SARS kam aus China. Aber die Chinesen haben im Gegensatz zu uns gelernt, wie «Foreign Affairs» am 27. März 2020 schreibt: «Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weakness. The Current One Highlights Its Strengths”. Wenn konstant behauptet wird, die Zahlen, welche China zur COVID-19-Pandemie veröffentlicht, seien sowieso alle beschönigt, was heisst dann das? Heisst das, dass wir deshalb nichts unternehmen müssen? Oder heisst es nicht viel mehr, dass es sich – sind dies Zahlen wirklich beschönigt – um eine noch viel gefährlichere Pandemie handelt, für die wir in Europa Vorkehrungen treffen sollten? So viel zur Logik von sinnlosem, politischem Nach-Geplapper. Mit konstanten Aussagen wie «die Chinesen lügen sowieso nur» «Taiwan kann man nichts glauben»; «Singapur, eine Familien-Diktatur, lügt sowieso» kommt man dieser Pandemie nicht bei. Auch hier agiert die US-Zeitschrift «Foreign Affairs» - bestimmt nicht per se China-freundlich – intelligenter, wie man am 24. März 2020 lesen kann: «The U.S. and China Could Cooperate to Defeat the Pandemic. Instead, Their Antagonism Makes Matters Worse”. Und am 21. März: “It Takes a World to End a Pandemic. Scientific Cooperation Knows No Boundaries – Fortunately”. Ich kann die Kritik von Lukas Bärfuss nur begrüssen. Insbesondere seine Aussage: «Warum die entsprechenden Fabriken nicht mehr in Biberist stehen. Sondern in Wuhan. Und ob dieses Allokationsproblem vielleicht nicht nur Zellulose betrifft, sondern auch Information, Bildung, Nahrung und Medikamente». Diese Aussage trifft ins Schwarze und demaskiert unsere Arroganz und Ignoranz. Reicht es nicht, dass der Westen zu Beginn dieser Pandemie hochnäsig und mit einer gewissen Schadenfreude nach China geschaut hat? Muss jetzt die Unterstützung der westlichen Staaten durch China auch noch bösartig diffamiert werden? China hat bis heute 3.86 Milliarden Masken, 38 Millionen Schutzanzüge, 2.4 Millionen Infrarot-Temperatur-Messgeräte und 16'000 Beatmungsgeräte geliefert. Nicht Chinas angeblicher Weltmachtsanspruch, sondern das Versagen der westlichen Länder hat dazu geführt, dass der Westen buchstäblich am medizinischen Tropf Chinas hängt.
6. Woher stammt dieses Virus? Auf unserem Globus gibt es ungefähr 6400 Säugetier-Arten. Fledermäuse (bats) und Flughunde machen 20% der Säugetier-Population aus. Es gibt 1000 verschiedene Arten von Fledermäusen und Flughunden. Es sind die einzigen Säugetiere, die fliegen können, was ihren grossen Bewegungsradius erklärt. Fledermäuse und Flughunde beherbergen eine Unzahl von Viren. Wahrscheinlich sind Fledermäuse und Flughunde in der Entwicklungsgeschichte die Eintrittspforte von Viren in den Stammbaum der Säugetiere gewesen. Es gibt zahlreiche gefährliche Viren, welche von den «Bats» auf den Menschen übergesprungen sind und für viele Krankheiten verantwortlich sind: Masern, Mumps, Tollwut, Marburg-Fieber, Ebola und andere, seltenere, nicht weniger gefährliche Krankheiten. Auch bei anderen Säugetieren haben von «Bats»-stammende Viren immer wieder zu Massensterben in der Schweine-, Hühner- oder Vogelzucht geführt. Dies sind entwicklungs-geschichtlich Jahr-Millionen alte biologische Vorgänge. Auch in der DNA gesunder Menschen finden sich Reste von viraler Gensequenzen, die über die Jahrtausende «eingebaut» worden sind. SARS und MERS haben die Forschung an Corona-Viren intensiviert, gerade weil man mit einer baldigen, neuen Corona-Viren-Epidemie, respektive Pandemie gerechnet hat. 22 der 38 bekannten und noch lange nicht definitiv klassifizierten Corona-Viren wurden von chinesischen Forschern in extenso studiert, siehe u.a. Peng Zhou’s Publikation zur Epidemiologie der «bat coronaviruses in China» sowie die anderen, oben erwähnten Publikationen Amerikanischer Autoren. Peng Zhou hat im März 2019 eine baldige, neue Corona-Epidemie vorausgesagt und zwar aus folgenden Gründen: Die Tatsache, dass viele dieser Viren – Corona-Viren, aber auch Ebola- oder Marburg-Viren – zusammen in diesen «Bats» hausen und zufällig genetisches Material austauschen können Obwohl nicht bewiesen, hat Peng Zhou auch die Essgewohnheiten der Chinesen angesprochen, welche die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Transmission dieser Viren von Tieren auf den Mensch erhöhen. Peng Zhou hat in seinem Artikel vom März 2019 vor einer Corona-Pandemie gewarnt. Und er schrieb, dass er nicht sagen könne, wann genau und wo diese Pandemie ausbrechen würde, aber dass China mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit ein «hot-spot» sein werde. So viel zur wissenschaftlichen Freiheit notabene. Peng Zhou und seine Gruppe aus Wuhan haben weitergeforscht und sie waren es, die bereits am 7. Januar das Genom von COVID-19 identifiziert und der ganzen Welt mitgeteilt hatten. Es gibt 4 Theorien, wie dieses Virus auf den Menschen übergesprungen ist: Das Besondere an diesen Tatsachen ist, dass Corona-Viren zusammen mit dem Ebola-Virus auf ein und demselben «Bat» leben können, ohne dass die Fledermaus erkrankt. Einerseits ist dies wissenschaftlich interessant, weil vielleicht Immunmechanismen gefunden werden können, die erklären, wieso diese Fledermäuse nicht erkranken. Diese Immunmechanismen gegenüber Corona-Viren und dem Ebola-Virus könnten Erkenntnisse liefern, die für den Homo sapiens von Bedeutung ist. Anderseits sind diese Tatsachen beunruhigend, weil man sich vorstellen kann, dass sich aufgrund der hohen, aktiven, genetischen Rekombination ein Supervirus bilden kann, welches eine längere Inkubationsdauer als das aktuelle COVID-19-Virus, aber die Letalität des Ebola-Virus aufweist. SARS wies eine 10%ige Mortalität auf, die Mortalität von MERS betrug 36%. Es war nicht das Verdienst des Homo sapiens, dass SARS und MERS sich nicht so schnell ausgebreitet haben, wie jetzt COVID-19. Das war einfach nur Glück. Die Behauptung, dass ein Virus, welches eine hohe Mortalität habe, sich nicht ausbreiten könne, weil es ja viel zu schnell seinen Wirt umbringe, war zu den Zeiten richtig, als eine "infizierte" Kamelkarawane von X'ian Richtung Seidenstrasse losgezogen ist und wegen der hohen Mortalität in der nächsten Karawanserei gar nicht mehr ankam. Heute geht das Ruckzuck. Heute sind alle massivst vernetzt. Ein Virus, das in 3 Tagen tötet, geht trotzdem um die Welt. Alle kennen Peking und Shanghai. Ich kenne Wuhan seit 20 Jahren. Keiner meiner Kollegen und Bekannten hat je etwas von Wuhan gehört. Aber hat man gesehen, wie viele Ausländer es in Wuhan - in einer Stadt, die "niemand" kennt - gab und wie sie blitzschnell in alle Weltregionen verteilt wurden? Das ist die heutige Situation.
7. Was wissen wir? Was wissen wir nicht? Wir wissen, dass es sich um ein aggressives Virus handelt; Was wir nicht wissen:
8. Was können wir aktuell tun? Die Frage nach den besten Lösungsansätzen kann ich auch nicht beantworten. Ob die Schweiz die Pandemie überhaupt noch eindämmen kann, oder ob die Durchseuchung der Bevölkerung unbeeinflusst weiterläuft, weil man initial alle Massnahmen verschlafen hat, ist möglich. Wenn dem so ist, kann man nur hoffen, dass wir diese „Politik“ nicht mir zu vielen Toten und Schwerkranken bezahlen. Und dass nicht zu viele Patienten an den Langzeitfolgen einer COVID-19-Infektion leiden, wie z.B. einer „dank“ COVID-19 neu erworbenen Lungenfibrose, einem gestörten Glucose-Metabolismus sowie neu auftretenden kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen. Die langfristigen Konsequenzen einer durchgemachten SARS-Infektion sind bis 12 Jahre nach angeblicher Heilung dokumentiert. Hoffen wir, dass sich COVID-19 anders verhalten wird. Die Aufhebung des „Lock-down“, respektive die Rückkehr zur dem, was wir als normal empfinden, ist sicherlich der Wunsch eines jeden. Welche Schritte bei der Rückkehr zur Normalisierung mit nachteiligen Folgen verbunden sein werden – d.h. mit einem Wieder-Aufflammen der Infektionsrate – kann niemand voraussagen. Jeder Schritt Richtung Lockerung ist im Grunde genommen ein Schritt ins Unbekannte. Wir können nur sagen, was nicht machbar ist: eine aktive Durchseuchung der nicht-Risiko-Gruppen mit dem COVID-19-Virus ist mit Sicherheit ein absolutes Hirngespinst. Es kann nur Leuten in den Sinn kommen, die keine Ahnung von Biologie, Medizin und Ethik haben: Die Bestimmung der COVID-19 IgM- und IgG-Antikörper-Konzentration im Blut geht scheinbar mir der Neutralisierung des COVID-19-Virus einher. Die quantitative und qualitative Diagnostik dieser Antikörper wurde bis jetzt nur in einer kleinen klinischen Studie mit 23 Patienten untersucht. Ob die Massenbestimmung der Antikörper im Blut einen kontrollierten «Lock-down» sicherer machen, indem sich vorerst nur nicht mehr ansteckende und nicht mehr ansteckbare Personen frei bewegen können, kann derzeit nicht beantwortet werden. Ebenso unklar ist, wann diese Methode klinische valide und breit anwendbar sein wird.
9. Zukunft Diese Pandemie wirft viele politische Fragen auf. „Foreign Affairs“ mit Donald Trump und Anthony Fauci auf dem Cover schreibt am 28. März 2020 dazu: „Plagues Tell Us Who We Are. The Real Lessons of the Pandemic will be Political“. Diese politischen Fragen werden nationaler und internationaler Art sein. Die ersten Fragen werden ganz bestimmt unser Gesundheitswesen betreffen. Mit einem 85-Milliarden-Budget hat es die Schweiz - was die Anzahl Corona-Patienten pro 1 Million Einwohner betrifft – weltweit auf Rang 2 geschafft. Gratuliere! Was für eine Schande! Grundlegendes und billiges Material fehlt in der Schweiz nach 14 Tagen. Das kommt davon, wenn selbsternannte «Gesundheitspolitiker», «Gesundheits-Ökonomen» und IT-Experten Milliarden in Projekte wie e-Health, elektronische Gesundheitskarte, überteuerte Klinik-Informationssysteme (man frage einmal das Kantonsspital Luzern!), tonnenweise Computer und «Big Data» investieren und so vollkommen zweckentfremdet Milliarden aus dem Gesundheitswesen abziehen. Und Ärzteschaft und FMH sind buchstäblich zu blöd, endlich einmal dagegen aufzustehen. Sie lassen sich lieber jede Woche als Abzocker und Kriminelle titulieren. Die Schweiz muss endlich untersuchen, wie viel von 1 Million Kassengelder noch für medizinische Leistungen aufgewendet werden, welche direkt dem Patienten zugutekommen und wie viel Geld zweckentfremdet in Branchen-fremde Lobby-Vereinigungen fliesst, die sich schamlos am 85-Milliarden-Kuchen bereichern, ohne je einen Patienten gesehen zu haben. Und natürlich braucht es endlich eine adäquate Qualitätskontrolle medizinischer Leistungen. Auf die weiteren Massnahmen im Rahmen der Reorganisation des Schweizerischen Gesundheitswesens möchte ich hier nicht eingehen. Die internationalen Fragen betreffen vor allem unser Verhältnis zu China und den Asiatischen Ländern überhaupt. Kritische Stellungnahmen: ja. Aber konstantes, dümmliches „Bashing“ anderer Nationen kann kein Rezept dafür sein, globale Probleme gemeinsam anzugehen – von „Lösen“ möchte ich gar nicht sprechen. Anstatt sinnlose Propaganda nachzuplappern, sollte man sich vielleicht einmal mit Autoren auseinandersetzen, die tatsächlich ausgewogen auf hohem Niveau etwas zu sagen haben, so z.B.:
Lesen heißt noch lange nicht, allen diesen Autoren in allem Recht zu geben. Aber es wäre für den Westen – inklusive die Schweiz – von grossem Wert, Besserwisserei, Ignoranz und Arroganz hier und dort durch Fakten, Verständnis und Kooperation zu ersetzen. Die Alternative besteht ja nur darin, zu versuchen, unsere vermeintlichen Konkurrenten früher oder später in einem Krieg zu eliminieren. Was man von dieser „Lösung“ halten soll, kann jeder selber entscheiden. In diesem Sinne kann man nur darauf hoffen, dass sich die Menschheit eines Besseren besinnt. Träumen ist immer erlaubt. Die Herausforderungen sind global. Und die nächste Pandemie steht vor der Tür. Und diese wird vielleicht durch ein Super-Virus verursacht werden und ein Ausmass annehmen, das wir uns lieber nicht vorstellen möchten. IN MEMORIAM - PROF. ALDO BERNARDINI
Professor Bernardini will be remembered as the great Italian and European scientist in the field of the International Public Law, independent thinker of the highest moral and humanistic principles. We will cherish lasting memory of professor Bernardini as the heroic defender of peace, truth and justice, particularly, at the time of the destruction of Yugoslavia, illegal NATO military aggression 1999 and unilateral secession of Serbian Province Kosovo and Metohija. Professor Bernardini always insisted that, in the interest of peace and stability, the International Law principles must be universally respected and that unilateral illegal actions and secession be excluded. As the co-founder and member of the International Committee for Defense of Slobodan Milosevic he considered ad hoc Hague Tribunal to be an instrument of "NATO justice" with clear anti-Serbian role. He argued convincingly that the process in Hague was a farce designed to put the blame on Serbian nation and to protect real culprits of destruction of Yugoslavia, crimes committed during the civil wars and of NATO 1999 aggression. His book "How Yugoslavia was killed" will remain lasting proof of true aims and shameful methods of dominant powers involved in destruction of Yugoslavia, as well as of severe consequences which continue to be felt in Europe and world-wide. Members and friends of Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and other independent association in Serbia, will forever remember professor Aldo Bernardini as the unique defender of justice and great friend of Serbia and Serbian people. Belgrade, April 7th, 2020. Aldo Bernardini has left us
Enrico Vigna, Belgrade Forum Italy, April 7, 2020
The writer shared a path of commitments and battles of over thirty years. When we established the Ramsey Clark Tribunal for NATO's crimes in Yugoslavia, he courageously was one of the most prominent figures in the project, to expose and report the NATO aggression. I think that other words are useless, for every man and comrade only actions, courage and dignity count. On behalf of the Belgrade Italy Forum, the CIVG, SOS Yugoslavia - SOS Kosovo Metohija, we greet him and we are close to his partner Ingrid. May the earth be your light comrade and friend Aldo. Enrico Vigna Ci ha lasciato Aldo Bernardini
Enrico Vigna, 7 aprile 2020
Chi scrive ha condiviso un percorso di impegni e battaglie di oltre trent’anni. Quante volte telefonava per chiedere aggiornamenti circa la situazione in Kosovo, Donbass, Siria, sempre con interesse e partecipazione. Un uomo e compagno di grande spessore accademico ma anche di grande semplicità e umanità, sempre disponibile a dare il suo apporto di competenza. A nome del Forum Belgrado Italia, del CIVG , di SOS Yugoslavia – SOS Kosovo Metohija, lo salutiamo e siamo vicini alla sua compagna Ingrid. Che la terra ti sia lieve compagno e amico Aldo. orato Enrico Vigna To the peoples of the world - Nicolás Maduro Moros
- Coat of Arms – As it is publicly known, last March 26, the government of the Just one day before, on March 25, the Bolivarian Republic of On March 26, the aforementioned Clíver Alcalá, gave a As a demonstration of this statement, I need no more proof than During the pandemic, the U.S. government, instead of focusing Condemning and neutralizing today these unjustifiable attacks I appreciate the solidarity that you have permanently expressed Statement of condemnation of the decision of USA against Venezuela
The US General Attorney threatens to designate the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as “a state sponsoring terrorism”. This decision of the US-administration constitutes not only a further escalation in the provocations, coercive measures and interference against a sovereign country, it proves also the cynical and arrogant approach of the USA, which is using the critical times of the pandemic of COVID 19 worldwide, to impose new additional sanctions on the country and its people. The people of Venezuela are already suffering from the sanctions and restrictions imposed by the US imperialists and its allies from EU and the “Lima Group”, which do not allow the country to purchase medicine and other vital products since more than one year. It is the same forces who recognize a self-proclaimed puppet as their “chosen leader” against any legitimacy, logic and international law and it is the same forces which do not allow during the COVID 19 crisis the country to buy and provide technical equipment and health products for the National Health System in the international markets. The new decision of the USA today, acting as the “world sheriff” and announcing millions of US Dollars for the capturing of the legitimate President Nicolas Maduro, officers and ministers of the country has no precedent and are arbitrary and void. The WPC expresses its profound solidarity to the people of Venezuela, to the anti-imperialist peace loving forces in their struggle to defend their sovereign right to choose their leadership and destiny alone and without any foreign interference and to fight back the imperialist aggression, interference and provocations. We call upon all WPC members and friends to strengthen the solidarity actions with the people of Venezuela and to plan for the 19th April, which is the International Day in Solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, actions in protest of the imperialist threats and actions in solidarity of the Venezuelan people in coordination with our Member Organisation in Venezuela (Committee for International Solidarity and Struggle for Peace-COSI) The WPC Secretariat 26th March 2020 SERBIA – CHINA FURTHER STHRENTHENING FRIENDSHIP AND STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP
Q. How do you prospect the relationship between Serbia and China? R: Serbia-China relations have long tradition of friendship, mutual respect and solidarity. Our political, moral, humanistic values coincide and we trust each other, we never deceived each other regardless of difficulties. Serbia and China were victims in 1999 during the bombing of NATO. Today, exactly 21 years ago, NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade killing three Chinese journalists. It happened so that only minutes after that tragic event I came to the location. I sow ruins of the building in flames, people from neighborhood, teams of firemen, doctors and other health emergency people helping out Embassy’s personnel from the ruins and debris. I saw the then Chinese Ambassador Pan Zhanlyin helped by two gentlemen while walking out of clouds of smoke and sand-dust – scene which I will never forget. Some foreign TV journalists on the scene wanted my comment about bombing of the Embassy. I remember replying: “All of you here must help to save the people’s lives” – and I proceeded closer to the ruins. Both Serbia and China adhere to the UN Charter principles, to the international law and to the democratic World order based on strict respect of sovereign equality, territorial integrity and non-interference. Nowadays when Serbia and the world are in the midst of the fight with Corona 19 pandemic, the President Xi Jinping, the Government and the brotherly people of China, once again, have come with the great, precious and timely humanitarian assistance to Serbia and Serbian people. The health air bridge Belgrade-Beijing is continuously transporting to Belgrade respirators, tests, dozens of millions of masks and other medical necessities. Chinese doctors already ten days, day and night, are tirelessly working with Serbian doctors to protect people of the new corona virus. It is the most impressive to se haw the people all around China are collecting humanitarian assistance and sending it with messages of solidarity, understanding and friendship. All this friendliness and solidarity which we are experiencing now from Chinese leadership and brotherly people of China is lasting heritage which will definitely reinforce our friendship and foster even stronger comprehensive strategic relationship. When it is difficult friends come first – says a proverb. China has come first to help Serbia and we will never forget this. Further strengthening of our friendliness and overall strategic cooperation is natural expectation and will of our peoples and leaderships. Q. How do you foresee Serbia and the EU relations after the pandemic? R. For some time now I have been thinking of the need to review Serbia-EU relations. First, because EU, under the influence of certain powers, has not been status neutral in the case of unilateral, illegal secession of the Serbian Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. Second, after Brexit, UE has entered a prolonged period of own internal crises without clear vision of the future, so far. COVID 19 pandemic, has unveiled some new arguments for reexamining of our relations in order to put them on more realistic long term base. In my opinion Serbia should remain fully open for cooperation with EU in all the fields of mutual interest. Our cooperation should be based strictly on reciprocity, mutual interests and good neighborly relations. This excludes any interference in internal or foreign policy of Serbia and any unilateral concession from our side. Serbia does not interfere in EU relations, say, with USA or Great Britain, or anybody else, why somebody from Brussels, Berlin, or London should interfere in Serbia’s relations and cooperation, for example, with China, Russia, or any other country!? We are supposed to be partners on equal footing, not in hierarchy or subordinate relationship?! In my personal opinion, no capital, no promises, investments or donations can replace equality and dignity of a nation or a state. Serbia needs EU as a true partner as much as EU needs Serbia as a true partner. This is, anyway, universal principle in international relations. To conclude, we are neighbor of EU, we have lasting important interests to continue and strengthen cooperation, especially in the field of economy, but this should be on equal footing only. We will never put to question economic, financial or other potentials of EU, but there are certainly a number of legitimate expectations of Serbia that EU should consider in an open and principled manner. I believe in the future good Serbia-EU relations based on mutual interests, non-interference and respect of Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Zivadin Jovnovic, Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals Recently, some US politicians have linked the new corona virus to China and stigmatized China, and U.S. President Donald Trump said “Chinese virus” on social media. The World Health Organization and the international community are clearly opposed to link the virus to any specific countries and regions. Q. Could you tell us what do you think about that the US linked the virus to China? R. It is the baseless and irresponsible accusation aimed at damaging the highest international standing of China and her leadership. It is illustrative how difficult is for US Administration to adjust themselves to the new global realities without room for self-proclaimed “exceptionality”. Q. The photos taken by the Washington Post showed that Trump intentionally modified his speech to cross out the word corona virus and change it to Chinese virus. Data showed that by 22 March, more than 20,000 people were confirmed with the corona virus in the United States. R: I suppose, he did not like to sound neutral, even less to accept responsibility for overdue preventive steps in his own country. It seems safe and comfortable for him to put the blame on China and divert public attention from own responsibilities. He is adding some personal contribution to anti-Chinese propaganda trying to preempt pressure from the so called “deep state” and get something in electoral campaign. It is contradictory and self inflicting statement. Q. At present, the epidemic of the corona virus has spread in many countries around the world, and the international community urgently needs to cooperate in epidemic prevention. R: At this time of unparalleled global danger China is demonstrating in practice her policy of solidarity, openness and shared future of humanity. Consolidating the Covid 19 pandemic prevention and control at home China is helping more than 80 countries around the globe, including some members of G-7 and EU, unselfishly providing her experience, medical equipment, urgent medicaments and materials. Q. What kind of international relations would help to relieve the situation globally, and what can be done to lessen the economic burden of the outbreak? R: Global issues require global approach. In order to efficiently cope with Covid 19 it is necessary that the world community comes to a common platform, or plan of measures and actions, under the UN umbrella. Consensus should be reached on the efficient exchange of information, and coordination of actions. Artificial obstacles to the flow of medical supplies, such as sanctions, geopolitical calculations and alike, should be removed. In this fight nobody can succeed acting alone, behaving egoistically. There are no isolated, no privileged ones. The dialogue initiated within G-20 is welcome important step to provide common, coordinated, inclusive planning and action for both – control of Covid 19 and revival of global economic growth afterwards. Q. What’s your view on recent arrival of the Chinese medical experts? R: Chinese doctors have been helping Serbian doctors already a week now and will stay as may be necessary. This is the most important humanitarian assistance considering the highest level of knowledge and unique experience which Chinese doctors brought to Serbia. China has already delivered the most valuable humanitarian assistance in medical equipment, materials and medicaments of the highest quality. The emergency health air bridge has been functioning between Belgrade and Beijing transporting various necessities for the fight against pandemic. This assistance and cooperation is resulting from direct communication between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Belgrade officials said that Serbia will use Chinese model in fighting pandemic. Looking to the future Cooperation of Central and Eastern Europe and China – Serbia in particular
Zivadin Jovanovic* March 25, 2020 The time of adjustment The world is undergoing a period of great development, great change, and adjustment. The international order is changing with the acceleration. The fall of the Berlin Wall thirty years ago (1989) has marked the end of the bipolar World Order. The “winners” of the Cold War adopted a policy of expansion, interventionism and domination. NATO illegal aggression on Yugoslavia 1999 represented the peak of uni-polar world order but, also, the beginning of its downfall. Today, the process of multi-polarization of global relations has already gone far beyond the point of no return. It is impossible any longer that any single power imposes own will or own interests above the will and interests of the others. The driving forces of this historic transformation towards the world of equals, shared responsibilities and community of shared future are China, Russia and other countries of growing potentials. The global Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched in 2013 by President Xi Jinping has become the new paradigm integrating development and peace, building humanistic future of mankind. The worldwide support and acceptance confirm the visionary essence of the Initiative, trust to China, her enormous potentials in the economy, science and culture, as well as the mankind’s thirst for peace, justice and better life. Encompassing so many fields of cooperation and being inclusive and open to the whole planet; connecting markets, cultures and moral values; upholding tradition and identity; introducing connectivity, modernization, innovations and strikingly new technologies to be the core of the Initiative – all this makes BRI a unique achievement and an unprecedented pattern for a better future for humanity. It is high time that those who had enjoyed privileged positions learn how to accommodate to multi-polarity, true partnership and democratic governance of the world economic, financial and political relations without hegemony and dominance. Brexit done, Europe reexamining itself Prolonged turmoil around the terms of Great Britain (GB) leaving the EU brought to the surface deep political and structural deficiencies of EU. Open questions include, among others: EU with more or less unity (centralization)? What are the prospects of “an EU moving in different speeds”? Will security be provided by NATO, by an EU army, or combined? What is the future of transatlantic axis in the light of growing disagreements on trade, gas suppliers, relations with Russia, climate changes and the financing and burden-sharing of NATO? What are prospects of future EU partnership with USA, Russia and China? First structural reforms, then accepting new members (from the West Balkans), or those will be parallel processes? How to speed up scientific and technological development if internal discord prevails? How to provide rational energy security (gas) and avoid US sanctions because of “North Stream 2” and all other “streams”? FLOWERS LAID AT MEMORIALS TO VICTIMS OF AGGRESSION
21 YEARS SINCE THE BEGINNING OF NATO AGGRESSION On the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the beginning of NATO’s armed aggression against Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), representatives of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia today laid the flowers at the Memorial to Children Victims of NATO Aggression in the Tašmajdan Park and at the Memorial to All Victims of NATO Aggression “Eternal Flame” in the Friendship Park, Beograd.
A series of formerly scheduled conferences, exhibitions and other manifestations of citizens’ associations in the country and abroad, marking this anniversary had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic. Also cancelled were scheduled international conferences in Belgrade, Moscow and Paris, where the latest, in addition to the conference, should have been comprising a movie premiere of “Balkans Borders”, dedicated to the landing of the Russian Army units at the ‘Slatina’ Airport near Priština, June 10-11th, 1999. The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals THE TIME FOR APOLOGY AND COMPENSATION
BELGRADE FORUM FOR A WORLD OF EQUALS 21 years since the NATO aggression on Yugoslavia 21 years ago, acting on its own and without the UN Security Council approval, NATO carried out an armed aggression against Serbia, in gross violation of the UN Charter, the OSCE Helsinki Final Act, a series of other international conventions as well as of its own Founding Act of 1949. The death toll of this aggression committed in collaboration with the terrorist KLA was between 3500 - 4000 people (the final list has not been concluded) including 89 children, with more than 12,500 additional people wounded. It inflicted an enormous economic damage, whereas the use of missiles filled with depleted uranium and other forbidden weaponry has permanently affected human health and caused environmental devastation. From a defensive alliance, NATO transformed into an offensive and interventionist one, in pursuing a clear expansionist policy especially targeting the East. The letter of these Serbian organizations, offering facts and principled evaluation of illegal aggression and NATO’s offensive nature has garnered wide support and publicity in Serbia, the Serbian Diaspora, and abroad. Its integral version was published in Serbia by respectable dailies, several news agencies and many electronic media and social networks. It was translated into Russian, German, Italian and published by numerous media in Italy, Switzerland, Russia, Greece, the USA, and some other countries. The letter was endorsed by many organizations and prominent persons throughout the world including, most notably, the World Peace Council as an Associate Member of ECOSOC (a key UN organ), which is based in Athens and acts as umbrella that brings together thousands of peace organisations and peace movements from all continents. The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia, and the Foundation United for the Youth re-launch their initiatives asking the state authorities to request compensation for war damage from NATO countries; to complete the list of all victims of NATO aggression in order to prevent their fading into oblivion and put an end to public bickering concerning their number; to launch the functioning of an inter-sectoral and expert Governmental body tasked with determining the consequences of missiles with depleted uranium which had been established a year ago; to activate the flames of the memorial to victims of aggression in the Friendship Park in Novi Beograd; to establish and build the Serbian Memorial for Victims of Genocide in 20 th century, resembling the ‘Yad Vashem’ Memorial in Israel and the ‘Ararat’ Memorial in Armenia. The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Živadin Jovanović Nato-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien: „Aufreißen des Globus für angelsächsische Interessen“ – Willy Wimmer
Vor 21 Jahren, am 24. März 1999, hat die Nato unter deutscher Beteiligung einen Angriffskrieg gegen Jugoslawien gestartet. Willy Wimmer war damals hoher OSZE-Funktionär und nahm an entscheidenden Verhandlungen mit Belgrad teil. Im Interview gewährt er einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der damaligen Sicherheitspolitik. - Herr Wimmer, was geht Ihnen heute durch den Kopf, wenn Sie an die Nato-Bombardements von 1999 denken? Wir haben in den 90er Jahren zwei gravierende Entscheidungen bekommen. Auf der einen Seite über den Krieg gegen die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien eine komplette Veränderung des Völkerrechts. Wir waren bis dato wirklich daran gebunden, an die Charta der Vereinten Nationen und die damit verbundene Ächtung eines Krieges. Und das Zweite (und da leiden wir gerade im Zusammenhang mit der Seuche darunter): Wir haben eine Politik des „schlanken Staates“ bekommen. Wir sehen heute, dass wir einen Staat haben, der mit den Herausforderungen, vor denen wir stehen, gar nicht mehr fertig werden kann. Also haben die 90er Jahre für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland aus meiner Sicht zwei gravierende Veränderungen gebracht. Es sind nicht nur 21 Jahre seit dem Angriff auf Belgrad vergangen, sondern auch 81 Jahre seit Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Wir haben eine Situation geschaffen, dass wir durch diesen Krieg uns als Bundesrepublik Deutschland und als Nato auf den Rechtszustand derjenigen gestellt haben, die am 1. September 1939 den Krieg gegen Polen angefangen haben. Man muss das in diesem Zusammenhang sehen, denn der ganze „zivilisatorische Fortschritt“ des Zweiten Weltkrieges war ja die Charta der Vereinten Nationen, die Krieg in dieser Dimension unmöglich machen sollte. Das haben wir auf amerikanisches Drängen genauso ins Wasser geschmissen, wie wir auf der anderen Seite den schlanken Staat mit seiner Unfähigkeit, mit Problemen fertig zu werden, geschaffen haben. Das waren die 90er Jahre und kulminierte in dem völkerrechtswidrigen Krieg gegen die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien. - Sie waren zu dem Zeitpunkt, als der Angriff stattfand, Vizepräsident der OSZE. Das heißt, Sie waren auch gut informiert über die deutschen Handlungen in Serbien. Was waren denn die Aufgaben der BRD in Jugoslawien und welche Opfer haben diese Angriffe gebracht? Die Opfer hat die serbische Seite nach diesem Krieg festgehalten. Und ich bin bis heute der Auffassung, dass die Nato dafür die Entschädigungen zu leisten hat. Ich habe wirklich meinen Augen nicht getraut, als ich davon erfahren habe, dass die Nato mit diesem Sündenregister im Kreuz in diesem Jahr für den Friedensnobelpreis vorgeschlagen worden ist. Da kann man es nur noch mit Hamlet halten und sagen: Oslo oder Den Haag – das ist hier die Frage. Aus meiner Sicht ist es etwas, das wir bis heute nicht überwunden haben. Dass wir uns an diesem völkerrechtswidrigen Krieg beteiligt haben – danach sind auch noch andere geführt worden. Das ist über die Änderung des sogenannten neuen strategischen Konzepts der Nato aus dem Frühjahr 1999 erfolgt. Seitdem ist die Nato in meinen Augen völkerrechtswidrig auf dem gesamten Globus unterwegs. Übrigens mit einem strategischen Konzept, zu dem der Deutsche Bundestag nie seine Zustimmung gegeben hat. Wir können eine Organisation wie die Nato nur vor dem Hintergrund des Regelwerks der Vereinten Nationen erklären. Erst wenn wir die Charta der Vereinten Nationen zum Maßstab unseres Handelns machen, können wir eine regionale Sicherheitsorganisation wie die Nato überhaupt schaffen. Das war 1956 der Grund für den Beitritt Deutschlands zur Nato. Es war eine Verteidigungsorganisation mit einer strikten regionalen Begrenzung. Durch das, was 1999 geschehen ist, ist die Nato global zum militärischen Dienstleister für die Vereinigten Staaten geworden. Das heißt, wir haben den Charakter der Nato verändert, vorbei am Deutschen Bundestag und am Willen des deutschen Volkes. Heute sind wir in der Nato nicht in Übereinstimmung mit den Entscheidungen des Deutschen Bundestags unterwegs. Wenn wir uns heute Gedanken darüber machen, warum es in dieser Republik auf so vielen Gebieten schiefläuft, dann fing das mit dem Krieg gegen Jugoslawien und der Verletzung des Völkerrechts an. - Aber 1999 hatte der Bundestag ja für den Einsatz gestimmt. Wie hat man damals den Bundestag davon überzeugen können? Das war das letzte Aufbäumen einer freien deutschen Presse, das das beantwortet hat. Der WDR hat nach Beendigung des Krieges eine umfangreiche Dokumentation dazu gesendet. Das war die letzte Großtat eines freien öffentlich-rechtlichen Mediums. Es wurde gesagt: Es begann mit einer Lüge. Der Deutsche Bundestag ist durch die damalige Bundesregierung in Zwangsläufigkeit gesetzt worden, nach dem Motto: Wir gehören zur Nato und müssen mitmachen, egal, was passiert. Durch die Minister Scharping und Fischer und auch durch den Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder sind wir in diesen Krieg hineingelogen worden. So einfach muss man das sagen! Man weiß ja, dass die Journalisten, die diesen Film gedreht haben, anschließend in die Wüste geschickt worden sind. Das ist die Wirklichkeit, wenn es darum geht, mal keine Gedenkreden im Zusammenhang mit dem letzten Jahrhundert zu halten, sondern sich der politischen Verantwortung jetzt zu stellen. - Sie sprechen von dem Massaker von Račak, was ja heute umstritten ist. Von Račak und von anderen Dingen. Ich bin ja selbst in der OSZE hingegangen und habe von der damaligen österreichischen Ratsvorsitzenden den finnischen Untersuchungsbericht angefordert. Der wurde in der Sitzung zugesagt und ist nie geliefert worden. Wir werden bis heute belogen und betrogen, was die Ursache für diesen Krieg anbetrifft. Ich sage es mit allem Nachdruck: Die Entscheidung gegen Jugoslawien ist 1989/1990 gefallen, als der amerikanische Kongress die jährlichen Zahlungen an Belgrad eingestellt hat, weil Jugoslawien seine Funktion gegenüber der Sowjetunion nicht mehr erfüllen konnte, weil die Sowjetunion selbst ins Taumeln geriet. Da haben sich die Amerikaner das Geld gespart, was sie den Jugoslawen jahrzehntelang gegeben haben. Danach kam die Bitte Belgrads an die europäische Gemeinschaft, rund vier Milliarden Dollar zur Verfügung zu stellen, um Jugoslawien zu retten. Das durfte die europäische Gemeinschaft nicht erledigen. Wir haben bis heute ein Mehrfaches dieses Betrages ausgegeben und haben nur Elend hinterlassen. Das ist deutsche und europäische Politik, wie wir sie durch die Bundesregierung, die 1998 unter Gerhard Schröder geschaffen wurde, bekommen haben. - Kommen wir zurück zu Račak: Sie denken, dass es dieses Massaker gar nicht gegeben hat? Soweit die Untersuchungsergebnisse zu uns durchgesickert sind, hat sich das ganz anders abgespielt, und ist durch den amerikanischen OSZE-Beauftragten William Walker so dargestellt worden, dass ein Kriegsgrund nach dem anderen geschaffen worden ist, um eine Legitimation für das Vorgehen gegen die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien zu schaffen. Es war Lug und Trug von vorne bis hinten! Inklusive der humanitären Aktionen, die angeblich durch die Nato deshalb durchgeführt worden sind, weil ein Völkermord verhindert werden musste. Alle Berichte, die wir bekommen haben, übrigens auch durch die Bundeswehr, haben deutlich gemacht, dass es vor und nach dem Bombenangriff der Nato auf Belgrad überhaupt keine Bevölkerungsbewegung in diesem Raum gegeben hat. Wir sind, wie so oft, belogen und betrogen worden. - Sie bezeichnen diese Nato-Intervention als völkerrechtswidrigen Krieg. Aber war das serbische Vorgehen völkerrechtskonform oder gab es keine Menschenrechtsverletzungen auf jugoslawischer Seite? Das kann entscheiden, wer will. Wenn diese ganze Auseinandersetzung wirklich in Den Haag landen würde, dann würden wir umfassende Erörterungen aller Umstände bekommen. Und dafür plädiere ich bis heute, dass das möglich ist. Ich hätte nichts dagegen, die Nato in den Den Haag vor Gericht zu stellen, damit wir von diesem Makel befreit werden. Denn das, was man uns präsentiert hat, liegt auf unserer Seele und ist etwas, was auch für die Zukunft nichts Gutes verheißt. - Lag dieser Fall nicht schon in Den Haag vor? Milosevic wurde immerhin verurteilt... Das war Siegerjustiz, nichts anderes. Das hat mit einer Aufklärung dieses Krieges nicht das Geringste zu tun gehabt. Wir wissen ja über die Umstände der Auslieferung von Milosevic nach Den Haag. Man muss das alles in ein faires Verfahren packen – das Verfahren, was wir in den Haag hatten, war weder hinten noch vorne fair. - Sie haben die Verantwortlichen für den deutschen Einmarsch genannt: Scharping, Fischer, Schröder. Schröder gab aber 2014 zu, gegen das Völkerrecht verstoßen zu haben. Wie ist das zu erklären? Hat er nicht damit sein eigenes Urteil unterschrieben? Ich respektiere das in hohem Maße an die Adresse der Person. Aber das macht natürlich deutlich, dass wir durch den ehemaligen Bundeskanzler derartige Erklärungen öffentlich bekommen können, und kein deutsches Gericht, keine deutsche Staatsanwaltschaft schaut in die Verfassung und die Strafgesetze unseres Landes und zieht eine Bundesregierung zur Verantwortung. Das zeigt, dass die Leute sich hier denken, dass bestimmte Taten begangen werden können, ohne je geahndet zu werden. Ich sage ausdrücklich: Ehrenwert, dass er es getan hat. Damit hat er sich stark abgesetzt von Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright und vielen anderen. - Welche Auswirkungen hatte dieser Eingriff auf die spätere Sicherheitspolitik und Sicherheitslage? Und war es das wert? Natürlich war es das nicht wert. Das war eine geostrategische Auseinandersetzung, um nach der Beendigung des Kalten Krieges dem entsprechen zu können, was man in Washington immer sagte: Der Kalte Krieg ist vorbei und wir, die Amerikaner, haben ihn gewonnen. Wir schmeißen jetzt die Russen vom Balkan, weit hinter das Schwarze Meer. Das war doch damals die erklärte Politik. Und es war ja nicht nur die erklärte Politik gegenüber der Russischen Föderation, es war das Aufreißen des Globus für angelsächsische Interessen – bis hin zu Afghanistan, Irak, Syrien. Es ist der Anfang einer unheilvollen Entwicklung gewesen, die aus dem ehemaligen Wertewesten eine Witzfigur gemacht hat. Jetzt sehen wir die Konsequenzen. Wir können doch nirgendwo mehr Frieden schaffen, der eine tragfähige Basis für die Zukunft bildet, weil wir alles militarisiert haben. Die Flüchtlings- und Migrationsbewegungen, mit denen wir es zu tun haben, sind doch die unmittelbare Folge. Sie waren es schon im Zusammenhang mit dem Krieg gegen Jugoslawien. Wir hatten Hunderttausende Menschen in unserem Land, die in ihrer Heimat keine Zukunft mehr hatten. Das ist die erklärte Politik des Westens. Das unterscheidet den Westen mit seiner Zerstörung der Charta der Vereinten Nationen nicht von dem Rechtsverständnis, das offensichtlich am 1. September 1939 die Runde gemacht hat. - Sie haben mal gesagt, dass die Nato den Beschluss zum Beginn des Krieges nie gefasst hätte, wenn Helmut Kohl noch Bundeskanzler gewesen wäre. Warum? Weil die ganze Entwicklung in der Innenpolitik der Bundesrepublik eines in aller Deutlichkeit gezeigt hat: Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl musste verschwinden und durfte nicht mehr gewählt werden. Daran haben Kräfte aus der CDU/CSU mitgewirkt. Und zwar, um den Krieg zu ermöglichen. Mit Helmut Kohl hätte es diesen Krieg nicht gegeben. Ich habe mit ihm persönlich die vertraulichen Gespräche mit dem damaligen jugoslawischen Präsidenten Milosevic geführt. Ich weiß doch, wie die Dinge verabredet worden sind, um zu friedlichen Lösungen auf dem Balkan zu kommen. Das ist durch die erklärte amerikanische Politik alles in eine andere Richtung getrieben worden. Mit Kohl wäre das nicht gegangen, dafür brauchte man solche Jammergestalten, wie wir sie anschließend in der Bundesregierung hatten. - Wie sahen damals die Gespräche unter Kohl aus? Ich bin 1995 zusammen mit einer Spitzendelegation der Parlamentarischen Versammlung der OSZE bei dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Milosevic gewesen. Er war damals für weite Teile der deutschen Politik eine Unperson. Ich habe mir zusammen mit den internationalen Kollegen an Ort und Stelle ein Urteil bilden können und habe es anschließend nach meiner Rückkehr nach Bonn dem deutschen Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl vorgetragen. Er hat daraufhin seine Einstellung gegenüber Jugoslawien völlig verändert. Er hat es mir ermöglicht, oft genug nach Belgrad zu fahren, um mit Milosevic über die Probleme zu reden. Die Verhandlungen mit der jugoslawischen Regierung haben in unserem Privathaus stattgefunden, unter Beteiligung hoher Repräsentanten des Kanzleramtes. Vor diesem Hintergrund weiß ich, wovon ich in diesem Zusammenhang rede. Die Amerikaner wollten den Krieg, und jede Friedenslösung, die man auf dem Balkan hätte formulieren können, musste unmöglich gemacht werden. In der gleichen Weise, wie Clinton und Albright diese Bemühungen hintertrieben haben, haben sie Brücken gemacht und dafür gesorgt, dass das Vereinigte Königreich über Präzedenzregelungen nicht auseinanderfliegen würde. Entwicklung, wie wir sie bis heute haben. Source: ENTSCHULDIGUNG UND ENTSCHÄDIGUNG FÜR DIE AGGRESSION
BELGRADER FORUM FÜR EINE WELT DER GLEICHBERECHTIGTEN Vor genau 21 Jahren hat die NATO, ohne die Einwilligung des Sicherheitsrates, eine bewaffnete Aggression gegen die Republik Serbien verübt, gegen die Charta der UN, gegen den Abschlussbericht der OSZE aus Helsinki, gegen eine Reihe weiterer internationaler Konventionen, sowie den eigenen Gründungsakt aus 1949 grob brechend. Dies war und bleibt ein Verbrechen gegen den Frieden und die Menschlichkeit. Das Belgrader Forum für eine Welt der Gleichberechtigten, der Klub der Generäle und Admiräle Serbiens und die Stiftung Vereint für die Jungen haben sich mit einem Brief an das norwegische Nobelkomitee gewandt bezüglich der Information, dass eine bestimmte Zahl der Mitglieder des norwegischen Parlaments und weitere Persönlichkeiten aus den westlichen Ländern eine Initiative ins Leben gerufen haben, den Friedensnobelpreis dem NATO-Pakt zu erteilen. Der Originaltext wurde in Serbien in namhaften Tageszeitungen veröffentlicht; zahlreiche Presseagenturen sowie viele elektronische Medien und Soziale Netzwerke haben den Brief in russisch, deutsch, italienisch übersetzt. Er wurde in Italien, Schweiz, Russland, Griechenland, USA und anderen Ländern abgerufen. Der Brief bekam Unterstützung von vielen Organisationen und bekannten Persönlichkeiten aus der ganzen Welt, u.a. vom Weltfriedensrat, Beitrittsmitglied bei ЕCOSOC ( UN ), mit Sitz in Athen, der mehrere tausend Friedensorganisationen und Bewegungen von allen Kontinenten vereint. Unter den bekannteren Persönlichkeiten und Intellektuellen der Welt, die dem Brief ihre Unterstützung verkündet haben, sind der ehemalige französische Politiker Yves Bonnet, der russische Politiker Sergej Baburin, der deutsche Politiker Willi Wimmer, der finnische Politiker und Autor Pirrko Turpeinen-Saari, die italienische Schriftstellerin Jaen Toschi Marazzani Visconti, die amerikanische Autorin und Friedensaktivistin Sharon Tennison, der bekannte kanadische Diplomat James Bissett u.v.a. Das Belgrader Forum, der Klub der Generäle und Admiräle und die Stiftung Vereint für die Jungen stellen erneut ihre Forderung, dass serbische Staatsorgane von den NATO-Ländern Entschädigung für Kriegsschäden verlangen, dass so schnell wie möglich alle Opfer der Aggression der NATO aufgelistet werden, damit sie nicht in Vergessenheit geraten und damit die öffentlichen Auseinandersetzungen über ihre Zahl beendet werden können, dass der vor einem Jahr von der Regierung gebildeten Arbeitskörpers zur Feststellung der Folgen des Einsatzes von Projektilen mit abgereichertem Uran mit seiner Arbeit beginnen soll, dass so schnell wie möglich das Feuer am Denkmal für die Opfer der Aggression im Park der Freundschaft in Neu-Belgrad aktiviert wird, dass ein Serbischer Gedenkplatz für die Opfer des Genozids im 20.JH festgelegt und aufgebaut wird, ähnlich dem in Israel, „Jad Vashem“und dem in Armenien, „Ararat“. Die genannten Organisationen sind der Meinung, dass die Zeit gekommen ist, dass die Regierungen der Mitgliedsstaaten der NATO und EU ihre Rollen bei der Aggression 1999 überprüfen sollen, genauso wie ihre Politik gegenüber Serbien und dem serbischen Volk, dass sie sich öffentlich entschuldigen sollen für die verursachten Opfer und die Zerstörung Serbiens ( BRJ ) und dass sie zurück zur Durchführung der Resolution 1244 des SR der UN kommen, als der einzig akzeptablen, prinzipiellen Grundlage für eine gerechte und verbleibende friedliche Lösung des zukünftigen Status Kosovo und Metochiens, als einer Provinz mit breiter Autonomie innerhalb Serbiens. Belgrader Forum für eine Welt der Gleichberechtigten, Zivadin Jovanovic Amnesia 2 - NATO's destruction of Serbia
And where is Serbia, China and the West today? Lund, Sweden - March 24, 2020
Independent Kosovo was established - against UN SC resolution 1244. Thanks to the Clinton administration and Madeleine Albright. CNN's Amanpour endorsed it generously on TV with her State Department husband, James Rubin, a chief operator in the non-negotiations at Rambouillet. And TIME of course knew the truth too. Serbia suffered tremendously from the 78 days of indiscriminate, hard bombing. I know because I was there. Finally, Serbia and its president Milosevic was threatened with total destruction of Belgrade. And gave in. Western hubris after the Cold War was won? Of course! Russia was on its knees. International law and the UN Charter sidelined. Militarism embraced. Full spectrum dominance. The winner takes it all! Right - but with the risk of losing it all later. It's called hubris. Oh, what ignorance. Hardly 5 foreign ministry people in Europe knew a thing about the complexities of Yugoslavia. And today, 21 years later? Kosovo - the 2nd Albanian state in Europe - still doesn't function. Hardliners in that war are still leaders, protected by the Americans who back then called Kosovo "ours" - I know because I interviewed them in Prishtina. Serbia - moving ahead with no more illusions about a decent treatment by the EU or the US. It's now Europe's main friend of China (whose embassy NATO bombed by so-called accident). Huge Chinese air bridge of aid to Serbia these very corona days. China - well you know what has happened there the last 20 years. And how it is the main builder of a new world order. NATO - outdated and sharing little but inner conflicts because it should have been closed down when the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact dissolved. The EU - unable to handle Yugoslavia, 2015 refugees, Iran/JCPOA or helping its Spanish and Italian brothers and sisters with the corona.. China is able. The US - moving towards (more) authoritarianism and inner dissolution, rioting and revolver violence: Wait and see how the corona virus' political dynamics will play out there... For all the West - A world order loser in deep inner structural crisis. Yugoslavia was a game changer - TFF said it then and warned about all the Western actions in the most comprehensive ever peace and conflict study of Yugoslavia - a good 2000 A4 pages equivalent. No, not written years after but while it happened. Predictions more precise than any government's. And with lots of alternatives and peace plans lined up too. Because there were alternatives to the destruction of that country and to the bombing for Kosovo. But everything done was - peace-prevention: Yugoslavia - What Should Have Been Done? Sadly, the West is destroying itself because of militarist hubris. There is no one it can blame for its manifest destiny downwards - except, of course, the Serbs, Russians, Chinese and Iranians and Defender 2020 war rehearsal implemented with nuclear bombers
Defender 2020 war rehearsal has not been reduced, but with nuclear U.S. Air Force B-2A bombers implemented. General Tod D. Wolters, Head of the United States European Command confirmed that Defender 2020 is not an exercise of conventional Forces, but of Nuclear Forces. Read the following article by Manlio Dinucci published in Il Manifesto today March 24. Jeannie, CNGNN Italy Doctor Strangelove takes care of our health Manlio Dinucci (il manifesto, March 24, 2020) Faced with Coronavirus "our first concern is to protect the health of our forces and our Allies"- the US European Command declared. It therefore announced it had reduced Defender Europe 20 exercise in number of soldiers. But it will go on anyway. "Since January the US Army has deployed 6,000 soldiers from the United States to Europe,” with 12,000 pieces of equipment (from personal armaments to tanks), and "soldiers and equipment movement " from different ports to training areas in Germany and Poland has been completed," the Command stated on March 16. In addition, 9,000 US service members based in Europe will also be participating in the exercise. Since January, the Army deployed approximately 6,000 soldiers from United States to Europe. It moved approximately 9,000 vehicles and pieces of equipment from Army Prepositioned Stocks and approximately 3,000 pieces of equipment via sea from United States. It also completed movement of soldiers and equipment from multiple ports to training areas in Germany and Poland. The purpose prospected by the US is "to deploy a credible combat force in Europe in support of NATO", evidently against "Russian aggression.” The real purpose - we wrote two and a half months ago in Il Manifesto (the only daily newspaper that gave news of Defender Europe 20 at the time) - is to sow tension and feed the idea of the enemy. The exercise prospected scenario could never occur, because an armed clash between NATO and Russia would also be inevitably nuclear. This is the real scenario which US forces are training in Europe for. It was confirmed by General Tod D. Wolters, head of the United States European Command and, as such, he is Commander of U.S. European Command and Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. On February 25, 2020, during a hearing in the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services, U S Air Force Commander – US European Command, General Tod D. Wolters, declared: " Nuclear forces are the supreme guarantee of the security of the Allies, and underwrite every US military operation in Europe." This means that Defender Europe 20 is not only an exercise of conventional (non-nuclear) forces, but of nuclear forces. On March 18, it was reported that two US nuclear attack bombers B-2 Spirit, part of the task force that arrived from the US on March 9, flew over Iceland and the North Atlantic this week. They were escorted by three Norwegian F-35 fighter jets. These two types of aircraft are designed for using the new B61-12 nuclear bombs, which the USA will soon deploy in Italy and other European countries replacing the current B-61s. In the Senate hearing General Wolters made clear what role US Nuclear Forces play in Europe. When Senator Fischer asked him what he thought of the non-first-use of nuclear weapons, the General replied: "Senator, I am a supporter of a flexible first-use policy." He, who is responsible of US / NATO nuclear weapons in Europe, officially declared that he is a supporter of their first use for the first strike, the nuclear surprise attack on a "flexible" basis. Faced with a declaration of such gravity, which pushes Russian Generals to put their finger on the nuclear trigger, there is complete silence by Governments, Parliaments and major European media. In the same hearing, General Wolters said: "Since 2015 the Alliance placed increased emphasis on the role of nuclear capabilities" and "the European Command of the United States fully supports the recommendations contained in the Nuclear Posture Review 2018 to deploy the W76-2 low-power ballistic missile. The low-power nuclear warhead W76-2, already installed on submarine-launched missiles (announced by the Pentagon on February 4), can also be installed on ground-based ballistic missiles near the enemy territory. The U.S. Navy has fielded the W76-2 low-yield nuclear warhead, which is used on the submarine-launched Trident II ballistic missile It is particularly dangerous. " Less powerful nuclear weapons - even authoritative US experts warn – increase the temptation to use them first, they can lead commanders to push because in an attack the nuclear bomb is used knowing that the radioactive fallout would be limited. " Instead, it would seem like throwing a lit match in a powder keg”. OPEN LETTER TO THE NORWEGIAN NOBEL COMMITTEE
Responding to the initiative for awarding the Nobel Prize to NATO OPEN LETTER TO THE NORWEGIAN NOBEL COMMITTEE Following the news published in the Serbian media that a number of Norwegian Members of Parliament have officially raised an initiative to have the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to NATO, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia, and the Foundation United for the Youth have jointly sent an open letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The letter recalls that 21 years ago NATO undertook an illegal aggression against Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), acting on its own and without the UN Security Council approval, in a gross violation of the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act, a number of other international conventions, and its own Founding Act of 1949. The letter notes that the aggression took between 3,500 and 4,000 lives (the list has not been concluded as yet) including 89 children, and left more than 12,500 wounded people, with the number of casualties having succumbed to its subsequent consequences including the environmental damage yet to be determined. The direct economic damage was estimated at over USD 100 billion. The aggression was the first war on the European soil after the Second World War, precedent for conducting illegal interventions around the world violating the UN Charter, undermining the role of the UN Security Council and for inciting separatism and terrorism. It marked the point of NATO’s transformation from a defensive into an offensive alliance, undermining a UN principle that peace should be defended by peaceful means only. The letter recalls NATO’s use of missiles with depleted uranium and other forbidden weaponry having lasting graves effects, which had been strongly condemned at the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and the national parliaments of many NATO (EU) member countries. The use of depleted uranium has left lasting consequences and keeps causing malignant diseases on a massive scale jeopardising lives of thousands of innocent people. The letter concludes that, considering all the foregoing, NATO aggression of 1999 was in essence a crime against peace and humanity which, in addition to human toll and huge devastation, also inflicted a serious blow to peace and stability in the Balkans, in Europe and the world in general. It was the beginning of the new Cold War facing the world today. Signatories of the letter on behalf of the of their organizations, Živadin Jovanović, General Milomir Miladinović, and Professor Dr. Danica Grujičić expressed the hope that the Norwegian Nobel Committee will take in consideration aforesaid. Belgrade, March 20th, 2020,
The Norwegian Nobel Committee Honorable members of the Committee for the Nobel Peace Prize, We are writing to you on behalf of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Club of generals and admirals of Serbia and Foundation United for youth, independent non-profit, non-partisan organizations from Serbia and Serbian diaspora. We have learned from media that the NATO Alliance is official candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize award 2020. In this regard, please allow us to draw your attention to the following: 1. Exactly 21 years ago, NATO Alliance launched illegal military aggression on Serbia (FRY) which lasted 78 days, from March 24th to June 10th 1999 thus violating UN Charter, OSCE Helsinki Final document, as well as its own Founding Act (1949). It was a crime against peace and humanity. 2. The aggression left over 3500 dead including 89 children, as well as about 12500 wounded people. Direct economic damage was estimated at over 100 billion US dollars. The number of human victims due to the subsequent consequences of the aggression and the damage to the natural environment is yet to be assessed. 3. As the first war after the Second World War on European soil, the NATO aggression on Serbia (FRY) was a turning point introducing the practice of unrestricted aggressions and interventions all around the globe. This aggression was the start of transformation of NATO itself from the defensive into offensive alliance, ignoring the UN principle that peace should be defended by peaceful means only . 4. The aggression conducted in alliance with the separatist terrorist KLA organization set the precedent encouraging separatism, terrorism and disrespect of international law. 5. During the aggression, NATO forces had been using missiles with depleted uranium and other forbidden armaments and methods strongly condemned in European Parliament, Parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe and national parliaments of many NATO (EU) member countries. This has left lasting consequences, causing dangerous malign deceases and taking away lives of thousands of innocent persons. 6. This crime against peace and humanity provoked lasting instability in the Balkans. It has seriously affected stability of Europe. At the same time, NATO has inflicted irreparable damage to the European (OSCE) and the World Peace and Security Order (UN), thus introducing the era of new Cold war. Hoping that these facts deserve your attention and еvaluation, please accept assurances of our highest consideration. Belgrade, March 2020. The Belgrade forum for a world of equals COVID-19 shows the limits of the neoliberal model
An interview with Fabio Massimo Parenti The Italian Observatory on the New Silk Road/CIVG (Italian branch of the Silk Road Connectivity Research Center of Belgrade) recently interviewed Fabio Massimo Parenti, Associate Professor at the China Foreign Affairs University of Beijing, about COVID-19 emergence. 1) In Italy we experienced a very confused management of COVID-19 emergence. There is an ongoing debate among experts, both for what concerns the bio-medical aspects as well as the reorganization of public facilities, economic activities and people’s daily life. How this crisis has been managed in China? 2) Nevertheless, the ‘Chinese lesson’ has not been learned… 3) What were the main missteps? 4) But now we drastically changed our approach, in Italy at least. What is your opinion? 5) Specifically what did not work? 6) However the damage was done… 7) What structural factors penalized Italy? 8) International scenarios: who and how tried to exploit the Chinese weakness? 9) On your opinion are we facing only a health emergence or a systematic crisis of the neoliberal model? Who will come out really weakened from this challenge? Confession of a CIA Agent: They gave us millions to dismember Yugoslavia
We bribed parties and politicians who enticed hate between the nations. Our ultimate goal was to enslave you!
My boss, who was formerly a US Senator, stressed repeatedly that some kind of scam would go down in Bosnia. A month before the alleged genocide in Srebrenica, he told me that the town would be headline news around the world and ordered us to call the media. Robert Baer, a former CIA officer, has authored many books which disclosed the secrets of both the CIA and the administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. He has been arrested and detained several times. Mitt Waspurh, a personal friend who worked at the Senate and shared information was killed at gunpoint. As a senior CIA operative, Baer worked in Yugoslavia during the 1991-94 period and in the Middle East. He has worked on several documentaries on National Geographic, accusing the Bush administration of waging war for oil. The interview was conducted live in Canada, during my trip a few days ago. Robert Baer is currently promoting his book “The Secrets of the White House” in Quebec, where we talked. In an interview we spoke of the background of the war in Yugoslavia. Where and when was your first job in Yugoslavia? I arrived by helicopter with three agents. We landed on 12 January 1991 in Sarajevo. Our job was to keep an eye on alleged terrorists of Serbian nationality, who were expected to attack Sarajevo. Who were the terrorists in question and why were they supposed to carry out these attacks? They gave us files about a group called “Supreme Serbia” detailing plans to conduct a series of bomb attacks on key buildings in Sarajevo in opposition to Bosnia’s ambition to leave former Yugoslavia. Did that group ever exist and what exactly you were doing in Sarajevo under CIA command? No such group ever existed! Our headquarters lied to us. Our mission was to alarm and spread panic among politicians in Bosnia, simply to fill their heads with the idea that Serbs would attack. To begin with, we accepted the story, but after a while we started to wonder. Why were we raising such hysteria when the group clearly did not exist? Article of Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic,president of Beoforum for China investment
Central and Eastern European countries are natural ties that connect Eurasia. Combining the Belt and Road Initiative with the European Union's strategy to connect Europe and Asia will give full play to the long-term strategic role of Central and Eastern European countries ● Europe re-examines itself after Brexit ● 17 + 1 in the next ten years ● Serbian successful partner The world is undergoing tremendous development, changes and adjustments, and the international order has also changed. The process of multipolarization cannot be stopped. No single power can impose its own will or allow its own interests to override those of others. The forces driving this historic change towards a community of equality, shared responsibility and a shared future for mankind come from China, Russia and other countries with unlimited potential. The global “Belt and Road” initiative initiated by President Xi Jinping in 2013 has become a new model for promoting peace and development and building a humanistic future. Extensive support and recognition from around the world confirms the vision, trust in China of the initiative, the huge potential of the initiative in the economic, scientific, and cultural fields and the human aspiration for peace, justice, and a better life. The "Belt and Road" covers many areas of cooperation, is inclusive and open to the world; it connects different markets, cultures and values; it respects tradition and identity; it advocates connectivity, modernization, innovation and new technologies-these Features make the Belt and Road Initiative a unique achievement and an unprecedented model for the future of mankind. CHINA INVESTMENT MAGAZINE
Dear Zivadin Jovanovic, Your email message is well received. Thank you for your support for China’s fight against the COVID-19 and your best wishes to the Chinese people. We will always remember your kindness and sincere friendship. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, under the strong leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have pooled the wisdom and strength of the whole country to take the most comprehensive, stringent and rigorous prevention and control measures. China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE), as the imitator of the Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network (SIRONET), is actively coordinating actions to cooperate with the CPC and Chinese government’s efforts in epidemic control, and mobilizing other NGOs to work together in the fight against the disease. Thanks to arduous efforts of all Chinese people, the spread of the epidemic in our country has been basically contained, seeing positive signs in the prevention and control situation. By going all out to contain the disease, China is not only shouldering responsibilities to its own people, but also contributing to the world’s public health. We will continue to inform you of the latest progress of China’s fight against the epidemic in various forms. We look forward to continued friendly exchanges and practical cooperation with you in the future. The attachment is the Chinese Letter of Thanks. Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network Živadin Jovanović su governance globale, Belt and Road Initiative, rapporti Serbia-Cina e sfide per il 2020. Intervista al Quotidiano del Popolo
1) Tre anni fa il Presidente cinese Xi Jinping tenne un importante discorso al Forum di Davos. Che cosa la colpì maggiormente di quel discorso e quale secondo lei è il significato delle parole che Xi Jinping spese riguardo alla governance globale? ZJ) Trovo che il passaggio del discorso del Presidente Xi Jinping sull’inevitabile necessità di adattamento alla globalizzazione economica sia stato particolarmente importante. “Dovremmo adattarci alla globalizzazione economica e guidarla, riducendo il suo impatto negativo e diffondendo i suoi benefici a tutti i paesi e i popoli” – suggerì Xi. Il richiamo all’adattamento ha caratterizzato l’intero discorso, anche quando il presidente cinese parlò della necessità di una governance dell’economia globale nuova, aperta ed inclusiva. La necessità di una nuova governance suona non solo appropriato, considerando che le economie emergenti dei paesi in via di sviluppo contribuiscono per l’80% alla crescita del PIL globale, ma estremamente importante per chiunque aspiri all’eliminazione della povertà, al superamento delle differenze socio-economiche e al raggiungimento di un tenore di vita migliore per tutti. I paesi che hanno dimostrato la capacità di contribuire a questi traguardi comuni hanno il diritto di partecipare sullo stesso piano a una governance comune. Le mosse anti-serbe
Scritto da Z. Jovanovic 10 febbraio 2020
Gli sforzi per rivedere gli accordi di Dayton non sono nuovi, ma la loro attuale intensità è nuova. Che il loro obiettivo primario sia quello di staccare ulteriormente le competenze e i diritti della Republika Srpska, come sono definiti dalla configurazione di Dayton, riducendoli in una forma vuota, e quindi abolirli formalmente per creare una comunità bosniaca unitaria, con una "funzione" europea dominata dalla Bosnia-Erzegovina, non è da tempo un segreto. Si intensificano anche i tentativi di revisione, svalutazione e infine abrogazione della risoluzione 1244 del Consiglio di sicurezza ONU: poiché tale obiettivo non è realistico, a causa dell'opposizione di Russia e Cina, dal 1999 i centri di potere occidentali hanno tentato di attirare la Serbia, vittima delle aggressioni armate della NATO, verso il riconoscimento e l’accettazione della sottrazione del Kosovo Metohija, con l'istituzione di uno stato albanese nel territorio dello stato serbo. Sono manovre per disarmare la resistenza della Russia e della Cina all'abrogazione della risoluzione 1244, nonché per eliminare la ragione del mancato riconoscimento del Kosovo Metohija, da parte di cinque membri dell'UE, vale a dire una delle dimostrazioni più evidenti che mostrano la disunione all'interno dell'UE. Tale idea presenta un grave svantaggio, considerando che la Russia e la Cina accetteranno solo una soluzione legata ai loro interessi geopolitici e, alla fine, non accetteranno la geopolitica dell'espansione verso est della NATO. Tutto questo nel momento della più grande e provocatoria dimostrazione dell'espansione militare NATO con la preparazione delle esercitazioni di "Europa 2020 Defender" e "Indo-Pacific Defender 2020". Probabilmente è perché quella Risoluzione non è negativa per la Serbia e vogliono che la Serbia non abbia aiuti. Perché la Serbia menziona raramente la risoluzione 1244, che garantisce la sua sovranità e integrità territoriale? Forse perché l'insistenza della Serbia sull'attuazione della risoluzione 1244, non sarebbe a favore della dirigenza di Pristina. Potrebbe un cosiddetto nuovo accordo globale, giuridicamente vincolante, che nessuno ha ancora visto, ma che la Germania ha dichiarato di aver creato, essere migliore della Risoluzione 1244 del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, e in che cosa? Se qualcuno avesse mai ritenuto che l'accordo di cui sopra, avrebbe potuto essere migliore per la Serbia della Risoluzione 1244, chi potrebbe essere il suo migliore garante, se non il Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite? Si può immaginare una situazione in cui, Russia e Cina danno il via libera a un simile accordo in seno al Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, che sancisce essenzialmente il primato della geopolitica dell'espansione della NATO a est o ovest, a seconda che sia vista da Berlino o da Seul? È paradossale, ma per una politica stracciona, tentare di sequestrare le proprietà della Chiesa, tentare di abolire la Chiesa ortodossa serba e istituire la Chiesa ortodossa montenegrina , si trasformano in Freedom of Religion Act, anche se sarebbe molto più logico chiamarlo con il suo vero nome: un tentativo di decretare con una legge l'abolizione della Chiesa ortodossa serba, l'abolizione dell'identità serba, nazionale, culturale e spirituale e l'appropriazione delle proprietà e delle proprietà della Chiesa ortodossa, in una funzione antiserba. Il risultato è, per il momento, il risveglio e l'unione del popolo in difesa di un'altra aggressione, l'aggressione di un regime totalitario, essenzialmente geopolitico, come quello montenegrino attuale, sponsorizzata e sostenuto dalla NATO. I loro latori vogliono il dominio totale sul mondo, in un momento in cui la civiltà umana sta celebrando il suo 75° anniversario dalla sconfitta e del crollo di tentativi simili, già visti nella storia europea. Da Beoforum – Traduzione di Enrico V. per Forum Belgrado Italia/CIVG Source: Bankruptcy administrator “wanted: Willy Wimmer wants Armin Laschet to head the CDU and as candidate for chancellor
It is not a good testimony that Willy Wimmer (CDU) issues to the two departing women at the head of his party. In order to pull the Christian Democrats out of their deep, it now needs a strong man at the top who has already demonstrated his leadership skills. For former Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense, Willy Wimmer (CDU), Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer's decision to give up party chairmanship and refrain from running for office as chancellor does not go far enough. He says: “It is completely inadequate to say: I will resign under conditions. The resignation must take place completely, now! Also in her function as Minister of Defense. "The soldiers and the civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense and the Bundeswehr could not be expected to be led by someone who failed in another central function as badly as one would have to say for Mrs. Kramp-Karrenbauer. AKK could not achieve anything in Erfurt because the different trains between east and west collided so diametrically that solutions were no longer possible. "If I have majority relations like in Erfurt, then I cannot force a solution that is pleasant to the East. The people in Erfurt, Dresden and elsewhere in the new federal states are simply tired of this endless, caustic paternalism by West German interests, ”said Wimmer. The CDU politician sees the Federal Chancellor's decision of September 2015 as opening the borders in the face of the refugee crisis as the central cause of today's mood in the country and also for the election result in Thuringia. For Wimmer, Merkel has put himself above the law and caused great damage to the rule of law. Against this background, it was imperative for him that Merkel and Kramp-Karrenbauer resign as soon as possible. Bankruptcy trustee wanted While names like Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahn for the successor of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer are traded in the media, Willy Wimmer has already decided on the most suitable man for the job: "Of course, the Bavarian Prime Minister is also a seasoned Prime Minister, which has to be seen in this context. Then the question arises that we have already discussed with Franz Josef Strauss: Can someone from Bavaria become a candidate for chancellor? We also saw in connection with Edmund Stoiber where that leads. These are internal questions, where from my experience I can only say: You have to solve them generously and with a clear awareness of the problems at hand. " "Then the Erfurt situation is transferred to the situation in Germany, and that doesn't serve Germany or the CDU / CSU," predicts Willy Wimmer. The CDU veteran also considers the end of the grand coalition to be almost inevitable. An extermination camp ignored
by Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti On November 19, 2019, for the first time outside Serbian territory, a conference on the Croatian extermination camp of Jasenovac – where from June 1941 to the end of the Second World War in 1945, almost one million people were killed in Jasenovac – Jewish, Serbian, Roma men, women and children. The existence of this camp has been carefully hidden for over seventy years, despite the efforts and demands of the families of the victims. The conference in Jerusalem therefore assumes enormous importance for the Serbs, it means a first step towards recognizing the existence of this place of captivity and death, where almost all Serbian families, especially those originating in Krajina and Bosnia, had lost a family member. This small miracle occurred thanks to the commitment of two women, Ambassador Liliana Nikšić and Dragana Tomasević – president of the Serbian foundation Jasenovac & Holocaust Memorial Foundation based in London – and to the contribution of Prof. Gideon Greif, researcher and author of books on the Holocaust and Auschwitz and of the first multidisciplinary study that analyzes and compares the similarities between Jasenovac and Auschwitz entitled: Jasenovac – Auschwitz of the Balkans. The Ustasha empire of cruelty. This untouchable topic was finally addressed, and has revealed the crimes committed by Croatian fascism in the presence of three surviving witnesses: a man and two women, who at the time were children, Buhač Radojčić, Smilja Tišma and Jelena Mraović. The conference was supposed to last three days with the participation of Israeli experts, but someone put pressure on the government of Jerusalem; consequently it was downsized at the last minute. In that context, however, a centre of Serbian-Israeli Studies was inaugurated in the extraordinary university headquarters ONO Academic College, in exchange for the opening of a similar Israeli-Serbian centre, which took place a short time earlier at the Philology department of the University of Belgrade. When the Independent State of Croatia was proclaimed on 10 April 1941, the Poglavnik Ante Pavelić – a pupil of Italian fascism and a follower of German Nazism – had already organized several operational prison camps, before even signing an official order on 2 June 1941 for the establishment of camps for the containment and elimination of various uncomfortable ethnic groups: Jews first, followed by Serbs and Roma. These camps, including Danica, Kerestinak, Gospić and Jadovno, were closed by order of the Italian military authorities, horrified by the brutality and cruelty employed. For the first time, sinkholes were used to expedite the elimination of prisoners. Serbs became the main target of the Ustashas in deference to an equation devised by the Minister of Culture and Worship, Mile Budak, according to which a third of the Serbs had to convert to Catholicism; a third to leave the territories; a third to be eliminated. For the duration of the Second World War, the Croatian Ustashas employed the detention complex near the town of Jasenovac, located at the confluence of the rivers Drina and Una, in western Slavonia for this purpose. The Ustasha themselves called it the death camp. Jasenovac stretched over an area of approximately 210 square kilometers and consisted of a complex of eight concentration camps. Almost all of them were next to a stream, useful for the easy elimination of corpses. Fields number one and two, located east of Jasenovac, worked only a few months, then were flooded by the Sava river. The main camp was number three, which occupied 124 hectares next to the town of Jasenovac. In the ovens of the brick factory, Ciglana, inserted in the the camp complex, the corpses were incinerated. Prison number four was located in the small town of Jasenovac in a tannery, Kožara. In the village of Uštice there was camp five, reserved exclusively for the Roma. Installation six, built around the Serbian villages of Mlaka and Jablanac west of Jasenovac, held exclusively women and children up to the age of fourteen. Prison Seven had been placed in the old Austro-Hungarian fortress of Stara Gradiška. Camp eight, exactly in front of field 3 across the Sava river in Donja Gradina, was a 125-hectare enclosure mainly used for mass eliminations. In those installations and in other minor ones, from 1941 to 1945 about a million human beings were killed: forty-five thousand of them were women and children. The barbarity of the camp left the German allies astonished, in the absence of advanced technical equipment, the Ustashas provided for the killings with manual tools. The weapon used mainly was called ustaška kama and was a half-moon shaped blade, sharpened on both sides, tied to the wrist with a leather bracelet. It made it possible to lead tirelessly without knocks in the hand. This place is unknown to most of the European public. How could they hide this atrocious reality? It was political convenience and prudence towards the Vatican: Jasenovac had been directed by a Catholic friar, Miroslav Filipović Majstorović, nicknamed Fra Satan. During his war crimes trial, the friar admitted that he was personally responsible for the death of at least forty thousand humans. Another friar followed him to the direction of the camp. At least 120 Franciscan friars engaged in the persecution of the Serbs. The Vatican participated in spreading a thick veil over the existence of that tragic place. This ignored tragedy allowed Pope John Paul II to beatify the Croatian primate of that time, Alojs Stepinac, the one who had blessed Ante Pavelić’s Ustasha regime and ignored the unchristian violence of his subordinates, as documented by the extraordinary book of Marco Aurelio Rivelli: The Archbishop of Genocide. Even Tito wanted to stifle grudges to encourage the unification of Yugoslavia and impose oblivion on this painful page of their history, after the war. Perhaps a thoughtless decision, not allowing catharsis between Croats and Serbs causing other tragedies after his death.
In 2011, as a member of the International Jasenovac Camp Commission, I visited camp 3 in Jasenovac, Croatia, and was amazed and outraged by the beauty of the place, it looked like a golf course. All traces of prisoners’ lives have been erased. Next to the pond full of reeds and wild flowers, some rounded and circular shapes, covered with grass, indicate the place where the brick factory Ciglana stood, in whose ovens hundreds of bodies had been cremated. No sign of the barracks, nothing that remembers the life and work and punishment and suffering of the victims of the fascist regime of Ante Pavelic and his Ustasha. Only vast fields of swaying grass, a clean little train with the HDZ plaque on one side, a huge, heavy monument. Nothing else! On the other side of the Sava river, camp 8 had remained in the territory of the Srpska Republic. Here too there are only expanses of floating grass and a huge slab of marble where the map of the place is engraved. The drawing shows many squares, arranged in a U shape with the curved part facing the Sava river, that represent where the mass graves are. About seven hundred thousand bodies, men, women and children lie together, united without barrier of race or religion. Walking along the paths, visitors see waves of green grass under the trees that cover the rest of these forgotten victims: they are the mass graves. At this sight a huge sense of rebellion and anger rises towards those who have been able to commit these unpunished crimes and who will probably repeat them, because they believe they have the right to. These green wave dwellers await justice. In Jerusalem, a marble plaque was placed along the Via Crucis in 2019 with a Latin inscription in memory of the visit in 1937 of Blessed Aloys Stepinac, Cardinal Archbishop of Zagreb and Martyr. Isn’t it ironic?
JASENOVAC: un campo di sterminio ignorato
di Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti Il 19 novembre 2019, per la prima volta al di fuori del territorio serbo, si è svolta a Gerusalemme una conferenza sul Campo di sterminio croato di Jasenovac, dove dal giugno 1941 alla fine della Seconda guerra mondiale, nel 1945, è stato ucciso quasi un milione fra uomini, donne e bambini ebrei, serbi, Rom. L’esistenza di questo campo è stata accuratamente nascosta per oltre settanta anni, malgrado gli sforzi e le istanze delle famiglie delle vittime. La conferenza di Gerusalemme assume perciò un’enorme importanza per i Serbi, significa un primo passo verso il riconoscimento dell’esistenza di quel luogo di prigionia e morte, dove quasi tutte le famiglie serbe, in particolare quelle originarie della Krajina e della Bosnia, avevano perduto un famigliare.
Questo piccolo miracolo è avvenuto grazie all’impegno di due donne, l’ambasciatrice Liliana Nikšić e Dragana Tomasević, presidente della fondazione serba Jasenovac & Holocaust Memorial Foundation con sede a Londra, e al contributo del Prof. Gideon Greif, ricercatore e autore di libri sull’Olocausto e Auschwitz e del primo studio multidisciplinare che analizza e compara le similarità fra Jasenovac e Auschwitz dal titolo: Jasenovac – Auschwitz dei Balcani. L’impero Ustasha della crudeltà. Finalmente è stato affrontato questo argomento intoccabile che rivela i crimini compiuti dal fascismo croato alla presenza di tre testimoni sopravvissuti: un uomo e due donne, all’epoca bambini, Buhač Radojčić, Smilja Tišma e Jelena Mraović.
La Conferenza avrebbe dovuto durare tre giorni con la partecipazione di esperti israeliani, ma qualcuno ha fatto pressioni sul governo di Gerusalemme, conseguentemente è stata ridimensionata all’ultimo minuto. In quel contesto è stato comunque inaugurato un centro di Studi Serbo- Israeliano nella straordinaria sede universitaria ONO Academic College, in cambio dell’apertura di un centro Israeliano-Serbo similare, avvenuta poco tempo prima presso il dipartimento di Filologia dell’Università di Belgrado.
Quando il 10 aprile 1941 è stato proclamato lo Stato Indipendente di Croazia, il Poglavnik Ante Pavelić – allievo del fascismo italiano e seguace del nazismo tedesco – aveva già reso operanti diversi campi di prigionia prima ancora di firmare il 2 giugno 1941 un ordine ufficiale per la costituzione di campi per il contenimento e l’eliminazione di diverse etnie scomode: gli ebrei per primi, seguiti dai serbi e dai Rom. Questi campi, fra cui Danica, Kerestinak, Gospić e Jadovno, furono chiusi per ordine delle autorità militari italiane, inorridite dalla brutalità e crudeltà impiegate. Per la prima volta furono usate le foibe per velocizzare le eliminazioni dei prigionieri.
I serbi diventarono il maggiore bersaglio degli ustasha in ossequio a un’equazione ideata dal Ministro della Cultura e del Culto, Mile Budak, secondo cui un terzo dei serbi doveva convertirsi al cattolicesimo; un terzo lasciare i territori; un terzo essere eliminato.
Per tutta la durata della Seconda guerra mondiale gli ustasha croati impiegarono a questo scopo il complesso di detenzione nei pressi della cittadina di Jasenovac, situata alla confluenza dei fiumi Drina e Una, nella Slavonia occidentale. Gli ustascia stessi lo chiamavano il campo della morte.
Jasenovac si estendeva su una superficie di circa 210 chilometri quadrati ed era costituito da un complesso di otto campi di concentramento. Quasi tutti si trovavano accanto ad un corso d’acqua, utile per la facile eliminazione dei cadaveri. I campi numero uno e due, situati ad est di Jasenovac, funzionarono solo qualche mese, poi furono allagati del fiume Sava. Il campo principale era il tre, che occupava 124 ettari accanto alla cittadina di Jasenovac, Nei forni della fabbrica di mattoni, Ciglana, inserita nel complesso del campo, venivano inceneriti i cadaveri. La prigione numero quattro era collocata nella cittadina di Jasenovac in una conceria, Kožara. Nel villaggio di Uštice c’era il campo cinque, riservato esclusivamente ai Rom. L’installazione sei, costruita intorno ai villaggi serbi di Mlaka e Jablanac ad ovest di Jasenovac, deteneva esclusivamente donne e bambini fino ai quattordici anni. La prigione sette era stata sistemata nella vecchia fortezza austro-ungarica di Stara Gradiška. Il campo otto, a Donja Gradina esattamente di fronte al campo 3 al di là del fiume Sava, era un recinto di 125 ettari impiegato principalmente per le eliminazioni di massa.
In quelle installazioni ed in altre minori, dal 1941 al 1945 furono uccisi circa un milione di esseri umani: quarantacinquemila di loro erano donne e bambini. La barbarie del campo lasciava sbalorditi gli stessi alleati tedeschi, in mancanza di apparati tecnici avanzati, gli ustascia provvedevano alle uccisioni con strumenti manuali. L’arma impiegata principalmente veniva chiamata ustaška kama ed era una lama a forma di mezza luna, affilata sui due lati, legata al polso con un bracciale di cuoio. Permetteva di menare fendenti instancabilmente senza contraccolpi alla mano.
Questo luogo è sconosciuto alla maggior parte del pubblico europeo. Come hanno potuto nascondere questa atroce realtà?
Convenienza politica e prudenza verso il Vaticano: Jasenovac era stato diretto da un frate cattolico, Miroslav Filipović Majstorović, soprannominato Fra Satana. Durante il suo processo per crimini di guerra, il frate aveva ammesso di essere personalmente responsabile della morte di almeno quarantamila esseri umani. A lui era seguito alla direzione del campo un altro religioso. Almeno 120 frati francescani si erano impegnati nella persecuzione dei serbi. Il Vaticano aveva tutto l’interesse a stendere un fitto velo sull’esistenza di quel tragico luogo. Questa tragedia ignorata aveva permesso a Papa Giovanni Paolo II di beatificare il primate croato d’allora, Alojs Stepinac, colui che aveva benedetto il regime ustascia di Ante Pavelić e ignorato la violenza poco cristiana dei suoi sottoposti, come si legge nello straordinario libro di Marco Aurelio Rivelli: L’Arcivescovo del Genocidio. Anche Tito aveva voluto soffocare i rancori per favorire l’unificazione della Jugoslavia nel dopoguerra e imposto l’oblio su questa dolorosa pagina della loro storia. Decisione forse improvvida, non aver permesso la catarsi fra croati e serbi sarà causa di altre tragedie dopo la sua morte.
Nel 2011, come membro della Commissione Internazionale del Campo di Jasenovac, ho visitato il campo 3 a Jasenovac, in Croazia, e sono rimasta sbalordita e indignata dalla bellezza del luogo, sembrava un campo da golf. Tutte le tracce della vita dei prigionieri sono state cancellate. Accanto agli stagni pieni di canne e fiori selvatici alcune forme tondeggianti e circolari, ricoperte d’erba, indicano il luogo dove sorgeva la fabbrica di mattoni, Ciglana, nei cui forni erano stati cremati centinaia di corpi. Nessun segno delle baracche, nulla che ricordi la vita, il lavoro, le punizioni, la sofferenza delle vittime del regime fascista di Ante Pavelic e dei suoi ustascia. Solo vasti campi di erba ondeggiante, un trenino pulito con la placca HDZ su una fiancata, un’enorme, pesante monumento. Null’altro!
Dall’altra parte del fiume Sava il campo 8 è rimasto nel territorio della Repubblica Srpska. Anche qui ci sono solo distese di erba fluttuante e un’enorme lastra di marmo dove è incisa la mappa del luogo. Il disegno mostra molti quadrati disposti a U, con la parte curva rivolta verso il fiume Sava, sono le fosse comuni. Circa settecentomila corpi, uomini donne e bambini giacciono insieme, uniti senza barriera di razza o religione. Camminando lungo i sentieri, i visitatori vedono sotto gli alberi onde di erba verde che coprono il riposo di queste vittime dimenticate: sono le fosse comuni. A questa vista sale un enorme senso di ribellione e rabbia verso chi ha potuto commettere tali crimini impuniti e che probabilmente ripeterà, perché ritiene di averne il diritto. Questi abitanti delle onde verdi attendono giustizia. A Gerusalemme lungo la via Crucis è stata messa nel 2019 una placca in marmo con una scritta in latino a memoria della visita nel 1937 del Beato Aloys Stepinac, Cardinale Arcivescovo di Zagabria e Martire. Non è ironico?
STANDARD Republika Srpska NOVOSTI – Belgrado POLITIKA – Belgrado Italy and the changing – but not waiting – world
By Maurizio Vezzosi – Originally published in the Italian magazine “Quadrante Futuro” Recently the French President, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, admitted that the NATO should be These inturn are generating popular disaffection and a general contempt towards politics. “Massive press preparation for a Western confrontation with China”
by Willy Wimmer, former State Secretary in the German Ministry of Defence These days, when you perceive the massive pre-arrangement of the press for a Western confrontation with China, you will experience some kind of déjà vu. The old conf licts are The situation is downright prepared for a major conflict. A conflict, by the way, whose skeleton Since the construction of the “Three Gorges Dam” on the Yangtze River, the Chinese central government has been trying to change the basic demographic structure in Xingjiang in favour of the Chinese population. In the past decade, German magazines have not been too sorry to write about CIA-led uprisings in this province. How the American-Chinese global conflict dominates the present time can be seen in the attacks from the United States against Chinese investments in Pakistan in connection Peter Handke received the Nobel Prize for Literature
The Nobel prize which you have just received is a symbolic recognition of your merits and contributions to the world literature and to the art in general, as well as, to the most sacred values of civilization - morality, truth and justice. We are proud and thankful for your courage and honest attitude towards our country and our nation, during the most difficult time of our recent history. We wish you happiness, new success in literature and art contributing to the better world and humanity. Belgrade, December 11th, 2019. Sincerely yours, Zivadin Jovanovic, STOP THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST PETER HANDKE!
Prof. dr Zoran Avramovic, scientific researcher, Belgrade, Srebia
Two far-reaching features of the campaign to demonize the Nobel laureate deserve attention. Most critics in the West and in the region of ex-Yugoslavia do not refer to his writings, but to his openly presented political statements about the role of the Serbs during the disintegration of the Yugoslav state, and about the late President Slobodan Milošević. It is particularly noteworthy that self-styled liberals and democrats are eagerly adopting totalitarian methods in their attacks on Handke the writer. Many writers who had the courage to write freely were routinely persecuted by various totalitarian regimes, and at times paid with their lives for doing so. Today’s critics of Handke’s views on the Serbs in the final decade of the twentieth century only renew the tools and methods used against writers in totalitarian times: trying to disqualify the writer for his views, not works. Another consequence of such attacks is the worst possible accusation directed against the Swedish Academy, as well as Handke himself. Some critics allege that Handke justified genocide and the Swedish Academy accordingly discredited itself by awarding him the prize. This accusation demands two responses. All striving for the truth has to be based on scientific tools and not on the political, media, or judicial verdict reached by the judges’ majority vote. The term “genocide” denotes the extermination of entire national communities. In the twentieth century its victims had been Armenians, Jews, and Serbs. Secondly, no genocide occurred during the wars in the former Yugoslavia in 1991-95 and 1999. Any politically motivated manipulation of the term “genocide” in Handke’s case is an insult to the millions of victims in this part of the world who had perished in the course of the previous century. Handke has never talked or written about genocide. He is being drawn into the narrative of genocide in order to demonize the Serbs, contrary to any true account concerning the exceptionally complex conflicts which accompanied the disintegration of Yugoslavia. We raise our voice in defense of the freedom of thought, and against the harangue directed at Handke in some Western media. At the same time, we oppose the renewal of totalitarian methods which seek to deny the right of people to say what they think without being crucified for doing so, and without having their awards denigraded for reasons which have nothing to do with the literary merits of their artistic creation. 1.Prof. Dr. Avramovic Zoran, scientific researcher L'ex ministro degli Esteri della Jugoslavia, Z. Jovanovic accusa gli Stati Uniti di cercare di distruggere l'ordine mondiale
Secondo Jovanovic, si tratta di un ordine mondiale stabilito dai risultati della seconda guerra mondiale e gli Stati Uniti cercano di distruggere questo assetto mondiale.
Minaccia di sanzioni L'ex ministro degli Esteri jugoslavo ritiene che le minacce alla Serbia per imporre le sanzioni statunitensi siano un paradosso. A questo proposito ha ricordato che anche al vertice NATO del 2000 a Bratislava, gli Stati Uniti hanno sostenuto che ai fini della NATO, le leggi americane sono molto migliori di quelle europee. In precedenza, un rappresentante speciale del Dipartimento di Stato per i Balcani occidentali, Matthew Palmer, durante una visita a Skopje in un'intervista al canale televisivo macedone, aveva avvertito che l'acquisto degli S-400 russi, che era stato considerato da Belgrado possibile, avrebbe comportato sanzioni statunitensi. In seguito Zarzetski è arrivato in Serbia con l'obiettivo di "far comprendere bene alle autorità serbe l'articolo 231 della legge sulla lotta, mediante sanzioni, contro gli avversari statunitensi, il quale implica l'introduzione di sanzioni statunitensi contro individui e entità legali o statali che cooperano con il settore russo della sicurezza e dell'intelligence". In precedenza il presidente della Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, aveva visitato le esercitazioni militari congiunte tra Serbia e Russia, Slavic Shield-2019, dove ha esaminato personalmente il complesso missilistico antiaereo dei sistemi S-400 e la batteria dei sistemi Pantsir-S delle forze armate russe. Successivamente, ha espresso la speranza che un giorno la Serbia possa permettersi un simile complesso, ma al momento il paese non ha 500 milioni di euro per acquistarlo. Allo stesso tempo, Vucic ha dichiarato di essere pronto ad accettare il complesso come dono dalla Russia Il giornale Vecernie Novosti ha riferito che le autorità serbe stanno valutando la possibilità di acquistare con un credito a lungo termine i sistemi missilistici antiaerei S-400 russi. Esercitazioni di difesa aerea Le esercitazioni di difesa aerea russo-serba "Slavic Shield - 2019" si sono svolti per la prima volta e sono consistite in due fasi. La prima tappa si è svolta a settembre di quest'anno nella regione di Astrakhan in Russia, nella base del Centro di addestramento al combattimento e dell'uso del combattimento delle forze aerospaziali russe. Nella seconda fase, nel territorio della Serbia e per la prima volta manovre congiunte al di fuori dei confini russi, hanno visto la presenza di sistemi missilistici antiaerei S-400. L'addestramento ha coinvolto i missili antiaerei e i sistemi di armamento Pantsir-S delle forze aerospaziali russe, nonché i sistemi di missili antiaerei Neva-M1T e Cub-M dell'Aeronautica e della difesa aerea della Serbia. Nel corso degli esercizi Slavic Shield-2019, sono stati sperimentati i problemi di interazione tra le unità di difesa aerea delle forze aerospaziali della Federazione Russa e dell'aeronautica e la difesa aerea della Repubblica di Serbia. Secondo il Ministero della Difesa della Serbia, in futuro si terranno regolarmente esercitazioni di difesa aerea. da – A cura di Enrico Vigna portavoce del Forum Belgrado Italia Yes to Peace! No to NATO! No to NATO's warmongering London summit
For 70 years, NATO has been the number one aggressive military tool of imperialism. It is the largest and most dangerous military organization in the world. Despite rivalries between its individual members and the contradictions these from time to time present, it remains inherently and deeply interconnected with the policies of the US and EU, its so-called 'European arm'. NATO is responsible for wars of aggression against countries and their peoples – including Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Libya – leaving an immense legacy of death, suffering, destruction and long-term environmental pollution and degradation. NATO has continuously added members and partners and expanded its sphere of influence and intervention across the world. NATO leads the arms race and global military spending, burdening the peoples. In 2018, the total war-related spending by all 29 NATO members totalled $963 billion, 53% of worldwide military spending – more than the remaining 164 countries of the world. Only NATO European members and Canada will spend 100 billion dollars more on militarism by the end of 2020. At its London summit NATO will celebrate its superior military forces’ readiness for war. As its Secretary General has pointed out, “For the first time in history”, NATO achieved “combat-ready battle-groups; increased its presence in the east; tripled the size of the NATO Response Force; increased defence spending in all NATO allied countries for five years in a row and stationed more US troops in Europe”. On the warmongering agenda of the next summit, and among other issues, the use of space, cyberspace and artificial intelligence for military purposes are up for discussion. The US, with NATO support, withdraws from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), a decision that poses a serious threat of a nuclear escalation and of the redeployment of US missiles in Europe, as happened with the Pershing II missiles in the 1980s, leading to mass peace demonstrations in defence of peace and disarmament. The US and its NATO allies relentlessly increase their military activities and expand their bases and installations from the Caspian Sea to the Arctic, closer and closer to Russia, but also in the Asia-Pacific region, tightening the encirclement of China. This vast network of foreign military bases, the naval fleets, the so-called anti-missile systems and the systems of global surveillance, which the US and its allies in NATO have spread across Europe and the world, are instruments of their strategy of world domination. NATO’s objectives today are openly aggressive and its arena of warmongering stretches across the whole planet. We appeal to all organizations and activists in Europe who defend the cause of Peace, to promote actions against NATO and its London summit, for the dissolution of this political-military block and in support of the immediate struggle within each NATO member state for withdrawal from this aggressive military pact. Reaffirming and continuing the World Peace Council’s campaign “Yes to Peace! No to NATO!”, we appeal for mobilization and initiatives in every country, and on 3 December, for a strong presence on the anti-NATO demonstration in London, together with the British Peace Assembly, calling for:
Yes to Peace! No to NATO! WPC European member organizations November 2019 Serbia in the Great War 1914 – 1918 - Lj. Dimic/M. Radojevic
This publication is a special edition of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equal Rights. The book is available in four languages, Serbian, Russian, English, German. The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals is a non-governmental organization, the former Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia, Živadin Jovanović, presides. This group, which consists mainly of intellectuals, dedicates its main activity to the publication of publications with a focus on the Balkans and its history, maintains a homepage with current topics such. An award ceremony to Peter Handke, for example, regularly organizes conferences that are very well attended and supported by the participants' commitment. So z. For example, when all the events surrounding the 1999 war were documented, sharp statements against the war were published. B. also from the US side of Michel Chossudovsky. The fact that the question of "war guilt", in this case the First World War, is again served with open audacity, has contributed to the topicality of this book. Especially loud is the drum of war guilt operated in Germany. It has also recently been reflected in an unspeakably manipulated European Parliament opinion aimed at Russia. But not only Russia, but also England are the focus. The ethnic wing of the AfD around Höcke operates the warm-up, probably for domestic political reasons and to collect voters. Serbien im Grossen Krieg 1914 – 1918
Autorin: Radojević, Mira LEAD
Diese Gruppe, die im Wesentlichen aus Intellektuellen besteht, widmet ihre Hauptaktivität der Herausgabe von Publikationen mit dem Schwerpunkt Balkan und seine Geschichte, unterhält eine Homepage mit aktuellen Themen wie z. B. eine Preisverleihung an Peter Handke, führt regelmässig Tagungen durch, die jeweils sehr gut besucht sind und vom Engagement der Teilnehmer getragen werden. So wurden z. B. alle Vorgänge um den Krieg von 1999 dokumentiert, scharfe Stellungnahmen gegen den Krieg veröffentlicht, wie z. B. auch von US-amerikanischer Seite von Michel Chossudovsky. LEAD ende Zur Aktualität des vorliegenden Buches hat die Tatsache beigetragen, dass die Frage der „Kriegsschuld“, in diesem Falle am Ersten Weltkrieg, wiederum mit unverhohlener Dreistigkeit aufgetischt wird. Besonders laut wird die Trommel der Kriegsschuld in Deutschland betrieben. Sie fand kürzlich auch ihren Niederschlag in einer unsäglich manipulierten Stellungnahme des Europäischen Parlaments mit Zielrichtung gegen Russland. Aber nicht nur Russland, sondern auch England stehen im Fokus. Der völkische Flügel der AfD um Höcke betreibt das Aufwärmen, wohl aus innenpolitischen Gründen und um Wähler zu sammeln. WPC statement about the aggression and invasion of Turkey in Syria
The World Peace Council denounces strongly the new, third invasion by the Turkish army to Syria.
This aggression in the Northeastern part of Syria comes as continuation of the previous aggressions in the Northwestern part of Syria and as part of the expansionist plans of the Turkish regime, with the pretext of Turkey’s security. It takes place with the full complicity of the USA and its allies who maintain also troops in the area since several years. This aggression and the silent tolerance from many sides creates also new threats and dangers for the peoples of the region, above all for the Syrian people which is suffering for 8 years from an unprecedented and well orchestrated imperialist aggression, whereas the USA, NATO, the EU, Turkey and their regional allies have harbored, financed, trained and instructed dozens of thousands of armed mercenaries for a violent regime change in Damascus. The Turkish invasion and occupation of sovereign territory of Syria will create only new displacement and increase the flow of refugees. The claim of Turkey to create a “safe zone” along its borders with Syria is hypocritical and cannot hide its intentions to create a huge area controlled by Turkey changing also the demographic character of the area. The real threat to peace and stability derives from the imperialist plans to control the energy resources, pipelines and spheres of influence with willing regimes in the Middle East. The WPC, while condemning vehemently the aggression, demands the withdrawal of the foreign occupation forces, supports the sovereign right of the Syrian people to decide alone and freely their future and destiny. We express our solidarity with the brave Syrian people and with the anti-imperialist forces in Turkey and call upon the members and friends of the WPC to take up actions and initiatives to condemn the ongoing aggression. Hands off Syria! The WPC Secretariat Athens 10th October 2019 Экс-глава МИД Югославии обвинил США в стремлении к разрушению миропорядка
По словам Живадина Йовановича, речь идет о мировом порядке, установленном по результатам Второй мировой войны
"В эти дни специальный представитель Госдепа Томас Зарзецки проверяет в Белграде, уважает или нарушает Сербия американские законы о санкциях, покупая российское оружие. Чтобы представить общественности Сербии миссию Зарзецкого как что-то нормальное, СМИ напоминают, что он с такими же функциями объехал еще 60 стран. Многочисленные факты показывают, что США как величайшая демократия в мире стремятся к пересмотру миропорядка, установленного по результатам Второй мировой войны, и установлению мирового порядка, основанного на американской исключительности и силе. В то же время Россия и КНР, которых США называют авторитарными и ревизионистскими, стремятся к мировому порядку, основанному на международном праве и декларации ООН", - заявил Йованович. Экс-глава МИД считает, что угрозы Сербии американскими санкциями являются "парадоксом". В связи с этим он напомнил, что еще на саммите НАТО 2000 года в Братиславе США утверждали, что для целей НАТО американские законы гораздо лучше европейских. Ранее спецпредставитель Госдепартамента по Западным Балканам Мэттью Палмер в ходе визита в Скопье в интервью македонскому телеканалу предупредил, что покупка С-400, которую рассматривали в Белграде как возможную в будущем, повлечет за собой американские санкции. Вслед за этим в Сербию прибыл Зарзецки с целью "ознакомить сербские органы со статьей 231 закона "о противодействии противникам США посредством санкций", предполагающей введение санкций США в отношении физических и юридических лиц, сотрудничающих с сектором безопасности и разведки РФ". Ранее президент Сербии Александар Вучич посетил учения "Славянский щит - 2019", где лично осмотрел зенитный ракетный дивизион систем С-400 и батарею комплексов "Панцирь-С" Вооруженных сил РФ. После этого он выразил надежду, что Сербия однажды сможет себе позволить такой комплекс, но в настоящий момент у страны нет €500 млн на его покупку. В то же время Вучич указал, что готов принять комплекс в подарок от России. Издание "Вечерне новости" сообщило, что сербские власти изучают возможность покупки в долгосрочный кредит российских зенитных ракетных систем С-400. Газета отмечала, что в ходе учений 14 сербских самолетов изображали условного противника. Все они были условно сбиты за неполные три минуты комплексом С-400, которому для этого понадобилось 26 ракет. Издание также напоминало, что группа сербских офицеров уже прошла обучение эксплуатации С-400 в России. Российско-сербские учения ПВО "Славянский щит - 2019" проводились впервые и состояли из двух этапов. Первый этап был проведен в сентябре текущего года в Астраханской области на базе Центра боевой подготовки и боевого применения Воздушно-космических сил России. Во втором этапе на территории Сербии в совместных маневрах впервые вне российских границ приняли участие подразделения зенитного ракетного комплекса С-400. В тренировках были задействованы и зенитные ракетно-пушечные комплексы "Панцирь-С" Воздушно-космических сил России, а также зенитные ракетные комплексы "Нева-М1Т" и "Куб-М" ВВС и противовоздушной обороны Сербии. В ходе проведения учений "Славянский щит - 2019" отрабатывались вопросы взаимодействия подразделений ПВО Воздушно-космических сил Российской Федерации и ВВС и противовоздушной обороны Республики Сербия. Как сообщило Минобороны Сербии, учения ПВО будут в будущем проводиться на регулярной основе. Source: La nostra solidarietà concreta continua – settembre 2019 S.O.S. KOSOVO METOHIJA
Anche quest’anno all’interno del Progetto “SOS Kosovo Metohija-Decani enclavi”, “APPARTENERE AL FUTURO”, portato avanti insieme ai Padri ortodossi di Decani nel Kosmet, abbiamo mantenuto e rafforzato l’impegno verso il vessato popolo serbo del Kosmet. Come sapete, questo è APPARTENERE AL FUTURO, il dono di una speranza. SOS Yugoslavia: la nostra solidarietà concreta …continua - settembre 2019
Progetto “RAMPE per lavoratrici invalide” della azienda cooperativa SREDO
Ringraziamo come sempre tutti coloro, e sono ancora tanti, che continuano ad aiutarci ad aiutarli…a RESISTERE. Ecco la loro storia riportata da Rajka Veljovic; è un la storia dello smantellamento della Zastava, o meglio di quanto non avevano già distrutto le bombe della NATO nel 1999: Dopo la liquidazione le lavoratrici hanno deciso di costituire una nuova azienda, soprattutto perchè i clienti con cui la direzione collaborava in precedenza avevano promesso di continuare la collaborazione. Infatti in questo momento le maggiori forniture sono con le strutture militari della Repubblica Serba, con intermediazione di Governo e Sindacato. S.O.S. Yugoslavia La nostra solidarietà concreta continua – settembre 2019 S.O.S. Yugoslavia - S.O.S. KOSOVO METOHIJA
Si è svolto dal 7 settembre il periodico viaggio per consegnare gli aiuti per i Progetti di Solidarietà concreta che la nostra Associazione ha in campo in Serbia e con le enclavi del Kosmet. В Белграде открыли бюст Евгения Примакова в честь 90-летия политика
Почетными гостями мероприятия стали президент Сербии Александр Вучич, официальные представители РФ и Сербии, деятели общественных и культурных кругов двух стран, а также Ирина Примакова, вдова российского политика Почетными гостями мероприятия, приуроченного к 90-летию Примакова, стали президент Сербии Александр Вучич, официальные представители РФ и Сербии, деятели общественных и культурных кругов двух стран, представители российско-сербских бизнес-структур, а также Ирина Борисовна Примакова, вдова политика. Открытие бюста
Инициатором и организатором установки памятника стало представительство Россотрудничества в Сербии — Российский центр науки и культуры "Русский дом". Автором бюста выступил академик Российской академии художеств Тыртышников. Работа над созданием бронзового скульптурного портрета велась по согласованию и при непосредственном участии родственников Примакова. "Для меня огромная честь присутствовать сегодня на открытии памятника Евгению Максимовичу Примакову", — заявил посол РФ в Сербии Александр Боцан-Харченко. Дипломат рассказал об огромном вкладе Примакова в примирение на Балканах и его особой любви к Сербии."К Балканам он относился с повышенным вниманием. Он любил этот регион. Примаков исходил из следующего: чтобы прочно присутствовать в европейских делах в сфере безопасности, в европейском сотрудничестве, необходимо прочно стоять на Балканах. Он не раз бывал в Белграде. К Сербии у него было особое отношение, очень теплое, сердечное, душевное. Он прекрасно знал нашу общую историю. Очень любил сюда ездить, даже с тяжелыми миссиями", — поделился воспоминаниями Боцан-Харченко. К собравшимся также обратился президент Сербии Александр Вучич. "Сегодня Россия празднует День народного единства и отмечает 90-летний юбилей Евгения Примакова. Его известный демарш, разворот над Атлантикой, означал и разворот внешней политики России в сторону многополярности. Сила России тогда и сегодня несравнимы, за это боролся Евгений Примаков, его свершения останутся маяком для будущих поколений", — заявил Вучич, отметив, что "Примаков боролся за Россию, борясь за Сербию". По словам сербского лидера, знаменитый демарш 1999 года много значил для его страны. "Хотя тогда мы не были спасены, но сегодня видим, насколько его политика была дальновидной, серьезной и ответственной. Этот жест означал и полный разворот во внешней политике России", — сказал Вучич. Бывший премьер РФ Сергей Степашин рассказал о вкладе Примакова в спасение России от экономической катастрофы в 1999 году. "Я горд, что открытие памятника состоялось именно здесь, в центре Белграда. Его разворот над Атлантикой войдет в учебники. К сожалению, Россия тогда не так помогла Югославии, как могла бы, Примаков предлагал развернуть в Сербии С-300, но его никто не услышал", — рассказал Степашин. Как заметил российский политик, все, что зависело от Примакова в 1999 году, тот сделал. Экс-глава МИД Союзной Республики Югославия Живадин Йованович в разговоре с корреспондентом ТАСС назвал Евгения Примакова "самым почитаемым российским политиком" в Сербии. "Наша страна всегда будет благодарна ему за дружескую поддержку, за стойкость в борьбе, за защиту суверенитета и равноправия. Что останется в истории глобальных отношений — так это знаменитый разворот премьера Примакова над Атлантикой в ночь с 23 на 24 марта 1999 года и отказ от официального визита в Вашингтон с целью показать, насколько он лично и Российская Федерация считают опасным нападение на Югославию без одобрения СБ ООН", — заметил сербский дипломат. С приветственным словом к собравшимся обратилась также глава Россотрудничества Элеонора Митрофанова. Она напомнила об особой роли "Русского дома" в Белграде и напомнила, что бюст Примакова открылся не только в День народного единства, но и в праздник обретения иконы Казанской Богоматери. Жизненный путьЕвгений Примаков родился 29 октября 1929 года в Киеве, детство и юность провел в Тбилиси, в 1953 году окончил арабское отделение Московского института востоковедения по специальности "страновед по арабским странам", в 1956-м — аспирантуру экономического факультета МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова. Работал в журналистике и в научной сфере, в 1979 году стал академиком АН СССР, со второй половины 1980-х годов начал политическую карьеру, став одним из деятелей горбачевской перестройки. С декабря 1991 года по январь 1996 года Примаков занимал пост директора Службы внешней разведки России, в 1996–1998 годы — пост министра иностранных дел, с сентября 1998 года по май 1999 года возглавлял правительство страны. После этого Примаков был избран депутатом Госдумы, с декабря 2001 года по февраль 2011 года возглавлял Торгово-промышленную палату РФ, при этом продолжал выполнять и внешнеполитические поручения руководства страны. В Сербии особенно помнят и чтят знаменитый "разворот над Атлантикой", когда из-за начавшихся массированных бомбардировок Югославии силами НАТО в знак солидарности с югославским народом 24 марта 1999 года по указанию Евгения Примакова, занимавшего тогда пост премьера, был отменен его визит в США и совершен исторический разворот самолета, направляющегося в Вашингтон. Примаков умер 26 июня 2015 года в возрасте 85 лет. Free trade instead protectionism - From interview of the Zivadin Jovanovic to Xinhua
The Second China International Import Export reflects continuity of China’s strategy to further open up the market of the second largest world economy promoting cooperative, innovative and shared global economic growth. This positive approach and practice is obviously well understood and supported as 155 countries and thousands of companies from all over the world are attending the Shanghai business exhibitions. Presence and speeches of President Xi Jinping as the host, as well as of the prominent leaders of important partner-countries add political significance and multidimensional positive effects of the event. This is particularly important at the time when slowing down of the world economy calls for new joint efforts toward growth and stability, for desisting from the practice of protectionism, removal of all artificial barriers to trade and return to principles and international law abiding practices. In this regard president Xi’s call to uphold basic principles of the international trading regime and to resolve all disputes in a equitable dialogue for the benefit of all has particular importance. His call to continue to deepen multilateral and bilateral cooperation was reinforced by the reaffirmation of importance to continue joint building of the Belt and Road. Serbia which is represented at Expo by large and strong delegation headed by the Prime Minister Ana Brnabic plays very important role in this global multidimensional Initiative, particularly in the framework of China+17CEEE countries. Many strategic projects have already been implemented while the other, like high speed modern railway Belgrade-Budapest is under construction. Serbian public received with great satisfaction the news from Shanghai that President Xi Jinping may pay new state visit to Serbia next year. Congratulations to the writer,Peter Handke, the Nobel Prize
This year's Nobel Prize winner in literature is writer Peter Handke. Handke is known as a great friend of Serbia and Serbs. The Belgrade Forum for the World of Equal sent him sincere congratulations on such a great recognition. Dear Mr. Handke, Zivadin Jovanovic WPC statement about the aggression and invasion of Turkey in Syria
The World Peace Council denounces strongly the new, third invasion by the Turkish army to Syria.
This aggression in the Northeastern part of Syria comes as continuation of the previous aggressions in the Northwestern part of Syria and as part of the expansionist plans of the Turkish regime, with the pretext of Turkey’s security. It takes place with the full complicity of the USA and its allies who maintain also troops in the area since several years. This aggression and the silent tolerance from many sides creates also new threats and dangers for the peoples of the region, above all for the Syrian people which is suffering for 8 years from an unprecedented and well orchestrated imperialist aggression, whereas the USA, NATO, the EU, Turkey and their regional allies have harbored, financed, trained and instructed dozens of thousands of armed mercenaries for a violent regime change in Damascus. The Turkish invasion and occupation of sovereign territory of Syria will create only new displacement and increase the flow of refugees. The claim of Turkey to create a “safe zone” along its borders with Syria is hypocritical and cannot hide its intentions to create a huge area controlled by Turkey changing also the demographic character of the area. The real threat to peace and stability derives from the imperialist plans to control the energy resources, pipelines and spheres of influence with willing regimes in the Middle East. The WPC, while condemning vehemently the aggression, demands the withdrawal of the foreign occupation forces, supports the sovereign right of the Syrian people to decide alone and freely their future and destiny. We express our solidarity with the brave Syrian people and with the anti-imperialist forces in Turkey and call upon the members and friends of the WPC to take up actions and initiatives to condemn the ongoing aggression. Hands off Syria! The WPC Secretariat Athens 10th October 2019 MACRON IN SERBIA - By Zivadin Jovanovic
By Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum The recent two days state visit (July 15 and 16) of the French president Emanuel Macron, has marked new phase in Serbo-French relations. It was the first such a visit in 18 years, after 2001. visit of Jacques Chirac, French president at that time. The visit is important, first of all, for strengthening of bilateral cooperation, but also as impetus in the staled negotiation process on the status of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija which proclaimed unilateral secession from Serbia in 2008. It has, also, marked improvement of the international perception and position of Serbia. Macron is the head of state of the third UN SC permanent member country and nuclear power, visiting Serbia in the past three years. Russian president Vladimir Putin, visited Serbia in 2018. and Chinese president Xi Jinping made three days state visit to Serbia in 2016. With each of the three countries Serbia enjoys the status of strategic (comprehensive) partner which is not the case with any other country of the region. In addition, Serbia and Russia have custom free trade agreement since 2000. Serbia is important partner in China+17CEEC framework cooperation under BRI with about 7 billion USD Chinese present involvements in Serbia’s development. Serbia has already bought several French “Airbus” helicopters, „Mistral“missiles and some other defensive systems. New arrangements may also include joint production of parts for “Airbus Co.”, and regional maintenance services for French helicopters in Serbia. Taking into account significant traditional cooperation in the field of defense with Russia and some other countries, new agreements with France conform to Serbia’s military neutrality strategy. Common history, the struggle for freedom of Europe and friendly emotions were among the main features of Macron’s visit to Serbia. The two presidents – Aleksandar Vucic and Emanuel Macron have visited the Monument to fallen fighters of the First Word War and the Monument of the lady sergeant Milunka Savic, the most decorated lady fighter from the same war. Macron has surprised several thousands of people gathered around the Monument of gratitude to France, addressing them in Serbian language. He praised their courage, friendly sentiments toward France and vision of the future in an obvious effort to seek support from history in healing the wounds from French participation in the NATO 1999 aggression and France’s 2008.recognition of unilateral, illegal secession of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia under the guidance of Washington. Concerning solution of the future status of the Provence of Kosovo and Metohija, president Macron expressed the view that only Europe can resolve it and that factors outside Europe may not wish stability in the Balkans. Which countries exactly he had in mind speaking about “outside Europe” is not quite clear but it is obvious that Europe is far from being in the best shape to get rid of accumulated negative legacy of the past. Macron’s conviction that EU alone could bring about balanced, realistic and sustainable solution for the status of the Kosovo and Metohija seems to be overoptimistic. First, EU has not been neutral mediator so far neither convincing guarantor of the implementation of the reached agreements, so far. Second, the new constellation of political forces after the recent EU elections and structural reforms which will be priority for coming years will not upgrade EU mediation capacity. Just, the opposite. Third, EU, even if it were in the peak of its strength, could not secure balanced, just and sustainable solution because it is dominated by the countries which had been encouraging secession, which took part in the NATO war on the side of the terrorist KLA and which have recognized illegal 2008 secession violating UN SC resolution 1244. Finally, the fact is that ending the 1999 NATO war against Serbia (FRY) was not possible without important, if not decisive, role of Russia and of UN SC. Problem of the status of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija today which is direct consequence of that NATO war could hardly be resolved without direct participation of Russia, USA, China and EU. All in all, solution for just, balanced and sustainable status of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija should be sought under auspices of US SC on the basis of UN SC 1244 (1999) Resolution. The time will prove that this framework is the only suitable in the age of multi-polar world order. Macron in Belgrade
The recent two days state visit of the French president Emanuel Macron, has marked new stage in Serbo-French relations. It was the first such visit in 18 years, after 2001. Belgrade visit of Jacques Chirac, French president at that time. “L’eredità dell’aggressione Nato alla Serbia nel 1999 ci perseguita ancora”
Conversazione con Živadin Jovanović, già ministro degli Esteri della Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia (1998-2000), presidente di “Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals”. a cura di Maurizio Vezzosi LIMES Ricordando i bombardamenti della Nato nel 1999, qualche tempo fa il presidente della Serbia Aleksandar Vučić ha ribadito che il suo paese non aderirà all’Alleanza Atlantica. Che cosa ne pensa? JOVANOVIĆ In primo luogo, circa l’80% della popolazione serba è fermamente contrario all’entrata nella Nato. È difficile immaginare che un qualsiasi governo democratico possa ignorare questo fatto. In secondo luogo, la Serbia non ha mai fatto parte di alcuna alleanza militare e non ha mai tentato di appropriarsi di risorse o di territori di altri paesi. In terzo luogo, nel 1999 la Nato si è resa responsabile di un’aggressione illecita ai danni della Serbia e del Montenegro, della morte di migliaia di persone innocenti, dell’uso di munizioni ed esplosivi contenenti uranio impoverito e di altri mezzi di distruzione di massa: i danni causati dalla Nato in Serbia vengono stimati in circa 100 miliardi di dollari. Conseguentemente, aderire alla Nato per la Serbia equivarrebbe a umiliare le vittime e amnistiare coloro che si sono resi responsabili di crimini contro la pace e l’umanità. La Nato persegue una strategia di espansione verso est e sta intensificando lo scontro con la Russia: al contrario in Serbia si crede nel superamento di questa contrapposizione e nella necessità della cooperazione tra Mosca e l’Unione Europea. Per questo ritengo che l’apertura, la neutralità attiva, una politica estera bilanciata e la cooperazione win-win rappresentino la migliore opzione per la Serbia. WPC Secretariat Meeting Held in Belgrade
WPC Secretariat Meeting was held in Belgrade, Serbia, on 21st and 24th of March, 2019. The meeting coincided with the international conference, organised on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. Below are the speech of WPC President Socorro Gomes and report WPC General Secretary Thanassis Pafilis to the meeting. Tiphaine Dickson: Historiography of War Crimes Prosecutions
March 26, 2018 by Dr. Tiphaine Dickson, Instructor, Portland State University, Mark. O. Hatfield School of Government, U.S.A, lead defense counsel representing Georges Rutaganda at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, legal Spokeswoman for the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic, advisor to President Milosevic on matters of law, including self-representation, Joint Criminal Enterprise, and joinder.
“Presque toute l’histoire n’est donc qu’une longue suite d’atrocités inutiles”{1} “The History of the world is the world’s court of justice.”{2} “History is a pack of tricks we play on the dead.”{3} The Gavel of History To say that the influence of history on war crimes trials and international criminal law is significant would be an understatement. The discipline of history participates in the establishment of a narrative that international courts (and their political proponents) consider as being true; this truth in turn becomes, in the highly charged context of, for example, a genocide trial, the historical account that must be proven as a matter of law. The idea of (writing) history becomes one of the objectives of the court, and some judges, not content to note the historical nature of their functions adopt, in addition, the mantle of historians.{4} But contrary to those they emulate, they seek an account not subject to appeal. Historical events and historic legal precedents from the mid-twentieth century lend solemnity and purpose by analogy. After all, the judges who preceded them at Nuremberg, at least in France, have their words enshrined in legislation that prohibits contesting (“contester”) the existence of crimes against humanity as defined by the Nuremberg Charter committed by organizations deemed criminal or by individuals found guilty by French or international tribunals.{5} Members of the French Commission on Constitutional Law, have argued that this provision of criminal law can be extended to questioning (or “contesting”) the existence of crimes against humanity as held by judges of the ad hoc International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.{6} It should not come as a surprise that a number of reputable historians{7} have publicly objected to this law, and asked for its repeal, among them the tireless opponent of Holocaust denial and son of two parents killed in Auschwitz, Pierre Vidal-Naquet. “History is not a legal object,” Vidal-Naquet wrote in an op-ed published in Libération. “In a free state, it is not the province of Parliament or the courts to define historical truth. State policy, even when animated with the best intentions, is not the policy of history.”{8} And so a historian protests the enactment of a criminal law that protects the history written by judges in international criminal cases—at times with the help of expert historians—from the scrutiny of historians. This essay examines how we got there. FINAL DECLARATION - Sixth International Seminar for Peace and for the abolition of foreign military base
Statements FINAL DECLARATION Sixth International Seminar for Peace and for the abolition of foreign military bases "A world of peace is possible" The Sixth International Seminar of Peace and for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases was held in Guantanamo, Cuba, on May 4 to 6, 2019 with the presence of 90 foreign participants from 35 countries, among whom were present leaders of the World Peace Council (WPC) and its member organizations, as well as personalities, fighters for peace, anti-war and solidarity friends of Cuba from Antigua and Barbuda, Brazil, Botswana, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Congo, Dominica, Egypt, United States, Spain, Philippines, France, Greece, Guyana, Honduras, Iran, Italy, England, Comores Islands, Jamaica, Japan, Nicaragua, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Palestine, Paraguay, Peru, Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, Dominican Republic, Russia, Syria, Tanzania, Venezuela and Zambia. Towards a Culture of World Peace - By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
The following text was presented at the closing session of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilisations, Beijing, May 15-16, 2019 Military intervention not to mention "economic warfare" (including sanctions) are routinely upheld as part of a humanitarian campaign. War has been granted a humanitarian mandate under NATO's "Responsibility to Protect" (R2P). Culture which is the theme of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilisations (Beijing, May 15-16, 2019) is of utmost importance in resolving conflicts within and between nations. Culture defines perceptions and understanding as well as dialogue and diplomacy. In this regard, "Towards a Culture of World Peace" constitutes a commitment to Human Livelihood. It is an initiative which consists in confronting the discourse in support of war and military intervention emanating from NATO and the Pentagon. It requires reviving a Worldwide anti-war movement, nationally and internationally as well as establishing a resolve by the governments of sovereign nation states to reject this Worldwide process of militarization. "The culture of peace" which was addressed by President Xi Jinping in his opening address of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, constitutes an important instrument which has a bearing on broad geopolitical, economic and strategic relations. The procedure consists in ultimately confronting and dismantling "the culture of war" which has a pervasive impact on the human mindset.
So-called "Humanitarian Warfare" Realities are turned upside down. "War is Peace" said George Orwell. The Western media in chorus upholds war as a humanitarian endeavor. "Wars make us safer and richer" says the Washington Post. When war becomes peace, the world is turned upside down. Conceptualization is no longer possible. The consensus is to wage war. The building of this diabolical consensus consists in the militarization of the "cultural industries". The latter are supported by the US Department of Defense which allocates a large share of its budget to upholding the "culture of war". [T]he ideology of militarism pervades society, glorifying the US state's use of violence not diplomacy to achieve security in a world divided between a righteous American "us" and an evil and threatening "them," representing war as the first and most appropriate solution to every problem that vexes America, and reducing patriotism to unquestioning support for each and every incursion. (Tanner Mirrlees, The DoD's Cultural Policy: Militarizing the Cultural Industries, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, October 2017) In turn Hollywood in liaison with the Pentagon has endorsed the culture of war and violence: "[The] Hollywood–Pentagon connection represents a key dimension of the military–entertainment–industrial complex, where a film is simultaneously being used as a tool for recruitment, military public relations, and commercial profit. According to Tom Secker and Matthew Alford, "A similar influence is exerted over military-supported TV" Meanwhile, the balance sheet of death and destruction in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria is casually ignored. Civilians in war torn countries are "responsible for their own deaths". This narrative pervades the Western media: 233,000 estimated deaths in Yemen since 2015, according to a recent United Nations report. 140,000 children killed. The media is silent: who are the war criminals? Global Warfare In September 2000, a few months before the accession of George W. Bush to the White House, the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) published its blueprint for global domination under the title: "Rebuilding America's Defenses". This document which has a direct bearing on US foreign policy refers to America's "Long War" • defend the American homeland; "There are at least 10 separate pots of money dedicated to fighting wars, preparing for yet more wars, and dealing with the consequences of wars already fought" (See, William D. Hartung, Mandy Smithberger, Boondoggle, Inc.: Making Sense of the $1.25 Trillion National Security State Budget May 10, 2019). Compare the figures: The total individual tax revenues for 2020 are of the order of $1.82 billion. Total defense, national security, intelligence, "to make the World safer", etc is of the order of $1.25 trillion (68.7% of the individual income taxes paid by Americans). .While the weapons industry is booming, the civilian economy is in crisis, civilian infrastructure and social services including medicare are collapsing. Eventually what is required are policy mechanisms for the phasing out of the war economy and the national security apparatus, while channeling resources into rebuilding the civilian economy. No easy task. What is significant is that this culture of colonial violence inherited from the British empire has a bearing on the nature of contemporary US foreign policy, which in large part is predicated on militarization at a global level. The US has currently more than 800 military bases in 80 foreign countries. Many Asian countries which were the victims of US-led war, not only have military cooperation agreement with the US, they also host US military bases on their territory. In South and Southeast Asia, European colonialism was marked by conquest coupled with the displacement of the pre-existing silk road trade relations. Historically, China's trading relations under the land and maritime silk roads were marked by dialogue and the extensive exchange of culture. China's trade relations during the Antiquity and Middle Age extended into South and South East Asia, the Middle East, Central Asia, East Africa and Western Europe. Starting during the Han Dynasty (207 BC- 220 AD), the land and maritime silk road played a key role not only in economic exchange between civilizations but also in the spread of social and cultural values. In contrast to European colonialism, these relations largely respected the sovereignty, independence and identity of the countries with which China was trading with. The silk road trade did not seek to impose or develop a dependent colonial relationship. The language of diplomacy was marked by the benefits of bilateral exchange. Asian Culture and China's Belt and Road The mindset in Asian societies, which historically have been the victims of colonialism and US led wars is in marked contrast to the dominant "culture of war". The legacy of history prevails. While the "culture of war" characterizes America's hegemonic ambitions modelled on the legacy of the British empire, China's contemporary Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)which consists in developing trade relations with a large number of partner Nations states, is largely committed to a "Culture of Peace". Most Asian countries have been the victims of Western colonialism starting in the 15th Century, the impacts of which have led to the destruction of the pre-existing maritime and land trade routes as well as the demise of cultural exchange. And numerous countries in Asia and the Middle East extending from the Mediterranean to the Korean Peninsula have been the victims of US led-wars in the course of what is euphemistically called "the post war era". Today most of these countries are partners of the Belt and Road Initiative launched by President Xi Jinping in 2013. As we speak, the US is threatening Iran. Washington has announced the deployment of 120,000 US troops to be dispatched to Persian Gulf . Secretary of State of Mike Pompeo (who has little understanding of history and geography) has justified the deployment of 120,000 US troops against Iran, while casually referring referring to the "clash of civilizations". US led wars are intent upon destroying civilizations as well as dialogue between sovereign nation states. As we conclude this closing session of the Conference on the Dialogue of Asians Civilizations in Beijing, let us endorse "the Culture of Peace" as a means to ultimately abolishing all wars. Source: Global Research, 2019. PRIZE „PEČAT VREMENA“ AWARDED TO „1244 - THE KEY TO PEACE IN EUROPE“
A prestigious annual reward “Pečat vremena” (“The Seal of Times”) has been awarded to Mr. Živadin Jovanović, President of the Belgrade Forum, for book “1244 – The Key to Peace in Europe”, jointly published in 2018 by the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals and the Serbian Literary Association. This prize is shared by Mr. Jovanović and Academician Vlado Strugar, co-laureat for book “Yugoslav December 1, 1918”. The awards were given to the laureates at the ceremony convened on the St. Vasilij of Ostrog Day, on May 12, 2019, in the reception hall of the Yugoslav Cinematheque in Belgrade. On behalf of the jury, the awards were elaborated by Prof. Radovan Radinović, General retired (for science and social theory) and Prof. Dr Jovan Popov (for literature). DER PREIS “ ZEITSTEMPEL“ FÜR DAS BUCH „ 1244 – DER SCHLÜSSEL FÜR DEN FRIEDEN IN EUROPA“
Der respektable Jahrespreis „ Zeitstempel“ ist dem Präsidenten des Belgrader Forums Zivadin Jovanovic für das Buch „1244 – der Schlüssel für den Frieden in Europa“ zuerkannt worden, das in Zusammenarbeit des Belgrader Forums für die Welt der Gleichberechtigten mit der Serbischen Literaturgenossenschaft im Jahren 2018 herausgegeben worden ist, Jovanovic teilt diesen Preis mit dem Akademiker Vlado Strugar, der für das Buch „ Der jugoslawische 1. Dezember im Jahre 1918“ mit demselben Preis ausgezeichnet worden ist. Den Literaturpreis hat Gojko Djogo für die Poesiesammlung „ Das Knäuel“ erhalten. Der Preis „Zeitstempel“ wird jedes Jahr für das beste Werk auf dem Gebiet der Wissenschaft und Gesellschaftstheorie sowie für das beste Literaturwerk, das im Vorjahr zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht wurde, überreicht. Die Preise sind den Preisgekrönten bei der Feier überreicht worden, die zum Tag des Heilligen Vasilije Ostroski am 12. Mai 2019 im Festsaal der Jugoslawischen Kinemathek in Belgrad stattgefunden hat. Bei der Feier waren zahlreiche Wissenschaftler, Kulturschafende, Politiker und Diplomaten zugegen, darunter auch die Akademiker der Serbischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste: Vasilije Krestic, Matija Beckovic, Ljubisa Rakic, Caslav Ocic, Dragan Stanic Negrisorac, Präsident der Matica srpska (die älteste serbische Kultur- und Kunsteinrichtung) , Wladika von Backa Irinej (der hohe orthodoxe kirchliche Würdenträger) , Nenad Popovic, Minister für Innovationen und technologische Entwicklung in der Regierung Serbiens , Aleksandar Gajovic, Staatssekretär im Ministerium für Kultur und Informationen , Aleksandar Cepurin, Botschafter der Russischen Föderation in Serbien , Milovan Vitezovic, Präsident des Schriftstellerverbandes Serbiens, Zoran Avramovic, Direktor der Anstalt zur Bildungsförderung sowie frühere Preisgewinner zugegen. Im Namen der Jury wurden die Preise vom Prof. Radovan Radinovic, pensionierten General (für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaftstheorie) und Prof. Dr. Jovan Popov (für Literatur) begründet. NATO’S SHAMFUL LEGACY
Inerview with Zivadin Jovanovic, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of FR of Yugoslavia (1998-2000), President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, President of Silk Road Connectivity Research Center, Serbia Maurizio Vezzosi Q. Remembering the 1999's bombing over Belgrad, some days ago Serbian president Vucic stressed that Serbia isn't going to join NATO. How do you comment it? Q. How do you describe the legacy of Atlantic Alliance's bombing over former-Yugoslavia? Q. What is the perspective for Kosovo and Metohija's problem? Q. With a new name – north – Macedonia is joining the Atlantic Alliance. Which effects this fact is going to produce over the Balkan area? Q. How doctrines and groups close to radical Islam influence the region's equilibrium? Q. As Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina shows itself as one of the most problematic point of whole Balkan area. What's about the perspectives that regard it? Does the possibility of a new conflict exist? Q. How Russia and China actually influence the Balkans? Q. What's the role that Italy might play in the region? Klaus Hartmann: NATO created a “New Eastern Front”
20 years of destruction of the rule-based coexistence (Contribution to the International Conference: “Peace and Progress instead of Wars and Poverty”, Belgrade, 22-23 March 2019) At every possible occasion, the European Union declares that it is the guarantor of peace in Europe, that it has guaranteed many decades of peace on the continent. Either the EU has a miserable knowledge of geography, because Yugoslavia is undoubtedly in Europe; or the union suffers from advanced dementia. Probably both answers are wrong; they only want to make people forget the scandal, the fall from grace. The large majority of the NATO member countries that participated in the aggression were members of the European Union. Hildegard Hilly Kessler died
Dear friends, It was with deepest sorrow and grief that we learnt of the passing of Hildegard Hilly Kessler, a prominent German intellectual and a great friend of Serbia and the Serbian people. We will always cherish her persistent, noble and humane efforts that Professor Kessler, our own Hilly, invested as her selfless and precious aid to Serbia and the Serbian nation during this most challenging period of the contemporary Serbian history. We treasure her support and assistance to the Serbian people during NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Both by humanitarian and public political undertakings, she courageously stood up in defense of truth and freedom, and denounced this aggression as a crime against peace and humanity. We will keep remembering Hilly as a brave and intrepid soldier of peace, one who has always known true values of morality, equality, and freedom. Her selfless contribution has always proved to be generous and well-timed. Hilly will forever remain a paragon of altruism, nobility and humanity. The Belgrade Forum has lost a true friend and associate, and will always hold dear the memory of her huge compassionate heart. Živadin Jovanović Florence Declaration
Il rischio di una grande guerra che, con l’uso delle armi nucleari potrebbe segnare la fine dell’Umanità, è reale e sta aumentando, anche se non è percepito dall’opinione pubblica tenuta all’oscuro dell’incombente pericolo. È di vitale importanza il massimo impegno per uscire dal sistema di guerra. Ciò pone la questione dell’appartenenza dell’Italia e di altri paesi europei alla NATO. La NATO non è una Alleanza. È una organizzazione sotto comando del Pentagono, il cui scopo è il controllo militare dell’Europa Occidentale e Orientale. Le basi USA nei paesi membri della NATO servono a occupare tali paesi, mantenendovi una presenza militare permanente che permette a Washington di influenzare e controllare la loro politica e impedire reali scelte democratiche. La NATO è una macchina da guerra che opera per gli interessi degli Stati Uniti, con la complicità dei maggiori gruppi europei di potere, macchiandosi di crimini contro l’umanità. La guerra di aggressione condotta dalla NATO nel 1999 contro la Jugoslavia ha aperto la via alla globalizzazione degli interventi militari, con le guerre contro l’Afghanistan, la Libia, la Siria e altri paesi, in completa violazione del diritto internazionale. Tali guerre vengono finanziate dai paesi membri, i cui bilanci militari sono in continua crescita a scapito delle spese sociali, per sostenere colossali programmi miiitari come quello nucleare statunitense da 1.200 miliardi di dollari. Gli USA, violando il Trattato di non-proliferazione, schierano armi nucleari in 5 Stati non-nucleari della NATO, con la falsa motivazione della «minaccia russa». Mettono in tal modo in gioco la sicurezza dell’Europa. Per uscire dal sistema di guerra che ci danneggia sempre più e ci espone al pericolo imminente di una grande guerra, si deve uscire dalla NATO, affermando il diritto di essere Stati sovrani e neutrali. È possibile in tal modo contribuire allo smantellamento della NATO e di ogni altra alleanza militare, alla riconfigurazione degii assetti dell’intera regione europea, alla formazione di un mondo multipolare in cui si realizzino le aspirazioni dei popoli alla libertà e alla giustizia sociale. Proponiamo la creazione di un fronte internazionale NATO EXIT in tutti i paesi europei della NATO, costruendo una rete organizzativa a livello di base capace di sostenere la durissima lotta per conseguire tale obiettivo vitale per il nostro futuro. COMITATO NO GUERRA NO NATO / GLOBAL RESEARCH Firenze, 7 Aprile 2019 Belgrade award of courage to Peter Handke
The famous Austrian writer Peter Handke was awarded the Charter of courage at the Bbelgrade forum International conference, held March 23th 2019. This unique recognition was presented to Peter Handke by Zivadin Jovanovic, the president of Belgrade forum for world of equals in the presence Serbian officials, church dignitaries and about 200 guests from 40 countries of the world, who participated in commemorative Program on occasion of the 20th anniversary of NATO aggression on Yugoslavia (1999).
On the occasion of 20th anniversary of the aggression of NATO Alliance against Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the FRY), on 22nd and 23rd March 2019 Belgrade was the venue of the International Conference under slogan NEVER TO FORGET, and title “Peace and Progress instead of Wars and Poverty”. The organisers of the Conference are the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals, the Federation of Associations of Veterans of the National Liberation War of Serbia, the Serbian Generals and Admirals Club, the Society of the Serbian Hosts, in cooperation with the World Peace Council. Besides the participants from Serbia, the Conference was attended by more than 200 distinguished guests from some 35 countries from all over the world, whom the organisers welcomed and expressed sincerest gratitude for their solidarity, support and huge humanitarian relief during one of the most challenging periods in the recent history of Serbia and the Serbian nation. The program of activities marking this anniversary was dedicated to preserving the lasting memory and paying tribute to the military and the police personnel who made the ultimate sacrifice in the defence of their country against the aggression, as well as to the civilian victims including the very young, the very old, and the ailing victims killed during this 78-day aggression by NATO. The Balkan is today more unstable. Europe is even more divided. Europe’s backtracking to itself requires some soul-searching, courage and the vision, including confession that the attack against Serbia (the FRY) in 1999 was a colossal historical error. NATO aggression against Serbia (the FRY) was a direct and simultaneous attack on the peace and security system in Europe and in the world, which has been constructed on the outcome of the Second World War. As conclusively demonstrated by the subsequent interventions of the USA and its allies (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Syria, etc.), this aggression has served as case-precedent and template to globalize the interventionism, a manual on how to utilize terrorism and separatism to carry out the Western powers’ plans of conquest, in order to forcibly topple ‘unsuitable’ regimes and impose geopolitical interests of the West, notably, of the USA. Participants of the Conference held that the world was going through period of growing distrust, tensions, and threats of new interventions and conflicts. The root causes are the aggressiveness of NATO and of alienated power centres, whose interests benefit from violations of fundamental principles of the international law, escalation of threats, renewed arms race, and militarization of international relations. It was held that the imperialism system with its insatiable greed for someone else’s wealth, and unipolar order based on the strategy of exceptionality, dominance and NATO interventionism, are the key sources of instability, distrust, and conflicts. Peace, stability, democracy, inclusive progress, require radical changes in global relations, observance of sovereign equality, non-interference, multiculturalism, common interests, and exclusion of any egotism, protectionism, and privileges. Participants of the Conference committed to peaceful political solution of all international problems, under observance of principles of international law, the UN Charter, and the decisions of the UN Security Council.
Interview of Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum for a Wo0rld of Equals to Fulvio Grimaldi journalist, publicist and film maker of Italy
R. I am convinced that the best option for Serbia would be to maintain balanced relations with East and West, to stay open and neutral. To achieve this it is necessary to continue good neighborly relations and cooperation with EU and NATO and at the same time expand strategic cooperation with Russia, China and other countries of growing power. Having regard that Serbia never belonged to any military alliances such policy would respect both, Serbia’s historic experiences as well as the current profound changes in global relations. R. I do not know of any coherent program or vision of the present Serbia’s opposition. Some of the opposition leaders had been the leaders of Otpor so similarities with the past are not surprising. Habits are like another nature. Other leaders are debris of the former DOS. So they are again talking about the new “agreement with the people”. But they are short of explaining what happened with such “agreement” they offered to the people in September 2000?! What are the goals they pursue breaking the other day central TV RTS just at the time when the nation mourns victims of the criminal NATO aggression 20 years ago, when Serbia is exposed to new round of pressures to legally recognize the theft of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija in exchange for the promise of EU membership sometime after 2030! R. Our future is uncertain with many risks including the danger of global conflict. “Holy trinity” of liberal corporative capitalism, uni-polar strategy of domination and NATO as their military feast is the main source of threats to peace and stability. As of NATO 1999 aggression on Yugoslavia military reasoning in decision making process has taken over all spheres of political, economic and social life. In EU, for instance, complete civilian infrastructures like railways, highways, bridges, airports has in the future to meet military standards. Member countries are also to enlist corporations “of interest to the national security” which may not be sold on the free market. Adding to this the complete disregard to the international treaties, new arms race, including nuclear, mushrooming of foreign military bases, particularly in the “new Europe” region, we get more than enough reasons to wary and ask ourselves where we are heading to? New world order based on multi-polarity opens the space for democratization of international relations, partnership and win win cooperation. Forces of peace should educate themselves, strengthen and unite in order to be able to stop globalization of wars, exploitation and poverty. Independent mass media and new ones should support these goals and efforts. R. Kosovo and Metohija issue can be resolved only respecting the basic principles of the international law. UN Security Council’s resolution 1244 (1999) provides guaranties for sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, being the legal successor of Yugoslavia, and essential autonomy for the Province of Kosovo and Metohija within Serbia. Pressuring and even blackmailing Serbia by the West to legitimize theft of the state territory would lead to amassing the conflict potential with unpredictable consequences. This problem cannot be resolved if approached only from geopolitical interest of the leading western countries, in the framework of the strategy of “expansion to the East”. For the balanced equitable and sustainable solution the negotiating process must include also Russia and China, i.e. all UN SC permanent members. Let us not forget that there are many “Kosovos” in awaiting line on the Euro-Asian continent. Have we forgotten how1938 Munich agreement about Sudeten had saved peace? Stop NATO wars and interventions!
On March 24th, 1999 the illegal war on Yugoslavia began Twenty years after the start of the illegal war on Yugoslavia, the international network „No to war - no to NATO" remembers this deliberate attack on a sovereign state. A Pandora´s box was opened, from which several illegal wars were to follow: on Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Syria, with a bloody trail of destruction, forced removal, sorrow, and death. The war on Yugoslavia was the blueprint for the fueling of ethnic and nationalist conflicts, and the militarization of societies up to the point of war. Those who are fleeing from war zones are still continually threatened by military actions, whether the perpetrator be EU/Frontex and/or NATO. The supposed legitimation for these wars was a web of lies, employed to gain dominance, influence, resources, and hegemony. During this time, NATO has developed global reach and became THE international military alliance. This has been emphasized by the jointly taken decision of its members to achieve defence spending of at least 2% of GDP by 2024. This boost will reduce the influence of China and Russia and secure resources for capitalist hegemony. Contradictions between NATO states cannot conceal this common objective and the permanent territorial expansion of NATO serves these purposes. Preparations for war, most recently against Venezuela, underline its aggressive attitude. Abandoning nuclear weapons has never been seriously considered as an option. Through the comprehensive modernization and intended deployment of new nuclear weapons by the US, following the dissolution of the INF treaty, the nuclear arms race will be fuelled to a level not seen in decades. Furthermore, NATO´s first strike strategy is a threat to the planet as a whole. Since its foundation in 2009, the international network „No to war – no to NATO" has successfully managed, through various actions, to reduce support for NATO among the population in key states, and even to delegitimize NATO. Our objective remains the same - twenty years after the illegal attack on Yugoslavia, and 70 years after NATO's founding: to overcome the dinosaur named NATO and to replace it with an international organization for collective security and disarmament. March, 10th, 2019 Intervista di Enrico Vigna a ZIVADIN JOVANOVIC. A vent’anni dai bombardamenti della Repubblica Federale Jugoslava
Zivadin Jovanovic, laureato in giurisprudenza a Belgrado. E’ stato ambasciatore e diplomatico dal 1964 in vari paesi. Membro del Parlamento della Serbia, vice presidente del Partito Socialista Serbo dal 1996 al 2002. Dal 1998 al 2000 è stato Ministro degli Affari esteri della RFJ.
Экс-глава МИД Югославии назвал агрессию НАТО 1999 года переломной для отношений в мире
Живадин Йованович заявил, что агрессия альянса против его страны была "войной глобальных целей"
"Агрессия блока НАТО 1999 года против Союзной Республики Югославия не была "маленькой войной", это была война глобальных целей. Эта агрессия и сегодня, спустя 20 лет, ничем не может быть оправдана, также не может быть уменьшена ответственность стран-агрессоров и их правительств. Это была точка перелома в глобальных отношениях - от уважения основных принципов международных отношений и Декларации ООН к глобализации и интервенционализму. Ситуация продолжилась развитием интервенционализма в Афганистане, Ираке, Ливии, Сирии и во многих других точках планеты", - заявил Йованович. "Это была война Европы против самой себя. Бомбы падали и разоряли Сербию, но они также уничтожали договоры в Потсдаме, Тегеране, Ялте. Эти бомбы были сброшены и на итоговый документ в Хельсинки 1975 года, и на всю систему ООН. Это была попытка уничтожить международную глобальную систему, созданную по итогам Второй мировой войны", - подчеркнул экс-министр. NOT TO FORGET - 20 years since NATO aggression on Yugoslavia
The Interview of Zivadin Jovanovic, to Enrico Vigna, Italy
Twenty years Ago: NATO Aggression Against Serbia
An international conference on “GLOBAL PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT VS. WARS AND DOMINATION” will take place in the Serbian capital Belgrade from 22 to 24 March 2019. It is a commemoration “against forgetting the NATO aggression 1999”. Organizers are the “Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals”, the “Serbian Club of Generals and Admirals” and the “Serbian Guest Society” in cooperation with the “World Peace Council” (WPC). Two years after the war of aggression of the US-led NATO countries – including Germany – which was contrary to international law, I got to know the freedom-loving, courageous and cheerful Serbs with their touching folk songs and their beautiful country – and soon took them to my heart. Although German military attacked the Serbian people three times in the last century – in 1999 they tried to bomb Serbia back to the Middle Ages! – Germans are welcomed in Serbia like friends. The congress will therefore send out a message of peace that will unite peoples. The Making of Juan Guaidó: How the US Regime Change Laboratory Created Venezuela's Coup Leader
Juan Guaidó is the product of a decade-long project overseen by Washington's elite regime change trainers. While posing as a champion of democracy, he has spent years at the forefront of a violent campaign of destabilization. by Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal, January 29, 2019 Before the fateful day of January 22, fewer than one in fiveVenezuelans had heard of Juan Guaidó. Only a few months ago, the 35-year-old was an obscure character in a politically marginal far-right group closely associated with gruesome acts of street violence. Even in his own party, Guaidó had been a mid-level figure in the opposition-dominated National Assembly, which is now held under contempt according to Venezuela's constitution. But after a single phone call from from US Vice President Mike Pence, Guaidó proclaimed himself president of Venezuela. Anointed as the leader of his country by Washington, a previously unknown political bottom-dweller was vaulted onto the international stage as the US-selected leader of the nation with the world's largest oil reserves. Echoing the Washington consensus, the New York Times editorial board hailed Guaidó as a "credible rival" to Maduro with a "refreshing style and vision of taking the country forward." The Bloomberg News editorial board applauded him for seeking "restoration of democracy" and the Wall Street Journal declaredhim "a new democratic leader." Meanwhile, Canada, numerous European nations, Israel, and the bloc of right-wing Latin American governments known as the Lima Group recognized Guaidó as the legitimate leader of Venezuela. Willy Wimmer Bautzen Peace Prize laureate
Dear Mr. Wimmer, My sincere congratulation for the Bautzen Peace Prize. Your consistent advocacy for the respect of International Law, the highest civilization values and partnership as opposed to arbitrariness, day to day calculations and confrontation shows the way out of nowadays's political confusion and confrontation in Europe and the world. Your friends in Serbia are proud and happy to have shared your visionary and courageous views of the future based on principles and mutual respect. Your friends in Serbia have the highest esteem for your understanding of the history and realities in this part of Europe as well as for your great efforts to remove all prejudices and obstacles on the way to the mutual understanding, respect and better relations between Serbia and Germany. Sincerely, Statement of condemnation of the attempt to overthrow of the Venezuelan government
Thursday, January 24, 2019
WPC Secretariat Athens 24th January 2019 Rewiev of book "1244 Key to peace in Europe" published in new edition "Current Concerns - Zeit Fragen"
1244 - A KEY TO PEACE IN EUROPE 6- Defending Serbia’s Right to the Province of Kosovo and Metohija The oldest Serbian Publishing House - Serbian Literary Cooperative – has recently promoted the book “1244 – A Key to Peace in Europe”, authored by Živadin Jovanović, a former foreign minister of Yugoslavia (1998–2000). Other promotions which followed in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Subotica, and other places in Serbia, have aroused attention and interest for the book among scholars of international relations, security, analysts of contemporary geostrategic tendencies, of the roll of international public law, and of stability and cooperation in the Balkans, and Europe. Yes to peace - No to NATO
WPC ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ANTI-NATO ACTIONS AROUND THE 70th ANNIVERSARY OF NATO NATO, the biggest war machinery in human history is “celebrating” its 70th anniversary with a summit in Washington D.C., on 4th April 2019. The WPC opposed NATO from its founding days as the armed wing of imperialism. The history of NATO which is full of crimes,wars and aggressions proves us right. Since 2010, the WPC has been carrying out its campaign, “YES to Peace-NO to NATO,” with mass events around the world. We demand the dissolution of NATO and support the struggle of the peoples in each member State for the disengagement from it. We oppose the war drive policies and aggressions carried out by NATO in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen etc. and denounce the governments of the USA and all NATO states who have acted together and unanimously against the peoples of the world. Furthermore, we denounce the political and military actions of NATO hand in hand with the European Union, which is creating its EU army, while it is intervening alone or together with NATO in many missions abroad. The World Peace Council calls upon all members and friends to organize around the date of 4th April 2019 protests, rallies and other events in as many as possible countries, underlining the opposition to the aggressive mechanism NATO which is the enemy of peace and of the peoples.
The World Peace Council will hold an Anti-NATO Conference on 31st March 2019 from 3:00 to 7:00 PM at the St. Stephen Episcopal Church Newton St., NW, Washington DC. 200010. We call upon all WPC members and friends to support and attend this conference organized together with the USPC and UNAC. For further details we kindly ask you to communicate with the WPC ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) and with the USPC ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ). In case participants who intend to attend the events need US Visa, personalized invitations can be sent by the USPC. Technical support for matters of accommodation can be requested likewise. Down with Imperialism! Yes to Peace–No to NATO! WPC Secretariat Yellow Vests Rise Against Neo-Liberal ‘King’ Macron
By Diana Johnstone
Every automobile in France is supposed to be equipped with a yellow vest. This is so that in case of accident or breakdown on a highway, the driver can put it on to ensure visibility and avoid getting run over. So the idea of wearing your yellow vest to demonstrate against unpopular government measures caught on quickly. The costume was at hand and didn’t have to be provided by Soros for some more or less manufactured “color revolution”. The symbolism was fitting: in case of socio-economic emergency, show that you don’t want to be run over. As everybody knows, what set off the protest movement was yet another rise in gasoline taxes. But it was immediately clear that much more was involved. The gasoline tax was the last straw in a long series of measures favoring the rich at the expense of the majority of the population. That is why the movement achieved almost instant popularity and support. The Voices of the People
The Yellow Vests held their first demonstrations on Saturday, November 17, on the Champs-Elysées in Paris. It was totally unlike the usual trade union demonstrations, well organized to march down the boulevard between the Place de la République and the Place de la Bastille, or the other way around, carrying banners and listening to speeches from leaders at the end. The Gilets Jaunes just came, with no organization, no leaders to tell them where to go or to harangue the crowd. They were just there, in the yellow vests, angry and ready to explain their anger to any sympathetic listener. Press Communiqué of the First International Conference Against US/NATO Foreign Military Bases
The first International Conference against US/NATO Military Bases was held on November 16-18, at the Liberty Hall in Dublin, Ireland. The conference was attended by close to 300 participants from over thirty-five countries from around the world. Speakers representing countries from all continents, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, D.R. Congo, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States, made presentations at the conference. This conference was the first organized effort by the newly formed Global Campaign against US/NATO Military Bases, created by over 35 peace, justice and environmental organizations and endorsed by over 700 other organizations and activists from around the world. What brought all of us together in this international conference was our agreement with the principles outlined in the Global Campaign’s Unity Statement, which was endorsed by the Conference participants. The participants at the conference heard from and shared with representatives of organizations and movements struggling for the abolition of foreign military bases from around the world about the aggression…, interventions, death, destruction, and the health and environmental damages that … military bases have been causing for the whole of humanity along with the threats and violation to the sovereignty of the “host” countries. NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
It is worth remembering when discussing NATO in 2018 that it was formed before the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War and was from the start dominated by the US government and its foreign policies. Since the time when it was formed in 1949 NATO has been an extension of US military power and, in turn, US economic power. In 1968, Bertrand Russell was saying, ‘There is a danger that those who watch with horror the barbarism of the United States in Vietnam, and the nauseous opportunism of Wilson and George Brown, may feel that this something nevertheless remote from their lives. That is not so. We in Western Europe are the allies and hosts of that same America. As long as we are tied by treaty, we are active accomplices of war criminals. It is a sad reflection on the brutality of our times that it is necessary to argue the case for an absolute dissociation from aggression, indiscriminate slaughter and experimental warfare. Only 20 years ago we hanged men at Nuremberg for such crimes. Today our government applauds them.’ Russell went on to say, ‘It is clear that it is not the UN but NATO which determines and dominates the foreign policy of Britain and of all the junior members of the American alliance.’ At the time, in 1969, there would have been an opportunity under Article 13 of the treaty to opt out. Russell knew that was unlikely under the Wilson government but, as he said, Britain would have lost ‘the opportunity to have an independent foreign policy for a further decade or two’. How right he was and not just two decades, but four – and counting. Nowhere is that more evident than in the case of nuclear weapons. From its beginning NATO has held a policy of using nuclear weapons. It stated as recently as the 1999 review that nuclear weapons ‘bring peace’. Furthermore NATO, incredibly, holds a policy of using nuclear weapons first. So, the UK government kowtows to these policies and also still holds a policy, little known among the general population, of first use of nuclear weapons. The NATO leaders apparently believed, and still do, in the myth of ‘nuclear deterrence’. However, it can be clearly seen over the years that nuclear weapons have never deterred conflict or violence. Indeed, at the present time the main threats to security in the UK analysed by the government are cyber security and terrorists. When asked in Parliament about first use, in 1995, Geoff Hoon, the then Minister for Defence, replied, ‘We hold a policy of first use because of our obligations to NATO’. So, this subservience to NATO continues. And NATO continues to support nuclear weapons. Dr Rudolf Hansel "Celebrating victory in the Great war"
On November 11, 100 years ago, the First World War ended. At glamorous commemorative events, Western leaders will shed thick crocodile tears over the "twentieth-century catastrophe." "The eyewitness accounts of the war crimes in Serbia caused horror in the civilized world." Commonly, the First World War is referred to as the "twentieth-century catastrophe" because one would not understand European history without a thorough examination of this great war. He determined the course of the 20th century - until today. One example is the wars in ex-Yugoslavia. The "catastrophic event" began when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on 28 July 1914 after the shots of Sarajevo and a totally unacceptable ultimatum. This was led by the great and mighty nation with extreme severity and cruelty. On the occasion of the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, the "Serbian Literature Cooperative" together with the "Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals" published the excellently researched historical work "Serbia in the Great War 1914-1918". It also appeared in English, Russian and German. The authors are two renowned Serbian historians and members of the board of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU), Mira Radojevic and Ljubodrag Dimic. In the introduction to the book, they cite their motive: "The authors of this book had the modest intent, born of the desire to reaffirm the scientific results of Serbian historiography, to embed them in the stimulating scientific perception of historians of other cultures, and thus attract attention to direct the shameful effects of a politically motivated revision of history. "This war was waged by Austria-Hungary not only against Serbia as a state, but also against the entire Serbian people. This emerges both from the statements of the German emperor allied with Austria and from the orders of the army command, which she granted to the Austro-Hungarian soldiers during the invasion of Serbia. Everyone knows the well-known "guiding idea" of Kaiser Wilhelm II before the beginning of the war: "now or never.", Followed by the words: "The Serbs need to be tidied up soon. Everything is self-explanatory, and these are truisms. " The Austrian cultural critic Karl Kraus has the prevailing Serbian mood in Austria in the World War One tragedy" The last days of humanity "with the winged exclamation" Serbia must die! - whether it's wüll or net! "In a nutshell Also the order of General Lothar Elder von Hortstein, commander of the 9th Corps of the Austro-Hungarian Army, which he gave after his troops entered Serbia, revealed the intentions of the great power Austria: "The war leads us into a hostile country with a population who is filled with fanatical hatred of us; into a country where assassination, as the catastrophe of Sarajevo shows, is allowed even to higher classes, where it is even celebrated as heroism. Against such a population, every humanity and generosity is completely out of place, it is even harmful, (...). I command that during the operations and throughout the war, everyone will be treated with extreme severity, severity and the greatest mistrust. (...) First and foremost, I can not allow non-uniformed but armed inhabitants of the enemy country to be captured (...); they have to be killed unconditionally. Who shows mercy in such cases, we punished severely. " In order to inform the world of the crimes committed as a result of these orders against the Serbian civilian population, the Serbian government has commissioned a group of criminologists to investigate their character and scope. The famous Swiss physician and university professor Rudolf Archibald Reiss led this group of experts. His first report, based on the facts collected, was entitled: "How Austria-Hungary fought in Serbia." What is in this report is hard to bear: "The death-style chosen by the executioners was very diverse. Very often the victims were mutilated before or after death. I found the following types of killing or mutilation: The victims were pierced by shots, murdered, their throat was cut with a knife, raped and then murdered, stoned, hanged, killed with shafts and sticks, stabbed, burned alive; there were victims... " What follows becomes more and more cruel and sadistic. The reports of Archibald Reiss were confirmed by other doctors and eyewitnesses and "caused horror in the civilized world". Shocking facts about the crimes committed in Serbia were also reported by other foreign correspondents, such as the American journalist John Reed and the French politician and writer Henri Barbusse (1873-1935), known for his 1916 war diary "The Fire".In the book "Serbia in the Great War 1914-1918" Radojevic and Dimic write: "In the words of Henry Barbusse, the population was driven to madness by terror and fear". For the Austro-Hungarian army began its extermination work when entering Serbia with cruelty and 'hellish orgies'. 'How many times I was petrified with terror,' he says, 'given the results of the murderous drunkenness, the fires or the sadism of these soldiers who belong to a great country that is proud of its civilization! What Austria wanted, a great and powerful nation, which plundered a small nation, was nothing other than to destroy Serbia, and had sworn to do it systematically, with fire and sword, with destruction and burning down of Towns and villages, and also with the extermination and massacre of the Serbs'. " 1244 - A KEY TO PEACE IN EUROPE
Defending Serbia’s Right to the Province of Kosovo and Metohija
The oldest Serbian Publishing House - Serbian Literary Cooperative – has recently promoted the book “1244 – A Key to Peace in Europe”, authored by Živadin Jovanović, a former foreign minister of Yugoslavia (1998–2000). The book was presented to the audience and the media by Mr. Dragan Lakićević, Editor-in-Chief of the Serbian Literary Cooperative, Prof. Milo Lompar, Ambassador Dragomir Vučićević (retired), and Author. The book is a collection of the author’s articles, interviews and public speeches related to the Autonomous Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohija which have been published of the past 20 years (from 1997 through September 2018. The book (890 pages) comprises 5 Chapters: The Time of Terrorism, The Time of Aggression, The Time of Illusions, The Time of Waking up, and The Documents. The reviewers are Academician Vlado Strugar, Prof. Dr. Milo Lompar, and Prof. Čedomir Štrbac and the editors Ambassador Dragomir Vučićević (retired) and the writer Dragan Lakićević. The publishers: The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, and the Serbian Literary Cooperative. According to Professor Milo Lompar the book reflects continuity of the author’s views on statehood and national interests of Serbia and the Serbian people, readily recognizable in his decades-long career in diplomacy and in his public engagements. Author’s continuous advocacy for the full respect of the basic International Law Principles and UN Security Council Resolution 1244 in resolving the problem of the Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohija reflects both – his understanding of the long-term and current importance of Kosovo and Metohija, not only for Serbia and the Serbian people, but also for the peace and stability in the Balkans and Europe. With over 1.300 Serbian medieval monuments, headquarters of the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarchy - Kosovo and Metohija is deeply interwoven in the state, national, cultural and religious identity – considers professor Lompar. He concluded that the book of Mr. Živadin Jovanović reaffirms the statehood roots and tradition of the Serbian nation re-established in XIX century as well as the right to equality and self governance of all citizens and national communities living in the Provence regardless of their nationality or religion. He particularly praised high documentary value of the book as its special feature. Speaking about the author’s key theses, Ambassador Dragomir Vučićević singled out the need for Serbia to dedicate much more reflection on herself and her long-term interests, and to a lesser extent on the current expectations by the international stakeholders, since the latter, in their positioning vis-à-vis Serbia, are guided solely by their own geopolitical interests. Serbia should adhere to the fundamental principles of the international law and the UN SC resolutions, regardless of who may or may not find it suitable, and develop balanced relations with all international actors, particularly with proven, long term friends who did not partake in NATO aggression and have not recognized the ensuing illegal, unilateral secession. Vučićević also highlighted the author’s thesis that Serbia needs the European Union only to the extent the European Union needs Serbia, and that EU membership is a legitimate goal insofar it is not conditioned by surrendering her sovereignty and territorial integrity. A just and durable solution for Kosovo and Metohija is only possible on the basis of observing the principles enshrined in the UN Charter, the OSCE Final Act (1975), UNSC Resolution 1244 (1999) and the Constitution of Serbia. Attempts to impose on Serbia solutions which legalize violations of the basic principles of International Law and of European Security and Cooperation as well as UN SC resolutions would pave the way to the spreading of instability and the build-up of conflict potential in the Balkans and in Europe – warned Vučićević. The author recalled that UN SC Resolution 1244 (1999) was the outcome of extremely difficult two-month negotiations under Russian mediation, while the NATO aggression was unfolding. According to him, it is quite improbable that present day narrow and closed Brussels’ negotiations format would produce balanced, just, and sustainable solution to Kosovo and Metohija problem. If the West was unable to end the NATO War in 1999 without the key role of Russia (Victor Chernomirdin) how realistic is now, 20 years after, to resolve the issue of the status of Kosovo and Metohija being the main consequence of that war, keeping Russia outside of the whole process! Is Russia of Putin today less relevant, less capacitated for peaceful solution of international problems, including problem of Kosovo and Metohija?! Or to put it differently, is the West stronger, dominant player in the global and European arena today than it was in 1999!? Jovanovic added that UN SC Resolution 1244 (1999) comprises the positions and interests of all key actors in European and global relations, Russia and China included. Taking that this was true back in 1999 -- at the peak of dominance of the unipolar world order – it follows that today, under the backdrop of multipolar global relations, this is no less than imperative. A bid to resolve it within an EU-only format reveals intention to exclude Russia and China and to resort to blackmailing in order to impose geopolitical interests of the West, namely, the EU and NATO. Acceptance of such attempts would go against the global trends, and would result in further destabilization of relations in the Balkans and in Europe rather than in introducing a balanced and sustainable solution. 1244 THE KEY OF THE PEACE IN EUROPE
di Enrico Vigna, 13 ottobre 2018 Milorad Dodik, presidente uscente della Repubblica Serba di Bosnia Erzegovina, dell’Alleanza dei Socialdemocratici Indipendenti della SRPSKA, insieme al Partito Socialista di BH e all’Alleanza Popolare Democratica, ha vinto, con il 56% dei voti, le elezioni e rappresenterà la popolazione serba nel Parlamento della Bosnia Erzegovina, nonostante forti pressioni da più parti. Tra cui pressioni e ricatti che venivano dalle ambasciate occidentali, che hanno cercato di escludere la componente serba di Dodik dalla scena politica bosniaca. L’altro candidato serbo sconfitto, Ivanic ha sicuramente pagato per le politiche subordinate verso l'Occidente di questi anni, e la sottovalutazione dell’interesse nazionale serbo nello scenario bosniaco. Open Letter to Jens Stoltenberg - Rudolf Hänsel
To the Secretary General of NATO, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, on the occasion of his statement on the 1999 NATO aggression in front of students of the University of Belgrade on 8.10.2018 Mr. Stoltenberg, that is an insult to the Serbian people and a mockery of their victims! Open letter from Rudolf Hänsel Sir! "We have done this for the protection of the civilian population and for preventing further actions of the regime of Milosevic.” (Quoted after "Izvestia") Allow me, as a German citizen and scholar, who has seriously dealt with political events in the Balkans for almost two decades, to inform you of the following: I strongly condemn US-NATO's war of aggression against ex-Yugoslavia (codename "Merciful Angel"), which is in violation of international law, and I know that highly toxic and radioactive uranium weapons ("dirty bombs") were used in tons in this war. With the use of uranium weapons was knowingly and willfully committed genocide ("crime of crimes"). That is why I am appalled by your ignorant and cynical statement, outraged and ashamed at the same time that an European intellectual demands this from the Serbian people. Sir, with this statement you insult the Serbian people and mock their victims! In addition, you despise common sense because anyone who wants to know can be informed about the uranium contamination of parts of former Yugoslavia. Almost exactly a year ago, the German Nobel Prize winner for literature, Ms. Herta Müller, on the occasion of a speech at the Belgrade Book Fair forum expressed herself similarly disgustingly and shamefully, as well as deriding the Serbian victims. In Serbia, aggressive cancer among young and old has reached epidemic proportions as a result of the use of uranium weapons. The suffering of the people cries out to heaven. According to the Serbian Ministry of Health, about 33,000 people fall ill each year. That means: at least one child every day. The entire country is contaminated. Damage to the genetic material (DNA) will give birth to malformed children generation after generation. In two articles "The war that does not end" and ”Inertia of the heart" (in: "Neue Rheinische Zeitung (NRhZ)"; in Serbia in: "Pecat" and "Informer") I have collected essential facts about this state terrorist crime of humanity. The bombing of Serbian homes and hospitals, schools and kindergartens, ministries, factories, power lines, radio and TV stations, refineries, Danube bridges, refugee trains, and so on lasted 78 days: 1,031 soldiers were killed, 5,173 soldiers and policemen wounded, 2,500 civilians killed - including 78 children - and over 6,000 civilians wounded. Serbia has not recovered to this day. It was "crime at war" and it is a "genocide in peace" (Jovanovic, V. et al.). Sir, can you explain to me how these crimes contributed to "protecting the civilian population" of Serbia? I am worried when I think what civilian population the US-led NATO aggression group will bomb next to its own protection for "democracy, freedom, free markets, and the rule of law." And I'm glad to have read a survey from last March that found that close to 85 percent of Serbs oppose their country's NATO membership. Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Rudolf Hänsel Serbischer Präsident: NATO-Bomben töten unsere Kinder bis heute
Wegen der völkerrechtswidrigen NATO-Bombardierung Serbiens ohne UN-Mandat bekommen immer mehr Kinder Krebs. Im Jahr 1999 verwendete die NATO bei der Bombardierung von Ex-Jugoslawien Munition, die abgereichertes Uran enthielt. Laut serbischen Daten haben sie Tausende von getöteten und verletzten Zivilisten gebracht. Der serbische Präsident Aleksandar hat während der Eröffnungszeremonie des neuen Onkologischen Instituts in Belgrad am vergangenen Sonntag die NATO-Bombenkampagne gegen das damalige Jugoslawien mit abgereichertem Uran in Munition beklagt. Seinen Worten zufolge haben serbische Ärzte festgestellt, dass solche Waffen die Gesundheit der jungen Bevölkerung des Landes stark beeinträchtigt haben. “Heute habe ich im Onkologischen Institut erfahren, dass in unserem Land immer mehr Kinder mit Krebs diagnostiziert werden. Ich bin ehrlich, zuerst glaubte ich nicht an die Theorie des abgereicherten Urans, aber heute, nach Gesprächen mit Ärzten, erkannte ich, dass abgereichertes Uran zu vielen der Faktoren gehört, die schon in jungen Jahren Krebs verursachen”, sagte Vucic. Er stellte ausserdem fest, dass Jugendkrebs hauptsächlich bei Kindern diagnostiziert wird, deren Eltern um 1990 geboren wurden. Er erklärte, dass Serbien das Problem weiter untersuchen werde. “Dies ist ein beispielloses Verbrechen und wir als Land werden uns sehr ernsthaft damit befassen”, sagte der Präsident. Zuvor erklärte die serbische Wissenschaftlerin Ljubisa Rakic, dass die Menge an abgereichertem Uran, das während NATO-Operationen auf die Balkanstaaten abgeworfen wurde, ausreichen würde, um damit 170 Hiroshima-Bomben zu bauen. Zu den am weitesten verbreiteten Folgen des Einsatzes solcher Waffen gehören Schilddrüsenerkrankungen, Krebs und Fötusmutationen. 1999 führten die NATO-Streitkräfte völkerrechtswidrige Kriegsverbrechen auf dem Gebiet des damaligen Jugoslawiens durch. Nach NATO-Angaben wurden rund 38.000 Flüge durchgeführt, von denen 10.000 für Luftangriffe genutzt wurden. Serbien sagt, dass von 3.500 bis 4.000 Menschen starben und 10.000 als Folge der NATO-Bombenanschläge verwundet wurden. Sie erklären, dass 2/3 von ihnen Zivilisten waren. Durch die Bombenangriffe der NATO wurden auch mehrere Ölraffinerien zerstört oder schwer beschädigt, was zur Umweltverschmutzung von Flüssen und Wassersystemen führte. Abgereichertes Uran wurde von der NATO auch in Libyen eingesetzt und von dem Amerikanern im Irak. Dort waren es mehr als 2000 Tonnen. Aus frei zugänglichen Quellen ist bekannt, dass die Vereinigten Staaten ungefähr 944 000 Urangeschosse im Krieg gegen den Irak im Jahre 1991, 31 000 Urangeschosse im Kosovo im Jahre 1999 und 10 000 Urangeschosse in Bosnien in den Jahren 1994 – 1995 verschossen haben. Il dominio della politica di forza. Testimonianza - di Zivadin Jovanovic
L'accordo tecnico-militare è una delle testimonianze più significative del dominio della politica di forza nelle relazioni, che non portarono mai nulla di buono né alla Serbia né all'Europa, né al mondo intero. La Serbia fu la prima vittima di una strategia di dominio e interventismo che, dopo il 1999 e il 2000, assunse un carattere globale. Di ritorno dalla Serbia. Un paese alla deriva, un popolo avvilito e umiliato e nubi nere all’orizzonte - di Enrico Vigna
La Serbia non può avere il piede in due scarpe allo stesso tempo: o sta con la Russia o sta con l'Occidente” A 19 anni dai bombardamenti criminali della RF Jugoslava, dopo 19 anni di “democrazia” e “libertà” importati dalle potenze occidentali, in quelle terre il dato costante e inoppugnabile è un continuo e progressivo immiserimento sociale, finora irreversibile, che ha ormai quasi annichilito questo orgoglioso e fiero popolo, che non riesce a trovare vie d’uscita per rialzare la testa, mancando completamente una dirigenza politica, che sia effettiva espressione degli interessi più immediati e strategici del paese e del proprio popolo. „Finger weg!“ - Willy Wimmer
Unter diesen Umständen ist es geradezu zwingend, genauer hinzusehen bei der Frage, wozu Belgrad seine Zustimmung geben soll? Bei jeder gravierenden Entscheidung, von der man als Mensch oder als Nation betroffen ist, stellt sich eine und alles entscheidende Frage:„Kann man damit leben?“ Das fragt sich jeder, auch eine Nation, dem oder der etwas abverlangt wird, das man getrost als „einschneidende Maßnahme“ bezeichnen kann. Wir wissen doch alle, wie es denen erging, die die deutsche Unterschrift unter Versalles gesetzt haben. Will man das jetzt auf serbischer Seite billigend in Kauf nehmen? Will man wegen künftiger Entwicklungen in Europa schon mal eine Kriegsfackel zur Verfügung haben, die von den heute so üblich gewordenen „Nichtregierungsorganisationen“ nach Bedarf gezündet werden kann? Wir dürfen nicht vergessen, womit die Kriege auf dem Balkan unter globalpolitischen Überlegungen seit 1990 gerechtfertigt und angestrebt worden sind. Eine Zustimmung in Belgrad zu dem, was man Belgrad im Grunde auf- oktroyiert hat, ist mehr als eine „Operation am offenen Herzen.“ Damit verlagern diejenigen, die- nach Gerhard Schröder- mit dem Krieg gegen Jugoslawien das Völkerrecht gebrochen haben, ihre Verantwortung für diesen Krieg auf die Schultern des Serben, der unter dieses Diktat seine Unterschrift setzt und zerreißt die serbische Nation. Ist genau das gewollt? Es hätte anders gehen können. Man muß danach fragen, warum die auf dem Balkan gehen davon aus, daß nach einem EU-Beitritt bestimmter Partner sich zwar Streitfälle nicht in Luft auflösen, aber nichts mehr sind im Vergleich zu den Problemen von heute. Man winkt Belgrad mit einer vielschichtigen „fata morgana“ und bewirkt in Wirklichkeit nur eine Verschärfung ohnehin zugespitzter Probleme. Wer gegen Jugoslawien einen Krieg mit vom Zaun gebrochen hatte, sollte der serbischen Nation Gerechtigkeit zukommen lassen und nicht an der Überlegung kleben: Beitritt zu Europäischen Union nach Unterschrift. Warum unter diesen Umständen auch noch Zeitdruck. Das ist in Anbetracht einschlägiger Erfahrungen der letzten Jahrzehnte geradezu verräterisch. Damit kommt die Frage auf, wer in den letzten Jahrzehnten die Probleme auf dem Balkan in welcher Weise für sich selbst genutzt hat. Da muß man in erster Linie an Großbritannien denken. Nach dem Urteil deutscher Diplomaten, die mit am Tisch gesessen haben, hatte Großbritannien immer und zuerst die Frage im Blick, welche Auswirkungen vertragliche Regelungen auf dem Balkan in Streitfragen auf die Entwicklung der eigenen Herausforderungen auf den britischen Inseln haben würden? Darum ging es der Regierung in London und weniger um die Lage und den Frieden auf dem Balkan. Kommt die von britischen Gesprächspartnern vermittelte Eilbedürftigkeit in Sachen Balkan nur aus dem Umstand, daß im Herbst London die EU so oder so verläßt und dabei jede Mitsprache auf Seiten der EU in Balkan-Angelegenheiten verliert? Das hätte man sich in London eben anders überlegen sollten. Aber warum verlangt man von Belgrad, den Preis dafür zu zahlen, daß London nicht mehr bei der EU mitspielen will? Es war aber nicht nur Großbritannien alleine, daß für seine höchst eigenen Überlegungen auf dem Balkan engagiert gewesen ist. Die berühmten Spatzen haben es von den Dächern gepfiffen, daß eine nahöstliche Friedensregelung, die diesen Namen auch verdienen soll, eine Reservefläche auf dem Balkan benötigt. Der amerikanische Präsident Trump arbeitet mit Hochdruck an diesen Regelung, aber niemand kann heute sagen, welchen Handlungsspielraum eben dieser Präsident nach den Zwischenwahlen in USA im November 2018 überhaupt noch hat. In Washington werden Kübel von Haß und Feindschaft über einen Präsidenten ausgekippt, der „droht“, sich mit der Russischen Föderation auch im Nahen Osten zugunsten einer Friedenslösung zu verständigen. Krieg geht in Washington scheinbar immer, für Verständigung geht man ein tödliches Risiko ein. Aber soll Belgrad dafür in die Verpflichtung gehen? Ob die amerikanische Botschaft in Belgrad das weiß? Oder ob sie mal ins serbische Nachbarland Rumänien blickt, wo sich ein Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Union geradezu zerlegt. Ist das die Verheißung für Serbien? Nein: „Finger weg!“ Willy Wimmer, 11. August 2018, Statement of WPC about the attempt of assasination of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro
The World Peace Council condemns in the most vehement way the attempt for assasination of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro, which constitutes a coward act of the forces which are trying since some time to destabilize the country ,its economy and elected government. The WPC denounces to the peace loving people of the world the foreign interference and the sponsoring of an economic war expressed in many ways including violent actions of forces with dubious agenda. The attempt to assasinate the President of the country in Venezuela and similar actions are being fed by statements and actions of the previous and current US administration, from the European Union and in cooperation with elements of the oligarchy and reactionary forces. The WPC expresses its solidarity with the people of Venezuela, with our Member Organisation "Comite de Solidaridad Internacional (COSI)" and the anti-imperialist peace loving forces of the country in their efforts to defend the achievements and to deepen the changes and transformations in favour of the people and youth of Venezuela, against foreign and local reaction. 5th August 2018 World Peace Council S.O.S. Yugoslavia S.O.S. KOSOVO METOHIJA - Luglio 2018
LA NOSTRA SOLIDARIETA’ CONCRETA…CONTINUA A giugno la nostra delegazione ha fatto il periodico viaggio di solidarietà per portare gli aiuti in Serbia e Kosovo Metohija. Per le strade di Belgrado viene lasciato cibo per i più poveri Ma anche qualche seme di riscatto si è materializzato in una serie di scioperi, all’inizio spontanei, durati per circa un mese e terminati alla fine di maggio, organizzati da ex lavoratori Zastava oggi FCA e altri, per protestare contro le condizioni di vita e contro le condizioni lavorative in fabbrica ( per chi ancora ha un lavoro), dove i diritti dei lavoratori sono calpestati dalle direzioni italiane ed europee in loco e dove il ricatto quotidiano è l’unica relazione sul posto di lavoro: o accetti o te ne vai. Le manifestazioni sono finite con un unico obiettivo raggiunto dal Sindacato Samostalni, che è stato quello che non ci fossero licenziamenti e multe per gli scioperanti. CHINA+16CEEC COOPERATION – HISTORIC ACHIEVEMENTS
Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade forum for a World of Equals
1. Since 16+1 China – CEE mechanism was launched in 2012, what benefits do you think it has brought to China and to CEE countries in general? Do you agree it has promoted cooperation of all fields among China and CEE countries? - The mechanism of cooperation established in 2012 and later included into the Belt and Road initiative is a significant novelty in the relations between China and Europe, that contributed, first of all, to the modernization and construction of infrastructure for railway, road, sea and river transport. The cooperation was of mutual benefit to all sides, which is the guiding principle of Chinese relations with foreign countries in general, and especially with countries along the Belt and Road. This credible win-win principle is well respected in practice. A significant novelty is also that the direct flights have been established between major Chinese centers such as Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing and capitals of Central and Eastern Europe – Warsaw, Prague, Belgrade and others. New cargo and passenger trains have been established. For several years already, railway connections operate between great Chinese economic centers and Warsaw, Prague and other cities of Central and Eastern Europe, stretching further to London, Madrid and other European centers. The ties (within 16+1) gained a new quality and brought new results. We also see the interconnection through sea routes such as the Land and Sea Express Line that runs from Chinese ports, through the Suez Canal to Piraeus in Greece, and then continues across land by railway from Athens, across Skopje, Belgrade, Budapest and further to Central Europe where it branches both to East and to the West. Road connections have been also significantly advanced. There are three strategic routes, Northern, Central and Southern. The third route runs across Pakistan, Iran, Middle East, Turkey, Bulgaria and Serbia (or to Romania to the north), and it is of special importance for this region. Another new and significant achievement is the blooming of tourism, which is important for direct contacts between people and nations that needs to follow the physical interconnection that strengthens economic ties. Cooperation in tourism, air transport, liberalization of visas (such as the visa-free regime between Serbia and China), culture, as well as between think-tanks and NGOs – all of this strengthens those direct connections between China and all countries of the Central and Eastern Europe. Other ways of cooperation are manifestations for young people and schoolchildren such as the “Joy of Europe” (held annually in Serbia), visits of theater groups, exhibitions, exchange in literature and poetry, advanced and accelerated dissemination of information, cooperation between media houses, televisions and newspapers… All this is a proof of a new quality in cooperation of Central and Eastern European countries The First International Symposium 'Consequences of the bombing of the FR of Yugoslavia with depleted uranium in 1999', Nis/Serbia, June 17-19, 2018
The symposium gathered experts from Serbia, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Cyprus and Italy to discuss possible humanitarian actions to help victims of depleted uranium (DU) bombings and the option of legal proceedings. The event was very successful and was covered by Russian, Serbian and even Chinese journalists, receiving wide media coverage in Serbia. For three days, domestic and international participants had the chance to connect with each other as well as to present and discuss their work. ICBUW was represented by Professor Manfred Mohr, whose expertise was highly appreciated by Serbian colleagues. As ICBUW has been concerned with the use of DU in the Balkans throughout the years, the conference offered an opportunity to share insights into the often neglected topic. Background
Even though decontamination projects were introduced to reduce the risk to civilians and the environment, according to Serbian doctors, the population is still struggling with long-term health effects. While complete decontamination is almost impossible, worryingly, the information about the bombarded targets was published too late and partly incorrect. UNEP (United Nations Development Program) published three reports after the conflict, including concrete recommendations for decontamination. However, as part of an on-site investigation in 2011, ICBUW found that the recommendations had not been implemented in full and observed severe shortcomings regarding long-term monitoring (ICBUW, "A Question of Responsibility"). Many people in the affected regions of former Yugoslavia therefore came in contact with the toxic substance, probably continue to carry it in their bodies and may even pass on the burden to the next generation as a higher rate of birth defects has been observed. Contaminated land or groundwater could still contaminate people with depleted uranium residues. In Serbia, significantly fewer places were contaminated with DU than, for example, in Kosovo and more extensive decontamination work has been executed. Nevertheless, even today, almost 20 years later, physicians still attribute increased cancer rates and other diseases to DU. There is still little information about the situation of civilians in Kosovo, where many people have fled from contaminated regions while in particular the poorest families have to stay. ICBUW and former member of the European Parliament Els de Groen proposed a project to collect data on the health effects in Kosovo communities in 2017, the project proposal still being under discussion. Reactions and Italian cases Different reactions to the NATO operation early on were somewhat disappointing. After the bombing in 1999 the media took on the topic of DU and the NATO reacted by installing an Ad Hoc Committee on DU, which concluded that “there is no scientific link established between DU and health complaints”. Also, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia did not commence further investigation into the use of DU, in line with the Final Report to the Prosecutor. Furthermore, Yugoslavia filed a first application to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) instituting proceeding against ten involved NATO members on the legality of use of force, but the Court rejected the case. The picture changed with judgements of Italian courts in various cases on the causality of DU and different types of cancer. During the limited clearance activities in Kosovo Italian recruits were involved and a great number of them suffered from illnesses later that could be traced back to DU. Many of them have gone to court and so far twenty cases have been awarded compensation. It is not only the population therefore but also deployed soldiers who suffer from the use of DU (described as Balkan, or Gulf-war syndromes). KOSOVO AND METOHIJA. ITORNO ALLA RISOLUZIONE 1244 DEL CONSIGLIO DI SICUREZZA DELLE NAZIONI UNITE
di Živadin Jovanovic, giugno 2018 E' stato detto che il conflitto sospeso tra Kosovo e Metohija non è favorevole agli interessi della Serbia, ma nessuno fa notare che la Serbia rischia di perdere ancora di più se i negoziati sotto gli auspici dell'UE continueranno con gli stessi schemi e tendenze. A giudicare dalla situazione attuale in cui la Serbia ha solo fatto concessioni e la cricca di Prishtina ha praticamente ottenuto il controllo su tutta la provincia, la Serbia potrebbe finire per rinunciare definitivamente a tutti i suoi diritti e interessi senza ricevere nulla in cambio. Tranne le promesse di adesione all'UE entro il 2027 come anno "indicativo"! Raramente si sente dire che un accordo UE / USA del tipo "territorio (del Kosovo e Metohija) in cambio dell'adesione all'UE" sarebbe illegale, contrario alla risoluzione 1244 del Consiglio di Sicurezza, alla Carta delle Nazioni Unite, al Documento Finale dell'OSCE ed alla Costituzione della Serbia. In linea di principio sarebbe inaccettabile perché il territorio dello Stato, l'identità nazionale e la dignità non possono essere usati come merce di scambio. Provoking nuclear war by media
The exoneration of a man accused of the worst of crimes, genocide, made no headlines. Neither the BBC nor CNN covered it. The Guardian allowed a brief commentary. Such a rare official admission was buried or suppressed, understandably. It would explain too much about how the rulers of the world rule. RESOLUTION OF THE PANCYPRIAN PEACE MARCH ON THE SITUATION IN THE AREA
Sunday 10 June 2018 • The peoples of the wider region are witnesses to the tensions imperialist aggression is provoking daily, which is expressed in the waging of new wars and interventions. The continuous violation of International Law and of the UN Charter can be added to the existing unresolved international problems, as well as the catastrophic consequences which the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya have provoked. We demand an immediate end to the hostilities in the area. The drastic and dangerous militarization has made our region a theatre of geopolitical and energy confrontations of our times. The peoples are paying the price of the competition for the control of the energy reserves, pipelines and commercial routes with their blood and uprooting as refugees. • We denounce the bloodshed and all the foreign interventions in Syria and demand the respect of the territorial integrity, unity and sovereignty of the country. We express our solidarity with the suffering people of Syria who is has been subjected for several years to the military intervention of the US-NATO-Turkey and the Gulf Monarchies, aiming at the overthrow of the country's government and the promotion of the geopolitical and energy plans of the West. • We condemn the new wave of murderous aggression conducted by the State of Israel against the people of Palestine, which is being cultivated by the inflammatory US policy. We demand the termination of the Israeli occupation and colonization in Palestine, the end to the inhuman and illegal blockade of Gaza, the release of the political prisoners and demolition of the Wall of Shame. We stand in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people for the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as the capital that will coexist peacefully next to the State of Israel. We call on the EU to freeze the Association Agreement and cancel any kind of inter-state military co-operation with Israel. • We condemn the ongoing 4 year military raid of Saudi Arabia against Yemen, which has caused one of the greatest humanitarian crises in the world and brought enormous destruction in the country’s already rudimentary infrastructures. We condemn the silence shown by international organizations and the global mass media surrounding the developments in this dirty war and we vehemently denounce the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia by a number of Western countries. • We denounce the aggression waged by the Turkish state both internally, as well as against neighboring states. We are struggling for a solution of the Cyprus problem that will lead to the termination of the Turkish occupation and division of Cyprus; to the liberation and reunification of the island and people of Cyprus; to the peaceful coexistence of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots in their common homeland on the basis of the agreed framework of bicommunal, bizonal federation. • We are fighting for the dissolution of all the foreign military bases in the countries of our region, which operate as launching pads for conducting raids and interventions against our peoples. We denounce the use and involvement of the British bases in Cyprus in imperialist raids and the existence of the spying facilities on the island. We are struggling for the abolition of the British bases in Cyprus and the full demilitarization of the island. • We demand that our region free itself from nuclear weapons and call for the convening of a UN Conference that will proclaim the Middle East a region free of weapons of mass destruction, including Turkey which has nuclear weapons on its territory. We denounce the US decision to unilaterally withdraw from the Iran nuclear program agreement and condemn the cover-up provided to the State of Israel, which has a nuclear arsenal and refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. • We call for solidarity and the humane treatment for refugees coming from the countries of the region. We demand the replacement of the military operations to suppress the refugee flows with search and rescue operations in order so that the ongoing tragedies in the Mediterranean be reduced. We call demand from the EU the establishment of legal and safe routes for asylum seekers and a permanent mechanism for accommodating refugees in all the EU Member States, depending on their possibilities. We denounce the "externalization of the control of EU borders" by means of agreements with neighboring states so that the refugees are kept outside Europe by any means. • We denounce the extensive arms trade conducted by EU Member States to countries at war and authoritarian regimes of the Middle East, an element which fuels or/and provokes the tensions, conflicts and bloodshed. • We affirm that the peoples of our region have nothing to divide between them. Our common enemy is imperialism which generates wars, chauvinism and militarism. The struggle for the respect of International Law, for peace, for the recognition of the right of every people to determine the future of its country is the path of struggle which unites the peace-loving movements and peoples of our neighborhood. RESOLUTION OF THE PANCYPRIAN PEACE MARCH ON THE CYPRUS PROBLEM 10 June 2018
"The liberation and reunification of Cyprus as a stage of struggle against imperialist aggression and for world peace" The Cyprus Peace Council, political parties, movements and people participating in the Peace March which is taking place today 10 June 2018, considering that the current partitionist status quo continues to crush any prospect for real peace, prosperity and progress for the Cypriot people as a whole, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, and that the effort to reach a solution of the Cyprus problem is a stage of struggle against the generalized imperialist aggression which humanity and our entire region is facing very violently, concludes the following: 1. Points out that the creation and perpetuation of the Cyprus problem is the result of illegal foreign interventions and plans seeking the control of the Eastern Mediterranean region and the wider region of the Middle East. Denounces that 44 years after the twin crime committed in July 1974 - namely the treacherous coup d’état and the illegal Turkish invasion engineered by the NATO powers in full co-operation with undemocratic forces in Cyprus - the Cyprus problem remains unresolved. At the same time, it also denounces the support towards the consolidation of the status quo by anyone from whatever quarter, since this is how the final partition of Cyprus is promoted that serves first and foremost Turkey, which continues to occupy 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus. 2. Stresses that the unwavering goal remains the liberation and reunification of Cyprus and its people. 3. Demands the immediate withdrawal of the occupying Turkish troops from Cyprus, the termination of the anachronistic and imposed Treaty of Guarantee and any intervention rights, as well as the demilitarization of the Republic of Cyprus on the basis of the unanimous decisions of the National Council of 1989 and 2009, and numerous resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council. 4. Considers that the dismantling of the British bases is an integral part of the struggle our people is waging to regain their territorial integrity and the unimpeded exercise of its state sovereignty. At the same time, it underlines that the characterization of the bases as "sovereign" reflects unacceptable remnants of a colonial regime, illegal according to international law. Considers that the two communities, with the Cyprus problem solved, can together more effectively continue the struggle for the withdrawal of the Bases. 5. Stresses its support for a bicommunal, bizonal federal solution based on International Law, the UN Security Council resolutions on Cyprus, the High-Level Agreements and EU principles; Reaffirms that the solution of the Cyprus problem, as provided by the joint communiqués of the leaders of the two communities and the agreed convergences, will safeguard that there is a one state in Cyprus with a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship, an independent and territorially integral state, consisting of two politically equal communities as provided for in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. The solution must exclude the union of all or part of the island with any other state, as well as any form of partition, secession or annexation by another state. 6. Underlines that the solution of the Cyprus problem must safeguard the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Cypriots, while expressing concern about the existing treatment of the enclaved persons. At the same time, denounces the Turkish side's long-standing reluctance to cooperate to the greatest possible degree for the completion of the effort to verify the fate of the missing persons, and calls on all to contribute to this procedure. 7. Supports that the appropriate way of achieving a peaceful, just, mutually acceptable and viable solution to the Cyprus problem continues to be through substantive intercommunal talks under the auspices of the UN. It points out that the unsuccessful ending of the talks in Crans Montana last July has led the Cyprus problem to a dangerous stalemate, while at the same time underlining that the way to avoid the final deadlock and for the negotiations to resume is the one proposed by the UN Secretary-General in the Report he submitted last September. 8. Warns that the continuation of the deadlock in the talks consolidates dangerously the fait accompli of the occupation and leads us step by step towards the final partition. It therefore calls for the immediate resumption of the negotiations as a necessity and calls on the leaders of the two communities to work together and substantially in this direction. 9. Demands from Turkey that it ceases to engage in divisive policies against the Republic of Cyprus and the Cypriot people, as well as to put an end to any action that inflames the climate and limits the chances of resuming the dialogue. 10. Calls on the international community to show solidarity with the struggles of the Cypriot people, support the effort for the resumption of the dialogue and finding a solution on the agreed basis and to exert all possible influence within this framework on Ankara. 11. In conclusion, it once more reiterates that the solution of the Cyprus problem is the only real guarantee for the consolidation of peace in Cyprus and creation of prospects for sustainable prosperity and progress to the benefit of the Cypriot people as a whole, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. At the same time, peace in Cyprus can become a beacon of hope for curbing the imperialist aggression in our region. XINHUA QUATES BELGRADE FORUM AND COREC ON PRESIDENT XI JINPING AND CSO SUMMIT
Chinese President Xi Jinping chairs the 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, June 10, 2018. Xi delivered a speech during the meeting. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) by Xinhua writers Deng Xianlai, Wang Haiqing BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- Scholars and officials from around the world have been speaking highly of Chinese President Xi Jinping's keynote speech delivered Sunday at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in the eastern Chinese seaside city of Qingdao. In the speech, Xi called on countries involved in the regional bloc to work closely to build an SCO community with a shared future, move toward a new type of international relations, and build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. Asanga Abeyagoonasekera, director general of the Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka, said Xi's call for moving toward a new type of international relations "captured the zeitgeist of the unfolding modern world order." "Asian nations, including Sri Lanka, should fully support this effort to create a more stable and better world order," the scholar said. Zivadin Jovanovic, an international relations expert based in Belgrade, Serbia, said Xi presented "positive, visionary views on how to approach global economic, social and security challenges." "Xi showed the world the SCO's role in global governance and cleared the way in order to reinforce peace, win-win cooperation in a multipolar world without geopolitical constraints and the relics of isolationism," he said. Jovanovic is the founder of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and the Silk Road Connectivity Research Center, two think tanks. THE CYPRUCE PEACE COUNCIL
Belgrade, June 3rd, 2018. Dear Friends of Peace, Long live peace. Zivadin Jovanovic DO NOT FORGET!
FIRST NOTICE MARKING THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF NATO AGGRESSION AGAINST SERBIA (FRY) March 2019 will see 20 years from NATO launching an armed illegal aggression against Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). This was a turning point in the world relations introducing globalization of military interventionism, this regard of the role of United Nations, international law and existing World Order. In parallel the policy of ‘’regime changes’’ and so called ‘’colored revolutions’’ has contributed to spreading of lawlessness, arbitrary behavior and global uncertainty. The following are key elements of the Programme: - EXHIBITION OF PHOTOS AND BOOKS - INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF DOCUMENTARY FILMS ON THE AGGRESSION - PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE VICTIMS OF NATO AGGRESSION - INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL ATHLETIC MARATHON BELGRADE-ATHOS, (GREECE), March 24, 2019 International Council and the Organizing Committee will guide preparations. Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals KOSOVO AND METOHIJA – RETURN TO UNSCR 1244
Živadin Jovanovic We hear that Kosovo and Metohija’s frozen conflict is not conducive to Serbia’s interests, but nobody notes that Serbia stands to lose even more if negotiations under EU auspices continue under the same pattern and trend. Judging by the ongoing course wherein Serbia has been only delivering concessions and Prishtina’s clique only gaining control over the whole Province, Serbia may end up delivering irrevocably all her rights and interests and receiving nothing in return. Except promises of EU membership by 2027 as “indicative” year! Rarely is heard that such a EU/USA deal “territory (of Kosovo and Metohija) for EU membership” would be illegal, contrary to the UN SC resolution 1244, UN Charter, OSCE Final Document and Constitution of Serbia. It would be unacceptable in principle because the state territory, national identity and dignity cannot be treated as trading commodities. We Europeans say NO to a war against Russia!
Two World Wars are enough! In the past Germany let itself be dragged in the First World War We will not allow such a crime to happen again! If the German Vassal government, in complicity with the warmongers in Britain and France under the leadership of the US and NATO, is planning a new war of aggression against Russia, then they do that On war and peace, we, the citizens, have the last word! We say NO to war and violence in international relations and condemn continued warmongering, rearmament and militarization! Bildmotiv: "To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the Pope John Paul II on January 13, 2003: "War is never an inevitable fate. Nikolaj Desjatnitschenko, Russian student in his speech on people's day of mourning before the German Bundestag on November 22, 2017: "I sincerely hope that once in the world common sense will prevail and the world will never again see wars." First signatories: Dr. Rudolf Hänsel OPPENESS INSTEAD OF PROTECTIONISM
Zivadin Jovanovic, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
The Interview to Ren Yan, Europe Correspondent of “The People’s Daily” 1.Question: In the keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum today, Chinese President Xi Jinping first hails the past 40 years of reform and opening up. How do you see achievement of China over the last four decades? Reply: Chinese policy of reforms an opening over the past 40 years brought unprecedented achievements in scientific based modern economic development, alleviating of poverty, rise of living standard of people, threatening of connectivity with other nations and cultures and the irreplaceable role of China in the global world governance. Chinese people and leadership should be proud of these historic achievements inspiring other peace loving countries. R.: For decades China has maintained the highest rate of economic growth i the world occupying today the place of the second strongest economy in the world. This made China as the most important single contributor to overcoming 2008-2013 world financial and economic crises. China's contribution to the world economic growth is higher today than that of EU, USA and Japan combined. R.: Boao proposals confirm that Asia is a center and leader of modern socioeconomic and technological development of the world economy at the beginning of the Third millennium. Consensus on openness, partnership based on equality and mutual interests is inspiring example for the rest of the world how to build stable and safe common future of the mankind. No doubt, Asia with China as it’s' socioeconomic engine, will play leading role in the world economic governance thus guaranteeing more equitable, inclusive and democratic world economic system. R. : Historic achievements of China in all fields of modern socioeconomic developments would have not been possible without the policy of reforms and opening, without win win cooperation with all countries be they the most developed ones or developing ones. China's experiences and results confirm univocally that only openness, partnership based on equality and respect of mutual interests are guaranties for self-sustainable national and global growth. In the globalized and closely interdependent economies any protectionism, autarchy or isolationism are not only outdated but also counterproductive policies missing sense of reality and vision. Stable, sustainable growth in the world need oppenness, inclusiveness, respects of mutual interests and equality among all partners. Any egoism and narrowness would backfire in forms of slow growth, or worse, in instability or crises. R.: BRI as the global multidimensional development initiative has been the most broadly accepted primarily because it is open, inclusive and mutually beneficial for all partners as well as for the global economy. Connectivity in infrastructure, economy and people to people are recognizable features differing Belt and Road Initiative from any other known international integration. Establishing economic development bridges BRI at the same time brings closer different cultures and civilizations closer one to the other thus promoting understanding, mutual trust and peace. This role is particularly important in the present era when certain factors tend to neglect connectivity and interdependence between national and global interests of humanity. Statement of condemnation of the imperialist aggression against Syria
The World Peace Council (WPC) denounces vehemently today's morning criminal raid by the imperialists of the USA, Great Britain and France against Syria. The bombing of Syrian targets on the pretext of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian Army in the east of the capital, which was once more never confirmed, took place only a few days after Syria prevailed over armed mercenaries in East Ghouta and the evacuation of the area which began to return to relative normality. The hasty imperialist attack with more than 100 missiles, and with the USA-Britain-France, claiming themselves role of "prosecutors, judges and punishers", is provoking the peace-loving feelings of the overwhelming majority of the peoples of the world, and underlines the real goal of the imperialists which is the realization of their plan for a "New Middle East", to control the sources and roads of energy, spheres of influence and markets, with the violent change of governments and the establishment of friendly regimes. The WPC expresses its firm solidarity and support with the Syrian people, who have been confronted with the imperialist plans for seven years, and calls on the members and friends of the WPC to mobilize and condemn the aggression against Syria and to be vigilant for possible future attacks. No in the imperialist aggression in Syria Long live the internationalist solidarity of the peoples! World Peace Council Athens 14th April 2018 ZIVADIN JOVANOVIC FOR PEOPLE’S DAILY
In the keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum today, Chinese President Xi Jinping first hails the past 40 years of reform and opening up. How do you see achievment of China over the last four decades? Chinese policy of reforms an opening over the past 40 years brought unprecedented achievemrnts in scientific based modern economic development, aleviatin of poverty, rise of living standard of people, sthrenthening of connectivity with other nations an cultures and the ireplacable role of Cina in the global world governance. Chinese people and leadeship should be proud of these histiric achievements ispiring other peacrloving countries. In the past few years China has been an important engine of world economy. How do you see the great contribution of China to the world economy growth? For decades China has maintained the the highest rate oh economic growth in the world occupiying today the place of the second strongest economy in the world. This made China as the most important single contributor to overcoming 2008-2013 world financial and economic crisis. China's contribution to the world economic growth is higher today than that of EU, USA and Japan combined. President Xi renews pledges to open economy, cut tariffs this year. What's the siginificance of the open economy for the recovery of the world economy, especially nowadays facing the challenge of roaring protectionism ? Achievements of China in all fields of modern socioeconomic development would have not been possible without the polocy of reforms and opening, wthout win win cooperation with all countries be they the most developed or developing ones. China's rich expiriences and results confirm uvivoquably that only oppeness, partnership based on equality and respect of mutual interests are guaranties for selfsustanable national and global growth. In the globalized and closly interdependant economies any protectionism, autarchy or isolationism are not only outdated but also counterproductive policies missing sense of reality and vision. Stable, sustainable growth in the world need oppenness, inclusiveness, respect of mutual interests and equality smong partners. Any egoism and norrowness would backfire in the form of slow growth, or worse, in instability or new crises. The "Boao proposals" have helped build consensus in Asia, encourage cooperation, promote economic globalization and advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, said President Xi today. How do you see the "Boao proposals", and what's the siginificance to global governance? Boao proposals confirm that Asia is a center and leader of modern economic and technological development of the world economy at the begining of the Third milenium. Consensus on oppeness, partnership based on equality and mutual interests is inspiring examle to the rest of the wirld how to build stable and safe common future of the menkind. No doubt, Asia with China as its' sicioeconomic engine, will play leading role in the world economic governance thus guarateerig more equatable, inclusuve and democratic world economic system. One Belt One Road Initiative has attracted more and more attention worldwide. Why do the world is intrested in the program and what benefit can the program bring to the world? BRI as the global multidimrnsiinal development initiatve has been the most broadly accepted primarily because it is open, inclusive and mutually beneficial for all partners. Connectivity in infrastructure economy and people to people are recognizable features differing BRI from any other known integration. Estsblishing economic bridges BRI at the same time brings cultures and civilization closer one to the other thus promoting understanding, mutual trust and peace in the world what is the most important in thise period of growing tensions and unpredictable developments.
27 marzo 2018 - A cura di Enrico Vigna- Forum Belgrado Italia e SOS Kosovo Metohija
Kosovo, Mitrovica nord: la tensione sale a limiti altissimi. Arresti, 32 feriti, di cui 5 gravi, incidenti e blocchi stradali come proteste. Il Presidente Vucic chiama Putin, convoca il Consiglio Sicurezza nazionale e abbandona ogni trattativa.
Solidaritätsbrief aus Wien - David Stockinger
Wien, 24. März 2018 Aus Wien, wo heute die alljährliche Kundgebung zum Gedenken an die NATO-Aggression 1999 stattfindet, senden wir solidarische Grüße an unsere Freunde des „Beoforums“ in Belgrad: Heute jährt sich der völkerrechtswidrige Überfall der NATO-Allianz auf die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien zum 19. Mal. Vor 19 Jahren begannen die mächtigsten westlichen Mächte ihre Kampagne gegen Staaten, die sich nicht dem neoliberalen Diktat und Interventionismus von NATO, IWF und EU unterwerfen wollten. Jugoslawien war ein Beispiel eines Landes in Europa, das seine Souveränität und seinen eigenständigen Entwicklungsweg zwischen Ost und West bewahren wollte. Dafür gab es im „neuen Europa“ nach 1989/91 aus Sicht der westlichen Eliten keinen Platz mehr. Alle Mittel wurden angewandt um den Widerstand zu brechen: Es wurde ein Krieg in dieses Land hineingetragen. Sanktionen, Dämonisierung, die offene militärische Aggression und der Raub des Kosovo. Milica Rakic und Sanja Milenkovic sind nur 2 bekannte Namen der tausenden Opfer dieses Krieges für eine „neue Weltordnung“. In den letzten Jahren wurde das Konzept der Staatszerstörung gegen weitere missliebige Länder angewandt: Irak, Libyen und aktuell gegen Syrien und die Ukraine. Das serbische Volk hat einen hohen Preis gezahlt. Heute herrschen Armut, Arbeitslosigkeit und in weiten Teilen der Bevölkerung Perspektivenlosigkeit. Trotzdem gibt es mehr und mehr Menschen, die sich mit dieser „neuen Ordnung“ nicht abfinden wollen. Das gibt Hoffnung. Wir, die hier in Österreich für Neutralität, Frieden, soziale Gerechtigkeit und Völkerverständigung kämpfen, stehen solidarisch mit den vielen Menschen in Serbien, die genau dasselbe in ihrem Land wollen. Milica Rakic und Sanja Milenkovic sollen uns mahnen und sie sind unser Auftrag gemeinsam für diese bessere Welt zu kämpfen. Wir sind es ihnen schuldig. David Stockinger 24 marzo 1999 - 24 marzo 2018: PER NON DIMENTICARE - Enrico Vigna
A cura di Enrico Vigna- Forum Belgrado Italia L'aggressione alla Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia/ Serbia…era motivata dalla necessità di fermare una “pulizia etnica”, un “genocidio” e ripristinare i “diritti umani” nella provincia. Perché queste furono le tre basi fondanti su cui la cosiddetta Comunità Internazionale: cioè gli otto paesi più ricchi della Terra, cioè il loro braccio armato, la NATO (in quanto i governi dei 2/3 dell'umanità tra voti contrari e astensioni, erano contrari alla guerra) hanno decretato l'aggressione alla Jugoslavia il 24 Marzo 1999. Nineteen Years Ago: NATO’s War of Aggression against Yugoslavia: Who are the War Criminals?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
This article was first written in May 1999 at the height of the bombing of Yugoslavia. The causes and consequences of this war have been the object of a vast media disinformation campaign, which has sought to camouflage NATO and US war crimes. It is important to note that a large segment of the “Progressive Left” in Western Europe and North America were part of this disinformation campaign, presenting NATO military intervention as a necessary humanitarian operation geared towards protecting the rights of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. The intervention was in violation of international law. President Milosevic at the Rambouillet talks had refused the stationing of NATO troops inside Yugoslavia. The demonization of Slobodan Milsovic by so-called “Progressives” has served over the years to uphold the legitimacy of the NATO bombings. It has also provided credibility to “a war crimes tribunal” under the jurisidiction of those who committed extensive war crimes in the name of social justice. The Just War thesis was also upheld by several prominent intellectuals who viewed the Kosovo war as: “a Just War”. In turn the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was upheld by several “Leftists” as a bona fide liberation movement rooted in Marxism. The KLA –whose leader Hachim Thaci is now president of Kosovo– was a paramilitary army supported by Western intelligence, financed and trained by the US and NATO. It had ties to organised crime. It also had links to Al Qaeda, which is supported by US intelligence. Michel Chossudovsky, March 2006, updated March 2018 * * * by Michel Chossudovsky, 15 May 1999 Low Intensity Nuclear War TFF PressInfo # 449: Remembering the War on Yugoslavia 1999
The ethnic map few understood. Should make it clear that cutting up Yugoslavia in independent republics could not be done without bloodshed. (1) Yellow = Serbs, Dark Green = Muslims, Light Blue = Croats, Light Green = Slovenes, Orange = Montenegrins, Pink = Albanians, Darker Blue = Macedonians
By Jan Oberg March 24, 2018, marks the 19th anniversary of NATO illegal and illegitimate bombing of Yugoslavia, Serbia and its Kosovo, province during 78 days. It has – one is tempted to say: of course – been conveniently forgotten by the West itself. It was masterminded by the United States under Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright after the so-called negotiations between Serbs and Albanians in Rambouillet outside Paris (the parties never met face-to-face) While Clinton may be best remembered for his relations with Monica Lewinsky and his wife, Hillary Clinton, some of us also remember him (and Albright) for bombing Afghanistan, Sudan, Bosnia-Hercegovina and contributions to the proportionately largest ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia – of Croatian Serbs out of Croatia’s Krajina, Eastern and Western Slavonia where they had lived for about 400 years, in Operations “Storm” and “Flash” in 1995. Clinton was also the President who started the expansion of NATO against assurances about never doing so given by leading NATO politicians to Mikhael Gorbachev and former Yugoslav republics are now NATO members (Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro) and upheld the sanctions on Iraq’s innocent citizens even after 500 000 had died. By an objective analysis of the contemporary history of interventionism and militarism, Russia’s response to the de facto coup d’etat in Kiev by annexing Crimea would, one should expect, be compared with such fundamentally important and international law-violating policies and, likely, found to be minor in comparison. But that, naturally, is impossible for those who have reasons to be in denial of their own wrongdoings and large parts, therefore, of the post-Cold War history. With a history like that – and more since then – it is no wonder that the NATO/West must blame everything evil on virtually everybody else: Russia, Syria, Iran, North Korea and China in particular. In psycho-political terms, it’s called projection while others might call it amnesia or attention-diversion that fit new crimes. • • Yugoslavia’s dissolution was surely caused by internal dynamics accumulating over a decade after Josip Broz Tito’s death. But the international so-called community’s involvement could, in the macro-historical perspective, be viewed as at least as destructive, if not more. The understanding of the hugely complex conflict formations in the Yugoslav space was unknown to 99% of the Western governments and their diplomats – having no other mental patterns than the Cold War and, thus, casting the Serbs as the evil, expansive Orthodox Russians and the rest as freedom-seeking peoples who ought to belong to “us”. They thought it was about ethnicity while ethnicity was just a vehicle for mobilisation of warfighting energies and exploitation of traumas from the Second World War. They thought that conflict-resolution was about reducing complexity down to two parties, one good and one evil and that peace-making would succeed if they supported the former and punish the latter. With such a deficient intellectual toolbox, with such amateurish Diagnosis of Yugoslavia’s problems, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the Prognosis was wrong too and that the kind of final Solution – dissolution, split-and-rule and rewarding extremist nationalism and humiliating Russia – turned out catastrophic. A good doctor causes as little pain and blood loss. Western conflict doctors, accompanied by their arms traders, spilt as much blood as possible, on top of what the various domestic governments, private warlords and paramilitaries of Yugoslavia were able and willing to do to each other. • • To make this Western – remember, Russia was on its knees and could play no role – quackery succeed, at least in their own eyes, the self-appointed peacemakers of our world had to produce a number of novel tricks – all of which makes the longterm effects of this Yugoslavia’s dissolution more significant than the fall of The Wall. Among such politico-military inventions on would perhaps in particular point to these: • Since this was the first larger conflict after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, everything seemed possible, no need to take into account what Russia might do because it could do virtually nothing. • Splitting with violent means an existing founding member state of the Non-Aligned Movement and of the UN; • Bombing without a UN Security Council mandate (and where there were one, making it blurred and never finding the funds for the UN to succeed); • Recognising Slovenia and Croatia out of Yugoslavia against while the criteria for declaration of independence (such as control over a territory) were not met; • Recognising these two republics out of Yugoslavia while not having the slightest idea about what to do with Rest-Yugoslavia and, thereby, making the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina impossible to avoid. • Inventing the peace enforcement idea in the UN Agenda for Peace report that contravened everything the UN stood for and enabled one-sided military action by outsiders; • Inventing the idea of humanitarian intervention – and using it there where there were no genocide (or plan of it, certainly not in Kosovo either) or other historically, uniquely huge, humanitarian catastrophe while never since contemplating such interventions to really stop such mass-killing calamities elsewhere; • Bombing relentlessly and shamelessly over 78 days one country, Serbia, in order to create a new state out of it, Kosovo – the second Albanian state in Europe; • And threaten the destruction of the capital, Belgrade, unless President Slobodan Milosevic withdrew from Kosovo; • Establishing a special Tribunal in the Hague for only this conflict and Rwanda, a tribunal which, to the very end, was marked by strange procedures and biases that, hardly surprisingly, fit the political patterns and deficient conflict diagnosis practised by the West. • While one can certainly argue that the UN was undermined by many other wars before those in Yugoslavia, Vietnam not the least, it can be argued that it was here the UN became a victim of systematic marginalisation and accused of being useless and even complicit in its policies and on-the-ground missions – to the extent that the UN has not been thought of as a central peacekeeper, – maker and -builder in any of the large conflict zones since 1999. • And it is, finally, the conflict in which commercial marketing companies – such as Ruder Finn – were brought in to secure an advantageous but deceptive global image of Croatia, Bosnian Muslims and Kosovo-Albanians. Powerful narratives that serve certain interests but not truth in any sense didn’t start with Syria. Neither did mainstream media’s loyalty to their governments and addiction to simplifying two-party narratives that were particularly misleading here, in one of the world’s most complex conflict formations. Those of us who were more or less permanently on the ground in all parts of Yugoslavia – had been there decades before and followed it closely after, tended to see things in rather different perspectives and would maintain that the outside “help” Yugoslavia received from the international so-called community was a kind of cynical euthanasia rather than a genuine help to recover. • • Kosovo and TFF’s mediation and peace plan This author served as goodwill mediator/adviser to three governments in Belgrade and to the non-violent leadership team of Dr Ibrahim Rugova in Kosovo. They wanted an independent state but only through non-violent means – and therefore soon marginalised by the West which, with the particular contribution of the German intelligence service BND and the American CIA instead invested in the darkest and most criminal circles in Kosovo and set up the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA/UCK) which later served as a kind of army on the ground for NATO’s bombing raids. We developed a plan for a negotiated solution to the conflict based on a total ceasefire, UN presence and monitoring and a three-year negotiation process. It was shaped like an international law document. As far as we know, it is the only plan that was widely discussed and presented in in details in both Serbian and Albanian media. It turned out soon to be all in vain. The US and NATO allies had other plans – and they were not about peace. The Rambouillet meetings were totally fake, meant only to secure that Belgrade would say No and the Albanian Yes. Then Assistant Secretary of State, James Rubin, formulated it so well – people thought: Today the Serbs have chosen war and the Albanians peace. He said it to his wife, Christiane Amanpour on CNN – State war policies and mainstream media already then in symbiosis. How was it done? Well, in the first round of talks the Albanians had stalled while the Serb team went along with a plan presented by Madeleine Albright. That was not what they wanted, so she later produced an Appendix to the text – to be used to turn the talk results around 180 degrees: The Appendix stipulated that NATO forces should be deployed to Serbia, should not be legally responsible for damage it may cause to Serbian property and not pay for the use of harbours and airfields. Who would not have smelled a rat here? Either NATO could then have started a war from inside Serbia itself, having already a first contingent on the ground. Or they could move to arrest President Milosevic at some point. Surprise, surprise: The Serbs said no and the Albanians were enthusiastic. That was the pretext to NATO bombings 19 years ago. Plus the – presumably nicely staged – massacre in the village of Racak. A US head of the OSCE-related KVM monitoring mission, Mr William Walker, with a less than clean-handed past in the CIA, arrived immediately and, before any analyses had been made, declared it the work of the Serbian government. • • TFF’s team of Yugoslavia experts, psychologists, media people, peacemakers etc. was on the ground everywhere, conducted interviews on all sides (some 3000) and roamed around with flak jackets also where no embassies were found. No Western government ever took any interest, except former US Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance and his team whom we had a long conversation with in a late evening at his hotel suite. A delightful intellectual with a heart, a moral man – who was quickly sidelined by the Clinton administration and one of the students Vance had taught diplomacy – Warren Christopher. TFF’s first report, After Yugoslavia – What? in September 1991 was published at the same time as Vance’s team was working on the idea to deploy UN peacekeeping missions in Croatia. That was also a central proposal of the mentioned report. Over the years, three TFF Associates – Johan Galtung, Hakan Wiberg and Jan Oberg who in total had about 130 man-years of experience with Yugoslavia – wrote the equivalent of about 2000 A4 pages – main comprehensive conflict analyses and peace proposals and some debate articles and press releases. They’re all gathered – as they were written at the time – in the blog (1) report “Yugoslavia – What Should Have Been Done” which is not only the largest peace research publication about Yugoslavia but also a frontal criticism – with alternatives point by point – of how the West practised what must be termed peace prevention. Yes, there were alternatives. But those who mastermind wars are not exactly the best listeners. Back then as today, somebody else paid a high price. We don’t want to contribute to the special war crimes amnesia of the West. And we want to remind our audiences that there are always alternatives to warfare. Note 1 Note 2 Further, it is free where academic books are now in the price range of hundreds of dollars. While academic publishing houses hardly pay authors honorarium anymore, we authors at least have the deep joy of knowing we a) are being read widely and b) do not contribute to making corporate profits even higher. Our work is for the public good instead. If you respect and like that basic idea, you may consider making a donation towards TFF’s peace research and policy work. All the above was made possible thanks to people-funding which we are extremely grateful for. You can assist us in doing more genuine and critical-constructive peace research in the future here. Thanks a lot. Source: 19TH ANNYVERSSARY OF THE NATO MILITARY AGGRESSION AGAINST SERBIA
19 years since the start of the NATO military aggression on Serbia (FRY)
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By Rudolf Hansel
On March 8, 2018, President Trump invited top executives from the gaming industry, some of their critics, and members of Congress for a meeting to discuss violence in video games. Since the president's comments on the questionable products of the gaming industry were unusually critical, the reporting of the meeting in the White House in the German-speaking as well as US-American media was correspondingly negative. Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, one of the world's leading experts in the field of human aggression, was also invited to present his research results. But the press has hushed them up.
The extent of violence in video games shapes the thoughts of young people.
Long before his election as US President and a few days after the shots at Parkland High School in Florida, Trump had commented on the negative effects of screen violence on children and adolescents: "I hear that more and more people are saying that the extent of violence in games really shapes the minds of young people.” (1) Also during the White House meeting, he expressed concern about the violent nature of these games, he asked many questions to those present according to the Washington Post and listened attentively to the arguments from all sides (2). He is also a father of a nearly twelve-year-old son.
Right at the beginning of the one-hour non-public meeting, the President presented the participants with a short video game compilation of extremely bloody and brutal scenes. This supercut was later published in the official YouTube account of the White House. After the video ended, Trump asked the group: „This is violent, isn’t it? “ Then the games industry lobbyists admitted: "There is some programming that contains just absolute mind-boggling violence.” (3) But this exaggerated illustration of violence – such as the physically accurate mapping of the destruction of bones and organs – is also controversial within the games industry and games media.
In the course of the conversation it was then about more robust age restrictions, that is, an availability only at age 21 as in alcohol and tobacco. Furthermore, possible state restrictions on content were discussed and voluntary measures that could be done by the games industry itself. In doing so, the President encouraged game developers to "explore things they can do on their own to make things healthier in society" (4).
In a White House statement after the meeting it was said: “President Trump acknowledged that some studies have revealed that there is a connection between video game violence and real violence." (5) A congressman also spoke up and wrote: "The president's approach to leave no stone unturned is reasonable, and similar meetings with the film industry about film violence should also be held.” (6) Also, the observation of the President of the US Media Research Council is worth mentioning: "I think", he said, "the President is deeply disturbed by some of the things you see in these video games that are so brutal and unfit for children. And I think that bothers him." (7)
"The White House Meeting on Video Game Violence was Unproductive and Bizarre."
Because of the many critical comments on video violence that could not please the powerful representatives of the gaming industry, the tone of the coverage of the round table discussion was very negative. For example, it was claimed "The White House Meeting on Video Game Violence was Unproductive and Bizarre" (8). But what decisions could be expected from a one-hour conversation? "Bizarre“ is how supporters of violence-glorifying video games found the screening of bloody video clips. The main criticism of the journalists, however, was that the White House event was only a deliberate distraction from the real causes of recurrent rampage in the US, the feeble arms control measures.
The lobbyists in the games industry were particularly annoyed that the "conservative critics" claimed that media impact research demonstrated a causal link between the excessive playing of violence-glorifying video games (killer games) and the growth of aggressive thoughts and aggressive behavior of adolescents. Such studies, according to the lobby group, do not exist. Such statements caused partly outraged reactions because one did not want to be misused as a scapegoat (9).
Dave Grossman was also able to present his research results.
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman is an internationally recognized scholar. He is one of the world's foremost experts in the field of human aggression, the roots of violence, and violent crime. In his last book Assassination Generation. Video Games, Aggression, and the Psychology of Killing, there are new research results that go beyond those he has published in his previous books, On Killing, On Combat, and Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill.
For the understanding of his new book, he writes in the introduction:
„Over the years, I’ve delved into the body of scientific data and discovered the existence of a ‚safety catch‘ in humankind that inherently exists in healthy members of our species to prevent them from killing or seriously injuring one another. I studied how to work around this safety catch in military and police training. As I did so, I was continually plagued by one question: If it is so difficult to turn off the safety catch and teach our soldiers to kill in the face of deadly threats, how is it that acts of criminal violence are often committed with seeming easy?" (S. 5f.)
This expert was mentioned in the reports of the German-speaking media just at Heise without attribution as a book author, "according to whom video games train killers” (10). Even in the US media available to me, he was mentioned by name only on an online portal as someone better known for teaching police officers military tactics (11). His research results were nowhere mentioned.
Dave Grossman is a longtime friend of mine. He told me, that in the White House round-table discussion, he was able to present the President and others present with his firm position on the effects of video game violence.
Science has the duty to protect children and adolescents from becoming victims and perpetrators!
The games industry as well as the film and television industry do not take note of the proven results of the media impact research. Either they ignore them or they attack them. They often even twist and distort them. They come through with their attitude, because the power is on their side and the opinion of the society is ambiguous and divided. The annual revenue of the games industry in the US alone in 2017 was more than $ 36 billion. This corresponds to an increase of 18 percent over the previous year.
The (reputable) science remains the only independent body that can criticize the powerful mass media organizations and the games industry. It has a control task. Science has the duty to protect the powerless, especially children and adolescents, from becoming victims and perpetrators. Despite overwhelming research results, science does not adopt a uniform attitude towards the powerful organizations that fight with all the resources at their disposal. Many scientists believe that they can distinguish themselves and have the publicity on their side, by representing opinions that encourage the mass media and the games industry in their wrong attitude (13).
4. Ebenda.
6. Ebenda.
7. Ebenda.
13. Vgl. Schneider, H. J. (2001). Kriminologie für das 21. Jahrhundert. Münster-Hamburg-London, S. 147.
Dr. Rudolf Hansel is an educationalist and psychologist and expert in the prevention of youth violence, school violence and media violence. More information at
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Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Silk Road Connectivity Research Center (COREC)
China the honest partner in win win cooperation
Interview to the “Peoples’ Daily”, Europe Correspondent Dr Ren Yan, Bruseles
How do you view the role and function of the annual Two Sessions in China?
Reply: Serbia and China are comprehensive strategic partners. Therefore, the public in Serbia has closely followed the work of the Two Sessions in China. I wish to extend my personal and the Belgrade Forum’s the most sincere congratulations on the great success of the Two Sessions. I am convinced that this friendly feeling is present all over in Serbia. The two Sessions have immense role in the efficient functioning of the socialist system of Chinese characteristics which provides the highest rate of the GDP rise in the world, the highest contribution of China to the World economic development and steady rise of the living standards of Chinese people. The Two Sessions have irreplaceable role in concretizing and implementing strategic decisions of the Chinese leadership headed by President of the Republic and Secretary General Xi Jinping.
What impressed you most for the Two Sessions this year?
Reply: This year’s Two Sessions are particularly important as the follow up of the historic decisions of the 19th Congress of CPC. I am impressed by Unity, steadiness, and vision in the building of moderately developed socialist society by 2025.
Chinese President Xi Jinping made some new comments on the political system of China recently. How do see that?
Reply: The President Xi Jinping’s vision provides that the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is always adapted to meet the challenges of the modern socioeconomic, technological, cultural and scientific progress while remaining to be centered on the needs of the people for their better life. The President Xi has proved to command unique leadership qualities. He is guarantor of the people’s unity, overall steady socioeconomic progress and reforms oriented to address peoples yearning for better life. His initiative to uproot corruption, poverty and unacceptable social differences has delivered great success. His clear vision of the China’s future makes him to be always the source of new ideas and initiatives for socioeconomic, cultural and scientific development of the country.
Some experts say China has paved a new way for the development of scientific socialism. Do you agree with that?
Reply: I believe that Chinese socialism is scientifically based. For that reason, China keeps reforming continuously not only its economy but its specific socialist system which encompasses all essential specifics of Chinese tradition, philosophy and history but also keeps developing modern solutions for challenges of today and the future.
As to the world governance, President Xi Jinping put forward some new initiatives like OBOR and creating a community of shared future for mankind, what significance do such initiatives have for the world economical and political sustainable development ?
Reply: President Xi Jinping’s initiatives like OBOR and Building Community of Shared Future of Mankind are of historic significance. These initiatives have been accepted worldwide and incorporated in the documents of United Nations and many other global international organizations. These initiatives are in line with humanity’s objective to secure steady, inclusive and sustainable growth of the world economy, to eliminate profound socioeconomic gaps and to reinforce peace and shared happy future of humanity. It is also leading to the better understanding among peoples and civilizations. Thanks to the President Xi’s initiatives the world economy governance is undergoing profound changes toward democratization, equality, inclusiveness and openers. All these new qualities in the world economy governance, contribute immensely toward new global order based on multipolarity, genuine partnership, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. This is why President Xi enjoys reputation of the highest world leader who foresees the future of the global development, understands what should be done and brings genuine initiatives how the meet the challenges.
The President Xi Jinping is worldwide perceived as the leader of the new philosophy in the international relations – philosophy of win win cooperation and sovereign equality of all nations. Therefore, China is accepted as unselfish, honest partner, one which connects the interest of different countries and civilizations, the interest of peace, stability and modern socioeconomic development. As a founder and leading member of the new international institutions and organizations such as Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, New Development Bank, Asian Bank for Infrastructure Development and many others, China under the leadership of President Xi plays global role in building appropriate system of governance of the World economy which will be open, inclusive and democratic.
Serbia and China comprehensive strategic partners
It has been just announced in Belgrade that the President Xi Jinping will pay another official visit to Serbia this year. Two years ago he visited Serbia the first time opening the Smederevo Chinese Steel Factory, employing over 4.000 workers and announcing the start of the construction of the high speed railway Belgrade-Budapest. Now that the Steel factory is achieving impressive results in productivity and the construction of the high speed railway is progressing, the public in Serbia is hoping that the President Xi this year may officially inaugurate the start of yet another new strategically important joint projects China+16CEEC, under OBOR. In parallel with the announcement of the new President Xi’s visit, a huge delegation of Chinese “Xijing Mining Group” was received by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic discussing intention to buy Serbian Copper (and Gold) Mining Company in Bor, one of the largest copper mine in Europe, employing about 5000 workers. The first Chinese Industrial Park in Europe, close to Belgrade has earlier been agreed upon to be constructed, as well as the water purification factory.
Afrin: Siria, arrivata la Brigata Liwa al Baquir... - By Enrico Vigna
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Afrin: Siria, arrivata la Brigata Liwa al Baquir, reparto avanzato e anticipatore delle Forze popolari siriane per la difesa della regione. L’accoglienza della popolazione. Cos’è la Brigata Liwa al Baquir. A cura di Enrico Vigna, marzo 2018
Arrivata ad Afrin la Brigata Liwa al Baquir, reparto avanzato e anticipatore dell’Esercito Arabo Siriano e delle Forze popolari siriane per la difesa della regione e la liberazione della Siria. La popolazione li ha accolti così. Alcune note sulla storia della Brigata Liwa al Baquir di Aleppo..
The Defining Year Was 1991: The Demise of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union
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by Marcus Papadopoulos, via Global Research
Whilst there are no golden ages, it is abundantly clear that the world today is in a very unhealthy state. From Eastern Europe to North Africa to the Middle East, countries, in recent years, have been severely destabilised, resulting in carnage and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of lives.
And at the heart of that destabilisation is American and British foreign policy.
But how have we arrived at this situation in the world today? And what are the roots of America and Britain’s ‘humanitarian intervention’?
A lot of people answer the above questions by citing the illegal American and British invasion of Iraq. Well, they are emphatically wrong.
What we are seeing today in, for example, Syria, has its origins in 1991. Because that year was a turning-point in geo-politics. It was the year that saw the dismemberment of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Yugoslavia was the first step in a series of Western interventions in the world, including Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine, and the West was able to successfully intervene in those countries because the Soviet Union is no more.
At the beginning of 1991, Yugoslavia found itself in a precarious and what proved to be a deadly situation for it. Yugoslavia was alone in Europe. The Yugoslav authorities were facing a US, UK, Germany and Austria which no longer needed Yugoslavia (as they had during the Cold War, when Yugoslavia pursued a policy of non-alignment), who did not want a socialist country in the new Europe, and who wanted to prevent Russian influence in the Balkans from potentially being established in the future. And owing to the Soviet Union being in its death throes, Moscow was unable to assist the Yugoslav government.
Yugoslavia was where the West/NATO’s policy of intervention was born, where international law would be completely sidelined and where alleged acts of genocide would provide NATO, under American leadership, with a pretext to intervene in, under the banner of humanitarianism. Western intervention in Yugoslavia would subsequently provide the catalyst for future western intervention elsewhere in the world in order for the US to strengthen its global hegemony. And it was in Yugoslavia where the American and British establishments would employ one of their most formidable weapons to justify their new interventionist policy: mainstream media. And US and UK mainstream media would subsequently take its new-found experiences and successes from Yugoslavia to new fronts – Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine.
Press Releases |
We reject US interference for the destabilization of Venezuela!
With renewed alarm and repudiation, we again denounce US imperialism in its interference in the affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, reaffirmed by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who suggested that the Government of President Nicolás Maduro could be overthrown by the Venezuelan Army.
Beginning a visit to Latin America and the Caribbean, Tillerson even referred to past military coups that overthrew popular or progressive governments under the guidance and support of the United States and imposed untold suffering on the people! The dictatorships fed and coordinated by his country decreed as politics the terror of the criminals who instituted the torture basements, the kidnappings and murders, for decades. That is why memory and indignation will surely prevent Latin Americans from accepting such ignominy!
The World Peace Council has repeatedly affirmed its solidarity with the Venezuelan people in defending the Bolivarian Revolution, stability and peace in the country, based primarily on respect for Venezuela's sovereignty and internal political dialogue, without foreign interference. It is widely known, however, that the increasingly fascist opposition in the country counts on the broad support and encouragement of US imperialism, as evidenced by the criminal attitude of its Secretary of State and that of other reactionary forces in Latin America.
Therefore, we express total repudiation of any attempt by the US to promote the destabilization of Venezuela and the region, by insulting democracy and the sovereignty of nations! We repudiate the persistent media war and inflammatory speeches against the government of President Maduro, who is legitimately elected and committed to a solution to the crisis.
We vehemently reject any suggestion of intervention or military coup promoted by reactionary forces and US imperialism. We believe that the incitement will certainly be frustrated by the conscious and already asserted support of Venezuelan officials for the defense of their country's peace and sovereignty, rejecting the role of the slaughterers of democracy that the US would like to see them play.
Hands off Venezuela, now!
Down with imperialist interference!
Socorro Gomes
President of the World Peace Council
No US Foreign Bases – A Call for Peace From a New Coalition
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By Michael Byrne
Posted on January 16, 2018
Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. day, and on a day where people often discuss his dreams, they rarely discuss his nightmares. It was in early 1967 while Dr. King was eating breakfast and reading a magazine when he came across images of children in Vietnam who had been struck by Napalm. He said afterwards that “I came to the conclusion that I could no longer remain silent about an issue that was destroying the soul of our nation.” It was then that Dr. King decided to come out publicly against the war in Vietnam, delivering an address that is among the greatest speeches ever delivered by anyone in this country’s history. Dr. King’s April 4th, 1967 speech in front of 3,000 people at the Riverside Church in New York City, delivered a scathing rebuke of not only the war in Vietnam, but the militarized United States, which he referred to as “…the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today”. That speech earned Dr. King the anger of nearly everyone, including US liberals and fellow civil rights activists. This highlights a problem that is still all too prevalent today. That is, it is still highly taboo to criticize US foreign policy and the violent war machine that is behind it.
Pentagon unveils strategy for military confrontation with Russia and China
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By Bill Van Auken
20 January 2018
The Trump administration’s defense secretary, former Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, rolled out a new National Defense Strategy Friday that signals open preparations by US imperialism for direct military confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia and China.
Speaking at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, Mattis made clear that the strategy, the first such document to be issued by the Pentagon in roughly a decade, represented an historic shift from the ostensible justification for US global militarism for nearly two decades: the so-called war on terrorism.
“Great power competition—not terrorism—is now the primary focus of US national security,” Mattis said in his speech, which accompanied the release of an 11-page declassified document outlining the National Defense Strategy in broad terms. A lengthier classified version was submitted to the US Congress, which includes the Pentagon’s detailed proposals for a massive increase in military spending.
Much of the document’s language echoed terms used in the National Security Strategy document unveiled last month in a fascistic speech delivered by President Donald Trump. Mattis insisted that the US was facing “growing threat from revisionist powers as different as China and Russia, nations that seek to create a world consistent with their authoritarian models.”
The defense strategy goes on to accuse China of seeking “Indo-Pacific regional hegemony in the near-term and displacement of the United States to achieve global preeminence in the future.”
Russia, it charges, is attempting to achieve “veto authority over nations on its periphery in terms of their governmental, economic, and diplomatic decisions, to shatter the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and change European and Middle East security and economic structures to its favor.”
“China is a strategic competitor using predatory economics to intimidate its neighbors while militarizing features in the South China Sea,” it states. “Russia has violated the borders of nearby nations and pursues veto power over the economic, diplomatic, and security decisions of its neighbors.”
In what appeared to be a threat directed against both Russia and China, Mattis warned, “If you challenge us, it will be your longest and worst day.”
Both Moscow and Beijing issued statements condemning the US defense strategy. A Chinese spokesman denounced the document as a return to a “Cold War mentality.” Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, meanwhile, told a United Nations press conference: “It is regrettable that instead of having a normal dialog, instead of using the basis of international law, the US is indeed striving to prove their leadership through such confrontational strategies and concepts.” A government spokesman in Moscow characterized the document as “imperialistic.”
Like the National Security Strategy released last month, the defense strategy also singles out North Korea and Iran as “rogue regimes,” charging them with destabilizing regions through their “pursuit of nuclear weapons or sponsorship of terrorism.” It accuses Tehran of “competing with its neighbors, asserting an arc of influence and instability while vying for regional hegemony.” author Zivadin Jovanovic
Press Releases |
Živadin Jovanović - Archive
Serb politician assasinated in Kosovo
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Killing of key Serb politician in Kosovo triggers break-up of Belgrade-Pristina talks
A leading Serb politician in Kosovo has been gunned down in front of his party’s office in Mitrovica. The killing of Oliver Ivanovic sparked outrage in Belgrade, which suspended talks with Pristina in protest.
Ivanovic, 64, was fatally injured by an unidentified assailant in front of the office of his Citizens’ Initiative Party, Serbian state television reported.
“Unfortunately, I wish it weren’t true, but doctors declared Oliver dead at 9:30 this morning,” Nebojsa Vlajic, Ivanovic’s lawyer told AP by phone.
In protest over the killing, Serbia announced it would cut EU-mediated consultation with Pristina. The head of Belgrade’s Office for Kosovo and Metohijam, Marko Duric, called the killing a “terrorist attack” targeting the entire Serbian people, TANJUG news agency said.
A leading Serb politician in Kosovo has been gunned down in front of his party’s office, police confirmed. The killing of Oliver Ivanovic sparked outrage in Belgrade, which suspended talks with Pristina in protest.
Ivanovic, 64, was fatally injured by an unidentified assailant in front of the office of his Citizens’ Initiative Party in the northern city of Mitrovica. An hour later, an Opel Astra car was found burned out in another street in the city, police said, adding that the vehicle may have been used by the perpetrators.
In the meantime, following Ivanovic’s assassination, the EU-mediated talks between Serbia and Kosovo have been suspended. The negotiations were scheduled to resume at a technical level on Tuesday after they stopped in March 2017, when then-opposition leader Ramush Haradinaj, was detained on a Serbian arrest warrant by French border police. Paris released Haradinaj, now prime minister, a month later despite Belgrade’s calls for his extradition to Serbia.
The EU said it “strongly condemns the murder” of Ivanovic and it expects authorities “to spare no effort to find the perpetrators and bring them to justice,” EU spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic said in a statement.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has called a national security council meeting to discuss the killing of Ivanovic. He is scheduled to deliver a televised address later in the day.
The Kosovo authorities condemned the killing, saying it was a challenge to the rule of law in Kosovo. “Violence is unacceptable, without taking into consideration where it comes from and toward whom it is directed,” the government in Pristina said in a statement.
Kosovo, once the core of the medieval Serbian state, experienced increasing tension between the Serbian and Albanian populations, escalating into a civil war in 1998-99, in which NATO intervention ensured the defeat of the Serbs. The southern province declared independence in 2008, which was never recognized by Belgrade.
Ivanovic served for several years as State Secretary in the now-downgraded Serbian ministry for Kosovo affairs.
In 2014, he and four other ethnic Serbs were arrested by Kosovo authorities over alleged war crimes. The verdict in the case was passed in January 2016. Ivanovic was sentenced to nine years in prison. The verdict was overturned in February 2017. The politician remained under house arrest till April 2017, when he was allowed greater freedom of movement.
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Psychological notes on a fatal human weakness - Indolence of the heart
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From Dr. Rudolf Hansel
For decades asymmetrical wars have taken place before our eyes, with grave consequences for the civilian population of the country and the entire environment. They are predominantly nuclear wars with "dirty bombs" and post-nuclear wars with plasma weapons, as well as weather wars and deliberate and large-scale interventions with technical means in geochemical or biogeochemical cycles of the earth (geoengineering). All these wars follow a secret geo-strategic agenda of the Hegemon to secure world domination. The depopulation of resource-rich regions, especially in the Middle and Near East, is the goal. The ruling elites do not even shy away from extinguishing all human life (omnicide). Since we citizens of the West, out of indolence of our hearts, let these crimes happen far away from our supposedly safe countries, their fatal consequences are now catching up with us. And so only a few generations remain to do something. We are responsible for what we leave to the next generation. But that does not seem to concern us.
Psychology of violence
During my psychology studies, I took part in a seminar on the topic "Psychology of Violence". On the question of who is to blame for the violence in the world, our professor had the following statement: The problem of violence has not been solved by mankind. An epidemic of greed and brutality in the economy and politics repeatedly lead to catastrophes such as war and terror, which kill millions of people like the plague of the Middle Ages. These fateful effects touch our lifeblood, but they do not shake us up, we remain lethargic. Foolish as we are, we continue to lull ourselves to safety as the dark clouds of violence gather over our heads. We are aware that we are settling on the edge of the volcano, but we hope that there will be no outbreak; the calming self-delusion is dearer to us than the thought of the danger. We want to forget about discouragement and we prefer to choose pleasure. But the pleasure principle is inapplicable to protect man's life, because reality wants to be recognized and understood: anyone who contradicts it will be either damaged or destroyed.
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Rising tensions in the global relations and hot beds of old and new crisis call for unity and efforts of all peace forces for closing foreign military bases, particularly U.S. and NATO foreign military bases, around the globe. The peace forces are obligated to send clear message that U.S. and NATO foreign military bases represent the tools of hegemonism, aggression, occupation, and that as such must be closed.
Peace and inclusive development, elimination of hunger and misery require redistribution of spending for maintence of military bases in favor of development needs, education and heath services. After the end of the Cold War the whole humanity expected stability, peace and justice in the world of equal states and nations. Such expectations, however, turned to be futile beliefs.
In the last two decades, instead of closing U.S. and NATO military bases in Europe, the continent has been interneted by whole chain new U.S. military bases in Bulgaria, Rumania, Poland, Baltic states. As a consequence there are today more U.S. military bases in Europe than at the pick of the Cold War. Peace and security have become more fragile and quality of life jeopardized.
This dangerous development was triggered in 1999 by NATO-US led aggression against Serbia (FR Yugoslavia). At the end of the aggression US established military base in the occupied part of the Serbian territory Kosovo and Metohija, called Bondsteel, which is one of the most expensive and the largest USA military bases, established after the Vietnam War. It was not only an illegal, but brutal act of disrespect of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and other basic principles of international law. Now, there is even plan to expand the base Bondsteel trabsforming it into a permanent location of American troops and a hub of U.S. military presence in South East Europe for geostrategic purposes and conmfrontations.
We demand that the Bondsteel military base be closed as well as all other U.S. military bases in Europe and in the World. Preparations for furthering confrontation and new wars are sensless waste of money, energy and development opportunities.
The Belgrade forum as an integral part of the world peace movement, stands firmly by the initiative to close all military bases in the world and redirect resources to rising development needs and people yearnings for better life.
Belgrade, January 12, 2018
Public Overwhelmingly Opposed To Military Interventions
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January 11, 2018
Dear CCI Friends,
We are not alone––we are actually in the majority!
New polls below show agreement with us on getting out of these endless wars. Why then is militarism and resulting wars between ourselves and other countries so out of control?
Up to now the American media has supported a militaristic mindset––war looks exciting, brave and all-American! But definitely, Americans are beginning to wake up, particularly the younger business and professional class who understand they may have no future at the rate the situation is advancing.
Push with us, educate with us, email this message to friends, colleagues, university students, your business friends, family members and physicians.
Sharon Tennison, President and Founder
Center for Citizen Initiatives
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Dear friends,
We congratulate you on holding National Conference against US foreign military bases, to be held in Baltimore, Maryland, from 12-14 January 2018.
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals fully supports your initiative for convening a GLOBAL CONFERENCE AGAINST U.S. FOREIGN MILITARY BASES. Rising tensions in the global relations and hot beds of old and new crisis call for unity and efforts of all peace forces for closing foreign military bases, particularly U.S. and NATO foreign military bases, around the globe. The peace forces are obligated to send clear message that U.S. and NATO foreign military bases represent the tools of hegemonism, aggression, occupation, and that as such must be closed.
Peace and inclusive development, elimination of hunger and misery require redistribution of spending for maintence of military bases in favor of development needs, education and heath services. After the end of the Cold War the whole humanity expected stability, peace and justice in the world of equal states and nations. Such expectations, however, turned to be futile beliefs.
In the last two decades, instead of closing U.S. and NATO military bases in Europe, the continent has been interneted by new U.S. military bases. As a consequence there are today more U.S. military bases in Europe than at the pick of the Cold War. Peace and security have become more fragile and quality of life jeopardized.
This dangerous development was triggered in 1999 by NATO- US led aggression against Serbia (FR Yugoslavia). At the end of the aggression US established military base in zhe occupied part of the Serbian territory Kosovo and Metohija, called Bondsteel, which is one of the most expensive and the largest military bases, established after Vietnam War It was not only an illegal, but brutal act disrespect sovereignty of Serbia and basic principles of international law. Now, there is even plan to expand the base Bondsteel and to turn it into a permanent location of American troops and into a hub of U.S. military presence in South East Europe.
We strongly oppose such belicions plans, being contrary to the interests of the peoples of the region and source of further rising tensions between East and West. We demand that the Bondsteel military base be closed as well as all other U.S. military bases in Europe and in the World. Preparations for war are sensless waste of money, energy and development opportunities.
The Belgrade forum as integral part of the world peace movement headed by the WPC, stands firmly by the initiative to close all military bases in the world and direct resources to development and better life of people.
We express our solidarity with efforts of the COALITION AGAINST U.S. FOREIGN MILITARY BASES and wish the Baltimore conference full success.
Friendly yours,
Zivadin Jovanovic
President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Forgotten War Crimes: NATO’s 1999 Attack on Serbia’s State TV Headquarters “Wiped from the Record”
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The NATO missile assault killed 16 journalists and employees, yet there was no international outcry comparable to the "Charlie Hebdo" attacks in 2015
On 23 April 1999, a NATO missile attack on Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) headquarters killed 16 employees of the state broadcaster. The forgotten war crime occurred during the Kosovo War (March 1998-June 1999), and was part of NATO’s aerial campaign alongside the US-backed Kosovo Liberation army, in opposition to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
In the aftermath of the attack there were no great public campaigns launched for the 16 murdered journalists and employees, no outpouring of emotion for those killed, no calls for solidarity and togetherness in the face of aggression. On the contrary the West justified this grievous blow against freedom of expression, praised it even.
Tony Blair, Britain’s then Prime Minister, welcomed the killings when speaking at NATO’s 50th anniversary summit in Washington. Blair said the missile attack was “entirely justified… in damaging and attacking all these targets”, and that those murdered were part of the “apparatus of dictatorship and power of [Slobodan] Milosevic”.
Blair felt that, “the responsibility for every single part of this action lies with the man [Milosevic] who has engaged in this policy of ethnic cleansing and must be stopped”. Apparently Milosevic “must be stopped” by wiping out state journalists or what Blair describes as an “apparatus of dictatorship”.
Aftermath of the US-NATO War on Yugoslavia. The Unspoken Impacts of Radioactive Depleted Uranium Ammunition
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Dr. Rudolph Hänsel is a renowned author and psychologist based in Lindau, Germany
Featured image: Depleted uranium ammunition, fired in FR Yugoslavia in 1999. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
More than a decade and a half after the US-NATO- under international law illegal – war aggression against Yugoslavia using highly toxic and radioactive uranium projectiles, the enormity of this war crime becomes clear: In Serbia, aggressive cancer among young and old has reached epidemic proportions.
The suffering of the people cries out to heaven. Particularly affected is the south of Serbia and Kosovo. According to the Serbian Ministry of Health, every day a child suffers from cancer. The entire country is contaminated. By harming the genetic material (DNA) generation after generation, malformed children will be born. Knowingly and willfully, a genocide was committed. Until recently, with the help of the media, politicians have withheld the truth from unsettled citizens under pressure from the perpetrators of the genocide. Brave and responsible physicians, former military officials, ex-politicians and scientists have now succeeded in breaking this wall of silence for the benefit of the Serbian people and the many other peoples of the world who share their fate.
Depleted Uranium weapons are weapons of mass destruction
When the US used the defoliant agent “Agent Orange” and napalm in Vietnam, the world was appalled. This was no longer war, it was slaughter of the civilian population and sustainable destruction of nature. 50 years later, generation after generation comes to this world severely handicapped (disabled)- born to die. However the arms industry, including the nuclear weapons industry, has been developing its business rapidly since Vietnam. All wars are, according to the legal norms of the Nuremberg Tribunal, illegal wars of aggression and they are becoming increasingly murderous, sneaky, more widespread, (and) more genocidal. So also the first war of the US-NATO on European soil against Yugoslavia 1999. Here, under tacit tolerance of NATO allies – including Germany – the US Army used a weapon of mass destruction which they have already tested in the second Gulf War in 1991 and in Bosnia-Herzegovina 1994/95: highly toxic and radioactive uranium weapons. NATO itself has admitted firing 30,000 missiles with Depleted Uranium (DU), while the Serbian military speaks of 50,000. That corresponds to 10 to 15 tons of uranium.
Since already extensive scientific literature and film footage (“deadly dust”) of this war crime are available in German, English and Serbian (1), here just a few comments. Due to the long degradation process of radioactivity and toxicity, waste from the uranium and nuclear industries – mainly DU from isotope 238 – are stored in secure landfills for a very long time. To reduce the high cost, DU is therefore gladly given free of charge to interested parties such as the military. DU has characteristics that are particularly attractive for the defense industry: The DU projectiles- developed according to German technology (Siegwart-Horst Günther) – have a high penetrating power because of the high density of the metallic uranium (1.7 times larger than that of lead) and are particularly suitable for breaking steel armor and underground concrete bunkers. DU is also a flammable material that ignites spontaneously when penetrating an armor plate and at 3000 degrees Celsius burns to uranium oxide dust while releasing highly toxic and radioactive substances (uranium oxide).
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Živadin Jovanović, President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, took part in the conference on cooperation of port cities in the implementation of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative, held on December 5-9, 2017, in the port city of Tianjin, in the northeast of China. The Conference was attended by a hundred representatives from 37 countries of Asia, Europe, Americas, Africa and Australia. The ranks of participants included, most notably, former prime ministers George Andreas Papandreou of Greece, Dominique de Villepin of France, Massimo D'Alema of Italy, and other prominent personalities.
The Conference produced an initiative to establish the Association of Port Cities along the Belt and Road, whose mission will be to coordinate and strengthen the roles of maritime cities and ports as well as ports on inland waterways. Several Chinese and foreign participants emphasized in their interventions the important and constructive role that Serbia plays in the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative as a global, multidimensional development project. Chinese representatives have in particular stressed the importance of the beginning of the construction of the Belgrade-Budapest high-speed railway as a strategic cross-border project which contributes to the efficiency of operation of the China-Europe continental/maritime express line, via the Port of Piraeus in Greece.
Živadin Jovanović made a point that 23 documents on mutual cooperation, including declaration on development of comprehensive strategic relations between Serbia and China, have been signed during the state visit Chinese President Xi Jinping made to Serbia in 2016. Jovanović went on to indicate Serbia’s important role in economic and cultural integration of China, Asia and Europe, implemented both at the bilateral level and in the format of China + 16 Central and Eastern European countries. According to him, the Chinese-Serbian projects have already amounted to $ 6 billion in value, while the volume of the investment, economic and cultural cooperation between the two keeps increasing at a rapid pace. Further, Jovanović touched upon significance of the Danube waterway, as a strategic European traffic route, which extends for 588 kilometres through Serbia and which practically connects the Mediterranean with the North and the Baltic Seas, through the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal network.
When dwelling on the prospects of future cooperation in the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, Jovanović underlined the importance of developing 2 industrial parks, both on the Danube. One is located in Smederevo, city in which Chinese corporation “Hesteel” already owns the Iron & Steel Factory with 5,200 employees, and the other is in the immediate vicinity of the “Mihajlo Pupin” Bridge, built and commissioned by Chinese companies in 2014, on an entry road to Belgrade. He recalled that Serbia hosts the seat of the Association for Infrastructure and Transport, within the China+16 CEEC format, and proposed to further explore the possibilities of China's participation in the modernization of the Danube waterway (in terms of safety, logistics, cleaning, access infrastructure), and in the 3 Rivers (Danube, Morava, Vardar) multidimensional development project. Elaborating on coordination and expansion of ports along the Belt and Road, Jovanović focused on importance of coordination of the new Association of Port Cities, initiated in Tianjin, with the existing Three Seas (Adriatic, Black, Baltic Seas) Maritime Ports Cooperation Project, which was verified in 2016 at the China+16 Summit held in Riga, Latvia, with the seat in Warsaw.
In his talks with representatives of the City of Tianjin (population of 15 million), potentials were explored for the twinning of Tianjin and either Belgrade or Novi Sad, both of which are major ports on the Danube River.
Belgrade, December 20, 2017.
Belgrade, mon amour
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Willy Wimmer: „In der Geschichte mich vergraben, das will ich nicht“
Einen Beitrag dazu leisten kann ich allerdings und werde mich auch dieser Aufgabe stellen. Sie war im übrigen sehr persönlich, denn meine Geschichte in Zusammenhang mit Jugoslawien begann mit einer besonderen Persönlichkeit. Es handelt sich um Herrn Zoran Jeremic, seinerzeit Geschäftsträger seines Landes in Bonn, Mitte der neunziger Jahre. Die Parlamentarische Versammlung der OSZE hatte wegen der besorgniserregenden Entwicklung auf dem Balkan und insbesondere in Jugoslawien beschlossen, eine Delegation zu Gesprächen mit dem Präsidenten der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien, Herrn Slobodan Milosevic und anderen führenden Repräsentanten seines Landes nach Belgrad zu entsenden. Die Delegation sollte unter Führung des belgischen Senatspräsidenten Frank Swalen nach Belgrad reisen. Herr Swalen war jetzt der Präsident der Parlamentarischen Versammlung der OSZE. Als einer seiner Vizepräsidenten gehörte ich der Delegation an. Wie es sich aus meiner Sicht gehörte, lud ich zu einem Vorbereitungsgespräch Herrn Geschäftsträger Zoran Jeremic ein. Es erschien keinesfalls jemand, der dem Bild der damals gegen Jugoslawien herrschenden Propaganda entsprach, sondern ein angenehm auftretender Diplomat, mit Witz und Liebenswürdigkeit ausgestattet. Dabei war mir Jugoslawien viele Jahre zuvor "über die Füße gelaufen".
Es war im Vorfeld der Entwicklung, die zur deutschen Wiedervereinigung führte.
Der Spaziergang mit dem Kommando der österreichischen Staatspolizei, das mich in meiner damaligen Funktion in Wien begleitete, brachte erstaunliches an nie zuvor gehörten Dingen zutage. Es gab Unruhe auf dem Balkan. Das wußten die österreichischen Sicherheitsbeamten plastisch zu machen. Sie waren so nachdrücklich, daß ich bei meiner Rückkehr nach Bonn dem Führungsstab der Streitkräfte die Weisung gab, mir dazu eine Studie zu erstellen. Diese Weisung rief in der militärischen Spitze regelrechten Unmut hervor. Unser Augenmerk habe dem Warschauer Pakt zu gelten. Man verstehe nicht, was da eine Studie über den Balkan und Jugoslawien solle. Im übrigen sei doch die jeweilige SPD-Spitze bestens mit Belgrad verbunden. Die Studie kam und selbst bei heutiger Lektüre muß sie präzise genannt werden. Es lag alles auf dem Tisch, das seither die Welt bestimmt. Jedenfalls unsere Welt und das schon seit fast dreißig Jahren. Dabei wußten wir um die Bedeutung Jugoslawiens, schon alleine aus den im Turnus von zwei Jahren ablaufenden größten Stabs-/Rahmenübungen der westlichen Allianz. Für die letzte Übung im Kalten Krieg war ich der deutsche Verteidigungsminister in der Übung. Wir befanden uns im Krieg, sowohl konventionell als auch nuklear und es fing immer in Jugoslawien in der Konfrontation mit dem Warschauer Pakt an. Selbst die Migrationsströme, die wir seit Sommer 2015 wieder in Europa feststellen müssen, bestimmten diese Wintex/Cimex genannte Übung. Es war aus heutiger Sicht nicht mehr und nicht weniger als die Bedeutung einer Region, die stellvertretend für eine ganz andere Fragestellung stand, die Jugoslawien so heraushob.
Das Ringen zwischen der NATO mit der amerikanischen Führungsmacht und dem Warschauer Pakt, mit der Sowjetunion dahinter, bestimmte die Entwicklung, die zum Kriegsausbruch im Planspiel führte.
Und wie ist das heute? Nicht, daß Jugoslawien aus meinem Blickfeld wegen der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands und der danach folgenden Entwicklung verschwunden wäre. Ich hielt es aus sehr persönlichen Gründen offen gesagt für sehr zweckmäßig, die Entwicklung aus einer gewissen Distanz zu beobachten. Mir war nicht nur aufgefallen, daß sich aus meinem politischen Lager in Deutschland Menschen in den jugoslawischen Wirren auf bestimmte Seiten geschlagen hatten, die im Vorfeld der Wiedervereinigung in dem noch bestehenden DDR-Machtapparat sich zur Unterstützung derjenigen engagierten, die eine deutsche Wiedervereinigung wenn nicht verhindern, aber zumindest herauszögern wollten. Die Namen habe ich bis heute gut im Gedächtnis. Aber das war es nicht, was mich bewog, in Deckung zu bleiben. Ich hatte im Dezember 1989 für den damaligen Bundeskanzler Dr. Helmut Kohl die Denkschrift über die NATO-Mitgliedschaft eines wiedervereinigten Deutschland geschrieben.
Die Kernsätze waren dabei, daß nur deutsche Truppen auf dem Gebiet der noch bestehenden DDR stationiert sein sollten und die NATO keinesfalls über die Oder als deutsche Ostgrenze sich erstrecken sollte.
Das Gebiet zwischen den Staaten Westeuropas und der noch bestehenden Sowjetunion sollte in Kenntnis aller Umstände aus der Geschichte mit größtem Fingerspitzengefühl Betätigungsfeld der damaligen Europäischen Gemeinschaft sein. Es galt. den zusammenbrechenden Staaten eine ökonomische Perspektive zu geben. Am 21. November 1990 sind diese Überlegungen in der "Charta von Paris" mit ihrem "nie wieder Krieg in Europa" ausformuliert worden. Die Gedanken meiner Denkschrift hatte der deutsche Bundeskanzler allerdings zuvor zum Bestandteil der Verträge zur Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands gemacht. Das ist keinesfalls eine Frage von geschichtlichem Interesse. Diese Frage bestimmt heute die Auseinandersetzungen mit Moskau und ich kann nur eines feststellen: Präsident Putin hat Recht.
Für die NATO bedeutet dies: es gilt das gebrochene Wort.
So kann man den Frieden nicht gestalten und bricht sich bei jedem Krieg das eigene Rückgrat. Das hatte gereicht, wenn ich mir die Zahl meiner Gegner ansah, zumal ich verhindert habe, daß die Planungen der militärischen Spitze der Bundeswehr umgesetzt werden konnten. Danach sollte aus der ehemaligen NVA noch nicht ein Soldat in die Bundeswehr übernommen werden."Auflösen, ohne Rest", das war die Parole. Mein Konzept des prozentualen Anteils der Bevölkerung der noch bestehenden DDR nach der Verfassung unseres Landes als Grundlage für den Verbleib von ehemaligen Soldaten der Nationalen Volksarmee in den deutschen Streitkräften wurde Regierungsmodell. Dann muß man sich um die Zahl seiner
Gegner keine Gedanken mehr machen. Es war Herr Zoran Jeremic, der meine Neugierde weckte. Er argumentierte nachvollziehbar, machte aus nichts ein Hehl, kannte unsere Mentalität, lotete interessante Gebiete und Aspekte aus. Später erfuhr ich, welch hohes Ansehen Herr Jeremic als Diplomat genoß. Ich muß heute wie damals sagen: zu Recht. Die langen Gespräche mit Präsident Milosevic in Belgrad im Rahmen der Delegation verliefen nicht anders. Das war alles rational und entsprach meinen europäischen Erfahrungen. Das teilte ich nach meiner Rückkehr nach Bonn dem Bundeskanzler mit und dessen Haltung gegenüber Belgrad und Präsident Milosevic nahm eine Wendung. Die war so tiefgreifend, daß mich eine Persönlichkeit auf der Führung meiner Parlamentsfraktion vor dem Plenarsaal in Bonn beiseite nahm. "Wenn ich das gemacht hätte, was sie in Zusammenhang mit Belgrad beim Bundeskanzler bewirkt haben, hätte mir Helmut Kohl Hochverrat vorgeworfen". Seis drum, aber es bestimmte die Jahre bis 1999. Nach dem ordinären Angriffskrieg gegen die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien bin ich im August 1999 im Auftrag des ehemaligen Bundeskanzlers Dr. Kohl zu Präsident Milosevic nach Belgrad gefahren, um für den Herbst 1999 einen offiziellen Besuch von Helmut Kohl in Belgrad vorzubereiten. Das hatte es in sich, denn ein solcher Besuch wäre ein Fanal gewesen. Der Krieg gegen Jugoslawien wurde mit zunehmender Dauer in Deutschland immer unpopulärer. Außenminister Fischer und Verteidigungsminister Scharping galten wegen ihrer ungeheuerlichen Aussagen in der öffentlichen Meinung als „persona non grata". Der damalige Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder hatte in Zusammenhang mit dem Putsch in der Ukraine wenigstens den Mumm, von einer Verletzung des Völkerrechtes durch ihn selbst zu sprechen, als er den Angriffsbefehl für die deutschen Bomber erteilte oder erteilen mußte, weil Washington das befohlen hatte. Daran mußte ich heute denken, als ich in der Süddeutschen Zeitung ein Interview des Chefanklägers im entsprechenden Tribunal in Den Haag las. Darin versuchte Herr Brammertz in der letzten Antwort zu erklären, warum nicht die gesamte NATO wegen des völkerrechtswidrigen Krieges gegen die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien in Den Haag auf der Anklagebank saß. Nun, eine Erklärung gibt es dafür nicht und es war auch ein Präzedenzfall, was da mit dem Kosovo und Methochia geschah. In der berüchtigten Konferenz von Bratislava, Anfang 2000, hat die Führungsspitze dem Vorgehen in Sachen Kosovo und Methochia Modellcharakter für andere Fälle zugesprochen. Man konnte damals schon auf Katalonien, Südtirol, Deutsch-Belgien, Schottland und die Aland-Inseln aufmerksam machen und wurde schnöde ignoriert. So war das eben in jener Zeit. Helmut Kohl, der gerade frisch ausgezeichnete „Ehrenbürger Europas" wollte als ehemaliger deutscher Bundeskanzler seinen Traum erfüllen. Dieser Traum bestand in Anbetracht der Verwerfungen in der Geschichte zwischen den Serben und den Deutschen im letzten Jahrhundert, ein neues Kapitel in der Geschichte zwischen beiden Völkern aufzuschlagen, wie es ihm im Zusammenleben mit den Russen gelungen war. Natürlich im Zusammenwirken mit Michael Gorbatschow und Boris Jelzin, wie sich herausstellen sollte. Wenn wir uns gemeinsam die Bilder aus Belgrad im Fernsehen ansahen, war er fest davon überzeugt, daß die Serben eine gute Zukunft haben würden. Das war eine große Zeit für ihn, so unmittelbar nach dem Ende der Kriegshandlungen. Wenn wir in Berlin durch das Brandenburger Tor auf dem Weg vom Reichstag zu seinem Büro gingen, umschwärmten ihn die Menschen. Sie wollten den Kriegskanzler Gerhard Schröder nicht, sie wollten den Friedens-und Verständigungskanzler wieder im Amt sehen.
Der Besuch in Belgrad war da ein Signal und sollte ein Zeichen dafür sein, daß einem Land und seinen Menschen ein großes Unrecht widerfahren war, bei allem, was zu den historischen Gegebenheiten auch zu zählen ist.
Dieses Vorhaben, das für die im Amt befindliche Regierung das Ende hätte bedeuten können, mußte der ehemalige Bundeskanzler, so muß es scheinen, teuer bezahlen. Über Aktivitäten des eigenen Geheimdienstes in Lichtenstein wurde der ehemalige Bundeskanzler in die Nähe eines Finanzskandals gerückt. Die Reise nach Belgrad mußte unterbleiben. Tragödie um einen Menschen war angesagt. Das war nur kurz nach der Wahlniederlage im September 1998. Zwei führende Repräsentanten der eigenen Partei hatten deutlich gemacht, auf eine Große Koalition zusteuern zu wollen, denn diese Koalition sicherte nach den deutschen Gegebenheit einen Krieg gegen Jugoslawien. Selbst die noch nicht im Amt befindliche Regierung Gerhard Schröder wurde auf der Rückkehr von einem Washington Besuch durch einen noch im Amt befindlichen Minister aus der Regierung Kohl auf den Kriegskurs festgelegt. Mit Helmut Kohl wäre ein Krieg nicht zu haben gewesen, also mußte er beseitigt werden, um den Krieg führen zu können. Da soll einer sagen, daß Belgrad keine "eigene Größe" im deutschen Schicksal sein würde. Wie wir es in raunen Zeiten miteinander konnten, sollte sich während der gerade in Frankreich ablaufenden Fußball-Europameisterschaft zeigen. Die beste Methode, Konflikte zur Explosion zu bringen, besteht darin, wichtige Persönlichkeiten auf "schwarze Listen" zu setzen und Sanktionen zu unterwerfen. Dann kann die eigene Seite behaupten., was sie will und die Medien geraten unter Totalkontrolle. So war das auch mit dem jugoslawischen Außenminister, Herrn Zividan Jovanovic, der zwar bei uns zu Hause mit dem außenpolitischen Berater des Bundeskanzlers, Herrn Dr. Bitterlich, zusammentreffen sollte, aber keine Einreiseerlaubnis für Deutschland hatte. Der Herr Außenminister hatte aber ein französisches Visum und das reichte auf dem Flughafen Düsseldorf den Grenzschutzbeamten. Fußball hat eben Prioritäten. Aber, was zeigten die Gespräche, an denen auch Herr Zoran Jeremic, inzwischen Botschafter seines Landes in Deutschland, teilnahm. Nichts stand einer Vereinbarung zu allen kritischen Punkten im Wege, wenn, ja wenn... Wenn es nicht die zwanghaft zu nennenden umgehenden Informationen über die Gespräche nach Washington ins Weiße Haus hätte geben müssen. Es war wie mit den OSZE-Berichten aus der Kosovo-Mission, die alle dem amerikanischen Chef, Herrn Walker, vor der Weitergabe nach Wien zur OSZE vorgelegt werden mußten. Diejenigen, die diese Berichte eigentlich verfaßt hatten, kannten sie in der Regel dann nicht wieder.
Und heute?
Man muß sich in Erinnerung rufen, was eigentlich am Anfang der gesamten Kriegsentwicklung auf dem Balkan stand. War es die Finanzierung von Wahlkämpfen für Senatorensitze in den USA durch mächtige albanische Gruppen und die erwartete Gegenleistung für albanische Vorstellungen in der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien oder außerhalb derselben? Warum hat Washington über Jahrzehnte mit Milliarden Dollar die jugoslawische Wirtschaft zum Ärgernis von Moskau aufgepäppelt, um sie von einem Tag zu anderen 1990 und damit am Ende des Kalten Krieges zu streichen? War alles das, wie auch die "Soziale Marktwirtschaft" in Deutschland, die fast zeitgleich unter den Beschuss des großkapitalistischen Versuches "shareholder value" über den Atlantik und der "City of London" hinweg geriet, eine lästige Wirtschafts-und Finanzabweichung, die der reine Kapitalismus nicht mehr tolerieren brauchte? Warum hat die Europäische Gemeinschaft nicht der jugoslawischen Bitte um vier Milliarden Kredit nicht entsprochen oder entsprechen dürfen? Vier Milliarden gegen die hunderte von Milliarden und tausender Tote, die ihr Leben wegen der angelsächischen Kriegssucht ihr Leben lassen mußten oder als Finanzmittel im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes in " den Sand gesetzt worden" sind. Wußte Helmut Kohl um die Auswirkungen nahöstlicher Gespräche zwischen Israel und anderen, wenn es sich öffentlich und heftig gegen einen muslimischen Staat in Europa aussprach?Ging es nur darum, Moskau endgültig von der Adria weit nach Osten zu vertreiben, wie man von jedem hören konnte, ob man wollte oder nicht? Man kann Fragen über Fragen hinzufügen, aber Moskau ist wieder da, wie jeder in Syrien sehen kann. Moskau hat auf der Seite einer legitimen Regierung nach den Regeln des Völkerrechts in einen von außen initiierten Konflikt eingegriffen.
Es beendet diesen Krieg und schafft etwas, aus dem Frieden nach schrecklichem Blutvergießen entstehen könnte. Zwischen Afghanistan und Mali bombt die NATO Kulturnationen in die Steinzeit zurück und zwingt die Menschen, des Überlebens willen, zu den Aggressoren zu fliehen, die dafür in den Flüchtlingslagern die Rationen streichen. Auf der ganzen Front: Wahnsinn. Aber, es ist aus meiner Sicht mehr als das. Man muß nur das schmale, aber inhaltsreiche Buch des britischen Autors John Keegan über "die Schlacht um die Geschichte“ lesen. Dann weiß man, um was es geht. Das ist neben der Siegerjustiz die Deutungshoheit über die Geschichte. In London und Washington weiß man, daß diese angelsächische Deutungshoheit auf der Kippe steht, vor allem deshalb, weil Moskau sich jeder Fremdbestimmung verweigern will. Da macht für uns alle die Dimension dessen, was auf uns zukommt, deutlich. Im PKW sagt man: bitte anschnallen. Und es fing alles mit dem Krieg gegen eine Stadt an, die hell erleuchtet im Frieden das Ziel von NATO-Bombern wurde. Bill Clinton und Madelaine Albright haben den Krieg nach Europa zurückgebracht. In der Charta von Paris stand es anders.
Willy Wimmer
Staatssekretär des Bundesministers der Verteidigung a.D.
Bilder: @depositphotos
Die Meinung des Autors/Ansprechpartners kann von der Meinung der Redaktion abweichen.
Grundgesetz Artikel 5 Absatz 1 und 3
(1) „Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.“
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Dietmar Hartwig’s warning letters to Angela Merkel
It seems that the recent developments in Europe, and in particular the rising secessionism (Catalonia, Flandreau, Corsica, Veneto, Scotland), rings a bell, or rather is reminiscent of certain events. The ensuing ones are shedding more light on the roles of the EU (EEC), the USA, Great Britain and Germany. One wonders to what extent those democracies have been guided by the principles of the international law and democracy in the Kosovo crisis. How much did they appreciate the reports of their (expensive) missions in Kosovo and Metohija (КDОМ, КVМ, ЕCMM) depicting the realities on the ground? To what extent have they been defending the right to self-determination and human rights and to what extent using separatism for expansion of their geopolitical interests?
As strategies are slow to evolve, recollections of the past may help better understanding of the interests and roles of the USA, Germany, NATO, EU and other geopolitical players in the ongoing Kosovo negotiations in Brussels paired with Serbia’s accession to the EU.
Over a longer period of time, the leading members of both, NATO and the EU, have been supporting the terrorist KLA by political, financial and logistic means. This was particularly visible in 1998. In June that year USA abandoned previous position that KLA was terrorist organization and proclaimed it as liberation force . OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM) with personnel of about 1.300 , from October 1998 to March 1999 was just an imposed and imported umbrella for preparation of the ensuing military aggression. This period was particularly exploited for recuperation and equipping KLA with modern NATO equipment. Subsequently, NATO treated KLA as its ground force in launching military aggression against Serbia (FRY), country which in no way was threatening any other country or organization.
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Within the overall cooperation between China and Europe, Frankfurt has hosted the forum of representatives of news agencies, other media, and think-tank associations, marking the formal launch of Belt and Road Exchange of Economic and Financial Information Partnership (BREFIP). The forum was held at the initiative of the Chinese Agency for Economic Information (CEIS), an affiliation of the Xinhua news agency, and besides the Chinese, in its work have also participated representatives of major agencies, media, and think-tank organisations from Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Serbia, Poland, Spain, Belgium, and Greece. Representatives from Serbia participating in this Forum are Živadin Jovanović, President of the Silk Road Connectivity Research (COREC) and Nenad Babić, Executive Director of TANJUG. The Forum was welcomed by Wang Shunqing, Chinese Consul General in Frankfurt (Germany).
The goal of Partnership is to enhance the exchange of information of relevance for the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, to improve availability of information to the potential participants in cooperation, to have joint researching projects and consultations.
As the first speaker at the session dedicated to the perspective of the China-Europe cooperation within the Belt and Road Initiative, Živadin Jovanović shared evaluation that, over the past five years, impressive results have been achieved within the format of China + 16 SEE countries, both in terms of infrastructural connections among people and in terms of developing direct communication between them, their getting closer and better understanding one another. This cooperation has strong foundations and an excellent perspective since it respects the national priorities of each partner, their equality and mutual benefits.
The cooperation format of China + 16 SEE countries is an integral part of the overall cooperation between China and Europe, which connects Eurasia from the Pacific to the Atlantic. It provides special contribution to the eradication of differences in economic development and the living conditions between the highly developed West and the less developed regions of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The amplitude of these differences is corroborated by the fact that some 25 million citizens of the countries of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe constitutes an ‘internal EU migration’ to the Western European countries. The results that countries of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe achieve jointly with China in the 1+16 format are undoubtedly a major input to the attainment of economic and social balance, a factor of strengthening and certainly not a cause of weakening the intra-European integrations. At the same time, it is also a bridge that brings together Europe and Asia, rather than any competition or a threat to EU cohesion.
Jovanović has in particular emphasized the remarkable contribution of Serbia to the results of the overall cooperation in the 1+16 format by underlining that Serbia, for the first time in the recent history, has been given an opportunity to capitalize on her geographical position as a factor of economic growth, progress, and cross-border infrastructural integration. He undertook to illustrate his assessment by presenting the concrete accomplishments, from the Iron & Steel Smederevo and the “Mihailo Pupin” Bridge, to the Power Plant Kostolac B, and to Corridor 11 and fast railways Belgrade - Budapest. He stressed that that true partnership that lies in the core of the Belt & Road mega project is the proper formula both for the global economic growth and for the preservation of peace and stability. He shared his opinion that partnership in the modernisation of cross-border infrastructure, as well as partnerships in energy, finance, culture and the information exchange, are pillars of success of the Belt and Road Initiative and the 1+16 format.
Belgrade, 2 December 2017
The Mladic Case: A Stain On Civilization
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“All that is a lie. This is a NATO-style trial.”
The defiant words of General Mladic to the judges of the NATO controlled ad hoc war crimes tribunal for Yugoslavia rang out loud and clear the day they pretended to convict him. He could have added ‘but history will absolve me” and a lot more but he was thrown out of the room by the chief judge, Orie, in his condescending style, as if he was dealing to a truant schoolboy, instead of a man falsely accused of crimes he did not commit.
The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, echoed the general’s words on November 23,
“We have again to state that the guilty verdict, delivered by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia against Mladic, is the continuation of the politicized and biased line, which has initially dominated the ICTY’s work.”
Both General Mladic and the Russian government are correct. The document called a “judgement” proves it for it reads like a propaganda tract instead of a court judgement. In just over 2500 pages the trio of “judges” recite the prosecution version of events nonstop, from the first paragraph to the last. The defence is mentioned only in passing.
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The following are original notes from the Press Conference of Zivadin Jovanovic, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia , held on September 28th, 1999, at the United Nations’ Headquarters in New York:
28 September 1999
Press Conference
28 September 1999
Press Briefing
"Under auspices of the United Nations, a terrorist organization, namely, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), had been able to officially advocate separatism and disrespect for international borders as its objectives”, said Zivadin Jovanovic, Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, at a Headquarters press conference this morning. "This situation is setting a very dangerous precedent for the support of terrorism and separatism in the world", he emphasized. The so-called transformation of the KLA into the "Kosovo Protection Force" was a mockery. It was a terrorist organization that needed to be dismantled and disarmed. Continued support for it would only result in the propagation of more terrorism and destabilization.
The Secretary-General's Special Representative in Kosovo, Bernard Kouchner , had been acting more as a representative of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) than that of the United Nations, Mr. Jovanovic said. He had been introducing decrees and decisions in violation of the territorial integrity of the federal Republic. Furthermore, Mr. Kouchner had introduced foreign currency and customs into Mr. Jovanovic's country, which clearly violated the principle of sovereignty.
The Secretary-General had reaffirmed that it was necessary to respect fully and implement Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) on Kosovo and Metohija, he said. He had supported the territorial integrity of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, as well as advocating for a wider approach to the problem of humanitarian assistance.
The Foreign Minister said that the NATO aggression on his country had set up a very dangerous precedent for the use of force without any approval of the Security Council, which was the most important international body in the world for peace and security. It had been done in violation of the Charter and basic principles of international law, he emphasized. Such a precedent was damaging not only to his country, but to the United Nations and to international public law.
The international community had stressed the need to resolve situation in Kosovo and Metohija through political and peaceful means, such as a dialogue within the framework of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of his country, Mr. Jovanovic told correspondents from the UN headquarters. Such a dialogue must be based on respect for the multi-ethnic and multi- religious character of Province of Kosovo and Metohija. The international community had condemned the failure to respect his country's international borders. "All of my colleagues present here at the General UN Assembly whom I met, in one way or another, have condemned the violation of Security Council resolution 1244", he added.
Yugoslav Press Conference - 2 - 28 September 1999
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Belgrade, Serbia, September 30th, 2017.
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the Belgrade Forum for a world of Equals, an independent think-tank association in Serbia, and in my own name, I would like to extend to you cordial greetings and sincere best wishes for successful work and visionary decisions of the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China.
The Communist Party of China under the leadership Secretary General Xi Jinping, should be proud of the historic achievements in strengthening of the socialist system of Chinese characteristics, building moderately prosperous society and contributing to the development and peace in the world.
Balanced and interconnected development of economy, science, education, culture and living standard of the people, made China the source of inspiration for many countries in the world, particularly those struggling to get out of poverty, domination and exploitation. China being the second strongest economy in the world, number one contributor to the global economic growth, permanent member of UN Security Council, member and chair of BRICS, G-20, Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other international organizations and integrations, plays irreplaceable role in shaping governance of the world relations and building new multi-polar rule based world order.
Historic OBOR Initiative introduced by President Xi Jinping in 2013 reflects the vision of global inclusive development, people to people friendship, win win cooperation and interdependence between development and peace. The world-wide support confirms that the Belt and Road Initiative comprises common interests and that it will be carried out persistently and successfully.
I am convinced that the outcome of the 19th Congress of CPC will open new broad and far reaching avenues for the future progress of Chinese people. Friends of China from all over the world are deeply convinced that the decisions of CPC 19th Congress will contribute to further strengthening of China’s role in reinforcing world peace, win win cooperation and peaceful solution of all international disputes.
China’s policy of peace, mutually beneficial cooperation and inclusive modern development is the great chance and hope for contemporary humanity.
Please, accept the best sincere wishes for the work of 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China.
Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, President of Silk Road Connectivity Research Center
Belgrade, Serbia
World puts bullish bet on Chinese economy
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By Wu Lejun from People’s Daily
With a strong development momentum, the Chinese economy contributes a lot to the global economic growth, Maurice Obstfeld, chief economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave his thumbs up to Chinese economy.
In its latest World Economic Outlook released Tuesday, the IMF expected the Chinese economy to grow 6.8 percent this year and 6.5 percent next year, both 0.1 percentage point higher than its previous forecast in July. It also predicted a strengthening economic growth across the world.
It is the fourth time this year that the fund has upgraded its China forecast, following that in January, April and July.
According to IMF, the upward revision to the 2017 forecast reflects "the stronger-than-expected outturn in the first half of the year underpinned by previous policy easing and supply-side reforms."
The World Bank, in its latest East Asia and Pacific Economic Update report released on October 4, also raised China's growth forecast for 2017 from 6.5 percent to 6.7 percent.
Their bullish bet on Chinese economy was agreed by Asian Development Bank, Citibank, and the Singapore-based ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO), who also upgraded their outlook for China’s economic growth recently.
“China will continue to be a pillar of global growth. We expect China’s role in the global economy to increase in the longer term,” James Daniel, IMF Mission Chief for China, told the People’s Daily.
“China is by far the biggest driver to global growth and I think that will continue for a seeable future,” said Fred Bergsten, senior fellow and director emeritus of Peterson Institute for International Economics.
China’s growth has great impact on the world economy, according to Bergsten, also founding director of the institute.
He explained that “China by itself is growing about twice as fast as the US and Europe”.
“Chinese economy is very large, and China has a lot potential,” commented Yukon Huang, Senior Fellow of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, in a belief that the country will continue to grow for a very long period of time if dealing with challenges effectively.
The structural reforms carried on by Chinese government will further stimulate its economic growth, said Huang, who was formerly the World Bank’s country director for China.
Daniel also suggested the Chinese government continue to pursue reforms that rebalance the economy in a more sustainable direction.
“Indeed impressive progress has been made to transform and upgrade the Chinese economy, but the progress has been uneven on rebalancing and reforms,” he explained.
Interview: Next Zuckberg maybe is coming from China: IMF chief
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By Zhang Niansheng, Wu lejun, Gao Shi, Zheng Qi from People’s Daily
The sun is shining a lot better and under broad basis, that means the economy is recovery, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said during IMF/World Bank annual meetings in Washington D.C.
“The finance ministers and the leaders should inspect the roof now, because it’s much easier to fix the roof when the sun is shining,” the director said to People’s Daily in an interview on Thursday.
IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde accepted an exclusive interview with People’s daily during IMF/World Bank annual meetings in Washington D.C. on Thursday (Photo by Gao shi from People’s daily)
Fix the roof when the sun is shining
IMF’s forecast is 3.6% growth this year and 3.7% next year. “It’s much better than 2016 and it’s much broad based, because about 75% of world GDP is participating in growth development,” she said, noting that China is one of them.
Don’t wait for the rain to come, Lagarde said, reminding that every country has to look at its own situation. For some countries, they will need to take care of their banking system. For others might be easing or tightening their trade policies depending on their inflation situation. For all countries, structure reforms maybe required in order to facilitate the economy’s expansion on the long-term basis. For those debt is too high, find consolidate. Each of the country must look at itself thoroughly and determine what’s need to be done right now, she said.
China’s growth rate is impressive, she pointed out, “the conversion of the economy is less industry, more service; less investment, more consumption; all that transition is very welcome and it’s good”.
“Well reform is already under way, we will say please accelerate, it will be well done,” she said.
Happy birthday to the Renminbi joined the SDR basket
Since the Chinese currency renminbi, or the yuan joined the IMF Special Drawing Right (SDR) basket for one year, Lagarde also said happy birthday to renminbi.
“I would say it was historic moment,” she said, noting that will continue to encourage the internationalization of the renminbi. And as the Chinese economy is still growing, it will certainly induce more frequent use of the currency, which would enhance China’s leading role in the world, she added.
Next Zuckberg maybe is coming from China
It could be very well that next Mark Zuckberg is coming from China, and no need to mention that you’ve already have Jack Ma, Lagarde said.
China has serious strategy to invest on AI and new technology of the digital world. With creativity and open markets, well investments can be made to support the idea coming to practice, she said.
President Xi Jinping has always called me an old friend of China
“President Xi Jinping has always called me an old friend of China,” she said, adding that she is very impressed with the transformation of China as well as China’s determination to transit development model.
So many people in China to be lifted from poverty to lower and middle income levels, it’s just amazing, she said.
Lagarde repeated that reforms need to continue to be made and leadership in the world also means responsibility and caring for others, she said, “which I’m sure will be a stage where the Chinese economy will live to”.
Everybody will be watching the 19th party congress of China
Lagarde sent best wishes to the 19th party congress of China, depicting it as a “magic event” from Chinese perspective.
It’s moment of change and also of strategic determination. “I think the world will pay attention to the size of China, the roles it plays. Everybody will be watching the congress,” she concluded.
China’s Engel’s coefficient close to UN well-off line
China |
By Xing Xue from People’s Daily
China’s Engel’s coefficient, which measures food expenditure as a proportion of total household spending, has approached the well-off line set by the UN, and such changes have even benefited the European market.
China’s Engel’s coefficient in 2016 stood at 30.1%, close to the well-off line of 20 to 30 percent set by the UN, said Ning Jizhe, head of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) at a press conference held by the country’s State Council Information Office on Oct. 10.
More than 6 million Chinese tourists from nearly 300 cities traveled to 1,155 cities in 88 countries and regions during China’s eight-day National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays in early October, statistics released by the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) revealed.
Chinese people are now more generous in traveling spending. Data showed that the revenue of domestic tourism during the eight-day vacation has hit 583.6 billion yuan (about 88.5 billion U.S. dollars), increasing by 13.9% compared with that in 2016.
The week-long national holiday likely meant big paydays for traditional tourist destinations, such as London or Paris, CNBC said in a recent report.
The UN uses the Engel’s coefficient to grade living standards of the countries as the spending on food will take a less part of total household expenditure if family income increases.
The UN line labels a coefficient above 60% as poverty, 50-60% as barely meeting daily needs, 40-50% as a moderately well-off standard of living, 30-40% as the relatively affluent, 20% -30% as the rich while below 20% as the extremely wealthy.
The lowering Engel’s coefficient of China is a reflection of the improving livelihood of Chinese citizens, said Bai Ming, a research fellow with Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under the Ministry of Commerce.
The rigid demand of the citizens is decreasing, thus leaving more space to satisfy their high level needs, Bai added.
China’s economy continues to shine around the world
China |
By Lu Yanan from People’s Daily
China’s average annual GDP growth was 7.2 percent from 2013 to 2016, making it the highest among major global economies, above the 2.6 percent overall and 4 percent of developing economies, the head of the National Bureau of Statistics, Ning Jizhe, said at a press conference in Beijing on Tuesday.
Because of its momentum, Ning said, China should see "no problem" with hitting its economic growth target of 6.5 percent, in 2017, and may even have better results.
Over the past few years, the economy’s average annual growth rate was 7.2 percent, with inflation and unemployment rates stood at around 2% and 5% respectively, Ning noted, adding that such high rate of growth, expanded employment and low prices are the signs of an outstanding achievement.
China is clearly making a very big contribution to the global economy. For example, in 2016, its GDP accounted for 14.8 percent of the world economy (3.4 percent higher than that in 2012), reinforcing China’s ranking as the world’s second largest economy. From 2013 to 2016, China's contribution to world economic growth stood at around 30 percent, on average, surpassing the U.S, Eurozone and Japan combined.
The service industry has accounted for around half of the nation’s economy. In the first half of 2017, added value output in tertiary industries accounted for 54.1 percent of the GDP. Consumption has become the major driving force of growth, with an annual contribution of 55 percent to overall growth from 2013 to 2016 on average.
The coordinated development of urban and rural areas has also demonstrated new positive signs, with China's urbanization rate by the end of 2016 standing at 57.35 percent, or 4.8 percentage points higher than that of the end of 2012.
There are multiple reasons for China’s success with these eye-catching achievements over the past five years. Some new development concepts have contributed to the arrival of the “new normal” phase. Innovation-driven development is one example. In 2016, the number of domestic and overseas patent applications increased by 69.0 percent, and authorizations, by 39.7 percent, compared to 2012.
At the same time, China has made an effort to reduce overcapacity, cut inventory, and lower costs by promoting supply-side structural reforms, and has managed to rebalance supply and demand in specific industries and promote economic balance as a whole, Ning said.
In addition, people's livelihoods have improved remarkably, and the economic development has benefited everyone, after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
In 2016, annual per capita income was 23,821 yuan ($3,621) nation-wide, an increase of 7,311 yuan from 2012, with an average annual growth of 7.4 percent.
Also in 2016, the Engel coefficient,an indicator of people’s living standard, was 30.1 percent, a fall of 2.9 percentage points compared to 2012, which is close to the United Nations’ well-off mark of 20 - 30 percent.
The country has made major achievement in poverty alleviation through targeted measures. According to the rural poverty line of 2,300 yuan (adjusted for inflation), the number of rural people living in poverty was 43.35 million in 2016, a reduction of 55.64 million from 2012.
The social security system has also been improved. In 2016, the amount of health care expenses that individuals had to cover dropped to less than 30 percent of the total. There is now a basic medical insurance system that covers all the population in both urban and rural areas.
The education level has continued to rise as the medical and health conditions improve and China's average life expectancy had gone up to 76.3 years in 2015, from 74.8 years in 2010.
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Zivadin Jovanovic, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Silk Road Connectivity Research Center
In the eve of the 19th CPC Congress
As the staunch friends of China THE Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and the Silk Road Connectivity Research Center, two independent think tank association in Serbia, are convinced that the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China and its new leadership will further strengthen the irreplaceable role of CPC in enhancing overall socio-economic and cultural development of China, satisfying people’s yearning for better life and completing the building of moderately prosperous society by the time CPC celebrates centenary in 2021.
The Communist Party of China under the outstanding leadership of its Secretary General Xi Jinping has been the source and guarantor of solidarity and motivation of the people of China in their efforts to build modern and prosperous society based upon socialism of Chinese characteristics. Thanks to these efforts in the period from 2013 to 2016 China has achieved unprecedented GDP growth of an average of 7, 2% per year. This way China has become driving force of the world economic recovery contributing more than 30% to the global economic growth, more than US, Euro Zone and Japan together.
Being the second strongest economy in the world, leading founding member of BRICS, G-20, New Development Bank, founder of China-UN Peace and Development Fund, China South-South Cooperation Fund on Climate Change, South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund and Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank - China has contributed, not only to the alleviation of global economic and social gaps, but at the same time, to emergence of the new, inclusive governance and establishment of the New Just World Economic Order.
In the contemporary world China has become symbol of win win international cooperation based on the principles of openness and mutual benefits.
President Xi Jinping’s 2013 One Belt One Road global, multidimensional Initiative introduced new pattern of the global economic development and international integration based the principles of openness, equality, inclusiveness and mutual benefit. Uniqueness of the OBOR Initiative comes from the vision that connectivity in infrastructure and economy, in order to be sustainable, must be paired with people to people exchange and friendship. Also, that economic development is paired with peace efforts.
Great support to the Initiative from almost all quarters of the world, direct participation of about 60 countries, outstanding achievements in modernization of infrastructure, environment friendly industries and energy, in unimpeded trade and people to people exchange, confirm the far-reaching viability of the Initiative and call for vigor and persistence in the future activities.
China with her great, deep-routed culture, millenniums wisdom, great achievements in overall modern socio-economic development is today one of the strongest pillars world peace, development and progress. Being UN Security Council permanent member, founder of new economic, financial and other international institutions, China is the engine of building multi-polar world order based on UN Charter, international laws and principles of sovereign equality and noninterference is irreplaceable. Chinese friends all over the world believe that the 19th Congress of CPC will further strengthen the role of China in maintaining peace, strengthening of the multilateralism, the role of UN and principle-based international relations. With Chinese policy of peace and development for all, with her firm stance that all problems should be resolved by dialogue and peaceful means without use, or threat to use force, with her vision of the world without interventionism, domination or exploitation – humanity’s expectations for wellbeing will have iron base. Chinese policy of openness, multilateralism and inclusive win win cooperation as opposed to any isolationism, domination and exploitation enjoys world wide support and acceptance. It is only natural that in the world of emerging multi-polarism such policy will be verified and further strengthened.
Serbia and China are traditional friends who trust and support each other. Serbia not only supports the OBOR Initiative, but actively participates in its implementation, particularly within China+16 CEEC. First Chinese bridge in Europe is already three years in operation over Danube River in Belgrade. First Chinese steel factory in Europe is situated in Smederevo, Serbia. First Chinese inland water ports in Europe are in operation in Serbia. First Chinese industrial park, first water purification plant, first no visa system for tourist visitors, first Chinese electric busses, first…The 2016 state visit of the President Xi Jining to Serbia and signing of the Declaration on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership are of historic significance for future strengthening solidarity, friendship and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation.
Let the decisions and Guidelines of the 19th Congress of the Communist Parity of China further enhance and strengthen overall modern socio-economic development of China, bring better life to her people and reinforce the role of China in global development, peace and stability.
Zivadin Jovanovic
President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
President of the Silk Road Connectivity Center
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1Živadin Jovanović
Dietmar Hartwig, former head of the EU (EEC) Monitoring Mission in Kosovo and Metohija (ECMM) in his 2007 warning letter:
It seems that the recent developments in Europe, and in particular the push of secessionism (Catalonia), rings a bell, or rather is reminiscent of certain events. The ensuing ones are shedding more light on the roles of the EU (EEC), the USA and Germany. To what extent have they been guided by the principles of the international law and democracy in the Kosovo crisis? How much did they appreciate the reports of their (expensive) missions in Kosovo and Metohija (КDОМ, КVМ, ЕCMM) depicting the realities on the ground? To what extent have they been defending the right to self-determination and human rights and to what extent abusing separatism for expansion of geopolitical interests?
As strategies are slow to evolve, recollections of the past may help better understanding of the interests and roles of the EU in the ongoing Kosovo negotiations in Brussels.
Over a longer period of time, the leading members of both NATO and the EU have been supporting the terrorist KLA in Kosovo and Metohija. Allied, they launched an armed aggression against Serbia (the FRY) in 1999 which, pursuant to the same principles of the international law (eagerly invoked these days by the EU officials), was tantamount to a crime against peace and humanity! To sum it up, the countries and integrations whose spokespersons swear to this day that they have always been upholding the same principles and rule-based policies, back in 1999 had provoked the strongest blow to the global legal order and to the United Nations since the end of World War II. The policies pursued by governments of those countries and by integrations thereof during the Yugoslav and the Kosovo crises have stimulated the spread of secessions, the expansion of Islamic extremism, Wahhabism and terrorism in Europe and the rest of the world. By disregarding and violating the principles enshrined in the Helsinki Final Act, in the UN Charter and in international conventions and treaties, they have induced a lasting instability in the Balkans as the most vulnerable part of Europe. Presently, they are exerting pressure against Serbia, the one they have been demolishing, deceiving and humiliating by recognizing the forcible capture of her state territory in the form of an engineered unilateral and illegal secession of Kosovo, and requesting that Serbia erases it all from track-record and forgets it all “for the sake of her European future”! What kind of future could possibly be built upon such foundations!?
The separatist and terrorist genie that the leading countries of NATO and the EU have unleashed from the bottle in Kosovo and Metohija back in 1998/99 for the purpose of furthering the geopolitical goals of the USA and some European powers, such as Germany and the UK, for example, keeps spreading over Europe, while the EU and NATO believe they would be able to push it back into the bottle and clear they names and revive their dented unity by scarifying once again (interests of) Serbia! The real tragedy for Europe is the reasoning that truth is only what the EU commissioners and spokespersons declare to be the truth. The dominance of such reasoning is preventing the genuine understanding of historical maelstrom that has engulfed the Old Continent!
“War on the FRY was waged to rectify an erroneous decision of General Eisenhower from the Second World War. Therefore, due to strategic reasons, the U.S. soldiers have to be stationed there.” This quote was the explanation given by American representatives at a NATO conference held in late April 2000 in Bratislava, and noted by Willy Wimmer, former State Secretary in the German ministry of Defense, in his report to Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder dated 2 May 2000.
The first point in this report is an explicit U.S. request that its allies (NATO members) recognize ‘independent state of Kosovo’ as soon as possible, whereas the tenth, last point, reads that ‘the right to self-determination takes precedence over all others”. Should one wonder any further about the present referendum on secession of Catalonia?
Wimmer’s report also notes the U.S. declared position at the Bratislava Conference was that the 1999 NATO attack on Yugoslavia without UN SC authorization is ‘a precedent to be invoked by anyone at any time, and which is going to be invoked’. This renders any allegations of a principled and rule-based policy utterly dubious, when the aggression executed in violation of the UN Charter is declared to be a precedent, and the unilateral secession of Kosovo directly resulting from such aggression is declared to be ‘a unique case’?!
In the eve of NATO 1999 aggression on Yugoslavia two major international missions had been placed in the Province of Kosove and Metohija. One was under auspices of OSCE known as Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM), headed by American diplomat William Walker and the other under the auspices of EEC (EU) known as European Community Monitoring Mission (ECMM), headed by German diplomat Dietmar Hartwig. The later conveyed the often repeated assessment of the leader of KVM and his entourage that: “There is no such thing as high costs to deploy NATO in Kosovo. Any cost is acceptable.”
After Kosovo Albanian leadership declared unilateral illegal secession in 2006, Dietmar Hartwig in 2007 sent four letters to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel urging her that Germany should not recognize such unilateral act. In his letter of October 26, 2007 to Chancellor Merkel, Hartwig, among other points, says: “Not a single report (of ЕCMM) submitted from late November 1998 up to the evacuation (of ЕCMM, KVM) just before the war broke out (1999), contains any account of Serbs having committed any major or systematic crimes against Albanians, and not a single report refers to any genocide or similar crimes… Quite the contrary, my (ECMM) reports have repeatedly communicated that, considering the increasingly more frequent KLA attacks against the Serbian executive authorities, their law enforcement kept demonstrating remarkable restraint and discipline. This was a clear and persistently reiterated goal of the Serbian administration - to abide to the Milošević-Holbrooke Agreement (of October 13,1998) to the letter so not to provide any excuse to the international community for an intervention. In the phase of taking over the Regional Office in Priština, colleagues from various other missions – KDOM, U.S., British, Russian, etc. – confirmed that there were huge ‘discrepancies in perception’ between what said missions (and, to a certain degree, embassies as well) have been reporting to their respective governments and what the latter thereafter chose to release to the media and the public of their respective countries. This discrepancy could, ultimately, only be understood as an input to general preparations for war against Kosovo/Yugoslavia. The fact is that, until the time of my departure from Kosovo, there has never happened anything of what have been relentlessly claimed by the media and, with no less intensity, the politics, too. Accordingly, until 20 March (1999) there was no reason for military intervention, which renders illegitimate any measures undertaken thereafter by the international community.”
“The collective behavior of the EU Member States prior to, and after the war broke out, certainly gives rise to a serious concern, because the truth was lacking, and the credibility of the international community was damaged. However, the matter of my concern is exclusively the role of the FR of Germany and its role in this war and its political objective to separate Kosovo from Serbia…”
“The daily political news reporting over the previous months (before October 2007) made it progressively more evident that Germany not only supports the American desire to see Kosovo independent, but also actively engages on its own in dividing the Serbs…You are to be considered responsible for this. The same goes for your foreign minister, in particular, who knows perfectly well what is going on in Kosovo, and is presently pursuing your political directives by tirelessly advocating Kosovo’s independence and, thus, its secession from Serbia. Instruct him, rather, to promote a durable solution for the Kosovo issue which is in line with the international law… It is only if all states choose to observe the applicable rights, we can have the foundations for the common life of all nations. Should Kosovo become independent, it will be perpetuated as the place of restlessness… Contribute to achieving the solution for Kosovo on the basis of the endorsed UNSC Resolution 1244 pursuant to which Kosovo remains a province of Serbia. American wishes and active efforts to see Kosovo secede from Serbia and see Kosovo and Kosovo Albanians achieve full independence, are contrary to the international law, politically deprecated and, on top of all, irresponsibly expensive…”
“Kosovo’s secession from Serbia guided by ethnic criterion would constitute a dangerous precedent and a signal for other ethnic communities in other countries, including in EU Member States, who could rightfully request the‘Kosovo solution’” – says Dietmar Hartwig in concluding his letter to Chancellor Merkel.
Enough said about the ‘humanitarian intervention’ and the concerns for the protection of rights of the Albanian population as the features of the “uniqueness of the Kosovo case”. American Military base “Bondsteel” in the vicinity of the town of Uroševac, surely by a pure chance, happens to be among the largest U.S. military bases outside the U.S.A! Perhaps their anxiety over being potentially spied on from the Serbian-Russian Humanitarian Center in Niš merely confirms that the “Bondsteel’s” ’mandate’ is strictly local, humanitarian and just for short time?!
It was the U.S.A, the EU and NATO, not Serbia, who froze the conflict following the armed aggression of 1999. They and kept it frozen for the past 18 years by not allowing complete implementation of UN SC resolution 1244. The forced Serbia to fulfill all its commitments insisting on the legally obliging character of the resolution while exempting themselves and the Albanians from any obligation stated therein. They realize that the full implementation of UNSC Resolution 1244 equaled preservation of integrity of Serbia, which is exactly what they do not want since it goes against their geopolitical concept of expanding to the East. Especially now, when the West is undergoing a transition from which it may not emerge as mighty as it was during the uni-polar world order.
At the present the West demands that Serbia ‘unfreezes’ Kosovo “independence procerss”. How? By compelling Serbia to sign a ‘legally binding agreement’ with Priština, to recognize a illegal unilateral secession, legalize illegal 1999 aggression, accept the consequences of violent ethnic cleansing of over 250.000 Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija and essentially assume responsibility for all that!
1The Author is President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of FR of Yugoslavia (1998-2000)
Descent into barbarism: Trump makes virtue out of war and genocide at the UN
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By Finian Cunningham
It can’t get more outrageous. US President Donald Trump stood in front of the United Nations and openly threatened unilateral war and genocide. It’s a sign of the times that such criminal rhetoric is so casually spouted by the world’s biggest military state.
When American leaders address the UN General Assembly, people are generally used to hearing a litany of falsehoods about world events and narcissistic deceptions over America’s global role.
But when Trump made his debut speech on Tuesday, it marked, in addition to the usual American delusions, an unprecedented embrace of criminal militarism.
The nadir in his 40-minute rant came when Trump said the US would “totally destroy” North Korea – if it threatened America or its allies. The qualifier is a threadbare legal justification. It’s also just a cynical excuse for American aggression.
“The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea,” said Trump. Mocking North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, he added: “Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime.”
Trump also called for forceful confrontation – regime change – against Iran, which he vilified as a “corrupt, murderous dictatorship.” He made similar veiled threats against Venezuela and its “socialist dictator” President Nicolas Maduro.
International war crimes lawyer Christopher Black said Trump’s speech amounted to a stunning self-indictment. The Canadian-based attorney said the American president’s words were a shockingly explicit repudiation of UN principles and international law on several counts.
With regard to North Korea, Black said: “The US president is threatening aggression under the false guise of ‘defense.’ By openly stating the US will act alone to use military force is a violation of the United Nations’ Charter. Such unilateral use of military force is also a violation of the Nuremberg principles which condemned Nazi Germany for promulgating similar baseless justifications for its aggression.”
The lawyer also added that Trump’s warning to “totally destroy North Korea is advocating the genocide of an entire people.” Says Black: “Any military response to any attack has to be proportional – just enough to stop the attack. Trump’s stated objective to wipe the North Korean state and its people from the face of the earth is the crime of genocide under international law.”
It should be deeply troubling that the supposed leader of the world’s most powerful country so openly and disgustingly makes a virtue of barbarism. As American writer Tom Feeley succinctly described Trump’s diatribe at the UN: “An ignorant savage who spewed hatred all over the nations of the world.”
No wonder Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping opted to skip Trump’s landmark speech. So too did German Chancellor Angela Merkel. It’s amazing how anyone could sit through such torturous distortions. In a sane world, someone should have slapped handcuffs on Trump and hauled him off to a criminal court.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was also absent. While the North Korean ambassador walked out of the General Assembly chamber as Trump was taking the podium for his address.
When Trump declared his criminal intent toward North Korea there were audible gasps of disquiet among the hundreds of delegates. Several times during Trump’s tirade, the White House Chief of Staff John Kelly was seen covering his face with his hand or shifting uncomfortably in his seat. The body language spoke of shameful “embarrassment” – a word that Trump, ironically, used twice during his address referring disparagingly to others.
Anyone with a normal cognition of recent world events had to have cringed at almost every sentence uttered by Trump. It says something that the few delegates who appeared happy with Trump’s harping included Israel’s premier Benjamin Netanyahu and the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia – two actual rogue states that were unsurprisingly left out of Trump’s harangue.
Even the US media seemed embarrassed by the president’s boorish and bloodcurdling tone.
Pundits on CNN were staggered by Trump’s threats of annihilation toward North Korea. The New York Times called it “a bellicose debut” while the Washington Post said Trump’s “bellicosity and swagger” was “an incoherent mess.” Admittedly, those news outlets have been opposed to Trump’s presidency all the way since his election. But there was a different quality to their reaction to his UN speech – one of aghast disbelief that an American president could be so uncouth and unabashedly criminal in what he was advocating.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif blasted Trump for “ignorant hate speech” which, he said, was unworthy of a considered response.
Zarif is right. The torrent of falsehoods and delusions that Trump verbalized are hardly worth rebutting in detail, so crass were they in their upside-down view of the world. It’s so unhinged, it’s beyond argumentation and reason.
But let’s do a few illustrative choice quotes where irony is dead as a rock.
Trump said: “Rogue regimes represented in this body not only support terrorists but threaten other nations and their own people with the most destructive weapons known to humanity.”
That’s cloying, considering the recent reports of the American CIA allegedly funneling $2.2 billion worth of weapons to terrorist groups in Syria to overthrow the elected government of President Bashar Assad. And considering that Trump in front of 193 nations was threatening North Korea with “total destruction.”
Trump made a dig at Russia and China when he said: “We must reject threats to sovereignty, from the Ukraine to the South China Sea. We must uphold respect for law, respect for borders, and respect for culture, and the peaceful engagement these allow.”
Eh, this sanctimonious advice from the leader of a country that has subverted the sovereignty and borders of more nations than any other in history, including that of Ukraine where Washington violently installed a neo-Nazi regime in February 2014. American aerial bombing of numerous countries simultaneously, including Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan, is a curious “respect for borders, sovereignty, and law.”
Trump talks about the “scourge of rogue regimes” without a hint of self-awareness about his own country’s depredations or of its Israeli and Saudi allies. He said: “The scourge of our planet today is a small group of rogue regimes that violate every principle on which the United Nations is based. They respect neither their own citizens nor the sovereign rights of their countries.”
Finally, perhaps the crowning absurdity was this: “The United States of America has been among the greatest forces for good in the history of the world, and the greatest defenders of sovereignty, security, and prosperity for all.”
Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama and other US presidents were also remarkable for their skill at spouting similar distortions and delusions. In that regard, Trump’s bravura nonsense was more of the same ridiculous “American exceptionalism.”
But setting Trump’s speech apart was his flagrant embrace of criminal militarism as a matter of US foreign policy, and his nauseating invocation of genocide in a war on North Korea.
* Finian Cunningham (born 1963) has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. Originally from Belfast, Ireland, he is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in newspaper journalism. For over 20 years he worked as an editor and writer in major news media organizations, including The Mirror, Irish Times and Independent. Now a freelance journalist based in East Africa, his columns appear on RT, Sputnik, Strategic Culture Foundation and Press TV.
(Defend Democracy Press)
At the United Nations General Assembly: Trump Obliterated the U.N. Charter and Declared War on the World
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The U.S. Peace Movement Should Not and Cannot Afford to Remain Silent
U.S. Peace Council — September 24, 2017
President Trump:
- “The United States of America has been among the greatest forces for good for the history of the world... In America, we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone.”
- “We must uphold respect for the law, respect for borders, and respect for culture....”
- “As President of the United States, I will always put America first.”
- “[I]t has just been announced that we will be spending almost $700 billion on our military and defense.... Our military will soon be the strongest it has ever been.”
- “[A] small group of rogue regimes ... violate every principle on which the United Nations is based.”
- “Too often the focus of [the United Nations] has not been on results, but on bureaucracy and process.... We cannot wait for ... far-off bureaucrats — we can't do it. We must solve our problems ... or we will be ... defeated.”
- “The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime.”
- “We face decisions not only in North Korea. It is far past time for the nations of the world to confront another reckless regime....”
- “The Iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of democracy.... We cannot let a murderous regime continue these destabilizing activities while building missiles.... The Iran Deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into....”
- “I have also totally changed the rules of engagement in our fight [in Afghanistan] against the Taliban....”
- “The actions of the criminal regime of Bashar al-Assad ... shock the conscience of every decent person.... That is why the United States carried out a missile strike on the airbase that launched the [chemical] attack.”
- “[T]he United States has stood against the corrupt and destabilizing regime of Cuba.... [W]e will not lift sanctions on the Cuban government until it makes fundamental reforms.”
- “We have also imposed tough, calibrated sanctions on the socialist Maduro regime in Venezuela.... The socialist dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro has inflicted terrible pain and suffering on the good people of that country.... We are prepared to take further action if the government of Venezuela persists on its path....
- “The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that it has been faithfully implemented.... From the Soviet Union to Cuba to Venezuela, wherever true socialism, or communism has been adopted, it has delivered anguish and devastation and failure. Those who preach the tenets of these discredited ideologies only contribute to the continued suffering of the people.... America stands with every person living under a brutal regime. Our respect for sovereignty is also a call for action.”
We let President Trump’s own words at the United Nations speak for themselves. His speech at the UN General Assembly on September 19, 2017 was the height of dishonesty, hypocrisy, imperialist grand standing, and total contempt for the UN Charter and international law. It also signified the U.S. administration’s intention to revive the old Cold War.
Trump spoke of the “nuclear threat” of North Korea, calling that country’s leader the “Rocket Man,” without mentioning that U.S. and allied forces are at the same time carrying out military exercises on North Korean borders which are aimed at potential invasion of that country. Nor did he mention the fact that the U.S. has installed first-strike anti-missiles near North Korean borders and maintains over 23,000 troops in South Korea.
Trump spoke of the “nuclear threat” of Iran at the time when Iran, while surrounded on all sides by the nuclear-armed U.S. forces, has signed an agreement with the United States and five other states to refrain from developing nuclear weapons.
Trump spoke of the “criminal regime of Bashar al-Assad” at the time when tens of thousands of criminal terrorists, armed and funded by the United States and its allies, are wreaking havoc on the Syrian people while being protected by the illegal U.S. ground and air forces in Syria.
Trump spoke of the “destabilizing regime of Cuba” without mentioning the fact that the U.S. government and the CIA have been persistently trying to destabilize the Cuban revolution and its government, assassinate its leader, illegally occupy its territory in Guantanamo, and continue U.S. blockade of Cuba in violation of repeated resolutions of the same UN General Assembly he was speaking to.
Trump spoke of “taking action” against the “socialist dictatorship” of President Maduro if “Venezuela persists on its path.” (In the past, he had also stated that he was “not going to rule out a military option” against Venezuela.) But he hid the fact that it was the United States that acted illegally against democracy in Venezuela when it staged a coup against its then democratically elected president Hugo Chavez, and is still doing so by trying to bring down the current democratically elected president, Nicolas Maduro.
It is clear from Trump’s words that the “path” that worries him most, not only in Venezuela but in Cuba as well, is the path of free health care, free education, and free public services for all people; a path that Trump is trying to block and reverse within his own country.
Unfortunately, all of the corporate media’s attention, and most of the peace movement’s objections, about President Trump’s speech have so far been only focused on his threats against North Korea and the obvious need for de-escalation of tensions. But as important and urgent as this is, it involves missing the forest for the tree.
Looking at the whole speech, it becomes quite clear that the situation is far more dangerous than it appears. We are now dealing with a qualitative shift in the official U.S. foreign policy — ironically announced at the headquarters of the United Nations — away from the principles of the UN Charter and international law and toward a unilateral declaration of war and intervention by the United States on any country that stands in the way of its ambition for global domination.
Trump’s “America First” policy, as announced by him at the United Nations, is going to be the core of U.S. government’s foreign policy from now on. This means a total rearrangement of international relations in a manner that only serves the United States and its strategic and economic interests. Obviously, such an imperialist policy, as outlined by Trump in his speech at the United Nations, cannot be advanced without violating the principles of the UN Charter and international law.
The U.S. peace movement bears a special responsibility to prevent such a catastrophic outcome. But no proclamation or public statement can by itself prevent the catastrophe. What is urgently needed is a unified anti-war, anti-interventionist front composed of all segments of the peace movement that is capable of mobilizing an effective mass movement against imperialism and war.
U.S. Peace Council calls upon all peace organizations in the United States to lead local, regional and national demonstrations, and visits to members of Congress, including sit-ins, and demand from the U.S. government to:
- Stop U.S. violations of the United Nations Charter and international law;
- Stop U.S. attempts to sabotage other states’ economies and political systems; stop threatening and overthrowing sovereign governments; stop using economic sanctions as a means of undermining sovereign governments;
- Stop U.S. political and military interventions in the internal affairs of other countries; respect the sovereignty of all nations, including Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea;
- Remove the U.S. economic blockade against Cuba; return Guantanamo to Cuba;
- Stop U.S. joint military exercises with South Korea; stop all forms of threats against North Korea; sign a permanent peace treaty with North Korea through peaceful diplomatic negotiations;
- Respect all U.S. treaties with other nations, including the Iran Nuclear Deal;
- Close all U.S. foreign military bases around the world;
- Initiate efforts to expand nuclear-weapons free zones throughout the world; support the recently negotiated UN Treaty banning nuclear weapons;
- Dramatically reduce U.S. war and military spending; rescind the $700 billion military budget, and spend the funds on health care, education, creating jobs, and other social services.
The U.S. Peace Council is ready to join hands with all peace forces to organize the broadest possible mass protests against the extremely belligerent and imperialist U.S. foreign policy as announced by Donald Trump at the United Nations.
The Danube and Aegean Waterway Is Now Back in the News
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Aug. 28, 2017 (EIRNS) -- The proposed waterway that would link the Danube River with the Aegean Sea is back in the news with a feature article in the Greek daily {Kathimerini,} pointing to Chinese interest in the project. This is the same project that the Schiller Institute has been supporting over the past seven years.
Thessaloniki correspondent Stavros Tzimas wrote, "An ambitious project being considered to establish a vertical link between the Danube, Europe's second-longest river, and Greece's Aegean coast by a navigable route via the rivers Morava and Vardar/Axios, may seem like a prospect of colossal proportions by European standards, but its development cannot be ruled out as it would serve the interests of China, an undisputed powerhouse trader...
"Development of what is being promoted as the New Silk Road involving land, air and sea is already in progress and the utilization of existing rivers could not be left out of the wider plan," Tzimas wrote.
The article also points out that the project, which is supported by both Greece and Serbia, was brought up during the July visit by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to Belgrade during his meetings with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Both leaders took up the issue during their recent visits to China. The Chinese have already drafted a feasibility study for the project, though it has yet to be made publc.
Development of the new waterway would offer a transportation link from the East Mediterranean directly to the heart of Europe, via the Axios/Vardar, Morava, and Danube rivers. Cargo would no longer need to be shipped all the way to Gibraltar and from there up to the Netherlands, or be held up in the narrow Bosporus strait. The article added that the route would be three-and-a-half days shorter than that via Rotterdam and is an attractive prospect for China and other East Asian countries, which export millions of containers to European markets and Russia each year.
According to a Serbian study, the rivers would have to be widened and deepened while canals bypassing Skopje and two Serbian cities, Nis and Kraljevo, would also be constucted. This article can be seen in the context of the upcoming Thessaloniki Internatioanl Fair, which begins on September 9 and is the most important trade fair in Greece and the greater Balkans. Last year Russia was the featured Honored Guest; this year it will be China. [DEA]
EU's 'bureaucratic meanders' Blocking Aegaen-Danube Canal
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Aug. 29 (EIRNS)-- The European Union's "Bureaucratic Meanders" are blocking the implementation of the Danube -Aegean canal and Chinese backed infrastructure projects according to an article in today's Le Figaro. Entitle CHINA URGES TO CONNECT DANUBE TO EASTERN SEA the article is the second in two days on the canal project, written by its Greek correspondent Alexia Kafalas writes that after European ports such as Athens and railways, China is now interested in European waterways.
Le Figaro wroted that the Greco-Serbian canal proposal was presentd in Beijing this summer, within the framework of the great Chinese design of the "new silk roads" initiated by President Xi Jinping.
The article adds that the project woulds cost 17 billion dollars and take ten years to build and require make the Morava river navigable for large riverships over 346 kilometers and the Axios over 275 kilometers, as well as a canal to connect the two rivers. The project would include the construction and operation of hydroelectric generating stations along its entire length. It will have to take into account the question of the irrigation of agricultural lands crossed.
The article mentions the fact that the China Gezhouba Group Corporation has done a feasibility study whether it offers China a new and faster way to transport its products to the heart of the Old Continent.
Although the article claims China has shown a little reticence over the project the real problem lies with the fact that the European Union's bureaucratic meandering over approving such projects, pointing to the case of the high speed rail project between Budapest, Hungary, an EU member state and Serbia which is not in the EU, has been stalled by the EU despite the fact that both Serbia and Hungary desperately want the project.
The article concludes: "The European Commission does not welcome Chinese investments in the Balkans, which are often seen as an easy entry point as the region needs capital and infrastructure. This is likely to delay the project of the Balkan channel linking the Danube to the Aegean Sea..." [dea]
Statement of the World Peace Council on the International day of victims of 'Agent Orange' on 10th August
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The WPC is underlining 56 years from the start of the dirty imperialist war of the USA against the Vietnamese people the need for comprehensive and overall compensation of the victims of the toxic ‘Agent Orange’, their relief and overall support. The US administrations all these years never acknowledged their heavy responsibility towards a people and a country which fought with dignity for its freedom and the right to determine alone its fortunes.
As for bombs and ammunition alone, the USA dropped over Vietnam about 14 million tons of all kinds of bombs (while another 3 million tons in Laos). This is twice as large as the total tonnage of all bombs and ammunition dropped in the World War II , and equivalent to total power of two hundred atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now, 42 years after the war, there are , everyday unexploded ordinances still kill an average of 1500 Vietnamese a year (and 300 Laotian people). Most of these victims are mountainous people and children.
42 years after the end of the US war in Vietnam the consequences of war are still visible at thousands of children being born with mental diseases and birth defects. This shameful chapter, the use of the chemical dioxin by the USA continues to poison Vietnam and the people exposed to the chemicals. The deadly mark left by ‘Agent Orange’ on the natural environment of Vietnam includes the destruction of mangrove forests and the long-term poisoning of soil especially in the known “hot spots” near former U.S. military bases.
The WPC expresses its full-hearted solidarity to the Vietnamese people and in particular with the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange (VAVA), and demands the recognition of the responsibility by the US administration and the necessary steps and measures to support the victims and their the families.
We call upon our members and friends in the world, not to give up raising and fighting for this just matter of the Vietnamese people, which fought heroically and defeated the US imperialist aggression in 1975.
10th August 2017 The Secretariat of WPC
Statement of the World Peace Council about the recent resolution of the UN Security Council on the DPR of Korea
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The World Peace Council (WPC) expresses its serious concern about the recent resolution of the UN Security Council on the 5thof August (2371/2017) to impose new sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and its people.
The WPC stands firm in solidarity with the Korean people for its right to decide alone and without any foreign interference its fortunes and future, while we reject and denounce the threats by the US administration and its allies in the region against the sovereignty of the DPR of Korea. We condemn the increasing military exercises of the USA, South Korea and Japan in the area as well as the military presence of more than 28,000 US troops in the South of the Korean peninsula. The deployment of the US missile defense shield THAAD in South Korea constitutes a further escalation of the strategy of threats, aiming at the ability for first strike without the possibility for retaliation.
The WPC is in favor of the abolition of all nuclear weapons in the world but we do not accept the one-sided eclectically applied propaganda against the “nuclear program” of the DPR Korea. At the same time we support and demand the peaceful settlement of the differences between the USA and DPR of Korea and the replacement of the armistice agreement of 1953 with a comprehensive peace accord of the two sides.
We are historically opposed to the singling out the DPR of Korea with further sanctions that serve to hurt the people and are in reality a form of aggression or preparation for a military intervention as in the cases of Iraq and Libya before.
The legitimate concerns of the DPR of Korea cannot be met by sanctions and threats, by efforts to strangle a people in order to impose the geostrategic control of the imperialist domination, which functions as the real threat to peace and stability in the region. We remind especially these days that not only is the USA the only country which used nuclear bombs 72 years ago in its crime in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but it refuses to refrain even today from a first nuclear strike option.
The WPC reaffirms its support to the Korean people’s struggle against the imperialist plans, the defense of its sovereignty, for the demilitarization and nuclear disarmament of the region and the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea.
The United Nations should respect and safeguard the principles of its founding Charter and not violate them!
The WPC Secretariat, August 9, 2017
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Belgrade, August 11th, 2017.
Zivadin Jovanovic, The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Silk Road Connectivity Research Center
In the eve of BRICS Summit, Xiamen, 3-5 September
-Interview to the Peoples Daily -
1. As the host of this summit, what new elements can China bring to the BRICS?
ZJ: First of all, it is natural that China, one of the founders and the host country of the BRICS Summit will reaffirm remarkable achievements of BRICS cooperation and development, in the democratization of the world trade, development and financial institutions and in bringing the world economy out of recession. At the same time, China is expected to offer the best ways how to deal with new challenges in the field of global trade, investments, and rapid changes in economic structure and technology. Speaking of “new elements”, those in my opinion, may be – further expansion of the BRICS membership in line with real roles and potentials of emerging economies; timely contemplating challenges of the new industrial revolution bringing enormous development potentials but also unprecedented changes in economic, social and working force structures; reinforcing struggle for principle based international trade and investment cooperating, against autarchy, protectionism, economic, financial or any other form of confrontation.
The ruthless neo-colonialists of 21st century
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By system failure / Source: the unbalanced evolution of homo sapiens / The Dawn News / January 5, 2017
The start of current decade revealed the most ruthless face of a global neo-colonialism. From Syria and Libya to Europe and Latin America, the old colonial powers of the West tried to rebound against an oncoming rival bloc led by Russia and China, which starts to threaten their global domination.
Inside a multi-polar, complex terrain of geopolitical games, the big players start to abandon the old-fashioned, inefficient direct wars. They use today other, various methods like brutal proxy wars, economic wars, financial and constitutional coups, provocative operations, ‘color revolutions’, etc. In this highly complex and unstable situation, when even traditional allies turn against each other as the global balances change rapidly, the forces unleashed are absolutely destructive. Inevitably, the results are more than evident.
Neocons Have Been Destroying Sovereign Nations for 20 Years
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An excellent article from one of our favorite Russia authors pointing out similar patterns in the destruction of Yugoslavia, Libya, and Syria
By Neil Clark
The author is a well-known UK pundit who writes frequently on Russia. He is currently running a crowdfunding to sue the Times, one of its writers, Oliver Kamm, and its publisher, Rupert Murdoch, for libel and stalking. If you like this article, please consider supporting this writer. He is one of the best out there on Russia.
For more info about that see: The Times, RT and Oliver Kamm, an Obsessed Neocon Stalker and Creepy London Times Moron Cyber-Stalks Leading UK Russia Expert (Video)
A resource-rich, socialist-led, multi-ethnic secular state, with an economic system characterized by a high level of public/social ownership and generous provision of welfare, education and social services.
An independent foreign policy with friendship and good commercial ties with Russia, support for Palestine and African and Arab unity – and historical backing for anti-imperialist movements.
Social progress in a number of areas, including women’s emancipation.
The above accurately describes the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the Syrian Arab Republic. Three countries in three different continents, which had so much in common.
All three had governments which described themselves as socialist. All three pursued a foreign policy independent of Washington and NATO. And all three were targeted for regime change/destruction by the US and its allies using remarkably similar methods.
The first step of the imperial predators was the imposition of draconian economic sanctions used to cripple their economies, weaken their governments (always referred to as ‘a/the regime’) and create political unrest. From 1992-95, and again in 1998, Yugoslavia was hit by the harshest sanctions ever imposed on a European state. The sanctions even involved an EU ban on the state-owned passenger airliner JAT
Libya was under US sanctions from the 1980s until 2004, and then again in 2011, the year the country with the highest Human Development Index in Africa was bombed back to the Stone Age.
Syria has been sanctioned by the US since 2004 with a significant increase in the severity of the measures in 2011 when the regime change op moved into top gear.
The second step was the backing of armed militias/terrorist proxies to destabilise the countries and help overthrow these “regimes”. The strategy was relatively simple. Terrorist attacks and the killing of state officials and soldiers would provoke a military response from ‘the regime, whose leader would then be condemned for ‘killing his own people’ (or in the case of Milosevic, other ethnic groups), and used to ramp up the case for a ‘humanitarian intervention’ by the US and its allies.
In Yugoslavia, the US-proxy force was the Kosovan Liberation Army, who were given training and logistical support by the West.
In Libya, groups linked to al-Qaeda, like the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, were provided assistance, with NATO effectively acting as al-Qaeda’s air force
In Syria, there was massive support for anti-government Islamist fighters, euphemistically labelled ‘moderate rebels.’ It didn’t matter to the ‘regime changers’ that weapons supplied to ‘moderate rebels’ ended up in the hands of groups like ISIS. On the contrary, a declassified secret US intelligence report from 2012 showed that the Western powers welcomed the possible establishment of a Salafist principality in eastern Syria, seeing it as a means of isolating ‘the Syrian regime’.
The third step carried out at the same time as one and two involved the relentless demonisation of the leadership of the target states. This involved the leaders being regularly compared to Hitler, and accused of carrying out or planning genocide and multiple war crimes.
Milosevic – President of Yugoslavia – was labelled a ‘dictator’ even though he was the democratically-elected leader of a country in which over 20 political parties freely operated.
Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi was portrayed as an unstable foaming at the mouth lunatic, about to launch a massacre in Benghazi, even though he had governed his country since the end of the Swinging Sixties.
Syria’s Assad did take over in an authoritarian one-party system, but was given zero credit for introducing a new constitution which ended the Ba’ath Party’s monopoly of political power.
Instead all the deaths in the Syrian conflict were blamed on him, even those of the thousands of Syrian soldiers killed by Western/GCC-armed and funded ‘rebels’.
The fourth step in the imperial strategy was the deployment of gatekeepers – or ‘Imperial Truth Enforcers’ – to smear or defame anyone who dared to come to the defence of the target states, or who said that they should be left alone.
The pro-war, finance-capital-friendly, faux-left was at the forefront of the media campaigns against the countries concerned. This was to give the regime change/destruction project a ‘progressive’ veneer, and to persuade or intimidate genuine ’old school’ leftists not to challenge the dominant narrative.
To place them beyond the pale, Yugoslavia, Libya and Syria were all labelled ’fascist,’ even though their leadership was socialist and their economies were run on socialistic lines. Meanwhile, genuine fascists, like anti-government factions in Ukraine (2013-14), received enthusiastic support from NATO.
The fifth step was direct US/NATO-led military intervention against ‘the regime’ triggered by alleged atrocities/planned atrocities of the target state. At this stage, the US works particularly hard to sabotage any peaceful solution to the conflicts they and their regional allies have ignited. At the Rambouillet conference in March 1999, for example, the Yugoslav authorities, who had agreed to an international peace-keeping force in Kosovo, were presented with an ultimatum that they could not possibly accept. Lord Gilbert, a UK defence minister at the time, later admitted “the terms put to Milosevic (which included NATO forces having freedom of movement throughout his country) were absolutely intolerable … it was quite deliberate.”
In 2011, the casus belli was that ‘the mad dog’ Gaddafi was about to massacre civilians in Benghazi. We needed a ‘humanitarian intervention’ to stop this, we were repeatedly told. Five years later, a House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee report held that “the proposition that Muammar Gaddafi would have ordered the massacre of civilians in Benghazi was not supported by the available evidence.”
In 2013, the reason given for direct military intervention in Syria was an alleged chemical weapons attack by ‘Assad’s forces’ in Ghouta. But this time, the UK Parliament voted against military action and the planned ‘intervention’ was thwarted, much to the great frustration of the war-hungry neocons. They still keep trying though.
The recent claims of The White House, that they had evidence that the Syrian government was planning a chemical weapons attack, and that if such an attack took place it would be blamed on Assad, shows that the Empire hasn’t given up on Stage Five for Syria just yet.
Stage Six of the project involves the US continuing to sabotage moves towards a negotiated peace once the bombing started. This happened during the bombing of Yugoslavia and the NATO assault on Libya. A favoured tactic used to prevent a peaceful resolution is to get the leader of the target state indicted for war crimes. Milosevic was indicted at the height of the bombing in 1999, Gaddafi in 2011.
Stage Seven is ‘Mission Accomplished’. It’s when the target country has been ‘regime-changed’ and either broken up or transformed into a failed state with strategically important areas/resources under US/Western control. Yugoslavia was dismantled and its socially-owned economy privatised. Montenegro, the great prize on the Adriatic, recently joined NATO.
Libya, hailed in the Daily Telegraph as a top cruise ship destination in 2010, is now a lawless playground for jihadists and a place where cruise ships dare not dock. This country, which provided free education and health care for all its citizens under Gaddafi, has recently seen the return of slave markets.
Syria, though thankfully not at Stage Seven, has still been knocked back almost forty years. The UNDP reported: “Despite having achieved or being well under way to achieving major Millennium Development Goals targets (poverty reduction, primary education, and gender parity in secondary education, decrease in infant mortality rates and increasing access to improved sanitation) as of 2011, it is estimated that after the first four years of crisis Syria has dropped from 113th to 174th out of 187 countries ranked in the Human Development Index.”
Of course, it’s not just three countries which have been wrecked by the Empire of Chaos. There are similarities too with what’s happened to Afghanistan and Iraq. In the late 1970s, the US started to back Islamist rebels to destabilise and topple the left-wing, pro-Moscow government in Kabul.
Afghanistan has been in turmoil ever since, with the US and its allies launching an invasion of the country in 2001 to topple a Taliban ‘regime’ which grew out of the ’rebel’ movement which the US had backed.
Iraq was hit with devastating, genocidal sanctions, which were maintained under US/UK pressure even after it had disarmed. Then it was invaded on the deceitful pretext that its leader, Saddam Hussein, still possessed WMDs.
The truth of what has been happening is too shocking and too terrible ever to be admitted in the Western mainstream media. Namely, that since the demise of the Soviet Union, the US and its allies have been picking off independent, resource-rich, strategically important countries one by one.
The point is not that these countries were perfect and that there wasn’t political repression taking place in some of them at various times, but that they were earmarked for destruction solely for standing in the way of the imperialists. The propagandists for the US-led wars of recent years want us to regard the conflicts as ‘stand alones’ and to regard the ‘problem’ as being the ‘mad dog’ leadership of the countries which were attacked.
But in fact, the aggressions against Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, and the threatening of Iran, North Korea, Russia and Venezuela are all parts of the same war. Anyone who hasn’t been locked in a wardrobe these past twenty years, or whose salary is not paid directly, or indirectly, by the Empire of Chaos, can surely see now where the ‘problem’ really lies.
The ‘New Hitlers’ – Milosevic, Hussein and Gaddafi – who we were told were the ‘biggest threats’ to world peace, are dead and buried. But guess what? The killing goes on.
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• The Mediterranean Sea as a Mass Grave
• Manchester’s dead: Victims of British regime-change…
• Libya: The US is now bombing a state it has already…
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KOSOVO Methoija, Ieri e Oggi: 1389-2017
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Storia e Attualità
Dalla battaglia di Kosovo Polje,
seicentoventotto anni di resistenza del popolo serbo
A cura di Enrico Vigna
"…Nel mezzo della piana, la più ampia ampiezza.
Nel mezzo del mare, il fondo più profondo.
Nel mezzo del cielo, l’altezza più alta.Nel Kosovo, il campo di battaglia più alto…”
( Poema epico serbo)
Il monumento di Gazimestan, prima degli atti vandalici
Il monumento dopo gli atti vandalici (28 giugno 1999) Il monumento era stato danneggiato dall'esplosione di mine nonostante la…presenza di truppe britanniche della KFOR. Oggi, riparato è presidiato dalle truppe internazionali per non essere distrutto.
L'Attualità della Battaglia di Kosovo Polje
Il 28 giugno di ogni anno, giorno di San Vito ("Vidovdan"), i serbi commemorano la sconfitta del 1389 ad opera dei Turchi sulla piana di Campo dei Merli ("Kosovo Polje"), a pochi chilometri dall'odierna Pristina. Con quell'avvenimento l'antico regno di Serbia, quello della dinastia dei Nemanja e dei monasteri medioevali, iniziava a disfarsi: nel 1459, settanta anni dopo, aveva fine l'indipendenza della Serbia, spartita tra Ungheria ed Impero Ottomano. Solo nel XIX Secolo, nell'ambito del Risorgimento guidato dai Karadjordje, come in Italia anche in Serbia il problema dell'indipendenza politica ritornava all'ordine del giorno. Per secoli il mito dei fatti sanguinosi di Kosovo Polje e' stato al centro della tradizione orale dei "cantastorie", i "guslar" (dal nome di un medievale strumento: gusla) e poi della letteratura scritta dei popoli slavi del Sud, di tutti i popoli slavi del Sud, non solo dei serbi. A partire dalla "Lode al Knez Lazar" del patriarca Danilo (1392), il sacrificio del principe Lazar e di Obilic furono celebrati per secoli, e non solo dai serbi ma anche da tutta la corrente jugoslavista, fiorente nell'Ottocento pure in Croazia e Slovenia e culminata con la creazione del Regno dei Serbi, dei Croati e degli Sloveni al termine della Prima Guerra Mondiale... Il poema epico del sovrano montenegrino Njegos "Il serto della montagna" (1847) pure cantava i fatti del Kosovo, il sacrificio deliberato e cosciente della nobiltà e dei soldati serbi impegnati a difendere la propria terra e la propria gente dall'invasione straniera. Lo stesso attentatore di Sarajevo Gavrilo Princip ferì a morte l'arciduca Ferdinando in una data non casuale: il 28 giugno 1914, quasi a volersi inserire nella scia dei "giustizieri di tiranni"...E la tradizione patriottica jugoslava riprese ed uso' i fatti ed i miti di Kosovo Polje tra le due guerre mondiali, in un senso non solamente"serbo" ma, anche, jugoslavo, di comunanza fra popoli impegnati a difendere la propria sovranita' ed indipendenza. D'altronde, alla battaglia partecipò lo stesso sovrano della Bosnia Tvrtko, che combatte' a fianco del principe Lazar, ed anche gli storici albanesi raccontano che i loro antenati diedero man forte ai serbi contro l'invasore turco. Con la Seconda Guerra Mondiale i rapporti tra le popolazioni balcaniche venivano pero' pesantemente, di nuovo incrinati, grazie al contributo fattivo del nazifascismo occupante; seguiva la Guerra Popolare di Liberazione guidata da Josip Broz "Tito", fonte di per se stessa di nuove memorie gloriose e di miti e valori fondanti della identità multinazionale jugoslava, conquistata con la dura resistenza partigiana. L'eroismo dei partigiani di tutte le nazionalità e la più recente memoria di altre, altrettanto dure battaglie per la libertà facevano passare in secondo piano i fatti lontani del principe Lazar e del sultano Murad... La chiesa serbo-ortodossa si faceva allora principale custode della memoria della antica battaglia di Kosovo Polje. Fino agli anni Ottanta, dove con la crisi della RFS di Jugoslavia, il movimento secessionista pan-albanese riprende quota, appoggiato in maniera sempre più palese dalle forze politiche occidentali, dai settori impegnati nei traffici di droga internazionali, poi dall'Albania del clan di Berisha e del nazionalismo irredentista post-'89, poi dai media e dai servizi segreti di tutto il mondo occidentale, infine dalla NATO che aggredì la Repubblica Federale Jugoslava per 78 giorni a partire dal 24 marzo 1999, a forza di bombe, proprio per staccare il Kosovo dalla Federazione jugoslava e consegnarlo alle bande "contras" dell'UCK. Il Kosovo, ricco di minerali e punto strategico dei Balcani, passo-chiave per la ricolonizzazione di tutta l'area dell'Europa sud-orientale. In questo stesso anniversario della battaglia di Kosovo Polje, truppe straniere di nuovo oggi si muovono su quel territorio, dopo che il nazifascismo italiano, tedesco e bulgaro ne era stato scacciato oltre 60 anni fa dallo sforzo comune dei partigiani kosovari serbi e kosovari albanesi.
Vi è poi un altro 28 giugno da non dimenticare, un ennesima umiliazione e violenza morale (comunque la si pensi) del popolo serbo: infatti il 28 giugno 2001, proprio nel giorno di "Vidovdan" è toccato a questo popolo vedere il rapimento del proprio Presidente Slobodan Milosevic, quando un elicottero Nato, violando confini e sovranità, preleva e rapisce un cittadino jugoslavo in disprezzo di qualsiasi concetto di Diritto Internazionale e di indipendenza di un paese: quindi un operazione di banditismo internazionale.
Indelebili resteranno le parole di Milosevic che, prima di salire sull'elicottero, rivolgendosi ad un agente dei servizi segreti serbi gli disse: "…capisco loro (riferendosi agli agenti segreti americani), ma tu che sei serbo, figlio di questa terra, come puoi nella tua coscienza essere complice, nel giorno di Vidovdan e di Lazar, di un atto così ignobile che non è contro di me, ma contro tutto il nostro popolo. Vergognati, di questo non potrai mai vantartene nella tua famiglia o tra la tua gente…Potrai festeggiare solo con gli invasori e gli occupanti. Vergogna…".
Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network
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In 2013, Chi.nese President Xi Jinping put forward the proposal of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road (hereinafter referred to as the Belt and Road), which injected new impetus for China and countries along the Belt and Road in realizing common development and prosperity and in strengthening practical cooperation, mutual learning between civilizations and people-to-people exchanges and is well recognized by the international community. To further pool the strength of NGOs at home and abroad and bring full play of NGOs’ unique features and advantages, the China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE) made the proposal to build a Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network (hereinafter referred to as the Network). On the Thematic Session on People-to-People Connectivity of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which was held on May 14th, CNIE Secretary-General Zhu Rui announced the official launching of the Network. There are over 160 Chinese and foreign NGOs joined the Network.
I. Guideline
The Network is established to implement the Vision and Proposed Actions Outlined on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, carry on the Silk Road spirit of friendly cooperation, implement outcomes of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and create sound atmosphere and consolidate public opinion foundation for countries along the Belt and Road to strengthen people-to-people bond.
II. Principals
The Network upholds principles of openness and inclusiveness, mutual respect, mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. We welcome and support the efforts of NGOs and other social players at home and abroad in participating in and jointly building the Network. On the basis of mutual respect, equal treatment and peaceful coexistence, all member NGOs, regardless of sizes, home countries, and fields of expertise, shall accommodate the shared development interests and concerns of countries along the Belt and Road, give full play to the unique features and advantages of NGOs, facilitate exchanges and cooperation, promote coexistence and mutual learning among different civilizations, so as to realize win-win cooperation and common prosperity and together share the outcomes of the Belt and Road development.
III. Objectives and tasks
We aim at building the Network into an effective platform for information sharing and action coordination among member NGOs in their cooperative efforts to strengthen people-to-people bond. Through various channels of mutual visits, workshops, thematic seminars, etc., member NGOs can keep each other informed of latest information about public opinion and cooperation demand, hold discussions on Belt and Road related issues and share with each other their respective successful stories. Together, member NGOs can contribute wisdom and strength to the endeavor of jointly building the Belt and Road.
We aim at enhancing mutual assistance and capacity building of NGOs along the Belt and Road. The Network encourages NGOs to cooperate in launching livelihood programs, providing educational and medical volunteer services, improving the living standards of peoples along the Belt and Road, promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations, urging media and businesses to better fulfill their social responsibility and strengthening mutual understanding and friendship among peoples along the Belt and Road.
We aim at pooling strength of NGOs to proactively participate in and support the Belt and Road building, giving full play to the unique role of NGOs in promoting people-to-people exchanges, strengthening people-to-people bond and winning public support and forging positive energy for peace, harmony and development.
Five years after inception of China-CEEC Cooperation - REMARKABLE ACHIEVEMENTS
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Zivadin Jovanovic, the Belgrade forum for a World of Equals, Connectivity Research Center
It is five years now since the inception of cooperation between Central and Eastern European Countries and China (16+1 format). In 2012 then Prime-minister of the People’s Republic of China Wen Jibao presented to the first summit of prime ministers of China +16 CEE countries in Warsaw, Poland, the document titled “China’s Twelve Measures for Promoting Friendly Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries. The document known as “Warsaw Initiative” symbolizes the beginning and foundation of multitier, long-term, strategic cooperation between China and 16 CEE countries (1+16), based on sovereign equality, mutual trust and benefits, in win win mode.
Now, five year after, concrete results in practical economic cooperation and people to people exchange, have confirmed that the Initiative has been widely accepted and able to deliver unprecedented results. Cooperation mechanism 1+16 proved in practice to be realistic, efficient and in harmony with development strategies of participating countries. Outside the region of CEE countries 1+16 format of cooperation gained positive reactions as the new reality producing synergy between various forms of integration and improving understanding between the East and the West.
The One Belt One Road (OBOR) Initiative launched by the President of PR of China Xi Jinping in September 2013 gave strong impetus to China+CEE format of cooperation attributing to it new dimensions and opening new opportunities. In addition, the OBOR Initiative released synergy for development of much closer cooperation between CEE countries themselves and between CEE and the countries all along Economic Belt.
The China -CEE cooperation under OBOR opened possibilities to:
- Speed up modernization of infrastructure, particularly railways, highways, airways, sea and inland water ways;
- alleviate development, technological and social discrepancies within CEE as well as between CEE and highly developed countries of EU;
- accommodate to the new realities in the world economy wherein China with her stable, continuously rising economy, plays global role;
- contribute to the overall cooperation between EU and China, having regard EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation;
- participate in regional and global economic recovery while upgrading own economic development having regard global, multidimensional character of the OBOR Initiative.
Geographical position of CEE countries, significant economic, market human resources, on one side, thirst for investments, modern economic development and higher employment, on the other hand, make China and CEE countries mutually desirable cooperation partners. China’s interests to improve strategic relations with Europe (EU), to upgrade mutual trade and investments, make CEE region through 16+1 format new engine of deepening EU-China cooperation. In addition, China’s rise to the post of the second strongest world economic power, China’s great achievements in development of new high technologies as well as worldwide recognized win win approach to cooperation did encourage CEE to embrace 16+1 cooperation as important possibility to enhance trade and investment.
Press Releases |
Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum for World of Equals
Silk Road Connectivity Research Center (COREC)
In May 2017 China hosted One belt One Road Forum Summit in Beijing
New quality. The beginning of 2017 has marked further strengthening of cooperation between CEEC and China (16+1) under the OBOR Initiative. Illustrative of the progress, comprehensiveness and new quality of cooperation has been recent opening of the Bank of China`s branch headquartered in Belgrade, Serbia. From now on The Bank of China will provide on the spot banking services to all agents of cooperation in investments, trade, tourism and other fields. In addition to Serbia, the Bank`s branch will cover other countries in South East Europe - Rumania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, FYROM, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and others. The Bank of China is the forth strongest bank in the world and second strongest in China.
Serbia is long time friend and strategic partner of China, very active participant in cooperation China-CEEC under OBOR since the inception of the Initiative. At the same time EU has been Serbia`s No. 1 trade partner and Serbia has been some years now the candidate for EU membership. Naturally, Serbia`s long term interests are to harmonize own cooperation with both EU and China , to contribute to the harmonization of EU – China cooperation and to strengthen its constructive role within 16+1.
China and European Union (EU) are strategic partners cooperating on bilateral and global issues. In 2014, EU imported €302 billion of goods from China and exported €164 billion of goods to China. On the global plan there is need for even more intensive cooperation in finding appropriate solutions to such problems as slowing down of the world economy, growing unemployment, international terrorism, regional conflicts and global warming. During his 2014 visit to Europe President Xi Jinping said that China would cooperate with Europe so as to integrate European and Asian markets and to make China and the EU the twin engines for global economic growth. According to the European Commission President Jean Claude Junker, Europe can benefit from the Chinese OBOR Initiative as it can interact with the EU €315 billion Investment Plan (2015-2017).
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Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
The BRI Summit Forum in Beijing was the great success of President Xi Jinping, Chinese leadership and China. It gathered many world leaders, heads of states, governments and international organizations as well as other government representatives from all over the world. Nominally it was devoted to further development and implementation of BRI but in fact it was devoted to the best ways how to recover the world economy from years of crises or sluggish development. For, obviously, only for years after BRI inception by the president Xi Jinping the world has recognized global positive impact of that multidimensional Initiative on global economy. Thus it was the most important, constructive international conference reflecting global changes, challenges in the world economy and multi-polarity of the world relations, in general..
The Summit demonstrated leading role of China in opening the vision and the ways how to make the world better for all and how to unite all for this objective. It has shown strong political will in favor of win win cooperation, innovative, environment friendly, sustainable development. It implanted new energy to the implementation process of all current BRI projects and gave united support for even better cooperation and coordination of participating countries. It is quite realistic expectation that even those who, up to now, stayed aside may soon change their views and join the Initiative, one or the other way.
Once again China has demonstrated vision and magnetism of the new pattern of win win cooperation for the new era of multipolar world. The pattern radiates equality, openness and mutual benefit not protectionism and power politics. Wide and very high international presence confirmed growing gravitation toward China and highest respect for the constructive role of China in the world affairs.
Serbia was represented on the highest level by the Prime minister and newly elected President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic thus showing highest support to the BR Initiative, appreciation for the support of China and President Xi Djinping to Serbia and full readiness to further strengthening of the traditional friendship between the two countries.
Serbian delegation comprised of a number of Ministers and other top officials and specialist returns to Belgrade profoundly satisfied. During the BRI Summit Forum, new agreements and have been reached. Accordingly, Chinese companies will continue further construction works on the Corridor 11 linking Serbia with South Adriatic Sea .
It was also confirmed that construction of the Belgrade-Budapest High Speed Railway will start this coming November during the 6th Prime Ministers Summit to be held in Budapest. It will be the biggest construction undertaking in the whole of Europe.
The agreement was also reached to establish new Industrial Park on the left bank of Danube River not far way of Belgrade. It just might become Serbia’s Pudong zone and accelerator of trade, industry and employment. According to the statements of Serbian Government ministers the Memorandum of Understanding has been reached with Chinese CRBC on construction of the roads, tunnels and bridges including the road Pozega-Boljare of140 km. and Ruma – Novi Sad with the longest tunnel in Serbia through the whole mountain of Fruska Gora, new projects totaling the value of 2,5 billion US dollars.
In the field of people to people exchange, Serbia received a package of 1.000 scholarships, 100 per year for the next 10 years. The perspective to have direct air-flights Belgrade-Beijing (Shanghai) is expected to start functioning before the end of this year thus complimenting no visa regime which started to function from January this year contributing to doubling of tourists’ visits to Serbia in the first three months of this year compared to the same period of the last year. A number of other deeds have also been reached which all make foundation for enlargement and lasting cooperation in accordance with Serbia’s position as the hub of infrastructure and transport.
Interview: Serbian expert speaks highly of upcoming Belt & Road forum in Beijing
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Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-07 11:08:06|Editor: ying
by Wang Huijuan
BELGRADE, May 7 (Xinhua) -- The upcoming Belt and Road forum in Beijing will be one of the most important, constructive and productive international conferences reflecting global economic changes and challenges, a Serbian expert on international relations said in a recent interview with Xinhua.
"It will demonstrate strong political will in favor of win-win cooperation, innovative, inclusive and sustainable development, as well as be in favor of peace and stability," said Zivadin Jovanovic, founder and president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and the Silk Road Connectivity Research Center, two NGO think tanks.
Based on remarkable experiences and great achievements in Asia, Europe and Africa, the forum will certainly open new, even broader horizons for strengthening cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative in the future, said Jovanovic, who served as Yugoslavian foreign minister from 1998 to 2000.
Highlighting organizing such a forum in the "contemporary atmosphere of various uncertainties, crises, conflicts, provocative moves and policy statements," he believed the forum initiated by China's leadership will "certainly send a unique message of reason, positive thinking and constructive acting, and will be a summit of partnership on equal footing and openness, not of protectionism and walls of any kind."
Jovanovic suggested that material and people-to-people connectivity should be strengthened, and that the initiative was a good start.
"We succeeded to know each other much better since the Belt and Road Initiative started, but there is a need to intensify exchanges and cooperation in education, science, culture, think tanks, civic association, mass media, sports and tourism," he said.
He believed that openness, equality, mutual respect and cooperation without any political preconditions are what set the Belt and Road Initiative apart from others.
Jovanovic praised the cooperation between China and Serbia, noting that the bilateral cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative "is an excellent and inspiring example of great achievements of win-win cooperation."
He listed many "firsts" among the achievements -- for example, Pupin Bridge over the Danube in Belgrade is the first Chinese-built bridge in Europe; Hesteel Serbia in the city of Smederevo is the first Chinese steel plant in Europe; and Serbia is the first country in Europe which has actually abolished visas for visitors from China.
Jovanovic said that the Chinese companies involved in these projects and many others helped strengthen the connectivity potential of Serbia as a crossroad of European and transcontinental highways and railways.
On the challenges of current and future Serbian-Chinese cooperation, Jovanovic believed that the first and utmost challenge was "how to maintain and further enhance such a pace and scope of bilateral cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative."
The historic state visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Serbia in June 2016 "has broadened perspectives and reinforced the foundation for win-win cooperation in the 21st century," the expert said.
Looking forward, Jovanovic regarded the "modernization of infrastructure" and "people-to-people connectivity" as the top priorities for future Serbia-China cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.
"Considering the comprehensive strategic character of relations between our two countries, profound mutual trust and strong political will, I'm convinced that this cooperation will continue to grow and embrace new areas in infrastructure, industry, food production and others," he said.
APPEAL of the Conference titled “NATO Aggression, 18 years on – where do we stand today?”
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The participants of the Conference titled “NATO Aggression, 18 years on – where do we stand today?”, held on 23 March 2017, in the House of the Army of Serbia, Belgrade, concluded the following:
- that NATO Aggression of 1999 against Serbia (the FRY) was executed in a gross violation of the UN Charter, the role of the United Nations Security Council, the fundamental principles of the international relations, and of the NATO Founding Act of 1949;
- that NATO Aggression of 1999 constitutes a crime against peace and humanity;
Consequently, the participants of the Conference determine decided to submit to the state institutions of the Republic of Serbia the following:
1. To compile the list of all civilian victims of NATO Aggression of 1999. This is a moral debt whose observance should not be delayed.
2. To establish a state commission tasked with finding out the consequences of the use of weapons filled with depleted uranium and of the destruction of chemical facilities and power stations in terms of repercussions on human health and the environmental damage.
3. To initiate, ex officio, the matter of reparation for the inflicted war damages, on the basis of the irrefutable fact that NATO committed an armed aggression of 1999 in violation of the UN Charter, of the fundamental principles of the international relations, and of the NATO Founding Act of 1949. This was publicly corroborated by representatives of NATO and by several leaders of NATO Member States who had served at the time of aggression.
4. To legalize and repair the “Eternal Flame” Monument dedicated to the victims of NATO aggression of 1999, located in the “Ušće” Park in Novi Beograd, which had, during its 18 years of existence, garnered a general affirmation and public appreciation. This includes the carving of the names of all victims of NATO aggression onto the plates surrounding this Monument, and the instalment of the “eternal flame”.
5. To declare 24 March as the Day of Remembrance of Serbian victims, on which would the national flag be lowered on half-mast on the buildings of all state institutions, establishments and publicly-owned enterprises.
6. To conduct an expert analysis of the representation and the contents of the subject on NATO aggression of 1999 in curricula and textbooks for the primary and the secondary education, in order to remove any potential gaps, one-sided and/or politicised views, and to enable the young generation to form their judgment on the basis of verifiable facts.
On behalf of the participants, the Conference organizers:
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals Club of Serbian Generals and Admirals
Živadin Jovanović, President Milomir Miladinović, President
SUBNOR of Serbia Association of Serbian Hosts
Dušan Čukić, President Nićifor Aničić, President
An appeal is delivered to the following address:
Mr Tomislav Nikolić
President of the Republic of Serbia
His Holiness Mr Irinej
Patriarch of Republic of Serbia
Mr Aleksandar Vučić
Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia
Mrs Maja Gojković
President of the National Assembly of Serbia
Mr Ivica Dačić
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia
Mr Nebojša Stefanović
Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia
Mr Zoran Đorđević
Minister of Defence of the Republic of Serbia
Mr Aleksandar Vulin
Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy
Mr Vladan Vukosavljević
Minister of Culture and Information
Mr Siniša Mali
Mayor of Belgrade
Mr Mladen Šarčević
Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development
Prof. Vladimir Kostić Ph.D.
President of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Prof. Branislav Đorđević Ph.D.
Director of Institute of International Politics and Economics
Verso il Summit del SilkRoad a Pechino: incoraggiando la connessione e la compatibilità
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Scritto da ZivadinJovanovic
Belgrado, 27 Febbraio 2017
Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali
SilkRoad Connectivity Research Center (COREC)
La Cina si appresta ad ospitare il Summit Belt and Road nel Maggio 2017, al quale sono attesi un grande numero di capi di stato e ufficiali di governo.
1. Riguardo la cooperazione tra Cina e Serbia, nell'ambito dell'iniziativa 'Belt and Road', quali sono i fattori limitanti (i cosiddetti colli di bottiglia)? Quali sono le sfide?
ZJ: E' necessario mettere in luce come la cooperazione tra Cina e Serbia circa il progetto 'Belt and Road' sia eccellente, e sia un esempio di un grande successo di cooperazione win-win da prendere come ispirazione. Il primo ponte in Europa costruito e finanziato dai cinesi è stato costruito in Serbia sul fiume Danubio, a Belgrado; la prima acciaieria in Europa opera in Serbia coinvolgendo 5000 lavoratori, nella città di Smederevo; la prima centrale termoelettrica costruita e finanziata dalla Cina, Kostolac "B" (350MW) è stata costruita in Serbia; la prima filiale nel sud-est europeo della Bank of China è stata aperta lo scorso mese a Belgrado; la Serbia è il primo paese europeo che ha abolito il visto per i turisti cinesi dal gennaio di quest’anno. Le aziende cinesi sono state coinvolte in molti altri progetti d’infrastrutture rafforzando così, il potenziale di collaborazione della Serbia come incrocio tra le autostrade, le ferrovie, le vie aeree e le vie marine tra Europa e il continente asiatico. La Cina ha in progetto di costruire un moderno Centro Culturale Cinese a Belgrado.
La prima e più complessa sfida è di mantenere un continuo miglioramento riguardo i ritmi e i propositi della cooperazione tra Cina e Serbia nella cornice dell'iniziativa 'Belt and Road'. Considerando il carattere strategico della relazione tra i due paesi, la profonda fiducia reciproca e i forti obiettivi politici, sono convinto che questa collaborazione continuerà a crescere abbracciando nuove aree nel campo delle infrastrutture, dell'industria, della produzione alimentare e altro.
La storica visita del presidente Xi Jinping in Serbia nel Giugno 2016 ha allargato le prospettive e rinforzato le fondamenta per la cooperazione win-win nel Ventunesimo secolo. L'applicazione di diciassette accordi, firmati durante la visita, è importante dal punto di vista strategico per gli obiettivi a medio termine.
Armonizzando i piani di sviluppo e le misure di economia politica dovunque sia necessario per migliorare l'efficienza e facilitare la cooperazione sotto l'iniziativa 'Belt and Road' rimane l'obiettivo prioritario.
E' una sfida importante e lo rimarrà in futuro quella di coordinare i piani e le attività di un gruppo di più di sedici paesi CEEC (Committee of European Economic Cooperation) con la Cina, di cui undici sono membri dell'Unione Europea e i rimanenti cinque, inclusa la Serbia, sono candidati membri. Coordinare i corpi e le associazioni stabilite dal Summit Cina+16 CEEC, così come le consultazioni bilaterali tra paesi membri, gioca sicuramente un ruolo cruciale a questo proposito.
2. Quali sono i suoi suggerimenti per la collaborazione bilaterale in futuro, nelle circostanze dell'iniziativa 'Belt and Road'?
ZJ: Noi del Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali e del Centro di Ricerca per la Connessione con la Via della Seta (COREC), crediamo che la modernizzazione delle infrastrutture ed il legame tra popoli debba rimanere una priorità nel futuro della cooperazione tra Cina e Serbia nel contesto dell'iniziativa OBOR.
Le ferrovie ad alta velocità tra Belgrado e Budapest (378 km), su cui ci sono appena stati degli accordi, dovrebbero essere espanse verso sud fino ad Atene, in Grecia (1102 km). Passerebbe per molti paesi della CEE, fornendo la via di comunicazione più corta tra uno dei più grandi porti del Mediterraneo, in Pireo, e l'Europa centrale e settentrionale (Corridoio E-10).
Le aziende cinesi e serbe sono già coinvolte nella costruzione di una porzione di autostrada tra Belgrado e Bar, porto nel mar Adriatico, in Montenegro. La conclusione di tale autostrada, aggiungendosi alla modernizzazione della ferrovia, non darebbe solo accesso a molti paesi CEEC al mar Mediterraneo, ma razionalizzerebbe in generale anche il trasporto dei beni e della cooperazione economica con la Cina. Infine, sarebbe compatibile con il progetto dei "Tre Mari" (Adriatico, Nero e Baltico).
Il Forum di Belgrado e il COREC, essendo dei think tank serbi e membri dell'Associazione Think Tank della Via della Seta (SRTA), hanno proposto una modernizzazione e sviluppo del fiume Danubio che diverrebbe un corridoio strategico per i trasporti. Il Danubio è il secondo fiume più lungo d'Europa, dopo il Volga, e sicuramente la via di trasporto più corta ed economica tra il Mar Nero e il Mare del Nord (Sulina-Rotterdam 3500 km). Scorre attraverso dieci paesi europei, sette dei quali sono membri dell'UE, mentre altri nove appartengono al bacino di drenaggio. Il Danubio scorre in Serbia per 588 km con sette porti. Crediamo che sia giunto il momento di attuare tale progetto che ci permetterà di realizzare le condizioni per lo sviluppo e la modernizzazione del Danubio come corridoio per il trasporto, in una collaborazione appropriata con l'iniziativa OBOR. Crediamo anche che sia compatibile con il piano strategico d’investimenti dell'Unione Europea di Junker, che punta ad aumentare gli investimenti europei, la crescita, l'impiego e l'infrastruttura.
L'esperienza positiva con la compagnia cinese Hasteel Co. che ha realizzato l'acciaieria di Smederevo nel 2016 ha incoraggiato la Serbia a pensare di compiere altre iniziative simili che riguardino altre industrie che hanno, al momento, grandi problemi di produzione e di tecnologia. Riguardo a questo, sarebbe importante se partner della Cina considerassero delle partnership strategiche, o altre forme di collaborazione, con le miniere di rame di Bor e con l'industria. In generale; la Serbia sta cercando di recuperare e modernizzare l'industria che è stata devastata durante il periodo di transizione. Questo ci permetterebbe di avere un aumento dell'occupazione per i giovani qualificati ed incrementare l'esportazione con benefici per la bilancia commerciale.
3. Il summit di OBOR partirà in 14 Maggio, che argomenti suggerirebbe per la discussione nel summit? O, più nello specifico, quali sono le sue idee perché questo summit sia fruttuoso?
ZJ: Credo che l'imminente Belt and Road Summit in Cina sarà la conferenza internazionale più importante, costruttiva e produttiva, che riflette i cambiamenti globali e le sfide dell'economia mondiale. Questo dimostrerà il grande obiettivo politico nel favorire la cooperazione win-win, lo sviluppo innovativo ed inclusivo così come la pace e la stabilità. Basandosi sulle esperienze e sui grandi successi in Asia, Europa (Cina+16CEEC) e in Africa, il summit certamente aprirà a nuovi e più ampi orizzonti per rafforzare la cooperazione in futuro nell'ambito dell'Iniziativa Belt and Road. Non c'è dubbio sul successo che questa iniziativa globale e multidimensionale sia un grande contributo non solo al risollevarsi dell'economia mondiale ma anche alla creazione di un nuovo modello di sovranità economica, che aiuti a risolvere il problema della disoccupazione, della disparità sociale e alla promozione della pace e della stabilità attraverso uno sviluppo economico sostenibile.
Nell’attuale fase di incertezza, crisi, conflitti, decisioni provocatorie e decisioni politiche, il nuovo Summit promosso dal presidente cinese Xi Jinping lancerà certamente un messaggio di ragione, di pensiero positivo e di azioni costruttive. Sarà il Summit della cooperazione win-win, della partnership per un percorso eguale e dell'apertura e non del protezionismo o di muri di qualunque genere.
I parchi industriali hanno dato prova di essere fattibili sia per la crescita dell'impiego che per lo sviluppo sostenibile. L'apertura, l'uguaglianza e il reciproco rispetto, la cooperazione senza alcuna precondizione politica è ciò che fa la differenza tra la cooperazione dell'Iniziativa Belt and Road e le altre.
Siamo riusciti a conoscerci reciprocamente molto meglio da quando è partita l'Iniziativa Belt and Road, ma è necessario intensificare i cambiamenti e la cooperazione nell'ambito dell'educazione, della scienza, della cultura, dei think tank, delle associazioni civili, dei mass media, dello sport e del turismo. Coordinare e armonizzare i piani e i programmi in tutte le aree rilevanti sono una sfida di alta priorità.
4. Ora l'Unione Europea sta indagando circa la ferrovia Budapest-Belgrado. Il Ministro dei Trasporti ha già dato la sua opinione sulla questione. Come percepite questa decisione? Credete che l'indagine rimanderà la costruzione della ferrovia? Credete che l'indagine avrà una cattiva influenza sui rapporti tra Cina e Serbia, sull'Iniziativa Belt and Road e la cooperazione futura?
ZJ: Durante l'ultimo Summit Cina+16CEEC a Riga, i partner lettoni, cinesi e serbi hanno firmato gli Accordi Commerciali e di Credito per la costruzione della porzione serba della ferrovia ad alta velocità Budapest-Belgrado. Secondo le nuove decisioni pubbliche degli alti rappresentanti del governo serbo, i lavori per la costruzione della ferrovia saranno lanciati ufficialmente nel prossimo maggio dai primi ministri di Cina, Serbia e Ungheria, di conseguenza non vedo alcuna ragione per posporre i lavori in Serbia. L'Ungheria, essendo un membro dell'Unione Europea, ha bisogno di più tempo per risolvere i possibili fraintendimenti con Bruxelles, se ce ne sono. Tuttavia questo non influenzerà i piani per l'apertura dei lavori in Serbia. Sono ottimista.
Intervista all'agenzia di stampa Xinhua – da Xinhua - Traduzione di Giulia B. per
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Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, President of the Silk Road Connectivity Research Center (COREC)
An Interview with the People’s Daily
China’s annual "two sessions" or “lianghui” of 2017 are just around the corner. It comprises plenary meetings of the country's top legislative and consultative bodies, the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. It draws worldwide attention every year and becomes a hot topic in China and beyond.
1. How do you see the political system?
ZJ: I see the Chinese political system as corresponding with Chinese conditions and aims of prosperous future. Following the Deng Xiaoping`s strategy of “reform and opening-up” China adopted the path of building the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, socialist democracy and market economy. This system is unique as the Chinese 5.000 years long civilization, tradition and culture are unique. It reflects the development and modernization needs, aims of social equity, justice and prosperity for all. The size and potentials of the country and the nation are also factors of shaping specific political system. It has proved its justification and harmony by delivering unprecedented economic growth making China, for the time being, the second strongest economy in the world, by eradication of underdevelopment and poverty, by advanced living standards, education and culture for all.
2. Some experts regard it as Chinese style democratic political system, which is different from western style democracy. Do you agree or not? Why?
ZJ: Of course, it is different from western type of democracy. I see the Chinese political system as aiming to satisfy overall needs of men and women, of human beings in China as utmost values. Thus, the system is not centered only to the economic development as such, but that economic development serves to advance living standard, education, culture, health, family, moral and human values, in general. This, in turn, provides freedom, dignity and self-respect for all. The political system based on such lasting human values is naturally oriented to function in favor of peace, win win cooperation and stability in the world.
On the other side, the western type of democracy seems to be concentrated on profit as only “reason d’être“. Sense for human values, respect of moral principles, family needs, sense for equal chances of all in the fields of culture, health and education, has been drastically degraded if not, totally, ignored. Rein of greed, egoism and double standards has jeopardized the basics of western civilization. Real decision making power has moved from democratic institutions to the invisible informal power centers. Political elites have lost sense of any meaningful responsibility to the people. That’s why the western type of democracy and the whole system of so-called multinational corporate liberal capitalism are in profound crisis having political, economic, financial and moral aspects. The question of today is - can it be repaired and how. Will power centers voluntarily relinquish their privledges?
The world has learned by now that political systems are not commodity to by, or copy, they cannot be imposed nor prescribed from any “exceptional” center simply because there are no prescriptions suitable to every single country. In order to keep humanity in progress, to avoid interference and interventions, every country should be free to choose own path of socio-economic development respecting own conditions and aims. It is time for everybody to learn living in harmony with all differences.
3. China has made great progress not only in economy but also in politics. What impressed you most in the field of politics?
ZJ: Having regard to unprecedented achievements of China, it is not easy to select the most impressive ones. Still, in my opinion, unity, self-confidence, patriotism and vision are main features of great achievements of contemporary China. If it has been true so far, that the policy of opening-up and reforms has helped China to fully employ human, scientific and economic resources for wellbeing of own people, today it is true that openness of China is great opportunity for the rest of the world to see and get inspiration for own prosperity. In the era of prolonged systematic crisis, transitions and uncertainties China is the well of inspiration and power house of global growth. The Belt and Road Initiative is globally important for reinforcing peace trough economic development and people to people connectivity.
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Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Silk Road Connectivity Research Center
Approaching Silk Road Summit in Beijing
- Interview to Xinhua News Agency -
China is going to hold Belt and Road summit in May 2017, a great number of state heads and government officials are announced to attend.
1. Concerning Sino-Serbian cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, what are the limiting factors (or bottleneck)? What are the challenges?
ZJ: First of all, it should be noted that cooperation between Serbia and China under the Belt and Road Initiative is an excellent and inspiring example of great achievements of win win cooperation. First Chinese-built and financed Bridge in Europe was constructed in Serbia, over Danube River, in Belgrade; first Chinese steel factory in Europe operates in Serbia employing over 5.000 workers, in the City of Smederevo; first Chinese built and financed thermo power plant in Europe, Kostolac “B” (350MW), is being constructed in Serbia; first Bank of China`s branch in South East Europe has been opened last month in Belgrade; Serbia is the first European country which has abolished visa for visitors from China as of January this year. Chinese companies have been engaged in many other infrastructure projects thus strengthening connectivity potentials of Serbia as a crossroad of European and transcontinental highways, railways, air-ways and inland water ways. China has undertaken to construct modern Chinese Cultural Center in Belgrade.
The first and utmost challenge is to maintain and further enhance such a pace and scope of Serbian-Chinese cooperation within framework of Belt and Road Initiative. Considering strategic character of relations between the two countries, profound mutual trust and strong political will, I am convinced that this cooperation will continue to grow embracing new areas in infrastructure, industry, food production and others.
Historic state visit of the President Xi Djinping to Serbia in June 2016 has broadened perspectives and reinforced foundation for win win cooperation in 21st Century. Implementation of 17 very important agreements signed during that visit is strategically important medium term challenge.
Harmonizing development plans and economic policy measures wherever it is necessary for upgrading efficiency and facilitating cooperation under Belt and Road Initiative remains a continuous priority task.
Particular challenge has been so far and will remain in the future - coordination of plans and activities within group of China+16 CEEC out of which 11 are members of EU and remaining 5, including Serbia, member-candidates. Coordinating bodies and associations established by China+16CEEC Summits, as well as bilateral consultations among member countries, will certainly play crucial role in this regard.
2. What are your suggestions for bilateral cooperation in the future under the Belt and Road Initiative?
ZJ: We in the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and in Silk Road Connectivity Research Center (COREC) believe that modernization of infrastructure and people to people connectivity should remain top priority for future Serbia - China cooperation under OBOR Initiative.
High speeds railway Belgrade – Budapest (378km), which has been agreed upon, should be expanded to the south up to Athens, Greece (1.102km). It would be crossing several CEE countries providing the shortest connection between one of the largest Mediterranean ports, Piraeus, and Central and Northern Europe (Corridor E-10).
Chinese and Serbian companies have already been involved in construction of portions of the highway Belgrade –Bar, Adriatic Sea port, in Montenegro. Completing this highway and adding to it modernization of the railway, would not only provide rational access of several land locked CEEC to Mediterranean Sea, but would also rationalize transport of goods and economic cooperation with China, in general. Finally, it would be compatible with the project of “Three Seas” (Adriatic, Black and Baltic Seas).
The Belgrade Forum and COREC, being Serbian think tanks and members of Silk Road Think Tank Association (SRTA), have proposed development and modernization of the Danube River strategic transport corridor. Danube is the second longest river in Europe, next to Volga and far the shortest, low cost transport route between Black Sea and North Sea (Sulina – Rotterdam 3.500km). It flows through 10 CEE countries, 7 of which are EU members, while 9 others belong to the drainage basin. Danube`s length in Serbia is 588 km with seven ports. We believe that it is time to initiate exchange of views on the needs and conditions for development and modernization of Danube transport corridor and appropriate cooperation under OBOR Initiative. We believe also that it is compatible with EU Junker`s Strategic Investment Plan aimed at improving EU investments, growth, employment and infrastructure.
Positive experience with Chinese Hesteel Co. which has undertaken Smederevo Steel Factory in 2016 has encouraged in Serbia new similar ideas regarding some other big industries encountering serious production and technology problems. In this regard, it would be important if partners from China would consider entering strategic partnership, or other form of cooperation, with Bor Copper Mining and Industry. Generally, Serbia is trying very hard to recuperate and modernize industry which has been devastated during the transition period. This is perceived as the way to provide rising employment for young qualified people and expand export to achieve better trade balance.
3. The OBOR Summit is going to kick off on May 14th, what topics do you suggest that the summit should discuss? Or specifically, your ideas on how to have a fruitful summit.
ZJ: I believe that the forthcoming Belt and Road Summit in China will be the most important, constructive and productive international conference reflecting global changes and challenges in the world economy. It will demonstrate strong political will in favor of win win cooperation, innovative, inclusive and sustainable development, as well as in favor of peace and stability. Based on remarkable experiences and great achievements in Asia, Europe (China+16CEEC) and Africa, the Summit will certainly open new, even broader horizons for strengthening cooperation under Belt and Road Initiative, in the future. No doubt that the success of this global multidimensional Initiative is great contribution not only to the world economic recovery but also to new models of economic governance, easing of the problem of unemployment, socio-economic gaps, as well as promotion of peace and stability through sustainable economic development.
In the contemporary atmosphere of variety of uncertainties, crisis, conflicts, provocative moves and policy statements, the new Summit initiated by China`s President Xi Djinping will certainly send unique massage of reason, positive thinking and constructive acting. It will be the Summit of win win cooperation, partnership on equal footing and openness, certainly not of greed, protectionism and walls of any kind.
Physical and people to people connectivity should enjoy equally important support. Industrial parks have proved to be feasible equally for growing employment and sustainable development. Openness, equality and mutual respect, cooperation without any political precondition is what makes difference between Belt and Road Initiative cooperation and others.
We succeeded to know each other much better since the beginning of Belt and Road Initiative started, but there is need to intensify exchanges and cooperation in education, science, culture, think tanks, civic association, mass media, sports, tourism. Coordinating and harmonizing plans and programmers in all relevant areas remains high priority challenge.
4. Now EU is probing into the Budapest-Belgrade railway. Minister of Transport already gave her statement on this issue. How do you perceive this issue? Do you think the investigation will postpone the railway construction? Do you think the investigation issue will have a bad influence on Sino-Serbian Belt and Road cooperation in the future?
ZJ: During the last China+16CEEC Summit in Riga, Latvia, Serbian and Chinese partners have signed Commercial and Credit Agreements for construction of the Serbian portion of Belgrade – Budapest high speed railways. According to the newest public statements of highest Serbian Government representatives, the works on the construction of high speed railway will be officially launched this coming May by Prime ministers of China, Serbia and Hungary. Therefore, I do not see any reason for postponing works in Serbia. Hungary, being EU member, might need some time to iron-out possible misunderstandings with Brussels, if any. This however will not affect plan for opening the works in Serbia. I am optimist.
На конференции в Мюнхене представители стран НАТО обсудили стратегию альянса на фоне перемен в администрации США
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Глава МИД Швеции Маргот Вальстрем после переговоров с Сергеем Лавровым заявила, что ее страна не будет стремиться в НАТО. Швеции в этой организации делать нечего. А Швецию в НАТО тянут. Как и Черногорию, которой занялись особенно плотно. Что, казалось бы, эта страна с населением в 600 тысяч человек даст гигантскому военному альянсу? А порт есть - глубоководный. Давайте и его приберем, пригодится.
Придумали какое-то вмешательство России. Попытку государственного переворота. Помилуйте, за последнюю четверть века где Россия делала перевороты? Приведите пример российского вмешательства хотя бы в одной стране? Президент Путин неоднократно говорил: мы не вмешиваемся в дела других стран. Тем более, не организуем перевороты. И это так. Нет никаких фактов, опровергающих это утверждение.
Североатлантический альянс, НАТО, был создан для борьбы с Советским Союзом. Запад боялся советской экспансии. Запад боялся экспансии коммунизма. НАТО - это не просто военная организация. Она имеет идейную основу. Вот как сказано в договоре о создании НАТО: «Договаривающиеся стороны преисполнены решимости защищать свободу, общее наследие и цивилизацию своих народов, основанные на принципах демократии, свободы личности и законности».
Merkel breaking German law & endangering the country – OSCE Assembly ex-VP
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Chancellor Angela Merkel has been dominating the German – and European – political landscape for over a decade. But after years of economic and refugee crises, unpopular decisions, and a growing divide between EU members, Merkel is facing opposition inside her country and across the Atlantic as well. With anti-establishment forces strong across Europe and a new leader in America, how will the German political landscape shape up this year? And with the new president in Germany standing against confrontation with Russia – should we be ready for a policy shift? We ask the former vice president of the OSCE Assembly, and former state secretary to Germany’s defense minister – Willy Wimmer.
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January 23, 2017, EIRNS -- In an important development , on January 21, 2017, the Bank of China has officially opened its Balkan regional branch in the Serbian capital of Belgrade, to provide banking services for cooperation in investments, trade, tourism and other fields, for countries in the region – Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and others. The event dominated headlines in all major media in Serbia and beyond.
The ceremony was held in the Government`s Palace and attended by President of the Republic Tomislav Nikolic and members of the Government. This important development follows last June`s state visit of the President of the Republic of China Xi Jinping to Serbia and also, his talks last week with Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic at the Davos Economic Summit in Switzerland.
The bank of China is the fourth strongest bank in the world and the second strongest in China.
As Zivadin Jovanovic, President of the Belgrade Silk Road Connectivity Center and of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals in Belgrade noted in a TV commentary on Sunday, cooperation under OBOR, as global initiative, is not important only for development of CEE-countries, but for the whole of Europe. Through win-win OBOR-cooperation Europe and China are getting closer, which is equally positive from an economic, cultural and political point of view, particularly now when EU is passing through serious difficulties.
Furthermore he underlined, that Serbia`s role in the implementation of the China – CEE cooperation under OBOR is growing. The two countries are strategic partners cooperating in various fields. Just in the last five years, partners from the two countries have been constructing or modernizing roads, highways, railways, ports, bridges, tunnels, thermo-electric plant, steelwork factory, strengthening people to people exchange.
As of 1st January this year, no-visa system for citizens of the two countries came into force. A number of infrastructure projects, already implemented, or under implementation in Serbia, are highly important for modernization of connectivity in the CEE region, and in Europe.
Lastly, he said, that cooperation under CEE-OBOR has proven to be very important for Serbia`s overall economic development, modernization of industry and infrastructure and improvement of international standing. (efi)
Overstatement from Davos 2017.
Forumism |
Liberal corporative capitalism, for reasons of lowering traveling costs, proposed not to travel to history alone but packed togather with NATO, EU and unipollar World Order.
Workers participation has good chances to step in provisionally, buying time for full scale workers selfmanagment.
Democracy means freedom, equality and solidarity
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Interview to ’’People’s Daily’’, China
Zivadin Jovanovic, President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
1. Many people are still shocked at the result of US presidential election this year. Some experts say this is the abuse of the liberal democracy. What are main faults or wrongs of west democracies?
R. : I would say that lack of democratic substance is the main deficiency of nowadays western type of democracy. Western democracy has become opposite of what is meant to be. People who are supposed to be sovereign factor of the democratic decision making process have been reduced to a mere cover up for behind the scene informal but powerful groups deciding on any major issue, including decisions on peace and war. Democracy means freedom, objective information, and humanism. How much do we recognize this values in real life, in practice? Millions of citizens are being spied by their own governments, hundreds of millions misled daily by false information of global corporate information systems, daily abuse of human rights and international terrorism for promotion of imperial domination and greedy interests, rising massive unemployment and poverty, degradation of education, culture, revival of racism and xenophobia… Are those the values to be exported from the West to the rest of the world through “regime changes”, “colored revolutions” and other subversive methods?!
So called democratic institutions, such as parliaments, for example, have become empty shells, rubber-stamping decisions brought about elsewhere, even outside of the country they formally belong to. What democratic institutions decided on NATO aggression on Yugoslavia in 1999, or on Iraq in 2003, or on Libya, Yemen and so many other countries? Which parliaments decided on trillions of US dollars and trillions of Euros paid in 2008 and 2009 to bail out private banks and Insurance Companies in USA and Europe? Even if those trillions were newly printed money, the enormous losses caused by mismanagement and corruption of private sector has been transferred as a burden of generations of people.
2. In 2016, some impressive referendums occurred in European countries, such as UK, Hungary, Switzerland, Austria and Italy. Can we say the phenomenon means the victory of direct democracy? Some people say this is only the victory of populism in Europe. What are your opinions on the frequent referendums? What's the limitations of direct democracy and why most countries didn't adopt such voting system in the long past?
R.: Every referendum has own specifics depending on culture, tradition, history, geopolitical needs and circumstances. Switzerland, for example, has long tradition of frequent referendums and there is nothing unusual that such a practice is being continued.
As for the other referendums such as Brexit, Hungary, Italy and alike, I think that they come as reaction to systematic disrespect of the real needs and real will of the people. Results of referendums, although different, have in common pointing to the real problem of extreme alienation of the establishment from masses of peoples who feel having been stripped way, deprived of their basic democratic and human rights. There is possibility of even more frequent referendums in the other countries.
Revival of referendums is a reaction of liberal corporate capitalistic system serving interests of handful of the richest elites ignoring the legitimate interests of masses. Populism as political phenomena should be analyzed primarily to find out what are its causes, its roots? It seems that it comes as reaction to the extreme alienation of the establishment from masses of ordinary people, from ignorance of the real problems and needs of the society. The term “populism” is used by the western establishments and their mass-media to defend the status quo, to defend their enormous privileges portraying any demands for inevitable change negative.
3. Many Europeans feel angered about the inability of EU leaders to tackle the crisis such as refugees, terrorism and Brexit. Some people say the weakness of EU lies in the overuse of democracy. In the West, surveys show a fall in the level of support for democracy among young people. Many seem to think it would be nice to have a “strong chief” or a “big man” with a simple message and easy solutions. How do you see the failure of west democracy?
R.: Brexit has destabilized EU and has opened Pandora Box with unforeseeable consequences. Influential political forces in other EU member countries are advocating similar moves in a not too distant future. Up to now, EU leadership has not come out with any convincing answers about the common future. Rising problems of refugees, massive migration, growing international terrorism, unemployment, socio-economic gaps on national and international levels, slow economic growth and many other problems, have uncovered divisions, weakening of mutual trust, rise of egoism, euro-skepticism. All these problems, in my opinion, are interconnected consequences of the systematic crisis of corporate liberal capitalism and uni-polar world order. While defenders of the uni-polar World Order are losing ground and support to the multi-polar World Order is growing, even in the West, it is symptomatic that the need for parallel change of the concept of liberal multinational corporate capitalism is somehow out of the focus. It is still not understood that uni-polar World Order and corporate liberal capitalism are firmly interconnected. The system which is undergoing prolonged severe crisis, which is dehumanizing and even destroying societies and destabilizing international relations, which upholds profit above any civilization value, can hardly be sustainable. It is time to think ahead. Human needs, freedom, equality and solidarity should return to the center of national and international attention.
Détente Now: A New Call for Peace, Security, and Cooperation
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Civic and religious leaders in Germany are spearheading a new initiative to avoid war between Russia and the West.
By Gilbert Doctorow, Ute Finckh-Krämer, Ludger Volmer, Rolf Ekéus and Noam Chomsky
Russian President Vladimir Putin meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, in St. Petersburg on June 16, 2016.
A transatlantic appeal for a new policy of détente with Russia has been launched. The declaration’s authors invite the general public to join leading political figures and social activists who have publicly rallied to support the call.
The initiative was born in Berlin several months ago in the days of deepest gloom engendered by confrontation with Russia over Ukraine, the Baltic countries, and Syria, with major war exercises held around Russia’s borders and bellicose language from both sides that suggested imminent hot war. As German Minister of Foreign Affairs Frank Walter Steinmeier (SPD) said in an interview with Bild newspaper on October 8, present times are more dangerous even than during the Cold War that ended in 1990: “Previously, the world was divided, but Moscow and Washington knew each other’s red lines and respected them. In a world with many regional conflicts and dwindling influence of the great powers, the world becomes more unpredictable.”
The roll-out of the initiative called Détente Now aims at bringing civil society on two continents into play both to enforce and to support approaches to pursue dialogue and compromise with Russian counterparts, e.g., on confidence- and security-building measures between Russia and its neighbors. Détente Now will be a powerful voice for change of direction in foreign policy within Europe, and within Germany in particular, as it and several other key EU countries have their national elections in the course of 2017.
Innovazione: un fattore chiave della crescita mondiale
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di Zivadin Jovanovic, Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali, Serbia, settembre 2016
La visione, l'integrazione, l'apertura e inclusività sono le caratteristiche principali del Hangzhou Consensus del G20.
Sia nel Comunicato che nel Piano d'Azione adottati in occasione del vertice del G20, tenutosi a Hangzhou (4-5 settembre) le innovazioni sono percepite come il fattore chiave per lo sviluppo globale sostenibile.
I leader delle più forti economie della Terra e le più importanti organizzazioni internazionali hanno detto chiaramente che solo un approccio innovativo può fornire nuovi e migliori posti di lavoro, uno sviluppo inclusivo, una maggiore produttività, un ambiente più pulito ed una vita migliore per tutti.
Perciò, la sostenibilità, in generale, comprende una innovativa sostenibilità economica, sociale ed ambientale.
Per essere certi che questa impostazione venga accolta, i partecipanti hanno approvato il Progetto del G20 sulla Crescita Innovativa come una nuova agenda con misure concrete in linea con la nuova rivoluzione industriale (NIR) e con l'economia digitale.
Altri documenti ed iniziative di accompagnamento sono state consegnate o approvate a sostegno dell'attuazione universale dell'Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, dell'Agenda di Addis Abeba sul finanziamento allo sviluppo (2015) e dell'Accordo di Parigi sulla protezione dell'ambiente (2015) [ 1].
Il paese ospitante, la Cina, ha aggiunto alcune proprie iniziative in linea con gli obiettivi comuni a lungo termine dello sviluppo mondiale e dell'amministrazione.
E' stato osservato che la Cina ha fornito supporto e assistenza a più di 120 paesi in via di sviluppo per il raggiungimento degli OSM (Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio) e che la Cina vuole approfondire la cooperazione Sud-Sud per aiutare altri paesi in via di sviluppo per l'attuazione dell'Agenda 2030. E' stato anche annunciato che la Cina sta facendo i preparativi per il Fondo di Assistenza per la cooperazione Sud-Sud, che sarà presto operativo.
E' stato reso noto che la Cina ha firmato accordi sul Fondo Cina-ONU per la Pace e lo Sviluppo, Fondo che sarà funzionante entro la fine del 2016.
I messaggi da Hangzhou hanno raggiunto il pubblico mondiale e le Nazioni Unite, che sono il forum principale per coordinare l'attuazione dell'Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, il Piano d'Azione di Addis Abeba e l'Accordo di Parigi sul cambiamento climatico.
L'OCSE, l'UNCTAD, la Banca Mondiale, il FMI, l'OMC e altre importanti organizzazioni internazionali, che sono state rappresentate direttamente al vertice di Hangzhou, sono tenute a perseguire gli obiettivi decisi e a prendere parte attiva nel processo di attuazione.
Sono stati anche adottati o confermati meccanismi di coordinamento e il monitoraggio.
Il G20 è stato istituito formalmente nel 1999 e fino al 2008 ha tenuto incontri regolari a livello di ministri e specialisti per diversi settori.
E' stato solo dopo lo scoppio delle crisi finanziarie ed economiche internazionali nel 2008 che il G20 ha iniziato a organizzare incontri al livello più alto di capi di stato e di governo.
In an unstoppable march: Until forever, comandante Fidel!
Press Releases |
Socorro Gomes, President of the World Peace Council
With deep sorrow and sadness, we received the news on the passing, this Friday, 25th of November, 2016, of the Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolution and hero of the peoples struggling for sovereignty, justice and peace, comrade Fidel Castro Ruz.
The World Peace Council expresses its sorrow for the loss of the great fighter for humanity and also reaffirms its conviction and commitment with the peoples' noblest principles, defended by Commander Fidel, fuelled with the strength of his inspiration and the courage of his struggle. We also express our solidarity with our Cuban friend organizations, the Cuban Movement for Peace and the Peoples' Sovereignty (MOVPAZ), a WPC member, and the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).
Fidel has dedicated his life to defend Cuba's popular and national sovereignty, the friendly peoples and the humanity, the de-colonization and the revolution, against the militarization, the foreign interferences and wars, facing the most aggressive power in the planet, the imperialism rooted in the hegemonic world order and numerous attempts at destabilization and the Revolution's destruction.
He has also defeated almost 600 attempts against his own life by the agents of the US intelligence services, who trembled before the revolution's power to face the system of domination, exploitation, threats and terror on which imperialism is sustained.
This year, among Fidel's cherished texts, we read about his conviction on the Cuban people's victory, in his speech at the 7th Congress, when Fidel said: "We will take the march forward and will perfect what we must perfect, with meridian loyalty and united strength, like Martí, Maceo and Gómez, in an unstoppable march."
With him we also remembered that "peace has been the golden dream and the desire of all peoples in each moment of History", and that "to struggle for peace is the holiest duty of all human beings, whatever their religion of homeland, the colour of their skin, their adult or young age."
The nation friend of the peoples, the Cuban people, mourns the Revolution's Commander in Chief, and with the people we grieve. But with Fidel's lessons, we know that we must continue forward, strong and resisting, while we build a world of social justice, national sovereignty, peace and friendship for which we have always fought, inspired by him and other brave heroes.
Together, the peoples can defeat imperialism and build a world of cooperation, justice and peace.
Hasta siempre, comandante!
Socorro Gomes
President of the World Peace Council
WPC on the demise of the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro
Press Releases |
The World Peace Council and the entire anti-imperialist peace movement worldwide, is in grief and pain with the loss of our beloved comrade Fidel Castro, Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolution, emblematic figure and leader of the Cuban people.
It is hard to find the adequate words to describe the life and character of such a leader, who dedicated his life to the revolutionary ideas, to the implementation of the noblest ideals of humanity in the construction of socialism on the island of Cuba.
Fidel , as all people were calling him, served as guerrilla leader, as defender of the sovereignty of Cuba as the soul of the dignity of the Cuban people. He championed as leader of the Cuban Revolution and as genuine internationalist he became the source of inspiration for dozens of nations and hundreds of millions of people in the world.
Fidel was awarded with dozens of medals amongst them by the World Peace Council for his lifetime contribution to the cause of Peace and Antiimperialist struggle. Fidel was respected by friends and opponents as a leader of principles and determination. Fidel was a symbol for the poor and the oppressed in Latin America, in Africa, in Asia, in the Middle East and in Europe. The masses of people worldwide identified themselves through him with the Cuban Revolution.
Fidel will be never forgotten, his example will be followed by the generations to come in Cuba and the world.
The World Peace Council is expressing its feelings of grief and its deepest condolences to his family, to the leadership of the Cuban Revolution, to the Communist Party of Cuba and to the Cuban Movement for Peace and Sovereignty of the Peoples (MOVPAZ).
Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Comandante!
Athens November 26, 2016
The Secretariat of WPC
Statement of the World Peace Council (WPC)
Press Releases |
The World Peace Council (WPC) expresses its condemnation to the decision
of the Turkish authorities to suspend some hundreds of Social
Organisations and Movements for three months under the pretext of
investigating them for alleged relations with "terrorist actions".
Amongst them is the Peace Association (Baris Dernegi), which is the
historical member of the WPC and of its Exceutive Committee. We denounce
the action to shut down the offices of the Peace Associaiton in Istanbul
by the police forces yesterday and express our serious concern about the
real motives and goals behind this authoritarian and antidemocratic act.
The WPC expresses its solidarity with the people of Turkey, with the
peace loving forces and our friends from the Peace Association (Baris
Dernegi) with who we share the common struggle for peace in the region.
We demand the lifting of the suspension of the Peace Associaition and of
the other social organisations.
12th November 2016
The WPC Secretariat
Disasters Averted
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By:Srdja Trifkovic | November 09, 2016
Last night’s divine surprise is important more for the many bad things that will not happen than for the good ones that may happen. That Donald Trump won in spite of his many blunders, and in spite of the mainstream media machine acting as an integral part of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, indicates the magnitude of the elite-class debacle. Many disasters will be averted now.
The appointment of one, two, or even three Ruth Bader Sotomayor clones will not happen. There will be no mass amnesty for the illegals. The Clinton crime syndicate will no longer be able to operate with impunity, and its principals may face justice. (After all, Hillary Clinton has said that Nelson Mandela was her role model, and he was elected president only after he had served 27 years in prison.) There will be no second-generation Clinton dynasts. There will be no more mass pardons of hardened criminals. There will be no more bowing before Saudi royal kleptocrats, and no White House Iftar dinners with halal menus. There will be no mass influx of Syrian “refugees.” There will be no more “progressive projects” to erode the remnants of the Republic. There will be no more trashing of white working Americans. There will be no Humas in the Oval Office, no Nulands in the Cabinet and no Foundation donors in the anteroom.
‘Action vs. reaction,’ Russia responding to threats from the West, says Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos (VIDEO)
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The Duran
October 29, 2016
On Tuesday 25th October, 2016, at the House of Lords, the second chamber of the UK Parliament in London, Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos gave a speech on the origins of the current tension between America and Russia.
In attendance were politicians, journalists, academics, priests and peace activists. The speech was overwhelmingly applauded and credited for having given an informative, accurate and well corroborated assessment of why the world today is witness to a serious standoff between America and Russia.
Below is a video and transcription of the speech:
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If the winner is Clinton, a chorus of commentators will celebrate it as a great step forward for women. None will mention Clinton’s victims: the women of Syria, Iraq and Libya.
The American journalist, Edward Bernays, is often described as the man who invented modern propaganda.
The nephew of Sigmund Freud, the pioneer of psycho-analysis, it was Bernays who coined the term "public relations" as a euphemism for spin and its deceptions.
In 1929, he persuaded feminists to promote cigarettes for women by smoking in the New York Easter Parade - behaviour then considered outlandish. One feminist, Ruth Booth, declared, "Women! Light another torch of freedom! Fight another sex taboo!"
Bernays' influence extended far beyond advertising. His greatest success was his role in convincing the American public to join the slaughter of the First World War. The secret, he said, was "engineering the consent" of people in order to "control and regiment [them] according to our will without their knowing about it".
He described this as "the true ruling power in our society" and called it an "invisible government".
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Zivadin Jovanovic,
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Long time ago US political leaders have proclaimed exceptional role and rights for USA in the world affairs. Accordingly they acted as being exempted from any responsibility, except to God. In recent history, for example, USA would proclaim to have national interests in any corner of the world and intervene even militarily, apparently, to protect them. Open or covert interference in other country`s internal affairs has become a routine matter within self attributed “right to democratize”, “right to protect”, “right to educate”, “humanize”, “standardize”, “inform”…
Now, has this policy based on American self attributed exceptionalism gained new arguments and strength after Presidential election campaign or it has come to close?
As long as one could follow from outside, the two presidential candidates - Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump - paid very little attention to the crucial issues of the interest of citizens, quality of their everyday life. They spent enormous energy and time accusing each other of wrong judgments, wrong doings including crimes, such as tax evasion, racism, or threat to the national security. They even threatened each other with criminal investigations, whoever wins. It looked like competition in spitting and exposing dirty laundry from all levels - personal and family to the level of vital state institutions - instead in presenting new political ideas about the future of the national economy, social services, security, domestic and foreign policy. Can it be that obviously poor and unclear political offer of either presidential candidate will not affect future US role on international scene?
On foreign policy and world relations one could hardly understand if there was any strategic concept of any candidate. They have not presented their concepts of world relations in the era of multy-polarity, views on how to secure world economy growth, how to eradicate poverty, misery, growing economic and social gaps, how to cope with massive migrations. Mrs. Clinton stood with the practice of illegal military interventions inherited yet from her husband`s Presidency and expanded during her tenure of the State Secretary`s office and announced hawkish hard line policy, in general, accusing Mr. Trump of being incompetent, weak and even “Putin`s puppet”. Trump, on the other hand, sounded more inclined to the ideas of partnership and shared responsibility but not renouncing the right to military interventions.
It is clear, however, that neither of the two candidates is ready to leave behind the global imperial USA role and strategy designed to suit the interest of military industrial complex and global financial capital (Wall Street).
It is natural that in any presidential elections the candidates invest their personal features. Still, such candidates are always accompanied by lot of advisers and specialists who record effects of campaigns and give advices on what and how should be corrected in order to secure positive impact of candidate`s seriousness, capability and optimism. All these, however, has been missing. Why? The causes, certainly, could not be found in the lack of political know how, even less in the lack of financial resources as this is the most expensive electoral campaign ever, anyway. Could it be that this bizarre campaign and its poor political offer has to be traced in the state of mind of the core of American society missing clear ideas about own and the world`s future?
Shortly will be announced who is he next US president. This means one important unknown will be resolved. Whoever is elected - Clinton or Trump – will inherit the deepest division in American society as extremely heavy reward to deal with, most likely, during the whole mandate.
It is also more or less, certain that the next US president cannot count to continue easily exporting of American style democracy as so far. Much before US presidential elections campaign started, the world relations have drastically changed introducing sovereign equality and true partnership based Order. These elections have only accelerated loses in value of American type democracy and neoliberal capitalism having been propagated in the past as “the main American export product”. Whoever wins, should understand that with these elections the policy based on the idea of American exceptionalism in the world scene has gone.
Let us hope that the new tenant of the White House will have courage to accommodate. And the Wall Street, military-industrial complex and Capitol Hill – too.
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“For every dollar that the West 'gives' to Yugoslavia, we must pay back ten!"
Last week, “Solidaire” interviewed two activists of Otpor, the anti-Milosevic student movement. Today, it is Zivadin Jovanovic, Yugoslav Foreign Affairs Minister, and also one of the most important leaders in Milosevic's SPS party. This party, having held onto its share of the electorate, remains the most important political party in the country. In these troubled days, hundreds of international journalists have sought to interview a socialist leader. The honor went to “Solidaire's” special correspondent.
Tuesday, October 11, 2000, 11:30 a.m.
I entered the grand oval office of Zivadin Jovanovic, Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is probably one of the last times that he will be found here. Some people say that it's "the end of a reign." "An eclipse before a likely return," answer those who emphasize the fact that with 40 percent of the electorate (a fixed number), the SPS (Milosevic's Socialist party) remains the most important party in the country, while the present DOS coalition is quite fragile: 18 parties whose programs contradict one another, and whose electoral promises will be impossible to fulfill. Jovanovic, who is quite jovial and quick to smile, also has a number of questions to ask himself. The impassioned interview lasted three hours.
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President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Vision, integration, openness and inclusiveness are the main features of the G20 Hangzhou Consensus. In both, the Communiqué and the Action Plan adopted at the G20 Summit , held in Hangzhou (September 4-5) innovationis are perceived as the key driver for sustainable global development.The leaders of the strongest economies on the Earth and the most important international organizations made it clear that only innovative approach can provide more and better jobs, inclusive development, higher productivity, cleaner environment and better people’s life. Thus, sustainability, in general, encompasses innovative economic, social and environmental sustainability. To be certain that this approach will be pursued participants have endorsed the G20 Blueprint on Innovative Growth as a new agenda featuring concrete measures in line with the new industrial revolution (NIR) and the digital economy.
A number of other accompanying documents and initiatives have been delivered or endorsed supporting the universal implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on financing for development (2015) and Paris Agreement on protection of the environment (2015) .
The host country, China, in line with the long term common objectives of the world development and principled governance, added some own initiatives. It has been noted that China had provided support and assistance to more than 120 developing countries in achieving MDGs and that China will deepen South-South cooperation to help other developing countries to implement the 2030 Agenda. It has also been anounced that China is making preparations for the Assistance Fund for South-South Cooperation, which will soon be put into operation. It was announced that China has signed agreements on China-UN Peace and Development Fund and the Fund will be put into operation before the end of 2016.
Hangzhou messages went to the world public and to the United Nations which is chief forum for coordination of theimplementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the AddisAbaba Action Plan and the Paris Agreement on climate change.OECD, UNCTAD, World Bank, IMF, WTO and other important international organizations which were directly represented at the Hangzhou Summit are expected to pursue adopted objectivesand take active rolein the implementation process. Mechanisms of coordination and monitoring have also been adopted, or reaffirmed.
G20 was formally established in 1999 and until 2008 it held regular meetings on the level of ministers and specialists for various fields. It was only after eruption of the international financial and economic crises in 2008 that G20 started to meet on the highest level of the heads of states/governments. At the beginning summits were held twice a year and since 2011 once a year .G20 members account for 85% of the General World Product (GWP), 85% of the World Trade and 75% of the world population. All members of G-7 (8), all permanent members of the UN Security Council, as well as, all members of BRICS,are encompassed within G20.
Thus, in the era of continued profound transformation of the global economic and political scene G20 has become the prime and most respectedforum for enhancing international economic cooperation.Emerging economies within G20 have been leading factors in overcoming the most critical period of the world financial and economic crises. They continue to play indispensable role in opening perspectives for the truly sustainable, inclusive and balanced economic development aimed at alleviating economic and social gaps, unemployment, poverty and underdevelopment, in general.
NATO`S “Saint Trinity” – liberal capitalism, privileges of the West and uni-polar world
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Zivadin Jovanovic, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Interview to Chinese daily newspaper “People`s Daily” (Zhenminzhibao)
1. Recently NATO held its summit in Warsaw. Warsaw used to be the place to sign the Warsaw Treaty. Is there something special for NATO to choose such place to hold its summit?
Choosing Warsaw for the last NATO summit reflects acceleration of NATO expansionist strategy toward East. Poland being, after Germany, the second largest and strongest country in the Baltic region plays very important role in the implementation of this strategy. In NATO plans Poland has particular role in overseeing Baltic Sea Basin and Baltic – Anatolia (Turkey) continental belt. Poland was first country to accept USA anti- rocket shield base on its territory, dislocation of so called rotating NATO commands, troops and weaponry. Generally, in the strategy of encircling and confronting Russia, USA relies more on fidelity and anti-Russian orientation of leaderships of former Warsaw Pact member countries than on some traditional West European allies. Probably, for the same reason, some earlier important NATO summits had also been held in East European countries: Check Republic (2002), Latvia (2006), and Rumania (2008).
2. As a counterpart of the Warsaw Treaty Organization, is there any necessity for NATO to exist? How should it transform itself in the changed situation?
NATO was founded in 1949 as defensive alliance and Warsaw Pact six years later.
Fifty years after NATO became offensive Alliance. A turning point was 1999 NATO aggression on Serbia (Yugoslavia). It was engaged in an offensive action outside territory defined by own Founding Act, against the country which did not posed any danger to any NATO member state, violating UN Charter and undermining the role of UN Security Council. Although pretending to be democratic Alliance, Parliaments of member countries never approved such transformation.
NATO aims at achieving ultimate control of all world resources on behalf of multinational corporative capital, particularly on behalf of military-industrial, energy and financial sectors.
Analyzing NATO evolution from defense to aggressive force since the fall of Berlin Wall and dissolution of Warsaw Pact, it may be concluded that NATO has become armed feast spreading and serving the interests of : a) neo-liberal corporate capitalism; b) world-wide privileges of the West headed by USA; and c) uni-polar world order. That`s NATO`s “Saint Trinity”. This strategy has led, among other, to: arbitrary proclaiming of national interest of major NATO member countries beyond any territorial, political or moral standards; undermining of the World order established after the Second World War, especially, the UN System; rise of global mistrust and arms race; eroding of democratic parliamentary system; and militarization of political decision making to suit the interests of military industrial sector.
On the other side, unprecedented trends in the world towards multi-polarity, sovereignty and independence lead to conclusion that NATO aims are not achievable. Serious question – whether this is understood and accepted by NATO decision makers – remains, up to now, without convincing answer. History teaches us that imperial pattern of thinking has no firm sense of reality. And, exactly here lays the reason for great worry about our future.
Otherwise, frankly speaking, I do not believe that NATO could evolve into peace and justice-loving association. It has gone too far in reasoning that the might is right and that wherever the law blocks NATO objectives it`s got be removed.
NATO is a relic of Cold War era. It does not serve objectives of peace, justice and sovereign equality of nations. Therefore, in my opinion, it should be dissolved as Warsaw Pact was dissolved. Being large as it is, NATO can hardly escape gradual weakening by internal divisions and conflict of interests until its final destination – history of aggressors, with all accompanying records. Current NATO problems provoked by unsuccessful coup d’état in Turkey might appear only as a peak of approaching iceberg.
The Death of Milosevic and NATO Responsibility
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On March 11, 2006, President Slobodan Milosevic died in a NATO prison. No one has been held accountable for his death. In the 10 years since the end of his lonely struggle to defend himself and his country against the false charges invented by the NATO powers, the only country to demand a public inquiry into the circumstances of his death came from Russia when Foreign Minister, Serge Lavrov, stated that Russia did not accept the Hague tribunal’s denial of responsibility and demanded that an impartial and international investigation be conducted. Instead, The NATO tribunal made its own investigation, known as the Parker Report, and as expected, exonerated itself from all blame.
But his death cannot lie unexamined, the many questions unanswered, those responsible unpunished. The world cannot continue to accept the substitution of war and brutality for peace and diplomacy. It cannot continue to tolerate governments that have contempt for peace, for humanity, the sovereignty of nations, the self-determination of peoples, and the rule of law.
The death of Slobodan Milosevic was clearly the only way out of the dilemma the NATO powers had put themselves in by charging him before the Hague tribunal. The propaganda against him was of an unprecedented scale. The trial was played in the press as one of the world’s great dramas, as world theatre in which an evil man would be made to answer for his crimes. But of course, there had been no crimes, except those of the NATO alliance, and the attempt to fabricate a case against him collapsed into farce.
Milosevic and the destruction of Yugoslavia. Unpleasant truths no one wants to know
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By Giullietto Chiesa
Outrageous: Slobodan Milosevic cleared of charges by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. But no-one is talking about it!
The ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) has discharged Slobodan Milosevic from 1992-95 Bosnian war crimes allegations. This is definitely prime time news, while it holds endless political implications. Oddly enough, though, no major international mainstream media seems to have noticed.
Well, it is understable for everyone to be keeping it quiet: those who with one voice did dub him the “butcher of the Balkans”; those who associated him to Hitler, initiating a pattern which would later be extended to Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qaddafi, and which many would like to stretch further on to Bashar al-Assad. It is easy to read in the silence of the West’s chancellors, most notably the United States’, who doomed Yugoslavia and willed the end of Milosevic.
Interview: Belt & Road Initiative to foster China-Serbia win-win cooperation: Serbian expert
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Chinese President Xi Jinping (C, front) attends a luncheon hosted by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic (R, front) and Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic (L, front) in Belgrade, Serbia, June 19, 2016. (Xinhua/Ding Lin)
BELGRADE, Aug. 14 (Xinhua) -- China-proposed Belt and Road initiative offers new perspective for the growth of the friendly ties between China and Serbia towards achieving win-win results in various fields, Zivadin Jovanovic, a Serbian expert on international relations, told Xinhua in a recent interview.
Jovanovic served as Yugoslavian foreign minister from 1998 to 2000 and is now president of the think-tank "Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals" founded in 2000.
Jovanovic said people in both Serbia and China shared in history a tradition of fighting against aggression and oppression and defending national dignity.
"Today our two countries share the same basic objectives, such as peaceful coexistence, independent internal and foreign policy, support to United Nations and respect for the international law," he said, adding that both countries acknowledge the need to build a new world order based on the principle of sovereign equality of all nations.
Both countries have "stable friendship" and are "trusted partners" in various fields, the Serbian expert said, citing China's solidarity with Serbia during the 1999 NATO bombing of then Yugoslavia as well as China's support for Serbia following the 2014 floods that struck Serbia hard as examples.
The ICTY Karadzic Judgement and Milosevic: Victims of “Fascist Justice”
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By Christopher Black
Global Research, August 12, 2016
A recent report by Andy Wilcoxson, who has been following the trials at the ICTY, states that the judgement in the Dr. Karadzic case, issued in March of this year, “exonerated” or cleared President Milosevic of the allegations made against him by the prosecution at the ICTY. However, the judgement contains other findings by these judges that muddy the waters and remind us that though they did accept certain favourable facts regarding Milosevic, their purpose was not to “clear” Milosevic but to convict Karadzic and so they used legitimate disagreements on strategy and tactics between Milosevic and Karadzic to diminish the role of Milosevic in this case and exaggerate the role of and belligerency of Karadzic.
The report by Wilcoxson quotes the following from the judgement;
the Chamber is not satisfied that there was sufficient evidence presented in this case to find that Slobodan Milosevic agreed with the common plan” to permanently remove Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Croats from Bosnian Serb claimed territory.
And that,
the relationship between Milosevic and the Accused had deteriorated beginning in 1992; by 1994, they no longer agreed on a course of action to be taken. Furthermore, beginning as early as March 1992, there was apparent discord between the Accused and Milosevic in meetings with international representatives, during which Milosevic and other Serbian leaders openly criticised Bosnian Serb leaders of committing ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘ethnic cleansing’ and the war for their own purposes.
And that,
from 1990 and into mid-1991, the political objective of the Accused and the Bosnian Serb leadership was to preserve Yugoslavia and to prevent the separation or independence of BiH, which would result in a separation of Bosnian Serbs from Serbia; the Chamber notes that Slobodan Milosevic endorsed this objective and spoke against the independence of BiH.
The Chamber found that “the declaration of sovereignty by the SRBiH Assembly in the absence of the Bosnian Serb delegates on 15 October 1991, escalated the situation,but that Milosevic was not on board with the establishment of Republika Srpska in response. The judgment also says that “Slobodan Milosevic was attempting to take a more cautious approach.
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Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
In the eve of G-20 Summit in China
- Interview to the “People`s Daily” -
1. There are mixed views about Chinese economy. How do you see the economy situation in China?
Chinese economy is the second strongest in the world with the real prospects to become number one in not too distant future. Such strategic change in the world, naturally, attracts the highest possible attention of the world mass media, traditional centers of economic and financial power, not always with objective approaches.
It is true that Chinese GDP yearly rise is not any longer expressed in two-digit percentage, as decades before. But, - is it realistic at all that the country which has got so quickly out of poverty, which has so successfully reached the status of highly developed modern economy, continues endlessly to grow by the same pace of 10, or 12 percent every year?! With around 7 percent of actual GDP rise China still remains unique economy with the highest GDP rise among all major world economic powers. In addition, it is not the simple volume of the GDP growth that counts, but even more important criteria should be - stability, quality of production and quality of living standard of population. In the prolonged world economic and financial crisis, China remains steady leader of innovation, research and global green development.
2. What do you expect for the forthcoming G20 Summit to be held in China? What's the special significance of the summit to be held in China?
G-20 meeting in China will be world event of the highest importance. It comes at the time of continuous economic and financial crises in major parts of the world, including destabilization of EU after “Bregzit”. It comes at the time of prolonged war in Syria, destabilization of Ukraine and Turkey, at the time of intensification NATO expansion towards Russia after NATO summit in Warsaw, spreeding international terrorism, migration crisis. NATO and USA policy of encircling Russia and China is provoking profound concern. Therefore, the G-20 summit offers rare opportunity to consider both - economic and security problems being interconnected.
Holding of G-20 summit in China is recognition to Chinese unprecedented economic, ethnological and innovative achievements, to Chinese contribution to the development of the underdeveloped world and to the role of China in containment of the world economic and financial crisis. Chinese multidimensional global initiative ‘One belt one road’ represents the most important contribution to global development and proof of win-win cooperation which should be globally supported and accepted. At the same time, it is recognition that Asia is the center of economic and technological development of the world in 21st Century. I expect that forthcoming G-20 Summit
adopts more realistic approach to the world economic and financial situation of today. Deep, systematic, accumulated problems certainly cannot be resolved by mere printing of new trillions of dollars or Euros, nor by the continuous egoism and transfer of one-selves problems to the others but by removing of all politically motivated barriers, by openness and acceptance of shared responsibilities for common destiny.
3. There are so many uncertainties in the world economy. What role can the forthcoming G20 Summit play in easing the world market anxiety?
It is true that the world is still far from solution of one of the most serious crisis since one that preceded the Second World War. This one is multidimensional crisis. It is economic, financial, political, security and social. Therefore, the approach to solutions has to be multidimensional. We all should be aware that development and prosperity need stability and true partnership among main actors, as a base.
After the fall of Berlin Wall, instead of easing of global mistrust, instead of accepting genuine partnership in the world relations, we have witnessed growing mistrust, expansionism and confrontation inspired by certain power centers and proponents of unipollar world. It is high time to understand and accept that the policy of domination, confrontation and militarization has no future. The stable and prosperous future can be built only on multipolarity, shared responsibility and sovereign equality among all nations, without anybody`s domination. This spirit has to be introduced and strengthened at the forthcoming Summit of G-20. Other approaches lead to confrontation and conflicts, ultimately, to self-destruction. In order to ease economic, political and social tensions and confrontations, the world needs truly sustainable development strategy, win win cooperation and solution of major crises by peaceful political means. True partnership and mutual trust is of paramount importance.
FINAL DECLARATION - World Peace Council Regional Meeting for the Americas and the Caribbean
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Toronto, Canada, July 18 and 19, 2016
The World Peace Council Regional Meeting for the Americas and the Caribbean was held on July 18 and 19, 2016 in Toronto, Canada, with the participation of representatives from ten peace organizations from the American continent, presided by the WPC President, Socorro Gomes, and the Regional Coordinator, Silvio Platero.
Present at the meeting were leaders and peace activists from the host organization, the Canadian Peace Congress, the Brazilian Peace Council (Cebrapaz), the Cuban Movement for Peace and Sovereignty of the Peoples (Movpaz), the U.S. Peace Council, the Mexican Movement for Peace and Development (MOMPADE), the Dominican Union of Journalists for Peace (UDPP), from COSI in Venezuela, the School of Peace in Colombia, the Jamaican Peace Council and the Committee in Defense of the National Patrimony of Sovereignty and Dignity (CODEPANAL) of Bolivia and Iraklis Tsavdaridis, Executive Secretary of the WPC.
The meeting approved the report submitted by the Regional Coordinator, which summarized the work in favor of peace in the continent. It was evidenced that, though modest, there were advances in the actions to denounce and social mobilization against the actions of U.S. imperialism and its allies.
The participants also took note of the reports presented by each one of the organizations attached to the WPC and by other guest organizations containing the main actions in the respective national scenarios since the most recent similar meeting, held in Buenos Aires in 2014.
Lo Sviluppo della Cina è ispirazione per il mondo intero
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Intervista a Zivadin Jovanovic, Presidente del Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali, ex ministro degli esteri della Repubblica Federale Jugoslava
D: Lei è grande amico della Cina, paese che visita spesso. Cosa la impressiona più di tutto il resto?
R: Per decenni sono stato coinvolto nello sviluppo della cooperazione e delle relazioni tra Jugoslavia e Cina. Oggi le nostre relazioni hanno carattere strategico. La recente visita del Presidente cinese Xi Djinping alla Serbia è di importanza storica, e crea le basi per la cooperazione del XXI secolo.
Sono personalmente impressionato di come la Cina si sia trasformata da Paese sottosviluppato e chiuso a Paese aperto e prosperoso con risultati straordinari in campo economico, scientifico e tecnologico. Lo sviluppo cinese diventa fonte di ottimismo in un mondo che deve affrontare nuove sfide e nuovi problemi.
D: Prima della nascita della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, era un paese sottosviluppato. Ma ora la Cina occupa un posto centrale sulla scena mondiale. Secondo lei, qual è la ragione principale per tale risultato? Qual è il ruolo del partito comunista in questo processo?
R: Il Partito Comunista ha giocato un ruolo cruciale in tutte le fasi dello sviluppo cinese. Il Partito è sempre stato fermamente unito con la propria gente difendendo la libertà dai padroni stranieri e dagli occupanti fascisti, salvaguardando la sovranità e l’integrità territoriale della Patria, tracciando la strategia per lo sviluppo economico, sociale e culturale. Grazie al Partito, i bisogni degli uomini e delle donne, sono sempre al centro delle decisioni politiche. Credo che quest’unità tra popolo, partito e Stato sia la base dei grandi risultati raggiunti in Cina in tutti i campi.
D: Facendo un confronto con altri partiti comunisti, qual è il segreto del Partito Comunista Cinese nell’aver raggiunto un così grande successo?
R: Se c’è qualche segreto, questo è il senso di unità, responsabilità, apertura e approccio innovativo al futuro. I successi del Partito sono basati sulla profonda comprensione dei bisogni e delle capacità delle persone; dei cambiamenti e delle nuove sfide a livello mondiale; terzo una visione di lungo termine e pianificazione. Il Partito Comunista è molto aperto nello studio delle esperienze di altri parti e sistemi sociali, mentre con risolutezza costruisce il proprio sistema socialista, basato sulle concrete condizioni, bisogni e sul proprie radici culturali. La politica che seguono ha grande valore.
D: La Cina sta esplorando un nuovo cammino nello sviluppo di se stessa. Qual è il contributo che la Cina ha dato nello sviluppo mondiale?
R: Il contributo della Cina allo sviluppo della pace e dello sviluppo è enorme. Come membro permanente del Consiglio di Sicurezza e come membro influente di altre organizzazioni internazionali, si è sempre battuta per la pace, la giustizia e pari opportunità per lo sviluppo di tutte le nazioni.
Siamo grati alla Cina che non votò a favore delle sanzioni contro la Serbia nel Maggio 1992, per il fatto che condannò fortemente l’aggressione alla Serbia nel 1999, e per il fatto che rifiutò l’illegale, unilaterale secessione della provincia Serba del Kosovo e Methohija.
Coesistenza pacifica, rispetto del ruolo delle Nazioni Unite e dei principi base del Diritto Internazionale, come forma di rispetto della sovranità e integrità territoriale di tutti i paesi nel mondo, siano grandi o piccoli, sviluppati o meno, forti o deboli, sono questi i principi cardine della politica estera cinese, grazie alla quale ha conquistato la simpatia e il rispetto di altri paesi, soprattutto in Asia, Africa e Sud America. L’approccio Cinese ai problemi economici si basa su una visione di insieme che tende a trovare soluzioni che diano reciproco vantaggio, e che cerchino di superare la crisi mondiale che dura da anni.
L’iniziativa “One Belt, one Road” introdotta dal presidente Xi Djinping nel 2013 è stata già profondamente appoggiata e supportata come nuovo approccio allo sviluppo globale, agli interessi comuni, alla connettività delle infrastrutture, produzione culturale e relazioni umane in generale.
La Cina è fondatrice, o co-fondatrice, dell’Organizzazione di Shangai, del Brics, della Banca Asiatica per le infrastrutture, della New Development Bank, G-20 e altri forum internazionali. Questo dimostra l’impegno della Cina nella creazione di un mondo multipolare libero da ogni dominio. Se è chiaro per tutti che l’Asia è al centro dello sviluppo del XXI secolo, è altrettanto chiaro che la Cina è la nazione leader dell’Asia. La collaborazione strategica tra Cina e Russia è simbolo di speranza per un mondo di pace, stabilità e prosperità.
D: La disputa tra Cina e Filippine è complicata e delicata. Il collegio arbitrale istituito ad hoc è composto da 5 persone, 4 dei quali sono occidentali. Possono giudicare in maniera adeguata il caso?
R: E’ difficile immaginare come un tribunale ad hoc possa risolvere questa complicata disputa bilaterale, specialmente se solo una parte è disposta a farlo. Guardando la composizione del tribunale, cui ha fatto riferimento, si nota, come minimo, la faziosità del collegio. Pertanto sono davvero scettico verso tale metodo.
D: La controversia è sulla sovranità. Il Tribunale ha sufficiente autorità per risolvere la disputa?
R: Secondo me, come tribunale è deficitario delle qualifiche adatte per decidere la disputa. Non ha sufficiente autorità per prendere tali decisioni circa tali questioni di sovranità, né per costringere le parti a prendervi parte.
D: A quale risultato può portare l’arbitrato nella soluzione della disputa?
R: Stando a vedere la storia, l’essenza della disputa, penso che l’arbitrato non sia il modo corretto per risolvere la questione. E’ piuttosto una maniera per postergare la questione non per risolverla. Questo però è contro l’interesse di entrambe le parti. Il punto è, chi trae beneficio da questo tribunale?
D: Secondo lei qual è la soluzione migliore?
R: Un negoziato tenuto dalle parti direttamente interessate nel reciproco interesse, senza interferenze dall’esterno. Questo risolverebbe un problema delicato attraverso amichevoli relazioni di vicinato. E tutta la regione beneficerebbe dalla comprensione reciproca, libertà di navigazione e crescente cooperazione.
Dal quotidiano cinese Zhenminzhibao
Traduzione di Pacifico S.
The Exoneration of Milosevic: the ICTY’s Surprise Ruling
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The UN war crimes tribunal has determined that the late Serbian president was not responsible for war crimes committed in Bosnia during the 1992-95 war. The judges determined that Slobodan Milosevic was not part of a "joint criminal enterprise" to victimize Bosnian Muslims and Croats.
Written By: Andy Wilcoxson
18 July 2016 -
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague has determined that the late Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic was not responsible for war crimes committed during the 1992-95 Bosnian war.
In a stunning ruling, the trial chamber that convicted former Bosnian-Serb president Radovan Karadzic of war crimes and sentenced him to 40 years in prison, unanimously concluded that Slobodan Milosevic was not part of a “joint criminal enterprise” to victimize Muslims and Croats during the Bosnian war.
Milosevic Not Guilty…
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March, 2016 — The UN war crimes tribunal has determined that the late Serbian president was not responsible for war crimes committed in Bosnia during the 1992-95 war. The judges determined that Slobodan Milosevic was not part of a “joint criminal enterprise” to victimize Bosnian Muslims and Croats.
The verdict of this Kangaroo Court in The Hague should not only outrage the people of Serbia, we should be seeing screaming headlines from all of those in the media that became the judge, jury and executioners of Slobodan Milosevic. The biased court to prosecute war crimes only for the war in former Yugoslavia was a ruse as the court totally ignored the real genocide in 1945 when 1.5 million Serbs, 60,000 Jews and 47,000 Roma were exterminated as the disgusting prejudice of the media fanned the flames for 96,400 victims on all sides in Former Yugoslavia in the 1990’s. This is the same media that profited from the 8 years of their claim of “250,000 deaths in Bosnia,” a total media hoax.
NATO: Knaves, Lunatics and Yellowbellies
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Michael Jabara CARLEY
If one wants to identify the people responsible for rising tensions in Europe with the Russian Federation, then look no further then the knaves, lunatics and yellowbellies of NATO.
Let's start with the knaves. The biggest knave of all is the US president Barack Obama. Many Americans voted for Obama hoping for a real change in government. Instead they got the same ol', same on neoliberal, neocon Republicanism, only worse. They got a slick, smooth-talking sharper who does not blanch at telling the most outlandish, outrageous lies. The dystopian world anticipated by Orwell in 1984 has arrived.
From Obama's point of view, he is not lying, of course; he is «creating new realities». It's a great line and it could have come from Orwell, but it didn't. It came from George W Bush's right hand man, Karl Rove. It was in 2004. The United States and its first butler, Great Britain, had just destroyed Iraq. The Bush administration was boasting of victory so it seemed at the time. Rove claimed that «reality» was a superfluous consideration. «That's not the way the world really works anymore», Rove said. «We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do».
Rove said it, and Obama demonstrates Rove's law, almost every time he speaks publically. You might laugh at how preposterous Obama has become, but it's no laughing matter when it comes to NATO and its encirclement of Russia. NATO had its big «summit» meeting in Warsaw this month. The city was plastered with posters comparing Russia to the Nazi SS. You know Poland, or maybe you don't, but its Russophobia dates back centuries and is rooted in its failure to gain control of the Ukrainian and Byelorussian borderlands between Russia and Poland. In its perennial wars with Russia, it almost always lost. So Polish nationalists, let's call them sore losers, want to even the score, and what better way to do it then with the help of NATO. Does the Polish government have a hidden agenda: to re-establish Poland's frontiers of 1772 and its great power status? Let's call it the tail wagging the dog.
That's alright with Obama because it suits his interests. He wants to put Russia in its place, force its submission to American hegemony. He can't abide the «truth teller» Vladimir Putin, whose refreshing public honesty so underscores Obama's dishonesty. It's a grave matter when an elected head of government lies to his people as a matter of course. Such conduct can only be dangerous. In Warsaw, Obama declared that Russia was an aggressor. «Russian aggression against Ukraine», he said, «threatens our vision of a Europe that is whole, free and at peace». Psychologists call such accusations «projection». I call it «pot calling kettle black» or the aggressor, Obama, accusing his targeted victim, the Russian Federation, of aggression. The accusation is preposterous, but it is the main NATO line to justify its military encirclement of Russia. Then there is this astonishing statement in the recent NATO communiqué. «...Large-scale snap exercises [on Russian territory are] contrary to the spirit of the [2011 OSCE] Vienna Document... [as are] provocative military activities near NATO borders, including in the Baltic and Black Sea regions and the Eastern Mediterranean...»
«Do as I say», insists the United States, «not as I do». Are not «NATO borders» now on Russia's borders? Does not the Russian Federation have security interests on its western frontiers or in the Baltic and Black Seas of all places and the eastern Mediterranean? The NATO communiqué denies Russia's right to defend its borders or centuries old national security interests. «We moved in», NATO has said to Russia in effect, «you move out».
Mary Walsh at Belgrade Forum
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Mary Martha Walsh and Basil Henry, humanitarians and authors from Ireland, have visited Belgrade forum for a World of Equals. They have been informed about activities of Belgrade Forum on national and international level. They have also expressed desire to participate in the future activities of Belgrade Forum, particularly at international conferences.
The guests are the authors of the book ’Hiding the Genocide in Kosovo’. They also prepared another book titled ’Crimes in Velika Hoca’, devoted to several tenth of killed and abducted Serbs by UCK. Mary Martha Walsh has spent 10 years in Kosovo working for the international community, but after she showed disagreement with proAlbanian aproaches and practices of UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohia, she lost all her positions. After that experience she became a witnesss to the truth about Kosovo, as she said. Mary Martha Walsh became known among Serbian people after she published an article ’An observer at a Crow’s Court’ about memories from Kosovo where she reveal her personal testimonies about situation in Kosovo from 1999. to 2009.
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals,
Belgrade, 21. July 2016.
On the Road to United Eurasia
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Whenever President Vladimir Putin stresses Russia’s «all-embracing and strategic partnership» with China, one can hear the proverbial howls of anger emanating from the neocon/neoliberalcon axis in the Beltway.
As he met Chinese president Xi Jinping in Beijng this past Saturday, Putin even allowed himself an understatement; «To say we have a strategic cooperation is not enough anymore. This is why we have started talking about a comprehensive partnership and strategic collaboration. Comprehensive means that we work virtually on all major avenues; strategic means that we attach enormous inter-government importance to this work».
Why understatement? Because this really ventures way beyond a stream of business deals.
Deals, of course, matter; in Beijing, China and Russia advanced 58 projects worth $50 billion. These include a $6.2 billion loan from Beijing to build the 770 km-long high-speed railway between Moscow and Kazan and $12 billion in loans to build an LNG plant in the Russian Arctic.
Russian Railways, Russian investment company Sinara Group, China Railway, and Chinese CRRC will also invest in a plant in Russia to build 100 high-speed trains, designed for the Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway. The railway inevitably will be connected to the future, $100 billion, high-speed expansion of the Trans-Siberian between Moscow and Beijing.
It goes without saying, this is all part of an essential node of the New Silk Roads. And as if this was not enough, in a further, graphic instance of geoeconomic interpolation, Russia and China’s central banks are setting up a yuan clearing mechanism in Russia.
The inter-connectivity bonanza
Putin and Xi met for the 15th time just after Xi concluded a three-nation Eurasia tour – Serbia, Poland and Uzbekistan – where, alongside Foreign Minister Wang Yi, he explicitly laid down the bridge between the New Silk Roads, or One Belt, One Road (OBOR), as they are officially referred to in China, and the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
Not by accident China has now also struck a «comprehensive strategic partnership» with Serbia, Poland and Uzbekistan – on the way to weaving a broad «China-Europe strategic partnership» in parallel to the development of the SCO.
This already translates into projects such as the Hungary-Serbia railway; the Pupin Bridge on the Danube River in Belgrade; the expansion and upgrading of a power plant in Kostolac; what Beijing calls the China-Europe freight train service (from eastern China to Duisburg in Germany and also Madrid); the Kamchiq Tunnel in Uzbekistan; and last but not least the massive China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline system.
No wonder Xi keeps stressing the «inter-connectivity» theme over and over gain, as economic corridors are being built at breakneck speed, and the China Railway Express all the way to Europe – although not yet on high-speed rail – is already a go.
So there was plenty to talk about at the 16th SCO Council in Tashkent. Plus, the acceleration of full membership to both India and Pakistan; next year will be Iran’s turn.
What this translates to in practice is the amalgamation of the New Silk Roads/OBOR; the Eurasia Economic Union, EEU (as Putin stressed in the St. Petersburg forum); the SCO; financing mechanisms such as the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB); and the overarching Russia-China strategic partnership.
No wonder a certain Sultan Erdogan was watching all this in Ankara with trepidation, and decided to make a move. Erdogan’s attempt at a rapprochement with Russia involves not being hopelessly sidelined in this OBOR/EEU/SCO amalgamation. Turkey cannot afford to be alienated from Russia; the Turkish Stream gas pipeline will be essential to consolidate Ankara’s position as a key energy crossroads towards Europe. At the same time, Ankara must imperatively position itself as a key hub in OBOR.
With India and Pakistan, and later Iran, as full members, the SCO will be able, in the medium term, not only to interface with OBOR on all sides (via the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, CPEC, and also the Indian investment in the Iranian port of Chabahar); but also to be the key player in brokering a solution to the Afghan drama, something that the Americans and NATO would never be able to accomplish. Russia and China have always insisted that Afghanistan needs an Asian solution.
Lean, clean and green
Almost simultaneously to the Putin-Xi meeting in Beijing, and also not by accident, the AIIB turbo-charged its operations.
The AIIB started doing business only six months ago, with 57 founding member countries and $100 billion in committed capital.
It’s scheduled to invest $1.2 billion in 2016. Once again with trademark understatement, Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said, «the AIIB needs to establish its comparative advantage», profiting from «lessons of developing countries' years of development».
The board approved its first four deals, worth $509 million, with three projects co-financed with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the United Kingdom Department for International Development and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. They refer to a slum renovation in Indonesia and highways in Pakistan and Tajikistan. A power grid upgrade in Bangladesh will be solely AIIB financed.
And this is just the beginning. The head of AIIB may be Chinese, Jin Linqun (he has promised a «lean, clean and green» AIIB), but one of the five vice presidents is British, Daniel Alexander. Beijing holds 30% of the initial capital but has only 26% of voting power. India holds 7.5% and Russia 5.9%, followed by Germany and South Korea. This is a real multipolar project.
Almost simultaneously to the AIIB in action, Russia and China’s foreign ministers signed a declaration supporting the role of international law, stressing sovereign equality of states; non-interference into internal affairs; and peaceful resolution of disputes. Considering the recent historical record, not exactly The Empire of Chaos’s cup of tea.
Commenting on Brexit, Boris Titov, the Kremlin’s small business ombudsman, ventured, «it’s not long until a united Eurasia – about 10 years». Considering the slowly but surely interpenetration of OBOR, EEU, SCO, AIIB, the NDB and the solid Russia-China partnership inside the G20, that’s more than feasible.
In Beijing, Putin and Xi did discuss their common position in the upcoming G20, only three months away in China; that’s where the real action is, not the G7. Compare it also with NATO’s upcoming warmongering summit in Warsaw; that’s what the West has to «offer» the global South.
In a nutshell; the option to a united Eurasia is chaos. And there’s no question the Empire of Chaos will stop trying to sow chaos. Expect Beijing ordering 1,000 heavy transport aircraft from Russia and Russian ships possibly spotted sooner or later in the South China Sea to add to those perennial howls of anger in the neocon/neoliberalcon galaxy.
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The Shanghai Forum 2016, View from Serbia
The topic of the recently held 11th Shanghai Forum was “Interconnectivity, Integration and Innovation: Building Community of Common Destiny in Asia”. The work of this, in many was unique international gathering, brought together seven hundred scientists, experts, politicians and businesspeople from all over the work; during three days of this symposium were delivered some 100 presentations. Besides the participants from China and Asian countries, who have naturally comprised the majority of participants, other most numerous participants came from Europe, and thereafter from Americas, Africa and Australia.
The attendants found particularly interesting presentations of former President of Indonesia Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Secretary-General of the Nordic Council Mr. Dagfinn Høybråten, former Italian Prime Minister Mr. Enrico Letta, former US Secretary of Treasury Ms. Rosario Marin, Nobel Prize Laureate (2007 Climate change) Mr. Frans Berkhout, Fudan University prof. Wu Shinbo, Director in the Chinese Ministry of Finance Guoqi Wu, Vice President of the BRICS New Development Bank Mr. Paulo Nogueira Batista, and others.
The three-day free academic exchange of views centered on the future of Asia, its economic and technological development in the 21 Century, integration and the role in the world affairs. The starting points were that, over the post Cold War period, Asia has established itself as the region with the most dynamic economic, technological and scientific growth in the world. Asia is the largest market in the world providing great contribution to end the world economic crisis as well as to safeguard peace and stability. Accordingly both, Chinese and foreign participants emphasized that Asia should play greater role in managing of global affairs, defusing the crises hotbeds and in decision making, in general. “We cannot be happy with mere right to vote in United Nations and other international forums. It is only natural that we take part in real decisions making in all matters concerning common destiny”. This was one of prominent views shared by participants of the Forum.
“We need to always be aware and undertake common position that Asia belongs to peoples of Asia”. This standpoint, as expressed at the closing plenary session, was a summary of many specific proposals how to foster the future of the largest world continent. It was primarily addressed to the out-of-region powers to refrain from interfering into affairs of Asia.
Brexit: A Different Democracy, A Different Future
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Author: Christopher Black
The historic Brexit vote marks a victory of the working people over the capitalist elites who have used the European Union as a means of extending their exploitation of them to the limits, and which now, along with its imperial rival and overlord, the United States, is arming and preparing for a world war with Russia.
It is a victory of democracy against oligarchy.
It is a victory of real socialists against the fake, social democratic, cruise missile, NATO loving “left,” against Bernard Henri-Levy.
It is the turning of a searchlight onto the fascists’ connections with the corporate state and the use of fascist elements to discredit the Leave campaign; for how can we help thinking that the assassination of Labour MP Joe Cox was an attempt to discredit the Leave campaign instead of an attack on the Remain campaign?
It is a victory for the ordinary British worker who is fed up with a democracy that works only for the elite while reducing the rest to cheap labour for the elite.
It is a victory for those who can no longer stand to hear the litany of lies that come from the mouths of Obama, Hollande, Merkel, Cameron, and the others, whose interests are not ours and whose only objective is to exploit us to the maximum.
It is a victory for the sovereignty of the people, internationalism at its best, because people who are economic slaves and political pawns cannot join together in a true international union unless they throw off the chains that bind them to the oars of the neo-liberal galley.
It is the defeat of the tycoons by the people, who to them are invisible, the defeat of disillusionment, the reengagement of the popular will.
It is a victory for the Leave NATO movement, for the stop the war movement, the rejection of an imperialist structure that operates to create imperialist wars and serves as the machine by which the United States and Germany control Europe.
It is a victory for those who reject the corporate tycoons like Trump, or their eager servants like Clinton. It is a defeat for the United States and its leaders plans to rule the world.
It is a victory in France, for those who remember the Paris Commune; a reminder that the working people can take the power and govern themselves, a memory beaten out of most of us for so long now we feel ashamed to be called working class and so call ourselves middle class. For once we were proud, and fought for our voice to be heard, for our power to be recognised.
In Spain it is a victory for Podemos and its allies against the power structures that were never removed after the fascists stepped from power and called in a king.
In Italy it is a victory for the 5 Star Movement over a bankrupt polity.
In Central Europe it is a victory for those who oppose the criminal hostility to Russia, the NATO troop movements through their lands and the dominance of Germany over everyone.
It is the victory of Picasso over Madison Avenue advertising. It is the victory of those who struggle to build a world in which there will be no imperialist blocs, which live like parasites off the misery of Africa, Latin America and Asia.
It is a victory for those who were told they didn’t count, who had forgotten or never heard of the old dreams of building something better because they had been manipulated to accept the very worst.
It is a victory for those who realise we are all part of the union and either we act together to further our common interests or the far right, which has already been activated in many countries, and which in the UK assassinated a member of parliament in order to discredit the Leave campaign, will drag up all those rotten layers of society that capitalism always generates to guard its power at all costs.
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Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, former Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Yugoslavia
Topic One: 95 years of CCP
1. You are friend of China and often visit China. What impressed you most in China?
Rreply: Yes indeed. For decades I have been involved in development of cooperation and friendship between Serbia (Yugoslavia) and China. Today our relations have strategic character. Recent state visit of the President of PR of China Xi Djinping to Serbia is of historic importance as it has created basis for our cooperation in 21st century.
I am impressed by unprecedented transformation of China from underdeveloped and closed country into the most prosperous and open society with the highest economic, scientific and technological achievements in the world. Chinese overall development has become inspiration and well of optimism for contemporary world faced with many challenges and problems.
2. Before the foundation of PRC, China was backward in the world. But now China has been in the center of the world stage. In your opinion, what's the basic reason for such achievement? What role has CCP played in the progress?
Reply: CCP played decisive role in all stages of Chinese new history and development. CCP has always stayed firmly united with own people defending freedom from foreign masters and fascist occupiers, safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, tracing strategy for overall economic, social and cultural development. Thanks to the CCP, everyday needs of a man and woman, as human beings, have always been in the center of political decision making process. So, I believe, that this unity of the Party, People and the State is the basis for the great achievements of China in all fields.
3. Compared with other communist parties, what's the secret of CCP to make such great success?
Reply: If there are any secrets then they are CCP`s own unity and responsibility, openness and innovative approach to the future. Historic achievements of CCP have been based on profound understanding, firstly, of the needs and potentials of the people, secondly, of world trends and challenges and thirdly, of the importance of long-term vision and planning. Openness has many aspects but, CCP`s openness to study experiences of other parties and other social systems, while firmly building own, socialist system of Chinese colors, based on concrete own conditions, needs and culture – is unique, the most valuable policy.
4. China is exploring a new path in developing itself. What contribution has China made towards the world in the development?
Reply: China`s contribution to peace and development in the world is enormous. As the Permanent member of UN Security Council and very influential member of many other international organizations, be it universal or regional, China has always strived for peace, justice and equal chances for development of all nations.
We are grateful to China that she has not voted in favor of UN sanctions against Serbia (FRY) in May 1992, that China strongly condemned NATO military aggression against Serbia (FRY) in 1999 and that China refused to recognize unlawful, unilateral secession of Serbian southern Province of Kosovo and Metohija.
Peaceful coexistence, respect of UN role and basic principles of the International Law, such as respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries of the world, small or big ones, developed or underdeveloped, militarily strong or weak - have always been guiding criteria of China`s foreign policy. China has won admiration for solidarity and enormous contribution to the development of developing countries, especially those of Asia, Africa and South America. Concept of worldwide win win cooperation is symbol of Chinese approach to solving major economic problems and getting out of prolonged world economic crises.
Multidimensional, global Initiative One Belt One Road introduced by president Xi Djinping in 2013 has already been widely supported as completely new concept to the global development based on shared interests, connectivity in infrastructure, production culture and human relations in general.
China is founder or co-founder of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, Asian Bank for Infrastructure, New Development Bank, G-20 (presently presided by China) and other international forums. All these illustrate the growing global influence of China toward creation of multi-polar world free of any domination. If there is consensus that Asia is the center of the World development in 21st Century, it is clear, too, that China is the center and leader of Asia. Strategic partnership between China and Russia is the hope for world peace, stability and prosperity.
Topic Two: The South China Sea Arbitration (if you have ready articles on this topic please send to me.)
1. The dispute between China and the Philippines is complicated and sensitive. The ad hoc arbitral tribunal is made up of 5 people, in which 4 are from the west. Can they understand and judge the case properly?
Reply: It is really difficult to imagine how the ad hoc tribunal could resolve this complicated bilateral dispute, especially if only one side opts for such method and the other side has different approach. Supposed composition of the tribunal, that you are referring to, in my opinion, is rather indicative of biased, prejudicing approach, to say the least. Therefore, I am very skeptical towards this method.
2. The dispute is about the sovereignty. Does the tribunal have enough legal authority to solve the dispute?
Reply: In my opinion, such a tribunal lacks legal ground and qualification to be deciding on this problem. It does not have necessary authority to make decision about question of the sovereignty, nor could it oblige any party to participate.
3. What will the result of arbitration bring to the situation of the dispute?
Reply: Having regard to the facts, history and the essence of dispute, I think this arbitration is not the way to solve the problem. It is rather the method to postpone any solution if not to further complicate the whole situation. This certainly cannot be in the interest of either side. The question remains who could benefit from trying to impose such a tribunal?
4. In your opinion, what is the best way to solve such dispute?
Reply: It is quite clear that the negotiation of directly involved parties is the best way to solve the problem in their mutual interest, without interference of any factors from outside. This would remove a sensitive problem in good neighborly relations and open wide space for their win win cooperation. No doubt that the whole region would benefit from mutual understanding, freedom of navigation and growing cooperation.
Born in 1938, in Oparic, central Serbia. I graduated at Law Faculty, Belgrade University in 1961. Working in Yugoslav diplomacy for 40 years including duties in Canada, Keniya, Angola.
Assistant Federal minister (1994-1998). Federal minister of Foreign Affairs of FR of Yugoslavia 1998-2000.
Vice-President of the Socialist Party of Serbia (1997-2002), elected member of Yugoslav and Serbian Parliaments.
Founder and President of Foundation Diaspora for Motherland (1999 -), Foundation for scholarship for talents (1999 -), Think Tank association Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals (2000), New Silk Road think Tank Connectivity Research Center (2016).
Official visits to China: 1996 and 1999. Several working visits to China, including SRTA founding Conference in Shenzhen, in February 2016 and Shanghai Forum in May, 2016.
Languages: Serbian, English, French, Russian, Portugues.
Books: Bridges (2003), Abolishing the State (2003), Kosovo`s Mirror (2006) and others.
Married, two daughters.
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals founded in 2000. Is an independent, non-profit Research Association researching and struggling for peace, sovereign equality of states, nations and individuals; for the truth in international relations; for respecting of the International Law and role of UN; for cooperation on equal footing; for multi-polar world relations; against abuse of human rights for interference in internal affairs; against any form of domination and discrimination; against international terrorism but also against abuse of the antiterrorist struggle for expansion of geopolitical interests; antiterrorist struggle must be coordinated under auspices of UN; for freedom in choosing own path of internal and foreign policy; against export of democracy and so called color revolutions; against of militarism and interventionism of NATO; against revival of fascist and Nazi ideology and systematic revision of history, especially, history of the First and Second World Wars.
Belgrade Forum is a member of the World Peace Council (Athens). Cooperates with many independent associations and think tanks in Serbia, Europe and the world. Actively participates in the activities of SRTA (Silk Road Think Tank Association) as a founding member. Cooperates with Chinese Center for Contemporary World Studies (CCCWS), Shanghai Forum and other think tank associations.
Every year, 22-24 of March, Belgrade Forum holds regular international forums devoted to peace, cooperation and security issues.
Belgrade Forum is initiator of founding of Silk Road Contectivty Research Center (COREC)
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The decision of Great Bretain to leave EU is a consequence of lasting crisis of the EU system, unability and unwillingness of Brussels bureaucratic structure to understand new challenges, estrangement and arrogance of ruling elite as well as of extensive dependence of EU from USA. This crisis appears as political, economic, financial, but it is an esential expression of the crisis of neoliberal capitalism.
BREXIT will doubtless deepen the concept of EU system based on the deprivation of authorities of national states and concentration of the authorities within the bureaucratic Brussels center which is without meaningful control. EU region has entered a long period of political instability and uncertainty. Fleeing of corporate capital from EU appears as inevitable process with all consequences for development, socio-economic aggrarvation and political turmoil.
After illegal secession of Kosovo and Metohija in witch, paradoxical, Great Britain together with USA, played major role, separatism in Great Britain and the whole of Europe has got new encouragement. It is obvious that BREXIT is obliging EU to spare much of energy and time in trying to find solutions for profound problems. Hence, the policy of enlargement will be objectivly put aside. Countries of the Western Balkan, including Serbia, can not count on capital inflow and investments from the EU region which itself has a run into profound crisis and serious lack of capital.
Concerning Serbia, it is adviseble to pay much greater attention to own recources, however limited may be, to the concept of balanced foreign policy. Reformers are expected to take in account new circumstances and get rid of illusory expectations. Remaining open for reciprocaly beneficial cooperation with everybody, they should preserve national recources, such as vast arable land, waters, forests, minerals, as well as state owned Telecom, EPS, inssurance companies and others as a base for modern and strong public sector. Pressures and political conditionings should be rejected regardles on where from they are coming- from internationa financial institutions or from the states.
In new circumstances, Serbia's relations and cooperation with Russia, China, other members of BRIKS, as well as with other countries who had been supporting Serbia and cooperating without any political strings - are getting higher importance.
China and Serbia Expanding Cooperation
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Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
China's leader, Xi Jinping
Serbia and China cultivate a long tradition of friendship and mutual trust enjoying mutually beneficial cooperation. Presently, when certain European, American and other countries compete to win Chinese cooperation, Serbia is already endowed with the capacity and the basis to enhance cooperation with the second strongest economic power in the world and to upgrade mutual relations to the strategic level. In fact, that is exactly what Serbia is doing. The forthcoming visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping and expected signing of General agreement on strategic relationship will certainly accelerate this cooperation in all fields.
China and Serbia perceive each other as stable, reliable partners in long run. Serbia, although relatively small economy, commands considerable capacity for future development, especially in the fields of infrastructure, energy and food production. In addition, Serbia occupies favorable geopolitical position being at the same time South European, Central European and Danube country. As cross-roads between various regions and even continents, Serbia is the door and bridge to other destinations for economic cooperation with Europe. It was not mere coincidence that in December of 2014 capital of Serbia Belgrade was the vanue of “China + 16” Group Summit, comprising Central and Southeast European countries jointly participating in the implementation of the “Road and Belt” mega-project, better known as the 21st Century New Silk Road. So far, China has allocated $ 13 billion for the projects in these countries, out of which 1.5 billion is earmarked for Serbia.
Chinese companies have already constructed the “Mihailo Pupin” Bridge over the Danube River, in Belgrade, plus 21 km of access highway. Plans for the construction of the second bridge over the Danube near Vinča, along the European Corridor X, and a bridge over the Sava River, near the Town of Obrenovac are in advanced stage. Chinese Hessteel Co., the second largest steelmaker in the world, has recently bought the Smederevo Steel Plant that employs 5,050 workers, and owns a port on the Danube and a Tinplate Factory in the City of Šabac (on the River Sava). A further agreement was reached with Chinese partners to construct the Thermo Power Plant “Kosotolac B”. This project, includes also construction of another port on the Danube and an 18 km-long railroad section for the transport of necessary equipment.
Therefore, in economic terms, Chinese companies have already settled on the Danube, thus increasing the significance of this strategic inland water European Corridor VII.
The Tripartite Partnership of Serbia, Hungary and China has initiated construction of the high-speed railway connecting Belgrade and Budapest. This project is just a part of the of strategic railroads on European Corridor X, running from the Mediterranean Ports of Piraeus and Thessalonica, in Greece, through Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary, to the countries in the Central and the North Europe – all the way to the Northern and Baltic Seas. Taking in consideration plans of Chinese engagement in the modernization of transport lines connecting Belgrade and the Port of Bar (Adriatic, Montenegro), then Chinese companies` interest in privatization of a number of Serbian companies, then the full potential and the perspective of economic cooperation between the two countries become much clearer.
Pupin Bridge
It seems that the importance of the rapid rise in economic cooperation with China goes beyond the point of its substantial input to GDP growth and employment, although both of them make very significant parameters. Provided that the current trend continues -- and there is no reason to expect otherwise -- it could gradually affect the layout of Serbia’s economic interests at the international level, focusing them into a more balanced position.
Over the recent years, the EU has been busy dealing with itself, suffering from serious crisis of the system, nationalism and particularism on rise, technological and economic stagnation, Eurozone crisis, capital outflow, migrants, “Brexit” and other “exits”, and Transatlantic “encouragments” to increase its military expenditure (truncated G7 Summit in Hanover). The USA has been busy intimidating its allies by using, once “dangers” from Russian, other time, from China. Russia is faced with decline of oil prices, with the need to modernize economic structure, to alleviate consequences of US sanctions implemented by “European partners”, forcing her to spend more on defense. The world witnesses a dramatic widening of the divide between the masses of poor and the handful of extremely rich, with poverty, unemployment and misery dominating the globe.
China extends her friendly hand to offer partnership, networking, innovation, and mutual benefit towards all four sides of the world.
Every now and then, one wonders – why should the West feel it necessary to publicly lament over apparent “slowdown of Chinese economic growth” falling from former 9% to present ‘mere’ 7.5%! Who, really, is doing better in time of prolonged global economic crisis?
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Willy Wimmer auf dem ersten Anleger-Kongress des Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds am 9. April 2016
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Einen Tag nach seiner Rückkehr aus Russland und Gesprächen mit Wladimir Putin, berichtete Willy Wimmer am 9. April 2016 auf dem ersten Anleger-Kongress des Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds über seine aktuellen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse und hält ein Plädoyer für den Frieden in Europa.
Weitere Impressionen vom ersten Anleger-Kongress des Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds finden Sie unter
NATO Aggression: Is There A Way Out?
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Christopher Black
On March 23 General Breedlove, Chief of Staff of the American
European Command gave an address to the Ministry of Defence of
Georgia, announcing new American-British-Georgian military
exercises to be conducted in May this year under the code-name
Noble Partner 2016. In that address he set out the real intention of
the American elite; war with Russia. He stated the following, to his
Georgian puppets, apparently with a straight face;
“Now, to my visit here. The security situation across Europe continues to evolve and become more and more
complex. We continue to face security direct challenges from two directions. To the East, we face a resurgent,
aggressive Russia, which has voluntarily chosen to be an adversary and poses an aggressive and long-term threat to
the United States and our European allies and partners.
“To the South…Europe faces the daunting challenge of mass migration, spurred by state instability and
collapse…and masking the movement of criminals, terrorists, and foreign fighters. As a result of conflict
in the region “Daesh” – is spreading like a cancer, taking advantage of paths of least resistance,
threatening European nations – and our own – with terrorist attacks. Its brutality is driving millions to
flee from Syria, and Iraq…creating an unprecedented humanitarian challenge.
“As we work with allies and partners to respond and overcome both of these serious threats, we stand
fully behind Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Today I was privileged to visit the
Administrative Boundary Line with your Chief of Defense and our Ambassador. There I witnessed the
illegitimate division of the Georgian people. As your brave, valiant nation has witnessed first-hand,
Russia continues to seek to extend its coercive and corrosive influence on its periphery, and now it is
also trying to re-establish a leading – and aggressive – role on the world stage. Russia ultimately seeks
to overturn the established rules and principles of the international system, fracture the unity of the free
world, and to challenge our resolve.”
There you have it-a declaration of war in all but name.
It does not take a military genius to look at a map and see that the build-up of NATO forces, particularly American,
on Russia’s western frontier from Camp Bondsteel in the Serbian province of Kosovo, through Bulgaria and Romania,
through Ukraine to Poland and the Baltic countries is constant and increasingly alarming.
What Die Linke Should Do
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Bernd Riexinger
The March 13 regional election results were a bitter setback for Die Linke and everyone fighting for social justice and democracy in Germany. The results of the parliamentary elections in Saxony-Anhalt, Baden-Württemberg, and Rhineland-Palatinate signify a major shift in the political landscape.
Germany's regional elections.
For years now, studies have identified a potential voting base for parties of the far right ranging from 15 to 20 per cent of the electorate. Germany's rising right-populist force, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), has now managed to capture and concentrate this potential. But knowing this is not cause to breathe a sigh of relief – if anything, it's quite the opposite, because the AfD is really just the tip of the iceberg. Germany is currently experiencing a dangerous rise in right-wing violence against refugees, which in turn is part of a broader right-wing Kulturkampf characterized by the anti-Muslim racism of figures like Thilo Sarrazin and growing reactionary mobilizations against the achievements of the women's movement.
The “grand coalition” has gradually adopted more right-wing positions, mediated by the racist public outbursts of Horst Seehofer and the Green Party's support for further restrictions to asylum law. In other words, the AfD is getting exactly what it wants: political discourse as a whole is drifting steadily to the right.
IBNA/Interview: Croatian pressure on Serbia approved by Germany and the US
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By Milos Mitrovic
Last week Croatia, as a European Union member state, blocked the opening of the Chapter 23 in accession talks between Serbia and the EU. Zagreb demands from Belgrade to apply a bilateral agreement which guarantees that the Croatian minority in Serbia would be represented in Parliament. Croatia also insists that Serbia should cancel its universal jurisdiction for processing war crimes committed in the whole territory of the former Yugoslavia, and fully cooperate with The Hague Tribunal.
I think that Croatia would never do anything to Serbia without, at least, the tacit approval of Berlin and Washington”, president of Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals and former FR Yugoslavia Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic said in the interview for IBNA. At the same time, Jovanovic says that Serbia should discuss its problem with Croatia “at many sides, despite the delicacy”.
The Serbian government hopes that the majority within the EU would pressure Croatia to unblock the accession negotiations. Do you expect this will be the case?
“I believe that the right addresses for this kind of messages and politics are in Brussels, Berlin and Washington. While our public bothers itself with Croatian lack of cooperativeness and disrespect of good-neighboring relations with Serbia – the key is in the fact that Zagreb always does what Brussels, Berlin and Washington approve. Therefore, we can say that it is good that Serbia expects the reaction from Brussels. At the same time, Brussels is rather an international center, while concrete decisions are being made in Berlin and Washington. In each Croatian act toward Serbia we should recognize the handwritings of Berlin and Washington.
The Panama Papers: The People Deceived
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Umberto Eco in his last book, Numero Zero, in describing the reality of the manipulating and manipulated western media, has a newspaper editor say, “let’s just stick to spreading suspicion. Someone is involved in fishy business, and though we don’t know who it is, we can give him a scare. That’s enough for our purposes. Then we’ll cash in, our proprietor can cash in, when the time is right.”
And that is exactly what is happening with the appearance simultaneously in all the western media, on Sunday, April 3 of a story about what are called the Panama Papers. The story attributed to a shadowy organisation called the International Coalition of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has all the hallmarks of an operation by western secret services to attempt to subvert targeted governments. The primary target is of course President Putin in order to influence the coming elections and to further attempt to portray him in the eyes of the peoples of the west as a criminal.
But the targets also include FIFA directors, continuing the harassment of FIFA by the United States government, in order to keep Russia out of the next world cup football games, Lionel Messi one of the world’s best football players, perhaps because he refused a request by President Obama’s daughters to meet him when Obama visited Argentina, Jackie Chan, no doubt punishment for supporting the Communist Party of China, and various people blacklisted by the United States for dealing with North Korea, Iran, Hezbollah, Syria and other American designated enemies.
They include President Poroshenko of Ukraine, perhaps signalling they are tired of him, the prime minister of Iceland, since forced to resign, no doubt for jailing bankers, seizing their banks and giving the people some compensation for their losses in the financial crisis of 2008, Hosni Mubarak who has accused the United States of trying to overthrow him, the murdered Gadhafi, and Xi Jinping, president of China. No Americans or NATO leaders are named though David Cameron’s father is named, perhaps a slap at Cameron for allowing a referendum to take place on whether Britain should leave the European Union, which would reduce US influence in Europe.
Putin dazzles with German skills as he unexpectedly steps in as translator at forum
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Attendees at a conference with Vladimir Putin were surprised when the president decided to become a German interpreter
Vladimir Putin was engaged in one of his characteristic town hall press conferences when retired high-ranking German politican Willy Wimmer rose to ask a question. Wimmer doesn't speak Russian, but fortunately a Dresden KGB-veteran fluent in German, and current President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, was there to interpret:
This no doubt must have had people wondering how important this man must be, in order to secure Vladimir Putin's services as his interpreter.
One wonders if it was actually Wimmer who, as related by Ronald Reagan, in the last days of the USSR managed to secure Mikhail Gorbachev's services as his personal driver:
But in all seriousness, in my view Putin once again showed off his great erudition and down-to-earth approach, something rarely seen in other contemprary polticians.
ЗАШТО? (WHY?) Revisiting NATO atrocities in Yugoslavia after 15 yrs
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Two journalists - one American, one Serbian - travel across the former Yugoslavia to explore the human cost of NATO's 1999 military campaign against Belgrade and the media onslaught against the Milosevic regime. Anissa Naouai and Jelena Milincic discover the very different ways the war was portrayed in the US and Serbia; and meet the people still traumatized by the 3-month bombing, even today.
"Постскриптум" с Алексеем Пушковым (26.03.2016) © ТВ Центр
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"Постскриптум с Алексеем Пушковым" - одна из ведущих аналитических программ российского телевидения. P.S. посвящен важнейшим событиям в стране и за ее пределами. В программе неоднократно принимали участие видные российские и зарубежные политики: Евгений Примаков, Сергей Степашин, Геннадий Селезнев, Игорь Иванов, Григорий Явлинский, Юрий Лужков, Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Алексий II, Кондолиза Райс, Генри Киссинджер, Джордж Робертсон, Зоран Джинджич и другие. Программа пользуется популярностью и авторитетом среди влиятельной политической и бизнес-элиты России и СНГ. Каждую субботу несколько десятков миллионов телезрителей, а это наиболее активная часть населения страны, отдают свое предпочтение Постскриптуму и ее автору и ведущему Алексею Пушкову.
NATO Aggression |
As clearly demonstrated by ensuing developments, NATO aggression of 1999 against Serbia (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) was the beginning of a series of aggression and interventionism. This has evolved into a dominant global trend of use of force, accompanied by huge problems such as the devastation of sovereign countries, massive influx of refugees, spreading of terrorism and militarization of international relations. Adding to this prolonged financial and economic crisis, the continuous deepening of the gap between the developed and the developing parts of the world and the growing distrust and confrontation, the resulting outcome is a global instability.
After NATO aggression on the FRY, there followed the assault of the “coalition of the willing” comprising mainly NATO members and the occupation of Afghanistan in 2001. Next was the armed aggression against Iraq.
The “willing ones”, led by the USA, invaded Afghanistan in order to crush Al-Qaeda and those responsible for the attack on the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. In parallel, the fight against terrorism spread onto the territories of other states, notably - neighbouring Pakistan and also onto Iraq, Yemen, Somalia and some other countries. In reality we have witnessed is the unprecedented expansion of terrorism in the Near and Middle East, Africa and its subsequent spill-over to Europe – ranging from Turkey through France and Belgium to Spain and the United Kingdom. Up to now.
Since the first attack of “the willing”, hundreds of thousands of Afghan civilians, including women, children, wedding parties, doctors and medics have been killed. The production of heroin in occupied Afghanistan skyrocketed for more than 40 times over. As for Pakistan, many people have been killed as the victims of both - terrorists and “the willing” ones fighting the terrorists.
When it comes to Iraq, we have to recall that the aggression, also without the Security Council mandate, was launched under the false pretext of searching for the weapons of mass destruction. The crimes committed in infamous Abu Ghraib, Basra, and the hundreds of thousands of killed civilians were, in cold blood, declared to be the victims of “worthy causes”! Neither Clinton, or Albright or Blair ever took to explain what causes could justify hundreds of thousands of killed civilians, women and children!
Then followed attacks by individual NATO members against Libya, in breach of the United Nations Security Council mandate, that continue to the present day. Among the casualties of the latest attacks of the United States armed forces on Libya were also two Serbian diplomats. Today, our hearts and minds go to them and their families and the Serbian diplomacy; they are also the victims of the globalized interventionism inasmuch as were the victims of NATO aggression in 1999. In one form or another, external aggressions kept relentlessly spreading to Yemen, Mali, Somalia, Syria, up to the coup in Kiev. The blueprint for all of them was established in 1999 and 2000 in Serbia (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia).
A new “democratic” standard: the might above the law
The military interventionism by the US-led NATO has developed into a global phenomenon. Its goal is also global – to forcibly introduce full control over all major resources on the planet, from geopolitical, infrastructural and economic ones to natural and human resources, by means of violating all norms of the international relations and by devastating international institutions that happen to be in the way of the ruthless greed and expansion.
The force of the law is replaced by the right of the might, as demonstrates the motto of NATO after the aggression on Serbia (the FRY) in 1999. “The might should be above the law” – is an excerpt from the US strategy presented in the famous letter Willy Wimmer addressed to Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, dated 2 May 2000 . Thus the way was paved for the globalization of authoritarianism, this time dressed in the dress of democracy.
And what these “fighters” for democracy, civilians, human rights and minority rights, protectors of the self-proclaimed “national interests” have left behind? In short, they left chaos; millions of killed and wounded, tens of millions of refugees and displaced people; warring nations, tribes, religions; devastated communities and state territories torn apart; the so-called Islamic State and the globalized terrorism; militarization; the arms race; the global distrust and confrontation.
Equality and partnership without wars
Our friend Zahari Zahariev from Bulgria, has voiced a warning about the risk of global conflict. We hope and make all what we can to avoid it. Our hopes and expectations are stemming from the profound changes in the global constellation of power shifting in favour of the forces of peace, cooperation on an equal footing, observance of the international law and, most notably, observance of the principle of sovereign equality and the restoration of the role of the United Nations as the umbrella organization of the global community of nations. The era of the one polar world order and the system of liberal corporative capitalism are on an irreversible path to history; we hope and believe that, together with them, also go NATO as their key lever and the relic of the Cold War. Still, in spite of this, we must not ignore the fact that the minds of the ideologues of ‘exceptionalism’ and ‘missionary role’ do not function in the same fashion as the minds of ordinary people. Judging by their classifications of ‘the good’ versus ‘the evil’, of ‘friends’ vs. ‘foes’, ‘justice’ vs. ‘injustice’, ‘terrorists’ vs. ‘moderate opposition’, or their definitions of ‘fighters for freedom and democracy’, we cannot help concluding that there is still a big number of ‘strategists’ who believe that any means is allowed in the defending of privileges in international affairs and grabbing other people`s assets.
The most dangerous ones are the ‘shadow structures’ and the powerful ones who deem that history, which refuses to voluntary accept its own end, may be destroyed, punished or at least halted. They deny everything and everyone that pose an obstacle to the lawlessness and the sheer egotism they had used over the past decades and centuries. It is slowly dawning on them that they can no more rely on privileges and ‘exceptionalism’ in international relations, yet not wish to relinquish them voluntarily. Russia, China and other BRICS countries, just like the majority of states in the world community do not accept to submit to anybody else’s will. So, are the proponents of the ‘exceptionalism’ theory going to concede to equality and partnership in global affairs, or are they going to reach for the weapons including, maybe, the nuclear ones, in a bid to preserve the old and to acquire new privileges? Are they going to admit the true goals of their continuous military expansion to the East since 1999, ranging from USA Camp “Bondsteel” to ‘rotating commands’ and the so-called missile defense shields deployed along the Russian borders? The future peace and stability depend on the answers to these and similar questions.
Militarization and totalitarism
Those who have been enjoying impunity while trampling the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter, generating chaos and ‘low-intensity conflicts’, toppling and appointing leaders of other nations, those who pay no regard to the legitimate interests of other nations and states, those used to making others pay for the failures of their own policies, and those used to always have the last say, even deceiving their own people and the world public, will certainly not stop short of taking chances! And this is precisely the source of a great danger.
Shortly after NATO aggression of 1999, on Serbian territory near the town of Uroševac, was built the largest US military base in Europe, some say the largest in the world outside the US soil, Camp “Bondsteel”. This was the first in the chain of the mushrooming American military bases. The next three bases were erected in Bulgaria, whereas the additional four in Romania. The chain continues up to the so-called anti-missile defense shields in Poland, Romania and some other countries, creeping closer to the borders of Russia.
Europe of today hosts more American and NATO military bases than at the pinnacle of the Cold War! The Berlin Wall is long gone, as is the Warsaw Pact; there is no more Soviet Union or the two confronting social systems, or the ‘axis of evil’. So, what could be the objective of the skyrocketing number of foreign military bases in Europe, the amassing of troops and military hardware on European soil, the militarization of the process of political decision-making, the militarization of the media, and the growth in military spending? Is there a plausible answer to these questions?
Given that we are under domination of pro-NATO oriented media, worldwide and especially in Europe, including Serbia, and being burdened by the growing social and economic problems, we have less and less possibility and time to spare to reconsider the veracity of messages sent from TV stations, NATO newsrooms and other militarization-dominated places. We should ponder the objective of the introducing of airspace control ranging from the Baltic Sea to Anatolia, in a line resembling the times of the Roman Empire. These all are significant new moments that deserve to be taken into account.
A consequence of 1999 NATO aggression against Serbia (the FRY) was the militarization, not only in terms of physical buildup of weaponry and troops, but also in terms of militarization of the process of political decision-making. European institutions, national and regional, have increasingly been morphing into global tendency of making decisions in narrow circles in the matters like military spending, new foreign bases, privileges and immunity of NATO troops, up to the matter of membership to military alliances and the question of war and peace. Washington concept of democracy was introduced as universal obligation for all, especially for countries in transition. Wherever is not accepted voluntarily, it is imposed by subversive methods and force.
The funds are being allocated to weapons, while millions of people leave their homes in the Middle East seeking jobs in Europe. They are not sluggish lazy people seeking easy life, as maliciously depicted, nor ones striving to disrupt the Europeans’ wellbeing. These are people expelled from their homes as collateral of actions of the West and their Arab allies, they are people struggling to survive and in search for the daily bread. These people have no alternatives for survival. This is why they cannot be stopped by fences or patrols, on land or at seas. The West holds the key to their plight. That key is - stop aggressions, wars, interventions! First of all, the West should stop funding, arming, and training of terrorists! Disrupt supplying of the so-called “moderate opposition; tell conservative regimes in the region not to finance and arm ISIS! Instead of making deals with Turkey, they should resort to investments and development of the countries in the Middle East and Central Asia, and thus offer to younger generations a different, better alternative than the one offered by the ideologists of jihad.
It should be noted that Russia and China have already evolved into global factors in international economic and political relations. The establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank with some 60 signatories, the BRICS Development Bank, and some other brand new institutions and projects of global relevance (such as the 21st Century New Silk Road) are clearly witnessing that the era of monopoly in regulating international affairs has ended.
There are no major international problems that could be solved without an equal participation of Russia and China. I also hold this to be the presumption for a just and sustainable solution of the status of Kosovo and Metohija, in line with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. The deals tabled by the commissionaires in Brussels and Washington requesting Serbia to renounce her constitutional order, homeland, historical identity, and adherence to UNSCR 1244, for the sake of a ‘realism’ and ‘European agenda’ can hardly amount to anything else than an apparent simulacrum and an illusion of an ersatz solution.
NATO’s version of history
The revision of history was not triggered, but instead accelerated by NATO 1999 aggression. The process history revision involves great many interests and participants, but a special role has been assigned to the Hague Tribunal. This is a mechanism that, among other things, aims to replace the historians and leave its own – or rather, NATO’s – version of history, in particular a part refereeing to the last decades of history of former Yugoslavia. For the vast majority of people in Serbia, the Hague Tribunal is but an extended arm of NATO, one that does not dispense justice but instead pronounces verdicts, primarily against the members of the Serbian peoples.
Tomorrow, on March 24rth is 17th anniversary of the beginning of the NATO aggression. Tomorow the Hague tribunal is scheduled to pronounce the sentencing of Radovan Karadžić, formerly the first President of the Republic of Srpska. Although not proponents of the conspiracy theories, we deem it is not mere coincidence that the sentencing of Radovan Karadžić was scheduled on the anniversary of the beginning of the aggression against Serbia (the FRY). “Coincidence” is aimed at diverting the public attention from yet another public exposure of NATO crimes committed against the Serbian nation and citizens 17 years ago, onto the sentencing of President Karadžić. From tomorrow onwards, we are expected to engage in commenting the verdict and the regional animosities the verdict stirs, so to cast a shadow over the tributes paid to thousands of victims in Serbia and Montenegro, to avoid hearing the people still voicing their concerns on the devastation of civilian facilities, use of weapons filled with depleted uranium, use of cluster, graphite and other illicit bombs, to avoid seeing and hearing of the crimes performed by NATO against Serbia, the region, against Europe and the system of international relations.
The statistics reveal that, out of 89 persons convicted by the Hague Tribunal to the total of 1,380 years of prison, 67 are Serbs, which make more than 2/3 of the total number of the convicted, to 1,125 years of imprisonment; 14 are Croats, sentenced to 183 years; five are Bosniaks sentenced to 41 years; two are Albanians sentenced to 19 years; and one is Macedonian sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment. Is this the reflection of reality of civil wars in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia? Who is responsible for the crimes committed against the Serbian people in Sarajevo, Eastern Bosnia, in Croatia`s operations “Flash” and “Storm”, and other locations!? Who has been convicted for trade of human organs taken from abducted Serbs, how was it possible that documentation on such horrible crimes disappeared while under custody of Hague Tribunal!?
Aggressor-friendly reform of the Army
On this 17th anniversary of NATO aggression a special merit is addressed to our Army, its soldiers and generals who have professionally and patriotically defended the country and the nation. The toll of the struggle took 1,008 soldiers and policemen. Today, we remember them, as well as more than 2,500 killed civilians, among whom there were more than 80 children. We pay tribute to all of them and express our condolences to their families and relatives.
Immediately after the aggression, our Army had undergone so called reform. Almost all generals and admirals who led the defense against NATO aggression were retired. Let us recall the executors of this reform. It was directed by NATO generals headed by British general Beak and French general Holland, in the capacity of advisors to then-minister of defense, Boris Tadić!
The reform’s outcome is best known to members of the Serbian Army. Part of the “reform” was disarming the Army. American Ambassador was supervising this operation while American company US Steel has melted all tanks, howitzers and other heavy-duty weaponry in the Smederevo Steelworks, yielding the cheapest and highest quality steel. Once smelting was over, the US Steel said it was no more profitable for them to operate Smederevo Steelworks, packed their bags, and left, leaving behind empty factory and some new debts!
Let us recollect what the goals of the aggression were. Deployment of US troops in the Balkans, notably in the territory of Serbia, as the first step in building the chain of US military bases closer to the Russian borders. Expansion to the East was pronounced NATO doctrine. In fact it was not quite original, because infamous “Drang nach Osten“doctrine was German, much older doctrine. In 1999 NATO has also provided a blueprint for the new type of military interventions in any part of the world, disregarding basic principles of International Law and the role of UN Security Council. The aggression against Serbia (FRY) was unique for, at least two, additional reasons. First, NATO took in alliance terrorist organization called KLA. And, second, it convinced its European allies, to take part in a war which in fact was the war against Europe! In the meantime, foreign analysts have revealed that banks and corporations from NATO member countries, over the period from 2001 – 2011, had sucked out over $ 50 billion through the so-called privatizations. The most valuable enterprises located in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija, built by funds of Serbia and former Yugoslavia, fell prey to the hands of companies from USA and some other NATO states. Priority right in privatization in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija was accorded to some prominent figures in the Clinton administration, proponents of, “humanitarian intervention”. A coincidence?
Silvio Berlusconi, former Prime minister of Italy has publicly divulged that French President confided to him that France had militarily intervened in Libya because she also had a right to get hold of some Libyan oil wells! What a magnitude of altruism in the fight for the “protection of civilians”! One can hardly comprehend such cynicism that politicians use to deceive their peoples by the allegedly righteous motives of military interventions! And their background consists of utter egoism, despoilment and sheer gluttony.
Wesley Clark, NATO commander-in-chief in 1999, in an interview to a US TV station, said that the Pentagon had provided a list of countries the USA was going to bomb in future. When asked why, Clark replied that he assumed because of oil.
The way out?
The way out is in accepting the new realities in global relations, which do not support the setup of superior and subordinate actors, the privileged and the disenfranchised ones, the “exceptional” and the handicapped. The way out is in restoration of observance of the fundamental principles of international relations and international law, and most notably, in observance of the principle of sovereign equality of all states. In a broader sense, the way out is in strengthening the role of the United Nations and respect of the UN Security Council as the most responsible body for the matters of peace and security; in acknowledging that the multipolarization of global relations is a process that cannot be halted or stopped by any means; in the light of the increased powers of Russia, China and other BRICS countries, it multipolarity is inevitable; in orientation towards democratization of global relations which, in essence, means the recognition that medium and small countries also have a right to own interests; in renouncing the misuse of fight against terrorism so to spread and impose the geopolitical interests of major powers; in cutting the funding, arming, training, and dispatching terrorists to the crisis areas; in paying priority attention to solving growing socio-economic problems in Africa, Near and Middle East and in all other parts of the world, especially, those originating all kinds of extremism, terrorism and international organized crimes.
At present, for peace and security it is vital to identify a peaceful political solution for the war in Syria, while respecting the interests of all political factors, excluding the terrorists of all kinds and of any political ilk.
Terrorism has become a global problem due to double standards, and the misuse and manipulations with terrorism for geopolitical objectives. We learned this lesson in 90-ies during civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, when the Western powers, and especially the USA, have directly and indirectly assisted the transfer of terrorists from the Middle East, Avganistan, Chechnya and the Maghreb countries, their subsequent training, arming and organizing about 4.000 mujahidin into units that fought on the side of forces of Alija Izetbegović. We still vividly remember the “El Mujahedeen” Brigade, whose members posed with severed Serbian heads for photo sessions. These mujahedeen have bnee, later on, redeployed to Kosovo and Metohija, strengthening the terrorist KLA. The KLA itself was a NATO ally, its ground force infantry in NATO aggression of 1999. Therefore, nobody should be surprised that both Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo and Metohija have continuously been the source locations in recruiting the highest ration of foreign fighters for the ISIS. What to say about large parts of B&H beyond the control of the official authorities of the B&H Federation, but rather under the control of the Wahhabi leadership,. Especially in the region of Maoca? More than 60 of extremist Islamic religious local units in Sarajevo and other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina have also severed their connections with the official Islamic religious community.
We propose to hold a world conference on fight against terrorism under the auspices of the United Nations. Given its complexity, to eradicate terrorism many decades of multidimensional struggle is needed. That is why a proposed conference should launch preparation of World convention on the fight against terrorism. If we seek to avoid new killings and prevent further spreading of terrorism in Europe and elsewhere, this initiative should be considered in the nearest future. Of course, it does not exclude any other initiative which is based on the fact that global problem could be solved by global strategy under the auspices of United Nations.
For Serbia, the way out means establishing and reinforcing genuine neutrality, and in raising this commitment to the level of a basic constitutional principle. Serbia should follow the example of neutral Austria and other neutral European states. Respecting own historic experiences and geopolitical position, Serbia should adopt a policy of balanced foreign policy, full openness for win win cooperation on an equal footing, leaving behind practice of unilateral concessions to any specific country or a group of countries. This is certainly possible providing firm and lasting political will. Serbia`s way out is firm orientation to own interests and capacities, to moral, human, scientific, cultural, geopolitical, natural, and economic resources as the precondition for open, partnership cooperation with all other countries and integrations.
Živadin Jovanović
President of the Beglrade Forum for a World of Equals
Ten years since after - The Death of Milosevic and NATO Responsibility
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By Christopher Black
On March 11, 2006, President Slobodan Milosevic died in a NATO prison. No one has been held accountable for his death. In the 10 years since the end of his lonely struggle to defend himself and his country against the false charges invented by the NATO powers, the only country to demand a public inquiry into the circumstances of his death came from Russia when Foreign Minister, Serge Lavrov, stated that Russia did not accept the Hague tribunal’s denial of responsibility and demanded that an impartial and international investigation be conducted. Instead, The NATO tribunal made its own investigation, known as the Parker Report, and as expected, exonerated itself from all blame.
But his death cannot lie unexamined, the many questions unanswered, those responsible unpunished. The world cannot continue to accept the substitution of war and brutality for peace and diplomacy. It cannot continue to tolerate governments that have contempt for peace, for humanity, the sovereignty of nations, the self-determination of peoples, and the rule of law.
WPC appeal against NATO and its Warsaw Summit 2016
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Protest NATO’s 2016 Warsaw Summit!
Build and Expand the WPC Campaign – Yes to Peace! No to NATO!
The 2016 NATO Summit will take place July 8-9 in Warsaw, Poland. It comes as NATO undertakes its “biggest collective reinforcement” of the past 2 decades. The World Peace Council is calling for mobilizations in all countries of the world, to coincide with the Warsaw Summit and to build the ongoing global campaign against NATO – Yes to Peace! No to NATO!
NATO: an enemy of peace and the people
NATO bombing of Yugoslavia 1999
Since its creation in 1949, NATO has been an aggressive military arm of imperialism. It is the largest and most dangerous military organization in the world, deeply interconnected with the foreign and economic policies of both the United States and the European Union.
Since the 1990’s, NATO has expanded its membership and theater of operations. NATO currently has 28 member states across North America and Europe. Another 22 countries are engaged in the Euro Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC). A further 19 countries are partnered with NATO through programs such as the so called “Partnership for Peace”, “Mediterranean Dialogue”, the “Istanbul Cooperation Initiative” or the “Partners across the Globe Initiative”.
NATO bombing of Yugoslavia 1999
This expansion alone reveals NATO’s fundamental purpose: to be a key tool of imperialist domination of the globe.
Over the past 2 decades NATO and its affiliates have attacked Yugoslavia (and its province Kosovo), Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria with the obvious goal of overthrowing these countries’ governments. In most of these cases the government was targeted by NATO because it refused to accept the dictates of US or EU foreign and economic policy. In none of these cases has the goal or result been democracy and peace – the only legacy is death for the people, destruction and displacement-with increased power control of resources and profits for NATO states.
NATO pressures its members to increase their national military budgets, whiole creating austerity for social programs, to further integrate their military, and to provide funding for more arms development, including nuclear weapons. The cooperation and coordination with the EU has been formalized through the various EU treaties and the creation of the EU-army.
In 2014 the United States and the European Union generated the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s government – partly by organizing, arming and equipping neo-Nazi storm troopers – and replaced it with an EU/US client regime, used to politically and economically dominate Ukraine and its strategy against the Russian Federation. In the face of violence and fascism, people of eastern and southern Ukraine took action to protect their lives, cultures and history, communities and interests, with Russian support. NATO used this as a pretext to increase military activities and expand its bases in every country throughout Eastern Europe and the Arctic, right to Russia’s borders. At the same time all EU governments have imposed and maintain economic and political sanctions against the Russian Federation.
NATO’s actions, as the favored military tool of US and EU imperialism, have led to ongoing climate of confrontation between the major nuclear-armed states. Such provocations lead inevitably to escalating tensions and the real threat of a nuclear confrontation and a generalized war that unavpidedly would destroy all civilization across the planet.
NATO bombing of Yugoslavia 1999
For a stronger, expanded campaign:
The World Peace Council has an ongoing campaign – Yes to Peace! No to NATO! – that has produced and supported large conferences, mass popular demonstrations and sustained campaigns in many countries. Through this campaign, the WPC has worked with numerous European and North American peace forces who also oppose NATO’s aggressions and existence. The Yes to Peace! No to NATO! Campaign calls for the dissolution of NATO at a global level, supports the struggle against NATO in each of its member states, and promotes the right of the people in each country to unilaterally withdraw from the NATO military alliance.
The struggle for peace and against war is an integral part and a necessary condition for progress and social justice.
In an effort to build and expand this campaign over the coming period, the World Peace Council commits itself to the following:
1. Working with its affiliate organizations and regional coordinators, the WPC will continue to call, organize and mobilize global days of action demanding the dissolution of NATO. The WPC will work to organize these actions on an annual basis. In an effort to build mass, public demonstrations against NATO, the WPC will reach out to international peace, labor and progressive forces who agree that NATO should be dissolved. The WPC will encourage its affiliate organizations to conduct similar outreach, wherever possible, at the national level.
2. Working with its affiliate organizations the WPC will organize international conferences to expose the operations of NATO to inform the peace loving forces and the broader public of NATO’s actions and of popular efforts to block them and to develop proposals for new and creative means to mobilize actions, especially in the NATO members states, unmasking its imperialist nature, denouncing the responsibility of each member state government and demanding NATO’s dissolution.
3. The WPC will increase its work with its affiliate members in NATO states, to support and encourage their national campaigns against NATO. As part of this, the WPC will continue to promote the right of each people to unilaterally withdraw from NATO, as a concrete act to weaken the military alliance.
4. The WPC will work with its affiliate members to encourage and promote resolutions, calls and actions by those governments to the United Nations and other relevant international bodies calling for the dissolution of NATO. This is a particular focus for affiliate members in countries in the Non Aligned Movement.
5. In order to develop and realize the above proposals, the WPC will make a progress report to each Secretariat, Executive Committee Meeting and each World Peace Assembly.
Global Day of Action against NATO: July 8-9, 2016
In preparation for the Warsaw Summit, the World Peace Council recognizes the increasing global threat represented by NATO – by its increasing belligerence, size and geographic reach without limit. The WPC affirms that it will raise the mobilization in the streets of cities and countries to mobilize the people to struggle against NATO for its total dissolution, by calling for a global mobilization of action against NATO on July 8-9, 2016.
The WPC and its affiliates will urge peace and solidarity movements to organize protests at the Warsaw Summit site. Such a direct presence on the spot is a powerful reminder to all that NATO is the enemy of the peoples of the world and is actively opposed by them and demand:
• The Dissolution of NATO
• The withdrawal of all NATO forces involved in military aggressions
• The dismantling of USA and NATO anti missile system
• The general disarmament and abolition of Nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction
• The respect of the principles of the founding charter of the UN and of the sovereignty and equality of peoples and states
It is also critical to mobilize in each country, with multifaceted actions and protests, conferences and educational events, printed and digital materials. This is particularly important in countries who are members of NATO, where the WPC is underlining also the role of those governments who support and endorse all NATO plans and actions.
Please inform the WPC as soon as possible of events in your country or region, and forward copies of promotional material.
On July 8-9, the peoples of the world say
Yes to Peace! No to NATO!
Donald Trump: It was a great mistake to bomb the Serbs who were our allies in both world wars
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Donald Trump with Larry King on the occasion of the anniversary of the bombing of Serbia criticized Bill Clinton and criminal attack on Serbs, the ally of America in both wars.
- The Clintons have made a mess in the Balkans and Kosovo. Look what we did to Serbia in an aerial bombardment from a safe height. Those same Serbs rescued American pilots in World War II.
It is a mistake that we bombed a nation that has been our ally in two world wars. Clintons believe that was a success, and I find it shameful.
I extend an apology to all the Serbs for the error of American policy, primarily Clinton's. We need allies in fight against Islamic terrorism who have combat experience fighting this evil - and that in Europe are the Russians and the Serbs.
If I become the head of America the foreign policy will change the course that has until now often been wrong.
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Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade, March 6th, 2016.
Chairman of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
True partnership
A few days ago I have returned from China where I participated at the International think tank conference on the Initiative New Silk Road of the 21st Century, held in Chinese Municipality of Shenzhen. This Initiative was inaugurated by Chinese President Si Djinping in 2013.
There were 80 think tank participants from about 50 countries of Europe, Asia, Middle East and South America. High representatives of the government agencies of a number of countries, such as high ranking diplomats, were also present (from Izrael, Iran, Belorussia, Kirgizistan, Afganistan, Kazahastan). Among prominent politicians who participated were Alfred Guzenbauer, former Chancellor of Austria, Roza Otunbayeva, former President of Kirgizistan and others.
Hosts and organizers were Chinese Center for Contemporary World Studies (CCCWS), Government of the Municipality of Shenzhen and Fudan University of Shanghai. International Association of the New Silk Road was established and the Shenzhen Declaration, launched.
Foreign guests visited also Beijing, Chongqing and the district of Dazu, Sichuan Province. In Shenzhen (seat of mobile telephone production, 13 millions of inhabitants, adjusting to Hong Kong) welcome to foreign participants was accorded by top local Government leaders and high politicians and scientists from Beijing. Chongqing, with 33 million inhabitants on the Yangze River, I learned is the largest city in China, producing 3 millions of cars and 55 millions of lap-top computers, yearly. It plays one of the key roles in connecting Central China regions eastward to the Pacific and South East Asia and westward to Central Asia, Volgograd region in Russia and Central Europe. This particular Connectivity Chongqing – Volgograd was promoted by presidents of China and Russia - Si Djinping and Vladimir Putin.
Silk Road is multidimensional global project aimed at modernizing and expanding fiscal connectivity between China, Asia, Africa and the whole of Europe, economic development of the vast belt along the New Silk Road, but at the same time, reinforcing cultural cooperation, understanding and mutual trust among nations and civilizations. It presupposes construction and modernization of modern roads, railways, air connections, energy, food and industry production, modernization of Sea transport facilities and communication, in general. It requires investment of about 900.000 billion US dollars from Chinese sources. EU is expected to provide additional 315 billion of US dollars in order to be able to fully benefit from the Initiative. So far, according to available information, EU could secure only 60 billion approaching China for the rest.
US seem to be unwilling so far to join or support the Chinese New Silk Road Initiative. US has not joined Asian (Chinese) bank for infrastructure development in spite of the fact that their closest European allies, including Great Britain, have joined this Bank which already attracted about 60 member countries. Instead, USA seem trying to get together all Asian and Pacific Ocean countries which supposedly have any reservation, or issue in dispute, toward/with China, to form an alternative integration counterbalancing if not obstructing Chinese Initiative. Not being pleased with EU joining Chinese Initiative and Asian Bank for Infrastructure, Washington apparently steps up pleasures on Brussels to approve TTIP and let it coming into force, as soon as possible. Kind of “dead race”, for some countries economic for the others geopolitical one, is going on not only among adversaries, but among some traditional allies, too.
Chinese investment and construction of the bridge Belgrade-Borca
Apart from EU, which has primarily economic interests to join the Initiative, the Group “China plus 16” has been established three years ago to cater for the interests of Central and South East European countries within the Initiative. For various infrastructural projects of this particular Group, for the time being, China has provided 10 billion US dollars. Serbia has been promised 1,5 billion which makes her rather high ranking partner. Part of that sum has already been engaged in construction of two very important bridges - one over Danube and the other over Sava River, with the rest reserved for modernization of the Belgrade – Budapest railway. It is only the beginning of modernization of the European corridor No. 10, connecting ports of Piraeus and Thessaloniki, in Greece, with the Central and Northern Europe. China is also engaged in construction of Belgrade – Bar highway (Montenegro, Adriatic), thermo-electric project Obrenovac II, while negotiations are under way about construction of free zone Industrial Park, first of that kind in this part of Europe. In all Serb-Chinese joint projects special consideration is given to compliance with the highest EU standards of environment protection.
Some participants in the discussion at the Shenzhen Conference have underlined the importance of connecting “Three Seas” - Adriatic, Black and Baltic relating top it the Danube River water way which should be improved.
Chinese investment and construction of the bridge Belgrade-Borca
The Initiative of the New Silk Road, (a.k.a.“Belt and Road”) is only fourth year of age. Yet, it has already embraced 75 free zones and Industrial parks in 35 countries along the Belt. They employed about 950.000 persons and provided the tax revenue of over 100 billion of US dollars to the participating countries. New highways, railways, ports and bridges – in addition. Isn’t that promising start of New Silk Road Initiative, notwithstanding hardships in the global world economy.
ADDRESS of Zivadin Jovanovic at the Think Tank International conference
Press Conferences |
Shenzhen, February 23rd, 2016.
Zivadin Jovanovic, President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
at the Think Tank International conference on “Belt and Road” Initiative, held on February 23rd, 2016, in Shenzhen, China
Honorable Mr. Chairman,
Dear Organizers and Hosts of the Conference,
Dear Colleges and Friends,
It is great honor for me to convey to all of you the warmest greetings and the best wishes for success of this important Conference from the members and friends of the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals, an independent association of scholars and intellectuals established in the year 2000. I would like to sincerely congratulate our hosts - Chinese Center for Contemporary World Studies, Shenzhen Municipal Government and Fudan University for founding Silk Road Think Tank Association, for adoption of Shenzhen Declaration and for starting organized global dialogue on multidimensional project of 21st century - “Belt and Road”.
Municipality of Shenzhen symbolizes development of Peoples Republic of China as modern, open and most prosperous country in the contemporary world. Openness and highly developed connectivity of Shenzhen in trade and industry, communication, innovation, culture, tourism, sports and many other fields, is unique example which will inspire all our future efforts.
The framework for continuous cooperation, exchange of ideas and proposals among think tank organizations of “Silk Road” of 21st century is established. Now we need to keep providing the substance to fill in this framework. Connecting business to business, professionals to professionals, students to students, artists to artists, journalists to journalists, scientist to scientists and families to families is continuous common challenge.
Connectivity is a very vast area, almost without borders. The more we succeed the more fields and needs for reinforcing connectivity will be opened. Speaking about physical connectivity, I should like to mention that Serbia and China as steady and reliable partners are engaged in construction and modernization of European strategic corridor 10, in modernization of other road and railway connections, construction of bridges and thermo-electric centrals. Free zone industrial park, as joint Serb-Chinese venture is in advanced consideration. Tripartite Serbian-Hungarian-Chinese agreement has been reached on the modernization of the railway Belgrade – Budapest. This will facilitate connectivity between Mediterranean Region and Central Europe, as well as, the project of “Three seas” (Adriatic, Black and Baltic Sea).
As for people to people connectivity, in my opinion, particular attention should be devoted to connectivity to four areas. Those are: culture, education, media and youth. In all those fields there is need for short and medium term cooperation programs. Culture, practically, commands with unlimited potentials for spreading and reinforcing understanding, respect and mutual trust among peoples. It is equally encouraging and inspiring that China has decided to build Chinese Cultural Center in Belgrade. I do hope that my country, Serbia will reciprocate by opening own cultural center in Beijing, as soon as her resources permit.
Connecting youth leaders of the countries along the “Belt and Road”, attracting and involving them is, equally, logic and needed. The Project concerns their own future and own prosperity. On the other side, long term character of the Project needs continuity of the efforts, always new bridges to the future. Who needs them more than the Youth? Young educated people should be encouraged to accept implementation of the “Belt and Road” as benefiting employment, socio-economic development and quality of life – objectives which all the countries of the “Belt and Road” region strive to achieve. This approach, in medium and long term perspectives, may also protect great many young people from becoming victims of various kinds of extremism and massive migrations.
Regional, or sub regional “Belt and Road” Youth forums, seminars, workshops, or festivals may also be considered as viable forms of enhancing the interest and inclusion of young people. If there is consensus, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals is prepared to host first Regional 1+16 Young Leaders “Belt and Road” Forum, at the time to be agreed upon.
The theme of “Belt and Road” should be, in appropriate way, present in various levels of education. As governments have the interest of taking part in the implementation of this Project, political will and forms should not be a problem. In parallel, we should see how to improve cooperation and connectivity between academies of science and universities on all levels – researchers, professors, planners and students associations. Scholarships for studying Chinese and other languages along the “Belt and Road” should be priority.
Occasional debates in academic institutions may prove to be starting point in widening the interest and inclusion of students, postgraduates, PhD candidates in studying various aspects of the “Belt and Road” initiative. How to encourage postgraduate studies, masters and PhD’s theses on “Belt and Road” subject - is a question to give some thoughts.
How to encourage media for massive communication, especially TV networks and news agencies to pay continues attention to the Project? Connectivity among journalists’ associations, news agencies, especially, official ones, could help upgrading public attention to “Belt and Road” initiative. Would a kind of pool of news agencies be an idea to give consideration?
Contributing to socio-economic, cultural development, mutual trust among nations the “Belt and Road” Initiative will help alleviating development gap, creating new employment opportunities for youth and upgrading quality of lives making our societies more prosperous and humane.
Certain forms and fields of connectivity could be further considered within the framework of group of China and 16 central and southeastern European countries known as 1+16. This may give a space for flexibility and specific needs of the region. The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals considers appropriate to initiate meetings of “Think tank” of China+16, as a branch of International Association which was established on February 23rd in Shenzhen. This would contribute to the flexibility, accommodation and efficiency of our joint efforts in the course of implementation of Shenzhen Declaration.
Dear Friends,
In closing, let me say that Serbia and China enjoy long tradition of friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation. This makes me very happy, the more so, that I had a privilege to be modestly involved in the development of relations between our two countries in the past. Therefore, our relations are neither of recent times, nor for the immediate period. Since long, the two countries have adopted strategic, long term approach based on principles, mutual trust and benefits. They cooperate intensively and openly in the implementation of the “The belt and Road”. Remarkable results have been already achieved. This trend of steady progress of our relations has been reinforced during the visit of Chinese Prime-minister Li Kechang to Serbia in 2014, when Serbia hosted Third 1+16 Summit. Last year Serbian Prime-minister Aleksandar Vucic paid a return visit to China.
We believe and work steadily for further strengthening of Serbian-Chinese friendly relations and mutual beneficial cooperation. “Belt and Road” project offers great, unprecedented opportunity for this.
Thank you.
Shenzhen Declaration
Press Conferences |
Silk Road Think Tank Association
Feb 23rd, 2016 Shenzhen, China
Lunching of Shenzhen Deklaration
We, about 80 representatives of around 70 think tanks from more than 50 countries, on February 22nd and 23rd, 2016, in Shenzhen, an important city for the “Belt and Road”, participated in the first Silk Road Dialogue jointly hosted by China Center for Contemporary World Studies, Shenzhen Municipal Government and Fudan University, and founded Silk Road Think Tank Association.
We hold the opinion that the ancient Silk Road promoted trade and cultural exchanges among Eurasian civilizations, giving birth to the Silk Road Spirit characterized by peaceful cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win interaction. The Silk Road Spirit is renewed in the new era in the “Belt and Road” Initiative put forward by China. The endeavor also explores new possibilities of the concept of win-win cooperation.
We believe that the “Belt and Road” Initiative is committed to imparting new vigor into the time-honored Silk Road, bringing countries closer and pushing mutually-beneficial cooperation to new heights. Keeping in mind the trends in global economy and catering to the shared expectations of the world community, the “Belt and Road” Initiative will contribute to a balanced and sustainable development of world economy.
We believe that smoother connectivity is the foundation for the “Belt and Road” Initiative. Better connectivity in infrastructure like transport, energy and telecommunication will boost trade and cultural exchanges along the “Belt and Road”, injecting new energy into regional and global socio-economic development.
We believe that the synergy of development strategies is a critical step for the “Belt and Road” Initiative. It is imperative for countries to build multilevel mechanisms for policy communication, explore and expand the convergence of interests for different parties, make and implement cooperation plans together, and timely address the risks and challenges in cooperation.
We believe that embracing the concept of common and sustainable development is the inherent requisite for the “Belt and Road” Initiative. In order to achieve multiple, independent, balanced and sustainable development, the “Belt and Road” Initiative lays emphasis on the concept of green and low-carbon development, gives sufficient consideration to environmental protection, calls for innovation in technology, systems and management so as to explore new horizons for development.
We believe that the “Belt and Road” Initiative entails the vision and dedication of politicians, the active participation of enterprises, media, social organizations, etc, with think tanks playing an important role. The founding of Silk Road Think Tank Association has provided an important platform for think tanks to offer advice on governance and socio-cultural exchanges.
We propose that within the framework of Silk Road Think Tank Association, think tanks conduct discussions and research on the “Belt and Road” Initiative, providing consultation and making proposals to governments on coordination of development strategies and policies and on building mutual trust.
We propose that within the framework of Silk Road Think Tank Association, the participating think tanks boost cultural exchanges, improve the understanding of the “Belt and Road” Initiative while increasing mutual understanding and among peoples of partner countries along the “Belt and Road”, so as to contribute to further strengthening of the relations between peoples and the enhancement of public support.
We hope that the Silk Road Dialogue will follow the principle of being flexible and open, develop into a vehicle for sharing information, exchanging ideas and pooling wisdom, so as to provide intellectual support and social foundation for the “Belt and Road” Initiative.
Contributing to socio-economic, cultural development, mutual trust among nations the “Belt and Road” Initiative will help alleviating development gap, creating new employment opportunities for youth and upgrading quality of lives making our societies prosperous and humane.
We attach high importance to people`s diplomacy bringing closer associations to associations, professionals to professionals, students to students, artists to artists, journalists to journalists, scientist to scientists, families to families.
Let’s work together to contribute ideas and policy advice for the “Belt and Road” Initiative, for the well-being of the people along the “Belt and Road”, for the mutual benefits and common development of participating countries for peace, dignity and mutual benefit of all.
Operation Barbarossa 2: American Occupation of Europe Intensifies
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Christopher Black
On February 1 the New York Times ran a front page story by two of their journalists confirming the intentions of the United States to increase its occupation of and military presence in Europe particularly the east. Under the title “U.S. Fortifying Europe’s East to Deter Putin” the story sets out just one in a continuing series of acts of aggression against Russia. At the same time as the Americans announced this action they pretended to negotiate with Russia in Geneva about a solution to the American and allied aggression against Syria.
Of course, the story begins with the lie in the headline of a need to “deter Putin.” It then continues with the standard set of lies and propaganda about world events that we always get from the government of that country. No one outside the United States can read these things without laughing or crying, but of course they are intended to justify the criminal actions of the American government and ruling elite to the people who have to pay for the criminal wars they conduct, that is, to justify the unjustifiable, to the citizens of the United States.
There is no need to enter once again into the real history of events in Ukraine, Syria, Europe, Asia, Africa and all the places in the world where American and European meddling have wreaked havoc and loosed Chaos with the dogs of war. The history is well known by those who are interested. But there is a need to comprehend the meaning of what the United States is doing by announcing that it will increase its military budget for eastern Europe by 400%, from a current budget of $789 million to $3.4 billion in 2017. Since the Russians are not the threat in the region, but the United States and NATO are, the placement of military hardware to support a full armoured combat brigade in the region, and right on top of Russia’s borders can have only one other purpose, aggression.
Once can even argue that the pattern of moving equipment and forces continually nearer to Russia’s border, the continuous military exercises and their increasing control of the governments of the east European states in lockstep with this military build up, looks far too much like Nazi Germany’s build of forces prior to Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. History never repeats itself exactly, we have learned that much. But the overall pattern is very similar and the objectives and motivations remain the same.
The story also quoted American officials as stating that the equipment could be used in Syria, another threat to Russia. But the main threat is against Russia itself. Indeed the writers stated,
“Still, there is no doubt the primary target of the funding is Russia.”
The Times admits that the 1997 agreement known as the NATO-Russia Founding Act stipulates that neither side can place forces along their respective borders and admits that the deployment of American and NATO troops along Russia’s borders is a clear violation of the agreement. But, being the weasels that they are, they always state that wrong is right and so they simply deny they are in violation of the agreement or excuse it based on ”Russia’s incursion” into Crimea. This makes no sense of course since the United States took over Ukraine as its protectorate in the coup in 2014. Its forces have been there ever since and it has been in violation of the agreement from the day it was signed as NATO occupied, one by one, the countries formerly protected from NATO by the Soviet Union. The agreement means nothing to them. They just shrug their shoulders if it is mentioned and chew their gum.
Since the build-up of American forces in Europe is explicitly directed at Russia and since a few months ago an American general stated that they expected Russia to engage in “hybrid warfare” in the Baltic states and regard this as a “certainty” for which NATO has to prepare, an objective observer must ask whether the US itself intends to stage a series of provocations in the Baltic and blame them on Russia.
The Americans, British and Turks have created a series of provocations in the past weeks, accusing Russia of killing civilians in Syria, of violating Turkish, therefore NATO airspace, of murdering Russians abroad on the personal orders of President Putin, and as with other leaders they have attacked and murdered in the past, now accuse President Putin of corruption, a charge they levelled at President Milosevic when he was attacked and then finally arrested in Serbia.
This writer had the opportunity of meeting with Serbian officials who were in charge of the case against Milosevic at that time and I asked them if the corruption charges were true. They told me that they were completely false but that the Americans pushed them to charge Milosevic in order to undermine support for him in Serbia and as an excuse to hold him until they could kidnap him and take him in chains to their NATO tribunal in The Hague. They further told me that the Americans had threatened to bomb them again if they refused to cooperate.
The accusations made against President Putin are in line with this strategy of setting him up to be labelled in the west as a criminal with whom negotiations are impossible and therefore, setting the stage for sowing confusion amongst the Russian people about their own leaders, and undermining support for their government. But this is only one purpose and since the Russian people are very aware of how the game works, it is unlikely that this campaign of defamation against President Putin will have any success inside Russia. So, the primary objective is to demonise him in the eyes of the western public in order to justify further aggression against Russia and since these stories receive saturation coverage in the west, the NATO propagandists are succeeding.
It took nearly ten years for Operation Barbarossa to be set up and put into effect, from the time that Hitler was made Chancellor of Germany and began to discuss with the British and French his intentions of attacking the Soviet Union. The British and French were very content for the Nazis to do that and there is no doubt that the primary objective of Hitler was always the crushing of Russia. That the attack failed is one of the reasons the NATO leaders snubbed the Moscow Victory Parade last summer since they now identify themselves with the objectives of the defeated Nazi regime.
Some doubt that the NATO powers will actually attack Russia and risk a world war and point out that the forces being placed in eastern Europe are too weak to mount any attack. But they miss the point, which is that the build up is steady, and it is increasing, along with the propaganda and increased economic warfare. The Americans are really prepositioning resources, stores, equipment and headquarters and logistics bases that can be rapidly used to build up NATO forces at the right moment. The question is when that moment will be.
Unless the European powers can escape the American pressure and become independent states once again and unless a new regime dedicated to peace arises in the United States, neither of which look likely for the foreseeable future, it rests with us, the citizens of the world to get off our chairs and get on the streets and demand that these preparations for world war be stopped. For, unless that happens, the march to war by the Americans and their NATO lieutenants appears to be inexorable.
Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, he is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and he is known for a number of high-profile cases involving human rights and war crimes, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
NYT': The Pentagon's Top Threat? Russia
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From: Sharon in StPetersburg
February 5, 2016
Dear Friends,
I've vowed to look for the positive side of international news these days with the ever-present belief that
"It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness."
Walking down the runway to board the Finnair plane at JFK airport, I was pleased to see that Finnair still provides a table of newspapers before entering the plane — a treat that few other airlines offer these days. I picked up the 3 February 2016 edition of the New York Times.
Seated and finally able to catch up on the news, I flipped through the NYT to the Op-Ed page on A22. The enviable upper-left-corner's lead headline shocked me: it read The Pentagon's Top Threat? Russia .... And continued on to say that, "The Pentagon has put Russia at the top of its list of national security threats to the U.S. and as a result it planned to increase the deployment of heavy weapons, armored vehicles and troops on rotating assignments to NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
In a speech on Tuesday, Secretary of Defense Aston Carter listed a hierarchy of threats to the United States, which included Russia, China and North Korea. He proposed to quadruple US military spending in Europe in from $789 million in 2016 to $3.4 billion in 2017 in order to provide adequate protection from Russia. The article went on and on and on.
What Ash Carter failed to say is that Russia's recent military build-up occurred only after and because of the decisions of a few powerful people on the other side of the Atlantic to drive NATO up to Russia's borders. There was little consideration to the many possible consequences. The recent episode of leading Ukraine to believe that they could seamlessly and quickly join the European Union and NATO while neglecting to give proper consideration to the continuing threat moving closer and closer to Russia's borders.
The NYT writes as though there are battalions of Russian troops stationed in Ukraine - which there are not (and never has been). It is widely understood that there have been "volunteer" ethnic Russians there who have joined the fighting. These are volunteers (as stressed by OSCE) whose families live or have come from Eastern Ukraine. They feel strongly that the whole of Ukraine should not be dominated by Western Ukraine's philosophy (a complicated world view which was aligned with Hitler in WWII).
Ash Carter does not fail to bring up the annexation of Crimea––forgetting that his compatriots set the international precedent for such changes in Kosovo. Also overlooked is that Russia's recent military buildup has been defensive in the face of clearly threatening offensive moves on the part of thin slice of self-serving and disingenuous western policy makers.
Upon landing at the new streamlined Pulkova Airport, it was a delight to find far less bureaucracy than in the past––no evidence of guards, just a normal airport where people go in and out according to normal security, customs and immigration processing––not unlike San Francisco Airport.
I routinely read Russian, Canadian, German, Scandinavian, Indian and American articles from a wide variety of international news services. It is quite evident that US news carries far more fear-generating reporting than the rest of the world media, and these antiquated and transparent attempts at manipulation are no longer effective in the information age.
Any inquiring reader can easily find that increasing numbers of European high officials are now lobbying for the sanctions to be lifted against Russia and a return to normalized relations in order to prevent their own economies from further stagnating. The sanctions are hurting western European countries more than the Russians who are beginning to manufacture products formerly bought from Europe and abroad––which could lead to Europe permanently losing their markets in Russia. Many European countries are openly challenging recent US led initiatives against Russia as being solely in the best interest of the United States and not in the best interest of the alliance or world-wide well-being.
Yet fear-based reporting such as the above mentioned New York Times piece continues to show up.
Retrieving our luggage and exiting the airport, we soon found ourselves at a 5 pm meeting at the St Petersburg Entrepreneurs Union. The meeting was already in full swing upon our arrival––about 40 or 50 of CCI's alumni from our US business training programs were gathered. It was wonderful to be in this room with these successful members of St.Petersburg's vibrant and still strong economy. I spoke for a few minutes about different types of projects that CCI hopes to initiate in 2016-2017. Our alumni response was terrific. They unanimously want to keep their connection with their American friends and citizen diplomats. They are interested in all types of exchanges with Americans–– business-to-business, professionals-to-professionals, Rotary-to-Rotary, students-to-students, and family-to-family.
One PEP Fellow excitedly reported, "I want to invite Americans to my home here in St. Petersburg––it's past time for me to pay back the generosity they showed me while on the PEP program." Around the crowded room other CCI alums were adding their assurances that they would host American citizens in their homes. Today at a wonderful little restaurant owned by a PEP Fellow, Igor Zyablitsev, he unexpectedly offered that he would like to host one American — after sharing that he and his wife have three children at home.
Of course all Russians want to normalize trade conditions and be rid of the sanctions. But I have to say, they are taking it mildly compared to what we in America would be doing if in their shoes. If our dollar had lost over 30% of its purchasing power due to being sanctioned by another country, how would Washington react? At the same time Russians philosophically understand that sanctions are forcing them to develop products within their own country which were needed all along. The local grocery store and the huge open farmers market where I purchase food on a daily basis are loaded with fruits, vegetables, fresh Russian cheeses, with a line of several women selling vats of freshly-caught fish (one or two with gills still heaving). It was obvious to me that much of the produce had been shipped into this northern city from non-western countries, (since western-affiliated countries are forbidden to trade with Russia). In any case, Russians are not starving and won't be. Poorly justified and Ill-conceived sanctions are causing more long-term harm among the nations of western Europe than anything else.
Driving into St Petersburg (as is the case with Ekaterinburg, Perm, Chelyabinsk out in mid-Russia), the same distribution of Western automobiles is seen everywhere. New apartment complexes are springing up. In the past fifteen years since the first Putin presidency began, this country has achieved a miraculous level of solid economic and social development.
We were invited to dinner at Mikhail and Irina Nazarov's home one evening. They live in a former Soviet communal flat built in 1911. Mikhail was born and lived in one room of this flat until the 1990s when he took the initiative to begin purchasing the other rooms. We sat in a kitchen that had been the communal kitchen with small tables and chairs for each family and two stoves on which the five families cooked. Mikhail eventually purchased all of the other rooms and now has the flat for his family of four.
Daughter Dasha has just returned from 2.5 months in America where she attended high school, lived as an American teenager, went to church and developed friendships. She spoke of how difficult it was to leave her new American friends. She was delighted with her host families––everything she saw and heard while in the U.S. was interesting to her. "The notion of war making never entered the discussions we held around the kitchen table,. Do Russians not get as much information regarding international conflicts in their mainstream media as we do––or do they not take it as seriously as some of us do?
Friends if we could just deposit our kids in Russian homes for a month, and if their youth could stay visit our homes for a month, there wouldn't be anything such as the new Cold War or quadrupling weapon systems for fear of war between our two peoples. How about we consider what each of us can do to achieve this???
If you would like to consider taking a Russian student into your home for a month this summer, show them your local culture, introduce them to friends their ages, get speaking opportunities for them, please let us know!
Already it is time to move on to another day of keeping eyes on the ground in Russia to understand the truth of what is really happening in this important and vibrant country. We will visit Moscow next, and then Volgograd with the expectation to come to agreements with CCI entrepreneurs and Rotarians who wish to undertake joint projects in the coming months and years.
More to follow,
All the best, Sharon
La migration des peuples est la conséquence de la voracité de l’interventionnisme
Books |
Zivadin Jovanovic
Le forum de Belgrade comptabilise 16 années d’activités investies dans la promotion du pacifisme et de la coopération, de l’égalité des individus, nations et états. Durant ces années, le forum a publié presque 200 livres, organisé de nombreuses conférences nationales et internationales, participé dans de multiples rassemblements internationaux, et pris part dans les efforts de consolidation de la paix à travers le monde.
Nous entretenons un contact et une coopération avec un nombre important d’organisations aux buts similaires, dans le pays et à l’étranger, à la fois bilatéralement ainsi qu’au sein du Conseil Mondial de la Paix.
De récentes conférences internationales consacrées au 100e anniversaire de la Première Guerre mondiale et au 40e anniversaire de la fondation de l’OSCE, organisées par le Forum avec des associations partenaires de Russie, rassemblèrent intellectuels, diplomates et autres éminents experts de Serbie, de la région ainsi que de près de 40 pays, illustrant ainsi l’éventail de contacts et la réputation du forum.
Ce sont quelques uns des points forts présentés à l’assemblée annuelle de cette organisation indépendante et impartiale, tenue dans la galerie « Progrès » de Belgrade et à laquelle ont participé de nombreux membres, amis et représentants d’autres associations, des institutions scientifiques et culturelles ainsi que le corps diplomatique.
Le Forum a été considéré comme un lieu avéré de rassemblement d’intellectuels indépendants et ouverts d’esprit ainsi que de chercheurs engagés dans le dialogue sur les plus importantes questions nationales, régionales, européennes et mondiales comme : le développement en période de crise, la politique de neutralité active, l’interventionnisme mondial, le contexte du révisionnisme historique ou encore le terrorisme international.
Le forum se bat pour le respect du droit international basé sur la charte des Nations unies et le renforcement du rôle de celles-ci, dont les Etats membres, égaux, incarnent la seule communauté internationale légitime. En accord avec cela, le Forum soutient que les accords de Dayton sur la paix en Bosnie et Herzégovine ainsi que la résolution 1244 du Conseil de sécurité sur le Kosovo et sur Metohija étant de nature permanente, fait partie intégrante du droit international.
Les moyens de persuasion et de manipulation utilisés par les pouvoirs étrangers vont bon train, visant à soit les réviser tous les deux, soit pousser la Serbie à les abandonner avec en retour la promesse de l’accélération de sa procédure l’adhésion à l’UE. Selon l’opinion du Forum, cela pose un risque de nouvelle déstabilisation dans la région et c’est inacceptable.
Le Forum a réalisé et publié de nombreux résultats significatifs. Ses publications sont devenues des références pour de nombreux chercheurs, analystes et scientifiques intéressés par les faits et les études non faussées de problématiques essentielles régionales et globales partout dans le monde. Il est particulièrement encourageant de voir grandir l’intérêt pour les éditions du Forum parmi les jeunes chercheurs d’Europe, d’Asie et des Amériques. Le livre intitulé « La Serbie dans la grande guerre de 1914-1918 » rédigé par le Professeur Mira Radojevic et l’académicien Ljubodrag Dimic, a été publié communément par le Forum de Belgrade et l’Association littéraire serbe en serbe, russe, anglais et en allemand.
Ce livre scientifique populaire a été promu à travers la région, en Europe, Asie, Amérique et Australie, suscitant un intérêt important parmi les scientifiques et le public de manière large.
La grande partie des publications du Forum est dédiée au problème de statut de la province du Kosovo et de Metohija, aux buts et conséquences de l’agression de l’OTAN contre la Serbie ainsi que sur la séparation de la Yougoslavie. Le dernier livre du prof. Radovan, ancien général, intitulé « Le caractère des Guerres séparant la Yougoslavie », récemment publié et présenté dans cette rencontre annuelle, révèle l’orientation thématique et l’amplitude analytique du Forum et de ses membres. Le livre fut présenté par le Dr. Stanislav Stojanovic, éditeur du livre et auteur de l’avant-propos.
Le terrorisme international est une menace globale de longue date qui ne pourra être éradiquée par la seule répression militaire, mais plutôt en ayant recours à une stratégie globale coordonnée sous l’auspice du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies. Une telle stratégie devrait comprendre des mesures conduisant rapidement au développement économique, social, éducatif et culturel des régions ou l’extrémisme et le terrorisme tiennent leurs origines. Un nouveau support fut accordé à l’initiative soutenant la tenue d’un sommet mondial en vue de préparer et d’adopter une convention internationale sur la lutte contre le terrorisme sous les auspices de l’ONU. A ce stade, il est essentiel de juguler tous les canaux de financement, d’armement, d’infiltration et d’entrainement des terroristes.
Le problème des réfugiés et de l’immigration économique de masse est le résultat de politiques d’exploitation prolongées et d’interventionnisme global contre les pays en développement, qui ont ouvert la voie au gouffre béant entre les parties riches et pauvres du monde.
En substance, l’égoïsme, la voracité et le racisme exercé par les multinationales a mené à l’essor de tous les types d’extrémisme, terrorisme et de migrations massives de peuples. Pire encore, certaines riches puissances détournent le terrorisme dans le but d’étendre leurs propres intérêts géographiques, stimulant ainsi l’actuelle montée du terrorisme ainsi que ses effets boomerang.
Les crises des réfugiés et des migrants évoluent vers un processus durable et propre à la civilisation moderne. Il est illusoire que cette crise puisse être résolue en employant des moyens palliatifs, technocratiques ou des méthodes issues de la Guerre Froide comme l’érection de murs, le déploiement de l’armée et de la police aux frontières, l’instauration d’un système de quotas séparant les immigrants en désirables et indésirables, l’établissement de centres collectifs colossaux, de faire appel aux règles de réadmission, etc.
Certains pays européens se comportent comme s’ils souhaitaient que les Balkans d’aujourd’hui fonctionnent en tant que barrière ou sanctuaire pour les migrants afin de permettre à ces pays de continuer de profiter des bénéfices de l’accumulation des richesses. Malheureusement, ceci n’est actuellement plus viable. Ce sont les changements fondamentaux, dans le long terme, des approches globales des Etats les plus responsables qui sont nécessaires : abandonner la politique d’expansion militaire et d’interventionnisme global, cette habitude de renverser violement les gouvernements légitimes des pays poursuivant des intérêts indépendants.
Il devrait être clairement déclaré que les guerres, instiguées par les pays occidentaux et l’OTAN, ainsi que les ravages et les doutes, sont les forces clés poussant des millions de gens sans espoir à immigrer. Ce n’est pas une question de fainéantise ces personnes ni le souhait d’une vie facile. Le rapport et les participants à la discussion ont souligné que la Serbie devrait prendre une position plus résolue concernant la persécution des Serbes du Kosovo et de Metohija ainsi que concernant la déchéance des droits civiques des habitants de parties de la Serbie demeurant dans l’ancienne république Yougoslave, spécifiquement ceux vivant en Croatie et au Montenegro. Egalement réaffirmée fut l’initiative du Forum d’établir un appareil consultatif afin que les Serbes de ces régions puissent y adresser leurs problèmes, mais également pour surveiller l’Etat du respect de leurs droits fondamentaux en accord avec les standards internationaux.
Le rassemblement a également exprimé une solidarité unanime avec Oliver Ivanovic et toutes les autres victimes de ces politiques, de la persécution politique et des politiques de deux poids, deux mesures très répandues dans les institutions européennes.
Les intérêts de la Serbie en tant qu’Etat et nation et la dignité du peuple serbe devraient avoir priorité sur toutes les autres valeurs et calculs à court terme.
Source originale : BEOFORUM
Traduit de l’anglais par OM pour Investig’Action
Translation par Gregoire Lalieu
Source :
Migration of peoples is the consequence of voracity and interventionism
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The Belgrade Forum has accrued 16 years of activities invested in promoting the idea of peace and cooperation, equality of individuals, nations and states. Over these years, the Forum has published almost 200 books, organized numerous international and national conferences, participated in various international gatherings, and took part in peace building activities across the world. We maintain contacts and cooperation with a significant number of similarly oriented organizations, in the country and abroad, both bilaterally and within the World Peace Council. Recent international conferences dedicated to the marking of the 100th anniversary of the First World War and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the OSCE, organized by the Forum with partner associations from Russia, brought together intellectuals, diplomats and other prominent experts from Serbia, the region and from about 40 countries, thus illustrating the range of contacts and the reputation of the Forum.
These are some of the highlights presented at the annual assembly of this independent, non-partisan association, held in the Belgrade`s “Progress” Gallery, attended by a large number of members, friends, and representatives of other associations, scientific and cultural institutions, and the diplomatic corps.
The Forum was appraised as an established meeting place of the independent and open-minded thinkers and researchers engaged in the dialogue on the most important national, regional, European and global issues, such as: development in the period of crisis, policy of active neutrality, global interventionism, the background of rewriting the history, international terrorism. The Forum stands for the respect for the system of the international law based on the UN Charter, and the strengthening of the role of the United Nations, whose Member States, as equals, embody the only legitimate international community. In accordance with this, the Forum holds that the Dayton Accords on peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and UN SC Resolution 1244 on Kosovo and Metohija, being of a permanent nature, make an integral part of the international law. The pressures and manipulation used by foreign power canters, aiming at either, revising both of them, or making Serbia abandon them in return for the promise of a faster pace towards EU membership, in the view of the Forum, pose a threat of renewed destabilization in the region, and are unacceptable.
The Forum has achieved significant publishing result. Its publications have evolved into references for numerous researchers, analysts, and scientist all over the world who are interested in facts and undistorted evaluations of vital regional and global issues. It is especially encouraging to see the growing interest for the Forum’s editions among the young researchers from Europe, Asia and Americas. The book titled “Serbia in the Great War 1914-1918”, prepared by Prof. Mira Radojević and Academician Ljubodrag Dimić, was published jointly by the Belgrade Forum and the Serbian Literary Association, in Serbian, Russian, English and German languages. This scientific-popular book has been promoted throughout the region, Europe, Asia, America and Australia, arousing significant interest among the scientist and the general public.
The majority of the Forum’s publications are dedicated to the problem of status of the province of Kosovo and Metohija, to the goals and consequences of NATO aggression against Serbia (the FRY), and the breaking up of Yugoslavia. The latest book of Prof. Radovan Radinović, retired General, titled “The Character of Wars Breaking Up Yugoslavia”, recently published and presented in this Annual Meeting, reveals the thematic orientation and analytical ranges of the Forum and its members. The book was presented by Dr. Stanislav Stojanović, as its editor and the author of the Foreword.
International terrorism is a long-standing, global threat, one that may not be eradicated by applying military and repressive measures only, but rather by resorting to a coordinated global strategy under the auspices of the UN Security Council. Such strategy should comprise measures conducive to an accelerated economic, social, educational and cultural development of the regions of the origin of extremism and terrorism. A renewed support was given to the initiative for holding a world summit to prepare and adopt an international convention on combating terrorism, under UN auspices. At this stage, it is essential to cut all channels of funding, arming, infiltrating and training of the terrorists.
The problem of refugees and mass economic migrations is the result of sustained policies of exploitation and global interventionism against the developing countries, which paved the way for a gaping social and economic chasm between the rich and poor parts of the world. In essence, the egotism, voracity and racism exercised by the multinational corporations led to the rise of all kind of extremism, terrorism, and mass migrations of people. Still worse, certain wealthy powers are misusing terrorism for the purpose of expanding their own geostrategic interests, thus stimulating the actual dissemination of terrorism and its boomerang effects.
The refugee and immigrant crisis are evolving into a lasting process and the state of the modern civilization. It is but an illusion that this crisis can be resolved by means of palliative, technocratic and/or Cold War methods such as erecting walls, deploying the military and the police along the borders, setting up a quota system, separating immigrants into desirable and undesirable ones, establishing mammoth collective centres, invoking the readmission rules, or the like. Certain European countries act as if they wished the Balkans of today to function as an updated Austro-Hungarian day Krajina, namely, as a barrier or an immigrants sanctuary, so to allow these countries keep enjoying the benefits of the accumulated wealth! Unfortunately, this is presently not viable. What is necessary are the fundamental, long-term changes in global approaches of the most responsible states: abandoning the policy of military expansionism and global interventionism, the policy of violent overthrowing of the legally elected governments of the countries pursuing independent policies. It should be clearly stated that the wars, instigated by the Western countries and NATO and the resulting uncertainty and havoc, are the key driving forces that push the millions of hopeless, rather than these peoples’ laziness or wish for an easy life!
The report and the discussion participants underlined that Serbia should take a more resolute stance concerning the persecution of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, and also concerning the disenfranchisement of parts of the Serbian nation residing in the former Yugoslav republics, especially those living in Croatia and Montenegro. Also reaffirmed was the Forum's initiative to establish the Council of Serbs from the Region, to address their common problems and monitor the state of human rights in line with the international standards.
The gathering also expressed unanimous solidarity with Oliver Ivanović and with all other victims of the politics, the political persecution and the policies of double standards prevalent in EU institutions. Serbian national and state interests and the dignity of the Serbian nation must take precedence over any other values and short-term calculations.
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Belgrade, 23 January 2016
Montenegro, NATO, Balcani. Quale futuro?
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Enrico Vigna, Forum Belgrado Italia
Il 2015 ha visto per l’area balcanica un ulteriore colpo alla stabilità ed alla pacificazione dell’area. Gli scontri di piazza verificatisi negli ultimi mesi dell’anno, dopo che è partita una campagna propagandistica governativa che intende guidarel’opinione pubblica verso l’entrata nella NATO. Alcune forze come il Fronte Democratico e il movimento per la pace“NO alla guerra-NO alla NATO”, hanno deciso di scendere in piazza con proteste che la polizia, su ordine del governo, ha cercato di reprimere violentemente. Ma penso sia errato pensare che la protesta riguardi in primis la questione NATO (pur centrale). A chi segue da vicino le vicende montenegrine, non sfugge che, giustamente, queste forze stanno cercando di portare in piazza la gente con una lettura complessiva della situazione del paese. Uno stato che sta sprofondando, secondo le stime del FMI e degli economisti internazionali, verso lo stadio della povertà assoluta per fette sempre più consistenti della popolazione, ormai celebre a livello internazionale per una corruzione dilagante, una criminalità che ha messo salde radici nel paese(le varie mafie, italiana, russa, albanese hanno finanziariamente il paese nelle loro mani, come denunciato anche dai centri di investigazione italiani ed europei). Non bisogna dimenticare che lo stesso primo ministro del Montenegro, Djukanovic, è indagato dalla Procura italiana per connivenza con la Sacra Corona Unita pugliese. Il governo che cosa fadi fronte a questo scenario? Lancia una privatizzazione selvaggia, pratica un programma di riduzione o addirittura abolizione delle ultime norme di stato sociale, elimina i benefici rivolti agli investimenti sull’occupazione dei giovani, blocca le pensioni e i salari, inasprisce le leggi che limitano libertà sociali e politiche…ma investe milioni di euro per campagne mediatiche di pubblicizzazione e sostegno all’ingresso nella NATO come obiettivo fondamentale per la crescita del paese. Incontri della NATO organizzate nel più lussuoso hotel della capitale, ricevimenti nei ristoranti più costosi, meeting in cui il numero degli altoparlanti spesso superava il numero di cittadini presenti, continui spot televisivi a pagamento sulle TV, decine di cartelloni pubblicitari in ogni città del Montenegro. Ma tutto questo non per caso, come spiegano bene i leaders delle proteste: infatti il governo è cosciente che nel paese, la maggioranza della popolazione, o rifiuta la NATO come prospettiva, oppure la considera come una alleanza ad essa non benevola. Unaalleanza militare, che non solo ha bombardato il paese, ma ha utilizzato armamenti come quelli a base di l’uranio impoverito o le cluster bombs, devastando per sempre il territorio e l’ambiente.Il movimento di protesta, per far prendere coscienza di cos’è la NATO, ha prodotto documenti dove si cita l’opuscolo con le indicazioni obbligatorie, ai tempi dei bombardamenti sulla RFJ, per i soldati della NATO in Kosovo, dove era scritto testualmente: „L’inalazione di particelle insolubili di polvere di uranio è associata con conseguenze per la salute a lungo termine, tra cui il cancro e difetti di nascita.Questi effetti possono diventare visibili solo qualche anno più tardi„.Il movimento ha portato avanti una richiesta ufficiale al Ministro della Sanità montenegrino, il dottor B. Šegrta, perché presenti pubblicamente le statistiche ufficiali dal tempo della campagna di bombardamenti NATO, dove si rileva l’aumento di malattie e di decessi per malattie maligne, nel corso degli ultimi due decenni, e per avviare la formazione di un gruppo di esperti indipendenti,nonché per fornire una stima di quanta incidenza hanno avuto su questo, i bombardamenti NATO e l’uso di munizioni all’uranio impoverito.E’ proprio muovendosi in questo quadro complessivo e sociale che, in particolare a Podgorica, sono scese in piazza migliaia di persone, con una forma di autorganizzazione,su parole d’ordine che affermano che l’inclusione del Montenegro nel processo di integrazione euro-atlantica non porta sviluppo, consolidamento o prosperità al paese. Va rilevato che in questo momento non vi è in Montenegro un partito o una forza politica consistente, con una politica o una proposta chiara e concreta, all’interno dello stesso Fronte Democratico che guida le proteste di piazza; al suo interno vi sono esponenti che appoggiano le proteste ma in realtà sono legati ad interessi interni al sistema e lontani dalle reali esigenze e bisogni della gente. Si tratterà di capire nell’evolversi della situazione, chi manterrà una posizione ferma e chi si adeguerà per salvarsi lo scranno. Uno scenario già visto in Montenegro ai tempi della secessione dalla RFJ e anche in Serbia.
Questo per quanto riguarda la situazione interna al paese, ma è evidente che, come spiegato anche da analisti militari indipendenti, a Podgorica si svolge un “gioco globale“, in cui è coinvolta anche la Serbia, per creare ulteriori difficoltà alla Russia, che nei Balcani ha un retroterra culturale e politico molto radicato nelle popolazioni, e su questo sta cercando di riprendere un ruolo di primo piano e ostacolare l’occidentalizzazione completa della regione. Se la NATO non riuscisse ad egemonizzare completamente l’area, molte prospettive ed alleanze strategiche dovrebbero essere ridefinite.
Intanto dopo le manifestazioni di ottobre e i violenti scontri, a metà dicembre si sono svolte nuove proteste e manifestazioni con la parola d’ordine contro la guerra e contro la NATO, per un referendum popolare e per le dimissioni del governo.
„Se si impedirà il referendum e ci sarà un tentativo fraudolento in Parlamento circa la decisione di adesione alla NATO, il Montenegro sarà portato sull’orlo di uno conflitto interno molto pericoloso„, ha dichiarato al comizio, AndrijaMadic, il leader del Nuovo Partito Democratico Serbo, sicuramente il motore più deciso e consistente di queste proteste.
La protesta è nuovamente tornata davanti al parlamento con la partecipazione di quasi 10.000 persone, secondo gli organizzatori.
Il 2 dicembre la NATO ha ufficialmente invitato il Montenegro a diventare un suo membro, provocando la reazionediplomatica della Russia, che ha bollato questo passo come una minaccia allastabilizzazione e pacificazione dei Balcani.
Nel frattempo il Primo Ministro montenegrino Milo Djukanovic, preoccupato per gli esiti della consultazione popolare, ha risolutamente respinto gli appelli per organizzare un referendum sulla adesione al Trattato NATO.
„Ci hanno invitato solo per avere un po’di più soldati da mandare nelle loro guerre e poi contro la Russia. Noi in Montenegro non dobbiamo e non dovremo prendere parte a questa partita„, ha dichiaratoBulatovic, ex presidente del Montenegro jugoslavo,ai manifestanti che sventolavano bandiere russe e serbe e cantavano „Putin è con i serbi!“ e „Madre Russia!“
„Assassini della NATO„, urlava la folla, mentre alcuni partecipanti portavano candele in memoria delle vittime dei bombardamenti della NATO in Montenegro.
„Ci hanno bombardato per più di 70 giorni, quindi come possiamo perdonarli per le vittime e la distruzione del nostro paese? In nessun modo e mai potremo dimenticare questo„, ha detto Radomir, un elettricista di 46 anni in un intervento.
Il presidente del Centro NO Guerra-NO NATO, GojkoRaicevic ha dichiarato al sito Analytics che le possibilità di contrastare e piegare l’attuale governosono fondate sulla speranza che il popolo del Montenegro non abbia perso la voglia di cercarela libertà sopra ogni altra cosa.
Il Fronte Democratico è una coalizione politica di opposizione in Montenegro. E’composto dal Nuovo Partito Democratico Serbo, dal Movimento per il cambiamento, dal Partito Democratico del Popolo, dal Partito dei Lavoratori e dal Partito Unito dei Pensionati e Disabili, oltre ad associazioni, organizzazioni studentesche, accademici, personalità indipendenti e anche una frazione del Partito Popolare Socialista. L’obiettivo di questa alleanza è di rovesciare il Partito Democraticodei Socialisti del Montenegro di Milo Đukanović, che è al potere dal 1991.
MiodragLekicex ambasciatore a Roma della RFJ, ha guidato la lista dell’alleanza alle elezioni parlamentari dell’ottobre 2012 e alle elezioni presidenziali del 2013, supportato sia dal Fronte Democratico che dal Partito Popolare Socialista. Secondo la relazione della commissione elettorale fu sconfitto con un margine strettissimo daFilipVujanović, sostenuto dalle forze governative. Ma molti osservatori internazionali indipendenti rilevarono che la vittoria di Vujanovic era frutto di una massiccia frode elettorale.
Una breve cronaca degli avvenimenti.
Dalla fine di settembre alla fine di ottobre per 20 giorni le forze di opposizione all’attuale governo, insieme a sindacati, giovani e associazioni civili, hanno manifestato e occupato la piazza davanti al Parlamento a Podgorica, per chiedere le dimissioni del governo Djukanovic e contro le misure antipopolari sempre più dure riguardanti lo stato sociale, le privatizzazioni, la corruzione e la criminalità che hanno in mano il paese e la società montenegrina; a fianco di questo veniva richiesto un Referendum popolare per decidere la ventilata decisione di adesione alla NATO, diventata poi ufficiale il 2 dicembre. In tutto questo tempo decine di migliaia di montenegrini hanno occupato pacificamente notte e giorno la piazza del parlamento, ma a differenza di Piazza Maidan a Kiev, alle 5.45 del 16 ottobre 2015 un migliaio di membri delle unità speciale di polizia, portate da tutto il Montenegro, e di forze di polizia regolari in tenuta antisommossa, hanno brutalmente attaccato e sgomberato questa pacifica protesta.La polizia ha arrestato decine di manifestanti oltre ai parlamentari del FD SlavenRadunovic e Vladislav Bojovic. Nell’attacco ci sono stati anche decine di feriti tra cui uno molto grave.Anche il presidente del Partito Nazionale Democratico e membro del Presidium del FD Milan Knezevic è stato brutalmente e senza alcuna motivazione, picchiato e spruzzato sul viso con gas lacrimogeni e urticanti e trasportato con urgenza al Centro di Emergenza ospedaliero della capitale.
Il Metropolita della Chiesa Ortodossa serba Amfilohijealle manifestazionidi Podgorica
“Non vi èalcun motivo per la poliziadi starequia controllare chi è qui per costruire, altri sono i luoghi dovesi distrugge, si rapina, si ruba, distruggendo così il Montenegro e il suo onore…si allontani lapolizia da qui e da queste persone, lottanoper la libertà, per essa sono qui evoglionola libertà dicostruireil proprio futuro„, ha dichiarato alla piazza il metropolitaAmfilohije.
“Invece di favorire una equa ripartizione di tutti i beni, c’è chi ha collaborato con la criminalità europea; ora che sono diventati borghesi, si dicono a favore la democrazia. Tutto ciò che è stato costruito dal popolo, questi lo hanno ridotto ad una triste realtà. Quella che era una nazione, ora non c’è più. Ora abbiamo miliardari che insieme con altri miliardari europei e americani disgregano il paese. E dall’altra parte abbiamo sempre più poveri.” ‘Non va bene „, diceva San Pietro. Non si costruisce su questo il futuro del Montenegro„, ha detto l’arcivescovo. „La vera Europa è Dante, non questi che hanno bombardato il Montenegro non troppo tempo fa „.
Il Metropolita ha anche dichiarato che “quelli senza cervello [krivomozgići] hanno invocato l’occupante. Chi è che mi proclama nemico del popolo? Questo governo? Lo sanno che qui c’è stata per cinquant’anni una ideologia comunista, che ha anche avuto qualcosa di buono, quando ha predicato la fraternità e la condivisone paritaria delle risorse e l’uguaglianza tra le nazioni? Costoro ora sono uniti con il crimine europeo e ora sono per la democrazia e la borghesia“, ha aggiunto.
Il leader del FD Andrija Mandic ha ringraziato Amfilohije per la sua presenza e ha detto che „avevano sperato tanto che lui fosse stato con loro lì in quella piazza, anche la notte„. Al che Amfilohije ha chiesto un posto in una delle tende della protesta.
Video attacco e arresti delle forze speciali montenegrine:
A cura di Enrico Vigna, portavoce del Forum Belgrado Italia, dicembre 2015
Willy Wimmer: Russia Stands for Law, Faith, and Family; The West for Blood and Chaos
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Published on Dec. 15th, 2015: KenFM (German audio)
Popular radio show host Ken Jebsen interviews Willy Wimmer, a special guest at RT's recent 10th anniversary dinner
Russia Today’s 10th anniversary celebrations saw a wide array of prominent guests attending a gala dinner, including former and current Russian presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and Vladimir Putin, Michael Flynn (top US spy chief until 2014) and Sergei Ivanov - Putin's chief of staff to name just a few.
Respected former German politician Willy Wimmer was also among them. Wimmer served in the German Bundestag from 1976 to 2009, and was State Secretary for Defense from 1988 to 1992. He recently sat down with popular German radio show host Ken Jebsen, relating his thoughts on the event, RT's work, and his country’s relations with Russia in general.
Reflecting on the evening, he described a cordial affair, saying he “enjoyed attending the international event and the opportunity to talk to American generals and other political figures from Russia and overseas,” and rarely “experiencing such an easy way of hosting an event of that magnitude.”
Putin’s light, yet filling speech
The subject turns to Vladimir Putin’s brief speech, in part about the work the Kremlin expects from Russia Today. That it’s meant to provide fair and honest reporting of the information at hand, presenting the Russian position on occasion, and is as free as it can be; while still expected to not conspire with enemies of the Russian Federation.
“There is hardly a person in Germany's Bundestag that would deliver as much valuable content in such a short time.” According to Wimmer, ”if a capable politician like Mr. Putin is being made out to look bad in the western media as is the case now, then we are witnessing another instance of Anglo-Saxon pre-war propaganda, which itself dates back to the past world wars.”
On RT in Germany
Mr. Wimmer says that he first came into contact with RT when the crisis in Ukraine began, and that if it wasn't for the media channel’s work, we would now be much closer to war. That’s coming from the former deputy head of Germany’s OSCE government committee.
“Nevertheless, the channel faces opposition on many fronts. Due to a particular prejudice of some politicians in Germany, speaking to Russia Today can cost someone their position in Universities or have other problems forced on them.”
But since other European countries (Germany included) finance their own worldwide program broadcasters, he makes the point that “any criticism based on it being 'Russian propaganda', as is so often the focus, is senseless. Any and every debate stems from the procedure of allowing all sides have their say, giving everyone the opportunity to present their own position.”
Germany, the West and Russian relations
In his opinion, Germany’s reunification was made possible foremost by the efforts of Russia, set in motion by Mr. Gorbachev above anything else. “He, was tricked by the Americans during the process of the Soviet Union’s collapse, just as Germany was tricked after WWI, which brought us Versailles and in turn, Adolf Hitler.”
Jebsen points out the contradictory situation we are in with Russia right now; maintaining sanctions on the one hand, while trying to forge an alliance against ISIS in the Middle East at the same time. Mr. Wimmer, a member of the German Bundestag 1976 - 2009, explained that this is the result of a problem with politics in Germany.
That “there is no interest in thinking or formulating anymore, or even to try and achieve goals and conditions that are in the interests of people living in Germany. Over the years, the intellectual capability of Parliament has degraded to an extent, that it's not possible to vote for legislation, not scripted by British or American law firms.”
That in light of these circumstances, they have reached a point where Germany, itself obligated to never participate in a war again, is being progressively dragged back into fighting imperial wars.
“When we look at the situation today, what do we see? The West stands for blood and thunder and chaos. In the entire region between Kabul and Mali. Everything was flattened by us, everything. And what does the Russian Federation stand for? For the law of nations, for family values and the empowerment of faith.”
The degradation being apparent in the current refugee crisis as well, also avoidable had planned development projects of Africa’s outer regions commenced as discussed with Danish and other politicians from various European countries. “Plans that were brought to an end by American and Israeli efforts in 1994 at the latest.” Wimmer discusses this topic in a recent Sputnik interview.
Giving Russia a second thought
On the question what we should expect from Russia in the future, Mr. Wimmer answers with the same position he expressed at the gala event in Moscow:
1. That we should take care to keep our neighbors happy.
2. We should give some thought about our next visit to the US.
3. A stable and friendly relationship with Russia is in our very own interests.
4. And that we need to sell our goods worldwide.
At one point in conversation at the gala, the Russian moderator of the event said that Wimmer spoke of Russia in a better way than Russians do. He replied that “one has to give Russia a second thought. And this is the very point that counts. That you need to keep in mind who your neighbor is. We (in Germany) do this with Luxembourg too, and Russia is at least as important as Luxembourg.”
Rede von Zivadin Jovanovic auf Tagung des Belgrad-Forums
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Am 24. und 25. November fand in der Hauptstadt Serbiens eine Tagung des »Belgrad-Forums« unter dem Titel »Jalta, Potsdam, Helsinki, Belgrad: Auf der Suche nach einer Sicherheitsordnung« statt. Der Präsident des Forums, Zivadin Jovanovic, hielt eine Rede zum Thema »Instabilität und Konflikte – das Resultat der Strategie des Westens«, die jetzt auf deutsch vorliegt. Ein Auszug:
Siebzig Jahre nach den Konferenzen der Alliierten in Jalta und Potsdam, und 40 Jahre nachdem die Schlussakte von Helsinki angenommen wurde, sind die internationalen Beziehungen in eine Periode tiefgreifender Veränderungen eingetreten. Die Zeitalter bipolarer und unipolarer Weltordnung sind vorüber. Eine Wiederherstellung der alten Methoden und Konzepte ist nicht mehr möglich. Die Weltordnung entwickelt sich unwiderruflich zu einer multipolaren hin. (…) Der Prozess der Multipolarisierung verläuft nicht glatt. Besonders beunruhigend sind Tendenzen, die darauf abzielen, Vorherrschaft und Privilegien gewisser Länder zu erhalten, die das von ihnen beanspruchte Recht auf eine Ausnahmestellung, auf globalen Interventionismus und militärische Expansion Richtung Osten mit allen Mitteln, auch mit militärischer Gewalt, legitimieren wollen. Das Ergebnis einer solchen Politik der Gewalt, wie sie der von den USA beherrschte Westen anwendet, wenn es darum geht, diese Privilegien beizubehalten und den Reichtum unseres Planeten zu kontrollieren, bedeuten Destabilisierung, Konflikte, und die Verwüstung vieler Staaten und Gesellschaften. Die Verfechter einer solchen totalitären Politik tragen die Verantwortung für die Destabilisierung und die dramatische Eskalation, durch die der Menschheit eine Katastrophe droht.
Erste Opfer dieser Politik waren in jüngster Zeit die zwei Jugoslawien – einmal, als das Land Anfang der 1990er Jahre durch aufgezwungene Bürgerkriege zerrissen wurde, und zum zweiten, als es durch die illegale Aggression der NATO im Jahre 1999 verwüstet wurde. Damit wurde der Balkan zu einer Zone anhaltender Instabilität. Der vom Westen geförderte Prozess eines Umschreibens der Geschichte »in vivo« (»im lebenden Organismus«, jW) brachte mehrere Kleinstaaten hervor, die kaum eine Chance auf autonome Entwicklung und Unabhängigkeit haben. Und es hat den Anschein, als ob die gewaltsame Festlegung neuer Grenzen unter Verletzung der Grundprinzipien des Helsinki-Dokuments noch nicht zu Ende ist. (…) Die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Probleme nehmen rasch zu, die Arbeitslosigkeit bei Jugendlichen erreicht dramatische Größenordnungen.
Diese Einschätzung wird gestützt durch das Zerschlagen einer Reihe anderer souveräner Staaten und Nationen in der ganzen Welt auf ähnliche Weise. Offensichtlich verzichten die westlichen Machtzentren nicht auf ihre Strategie einer »territorialen Neuordnung« souveräner Staaten durch bewaffnete Überfälle, »Farb-Revolutionen« und andere unerlaubte Methoden, wie sie in Südamerika, Afrika und Asien angewandt werden. Das liberale Kapitalismussystem produziert Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrisen, Armut, Elend. Das hat zu einer Wirtschaftsmigration noch nie dagewesenen Ausmaßes geführt. Gleichzeitig treiben Aggressionen und bewaffnete Konflikte Millionen aus ihrer Heimat ins Exil.
Propositions of the International Science and Public Conference Yalta – Potsdam – Helsinki – Belgrade: In Search for Secure World Order on the Issues of Security and Cooperation in Europe in the XXI century 24-25 November 2015, Belgrade, Serbia
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The participants of the International Science and Public Conference Yalta – Potsdam – Helsinki – Belgrade: In Search for Secure World Order dedicated to the historic agreements and pressing issues of security and cooperation in Europe, which has brought together representatives of many states around Europe, Asia and America, following the results of a widespread public dialog and opinion interchange that took place during the year of the 70th anniversary of the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences and the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, consider it necessary to declare:
The issues of security and cooperation in Europe and in the whole world have been a long established subject matter of interstate agreements and inter-country collaboration. At the same time, we believe that the current state of affairs makes a true progress and continuous headway movement impossible without the support of the public opinion and involvement of non-governmental initiatives in the development of the system of security and cooperation in Europe, based on mutual trust.
This has become ever more evident after Turkish military air force shot down the Russian fighter jet conducting a flight as part of the anti-terrorist operation in Syria and Iraq, which may lead to tragic consequences for peace in the whole world. The Conference also underscores that without Russia’s participation it is impossible to resolve the Syrian crisis and counteract international terrorism deeply rooted in many regions around the globe.
We are convinced that the terrorist attacks in Turkey, the explosion of the Russian jet over the Sinai peninsula and mass murders in Paris that claimed hundreds of lives have brutally challenged the global community and demonstrated the necessity of searching for the new approaches, reinforcing and joining the efforts for a coordinated fight against international terrorism and extremism as a global threat to humanity.
In this respect we consider it necessary to urge the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, other international organizations and the global community in general to consider specific proposals on optimization of activity in the sphere of security and cooperation, strengthening mutual understanding and the search of compromises on the pressing issues. We suppose that the International Science and Public Conference Yalta – Potsdam – Helsinki – Belgrade: In Search for Secure World Order, held in Serbia, a country with a non-aligned status and rich traditions of a European political center of the Nonaligned Movement, may start a meaningful international public dialog on the ways of creating an effective system of security and cooperation in Europe. Therefore we believe that the Final Document of the International Conference may be presented at the OSCE Ministerial Council that will take place on 3-4 December, 2015 in Belgrade.
The US-Russia Proxy War in Syria
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December 1, 2015
Exclusive: The risk of Syria becoming a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia became real last week when Turkey and Syrian jihadists used U.S.-supplied weaponry to shoot down a Russian warplane and rescue helicopter, killing two Russians, a danger that ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern explores.
By Ray McGovern
Belatedly, at a sidebar meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Paris climate summit on Monday, President Barack Obama reportedly expressed regret for last week’s killing of a Russian pilot who was shot down by a Turkish air-to-air missile fired by a U.S.-supplied F-16 and the subsequent death of a Russian marine on a search-and-rescue mission, apparently killed by a U.S.-made TOW missile.
But Obama administration officials continued to take the side of Turkey, a NATO “ally” which claims implausibly that it was simply defending its air space and that the Russian pilot of the SU-24 warplane had ignored repeated warnings. According to accounts based on Turkish data, the SU-24 may have strayed over a slice of Turkish territory for 17 seconds. [See’s “Facts Back Russia on Turkish Attack.”]
President Barack Obama meets with President Vladimir Putin of Russia on the sidelines of the G20 Summit at Regnum Carya Resort in Antalya, Turkey, Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015. National Security Advisior Susan E. Rice listens at left. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
President Barack Obama meets with President Vladimir Putin of Russia on the sidelines of the G20 Summit at Regnum Carya Resort in Antalya, Turkey, Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015. National Security Advisior Susan E. Rice listens at left. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Immediately after the incident on Nov. 24, Obama offered a knee-jerk justification of Turkey’s provocative action which appears to have been a deliberate attack on a Russian warplane to deter continued bombing of Syrian jihadists, including the Islamic State and Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front. Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, an Islamist, has supported various jihadists as his tip of the spear in his goal to overthrow the secular regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
In his first public comments about the Turkish attack, Obama gracelessly asserted Turkey’s right to defend its territory and air space although there was never any indication that the SU-24 – even if it had strayed momentarily into Turkish air space – had any hostile intentions against Turkey. Indeed, Turkey and the United States were well aware that the Russian planes were targeting the Islamic State, Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front and other jihadist rebels.
Putin even complained, “We told our U.S. partners in advance where, when at what altitudes our pilots were going to operate. The U.S.-led coalition, which includes Turkey, was aware of the time and place where our planes would operate. And this is exactly where and when we were attacked. Why did we share this information with the Americans? Either they don’t control their allies, or they just pass this information left and right without realizing what the consequences of such actions might be. We will have to have a serious talk with our U.S. partners.”
Putin also suggested that the Turkish attack was in retaliation for Russia’s bombing of a truck convoy caring Islamic State oil to Turkey. On Monday, on the sidelines of the Paris summit, Putin said Russia has “received additional information confirming that that oil from the deposits controlled by Islamic State militants enters Turkish territory on industrial scale.”
Turkey’s Erdogan — also in Paris — denied buying oil from terrorists and vowed to resign “if it is proven that we have, in fact, done so.”
Was Obama Angry?
In private, Obama may have been outraged by Erdogan’s reckless actions – as some reports suggest – but, if so, Obama seems publicly more afraid of offending the neocons who dominate Official Washington’s opinion circles and who hold key positions in his own administration, than of provoking a possible nuclear confrontation with Russia.
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Živadin Jovanović,
President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Seventy years on after the Allies’ Conferences in Yalta and in Potsdam, and 40 years following the adoption of the Helsinki Final Act, international relations have entered a period of profound changes. The eras of bipolar and unipolar world order are over. Restoring to the old ways and concepts is no longer possible. The world order is irreversibly evolving into a multi-polar one. The new development fundamentally changes the relations established after the fall of the Berlin Wall, opening possibilities for democratization of these relations, and for higher observance of the international law and the United Nations Charter that lies in its core. This also offers possibilities for a better protection of interests of small and medium countries, Serbia including.
The process of multi-polarization does not run smoothly. Particularly worrisome are tendencies aiming to preserve domination and privileges of certain countries,to legitimize their self-imposed right to exceptionality, global interventionism and military expansion to the East, by all means, including use of military force. The outcome of such policy of force applied by the US-led West in seeking to maintain the privileges and put under its control the planet’s wealth, are destabilization, conflicts, and devastation of numerous states and societies. Proponents of such totalitarian policy bear responsibility for the destabilization and dramatic escalation of global relations threatening to inflict disaster of humanity. The first casualties of this policy in recent times were two Yugoslavia(s) – the first one torn apart by imposed civil wars at the beginning of 1990s, and the second one, ravaged during the course of illegal NATO’s aggression in 1999. Thus, the Balkans was transformed into a zone of long-term instability. The West-sponsored «in vivo» rewriting of history created several statelets that hardly have a chance of an autonomous development and independence. It seems that the forcible drawing of new borders in violation of the basic principles of the Helsinki Document is not over yet. The proof is the stealing of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija away from Serbia, and the reviving of plans of creating the so-called Greater Albania. The hardest-hit victim of the US-led destructive strategy in the Balkans is the Serbian nation, now shattered, disempowered and put under the control of puppet regimes. Paradoxically, the West proclaims that parallel unfolding of fragmentation of the Serbian nation, on the one side, and (re)integration of other nations, on the other, amount to no less than contribution to the peace and stability, and to the observance of European and democratic standards! Serbian national issue is more than simply an open one; it is further exacerbated by means of disruption and disenfranchisement. This forced-upon situation is hardly in the interest of peace and stability. Of course, it has to do with geopolitical engineering, nurturing imperialistic interests and nothing else. Economic and social problems are rapidly growing, whereas the unemployment of the youth reaches dramatic magnitude.
Yalta, Potsdam, Helsinki, Belgrade. How can we build a more secure world order?
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Neil Clark
Neil Clark is a journalist, writer, broadcaster and blogger. He has written for many newspapers and magazines in the UK and other countries including The Guardian, Morning Star, Daily and Sunday Express, Mail on Sunday, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, New Statesman, The Spectator, The Week, and The American Conservative. He is a regular pundit on RT and has also appeared on BBC TV and radio, Sky News, Press TV and the Voice of Russia. He is the co-founder of the Campaign For Public Ownership @PublicOwnership. His award winning blog can be found at He tweets on politics and world affairs @NeilClark66
Yalta Conference in February 1945 with (from left to right) Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin.
The ongoing war in Syria. The rise of Islamic State. Terror attacks in Sinai, Paris, Lebanon, Iraq and Tunisia. The shooting down of a Russian jet by NATO member Turkey.
This was the backdrop of events to last week’s major international conference on peace, security and co-operation in Belgrade, Serbia.
Speakers from over 20 countries - myself included- addressed the key question: how can we build a more secure world order, where countries - large and small- respect national sovereignty and international law and where dialogue and diplomacy replaces war and the threat of war?
The International Public and Scientific Conference, held in the same Sava Centre building in Belgrade where the Non-Aligned movement was founded in 1961, commemorated three significant anniversaries. The 70th anniversaries of the Yalta and Potsdam conferences, (between the leaders of the USSR, US and Britain), and the 40th anniversary of the Helsinki Accords, which established the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The conference preceded the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting that will be held in Belgrade in December.
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Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Uniting against terrorism but - under UN umbrella. Immigrants and terrorism to deal with roots. Readmission, 21st century deportation method.
This month, 24rth and 25th of November, Serbian capital Belgrade will be the venue of the Scientific International Conference titled “Yalta, Potsdam, Helsinki, Belgrade: in search of security order”. The gathering of scientists, diplomats, politicians and public personalities from about 20 countries of Europe and the World is devoted to 70th anniversary of Yalta and Potsdam conferences (1945) and 40th anniversary of adoption of the Helsinki Final Document (1975). The Organizers are The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and two Russian organizations – Center of National Glory and the Fund of Saint Andrew. One week later (December 3rd and 4rth) Belgrade will host Ministerial OSCE Conference in order to sum up results of one year of Serbia`s presiding of this organization, commemorating important jubilee and giving impetus to strengthening its peace, security and cooperation role today and in the future.
Security and stability in Europe is indivisible from security and stability in surrounding regions and the world. That’s why the future of peace and stability in Europe cannot be properly perceived if it is not closely linked with peace and stability in the Middle East, Asia, Northern Africa (Maghreb) and Africa, as a whole.
Unfortunately, nowadays world is faced with growing risks and threats to security and stability. Mutual respect and trust among powers is in profound crisis. Some powers have proclaimed themselves exempted from the Law Order established and developed after the Second World War. Whenever the law stays on the way of their imperial expansion they simply ignore or remove it and abide by rule – might is right! Taking the role of an ultimate arbiter and executor at the same time, power centers have been intervening militarily all over the world. Violations the basic principles of International Law, including UN Charter, Helsinki Final Document, bypassing the authority of UN Security Council since 90th of the 20th century have become order of the day. It is appropriate to remember that Serbia (FRY) was the first European victim of unprovoked and illegal military NATO aggression in 1999. This turned to have become a blue-print to ensuing aggressions and military interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Mali Syria… We need to ask ourselves what these aggressions have brought to the peoples of the Balkans, Europe, Middle East, Maghreb, Africa…? To the world? To UN and OSCE? To the International Law Order? Who can profit from fragmentation of viable states, from national, tribal and religious divisions, from chaos, hundreds of thousands of killed people, millions of refugees, displaced, emigrants…? Who were (are) those leaders, masters of our destiny, “independent” thinkers, philosophers, journalists, public figures in general, who believe(d) that taking part in, or publically defending, or justifying military aggressions, illegal regime changes and destabilization of sovereign states was the right way to reinforce human rights, introduce democracy, freedom and prosperity?
Following the first NATO war on European soil since Yalta and Potsdam agreements we have witnessed kind of a new edition the old strategy “Drang Nach Osten”, namely mushrooming in USA military basis towards Russian borders.
In 1999, taking part in NATO aggression, Europe participated in the war against itself, against own stability. More than that: This was a turning point binding NATO/EU member countries to take part in many other imperial wars and regime changes. Regrettably, Europe participated in destabilization of Ukraine and in sanctions, apparently, against Russia, in fact, again, against own interests.
Europe can hardly be amnestied of responsibility for destructions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria... Unprecedented flow of refugees and immigrants which has caused state of emergency on the continent has to be attributed to the lack of responsibility, vision and statesmanship of EU (NATO) leaders.
Nowadays, Europe is suffering consequences of own terrible mistakes. Of hazardous behavior. The level of egoism and unwillingness of EU leadership to recognize real causes of the problem and deal with roots, not only with consequences – are astonishing and do not promises positive outcome. Enormous flow of immigrants is certainly not only humanitarian, social and economic problem. It is security problem, too. Nevertheless the problem cannot be solved by erection of new wars, massive police and military border patrols, refugee centers like concentration camps of 21st century, even less by invoking the Dublin principles or so-called readmission agreements, kind of 21st century deportation models.
Right now the world public is mourning the victims of unprecedented terrorist attacks in Paris. While sincere expressions of solidarity with bereaved families and with the whole French nation come from all corners of the world, sense of uncertainty, insecurity and fear - who is next – is very much in the whole atmosphere. No doubt that the terrorism is universal, extremely serious threat to the security, stability and cooperation - in Europe and the world. In spite of all various actions and “successes” in the struggle against terrorism, it has not diminished, in reality, it has been rapidly growing. Spectacular military actions against international terrorism after 2001 may have killed some terrorist leaders, may have destroyed some terrorist headquarters but certainly have not dealt with ideology and roots of this evil. Calls to unite the world in the struggle against terrorism are logic, welcome and necessary. To act seriously and responsibly, to our opinion, means uniting under the authority of United Nations, i.e. UN Security Council. Further, this require coming to consensus as to definitions of terrorism, terrorist and terrorist acts in the manner that excludes “good” and “bed”, “our” and “your” terrorism and terrorists. Double standard approaches and abuse of the struggle against terrorism for promotion of egoistic or geopolitical objectives must be excluded. Struggle against consequences of terrorism, processing and punishment of the terrorists are beyond any dilemmas. But, what has been lacking is understanding of the complexity of the problem and dealing with its socio-economic, political and other roots as terrorism is long lasting problem of contemporary civilization.
Is it not the right moment to initiate convening of the UN World Conference on the struggle against terrorism with the objective to set up organization, mandate and time/table for adoption of World Convention on Terrorism?
The attack on Afghan hospital was another war crime
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The World Peace Council expresses its deepest sorrow for the deaths of over 20 civilians in Kunduz, Afghanistan, killed by a US criminal airstrike against a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders, last weekend.
Besides civilians, a number of the victims were medical personnel working in the hospital, assisting the Afghans amid the escalated confrontation between the Afghan Army, the US and the Taliban, which took control over the city a few days before. This was a clear and blatant violation of the Geneva Conventions. At least three of the victims were children, who grow under constant impact of the foreign military presence and the destabilization of their country.
The subsequent statements given by the US and NATO's commanders are hypocritical and deserves our condemnation. They try to "pass on" responsibility to the Afghan Army after they committed to investigations on what they call "incident". This is obviously not enough and investigations would only be acceptable if indeed independent. Furthermore, their investigations cannot serve to evade any possibility of international prosecution.
We repudiate and denounce another war crime perpetrated by US imperialism, which since 2001 imposed again on the Afghan people, although in "coordination" with the local leadership, its bellicose and devastating intervention.
The world must hold the imperialist power accountable for maintaining its policies, which only result in the persistent destabilization and the disseminated violence, of which the main victim is the civilian population.
We demand an immediate end for the imperialists' interventionist actions and the war they sustain since 2001 on Afghanistan. We express our solidarity with the Afghan people in their struggle against terrorism and in their demand for the end of foreign intervention in their country.
Socorro Gomes
President of the World Peace Counci
No to NATO's Military Exercises – Spain, Italy, Portugal - 2015
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Yes to Peace! No to NATO!
NATO has announced it will undertake large scale military manoeuvres in Spain, Italy and Portugal, from the beginning of October until the beginning of November 2015. These exercises will involve more than 36 000 personnel from the 28 member states of this political military bloc and from other “partner” countries and organizations.
Considered one of NATO's biggest manoeuvres ever, these will take place following USA and NATO military manoeuvres in several other European regions: Baltic Sea, Eastern Europe (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine), Black Sea – in a clear and continuous demonstration of arrogance towards Eastern Europeans and namely against the Russian Federation.
NATO declared the goal of building a permanent reaction force of 13000 to 30000 soldiers and a 5000 soldires strong quick deployment force.
According to NATO's Strategic Concept, approved in its Summit in Lisbon in 2010, these forces would not be limited to the defence of NATO members' territories.
NATO behaves as an extension of USA military power, acting according to USA's interests, a tool of aggression against peoples and sovereign states.
One of the announced goals of these manoeuvres is to test NATO's capabilities for military intervention in the Mediterranean, in Northern Africa and the Middle East – remember NATO's aggression against Libya and the decision to use the military base in Morón, Spain, has the headquarters for USA's military command for Africa – AFRICOM – and therefore for its interference in this continent.
At a time that in many countries unacceptable sacrifices and social regression are imposed on the peoples, NATO announces the goal of augmenting military expenditure, it relaunches the arms race and promotes the increased militarization of international relations, of which the dangerous installation of USA's anti-missile system in Europe, the proliferation of its military bases and military presence from Latin America and Caribbean, to the Pacific Far East, are unacceptable examples.
Therefore, the undersigned organizations, committed with the construction of a world of freedom, justice and progress, committed to the ideals of sovereignty and the independence of states, of non interference, non aggression, committed to the peaceful resolution of international disputes, with equality among states, with the abolition of imperialism, colonialism and any other forms of domination. Organizations committed to disarmament and the dissolution of political-military blocs, steadfast defenders of Peace, affirm that:
• It is necessary to say no to these warmongering military manoeuvres
• It is necessary to demand the dissolution of NATO
• It is the right of each people to sovereignly decide and struggle for their country exit from NATO
It is urgent to build a world of Peace, freedom and justice, with human rights and social progress.
Subscriptions so far:
All India Peace and Solidarity Organization India
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) UK
Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos e Luta pela Paz (CEBRAPAZ) Brazil
Conselho Português para a Paz e Cooperação (CPPC) Portugal
German Peace Council Germany
Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace Greece
International Action for Liberation (INTAL) Belgium
Malaysian Physicians for Social Responsibility Malaysia
Palestinian Committee for Peace and Solidarity Palestine
Peace and Neutrality Alliance Ireland
Swedish Peace Council Sweeden
United States Peace Council (USPC) USA
Vrede vzw Belgium
Conselho Português para a Paz e Cooperação
‘Migrant crisis: Result of EU blindly joining US strategy’ – ex Yugoslav FM
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Europe is facing a backlash over its wrong policy in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and the Middle East, says Zivadin Jovanovic ,Yugoslav Foreign Minister from 1998-2000, now President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals. The EU blindly joined the US strategy of global interventionism and now gets returns - opinioned Jovanovic.
Q: Just months ago, in the spring, the flow of migrants was relatively low, but now it's in the hundreds of thousands. What has changed?
Živadin Jovanovic: I think that there has been growing inflow in the refugee centers and camps in Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and other countries surrounding adjacent to the conflicts areas in the Middle East. As a consequence, we have a tremendous pace now of incoming refugees and immigrants here through the Balkans…For example, Serbia has received [within] the last couple of months over 170,000 immigrants and refugees. Last night (September 20th, 2015) Serbia received a group of 5,000 new refugees. At the same time Serbia`s border crossings to Hungary and Croatia have been almost closed. Seven border crossings to Croatia several days have been closed by Croatian authorities for trucks and trade. Only passengers can pass these crossings. Serious incidents have occurred in border area with Hungary since Hungarian authorities erected wire fence preventing immigrants to continue traveling towards Austria, Germany and Scandinavian countries. Today (September 21st, 2015) official spokesman of EU Commission announced that EU countries have a right to return refugees or immigrants to Serbia. Serbia is receiving a great many from the south - from Greece and Macedonia, and it appears now that it may be obliged to receive back from the north those who are not accepted in EU countries. This makes the situation very difficult for Serbia and may lead to provoking tension in relations with neighboring countries.
Q: Germany has pointed the blaming finger at US foreign policy. But how much is Europe to blame?
ŽJ: I heard the assessment of a German analyst, who said immigrants tide is joint project of the US, Turkey and elements of extreme Islamists. I just cannot confirm this, but I believe there is some truth in that. However, Europe is to be blamed. It seems to me, that Europe is receiving back the fruits of own wrong policy in the past. Firstly, Europe has been almost blindly following the US interests and strategy of global interventionism, beginning with NATO aggression on Yugoslavia in 1999, then Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Mali and many other countries. Secondly, after decolonization, instead of helping African, Asian and other countries to advance their economic and social development, Europe continued to exploit them even harder, especially their energy and mineral resources. Now Europe is faced with the fruits of its own wrong policy. I just hope that Europe will have to think twice in the future on how to define and conduct own long term interest and own policy.
Q: There is growing concern that there could be terrorists hiding among the refugees. How genuine is that risk?
ŽJ: It’s estimated that over one million immigrants will come to Europe from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe before the end of this year. Only Germany has consented to accept 800,000. If they don’t handle this problem properly, as appears to be the case, instead of 1.5 million this year, Europe may have two or three million next year. When you have such high figures, such an enormous inflow, you can safely suppose, even by theory of great numbers, that among them may be all kinds of people. Having regard that they are coming from war-torn area terrorists may come too.
Serbian government has just announced that they are preparing a new anti-terrorist strategy. While ne document cannot be attributed to the risks coming with the flow of immigrants, it is certainly coinciding with a growing number of immigrants…
Q. So far Europe has responded with fences, border checks, police and military troops. Will that work in the long term?
ŽJ. Of course not. This reflects short-sidedness, desperate lack of statesmanship of European politicians. They try to solve the problem dealing with consequences, misunderstanding or avoiding real causes. The worst of all is use of military against refugees and immigrants, their boats.
Q. There are fears that refugee inflow will inevitably change the face of Europe. Are these concerns justified?
ŽJ.: Yes, there are fears, some are real, some magnified by politicians who, for their own interests, exploit situation with immigrants to encourage rightist and fascist extremism. New situation with immigrants, incompetency or unwillingness of politicians to deal with it, has greatly contributed to furthering of right-wing extremism which has been reality in Europe for years now. Otherwise, immigrant-inflow has uncovered many deficiencies and deep problems within EU. Some, pillars of EU structure such as solidarity, Dublin, Lisbon and Schengen agreements appeared weak and devalued faced with sudden eruption of national egoisms of individual member countries.
Q. So, what in your opinion should be done?
ŽJ.: It is very difficult to foresee further developments and even more to offer solution. But, I personally believe in framework with these elements:
First, it is necessary to end the war and bloodshed in Syria, through negotiations under umbrella of UN SC. After all, the most of refugees and immigrants come from war-torn Syria, then Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of destabilized East and Africa;
Second, engage EU, UN, G-20 governments and agencies, to urgently assess immediate and medium term needs of refugees on the spot - in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon - provide resources and logistic to meet those needs, while working for peaceful solution of the conflict;
Third, reinforce authority of the basic principles of international relations, such as sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs of other countries;
Fourth, stop militarization and aggressive policy, global military interventionism under any cover, be it “right to protect” (RTP), “leading role” (mission), democratization, struggle against international terrorism and alike;
Fifth, recognize multi-polar world, accept shared responsibility for peace, stability and development based on UN Charter and UN system.
(Part of this interview was published on TV RT, on September 21st, 2015. All questions authored by TV RT)
Manifesto for Europe
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We want Europe to be based on peace and justice!
We, citizens of some European countries, are worried about the future of our continent.
Europe‘s economic, social, political and cultural development move farther and farther away
from what the people, not only in Europe, have hoped for since after the Second World War:
Never again war and dictatorship, never again colonial exercise of power and exploitation;
instead international understanding and international reconciliation, economic reconstruction
and social justice – living in political freedom, cultural diversity and constitutional democracy.
A threat to freedom, democracy and peace
The high level of debt in nearly all European countries, high unemployment rates, especially
among young people, the creeping inflation, the weakening and thinning of the SMEs, numerous
unresolved questions in connection with the millions of refugees from the Balkans,
from Africa, the Middle East and Afghanistan, the state‘s disregard of civil and human rights
and the increase in social and political tensions within and among the states in Europe are threatening
prosperity, democracy and peace.
Political and economic crises are being misused to centralize the EU‘s political power increasingly
– at the expense of our sovereignty and liberties. Many citizens notice that there is no
longer an honest dialogue with their political representatives. They realize that the rulers with
their political decisions ignore the people. They also notice that via the mainstream media a
certain feeling of weakness is artificially generated. Severe crises, continuously created anew
are to divert from fundamental questions and from what is actually going on. Side by side with
the US and in an almost slave-like allegiance the governments of EU-states and NATO have
been breaking international law for many years. We, citizens of Europe, sympathize with all
fellow-humans and peoples who have suffered and are still sufffering from that situation.
The War against Yugoslavia was the Fall. Sanctions imposed on Austria in 2000 and lasting
many months aimed at turning over a democratically elected government. In 2004, as well as
in 2013 and 2014 the US, togehther with the EU, massively interferred in the internal affairs
of the Ukraine and contributed to a war beeeing waged in that region – in the heart of Europe.
The treatment of Greece since 2010 is humiliating a whole people. A people, the ancestors of
which lived in a country that has been the birthplace of European thought and cultural creation.
Europe‘s cultural heritage
The first codified European law originated in Ancient Greece. Politicians of Ancient Greece
recognized it as their duty and the duty of all men to stand up against injustice. Greek philosophers
laid the foundations of scientific thinking; They struggled for answers to the basic questions
of social and political ethics as well as for a systematic theory of education. In the fifth
century before Christ, the Kos physician Hippokrates constituted the Medical Ethics, which,
throughout the centuries, have had an essential formative influence on medical acting. Greece
set standards in architecture and art of Europe, considering the human being the benchmark
and thus stimulating developments that are still being drawn on today.
There were those Greeks who developed the basic principles of the European model states
already 2,500 years ago: democracy, separation of powers and natural law. They demanded
that government action must be measured by an ethic that is based on human nature – so that
it would not degenerate into despotism and tyranny.
It was the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who said that in a just state money must not be a tool
of power.
Whenever brute power politics wanted to enforce the «law of the jungle», European history
was led into the abyss of bitter confrontation and wars.
The acrid manner by which politics and media are again creating an atmosphere against individual
countries and peoples today, brings back memories of past disasters on our continent.
Given the world‘s existing nuclear destructive potential, any incitement to military confrontation
and war, as for instance acted out against Russia, represents sheer madness.
Europe at the crossroads
Europe‘s history is a history of injustice and violence, but it is as well a history of overcoming
the latter evils from its own moral insight and political strength. The Western and Christian
humanist tradition has developed viable foundations for equality before the law, humaneness
and respect for human dignity. Whenever in history these basics could wield their influence,
human coexistence has been peaceful, just and secure. This was often accompanied by general
prosperity, social equity and cultural upswing.
Europe is characterized by a rich diversity of cultures and nations in a small space, from Crete
to the North Cape, from Lisbon to Yekaterinburg. People across Europe have contributed much
in all spheres of life in more than 2,500 years.
For the people‘s coexistence in peace and freedom, the development of law and right towards
ever greater justice was of fundamental importance for Europe and the world.
Europe has significantly contributed to the fact that human rights and the principles of international
law are today guaranteed in international agreements (Charter of the United Nations,
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights) and in national constitutions.
We therefore demand,
• that the protection of human life must have absolute priority and that the destruction
of decent working conditions, social welfare, pension systems, health care and all steps
towards euthanasia be stopped;
because every person has a right to life and freedom of bodily harm. Man‘s right to life is
the core issue of human rights. It is of maximum value. Human life is sacrosanct, inalienable
and cannot be balanced against other considerations. The «respect for life» must have
absolute priority. Every person has the right to life and physical integrity. He or she has
inalienable social rights such as the right to fair working conditions, to social security, to
an adequate standard of living for himself or herself and the family, including adequate
food, clothing and housing, to education and participation in cultural and political life;
• that all anti-family ideologies in national and international regulations are cancelled;
because the family is the natural and fundamental nucleus of society and should enjoy the
greatest possible protection and assistance;
• that all education slashings of our public schools are stopped; that professional content
linked to scientific knowledge be promoted again; that social connectedness, social ethics
and civic education be strengthened and schools meet their constitutionally vested mission
to educate mature and responsible citizens. Education is the most fundamental task of sovereign
states. It cannot be that young people are not fit for employment when they leave
schools and are thus abandoned to neglect;
because every person has the right to education. It serves the full development of the human
personality and makes her capable of taking responsibility for the common good and
for peace. In this sense education must foster an awareness of human dignity and enable
humanity to acquire and practice understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations;
• that it may not be a self-proclaimed international «elite» from politics, media and (financial)
economy that determine the destiny of citizens and peoples;
because the people, the citizens, are the sovereign in the state (sovereignty of the people),
and that is why the citizens have all political civil rights and liberties; they have the
freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly, the freedom of association, the right to free
elections and referenda. Elected officials and governments must be independent trustees
of the common good. The citizens‘ freedom of information and the importance of media
for democracy demand that they are committed to truth and the common good as well as
objective and balanced reporting; the economy has to serve the people; every state is sovereign
over its own economic system, in particular over its currency. Natural resources
must be protected and safeguarded for further generations;
• that the intelligence services and police authorities of all states should be limited to their
core tasks under the law and put an end to the all-encompassing collecting of personal data
beyond all borders;
because every person has the right to privacy. He has a right to be protected against state
arbitrariness. Government action is only legitimate and legal if it is bound to uphold statute
and law (rule of law);
• that people and countries are not forced into dependenciessuch as debt bondage («odious
debts»); that further the subjugation of countries under the financial domination of the EU,
the IMF and similar institutions and the associated loss of state sovereignty be undone;
because all nations have the right that their country, regardless of size, of economic and
military power, is an equal member within the international community;
• that any interference in the internal affairs of the states of Europe, be it through political
or economic pressure or enforcing voting results, should be refrained from and that all the
agreements that were made in this way, be reversed;
because all nations have a right to self-determination and by virtue of that right are free
to determine their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural development;
• that all European countries renounce the use of military force to push economic and
political interests, respect and comply with international law. All wars must be stopped;
because all states have a right to territorial integrity and political independence. Every
war violates human rights. Conflicts must be resolved by peaceful means and at the negotiating
table. Everyone has the right to an international order that ensures a life in peace
and freedom.
Human acting must be based on ethics
Good faith must be the basis of all human coexistence and political activity again. Without
this principle, there is no confidence in agreements within and between the states, and the
floodgates are open to arbitrariness. Control mechanisms (such as «governance») and manipulation
techniques of all kinds, which aim at influencing people by the abuse of psychological
methods without full and open information, deprive the citizens of the possibility of independently
forming their opinion. Thus they violate the dignity of the person and destroy the basis
of political dialogue and the legal system.
People are capable, with their reason and their empathy, to recognize the necessary fundamental
orientation of a moral and political action, to think and feel in a humane and social way,
and to learn to act accordingly. This is the disposition embedded in the human heart. Guided
by reason and conscience, these fundamental orientations are intended to form the basis of the
whole of the moral, legal and political determinations that guide the life of man and society.
They guarantee the dignity of the human person in the face of transitory ideologies.
We will not surrender what has been recognized as right and what is considered to be right;
«All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with
reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.»
Adopted by the 300 participants of the XXIII International Conference «Mut zur Ethik» which was devoted
to the topic of «Freedom, Sovereignty and Human Dignity – A Safeguard against Despotism and War» and
took place in Switzerland from 4 to 6 September 2015. Among the participants were the following speakers
from Switzerland and abroad: Dr. Zoltan Adorjan (Slovakia), Bob Barr (USA), Prof. Dr. Stanislas Bucyalimwe
(Belgium / Democratic Republic of Congo), Katalin Z. Csörszné (Hungary), Nicole Dupras (France),
Jürgen Elsässer (Germany), Rev. Dr. Joseph Emmanuel Seemanpillai (Germany / Sri Lanka), Bishop Emeritus
Dr. Elmar Fischer (Austria), Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Werner Gabriel (Germany), Dr. Marek Glogoczowski (Poland),
Axel Grunow (Switzerland), Dr. Eike Hamer (Germany), Živadin Jovanovic (Serbia), Dr. Germán Muruchi
Poma (Germany / Bolivia), Prof. Dr. Velimir Nedeljkovic (Serbia), lic. phil. Nestor Moritz (Switzerland),
Manfred Paulus (Germany), Dr. Maria Isabel Pérez de Pio (Argentina), Prof. DI Rudolf Pomaroli (Austria),
Inge Rauscher (Austria), Dr. René Roca (Switzerland), Dr. Hans Wilde (Austria) , Willy Wimmer (Germany),
Prof. DI Dr. Heinrich Wohlmeyer (Austria).
© «Mut zur Ethik», Postfach 756, CH-8044 Zürich, E-Mail:
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Сербия Отравленная земля
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Спустя 15 лет после натовских бомбардировок Сербии спецкор
«KP» Дарья Асламова отправилась в эту страну, чтобы посмотреть,
какой след оставила там война.Текст: Дарья Асламова
Той весной в Белграде пятнадцать лет назад даже некурящие просили сигарет.
В ход шел дешевый контрабандный табак, от которого саднило горло и разрывало легкие от утреннего кашля, но несчастному городу было наплевать. Курили десятилетние пацаны, переставшие играть в войну, дымили гимназистки в коротких юбочках, смолили почтенные матери семейств и старухи с пустыми мертвыми глазами. Курили даже спасатели, когда вытаскивали из разбомбленного горящего телецентра тела шестнадцати журналистов.
Я помню их лица, выхваченные из тьмы багровым заревом пожара. Утро начиналось с чувства тошноты, рюмки ракии, обжигавшей голодный желудок, и «домачей кафы» (крепчайшего турецкого кофе, наследия времен Османской империи). Я даже не помню, что мы ели. И не помню, чтобы мы спали. Воздушная сирена начинала работать в два часа ночи, и в сизых от дыма комнатах люди вскакивали со стульев и бежали к окну. Уснула я лишь однажды, в доме моих друзей в Батайнице, пригороде Белграда, где находился военный аэродром. Мне дали бутылку и сказали пей, пока потолок не закрутится, как волчок. Нельзя же все время не спать. А в два часа ночи в моей комнате взрывной волной вышибло окна, и я скатилась на пол. И стояла на четвереньках в трусах, обезумевшая от страха, пока меня не вытащила на лестницу хозяйка дома по имени Мелани. «Сиди здесь, — сказала она. — Если дом рухнет, то лестница останется. Она железобетонная. Хочешь сигарету?» В ту ночь в Батайнице погибла трехлетняя девочка Милица Ракич.
78 бессонных белградских ночей закончились капитуляцией Югославии в июне 1999. Чудовищная военная машина НАТО с железной англосаксонской энергией вбомбила в средневековье цветущую балканскую страну. Потрясенные сербы оплакали мертвых и сказали себе: ужасы войны позади. Они еще не знали, что самое страшное только начинается.
«Они все обречены!»
Это было в Багдаде в 2003 за несколько дней до начала войны. Иракский переводчик привел меня в госпиталь, где лежали дети из Басры. Женщины в хиджабах с окаменевшими лицами сидели у кроваток своих умирающих от лейкемии и рака лимфы младенцев и двух- и трех-летних детей. Многие из них с трудом ворочали шеей, им мешали раздутые лимфатические узлы. Это были очень серьезные, тихие дети. Они совсем не плакали. «Почему вы привели меня сюда?» — лепетала я, ошеломленная увиденным. «Это жертвы той войны в Персидском Заливе», — объяснили мне. «Жертвы?! Но американцы бомбили Басру в 1991 году! Тогда этих детей на свете не было!» «Это была мини-ядерная война, — рассказывал доктор. — При операции „Буря в пустыне“ американцы использовали боеприпасы с обедненным ураном. Всего было сброшено 320 тонн урана. Матери этих детей получили серьезную дозу радиации, а их дети были обречены еще в материнской утробе. Это не самое страшное, что вы видите. В Басре рождаются дети без глаз
и носа, без рук и ног, без мозга, с двумя головами. Врожденные уродства обнаруживаются у более, чем половины новорожденных. Только никому до этого нет дела».
Спустя несколько суток я наблюдала с балкона отеля «Палестина», как снова бомбят город Багдад. Тогда самой страшной мне казалась мгновенная смерть под бомбами. Ведь я была еще молодой и наивной.
Вслед за доктором Раданом Джодичем, директором Института онкологии и лучшим хирургом Сербии, я иду в операционную.
«Мальчику всего 15 лет, — объясняет доктор Джодич. — Рак щитовидки в тяжелой форме». 15 лет. Значит, он родился в год натовских бомбардировок, мысленно подсчитываю я.
Спустя два часа доктор Джодич держит в руках кусок человеческого мяса и объясняет: вот половина щитовидки, внутри которой опухоль. «Сейчас мы узнаем, есть ли метастазы». Несколько мучительных минут, и становится ясно: хрупкое мальчишеское тело насквозь прошито метастазами. «Что сможем, удалим. Потом зашьем, — с дежурным оптимизмом говорит доктор Джодич. — Мальчику предстоит еще одна операция и, возможно, химиотерапия. Вы, наверное, устали, идите. А нам нужно закончить работу».
Я иду по коридору больницы, мокрая от холодного пота и придавленная человеческим горем. Перед моими глазами стоит комната, где доктор Джодич осматривает молодых женщин. Некоторые из них рыдают навзрыд. У большинства — рак щитовидки в безнадежной форме.
«Щитовидная железа первой реагирует на радиоктивное излучение, — объяснял мне доктор Джодич. — За последние десять лет рак щитовидки в Сербии вырос на 300 процентов. Стремительно растет саркома и лейкемия. Правда состоит в том, что НАТО использовало наш регион как свалку для ядерных отходов. Мы до сих пор не знаем, сколько бомб с обедненным ураном обрушилось на нашу землю. За прошедшие десять лет мы не видели ни одного серьезного правительственного исследования последствий бомбардировок. Мы лишь врачи. Наше дело — лечить. Я работаю в онкологии хирургом 40 лет. И говорю как врач: рак становится все более молодым, агрессивным и неоперабельным».
On the Ground in Russia
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Sharon Tennison
After traveling to Russia for more than 30 years as a "citizen diplomat," Sharon Tennison isn't buying the war propaganda intended to demonize Putin and cast us back into a Cold War. Originally a nurse in San Francisco, she has traveled in Russia more extensively than most citizens of that country, taking fellow Americans there to see for themselves, finding future entrepreneurs to bring to the US on scouting trips, spreading the idea of Rotary International, speaking widely in both countries, writing an astonishing memoir called The Power of Impossible Ideas.
Recently, she took a group of Americans on a tour of some of her contacts. You don't have to agree with everything she says to admire her expertise, based on direct experience, not on propaganda. In contrast to most of what you see in the Western mass media, here is her report of the trip:
1. The most startling fact for me is how well Russian people are withstanding being cut off from their normal long-standing markets and trading partners in Europe--and how they are faring since their ruble lost about half of its value in the past year. They were concerned about how long this period might last, but none registered serious fear or diffuse apprehension. Unlike us, Russians have gone through so much worse in their past. This is apparently rather small by comparison.
2. Next, how healthy and vibrant Russia looks today. Not in my 32 years of traveling around Russia has this country looked so prosperous and orderly. It definitely doesn't look like an isolated country under sanctions. It looks like a healthy, robust place with a great deal of modernity present everywhere.
3. There is a definite pride in Russia's citizenry that I had not seen previously. Today Russians respect themselves and their country, as opposed to the former years when, when to one degree or another, they seemed burdened with insecurities and self-doubt.
4. Russia's structures, from 18th century buildings to today's skyscrapers, are well kept these days. Unlike yesteryear, streets and sidewalks are clean. We traveled by metros, minibuses, and cars inside these cities--and across the countrysides by train and occasionally by cars. Highways are finally in good shape, city streets also, and they are as well marked as ours--this is new. Pedestrians have the right away with traffic now! We saw few dilapidated houses, except for rows of original wooden houses in Volgograd. Russia's villages are disappearing which is a great loss to those who still revere village life. Khrushchev's five-story apartment buildings are being razed with numerous elegant residential buildings going up in each city. I counted 19 cranes from one vantage point in Ekaterinburg.
5. Beauty and Russian classicism "are back" in Russia. Having survived the ugliness of the Soviet period, the bleakness and breakdown of the 1990s, Russian designers and architects have finally come upon classic styles for new building construction and decorating.
6. It seems to me that Russian people have found their comfort zone. They don't aspire to be like Americans or Europeans or anyone else. They feel good about being Russian and belonging to Russia. I think this is due to finally settling into their "national idea" of themselves (a combination of classicism from the Tsarist era including the re-emerging Russian Orthodox faith, built-in social services from the Soviet era, plus a renewed sense of Russia's cutting edge scientists and the Russian nation rising in the world). They have been searching for "what" Russia would become since the 1980s and no doubt even earlier. They appear to have internally settled this issue for the present.
7. Russians are open and honest that they have a long road ahead of them, seeing that there is much to do to refine civic responsibility, law and order, health care, social issues, democratizing issues and to get corruption under control.
8. Russians know they are a major country coming up in the world, yet one gets no sense that they are hungry for power. They aspire to be part of a developing multipolar world, where nations cooperate as opposed to break into competing alliances. I agree, this is the only way that makes sense at this juncture of our world's evolution. Russians are still a modest people, and not given to grandiosity or exceptionalism, in private or in public.
9. Russian people are still questioning what system will be best for them to develop. Is it American Democracy? No. Is it full blown Socialism? No. Is it full Capitalism? No. Is it private sectorism? Yes, definitely. It is some combination of these with plenty of safeguards to support excellent education, culture, the needs of children, the disabled and pensioners, etc.
10. Political system: They seem to still be searching for what's best for Russia ". but are comfortable with their current trajectory at the moment. Putin's approval rate in the Levada independent poll this week is 89%--probably the highest in the world for a head of state. Are there those who dislike Putin, who think he should vacate the presidency and make room for someone younger without a KGB background? Definitely. Frequently they are the younger educated males in the major cities who believe that Putin is the root of all of Russia's challenges in the world. Those with whom I had long discussions have a lot of holes in their perceptions. They are a thin minority but it's good for Russian society for them to exercise other points of view--even if most won't agree with them.
11. Personal freedoms: Most Russians have the main freedoms that they cherish. Remembering communism, they feel great that they can travel abroad at will, be safe in their homes, safe on their streets, choose any kind of work they wish, move wherever they want, educate their children as they please, read whatever they like, have whatever friends they wish, and they are glad to lead a normal life in Russia. There are Russians who push for more freedoms, they too are good for society. However, those who do such acts as desecrating the National Cathedral are not among them. Average Russians don't respect exhibitionism in any form.
12. What would Russians change, if they could? First of all they wish for fewer taxes, less bureaucracy, less corruption and more incentives for private business. They want a more highly organized and efficient society. They want to better understand how to innovate and instigate new levels of Russian production.
13. Russians want to build the great society for themselves and for anyone who comes there to live. They don't tolerate outsiders' ideas of how to build their country. They are frank ". if you come to Russia to live, you are expected to learn the language, live by Russian laws, work and support yourself. You don't go to Russia in order to change it. Russians themselves have the right to change Russia, but foreigners do not.
14. Russians want to help develop a more egalitarian world, one that supports growth and also takes care of societies' less advantaged peoples.
15. Russians and their leadership in the Kremlin and elsewhere have ZERO interest in taking over more land. Nothing would cripple them more quickly than having angry Estonians, Latvians or Ukrainians under their roof. In addition, Russia has more land than they can use. They have more natural resources than they can extract and use/sell over the next 50 years. As far as Crimea goes, they and the Crimeans have understood themselves as the same people for centuries. But for a drunk Khrushchev who gave Crimea to Ukraine without consulting the Crimeans in 1954, Crimea would have been part of Russia up to this day. Rumors that Russia will take any of the Soviet space back into Russia, including Ukraine, are pure fabrications to benefit the objectives of those who are trying to reduce Russia's ability to be competitive in the world.
Sharon Tennison
Unspoken Story of Indian Holocaust: UK Remains Silent About Its Atrocities
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While London has rushed to point the accusing finger at Serbs for the Srebrenica tragedy, the British have apparently forgotten their own shameful history of the genocide of the people of India, Rakesh Krishnan Simha told Sputnik.
While British policy makers are expressing their "righteous" anger over Russia's decision to veto their resolution on the Srebrenica "genocide" of 1995 discussed by the UN Security Council earlier this month, London should obviously look in the mirror and recall its own colonial past, New Zealand-based journalist and foreign affairs analyst Rakesh Krishnan Simha told Sputnik.
There is no need to delve deep into history, the analyst noted, referring to the infamous Bengal Famine of 1943-44 that can be classified as the greatest disaster in the subcontinent in the 20th century.
Citing Australian biochemist Dr. Gideon Polya, Rakesh Krishnan Simha underscored that the Bengal Famine was a "manmade holocaust" directly caused by UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill's policies.
"Bengal had a bountiful harvest in 1942, but the British started diverting vast quantities of food grain from India to Britain, contributing to a massive food shortage in the areas comprising present-day West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar and Bangladesh," the foreign affairs analyst narrated in his article "Remembering India's Forgotten Holocaust" in 2014.
Just in a year, the manmade famine had claimed the lives of over 3 million Indians.
The Famine in India: Natives Waiting for Relief at Bangalore
"Winston Churchill was just the last of the many murderous despots who presided over India's fate during the over 200 years of British rule. He said, "I hate Indians. They are beastly people with a beastly religion"," Rakesh Krishnan Simha told Sputnik.
Can We Classify the Bengal Famine as Genocide?
Can we classify the Bengal Famine as genocide? Genocide is a systematic killing of a people in great numbers and Churchill intentionally, and with open malice towards Indians, diverted grain from India to Europe, the analyst pointed out. He added that even when desperate pleas came from the administration in Bengal, Churchill refused to dispatch emergency food supplies. The UK prime minister even went so far as to blame Indians for the famine, saying that they "breed like rabbits."
"When the British representatives in India asked Churchill to stop diverting Indian food grains to Europe and to supply India with wheat from Australia, he replied: "If there is famine in India, then why is Gandhi still alive?"" the analyst remarked bitterly.
The Bengal Famine happened despite India being a food-surplus country with a bumper harvest that year, he stressed. And that had not been the first time when the British rulers facilitated food shortages in India.
Photograph of a South India family in 1878 by W.W. Hooper
Rakesh Krishnan Simha stressed that during over 200 years of British rule, India saw at least two dozen major famines, which collectively killed 60 million people. The journalist added that the figure is based on numbers collated by British officials and economists and in reality it is significantly higher.
The analyst pointed out that during the 1877 famine in India, the only acquire to get some food was to work in the British labor camps. Within those camps, starving Indians received only 16 ounces of rice per day — less than the Jewish inmates of Buchenwald, the Nazi concentration camp of the Second World War.
One would say that India had faced famines even before the British colonial rule. However, "in the past 2000 years of Indian history, there were very few famine deaths because the Indian rulers ensured the well-being of the people through emergency food supplies and field kitchens," the journalist underscored.
India's Forgotten Holocaust
The history of manmade famines in India under the British rule can be obviously compared to the Jewish Holocaust of the Second World War, according to Rakesh Krishnan Simha.
"Hitler's hatred for Jews led to the Holocaust and Britain's malice towards Indians caused the deaths of at least 60 million Indians, including three million people during the Bengal Famine. Proportionately, the Bengal Famine was a holocaust on a bigger scale than the Jewish Holocaust. It took Hitler 12 years to murder 6 million Jews, but the British starved at least 3 million Indians to death in a 15 month period from 1943 to 1944. Indian estimates put the toll at 7 million," the journalist told Sputnik.
Rakesh Krishnan Simha pointed out that Hitler wanted to destroy the entire Jewish population of Europe because of race and religious reasons; furthermore, Hitler saw Jews as competitors in the German economy.
"Hitler also wanted to create Lebensraum in Europe for pure Germans. If you look at the history of English colonialism, they have created their own versions of Lebensraum in Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand after the genocide of native populations," the analyst underscored.
"They [the British] may have wanted to do the same in India. But the British couldn't replicate armed genocide in India because Indians put up a ferocious counter attack and defeated the British in several wars. So the British may have decided to systematically eradicate Indians through famines. In fact, Churchill's scorched earth policy was intended to enfeeble the Indian population so the Japanese-armed Indian National Army which was planning to liberate India from the east would not find able bodied men in Bengal," he elaborated.
Why Does the Story of the Indian Genocide Remain Unspoken?
So, why does the story of the Indian genocide still remain unspoken? Why does the West that has recently rushed to blame Serbs for "genocide" of Bosnian Muslims remains suspiciously silent about its own hideous atrocities?
"First up, why would the US, UK, Spain or France admit at all to genocides they have committed? It is precisely because the scale of their own crimes is so staggering that they quickly latch on to other countries' internal problems. For instance, after an alleged 100,000 East Timorese were killed by the Indonesians, the West suddenly adopted the role of savior, conscience keeper and protector. It then invaded East Timor and illegally made it an independent country. It did the same in Kosovo," Rakesh Krishnan Simha elaborated.
"The UK and British immigrants in America wiped out Native Indians by the tens of millions. In Africa, the British massacred Kenyans," he added.
According to the journalist, considering the scale of the atrocities, the international community should conduct an official investigation into the Indian genocide.
"If the US Congress can condemn the Turkish genocide of Armenians a 100 years ago, then they can also censure Britain for even bigger holocausts in India. For this to happen, private Indian individuals must come forward to demand apology and reparations. There are a number of Indians who remember the holocaust and were affected by it," the analyst pointed out.
And there is a precedent, he stressed: "Kenya has asked Britain for an apology, and the British have rendered one."
However, there are a number of obstacles in the way of restoring justice. First of all it is not in the British interests to recognize such a hideous crime. Furthermore, the Indian elite have already established close ties with the British nobilities. Many of them have their children studying in American and British colleges, or have business connections, or have family living in Britain, Rakesh Krishnan Simha noted. Maybe that is why most Indians have no memory of these holocausts because they are not taught in Indian schools, the foreign affairs analyst emphasized.
Risultati e conclusioni della tavola rotonda: "Per non dimenticare - NON nella NATO"
NATO Aggression |
Scritto da Forum Belgrado Italia
Belgrado, 23 marzo 2015
L’Aggressione della NATO contro la Serbia (RFJ) nel 1999, è un crimine contro la pace e l'umanità, un crimine i cui autori non sono stati assicurati alla giustizia.
Quest’aggressione è stata l’ introduzione della strategia di interventismo globale della NATO nella più dura violazione dei principi fondamentali del diritto internazionale e del ruolo delle Nazioni Unite, in particolare, il Consiglio di Sicurezza. Così, nel settore cruciale della pace e della sicurezza, la NATO ha usurpato il ruolo delle Nazioni Unite.
La NATO ha dimostrato un nuovo principio: laddove la legge rappresenti un ostacolo per il raggiungimento dei suoi obiettivi di conquista, la legge deve essere rimossa.
I relatori e tutti i partecipanti alla tavola rotonda hanno valutato all'unanimità che la NATO, in quanto alleanza imperialista aggressiva, non ha rappresentato una soluzione in nessuna parte del mondo, ma piuttosto un fattore di conquiste, collaboratore di divisioni e conflitti, laceratore di stati, seminatore di un caos "controllato" (Afghanistan, Iraq, Siria, Yemen, Libia).
L'Assemblea ha espresso una decisa opposizione all'ingresso della Serbia nel sistema militare della NATO con l’accettazione del "Piano d'azione di Associazione individuale", valutando questo documento come il colpo più grave alla sovranità, libertà e dignità della nazione, come l'abbandono dello status di neutralità militare, e l'atto di cessione del destino del paese nelle mani della NATO.
Con l’abilitazione a regolare non solo le questioni militari, ma anche tutti i settori della vita economica, culturale, informativa e sociale in generale, questo IPAP è l’incarnazione del concetto militarista, autoritario e imperialista della NATO. Le spiegazioni ufficiali, l'obiettivo di pacificare e indurre in errore il pubblico, sono stati valutati come assolutamente irresponsabili, sprezzanti e indecenti. I partecipanti hanno fatto riferimento alla richiesta dell’ IPAP di finalizzare il processo di privatizzazione, concludendo che tale richiesta rivela la vera natura della NATO come leva del capitale sociale multinazionale, il cui obiettivo è quello di stabilire il controllo completo sulle risorse economiche, naturali e umane nel mondo.
L'assemblea ha inviato un appello unanime alle autorità per sospendere i preparativi delle vendite di Telekom, EPS, PKB, Assicurazioni Dunav, miniere, terreni agricoli, le acque, e altre ricchezze nazionali. Un settore pubblico solido, in qualsiasi paese, funge da pilastro della democrazia, l'indipendenza del Paese, e la cura per il futuro. La questione è stata sollevata – Cosa resta della libertà e della democrazia, se tutte le risorse economiche, finanziarie e naturali vengono consegnate nelle mani delle multinazionali dei paesi occidentali? Che cosa resterebbe da amministrare alla Serbia?
L’aggressione NATO del 1999 e la creazione del campo militare "Bondsteel" in Kosovo e Metohija sono state il primo passo per l'attuazione pratica della strategia di conquista della NATO in Oriente, la sua dislocazione ai confini russi, e l’inserimento di un cuneo nei rapporti tra Europa e Russia. La guerra civile in Ucraina è il corollario della strategia di espansione della NATO verso est.
La NATO e i leader di alcuni dei suoi stati membri hanno pubblicamente ammesso che l'aggressione del 1999 era stata perpetrata in violazione del diritto internazionale e del ruolo del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. La NATO e gli Stati membri sono quindi tenuti a risarcire il danno di guerra alla Serbia (RFJ) per un importo di 100 miliardi di dollari.
Il Presidente della Serbia, Tomislav Nikolić, nel discorso del suo ultimo anno a Uzice, in occasione della Giornata Nazionale dell’Indipendenza, ha reso pubblica la richiesta per il risarcimento dei danni di guerra provocati dall'aggressione della NATO. Ciò presuppone che il governo della Serbia dovrebbe adottare idonee misure concrete al fine di presentare ufficialmente questa iniziativa sollevata pubblicamente dal Presidente della Repubblica a nome della nazione, alla NATO e ai suoi membri, e di avviare i relativi negoziati.
Un appello è stato fatto alle autorità competenti per avviare le attività atte a stabilire il numero esatto e i nomi delle vittime civili dell’aggressione NATO.
Un appello è stato fatto alle autorità competenti per stabilire, in collaborazione con esperti e istituzioni scientifiche, le conseguenze dell'uso di armi con l'uranio impoverito e per adottare misure adeguate al fine di eliminare l’enorme preoccupazione dell’opinione pubblica riguardo l’esponenziale incremento dei tumori e delle deformità nei neonati, in particolare in Kosovo e Metohija, al fine di tutelare la salute delle persone da ulteriori tragiche conseguenze.
La risoluzione 1244 e la Costituzione della Serbia sono la base duratura per una soluzione solo pacifica e politica dello status della provincia del Kosovo e Metohija. Nessuno ha il diritto di sottovalutare, violare, o sostituire questa base. Nessuno ha il diritto di negoziare i diritti che la Serbia ha in Kosovo e Metohija come parte integrante del territorio dello Stato serbo, in cambio di eventuali interessi a breve termine, dal momento che questo equivarrebbe a minare la Serbia come stato.
Le istituzioni di governo della Serbia sono invitate a richiedere tempestivamente soddisfazione di tutti gli obblighi nei confronti della Serbia, come stabilito alla risoluzione 1244, e, in particolare, quanto segue:
- Libertà e ritorno sicuro di 250.000 serbi e non albanesi in Kosovo e Metohija, nel più breve tempo possibile,
- Ritorno di contingenti specifici di militari serbi e della polizia di Kosovo e Metohija
- La ricostruzione economica della Serbia, come stabilito nella risoluzione 1244,
- Il completamento della bonifica di aree in cui la NATO aveva usato armi con uranio impoverito, a spese degli Stati membri della NATO,
- La disattivazione degli ordigni inesplosi della NATO - bombe aeree, bombe a grappolo e altri ordigni, a carico dei paesi membri della NATO.
Infine, L’Assemblea ha richiesto la ricostruzione rapida e il completamento del "Fuoco Eterno", Monumento alle vittime dell'aggressione NATO, nel Parco dell’Amicizia, Ušće, Novi Beograd.
Relatori e partecipanti della tavola rotonda inviato l'appello alle istituzioni competenti affinchè non vengano utilizzati i fondi della Repubblica in bilancio per finanziare chiunque agisca in contrasto con gli interessi nazionali e statali, e, in particolare, coloro che sostengono il riconoscimento della Provincia forzatamente invasa del Kosovo e Metohija, e coloro che sostengono l'abbandono della politica di neutralità militare del paese.
Climate Change versus the Dangers of Nuclear War. “Three Minutes to Midnight”
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Sixty five Nobel winners were meeting in Mainau, Lake Constance in Southern Germany at their annual conference of Nobel Laureates sponsored by the Lindau Foundation.
Among the donors to the Lindau Nobel initiative are Lockheed Martin, Deutsche Bank, UBS, Bayer, Merck, Novartis and Microsoft.
Climate Change was on the agenda. The venue was largely a science gathering. There was no declaration or scientific debate on broader issues of war and peace. (See the program)
The “Mainau Declaration 2015 on Climate Change” compares the threat of climate change to that of nuclear war in the heyday of the Cold War era.
According to the Nobel Laureates, the threat of nuclear war belongs to a bygone era. Nuclear war is no longer the main threat, its climate change, “a threat of comparable magnitude”.
The threat to humanity prevails but it has taken on a different form:
Nearly 60 years ago, here on Mainau, a similar gathering of Nobel Laureates in science issued a declaration of the dangers inherent in the newly found technology of nuclear weapons—a technology derived from advances in basic science. So far we have avoided nuclear war though the threat remains. We believe that our world today faces another threat of comparable magnitude.
Are we the fascists now?
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by John Pilger
The recent 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was a reminder of the great crime of fascism, whose Nazi iconography is embedded in our consciousness. Fascism is preserved as history, as flickering footage of goose-stepping blackshirts, their criminality terrible and clear. Yet in the same liberal societies, whose war-making elites urge us never to forget, the accelerating danger of a modern kind of fascism is suppressed; for it is their fascism.
“To initiate a war of aggression…,” said the Nuremberg Tribunal judges in 1946, “is not only an international crime, it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”
Had the Nazis not invaded Europe, Auschwitz and the Holocaust would not have happened. Had the United States and its satellites not initiated their war of aggression in Iraq in 2003, almost a million people would be alive today; and Islamic State, or ISIS, would not have us in thrall to its savagery. They are the progeny of modern fascism, weaned by the bombs, bloodbaths and lies that are the surreal theatre known as news.
Like the fascism of the 1930s and 1940s, big lies are delivered with the precision of a metronome: thanks to an omnipresent, repetitive media and its virulent censorship by omission. Take the catastrophe in Libya.
In 2011, Nato launched 9,700 “strike sorties” against Libya, of which more than a third were aimed at civilian targets. Uranium warheads were used; the cities of Misurata and Sirte were carpet-bombed. The Red Cross identified mass graves, and Unicef reported that “most [of the children killed] were under the age of ten”.
The public sodomising of the Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi with a “rebel” bayonet was greeted by the then US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, with the words: “We came, we saw, he died.” His murder, like the destruction of his country, was justified with a familiar big lie; he was planning “genocide” against his own people. “We knew… that if we waited one more day,” said President Obama, “Benghazi, a city the size of Charlotte, could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world.”
This was the fabrication of Islamist militias facing defeat by Libyan government forces. They told Reuters there would be “a real bloodbath, a massacre like we saw in Rwanda”. Reported on March 14, 2011, the lie provided the first spark for Nato’s inferno, described by David Cameron as a “humanitarian intervention”.
Secretly supplied and trained by Britain’s SAS, many of the “rebels” would become ISIS, whose latest video offering shows the beheading of 21 Coptic Christian workers seized in Sirte, the city destroyed on their behalf by Nato bombers.
For Obama, David Cameron and then French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Gaddafi’s true crime was Libya’s economic independence and his declared intention to stop selling Africa’s greatest oil reserves in US dollars. The petrodollar is a pillar of American imperial power. Gaddafi audaciously planned to underwrite a common African currency backed by gold, establish an all-Africa bank and promote economic union among poor countries with prized resources. Whether or not this would happen, the very notion was intolerable to the US as it prepared to “enter” Africa and bribe African governments with military “partnerships”.
Following Nato’s attack under cover of a Security Council resolution, Obama, wrote Garikai Chengu…
“confiscated $30 billion from Libya’s Central Bank, which Gaddafi had earmarked for the establishment of an African Central Bank and the African gold backed dinar currency”.
ON TARGET: Ukraine could learn from Kosovo’s troubles
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There was an interesting announcement recently that went almost entirely unnoticed in the Canadian media.
On June 17, Peter Szijjarto, foreign minister of Hungary’s centre-right government, made the startling declaration that his national security forces will erect a four-metre wall along the entire 175 kilometres of shared border with Serbia.
Szijjarto’s rationale for resorting to such a drastic measure results from a months-long flood of asylum seekers pouring into southern Hungary. While tens of thousands of these desperate illegal immigrants have been caught, detained and returned into Serbia, the vast majority have used the processing time for their asylum applications to simply disappear into other western European countries.
This, of course, explains why there is no public outcry from other members of the European Union over Hungary’s decision to fence out this wave of desperate humanity.
For impoverished Serbia, staunching the flow of these refugees at its northern border has generated the opposite reaction.
“I thought the Berlin Wall had fallen, but now new walls are being constructed,” stated Serbia’s foreign minister, Ivica Dacic, referring to the Cold War barrier that stood from 1961 until 1991.
“We are absolutely and fiercely against (Hungary’s) decision to build a fence.”
While the nationalities of those fleeing through Serbia into Hungary and beyond include Syrians, Somalis and even Afghans, the irony is that the vast majority of asylum seekers are ethnic Albanians from Kosovo.
The most recent exodus began in earnest in the fall of 2014, when the Serbian government relaxed travel restrictions on Albanians entering from the declared independent state of Kosovo. Serbia has never recognized Kosovo’s 2008 declaration of independence and still legally considers the region to be sovereign Serbian territory.
In 1999, Kosovo was ravaged by a brutal civil war between ethnic Albanian separatists and Serbian security forces. The root cause of the public discontent was a severely depressed economy, overpopulation and unemployment. The Albanian underworld was able use that unrest to ignite and impassion a wave of nationalist sentiment that soon boiled over into a full-scale armed insurgency.
That year was the 50th anniversary of NATO and, given the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, there was a strong desire for NATO leaders to prove that the alliance was still relevant. Thus, NATO threw its full weight behind the Albanian Kosovo rebels.
In the spring of 1999, NATO warplanes, including Canadian CF-18s, launched a 78-day bombing campaign — not just against Serbian military targets in the disputed territory of Kosovo but against civilian infrastructure and utilities throughout all of Serbia. With NATO combat forces, including Canadians, massed in Macedonia for a possible ground war, the Serbian government negotiated a ceasefire on June 10, 1999.
Under the negotiated terms of UN Resolution 1244, Kosovo was to remain the sovereign territory of Serbia after a brief military occupation by NATO troops. Serbian security forces were to resume control of Kosovo’s border crossings and provide protection for the numerous sacred Serbian religious sites and monasteries within the disputed territory.
Of course, that was never actually in the cards. NATO negotiators had never wanted to have ground troops fight their way through Kosovo’s forebodingly steep mountain passes. Therefore, they agreed to all Serbian demands, knowing full well that they would never honour the deal.
In February 2008, that duplicity was formalized when the United States hastily recognized Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence and strong-armed allies such as Canada into following suit.
However, the precedent of such declarations of territorial independence based upon ethnic regional majority has prevented many countries from recognizing Kosovo. For instance, Spain, with its Basque separatist movement, and Azerbaijan, with its claim over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh, cannot recognize a unilaterally declared independence.
With Russia using its veto to deny Kosovo membership in the UN and Spain, Slovakia, Greece and Cyprus doing likewise to keep it out of the European Union, Kosovo has remained in a strange quasi-limbo status on the international stage.
What matters most, however, is that at the end of the day, you cannot subsist on flags. Despite its declared independence, unemployment, poverty, corruption and widespread crime are driving a new flood of Albanian Kosovars to seek a better life — anywhere but in Kosovo.
The people of Ukraine who see their salvation in the form of a NATO intervention should take a good look at NATO’s “success” in Kosovo. Short-term military solutions do not solve long-term economic problems.
Экс-глава МИД Югославии: легендарный разворот Примакова над Атлантикой останется в истории
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Живадин Иованович:
"В анналах мировой дипломатии останется в памяти жест Примакова, когда в ночь с 23 на 24 марта 1999 года он, узнав о решении начать военную операцию НАТО против Югославии, распорядился развернуть самолет, на котором во главе государственной делегации летел в Вашингтон, где должны были состояться его переговоры с (вице-президентом США) Альбертом Гором. Когда он узнал, что принято решение о начале бомбардировок, о начале агрессии США против Союзной Республики Югославии, он распорядился, чтобы над Атлантикой российский государственный самолет развернулся и вернулся назад в Москву", - напомнил бывший министр иностранных дел Союзной Республики Югославии Живадин Йованович, возглавляющий ныне сербскую неправительственную организацию "Белградский форум за мир равноправных".
По его мнению, "тот жест показал, насколько Примаков был привержен соблюдению и уважению принципов международного права и насколько понимал, что атака НАТО не была направлена только против одной маленькой, миролюбивой европейской страны, какой была Союзная Республика Югославия, - это была в такой же, если не больше, степени атака на стратегические цели России и на ее легитимные интересы". "Он хорошо знал, что господство НАТО на Балканах - это только предлог для экспансии НАТО к российским границам", - отметил Йованович.
"Он был человеком, которому мы тогда в руководстве Югославии доверяли больше, чем кому-либо другому из российского руководства. У нас есть впечатление, что если бы тогда больше зависело от Примакова, то и политика тогдашней России была бы другой и по отношению к Югославии, и по отношению к Сербии, и к Европе. И, возможно, если бы Россия тогда следовала принципам Евгения Примакова, то, может быть, сейчас у нас было бы меньше проблем и на Балканах, и в Европе", - считает экс-министр.
Видео прилог о Примакову:
Клаудиа фон Верлхоф: По вопросам Бильдербергской конференции
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В начале июня месяца 2015 г., гостиница «Интеральпен», г. Бухен под Трельфсом,
Бильдербергский клуб носит название, которое в немецком языке означает
«картинную гору». Этот элитный клуб в наши дни проводит совещания в
тирольском городе Трельфс, то есть, мы будем иметь «картины с гор с картинной
Сообщество, которому разрешают провести свои собрания совершенно
таинственным образом с громадной полицейской защитой, собирая, при этом,
ряд деятелей политики, науки и «подобранными вручную» представителями СМИ
из всего света, является доказательством того, что мы живем не в демократии,
ибо задается вопрос — каким образом и почему удается этой организации
достичь того, что никто не говорит о том, что там происходит? Как это клуб
делает, чтобы все приглашенные вообще приезжали? Они же знают, что дело не
в личной красоте их носов.
Здесь находится передний край власти, настоящей власти. Сюда приглашают
тех, кто попал под прицел этой власти. А в качестве кого их приглашают? В
качестве будущих представителей именно этой власти, разумеется. Те, у кого в
самом деле находится власть, хотят, чтобы «мы» под видом тех, кто туда идет,
защищали, вслед за этим, их интересы: в области политики, науки, экономики,
социальных движений, средств массовой информации. «Мы» им нужны только
лишь в качестве исполнителей их воли – так как они же не могут все делать сами.
Приглашенные — это те, которые находятся в промежутке, в промежутке между
ними и массой населения, между властью и теми людьми без власти. Однако, эти
«могучие» явно не могут быть реально могучими, если не было бы этого третьего
— шарнирного — класса, который по приказу сверху говорит, в чем суть и как
Ukraine Makes Amnesia the Law of the Land
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By Jochen Hellbeck
Poroshenko wants his nation to forget its role in Nazi atrocities
Few Western observers took notice when Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko signed a package of laws last Friday. They should have. The laws, which were rushed through parliament without public debate, strive to provide the country with a "correct" and binding historical memory. Those holding alternative views of Ukraine's past risk prison terms of up to ten years. Vedomosti, a liberal Russian newspaper generally sympathetic to Ukrainian reformers, lamented the passage of the laws: "The turn history into a handmaiden of ideology is removing Ukraine from democratic values, bringing it troublingly close to contemporary Russia."
Vedomosti understates the problem. Existing laws in Russia criminalize historical views that "relativize Nazism" and question the narrative of Soviet victory in World War II. The new laws in Ukraine go further. Their aim is to impose a sharp break between present-day Ukraine and its entire Soviet past, now deemed criminal. As they foreground a questionable story of ethnic Ukrainians who throughout their history fought Russian domination, these initiatives also whitewash dark areas of the country's past.
One of the laws condemns "the Communist and Nazi totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and bans propaganda of their symbols." For the most part, however, the law focuses on the Soviet era. All that it has to say about Nazism is that its racial theories drove certain groups out of their professions. It makes no mention of the mass murder of Jews, let alone the participation of Ukrainians in these atrocities.
The omission is strategic: This is made clear by another law, which hails soldiers and partisans who fought in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) as national freedom fighters. During World War II, the UPA collaborated with the German Wehrmacht against the Soviet Red Army. As the Germans withdrew from Ukraine in 1943, scores of Ukrainian policemen who had served with the occupiers, killing communists and Jews, joined the ranks of the UPA. During its prolonged fight for independent statehood the insurgent army committed numerous atrocities against ethnic minorities. Roman Shukhevich, the army's commander, was a notorious anti-Semite. The new law glorifying the UPA was drafted by Yuri Shukhevich, Roman Shukhevich's son.
In an open letter to President Poroshenko this April, a group of scholars and Ukraine experts lamented that the law would make it "a crime to question the legitimacy of an organization (UPA) that slaughtered tens of thousands of Poles in one of the most heinous acts of ethnic cleansing in the history of Ukraine."
Earlier this month, for the first time in Ukrainian history, veterans of the UPA were invited onto a national stage. At a ceremony in Kiev marking the seventieth anniversary of VE-Day, they occupied the front row of an honorary stand and were cheered by spectators. Next to them, separated by a corridor, sat a contingent of Red Army veterans. The rows behind the veterans were reserved for young Ukrainian soldiers who had been recalled from the front in Eastern Ukraine. The image conveyed the passing of the torch from the generation of the grandfathers, who had supposedly all fought for Ukraine during World War II, to their grandsons, who are continuing the same fight today.
As I observed the ceremony, I spoke with Volodymyr Viatrovych, the 38-year-old director of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory. A native from Lviv in Western Ukraine, the historic center of Ukrainian nationalism, Viatrovych has been instrumental in applying an ethnic understanding of Ukrainian history to the country as a whole. His institute had also prepared the choreography of the national commemorations surrounding VE-Day. As the UPA veterans entered the stage, Viatrovych excitedly pointed to one of them, explaining that the man had served as Roman Shukhevich's aide-de-camp.
The evening culminated with Poroshenko's address to the soldiers. The president invoked the spirit of May 8, a new national holiday that was introduced to directly precede Victory Day, the traditional Soviet-style holiday that falls on May 9. He spoke of the need to commemorate the end of the war in a non-Soviet, "European" manner. He went on to evoke the valiant efforts of Ukrainians during WWII and their valiant fight today. Poroshenko detailed the sufferings of millions of Ukrainians, as well as those of the Crimean Tartars who had been deported wholesale by Stalin for ostensibly collaborating with Nazi Germany. It was a pointed reference to what might be in store for the Crimean Tartars today, now that they have fallen under Russian rule.
Poroshenko said nothing about Ukraine's Jews. His silence felt eerie on this European holiday, and all the more so because the event took place a few miles from Babi Yar, one of the greatest killing sites of the Second World War.
Towering over the president, and making for jarring symbolism, were illuminated flags of Ukraine and the European Union. Following Poroshenko's speech a choir sang Beethoven's Ode to Joy, the anthem of the European Union. The frigid evening concluded with the crowd boisterously singing the Ukrainian national anthem.
My friends in Kiev—all of them professional historians—seem to understand my concern. But they keep saying that Ukraine is under siege, and that a critical discussion of the country's past has to wait until after the war. I disagree. Nationalistic narratives of suffering and struggle against external enemies have great mobilizing power, particularly in times of war. Left unchecked, they will only intensify and perpetuate the war.
The new laws that criminalize the Soviet past and glorify the UPA "freedom fighters" are certain to alienate countless Ukrainians. Already in December 2013—this was before the fall of Viktor Yanukovych's regime—political scientist Andreas Umland warned that the imposition of a narrow ethnic-national vision of Ukraine's past would estrange the populations of the Crimea and the Donbass where UPA rhymes with fascist. Looking back, the fact that one of these two regions now is part of Russia, and the other yearns to become absorbed by Russia, seems far from accidental. Ukraine needs to embrace a history that excludes no one and recognizes the country's complex past.
Europeans should not watch passively as core European values are being silenced or denied in Ukraine's hybrid war against Russia. What unites Europe today is the memory of the Holocaust as a singular crime and a starting point for a new era. This memory is shared not only by French and Germans, Poles and Greeks; it also extends to a Russia that affirms the central role played by the Red Army in liberating Europe from fascism. Indeed, Soviet soldiers—Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians, soldiers from the Caucasus and Central Asia—stopped Hitler's forces at Stalingrad and proceeded to liberate scores of death camps in Poland and the Baltic states. On the seventieth anniversary of VE-Day, it is worth reflecting on the way Europe was rebuilt on the ashes of Auschwitz. As we envision a new Europe after the current war, it is clear that both Ukraine and Russia must have a place in it.
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Belgrad, den 26. Mai 2015
Sehr geehrte Frau Bundeskanzlerin,
aus unseren Medien haben wir erfahren, dass Sie demnächst einen offiziellen Besuch der Republik Serbiens abstatten werden. Es ist ein großer Wunsch von uns allen, dassIhr Besuch und Ihre Gespräche mit den führenden politischen Vertretern Serbiens zurVetiefung der gegenseitigen Beziehungen unserer Länderund Völker beitragen werden.
Unser Belgrader Forum für die Welt der Gleichberechtigten, ein unabhängiger, nicht parteigebundener und nicht profitorientierter Verein, möchte zum Ausdruck bringen, dass Ihr Besuch im Zeitraum des Gedenkens an 70 Jahre nach dem Sieg ueber den Nazifaschismus und an 16 Jahre nach der NATO-Aggression gegen Serbien und Montenegro zustandekommt.
Ungeachtet weiterer Folgen wollen wir Ihre Aufmerksamkeit darauf lenken, dass in beiden Kriegen auch eine sehr große Anzahl an Kindern ums Leben gekommen ist.
Wir sind zutiefst davon überzeugt, dass Sie den 1941. von Faschisten erschossenen 300 Schülern und Professoren des Gymnasiums der Stadt Kragujevac und den beim NATO–Angriffums Leben gekommenen Kindern durch eine Blumengabe in der Gedenkstätte ŠUMARICE Kragujevac und am Denkmal im Park TAŠMAJDAN in Belgradeine große Ehre erweisen würden.
Die serbische Öffentlichkeit würde sicher solche symbolische Gesten als wichtige und staatsmännisch verantwortliche Schritte zur Versöhung und Verständigung pozitiv aufnehmen.
Dies verdienen nicht nur die imensen Opfer Serbiens, sondern auch die großen und bedeutenden Persönichkeiten der serbischen, deutschen und europäischen Kultur wie Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, Gebrüder Grimm und Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Ihr Werk stellt ein leuchtendes und inspirierendes Vorbild für den Aufbau fruchtbarer Beziehungen und gegenseitiger Achtung des serbischen und deutschenVolkes.
Ihre Exellenz
Frau Angela Merkel
Kanzlerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Mit respektvoller Hochachtung
Vorsitezender des Belgrader Forums
Živadin Jovanović
Moscow 70th anniversary of the anti-fascist victory
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Ферреро Бротонс Анхель
Корреспондент Sputnik Mundo
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1) In his recent visit to Serbia, Sergey Lavrov voiced the worries of Russia over the violence in Macedonia and the idea of a ‘Greater Albania’. What kind of support do Albanian nationalists have in the Balkans? And internationally?
ZJ: We all are, indeed, very worried over current destabilization of Macedonia. With growing socio-economic problems in the region, here comes grave violence and political destabilization of Macedonia. Idea of Greater Albania is old one, but it has been propped up by NATO aggression 1999 and further reinforced 2008 by unilateral secession of the Serbian Province Kosovo and Metohija, supported and recognized by USA most of NATO/EU member governments. There could hardly be any doubt that current destabilization of Macedonia could happen without the will and even support of the same western factors. Statements from various western capitals, participation of some western ambassadors at the opposition relies in Skopje, slogans and western propaganda, in general, is more than revealing. Serbia, certainly, is one of the most interested countries in the region for stabilization of Macedonia and condemnation of the idea of “Greater Albania”.
2) Do you think that the current protests are an attempt to destabilize the current Macedonian government? And do you believe that they can be compared to the ‘color revolutions’ and ‘regime change’ operations sponsored by the West i.e. in the former Yugoslavia (Otpor! movement), Georgia (Revolution of Roses) or Ukraine (Euromaidan)?
ZJ: I think that the current events in Macedonia are blueprint of “regime change” patterns in Serbia (Yugoslavia), and elsewhere in Europe, Northern Africa, or current attempts to destabilize Brazil, Venezuela, and Argentina. There are certainly specific details applied from one country to the other, but main stages and tools are - propaganda machinery generating popular discontent, organizing massive protests and even armed incidents, advancing demands for “changes” and, finally, overthrowing legally elected governments.
3) Lavrov said that latest developments “occur as the Macedonian government refuses to join sanctions and supports the Turkish Stream”. Is the US interested in destabilizing the region for geopolitical purposes?
ZJ: I believe Minister Lavrov has it right. USA is afraid losing control over Europe and Europe`s cooperation with Russia. In that regard, any project making Europe self-sufficient, secure and independent , in the long run, such as South Stream, Turkish Stream, or any other, Washington considers contrary to its geostrategic interests and is trying to stop by all means. Macedonia is, by no means, big nor strong, but considers Turkish Stream and free trade with Russia to be in her best interest. Unfortunately, USA have no consideration for anybody`s interest, not to metion Macedonia`s, except for their own. This is the Imperial logic. But, the time of the world policemen is closing. History continues in spite of imperial prognosis.
Zivadin Jovanovic,
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, 18 May, 2015
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We, the representatives of international democratic organizations – the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), the World Peace Council (WPC), the Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF), the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) , the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), the International Federation of Resistance Fighters – Association of Anti-Fascists (FIR), who have gathered in Moscow for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory over Fascism, hereby declare:
It is 70 years since our great common victory over fascism, under the banner of Victory, progressive, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist forces of the world have united for joint actions to prevent a repeat of the tragedy that carried away tens of millions of lives by fighting together against the root causes of war and oppression.
The victory over world fascism and militarism gave a powerful impetus to the spread of the ideas of social justice and national equality. The year 1945 saw an upsurge of the movement for national liberation of many countries from the dominance of imperialism and colonialism as well as universal social transformations aimed at solving acute social problems and democratization of social and political life along with creating new societies. The lessons from the Victory over fascism as well from the causes which have led to the war are present today in a period of growing imperialist aggressiveness, occupation and threats to the sovereignty of the peoples, in a period of deep global economic crisis of capitalism. We declare our vehement opposition and denounce under this light the role of NATO, the armed wing of imperialism which is committing for more than 66 years crimes against humanity under old and new pretexts. We condemn likewise the efforts for the further militarization of the EU, with the plans to establish a permanent EU army.
The activities of our international organizations over the seven decades of their existence contributed greatly to the preservation of world peace, to the achievement of national independence by many countries, to social and political progress of humankind. The relevance of our experience is particularly evident in our day in the year of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. The events of recent years have shown that peace has not grown stronger. Wars are raging in various regions, neo-fascists and extremists are rearing their heads, and efforts are being made to pervert the history of the Second World War and rehabilitate fascism. The forces which at the end of 1945 were hiding like cowards in European forests or were secretly harboring their evil designs now openly take to the streets of European cities perpetrating barbaric acts of violence with regard to the civilian population. In some countries of the world medieval customs and procedures are being revived that violate the social and political rights, especially of women. The call “People, Be Vigilant” is relevant again. There is greater need for joint actions by all the progressive forces.
We condemn all efforts of re-writing and falsification of history, including the one of the 9th May and call upon all people to denounce and condemn the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism and xenophobia.
We, the representatives of international organizations, are launching an appeal to defend historical memory. We call for a decisive end to the propaganda of the ideas of racism and genocide. We are sure that the experience of seven decades of the struggle against fascism and war, for peace and democracy, for social and political rights may once again provide a powerful impetus to protecting humanity from new threats to its existence.
We bow our heads in memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for our freedom. We bow our heads to the courage and the heroic feat of the Soviet people who have made the decisive contribution to Victory. We remember the names of the best sons and daughters of European peoples who fought in the Resistance units. We call on the peoples of the world to make their historic contribution to the struggle for peace, for freedom from tyranny, for a world where the peoples will be the masters of their fortunes, without imperialist domination and exploitation.
Moscow, May 7, 2015
Тон снова должны задавать военные?
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Рудольф Хэнзель
Уважаемый господин доктор ГанцРюле!
Вы выступаете в газете «WeltamSonntag» («ВельтамЗоннтаг») от 26.04.2015 за оснащение танков Леопард-2 Бундесвера высокотоксичными, радиоактивными урановыми боеприпасами для «боев против русских танков Т90». Итак, Вы выступаете как «Эксперт по оружию массового уничтожения» (Википедия) за приобретение вышеназванного вооружения, соответственно оружия истребления, чей запрет по причине ужасающих последствий для солдат, гражданского населения и окружающей среды годами требует мировая общественность, из-за мнимой предстоящей борьбы против русских танков. По чьему заданию Вы действуете? Разрешите мне, как вашему соотечественнику, выросшему после неописуемых, чудовищных злодеяний нацистской диктатуры в надежде, что никогда больше не начнется разжигаемая с немецкой территории война, сказать то, что я почувствовал, читая вашу манипулированную статью.
Как просвещенный гражданин, который уже много лет следит за ведением военных действий США-НАТО с применением нарушающих все нормы международного праваурановых боеприпасов в Сербии, Афганистане, Сомалии и в Ираке, я пришел в ужас, был возмущен и одновременно мне было по-человечески стыдно за такое извращенное и бесстыдное требование юриста, обладающего объективной информацией, но говорящего о лишь «минимально излучающих» урановых боеприпасах. Считаю своим долгом сказать об этом прямо.
От, к сожалению умершего профессора доктора Зигварда-Хорста «Отца движения против уранового вооружения», от кинематографиста, автора документального фильма «Смертельная пыль» («Todesstaub») Фриедера Вагнера и от близких друзей из вышеперечисленных территорий военных действий, мне стало известно уже в 90-х из первых рук об эпидемически возникающих уродствах у новорожденных и о высоких процентных показателяхлейкемии и различных видов онкологических заболеваний, возникающих как следствие воздействия радиоактивной, высокотоксичной пыли при ударах и взрывах урановых снарядов как у непосредственно участвующих в боевых действиях солдат и их жен, так и у гражданского населения (вся информация в интернете!).
Сербские эксперты и ученые проанализировали последствия НАТО-бомбардировок их страны в 1999 и засвидетельствовали это в книге «CrimeinWar - GenocideinPeace» ( «Преступление при войне – геноцид при мире»). Как правило очень часто через десять и более лет после окончания преступных войн и ухода военщины,в местах бывших военных действий начинается геноцид населения. Дефолиант «AgentOrange», которым США в 70-х травили вьетнамское население, является до сих пор, спустя 40 лет, смертельным оружием.
А так как требуемые Вами снаряды их обедненного урана (DepletedUranium – DU), и применяемое в обеих Мировых войнах химическое вооружение являются немецкими изобретениями, вспоминаются книга и документальный фильм с названием «DerTodisteinMeisterausDeutschland» (Смерть – эксперт из Германии») об уничтожении евреев в нацистской Германии. Должно это продолжаться и дальше? Эти опасения вызывают постоянные подстрекательства безответственных политиков, военных и журналистов к войне против России, а также бурные требования применения оружия массового уничтожения.
США, Великобритания, Франция и Израиль проголосовали в декабре 2014 года против Резолюции предложенной Генеральной Ассамблеей ООН. В ней говорилось о международной поддержке стран, пострадавших от последствий применения уранового вооружения. Таким образом эти страны сняли с себя ответсвенность за последствия применения DU-вооружения (вооружения с обедненным ураном).
С высоковероятным применением этого вооружения в последних атаках США против «Исламского Государства» в Сирии и в Ираке, а также с перемещение штурмовиков А-10 (вооруженных урановыми боеприпасами) из США в Восточную Европу, можно говорить о том, что нарушающие нормы международного права военные действия «бодро» продолжаются. Не должна ли Германия быть хотя бы здесь примером и не применять урановое вооружение, как это требует СДПГ?
Господин Рюле, Вы также написали в упомянутой статье, что урановое вооружение надо было бы приобрести еще 30 лет назад, но это было невозможно ввиду политической ситуации, когда в 80-х годах «Движение за мир задавало тон». По вашему мнению сегодня – через 70 лет после конца нацистской диктатуры – тон снова должны задавать военные? Вы думаете, что бесконечная военная пропаганда уже настолько повлияла на граждан, что мы согласимся с вашими требованиями, направленными против человечества? Нет! Нас невозможно бесконечно манипулировать и при этом бесконечно обманывать.
Как обеспокоенные и сознательные граждане, мы будет следить за дальнейшим развитием ситуации.
Если мы, граждане, привыкнем беспрекословно терпеть такое, то не останется ничего, что бы мы смогли отклонить.
Доктор Рудольф Хэнзель из Линдау (Боденское озеро) написал это открытое письмо перед 8 мая, Днем Памяти об освобождении Германии от нацистской диктатуры.
Он дипломированный психолог и ученый-педагог. Вы найдете его по адресу:
Девятое мая: кто где?
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День победы над фашизмом, как величайшим злом в новейшей истории, и День Европы, посвещен созданию Евросоюза, отмечаются 9–го мая, которое должно стать предупреждением и напоминанием о тех ужасах, к которыми приводит ненасытное желание к абсолютной власти. Но 17 лет спустя в Европе и в мире, может быть, ничего не изменилось. Кажется, что сегодня НАТО, во главе со США, своей империалистической экспансией на Восток продолжает политику Сил оси (известну как Drang Nach Osten), в результате чего Европа и мир теперь в новых подразделениях и конфликтах. А где в этих подразделениях и конфликтах находится Сербия?
Вторая мировая война принесла сербскому народу неизчеслимые страданиа. После русского и польского народа, сербский пострадал больше всех. 1 700 000 жертв было воплащено в освобождение и создание новой Югославии. Лагерь Ясеновац, где умерло 700 000 людей, является символом стратегии геноцида НГХ. Карстовые пещеры Велебита, система лагерей смерти Госпиче, Паг, Ядовно, а также подготовка к лагере Ясеновац проглатали сотни тысяч сербов, евреев, цыган и других антифашистов. В единственном в мире детском концентрационном лагере Ястребарско вечный покой нашло 700 детей из г. Козара, в лагере Ясеновац более чем 20 000 детей, а в целом в усташеском Независимом государстве Хорватии из жизни ушло более чем 70 000 сербских детей. В то время, как на территории НГХ, которое стало фашистским спутником Гитлера, сербский народ убивали самыми страшными способами, которые порaжали даже немецких оккупантов, пока в Сербии те же оккупанты свой план проводили арийский и просто - расстрелом. За каждого убитого немецкого солдата расстреляли по 100 сербов, за каждого раненнного - 50. Из-за неспособности справиться с партизанским способом ведения войны, нацистские оккупанты не гнушались ни массового расстреления детей, чтобы запугать и наказать. Вместе с сотнями учеников пошел на смерть Милойе Павлович, директор крагуйевацкой гиманзии и его слова «Стрелайте, я и сейчас веду урок!» стали заветом будущими сербскими поколениями как защищается свобода и достоинство.
В Крагуевце и Кралево в октябре 1941 г. страдало 5 000 сербов – гражданских лиц, детей, женщин. Хладнокровие немецких оккупантов и палачей имелo своих слабых точек. Ликвидации десятков тысяч сербов, цыган, евреев и других антифашистов в лагерях Старо Саймиште, Баница, Яинци, Црвени Крст и др. предшествовали ужасные мучения.
Семьдесят лет спустя еще кроваво-красные колонки для расстрелки в лагере Яинци сведетельствуют о убийстве мучеников, чей единственный грех был то, что не принадлежали к расе оккупантов! Тем не менее многочисленые сербские жертвы, 4 года непоколебимой борьбы Народно-освободительной армии привели к свободе собственного народа и страны, но одновременно сделали крупный вклад в свободу всей Европы и вложили фундамент современой Европы. Народно-освободительная борьба уже в 1941 г. привела к созданию первой свободной территории в Европе, известной как Ужицкая республика. Связивая многочисленые немецкие дивизии на Балканах сербский народ обеспечил СССР дополнительное время для подготовки к обороне, a в дальнейшем ходу войне принес победу над нацизмом и фашизмом.
Сегодня нам видно, что всеобъемлющий процесс ревизии пронизывает политику, искусство, культуру, СМИ, почти все аспекты жизни, и что цель того оправдать виноватых и присоединить их к победителям. Пересмотр результатов Второй мировой войны и подразделения, которые мы видим сегодня в Европе и мире имеют единственное начало. Это начало – насильственный расспад Югославии, как организации общества и государства, без прецедента. Югославия была примером сопрaтставления любому виду господства, гегемонии и империализма, а также зародыш государственной системы будущего, в которой человек и его потребности на переднем плане, а не прибыль и эксплуатация. Именно это возможный ответ на вопрос сербского национального индентитета, со всеми дефектами и недостатками.
Местью против сербского народа, выраженной разрушением СФРЮ, Германия начинает кровавую балканскую трагедию. Так называемый «югославский криизис» является якобы нейтрльным сочетанием, за которым скрывается долго планированное участие Германии, Ватикана, Аврстии и США, которые на СФРЮ смотрели, как на препятствие к осуществлению собственных империалистических планов в Средиземноморью, Юго-Востоку и Востоку Европы. Джинна выпустили из бутылки и эффект домино была неваыможно останавить, и он на долго просуществует. Таким же образом, немецкий реваншизм, который совсем ясно проявляется и в отношении Германии к вопросу Косово и Метохии, а именно это цена, которую Сербия должна заплатить на бесконечно длинной дороге к Европы.
Мир сегодня отмечен серезной конфронтацией, прежде всего из-за конфликтов на Украине, хотя и не только из-за этого. Существенной причиной конфронтацией является стратегия США и НАТО о расширению на Восток. Если Германия, Ватикан и Австрия зажгли войну в Хорватии и Словении, то американцы в Боснии огонь тушили бензином, чтобы как можно большим пожаром на Балканах продемонстрироавали Европе и России, что они беспомощные, зависимые, что синоним нового мирового порядка господства Америки и что все должны беспрекословна уважать и поддерживать эту идею. Так как на пути полного мирового господства НАТО стояли международное право и порядок, установленные после Второй мировой войны, то американцы решили его снести в Косово. Россия была нейтрализирована, а Европу втянули в темноту и вольно и невольно.
Все, что произошло в течение 90-х годах в Балканах был только этап в долго придумываном походе на Восток. Начал период нового Drang Nach Osten. Сербия вольно или невольно страданиям и борьбой против вооруженной агрессии в 1999 г., снова отдала времени России понять, что покорение Балканах не само по себе цель, а лишь этап в стратегическом походу на Россию, Сибирь, Касспийский бассейн, Центральную Азию. Сербия снова выдержала первый удар мировой войны, настаящая цель которого Россия. Сербия таким образом внесла свой не так малый вклад в восстание России против стратегии расширения США и НАТО, которые опираются на неофашистских и неонацистских сил. США и НАТО вместе с террористами АОК пользовалась бомбами, ракетами, обедненным ураном, чтобы разрушить Сербию (СРЮ). Они терроризовали и изгнали сотни тысячь сербов. А все это и на много больше было только демонстрационным упражнением для России.
У Германии моральное обязательство компенсировать за ущерб, понесенный в годы Второй мировой войне, а также ущерб, нанесенный в ходе агрессии НАТО в 1999 г. Говоря о компенсации, нельзя только говорить о правовой, но и моральном и цивилизационном обязательстве Германии. Кто возмещал ущерб, нанесенный в Белграде, Крагуевце, Кралево...? Кто компенсировал для убитых женщин, детей, учеников? Или для «сто граждан за одного солдата»? Или для разрушенной национальной библиотеки, безвозвратно уничтоженом культурном и национальном наследии? Или для...
Шредер, предшественник Меркель на посту канцелера Германии, публично признал, что нападением НАТО на Сербию (СРЮ) в 1999 г. были нарушены международные законы. НАТО отдал похожее признание. Разве не европейский стандарт, чтобы тот кто нарушает законы, был в обязанности возместить нанесенные убытки? После заявления президента Германии Йоахима Гаука о поддержке запроса Греции за возмещение ущерба, понесенного в период войны, было бы нормально ожидать, что похожую поддержку окажет и возмещении ущерба, нанесенного Сербии в течение Второй мировой войне и в течение агрессии НАТО в 1999 г.
Где Сербия сегодня?
Сербия сегодня на Красной площади в Москве. Отмечая День победы с Россией, своим величайшим союзником в этой войне, Сербия ясно выражает свое антифашистское определение и снова защищает достижения своих предков из Второй мировой войне. В данный момент, когда потомки нацистов появляются во всей Европе, а в Киеве видна свастика, спонсоры и приверженцы которой снова стану искать «крестового похода» против России, Сербия в своих внешнеполитических странствии не потеряла из вида на какую сторону должна повернуться на этот великий день.
Пока Запад стращает Россию санкцями и изоляцией, безуспешно пытаясь уничтожить ее, ощущается горький вкус во рту из-за подписания соглашения ИПАП Сербии с НАТО. Что это? Признак балансировки Сербии или принятие новой стратегии НАТО о походу на Восток? Какая это сбалансированная внешная политика, если принимаются только стандарты и политика военного альянса НАТО? Что в этой «сбалансированной» политики противовес праву, которым Сербия позволила НАТО бесплотно пользоватся ее гражданской и военной инфраструктурой, наслаждатся дипломатическим статусом, даже позволила им не отвечать за преступлени.
Сербия и Россия – союзники и победители в мировых войнах. Благодаря усилиям России, сербская армия была спасена после страдании в Албании и подготовлена к Солунскому фронту. В Второй мировой войне единицы Красной армии стояли плечем к плечу с ожесточенной Народно-освободительной армией и они вместе освободили Белград, части Сербии и Югославии. Красная армия – самая отвественная за oсвобождение Европы от фашизма, а русский народ из-за этого много пострадал. А Сербия по числу пострадавших находится рядом с Россией и русским народом. Именно из-за этого Сербия сегодня отмечает победу над фашизмом с найболее достойным – с русским народом, пока ее высокие представители на трабунах на Красной площади в Москве, а преставители сербской армии принимают участие в марше. Сербия таким образом проявляет уважение жертвам и отправляет ясное сообщение: мир - да, неофашизм и неонацизм - НЕТ!
Россию не могут сломать санкции, ее невозможно изолировать, ее развитие и укрепление не могут останавить. Европа и мир меняются, но историю невозможно остановить и изменить. Нет человека, дома, церкви или учреждения, которое сегодня не имеет желто-черную георгиевскую ленту. Россияне сегодня черают сил из великих побед своих предков.
Для серских, как и для русских, святой Георгии символ победы духа, свободы и сопротивления оккупантам. Но сегодня в сербском народе не видны ленты, сегодня страдания наших дедушек и предков на отмечаются, так как их жертви заслуживают. Великие даты как призраки, а страдания за свободу обессмыслены как поражения. Жертви забываются, и таким образом мы их снова убиваем. Но все жертви и в победах и в поражениях являются бесконечной потери, которая превращается в нашей памяти и душе в вечную победу. На самом деле, черепанием духовной силы из старания и страдания предков единственый способ выживания трудных времен. Если народ – солидарность жертвам, упавших для отечества, то в темноте в которой сегодня Европа, участие на военном параде на Красной площади представляет собой луч света. Этот свет Сербию соединяет с своими великими делами и жертвами.
Участие в военном параде дает надежду, что Сербия и Россия после многих лет страдания и жертвах, положенных для Европы, найдут в себе силу встать и укрепить свою позицию. А укрепление всех антифашистских народов пробуждает надежду, что Европа, как слепая последовательница политики НАТО, может найти в себе силы, чтобы избежать еще одну мировую войну на своей почве. Но до тех пор, как это духовное напрежение не увенчится успехом, во время новых подразделении и конфликтов, Сербия принимает участие на военном параде за День победы и принимает сторону антифашизма и победы. Каждый по своей совести выбирает сторону. Помните и не забывайте!
С Днем победы!
Ненад Узелац
Белградский форум за мир равноправных
May 9th: Russian Victory, NATO Defeat
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On February 2nd, 1943, the 6th German Army, under the command of Field Marshall Von Paulus, and elements of the 4th Panzer Army, surrendered to the Red Army at Stalingrad. This stunning victory is considered the turning point in the war in Europe, heralding the defeat of fascist Germany.
That defeat came on May 2ndth 1945, when the German forces in Berlin, the capital of the Third Reich, surrendered to the forces of the Red Army that had captured the city. On May 9th the official act of surrender of the German government and military forces took place in Berlin when the Germans surrendered to the Soviet commander, Marshal Zhukov, a surrender witnessed by representatives of the American, British and French forces. This was the end of the war in Europe.
Surrenders of elements of the German armies in the Italy and Austria on May 2nd and German forces in northern Europe, on May 7th, at first claimed by the western allies to be the official surrender of Germany, were not recognised as such by the Soviet government, since they were in violation of the agreement of the European Advisory Committee of the three Big Powers, that was finalised in March, 1944. That agreement required that the surrender would be one event, would be of the German government itself, not just of army elements in impossible positions, and was to take place at the seat of government from which German aggression had been launched, Berlin.
The western allies had no choice but to agree, and to regard the May 9th ceremony as the official act of surrender of the German government. But it was clear even then that the western allies had tried to arrange a separate peace with the Germans while the Soviets were still fighting and it was made very clear that the Americans and British wanted to steal the show from the Russians. Now 70 years later, the propaganda machine in the west once again claims that the earlier date was the end of the war in Europe.
It is well to remember the significance of this attempt by the Americans and British to conclude a separate peace with the Nazis, while Soviet forces were still engaged in the fierce Battle of Berlin and what a betrayal it was of the promised solidarity between the nations fighting against fascist aggression to which the Soviet forces at Stalingrad had dealt the fatal blow.
During one of his fireside chats on American radio on July 28, 1943, American President Roosevelt said,
“The world has never seen greater devotion, determination and self-sacrifice than have been displayed by the Russian people…under the leadership of Marshal Joseph Stalin. With a nation, that in saving itself, is thereby helping to save all the world from the Nazi menace, this country of ours should always be glad to be a good neighbour and a sincere friend to the world of the future.”
Fine words, and true, but where is the good neighbour now?
Instead of international solidarity between the victors and recognition of the sacrifice of the Russian people that Roosevelt praised, the NATO countries now refuse to attend the Moscow Victory Parade commemorating the defeat of Nazi Germany. But why do they insult the one nation that suffered the most, sacrificed the most, fought the hardest and won the greatest victories against the fascists? Is it really about Ukraine? The answer is simply that they see the defeat of fascist Germany not as a victory over fascism but as a failure of the western attempt to crush Russia.
We must also remember that NATO includes the occupied German state whose forces attacked the Soviet Union on June 22nd 1941, a state that still has no sovereignty and is still occupied by American forces two decades after Russian forces left, and whose leaders, now revealed as permitting American intelligence to spy on German companies for economic advantage, are evidently in the pocket of the American government.
It includes Britain, whose war time leader, Winston Churchill, echoing public calls by American General Patton, proposed an attack on the Soviet forces in Europe to take place in July 1945, using combined American-British-Canadian forces as well as the remaining German armies. The plan even included the use of nuclear weapons. It was called Operation Unthinkable, but it was clearly very thinkable and was a plan to pick up where the Nazis had failed, to subjugate Russia, and was only shelved when analysis proved that Soviet forces were too strong to overcome.
It is clear that the fire bombings of Dresden and Tokyo and the nuclear attacks on Japan, in which hundreds of thousands of civilians were incinerated by the Americans and British, were meant as demonstrations to the Soviet Union of their power, as an attempt to intimidate and subdue their supposed ally before the war with Germany was even concluded. The threat of a continued world war against Russia was made with the attacks on those defenceless cities. But with Operation Unthinkable put on hold and the formation of the Warsaw Pact as a defense against the NATO threat, the war against Russia was continued using other means and came to be called the Cold War, a political euphemism, since Soviet forces fought against the NATO allies directly in Korea and Vietnam and by proxies in many countries seeking liberation from western colonialism in Asia, Africa and Afghanistan.
We must also remember that in 1939, when Hitler attacked Poland, both Britain and France reneged on their promise to Poland to defend it in the event of an attack by Germany because they wanted German forces to be able to move right up to the borders of the Soviet Union to make it easier for Germany to launch its invasion of Russia just two years later. The so-called phoney war after the fall of Poland until the May, 1940 German attack on France, gave crucial time to Germany to advance its plans to attack Russia.
The entire focus of the NATO alliance, formed immediately after the defeat of Germany, has been on war with Russia and, since the fall of the Soviet Union and the weakening of Russian power, the NATO alliance has steadily advanced its attack position with a series of wars from Yugoslavia to Georgia and Ukraine, from Chechnya to Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan, all designed to eliminate Russian allies and to put NATO forces right up against Russian territory on its southern and western flanks.
In a document known as the Atlantic Charter, drafted on a battleship off the coast of Newfoundland in the middle of 1941, the Americans and British promised that the goals of the world war were not to increase their territories, but to guarantee the self-government of peoples, free trade, global cooperation to secure better economic and social conditions for all, freedom from fear and want, freedom of the seas and abandonment of the use of force as an instrument of policy, and disarmament. The Soviet Union adhered to these principles in the January 1, 1942 Declaration of the United Nations.
But aside from the relentless forcing of “free trade” treaties down workers throats across the world, which really means the freedom to exploit workers everywhere for the profit of a few corporations, the western signatories have violated every one of the clauses in the Atlantic Charter document.
The world was assured that there would be peace but they have given us nothing but 70 years of war. They promised us freedom from want but have relentlessly tried to destroy any government that protects the rights of workers, and poverty has increased dramatically in every western country since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Nations that were promised liberation at the end of the world war, had to fight these same powers to attain that justice. Some like China and Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea, succeeded after long and bitter fighting, while the struggles of many others were crushed or subverted.
In Ukraine now we are witnessing a national army and formations of outright fascist militias, the new SS, firing on, and shelling fellow citizens who protest the lack of legality of the government and the American agenda of using it as a base to attack Russia. The interests of the War Party in the west prevail over the basic demands of their peoples for social and economic justice, and freedom from fear and war.
The whole world owes the peoples of the Soviet Union, of the Russian Federation, a debt that can never be repaid for their defeat of fascism in Europe. They suffered the heaviest losses, the most destruction, the heaviest burden of fighting the Nazi war machine.
The refusal of NATO leaders to attend the Moscow ceremonies on May 9th is an insult to history, to the sacrifices of scores of millions of Russians, and is tantamount to a repudiation of the principles of the Atlantic Charter and the Charter of the United Nations. But it is more than that. It is proof, if ever it was needed, that the main objective of the world war in Europe was the crushing of Russia for the benefit of the three powers, the USA, Britain and Germany. While scrapping among themselves to see who would be top dog on the world street, they were united in their desire to subdue Russia to their will. This objective was long held in check by Soviet power. The fall of the Soviet Union and its replacement by a government initially composed of compradors for the west gave the Americans and their allies the impression that they had succeeded in bringing Russia under their complete domination. But the rise of new leaders in Russia, reinvigorating Russian sovereignty and reviving Russian power and prestige in the world has angered these wolves of war who now circle, and harass, waiting for the opportunity to strike.
Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, he is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and he is known for a number of high-profile cases involving human rights and war crimes, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”
Spiteful song by Dobrica Erić
NATO Aggression |
daughter of God,
proclaim of my own free will
through chains and wire,
before the witnesses
Force, Suffering and Injustice
that guilty I am and that I admit the guilt!
Guilty I am for being someone
and not no-one and not-one;
Guilty I am, for at the time of
universal Serb-grazing
I attend the Orthodox Church
though, seldom,
and for I cross myself like this:
with three fingers!
Guilty I am for I am,
and I should be not;
Guilty I am, for a long time now,
for standing upright
and looking into Heavens, instead down to grass;
Guilty I am for daring myself
against the Wrong,
Guilty I am
for celebrating my baptismal saint
Guilty I am for writing and reading
Guilty I am for singing,
laughing and swearing
(and sometimes barking)
Guilty I am, and I admit
that I know not what I know, and I know what
I don't know
Guilty I am, and to end naming
my greatest guilt,
(before I choke laughing)
Guilty I am, me the stubborn-head
for being Orthodox
and Saint Sava-wise and for not believing
in holy crime and forgiveness of sin!
Guilty I am and sinful, therefore, for
and apart for being, and daringly standing,
shouldn't I at least admit that I don't exist!
Should I admit that,
and thus preserve my head,
I'll lose the sacred cross and faith of my saint;
Should I not admit:
black will be my lot!
the entire world will charge at my Land;
bunches of ex-people,
thieves and sanquillots,
herds of robots and the likely monsters,
will be pouncing at my orchards and fields,
and my white cottages along the road,
around which, like the most beautiful goddesses
cherries, apples and plums bloom (...)
My ugly image,
my emanating face
which you replicate evenings and mornings:
that is the image of your own consciousness and sub-consciousness;
That is not I, on the outside
that is you – on the inside!
We must be very important,
My beloved land,
Me and My sisters:
the Truth and the Justice,
for such mighty powers,
Injustice and Wrong
gathered to gape at us!
Why are the Jihad warriors
and Yanks
quartering My sons and daughters?
Must be that the worldly gangs have heard
that ours are golden Hearts,
so they rip them out
and implant into their own chests,
hoping to become humans themselves (...)
I am not afraid of death's black rainbow,
but of slavish life and lasting disease.
Death is a common thing among us Serbs,
as spring
and winter are,
and is not more dreadful,
especially in daylight,
as drought
or frost are...
when a man meets it on his own land,
his soul cleansed
and his face bright...
well-fed and mad
you have banned me all in my own house:
to sing and to laugh, as I die;
And these happen to you no more:
even at your weddings,
even at your children's birth!
Spare me the pole and the rope
and crucify me on a mountain top,
as your forefathers did my forefather:
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I will watch
and you close your eyes,
Or your eyes will explode
in the brightness of my face!
Just, hurry up,
Crucify me soon -
the sooner shall I raise!
niko i netko – This is a word play. Poet is referring to two things: niko and nitko are same as neko but voiced in two different dialects (Dalmatian and Croatian); niko also means no one or nobody.
slava – Typical for Serbs, celebration of a family patron-saint. Slava means glory, but in this sense it is a celebration.
(translated by Slobodan Skerovic)
Lament for the west
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By Christopher Black
Spring has arrived in the north but the flowers poking their heads above the warming ground do not bring smiles to those who see them. The song of birds, so pleasant to the ear tired of the winter winds does not warm the heart. The rising sun that brightens each day more than the last brings no promise of a happy summer. Instead the world sinks into an abyss so dark that it seems no light can ever escape it, dragged down a black hole of despair by greed and ambition, barbarity and cruelty, criminality and ignorance.
We need reason and kindness applied to the problems that face us but instead violence and brutality are the norms of modern conduct. How low mankind has sunk since the Enlightenment promised to bring us the benefits of our intelligence and curiosity about life, nature, science, law, and government. Voltaire is dead. Marx slandered. Shelley, Zola, Hugo, Steinbeck, who carries their torch now?
The hopes that mankind expressed then have been smashed by the economic system that produces the misery of the many for the riches of the few. The golden tree of democracy that sprang from the seed of the sacrifice of the people who struggled to plant it has been hacked and cut down to its roots, and struggles to rise again.
The world over, the people, the common people, the people who have to work for their living call for peace, for the elimination of ignorance, of superstition, for a chance to have a say in how their lives unfold. In a few countries modest successes have been achieved and in a few, great ones. But in the countries that make up what is termed the west, Europe and North America, the successes of the social revolutions of the past have been overturned, reaction has replaced progress and brute force and gangsterism are applauded by the servile and their intellectual apologistsalike.
The threat of nuclear annihilation is so immediate that we talk about it openly every day. The western leaders, drunk with their own hubris and arrogance, push the limits of tolerance and threaten the mass murder of millions, and yet their peoples sit by their computer screens, their television sets, their mobile phones and instead of going onto the streets to demand the overthrow of this system, yearn only for more popcorn to stuff their mouths or easier ways to send strangers “selfies”, sad photos of themselves, the only way they have of confirming their ownbleak existence. Instead of being involved outside themselves to find meaning in life they descend into the sterility and the vacuity of their own vanity. Citizens, with a responsibility to those around them to ensure the justness of their societies have become bored consumers, each one expendable once the money runs out, as it always does.
Law, once seen as a means to ensure fairness and the smooth interaction of all the components of a complex society has become a tool for the oppressor instead of a guarantor of the right of the individual to express their full humanity. Instead of being used to liberate, it is used to dominate and suppress, to manipulate and exploit, to obfuscate and mislead. International Law, once the hope of mankind for a secure peace and rational and respectful relations among nations, is cynically twisted into a rope to hang those who resist the new barbarians who control the gates and levers of power.
Religion and philosophy are at an impasse. The wise words of their teachings seem to have little effect on the behaviour of most of mankind. Every religion shares the golden rule that no one should do to others what they are not willing to have done to themselves, but who lives it? Today we have no saints. Instead the masses are for whoever gives them a living.
During the 60’s and the years after, of the last century the liberation movements in the European colonial empires and the reaction of the people to the Second World War produced an energy and an optimism that is now a fond memory of youth. The world was different then. The poor of the world, the working people of the world, had the Soviet Union to look to as a example of what they could do, the remarkable rise of socialist China, the historic victory of Vietnam over America, the heroic resistance and example of what humanity was capable of in Cuba, that giant among nations. There was revolution in the air in London, in Paris, in America, in politics, in music, in film, in philosophy. But now everything in the west has become grey, banal and uniform. Where are The Clash now or The Beatles? Where are the Sartre’s and Camus’, the Ginsberg’s and the New Wave?
International Law had some application and effect then. But let’s admit it. The whole structure depended on force, and counter force. Remove the one and the other ran riot over the world, a gangster drunk on power, pawing and raping every country it could for whatever it could get. Now we are reduced to the law of the savage whose only rule is that there are none, preying on the small and vulnerable, recognizing nothing but the power to take. Their philosophy is “Law? We make our own laws and we take what we need.” Only the old Arab proverb describes our condition; “ The world is a carcass and those who seek it are dogs.” The western armies feed on the carrion of the dead on every continent, their cruelty so deep that it brings to mind the words of Ovid,
“Though men in shape, they scarce deserve the name;
Their savagery doth put the wolves to shame.”
And everywhere there is fear and anxiety.
The West is politically and morally bankrupt. The free market has reduced everything to the status of commodity, human beings to ciphers, the state to a universal spy. Yet, in the east, in China, in Russia, in Latin America, a new energy has shone its light on human possibilities, on sharing, cooperation, love of mankind instead of hatred, peaceful cooperation instead of conflict and death. We in the west need now to look to the east, to the south, to our own past, to find the strength and the will to regenerate ourselves, to save ourselves, and the planet we live on, from those in our midst who would reduce us to slavery and hopelessness,
The way forward is marked out. We just have to take it and soon forstorm clouds and thunder threaten. The path is dangerous and long. The fascists are revealed and the knives are drawn. In May we celebrate the final victory of the Red Army over European fascism, the liberation of Europe from the black shirts and the brown. The armies of the west fought on the same side then. Now they are with the fascists. No doubt they always were. We need a new liberation, a liberation of the west that can come only from the peoples of the west who only have to look up at the sky instead of down at the mud. We have no Red Army to help us now. We have to help ourselves. And, so I end this Lament, for there is not much more I can say, but let me share with you the words of the great revolutionary poet, Shelley, for they speak as I wish I could,
“And these words shall then become
Like Oppression’s thundered doom
Ringing through each heart and brain,
Heard again-again-again-
Rise like Lions after slumber,
In unvanquishable number-
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Ye are many-they are few.”
Washington’s War on Russia
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“In order to survive and preserve its leading role on the international stage, the US desperately needs to plunge Eurasia into chaos, (and) to cut economic ties between Europe and Asia-Pacific Region … Russia is the only (country) within this potential zone of instability that is capable of resistance. It is the only state that is ready to confront the Americans. Undermining Russia’s political will for resistance… is a vitally important task for America.”
-Nikolai Starikov, Western Financial System Is Driving It to War, Russia Insider
“Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.”
-The Wolfowitz Doctrine, the original version of the Defense Planning Guidance, authored by Under Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, leaked to the New York Times on March 7, 1992
The United States does not want a war with Russia, it simply feels that it has no choice. If the State Department hadn’t initiated a coup in Ukraine to topple the elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, then the US could not have inserted itself between Russia and the EU, thus, disrupting vital trade routes which were strengthening nations on both continents. The economic integration of Asia and Europe–including plans for high-speed rail from China (“The New Silk Road”) to the EU–poses a clear and present danger for the US whose share of global GDP continues to shrink and whose significance in the world economy continues to decline. For the United States to ignore this new rival (EU-Russia) would be the equivalent of throwing in the towel and accepting a future in which the US would face a gradual but persistent erosion of its power and influence in world affairs. No one in Washington is prepared to let that happen, which is why the US launched its proxy-war in Ukraine.
The US wants to separate the continents, “prevent the emergence of a new rival”, install a tollbooth between Europe and Asia, and establish itself as the guarantor of regional security. To that end, the US is rebuilding the Iron Curtain along a thousand mile stretch from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. Tanks, armored vehicles and artillery are being sent to the region to reinforce a buffer zone around Europe in order to isolate Russia and to create a staging ground for future US aggression. Reports of heavy equipment and weapons deployment appear in the media on nearly a daily basis although the news is typically omitted in the US press. A quick review of some of the recent headlines will help readers to grasp the scale of the conflict that is cropping up below the radar:
“US, Bulgaria to hold Balkans military drills”, “NATO Begins Exercises In Black Sea”, “Army to send even more troops, tanks to Europe”, “Poland requests greater US military presence”, “U.S. Army sending armored convoy 1,100 miles through Europe”, “Over 120 US tanks, armored vehicles arrive in Latvia”, “US, Poland to Conduct Missile Exercise in March – Pentagon”
Get the picture? There’s a war going on, a war between the United States and Russia.
The Death of Milosevic and NATO Responsibility - By Christopher Black
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By Christopher Black
On March 11, 2006, President Slobodan Milosevic died in a NATO prison. No one has been held accountable for his death. In the 9 years since the end of his lonely struggle to defend himself and his country against the false charges invented by the NATO powers, the only country to demand a public inquiry into the circumstances of his death came from Russia when Foreign Minister, Serge Lavrov, stated that Russia did not accept the Hague tribunal’s denial of responsibility and demanded that an impartial and international investigation be conducted. Instead, The NATO tribunal made its own investigation, known as the Parker Report, and as expected, exonerated itself from all blame.
But his death cannot lie unexamined, the many questions unanswered, those responsible unpunished. The world cannot continue to accept the substitution of war and brutality for peace and diplomacy. It cannot continue to tolerate governments that have contempt for peace, for humanity, the sovereignty of nations, the self-determination of peoples, and the rule of law.
The death of Slobodan Milosevic was clearly the only way out of the dilemma the NATO powers had put themselves in by charging him before the Hague tribunal. The propaganda against him was of an unprecedented scale. The trial was played in the press as one of the world’s great dramas, as world theatre in which an evil man would be made to answer for his crimes. But of course, there had been no crimes, except those of the NATO alliance, and the attempt to fabricate a case against him collapsed into farce.
The trial was necessary from NATO’s point of view in order to justify the aggression against Yugoslavia and the putsch by the DOS forces in Belgrade supported by NATO, by which democracy in Yugoslavia was finally destroyed and Serbia reduced to a NATO protectorate under a Quisling regime. His illegal arrest, by NATO forces in Belgrade, his illegal detention in Belgrade Central Prison, his illegal rendition to the former Gestapo prison at Scheveningen, near The Hague, and the show trial that followed, were all part of the drama played out for the world public, and it could only have one of two endings, the conviction, or the death, of President Milosevic.
NATO Aggression |
Belgrade, Sava Center, 23 March 2015
NATO Aggression against Serbia (the FRY) in 1999is a crime against peace and humanity, a crime whose perpetrators have not been brought to justice.
This aggression was the introducing of the NATO’s global interventionism strategy under the harshest violation of the fundamental principles of the international law and the role of the United Nations, most notably, the Security Council. Thus, in the vital area of the peace and security, NATO has usurped the role of the United Nations.
NATO demonstrated a new principle: wherever the law presents an obstacle for the achievement of its goals of conquest, the law should be removed.
The panelists and all participants in the Round table have unanimously assessed that NATO, as an aggressive imperialist alliance, has nowhere in the world been a part of the solution, but rather the factor of conquests, contributor to divisions and conflicts, tearing the states apart, wreaking a “controlled” chaos (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya.
The gathering voiced are solute opposition to Serbia’s entry to the NATO military system through the means of accepting the “Individual Partnership Action Plan”, assessing this document as the single most serious blow to sovereignty, freedom and dignity of the nation, as abandonment of the status of military neutrality, and the act of surrendering the fate of the country into the hands of NATO.
By virtues of regulating not only the military issues, but also all areas of the economic, cultural, informative and social life in general, this IPAP is embodiment of NATO’s militaristic, authoritarian and imperialist concept. The official explanations, aiming at pacifying and misleading the public, were evaluated as utterly irresponsible, dismissive and indecent. The participants referred to the IPAP’s request to finalize the process of privatization, concluding that such request reveals the true nature of NATO as the leverage of the multinational corporate capital, whose goal is to establish the complete control over the economic, natural and human resources in the world.
The gathering sent a unanimous appeal to the authorities to suspend the preparations for the sale of Telekom, the EPS, the PKB, Dunav Insurance, the mines, the agricultural land, waters, and other national riches. A robust public sector in any country serves as a pillar of country’s democracy, independence, and the care for the future. The question was raised–what remains of freedom and democracy if all economic, financial and natural resources are handed over to the hands of the multinational companies of the western countries? What would remain for Serbia to administrate?
NATO aggression of1999and establishment of military camp “Bondsteele” in Kosovo and Metohija were the first step in the practical implementation of NATO’s conquest strategy in the East, its deployment to the Russian borders, and nailing the wedge in the relations between Europe and Russia. The civil war in Ukraine is the corollary of NATO’s strategy of Eastward expansion.
NATO and the leaders of some of its member states have publicly admitted that the aggression of 1999 had been committed in violation of the international law and the role of the United Nations Security Council. NATO and its member states are thus liable to compensate the war damage to Serbia (the FRY)in the amount of USD 100 billion.
President of Serbia, Mr.Tomislav Nikolić,in his last year’s speech in Užice on the occasion of the National Day of Statehood, stated request for the compensation for war damages caused by the aggression of NATO. This presumes that the Government of Serbia should take appropriate concrete steps in order to officially present this initiative raised by the President of the Republic, publicly stated on behalf of the nation, to NATO and its members, and to launch the relevant negotiations.
An appeal was made to the competent authorities to initiate activities to determine the exact number and names of the civilian victims of NATO aggression.
An appeal was made to the competent authorities to establish, in cooperation with expert and scientific institutions, the consequences of the use of weapons with the deleted uranium, and to take appropriate measures in order to eliminate a huge public concern over the mass scale of cancers and deformities in newborns, especially in Kosovo and Metohija, with a view to protecting the health of the people against any further tragic consequences.
The UNSCR 1244 and the Constitution of Serbia are the enduring basis for a peaceful and just political solution for the status of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija. Nobody is entitled to undervalue, violate, or replace this basis. Nobody is entitled to trade the rights Serbia has to Kosovo and Metohija as an integral part of the Serbian state territory, in exchange for any short-term interests, since this would be tantamount to undermining Serbia as a state.
The government institutions of Serbia are invited to promptly request satisfying of all obligations towards Serbia as set forth under UNSC Resolution 1244, and, in particular, the following:
-Free and safe return of 250,000 Serbs and non-Albanians to Kosovo and Metohija, as soon as possible,
-Return of specified contingents of Serbian military and the Police to Kosovo and Metohija
-Economic reconstruction of Serbia, as set forth under UNSC Resolution 1244,
-completing the decontamination of areas in which NATO had used weapons with depleted uranium, at the expense of NATO member states,
- Deactivation of the NATO’s unexploded ordnances – aircraft bombs, cluster bombs, and other ordnance, at the expense of NATO member states.
Finally, the gather requested the prompt reconstruction and completion of the ”Eternal Fire”, Monument to the victims of NATO aggression, in the Park of Friendship, Ušće, Novi Beograd.
Panelists and participants of the Round table sent the appeal to the relevant institutions not to use the funds from the Republic Budget to finance anyone acting contrary to the national and state interests, and, in particular, those who advocate the recognition of the forcibly invaded Province of Kosovo and Metohija, and those advocating the relinquishing of the policy of the country’s military neutrality.
Belgrade, 23March 2015
Putin’s Crimea “Revelations”
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Srdja Trifkovic on RT International
RT: Joining us now is Srdja Trifkovic, foreign affairs editor of Chronicles magazine. The mainstream media are posing this as a revelation, something new coming out of President Putin about the situation in the Crimea leading up to the referendum. Putin talked about the “green men” last April, after people voted to break away from Ukraine. Are we missing something in the news story here?
ST: What is missing is the realization that it would have been irresponsible in the extreme for President Putin not to contemplate the return of the Crimea in the aftermath of the coup. It is very significant that the date on which he discussed this with his four aides was February 23, one day after the illegal coup in Kiev; it was not January 2014, nor December 2013. This indicates that he was reacting to a very pro-active move by the Western powers which had engineered the coup. In geopolitical terms it would have been suicidal for any leader of Russia, Putin or whoever was in his place, to remain complacent and to let events take their course in the aftermath of the coup. Once the coup had taken place, that was a game changer and all bets were off. It was as expectable for Putin to contemplate the return of the Crimea as it would have been for an American president, under similar circumstances, to contemplate the return of Florida or California.
RT: Is it fair to say that Putin did reveal his Crimea cards from the outset?
ST: Let’s face it: there was nothing to “reveal.” The return of the Crimea was a geopolitical necessity. A great power cannot afford a major change in the balance of power that was brazenly attempted by the Western powers in the Maidan in January and February of 2014. Future historians of this era, fifty or a hundred years hence, will not call Putin all those bad names that we now see in the Western press. He was reacting to some very provocative moves by the Western powers, which tried to eliminate the buffer zone that a neutral Ukraine provided for Russia. Russia simply cannot afford a Ukraine that would belong to the Western camp. In view of its historical experiences, Russia knows that without physical, geographical barriers it is open to invasions. Ukraine would be a knife in the soft underbelly of southwestern Russia, only a hundred kilometers from Rostov-on-Don.
RT: The mainstream media is now asking where is the guarantee that Putin is not trying to conceal the presence of Russian servicemen in Donbas after these revelations...
ST: The mainstream media are asking the questions that their bosses tell them to ask. The real question is where is the guarantee that the Western powers, led by the United States, will not seek further geopolitical encroachments? Where is the guarantee that they will not try to bring Ukraine into NATO, and then Georgia, and effectively seek to strangle Russia and break it into five, or seven, or twelve units, as Zbigniew Brzezinski has suggested in his book? Where is the guarantee that we shall finally have stability in that part of the world? It was not Vladimir Putin who tried to change the game in the Eastern European theater; it was the European Union and the United States. Each change of the existing balance results in a crisis. We’ve seen it in 1812, in 1914, in 1941. I do hope we will not see something similar again.
L`ecrivent Komnen Becirovic, Paris : SUR KOSOVO ET METOHIJA
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Conférence au Cercle de l'Aréopage:
Le calvaire multiséculaire du Kosovo
Par Komnen Becirovic, journaliste et écrivain franco-serbe, auteur entre autres de la Trilogie Kossovienne
John Pilger: Why The Rise Of Fascism Is Again The Issue
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Posted by:
"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff
The recent 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was a reminder of the great crime of fascism, whose Nazi iconography is embedded in our consciousness. Fascism is preserved as history, as flickering footage of goose-stepping blackshirts, their criminality terrible and clear. Yet in the same liberal societies, whose war-making elites urge us never to forget, the accelerating danger of a modern kind of fascism is suppressed; for it is their fascism.
"To initiate a war of aggression...," said the Nuremberg Tribunal judges in 1946, "is not only an international crime, it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
Had the Nazis not invaded Europe, Auschwitz and the Holocaust would not have happened. Had the United States and its satellites not initiated their war of aggression in Iraq in 2003, almost a million people would be alive today; and Islamic State, or ISIS, would not have us in thrall to its savagery. They are the progeny of modern fascism, weaned by the bombs, bloodbaths and lies that are the surreal theatre known as news.
Like the fascism of the 1930s and 1940s, big lies are delivered with the precision of a metronome: thanks to an omnipresent, repetitive media and its virulent censorship by omission. Take the catastrophe in Libya.
In 2011, Nato launched 9,700 "strike sorties" against Libya, of which more than a third were aimed at civilian targets. Uranium warheads were used; the cities of Misurata and Sirte were carpet-bombed. The Red Cross identified mass graves, and Unicef reported that "most [of the children killed] were under the age of ten".
The public sodomising of the Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi with a "rebel" bayonet was greeted by the then US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, with the words: "We came, we saw, he died." His murder, like the destruction of his country, was justified with a familiar big lie; he was planning "genocide" against his own people. "We knew... that if we waited one more day," said President Obama, "Benghazi, a city the size of Charlotte, could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world."
This was the fabrication of Islamist militias facing defeat by Libyan government forces. They told Reuters there would be "a real bloodbath, a massacre like we saw in Rwanda". Reported on March 14, 2011, the lie provided the first spark for Nato's inferno, described by David Cameron as a "humanitarian intervention".
Secretly supplied and trained by Britain's SAS, many of the "rebels" would become ISIS, whose latest video offering shows the beheading of 21 Coptic Christian workers seized in Sirte, the city destroyed on their behalf by Nato bombers.
For Obama, David Cameron and then French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Gaddafi's true crime was Libya's economic independence and his declared intention to stop selling Africa's greatest oil reserves in US dollars. The petrodollar is a pillar of American imperial power. Gaddafi audaciously planned to underwrite a common African currency backed by gold, establish an all-Africa bank and promote economic union among poor countries with prized resources. Whether or not this would happen, the very notion was intolerable to the US as it prepared to "enter" Africa and bribe African governments with military "partnerships".
Following Nato's attack under cover of a Security Council resolution, Obama, wrote Garikai Chengu, "confiscated $30 billion from Libya's Central Bank, which Gaddafi had earmarked for the establishment of an African Central Bank and the African gold backed dinar currency".
The "humanitarian war" against Libya drew on a model close to western liberal hearts, especially in the media. In 1999, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair sent Nato to bomb Serbia, because, they lied, the Serbs were committing "genocide" against ethnic Albanians in the secessionist province of Kosovo. David Scheffer, US ambassador-at-large for war crimes [sic], claimed that as many as "225,000 ethnic Albanian men aged between 14 and 59" might have been murdered. Both Clinton and Blair evoked the Holocaust and "the spirit of the Second World War". The West's heroic allies were the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), whose criminal record was set aside. The British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, told them to call him any time on his mobile phone.
With the Nato bombing over, and much of Serbia's infrastructure in ruins, along with schools, hospitals, monasteries and the national TV station, international forensic teams descended upon Kosovo to exhume evidence of the "holocaust". The FBI failed to find a single mass grave and went home. The Spanish forensic team did the same, its leader angrily denouncing "a semantic pirouette by the war propaganda machines". A year later, a United Nations tribunal on Yugoslavia announced the final count of the dead in Kosovo: 2,788. This included combatants on both sides and Serbs and Roma murdered by the KLA. There was no genocide. The "holocaust" was a lie. The Nato attack had been fraudulent.
Behind the lie, there was serious purpose. Yugoslavia was a uniquely independent, multi-ethnic federation that had stood as a political and economic bridge in the Cold War. Most of its utilities and major manufacturing was publicly owned. This was not acceptable to the expanding European Community, especially newly united Germany, which had begun a drive east to capture its "natural market" in the Yugoslav provinces of Croatia and Slovenia. By the time the Europeans met at Maastricht in 1991 to lay their plans for the disastrous eurozone, a secret deal had been struck; Germany would recognise Croatia. Yugoslavia was doomed.
In Washington, the US saw that the struggling Yugoslav economy was denied World Bank loans. Nato, then an almost defunct Cold War relic, was reinvented as imperial enforcer. At a 1999 Kosovo "peace" conference in Rambouillet, in France, the Serbs were subjected to the enforcer's duplicitous tactics. The Rambouillet accord included a secret Annex B, which the US delegation inserted on the last day. This demanded the military occupation of the whole of Yugoslavia - a country with bitter memories of the Nazi occupation - and the implementation of a "free-market economy" and the privatisation of all government assets. No sovereign state could sign this. Punishment followed swiftly; Nato bombs fell on a defenceless country. It was the precursor to the catastrophes in Afghanistan and Iraq, Syria and Libya, and Ukraine.
STALINGRADO 1943: per non dimenticare
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A letter from Mrs. Socorro Gomes
Press Releases |
Dear fellows in the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals,
Dear friend President Zivadin Jovanovic:
It is my greatest satisfaction to send you this message congratulating you on the important Annual Assembly you recently organized – of which we have received the news and shared – and especially for the Forum’s 15th anniversary, in March. The Forum, thus, has many years of struggle against imperialism and militarization, certainly strengthening us in the path we still must follow ahead.
Last year, in the “Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism” Conference, we could see the Belgrade Forum’s capacity of attraction for debates that are still so urgent and that we must hold. It was a great honor to join our fellows from so many countries and movements to discuss the 15 years since the criminal bombardments conducted by NATO against Former Republic of Yugoslavia and our need for unity, so we can continue denouncing the imperialists’ war machine.
Furthermore, as our friend Mr. Jovanovic said in his speech in your Annual Assembly, our work must also focus on the reaffirmation of memory, against the historical revisionism promoted by the empire, so justice and accountability may take roots, especially for the hideous crimes perpetrated by NATO and its leaders against the Balkans. We are confident in our strengths against imperialism for this enterprise.
Therefore, we wish much success in the essential work conducted by the Belgrade Forum, which has deeply valuable contribution in our World Peace Council and our shared struggle for a world of equals, for peace and for justice.
With my fraternal compliments,
Socorro Gomes
World Peace Council
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• It is 40 years since Helsinki Final document;
• Destruction of SFR of Yugoslavia 1992.- 1995. aided by USA/NATO was a clear
violation Helsinki Final document, especially of the principle of inviolability of international borders. It was the beginning of fragmentation of sovereign states in Europe.
• Bypassing UN Security Council, NATO violated sovereigntyandterritorial integrity of
Serbia (FRY) by undertaking military aggression in 1999. against an independentsovereign European country. It was brutal violation of the basic principles of international laws, including UN Charter and Helsinki Final Document. It was precedent for ensuing USA/NATO military interventions (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali);
• At the NATO conference in Bratislava, in April 2000, USA representatives presented
plan to establish strategic control of the whole space from Baltic Sea to Anatolia (Turkey). They said that wherever the law appears as an obstacle to the NATO objectives it should be removed.(Willy Wimmer report to the Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, dated May 2nd, 2000, Current Issues of Foreign Policy, Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Belgrade, 2007. p. 73-7);
• 2006 dissolution of FR of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) was directly
engineered by Javier Solana, NATO Secretary General at the time of USA/NATO aggression on Serbia (FRY) 1999;
• 2008 unilateral secession of Serbia’s Province of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia
was an act of violation of Helsinki, UN Charter and UN SC resolution 1244 (1999), openly aided and lobbied by USA/NATO/EU, while the Province has been under their military occupation. It has been and, unfortunately, will be precedent for future secessions in Europe;
• At 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest Germany and France resisted USA initiative to
invite Ukraine to join NATO, considering that it would provoke Russia and that confrontation with Russia would not be in Europe’s best interest;
• Ukrainian conflict was provoked in line of USA/NATO strategy of expansion toward
East, i.e. encirclingRussia;
• Chain of new USA bases in Europe started with 1999 erection of Bondstil base in
occupied Serbian Province Kosovo and Metohija. It was followed by four USA new bases in Bulgaria, four in Romania and so on;
• Strategy of encircling Russia and dividing EU from Russia led to erecting network of
new USA network of anti-ballistic bases;
• New six permanent NATO bases with 30.000 troops for fast reaction, in Poland, Baltic
and other states are results of 2014 Wells NATO summit;
• Much before Maiden coup in Kiev and referendum in Crimea, the whole of Europe,
especially Eastern parts of the Continent, was covered by unprecedented network of new USA/NATO military bases. Europe has been militarized.
Zivadin Jovanovic
Horrors and Contradictions; from PEGIDA to Edgar Allen Poe
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Victor Grossman - Berlin Bulletin No. 84, February 5, 2015
If you have ever read Edgar Allen Poe’s gruesome stories you may recall feelings of horror like those which made me, still a youngster, cringe and shudder. I have similar feelings when I hear of bloodthirsty, barely-hidden “concerts” by German “Neo-Nazis”, which too often lead to violence against subjects of their hatred: hippy-type leftist youngsters called “ticks” (their vocabulary), but above all people with other accents, clothes or skin colors.
Such groups, present all over the map, seem strongest in southeastern Saxony, northeastern Mecklenburg and the western Ruhr region, all areas plagued by unemployment, especially among young people.
Semi-secret ties connect them with the almost openly pro-Nazi National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), legal despite various attempts to outlaw it. It is good that it has failed the requisite 5 % hurdle for all but one state parliament; only in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania did 6 % of the voters give it five seats (out of 71). Last May, for the European Parliament, with the hurdle at only 1 percent, its 1.03 % all-German result let it squeeze into one seat in Strasbourg. Despite low votes, however, it has bases in all too many towns and villages thanks to its activity in voluntary fire departments, PTA groups, soccer clubs and outdoor festivities. Local fear often plays a role.
The next ring in widening rightist circles has been the PEGIDA movement with its marches, mostly Monday evenings, denouncing a fantasy “Islamization of the West”. In late 2014 it grew alarmingly in the city of Dresden, where on one occasion more than 20,000 took part. Aside from its anti-foreigner bias (in a city with an immigrant population of only 2 %, far below the average), it appealed to many who were worried about their livelihoods, resentful of traditional parties - and ready to load blame on scapegoats.
Happily, its shady yet somehow charismatic leader had to step down after his Facebook self-photo imitating Hitler and viciously brutal epithets against immigrants went too far. His successors soon split up, and PEGIDA in Dresden has called off further “walks” for now and may collapse. In other cities it was always countered or blocked by immigrant-friendly opponents in far superior number. But people of color in Dresden still live in fear!
Nine-tenths of those PEGIDA walkers look to a party called the Alternative for Germany (AfD). Founded in 2013, it won 7 % in the European Parliament vote and then 9 % to 12 % in three East German state elections. It rejects the euro, opposes immigration and same-sex marriage but rejects being called the “German Tea Party”. Some fine-sounding economic demands steal voters from the LINKE (Left) but, like an amoeba, it lacks any clear shape. At a recent congress in Bremen its ever-grinning leader Berndt Lucke, once a World Bank economist, narrowly forced through a change in its current triumvirate rule, granting himself sole top leadership. The AfD, despite populist phrases and a stack of professors among its delegates, reminds me of a one-cell organism called the “brain-eating amoeba”. Like it, the AfD may become a dangerous rightist menace. And it has far more than a single cell.
Angela Merkel’s party, not to be outdone, also shows skill at talking out of two sides of its mouth. While she boldly denounces racists and proclaims that “Islam belongs to Germany”, Stanislaw Tillich of the same party, the minister-president of Saxony, contradicts her in a very transparent code: “Muslims are welcome and can practice their religion. But that does not mean that Islam belongs to Saxony.” In that state, whose capital is Dresden, the votes of PEGIDA walkers and other bigots can always be useful politically. Why lose them?
Indeed, Volker Kauder, the head of Merkel’s CDU fraction in the Bundestag, also wants to burn down no xenophobic bridges and lose voters. Referring to the PEGIDA sing-out on December 22nd, he found it “really good that the people in Dresden sang Christmas carols!” Perhaps they thought of the child in the manger, this conspicuously Christian politician surmised.
In other matters Kauder is rather less gently inclined. It was he who welcomed Vitali Klitschko to the Bundestag, conservative Germany’s favorite boxing champion and planned ruler of the Ukraine until stronger US managers re-classified him to be only the mayor of Kiev. Quite undeterred, and despite the frightening dangers boiling up in that terribly troubled region, Klitschko flexed his biceps, waved his big fist and declaimed: “With no fight there’s no victory!” And Kauder, even more vividly, promised aid so as “to bring into full radiance the flame of victory”.
Kauder’s enthusiasm is understandable if one knows that he is the main parliamentary pillar of Heckler & Koch, one-time maker of Mauser weapons, whose main plant is in his district, which contributes handsomely to his campaigns, and which he supports just as enthusiastically in its export (for strictly peaceful purposes, of course) of handguns, rifles, submachine guns and grenade launchers to all and sundry, like the USA, Bosnia, Nepal, Indonesia, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, probably pre-NATO Libya.
Contradictions are common in the coalition of Merkel’s CDU and the Social Democrats, especially on relations with the Ukraine. Sometimes it resembles a “good cop - bad cop” scenario, whereby the roles can change. Foreign Minister Steinmeier (SPD) often calls for a diplomatic solution, Merkel for tougher sanctions against Russia. Then she praises diplomacy, while her man Kauder and German President Gauck want to march on and delight at the roar of Phantom fighter jets in Estonia skimming along the Russian border. However, despite transatlantic pressure and that from Kauder & Co. and such gun-lovers, the Berlin government has thus far kept to one position: “No weapons for Kiev”. And a majority of the public also rejects any hostilities.
The mass media, less troubled by complexities or power rivalry when backing Pentagon and State Department positions, has in its ruthless attacks on Putin virtually deleted any thoughts on German-Russian history or its consequences. This rule was briefly broken by a few journalists after the death on January 31st, at 94, of Richard von Weizsäcker, West Berlin mayor (1981-1984) and German President (1984-1994), and they recalled some of his courageous words:
Surprising a hushed Parliament in Bonn in May 1985, Weizsäcker broke with West German usage and spoke of May 8, 1945 as ''a day of liberation…It liberated all of us from the tyranny of the National-Socialist regime.'' Referring to seeming forgetfulness about those Hitler years he continued:
''When the unspeakable truth of the Holocaust became known at the end of the war all too many of us claimed they had not known anything about it or even suspected anything… Anyone who cared to inform himself could not escape the fact that the deportation trains were rolling…” No, young Germans could not be blamed for crimes of their elders, he said, but they had been left “a hard legacy…Those who close their eyes to the past will remain blind regarding the future….Anyone who closes his eyes to the past is blind to the present."
How relevant this seems today. After the elections in Greece and with ones to come in Spain, Merkel and Finance Minister Schäuble fear any progress which threatens their “austerity policy” - imposing that old hegemony of German power and finance in all Europe at the cost of living standards for working people, pensioners and young people, also those in Germany (meaning new recruits for PEGIDA or AfD). Indeed, if such “threats” gain real strength, two fearful responses are always possible. The racist, neo-fascist structures could strengthen - the vehicles are present - or the bugles of war could trumpet toward that path. Neither route excludes the other.
Are we again facing the horror of Edgar Allen Poe, destruction by the sharp, bloody pendulum of expanding war or another fatal fall into a dark, abysmal pit? Or can we fight our way clear of both these destinies?
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Fifteen Years of Belgrade forum
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ZivadinJovanovic, Belgrade Forum
The Belgrade forum for the world of equals a non-partisan, independent and non-profit association was established15 years ago. It was in March 2000. that the Forum hosted important international conference commemorating 4.000 human victims of NATO 1999. aggression against FR of Yugoslavia.
Forum believes in and struggle for sovereign equality of all states and peoples as foundation for equitable cooperation, peace, stability and development. Freedom of choice of internal development of each country, non-interference in internal affairs and solution of all conflicts and international problems by peaceful means are among most important Forum’s beliefs. Equality and sovereignty of states and nations, as enshrined in the UN Charter, at the same time, is essential precondition for implementation of universal human rights in their entiretyembracing political, economic, social, cultural, right to employment, education, health security, true informationand others. Forum stands for respect of basic principles of international law, especially for the respect of UN Charter and Helsinki Final Document (1975).
Forum cooperates with many associations of similar orientation in Serbia, former Yugoslav republics, Europe and worldwide. It is member of World Peace Council based in Athens, Greece.
Since its foundation, Forum has published more than 150 books, hostedmany national andinternational conference, round tables, press conferences, performancesand other public events.Itsrepresentatives took part in many conferences around the world. During the last year, the Forum publishedsixnew books (7.000 copies), three of which were translated into several foreignlanguages and distributed worldwide.
The book “Serbia in the Great War 1914-1918 ", written by professorsMira Rаdojevic and LjubodragDimic, has had two editions in Serbian and one in Russian, English and German languages. Preparations are under way for publishing of this book in Slovak and Chinese languages.It is an outstanding contribution in defense of the truth against systematic, politically motivated revision of history of 20th century.
The book " New Cold War “, containing proceedings of the International Conference, held on 22 and 23 March 2014, on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of NATO aggression against the FR of Yugoslavia, has just appeared and was presented at the Forum’s Annual Assembly meeting held in Belgrade on January 24th, 2015.
In the past year, Forum hosted three major international conferences and two round tables attended by about 2.000 Serbian and by about 200 scientists and experts from more than 50 countries.
Speaking of the recent annual Assembly session,ZivadinJovanovic, president of the Forum presentedthe positions of the Forumon some crucial national and international issues. He said that stable and just solution of the status of the Province of Kosovo and Metohijacan be reached only on the basis of UN/SC resolution 1244 (1999) and constitution of Serbia. USA/NATO/EU dictate manifested at the so called “Brussels negotiations” is not the way to just and durable compromise – he said. “Negotiations” of that type have no legal base; Serbia’s legitimate interests are ignored.Those countries, who bombed Serbia in 1999 in alliance with the terrorist KLA, today continue pursuing same strategic objectives supporting former terrorist leaders from Kosovo and Metohija in civilian clothes.
Jovanovic criticized the "psychology of submissivenessto BrusselsEU/ NATOcommissars". He considered that the government officials also suffer of "inferiority complex towards neighbors, even then when they spit, insult, sue, slander, when openly express territorial claims and keep violatingthe basic human rights of Serbs". Just because some of neighbors became NATO and EU members!
Jovanovic urged the Government “not to sell public companiessuch as‘Telecom’, Electricity Company (EPS), ‘Danube insurance’, agricultural land, water and mines. If the most important national resources are in foreign hands, how we could claim to live in free and independent country” – questionedJovanovic.
Participants of the Forum’s Assembly strongly supported the view that “Serbia should permanently adhere to the principle of neutrality” and that “Serbia, as a small, peaceful country must not join NATO as aggressive military alliance". He also reiterated that the current warin Eastern Ukraine is the consequence of NATO strategy of expansion to the East. In that conflict Serbia should remain neutral resisting all pressures to apply sanctions against Russia. Sanctions do not help peace, but war mongers. Those are not sanctions of UN but of USA/NATO/EU sanctions where Serbia does not belong.
Implementation of the renewed strategy “DrangnachOsten”started in March 1999 by NATO military aggression against FR of Yugoslavia.This led to grabbing of Kosovo and Metohija, by force from Serbia. Precedent was made in violating basic principles of UN Charter (1945) and principles of OSCE Helsinki Final Document(1975). Such a practice has encouraged separatist movements in various parts of Europegiving at the same timestrong impetus to growing terrorism and organized crime.USA/NATO/EU position that “Kosovo is unique case” proved to be short-lived propaganda.Separatist tendencies in a number of EU member countries have grown, terrorism is expanding all aver.
Nowadays the top USA/NATO/EU representatives publically advocate for respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity, denouncing a“policy of redrawing the international borders” and alike! Only few intellectuals have publically reminded to the precedent of destroying Yugoslavia, to NATO aggressions on Bosnia and Herzegovina (1995) and on Serbia (1999), in fact, to the NATO strategy of redrawing internationally recognized boarders in Europe, but not only. Why? Short of memory? Short sightedness? Over-impressed? Shouldn’t we, at least, for the sake of records,say: it were you, the leaders of USA, NATO and EU who did first violate basic principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Yugoslavia (SFRY, then FRY), then of Serbia; weren’t you, or some of you, who prevented implementation of peaceful political solution in Bosnia,based on Jose Cutiliearo’s 1992 plan; weren’t you, or some of you, who helped bringing and arming mujahidin’s from Chechnya, Middle East and North Africa, to Bosnia (1992-1995). Now you seem to be disturbed by wehabist movement and Islamic extremistsin Bosnia who keep under control villages, towns, parts of territory in Bosnia! Weren’t you whoviolatedHelsinki OSCE basic principle of consensus by imposing in 1992 formula - “consensus minus 1”, thus excluding Yugoslavia, founder of the OSCEand favoring separatists; you did nothing to stop financing, arming and training of Albanian terrorist KLA from your countries. Was it not preparation for the war and separation?! In the eve of NATO aggression, it were you whoremoved KLA from your list of terrorist organizations adding it to the list of liberation movements (1998). Was it notstep toward ensuing alliance in attacking Serbia and Montenegro in 1999?! So much about your principles and standards in the struggle against terrorism.Now you seem to be worried why so many young Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija fight on the side of ISIS in the Middle East!Why these days thousands of them desperately flee to your countries. It was you who started redrawing international borders in Europe by violating not only basic principles of the international law but violating concrete decision of the UN Security Councilcontained in the resolution 1244 (1999); it were you who prevented political peaceful solution in Kosovo and Metohijaby ultimately demanding total military occupation of territory of FR of Yugoslavia, in Rambouillet,exactly 15 years ago;it were you, who violated constitutions of your own countries/organizations in launching aggression against Serbia (1999); aren’t you responsible for the death of about 4.000 citizens of Serbia and Montenegro, for the use of missiles with depleted uraniumcontinuously taking death toll of present and future generations? Aren’t you obliged tocompensation for the material war damage of over 100 billion dollars?!
First step after 1999 NATO aggression was construction of USA “Bondsteel” military base in Kosovo and Metohija, one of the largest in the world. As development has confirmed, “Bondsteel” was only the first ring of the long chain of USA military bases in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Baltic states... About 30.000 NATO fast reaction troops, stock piles of new military hard ware and five new “rotating commands” are engaged inadvancing NATO expansion toward Russia. New iron curtain is placed to divide Europe from Russia, to exclude Russia from Europe.
Is this the vision of the new security and cooperation in the year marking 40th anniversary of Helsinki Final Act?
Георгий Победоносец убивает змия
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Ненад Узелац
(Член Правления Белградского форума за мир равноправных)
«Толстой — это Русь прошлая, а Достоевский — будущая»
Космичностьсудьбы,символичностьистории,с одной стороны,и неизбежность истории как системы причин и следствий,с другой, – являются негласными составляющими жизни. Как и чувство,порождающее разум. В результате противоположного процесса (когда разум порождает чувство) конечный смыслнеизбежно обретает некий холод.
Память – своеобразныйпринцип образования генетики, пронесённый нами через историю. Мы – это наше прошлое, мы это то, что с намибыло, - вот где стирается грамматическая граница между прошлым и настоящим. В ходе нашей истории всё прошлое обрело форму единственной возможной истины, по которой мытеперь отличаемся от всехостальных. А раз прошлое определяет нас настоящих, то вместе с нами оно вольётся и в будущее. В противном случае, разве бы сегоднясуществовало то, что мы называем генетикой?
Безрождаемых душой чувств мы никогда бы не моглиосознать того, что собираемся постичь с помощью одного только разума. Вот почему,если мы будем понимать народ как некое единство Души, тогда мы сможем понять и символику, проносимую им сквозь историю. Но если мы будем рассматривать народ как группу индивидов, защищающих разные интересы, то и понимание нами символики завершится где-то на уровнефактов и событий, которые могли произойти где угодно и с кем угодно. Только символика как видимая форма генетики народасоздаёт дух этого народа.
Гегель бысказал, что именно факты наиболее сильнострадают из-занародной души. Рассматривая европейскую территорию как противопоставление Востока и Запада (так уж исторически сложилось, хотя я склонен думать, что такова была Воля Божия), очевидно, чтовсё духовноев основном принадлежит Востоку, рациональное же – Западу. Духовное – первично и естественно, рациональное – вторично, опосредованно, неестественно и всегда граничит с лукавством, скрытностью и всемитеми чертами,которые объясняют его отрицательную сторону. Проще говоря, чувство мы относим к областям духовного, душевного и телесного, разум – биологического и социального. Первое – (православный) Восток, второе – Запад. Это утвердившийся в истории, вечный конфликт чувства и разума: чувство порождает разум, в то время как стремящийся к абсолютуразум уничтожает чувства; по сути, разум собой являет невыносимый холод.
Символы –это манифестное проявление и материальное воплощение чувств, эхо судьбы, историческая игра народа. Сколь символичной стала состоявшаяся в Белграде 17 и 18 сентября 2014 года Международная научная конференция под названием «Великая война – уроки для человечества»! Конференция была организована Белградским форумом за мир равноправных и Центром национальной славы России, а после её проведения состоялосьи открытие памятника погибшим в ходе Первой мировой войны на Калемегдане солдатам.
Памятник выполнен в форме купольного креста, в центре которого расположена фигура Святого Георгия Победоносца, убивающего змия. Если вспомнить, что Первая мировая и «приход» коммунизма в Россию стали временем «ухода» России из Сербии, то очевиден и первый символ – Святой Георгий как герб Москвы спустя век возвращается в Белград!..
Но хорошо это? или же плохо?
Стороны памятника, раскинувшиеся на восток и запад, являются вторым символом –символом христианского пути. Значит ли это, чтоРоссия возвращается в Сербию? Как «братство во Христе»? Или же как«товарищество в антихристе»? [Николай Бердяев, Новое средневековьe]. Третий символпо своей важности может посоперничать с двумя предыдущими: линия «восток-запад», по которой установлен Памятник,как бы пересекает линии двух других памятников: памятника коммунистам и памятника благодарности Франции. Случайно ли это? Выходит так, словно новый Всепамятник предлагает двум другимнекий новый путь? Третий по счёту?Нет, не третий, а единственный – православный путь любви. Не западный путь, не порождённый им многострадальный коммунистический путь, нет.
H. Res. 758: Reckless Congress ‘Declares War’ on Russia
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On December 4, the US House passed what I consider to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. H. Res. 758 was billed as a resolution “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.”
In fact, the bill was 16 pages of war propaganda that should have made even neocons blush, if they were capable of such a thing.
These are the kinds of resolutions I have always watched closely in Congress, as what are billed as “harmless” statements of opinion often lead to sanctions and war. I remember in 1998 arguing strongly against the Iraq Liberation Act because, as I said at the time, I knew it would lead to war. I did not oppose the Act because I was an admirer of Saddam Hussein – just as now I am not an admirer of Putin or any foreign political leader – but rather because I knew then that another war against Iraq would not solve the problems and would probably make things worse. We all know what happened next.
That is why I can hardly believe they are getting away with it again, and this time with even higher stakes: provoking a war with Russia that could result in total destruction!
If anyone thinks I am exaggerating about how bad this resolution really is, let me just offer a few examples from the legislation itself:
The resolution (paragraph 3) accuses Russia of an invasion of Ukraine and condemns Russia’s violation of Ukrainian sovereignty. The statement is offered without any proof of such a thing. Surely with our sophisticated satellites that can read a license plate from space we should have video and pictures of this Russian invasion. None have been offered. As to Russia’s violation of Ukrainian sovereignty, why isn’t it a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty for the US to participate in the overthrow of that country’s elected government as it did in February? We have all heard the tapes of State Department officials plotting with the US Ambassador in Ukraine to overthrow the government. We heard US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland bragging that the US spent $5 billion on regime change in Ukraine. Why is that OK?
The resolution (paragraph 11) accuses the people in east Ukraine of holding “fraudulent and illegal elections” in November. Why is it that every time elections do not produce the results desired by the US government they are called “illegal” and “fraudulent”? Aren’t the people of eastern Ukraine allowed self-determination? Isn’t that a basic human right?
The resolution (paragraph 13) demands a withdrawal of Russia forces from Ukraine even though the US government has provided no evidence the Russian army was ever in Ukraine. This paragraph also urges the government in Kiev to resume military operations against the eastern regions seeking independence.
The resolution (paragraph 14) states with certainty that the Malaysia Airlines flight 17 that crashed in Ukraine was brought down by a missile “fired by Russian-backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine.” This is simply incorrect, as the final report on the investigation of this tragedy will not even be released until next year and the preliminary report did not state that a missile brought down the plane. Neither did the preliminary report – conducted with the participation of all countries involved – assign blame to any side.
Paragraph 16 of the resolution condemns Russia for selling arms to the Assad government in Syria. It does not mention, of course, that those weapons are going to fight ISIS – which we claim is the enemy — while the US weapons supplied to the rebels in Syria have actually found their way into the hands of ISIS!
Paragraph 17 of the resolution condemns Russia for what the US claims are economic sanctions (“coercive economic measures”) against Ukraine. This even though the US has repeatedly hit Russia with economic sanctions and is considering even more!
The resolution (paragraph 22) states that Russia invaded the Republic of Georgia in 2008. This is simply untrue. Even the European Union – no friend of Russia – concluded in its investigation of the events in 2008 that it was Georgia that “started an unjustified war” against Russia not the other way around! How does Congress get away with such blatant falsehoods? Do Members not even bother to read these resolutions before voting?
In paragraph 34 the resolution begins to even become comical, condemning the Russians for what it claims are attacks on computer networks of the United States and “illicitly acquiring information” about the US government. In the aftermath of the Snowden revelations about the level of US spying on the rest of the world, how can the US claim the moral authority to condemn such actions in others?
Chillingly, the resolution singles out Russian state-funded media outlets for attack, claiming that they “distort public opinion.” The US government, of course, spends billions of dollars worldwide to finance and sponsor media outlets including Voice of America and RFE/RL, as well as to subsidize “independent” media in countless counties overseas. How long before alternative information sources like RT are banned in the United States? This legislation brings us closer to that unhappy day when the government decides the kind of programming we can and cannot consume – and calls such a violation “freedom.”
The resolution gives the green light (paragraph 45) to Ukrainian President Poroshenko to re-start his military assault on the independence-seeking eastern provinces, urging the “disarming of separatist and paramilitary forces in eastern Ukraine.” Such a move will mean many more thousands of dead civilians.
To that end, the resolution directly involves the US government in the conflict by calling on the US president to “provide the government of Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal defense articles, services, and training required to effectively defend its territory and sovereignty.” This means US weapons in the hands of US-trained military forces engaged in a hot war on the border with Russia. Does that sound at all like a good idea?
There are too many more ridiculous and horrific statements in this legislation to completely discuss. Probably the single most troubling part of this resolution, however, is the statement that “military intervention” by the Russian Federation in Ukraine “poses a threat to international peace and security.” Such terminology is not an accident: this phrase is the poison pill planted in this legislation from which future, more aggressive resolutions will follow. After all, if we accept that Russia is posing a “threat” to international peace how can such a thing be ignored? These are the slippery slopes that lead to war.
This dangerous legislation passed today, December 4, with only ten (!) votes against! Only ten legislators are concerned over the use of blatant propaganda and falsehoods to push such reckless saber-rattling toward Russia.
Here are the Members who voted “NO” on this legislation. If you do not see your own Representative on this list call and ask why they are voting to bring us closer to war with Russia! If you do see your Representative on the below list, call and thank him or her for standing up to the warmongers.
Voting “NO” on H. Res. 758:
1) Justin Amash (R-MI)
2) John Duncan (R-TN)
3) Alan Grayson, (D-FL)
4) Alcee Hastings (D-FL)
5) Walter Jones (R-NC)
6) Thomas Massie (R-KY)
7) Jim McDermott (D-WA)
8 George Miller (D-CA)
9) Beto O’Rourke (D-TX)
10 Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)
Taken from :
America on a War Footing: Three Members of Congress Just Reignited the Cold War While No One Was Looking
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Late Thursday night, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a far-reaching Russia sanctions bill, a hydra-headed incubator of poisonous conflict. The second provocative anti-Russian legislation in a week, it further polarizes our relations with Russia, helping to cement a Russia-China alliance against Western hegemony, and undermines long-term America’s financial and physical security by handing the national treasury over to war profiteers.
Here’s how the House’s touted “unanimity” was achieved: Under a parliamentary motion termed “unanimous consent,” legislative rules can be suspended and any bill can be called up. If any member of Congress objects, the motion is blocked and the bill dies.
At 10:23:54 p.m. on Thursday, a member rose to ask “unanimous consent” for four committees to be relieved of a Russia sanctions bill. At this point the motion, and the legislation, could have been blocked by a single member who would say “I object.” No one objected, because no one was watching for last-minute bills to be slipped through.
Most of the House and the media had emptied out of the chambers after passage of the $1.1 trillion government spending package.
The Congressional Record will show only three of 425 members were present on the floor to consider the sanctions bill. Two of the three feigned objection, creating the legislative equivalent of a ‘time out.’ They entered a few words of support, withdrew their “objections” and the clock resumed.
According to the clerk’s records, once the bill was considered under unanimous consent, it was passed, at 10:23:55 p.m., without objection, in one recorded, time-stamped second, unanimously.
Then the House adjourned.
I discovered, in my 16 years in Congress, that many members seldom read the legislation on which they vote. On Oct. 24, 2001, House committees spent long hours debating the Patriot Act. At the last minute, the old bill was swapped out for a version with draconian provisions. I voted against that version of the Patriot Act, because I read it. The legislative process requires attention.
Legislation brought before Congress under “unanimous consent” is not read by most members simply because copies of the bill are generally not available. During the closing sessions of Congress I would often camp out in the House chamber, near the clerk’s desk, prepared to say “I object” when something of consequence appeared out of the blue. Dec. 11, 2014, is one of the few times I regret not being in Congress to have the ability to oversee the process.
The Russia Sanctions bill that passed “unanimously,” with no scheduled debate, at 10:23:55 p.m. on Dec. 11, 2014, includes:
1. Sanctions of Russia’s energy industry, including Rosoboronexport and Gazprom.
2. Sanctions of Russia’s defense industry, with respect to arms sales to Syria.
3. Broad sanctions on Russians’ banking and investments.
4. Provisions for privatization of Ukrainian infrastructure, electricity, oil, gas and renewables, with the help of the World Bank and USAID.
5. Fifty million dollars to assist in a corporate takeover of Ukraine’s oil and gas sectors.
6. Three hundred and fifty million dollars for military assistance to Ukraine, including anti-tank, anti-armor, optical, and guidance and control equipment, as well as drones.
7. Thirty million dollars for an intensive radio, television and Internet propaganda campaign throughout the countries of the former Soviet Union.
8. Twenty million dollars for “democratic organizing” in Ukraine.
9. Sixty million dollars, spent through groups like the National Endowment for Democracy, “to improve democratic governance, and transparency, accountability [and] rule of law” in Russia. What brilliant hyperbole to pass such a provision the same week the Senate’s CIA torture report was released.
10. An unverified declaration that Russia has violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, is a nuclear “threat to the United States” and should be held “accountable.”
11. A path for the U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty, which went into force in 1988. The implications of this are immense. An entire series of arms agreements are at risk of unraveling. It may not be long before NATO pushes its newest client state, Ukraine, to abrogate the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Ukraine signed when it gave up its nuclear weapons, and establish a renewed nuclear missile capability, 300 miles from Moscow.
12. A demand that Russia verifiably dismantle “any ground launched cruise missiles or ballistic missiles with a range of between 500 and 5,500 kilometers …”—i.e., 300 and 3,300 miles.
Read the legislation, which Congress apparently didn’t.
As reported on, earlier that same day in Kiev, the Ukrainian parliament approved a security plan that will:
1. Declare that Ukraine should become a “military state.”
2. Reallocate more of its approved 2014 budget for military purposes.
3. Put all military operating units on alert.
4. Mobilize military and national guard units.
5. Increase military spending in Ukraine from 1 percent of GDP to 5 percent, increasing military spending by $3 billion over the next few years.
6. Join NATO and switch to NATO military standards.
Under the guise of democratizing, the West stripped Ukraine of its sovereignty with a U.S.-backed coup, employed it as a foil to advance NATO to the Russian border and reignited the Cold War, complete with another nuclear showdown.
The people of Ukraine will be less free, as their country becomes a “military state,” goes into hock to international banks, faces structural readjustments, privatization of its public assets, decline of social services, higher prices and an even more severe decline in its standard of living.
In its dealings with the European Union, Ukraine could not even get concessions for its citizens to find work throughout Europe. The West does not care about Ukraine, or its people, except for using them to seize a strategic advantage against Russia in the geopolitical game of nations.
Once, with the help of the West, Ukraine fully weighs in as a “military state” and joins the NATO gun club, its annual defense budget will be around $3 billion, compared with the current defense budget of Russia, which is over $70 billion.
Each Western incitement creates a Russian response, which is then given as further proof that the West must prepare for the very conflict it has created, war as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
That the recent Russia sanctions bill was advanced, “unanimously,” without debate in the House, portends that our nation is sleepwalking through the graveyards of history, toward an abyss where controlling factors reside in the realm of chance, what Thomas Hardy termed “crass casualty.” Such are the perils of unanimity.
Taken from :
La Croazia schiacciata tra ricatti economici USA e della UE, pressioni militari della NATO, stagnazione economica e sociale interna, e il passato che riappare
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di Vigna Enrico
Il Ministro degli Esteri russo Lavrov ha dichiarato che la visita del senatore statunitense Chris Murphy ad ottobre in Croazia, mira a fare “ pressioni vergognose” sul paese, in vista di decisioni decisive per la politica statale di quel paese. Infatti la visita è arrivata proprio mentre il governo croato si accinge a decidere alcune scelte economiche e militari che preoccupano le leadership statunitensi e occidentali. Da fonti locali è trapelato che il senatore ha cercato di ottenere una promessa da esponenti governativi della Croazia di escludere alcuna opzione di vendita di partecipazioni in Croazia della principale società di petrolio e gas la INA, a potenziali investitori dalla Russia che negli scorsi mesi avevano fatto proposte definite interessanti anche da membri del governo; come se non bastasse nei colloqui il senatore ha anche messo all’ordine del giorno degli incontri, addirittura una forma di veto ad eventuali forme di cooperazione con la Russia. In una conferenza stampa Lavrov ha detto: "…Secondo le informazioni che abbiamo, durante il suo recente viaggio in Croazia, il senatore statunitense del Connecticut, Chris Murphy ha cercato di ottenere una promessa dagli alti funzionari della Croazia, di escludere alcuna opzione di vendita di partecipazioni nella società leader del petrolio e del gas della Croazia INA, a potenziali investitori russi, in tal caso l'azienda potrebbe incorrere in interruzioni di altre collaborazioni con partner europei… Ha anche proposto ai funzionari croati di acquistare elicotteri americani in sostituzione di quelli di fabbricazione russa Mi-8, elicotteri attualmente in uso nell'esercito croato...", ha detto il ministro russo.
E’ evidente che queste mosse hanno come sfondo la politica USA di rafforzare le sanzioni contro la Russia, Washington sta costantemente esercitando una sempre più crescente pressione sugli stati del sud-est europeo, ultima la Croazia, ma in particolare l’Ungheria che recalcitrante alle imposizioni della UE e degli Stati Uniti, ha concluso numerosi contratti e progetti di sviluppo con la Russia. L’obiettivo delle politiche occidentali è quello di ostacolare al massimo la cooperazione con i paesi di quella regione nei settori dell'energia e negli ambiti delle tecnologie militari. Chiaramente queste pressioni, più appropriatamente definibili ricatti, fanno capire bene come e qual è, la concezione “democratica occidentale” del rispetto delle sovranità e indipendenza di ciascun paese, in un ottica di sviluppo e progresso nazionale. Inoltre sono in palese violazione di qualsiasi norma usualmente riconosciuta circa la cooperazione internazionale.
Mentre il governo croato è in aperta difficoltà nel prendere decisioni di questo tipo, che potrebbero rivelarsi anche disastrose per la sua già difficile situazione economica, sul fronte europeo è di ottobre la notizia rivelata d un comunicato dell’Ambasciata ucraina in Croazia, dove viene ufficializzato un accordo tra al Giunta golpista di Kiev e Zagabria, per la cura nel paese della ex Jugoslavia, dei feriti membri della Guardia Nazionale ucraina ( come documentato, in pratica i neonazisti ucraini). "…Secondo l’accordo tra la parte croata e in seguito ad una incontri dell'ambasciatore ucraino Oleksandr Levchenko presso il Ministero degli Affari esteri ed europei e il Ministero della Salute della Repubblica di Croazia, è stato raggiunto l'accordo che la Croazia fornirà cura e riabilitazione per i soldati della Guardia Nazionale dell'Ucraina, che sono rimasti feriti nelle operazioni militari nella parte orientale del Paese.. ", dice la nota. Nel protocollo siglato le parti hanno convenuto che la Croazia fornirà supporto medico e psicologico ai combattenti ucraini, che hanno partecipato o sono stati feriti; con la parte croata che coprirà tutte le spese di trasporto e di riabilitazione.
Da questo punto di vista l’accordo è in continuità e sintonia tra le radici storiche comuni e perfettamente affini, tra gli eredi dei banderisti ucraini e quelli degli ustascia croati.
Ieri come oggi con conclamate e rivendicate radici nazifasciste criminali.
Questi sono i militi della Guardia Nazionale ucraina
E questi sono i moderni ustascia di Croazia
E’ impressionante quante similitudini e parallelismi politici, culturali e fideistici, di ferocia, fanatismo, disumanità hanno avuto ed hanno nei reciproci discendenti, le bande neonaziste in Ucraina con i secessionisti croati degli anni ‘90. Un dato su tutti, tratto dai documenti storici: il comandante nazista dell’Adriatisches Kustenland in Croazia, che invitava Berlino ad intervenire per fermare la “ferocia spropositata” degli ustascia croati e lo stesso, negli stessi anni faceva da Kiev, il nazista comandante la “piazza” ucraina, che inviava ai comandi di Berlino rapporti dove chiedeva di intervenire per frenare le atrocità dei banderisti ucraini.
Per comprendere cosa sono stati gli Ustascia nella storia della Jugoslavia e per comprendere il fanatismo, l’odio e il razzismo insiti dentro questo fenomeno storico atroce, ecco alcuni stralci di discorsi di esponenti religiosi della chiesa Cattolica, nella stragrande maggioranza non solo fiancheggiatrice, ma parte del governo ustascia, non dimentichiamoci del cardinale Stepinac, criminale di guerra, complice del massacro di 700.000 mila serbi, ortodossi, ebrei, zingari, comunisti e antifascisti nel campo di concentramento di Jasenovac in Croazia.
Esclusi alcuni padri cattolici croati eroici, che in solitudine stettero al fiano della popolazione senza discriminazioni razziali o religiose, in gran parte pagandone il prezzo con la loro stessa vita. E anche qui in perfetta sintonia con la chiesa Uniata ucraina, schieratasi al fianco dei “liberatori” nazisti e diventando parte dei piani di massacro in quella terra.
Estratti dal discorso pronunciato dal cardinale cattolico Dr. Viktor Gutic, tenutosi in una raduno a Sanski Most, il 28 maggio 1941. Il discorso fu pubblicato su "Hrvatska Krajina" n° 19, del 30 maggio 1941. "…L'esercito serbo non esiste più. Non ci sono più serbi. Non dobbiamo più avere a che fare con quei contadini assetati di sangue. La dinastia dei Karadjordjevic è scomparsa e presto dalle nostre parti, non ci saranno più da vedere alcun serbo, perché saranno scomparsi. Ho dato drastici ordini per la loro distruzione economica completa e nuovi ordini saranno emessi per il loro sterminio totale. Non siate deboli nei confronti di nessuno di loro. Non dimenticate mai che essi sono i nostri nemici più radicali. Distruggeteli ovunque entrate in contatto con loro e la benedizione del nostro Capo dello Stato e la mia saranno eterne...
I serbi non devono sperare in nulla ed è meglio per loro di andarsene via, devono scomparire dalle nostre regioni e dalla nostra patria… ".
Sempre il cardinale Gutic dichiarava ad un altro raduno ustascia a Banja Luka: "…Ma domani io prenderò le redini. Gli romperò la schiena. Ditelo ai nostri amici. Dite loro che le loro schiene saranno rotte e quindi la purificazione avrà inizio... Nessuna pietà ... Il capo dello Stato e i ministri croati non vedono l'ora di entrare in una Banja Luka purificata e questo sta per essere fatto molto velocemente. Ho intenzione di essere un manico di scopa di ferro e posso dirvi che non permetterò a nessuno di venire da me a supplicare per salvare qualche nostro nemico... "
Il 9 Giugno 1941 Gutic ha detto in una manifestazione a Prnjavor: "…Dichiaro al nido serbo in Prnjavor che io darò a me stesso 24 ore per spazzare via questo nido serbo. Io comincerò ad ucciderli e voi mi seguirete…."
Nel giugno 1941, il Frate Srecko Peric, un francescano del monastero di Livno, dall'altare della chiesa del monastero di Gorica, invitò i croati a cominciare il massacro dei serbi:
"…Fratelli croati, andate e massacrate tutti i serbi. Prima uccidete mia sorella perché lei è sposata con un serbo e poi trattate tutti gli altri serbi nello stesso modo. Al termine di questo lavoro venire da me nella mia chiesa, dove ascolteremo le vostre confessioni e vi sarà data la comunione e così tutti i vostri peccati saranno perdonati... ".
A cura di Enrico Vigna, Forum Belgrado Italia.
Krajina: Il Tribunale e gli (ex) presidenti
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di Savo Strbac
Scheveningen, una targa commemorativa all'ingresso principale
La Corte penale internazionale, secondo il suo statuto, non può sancire la pena di morte, ma ciò non ha impedito che ci sono stati suoi imputati che la morte li ha comunque raggiunti e sono deceduti nella sua unità di detenzione, ed hanno comunque subito tale pena.
Nel mese di ottobre, sono stato per la seconda volta quest'anno, al Tribunale a L'Aia. Nel mese di marzo, ho partecipato al processo davanti alla Corte internazionale di giustizia in una controversia tra le parti croata e serba per accuse reciproche per genocidio e nel mese di ottobre per testimoniare davanti al Tribunale penale internazionale per l'ex Jugoslavia, nel processo "Hadzic".
La difesa di Hadzic mi ha convocato come testimone perché avevo avuto a che fare con lo scambio di prigionieri e perchè sono stato segretario del governo della RSK, nel periodo in cui Hadzic era presidente della RSK (dal febbraio 1992 al gennaio 1994). La mia dichiarazione scritta è stata accettata e ho anche risposto alle domande. Seguendo la prassi del Tribunale, la mia testimonianza è stata introdotta come prova, altri elementi di prova che ho portato sono stati accettati dalle parti, per esempio fargli delle domande per quanto riguarda alcuni documenti; la difesa dopo la risposta favorevole di accettazione ha presentato i documenti e poi ha domandato alla Corte di accettare il documento come prova. La difesa mi ha chiesto circa una riunione del governo della RSK, a cui avevo partecipato come segretario del governo, e circa diversi documenti di organizzazioni internazionali che avevano avuto rapporti con il presidente, in relazione ai suoi poteri decisionali, perchè la difesa intende usarli per dimostrare la tesi di fondo che Hadzic è stato presidente solo sulla carta, e che la prassi era non "interferire nel lavoro del governo".
Al mio arrivo a L'Aia scoperto che in detenzione all’Unità del Tribunale c’è ancora uno dei miei ex presidenti: Milan Martic (presidente dal gennaio 1994 ad agosto 1995), che sta scontando la sua condanna a vita in Estonia. Egli è stato temporaneamente restituito al TPI dell'Aja per la testimonianza nel caso Hadzic. Mi è stato riferito che le condizioni nel carcere estone sono molto più pesanti rispetto a quelle del Tribunale e degli altri in tutta Europa, dove i condannati dell'Aja scontano la pena, anche se l'Estonia è da dieci anni nell'Unione europea; egli ha richiesto al Tribunale di poter tornare alla loro unità di detenzione o di essere trasferito in una prigione di un altro Stato. Dall'inizio degli anni Novanta, avevo già testimoniato nei tribunali croati contro le accuse rivoltegli di "ribellione armata", quando sono diventato segretario del governo, avevo collaborato con lui, quando era ministro degli Interni (mentre Hadzic era presidente della RSK. Dopo la mia testimonianza ho chiesti di potergli fare una visita. Mi hanno fatto compilare una richiesta di diverse pagine, che contengono un sacco di domande e se vi è un divieto di visite. Purtroppo, la mia richiesta è stata respinta con la motivazione che era troppo breve il periodo per la richiesta del giorno della visita. Allora ho chiesto al personale del Tribunale di poter vedere l’unità di Scheveningen. Ho visto un complesso di edifici circondati da un alto muro; una persona designata, una donna olandese, mi ha spiegato che si trattava di una prigione per olandesi condannati, e che è solo una sezione, da qualche parte nel mezzo del complesso, è stata ristrutturata come unità di detenzione del tribunale. Girando intorno al complesso carcerario siamo arrivati davanti al cancello principale, allora ho ricordato il momento in cui le telecamere televisive registrarono l'ingresso di Milosevic attraverso di essa, e attraverso il quale, senza la presenza di telecamere, varcò quella soglia, anche un altro mio ex presidente: Babic, primo presidente della RSK. Milan Babic e Slobodan Milosevic, presidente della Serbia e della Jugoslavia: due parti di me, ricamati con il mio corpo e la mia anima.
Dopo il mio ritorno a Belgrado, mi ha raggiunto la notizia che nel secondo giorno della mia testimonianza, Hadzic aveva avuto un ictus, e che il Tribunale aveva ricevuto dal suo difensore la richiesta di Martic per il trasferimento dal carcere estone, e che il Consiglio nazionale serbo per la cooperazione con il Tribunale, ha chiesto il consenso di permettere ai medici di famiglia di poter visitare nel centro di detenzione Hadzic.
Dieci imputati dell'ICTY sono già morti prima del trasferimento definitivo alle unità di detenzione del Tribunale, di cui otto serbi, alcuni dei quali mediante suicidio pur di non accettare il carcere. Finora nell'unità di detenzione di Scheveningen sono morti nove detenuti, tra cui sette serbi. Nel numero di morti non sono inclusi quelli che a causa di malattie avanzate sono stati rilasciati dall'unità detenzione e subito dopo sono morti. Il Tribunale, secondo il suo statuto, non può imporre la pena di morte, ma non è riuscito a fare in modo, che molti di loro, malati gravemente sono morti nella sua unità di detenzione finora, come una pena di condanna a morte.
Da Centro Veritas 30/10/2014.
Tenuti eventi commemorativi per i civili uccisi in Varivode e Gosic, Krajina
Organizzate dal Consiglio nazionale serbo, il 28. 09. 2014 nei villaggi di Varivoda e Gosic vicino a Sibenik-Knin, si sono svolte manifestazioni commemorative per ricordare i 16 civili, in maggioranza anziani, di nazionalità serba, che furono uccisi, dopo che iniziarono le operazioni militari dell’esercito croato, denominate “Oluja".
Al raduno hanno partecipato il presidente del Consiglio nazionale serbo, Milorad Pupovac e Cedomir Maric, rappresentanti della nostra Associazione “SUZA ", Dragan Pjevac, il presidente del Coordinamento delle Associazioni serbe di Dispersi e delle Persone morte della ex-Jugoslavia.
Milorad Pupovac nel suo discorso ha sottolineato che, anche dopo 19 anni, non sono ancora stati puniti i responsabili della morte di queste persone, nonostante le promesse del presidente e del primo ministro dello stato croato. È per questo che ancora manca un senso di giustizia, ha sottolineato.
Cedomir Maric si è rivolto al pubblico dicendo: "Oggi con questa commemorazione dimostriamo che le vittime di questi misfatti non saranno mai dimenticati. Anche se sappiamo che è un lavoro duro, gli esempi di Varivoda, Gosic e Golubic, dove hanno eretto monumenti e cippi, dimostrano che è possibile coltivare una cultura della memoria.".
Il noto cantante Dragan Pjevac nel suo saluto ha sottolineato che per questi crimini commessi e per i civili innocenti uccisi, nessuno ha mai risposto delle sue responsabilità.
"Fraternizzo con tutte le vittime innocenti in Croazia e spero che verrà il giorno in cui la maggioranza della popolazione croata fraternizzerà con le vittime civili in Gosic...", ha detto Dragan.
Due mesi dopo l'inizio dell’operazione militare, il 28 settembre 1995, furono uccisi nove abitanti a Varivoda: Dusan Dukic (59), Spiro Beric (55), Jovo Beric (75), Jovan Beric (56), Beric Radivoj (69), Mary Beric (69), Milka Beric (67), Marko Beric (82) e Mirko Pokrajac (84). Furono uccisi da colpi a distanza ravvicinata sulla porta di casa. Il villaggio non aveva alcuna postazione o attività militare e non furono trovate armi.
Un mese prima, il 27 agosto 1995 nella vicina Gosic, furono uccisi sette anziani: Savo Borak (70), Dyer Borak (68), Grozdana Borak (75), Mary Borak (81), Kosovka Borak (77) Milka Borak (75), Dušan Borak (56), e dieci giorni fu ucciso Gojko Ležaić (65). Tutte le vittime erano civili, e né in passato, né al momento degli omicidi, nel villaggio vi erano state attività di guerra.
Associazione SUZA
Breve cronistoria della Repubblica Serba di Krajina: 1992
3 gennaio: A Sarajevo firmato l'accordo sul coinvolgimento delle Nazioni Unite (ONU) in Jugoslavia.
8 gennaio: Il Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite ha adottato la risoluzione 727 sull'invio di forze internazionali in Jugoslavia.
13 gennaio: Il Vaticano ha riconosciuto la Croazia e la Slovenia.
15 gennaio: La Comunità europea ha riconosciuto la Croazia e la Slovenia.
17 gennaio: L’Assemblea dei Vescovi della Chiesa ortodossa serba ha rilasciato una dichiarazione sul diritto del popolo serbo della Croazia all'autodeterminazione.
27 gennaio: I negoziati tra rappresentanti della RSK e Mark Goulding a Knin, si sono conclusi senza un accordo.
30 gennaio: A Belgrado inizia una sessione di tre giorni della presidenza della Jugoslavia con i rappresentanti della Krajina. Milan Babic e il suo governo non danno il loro consenso al piano di Vance-Owen.
2 febbraio: Al posto di Babic, viene eletto Presidente dell'Assemblea di Krajina Mile Paspalj.
Il presidente russo Boris Eltsin annuncia che la Russia avrebbe riconosciuto la Slovenia e la Croazia.
3 febbraio: L’Assemblea di Krajina tenutasi a Knin, sostiene Milan Babic per aver rifiutato di firmare il piano Vance-Owen.
4 febbraio: Boutros Ghali, segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite, dichiara che sul territorio sotto la protezione delle Nazioni Unite non si applicano le leggi croate.
5 febbraio: La leadership politica delle assemblee municipali di Vojnic e Gračac sostengono il Piano Vance.
6 febbraio: A Gracac il piano Vance viene discusso dai rappresentanti della SDS della Krajina e della JNA, che è guidata dal generale Ratko Mladic.
Il governo della Krajina divide il territorio in quattro distretti amministrativi: Dalmazia settentrionale, Lika, Kordunaška e Banijska.
7 febbraio: Boutros-Ghali ha detto che le truppe delle Nazioni Unite non si ritireranno dalla zona di Krajina, che sarà protetta fino a quando non sarà trovata una soluzione politica; per non pregiudicare una soluzione politica nelle aree sotto la protezione delle Nazioni Unite, sarà in vigore il diritto croato, e che le forze delle Nazioni Unite garantiranno la protezione della popolazione locale prima e dopo la smilitarizzazione.
9 febbraio: L’Assemblea della Repubblica Serba di Krajina in Glina ha accettato incondizionatamente il piano Vance-Owen.
10 febbraio: Nella riunione di governo a Knin, Milan Babic ha accettato di discutere una accettazione condizionata del Piano Vance. Lui, invece, ha chiesto una decisione su un referendum che deciderà in merito all'accettazione / rifiuto del Piano Vance.
12 febbraio: Milan Babic ha chiesto alle Nazioni Unite di imporre un protettorato sul Paese.
La JNA e la polizia di Knin hanno cominciato ad accogliere in Krajina, volontari venuti dalla Serbia.
15 febbraio: Il quotidiano belgradese Vecernje Novosti ha annunciato la partenza di Milan Babic, in una dichiarazione Mile Paspalj e Dusan Jovic annunciano che l’Assemblea di Knin e della Krajina hanno indetto un referendum sul piano Vance-Owen, che sta provocando tra i serbi in Krajina ulteriore confusione.
16 febbraio: Mile Paspalj convoca una seduta a Glina dell'Assemblea di Krajina. Secondo le dichiarazioni ufficiali, la maggior parte dei deputati ha votato per la rimozione di Milan Babic e del governo della Krajina.
17 febbraio: A Belgrado, Milan Babic in una conferenza stampa dichiara che la sessione parlamentare tenuta a Glina è incostituzionale e illegale.
18 febbraio: L'Assemblea tenutasi a Knin in Krajina, sostiene la posizione di Milan Babic. Viene adottato il suo suggerimento che l'Assemblea sia in sessione costante edi rimandare il referendum.
21 febbraio: Il Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite ha adottato la risoluzione 743 che autorizza l'inizio della missione di pace in Jugoslavia e la creazione di UNPROFOR.
A Knin L’Assemblea in seduta ha condannato l'atteggiamento di Branko Kostic, che in Glina ha lavorato per l'accettazione incondizionata del piano Vance.
26 Febbraio: L'Assemblea nella sessione in Borovu elegge Presidente della Repubblica Goran Hadzic.
28 febbraio: L'esercito croato attacca su un ampio retroterra di fronte a Zara e Sebenico. Su entrambi i lati ci sono uccisi e feriti.
29 Febbraio: La Corte Costituzionale ha annullato tutte le decisioni e le modifiche dell’Assemblea presieduta da Mile Paspalj a in Borovu. 1 Marzo: Un gruppo di terroristi musulmani a Sarajevo, spara a Barščaršiji su una festa di nozze serba. Viene assassinato il padre dello sposo Nikola Gardović, e ferito prete ortodosso Radenko Miković; poi bruciata la bandiera serba.
A Golubic vicino a Knin viene costituita la scuola di polizia di Krajina. Vi partecipano, tra gli altri, Sadie Bajramovic, Jugoslav Kostic, Goran Hadzic e Milan Martic. I Serbo-bosniaci hanno dichiarato la secessione della Bosnia-Erzegovina, proclamato una Costituzione e formato un proprio governo.
Nel frattempo Forze delle Nazioni Unite hanno cominciato ad assumersi la responsabilità per l'area della Krajina protetta.
4 aprile: La Grande Assemblea Nazionale del Distretti serbi della Slavonia, Baranja e Srem occidentale ha adottato la decisione relativa alla promulgazione di uno Statuto del Distretto serbo della Slavonia, Baranja e Srem occidentale.
6 aprile: Gli stati della Comunità europea riconoscono la Bosnia-Erzegovina.
7 aprile: Viene proclamata la Repubblica Serba di Bosnia-Erzegovina.
Gli Stati Uniti hanno riconosciuto la Slovenia, la Croazia e la Bosnia-Erzegovina.
11 aprile: A Knin, viene discussa la formazione dell’Esercito Serbo della Krajina.
16 aprile: il Consiglio Europeo ha ordinato il ritiro di tutte le forze armate dalla Bosnia-Erzegovina entro il 28 aprile.
17 aprile: La diplomazia americana ha condannato la Serbia per la guerra in Bosnia.
22 aprile a Veljun scontri tra soldati di UNPROFOR e miliziani serbi perché è stato dichiarato che erano venuti per proteggere il popolo croato.
28 aprile: A Belgrado viene dichiarata la Repubblica Federale di Iugoslavia.
29 aprile: Nelle elezioni per la presidenza del SDS di Krajina, viene deposto Ljubica Šolaja e scelto Milan Babic.
Negli ultimi due giorni sul campo di battaglia di Knin, vengono uccisi nove militari serbi, e dieci civili serbi uccisi nel villaggio di Nera vicino a Zara.
4 maggio: La Presidenza della Jugoslavia ha dichiarato la propria decisione in merito al ritiro della JNA dalla Bosnia-Erzegovina entro 15 giorni.
12 maggio: il governo della Krajina ha introdotto lo stato di emergenza a causa della comparsa di gruppi di sabotaggio croati.
15 maggio: Il Consiglio di Sicurezza ONU ha votato la Risoluzione 752 sul peggioramento della situazione in Bosnia-Erzegovina. In Tuzla, un gruppo terrorista musulmano ha attaccato un convoglio di soldati JNA, che stavano ritirandosi in Serbia e in quella occasione sono stati uccisi, secondo i dati ufficiali, più di 200 soldati.
La 9. Zaječarska Brigata Kikas ha lasciato il territorio della Krajina. Durante la guerra nel Kordun ha avuto 57 morti e 120 feriti.
18 maggio: Il Consiglio di Sicurezza ha votato per la Risoluzione 753, che offre la possibilità per l'ammissione della Croazia delle Nazioni Unite.
Il Consiglio di Sicurezza ha votato per la risoluzione 754 che dà sostegni per l'ammissione della Slovenia alle Nazioni Unite.
In Krajinaa Knin l’Assemblea in seduta, a cui hanno partecipato Jovan Rašković e Milan Babic, adotta la Dichiarazione sugli obiettivi politici della Repubblica Serba di Krajina.
19 maggio: La JNA ha lasciato la Krajina.
23 maggio: la Slovenia, la Croazia e la Bosia-Erzegovina hanno ricevuto l’accettazione tra i membri delle Nazioni Unite, in occasione dell'Assemblea Generale
27 maggio: a Sarajevo un ordigno esplosivo ha ucciso 16 e ferito più di 100 persone in fila per il pane.
30 maggio: il Consiglio di Sicurezza con la risoluzione 757 ha imposto sanzioni nei confronti della Repubblica Federale di Iugoslavia.
15 giugno: Dobrica Cosic viene eletto come primo presidente della Repubblica Federale di Iugoslavia (RFI).
21 giugno: Le forze armate croate attaccano Krke i Čikole ( nel complesso di Miljevački), anche se la zona era sotto la protezione delle Nazioni Unite. Vengono circondati e uccisi 48 soldati serbi.
23 giugno: L’artiglieria croata ha bombardato Knin.
30 giugno: Il Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite ha adottato la risoluzione 762 sulle cosiddette zone rosa in Croazia. Alla Croazia viene chiesto di ritirare le sue truppe alle posizioni prima del 21 giugno e la sospensione delle operazioni militari nella zona sotto la protezione delle Nazioni Unite.
4 luglio: Il ministro degli Interni della Krajina Milan Martic, dopo essere stato condannato con l’accusa di separatismo è stato liberato.
Nei pressi di Topusko, gravemente ferito il Presidente della SO Vrginmost Dimitar Obradovic. E’ morto in ospedale di Petrova Gora.
12 luglio: UNPROFOR pone il limite di sicurezza tra Krajina e della Croazi,a nel Kordun.
21 luglio: A Belgrado si incontrano Lord Peter Carrington, Goran Hadzic, Dobrosav Vejzovic, Ministro degli Affari Esteri, e il colonnello Stojan Spanovic. Carrington ha sottolineato che la Krajina può avere uno status speciale in conformità con i documenti adottati a L'Aia.
7 agosto: Il Consiglio di Sicurezza ONU ha adottato la risoluzione 769 che sancisce l’embargo sull'importazione e l'esportazione di tutti i beni tra la Repubblica Federale di Iugoslavia e il mondo, e anche l'estensione di UNPROFOR.
18 agosto: il governo della Krajina nomina una Commissione di Stato per crimini di guerra e genocidio.
26 agosto: Alla conferenza di Londra sulla ex Jugoslavia, con la partecipazione di 40 delegazioni, partecipa una delegazione dalla Krajina, guidata da Zdravko Zecevic.
14 settembre: Il Consiglio di Sicurezza ha adottato la risoluzione 776 sul supporto della Conferenza di Londra.
22 settembre: L’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite ha congelato l'adesione della Repubblica Federale di Iugoslavia.
30 settembre: A Ginevra Dobrica Cosic e Franjo Tudjman firmano una dichiarazione, garanti sono David Owen e Cyrus Vance. La dichiarazione garantisce l'inviolabilità delle frontiere esistenti derivanti da mezzi pacifici e negoziati. Alla riunione ha partecipato anche Slobodan Milosevic, ma non ha firmato nulla.
16 ottobre: Viene iniziata la formazione dell’Armata Serba di Krajina (SVK).
31 ottobre: La RS di Bosnia e l’assemblea della RSK adottano una dichiarazione congiunta sullo stabilimento di una alleanza.
4 novembre: Il Parlamento croato approva una legge sulla protezione della Repubblica da attività terroristiche.
9 novembre: corridoio di Brcko, che garantiva i collegamenti con la RFJ viene attaccato e interrotto.
19 novembre: A Knin negoziato con Cyrus Vance e Robert Owen. Delegazione della Krajina era formata da Zdravko Zecevic, Milan Martic, Boro Martinovic e dal nuovo ministro degli Esteri Slobodan Jarčević.
Soldati croati uccidono a Zemunik Gornjeg, Mirko Subotic (33) e la figlia Dostana (22).
21 novembre: A Brcko viene ucciso il giornalista Dusan Tepsic (30), segretario per le Informazioni presso il Ministero degli Affari Interni della Krajina.
1 dicembre: Ufficialmente presentata, con una parata, la Armata Serba di Krajina.
14 dicembre A Zagabria, di fronte al suo appartamento, ucciso Milan Krivokuća di Utinja, un leader serbo del sindacato dei lavoratori delle ferrovie in Croazia.
PER KRAJINA Notizie - novembre 2014
A cura del Forum Belgrado Italia e CIVG
War Footing: Stoltenberg Tells NATO States To Boost Military Spendin
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Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff
Stoltenberg again urges NATO to increase defense spending
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has again urged the member countries of the alliance to increase defense spending, according to Russian information agency RIA Novosti.
"That which was decided at the summit in Wales was a significant increase in collective security," Stoltenberg said at a meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in The Hague.
“This will help us to deal with any threats wherever they come from: from the east or from the south. It is important that we implement the plan on time and in full," Stoltenberg said.
"All these efforts and priorities should be properly funded. All member countries should contribute to the implementation of the NATO Action Plan on preparedness," he said.
"We can cut our defense spending in more peaceful times, and this could be right, but we do not live in peace now. It is necessary to stop cuts and to increase investment in our defense," he added.
"All allies of the NATO should contribute their share," the secretary general said.
He said that during the summit in Wales NATO member countries decided to increase defense spending to 2% of GDP the for 10 years. According to him, the United States, the United Kingdom, Greece and Estonia have already done so.
"I expect all of us will achieve this goal," he said.
As reported earlier, on September 5 during the NATO summit in Wales, NATO member countries adopted a plan to strengthen a collective defense of the alliance, and agreed on the creation of a rapid reaction force. NATO said the moves were in response to Russia's actions in Ukraine.
Putin to Western elites: Play-time is over
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Most people in the English-speaking parts of the
world missed Putin's speech at the Valdai
conference in Sochi a few days ago, and, chances
are, those of you who have heard of the speech
didn't get a chance to read it, and missed its
importance. (For your convenience, I am pasting
in the full transcript of his speech below.)
Western media did their best to ignore it or to
twist its meaning. Regardless of what you think
or don't think of Putin (like the sun and the
moon, he does not exist for you to cultivate an
opinion) this is probably the most important
political speech since Churchill's Iron Curtain speech of March 5, 1946.
In this speech, Putin abruptly changed the rules
of the game. Previously, the game of
international politics was played as follows:
politicians made public pronouncements, for the
sake of maintaining a pleasant fiction of
national sovereignty, but they were strictly for
show and had nothing to do with the substance of
international politics; in the meantime, they
engaged in secret back-room negotiations, in
which the actual deals were hammered out.
Previously, Putin tried to play this game,
expecting only that Russia be treated as an
equal. But these hopes have been dashed, and at
this conference he declared the game to be over,
explicitly violating Western taboo by speaking
directly to the people over the heads of elite clans and political leaders.
GLOBAL JUSTICE OR GLOBAL DOMINATION - Some lessons of the First World War
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Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
History is a teacher of life, says the old proverb. Hence, it should be
regarded as a part of life and future, not only a part of the past.
We recall that the drive for redrawing the borders was one of the key objectives of aggressors in the First World War. The revision of history and results of the First and Second World Wars could prove to be but a front for the revision of borders
The Great War began following the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum, one that everyone clearly knew that Serbia could not have possibly accepted. At the end of that same, 20th century, Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) was given A similar ultimatum by NATO in Rambouillet, also one that obviously could not be accepted. The request contained therein was: either accepting unconditional occupation of the entire country, or having war. NATO aggression against Serbia (the FRY) of 1999 was the turning point in global relations, marking the transition from the relative peace and a sort of observance of the UN system, towards the global interventionism and violation of the basic principles of the international relations. Many intellectuals, including the speakers at this Conference, believe that this has triggered the Third World War.
Why we need a new anti-war coalition of the left and right
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World War 1 began with an attack on Serbia by Austro-Hungary in 1914. Today’s ongoing World War 3 – of which the current US-led air strikes on Iraq and Syria are only the latest instalment – began with NATO’s attack on Serbia/Yugoslavia in 1999.
The subject of World War 1, its legacy and the new series of US-led wars of aggression which have marked the era of turbo-globalization, was discussed in depth at the International Science and Public Conference “The Great War and the Beginning of a New World: An up-to-date agenda for Humankind,” which was held in Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia, where World War I started 100 years ago.
Scientists, experts and public figures from 15 countries attended and speakers gave their perspectives on both World War I and the current global situation. The speakers came from both the left and the right of the political spectrum, but nearly everyone agreed that the consequences of World War I are still with us today – and that the global position was at least just as dangerous as it had been in 1914.
This year we have already seen the Israeli military assault on Gaza, which cost the lives of over 2,000 people. Thousands have been killed or injured too in Ukraine, following a western-backed anti-constitutional coup against a democratically-elected president and government. Neocon hawks have been at the forefront of the propaganda campaign to demonize Russia and use the Ukraine crisis as pretext to start an economic Cold War war with Moscow and build up NATO forces in Eastern Europe. In Syria, according to UN figures, around 191,000 people have lost their lives in the conflict, which has been deliberately stoked up by the western powers and their regional allies. And now the US and its allies are going to war against the “monster” Islamic State, which their own interventionist policies in the Middle East have enabled.
Владимир И. Јакуњин: СТАВОВИ И ОЦЕНЕ
The Great War and the Beginning of a New World |
Из завршне речи Владимира И. Јакуњина на Међународној конференцији „Први светски рат – поруке човечанству“, 18. септембра 2014.
Опираясь на осмысление уроков Первой мировой войны и осознавая угрозы новой военной эскалации, участники Конференции в ходе всесторонней дискуссии рассмотрели вопрос о необходимости противодействиия тенденциям, ведущим человечество к новым катастрофам.
Девяносто шесть лет прошло со времени окончания Первой мировой, шестьдесят девять – Второй мировой войны… Человечество оказалось в плену иллюзий о незыблемости мира. Но ведь точно так общественность не верила в перспективу глобальной войны и сто лет назад. Сегодня военные действия уже ведутся и на Европейском континенте, а мировая война уже не кажется невозможной.
В методологическом плане войны рассматривались нами как критическая точка перехода мира от предыдущей парадигмы развития к последующей. Войны и предшествующие им кризисы не являются стихийным взрывом случайно сложившихся критических напряжений политического, экономического или межцивилизационного характера. Важно определить, кто же в конечном итоге был благоприобретателем или бенефициаром кровавой трагедии.
Участниками конференции сделан вывод о том, что и глобальные экономические, и политические кризисы с развитием войн в значительной степени являются результатом сознательной реализации проектов мировой правящей элиты.
Первая мировая война ознаменовала оформление нового политического класса мировой (глобальной) финансовой олигархии, которая с XX века и по настоящее время оформила свои идеологические установки через работы в виде теории кризисного перенаселения Земли, «постиндустриального общества», «универсальных демократических ценностей», «управляемого хаоса», «глобального доминирования», «эксклюзивности и избранности» и т.п.
Все это свидетельствует о том, что как сами причины глобальных кризисов и войны, так и их бенефициары в XXI веке остаются прежними: это глобальный финансовый олигархат, по сути владеющей подавляющей частью ресурсов Земли, глобальной экономики, подчиненные ему властные политические элиты и государственные механизмы управления, мировая финансовая система, информационно-пропагандистские ресурсы государств.
Исторические параллели между современной мировой ситуацией и ситуацией столетней давности – очевидны.
Мир поражен экономическим и финансовым кризисом, одна волна которого сменяется другой. Война может, как это было и сто лет назад, показаться кому-то выходом из сложившегося тупика. Но это будет выход в интересах мирового олигархата.
Как сто лет назад, так и теперь идет борьба за глобальное мировое лидерство. Однако, само устремление к однополярному мироустройству, идеология превосходства, претензии на мировую гегемонию ведут к войне.
Как сто лет назад, так и теперь активизируется борьба за рынки сбыта, за зоны геоэкономического влияния, подталкивающая к очередным войнам за передел мира.
Как сто лет назад, так и теперь мир вступает в новую фазу гонки вооружений. Совершенствуется оружие массового поражения, растут военные бюджеты, планета покрывается сетью военных баз.
Как сто лет назад, так и теперь через каналы массовой культуры и СМИ идет пропаганда насилия и жестокости, низвергаются гуманистические идеалы. Представления об обыденности убийства человека навязываются современной культурной продукцией и даже новыми образцами детских игр.
The Great War and the Beginning of a New World |
Neil Clark
The centenary of the outbreak of hostilities in World War One, was commemorated by special events in Belgium attended by among others the British Prime Minister David Cameron and members of the British Royal family. At a service at Westminster Abbey members of the UKs political elite sat solemn faced as first hand testimony of war experiences and moving war poetry was read out by distinguished actors.
The talk was all of the horrors and tragedy of war- of hope shining through and how the anniversary of the Great War could help bring people together.
The 'Great War' was supposed to be 'the war to end all wars'. Yet at the same time these services to mark its centenary were going on, war was raging in many areas of the world.
In Gaza, over 1,500 people had been killed by the Israeli offensive (the number later passed 2,000). In Iraq, the violent jihadists of IS were murdering their opponents. A similar story in Syria- where according to the latest UN figures, around 191,000 people have lost their lives in the conflict since 2011.
And here in Europe, thousands have been killed or injured in the conflict in Ukraine, which was provoked by western powers who financed and supported a coup against a democratically elected government.
As the journalist Christopher Booker put it, writing in the Sunday Telegraph newspaper:
‘ How odd it has been to read all those accounts of Europe sleepwalking into war in the summer of 1914, and how such madness must never happen again, against the background of the most misrepresented major story of 2014 – the gathering crisis between Russia and the West over Ukraine’
Jean Bricmont: The easy lesson of World War I.
The Great War and the Beginning of a New World |
Jean Bricmont, Belgium
There at least two things that are easier to start than to end: a love affair and a war. No participant in WWI expected it to last as long as it it did or to have the consequences that it had. All the empires that participated in the war were destroyed, including eventually the British and French ones.
Not only that, but one war leads to another. The British philosopher and logician Bertrand Russell remarked that the desire of the European monarchs to crush the French Revolution led to Napoleon; the Napoleonic wars produced German nationalism that itself led to Bismarck, the French defeat at Sedan and the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine. That in turn fueled French revanchism that gave rise, after World War I, to the Versailles Treaty, whose inequities gave a strong boost to Nazism and Hitler. Russell ended the story there, but it continues. Hitler's defeat gave rise to the Cold War and the creation of Israel. The Western “victory” in the Cold War led to the current desire to crush Russia once and for all. As for Israel, its creation produced endless strife and an intractable situation in the Middle East.
What is the way out of this dialectic? I would suggest the idea of institutional pacifism. Not pacifism in the sense of refusing violence under any circumstance, or as amoral exhortation, but in the sense of building institutions that can help the preservation of peace. The United Nations and its charter, at least as it was originally conceived, is probably the best example of such an institution.
The very starting point of the United Nations was to save humankind from “the scourge of war”, with reference to the two World Wars. This goal was to be achieved by defending the principle of the equal sovereignty of all states, in order to prevent Great Powers from intervening militarily against weaker ones, regardless of the pretext. But since there is no international police to enforce international law, it can only be enforced by a balance of power and, most importantly, by the pressure of the citizens of the various countries to constrain their governments to adhere to common rules.
Press Conferences |
Success of the international conference Lessons of World War I, held in Belgrade on 16-18 September 2014
More than 100 foreign guests from fifteen countriesin Europe, Americas and Asia
On 17-18 September 2014, the “Sava Center” in Belgrade was the venue of the International Conference titled “World War I – Messages to Humanity”, organized by the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, jointly with two Russian Civic Society Organizations - The Center of National Glory, and the St. Andrew the First-Called Fund. The first speaker in the Conference was Serbian Patriarch Irinej. The audience was then addressed by Prof. Oliver Antić, in the capacity of Personal Envoy of the President of the Republic of Serbia Mr. TomislavNikolić, and Bishop Nazarij, Episcope of Kroonstad, in the capacity of Personal Envoy of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. The Conference was attended by several hundred invitees and more than 100 foreign guests. Over 40 historians, diplomats, analysts and public figures from Serbia, Russia and fifteen other countries in Europe, America, and Asia presented their papers. The introductory paper was presented by Vladimir I. Jakunjin, President of the Council of Russian co-organizers, President of the Global Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations”, and President of the Russian Railways.
The audience and the media representatives were particularly interested in the interventions of VáclavKlaus, former President of the Czech Republic, Walter Schwimmer, former Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Aleksey Y. Meshkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Prof.Vasilije Krestić, Academician of the SANU, James Bissett, former Canadian Ambassador in Belgrade,Prof. Bim Singh from India, Prof. Momir Bulatović, former President of the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Jean Bricmont, Member of the Belgian Royal Academy, Prof. Darko Tanasković, Neil Clarke, publicist from the United Kingdom, and many others.
The Conference was preceded by the Serbian-Russian Scientific Round table on World War I, held on 16 September in the Russian House, with15 historians and publicists as its participants, including Prof. Jelena Guskova, Foreign Member of the SANU, historian Dr Mile Bjelajac, and many other prominent scientists.
Václav Klaus, former President of the Czech Republic, said at the Conference: “The First World War did start in Serbia, however it was not started by Serbia but by Austria, with a rather reluctant consent of Hungary and a crucial role of Germany with her growing ambitions to redraw the borders firstly in Central Europe, then across the entire Continent, and, finally, in the world”.
Among 500 present persons were representatives of Serbian Government, MPs of Serbian Parliament, ambassadors of Angola, Belorussia, Cuba, Russia, Venezuela and diplomats from other foreign missions in Belgrade.
Organizers and participants of the Conference and the Roundtable laid wreaths at the Russian Necropolis in the New Cemetery, and at the Monument to Children Victims of NATO aggression in theTašmajdan Park. In addition, they attended the ceremony of unveiling the Monument to Serbian and Russian soldiers fallen while defending Belgrade in World War I, in the old Fortress of Kalemegdan. On this occasion, the audience was addressed by Serbian Patriarch Irinej, President of SerbiaTomislavNikolić, President of the Council of Russian organizers and donors Vladimir I. Jakunjin, Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandar V. Čepurin, and City Mayor of Belgrade Siniša Mali.
All these events have marked the Centenary of the beginning of the First World War.
Welcoming addresses on behalf of: His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia KIRILL presented by His Grace NAZARIY Bishop of Kronstadt, Curate of St. Petersburg Archdiocese, Abbot of the Holy Trinity- St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra (Russia)
World War I and the Modern World
Vladimir Ivanovich YAKUNIN Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Center of National Glory, St. Andrew the First Called
A Look at the Lessons of World War I
Živodin JOVANOVIĆ: President, Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Yugoslavia (1998 – 2000) (Serbia)
Исторический урок Первой мировой войны: бомбардировки Югославии в 1990-е гг. и опыт миротворческой миссии Русской Православной Церкви
Протоиерей Сергий ЗВОНАРЕВ: Секретарь Отдела внешних церковных связей Русской Православной Церкви по делам Дальнего зарубежья (Россия)
Причины Первой мировой войны как основа современного состояния Зарубежной России 1920-2014 гг.
Высокопреосвященнейший МИХАИЛ: Архиепископ Женевский и Западно-Европейский (Швейцария)
Владимир Иванович ЯКУНИН - Заключительное слово
Vladimir Ivanovich YAKUNIN Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Center of National Glory, St. Andrew the First Called
Живодин ЙОВАНОВИЧ - Заключительное слово
Živodin JOVANOVIĆ: President, Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Yugoslavia (1998 – 2000) (Serbia)
Владимир Иванович ЯКУНИН - Пресс-конференция
The Great War of 1914-1918 – Messages to the Humanity
Press Releases |
On the occasion of marking the Centenary since the beginning of World War I, this week Belgrade will be hosting several international events and activities. Within the rich program of marking this anniversary and paying homage to heroes and vast toll in human lives, tomorrow (Tuesday, 16 September), the Russian House will host “Serbian-Russian Symposium on World War I”. The International Conference titled “The Great War and Actual Messages to the Humanity” begins on Wednesday, 17th, and ends on Thursday, 18th September by act of adopting special declaration, in the Sava Center in Belgrade.
Organizers of these events are Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, and two Russian Civic Organizations, “Center of National Glory” and “St. Andrej Firstnamed Fund”.
Topic concerning World War I, also known as the Great War, will be scrutinized from the geopolitical, civilization, system, and project aspects.
Participants of the Conference will include prominent scientists, historians, military experts, diplomats, and public figures from Serbia, Russia, the Republic of Srpska, Montenegro, France, the United Kingdom, the USA, Greece, Belgium, Poland, Italy, Cyprus, Germany, Austria, India, the Czech Republic, and other countries. Among great many foreign participants in the Conference, it is expected to have as a speaker Vladimir I. Jakunjin, President of the Steering Council of Russian organizers, Founder and President of the Global Social Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations”, and President of Russian Railways, Aleksey J. Meshkov, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russian Federation, Vaclav Klaus, former President of the Czech Republic, Walter Schwimmer, former Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Zivadin Jovanovic, president of Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and and other distinguished guests.
Charity Program “The Great War in Historic Remembrance of Generations” includes opening and consecration of the Monument in Kalemegdan Fortres in honor of the Serbian and the Russian soldiers and officers fallen in the defense of Belgrade during the First World War, layin wreths at Russian Necropolis, New Cemetery, and at the Monument to Children, Victims of NATO aggression, Tashmajdan Belgrade Park.
On September 17th , memorial concert will be held the Great Hall of the Sava Center performed by the Serbian and the Russian artists, directed by Ms. Ivana Žigon, National Theater artist.
The main message of all memorial events will be – not to forget, not to be repeated.
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Belgrade, 15 September 2014
More Western Voices of Reason
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By:Srdja Trifkovic | September 12, 2014My friend (and Tom Fleming’s), former Canadian ambassador in Belgrade James Bissett, published a noteworthy article in last Tuesday’s Ottawa Citizen (“NATO at the Heart of the New Cold War,” September 9). He starts by reminding us that NATO was born at the mid-point of the 20th century, which by that time had already seen two world wars and the dropping of the atom bomb on civilian cities. Its founders were determined that war and violence should not become the norm in resolving disputes, and it was in this spirit that Article I of the treaty was conceived:
The parties undertake, as set out forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved, by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered… and to refrain from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.
For fifty years NATO was successful in deterring aggression against the West, Bissett says. It contributed to the creation of a mutual understanding that armed conflict between the two opposing powers was not an option. Critically important, in his view, was Article I itself because it was a guarantee to the Soviet Union that it would never be attacked by NATO forces; this acted as a safety blanket for the Soviets. Ironically, Bissett continues, the fall of the Soviet empire did not foretell the beginning of a new age of peace and security in Europe. On the contrary, its demise caused a crisis in NATO:
After the Warsaw Pact armies had returned home what was the justification of maintaining such an expensive and powerful military force in Europe. NATO’s response was business as usual – a continuation of the Cold war. As the respected former United States Ambassador to Moscow, George F Kennan wrote in 1987, “Were the Soviet Union, to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military industrial complex would have to remain substantially unchanged until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.”
RT talks to Willy Wimmer
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RT talks to Willy Wimmer, former State Secretary of the German Ministry of Defense and former Vice President of the OSCE Assembly.
The Ukraine, Corrupted Journalism, and the Atlanticist Faith
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By Karel van Wolferen • August 14, 2014
The European Union is not (anymore) guided by politicians with a grasp of history, a sober assessment of global reality, or simple common sense connected with the long term interests of what they are guiding. If any more evidence was needed, it has certainly been supplied by the sanctions they have agreed on last week aimed at punishing Russia.
One way to fathom their foolishness is to start with the media, since whatever understanding or concern these politicians may have personally they must be seen to be doing the right thing, which is taken care of by TV and newspapers.
In much of the European Union the general understanding of global reality since the horrible fate of the people on board the Malaysian Airliner, comes from mainstream newspapers and TV which have copied the approach of Anglo-American mainstream media, and have presented ‘news’ in which insinuation and vilification substitute for proper reporting. Respected publications, like the Financial Times or the once respected NRC Handelsblad of the Netherlands for which I worked sixteen years as East Asia Correspondent, not only joined in with this corrupted journalism but helped guide it to mad conclusions. The punditry and editorials that have grown out of this have gone further than anything among earlier examples of sustained media hysteria stoked for political purposes that I can remember. The most flagrant example I have come across, an anti-Putin leader in the (July 26)Economist Magazine, had the tone of Shakespeare’s Henry V exhorting his troops before the battle of Agincourt as he invaded France.
One should keep in mind that there are no European-wide newspapers or publications to sustain a European public sphere, in the sense of a means for politically interested Europeans to ponder and debate with each other big international developments. Because those interested in world affairs usually read the international edition of the New York Times or the Financial Times, questions and answers on geopolitical matters are routinely shaped or strongly influenced by what editors in New York and London have determined as being important. Thinking that may deviate significantly as can now be found in Der Spiegel, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Die Zeitand Handelsblatt, does not travel across German borders. Hence we do not see anything like a European opinion evolving on global affairs, even when these have a direct impact on the interests of the European Union itself.
The Dutch population was rudely shaken out of a general complacency with respect to world events that could affect it, through the death of 193 fellow nationals (along with a 105 people of other nationalities) in the downed plane, and its media were hasty in following the American-initiated finger-pointing at Moscow. Explanations that did not in some way involve culpability of the Russian president seemed to be out of bounds. This was at odds right away with statements of a sober Dutch prime minister, who was under considerable pressure to join the fingerpointing but who insisted on waiting for a thorough examination of what precisely had happened.
The TV news programs I saw in the days immediately afterwards had invited, among other anti–Russian expositors, American neocon-linked talking heads to do the disclosing to a puzzled and truly shaken up audience. A Dutch foreign policy specialist explained that the foreign minister or his deputy could not go to the site of the crash (as Malaysian officials did) to recover the remains of Dutch citizens, because that would amount to an implicit recognition of diplomatic status for the “separatists”. When the European Union en bloc recognizes a regime that has come into existence through an American initiated coup d’état, you are diplomatically stuck with it.
The inhabitants and anti-Kiev fighters at the crash site were portrayed, with images from youtube, as uncooperative criminals, which for many viewers amounted to a confirmation of their guilt. This changed when later reports from actual journalists showed shocked and deeply concerned villagers, but the discrepancy was not explained, and earlier assumptions of villainy did not make way for any objective analysis of why these people might be fighting at all. Tendentious twitter and youtube ‘news’ had become the basis for official Dutch indignation with the East Ukrainians, and a general opinion arose that something had to be set straight, which was, again in general opinion, accomplished by a grand nationally televised reception of the human remains (released through Malaysian mediation) in a dignified sober martial ceremony.
Nothing that I have seen or read even intimated that the Ukraine crisis – which led to coup and civil war – was created by neoconservatives and a few R2P (“Responsibility to Protect”) fanatics in the State Department and the White House, apparently given a free hand by President Obama. The Dutch media also appeared unaware that the catastrophe was immediately turned into a political football for White House and State Department purposes. The likelihood that Putin was right when he said that the catastrophe would not have happened if his insistence on a cease-fire had been accepted, was not entertained.
As it was, Kiev broke the cease-fire – on the 10th of June – in its civil war against Russian speaking East Ukrainians who do not wish to be governed by a collection of thugs, progeny of Ukrainian nazis, and oligarchs enamored of the IMF and the European Union. The supposed ‘rebels’ have been responding to the beginnings of ethnic cleansing operations (systematic terror bombing and atrocities – 30 or more Ukrainians burned alive) committed by Kiev forces, of which little or nothing has penetrated into European news reports.
It is unlikely that the American NGOs, which by official admission spent 5 billion dollars in political destabilization efforts prior to the February putsch in Kiev, have suddenly disappeared from the Ukraine, or that America’s military advisors and specialized troops have sat idly by as Kiev’s military and militias mapped their civil war strategy; after all, the new thugs are as a regime on financial life-support provided by Washington, the European Union and IMF. What we know is that Washington is encouraging the ongoing killing in the civil war it helped trigger.
But Washington has constantly had the winning hand in a propaganda war against, entirely contrary to what mainstream media would have us believe, an essentially unwilling opponent. Waves of propaganda come from Washington and are made to fit assumptions of a Putin, driven and assisted by a nationalism heightened by the loss of the Soviet empire, who is trying to expand the Russian Federation up to the borders of that defunct empire. The more adventurous punditry, infected by neocon fever, has Russia threatening to envelop the West. Hence Europeans are made to believe that Putin refuses diplomacy, while he has been urging this all along. Hence prevailing propaganda has had the effect that not Washington’s but Putin’s actions are seen as dangerous and extreme. Anyone with a personal story that places Putin or Russia in a bad light must move right now; Dutch editors seem insatiable at the moment.
There is no doubt that the frequently referred to Moscow propaganda exists. But there are ways for serious journalists to weigh competing propaganda and discern how much veracity or lies and bullshit they contain. Within my field of vision this has only taken place a bit in Germany. For the rest we must piece political reality together relying on the now more than ever indispensable American websites hospitable to whistleblowers and old-fashioned investigative journalism, which especially since the onset of the ‘war on terrorism’ and the Iraq invasion have formed a steady form ofsamizdat publishing.
In the Netherlands almost anything that comes from the State Department is taken at face value. America’s history, since the demise of the Soviet Union, of truly breathtaking lies: on Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Venezuela, Libya and North Korea; its record of overthrown governments; its black-op and false flag operations; and its stealthily garrisoning of the planet with some thousand military bases, is conveniently left out of consideration. The near hysteria throughout a week following the downed airliner prevented people with some knowledge of relevant history from opening their mouths. Job security in the current world of journalism is quite shaky, and going against the tide would be almost akin to siding with the devil, as it would damage one’s journalistic ‘credibility’.
What strikes an older generation of serious journalists as questionable about the mainstream media’s credibility is editorial indifference to potential clues that would undermine or destroy the official story line; a story line that has already permeated popular culture as is evident in throwaway remarks embellishing book and film reviews along with much else. In the Netherlands the official story is already carved in stone, which is to be expected when it is repeated ten-thousand times. It cannot be discounted, of course, but it is based on not a shred of evidence.
The presence of two Ukrainian fighter planes near the Malaysian airliner on Russian radar would be a potential clue I would be very interested in if I were investigating either as journalist or member of the investigation team that the Netherlands officially leads. This appeared to be corroborated by a BBC Report with eyewitness accounts from the ground by villagers who clearly saw another plane, a fighter, close to the airliner, near the time of its crash, and heard explosions coming from the sky. This report has recently drawn attention because it was removed from the BBC’s archive. I would want to talk with Michael Bociurkiw, one of the first inspectors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to reach the crash site who spent more than a week examining the wreckage and has described on CBC World News two or three “really pock-marked” pieces of fuselage. “It almost looks like machine gun fire; very, very strong machine gun fire that has left these unique marks that we haven’t seen anywhere else.”
I would certainly also want to have a look at the allegedly confiscated radar and voice records of the Kiev Air Control Tower to understand why the Malaysian pilot veered off course and rapidly descended shortly before his plane crashed, and find out whether foreign air controllers in Kiev were indeed sent packing immediately after the crash. Like the “Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity”, I would certainly urge the American authorities with access to satellite images to show the evidence they claim to have of BUK missile batteries in ‘rebel’ hands as well as of Russian involvement, and ask them why they have not done so already. Until now Washington has acted like a driver who refuses a breathalyzer test. Since intelligence officials have leaked to some American newspapers their lesser certainty about the American certainties as brought to the world by the Secretary of State, my curiosity would be unrelenting.
To place European media loyalty to Washington in the Ukraine case as well as the slavish conduct of European politicians in perspective, we must know about and understand Atlanticism. It is a European faith. It has not given rise to an official doctrine, of course, but it functions like one. It is well summed up by the Dutch slogan at the time of the Iraq invasion: “zonder Amerika gaat het niet” (without the United States [things] [it] won’t work). Needless to say, the Cold War gave birth to Atlanticism. Ironically, it gained strength as the threat from the Soviet Union became less persuasive for increasing numbers among European political elites. That probably was a matter of generational change: the farther away from World War II, the less European governments remembered what it means to have an independent foreign policy on global-sized issues. Current heads of government of the European Union are unfamiliar with practical strategic deliberations. Routine thought on international relations and global politics is deeply entrenched in Cold War epistemology.
This inevitably also informs ‘responsible’ editorial policies. Atlanticism is now a terrible affliction for Europe: it fosters historical amnesia, willful blindness and dangerously misconceived political anger. But it thrives on a mixture of lingering unquestioned Cold War era certainties about protection, Cold War loyalties embedded in popular culture, sheer European ignorance, and an understandable reluctance to concede that one has even for a little bit been brainwashed. Washington can do outrageous things while leaving Atlanticism intact because of everyone’s forgetfulness, which the media do little or nothing to cure. I know Dutch people who have become disgusted with the villification of Putin, but the idea that in the context of Ukraine the fingerpointing should be toward Washington is well-nigh unacceptable. Hence, Dutch publications, along with many others in Europe, cannot bring themselves to place the Ukraine crisis in proper perspective by acknowledging that Washington started it all, and that Washington rather than Putin has the key to its solution. It would impel a renunciation of Atlanticism.
Atlanticism derives much of its strength through NATO, its institutional embodiment. The reason for NATO’s existence, which disappeard with the demise of the Soviet Union, has been largely forgotten. Formed in 1949, it was based on the idea that transatlantic cooperation for security and defense had become necessary after World War II in the face of a communism, orchestrated by Moscow, intent on taking over the entire planet. Much less talked about was European internal distrust, as the Europeans set off on their first moves towards economic integration. NATO constituted a kind of American guarantee that no power in Europe would ever try to dominate the others.
NATO has for some time now been a liability for the European Union, as it prevents development of concerted European foreign and defense policies, and has forced the member states to become instruments serving American militarism. It is also a moral liability because the governments participating in the ‘coalition of the willing’ have had to sell the lie to their citizens that European soldiers dying in Iraq and Afghanistan have been a necessary sacrifice to keep Europe safe from terrorists. Governments that have supplied troops to areas occupied by the United States have generally done this with considerable reluctance, earning the reproach from a succession of American officials that Europeans do too little for the collective purpose of defending democracy and freedom.
As is the mark of an ideology, Atlanticism is ahistorical. As horse medicine against the torment of fundamental political ambiguity it supplies its own history: one that may be rewritten by American mainstream media as they assist in spreading the word from Washington.
There could hardly be a better demonstration of this than the Dutch experience at the moment. In conversations these past three weeks I have encountered genuine surprise when reminding friends that the Cold War ended through diplomacy with a deal made on Malta between Gorbachev and the elder Bush in December 1989, in which James Baker got Gorbachev to accept the reunification of Germany and withdrawal of Warsaw Pact troops with a promise that NATO would not be extended even one inch to the East. Gorbachev pledged not to use force in Eastern Europe where the Russians had some 350,000 troops in East Germany alone, in return for Bush’s promise that Washington would not take advantage of a Soviet withdrawal from Eastern Europe. Bill Clinton reneged on those American promises when, for purely electoral reasons, he boasted about an enlargement of NATO and in 1999 made the Czech Republic and Hungary full members. Ten years later another nine countries became members, at which point the number of NATO countries was double the number during the Cold War. The famous American specialist on Russia, Ambassador George Kennan, originator of Cold War containment policy, called Clinton’s move “the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.”
Historical ignorance abetted by Atlanticism is poignantly on display in the contention that the ultimate proof in the case against Vladimir Putin is his invasion of Crimea. Again, political reality here was created by America’s mainstream media. There was no invasion, as the Russian sailors and soldiers were already there since it is home to the ‘warm water’ Black Sea base for the Russian navy. Crimea has been a part of Russia for as long as the United States has existed. In 1954 Khrushchev, who himself came from the Ukraine, gave it to the Ukrainian Socialist Republic, which came down to moving a region to a different province, since Russia and Ukraine still belonged to the same country. The Russian speaking Crimean population was happy enough, as it voted in a referendum first for independence from the Kiev regime that resulted from the coup d’état, and subsequently for reunification with Russia.
Those who maintain that Putin had no right to do such a thing are unaware of another strand of history in which the United States has been moving (Star Wars) missile defense systems ever closer to Russian borders, supposedly to intercept hostile missiles from Iran, which do not exist. Sanctimonious talk about territorial integrity and sovereignty makes no sense under these circumstances, and coming from a Washington that has done away with the concept of sovereignty in its own foreign policy it is downright ludicrous.
A detestable Atlanticist move was the exclusion of Putin from the meetings and other events connected with the commemoration of the Normandy landings, for the first time in 17 years. The G8 became the G7 as a result. Amnesia and ignorance have made the Dutch blind to a history that directly concerned them, since the Soviet Union took the heart out of the Nazi war machine (that occupied the Netherlands) at a cost of incomparable and unimaginable numbers of military dead; without that there would not have been a Normandy invasion.
Not so long ago, the complete military disasters of Iraq and Afghanistan appeared to be moving NATO to a point where its inevitable demise could not to be too far off. But the Ukraine crisis and Putin’s decisiveness in preventing the Crimea with its Russian Navy base from possibly falling into the hands of the American-owned alliance, has been a godsend to this earlier faltering institution.
NATO leadership has already been moving troops to strengthen their presence in the Baltic states, sending missiles and attack aircraft to Poland and Lithuania, and since the downing of the Malaysian airliner it has been preparing further military moves that may turn into dangerous provocations of Russia. It has become clear that the Polish foreign minister together with the Baltic countries, none of which partook in NATO when its reason for being could still be defended, have become a strong driving force behind it. A mood of mobilization has spread in the past week. The ventriloquist dummies Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Jaap de Hoop Scheffer can be relied upon to take to TV screens inveighing against NATO member-state backsliding. Rasmussen, the current Secretary General, declared on August 7 in Kiev that NATO’s “support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine is unwavering” and that he is looking to strengthen partnership with the country at the Alliance’s summit in Wales in September. That partnership is already strong, so he said, “and in response to Russia’s aggression, NATO is working even more closely with Ukraine to reform its armed forces and defense institutions.”
In the meantime, in the American Congress 23 Senate Republicans have sponsored legislation, the “Russian Aggression Prevention Act”, which is meant to allow Washington to make the Ukraine a non-NATO ally and could set the stage for a direct military conflict with Russia. We will probably have to wait until after America’s midterm elections to see what will become of it, but it already helps provide a political excuse for those in Washington who want to take next steps in the Ukraine.
In September last year Putin helped Obama by making it possible for him to stop a bombing campaign against Syria pushed by the neocons, and had also helped in defusing the nuclear dispute with Iran, another neocon project. This led to a neocon commitment to break the Putin-Obama link. It is hardly a secret that the neoconservatives desire the overthrow of Putin and eventual dismemberment of the Russian Federation. Less known in Europe is the existence of numerous NGOs at work in Russia, which will help them with this. Vladimir Putin could strike now or soon, to preempt NATO and the American Congress, by taking Eastern Ukraine, something he probably should have done right after the Crimean referendum. That would, of course, be proof of his evil intentions in European editorial eyes.
In the light of all this, one of the most fateful questions to ask in current global affairs is: what has to happen for Europeans to wake up to the fact that Washington is playing with fire and has ceased being the protector they counted on, and is instead now endangering their security? Will the moment come when it becomes clear that the Ukraine crisis is, most of all, about placing Star Wars missile batteries along an extensive stretch of Russian border, which gives Washington – in the insane lingo of nuclear strategists – ‘first strike’ capacity?
It is beginning to sink in among older Europeans that the United States has enemies who are not Europe’s enemies because it needs them for domestic political reasons; to keep an economically hugely important war industry going and to test by shorthand the political bona fides of contenders for public office. But while using rogue states and terrorists as targets for ‘just wars’ has never been convincing, Putin’s Russia as demonized by a militaristic NATO could help prolong the transatlantic status quo. The truth behind the fate of the Malaysian airliner, I thought from the moment that I heard about it, would be politically determined. Its black boxes are in London. In NATO hands?
Other hindrances to an awakening remain huge; financialization and neoliberal policies have produced an intimate transatlantic entwining of plutocratic interests. Together with the Atlanticist faith these have helped stymie the political development of the European Union, and with that Europe’s ability to proceed with independent political decisions. Since Tony Blair, Great Britain has been in Washington’s pocket, and since Nicolas Sarkozy one can say more or less the same of France.
That leaves Germany. Angela Merkel was clearly unhappy with the sanctions, but in the end went along because she wants to remain on the good side of the American president, and the United States as the conqueror in World War II does still have leverage through a variety of agreements. Germany’s foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, quoted in newspapers and appearing on TV, repudiated the sanctions and points at Iraq and Libya as examples of the results brought by escalation and ultimatums, yet he too swings round and in the end goes along with them.
Der Spiegel is one of the German publications that offer hope. One of its columnists, Jakob Augstein, attacks the “sleepwalkers” who have agreed to sanctions, and censures his colleagues’ finger-pointing at Moscow. Gabor Steingart, who publishes Handelsblatt, inveighs against the “American tendency to verbal and then to military escalation, the isolation, demonization, and attacking of enemies” and concludes that also German journalism “has switched from level-headed to agitated in a matter of weeks. The spectrum of opinions has been narrowed to the field of vision of a sniper scope.” There must be more journalists in other parts of Europe who say things like this, but their voices do not carry through the din of vilification.
History is being made, once again. What may well determine Europe’s fate is that also outside the defenders of the Atlanticist faith, decent Europeans cannot bring themselves to believe in the dysfunction and utter irresponsibility of the American state.
Karel van Wolferen is a Dutch journalist and retired professor at the University of Amsterdam. Since 1969, he has published over twenty books on public policy issues, which have been translated into eleven languages and sold over a million copies worldwide. As a foreign correspondent for NRC Handelsblad, one of Holland’s leading newspapers, he received the highest Dutch award for journalism, and over the years his articles have appeared inThe New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Republic, The National Interest, Le Monde, and numerous other newspapers and magazines.
America Started This Ukraine Crisis
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by William Pfaff
Paris, August 7, 2014 -- I find it very disquieting that so few among the West European and American commentators on the Ukraine crisis, private or public, seem concerned that the United States has started this affair, and that it is not inconceivable that it may end in a war.
Worse yet, Washington’s demonization of Vladimir Putin has been so successful in the American press and public, and its secrecy about the American role in Kiev, has left the public in the United States and in NATO Europe convinced that this has all been the result of a Russian strategy of aggressive expansion into Ukraine, and not a bungled and essentially American attempt to annex Ukraine to NATO and the European Union, and to undermine the domestic political position of President Putin — which all has gone badly and dangerously wrong.
The Ukrainian coup d’état in February was prepared by Washington. Why else were the State Department official in charge of Europe and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, together with officials of the European Union and a number of intelligence people present, in company with the “moderate” Ukrainians programmed to take over the government after the planned overthrow of the corrupt (but elected) President Viktor Yanukovych? Even President Obama, in Mexico for a “summit”, was waiting to supply a video feed speeding the overthrown Mr. Yanukovych on his way, and congratulating the “democratic” victors.
But then, as the night wore on, things got out of hand. The riot police and the opposition forces went out of control. In a video made at the time, the American candidate for prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, said desperately, “Ukraine is in a big mess.”
Even though the immediate mess was eventually sorted out, and Mr. Yatsenyuk (“Yats” to Secretary Nuland) was soon (briefly) the prime minister -- and immediately was welcomed to Washington to dine at the White House with the American president -- one must ask what was accomplished by all this that did not discredit the United States and the EU, and draw towards Ukraine and the American troops today deployed in Poland and the Baltics, and towards NATO itself, the storm-clouds of a useless war?
It is the latest (and probably last) step in a foolish American and European betrayal of the promise given to Mikhail Gorbachev by President George H.W. Bush, at the time of the unification of Germany, that if the Soviet Union agreed to a newly united Germany’s assuming the Federal Republic’s existing place as a member of NATO, no NATO troops would be stationed in what formerly had been the Communist German Democratic Republic.
The deal was done, and at the time was a cause for congratulations on all sides, since it removed the principal obstacle to Germany reunion, considered desirable (and inevitable) by the western countries, and as inevitable, given Germany’s history, by Moscow as well.
This agreement was undermined during the Clinton presidency by measures that first gave the former Warsaw Pact countries of Eastern Europe what might be described as cadet NATO membership (the “Partnership for Peace”).
Agreement to actual NATO admission came as part of the European Union Maastricht treaty in 1991, and in 1999 Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia (soon to become two states) became NATO members, and in 2004 the Baltic States, Romania and Bulgaria.
Washington and the EU then turned their attention to the Caucasus and Ukraine. As early as 1987, the EU’s “Europe 2000” plan for expansion named Ukraine, Moldavia, and Belarus as eventual candidates for EU membership.
Georgia was the first to be invited to prepare for NATO membership, and took this as a sign that NATO and the U.S. would underwrite its military recovery of its “lost lands,” and launched an attack on South Ossetia. Russia’s patience was exhausted. The Russian army promptly defeated the Georgians and took over the Ossetian statelet, and nearby Abkhazia as well. Washington and the NATO allies voiced loud outrage. But it was Georgia that had started this little war of national revenge.
NATO was, and remains, an alliance effectively under complete American control. Its arrival on the frontier of the former Soviet Union was viewed by the new Russia of Vladimir Putin with disquiet. This was not supposed to have happened.
It would take a closer knowledge than I possess of the workings of American government to explain why it decided to take control of post-1990 Central and Eastern Europe, following Communism’s collapse. For Poland, the former Czechoslovakia, the Baltic states, Hungary and Romania, who suffered badly under the Communists, NATO membership obviously offered reassurance.
But for Georgia and other states in the Caucasus, and for Ukraine, NATO membership amounted to an annexation by NATO of nations formerly among the historical territories of Soviet or Czarist Russia. Why should the United States and the original states of the European Union — western, Roman Catholic or Protestant Christian, Atlantic-oriented states — decide to dismantle historical Russia by taking over nations once part of Russia itself (and in the Ukranian case had been the instrument of Russia's conversion to Christianity), or had been colonies, some of them Muslim, of the Czars.
That, in any case, is where we are now, and Russia’s reaction is not simply that of an aggressive and authoritarian President Putin — as the West likes to make out — but the hostility of a significant part of the Russian population, which only now has recovered its national self-confidence and ambition.
What was the intent of all this? To create an east-west civil war in Ukraine? Why is that in the American interest? Russia’s intervention in such a futile war handed it back Crimea, but also apparent responsibility for some fool’s shooting down a passenger airliner.
Dmitri Trenin, Director of the Carnegie Center in Moscow, recently offered the following observations: Vladimir Putin's essential requirements are:
NATO excluded from Ukraine.
No U.S. troops on Russia’s borders.
Protection and preservation of the Russian cultural identity of the south and east of Ukraine.
Keeping Crimea Russian.
Putin won’t yield. Any serious concession to the U.S. would cause him to fall from power, and produce disorder in Russia.
For the future, he considers the U.S. in decline. He does not look to alliance with a rising China but to Germany, which he sees as the coming leader of a powerful Europe.
What is Barack Obama’s interest in all this? What about the Washington hawks responsible for what is happening? Why have they done this without an explanation to the American people?
There is only one possible solution now: negotiated truce on the Ukraine frontier, followed by Russo-American and EU agreement on the permanent existence of an independent and autonomous Ukraine. The alternative could be major war.
Note about the Author:
William Pfaff is the author of The Irony of Manifest Destiny, published in June 2010 by Walker and Company (New York) -- his tenth and culminating work on international politics and the American destiny. He describes the neglected sources and unforeseen consequences of the tragedy towards which the nation's current effort to remake the world to fit America's measure is leading. His previous books and his articles in The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, and his syndicated newspaper column, featured for a quarter century in the globally read International Herald Tribune, have made him one of America's most respected and internationally influential interpreters of world affairs.
Europe's Nightmare Coming True: America vs. Russia...Again
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And the stakes could not be any higher.
by Dmitry Trenin
Russia is learning to live in a new harsh environment of U.S.-led economic sanctions and political confrontation with the United States. More than five months after the change of regime in Kiev, which ushered in a new era in Moscow's foreign policy and its international relations, a rough outline of Russia's new security strategy is emerging. It is designed for a long haul and will probably impact the global scene.
The central assumption in that strategy is that Russia is responding to U.S. policies that are meant to box it in and hold it down—and back. The Kremlin absolutely could not ignore the developments in Ukraine, a country of utmost importance to Russia. The armed uprising in Kiev brought to power a coalition of ultranationalists and pro-Western politicians: the worst possible combination Moscow could think of. President Putin saw this as a challenge both to Russia's international position and to its internal order.
Taking up the challenge, however, meant a real and long-term conflict with the United States. Verbal opposition to U.S. global hegemony was not enough. Unlike the 2008 Georgia war, Ukraine was not an episode that could be safely localized and bracketed. Essentially, the current U.S.-Russian struggle is about a new international order.
For the foreseeable future, Ukraine will remain the main battleground of that struggle. Moscow's tactics can change, but its core interests will not. The main goal is to bar Ukraine from NATO, and the U.S. military from Ukraine. Other goals include keeping the Russian cultural identity of Ukraine's south and east, and keeping Crimea Russian. In the very long run, the status of Crimea will be the emblem of the outcome of the competition.
In broader terms, the competition is not so much for Ukraine as for Europe and its direction. Unlike at the start of the Cold War, with its pervasive and overriding fear of communism, the present situation in Ukraine and the wider U.S. conflict with Russia can be divisive. Western Europeans generally still see no threat from Russia; they also depend on Russian energy supplies and on the Russian market for their manufacturing exports.
Russia will seek to salvage as much of its economic relationship with the EU countries as possible, especially to retain some access to European technology and investment. It will also work hard to protect the market for its energy supplies to Europe. In this effort, Moscow will focus on Germany, Italy, France, Spain and a number of smaller countries—from Finland to Austria to Greece—with which Russia has built extensive trading relations.
Ideally, Russia would want to see Europe winning back a measure of strategic independence from the United States. Moscow may hope that the U.S.-led punishment of Russia, coming as it does mainly at the expense of the EU's trade with it, can lead to Transatlantic and intra-EU divisions. Yet, the Russians already feel that for the foreseeable future Europe will follow the United States, even if at a distance. Thus, at least in the short term, Russia will have to count with a more hostile Europe.
Longer-term Russian calculations are linked with the steady emergence of Germany as a twenty-first century great power and Europe's de facto leader. This process, over time, could give the EU the character of a genuine strategic player and make Europe's relations with the United States more equitable. Even though Berlin's and Moscow's interests differ significantly, and a stronger Germany may not necessarily lead to an easy understanding with Russia, Russo-German relations are a rising priority for the Kremlin.
This calculus however, is for the distant future. For the present, Russia is seeking to compensate for the losses in its Western trade and its standing vis-a-vis Europe and the United States through a new outreach to Asia. China's importance to Russia rises, as it is the one major economy impervious to U.S.-initiated sanctions. Concerned at the same time with potentially becoming too dependent on its giant neighbor, Russia will seek to engage others, such as Japan and South Korea, but, like in Europe's case, those countries' relations with Russia will be constrained by their alliances with the United States.
Given the fundamental nature of Russia's conflict with the United States, Moscow is seeking to cement its connections with non-Western countries. The BRICS group, which brings together Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, is a natural platform for that. The recent BRICS summit in Brazil made a first step toward creating common financial institutions. Russia receives some moral support from its partners and is working to improve relations with others in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. However, to really strengthen its ties with the non-West, Russia will need to considerably expand economic relations with them: a tall order. India is a key priority here, followed by ASEAN.
Politically, Russia already posits itself as a go-to country for all those unhappy with U.S. global dominance. These countries are watching Russia's confrontation with the United States with keen interest, and are making conclusions for themselves. In particular, they look at what a country like Russia can get away with, and what cost it has to bear for that. Given the very diverse nature of the non-Western world, which Russia has now fully joined, it is not realistic for Moscow to expect too much solidarity from its partners there. Yet,the Russo-Chinese duo at the UN Security Council could become a rallying point for those craving an alternative to Western domination.
The Kremlin understands, of course, that the most serious potential threats to Russian national security come from within the country. In his recent remarks to the national security council,President Putin ranged the Kremlin's priorities in the following order: improving interethnic relations in the vast and very diverse country; strengthening the constitutional order and political stability in Russia; fostering economic and social development, with special attention to the exposed, vulnerable or depressed regions of the Russian Federation. Any serious problem in any of these areas, Putin is convinced, can be used by the United States to undermine Russia's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
This list calls for more government control of the domestic situation, a new economic policy to reindustrialize Russia and reduce its dependence on the West in critical areas, careful reallocation of resources to deal with weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and winning more allies for the government in different groups of society. It also calls for a more nationally conscious elite and patriotic upbringing of the younger generation of Russians. To a degree, the Western pressure aids the Kremlin's efforts.
In terms of military security, the principal threats to Russia, in Putin's view, come from NATO military infrastructure coming closer to Russia (almost a done deal now); from the U.S. ballistic-missile defenses, which are seen as clearly directed at devaluing Russia's nuclear deterrent; and from strategic nonnuclear systems that can attack Russian targets with high precision. This calls for redoubling Russia's own military modernization effort, with an emphasis both on the nuclear forces which should remain a credible deterrent, and on the conventional forces which can be employed in various scenarios on the perimeter of Russian borders and abroad. The United States and NATO are back as likely adversaries.
The competition, skewed and asymmetrical as it may be, is likely to be hard and long. The sanctions will not make Putin back off. He also knows that if he were to step back, pressure on him will only increase. The Russian elite may have to undergo a major transformation, and a personnel turnover, as a result of growing isolation from the West, but the Russian people at large are more likely to grow more patriotic under outside pressure—especially if Putin leans harder on official corruption and bureaucratic arbitrariness. If the Kremlin, however, turns the country into a besieged fortress and introduces mass repression, it will definitely lose.
It is too early to speculate how the contest might end. The stakes are very high. Any serious concession by Putin will lead to him losing power in Russia, which will probably send the country into a major turmoil, and any serious concession by the United States—in terms of accommodating Russia—will mean a palpable reduction of U.S. global influence, with consequences to follow in Asia, the Middle East and elsewhere. Ironically, the challenge to the world's currently predominant power does not come from the present runner-up, but from a former contender, long thought to be virtually defunct. China could not have hoped for such a helping hand.
Serbia: Odessa bloodshed photo exhibit questions West's intentions
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(Russia Today 9/6/2014) - A photography exhibition dedicated to the 48 victims of the May 2 Odessa clashes opened in Belgrade's "Progress Gallery" on Monday. Zivadin Jovanovic, the former FM of Yugoslavia and President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, organizer of the event, said the exhibition wanted to show "the truth about the developments in Ukraine". Jovanovic said that the West and NATO have an expansionist and imperialist strategy towards the East, and are using Ukraine to reach the borders of Russia as it holds a "huge strategically important space". One of the survivors of May 2nd clashes in Odessa, Oleg Muzika, said that there seems to be an "intention to tear Ukraine from Russia" because of "geopolitical reasons".
EU-ultimatum against Russia – another Rambouillet?
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Current Concerns, No. 14&15
by Willy Wimmer, former Parliamentary Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Defence and Vice President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
The EU leaders have learned nothing from their visit to Ypreson the occasion of the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. The Russian ultimatum means Rambouillet II, and when do you think the attack will take place?
Recent studies of a North German Foundation have clearly shown that the support
of the German population for the martial course of the Federal Government,
the Federal President, the EU and NATO towards Russia is very small. This
is what the deputy chairman of the CSU and Munich Member of Parliament, Dr
Peter Gauweiler, pointed out in his seminal speech to the graduates of the Bundeswehr
University in Hamburg. The decision of the European Union, presented
by the discontinued European models Barroso and van Rompoy will increase
this aversion for more than good reasons.
Has the time come again to threaten states with ultimatums just like the one against
Serbia in 1914?
Russia, the European Union claims, would have to engage in substantive negotiations
on the “peace plan” of the Ukrainian President within 72 hours. And if not,
we will fire back from 5:45 a.m. on?
It seems as if the European Commission and the European Council in Brussels,
represented by the aforementioned gentlemen, has gone completely crazy and
want to plunge the continent into absolute misery. You do not have to visit Ypres
with its cemeteries reaching to the horizon to find out the fateful aspects of this language
and this attitude.
It has been 15 years now, since NATO has “successfully” followed this path by
forcing the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia via the so-called “negotiations” in
Rambouillet, under all circumstances and in violation of the so-called “Vienna Convention”,
to take up international negotiations in order to agree to a NATO dictate
that meant marching through Yugoslavia. For Belgrade to understand this absolutely
right, NATO had submitted plans that corresponded to those of Adolf Hitler
against Yugoslavia during the Second World War up to the last detail. Rambouillet
was – and we now know all too well – only a pretext for the war that would follow
with bombs on Belgrade a few weeks later. As for the war in Yugoslavia, NATO
had taken the nefarious detour via the dead of Racak, the blame being put on the Serbs
by the disastrous American OSCE Representative William Walker in Pristina.
Are now the targeted economic sanctions the intermediate step before the trouble
is going to start? Is it not sufficient that the United States have already inflicted all
that damage to Iraq, Syria and the entire Middle East thereby providing the region
with a huge fuse? Is the war against Russia needed, after all? After the Olympic
war of Georgia against Russia you have to have the impression that it has become
the fashion to strike out in the shadow of international sporting events. Will the political
Europe now completely reverse the Olympic spirit according to which during
such events as we currently have in Brazil, peace and tranquil minds have to prevail?
And why is Russia now given an ultimatum and threatened with economic
sanctions? Why does the German Chancellor not go down on her knees before the
“German Bundestag”? Why – and there it would belong – does she not tell the ladies
and gentlemen in the plenary session of the German Parliament, and thus the German
public, where she sees the reasons which justify such behavior against a European
neighbor, who 25 years ago granted the Germans the way to our country’s
national unity? What in God’s name is going on in a Chancellor’s mind who has
taken her oath on the welfare of the German people? Was it not her inconstancy
that prevented an association agreement with Ukraine on a flimsy pretext two years
ago? Only because of the lady with blond hair coil who most Germans do not want
to see in the role of having even the slightest influence on our German matters? The
Chancellor obviously takes the administrative path via Brussels so that she does
not have to tell the Germans the truth and deny all of us an answer to our questions.
We have already become accustomed to the NATO Secretary General
raving about in the worst way and “agitating” against Russia at every possible
opportunity; or what else would you call his tales? If there are or should be
things, that due to Russian actions on the Ukrainian-Russian border give rise
to further inquiry, then one single question should be raised: Why does neither
NATO, why does neither the EU, why does neither the Chancellor nor the Foreign
Minister call on the OSCE which has been provided for such cases? Praise
the British, who at the same time have also made public their own way as a
new outpost of Europe. Brussels beats the drums for economic sanctions and
thus increases the danger of war in Europe, Cameron simultaneously has contracts
between BP and the Russian Rosneft signed worth gigantic billions. Of
course, neither London nor the commanders in Washington will prevent Europe
from pushing the European Union further into disaster. Nothing else is the
EU’s ultimatum to Russia. •
(Translation Current Concerns)
End the massacre of the Palestinian people now!
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The World Peace Council expresses its outrage with the ongoing bombardement of the
Palestinian Gaza strip by the Israeli occupation forces which have resulted already in more
than 100 dead and hundreds of injured, majority civilians and even children amongst them.
We condemn the brutal murderous attack by the Israeli Air Force against the
Palestinian people aiming at the collective punishment of a people struggling for its
inalienable right for an independent state and with obvious goals to obstruct any kind of
negotiations and peace settlement in the decades long occupation.
We denounce furthermore the recent increase of all kind intimidation and arrests in the
Palestinian West Bank and East Jerusalem against Palestinians citizens.
The aggresive policy of the occupation regime of Israel, the ongoing settlements in the
West bank and Jerusalem, demolition of houses, the separation wall in the West Bank is
being fully supported by the USA and the EU, who are equating victims and aggressors. It is
constituting a criminal complicity in the slowly genocide of the Palestinian people.
We support the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation in their territories and
demand the end of all type of attacks by the Israeli army.
Peace and stabily in the region can only be achieved by the establishment and
recognition of an independent State of Palestine within the borders of 1967 with East
Jerusalem as its capital.
The WPC condemns all efforts to divide the Palestinian people and territories and
demands the release of all Palestinian political prisoners from Israeli jails as well the right for
the return of Palestinian refugees to their lands according to the UN Resolution 194.
We call upon all members and friends of the WPC to take up initiatives of protest against the
Israeli aggressiveness and to express solidarity with the Palestinian people as well as with
the peace loving forces inside Israel.
The massacre of the Palestinian people has to end now!
The Secretariat WPC 11July 2014
TEL: +30-210- 3316326 FAX: +30-210-3251576, e-mail:
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Serbia in the Graet War 1914-1918
Books |
The newest edition of Belgrade Forum, pages 318, hard cover. The book can
be ordered by e-mail:
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or by telephone: +381 11 32 83 778.
The price is 20 euro plus postal costs.
Press Releases |
Although the precise date of German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel's visit to Serbia is still unknown, it is soon expected. There is little doubt this visit will prove to be very important, both for further development of bilateral relations between the two countries and the relations of Serbia and the European Union, the latter often referred to as Serbia's European agenda. No less present will be the topics covering actual developments in the region. With the crisis in Greece unrelenting, the region is experiencing a new one – this time in Macedonia. Further to this, political extremism, organized international crime and terrorism are on the rise. The heroin-transiting route goes through Macedonia, parts of Serbia, in particular Kosovo and Metohija, through Albania and some other countries in the region, to end up on the streets of Western Europe. That same route is also a major corridor for the transit of tens of thousands of refugees from the Near East, the Middle East, and Northern Africa, including so-called political asylum seekers. Scenes of badges and chants to so-called Greater Albania are on the rise on various occasions in Kosovo and Metohija, Albania и Macedonia, and slightly less so in Greece and Montenegro.
Speak loudly or keep silent as one may, or downplaying the above or some other incidents, it seems that the region has plunged into times of serous turbulences, if not destabilization proper.
The questions are obvious: to which extent are these events spontaneous versus being orchestrated; to which extent are they consequences of vividly deep socio-economic crisis, or of mass unemployment and disorientation of the youth, and to which extent the result of out-of-region powers "pulling strings"; why the mechanisms of preventive actions were not activated; what are possible outcomes; in case of escalation and, possibly, even more severe development of situation, how to prevent spillover or domino-effect, as this could hardly be controlled or contained to this region alone?
We believe that this question will also be tackled in talks during the Belgrade visit of Dr. Angela Merkel. Further, we hope that the joint efforts will result in realistic and useful initiative and outcomes. Reference to joint efforts implies Serbia's important geo-strategic position and capacity for partnership in areas and ventures of common interest. We deem that, in this, Serbia deserves by far greater understanding and support.
While keeping the pace with the public and political developments, we believe we are not mistaken to infer that the major segment of public in Serbia holds that – and this is historically important – it would be most beneficial for reconciliation, greater understanding and overall wider cooperation, if Chancellor Merkel would find it appropriate to issue a public apology to the Serbian nation during this visit, for crimes and enormous devastation inflicted by German occupying forces during both World Wars and NATO aggression in 1999, where Bundeswehr has had a leading role.
Not only decades, but also a century has passed since; yet, the Serbian nation still deeply and painfully remembers it all, and feels for its millions-strong victims being ignored, as there has never been any remorse or apology declared by any German official. If we understand the Serbian public at all, the majority expects apology from Germany for the crimes committed by German occupiers on the territory of Serbia. After Russia and Poland, Serbia comes third by number of human casualties perished during World War Two, and, as is historical fact, has given a vast contribution to the Allied victory over Nazis and Fascists
The forthcoming visit of Dr. Angela Merkel is already seen as appropriate opportunity for a public apology also because it comes in the midst of the series of marking the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi-Fascism, the centenary of the World War One, and the 16th anniversary of NATO aggression.
Serbian people are aware that the highest German officials have already publicly apologized for the victims of Nazi-Fascism: to Poland (Chancellor Willy Brandt, in Warsaw), to France (in Oradour), to Greece (President Johannes Rau, in Kalavriti, 2000, President Joachim Gauck, in Ligkiades, 2014), to Czech Republic (President Gauck, in Lidice, 2014), to Italy (President Gauck, in Sant'Anna di Stazzema).
Indeed, it would be very difficult to explain that Chancellor Merkel's official visit to the country and the nation that have so terribly suffered under occupation of Hitler Soldatesque, in the year of numerous jubilees, passes without due homage to the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi-Fascism, without tribute to millions of victims, and without public apology to the Serbian nation. This is paying a moral and civilizational debt to history, and also a far more important contribution to the reconciliation and the future, namely, the future of Serbian - German relations and the future of Europe. Here we talk about a Europe vying for reconciliation, and the vision of peace and equality.
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Dragomir Vučićević, retired Ambassador,
President of Assembly of the Belgrade Forum
Report from Moscow by S. Trifkovic
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I am back from Russia’s capital, where I presented a paper at a conference on World War I at Moscow’s Lomonosov State University. Regarding Ukraine, the consensus of my numerous interlocutors of various persuasions and backgrounds is clear:
1. Russia will not invade. She will support demands for federalization in the east (Kharkov), southeast (the Donbas industrial area) and south (the Black Sea littoral), but there will be no boots on the ground and no annexation.
2. Russia will insist that Ukraine’s new constitution be based on federal principles, which will entail legal power of the yet-to-be constituted regions to enter into international commercial and security treaties with other countries and entities (e.g. the Donbas region with the Russian-led customs union that also includes Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia).
3. To that end Moscow will support the emerging, self-proclaimed authorities in the southeast and elsewhere with money and logistics. There is no need to send any weapons, apparently, as the police and security personnel in the said regions appear to be pro-Russian anyway, and have willingly handed over their arsenals to the gold–and-black-clad activists.
4. Belated offers of “greater autonomy for the regions” coming from the putschist regime in Kiev are dismissed with scorn (“way too little, way too late”). The three regions to be constituted as fully self-governing entities – formally within Ukraine, of course – are Izmail-Odessa-Nikolaev-Kherson in the south, Donetsk-Lugansk in the southeast, and Kharkov in the northeast.
5. Russia will demand money for Ukraine’s unpaid natural gas bills and future deliveries from the European Union, in whatever form.
6. The “sanctions” are meaningless, and Germany in particular is not committed to them. There will be business as usual, whatever Obama or Kerry say.
7. Putin is widely perceived as the master strategist, even among the traditionally pro-Western Moscow “intelligentsia” which is dismayed at Washington’s inaptitude in playing the geopolitical game.
The overriding impression, formed on my previous visit three weeks ago, is that Moscow no longer perceives Washington and Brussels as credible partners. The key moment came on February 22, when the EU-brokered deal to ease Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych from power was swiftly turned into a regime-changing coup that fitted in neatly with Victoria Nuland’s preferred dramatis personae. Vladimir Putin felt he was being brazenly cheated. Having just persuaded Yanukovych to sign his de facto abdication – to agree to a major reduction in presidential powers and an early election – he was presented with what looked like yet another Western fait accompli. As of now he has a game plan that is non-negotiable. VVP thinks has a strong hand, and he will play it.
This is not “analysis” but a value-neutral report.
Photo exhibition presenting consequences of NATO aggression
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Because, GEMA in Germany don't allow watching this video above because of used background music, we made video version without music here, so they don't have any reason to censor this video again:
Video Playlist (Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism)
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Video Playlist (Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism):
NATO AGGRESSION 1999-2014 (International Conference)
NATO AGGRESSION 1999-2014 (Youths of Belgrade forum)
NATO AGGRESSION 1999-2014 (In memoriam)
NATO: 65 Years Later
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"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff
When the U.S. recruited its Western European military allies to jointly create the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949, it was with the purpose of perpetuating American military presence on the European continent and to introduce nuclear weapons in Europe for the first time.
Currently, sixty-five years afterward, the Pentagon continues to maintain air, infantry and naval bases in Britain, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Norway, Greece, Turkey and other older NATO member states and, in addition, courtesy of the past fifteen years' NATO expansion, has acquired new bases directly and under NATO auspices in Kosovo, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. These military facilities include (the permanent use of) air bases in Hungary (the world's first multinational global strategic airlift operation in Papa), Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland, which the U.S. has spent millions of dollars modernizing and expanding over the past ten years.
Audio record of The International Conference “Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism”
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15:30 hours of audio recorded International Conference "Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism" Held in Belgrade on 22nd and 23rd March 2014. in MP3 format:
and web link for fast download:
IBNA/Interview : Serbia should protect its alliance with Russia
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By Milos Mitrovic – Belgrade
The crisis in Ukraine and Crimea prompted the debate on the position of Serbia toward the conflict. Jelko Kacin, European Union envoy for Serbia, insisted that Belgrade should follow Brussels policy. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivan Mrkic has been informed by EU and Russian Federation ambassadors in Serbia on positions of their respective capitals with regard to ongoing events. On Thursday, Serbia refrained from voting in UN General Assembly while the majority of member states adopted the resolution which states that annexation of Crimea by Russia has been illegal. Media reports that Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leader Aleksandar Vucic is under strong pressure by foreign diplomats to take necessary steps in order Serbia to support Western sanctions to Russia. Vucic will undoubtedly take PM position, after his party won landslide victory on March 16 elections promising country’s joining to EU as the main priority.
In the interview for IBNA, Zivadin Jovanovic, president of Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals and former FR Yugoslavia Foreign Minister, said he has no doubts that Serbia is faced with pressure from the West. However, Jovanovic believes that Serbia should not sacrifice its own interests and good relations with Russia for the “so called European path” in return.
How do you assess the current position of Serbia toward the crisis in Ukraine?
“I think that Serbia took the neutral position. This is the expression of the policy of the neutrality which has been adopted by the National Assembly. Considering historical experience but also the changes in Europe and in the world characterized by the fall of unipolar world ant the rise of the multipolar one, Serbia should protect its friendship and alliance with Russia. At the same time, I think that Serbia should be prudent with regard to so called European path; Serbia should not sacrifice any national interest and let down the traditional alliance with Russia for the sake of this European path that has uncertain outcome”.
Belgrade calls for a world of equals
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To mark the 15th anniversary of the start of the illegal NATO war of aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, over 500 scientists, experts and peace campaigners, myself included, gathered in the capital of Serbia.
Speeches at the International Conference on occasion of the 15th annyverssary of the NATO aggression
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Video Playlist (Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism)
DIANA JOHNSTONE - When Will Americans Come to Their Senses?
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Ukraine and Yugoslavia
“I sometimes get the feeling that somewhere across that huge puddle, in America, people sit in a lab and conduct experiments, as if with rats, without actually understanding the consequences of what they are doing.”
Vladimir Putin, 4 March 2014, Paris.
Five years ago, I wrote a paper for a Belgrade conference commemorating the tenth anniversary of the start of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. In that paper I stressed that the disintegration of Yugoslavia had been used as an experimental laboratory to perfect various techniques that would subsequently be used in so-called “color revolutions” or other “regime change” operations directed against leaders considered undesirable by the United States government.
At that time, I specifically pointed to the similarities between the Krajina region of former Yugoslavia and Ukraine. Here is what I wrote at the time:
Where did the wars of Yugoslav disintegration break out most violently? In a region called the Krajina. Krajina means borderland. So does Ukraine – it is a variant of the same Slavic root. Both Krajina and Ukraine are borderlands between Catholic Christians in the West and Orthodox Christians in the East. The population is divided between those in the East who want to remain tied to Russia, and those in the West who are drawn toward Catholic lands. But in Ukraine as a whole, polls show that some seventy percent of the population is against joining NATO. Yet the US and its satellites keep speaking of Ukraine’s “right” to join NATO. Nobody’s right not to join NATO is ever mentioned.
The condition for Ukraine to join NATO would be the expulsion of foreign military bases from Ukrainian territory. That would mean expelling Russia from its historic naval base at Sebastopol, essential for Russia’s Black Sea fleet. Sebastopol is on the Crimean peninsula, inhabited by patriotic Russians, which was only made an administrative part of Ukraine in 1954 by Nikita Khrushchev, a Ukrainian.
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The Final Doccument of the International Conference “Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism” Held in Belgrade on 22nd and 23rd March 2014.
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Serbian Host Society, the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia and Veterans Association of Serbia (SUBNOR), in coordination with the World Peace Council, on 22 and 23 March 2014 held the International Conference “Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism”. The Conference was held on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of NATO’s armed aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). The motto of the Conference was “Not to Forget”.
More than 500 scientists, experts and public persons from the areas of the international relations and security, from 50 countries of Europe and the world took part in the work of the Conference.
Participants of the Conference paid tribute to victims of the 78-day bombardment and laid wreaths on memorials. They honored all the victims of the illegal NATO aggression against Serbia and Montenegro and expressed their deep respect for former Yugoslav Popular Army, Federal Government, President Slobodan Milosevic and all heroic resistant fighters. We also must remember the victims of the NATO aggression subsequent to 1999, ongoing persecution of those political and military leaders who defended the country and who were sent to illegal Hague Tribunal including president Milosevic and others, who died there. Considering this Tribunal as illegal as a tool of NATO propaganda and political blackmailing, the participants demand its dissolution.
The debate unfolded in a constructive and tolerant dialogue regarding most important aspects and problems concerning the international peace and security. The presentations mainly focused on how to preserve global peace and find the ways to stop global interventionism, destabilization of certain countries and provoking the crises all over the world, which undermine the international legal and political world order and pushes the world to the edge of a major confrontation.
The participants analyzed the causes and consequences of NATO aggression in 1999, not only for Serbia and the Balkans but also its global consequences for peace and security in Europe and the world. Further to this, participants of the Conference have agreed as follows:
- NATO aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) of March 1999 was a war imposed against an independent, sovereign European state, in gross violation of the fundamental principles of the international law, most notably, the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act. This was the aggression committed without consent the UN Security Council. Hence it is a crime against peace and humanity, and the turning point towards the global interventionism, the practice of gross violation of the international legal order, and the negation of role of the UN. Subsequently it has been used as the model of interventionism in a number of other cases such as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali and others.
- The leading Western powers, the USA, the UK, France, Germany, followed by the rest of NATO Members, 19 in all, devised a whole new arsenal of euphemisms in a bid to attribute any possible shred of legitimacy to this crime against peace and humanity. So-called “humanitarian intervention” was a cover for indiscriminate killings of civilians in Serbia including children, disabled and senior citizens, for the destruction of the economy, infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, passenger trains and houses. Use of missiles with depleted uranium has contaminated natural environment thus triggering grave and far-reaching consequences for the health of current and future generations.
- Since this is a crime against peace and humanity and a gross violation of the basic provisions of the international law, NATO Member States bear full legal responsibility for the aggression, including liability for the inflicted damage on the order of more than USD 100 billion, as well as responsibility for the use of weapons with depleted uranium and other illicit ordnances of mass destruction. Serbia has the right to initiate the proceedings before the competent international forums against NATO Alliance and all of its member states participating in the aggression, for the purpose of exercising the right to war damage compensation to Serbia and Montenegro as well as to individuals who suffered from aggression.
- Armed aggression has continued by employing other, non-military means. This was reflected in the violent change of power in the October 5, 2000 coup, which was initiated, funded and supported by NATO Member States; in all kind of blackmails and threats aimed at making Serbia denounce its state sovereignty in Kosovo and Metohija as its historical, cultural and civilization heartland; in ignoring UN Security Council Resolution 1244 guaranteeing sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. Eventually, this led to unlawful and unconstitutional unilateral separation of Kosovo and Metohija in 2008 which was followed by formal recognition by most NATO member countries. The 1999 US NATO aggression grossly violated the UN Charter, 1970 Declaration on principles of International law, Helsinki Final Act, Paris Charter for a New Europe, five Security Council resolutions in 1998-2008, including resolutions 1244 and 1785.
- Immediately after the end of the aggression, a large USA military base has been established in Kosovo and Metohija, “Camp Bondsteel”, the first and crucial ring in the chain of the new USA bases in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, and other Easter European countries. NATO aggression against Yugoslavia actually accelerated the arms race and militarization of Europe and implementation of US/NATO/EU strategy of “Eastern expansion”.
- Aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (FRY) launched in March 1999 has been serving as a blueprint for global USA/NATO/EU interventionism. In practice, this translates the USA, NATO and the West discretion to intervene militarily or otherwise, as they choose to suite their economic or strategic interests. Toppling legally elected governments and replacing them by hand-picked, pawn regimes, has become part and parcel of so called “democratization process”.
- NATO has always operated as an aggressive military alliance, serving expansion and of imperialistic and neo-colonial objectives of the leading Western powers. The entire experience so far indicates that NATO strategy of global interventionism leaves behind a chaos in international relations, gigantic human casualties, divisions, and long-lasting misery and anguish in all countries and regions which have become immediate victims of such policy.
- NATO is responsible for devastation of the international legal order, for the degradation of the UN, instigating a new arms race, militarization of Europe, destabilization and inducing crises in individual countries and regions all over the world. Therefore, NATO strategy goes against the goals of peace and security, contravenes the democratic and civilization values, and violates the fundamental human rights. Such an Alliance is not a place for peaceful countries who see their interests in compliance of the international law and the UN system. This is why participants of the Conference pleaded for the dissolution of NATO as a relic of the Cold War, for disengaging in policy of free interventionism, and for the respect of freedom, independence and equality of all countries and nations.
- Exporting democracy and dictating cultural and civilization patterns has become a common approach of all Western powers, primarily of the USA, in their aspiring to govern the world pursuant to their own standards and in line with their self-serving interests. The imposition of such cultural and civilization patterns is an act of violence against reality that almost invariably results in conflicts, internal disorders, and deeper fragmentations and divisions; over time, this is prone to undermine the peace in the world, and presents a perfect excuse for external military interference. This model has created the so-called “colored revolutions” in Georgia, Venezuela and Ukraine and high jacked “Arab Spring revolution”, which managed to devastate and turn the clock back for several decades, such as: Libya, Egypt and Syria.
- The strategy of interventionism involves several motives and purposes. These include the control over natural and developmental resources, reallocation of resources, and geopolitical reconfiguration of the world, against and at the expense of the predetermined key geopolitical adversary. This is how the USA/NATO/EU staged the crisis in Ukraine, whose end is still nowhere in sight. One can say that the Ukrainian crisis is the single most dangerous threat to the peace since the end of the Cold War. Instead of acknowledging Ukraine as a natural connection between Russia and Europe, the West chose to interfere, by artificially dislocating it from its natural cultural, civilization, and geopolitical environment and drawing it westwards. In doing so, the West paid no attention at all that the action could lead to internal conflict within Ukraine and that it would put at risk Russia’s vital interests. This dangerous geopolitical game played by America, NATO and the EU against Russia, as a proxy war at the expense of Ukraine under a “fine” but fake excuse of being waged for the benefit of the Ukrainians and their democratic social structure, has completely disregarded the effects of such policy against the interests of Ukraine, its people, the peace, and security in Europe and the world. Participants of the Conference advocated for a peaceful political solution free of interference and external pressures, that is, a solution that will guarantee its peoples will, and respect its role of a bridge between the East and the West. Such solution implies abandonment of the pernicious “Eastern expansion” which has already produced destabilization in Europe. Participants expressed satisfaction that the people of Crimea have used their right of self-determination which resulted in reunification with Russia.
- Participants of the Conference expressed their full support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, including the resolution of the issue of Kosovo and Metohija in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1244. They supported the following requests: free, safe and dignified return of 250,000 expelled Serbs and other non-Albanians to their homes in Kosovo and Metohija; restitution of the usurped private, church, state and socially-owned property; reconstruction of 150 destroyed churches and monasteries of the Serbian Orthodox Church, of hundreds of desecrated and obliterated Serbian graveyards and thousands of burnt Serbian homes; conducting effective investigation of trafficking in human organs; determining the fate of all abducted and missing Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija; and identifying and bringing to justice the perpetrators of all other crimes committed against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija for which, so far, nobody has been found responsible, let alone convicted.
- Participants of the Conference welcomed worthy initiative of the UN General Assembly which proclaimed 2014 to be the international year of solidarity with the people of Palestine. Finding that this initiative deserves strong support of the peaceful forces in the world, the Conference sent requests for an immediate withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from all Palestinian territories, for the establishment of independent state of Palestine, within the borders of July 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, for the right for the return for the Palestine refugees, based on UN Resolution 194 and the release of all Palestinian prisoners from jail. Fulfillment of these requests is of vital interest for the Palestinian people and for the introduction of a just and durable peace in the Middle East.
- Participants have expressed solidarity with peoples of Latin America in their endeavors to safeguard freedom, independence and sovereignty from aggressive imperial USA strategy. They demanding closing of Guantanamo base and abolishing blockade against Cuba, as well as the release of the five Cuban political prisoners from American jails.
- By dismissing the policies and actions that endanger the peace and security, participants of the Conference denounced plans and actions aimed at destabilizing the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Coordinated violent actions in Caracas and other parts of Venezuela are parts of the strategy employed by the local oligarchs and external actors, intended to disable the functioning of the legitimately elected government and impose political changes of their choice but against the interests of the Venezuelan people, by sabotage, violent provocations and blackmails. In condemning those attempts, participants of the Conference expressed their solidarity with the Venezuelan people and the support for its courageous efforts to preserve the freedom, pride, and sovereignty of Venezuela, and to decide their own future.
- Participants have expressed concern over systematic organized revision of European history of the 20th century, particularly revision of outcome of the First and the Second World War. This may serve imperialist objectives for redrawing international borders causing unforeseen consequences. We condemn the western promoted rehabilitation of fascism and attempts to equate communism with Nazism.
- Participants of the Conference dedicated significant attention to the global economic capitalist crisis which has led not only to an unprecedented social stratification and impoverishment of the global population, but also to an artificially imposed debt crises in a number of formerly economically very prosperous countries, such as Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Cyprus. The global crisis emerged predominantly in countries which had declared themselves to be the centers of global civilization and the most advanced social order, one that will see no need for serous social conflicts and clashes. The key indicators of this crisis include mass-scale unemployment, especially within the youth, high indebtedness of countries, decline in economic activities, etc. We support the genuine popular protests against the above.
- It is obvious that on Europe and the majority of the world were imposed the neo-liberal cultural, political and economical pattern, which does not function. In the search for the way out of this universal deadlock, the most powerful countries are trying to shift the burden of the crisis onto other countries and nations, ones they pejoratively call “the global periphery”, while in the meantime struggling to win the battle for the global prestige, and in the process stepping down onto the old civilizations and forcibly toppling the unsympathetic ruling regimes. All the above only add to the conflicting feature of the international arena, and makes it exceptionally prone to outbreaks of all types of conflicts, from internal and regional, to the global ones.
- Participants at the Conference noted with concern that there are still US forward-based infrastructures in Europe like missile defense, tactical nuclear weapons and conventional forces, that destabilize the regional and the global atmosphere.
- The global economic crisis cannot be resolved by the printing of ever new trillions of dollars and the makeshift mends of the existing system. This can be done by abandoning the neo-liberal concept and by developing a new, humane society of social justice, equality and the better life for all people and nations in the planet. The focus of the new system of social relations must be on people and their economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian needs, instead of the profits and self-serving interests of the so-called economical and political elites.
- A part this International Conference was the Youth Forum, which concluded that the global crisis, and globalization and interventionism primarily threaten the rights and perspectives of the young generations. In numerous countries, in Europe and the world, young people below 30 make up some 60% of the total number of unemployed. The youth requests urgent changes in the social relations and internationally, which will ensure active engagement of the young people into economic, political and societal trends, their assuming responsibility for their own future, at the national and international levels. The youth advocates the socially just society and universal human rights, such as the right to employment, free education, social security and health care. Young people advocate the democratization of international relations, the respect for the international law, and denounce the arms race, militarization and neocolonialism.
- Only a world free of dominance of imperialism and militarism will stand a chance to avoid a war cataclysm. The global economic crises and its consequences on popular strata underline the necessity to overcome the system which causes exploitation, wars and the misery. It is absolutely unacceptable and contrary to the international law to have the regional center of power, such as NATO and the European Union be established as a substitute to the United Nations Security Council.
- The only true international community is the United Nations, rather than any self-proclaimed members of any regional groups. We must struggle to ensure the universal character of the international law and to have it equally oblige big and small countries, developed and developing ones. We have to fight even more resolutely to preserve the civilization heritage such as the freedom, ethics and dignity, while determinedly rejecting all surrogates of the corporative capitalism and imperialism, planted by the military-industrial and finance capital.
Participants of the Conference emphasized that the accomplishment of these objectives required active engagement in mobilizing all peace-loving stakeholders, in order to counter and reject any military and conquest ambitions against any given country regardless of its leaders. In parallel, it is necessary to mobilize all forces in developing democratic international relations, based on the principles of the United Nations Charter, the provisions of the international law, and the strict observance of the inviolability and independence of all states and their territorial integrity, and the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs. Such a world would be measured by a human scale, and this grand utopia should be believed in, and persistently fighting for, and this is the key message from the Conference.
Participant in the Conference expressed sincere gratitude to the Serbian side for the excellent performance of the International Conference and for hospitality extended to all participants.
Belgrade, 23 March 2014
Georgia – action front of the former Embassy of the Russian Federation
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The Peace Committee of Georgia as a part of the coalition "Euroasian Choice" held the meeting front of the former Embassy of the Russian Federation in Georgia on 16-th of March. The meeting was dedicated to referendum in Crimea. The main aim of the meeting was to bring the truth to Georgian Society about events in Ukraine.
One of the organizers of the action is Temur Pipia, declared to mass media that the main responsibility for the lawlessness, the armed civil opposition and decay of Ukraine is not Russia, but the illegitimate power of Kiev, USA and European Union.
The meeting has turned into an action against NATO and the USA.
At the same time, the contraction was organized by United National Movement (UNM – the party of ex-president Saakashvili). They acted aggressively, tore a banner, cried out the Russophobic slogans, threatened with physical violence, throwing hard objects towards protesters.
Organizers of the contraction were: the mayor of Tbilisi, acting deputies of parliament of Georgia from UNM and senior ranks of former government, including the chief ideologue and so-called “gray cardinal” of the former government, ex-secretary of Security Council of Georgia – Bokeria.
Physical opposition took place. Two participants of fight were detained by police. After completion of the action, representatives of a contraction personally began to threaten with physical violence and "eviction from the country" to organizers of the meeting.
Abovementioned situation shows very intense political situation which exists in Georgia now. Everything points to the fact that UNM prepares for a fascist revenge according to the scenario of Ukraine.
Events front of the former Embassy of the Russian Federation have transferred all the major media of Georgia and some foreign media.
We remind that the Peace Committee of Georgia was founded in 2007and is the member organization of WPC.
There has been a coup d’etat in the Ukraine
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Financial journalist Lars Schall talked with a former Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Defense in Germany, Willy Wimmer, about the crisis unfolding in the Ukraine. According to Wimmer, the intention of the US in the Ukraine is to split Europe one more time.
By Lars Schall
Willy Wimmer, born 1943, is a German lawyer. From 1988 to 1992 he has been the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Defense. From 1976 to 2009 Wimmer was a deputy of the German Bundestag. Here he was from April 1985 to December 1988 Chairman of the working group on defense policy of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group. Wimmer has been Deputy Head of the German delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE and was from July 1994 to June 2000 Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.
Someone who knows about Ukraine
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Another great interview from George Kenney and a breath of fresh air amongst the stale tripe we have served up to us now:
Last Saturday evening I interviewed Dr. Stephen F. Cohen about the crisis in Ukraine. Because of timeliness I thought it best to turn this interview around as quickly as possible, so here it is. Steve has been an expert on things Russian for a very long time indeed -- he was a professor at Princeton for about thirty years and taught at NYU for about another ten years after that. You used to see him regularly on the news but his brand of sympathy for the Russians has gone out of style. Well, more than that really. Any sense of objectivity regarding Russia seems to be forbidden these days. Thus you have Steve being sensible about the crisis in Ukraine and 99.99% of the other commentators taking a "let's hate the Russians and let's especially hate Putin" line. It reminds me very much of the atmospherics surrounding the Yugoslav civil war, except at least in that case a vocal minority in favor of a more objective approach was able to be heard. This is much worse. If, indeed, I hadn't lived and worked through the Yugoslav civil war I wonder whether I would be able to understand that the public debate over Ukraine could be so tragically unbalanced!
Montenegro: Mafia as Guarantor of Euro-Atlantic Integration
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By Boris Aleksic
Global Research, February 25, 2014
Strategic Culture Foundation 24 February 2014
Region: Europe
On April 30, 1999 NATO aviation delivered two strikes against the township Murino, a small resort in eastern Montenegro. Civilians died, including three children who went to grade school. Fifteen years have passed. Milo Djukanovic (photo), the Montenegrin dictator, said that joining NATO is a political priority for his country. It is emphasized that 2014 is a decisive year because Montenegro must be ready for the NATO’s September summit to be held in the United Kingdom. The expansion of the Alliance to the East will be an issue on the agenda.
The authorities affirm that the country has completely changed during in the last 15 years. Podgorica has recognized the independence of Kosovo and Metohija and forgotten those who lost their lives during the NATO aggression. With German funds it is ready to erect a memorial to Hitler’s fascists, who occupied Montenegro during World War II. It is planned to reconstruct the German Nazi soldiers’ cemetery near the Golubovci airport, which was bombed by NATO in 1999.
The old and new fascists have one thing in common – they share the feeling of hatred towards the Russian people. Hitler eliminated the League of Nations. The NATO’s aggression against Yugoslavia has drastically diminished the role of the United Nations on the world arena, as well as the influence of United Nations Charter on international law. It’s not an occasion the US intelligence services during the Second World War were created with the help of German generals: Heinrich Müller, Reinhard Gehlen, Baron Otto von Bolschwing and Emil Augsburg.
Montenegro has really changed during the last dozen of years, but Milo Djukanovic is still the same. In his time he was assigned the role an ideal partner of NATO. There is a very important historic aspect to be remembered here. During WWII, the United States resorted to the help of mafia while liberating Italy. According to Swiss professor Daniele Ganser, the alliance between Italian mafia and the United States, as well as mafia and NATO still exists. For instance, Washington uses criminal structures to eliminate its opponents – independent politicians and journalists in Europe. The United States and NATO rely on mafia in the Balkans.
They have brought terrorists, drug dealers and illegal traders of human organs to power in Pristina on the territory of occupied Kosovo and Metohija.
According to documents in the possession of Italy’s prosecutor’s office and inquiries of independent journalists, Milo Djukanovic has had close ties with Italian and American mafia since a long time. A 409 – page report is added to the indictment brought by Italian prosecution.
Prosecutor Giuseppe Scelsi has formally stated that Milo Djukanovic is the top boss of Montenegrin mafia.
In the 1980s well-known mafiosi Della Torre organized large heroin supplies from Italy to the US East Coast. There was solid evidence that Della Torre was involved in money laundering. He got profit from heroin trade through Swiss banks, but Americans never brought charges against him with a string attached – he had to cooperate with the US special services. In 1996 the Italian mafiosi started to run his own chain involved in counterfeit cigarettes business. As sources confirm, he worked with Milo Djukanovic. The counterfeit cigarettes trade brought millions of dollars into the pockets of US intelligence. Many of truth pursuers, who stood in the way of the CIA and mafia alliance, paid with their lives, including two journalists: Dusko Jovanovic, the Editor of Montenegrin newspaper Dan, and Ivo Pukanic, Editor-in-Chief of Croatian weekly magazine National. Pukanic has published facts providing ample evidence of the Djukanovic and Subotić involvement in illegal cigarette trade.
In March 2011 US Senator Richard Lugar formally proposed to make Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro full-fledged NATO members. According to him, the expansion is of crucial importance for security and democracy in the Balkans. At the beginning of October 2013 Lugar met Djukanovic and said that «Montenegro is the number one candidate for membership in NATO». At the very same time Italian prosecutor Giuseppe Scelsi, who possessed irrefutable evidence of the fact that Djukanovic was involved in criminal activities, was charged in October 2013 with abuse of office. Today Washington lets Djukanovic know that if he makes Montenegro a NATO member, then all the accusations related to criminal activities will be lifted…
In 1999 NATO started its expansion to the Balkans by committing a grave crime – an aggression against Yugoslavia. Nowadays the creation of criminal regimes on the territory of former Yugoslavia is a logical continuation of its policy.
Statement concerning the latest violent events in Venezuela
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On Wednesday, February 12, 2014, a group of violent protestors attacked several facilities of the National Government in Karakas and other cities in the country, using firearms, and applying general vandalism and destroying public property. The violence took lives of three people, and left injured more than sixty others. The same group has also organized similar exercise of violence in April 2013, on the occasion of election of Nicolàs Maduro for President, when the death toll was eleven people.
Having in mind experiences from Serbia, Libya, Syria, Mali, and the current unfolding in Ukraine, it is evident that these events in Venezuela are by no means any sort of spontaneous expression of dissatisfaction, but rather an attempt to forcibly topple the legitimately elected authorities in the country, and to bring to power instead such people that would pursue the interests of those whose goal is to establish control over the natural resources of Venezuela.
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals condemns this endeavor to destabilize Venezuela and expresses its full support to the Government and President of Venezuela, Nicolàs Maduro, in their efforts to maintain and upkeep the Constitutional order, sovereignty, and national independence, against this attempt to crush them with the support of external, non-Venezuelan factors.
We are convinced that such destabilization efforts will fail to affect the path set by Ugo Chavez that follows the current Government, which is the path of social justice, freedom, equality of people, and the path leading to overall prosperity of the friendly people of Venezuela.
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
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Fifteen years have passed since the beginning of NATO aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (24 March 1999). This aggression resulted in the loss of 4,000 human lives, including 88 children, and 10,000 people were severely wounded. Over two third of these victims were civilians. How many human lives have been lost in the meantime due to the consequences of weapons with depleted uranium, as well as of remaining cluster bombs, will hardly ever be established.
Breaching the basic norms of international law, its own founding act as well as constitutions of member countries, NATO was bombing Serbia and Montenegro during 78 days continuously destroying the economy, infrastructure, public services, radio and TV centers and transmitters, cultural and historical monuments. NATO bears responsibility for polluting the environment and endangering the health of present and future generations. Economic damage caused by the aggression is estimated at over USD 120 billion. War damage compensation has not yet been claimed, and judgments ruled by our court, by which the leaders of aggressor countries were convicted for the crimes against peace and humanity, were annulled after the coup d’état in 2000.
Governments of aggressor countries seized and occupied the Province of Kosovo and Metohija, and then formally delivered it to former terrorists, separatists and international organized crime bosses. An American military base was established in the Province – “Bondstill”, one of the largest beyond the U.S. territory.
After the aggression, over 250,000 Serbs and other non-Albanians have been forced out the Province of Kosovo and Metohija; even today, 15 years later they are not allowed to return freely and safely to their homes. Ethnic cleansing and even drastic change of ethnic population structure are tolerated by so called international community if only to the detriment of Serbs. The remaining Serbian population in the Province of about 120.000 continues to live in fear and uncertainty. Attacks upon Serbs, detentions and killings, including liquidations of their political leaders, have been continuing up to these days, and nobody is held responsible.
NATO aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (FRY) in 1999 is a crime against peace and humanity. It is a precedent and a turning point towards global interventionism, arbitrary violation of the international legal order and the negation of the role of the UN. The “Bondstill” military base is the first and crucial ring in the chain of new American military bases reflecting strategy of expansion towards East, Caspian Basin, Middle East, towards Russia and its Siberia natural resources. Europe has thus got overall militarization and the new edition of the strategy “Drang nach Osten” (“Thrust to the East”). Destabilization and the tragic developments in Ukraine are just the most recent consequence of that strategy.
15 years after objectives of US/NATO military aggression continue to be pursued by other means. Serbia has been blackmailed to de facto recognize illegal secession of its Province of Kosovo and Metohija through so called Brussels negotiations. The most of the puppet states of the former Yugoslavia are much dependant on and indebted to the leading NATO/EU countries, their financial institutions and corporations so that they could hardly be considered independent states but rather neo-colonies. There is no stability in the Balkans, redrawing of borders has not ended, overall situation is dominated by devastated economy, unemployment, social tensions and misery. Europe, particularly its south-east regions, are experiencing profound economic, social and moral crisis.
During and after the aggression, 150 Serb monasteries and churches built in the Middle Ages were destroyed. Killed or abducted were some 3,500 Serbs and other non-Albanians, and fates of many of them have not been established until today. Not even one of the thousands of crimes against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija got a court clarification. Even such terrorist crimes as was blowing up the “Nis-express” bus on 16 February 2001, when 12 people were killed and 43 wounded, neither the murder of 14 Serb farmers reaping in the field in Staro Gracko, on 23 July 2009 remained without thorough investigation, be it by UNMIK, be it by EULEX, or by any other of so many structures of the so called international community.
The Swiss senator, Dick Marty, revealed documented report on trafficking in human organs of Serbs abducted in Kosovo and Metohija. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the oldest European democratic institution, adopted his Report as the official CE document. Although all factors stand verbally for an efficient investigation and bringing the perpetrators to justice, for many years now there have been no results whatsoever. The documentation on human organ trafficking submitted to The Hague Tribunal had been – destroyed!
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, with support of other non-partisan and independent associations from Serbia, from the region and from the Serb Diaspora throughout the world, are organizing a number of activities under the common title “NOT TO FORGET”, with the aim to remind domestic and international public of human loss, destructions and other consequences of NATO aggression.
On Friday, 21 March 2014 at 6 p.m., in Sava Conference Centre, Belgrade (Milentija Popovica No. 1) an opening ceremony will launch a photographic exhibition presenting consequences of NATO aggression.
On Saturday, March 22 and on Sunday, March 23rd, 2014, International conference “Global Peace vs. Global Interventionism and Imperialism” will be held (Sava Conference Centre. Conference starts at 10 a.m. Some 100 prominent personalities from all over the world have confirmed their participation.
On Monday, March 24th, 2014, at 09.30 a.m., the International Memorial Marathon Belgrade-Hilandar will start in front of Saint Sava Church.
The same day, at 11 a.m., civic associations, representatives of Serb Diaspora, guests from abroad and individuals will lay flowers at the monument to children - victims of the aggression, in the Tašmajdan park, and the same day at 12 a.m. flowers will be laid at the Monument to all victims of the aggression, Friendship park, Ušće, New Belgrade.
NATO moving east, building 'Roman Empire' in Europe – FM Zivadin Jovanović
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NATO’s first act of illegal "humanitarian" aggressive war called "Operation Deliberate Force" in 1995 against the Republic Srpska which it got away with and emboldened it to later carry out "Operation Allied Force", the merciless brutal air campaign against civilian targets in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The fact that NATO was allowed to get away with these acts of aggressive war and that the US/NATO architects were allowed to carry out such scenarios emboldened the "alliance" even further and has led to the recent global expansion by NATO and the scores of "regime change" and "resource wars" presented as "humanitarian interventions". The scenario is almost identical every time and is currently being played out in Ukraine. On the 15 year anniversary of the aggression on Yugoslavia, in an exclusive interview, the Voice of Russia spoke to the last Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Živadin Jovanović.
This is John Robles, I’m speaking with Živadin Jovanović. He is the former Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia and the Chairman of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals. This is part 1 of a longer interview. You can find the rest of this interview on our website at
Robles: Hello Sir! How are you this evening?
Jovanović: Fine, John. I’m glad to be able to talk for the Voice of Russia.
Robles: Thank you! And it is a pleasure for me to speaking with you. I’ve read a lot of your work. Given your background as the Foreign Minister of the former Yugoslavia, you were the Foreign Minister during the upheavals and the foreign-initiated revolutions that destroyed the country, can you tell us a little bit about the histories, maybe, something we don’t know about and give us your views on what is happening now in Ukraine and in Bosnia etc?
Jovanović: Well, I would like to recall that the Dayton Peace Agreement about peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina was reached in 1995 and the key figure in reaching the peace in Bosnia was Slobodan Milosevic, at the time President of the Republic of Serbia and later on the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
I would like to say that his role was widely recognized, at that time, as a peace-maker in the Balkans. And indeed, no one of the other leaders of the former Yugoslav Republics did contribute to reaching peace in the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as Slobodan Milosevic did. This was repeatedly stated at the Paris Conference which formally marks the signing of the peace agreement and he was hailed by the presidents of the US, of France and many other countries.
But we know now that in Dayton Americans wanted also to discuss the problem of the Serbian southern province of Kosovo and Metohija. And they wanted to include this into the Dayton Negotiations agenda. Slobodan Milosevic and the Yugoslav delegation decisively refused this, even saying that if the Americans want to discuss the internal issue of Yugoslavia, of Serbia, at an international forum, they would not take part in such an exercise.
So, faced with this refusal of Slobodan Milosevic, Americans, first of all, Richard Holbrook (the then State Secretary) and the other officials of the US accepted to discuss only how to reach the peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. And the peace was really reached in Dayton.
But later on they needed Milosevic in the process of implementing the Dayton peace agreement. Many conferences, many meetings were held all over Europe: in Geneva, in Rome, in Berlin and various other capitals and in Moscow too, as to how secure the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement.
All this time Yugoslavia and President Milosevic were needed as a key peace factor. Without Yugoslavia and President Milosevic nobody could imagine reaching the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. But this was also a period when Yugoslavia was freed from UN sanctions, which were based on accusations that Yugoslavia was committing aggression in the Bosnian civil war.
The sanctions were adopted at the Security Council in May 1992 and they lasted until 1995 when the Dayton Peace Agreement was reached. They were afterwards abolished, first suspended and then, finally, abolished. But the USA did not abolish its own sanctions, the so-called "outer wall" of sanctions. That means that the Americans did not allow Yugoslavia to renew its membership in OSCE, in the UN, position in the World Bank, in IMF and many other international organizations.
They kept these tools for the reason that they had other plans. And they didn’t actually forget that Milosevic was not willing to allow treatment of the internal issue of Kosovo and Metohija on the international scene.
So, after the stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina was settled, after Milosevic was not needed any longer to cooperate on Bosnia and Herzegovina, they opened the problem of Kosovo and Metohija.
Well, they not only opened, but they were financing, training and organizing terrorist organization: the so-called KLA. It was not actually only the US who did it, but the American European allies, like Germany, like Great Britain and some other countries were very cooperative in supporting separatist movements and the terrorist organization of KLA in Kosovo and Metohija.
So, they were bringing up this internal problem of Serbia in various international forums and they were actually provoking clashes on the territory of Serbia. Many policemen, many teachers, many soldiers and many Serbian public workers were killed in 1997-1998. And so in 1998 the government did not have any other possibility than to confront the rising terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija.
At that time the US started to initiate negotiations with Milosevic. Richard Holbrook was leading negotiations, there were rounds and rounds of negotiations. All the time it was clearly seen that Americans are siding and propping up separatism in Kosovo and Metohija, and squeezing Serbia, squeezing Milosevic to accept various conditions that in principle were not acceptable.
So, in June 1998 the American administration actually recognized the terrorist organization called KLA as a "liberation" organization. And we have a witness in British Colonel John Crosland, who was the British military attaché in Belgrade who gave a written a testimony to the Hague Tribunal stating, among other things, that in June 1998 President Clinton, Richard Holbrook and Madeline Albright decided to overthrow Milosevic and they considered that the KLA (terrorist KLA organization) in Kosovo could be a "tool" in achieving this objective.
John Crosland said: "From that moment onwards it was absolutely irrelevant what we thought about KLA, whether it was a terrorist or a liberation organization, because "the center of power" decided it was an ally."
This organization later on, during military NATO aggression against Yugoslavia which started March 24rth 1999, became a ground force of NATO. NATO was in the air and KLA was on the ground.
So, we actually see a certain period of preparation of this aggression. First stage o preparations had objective to stigmatize President Milosevic and the Government of Yugoslavia as intolerant, authoritarian, uncooperative and unpredictable. The whole network of western propaganda, of NATO propaganda, was repeating accusa\tions of the State Department and of the Foreign Office in London. The stigmatization was the first stage of preparing the European and international public for what was to follow later - for the war.
Then, they staged the so-called massacre of Albanian civilians in Račak, in Kosovo and Metohija. In Račak there was a security action of the security forces of Yugoslavia against units of KLA. And it was announced to the OSCE and to the so-called "international community" that there will be a security operation against the terrorist organization.
And everybody in place, in Kosovo and Metohija and from the international community were informed. And some of them really did observe, some of them even filmed the operation. It was a legitimate operation of the government forces against terrorism.
But nevertheless, the American Ambassador Walker who was in charge of the OSCE mission in Kosovo and Metohija proclaimed: "It was a massacre of civilians!"
This was like a triggering moment for NATO to take action. And this is a detail which was to be repeated in many ways later on.
Before that we had, in Bosnia, the so-called Markale incident when civilians queuing in front of a bakery were bombed and killed and accusations were immediately directed at the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while today we have even the military from the former Muslim side and Izetbegović’s side, and Russian experts and other experts from the UN claiming that there was no proof of the Serbian side being involved in that. Everybody says that Muslims had provoked this massacre themselves in order to attribute it to the Serbian "enemy".
We have in Syria, you know, about the Sarin gas and so on.
Robles: If we could, before we get too far along here, because I have a lot of questions, because this is the exact same thing that they’ve done in Libya, in Syria, in Ukraine, now in Bosnia they are trying to do it again, in Egypt... Every country they want to overthrow they do the same thing. They’ll support any terrorist. In Ukraine they are supporting neo-Nazis. It doesn’t matter, as long as they can overthrow the government. In the Middle East they are supporting Al-Qaeda. In Libya, in Syria it is Al-Qaeda terrorists. I agree with you 100%. I’d like to ask you some questions. If you could, give me some more details about… you were the Foreign Minister, you knew what was going on: why and when exactly did they start talking about Kosovo? That appears to be their initial goal – Kosovo – from the beginning.
Jovanović: Exactly!
Robles: Why is that?
Jovanović: Well, I always claimed from the very beginning, it was not for regional or local objectives. It was a matter of geopolitical objectives of the US and of the leading NATO countries.
Recently at one conference in Germany I was asked: "What were the geopolitical reasons for the aggression of NATO on Kosovo?"
I said: "Well it is first of all the realization of the policy of expansion of NATO towards the east. The objective was to make a base for further military expansion towards the Russian borders."
I was even blunt to say that they want to get closer to the resources of Siberia, to the resources of the Middle East, to the Caspian Basin and so on and so forth.
And the people who asked me the question were quite silent after that, they didn’t have any other comments. I think everybody realized that we completely understand the essence of the American strategy.
The American strategy has been tabled in April 2000 at the NATO summit in Bratislava. We have a written document of the renown German politician Willy Wimmer, who was present at that NATO summit, in the form of his report to the then Chancellor Gerhard Schroder. Willy Wimmer among other things in his report quotes that the American strategist informed the NATO allies in Bratislava in April 2000 that the NATO strategy is to establish a similar situation in Europe as it was in times when the Roman Empire was at the peak of its might.
So, they said, from the Baltic to Anatolia, in Turkey, there should be the same situation as in the era of the Roman Empire. And they quoted some concrete examples. They said Poland should be surrounded by friendly countries, Bulgaria and Romania should be a bridge towards Asia, and Serbia should be permanently kept out of European development.
So, we see that conquering Kosovo was a starting point of a US/NATO/EU expansion towards the East. In 1999, exactly 15 years ago the Americans established their military base Bondsteel, which by many political analysts is considered to be the largest American military base in the world outside of the American territory.
Robles: Yet it is!
Jovanović: And if we presume that it is the largest or one of the largest, the question is why it should be based in Kosovo, when Kosovo and Serbia are so small, so tiny places. And there is no explanation from a regional point of view.
You were listening to part 1 of an interview with Živadin Jovanović. You can find the rest of this interview on our website at
Letter from Bosnia: A Fraudulent “Spring”
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Srdja Trifkovic | February 17, 2014
There is more than meets the eye to the wave of ostensibly “non-ethnic” anti-corruption demonstrations in several majority-Muslim cities of Bosnia-Herzegovina, which started on February 6 and largely fizzled out a week later. The Nulandesque agenda became obvious within days, as protest leaders and various NGO activists, journalists and politicians all over “the international community” started blaming the 1995 Dayton Accords that ended the war for the lamentable social, political and economic situation in the Muslim-Croat Federation, one of the two federal entities established at Dayton. All of them asserted, in remarkable unison, that the existence of the other entity – the Bosnian Serb Republic (Republika Srpska) — was the primary cause of endemic corruption, nepotism, and institutional dysfunctionality in the Muslim-Croat half of the former Yugoslav republic.
“It’s spring at last in Bosnia-Herzegovina!” a Bosnian Muslim commentator told Al Jazeera immediately after the protests started. “Whatever little semblance of legitimacy the constitutional order. . . may have enjoyed at the beginning of this week went up in flames. . . The entire structure of the Dayton system… has all but collapsed in a single night.”
Former Croatian President Stjepan Mesic declared on February 8 that the protests indicate the necessity of revising the constitutional order established in Dayton and abolishing its “unnatural entities.”
On February 9 Christian Schwarz-Schilling, a former“international high representative” (de facto proconsul) in Bosnia-Herzegovina, suggested thatreforms “would necessitate involvement from the international community:“It’s just like with Ukraine. There, the international community woke up only after a critical situation arose. The same thing will happen in Bosnia.”
On February 10, Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn stated somewhat dramatically that“Bosnia is the biggest problem that European Union has in the Balkan region. We must defend the principle that Bosnia is one nation [sic!] and never to be partitioned into three or four entities.”
“The accord agreed at a U.S. air base in Dayton, Ohio, brought peace – and planted the seeds of a future crisis,” a Reuters report stated matter-of-factly on February 11. “The protesters realise that the country’s dire economic situation is not merely the result of corrupt officials, but rather of the constitutional order itself,” it quoted a Bosniak analyst as saying.
On February 12 Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davotuglu – a determined advocate of Bosnia’s centralization which would ensure the “Bosniak” plurality’s domination over the non-Muslim (Serb and Croat) majority – came to Sarajevo to urge “political reform.” “The Dayton peace agreement was of utmost importance for it helped end the war,” he asserted, but it is obvious that it now hampers the functioning of the country.” (This was rich, coming from a top official of the AKP government which forcefully repressed protests with violence and bloodshed last year, a corrupt government which hunts down intellectuals and independent journalists. Davutoglu should have been asked what his prime minister Erdogan meant by telling his Bosniak hosts on an earlier visit that “Sarajevo is ours and Anatolia yours.”)
On the same day, Lord Paddy Ashdown, another former“high representative”(2002-2006) told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour (a pro-“Bosniak” activist par excellence)that the EU needs to do more to help “Bosnians” build a functional state that can serve its citizens. He condemned Dayton Accord as “the wrong basis to build a sustainable state.” The good news, Ashdown asserted in blatant contrast to reality, is that the protests are “non-ethnic.”
“Part of the problem is the legacy of the Dayton peace deal that ended Bosnia’s war in 1995,” The Economist editorialist opined on February 13.
On February 14, a headline in The New York Times claimed that “roots of Bosnian protests lie in peace accords of 1995.”
Last Sunday the European Union’s Enlargement Commissioner Štefan Füle declared on the eve of his trip to Sarajevo that the EU is“fully committed to work to facilitate a consensus on getting out of the current stalemate — and help BiH finally move over the bridge from Dayton to the EU, which would then allow constitutional and other challenges to be tackled.”
“Time for another Dayton,” The Guardian declared on the same day. The protesters “want to see an end to Dayton and all its works,” the editorialist assessedwith inadvertent accuracy, and proceeded to the conclusion that an end to Bosnia’s “ethnically divided” government structures is needed: “the solution is to create a more integrated Bosnia.”
Last but not least, the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo issued a statement saying “the use of violence distracts attention from the fundamental message we see the vast majority of protesters trying to make — that reform is necessary now.” This was in marked contrast to the attitude of the Department of State to the organized violence of far greater ferocity seen in the streets of Kiev since January 17.
While suffering from the same social and economic woes that supposedly motivated the Muslim demonstrators, Bosnian and Herzegovinian Serbs and Croats refused to join the protests. They vehemently reject unitarization, and realize that any unrest in the Republika Srpska and in the Croat cantons of the Federation would play right into the hands of the Bosniak politicians and their foreign supporters who seek “a more integrated Bosnia.” For all their past disagreements, Orthodox and Catholic Christians – the majority of B-H population – find a common ground in rejecting the poisoned chalice offered from Sarajevo, Brussels, Washington, London, and other centers of the “international community.”
In spite of its numerous shortcomings, and in spite of many attempts to revise or reverse it, the Dayton agreement has provided a platform for peace for Bosniaks (Muslims), Serbs, and Croats alike. But this is not the first time that we are witnessing an orchestrated call for the abolition of the Republika Srpska and for Bosnia’s centralization. As Professor Stephen Mayer noted in 2009, the ink was hardly dry on the 1995 Dayton Accords when calls began to surface that a second “Dayton Conference” was needed to complete the transition of Bosnia from a dysfunctional war-torn ward of the “international community” to a vibrant, stable, multi-ethnic, free enterprise democracy:
The calls over the years for a “second Dayton” reflect the determination and self-defined responsibility of the “international community” (in reality, the U.S. and several European countries) to perpetuate the process of control and management of the social, political and economic process in Bosnia. This determination by a handful of powerful countries, which are euphemistically known as the “international community,” is founded on a traditional paradigm of how political community must be constructed. It is a paradigm built on firm conviction that only this handful of major powers—but, primarily the U.S.—hasthe knowledge, wisdom, power and wherewithal to determine how political communities must be established if they are to be successful and deemed legitimate. It is a paradigm that considers the interest of the great powers to be both very broadly understood and to be superior to the interests of the smaller powers they dominate.
The last sustained attempt was made five years ago, in the spring of 2009, by political forces in Washington intent on reneging on the delicate balance achieved at Dayton. Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared she was committed to wrapping up what she called “the unfinished business in the Balkans.” A series of op-eds and public pronouncements by “experts” on Balkans affairs, papers by U.S. government-sponsored NGOs, and statements by Administration officials, invariably advocating Bosnia’s unitarization, were followed in May 2009 by a nonbinding resolution by the House of Representatives calling for President Obama to appoint an American special envoy for the Balkans. The underlying message from all quarters was the same: the U.S. needs to revise Dayton in the direction of greater centralization of Bosnia at the expense of the autonomy of the two entities – which in reality would adversely affect only one of them, the Bosnian Serb Republic.
The pressure escalated in the second half of 2009. When it was first announced that the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg would be coming to Bosnia in October with a secret proposal for constitutional reform, the news was hyped in the Western media and in Sarajevo as the imminent remaking of Dayton. Even the location chosen for the talks — a NATO military base at Butmir near Sarajevo – echoed the events of November 1995, when the Bosnian war was ended at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base outside Dayton. On October 20-21 2009 the representatives of seven political parties in Bosnia from all three sides were presented with a set of centralizing reforms that were suggested, and failed miserably. The Serbs rejected these proposals because they would have stripped them of the remaining elements of self-rule that were first guaranteed by the Dayton agreement. The Bosniaks, on the other hand, complained that the proposed package did not go far enough in giving them control of Bosnia.
The failure of this attempt, one of many, to reduce the Republika Srpska to an empty shell devoid of self-rule was inevitable: it ran counter to the wishes of 1.5 million Serbs in B-H who were ready to fight a war in 1992-95 to prevent that same outcome. The putative “Butmir Process,” of which the State Department continued talking for months thereafter, was devoid of legality or legitimacy. In reality there was no “process” at all. It was simply another variant of the same made-in-Washington program to weaken and then dissolve the Republika Srpska in order to create a Muslim-dominated unitary state.
A reasonable observer might expect that the failure to abolish Dayton in 2009 would have finally convinced the “international community” that no arrangements can be good for Bosnia-Herzegovina as a whole unless it is good for all of its three constituent peoples. Yet the only way to make an impact on foreign meddlers who refuse to allow reality to blur their ideologically induced “vision” is to present them with another visible and tangible failure – the one that would be clearly registered as such both in Washington and in Brussels. The absence of protests in Banja Luka and Mostar speaks for itself.
The push for Bosnia’s “constitutional reform” will undoubtedly continue in the years to come, which is unfortunate. That push is a major obstacle to the lasting stabilization and to the necessary social, political and economic reform of the area known as Western Balkans in general, and of Bosnia-Herzegovina in particular. It is but a codeword for establishing what in effect what would be a Muslim-dominated unitary state – in a majority-Christian country! – and amounting to the end of the Bosnian-Serb Republic in fact if not in name. In addition to being certain to re-ignite old animosities that caused the war of 1992-1995, this scenario is incongruous with the trend towards devolution, self-rule, and decentralization in some of the world’s most stable democracies – from Quebec to the Basque Country to Scotland. Nobody in his right mind would suggest that the solution to Spain’s dire economic and social woes is the abolition of the Catalon autonomy, or the forceful stifling of its demands for independence.
Whatever the defects of Dayton, the essential fact is that for almost 19 years Bosnians and Herzegovinians of all denominations have not been killing each other. Nothing should be done that risks a new confrontation among Bosnia’s communities and possibly reigniting the horrors of the 1990s. With all that America has on its plate today, at home and abroad, it is ill advised to engineer an optional crisis. What is really impeding Bosnia’s progress is not “Dayton.” It is heavy-handed international bureaucracy and excessive foreign meddling in local affairs. Such meddling is detrimental to the internal agreement of its three constituent nations on the means of resolving their rampant social, economic and political problems. Going a step beyond and imposing centralization would be a gross violation of democracy, law, logic, and self-interest.
When it comes to the U.S. policy, it is vexing that the appetite for rekindling the Bosnian crisis after over 18 years of peace comes at a particularly dangerous period in world affairs: the return of asymmetrical multipolarity. Following a brief period of post-1991 full-spectrum dominance, the government of the United States is facing active resistance from several major powers – primarily China and Russia. The reactive powers’ refusal to accept the validity of Washington’s ideological assumptions or the legitimacy of its resulting geopolitical claims will not go away.
At the same time, far from reconsidering the hegemonsitic assumptions and claims of their predecessors, the key foreign policy players in the Obama Administration – such as Assistant Secretary for European Affairs Victoria Nuland (the one of the “F… the EU!” fame) are groomed on Albright’s hubris (“If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see further into the future.”). The old premises of an imperial presidency – which in world affairs translates into the quest for dominance and justification for interventionism – remain sadly unchallenged.
Russia Under Attack
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By Paul Craig Roberts
February 14, 2014
In a number of my articles I have explained that the Soviet Union served as a constraint on US power. The Soviet collapse unleashed the neoconservative drive for US world hegemony. Russia under Putin, China, and Iran are the only constraints on the neoconservative agenda.
Russia’s nuclear missiles and military technology make Russia the strongest military obstacle to US hegemony. To neutralize Russia, Washington broke the Reagan-Gorbachev agreements and expanded NATO into former constituent parts of the Soviet Empire and now intends to bring former constituent parts of Russia herself–Georgia and Ukraine–into NATO. Washington withdrew from the treaty that banned anti-ballistic missiles and has established anti-ballistic missile bases on Russia’s frontier. Washington changed its nuclear war doctrine to permit nuclear first strike.
All of this is aimed at degrading Russia’s deterrent, thereby reducing the ability of Russia to resist Washington’s will.
The Russian government (and also the government of Ukraine) foolishly permitted large numbers of US funded NGOs to operate as Washington’s agents under cover of “human rights organizations,” “building democracy,” etc. The “pussy riot” event was an operation designed to put Putin and Russia in a bad light. (The women were useful dupes.) The Western media attacks on the Sochi Olympics are part of the ridiculing and demonizing of Putin and Russia. Washington is determined that Putin and Russia will not be permitted any appearance of success in any area, whether diplomacy, sports, or human rights.
The American media is a Ministry of Propaganda for the government and the corporations and helps Washington paint Russia in bad colors. Stephen F. Cohen accurately describes US media coverage of Russia as a “tsunami of shamefully unprofessional and politically inflammatory articles.”
As a holdover from the Cold War, the US media retains the image of a free press that can be trusted. In truth, there is no free press in America (except for Internet sites). See for example:
During the later years of the Clinton regime, the US government permitted 5 large conglomerates to concentrate the varied, dispersed and somewhat independent media. The value of these large mega-companies depends on their federal broadcast licenses. Therefore, the media dares not go against the government on any important issue. In addition, the media conglomerates are no longer run by journalists but by corporate advertising executives and former government officials, with an eye not on facts but on advertising revenues and access to government “sources.”
Washington is using the media to prepare the American people for confrontation with Russia and to influence Russians and other peoples in the world against Putin. Washington would love to see a weaker or more pliable Russian leader than Putin.
Many Russians are gullible. Having experienced communist rule and the chaos from collapse, they naively believe that America is the best place, the example for the world, the “white hat” that can be trusted and believed. This idiotic belief, which we see manifested in western Ukraine as the US destabilizes the country in preparation for taking it over, is an important weapon that the US uses to destabilize Russia.
Some Russians make apologies for Washington by explaining the anti-Russian rhetoric as simply a carryover from old stereotypes from the Cold War. “Old stereotypes” is a red herring, a misleading distraction. Washington is gunning for Russia. Russia is under attack, and if Russians do not realize this, they are history.
Many Russians are asleep at the switch, but the Izborsk Club is trying to wake them up. In an article (February 12) in the Russian weekly Zavtra, strategic and military experts warned that the Western use of protests to overturn the decision of the Ukraine government not to join the European Union had produced a situation in which a coup by fascist elements was a possibly. Such a coup would result in a fratricidal war in Ukraine and would constitute a serious “strategic threat to the Russian Federation.”
The experts concluded that should such a coup succeed, the consequences for Russia would be:
— Loss of Sevastopol as the base of the Russian Federation’s Black Sea Fleet;
— Purges of Russians in eastern and southern Ukraine, producing a flood of refugees;
— Loss of manufacturing capacities in Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov where
contract work is done for the Russian military;
— Suppression of the Russian speaking population by forcible Ukrainianization;
— The establishment of US and NATO military bases in Ukraine, including in Crimea
and the establishment of training centers for terrorists who would be set upon the
Caucasus, the Volga Basin, and perhaps Siberia.
— Spread of the orchestrated Kiev protests into non-Russian ethnicities in cities of
the Russian Federation.
The Russian strategists conclude that they “consider the situation taking shape in Ukraine to be catastrophic for the future of Russia.”
What is to be done? Here the strategic experts, who have correctly analyzed the situation, fall down. They call for a national media campaign to expose the nature of the takeover that is underway and for the government of the Russian Federation to invoke the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 in order to convene a conference of representatives of the governments of Russia, Ukraine, the USA, and Great Britain to deal with the threats to the Ukraine. In the event that the Budapest Memorandum governing the sovereignty of Ukraine is set aside by one or more of the parties, the experts propose that the Russian government, using the precedent of the Kennedy-Khrushchev negotiations that settled the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, negotiate directly with Washington a settlement of the developing crisis in Ukraine.
This is a pipe dream. The experts are indulging in self-deception. Washington is the perpetrator of the crisis in Ukraine and intends to take over Ukraine for the precise reasons that the experts list. It is a perfect plan for destabilizing Russia and for negating Putin’s successful diplomacy in preventing US military attack on Syria and Iran.
Essentially, if Washington succeeds in Ukraine, Russia would be eliminated as a constraint on US world hegemony. Only China would remain.
I suspected that Ukraine would come to a boiling point when Putin and Russia were preoccupied with the Sochi Olympics, leaving Russia unprepared. There is little doubt that Russia is faced with a major strategic threat. What are Russia’s real options? Certainly the options do not include any good will from Washington.
Possibly, Russia could operate from the American script. If Russia has drones, Russia could use drones like Washington does and use them to assassinate the leaders of the Washington-sponsored protests. Or Russia could send in Special Forces teams to eliminate the agents who are operating against Russia. If the EU continues to support the destabilization of Ukraine, Russia could cut off oil and gas supplies to Washington’s European puppet states.
Alternatively, the Russian Army could occupy western Ukraine while arrangements are made to partition Ukraine, which until recently was part of Russia for 200 years. It is certain that the majority of residents in eastern Ukraine prefer Russia to the EU. It is even possible that the brainwashed elements in the western half might stop foaming at the mouth long enough to comprehend that being in US/EU hands means being looted as per Latvia and Greece.
I am outlining the least dangerous outcomes of the crisis that Washington and its stupid European puppet states have created, not making recommendations to Russia. The worst outcome is a dangerous war. If the Russians sit on their hands, the situation will become unbearable for them. As Ukraine moves toward NATO membership and suppression of the Russian population, the Russian government will have to attack Ukraine and overthrown the foreign regime or surrender to the Americans. The likely outcome of the audacious strategic threat with which Washington is confronting Russia would be nuclear war.
The neoconservative Victoria Nuland sits in her State Department office happily choosing the members of the next Ukrainian government. Is this US official oblivious to the risk that Washington’s meddling in the internal affairs of Ukraine and Russia could be triggering nuclear war? Are President Obama and Congress aware that there is an Assistant Secretary of State who is provoking Armageddon?
Insouciant Americans are paying no attention and have no idea that a handful of neoconservative ideologues are pushing the world toward destruction.
NOTE: I have received an email from Moldova, a country bordered by Romania and Ukraine with cities on the Moldova-Ukraine border, that Moldovans are paid 30 euros per day to pose as Ukrainian protesters. I would like to hear from readers who can confirm this report and/or provide a media source in support of this claim.
About Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.
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BELGRADE - Italian Brigadier-General Lucio Batta assumed the position of Chief of the NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade at a change of command ceremony held on Thursday, 13 February 2014, in the Old Serbian General Staff building in the Serbian capital. He replaces Italian Brigadier-General Ornello Baron.
The transfer of command authority ceremony was attended by the Serbian Minister of Defence, Nebojsa Rodic, Commander of the JFC Naples Admiral Bruce Clingan, Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff General Ljubiša Diković, members of the Serbian military and government, as well as media, NGO and diplomatic representatives.
"I am looking forward to working with the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in support of their reform efforts and I hope that our partnership will continue to be strengthened,” said Brigadier-General Batta. "NATO remains ready to continue working with Serbia on items of common interest and I'm hopeful our future efforts will be fruitful,” he said.
Brigadier-General Baron completes a two-year mandate as the Chief of the NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade.
"It has been a distinct honor to serve in Serbia and I won't soon forget my time here,” said Brigadier-General Baron. "I commend the professionalism and dedication of the Serbian military authorities and I wish every success to Brigadier-General Batta and his team,” he said.
Brigadier General Batta is the sixth Chief of the NATO MLO Belgrade since its establishment in December 2006. He held the same position in 2007-2008.
Lords of Chaos
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Empire, Freedom, and Democracy
by Nebojsa Malic, February 07, 2014
Throughout the Cold War, the West (calling itself the "free world") argued that the Communist bloc wanted to conquer the world, because for Communism to triumph it could allow no alternatives. Yet the Communist faction advocating a global revolution –Trotsky and his followers – were purged by Stalin, whose own doctrine was "Socialism in One Country," and exiled to the West. Conversely, it was Washington that invoked the threat of Communism to intervene around the globe and spoke of "Europe, united and free."
However, this definition of "freedom" has been most peculiar: it does not allow one to say "no." Arguably, the foundations of what would become the Atlantic Empire were laid down when those who tried to exit the 1791 contract between American states were forcibly suppressed. Lacking a similar enforcement apparatus, the European Union has chosen to bully its member states politically: those that reject its creeping usurpation of powers in referenda are made to vote again till they get it "right," whereupon they have no more say in the matter, ever. This is then applauded as "freedom" and "democracy."
That freedom and democracy are not synonymous, but rather incompatible opposites, is a separate discussion. Suffice to say that democracy is akin to a civil war waged by ballots, rather than bullets – in which whoever commands the most votes (not necessarily the majority, either), wins. But if that fails, there are other ways of establishing authority.
The Meaning of Words
Witness the events of the past three months in Ukraine, where the elected government’s decision to reject a suicidal pact with the EU in favor of profitable relations with Russia prompted the Western-backed "activists" to organize a revolution. Having failed to dislodge the government, the revolutionaries have escalated the violence to the point where Ukraine finds itself on the brink of a shooting war.
Not surprisingly, the Empire/EU axis is cheering on the violent rebellion, painting it as "peaceful protests" against "government repression" and accusing Russia of malicious interference. More than just being sore losers, though that’s obviously the case, this behavior reveals the utter bankruptcy of their own official values.
Thus John Kerry can declare in Munich that the "demonstrators" – who’ve never stood for election, and those who did received votes in the rounding-error range – were fighting "for the right to associate with partners who will help them realize their aspirations." But it is precisely Kerry’s government, and the Brussels bureaucracy that is denying the Ukrainians that right, because they’ve overwhelmingly decided the partner they want to associate with is Russia.
The Welfare Gulag
At the end of January, Seumas Milne in The Guardian correctly identified the driving forces of the Ukrainian crisis as an alliance of oligarchs, fascists and the West. Responding three days later, in the same publication, Timothy Garton-Ash inadvertently proved him right, using the rhetoric of "democracy and human rights" to advocate for enslaving Ukrainians in the EU welfare gulag:
"Look at the shifting balance of world power, and look at the demographic projections for western Europe’s aging population. We’ll need those young Ukrainians sooner than you think, if we are to pay our pensions, maintain economic growth and defend our way of life in a post-western world."
How likely is it that those "freedom fighters" in Kiev are actually aspiring to be the laborers fueling the welfarist engine of Western Europe? How many of them are already in peonage, having borrowed from EU banks under impossible terms to afford the status symbols of "normal living"?
Victoria Nuland’s cookies for their souls and futures – hell of an exchange, isn’t it?
A Cautionary Tale
To see the kind of future the EU and the Empire have in store for them, the Ukrainians have only to look a little ways southwest. Not Greece, though it is a cautionary tale of its own, but a bit further north. After a decade of blockade, bombs, dismemberment and occupation, Serbia was conquered through a faux-revolution – later reprised in Kiev. Then a succession of regimes, each more quisling than the one before, embarked on "transforming" the country and its inhabitants into the proper thralls of Empire.
A recent Bloomberg story covering the start of Belgrade’s "negotiations" with the EU inadvertently showcases the way this was accomplished: through a combination of bombs and propaganda, the Serbians were driven out of their minds, and many are now eager to self-destruct in order to appease their tormentors. Yet as Deutsche Welleso helpfully notes, though, groveling before Brussels is a process that will take years.
Meanwhile, a cult of personality has been created around the Progressive Party leader, the "First Deputy Prime Minister" Aleksandar Vucic. He is the fearless fighter against "corruption and crime," superhero-savior of children trapped in snowdrifts, the man who will "bring Serbia in from the cold." To hear Vucic say it, he can turn Serbia around in weeks, if only he were actually in charge. But alas, the office of Prime Minister is in the hands of Ivica Dacic, the junior partner in the governing coalition.
Hence the snap election, scheduled for March 16, whose sole purpose is to make Vucic the actual Prime Minister, and his Progressives the absolute majority in the legislature, strong enough to amend the Constitution and finalize the surrender of Kosovo.
It is not hard to predict that the March vote will resemble the farce staged in occupied Kosovo in November, when Serb turnout in "Kosovian" polls was in single digits yet the "election" was proclaimed a great success both by the Albanians, the Empire, and the quisling regime in Belgrade. In keeping with the actual tradition of democracy in "Kosova", of the two Serb candidates that participated in the whole sham and ran for mayor of Mitrovica, one was mysteriously shot, and another arrested on charges of "war crimes."
A Very Old Chaos
Pat Buchanan is being entirely too charitable when he says that, "our endless blather about democracy, we Americans seem to be able to put our devotion to democratic principles on the shelf, when they get in the way of our New World Order." He assumes that America is actually devoted to democratic principles. But as events in Ukraine, Serbia, and countless other places before that indicate, the Empire subscribes to the "logic" of Humpty-Dumpty: words mean whatever it wants them to mean, and the only question is "which is to be master."
As Philip Cunliffe observed during a sham election in Serbia in 2007, "what counts as democracy is what the EU decides is democratic."
The "order" the Empire seeks to create, by destroying all alternatives, is neither new, nor much of an order at all, but rather a very old chaos. To embrace it as order means agreeing that democracy is whatever the Empire says it is. That freedom means you’re not allowed to say "no." That there are no laws, no values, no right – only power. And that the Imperial boot stomping on the human face forever is the bright shining utopian future.
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Stefan Karganovic,
President of Srebrenica Historical Project
The color revolution that was expected for over a year in Bosnia has finally started. But the fundamental point that needs to be stressed is that, contrary to what many analysts expected, this is not going to be a “regime change” in the Republic of Srpska only. It is shaping up as a country-wide putsch that will include both the Muslim-Croat Federation and the Republic of Srpska.
That is a very important point because it suggests that Western intelligence services and their governments, of course, wish to have a clean slate in the entire country. The plan is to use mounting social dissatisfaction, for which there are plenty of genuine reasons, in order to provoke general chaos. That chaos, and the illusion of a better life that Western media and propaganda agencies will generate in the minds of the public, will be then used to install a new team of puppets not just at the entity, but at the central level as well.
The basic goal remains to get rid of President Milorad Dodik and his independent policies in the Republic of Srpska, and to bring to power in Banja Luka a team of collaborationists who will facilitate the absorption of the Serbian autonomy into a centralised Bosnian state. The further goals are to bring Bosnia as a whole into NATO and to integrate it completely within Western Euro-Atlantic structures. Under the current constitution that cannot be done without the consent of a compliant government in the Republic of Srpska. What is now a protectorate, with some measure of local autonomy here and there, in the end is therefore to be transformed into a completely subservient Western colony.
The protestors in Bosnia, like those in Kiev, are motivated by the illusion that, once they “throw the rascals out”, their actions will result in a vaguely conceived and tantalisingly undefined “better life”. However, that will never happen if it is left to Western installed puppets to do the job. As we saw in the Ukraine, only Russia right now can step up to the plate and make a large enough economic contribution capable of improving their lives. The EU has made it clear that they do not have the wherewithal to contribute to the reconstruction of the Ukraine, although they of course do have the small change sufficient to buy the services of the rioters. What applies to the Ukraine applies also to Bosnia and the Republic of Srpska.
The current upheaval, which began two days ago in the Muslim-Croat Federation town of Tuzla, and spread from there to Sarajevo and other urban centres in the Federation, has been marked from the start by the use of extreme violence on the side of the protesters. Since the “regime change” operation generally is being orchestrated following closely Gene Sharp’s scenario of “non-violent resistance” it may strike as a bit odd that in Bosnia the non-violent phase was unceremoniously skipped. In the initial stage, the usual pattern of “provocation – escalation” in fact calls for goading the authorities to assault the peaceful demonstrators so that they could be portrayed as innocent victims. But in this case Western orchestrators may be in a hurry to quickly finish the job in both targeted countries, the Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina. They may have decided to accelerate the process of installing their puppets while the illusion of a “better life” can still be plausibly nurtured and before the disappointing news of the West’s own deep economic crisis reaches the teeming masses of the East.
The way the uprising is being managed is succinctly portrayed by this picture published on one of the websites of the opposition network:
This suggestive image shows at least three things. First, the aggressive level of street violence practiced by the demonstrators, including the use of burning tires. Second, the old, familiar “Otpor” symbol of the clenched fist, which has characterised similar operations ever since the first successful color revolution under Western auspices in Belgrade in October of 2000, a dead giveaway of the inspiration behind the current events. Finally, the somewhat incongruous English text on what is supposed to be a Bosnian poster, a clear lapsus lingue which undoubtedly in due course must be corrected because it accurately suggests who is behind the entire charade.
Furthermore, all the classical and telltale signs of a Gene Sharp operation are present. The regime change infrastructure that Western specialists have been carefully putting together in Bosnia for the last two years has been given the signal to surface. What we witness now is a very well coordinated network in the Federation and the Republic of Srpska cooperating to achieve identical goals and using all the standard modern technological devices to that end. The demagoguery is suitably vague and focuses on nebulous objectives, such as “respect for rights” and “decent future,” that undoubtedly enjoy mass support in Bosnia just as “end to nuclear radiation” would probably be a popular slogan in Fukushima. Oddly, no specific policies to achieve these high-minded goals are being offered. Right out of Sharp’s playbook, however, demonstrators are appealing to policemen to join them. The anonymous organizers of the Tuzla riots refer to themselves by the acronym “UDAR,” clearly evoking the name of Vitali Klichko’s political organization in the Ukraine.
The authorities in both Bosnian entities are plainly unprepared for what is in store for them. In the Federation, Muslim politicians foolishly mistook the West’s tactical support for an immutable guarantee, just as Egyptian president Mubarak did for years before them, while in the United States activists of the "April 6 Movement" were being trained to overthrow him. In the Republic of Srpska, not only has the ruling coalition failed to make a timely assessment of the situation and to plan effective counter-measures, but the opposition as well may have miscalculated. They may wake up to realise that they also were manipulated by Western mentors for the sole purpose of undermining President Dodik but that an entirely different set of Western-trained protégés – not they – is slated to be installed.
Syria: ‘Human Rights Watch’
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Syria: ‘Human Rights Watch’, Key Player in the Manufacture of Propaganda for War and Foreign Intervention
The Washington-based group ‘Human Rights Watch’– controlled by the US foreign policy elite – has released another volley in its campaign to back the ‘humanitarian war’ being waged against the independent nation of Syria.
This is not the first or second fabrication against Syria run by Human Rights Watch. The group was amongst the first to falsely blame the Syrian government for the East Ghouta chemical weapons incident of August 2013. The ‘moral panic’ from that accusation almost sparked a major escalation of the war.
Several reports have since proven that the accusation was a fraud. A group led by Catholic nun Mother Agnes Mariam produced a report showing the video evidence of the incident had been manipulated and staged; US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh showed that US intelligence implicating the Syrian Government had been fabricated; and the New York Times retracted its support for speculative telemetry evidence, which they had claimed implicated the Syrian Army. On the other side, Syrian witnesses, a Jordanian reporter and a Turkish human rights group (‘Peace Association and Lawyers for Justice in Turkey’) implicated Saudi-backed terrorists. Further, the last UN report on the incident says that, in most instances, chemical weapons were used ‘against soldiers’; that is, against the government. HRW has neither retracted nor apologised for its role in this scam.
The latest HRW story ( ‘Razed to the Ground’ , 30 Jan) is that the Syrian Government over 2012-13 demolished residential buildings in seven areas of Hama and Damascus as ‘punishment’ for certain neighbourhoods supporting ‘the rebels’. Thousands of families lost their homes in this way, yet there have been ‘no similar demolitions in areas that support the government’.
HRW said it ‘has not documented that anybody was injured or killed in the process.’ Nevertheless, the use of home demolition as punishment was ‘a violation … of the laws of war’ and amounts to a war crime. HRW ‘calls on the UN Security Council to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court’.
Of course, this claim will go nowhere, as previous more serious provocations have failed at the UNSC. Yet the HRW report adds to a poisoned climate of vilification and intervention, appearing to add moral logic to arming the sectarian groups. Yet propaganda for war is a war crime, in itself.
Syrian NDF soldier and political analyst Mazen al-Akhras points out that videos associated with the HRW report show the presence of anti-government ‘militants’ as witnesses (just as in East Ghouta), tainting the story at the outset. The HRW report does not observe that areas like Tadamon had been crowded with illegal constructions and, when they were damaged during the conflict, the government decided it mor efficient to demolish and rebuild.
HRW does not mention that the government took the decision, many months ago, to compensate ‘all citizens whose houses were damaged or totally destroyed by the conflict’. Al-Akhras says HRW ignores the compensation already paid, and then pretends to ‘demand’ compensation. His full commentary is below.
The BBC, which has played a key role in relaying and amplifying propaganda for war on Syria, promoted this ‘Razed to the Ground’ story. An earlier notable contribution by the BBC was to help cover up the terrorist murder of Syria’s most senior Muslim cleric, Sheikh Mohamad al Bouti. He and fifty others were murdered inside the al Iman mosque on 21 March 2013 by a suicide bomber from the al Qaeda-linked and Saudi-backed Jabhat al Nusra.
Because Sheikh Bouti had always opposed salafist sectarians, the armed sectarian gangs (‘takfiris’) said he was ‘not a real Sunni’ and called for his death. After they murdered him they celebrated and then, in typical fashion, blamed the Government.
Jim Muir of the BBC picked up the al Nusra scam, based on the fact that the Sheikh did not die instantly, to run claims that he had been killed by some other means. Nevertheless, in December 2013, five members of al Nusra confessed on Syrian television to the murders. Al Nusra cleric, Samir al-Ordoni, had given them religious permission to enter the mosque and kill other Muslims.
The BBC also gave full prominence to a more recent stunt put on by the oil monarchy of Qatar, a major funder of sectarian Islamist fighters. On the eve of the Geneva 2 peace talks, they promoted a report by three British lawyers, hired by Qatar, which pronounced the Syrian Government guilty of ‘torture and 11,000 executions’. The lawyers had gone to Qatar to interview one man, who said he had not witnessed any torture or murder, but gave them thousands of photos of dead bodies. They examined some of these photos and made some extravagant statements. Yet with such tainted evidence, who knows where the bodies came from or who killed them?
Human Rights Watch has been a key player in the manufacture of propaganda for war and foreign intervention. It gets most of its funds from a variety of US foundations, in turn funded by many of the biggest US corporations. HRW Middle East reports often rely on and acknowledge grants from pro-Israel foundations. The group is tightly linked to the US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a virtual ‘Who’s Who’ of the US foreign policy elite.
HRW has ‘soft-pedalled’ on US-compliant regimes such as Colombia, the worst human rights abuser in Latin America as shown by the murder of trade unionists, journalists and other social activists. By contrast, HRW repeatedly attacked the government of the late Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.
The group has always had a political agenda. According to José Miguel Vivanco, director of the group’s Americas division, its December 2008 report on Venezuela (‘A Decade under Chavez’), was written ‘because we wanted to demonstrate to the world that Venezuela is not a model for anyone’. That report was roundly criticized by more than a hundred academics for not meeting ‘even the most minimal standards of scholarship, impartiality, accuracy of credibility’. Rather than a careful report on human rights, it was an attempt to discredit a government, mainly on the basis of allegations of ‘political discrimination’ in employment and the judiciary. The evidence was poor and the approach anything but systematic. HRW disregarded this criticism.
Mazen al-Akhras from Damascus. Comments on HRW’s “Razed to the Ground” Story
‘Before we were evacuated due to the military conflict in November 2012 I was a resident of Harasta, one of the eastern suburbs of Damascus, and the closest to Duma, which in turn, is the stronghold of the anti-government forces in the outer suburbs of Damascus.
‘Harasta is adjacent to the freeway connection Damascus to the north (Damascus-Aleppo freeway), and can be seen by eye while travelling, and it can be also monitored by Satellite images. And like many other towns around Damascus, Harasta had its share of demonstrations and battles. And although it was considered the second stronghold for the anti-government forces in the eastern Ghouta, Harasta has not witnessed anything similar to the accusations in HRW’s report.
‘There are several other examples of the same situation around Damascus like Al-Tal, Zabadani and Qudsaia, and if one goes a bit further to the north, such alleged demolitions mentioned in HRW’s report did not take place in Nabk, or in Qara (Kara).
Even in Qussair, demolitions were limited to the results of the battles that happened there, and once the fighting stopped, there was no act of demolition or destruction. Quite the opposite, the government rushed to restore electricity and water and other public services to the city, while putting reconstruction works into action where they were possible.
‘One might need to be reminded that Qussair was not just a city that opposed the government, it was also the strongest stronghold for the militias opposing the Army in mid-west Syria.
‘All these examples and many others are actual real-life proof that the government is not “punishing” areas for supporting the insurgency like HRW’s report claims.
Now, to the videos, they show no sign or indication of the places they were filmed, and one can argue many details about the ID of the militants showing in the second part of the video.
‘While HRW’s report maliciously wonders why other areas of illegally-constructed residences have not been demolished, and assuming (with the same malicious ill-will) that it’s because the areas are Pro-Assad, they fail to mention that these areas already provide shelter and refuge for thousands of families who have evacuated their areas because of still ongoing battles, including those areas that are being demolished. So, in other words, they are simply wondering why the Syrian government doesn’t kick those refugees (again) from the safe areas, along with thousands more of families who were originally in these areas. Of course such wondering is acceptable for them because doubling the numbers of homeless families inside Damascus (or any other city in Syria) poses no discomfort on their dead consciences.
‘Any resident of Damascus knows that Tadamon (among many other areas) is a crowded area of illegally constructed residences, and that the Syrian government has been trying for years to organize it, and now with all the battles-caused destruction, it is very difficult and expensive to just renovate the area, making it easier and cheaper for the government to bring down the rest of the area and then reconstruct it in an organized way, eventually guaranteeing the residents to go back to healthier and better shaped area.
‘That itself is something else HRW’s report failed to mention, and this time it’s not by mistake, they deliberately chose to ignore the simple fact that the Syrian government had already decided and announced they would be compensating all citizens whose houses were damaged or totally destroyed in the conflict, and that was many months before HRW made their report and “demanded” what the Syrian government had already granted.
‘Mashaa Al-Arbaeen in Hama (as anyone can inquire and verify) is nearly the same as Tadamon, only with worse official documentation of property.
‘So, to sum it all up: many areas, towns and cities are a living proof that the government is not “punishing” anybody. Yet, HRW issues a report about a governmental plan of reorganizing some areas of illegally-constructed residences that are already damaged because of the battles, then HRW twists that plan into an alleged “punishment”, because the plan does not – yet – include other areas (although those areas were not in the conflict and were not damaged, and demolishing them now will double the numbers of homeless families in Damascus, which will also include the families that were evacuated the first time), and to add insult to the injury, HRW ignores the compensations granted and promised by the government to the Syrian citizens and choses to “demand” those compensations.’
Tim Anderson and Mazen al-Akhras
Global Research, February 01, 2014
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On the matter of non-intervention in internal affairs the Helsinki Final Statement of 1975 states:
“VI. Non-intervention in internal affairs
The participating States will refrain from any intervention, direct or indirect, individual or collective, in the internal or external affairs falling within the domestic jurisdiction of another participating State, regardless of their mutual relations.
They will accordingly refrain from any form of armed intervention or threat of such intervention against another participating State. They will likewise in all circumstances refrain from any other act of military, or of political, economic or other coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by another participating State of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind. Accordingly, they will, inter alia, refrain from direct or indirect assistance to terrorist activities, or to subversive or other activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of another participating State.”
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Zivadin Jovanovic
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Belgrade, February, 2014.
15 years since NATO aggression against Serbia and Montenegro, Interview with David Stockinger, editor of „Werkstatt Blatt“, Austria
D.S: You are president of „Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals“. How and why was the Forum founded? What is the political character and the goals of this organization?
Z.J: In 2001, a group of independent minded intellectuals founded the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals as an independent, non-partisan, non-profit association. In fact, it was reaction to the NATO 1999 military aggression and subsequent October 5th, 2000 coup. We realized that it was the overture of global interventionism, overthrowing of legitimate governments, imposing rule of might instead of rule of law. Our objectives have been and still are: promotion of peace, freedom, law and justice, democratization of international relations, sovereign equality of countries, nations, and individuals. We stand for protection of human rights in their entirety – social, economic, cultural, educational, political and other rights as enshrined in the Universal UN Declaration on Protection of Human Rights. Our method is publishing books, articles, organizing conferences, round tables, press conferences. Forum is the member of World Peace Council (WPC) and maintains close cooperation with other organizations with similar orientation, on national and international levels.
On March 22nd and 23rd this year, Belgrade Forum organizes International Conference „Global Peace vs. global interventionism and imperialism“, on occasion of the 15th anniversary of NATO aggression against Serbia (FRY). Together with many friends, peace and solidarity activists, from all over the world, we will recall that this criminal act left about 4.000 dead and about 8.000 seriously wounded, that direct economic damage was valued at about 120 billion of US dollars, that destructive effects of missiles with depleted uranium continue to indefinitely cause so far unknown deceases, deformations and deaths. It will be opportunity to send from Belgrade the message that these crimes must not be repeated anywhere in the world.
D.S: 15 years ago NATO bombed SR Yugoslavia; 14 years ago there was a coup against socialist government of Slobodan Milosevic on 5.October 2000. In this time you have been Minister for foreign Affairs. From the 90-ies (until now) western medias and politicians created a hateful campaign against Serbia as „the evil of Europe“. Our organization „Solidarwerkstatt Österreich“ was very active in the anti-NATO demonstrations in 1999 and asked for solidarity with Yugoslavia. How do you see the development of SR Yugoslavia and later Serbia politically, economically and in foreign relations since October 5th, 2000?
Z.J: The Belgrade Forum is grateful to the friends of „Solidarwerkstatt Osterreich“, as well as to all other independent minded people in Austria and all over the world, for their moral support and solidarity with people of Yugoslavia who have been victims of the criminal military NATO aggression 15 years ago. Serbia and Serbs have been satanized by western media, portrayed as new Nazis. Why? So many lies have been produced to justify imperial and revanchist policies of certain western countries towards Serbia. Yugoslavia was abolished by EU/USA, Serbia and Serbian nation fragmented; economy ruined and handed over to multinational corporations. Officially present rate of unemployment is 25%, out of which about 50% are young people up to 30 years of age. Every day army of about 800.000 jobless grows for new 600 unemployed. At the same time employment in public (non-productive) services has been growing by 1.800 employs monthly believed to be loyalists of the ruling parties! Most probably, this has been part of preparations for the new extraordinary elections which have been just announced for mid March this year. Back, 15 years ago there were 9.000 employees in Serbian state administration. Today there are 30.000! Foreign debt of Serbia amounts today to over 30 billion euro, or 60% of GDP, 20% higher than officially acceptable. Serbia’s indebtedness is below red line. Rationalizing of bureaucratic apparatus and of public spending is almost unimaginable having in mind extent of party-racy in all spheres of public life.
All governments since 2000 have been described as pro-western but the revanchist anti-Serbian policy of the West has hardly changed. The West supports pro-western governments in Serbia (like everywhere) but definitely not pro-Serbian policies and interests. In 2008 Albanian leadership in Pristine, in fact, leadership of the former terrorist UCK, proclaimed unilateral, illegal independence of Serbian Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. NATO and EU member governments were first to recognize this unilateral and illegal act violating all basic principles of UN and OSCE Charters, Serbian constitution and UN SC resolution 1244. The so called „status neutral“ EULEX has been engaged in creating institutions of this phantom state and leading EU member states in creating and equipping (arming) its „security forces“. Today, same governments continue to blackmail Serbia to waive all rights to the Province of Kosovo and Metohija in exchange for the beginning of negotiations for membership in EU! Formally, Serbia is militarily neutral, but unilateral concessions to NATO, USA and EU, are beyond those provided to NATO by its full member countries!
I believe that Serbia should upgrade its formal neutrality to substantial and constitutionally defined. To achieve this, to secure balanced international position, it is necessary to expand bilateral relations with Russia, China, India, with countries all over the world, which support Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and which do not attach any political strings to economic or other fields of cooperation.
Serbia as a small peace loving country should not join NATO which is imperial, aggressive alliance. NATO records and objectives have nothing in common with Serbia’s records and objectives. Wherever intervenes, NATO leaves behind hundreds thousands dead, crippled, devastated economies and human environment, chaos, terrorism, ethnic and religious conflicts, fragmentation of states... Present situations in Afghanistan, Irk, Libya and elsewhere, mirror real aims of NATO’s its „humanitarian “and „democratic“ substance of its objectives.
So called “responsibility to protect” is a mere smoke curtain for leading powers of NATO to occupy and rob other countries of their wealth. Member countries, especially smaller ones, are there simply to provide mercenaries in service of imperial powers.
D.S.: The „International Court for Crimes in former Yugoslavia “in Den Haag is still working. President Milosevic an many other Serbs died there. Russian officials call for closing this court. In my point of view this court never had the task to determine the truth and ensure justice, but only to legitimize the policy of the Western powers against former Yugoslavia and Serbia. Is my assumption correct?
Z.J: Hague tribunal, in my opinion, has been a key tool of leading NATO governments to pass on responsibility for the destruction of Yugoslavia and for crimes committed during 1999 aggression, from NATO leaders as real culprits to Serbia and Serbs as victims. In a broader sense, it is a tool to impose obedience and dictatorship in international relations. Although established by UN SC it has been financed by private sectors, some Arab countries, Soros Foundation, among others.
In spite of the fact that civil wars in Bosnia and Croatia started by violent secessions led by the leaderships of those former Yugoslav Republics, supported by the leading NATO/EU countries, primarily by governments of Germany, Great Britain and USA, Serbia (FRY) was accused for apparent aggression. UN SR for Bosnia Yasushi Akashi reported in May 1992 that there was no evidence of Yugoslav Army’s presence in Bosnia. He noted, however, that there was sufficient evidence of Croatian troops present in Bosnia and involved in armed clashes there. This report, however, reached Security Council members only after the most severe UN sanctions were imposed on Serbia (FRY). Akashi’s report was, apparently, mishandled by UN administration (“administrative mistake“). Only Serbian top political and military leaderships have been tried by Hague tribunal. Many of them, as you mentioned, died in Hague before reaching the end of trials, including former Serbian and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.
Serbian politician Vojislav Seselj spent, up to now, full 11 years in Hague prison and his hearing has not as yet been finished!? Actually, it is questionable if it will ever be concluded. Two weeks ago it was announced that Seselj got a cancer and that now is undergoing chemotherapy!
Hague tribunal had refused to investigate the cases of NATO crimes against peace and stability, against civilians, human environment and many others. The documentation on human organ trafficking in Kosovo and Metohija officially submitted to the Tribunal had been destroyed! Following the imitative of the Swiss lawyer and MP Dick Marty, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted report and resolution demanding through investigation. Report indicated involvement of Hashim Tachi, among others, in human organs trafficking. There have not been either results, or signs of political will to pursue the investigation. Instead, there was initiative from influential circle in Washington to award Hashim Tachi with Nobel Prize for Peace! Croatian generals accused of ethnic cleansing and indiscriminate killing of Serbs in 1995, have been acquitted by Hague Tribunal! Ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Serbs from Croatia and massive killing of Serbian civilians while taking refuge from Croatia are not worth of being sanctioned! Is it, really, just a „double standards justice“? Or „winner’s justice“? Or, it is a shame of the civilization we happen to live in?
D.S: Since 2012 Serbia has a new government. Same forces like before 5.Oct. 2000 are back in power again. Obviously Serbian people were sick of „Democratic Party“- governments and former president Boris Tadic. On the other side the current government describes „European Integrations“ as one of their priorities. Are there changes in daily policy compared with the western pushed neoliberal „Democrats“? What is the role of SPS, your former party, especially?
Z.J: All the time since so called „democratic changes “of October 2000, whoever wins elections, governments have been formed by western power centers. Serbian democracy has “genetic” error. It was prepared by „Stelt“ bombers, „Tomahawks “and cursing and depleted uranium missiles, cluster, graphite and other bombes. Effects of „humanitarian“ and „smart“ achievements are still visible through the ruins in the center of Belgrade and felt in functioning of „democracy“ amassing unemployment, malnutrition, the worst health services… Democracy installed by tens if not hundreds of millions of US dollars, Deutche marks, British Pounds, Norwegian Crowns, reinforced by „independent“ mass-medias and by hundreds of foreign financed so called NGO-s, has been „changes-proved“. So far.
D.S.: In April 2013 Serbia and separatist Kosovo-Albanian authorities in Pristina signed the „Brussels Agreement“ on the „Normalization of the relations between Belgrade and Pristine“. In autumn there were regional elections in the province, which were not boycotted by Belgrade for the first time, but on the other side Kosovo-Serbs in big number ignored those elections. Is there a rift now between Kosovo-Serbs because of the stance of Belgrade authorities? Do you think that the Kosovo issue is and will be a „frozen conflict“ for the next decades?
Z.J: So called Brussels Agreement on principles of normalization, is a dictate to Serbia to relinquish herself of the chunk of state territory - of Kosovo and Metohija. It is not agreement because Serbia was blackmailed, threatened to be once again isolated and remaining Serbs expelled. It is not a compromise because Serbia and 120.000 Serbs in the Province got nothing in exchange for accepting „reintegration“ in phantom „Republic of Kosovo“, except two promises: one, that negotiations for membership in EU will start in January 2014; and two, that remaining Serbs in the Province, for the time being, may not be ethnically cleansed, as it has been the case of their 250.000 compatriots who still, 15 years after, are not permitted to return to their homes in the Province.
Brussels so called negotiations was yet another Anglo-American-German made formula to take the problem out of hands of UN Security Council, thus neutralizing Russia’s and China’s support to Serbia and to push aside UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) which provides guaranties of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and autonomy for Kosovo and Metohija within the state of Serbia. Essentially, „negotiations“ have been staged as the way to formalize achievement of the objective of NATO 1999 aggression. To legalize usurpation of the state territory with Serbia’s consent, signature and seal.
This cannot be lasting solution: it is not a compromise, but dictate; it is contrary to the basic principles of international law enshrined in the UN and Helsinki Charters; it is contrary to the legitimate vital interests and Constitution of Serbia; it is violation of the UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) binding all members of UN; manipulation to isolate Russia (and China) from supporting Serbia and taking part in finding compromise for the problem wherein Russia obviously has interest, is unwise and shortsighted policy; EU is in long term crises, its foreign and security policy has no perspective if based on dictates and methods of colonial periods, especially with the view of multipolarization of the world relations.
D.S.: What is your opinion about the relations between Serbia and other former Ex-YU countries?
Z.J: Relations with the former Yugoslav Republics and with all neighboring countries should be top priority. To be sound and stable these relations must be strictly based on the principles of reciprocity, non-interference, open borders, and full respect of the rights of national minority. The fact that some neighbors are members of EU and NATO, should not limit our cooperation which, naturally, has many economic, infrastructural, cultural and other advantages.
Serious problem in relations with Croatia is continued discrimination of Serbs, political obstacles for free and safe return of Serbian refugees, unpaid compensation for the property to those who do not wish to returns and, particularly as of late, revival of ustashi-fascist anti-Serbian atmosphere in Croatia. Under Dayton Peace Agreement Serbia have established special parallel relations with Republica Srpska. These relations should be further developed and not treated by anybody as detrimental to the relations with the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia should stay widely opened for cooperation with Sarajevo wherever Sarajevo shows interest. With one exception only – not in revising the Dayton Peace Agreement and making unitary state under domination of Moslems (Bosnians).
Serbia being guarantor of the Deyton Agreement, should support Bosnia and Herzegovina as union of three equal, constituent peoples (Serbs, Bosnians and Croats) and two equal entities (Republica Srpska and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Ideas of majorization in Sarajevo‘s institutions, apparently, in the interest of „functional state“, would be, not only blatant violation of Dayton, but step towards renewed conflicts. Nobody should expect Belgrade to exercise pressure over the present leadership of Republica Srpska to relinquish constitutional rights and responsibilities of Republica Srpska as defined in Dayton, in order to please expectations of either Sarajevo, or Brussels and Washington.
D.S: It is obvious that Russia and China become more and more important for the Balkan region. Are those countries and the countries of Eurasian Community an alternative to EU integrations for Serbia? Furthermore Russia and China are traditional political allies of Serbia. Do you think that will be the basis for further and deeper development of cooperation?
Z.J: Let me say firstly, that Russia and China are unavoidable powers in world relations. Recent developments in the world, especially in Europe, Middle and Far East have shown, their influence is growing. The future World order is unimaginable without respecting new distribution of power based on growing economic, political and military strength of Russia, China and some new integrations. It is clear that the world economic crisis cannot be resolved without these two powers, without BRICS and G-20. Processes in solving such crises as, for example, over Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, now Ukraine, could hardly move ahead without direct participation of Russia and in many cases, China.
Serbia has traditionally good and friendly relations with both countries. This has been formalized and reaffirmed by signature of documents of strategic partnerships with them. Russia, for example, has devised about five billions US dollars for investments in Serbia in the next three years. These investments will improve modernization of infrastructure, sector of energy, petro-chemical industry. Russia is financing construction of the gas pipe-line „South Stream“ through Serbia which is important for the country’s long term energy-security, but this project adds new quality to geopolitical relevance of Serbia as a transiting and cross-roads (pipe-lines) country. China is also involved in construction of strategically important projects like bridges (Danube), thermo-electric power production, highways and so on. At the recent China – South- East Europe regional Summit in Bucharest, Serbia was treated as highest ranking market for Chinese investments.
Some countries and their regional integrations which have been addicted to monopoly and privileges in less developed countries, have to accommodate to the new realities because Russia and China have become favorable economic and political partners in many countries without political strings. If not, Europe and the World will be faced with tensions, new divisions and even, confrontations. If NATO, for example, as relic of the Cold War era, is not dissolved, if its self proclaimed right to interventions, in fact, aggressive wars contrary to UN Charter and international law, is not abounded, the world will again be faced with new military blocks, arms race - with new serious risks and threats to peace and stability. Europe and the world do not need this.
D.S: European Union sees itself as a new superpower. On the other side EU is in the deepest economic crisis ever. Southern periphery countries like Greece, Portugal, Spain etc. are „re-colonized“ by EU-German fiscal policy. Furthermore we see an increasing militarization of EU sometimes in cooperation with, sometimes autonomic to NATO. Organization „Solidarwerkstatt Österreich“ criticizes EU and asks for a sovereign, neutral, peaceful and social-orientated way of development of Austria. Do you think that is possible, do you think that there is no alternative to EU integrations also for Serbia or it is only propaganda and dogma of the elites?
Z.J: EU highly paid autocracy is hardly objective. They tend to imitate US imperial manners and methods. The fact is that the world crisis has hit EU and USA the most. But it is very risky and dangerous if USA, NATO and EU adopt a policy of transferring the burden of the crises, to other countries, by military means. After all, financial and economic crisis is the baby of their own neoliberal system. Looking for cheap energy, cheap strategic minerals, large markets and strategic communications have reached limits. The time has come to adapt to these limits and not to imitate superpowers, be it by military or financial means.
Any serious country should have alternatives, Serbia included. EU as the only alternative is not advisable. Especially not in the period of fast and profound changes in the world relations. EU does not have record of understanding Serbia’s legitimate interests, even less in supporting Serbia on international scene. Just the opposite. The roles and „impartiality“ of Genschner, Solana, Fischer, Badinter, Petrich, Ahtisari should not be forgotten. Pursuing the policy of „the only alternative“ would be like voluntarily accepting to live with closed ayes, in semi-dreaming state, or even to voluntarily put a stronghold over own neck.
I am convinced that Serbia should stay neutral developing balanced relations with all countries and integrations which accept Serbia as a real partner, who respect its legitimate interest and dignity, according to universal principles.
Serbia needs other partners so much as they need Serbia. Not less, not more. This should be leading approach of Serbia’s foreign policy. But, Serbia has to be responsible towards own potentials - economic, human, natural, cultural, geo-political. To be accepted and respected on equal footing abroad, there is great need to move forward these potentials.
Aggressive NATO with imperial strategy is not a place for peace-loving Serbia. It is better for Serbia to have good neighborly relations with EU than to pay EU membership by accepting dictate and relinquishing own rights towards Kosovo and Metohija as integral part of the state territory. Safeguarding normal relations with all neighbors, including EU, Serbia should more actively expand its relations with Russia, China, India, Brazil, with Asia, Latin America, Africa, with all nonaligned countries. I believe that this is appropriate way for Serbia to, once again, become very prosperous country in economy, ethnology, science, culture, living standard of its citizens. Anyway, there are much better ways to earn and secure decent living, than to render mercenaries to NATO and participate in robbing other countries of their natural and economic richness.
D.S: What is your view for the future regarding relations between Austria and Serbia. Do you think that a cooperation between organizations like „Belgrade Forum“ and „Solidarwerkstatt Österreich“ would be wise for our common struggle against war and imperialism and for souverainism and for a social-orientated welfare state?
Z.J: Serbia and Austria have tradition of fruitful economic, scientific and cultural cooperation. Danube and tens of thousands of Serbs living and working in Austria make Serbia and Austria close, neighboring countries. In the past, the two countries were closely cooperating within European group of nonaligned and neutral countries rendering important contribution to peace and stability process in our continent. We do not need intermediates in investment, or commerce. Austria with its high technology and knowhow, both in industry and agriculture, can play even stronger role in Serbia’s development policy. Two countries can promote joint involvement in third countries, especially in Africa. They should also exchange experiences in maintaining neutrality, which I believe, will be even more relevant in period of profound changes in Euro-Asia and the World.
Law of the jungle cannot last forever
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by Willy Wimmer, retired State Secretary of the Federal Ministery of Defence
For nearly 15 years the illegal war of aggression against Serbia has been justified with lies by the governments of the NATO countries. Willy Wimmer, former State Secretary at the German Ministry of Defence, could write a book about it. A few months ago at a new request sent to the German Ministry of Defence he once again got a standard response.
Denying the responsibility for the caused disaster, and refusing the necessary reparation is a prominent feature of the NATO countries’ law of the jungle.
To this day, the mixture of lies, threats, and the willingness to pursue power politics in violation of any law defines the policies of the NATO countries. That will only come to an end, if more forces will support, what Willy Wimmer demands: putting an end to the law of the jungle and a renewed commitment to international law.
Those who, in violation of applicable international law and in a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, used the NATO military machine against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 28 March 1999, driven by their mere political and especially economic power, want to enforce the acceptance of their aggression’s
consequences by those who were attacked. Their purpose is to achieve a delayed and subsequent legitimation of their bellicose aggression. In this effort they even willingly accept to compel certain NATO and EU Member States, who are particularly affected by the extorted resolution of disputes concerning the territory of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. What they demand from the aggression’s victims on the territory of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, strikes at the very heart of certain NATO and EU Member States and is sowing new
In order to avoid any doubt on the occasion of the 15th NATO-war anniversary against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: to consider a domestic threat to NATO and the EU, to even commence a still refused relentless investigation of this war by all parliaments of NATO and the EU, are not at all sufficient. Who, if not those who, in violation of applicable international law, did wage a crude war of aggression against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, should be punished by the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague? Who, if not those who, in violation
of applicable international law, did wage war against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, must restore the Republic‘ s status as it had existed before the outbreak of this war?
Who, if not those who, in violation of international law, have invaded a United Nations Member State in peace-time, must provide compensation for the damages to life and limb and infrastructure that were caused by their acts of aggression?
The damages to life and limb are sufficiently known. Estimates of the extent of damage to infrastructure as well. Damages caused by using uranous munition can only be estimated.
• Approximately 4,000 people have lost their lives as a result of the NATO aggression.
• About 10,000 people were among those injured as a result of the NATO aggression.
• The amount of damage to any form of infrastructure is over 100 billion dollars.
Today, it is clearer than ever, what led to this European disaster, for the war against the former Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia is nothing else. Europe was full of hope, when the consequences of 1945 seemed to have been
overcome with the national unification of Germany in 1990. Above all, the Soviet Union and the United States of America stood for the success of the Helsinki process.
The Helsinki Charter of 1975 did not only help to overcome the division of Germany and thus of Europe. The peoples of Europe could breathe again, and they cherished the well-founded hope to see that even the long-term consequences of the alleged peace conferences at the end of the First World War were solved by the scales and diplomatic means of the so-called Helsinki process.
Together with Mikhail Gorbachev – and as a close friend of George W. Bush – Helmut Kohl wanted to open a new
chapter in the German-Russian history of the 20th century, which had been determined by immense suffering. He
also had in mind this target with respect to the relations between the Germans and Serbs. At the same time he had in
mind the history since 1914. Only this way you can understand that he had already scheduled a visit to Belgrade in
the summer of 1999, and immediately after the completion of the internationally illegal war against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The Honorary Citizen of Europe, Helmut Kohl in Belgrade – and that, after the NATO bombs had wiped out not only lives in Belgrade – it would have been a visible sign that there had existed – and still exists – a different Europe than a Europe of aggression. It is part of the tragedy of those years that it had been Henry Kissinger of all people, the so highly esteemed Henry Kissinger who – after Helsinki and its successes
– had not called for the further development of the valid international law, but had championed the destruction and
elimination of international law that had continuously been developed since the Thirty Years’ War and even before, and that his own government had followed him on this path. The law of the jungle – the power of the strongest – was to set the tone, exercised by the „indispensable nation“ as Mrs Albright had postulated. Not only that henceforth no peace dividend should be paid any longer in Europe and other parts of the world after the end of the Cold War; a war in Europe, in total disregard of international law, was the rejection of international law and the postulated
return to the law of the jungle that had always brought nothing but misery to the people.
It is now – after the wars against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia up to the war against Iraq – almost general understanding that there is no end of history, but there is a limitation to the time of the ruling fist law, such as the international treaties on the Syrian chemical weapons or the interim agreement with Iran demonstrate. Here we must understand that a number of questions from the period between Belgrade and Tehran shine through and demand
our answer:
1. Where were the United States as the haven of freedom and justice in the period from 1999 to 2013?
2. Can there be a prosperous world with international law as the backbone of the international community, without a
Russia that is capable of acting?
3. Is Europe more than the brat, with which everyone do as he likes? •
(Current Concerns, No 1, 26 January 2014)
Comments |
Zivadin Jovanovic
Berlin, January 11th, 2014.
It is great honor to speak at the Conference held under the name of Rosa Luxemburg, symbol of the struggle for freedom, dignity and social justice - values so much jeopardized and so much needed today in Europe and the world. I would like to sincerely thank our hosts, comrades from “Junge Welt” for their kind invitation, excellent organization and for worm hospitality.
During the Yugoslav crisis, sanctions and particularly, during criminal NATO aggression, you have demonstrated solidarity with the people of my country, humanism toward victims and great courage in defending justice and the truth against massive production of lies and all sorts of manipulations. This Conference shows that the struggle for truth, solidarity and justice continues with the same vigor and resolve. Therefore, I would like to thank you for all you have done on your path of human dignity, solidarity and self-esteem.
Allow me, also, to convey to all of you heartfelt greetings from the leadership and members of the Belgrade Forum for a world of equals. To many of you the Belgrade Forum is known, but let me say again that it is a truly independent, non-partisan and non-profit association of intellectuals in Serbia established 14 years ago. The Forum stands for peace, solidarity and sovereign equality among nations, states and individuals. We struggle for justice, truth and social justice, against any discrimination. We are against interventionism, abuse of human rights, double standards over terrorism, against militarization and robbing of the other nations for the interests of corporate capital. We stand for just world order based on the respect of basic principles of international law and democratization of international relations without subjugation and exploitation. New era in international relations is marked by weakening of forces mono-polarism and dictate opening new space for the forces of peace and justice. Let us unite to use this change for progress and wellbeing of humanity.
15 years ago, my country was a victim of NATO aggression. That attack on Serbia (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) in 1999 was a crime against peace and stability. It was a first war in Europe after the Second WW. About 4000 people were killed, 8.000 seriously wounded. Thousands of houses have been destroyed, as well as factories, railways, bridges, schools, hospitals. Economic damage is estimated to over 120 billions of US dollars. The aggressors used missiles with depleted uranium, graphite and cluster bombs taking death toll even today. It was the war on European soil, war for controlling Europe, consequences of which shall stay in Europe but, unfortunately, actively participated by European countries.
Such a destructive, inhumane and criminal war was ironically termed – “humanitarian intervention” and “merciful angel”. Afterwards it has been used as a precedent for ensuing NATO aggressive wars on other countries. In fact, it was meant to serve as precedent. This was confirmed in April 2000 when high US representatives at the NATO summit held in Bratislava declared that, unlike European allies who thought the war against Yugoslavia was an exception, in fact was precedent to be used in the future whenever necessary and suitable. This position was noted in a report of German politician, member of Bundestag and Vice president of the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE Willy Wimmer to the then Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, dated May 2nd, 2000.
At April 2000 NATO summit in Bratislava, as Willy Wimmer, reported to the Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in his letter of May 2nd, 2000. USA officials declared that the 1999 war against Yugoslavia had a role to correct the mistake of Dwight Eisenhower from the period of the Second WW and to get justification to bring US soldiers there. British military attaché in Belgrade John Crosland (1996-1999), in his written testimony to The Hague tribunal of June 2006, noted that in June 1998, “Bill Clinton, Richard Holbrook and Medline Albright decided to change regime in Serbia and that the KLA should be a tool in achieving this objective. Having that in mind, all reservations I or anyone else has had against KLA was rendered meaningless. The position of the international community in Rambouillet in 1999 was harmonized with this policy”. What elements of this precedent were supposed to be?
These may be summed up this way:
Unused Opportunities for Peace?
Comments |
Heinz Loquai
Kosovo - A Missed Opportunity for a Peaceful
Solution to the Conflict?
The Kosovo Verification Mission was a big challenge for the OSCE - the
most difficult operational task that it has had to deal with since its founding.
Linked to this Mission was the hope for a peaceful solution of the Kosovo
conflict. Did it have any chance at all of meeting the expectations attached to
it? Was the use of military force in the final analysis inevitable in order to
prevent a humanitarian catastrophe?
This article undertakes to provide answers to these questions. Of course it
represents no more than an initial effort, written mainly from an OSCE perspective.
There must be further studies if we are to have a full picture of the
development of this conflict.
The Holbrooke-Milošević Agreement
For a long time the Kosovo conflict stood in the shadow of the war in Bosnia-
Herzegovina. It was not dealt with in the Dayton Peace Agreement of 14
December 1995 because at that time it was not yet so virulent, no quick solution
seemed possible and any attempt at one would have put at risk the urgent
ending of the Bosnian war.
Resistance on the part of the Kosovo Albanians against Serbia's policy of oppression,
for a long time peaceful, had enjoyed no success. At the beginning
of 1998, the "Kosovo Liberation Army" (KLA, also known as UCK) began to
carry out attacks against Serbian security forces and civilians and against Albanian
"collaborators". Their goal was to win Kosovo's independence from
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) through guerrilla warfare. The
KLA carried out its operations from villages located in the vicinity of the Albanian
border and in central Kosovo inhabited mainly by Albanians. The
Yugoslav security forces struck back, often with disproportionate violence.
The civilian population as is customary in this kind of warfare were misused
as living shields by the partisans and thus suffered as well. They fled from
the areas where fighting was going on. In June 1998 the KLA had 30 to 40
per cent of the territory of Kosovo under their control. The Serbian special
police who were brought in, occasionally supported by the army, intensified
their operations in summer 1998 and drove the KLA back.
The United Nations Security Council intervened in the conflict through its
Resolution 1160 of 31 March 1998. In this Resolution it condemned both the
excessive force used by Serbian police forces and "all acts of terrorism by the
Kosovo Liberation Army". Both parties to the conflict were called upon to
enter into a political dialogue without preconditions. With a wealth of initiatives
and conversations at the highest level, the OSCE tried to stop the violence
and promote a political solution. However, the attempt to establish an
OSCE mission in Kosovo failed due to resistance from the FRY. It wanted
first to renew Yugoslav participation in the OSCE, which had been discontinued
in 1992. But the United States and Albania opposed this with particular
vehemence in Vienna. The Balkan Contact Group, the European Union
and Russia also joined the search for a political solution. NATO, too, had
taken up the Kosovo problem in early 1998 and over the summer had produced
a barrage of threats which, however, were directed exclusively against
the Yugoslav leadership.
In September and at the beginning of October 1998 the situation reached the
crisis point. In mid-September and later in that month the number of refugees
was estimated at 300,000 of whom about 50,000 were living out in the open,
mostly in forests. On 23 September 1998 the United Nations Security
Council passed Resolution 1199. What was new in it was a sharper condemnation
of the violence being used by the Yugoslav side, concern over an impending
humanitarian catastrophe, and the assertion that the worsening of the
situation in Kosovo constituted a threat to peace and security in the region.
This meant that the conflict had taken on a new character for the UN.
In the United States pressure was being applied by the media at this time to
bring about a military intervention in Kosovo. But Russia had declared unambiguously
that it would not vote for any UN resolution that provided for
the use of military force. A number of European countries also had reservations
about NATO action without a mandate from the UN Security Council.
And in Bonn a change of government was about to take place.
In this situation, the American diplomat, Richard Holbrooke, the master
builder of the Dayton Peace Agreement, undertook along with his colleague
Christopher Hill a final effort to work out a political solution with the Yugoslav
leadership. During his talks in Belgrade he urged NATO to increase the
military pressure on Yugoslavia by threatening to intervene. Indeed, on 24
September 1998 NATO had already threatened Yugoslavia with air attacks in
unmistakable terms. On 13 October 1998, the day on which the Holbrooke-
Milošević agreement was concluded, the NATO Council authorized the Secretary-
General of the Alliance to begin "air strikes" against the FRY, in other
words to start a war. In the opinion of participants at the negotiations in Belgrade
these impending air strikes were an unmistakable threat of war causing
the Yugoslav leadership to concede to the agreement.
The Most Important Provisions of the Agreement and Its Further
The Holbrooke-Milošević agreement is a political framework agreement that
sets forth certain essential points. The most important results of this agreement
- The deployment of an OSCE mission, the Kosovo Verification Mission
(KVM), with up to 2,000 unarmed, international "verifiers" (this concept
was important to Holbrooke in order to emphasize the more active role
of verifiers as compared with simple observers). The Mission was to be
responsible for verifying compliance with UN Resolution 1199, supervising
elections in Kosovo, and providing support in building institutions
and setting up a police apparatus. Not specified in the agreement but important
for developing a climate of trust and security, the ubiquitous
presence of the OSCE in Kosovo was supposed to create an international
public in Kosovo and persuade the refugees to return.
- The creation of an air surveillance system to supplement the observation
activity of the OSCE using manned aircraft and unmanned spacecraft.
This system, to be operated by NATO, was supposed to be stationed outside
of Yugoslavia, in Macedonia.
- A declaration of commitment by Belgrade to conclude an agreement
with the Kosovo Albanians by 1 November 1998 providing for extensive
self-government of Kosovo within the Yugoslav state in accordance with
the terms of Resolution 1199.
This basic agreement had to be supplemented by separate specific understandings
in order to be implemented. Thus agreements were concluded in
quick succession on 15 October 1998 between NATO and the FRY, with regard
to the air surveillance system, and between the OSCE and the FRY on
16 October, with respect to the OSCE Mission. The Yugoslav side turned out
to be co-operative in these follow-up negotiations, so that the agreements
were reached in a very short time. During the negotiations, the Yugoslav side
repeatedly demanded that NATO's threat of war be withdrawn. But the threat
potential remained and may well have hastened the negotiating process.
Assessment of the Agreement
The agreement of 13 October 1998 was the last chance to avert a war. Without
an accord, NATO would have started the air war against the FRY on 17
October 1998. Now there was widespread relief that it had once again proved
possible to prevent a war. And so, many participating States at the meeting of
the OSCE's Permanent Council on 15 October expressed a favourable view
of the agreement. Albania also gave its approval in principle on this occasion
but pointed out that the Albanian government still regarded the stationing of
NATO troops in Kosovo as a necessity. The Kosovo Albanians were dissatisfied
because they had not been involved in the negotiating process and the
result seemed to push their goal - a Kosovo independent of the FRY - a long
distance away. They had hoped that NATO military action, which they still
favoured, would hasten the move towards independence. The United States
had demonstrated once again that it could also get results at the negotiating
table; it saw its view confirmed that a credible threat of military action could
bring about desired political results and all in all it welcomed the fact that
NATO had emerged stronger from this crisis.
Holbrooke had indeed managed to extract substantial concessions from the
Yugoslav President. Milošević accepted a strong OSCE presence in Kosovo,
something which he had always made dependent on certain conditions in the
past, even when much smaller numbers of personnel had been involved. The
verifiers were assured of complete and unimpeded freedom of movement.
The FRY accepted responsibility for their security. It undertook to provide
administrative support to the OSCE Mission in carrying out its responsibilities,
to set up liaison offices and to co-operate with the Mission. The army
and the police were to inform the OSCE of troop movements. Military forces
and special police in Kosovo were to be reduced to a certain strength. This
was worked out in detail on 25 October 1998 in a special agreement between
NATO and the Yugoslav General Staff.
This new responsibility represented a quantum leap for the OSCE with regard
to operational tasks. For a long time it had established and led only small
missions of up to 25 members. With the Missions to Bosnia and Herzegovina
and to Croatia the number of personnel went up to 400 for the first time. The
deployment of up to 2,000, and occasionally even more, international staff,
along with several hundred local employees, far exceeded the planning and
leadership capacity of the OSCE's small staff in Vienna. And time was of the
essence! The OSCE had to show the flag quickly in Kosovo and cover the
region with a dense surveillance network. This would only be possible if the
OSCE participating States quickly reinforced the Vienna staff with qualified
personnel, speedily provided experts and verifiers for use in Kosovo, supplied
equipment and vehicles, and expanded the Organization's financial resources.
It is a simple fact that the OSCE does not - as NATO does - have
troops available on short notice and experienced leadership staffs; rather, it
has to ask the participating States for the personnel in connection with each
operational task individually, select the people and train them. This is no big
problem for small missions, but in the case of one the size of the Kosovo
mission it would take months if the normal routine were used. There was
general agreement, however, that the time immediately after conclusion of
the agreement would be of decisive importance for any lasting success.
Thus the OSCE was at a crossroads. If it succeeded in mastering the terribly
difficult task in Kosovo it would emerge strengthened and with enhanced
prestige from this test. A failure of the OSCE Mission would inevitably result
in a lessening of the OSCE's significance in the system of international organizations.
Organization and Increase in Staff at the Kosovo Verification Mission
The basic outline of the organizational structure of the OSCE Mission was set
forth in the agreement between the FRY and the OSCE. However, the agreement
provided for enough organizational flexibility so that the structure could
be adapted to the requirements of the task. The Mission was divided into:
- a headquarters in Priština,
- five regional centres in fairly large cities,
- field offices in small towns and communities,
- groups of verifiers working out of the field offices,
- a training centre, and
- a liaison office in Belgrade to maintain contact with the Yugoslav government.
There were Yugoslav liaison officers to facilitate co-operation between the
Yugoslav government and the OSCE.
The United States had already presented its views on the Mission's structure
and working methods on 16 October in Vienna. This unexpectedly rapid
presentation of their standpoint caused a certain unease amongst a number of
countries. Although the American speakers described their ideas as suggestions,
the polished and detailed presentation gave a clear indication of the
American desire to control proceedings for which the other countries had as
yet no definite conception. American resolve was further reflected in the fact
that on 17 October 1998, i.e. before the OSCE Permanent Council had even
officially adopted the decision to establish the Mission, and without prior
consultation with other countries - which is the usual practice in making such
appointments - the American diplomat William Walker had been named
Head of the Verification Mission by the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE,
the Polish Foreign Minister, Bronisław Geremek. The Europeans, who had
also been interested in the top job, were left with the deputy positions. A
Frenchman, Gabriel Keller, became First Deputy. An Englishman, a Russian,
an Italian and a German were chosen as additional Deputies.
On 17 October a 13-man OSCE delegation was already in Belgrade to work
with the Yugoslav side in preparing the deployment of the Mission. NATO
started its air surveillance on the same day.
On 25 October 1998 the Permanent Council of the OSCE made its formal
decision on the establishment of the Kosovo Mission, the way having been
paved by the adoption of Resolution 1203 by the UN Security Council on the
previous day.
Under the circumstances, it was clear that it would not be possible for the
verifiers to show up on the scene immediately. In order to have limited
monitoring, an agreement was reached with the FRY to temporarily expand
Diplomatic Observer Missions that had been set up in summer of 1998. They
were to carry out surveillance activity on behalf of the OSCE and later be absorbed
into the OSCE Mission. Thus there was a limited international presence
on the scene, at least for a transitional period.
On 16 November 1998 in Kosovo, there were 60 OSCE employees in the
headquarters and in the training centre as well as nearly 300 members of the
Diplomatic Observer Mission, of whom about 60 per cent were Americans. A
month later the Mission had grown to 803 members although almost half of
them were local employees (drivers, interpreters, secretaries and the like).
Approximately one third of the international personnel were verifiers in the
area to be observed. Taken together with the remaining 200 diplomatic observers,
they were still far too few to ensure a permanent presence even at the
most critical points. On 16 February 1999 - i.e. five months after conclusion
of the agreement between the OSCE and the FRY - the number of international
OSCE workers had climbed to 934, still less than half of the target figure.
Shortly before the Mission was withdrawn, on 18 March 1999, about 65
per cent of the agreed-upon maximum number of members had been reached.
This unsatisfactorily slow growth in personnel corresponded to delays in
other areas. The security of OSCE personnel was of major concern to the
countries that sent them and to the OSCE itself. Yugoslavia had, to be sure,
agreed to guarantee the security of this personnel. But their rescue system
was not very efficient in emergencies. Hence Switzerland made a rescue helicopter
available to the OSCE, but despite intervention at the highest levels
the Yugoslav government refused to let the helicopter enter the country,
pointing instead to its own rescue system. Appeals by the OSCE to participating
States for a mobile medical core and medical vehicles went unanswered
for a long time. A team of German medics was the first to arrive, but
not until 7 December.
Armoured vehicles, which because of the danger of mines and of armed attacks
provided important protection to personnel, represented a further problem.
From the beginning diplomatic observers had had such vehicles - about
one for every three people. The OSCE Mission did not receive its first vehicle
of this kind until the end of November 1998 and by the end of December
had about 40 of them - one for every seven verifiers!
On 2 December, at the OSCE's Ministerial Council in Oslo, the German Foreign
Minister criticized the OSCE in unusually sharp terms. Fischer stated:
"We are not unaware of the difficulties in setting up the KVM. Nevertheless,
we are worried about its slow progress, its lack of transparency and the application
of unequal standards in the choice of personnel. The planning proc-
ess has scarcely begun for some of the core responsibilities of the KVM. This
is particularly true with regard to the police." In principle the Foreign Minister
was right. However the German government had only a few days before
that, i.e. on 25 November, decided to deploy 40 police officers!
There is no doubt that there were organizational gaps and other weaknesses
in the staff organs of the OSCE. Nor was the leadership style of the American
Head of Mission particularly helpful to the rapid construction of the Mission.
He did not arrive in Kosovo until three weeks after his appointment. Because
he had reserved all decisions on organization and personnel for himself, there
were repeated delays. Experienced candidates often had to spend some weeks
waiting before finally being accepted. Even so, the main problem lay with the
participating States themselves where there was often a huge gap between
verbal support for the OSCE and the contributions actually made in personnel,
material and financial resources. Nor did the new German government
give the impression that it attached top political priority to the Kosovo Mission.
Governments which later sent thousands of soldiers to Kosovo with
heavy equipment obviously had problems making a few hundred unarmed
verifiers rapidly available.
Events in Kosovo from October 1998 until March 1999
The objective here is not to provide a chronological account of all events.
Rather, our attention will be focused first on the initial weeks after conclusion
of the Holbrooke-Milošević agreement, because key accents were set
during that time. Second, we shall attempt to provide an accurate picture of
the immediate pre-war period, i.e. from the beginning of March 1999 until
the outbreak of war. The highly detailed daily reports of the OSCE are the
main source.
On 29 September 1998 the Serbian leadership declares that the KLA has been
defeated. On 6 October 1998 the picture in Kosovo is as follows: Police control
points have been reduced in number; the special police are hardly visible;
the military forces have been almost entirely withdrawn into their barracks;
army units not belonging to the Priština-Corps, which is permanently stationed
in Kosovo, are being transferred to barracks outside of Kosovo. Refugees
are returning to their villages, hesitantly thus far, and are beginning to
prepare for winter there. Only a few refugees are still seen out in the open,
although the supply situation remains critical. However, in those places
where the Serbian military and police have pulled back the KLA are returning.
They are using northern Albania as a base for attacks against the Serbs
and also as a place for withdrawal. The Yugoslav side has obviously started
to meet the requirements of UN Resolution 1199. The KLA, with word and
deed, is working against it.
After conclusion of the Holbrooke-Milošević agreement the picture does not
change much. On 17 and 18 October the KLA carry out a number of raids
against Yugoslav security forces. Four policemen and two soldiers are killed
in the process. On 20 October the KLA abducts two Tanjug correspondents.
KLA leaders call for a continuation of the armed struggle. Yugoslav troops
from Priština are transferred to the areas where KLA operations are concentrated.
The Serbian police remain present in many places, but they are less
visible. At the end of October the situation continues to be ambiguous. The
Yugoslav side still appears to be on course in fulfilling UN requirements. The
Yugoslav army has withdrawn a large portion of the troops that were to leave
Kosovo. Police forces have also been reduced. Their control points are now
manned only by traffic police. Refugees are returning to their places of residence
in larger numbers. But the KLA is filtering back as well, using refugee
camps for protection; it continues to attack Yugoslav security forces and has
regained control over a number of villages. Members of the KLA express
their disappointment that NATO has not yet intervened but are confident that
they can still bring this about. On 23 October, after pressure has been put on
him by EU ambassadors, the Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova speaks out
publicly for the first time in favour of the Holbrooke-Milošević agreement
and calls on the armed Kosovo-Albanian groups to exercise restraint.
In mid-November the overall situation is outwardly calm but there is tension
in certain regions. Most of the refugees have returned. The Yugoslav side is
obviously determined to observe the agreement for the most part while the
KLA is expanding and reinforcing its positions, again and again attacking the
police and the army in guerrilla warfare style. By this time the KLA is better
armed and equipped, has reorganized itself and is taking over sovereign responsibilities
in the areas it controls. The Serbian side complains that there
are still no OSCE verifiers on the scene. Representatives of the Serbian security
forces warn that they cannot tolerate the present situation much longer.
They themselves have to comply with the limitations of the agreement while
the KLA is operating without interference.
A tense calm continues to prevail until the end of November with scattered
incidents in very limited areas. As of 20 November there are no more refugees
living in the open; international assistance has begun to arrive on a large
scale. The KLA is continuing to mount attacks from the protection of villages.
The diplomatic observers, who are still the only OSCE presence on the
scene, are much more than passive onlookers. Their presence strengthens the
sense of security of the civilian population; they exercise a moderating influence
on the parties to the conflict and mediate in the event of disputes. Cooperation
between the diplomats and the Serbs and Albanians is generally
After the beginning of December developments, which have hitherto been for
the most part favourable, no longer continue that way. On 2 December Belgrade
sends a memorandum to the OSCE charging that international organi-
zations and representatives of certain countries are maintaining contact with
"terrorists, killers, kidnappers and other criminals calling themselves KLA".
On 5 December the general staff of the KLA declares that they stand firm to
their commitment to "the just fight towards the creation of our independent
and democratic state". Rugova states at a press conference that the stationing
of NATO troops in Kosovo would ensure lasting security. The armed encounters
between the Serbian police and the KLA grow in number. The Serbian
civilian population in Kosovo becomes hostile towards international assistance
organizations, which they reproach for giving one-sided help to the
Albanians. The deputy commander of police in Kosovo on 15 December expresses
his growing disappointment. He says he is trying to keep the "terrorists"
under control but the international community is reinforcing them.
The American Christopher Hill and the Austrian Wolfgang Petritsch are not
making headway in the political negotiations they are trying to conduct. On
18 November Hill had declared in Vienna that it was realistic to expect Belgrade
and the Kosovo-Albanian side to find a provisional political solution
before Christmas. On 7 December Hill's proposal is rejected by the Albanians
as unacceptable. In the Permanent Council of the OSCE Petritsch expresses
the view on 16 December that the prospects for substantial steps towards a
political solution are not good at the present time. According to Petritsch, the
central problem remains the divisions on the Kosovo-Albanian side. And this
is not so much a question of arguments over substance as of personal differences.
Petritsch also asserts, all Kosovo-Albanian representatives continue to
stand uncompromisingly for independence.
On 11 December the OSCE carries out its first weapons inspection of the
Yugoslav army without finding anything significant to take exception to.
More inspections follow.
On 14 December there is a serious incident in the vicinity of the Albanian
border. The Yugoslav army stops 140 armed Albanians on their way into
Kosovo, shoots 36 and takes nine prisoners who are later freed. On the same
evening two men shoot indiscriminately in a bar frequented by young Serbs
in Peć, killing six students and seriously wounding three.
At this time protests by Kosovo Serbs against the OSCE begin. It and, in particular,
the United States are accused of supporting the KLA and of doing
nothing to clear up the whereabouts of 2,000 Serbs the KLA is supposed to
have abducted and imprisoned. These protests are later directed against the
leadership in Belgrade as well; the Yugoslav and the Serbian President are
given an ultimatum to come to Priština.
The time from mid-December 1998 until the end of February 1999 is characterized
by stagnation in the political negotiating process in Kosovo and by
a growing number of armed encounters - for the most part initiated by the
KLA and met by the Yugoslav police and army with a disproportionate use
of force. Working conditions become more difficult for the OSCE verifiers.
There are new movements of refugees in the fighting zones. Both sides com-
ply less and less with the Holbrooke-Milošević agreement. Again and again
the OSCE is able to intervene and de-escalate the situation, stabilizing it to a
certain - although very tense - level. But in the absence of a political solution
there does not appear to be any likelihood of lasting control over the conflict.
But there are many encouraging events as well. On 25 January 1999, Head of
Mission Walker reports in Vienna that the people in Kosovo are coming more
and more to realize that the Mission is a useful institution. For example, it
had protected Serbian electricians when they were carrying out necessary repairs
on the destroyed electrical facilities in Kosovo-Albanian villages. And
it had mediated in the question of whether to open schools. On 15 February
1999 the buildings of the colleges of law, economics and pedagogy are given
back to the Albanian academic authorities in Priština. (Albanian students had
been excluded since 1991.) Clear progress in ensuring the due process of legal
proceedings is ascribed to the presence of OSCE human rights experts.
In the middle of January 1999 NATO had already started to give thought to
how pressure on the Yugoslav side could be increased. The use of NATO
ground troops in Kosovo was discussed in the North Atlantic Council as was
the possibility of an ultimatum tied to a threat of air attacks. On 1 February,
in the Permanent Council of the OSCE, the United States called for arrangements
to withdraw the OSCE observers quickly in the event of threatened
NATO strikes. France opposed such measures, however, since negotiations
were still determining the logic of events. On 6 February, negotiations begin
in Rambouillet.
At the end of February and the beginning of March 1999 increased preparations
for war by the Yugoslav army are detected. Reservists are called up,
weapons are issued to civilians, bridges are primed to be blown up, troops are
regrouped and transferred out of barracks to field exercises and stationed in
the regions near the borders to Albania and Macedonia. There is no doubt
that these activities are a violation to the agreement. The Serbian justification
- that these were measures to protect against the threat of a NATO attack -
cannot from a military point of view be denied. As a consequence of a growing
military presence and increasingly frequent heavy fighting the Albanian
civilian population start to leave their villages again. There are reports from
Albanian villagers on the plundering of their houses by Serbian soldiers.
The final reports of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo between 15 and 18 March
1999 permit the following summary: the armed disputes are local and of limited
duration; they are concentrated in the areas around Priština and Mitrovica.
The Yugoslav army is bringing in new troops and expanding the defence
positions on the border to Albania and Macedonia. The Kosovo-Albanian
civilian population leave territory being fought over but return to their
villages when the danger is past and start reconstruction work. There has
been considerable violation of the October agreements by both sides. Developments
are again moving towards a crisis. On 19 March 1999 the negotiations
in Paris are broken off.
On the same day the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, now the Norwegian Foreign
Minister Knut Vollebæk, decides on the recommendation of Head of Mission
Walker to withdraw the OSCE Mission from Kosovo. The justification is that
the security of Mission members can no longer be guaranteed and the Mission
can no longer fulfil its responsibilities. The actual situation in Kosovo
does not support this rationale, however. For example, the OSCE reports on
18 March: the situation in the region remains generally tense, but calm. On
this day the OSCE carries out 120 patrols with no difficulty. The main reason
for the decision to withdraw the Mission before NATO air attacks began was
no doubt to protect international verifiers from exposure to Serbian violence.
President Bill Clinton also explains the planned air attacks in a speech on 19
March. The decision had obviously already been made. On 18 March, in Vienna,
Russia had continued to argue that the Mission should remain in
Kosovo because it was the only stabilizing factor there. But the withdrawal
on 20 March 1999 begins anyway. At 12 o'clock the last OSCE vehicle
crosses the border into Macedonia. Following the example of the OSCE, the
employees of other international organizations also withdraw from the province.
Kosovo is largely free of international control and assistance.
The events show that there certainly were opportunities for a peaceful solution
of the Kosovo conflict. The opportunity was ready to be grasped between
the middle of October and the beginning of December 1998. During
those weeks the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia had been steering a course
towards peace. The doves in that country had obviously got the upper hand.
The Kosovo Albanians ought to have been brought or forced onto the same
course. A rapid and omnipresent deployment of the OSCE Mission would
have been able to secure the path to peace. Neither succeeded.
But even thereafter there were frequent periods of relative calm and opportunities
for a peaceful solution of the conflict still existed. Beginning in December
1998, however, the hawks were circling once again. Both parties to
the conflict escalated their use of force. The KLA felt that it was close to the
goal that it had so doggedly pursued - a NATO attack against the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav hard-liners had been seeking to eliminate
the KLA and its entire infrastructure. Neither had much consideration
for the civilian population, which was used for the purposes of each side.
However, there is no evidence that a carefully prepared and systematic plan
to drive out the Kosovo-Albanian population existed before the beginning of
the air attacks. The OSCE had always been able to contain the conflicts and,
on a case-by-case basis, to bring about a fragile stability.
After the end of January 1999, however, the pressure for a military solution
through NATO, with the United States in the lead, became ever stronger. It is
clear that the United States wanted to end the conflict quickly. NATO's
credibility appeared to be at stake. And all of this just a few weeks before the
NATO summit in Washington celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Alliance.
This was another reason why the time for a negotiated solution became
very short. What happened afterwards was, more and more, determined by
the logic of war.
Those who ultimately decided to begin the air attacks must have known that
the Yugoslav leadership would do everything possible to destroy the KLA,
using all resources and without regard for the civilian population, and that the
Yugoslav army, police and bands of soldiers who were no longer under international
observation - and even more inflamed by the air attacks - would
commit acts of violence against the Albanian civilian population. It ought to
have been equally clear that the NATO air attacks would require weeks in
order to bring about a real weakening of the Yugoslav military potential. A
horrible humanitarian catastrophe following the beginning of the air attacks
was in fact quite predictable.
In view of this predictability, the question remains why the small risk of continued
negotiations and of giving peace a chance was not taken and why, instead,
the high risk that war necessarily entailed was chosen. This question,
however, will have to wait some time for a convincing answer.
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Zivadin Jovanovic, Interview to"Junge Welt", Berlin
Author: Born 1938, Oparic, Serbia. Graduate of Law, University of Belgrade, 1961. Yugoslav diplomatic service 1964–2000; Vice consul, Toronto, Canada 1966-1970; Councelor, Nairobi, Keniya 1974-1978; ambassador, Luanda, 1988-1993; Federal minister for FA of FR of Yugoslavia 1998-2000; MP of Serbian and Yugoslav Parliaments; Vice-chairman of Socialist Party of Serbia 1997-2002; author “Abolishing the State”, “Kosovo Mirror”, “Bridges”; Founder and President of Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals.
-Q. The year 2014 marks three important anniversaries: the beginning of World War I. with the German backed Austrian declaration of war against Serbia,
the Liberation of Belgrade from Hitler-fascists 1944, and the 15th anniversary of NATO-Aggression against Yugoslavia. Do you see and how would you explain
the connection between these dates?
Z.J.: All three wars in the 20th century - First and Second World wars and NATO aggression on Yugoslavia in 1999 - have been imperial wars, all started on false pretexts, all have provoked enormous humanitarian, economic and political consequences to cope with over the whole 21st century. Marking those anniversaries in 2014 Serbia pays respect to the millions of fallen compatriots, to all victims fallen for freedom and human dignity anywhere. We all need to strengthen our memory and send the message that such human catastrophes must not to be repeated.
-Q. Is the fact still present in public awareness of Serbia that the country was the target of western aggression three times in one century?
Z.J.: The nation which had lost over one third of its population in the First and over one million in the Second World wars, nation which even 15 years after NATO’s “humanitarian intervention”, continues to pay death toll, certainly cannot and should not forget. It would be uncivilized, irresponsible towards the future to forget.
The Belgrade Forum, independent, non-partisan association of intellectuals, has an important role in strengthening public awareness of aggressive wars against Serbia in 20th century. Under the slogan “Never to Forget” Belgrade Forum is preparing a number of events commemorating the human victims of NATO aggression on occasion of 15th anniversary of its beginning. The central event will be International Conference (Belgrade, March 22nd-23rd, 2014) titled “Global Peace VS. global interventionism and imperialism”. It will be attended by prominent, independent intellectuals, scientist and peace activists from all over the world.
Q.: Has Europe drown lessons from the history of 20th century?
Z.J.: I am afraid, not. I am concerned about militarization of EU and Europe, expansion of NATO toward East. Some European governments, including left oriented, more and more copy USA imperial policy and behavior losing respect for civilization values. Having been hooked on US doctrine of “right to humanitarian interventions”, “obligation to protect”, “struggle against international terrorism” Europe has lost strength and confidence to say no to obviously anti-European policies. Some European Governments compete in who will be more generous in offering concessions and basis to NATO. Behind the curtain of anticommunist rhetoric in various national and EU institutions, revival of neo-fascism and neo-Nazism becomes reality. We are faced with systematic revision of Europe’s history of the XX century. Rehabilitation of Nazis in certain new democracies goes parallel with accusing of veterans of anti-fascist struggle and destruction of partisans monuments.
Revision of history is not objective for itself. If, for example, certain politicians in Hungary seek revision of Trianon’s Treaty of 1920 it is clear that their true objective is revision of borders!
Q.: The objective of NATO war was the destruction of Yugoslavia and the fragmentation of Serbia? Were they successful?
Z.J.: It is true that NATO has destroyed Yugoslavia, economically and as a state, and that has fragmented Serbia and Serbian nation. But, I doubt very much if this is success for anybody. USA and NATO got out of any legal form or system, out of any meaningful control. NATO US led aggression against Serbia (FRY) was the war against Europe, war for embracing Europe so tightly that she can hardly breathe independently even today. Imagine the war against Europe with active participation of Europe! Great Britain was enthusiastic to demonstrate usefulness of her double face loyalty. Germany looked at it as good opportunity to get rid of the suit tailored to her after Second WW, France, Italy and the rest were without weight and influence. “Rambouillet negotiations”, “Rachak massacre”, “horshoe plan”, Hague tribunal and so on, have been parts of an effort to project Serbia as a new Nazi state, to justify sanctions, criminal NATO aggression, to blackmail and finally grab Kosovo and Metohija out of Serbia.
Q.: There is opinion that 1999 NATO aggression was pretext to establish permanent American military presence in that part of Europe?
Z.J.: True. Immediately after NATO aggression USA had established “Bondstil” military base in Kosovo and Metohija, which seems to be Ramstad type military base. It is one of the biggest US military bases in the world. According to the May 2000. report of German politician Willy Wimmer to then Chancelour Gerhard Shroeder, Americans led the 1999 aggression to correct the Eisenhower’s mistake during the Second WW who omitted to locate US soldiers on Yugoslav soil. It is part of military expansion toward Russia, Caspian Basin, Central Asia, Middle East. After “Bondstil”, USA established four bases in Romania, four in Bulgaria and so on. Today, Europe has more foreign military bases on its soil than at the peak of the Cold war era. What for? There are no confronting military blocks, ideologies or systems. Invasion from other planets, for the time being, is not probable.
Q.: What's the attitude of the actual government towards the aggressors from 1999, are they still seeking EU membership in spite of EU's commitment to separate Kosovo and Metohjia definitely from Serbia?
Z.J.: Pressures, especially from USA, Germany and Great Britain, to impose on Serbia recognition of unilateral illegal secession of Kosovo and Metohija in exchange for membership in the EU sometime after 2020 is dishonest, revanchist and, counter-productive demand. Solution contrary to UN and Helsinki Charters, to UN SC resolution 1244, to the Constitution of Serbia, is not a solution. USA wanted to take the issue out of hands of UN Security Council to annihilate support to Serbia by Russia and China. So Washington found EU to be apparent mediator between Belgrade and Prishtine. But, can, really, problem of the status of Kosovo and Metohija be resolved by new dictate of the West which coincides with 100 years of Vienna dictate of 2014? I doubt very much.
About 75 percent of the total population of Serbia is explicitly against membership to NATO, while only 13 percent in favor.
Q.: In 1999 I considered the NATO aggression as a "door opening war" for the following ones. In the meantime we witnessed the wars against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, even Pakistan and many African countries. It is hardly conceivable that Serbia wants to join this terrorist organization.
Z.J.: NATO, in my opinion, is not a place for Serbia. As a relic of the cold war era it should be disbanded. Serbia is a small peace loving country without any imperial objectives. NATO is aggressive, imperial machinery serving the interest of corporative military-industrial and financial capital. Self-proclaimed right of NATO to intervene, to attack any spot on the globe is the source of great danger to peace and stability. NATO leaders seem do not understand that multi-polar world and democratization of the international relations are inevitable, historic trends which cannot be stopped. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria have been just “creative” repetition of Yugoslavia’s 1999 precedent. But, globalization of the interventionism has to be stopped.
If 1999 aggression on Yugoslavia was a turning point toward globalization of NATO interventionism, then 2013 developments over Iran, Syria, and Ukraine are turning point marking the end of monopoly and the start of multi-polarity and democratization in the world relations.
I support neutrality of Serbia as the best option. If six EU member countries can do without being members of NATO, why Serbia which has been founder and member of nonaligned movement could not?
-Q.: On several occasions the hopes of Serbia in Russian assistance and support were disappointed. But a complete imperialist encirclement in the Balkans couldn’t be in Russia interest. What's about Serbia's actual relations to Russia?
Z.J.: Russia has never attacked Serbia in history. They have always been allies. Politically Russia supports Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and implementation of UN SC resolution 1244 on Kosovo and Metohija. Russia has provided soft credit lines for Serbia’s development projects valued at about five billion dollars. Natural gas pipe-line “South stream” crossing Serbia is also Russian financed. While guarantying energy-security this European project will, also, strengthen geo-political position of Serbia. Russia also supports Serbia in defending implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement on Bosnia and resisting attempts to revise it on account of Serbs (Republic of Srpska) in Bosnia. It is not true that EU membership is the only alternative to Serbia. Neutral Serbia can be a good and very prosperous neighbor of EU, too. Serbia needs to further expand cooperation with Russia, China, India and all other countries which have no political preconditions, which support Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. One principle is particularly important: Serbia needs other partners, as they need Serbia. Not more, not less.
(Objavljeno, 6, januara 2014.)
Neutralität ist beste Option
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Serbien braucht Partner, keine Befehlshaber: Mehrheit der Bevölkerung gegen Mitgliedschaft in der NATO. Ein Gespräch mit Zivadin Jovanovic
Klaus Hartmann
Der Jurist Zivadin Jovanovic war 1998 bis 2000 jugoslawischer Außenminister. Heute ist er Präsident des »Belgrad Forums für eine Welt der Gleichen«
Das Jahr bringt uns drei bedeutsame Jahrestage: der Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs durch die von Deutschland unterstützte Kriegserklärung Österreich-Ungarns gegen Serbien, die Befreiung Belgrads von den Hitler-Faschisten 1944, und der 15. Jahrestag der NATO-Aggression gegen Jugoslawien. Welchen Zusammenhang sehen Sie bei diesen Ereignissen?
Alle drei, der Erste und Zweite Weltkrieg und die NATO-Aggression, wurden gegen unser Land geführt, im selben 20. Jahrhundert. Alle waren sie imperialistische Kriege, die unter verlogenen Vorwänden gestartet wurden. Sie bewirkten enorme menschliche, wirtschaftliche und politische Konsequenzen, die auch im 21. Jahrhundert noch nicht bewältigt sind. Serbien nimmt diese Jahrestage zum Anlaß, seiner Millionen gefallener Landsleute zu gedenken sowie aller Opfer, die ihr Leben für Freiheit und Menschenwürde gaben. Wir alle müssen die Erinnerung wach halten und die Botschaft vermitteln, daß sich solche Katastrophen für die Menschheit nicht wiederholen dürfen.
Ist im Bewußtsein der Öffentlichkeit Serbiens weiterhin präsent, daß das Land dreimal in einem Jahrhundert Ziel westlicher Aggressionen wurde?
Eine Nation, die über ein Drittel ihrer Bevölkerung im Ersten und mehr als eine Million im Zweiten Weltkrieg verloren hat, während die »humanitäre Intervention« der NATO auch nach 15 Jahren immer noch Todesopfer fordert, diese Nation kann und darf nicht vergessen. Das wäre unzivilisiert und unverantwortlich gegenüber der Zukunft.
Das »Belgrad Forum« spielt als unabhängige Organisation von Intellektuellen eine wichtige Rolle, das öffentliche Bewußtsein für die Aggressionskriege gegen Serbien im 20. Jahrhundert zu schärfen. Unter dem Motto »Niemals vergessen!« bereitet es eine Reihe Veranstaltungen zum bevorstehenden 15. Jahrestag der NATO-Aggression vor, darunter eine internationale Konferenz am 22. und 23.März in Belgrad mit dem Titel »Globaler Frieden gegen globalen Interventionismus und Imperialismus«, zu der prominente unabhängige Wissenschaftler und Friedensaktivisten aus der ganzen Welt erwartet werden.
Hat Europa Lehren aus der Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts gezogen?
Ich fürchte nicht. Ich bin besorgt über die Militarisierung der EU und die Expansion der NATO nach Osten. Einige europäische Regierungen, einschließlich links orientierter, kopieren mehr und mehr die imperiale Politik und das Benehmen der USA, sie verlieren den Respekt für die Werte der Zivilisation. Abhängig gemacht von US-Doktrinen wie dem »Recht auf humanitäre Intervention«, der »Schutzverantwortung« oder dem »Krieg gegen Terror«, hat Europa die Kraft und das Selbstvertrauen verloren, zu offenkundig antieuropäischer Politik nein zu sagen. Manche europäischen Regierungen wetteifern darin, der NATO Zugeständnisse zu machen. Hinter dem Vorhang antikommunistischer Rhetorik in verschiedenen nationalen und EU-Institutionen lebt der Faschismus wieder auf. Wir sind mit der systematischen Revision der europäischen Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts konfrontiert. Die Rehabilitierung von Nazis in einigen »Neuen Demokratien« geht einher mit Anklagen gegen Veteranen des antifaschistischen Kampfes und der Zerstörung von Denkmälern für Partisanen.
Die Revision der Geschichte ist kein Selbstzweck. Wenn bestimmte ungarische Politiker den Vertrag von Trianon des Jahres 1920 revidieren wollen, wird vollkommen klar, daß ihr wahres Ziel die Änderung der Grenzen ist.
Das Ziel des Krieges 1999 war die Zerstörung Jugoslawiens und die Zerstückelung Serbiens. Wie erfolgreich war die NATO?
Tatsächlich hat die NATO Jugoslawien zerstört, wirtschaftlich und als Staat, und sie hat Serbien und die serbische Nation fragmentiert. Ich bezweifle aber, daß dies ein Erfolg für irgendjemand ist. Die USA und die NATO unterliegen keinerlei rechtlichen oder sonstigen effektiven Kontrolle, ihr Krieg war ein Krieg gegen Europa – mit aktiver Beteiligung Europas!
Großbritannien führte enthusiastisch die Nützlichkeit seiner doppelgesichtigen Loyalität vor. Deutschland sah eine gute Gelegenheit, die ihm nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg verpaßten Einschränkungen, die es als Zwangsjacke empfand, loszuwerden, der Rest der EU hatte nichts zu melden. Das »Racak-Massaker«, der »Hufeisenplan«, die »Rambouillet-Verhandlungen« und das Hager Sondertribunal waren Bausteine, um Serbien als neuen Nazistaat vorzuführen, um Sanktionen zu rechtfertigen, die kriminelle NATO-Aggression, die politische Erpressung und letztlich den Raub von Kosovo und Metohija.
In der Friedensbewegung gibt es die Auffassung, daß mit der NATO-Aggression eine dauernde Militärpräsenz der USA in diesem Teil Europas begründet werden sollte.
Das trifft zu. Sofort nach dem Krieg schufen die USA mit dem »Camp Bondsteel« in Kosovo und Metohija einen der weltweit größten Militärstützpunkte vom Typ der Ramstein Air Base. Der frühere Staatssekretär Willy Wimmer berichtete dem damaligen Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder, die USA wollten damit den »Fehler« von Präsident Eisenhower korrigieren, der es im Zweiten Weltkrieg versäumt habe, US-Truppen in Jugoslawien zu stationieren. Dies ist Teil der militärischen Expansion Richtung Rußland, Kaspisches Meers, Zentralasien und Mittlerer Osten. Heute gibt es in Europa mehr ausländische Militärbasen als auf dem Höhepunkt des Kalten Krieges ...
Welche Haltung nimmt die gegenwärtige Regierung in Belgrad gegenüber den Aggressoren von 1999 ein? Will sie immer noch in die EU, obwohl Kosovo und Metohija endgültig von Serbien abgetrennt werden soll?
Der Druck, den speziell die USA, Deutschland und Großbritannien auf Serbien ausüben, die einseitige illegale Sezession von Kosovo und Metohija anzuerkennen, um im Austausch dafür irgendwann nach 2020 die EU-Mitgliedschaft zu erhalten, ist unanständig, revanchistisch und kontraproduktiv. Eine Lösung im Widerspruch zur UN-Charta und zum OSZE-Abkommen von Helsinki, zur UN-Resolution 1244 und zur serbischen Verfassung ist keine Lösung. Die USA wollen die Angelegenheit dem UN-Sicherheitsrat aus der Hand nehmen, um Serbien der russischen und chinesischen Unterstützung zu berauben. Dazu nutzt Washington die EU als Vermittler. Doch 100 Jahre nach dem Wiener Diktat wird kein westliches Diktat das Statusproblem lösen.
1999 bezeichnete ich die NATO-Aggression als »Türöffner-Krieg« für die nächsten Kriege – inzwischen erlebten wir die Kriege gegen Afghanistan, den Irak, Libyen, Syrien, ebenso gegen Pakistan und viele afrikanischen Länder. Es ist schwer nachvollziehbar, daß Serbien Mitglied dieser Terrororganisation werden will.
Rund 75 Prozent der Bevölkerung Serbiens sind entschieden gegen eine NATO-Mitgliedschaft, nur 13 Prozent befürworten sie. Als Relikt des Kalten Krieges gehört die NATO aufgelöst. Serbien ist ein kleines, friedliebendes Land ohne imperialistische Ziele. Die NATO ist eine aggressive Maschinerie, die den Interessen des Militärisch-Industriellen Komplexes und des Finanzkapitals dient. Afghanistan, Irak, Libyen, Syrien waren nur Wiederholungen des jugoslawischen Präzedenzfalls. Das selbst angemaßte Recht der NATO, an jedem Punkt der Welt anzugreifen, ist die Quelle größter Gefahr für Frieden und Stabilität.
Wenn die Aggression 1999 der Wendepunkt Richtung Globalisierung des NATO-Interventionismus war, dann markieren die Ereignisse im Iran, in Syrien und der Ukraine 2013 den Wendepunkt vom Monopol zur Multipolarität. Für Serbien ist die Neutralität die beste Option. Wenn sechs Staaten in der EU sein können ohne Mitglied der NATO zu sein, warum sollte das Serbien als Gründungsmitglied der Blockfreien-Bewegung nicht können?
Bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten wurden serbische Hoffnungen auf russische Hilfe und Unterstützung enttäuscht, andererseits kann eine komplette Einkreisung auf dem Balkan nicht in Moskaus Interesse liegen. Wie sind die serbisch-russischen Beziehungen?
Rußland war in der Geschichte immer Serbiens Verbündeter, es unterstützt Serbiens Souveränität und territoriale Integrität sowie die Umsetzung der UN-Resolution 1244 über Kosovo und Metohija. Rußland unterstützt Serbien auch bei der Durchsetzung des Dayton-Friedensabkommens über Bosnien und weist Versuche zurück, es zu Lasten der Serbischen Republik zu revidieren.
Für Entwicklungsprojekte in Serbien gewährt Rußland zinsgünstige Kredite über fünf Milliarden Dollar. Mit der Erdgas-Pipeline »South Stream« durch Serbien wird die Energiesicherheit in Europa garantiert und zugleich die geopolitische Position Serbiens gestärkt. Die EU-Mitgliedschaft ist für Serbien keineswegs alternativlos – es kann auch als neutrales Land ein guter und prosperierender Nachbar der EU sein. Serbien braucht den weiteren Ausbau der Beziehungen zu Rußland, China, Indien und allen anderen Ländern, die keine politischen Vorbedingungen stellen und die Serbiens Souveränität und territoriale Integrität unterstützen. Ein Grundsatz ist besonders wichtig: Serbien braucht andere Partner genauso, wie sie Serbien brauchen – nicht mehr, aber auch nicht weniger.
Lo status del Kosovo e Metohija solo dentro la Risoluzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU 1244
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Il globale interventismo della NATO può condurre a un confronto globale di Zivadin Jovanovic Presidente del Forum Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali
Questi sono alcuni dei punti dell' intervento introduttivo di Zivadin Jovanović, Presidente del Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali, all'Assemblea annuale dell'Associazione svoltasi il 14 dicembre 2013, a Belgrado.
Il problema dello status della provincia serba del Kosovo e Metohija rimane irrisolto, indipendentemente dai cosiddetti negoziati di Bruxelles. Una soluzione pacifica e duratura sarà possibile solo fornendo il pieno rispetto e l'attuazione della risoluzione Onu 1244 e della Costituzione della Serbia, garantendo entrambi questi atti la sovranità e l'integrità territoriale della Serbia. Il ruolo del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite nel garantire una soluzione giusta e duratura, non può essere sostituito dal ruolo di qualsvoglia organizzazione regionale, che si tratti di UE, NATO, o qualsiasi altro. Solo le Nazioni Unite e la comunità internazionale hanno una legittimità, mentre il resto sono auto proclamazioni .
L'aggressione della NATO sulla Serbia ( RFJ ) del 1999 è stato un punto di svolta verso la globalizzazione dell' interventismo militare, i successivi recenti sviluppi quali la Siria, l'Iran e l'Ucraina, illustrano, ciasuno a proprio modo, un punto di svolta verso una multipolarizzazione dell'ordine mondiale. La multipolarità è importante perché abolisce il monopolio di un potere e apre uno spazio per il rispetto del diritto internazionale, dei principi fondamentali delle relazioni internazionali e per una democratizzazione delle relazioni internazionali. Sottolineare l'importanza della multipolarizzazione non ci deve portare a credere che una nuova tendenza positiva sia garantita automaticamente. E' una assoluta necessità che tutte le forze amanti della pace, intensifichino la cooperazione e il coordinamento reciproco nella lotta per lo Stato di diritto, il rispetto dell'uguaglianza sovrana degli Stati e per la democratizzazione delle relazioni mondiali.
La crisi mondiale ha colpito direttamente e in primo luogo i paesi più sviluppati, i paesi privilegiati, poi il resto. Coloro che sono di fronte al pericolo di perdere i loro privilegi, non rinunceranno facilmente. Come si vede, stanno cercando di trasferire l'onere della crisi che essi stessi hanno causato, al resto del mondo, soprattutto verso paesi che sono deboli militarmente, ma che sono ricchi di energia e di minerali strategici, o appartengono a importanti regioni geostrategiche. La NATO è ancora una volta il pugno di ferro dei privilegiati, del capitale corporativo multinazionale.
Il mondo di oggi, è molto diverso dal periodo degli anni novanta del secolo scorso. Cina, Russia, India, tutto il Sud America, molti altri paesi e regioni del mondo, sono cresciuti molto più velocemente dell'Occidente, sia economicamente che in molti altri aspetti, anche nella difesa. E 'chiaro che questi paesi, alcuni dei quali sono diventati attori globali imprescindibili, non accettano la dittatura nelle relazioni mondiali, e le palesi interferenze negli affari interni e l'interventismo militare.
Pertanto, la strategia di usare il potere militare, di globalizzare l'interventismo militare al fine di controllare e soggiogare il resto del mondo per mantenere i privilegi, è sempre più chiaramente a confronto con una resistenza dei paesi. Il mondo è sul punto di, o trovare un modo pacifico di fermare l'interventismo militare imperialista, in nome del capitale industriale militare e finanziario monopolistico, o ditrovarsi di fronte a un duro confronto globale.
All'Assemblea annuale del Forum Belgrado hanno partecipato soci e amici, tra i quali il segretario esecutivo del Consiglio Mondiale della Pace, Iraklis Tsavdaridis, il Vescovo della Chiesa Ortodossa Serba Irinej Bulovic, l'Ambasciatore iraniano Majid Fahir Pour, diplomatici di alto rango da diverse altre ambasciate, rappresentanti di associazioni civiche, tra cui associazioni studentesche delle università di Belgrado e Banja Luka, associazioni serbe della provincia del Kosovo e Metohija e altri. Nessun rappresentante ufficiale di strutture governative erano presenti, anche se, come sempre, erano stati invitati .
Traduzione di Enrico Vigna per Forum Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali - Italia
Politicized Nobel
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Živadin Jovanović
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Recently a news came from Washington that some US congressmen initiated that Nobel Peace Award for 2013 be given to the Lady Catherine Ashton, EU Commissar for Foreign Policy and Security, Ivica Dacic, Prime Minister of Serbia and Hashim Tachi, “Prime Minister of self-proclaimed Republic of Kosova”, in recognition for reaching so called Brussels Agreement on Normalization, under EU auspices, in April 2013.
For quite some time, the Nobel Prize has been heavily politicized and compromised due to its being awarded not for genuine contributions to peace and democracy but rather abused as a tool for imposing imperialistic interests of western power centers on other countries and nations. What does it mean if, for example, this award was given to someone responsible for a renewed arms race, for the chaos reigning today in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other countries as well as and for the global bugging and spying on own citizens and closest allies!
Such a reward could hardly promote peace, democracy, observance of the principles of international law and other true civilization values. It serves rather as a tool for promotion of obedience, dictate and inequality, in the interests of selfish corporative financial capital.
The initiative was moved by the Albanian lobby in Washington, which itself speaks of its objectivity and principled nature. In the core of it lie the interests of the very same power centers which in 1999 had launched the armed aggression against Serbia (the FRY), and which in 2013 imposed on Serbia the dictate called “Brussels Agreement” on Kosovo and Metohija. True meaning of this dictate is - seizure of a part of state territory of Serbia, violation of international law, particularly, violation of the UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) guaranteeing sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. This dictate is aimed at legalizing true goal of the 1999 NATO armed aggression and the amnestying of the NATO leaders from the crime against peace and humanity. Evidently, all this has nothing to do with peace, stability and justice.
What, really, are morality and criteria of those who put on equal footing peace deeds of Baroness Catherine Ashton, EU Commissar for Foreign Policy and Security and Hashim Tachi, nick-named “Snake”, former leader of the terrorist KLA organization, person who has been indicated by the Report of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe as involved in human organ harvesting and trafficking, who has been accused of sponsoring international organized crime, such as drug, arms and human beings smuggling?
Press Releases |
Iraklis Tsavdaridis, executive secretary of WPC visited headquarter of Belgrade Forum on December 15zh, 2013. He was received by Živadin Jovanović, president of Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and Dragomir Vučićević, chairman of Forum's Assembly. Talks have been devoted to preparations for International Conference "Global peace v.s. global interventionism and imperialism".
Global NATO interventionism may lead to global confrontation
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Global NATO interventionism may lead to global confrontation
The problem of the status of Serbian province Kosovo and Metohija remains unresolved regardless on the Brussels so called negotiations. Peaceful and lasting solution will be possible providing full respect and implementation of UN SC Resolution 1244 and Serbia's Constitution, both doccumets guaranteeing sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. The role of UN SC in securing the just and lasting solution cannot be replaced by the role of any regional organization be it EU, NATO, or any other. United Nations is the only legitimated international community, while the rest are self proclaimed and illegitimate. It is difficult today to imagine lasting solution of any serious problem in Europe without participation of Russia, especially not, against the interests of Russia. Preasures of USA to dislocate the problem of the status of Kosovo and Metohija from UN Security Council as the only authorized organ and to formally place it under auspicies of EU, de facto, into hands of USA, GB and Germany leaving Russia and China aside, may, in not too distant future, prove to be miscalculation and serious mistake, option harmful not to Serbia only, but to Europe.
These are some of the points of introductory address of Živadin Jovanović, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, at the association's annual Assembly held December 14th, 2013, in Belgrade.
Jovanovic also pointed out that if NATO aggression on Serbia (FRY) 1999. was a turning point toward globalization of military interventionism, then recent developments over Syria, Iran and Ukraine illustrate, each one in own way, a turning point toward multipolarisation of world order. Multipolarity is important because it abolishes monopoly of one power and opens a space for respect of International Law, basic principles of International relations and for democratization of international relations. Underlining the significance of multipolarisation should not lead us to believe that the new positive trend is automatically guaranteed. It is imperative need that all peace-loving forces intensify mutual cooperation and coordination in their struggle for the rule of law, respect of sovereign equality of states and for democratization of the world relations.
He further said that the world crisis has hit directly and primarily the most developed privileged countries, then the rest. Those who are faced with a danger to lose their privileges will not easily give up. As we see, they are trying to transfer the burden of the crises which they caused themselves to the rest of the world, especially to the countries which may be weak militarily but which are rich in energy and strategic minerals, or they belong to important geostrategic regions. NATO is stееl fist of the privileged once, of multinational corporative capital.
The world today is much different from the period of nineties of the last century. China, Russia, India, the whole of South America, many other countries and regions of the world, have been growing much faster than the West, economically and in many other aspects, including in defense. It is clear that these countries, some of which have become unavoidable global players, do not accept dictatorship in world relations, blatant in interference in internal affairs and military interventionism.
Therefore, the strategy to use military power, to globalize military interventionism in order to control and subjugate the rest of the world, to maintain the privileges, is more and more clearly confronted with resistance. The world is at the point to, either, find peaceful way of stopping imperial military interventionism on behalf of corporate financial and military industrial capital, or to be faced with global confrontation – said Jovanovic.
The annual Assembly of Belgrade Forum was attended, by members and friends, among whom have been executive secretary of World Peace Council, Iraklis Tsavdaridis, Bishop of Serbian Orthodox Church Irinej Bulovic, Iranian ambassador Majid Fahir Pour, high ranking diplomats from several other embassies, representatives of a number of civic associations, including student unions from Belgrade and Banja Luka Universities, Serbian associations of the province of Kosovo and Metohija and the others. No official representatives from government structures were present, although, as usually, they were invited.
President of Belgrade Forum
Zivadin Jovanovic
Are we the last generations? Radioactivity as the gradual extinction of life
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Original-text of the interview with
Interviewer: I think you did a lot of research about the radiation, even when it is a low radiation where usually it is said: “Don’t worry, no problem at all”. What have you found out about the effects of low radiation in the long run?
Bertell: Well, my background is as a researcher. And I started by studying the effects
of medical diagnostics x-ray, dental x-ray and chest x-ray. We had a huge population that was
followed over three years. So we had about 64 million person years in the study, it is very big.
If you have a big population like that and you have measurable x-ray exposures, you can see
what happens in the population. I am coming from looking at medical x-rays, and then seeing
environmental pollution as bigger. With many other researchers studied the atomic bomb and
they go down to these low levels and I said: Oh it´s not anything! So a lot depends on your
perspective. So when you look at a large population and you start saying and you ask what
happens when they were exposed to radiation, I think generally the question has been wrong.
People ask: How many cancers does it cost. I don’t think that is the answer. Because if you
look at live in general, the most obvious thing is we grow old. And we grow old in a kind of
systematic way and even the cancers are old age diseases. So what I did was to change the
question. And I said: How much medical x-ray would you need to be exposed to so that you
get the equivalent of one year of natural aging. That is a very different research question. In
order to measure natural aging I use the non-lymphatic leukaemia. They go up in a large
population like compound interest, ranging from about age 15 every year there is a 3% to 4 %
increase in the rate of the non-lymphatic leukaemia. It is just when you have money in the
bank that interest is not very big when you are 16 or 20 years old, but by the time you get to
60 that is a large amount of money, it is also a large rate of this cancer. That is why they come
at the end.
So I used that as my measuring stick and asked: how much medical x-ray would be
the equivalent? I actually measured the aging effect of having dental x-rays or chest x-ray.
What was surprising to me: It’s the same amount as you would get background in a year. So it
didn’t make any difference if you got that radiation exposure very fast, because you got a
chest x-ray or whether you had it slowly over a year. You still in terms of vulnerability you
were aged. What that means then practically: If you are in your 20s or 30s and you have an
accident and need extensive x-rays probably you won’t feel much in terms of the difference.
However if you are vulnerable like 60, 70 years old, the annual level of what you experience,
you will experience more vulnerability from the x-rays because it is a percentage and a higher
rate if incidents. So you are more vulnerable as you get older.
And so I started looking at young people who got leukaemia and I mean the cases
under 45 years of age. And I found within certain groups they are something like six times as
likely to get leukaemia in that younger age group. And if you have young people with things
like diabetes arthritis, often we associate them with old age. There it is 12 times as likely to be
in a young group to have leukaemia. So there are some signals to us that a person is
prematurely aged and those people are more vulnerable to radiation exposure. It’s like they
have already moved further on the list. And it’s not exactly medical x-ray, because for
example with people who have heart-disease, some are treated more aggressively with respect
to x-ray. Some people with heart-disease are x-rayed every year. Other have an x-ray may be
five or six years and it was the once who had the x-rays more frequently that came up with the
leukaemia. So I started moving people at the age line according to their own personal record
of medical diagnostic x-ray. And it explains very many biological phenomena. There seems to
be a whole lot of aging processes connected with this.
One of the most remarkable things is very often in radiation studies that men and
women radiation measurements are different. I put them on the exposure age which was your
ordinary age plus your medical exposure. When I did them with exposure age many women
were the same and I found that it had much to do with the cultural difference in the use of xrays.
Many young men had x-rays because of sports. They had all these sport injuries. Women
don’t start to get x-rays until they are pregnant. And then it is mostly dental. And then you get
to the midlife-crisis. So where is a difference in the way we treat men and women and boys
and girls with x-rays.
Interviewer: Could this relate also to this kind of radioactive radiation which we have through atomic testing or Chernobyl?
Bertell: When we get into the nuclear industry whether it is uranium mining or milling
or the reactors or use of weapons or even the radioactive waste, you are into particular
radiation which we can either breathe in or take in in water and food. It can stay in the body
and differentially expose some organs and not other organs. So, you get these small amounts
of radiation operating in the body, and you get what I would call „differential aging“. So
many of the problems we see come from who long this material stays in the body and where it
Interviewer: So would you say these general reactions of the governments if there is any accident that there is no danger for the citizens, that this is basically wrong?
Bertell: It is basically wrong. It is basically wrong because this particles release energy.
The DNA that carries all your genetic material or the RNA which are the messenger
molecules which run our body, which make our body work. So we have to ask: how much
energy will it take to break them? It only takes 6 to 10 electron-volts of energy to break these
big molecules. If you take something like uranium, which is not considered very radioactive,
just one atom and one event releasing an alpha-particle is over 4 million electron-volts. You
cannot release that in tissue that is living and not do damage. So when you talk probabilities,
you are moving from the fact that you break DNA, you break RNA, you can destroy the
membrane of a cell, you can break things like the mitochondria that can do the energy of the
You can say, we do not care about all the damage, we only care if this damage leads to a
fatal cancer. So that is the only one will count. You can start making the probability smaller if
you make the end point more particular and say: I don´t care if I get diabetes, I don´t care if
my immune system is down, I don´t care for all these other things.
Interviewer: Iraq DU (Depleted Uranium) Can you say something about DU in weapons as they were used during the Iraq war?
Bertell: Depleted uranium is the waste from the uranium enrichment process, which is a
process needed both for a nuclear reactor and for nuclear weapons. In term for the United
States the greatest amount of waste is depleted uranium. If it is radioactive, it requires a
licence to be able to even handle it. And when they do the tests of these weapons in the
United States they do it in a superbox, which is totally sealed, in the same way they would
experiment with biological warfare, chemical warfare agents. So it is a level for high
protection for even to test it.
It is chemical warfare, because uranium is a heavy metal, a very toxic heavy metal, and
it is also radiological warfare, because these things are radioactive. Something special
happens to it in the field. It is not just like radioactive dust in a mine or a mill. Because if you
put it in a bullet or a missile and it hits the target this friction is enough to set it on fire and it
goes to very high temperature. What happens is it forms an aerosol, which is ceramic or glass.
It is like pottery and putting it in an oven it becomes ceramic. So what you have are very
small particles of glass which are radioactive, which can be breathed, which are light, so they
can move a great distance from the point of impact. It is easily measured 40 kilometers from
Because of being glass they are highly insoluble in water and that is very important,
because it means they stay in the body longer. To understand that: If you sit in the sun for 15
minutes is not same as if you sit there for 12 hours. So if you take very soluble uranium it can
pass through the body in 12 hours and be gone. Some of the more insoluble may take to years.
But this stuff looks like it is taking 10 years or more. So right now the veterans from the gulf
war – they were exposed in 1991, this is 1999 (in the research) and they are still excreting
between 4 and 5 microgram of this depleted uranium every day in urine. That is totally
unacceptable. It is no wonder they have medical problems. It does damage to the blood, the
bone, the lever, the spleen, the lymph-knots, the kidney. You got this material which is
radioactive inside the body for nine years, ten years. That is why you are dealing with such a
massive and such a mysterious kind of medical syndrome.
According to the Pentagon 400.000 of the American veterans where exposed with
depleted uranium: on the map is the whole southern part of Iraq. So you had 400.000 exposed.
They say 200.000 have sought medical care through the veterans-administrations since they
are home. Of that a 115.000 have been diagnosed with gulf war syndrome, which means these
man are unable to work. Many have died. I have had various estimates that the number of
those that have died reaches upwards 8000 to 10.000. The others can’t work. They have
chronic fetite (fatigue?), vomiting, blinding, headache, inability to sleep, respiratory
problems, various kinds of pain, cramps – just general disability. They also had an abnormal
number of deformed children. And this depleted uranium has been found in seminal fluid. So
it is a very serious problem. If I have to say how much of the gulf syndrome would be due to
depleted uranium, I would guess about 50% of the damage. (.....)
What they like about the uranium is it is free. They get it free because it is radioactive
waste. And it saves the company money because they would have to properly keep it away
from the biosphere. They like it because it is free. (...) 600) It is very much like landmines,
because it will continue to kill long after the war is over. It differentially will kill the women
and the children, because women have high risk tissue, breast and uterine tissue which are
more radiation sensitive. Children are growing so they incorporate more in bones and will
have the long term cancer effects. It is also a violation of the international law because it has
very broad pollution effect that will go across national boundaries. It also makes the
„precision-bombing“ lutecrice (ridiculous?). It is not precision bombing. And I think it also
undermines NATO’s claim of this being a humanitarian war, because what they are doing it
terms of poisoning the land and the people and the water and the food is certainly not
humanitarian. So it is a complete contradiction to everything they claim to be standing for.
I understand from international lawyers that we do not even need a new convention for
it, it is already condemned under international law. The opinion of the human rights tribunal
in Geneva (it is in Strasbourg) is that it is a weapon of „mass and indiscriminate destruction
and therefore it is unlawful“. The United Nations has appointed a reporter for this issue and
they are going to present their brief in August this summer. The World Health Organisation is
trying to set up an Investigative Committee to look at Iraq´s claim, because they now have six
times the rate of childhood cancer and some of the Iraqi Veterans, that were exposed now
have between five and six times the lymphomia and leukaemia rate of veterans that where not
exposed. So the World Health Organisation has asked for funding and volunteers and wants to
do a three year study in Iraq. All of that supportive information is not in, but it is already clear
that it violates the international laws and it certainly violates the public relations material
coming out on this war.
Interviewer: …Severe consequence for future generations?
Bertell: It will have consequences. I have done a lot of work on the Marshall Islands where
they got the fallout from the weapon testing. And the Rongalap people are people that are
dying out, that whole clan.
Interviewer: …Marshall Islands- example
Bertell: It increases infertility and inability to have children. They went for about five
years without even being able to get pregnant. Then they started having spontaneous
abortions, what they call jelly-fish-babies. It is a pregnancy of something like a tumour, a
child is not formed. It is a molar pregnancy. Then they started having deformed birth. But the
birth rate is dramatically down at this whole clan of people and there next generation is
physically less fit. Their birth rate is down, they die younger, in the 30s and 40s. So it is
obvious that this whole line of people is dying, it is not going to survive. What I think we are
doing is that our generation is making a decision on how many future generations there will
be. How much in shorted depends on how careless we are. So we already shortened future
generations because whenever you introduce genetic defect then this line will eventually die
out. But some will go two generations, some will go seven generation.
When you are talking about constant low radiation exposure, what you are doing is
introducing mistakes into the gene-pool. And those mistakes will eventually turn up by killing
that line, that cell line, that species line. The amount of damage determines whether this
happens in two generations or in seven generations or 10 generations. So what we are doing
by introducing more mistakes into the DNA or the Gene pool is we are shortening the number
of generations that will be viable on the planet.
We have shortened the number of generations that will follow us. We have
shortened that already. So we reduced the viability of living systems on this planet,
whether it can recover or not. We don’t have any outside source to get new DNA. So
have the DNA we have, whoever will live on this planet in the future is present right now
in the DNA. So if we damage it we don’t have another place to get it.
There will be no living thing on earth in the future that is not present now in a seed, in
a sperm and the ovum of all living plants and animals. So it is all here now. It is not going to
come from Mars or somewhere. Living things come from living things. So we carry this very
precious seed for the future. And when you damage it you do two things. You produce a less
viable harmonized organism with the environment; at the same time we are leaving the toxic
and radioactive waste around. So you are going to have a more hazardous environment and a
less capable organism. That is a death syndrome for the species, not only for the individual. It
is going to be harder to live. And the body will be less able to take stress and you are
increasing the stress at the same time.
We are responsible for what we turn over to the next generation. It is amazing to me
because I am the daughter of people that came from Europe, migrated to Canada and the
United States for a better life for their children. And it seems that our generation does not care
for the future. It is not our heritage. Our heritage was to give something better to our children,
than we received. And we seem not to care. I find these very strange and I think most of our
grandparents would turn over in their graves, if they would know what we are doing.
Yes we certainly have to chance our heads and there are very good ways to carry this
message. I think we even need a legal protection. We are thinking in terms of a „Seven
Generations Law“, which means that everything that is passed through legislation, you have
to answer the question what is the impact of this to our great grandchildren´s great
grandchildren. You have to be asked an answer this question before you take any major
planning or major changes or major laws. It is the North American indigenous peoples´ rule
that it has to (be) safe for grandchildren´s grandchildren. Otherwise it is not acceptable.
There is no real protection from it but you can reduce the effects by some things.
Certainly stay in the house with windows closed during these bombing episodes and as long
afterwards as possible. But your main concern will be getting it through the food chain. They
are same key-leading agents. They take inorganic material out of living tissues. One very
simple key-leading agent and a mild one is distilled water. You can use distilled water to cook
your vegetables. If there were any uranium in the vegetables it will go out with the liquid.
You can also drink the distilled water instead of either bottled or filtered or regular water.
Distilled water will do the same thing in the body. It will tend to take out the unwanted
inorganic chemicals. Another thing that available generally is „spirulina“, which is a bluegreen
algae you can usually get in a health-food-store. That is also mild key-leading agent and
will help to rid the body of some of these toxins, included the depleted uranium.
Or try to get rid of it through sweat respiration: Saunas. If you get it out through the skin
you save the kidneys. The idea is to get it out of the tissue and out of the blood and then out of
the body instead of going back into storage.
We need to learn to get along with each other, because we live on a small planet. If we
fight over it nobody is going to have it. Another thing is: We are straining the natural ability
of the earth to generate itself. The earth can usually take it back within a year. But when we
measure what we now take out (as) resources (fish, food, iron, coal, oil), all these resources
which we take for our lifestyle. We are now taking out about 1.33 times what the earth can
replenish in a year. So we are running an ecological deficit. In 1992 we were at 1.25, so is
going up. People worry about financial deficit, but that is nothing compared to an ecological
deficit. It means constantly reducing the carrying power of the globe. At the same time we are
increasing in the number of people. If we don’t do something this will be a global dimension
crisis. That´s the reason to say: the most important thing to do is to eliminate the military
globally. The military is one of the most rapid consumer of resources. If you got rid the
military globally you would immediately get rid of the ecological deficit, that we are running
up every year. This is buying us time to set up a better way to live on this planet. Yes, we
need globalisation in the heads. We don’t need Mono-culture, but we need to learn how to
live together on this earth, how to use conflict resolution in place of military, yes we need a
police-force, yes we need laws and courts and that sort of thing. But we don‘t need military.
Military is an abnormality. It is destroying our culture, it is destroying our environment, it is
destroying everything we want. And it is time to get rid of it.
Interviewer: 7 Generations?
Bertell: I would maximize the health of this beautiful living planet as much as I could
and I would say: I give you this with love. Keep it and give it to as many generations as you
can. Life can be good. And live is really a beautiful gift. Not of us has asked for it. None of us
deserves it. It shouldn’t be something that is a disaster for everybody. It should be something
enjoyable and that means that we have to do it differently from the way we are doing it now.
For most people live is a terrible thing. People are committing suicide, because it is so ugly
for them. That is not life. That is not the way it should be. No other species is going around
committing suicide like humans. So there is something very radically wrong with the way we
are behaving.
Final Communiqué of the Executive Committee Meeting of WPC
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Caracas November 23-25, 2013
The Executive Committee (EC) of the World Peace Council held successfully from November 23-25, 2013 in Caracas its first meeting after the Assembly of Kathmandu (July 2012). The meeting was hosted in excellent conditions by the Committee of International Solidarity (COSI), the WPC member in Venezuela.
We recall very well the holding of our World Peace Assembly in 2008, where we declared Caracas as the “World Capital of Peace and Anti-imperialist struggle”. Our Assembly then was held under the auspices of the late President, Commander Hugo Chavez, to whom we paid our deepest respect for his huge contribution and successful leadership in the Bolivarian revolution, as a genuine leader of his people with broad recognition worldwide.
The WPC salutes the people of Venezuela which is struggling and defending its achievements, trying to open ways for the deepening of the Bolivarian process, against the subversive actions and the economic war carried out by the local oligarchy and imperialist forces, especially this period. We defend the sovereign right of the Venezuelan people to decide upon its future and wealth, for its empowerment in order to become the true master of its destiny.
The EC of the WPC met in a period of increasing aggressiveness of imperialism in all corners of the world, all fields and aspects of human life. The deep economic crisis of capitalism creates unprecedented new sufferings for hundreds of millions of people, poverty, unemployment, hunger and misery, along with the immense profits of the big capital and the multinational corporations. The synchronized expression in all parts of the world, the grave consequences in Europe for its peoples and youth, shows the nature of the crisis of a system which can not solve the problems of humanity, it is only aggravating them.
The various imperialist forces and centres are competing fiercely for their shares in markets and control of energy and natural resources while they act together against peoples and nations who do not submit to their plans. Whether it is the USA, or NATO, or the European Union with various alliances, the attacks on peoples’ rights, on their sovereignty and independence, on the right to decide upon their future is present world wide.
The WPC expresses its serious concerns about the situation in the Middle East which a focus point for the imperialist forces, while today the main target is Syria, Iran comes next in the bloody plans to control the area.
We denounce the operations of armed “opposition” groups inside Syria which are being sponsored, trained and guided in their subversive actions to destabilize the country, spreading death and terror over the Syrian people. With the dominant role of the Gulf Monarchies, Turkey and the supervision of the USA, NATO and the EU, the interference in the domestic affairs of Syria has reached new dangerous levels. Despite the opening of negotiations on the Iran nuclear energy issue and the consensus about a new Geneva conference on Syria, imperialist threats and provocations are alive, since the agreement on the control and destruction of the Chemical weapons of Syria cannot be considered a durable basis for peace, while war operations inside and outside Syria is going on.
The WPC is aware of the imperialist plans in the Middle East, in particular of the US-Plan for a “Great Middle East” which has been endorsed also by NATO. What is happening now in Syria is part of this very plan, which has Iran as its next target. Iran is being targeted with the pretext of its Nuclear Program, but the real motivation is the geo-strategical control and the rich energy resources of this country. The WPC expresses its solidarity to the people of Iran and its peace loving forces in their complex struggle to achieve peace, democracy and social progress and rejects categorically the external threats and sanctions which are aiming at a regime change.
While condemning the open support of the USA and the EU to the Israeli occupation of Palestine, we reaffirm our support and solidarity with the Palestinian people for ending the occupation and for the establishment of an independent Palestinian State within the borders of 1967 and East Jerusalem as its Capital. Furthermore we demand the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Syrian Golan heights and the Lebanese Sheba farms and we firmly support the solution of Palestinian Refugees’ issue on the basis of UN Resolutions 194 and the release of all Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.
The WPC reaffirms the demand for the complete withdrawal of all occupation forces from Afghanistan and Iraq and draws the attention of all peace loving forces to the plunder of the natural resources of Libya along with the suffering of its people, after the NATO aggression of 2011 and the dismemberment of the country.
While the capitalist economic crisis along with the policies of the governments and the EU are leading dozens of millions of people in Europe to poverty and misery, the EU is developing further its military pillar based on the Lisbon treaty for an active role in the cooperation and competition amongst imperialist centres and forces. The European Union does not restrict any more itself to “crisis management” or “security provider” worldwide but aims to become a “global player” also in the so-called “state building” which means the installation of protectorates and willing regimes. The main areas the EU is describing as targets are the energy supplies and management (oil, gas, the pipelines) the water resources and reserves. The EU is further militarizing its structures applying new forms of cooperation (“pooling and sharing”) for its members, it is developing the “Battle Groups” and adding as military aims the “security of European citizens”, which constitutes an open declaration to intervene in the future militarily in civil clashes and uprisings. The EU is enhancing its cooperation with NATO further, but at the same time trying to develop its research& technology capacity (program Horizon 2020) with the aim to obtain its own drones and military satellites.
The WPC denounces the plans of the government of Cyprus to affiliate to NATO’s “Partnership for Peace”. We support the solution of a Bi-Zonal, Bi-Communal Federation with political equality, one citizenship and one international entity in Cyprus as it is described in the relevant UN resolutions. A solution that will lead to the full demilitarization of the Island including all the foreign military bases.
In Asia Pacific Region, the so called “return of USA” in the region in reality is the increase of USA engagement in the region, to secure the strategic interests of the USA in economic and political field, to put a halt in China’s growing and emerging appearance in the region. The USA has declared that it would deploy 60 percent of its Military force in the Asia Pacific Region (“Pivot to Asia”). The USA is pressurizing countries in the Asia Pacific Region to have strategic alliance with them and already signed such treaties with some countries. This is aimed at expanding its military influence as well as exploiting the mineral resources like oil and gas in the sea around the area.
In central Asia, the US is trying exit its disastrous military presence in Afghanistan, while maintaining its extensive network of military bases. It continues to grossly violate the sovereignty of Pakistan, carrying out criminal bombings using drone aircrafts.
On the Korean Peninsula, the DPRK continues to be threatened by US military bases and nuclear warheads. Repeated joint military exercises by the US, Japan and South Korea serve to escalate tension. The WPC supports the Korean people's struggle against imperialist plans, for independence and sovereignty, for demilitarization and nuclear disarmament, and for the peaceful reunification of Korea.
In Africa, brutal exploitation by multinational corporations continues with the full military support of the US and EU. Millions of people live in misery and thousands die every day due to hunger, lack of medicine, and contaminated water. Imperialist forces pursue their long-standing policy of divide and rule by direct intervention, and also indirectly by fostering divisions and civil clashes. Africa has become theatre of intra-imperialist contradictions and rivalries which are further compounded by the presence of emerging powers on the continent. The overflow of the insurgencies from the imperialist war on Libya in 2011 is creating instability and the cultivation of religious extremist groups who have worked to nurture religious conformity in the region, who have used the countries who share open borders of the Sahara desert. The WPC reaffirms its solidarity with the people of Western Sahara. We condemn the occupation of Western Sahara by the Kingdom of Morocco and underline our solidarity with the just struggle of the Saharawi people, for their inalienable right to self determination under a free and democratic referendum.
The WPC expresses its profound solidarity with the peoples of Latin America. US imperialism, in league with reactionary forces in the region, is threatening several governments in the area with particular pressure on socialist Cuba and Venezuela. It is also trying to subvert progressive governments in Ecuador and Bolivia. Many Latin American nations, inspired by the Cuban Revolution, have produced progressive social, economic and political achievements that have improved the living conditions of the poor and working people. The WPC supports these developments, which reflect the peoples' long struggles for empowerment and determination of their future.
We are following the peace talks taking place in Havana between the Colombian government and the insurgency and express our solidarity with the Colombian people with the wish to reach durable peace and abolition of the causes which led to the political, social and military conflict in the country for decades now.
The USA but also the EU have not given up their reactionary role in the region. While competing with each other they go hand in hand in imposing political, trade and military agreements with many countries. The USA is deploying new military Bases in South and Central America additional to the re-launch of the 4th naval fleet.
The WPC reaffirms its full hearted solidarity with the Cuban Revolution and its people, 55 years after the triumph of the revolution and denounces the criminal blockade imposed by the USA on Cuba along with the demand to shut down the concentration camp at Guantanamo base and the complete removal of the Base from Cuban soil. We demand the release of the remaining 4 Cuban patriots from the US prisons, which constitutes an act of political revenge by the USA against Cuba.
Imperialism’s increased aggression against the peoples of the world puts humanity at serious risk. Today, more than ever, we need to intensify our anti-imperialist and solidarity actions and strengthen WPC member movements in each country. This way, we can confront and defeat our main enemy.
To meet this challenge, and place our movement at the forefront of the global struggle for peace, we must build a broad anti-imperialist front for peace. Especially during the deep economic crisis of the system, we need to highlight the relation of Capitalism, its crisis and the tendency to wars and aggressions. We must connect our peace agenda with all struggles – for decent jobs and wages, for social rights, for public health, against commercialization of culture and education, for a safe and secure environment.
In this context the WPC is going to take initiatives and actions, to hold meetings and conferences in the coming period giving also continuity to the decisions taken in the May/June Secretariat meeting in Portugal. We highlight some points of the plan of action below:
- To observe in all countries an international action day on 8th December 2013 in solidarity with the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian Revolution
- To support the holding of the 18th World Festival of Youth and Students in December 2013 in Quito, Ecuador
- To support the International conference for a Weapons of Mass Destruction free Middle East in Haifa and Ramallah in December 2013
- The 65th anniversary of the World Peace Council, with the idea to hold events all over the world and culminate with a central event in Havana end of October 2014
- The 100th anniversary from the start of the World War I by highlighting the dangers for new imperialist wars and aggressions today
- The 15th anniversary of the NATO aggression against the peoples of Yugoslavia with a special international conference to be held in Belgrade on 22-23 March 2014
- The 75th anniversary of the occupation of Czechoslovakia with an international event on 15-16 March 2014 in Prague
- To hold the continental regional conference of the America in Buenos Aires in June 2014
- Within the broader struggle against militarism and imperialist wars and International Campaign for the dissolution of NATO to be culminated on 4th-5th September 2014 at its summit in South Wales,UK(65th anniversary of NATO)
- The 40th anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Cyprus with an international event in summer 2014 in Nicosia
- The 75th anniversary of the beginning of World War II
- The International Solidarity Meeting with the Cuban Revolution in Havana October 27-31, 2014
- The support to the “International Initiative for Justice” in Turkey by the Peace Association aiming in proving the criminal complicity of the Turkish government in the war crimes against the Syrian people.
- To carry out an International mission to Syria in solidarity with the Syrian people
- To hold the Asia/Pacific regional meeting of WPC in India in 2014
My tribute to Nelson Mandela published in the New Zealand Herald
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Cuban President Fidel Castro, right, and African leader Nelson Mandela gesture during the celebration of the "Day of the Revolution" in Matanzas Saturday, July 27, 1991. Cubans celebrate 38th anniversary of the revolution.
In July 1991, Nelson and Winnie Mandela were in Cuba to celebrate the communist revolution with Fidel Castro. As Winnie referred to Cuba "as our second home," Nelson Mandela addressed the ceremony saying,
"Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro... Cuban internationalists have done so much for African independence, freedom, and justice. We admire the sacrifices of the Cuban people in maintaining their independence and sovereignty in the face of a vicious imperialist campaign designed to destroy the advances of the Cuban revolution. We too want to control our destiny... There can be no surrender. It is a case of freedom or death. The Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people."
Nelson and Winnie Mandela, with Joe Slovo, Communist Party leader, raise clenched fists, an obvious "symbol of peaceful non-violence and love of one's enemies".
Statement of WPC on the demis of late Comrade Nelson Mandela
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The Secretariat of WPC
6th December 2013
The WPC expresses its profound grief and sadness for the loss of Comrade Nelson Mandela,the genuine son of Africa,the true leader of the Liberation movement of South Africa, the genuine internationalist and revolutionary.
The contribution and example of Nelson Mandela will be remembered by the generations to come worldwide.
Nelson Mandela became the symbol of freedom and peace, campaigns where held in dozens of countries,organized by the WPC and fellow organisations
All generations at the World Peace Council are proud for having fought for the same cause which Nelson Mandela dedicated his life for. The liberation from race oppression and discrimination,the liberation from class exploitation, for a society where the people of South Africa would become the masters of their fortunes.Deep respect to Comrade Mandela,glory to the man who fough for justice and peace.
May Comrade Madiba rest in Peace! is striggle will be continued till the final victory!
A luta continua! Amandla!
Kosovo is Serbia, NATO is an atavism – Ambassador Chepurin
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Voice of Russia
December 2, 2013
The Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin recently gave a speech at the Belgrade Academy for Diplomacy and Security in which he stated that Serbia joining NATO, an almost unbelievable development, would be a red line that in no way suits Russia. During his question and answer session with the students he also mentioned a second red line for Russia, namely that that nobody should pressure Serbia during EU negotiations and that any form of integration "must not interfere with the long tradition of cultural, economic, and political Russo-Serbian ties: because that is primarily in the interest of Serbia."
Media silence
While such statements and in fact the entire speech should have caused quite a stir in the world’s media there was almost no coverage nor reaction in the Western press. This is understandable with the current state of information warfare but further underlines the extent that the western media has been compromised, annexed and continues to hold an anti-Russian line, this time by omission.
It is understandable that the West is desperate and will do anything that it can to stop the spread or development of Russian influence, this is especially true of US/ NATO, especially in light of the their recent failures in Syria and Ukraine, and judging from the coverage of the event in the world’s English language media it would appear that the West is currently winning the information war, with even Russian media sources apparently "afraid" to publicize such stories.
Serbia a NATO member?
During his appearance at the Belgrade Academy for Diplomacy and Security, Chepurin stated that it would be; "utter stupidity if somebody from Serbia were to crawl over and beg (to join NATO), after the bombing that Serbia incurred and which caused damage worth US $120 billion. That's the red line that in no way suits Russia".
That is just one reason why it would be absurd to think of Serbia joining NATO, there are dozens of others, but the fact that US/NATO have never assisted in rebuilding what they destroyed, something they regularly do not do, is a key reason.
Another and perhaps even more monumentally important reason is of course Kosovo which US/NATO have annexed with the help of local Muslim Albanian forces and on the territory of which they immediately built the largest US military base outside of the United States after "recognizing its independence".
Yet another is the International Criminal Court on the Former Yugoslavia which has been completely biased and uneven in its prosecution of Serbs and has proven itself by its track record to be an instrument of the West.
Chepurin reiterated the fact that NATO was created as an alliance against the USSR and that its function in the modern world is questionable, something much of the free and independent world have stated since the dissolving of the Warsaw Pact and which US/NATO officials have also recently all but admitted to in public statements regarding "attempting to stay relevant".
The ambassador stated: "NATO was created against the Soviet Union, which is long gone, and it is absolutely unclear what NATO stands against now; or do you really want to go to war in Iraq, Libya, or Syria? There's no other advantage there or would you like to fraternize with Turkey, which is a NATO member."
The fact that NATO needs countries like Serbia, Ukraine and all of the other countries that it is trying to draw into its alliance more than those countries need NATO is a fact that should be underlined and the primary topic of debate but the West completely keeps that matter off the radar. Not only does NATO need the personnel and the resources of all of the countries it can get as cannon fodder for its endless wars, but it also needs the territories of all of the territories which will tolerate its presence to base its military forces and infrastructure in order to propagate itself and be an effective tool for the "projection of US force", as the Pentagon recently stated.
The ambassador made the very astute observation that countries do not have be members of NATO to be members of the EU, something the West has attempted to present as a given. He gave the examples of Austria, Sweden and Ireland.
Finally with regard to NATO Chepurin reminded the audience that Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was in Belgrade recently, and received confirmation in all meetings that Serbia will not join NATO."
What NATO is and who controls it were also boldly summed up by the ambassador who said "NATO represents an atavism from the last century," and with regard to attempts to tie EU integration to NATO membership: "…. there are madmen who are trying to make use of that thesis!"
Serbia and the European Union
Regarding Serbia and EU membership the diplomat accepted the fact but made it clear that such should not damage ties with Russia, nor of future organizations: "nor should it additionally complicate its ties with the Eurasian Union, which will be created in 2015, and which considers development of relations with Serbia as very important." He also said "It is unacceptable for us that any form of integration should disrupt our relations, for example, our visa-free regime."
According to the website B92 net, one of the few site reporting on the event: "… on several occasions Chepurin stated that "everyone has an imagination that is shattered when it meets the reality," and mentioned Ukraine as an example of a country that "met the reality when it was supposed to sign the free trade agreement with the EU."
"There was an impression that each year tens of billions of euros would be arriving to Ukraine from the EU, while in fact it was about one billion over seven years. The damage from severing the free trade with Russia would have been a hundred times greater." he said.
This economic reality is of course something the West does not want the world to know about but it is the reality. The US with an actual debt of over $200 trillion and the European Union, whose countries are still reeling from economic crisis and is in fact economically questionable, needs more members to prop up its own house of cards and other than visa free regimes, more regulation, loss of sovereignty, opening internal markets to external exploitation and an outdated military bloc seeking to propagate itself into a worldwide force the EU really has little to offer.
On the key question of Kosovo Chepurin stressed that the Russian Federation continues to offer Serbia "absolute support" when it came to Kosovo, but that he "did not wish to comment too strongly on some internal issues in Serbia."
"There are several possibilities within international law for the thing to be resolved in a way in which Serbia is interested to resolve it. An impression is being created here that everything had fallen through, but this question requires effort and persistence. You must have faith that you are capable of solving that issue. The truth is on your side, and much depends on you," said the Russian ambassador.
Chepurin made it clear in so many words who was really behind the "independence of Kosovo" and likened those forces to the same ones who are backing and funding terrorist groups in the Russian Republic of Chechnya.
According to the site Tanjung speaking about the issue of Chechnya, Chepurin underlined that all secessionist forces cannot possibly endure without backing from abroad, and concerning the decision of ethnic Albanians to unilaterally proclaim Kosovo's independence, he concluded: "friends say: Kosovo is Serbia."
Kosovo is Serbia indeed and for many Serbians, it is their very heart.
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Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Belgrade, December 2nd, 2013.
A lot of dust has been produced lately over a statement of the Russian ambassador in Belgrade Alekxander Chepurin who, according to press reports, stated that Serbia’s accession to NATO would not be acceptable to Russia. Such a statement coincided with the results of independent pull of public opinion showing that about 75% of Serbia’s population is against membership of Serbia in NATO, and that only about 14% are in favor of accession. The rest are undecided.
Zivadin Jovanovic, president of Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and forme Foreign minister of FR of Yugoslavia, is quated in today’s Belgrade daily “Politika”- that in Serbia it has become very stretchable what is acceptable behavior of foreign diplomats and what is not, what is good or ill intended statement, what is diplomacy and what is blatant medaling. A country whose government invites foreign ambassador to take part at its meetings, as it was the case of USA ambassador participating at the Serbian Government meeting, can hardly hope to be respected, to have foreign diplomats strictly complying with diplomatic principles and norms.
Serbian government reminds Jovanovic, has usualy been silent about western ambassadors’ statements undermining sovereignty and integrity of the country. Serbia’s government did invite leaders of foreign country to mediate between political parties. Former USA ambassador was lecturing professors at the Law Faculty of Belgrade University that, when writing their books and teaching students, they should not use such terms as “NATO 1999. aggression”, “NATO crimes”, “Albanian UCK terrorists” and alike. German ambassador in Belgrade was publically advising all parents in Serbia that they should teach their children that NATO by bombarding the country over 78 days in 1999 (killing about 4.000, wounding about 10.000, using missiles with depleted uranium, causing damage of about 120 billion of USD) did only help the people of Serbia, their wellbeing, their right to democracy and bright future! A country whose government silently accepts such offending behavior, whose officials rush to foreign ambassadors to seek advices or to prey for mercy, cannot count that those foreign diplomats, will respect diplomatic norms and behavior. Just opposite, such a government in fact invites foreign ambassadors to meddle in internal affairs of the country deeper and deeper, they start behaving like toward a country without sovereignty and self-esteem.
Producing the dust over certain words used recently by the Russian ambassador in Belgrade, so called independent media and West-financed NGO-s, in fact, create a curtain behind which ambassadors of a number of western countries continue to meddle in Serbian government business. Why these same media and NGO-s have not reacted over “Quinta” (USA, GB, Germany, France, and Italy) forming the “Group of Friends of Sandzak” (Southwestern region of Serbia populated by Serbs and Bosniaks)? Are not “Quinta’s” members supposed to be friends of the whole of Serbia, instead of only of one region? After all, they are accredited as representatives of sovereign states, not of, say, of New Mexico, or Bavaria, or Korzika, or Lombardia! It is not Russia who bombarded Serbia in 1999, who continues to fragment Serbia today, but NATO countries. It is not Russia who has been supporting terrorist UCK over decades and who supports former UCK commander Hashim Tachi in so called negotiations over Province of Kosovo and Metohija, in Bruxels, but USA, Great Britain and Germany! It is not Russia who has recognized illegal, unilateral secession of Prishtina, but NATO and EU member countries. It is not Russia who links credit lines and investments to political concessions undermining sovereignty of Serbia, but the NATO and EU member countries. It is…
So, let us not be forgettable, confused, nor naïve.
Russia: Serbia's NATO Membership A Red Line
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Nov 29, 2013
Tanjug News Agency
November 29, 2013
BELGRADE: Russian Ambassador in Serbia Aleksandr Chepurin has said that his country would find Serbia's possible future membership in NATO "unacceptable."
Speaking at the Belgrade Academy for Diplomacy and Security, he noted that it would represent "utter stupidity if somebody from Serbia were to crawl over and beg (to join), after the bombing that incurred Serbia damages worth USD 120 billion."
"That's the red line that in no way suits Russia. NATO was created against the Soviet Union, which is long gone, and it is absolutely unclear what NATO stands against now - or do you really want to go to war in Iraq, Libya, or Syria? There's no other advantage there - or would you like to fraternize with Turkey, which is a NATO member, " the ambassador asked.
He then said that Austria, Sweden and Ireland are all EU members although they stayed away from NATO, and that membership in the EU does not mean a country must also join the military alliance.
"However, there are madmen who are trying to make use of that thesis," he remarked.
Chepurin also spoke about Russia's "second red line" when it came to Serbia - that "nobody should pressure Serbia during the negotiations to 'tie itself to something'," and that any form of integration "must not interfere with the long tradition of cultural, economic, and political Russo-Serbian ties - because that is primarily in the interest of Serbia."
He stated that Russia accepts that EU membership is the main geopolitical goal of a sovereign Serbia, but that this should not damage its ties with Russia - "nor should it additionally complicate its ties with the Eurasian Union, which will be created in 2015, and which considers development of relations with Serbia as very important."
"It is unacceptable for us that any form of integration should disrupt our relations, for example, our visa-free regime. When Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was in Belgrade recently, he received confirmation in all meetings that Serbia will not join NATO," he said.
Responding to a question posed by former mayor of the Montenegrin town of Cetinje, Aleksandar Aleksić, who asked whether Montenegro's accession to the western military alliance "could be stopped," he remarked that there were "monkeys in politics, like everywhere else."
"Have you seen the media poll about the popularity of foreign politicians in Serbia? If you have not, I will not tell you who is at the number one spot. And the second to last is the one you were probably referring to. It's like fashion. At first somebody is doing it intentionally, and then many who are chasing after that person, hoping for a banana, show up," Chepurin was quoted as saying by Tanjug.
He also stated that NATO represents an atavism from the last century, and stressed that in his previous answer he "did not mean anyone specifically, but gave a general appraisal," while Serbia's membership in NATO would represent a folly.
During his lecture to the students, the Russian diplomat on several occasions noted that "everyone has an imagination that is shattered when it meets the reality," and mentioned Ukraine as an example of a country that "met the reality when it was supposed to sign the free trade agreement with the EU."
"There was an impression that each year tens of billions of euros would be arriving to Ukraine from the EU, while in fact it was about one billion over seven years. The damage from severing the free trade with Russia would have been a hundred times greater," he said.
Such things usually happen to countries that find themselves in a difficult position, when the appeal of "the western centrism" is great, the diplomat noted, adding that the situation was similar in Russia during the 1990s.
Chepurin stressed that his country was offering Serbia "absolute support" when it came to Kosovo, but that he "did not wish to comment too strongly on some internal issues in Serbia."
"There are several possibilities within international law for the thing to be resolved in a way in which Serbian is interested to resolve it. An impression is being created here that everything had fallen through, but this question requires effort and persistence. You must have faith that you are capable of solving that issue. The truth is on your side, and much depends on you," said the Russian ambassador.
At the end of his lecture, Chepurin noted that the privatization of NIS - Serbia's oil monopoly now owned by Gazprom - was "successful," and that if the country had "five such companies" it would not be facing economic difficulties.
Commenting on the start of construction works on the South Stream stretch in Serbia, he said that the pipeline should bring the country not only gas transit fees, but also income from storage, launching of gas heating plants, and other forms of industrial production.
"South Stream will give ten times more than Serbia will get from any donations in the (EU) integration process, and Serbia will control those funds in line with its own wishes. That should be taken into account. Serbia will become the energy hub of the region, and that is an economic, but also a political decision," Chepurin concluded.
From Kosovo To Syria
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Višeslav Simić (Вишеслав Симић)
2do Seminario Internacional "Análisis e incidencia de las políticas públicas" - EGAP - Tecnológico de Monterrey - 25 y 26 de Septiembre 2013 - México
As the so-called Kosovo "war"(1) is being used by the United States of America as a blueprint(2) for how the euphemistically(3) called "international community"(4) should militarily resolve the crisis in Syria without a mandate from the U.N. (in spite of the U.S. persistently insisting that it was a sui generis case), it is becoming increasingly more important not only finally independently to study the "mob or sole assailant"(5) aspect of the contemporary U.S. international approach but, even more, to dedicate particular attention to the post- and extra-combat involvement (or the lack of it) of the "international community" in the management(6) of the territories and the people "liberated"(7) by it.
While the U.S. President announces(8) a possible attack on a sovereign nation of Syria without the authorization by the U.N., citing the precedent of Kosovo as justification for it, the U.S. Secretary of State (accused by some of being le ministre étranger aux affaires) assures U.S. citizens that rich Arab nations would foot the bill(9) (attempting to relieve concerns about the system's impending bankruptcy(10)), and a multitude of the West's "corporate intellectuals"(11) (especially the ones from the so-called La Gauche Caviar) are soothing the moral and psychological worries of its ever-conscientious public, there are legitimate and reliable voices who give us different points of view about this issue, from the warnings to the U.S. leaders that aiding a declared enemy(12) of the U.S. would be treason(13), that Syria's socialist secular economic/political system(14) is the main problem for both the neo-liberal West and the reactionary, fundamentalist Islamist Arab regimes, to those that the so-called opposition in Syria are "a bunch of criminals" and not "revolutionaries."(15)
The wound of Jasenovac and a plea to Pope Francis
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Christian Today
Published 13 September 2013 | Dr John Meinhold
In this photo dated 27 November 2006, a former prisoner of World War II concentration camp Jasenovac cries in front of a photograph at the museum in Jasenovac, Croatia. Between 1941 and 45, thousands of those regarded as "undesirable" by the WWII Croatian puppet state were taken to Jasenovac concentration camp.
Auschwitz and Dachau are known as infamous concentration camps from World War II. But, did you ever hear of the heinous Jasenovac concentration camp in Croatia that existed during World War II?
In the words of Rabbi Jozef Atijas, who lost 153 family members during the Holocaust: "The word Jasenovac which chills the blood and turns one's mouth to the most painful, the most shameful, the saddest and most morbid place that humankind and history can remember ever."
At Jasenovac and throughout Croatia the Nazi-allied Ustasha regime waged horrific genocidal crimes against Serbian Orthodox Christians, Jews and Roma (Gypsies) to achieve a "pure" Croatian state.
What is shocking is the strong suggestion that some Catholic clergy had actively participated in this genocide. Dr Pal Kolsto wrote in an academic religious journal in 2011 that "In particular among Franciscans ... the Ustasha found willing executioners" (see the article in full here). Does the new Pope, who is honouring the name of St Francis of Assisi, know this dark history for Franciscans and the Catholic Church?
Dr Rory Yeomans, a senior international research analyst at the International Directorate of the UK Ministry of Justice, in his 2013 published book about the Ustasha, "Visions of Annihilation", comments that "relatively little has been written about this subject (the Ustasha) in the English language". I would not know about it either had I not been a naive American tourist that rented a car in Serbia and travelled to Croatia in 2006.
This trip was one of the most frightening experiences in my life. After crossing the border into Croatia drivers of cars blared their horns and flashed their lights at me. Trucks tried to run me off the road. One man even came out of his car at a red light screaming in red-faced rage. What prompted such anger? I had a car with Serbian license plates! The Croats claimed anger over the recent war in the Balkan region in the 1990s but this hatred is tragically much deeper against Serbs. The primary "enemy" of the Ustasha were the Serbs living within Croatia. They were hated for their ethnicity and for their Orthodox Christian faith. The exact number of victims killed by Ustasha at Jasenovac will never be known, but historians do agree that hundreds of thousands of people were brutally killed by the Ustasha regime in Croatia. According to the Jasenovac Memorial website almost a quarter of the known victims at Jasenovac were children.
The Ustasha also established for the first time in history concentration camps only for children. These camps were run mainly by Catholic nuns.
Dr Yeomans, in his new book, states, "Ustasha militias and death squads swept through the countryside, burning down whole villages and indiscriminately killing thousands of ordinary Serbs in a variety of sadistic ways. Armed with axes, knives, scythes and mallets, as well as guns, they slaughtered men, women and children, who were hacked to death, thrown alive into pits and down ravines, or locked into churches that were then set on fire."
Yeomans further says Ustasha "closed Serb Orthodox churches and cathedrals en masse and transferred their assets to the Catholic Church or the state". Some 200,000 Serbian Orthodox Christians were forced to convert to the Catholic faith. Historical photos show Ustasha also beheaded Serbian Orthodox priests. According to Yeomans, "Jews were forced by law to wear a 'Z' (Zidov - Jew) insignia on their back and front...Serbs to wear a 'P' (Pravoslavac - Orthodox)."
What is alarming today is the rise of neo-Ustasha. I found photos online of young neo-Ustasha dressed in Ustasha uniforms adorned with a rosary - see here. One of the most popular rock groups in Croatia today is the Thompson band - named after the Thompson machine gun. On July 11, 2007, Dr Efraim Zuroff, Israel Director for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, wrote an open letter to the leader of the band, Marko Perkovic, in the Croatian Globus newspaper and asked, "...why so many young people feel that your concerts are an appropriate place to appear in Ustashe uniforms and display Ustashe symbols".
Zuroff points out that Perkovic had sung lyrics in the song "Jasenovac/Stara Gradiska" that "glorify Ustasha murderers, (and) call for the elimination of Serbs".
The Jasenovac Holocaust Memorial site has a large stone flower monument. Under the Flower Monument is a crypt of human remains of some victims exhumed from a nearby mass grave. Kolsto wrote in 2011: "The leadership of the Croatian (Catholic) Church has so far refused to send official representatives to the Jasenovac commemorations that take place on 22 April or the closest Sunday each year."
The commemorations take place at the Flower Monument. Croatian journalist Jelena Lovric described Jasenovac as "an open wound" because the Church has not properly commemorated the victims. In 2009 a large contingent of Catholic clergy did go to Jasenovac but not on the commemoration day. Cardinal Josip Bozanic did not go to the Flower Monument and pray at the crypt of victims. Slavko Goldstein, a Croatian Jew who had been incarcerated at Jasenovac, sharply criticised the Church leadership in the press for not following the example set by Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI who had knelt in prayer at Auschwitz.
Argentina, where Pope Francis is from, is where some 20,000 Ustasha are believed to have fled to after the war was over. This included Ante Pavelic, the leader of the Ustasha, who was never tried for war crimes.
Jasenovac continues to be an open wound between Catholic and Orthodox Christians. Pope Francis has said he wants to "build bridges" to people. He has also called the patriarch of the Orthodox Church, Bartholomew I, "my brother." My hope is that Pope Francis will be the first pope to go and pray at the Jasenovac Holocaust Memorial site. Matthew 5:16 says "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
May the Holocaust cry of "Never again!" be heard at Jasenovac and echo around the world.
This article was originally published at
Statement on Developments regarding Syria
Press Releases |
Leadership and the members of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals in strongest terms condemn the warring plans of the United States of America and their NATO and Middle East allies aimed at the armed attack on Syria, on the pretext of the Syrian Army’s alleged use of chemical weapons against the insurgents. Their new war adventure, latest in the string of many previous ones waged against an independent sovereign country, is being heralded as yet another “humanitarian intervention”, hypocritically reassuring the international public how they wish to only employ military attack in order to “protect” the Syrian people against any purported renewed use of chemical weapons by their government.
The preparations for the aggression on Syria intensified recently, where the masterminds do not intend to wait for the report to be drafted by UN experts. In addition, they openly announce military intervention even without the UN Security Council, applying scenario already exploited back in 1999 in the aggression against Serbia (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), which will be tantamount to yet another gross violation of the international law an the UN Charter.
For citizens of Serbia, the pretext for the aggression used in this particular case by the USA and its allies, is painfully reminiscent of the monstrous false accusations that had preceded NATO aggression on Serbia, dubbed “Merciful Angel”. That same model has been in the meantime also applied in aggressions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, causing tragic and far reaching consequences for the peoples in these countries.
All these instances of military campaigns waged by the USA and their Western allies, accompanied by grave crimes against humanity and harshest violations of the international law, unmistakably reveal that behind declaratory “good intentions” and “humanitarian interventions” lie their naked imperialist interests and attempts to dominate over other countries and peoples. Preparations for aggression on Syria serve the function of their control over the entire Middle East and unimpeded exploitation of the regional rich mineral resources.
We watch in disbelief the relentless media propaganda against the Syrian Government and its President, unfolding in parallel with the drafting of war plans by the Western command centers. This is the model of demonizing the target adversary, which has previously been thoroughly developed and implemented before and during NATO aggression on Serbia, and thereafter in aggressions on Iraq and Libya. The experience shows that satanizing the rival, in combination with military intervention and other repressive measures, makes the unavoidable constant of all “humanitarian interventions” executed by the USA and its Western allies following the end of the Cold War.
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals expects that the UN Security Council invests maximum efforts in order to halt the threatening “war drums” and pave the way for solving the dramatic crisis in Syria by means of dialogue and negotiations, under full observance of the sovereign right of the Syrian peoples to decide about its destiny on its own, without foreign interference. To achieve this, it is necessary that the countries which amply support and assist the opposition and rebels, thus encouraging them to continue armed struggle and violence, halt such practice and instead revert to supporting the negotiations as the only way to end the civil war.
Belgrade, 30 August 2013.
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
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In the view of certain statements published recently that Serbia`s representatives may in recent future submit application for membership in NATO, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, not withstanding possibility that such statements aim at testing Serbian public opinion, considers it necessary to draw the attention to certain facts.
NATO is military conquering alliance; Serbia is a peace loving country.
NATO attempts to put under its control sources of energy, minerals and other natural wealth, to control geopolitically important territories and communications, to impose might above the right lead to global conflict with unpredictable consequences. Such strategy should be condemned and not condoned.
NATO ignores the fact that the era of the concept of uni-pollar world relations belongs to the past and that the process of multilateralization and democratization of international relations cannot be stopped.
NATO conquering strategy represents source of serious threats to peace and security in Europe and the world.
During aggression on Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) 15 years ago, NATO destroyed Serbia, caused the death of about 4.000 persons, wounding about 10.000, mainly civilians, poisoned soil, water and air by missiles with depleted uranium. How many citizens had died in the meantime and how many of them will die as a result of the NATO use of depleted uranium, will hardly be established.
Serbia`s adherence to NATO would mean amnestying the leadership of the Alliance of its responsibility for the war crimes and economic damage, as well as unforgivable sin towards human victims.
Such a step would certainly jeopardize strategic relations with Russia being Serbia`s traditional friend, supporter and closest ally in two world wars. Maintaining strategic cooperation and mutual trust with Russia is of paramount importance for survival of Serbia as sovereign independent and prosperous state.
NATO aggression, called “humanitarian intervention”, its continuation up to these days by other means, occupation of the Serbia`s state territory in order to establish a mafia state called “Republic of Kosova”, as well as repetition of the aggression in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Syria and other countries – illustrate profound human, moral, political and economic crises of western civilization.
Elites of the leading western states came to the point that they see no other solutions for maintaining its privileged position and prosperity but to conquer and occupy other countries wealth by military force of NATO. The majority of the world community, however, is not ready to surrender but to defend freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Under the guise of the defender of, human rights, security of civilians, democratic values, in general, NATO has been violating basic principles of international law, imposing regime changes by force and provoking deaths and misery of civilians, only to serve the greedy interests of corporate capital of leading powers. Thus, NATO has become key factor of spreading militarism and totalitarian ideology.
EU has adopted NATO strategy and plans of expansion toward East, including installing of new so called anti-rocket bases towards Russia, as a common strategy.
Serbia`s foreign debt is extremely high; joining NATO would require buying new military hardware, therefore to further rise of the foreign debt and financial enslavements.
NATO interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere have left deaths of civilians, refugees, divisions, civilian conflicts. The public is against Serbia`s involvements in such policy and operations; Serbia`s soldiers should not by dying for the alien greedy interests.
The public demands full respect of the will of 75% of Serbia`s citizens who are against membership in NATO. Reinforcing present official status of militarily neutrality is in the best interest of Serbia.
Belgrade, July 2013.
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04. July 2013.
We, free and responsible citizens of Republic of Serbia,
Freely and legitimately elected representatives of population of Kosovo and Metohija, that respect the Constitution and laws of Republic of Serbia – members of municipal assemblies in the Autonomy Province of Kosovo and Metohija, which is a part of unique and indivisible Republic of Serbia,
Recognizing the urgent and necessary need to, in organized manner, we protect our lives and families; our homes and property; other human rights and basic liberty; citizens’ dignity, identity, and integrity; culture and religion; cultural and historical heritage, etc,
Respecting the Constitution and laws of Republic of Serbia and rejecting all illegal secessionist acts,
Referring to the United nations Charter, Final Act of Helsinki and UN SC Resolution 1244 (1999),
Rejecting, by the secessionist Albanian movement, proclaimed separation of Autonomy Province of Kosovo and Metohija from our Republic of Serbia, against our democratically expressed will as well as against the Constitution, illegal and insignificant,
Following unequivocal will of the population of municipalities Kosovska Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic, freely expressed on the Referendum that was held on 15th of February 2012, about non-accepting institutions of so-called Republic of Kosovo,
Reminding that the Constitution of Republic of Serbia explicitly determines that the Autonomy Province of Kosovo and Metohija is a compositional part of territory of Republic of Serbia, which has a position of substantial autonomy within the sovereign state of Serbia and from this position of Kosovo and Metohija follows the constitutional responsibility of all state organs to represent and protect the state interests of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija in its internal and foreign political relations, as well as that sovereignty comes from the population and no state organ, group or individual cannot adopt the sovereignty from the population, or establish the government apart from the freely expressed will of the population,
Regarding it
Certifying the Declaration of the National Assembly of Serb people, held on 22nd of April 2013, in Kosovska Mitrovica, about rejecting the “First principal agreement that regulates normalization of relations”, that in Brussels on 19th of April 2013, initials signed the Prime Minister of Republic of Serbia, Ivica Dacic and “president of Kosovo government”, Hashim Thaqi, as opposed to the will of Serb people and population of Autonomy Province of Kosovo and Metohija that respect the Constitution and laws of Republic of Serbia, which is against the Constitution and against the laws of Republic of Serbia, citizens which are loyal to the Republic of Serbia, municipalities with Serb majority and all other institutions of Republic of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija are being given up and pushed into “constitutional and legal system “ of unrecognized and, by Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija, illegally proclaimed so-called Republic of Kosovo;
Resisting to huge pressures and each injustice, legal violence and political autocracy of powerful people to Serbs and population of Autonomy Province of Kosovo and Metohija that respect the Constitution and laws of Republic of Serbia and to local self-governments where they live, impose somebody else’s sovereign government, “legal framework and institutions” of illegally proclaimed so-called Republic of Kosovo,
With our free will and with will of the people we represent, we gathered in Zvecan on 04. July 2013. to, according to the Article 2 and 12 of the Constitution of Republic of Serbia and Articles 88 and 89 of the Laws on local self-government, establish the Provisional Assembly of Autonomy Province of Kosovo and Metohija, and to adopt:
The declaration on establishment of the provisional assembly of autonomy province of Kosovo and Metohija
General decrees
1. Provisional Assembly of Autonomy Province of Kosovo and Metohija (further in the text: Provisional assembly) is the representative body of population of Republic of Serbia in Autonomy Province Kosovo and Metohija that respects Constitution and laws of Republic of Serbia and which the right on territorial autonomy execute within the Constitution and laws of Republic of Serbia.
2. Provisional assembly will issue a Provisional statute of Autonomy Province Kosovo and Metohija, which will, until the Law on substantial autonomy of Autonomy Province Kosovo and Metohija according to the Constitution and laws of Republic of Serbia, temporarily arrange execution of rights on territorial autonomy.
Upon the issuing of the law on substational autonomy of the Autonomy province Kosovo and Metohija, Provisional Assembly will issue a Statute of Autonomy Province Kosovo and Metohija and other general acts (decisions) where rights on territorial autonomy will be coordinated with this law.
Composition and organs of Provisional Assembly
3. Provisional Assembly will be composed of ____ members-delegates which are to be elected by MA members of municipalities from the territory of AP Kosovo and Metohija.
4. Mandate of member-delegate of Provisional Assembly will last until the election of the first composition of Assembly of Autonomy Province Kosovo and Metohija and the longest would be four years since the day of constituting Provisional Assembly.
5. Each municipality, signed party of document about the establishment of provisional assembly has at least 5 (five) member-delegate in Provisional Assembly.
The act on establishment can be additionally signed by a group of five or more registered associations of displaced persons from Kosovo and Metohija which gain the right on 5 (five) members in Provisional assembly.
6. Provisional Assembly has the President, Deputy president, Secretariat and working bodies.
Sessions of the provisional Assembly and the way of work
7. Work of Provisional Assembly is public.
8. Provisional Assembly will meet in two regular yearly sessions and extraordinary session could be held is necessary.
9. Provisional assembly will issue a Rule of Procedures which will in detail arrange the rules and the way of work.
10. All other issues will be regulated with documents of Provisional assembly.
In Zvecan,
04. July 2013.
Members of Provisional assembly of Autonomy Province Kosovo and Metohija
Municipality of Kosovska Mitrovica
Municipality of Zvecan
Municipality of Leposavic
Municipality of Zubin Potok
Municipality of Pec
City Pristina (Gracanica)
Municipality of Novo Brdo
Other signatures
Diplomatic sources: Putin tells G8 "You want Asad to resign. Look at the leaders you've made in the Middle East."
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By Dawud Rimal
Beirut: A diplomatic source has reported that the West has been discussing for some time the issue of the escalating role of Islamists in Lebanon and the Arab countries. The source reports that this discussion might wind up concluding that there is a need to rein in the role of the Islamists. It is along this line of thinking that the West has been encouraging the Lebanese regular army since the 'Abra Battle. [A two-day battle between Lebanese regular army forces and the gang of a Sunni Salafi Shaykh Ahmad al-Asir 'Abra near the southern Lebanese city of Sidon in late June 2013. Translator's note.]
The diplomatic source reports that the changes underway in Egypt were expected by the Western countries and that the leaders of the G8 discussed the matter of Islamists coming to power in a number of Arab countries, including Egypt, in their recent meeting in Northern Ireland. [The Group of Eight or "G8" (Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the USA, and Russia) met in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, on 17-18 June 2013. Translator's note.]
The diplomatic source reports that during that G8 meeting, Russian President Putin delivered a long intervention on that subject.
The prominent European diplomatic source reports that in his statement, the Russian President addressed the leaders participating in the G8 meeting, saying:
"You want President Bashshar al-Asad to step down? Look at the leaders you've made in the Middle East in the course of what you have dubbed the "Arab Spring." Now the peoples of the region are rejecting those leaders. The revolution against Muhammad Mursi in Egypt continues and anybody who knows the character of Egyptian society is aware of the fact that it is a deeply rooted secular society of varied cultures and civilizations with a history of advanced political activity. It will never accept attempts to impose things upon it by force. As to Receb Tayyib Erdoğan [in Turkey], the street is moving against him and his star is beginning to wane. In Tunisia the Muslim Brotherhood-Salafi rule that you formed there is no longer stable and the fate of Tunisia won't be very far from the army seizing power, because Europe will never accept chaos on its borders and Tunisia is an entry way to Europe." (Putin said this before the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Tunisia resigned to declare his candidacy for president of the republic. Note by as-Safir.)
Putin went on: "You have spread anarchy in Libya after Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi. Nobody can put together an authority capable of working to rebuild the state there. Yemen after the departure of 'Ali 'Abdallah Salih lacks stability in government and there is no peace in the streets. Military and security unrest continues to prevail in all the regions of the country. As to the Persian Gulf, the whole area from Bahrain to the rest of the states there is sitting atop a volcano," Putin said.
The diplomatic source reported the Russian President as saying: "You want Russia to abandon Asad and his regime and go along with an Opposition whose leaders don't know anything except issuing fatwas declaring people heretics, and whose members - who come from a bunch of different countries and have multiple orientations - don't know anything except how to slaughter people and eat human flesh. You use double standards and approach the crisis in Syria using summer and winter styles under one roof. You lie to your own peoples so as to further your interests. This is none of our business. But it is impermissible for you to lie to us and to the countries and peoples of the world, because the international stage is no longer yours alone. Your ability to monopolize it the way you did two decades ago is now gone for good."
Putin continued: "In Syria all of you are standing on the side of the forces that for the last 10 years you have claimed to be fighting against under the rubric of 'fighting terror.' Now today you are with them, helping them to take power across the region. You declare that you're going to arm them and work to facilitate sending their fighters to Syria to bring it down, weaken it, and break it up." Putin asked, "In God's name what kind of democracy are you talking about? You want a democratic regime in Syria to take the place of the Asad regime, but are Turkey and the countries you're allied with in the region blessed with democracy?"
Putin addressed US President Obama specifically, saying: "Your country sent its army to Afghanistan in the year 2001 on the excuse that you are fighting the Taliban and the al-Qa'idah Organization and other fundamentalist terrorists whom your government accused of carrying out the 11 September attacks on New York and Washington. And here you are today making an alliance with them in Syria. And you and your allies are declaring your desire to send them weapons. And here you have Qatar in which you [the US] have your biggest base in the region and in the territory of that country the Taliban are opening a representative office."
Putin turned to the President of France [François Hollande] to ask, "How can you send your army to Mali to fight fundamentalist terrorists on the one hand, while on the other you are making an alliance with them and supporting them in Syria, and you want to send them heavy weapons to fight the regime there?"
British Prime Minister David Cameron came in for some of Putin's sharpest remarks, when the Russian President told him: "You are loudly demanding that the terrorists in Syria be armed and yet these are the same people two of whom slaughtered a British soldier on a street in London in broad daylight in front of passers by, not caring about your state or your authority. And they have also committed a similar crime against a French soldier in the streets of Paris."
The diplomatic report indicates that the leaders gathered at the summit were surprised then when German Chancellor Angela Merkel supported every word that Putin said in his address. She declared her rejection of any solution in Syria other than a peaceful one, saying "because the military solution will lead Syria and the whole region into the unknown." She strongly opposed arming the Syrian Opposition, "so that these weapons don't get into the hands of the terrorists who plan to use them in attacks against cities in the European Union." She also indicated that she did not want to see some of her European partners getting involved in military and political adventures that would only serve to further deepen their financial and economic deficits, "because Germany is no longer able to serve as a financial and economic rescue line for those countries in order to help cover up their mistakes."
As-Safir newspaper, No 12522, Saturday, 6 July 2013.
Serbia should ‘’Icelandize’’ its European policy
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IBNA INTERVIEW – Živadin Jovanović, former Yugoslav Foreign Minister
By Miloš Mitrović – Belgrade
“After European Union Council had announced the start of the accession negotiations with Serbia, the statements by the EU representatives in this regard were mainly general. They said that the talks will start at the latest in January 2014, but it is not clear what the EU Council will discuss in December. However, we can assume that the issue will be complete and continual implementation of the Brussels agreement about the normalization of the relations between Belgrade and Priština. I think this is for certain, especially given the fact that the implementation of the Brussels agreement was the main demand of the German Parliament in the first place”, Živadin Jovanović, former Yugoslav Foreign Minister (1998 – 2000) said in the interview for IBNA. Jovanović is President of Belgrade Forum of the world of equals, since 2005.
The officials of the Serbian Government are claiming that there will be no further preconditions for the start of the talks. Are they right?
„These comments are directed to Serbian public. The officials want to send the message to the people that Serbian policy concerning the EU thus far was adequate and that it was fruitful. Nevertheless, I believe that situation is not so simple at all. There are no reasons to be satisfied with the EU decision, not to mention celebrations. Serbia is going to face new tough demands. Serbian Government accepted EU policy that had tied the accession talks with Serbia with the issue of Kosovo which is wrong. Such an approach is unprecedented in the history of the EU enlargement process. And now we can see – according to German Bundestag decision – that even the new negotiation chapter on relations between Belgrade and Priština will be introduced.“
Do you think that EU will accept German idea?
“I am sure that the EU will follow German position. This is usual practice in Bruxels. Any unbiased observer would say that by this approach EU requests from Serbia to recognize the independence of Kosovo. Bundestag declaration means that the EU will demand from Serbia to accept the entering of Kosovo into international organizations, including UN, to sign an “agreement on good neighbourly relations and status of national minorities”, to establish diplomatic relations etc. I even think that certain other EU member states, not only Germany, sooner or later, will make their own preconditions for Serbia. They will not support Serbian progress towards the EU without fulfilling these preconditions.”
You consider the Brussels agreement as a dictate. Do you find that Serbia had a different choice?
„The Icelandization of Serbian policy regarding the EU was an alternative. This approach implies cooling-down the whole process of endless unilateral concessions to EU, USA and Prishtina, intensify economic and other ties with Russia, China, India and all countries supporting Serbia`s sovereignty and territorial integrity and to start activating own economic, natural, humane and geostrategic capacities which are not negligible. Serbian officials, to my opinion, made serious mistake by trading Serbian legitimate rights in Kosovo and Metohija for the accession talks date. We will see what will be the final price of the Serbian EU membership. For instance, Serbian public is not aware that Germany, Austria, may be even Hungary, may request compensations for Volksdeutsche (Germans which were expelled from Serbia in the end of the Second World War as collaborators of occupying fascist’s forces).
What could be the consequences for the current Serbian government in case that it had been refused the EU demands regarding Kosovo?
„I think that this government went too far, too rapidly. Why they have decided to rush into negotiations at the highest level? If the highest ranking officials make a wrong decision, nobody can correct it. The alternative solution was to conduct constructive policy towards the EU, but without rushing and without surrendering vital state and national long term interests. This approach could imply openness for membership but not for dictate and blackmail. By intensifying the economical and other relations with BRICS countries, as well as with the Arab and Latin American countries, Serbia could strengthen its position towards the EU. Accepting the Brussels agreement under the conditions imposed by the EU will be remembered as historical step, but unfortunately, wrong one.“
Do you think that current EU „sticks and carrots“ policy towards Serbia is similar to Western policy in Yugoslavia during the 90s?
„There are many similarities. Generally, EU practices a racist policy toward Serbia. During the 90s sticks were isolation, sanctions and even, direct military aggression in alliance with the terrorist UCK. At this moment, circumstances are different - there are no sanctions, isolations threat of aggression. Neither EU, nor NATO have monopoly in European or world relations, be they economic, political or strategic. Serbia is member of most important international organizations, has many friends. Her interests and rights in Kosovo and Metohija are guaranteed by UN SC resolution 1244. Thus, Serbia has more opportunities to demand and reach just compromise. Yet, somehow, Serbia is more opened and more subjected to dictate. I am not sure whether the Brussels agreement will provide stability in the region or create the foundation for the new strives in the future. “
What will the Croatian entry into EU bring to Serbia?
„Croatia is our neighbour country and we should build good relations together. The basic principle in this cooperation should be the reciprocity. Nevertheless, Serbia has allowed Croatia unilateral concessions thus far. Croatian companies have purchased both Serbian factories and the agricultural resources’ of the highest quality. Croatian businessman Ivica Todoric controls more than a third chain market`s in Serbia. On the other hand, Serbian companies are not allowed to invest in Croatia. Serbs in Croatia are discriminated; barriers for the return of Serbian refugees forced out in 90-ies are still there. The part of the border between Serbia and Croatia is still undefined, because Croatia has pretensions that are contrary to international law. All this is certainly not in compliance with the standards of EU.
Kosovo is Serbia
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Voice of Russia
June 28, 2013
The information war and information operations by the West appear to have been geared up to full capacity in Serbia as the West tries to force the Serbian people into accepting the independence of Kosovo and European Union integration.
From a geopolitical point of view Serbia may not seem like that big of a country but it is of great importance for the United States and its NATO allies because right in the heart of Serbia, in Kosovo, a territory the US and NATO planners have literally stolen from the Serbian people, is the largest U.S. military installation outside of the continental United States.
From hundreds of contacts, interviews, documents and observations regarding Serbia and the Serbian people, it is clear that the government of Serbia is not following the wishes of the majority of the Serbian people when it comes to Kosovo, European integration and relations with the Russian Federation.
The vast majority of the Serbian people in no way recognize the independence of Kosovo and for almost every single Serbian Kosovo is viewed not only as an integral part of the sovereign territory of Serbia but also as the heart of the Serbian people.
When I first started reporting about Kosovo and Serbia I was at first confronted with claims and even evidence that there was a complete and total media blackout in effect when it came to Serbia and the views of the Serbian people. This has not gone away and until now the western media operations seemed to be limited to stifling dissent and muzzling the voice of the Serbian people. Like I just said, that is, until now.
Why this strategy won’t fly in Syria
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Lewis MacKenzie Special to The Globe and Mail Published Jun. 25 2013
So, here we go again. President Barack Obama has decided that the U.S. will supply small-arms to the rebels in Syria fighting the al-Assad regime for control of the country. Record this decision as the equivalent of a bobsled leaving the downhill start at the top of the St. Moritz run in Switzerland. We now have the West, led by the U.S. with potentially Canada sharing the sled, on a slippery slop toward what has become well known over the years as “mission creep.” Anyone remember Iraq, Kosovo or Libya?
If recent history is a guide, the next development as the slope gets steeper will be a call for a no-fly zone over Syria. No-fly zones were originally imposed by the allies following the first Persian Gulf war in 1991. Primarily U.S. and British fighter aircraft patrolled the skies over Iraq to ensure no Iraqi aircraft could threaten groups like the minority Kurdish population in the north of the country. In the memorable words of Senator John McCain, the technique, in its simplest description, tells pilots: “Don’t fly or you’re going to die.” As the 12-year operation of patrolling the skies over Iraq got under way, an additional caveat was inserted into the no-fly protocol. Iraqi ground-based air defence units could continue to be deployed; however, if they turned their radars on and “painted” Allied aircraft enforcing the no-fly zone they would be destroyed on the spot. The no-fly zone operation was successful and achieved its objective of grounding all Iraqi military aircraft.
In 1999, with NATO celebrating its 50th anniversary and no enemy in sight to justify its existence, it sought a new role and solicited a UN resolution to establish a no-fly zone over Serbia/Kosovo – the scene of a civil conflict in the latter, with involvement of the former. When it proved impossible for the UN Security Council to approve such a resolution, NATO, in a highly questionable and arguably illegal move, commenced bombing a sovereign nation, the former Yugoslavia (Serbia/Kosovo).
Communiqué of the Secretariat Meeting of WPC, 31st May-1st June 2013 Lisbon
Press Releases |
The Secretariat of the World Peace Council was held successfully and was hosted by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) in Lisbon on May31st and June 1st 2013.
After a very rich and fruitful discussion it released the following communiqué:
The members of the Secretariat appreciated the contribution and efforts of the CPPC to host the meeting and salute the Portuguese people who resist the anti-people, anti-labour policies of the Portuguese government along with the European Union, the European Central Bank and the IMF, who use the economic capitalist crisis in order to foster the profits of the capital and shift the burden of the crisis to the working people, the youth and the pensioners. The Secretariat likewise salutes the other peoples of Europe, who are to one or other extend facing similar attacks on their rights and their lives, namely in Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Ireland and call upon them to rally around the class trade unions and popular organizations to coordinate amongst them, to reject and fight back these generalized attacks on labour power, social rights and democratic liberties.
The WPC underlines the character of the crisis as one of the capitalist system that creates the crisis and calls upon all peoples and their peace loving forces in the world to be vigilant since the aggressiveness of imperialism and the reactionary forces during the economic crisis is growing and becoming more lethal and destructive.
The Secretariat meeting took place almost one year after the successful holding of the WPC Assembly and World Peace Conference last July in Kathmandu/Nepal. Since then the WPC observed and dealt with many fronts of struggle and in particular for the raise of awareness on the causes which generate the imperialist wars, against the policies of the monopolies, the big business groups who are behind the imperialist interventions, threats and provocations, in the Middle East, in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. These economic interests are being expressed at political-state level and constitute the basis of the war and imperialist violence.
The WPC has increased its activities and strengthened its prestige and recognition amongst the Global Peace Movement. It participated for the first time as official observer in the 2012 Non Aligned Movement Summit in Tehran and attended or co-organized several international and regional activities the last period (see attached appendix)
The Secretariat of the WPC expresses its serious concerns about the escalation of the situation in the broader Middle East, where on the one hand imperialist forces (USA, EU, NATO) continue with the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, along with the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian people by Israel and on the other hand the same forces in close cooperation with their regional allies (Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc) are intervening militarily in Syria with the support of armed mercenary groups. Their aim is the violent regime change, as they have done before in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia, for the sake of the control of energy resources and with the hypocritical pretext of violation human rights and the alleged use of Weapons of Mass Destruction. The WPC condemns the “Great Middle East” plan of USA and NATO. The recent decision of the Foreign Ministers of the EU to lift the embargo of arms sales to Syria is aiming at the armament of the mercenary opposition groups and at the escalation of the conflict.
The WPC reaffirms its principle positions against any type of foreign interference in Syria and that the Syrian people are the sole responsible and entitled to deal with its future. It declares its solidarity with the people of Syria as it is has been done actively in the international events organized in Turkey (“Peoples want Peace”) in November 2012 and last April. The WPC Secretariat reaffirms its position against the sanctions imposed by EU and US against Iran, which is affecting its people and against any interference in the domestic affairs of Iran under any pretext. We declare our solidarity with the people of Iran, for their struggle for democracy, social and popular rights and demands and for their right to determine alone their fortunes and path of development.
The WPC underlines its solidarity with the people of Cyprus, for the end of the Turkish occupation and reunification of the island on the basis of a bi-zonal, bi-communal Federation, with one international entity and one citizenship. In this context we denounce the plans of the government of Cyprus to apply for membership at NATO’s “Partnership for Peace”.
The WPC states that one of the reasons that led the masses in Turkey to uprise against the government is their reaction to the war policy carried out since two years against Syria. The Turkish government has played a leading role in provocations towards Syria and this line has been rejected by the great majority of the population, as were observed by all the delegates of the WPC who attended the peace conferences in Turkey on November 2012 and April 2013. The WPC, is proud of being a part of the peace struggles in Turkey that pawed the way for the recent uprising, salutes the resistance of the masses in Turkey in defense of peace and their social and economic rights.
The WPC Secretariat expresses its solidarity with the Palestinian people to end the Israeli occupation and to establish their independent State, within the borders of 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital. The maneuvers of the Israeli regime who are continuing the settlement policy while talking about a “peace process” have the full support of the USA and EU who are acting as accomplices in the occupation of Palestine. The WPC reiterates its position in favor of a Middle East free of Nuclear Weapons.
The WPC denounces the doctrine of NATO and the “responsibility to protect” elaborated and adopted in its Lisbon (2010) and Chicago (2012) summits, whereas NATO is acting worldwide with and without UN mandate as “World Gendarme” serving the interests of the powerful multinational corporations and monopolies. NATO is spending today more than 70% of the world’s total military spending and is responsible for millions of dead. It is developing the “Missile Defense Shield” in order to enable it to threaten nations and peoples. The WPC demands the dissolution of the armed wing of imperialism and supports the right of every people to struggle for the disengagement from it.
The WPC expresses its solidarity with the peoples of Latin America & Caribbean, for their right to determine with sovereignty their path of development, against political, economical and military interference by USA and EU. We salute the peoples of the region who have opened new paths for gaining important social, economic and political achievements which improved the living conditions of the workers and the people, significantly cutting down poverty, having achieved social development and social progress.
We salute the people of Venezuela who defend their achievements from the attacks of the local oligarchy and continue their struggle by deepening the Bolivarian process so that the people will become the masters of the wealth it is producing.
The WPC denounces the re-deployment of the Fourth US Fleet in the region, the coups in Honduras and Paraguay, the British occupation of the Malvinas islands and the efforts to destabilize the popular regimes in Bolivia, Ecuador by the USA and EU.
We salute the ongoing peace negotiations about Colombia carried out in Cuba but we denounce the attitude of the Colombian government which refuses to declare ceasefire during the talks.
We express our full-hearted support to the Cuban people and its revolution and condemn the criminal US blockade along with the reactionary “Common Position of the EU” against Socialist Cuba. We demand the release of the remaining four political prisoners from US jails and the closure and removal of the Guantanamo US base which serves as modern concentration camp on Cuban soil.
The WPC Secretariat denounces the plans of the USA to shift 60% of their military forces (Air Force, Navy and Troops) towards Asia&Pacific, according to the US Pentagon paper entitled “Sustaining Global leadership: Priorities for the Twenty First Century” of January 2012. This “pivot to Asia” has multiple goals. To secure the strategic interests of the USA in economic and political field, to put a halt in China’s growing and emerging appearance in the region. At the same time to contain the military presence of Russia in the Pacific Ocean and intervene in the disputes in the East China ad South China Sea. The USA has signed bilateral and multilateral agreements with majority of South East Asian countries and has started deploying 5.000 Marines in Australia.
With the hundreds of thousands US service personnel, hundreds of war ships, six air craft carriers, several nuclear submarines and hundreds of permanent military Bases, the USA, along with the troops it is withdrawing steadily from Afghanistan and Iraq, will possess a huge war machinery ready to act and intervene where their imperialists’ interests at stake.
The WPC salutes the growing peace activities of our movements in the Philippines, Japan, South Korea and Bangladesh along with India and Australia under the slogan: “US Imperialism-Hands off Asia!”
The WPC reaffirms its solidarity with the Korean people against the imperialist threats and interference on the Korean peninsula and for the peaceful reunification of Korea. The recent joint military exercises of USA, Japan and South Korea along with the 28.000 US troops in South Korea, the 7th US Fleet and the more than 110 US military Bases in Japan constitute the real threat to peace in the region and the end of US presence in the area is the precondition for the de-nuclearization of the peninsula.
The WPC reaffirms its support to the demand for abolition of all nuclear weapons, starting from the ones who possess hundreds and thousands nuclear heads and who don’t refrain from the “first strike theory”. At the same time we denounce the militarization of space and the imperialist rivalry over the Arctic Zone.
The Secretariat of WPC estimates the situation in Africa being of extreme alert. After the murderous bombing and destruction of Libya in order to control the flow of oil, gas and the area, the imperialists are carrying out military operations in Mali, Somalia, while the US is planning to deploy its African Command on African soil.
The interests of USA, the EU and NATO in Africa are related to the plunder of the rich natural resources and to the exploitation future markets, the extreme poverty and death of masses by diseases and hunger every day on the continent is just the price its peoples are paying to the greed of foreign monopolies along with the corrupt governments who in majority of the cases cooperate willingly with the imperialists.
The WPC condemns the ongoing occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco and expresses solidarity to the Saharawi people for their right to determine freely their future.
The WPC reaffirms its support to the struggles of the peoples for their sovereignty and the non-interference, against imperialist domination and threats as well as the defense of the principles of the UN Charter which is being abused and instrumentalized by imperialism.
The WPC Secretariat underlines that despite the negative correlation of forces in favor of the war drive policies of imperialism, humanity is not condemned to sit and watch new imperialist wars to come. The peoples and their organized mass organizations (Peace Movements, Trade Unions, Youth and Women organizations) have the potential and the capacity to uncover the real plans and goals of imperialism that generates wars, misery and exploitation. The united and coordinated efforts, in each country, regionally and internationally of the above forces, can create the counter weight, can mobilize and rally the masses for the interests and rights of the vast majority of the peoples on earth. The WPC will dedicate all its forces and strength to this task.
Plan of actions and campaigns:
The WPC will celebrate next year 65 years from its foundation in 1949.The Secretariat shall elaborate a concrete plan of events for this important anniversary.
• To observe a “week of action” in solidarity with the people of Syria and against the imperialist sanctions and plans to attack Syria and Iran for the first week of August 2013
• Fourth Trilateral Meeting of Peace Movements from Greece, Turkey and Cyprus to be held in Crete/Greece in October 2013
• First Trilateral Peace Marches of the Peace Movements from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh (From Lahore to Delhi and Dhaka to Delhi)with culmination rally in New Delhi in October 2013
• Third International Seminar for the abolition of Military Bases to be held in the Cuban province of Guantanamo November 18-20,2013
• Within the broader struggle against militarism and imperialist wars and International Campaign for the dissolution of NATO to be culminated on 4th April 2014(65th anniversary of NATO)
• International Judicial War Crime Initiative, for the crimes against the people of Syria, to be carried out in Turkey
• Fourth Trilateral meeting of Peace Movements from Mexico, Canada and USA, with Cuba as invited guest, to be held in Mexico City within the first trimester 2014
• To organize events marking the 100 years from the beginning of WW I
List of the international activities organized and/or attended out from the Assembly WPC (July 2012) till the Secretariat Meeting in Lisbon (May 2013)
• The World Conference against A&H Bombs in Hiroshima &Nagasaki (August 2012)
• XVI Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran (August 2012)
• 3rd Trilateral Meeting of the Peace Movements of Cyprus, Turkey and Greece in Nicosia (September 2012)
• National Conference of AIPSO in Pondicherry (October 2012)
• Regional Solidarity Conference with Cuba in Asia & Pacific held in Colombo/Sri Lanka (October 2012)
• European Regional Meeting WPC in Brussels (November 2012)
• International conference and concert in solidarity with the people of Syria held in Antioch/Antakya (November 2012)
• World Social Forum on Palestine held in Porto Alegre/Brazil(November 2012)
• 75th anniversary of the massacre of Nanjing by Japan and bilateral visit to Beijing (December 2012)
• International NGO conference of UΝΕSCΟ held in Paris (December 2012)
• Solidarity visit and conference with the people of Western Sahara held in Algiers (December 2012)
• III. International Conference for the Balance of the World, held in Havana/Cuba (January 2013)
• International event on the 40th anniversary of signing of the Paris accords held in Hanoi and Ηο Chi Minh City (January 2013)
• International Meeting of parties and movements on the situation in the Middle East organized by ΤΚΡ in Istanbul ( February 2013)
• Meeting with the ex-Prime Minister of Nepal M.K.Nepal in Athens (February 2013)
• Congress of the KΠΡΦ and International Seminar in Moscow (February 2013)
• Continental conference and Regional Meeting WPC of the Americas held in Mocca/Dominican Republic (April 2013)
• International Conference “Peoples want Peace” in solidarity with the people of Syria held in Istanbul and Antakya/Turkey (April 2013)
• 40th Anniversary of the “Julio Curie” Award to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and international Meeting on imperialist plans in Asia/Pacific held in Dhaka/Bangladesh (May 2013)
• International conference on the New Economic Order organized by IADL in Paris (May 2013)
• International Forum organized by the CPPC and the Association of Municipalities of the region of Setúbal/Portugal: “For Development, Solidarity and Peace” (June 1st,2013)
• European Regional Meeting hosted by CPPC (June 2nd , 2013) (following the WPC Secretariat)
Press Releases |
Dear Friends and Comrades,
The leadership of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and its members follow with great interest and attention the ongoing peaceful, mass public gatherings of people in Turkey and their legitimate requests for the protection of their economic, social and political rights. We consider these protests to be a democratic expression of justifiable discontent, and an indicator of a ‘stripped' democracy that is affecting the vital issues of life, present in people’s awareness and on the street.
We thank the ‘Baris Dernegi’ Peace Association of Turkey for regular and detailed information about the root causes and the course of developments of these mass protests. Their updated information helped us understand the essence and the reasons of people’s revolt and the justifiability of their requests.
Leadership of the Belgrade Forum, on behalf of its membership and numerous friends and supporters, expresses our sincere solidarity with, and support to, the people of Turkey in their democratic struggle to protect their rights. We wish their efforts are crowned with success in achieving the goals they strive for.
Together with expressing strongest condemnation of violent repressive measures taken by the Police against peaceful demonstrations, we wish to use this opportunity to express our deepest regret for tragic victims among protesters and to send sincere condolences to their families. We also express our sympathies to numerous injured demonstrators and their families, with sincere wishes for their fast recovery.
Sincerely yours,
Belgrade Forum
Belgrade, June 17, 2013. For a World of Equals
WPC Statement on the recent bomb explosions in Reyhanli/Turkey
Press Releases |
The World Peace Council expresses its serious concern about the bomb explosions in the Turkish city of Reyhanli, a few kilometres away from the borders with Syria.
The many dozens dead and the many more injured, to the relatives of whom we express our sympathy and condolences, are adding one more element in the escalation of the war mongers of NATO and its allies in the broader region of Middle East. It is not by chance that for two years now the same Turkish city of Reyhanli was used as a springboard for recruiting, training and sending armed mercenaries into Syria, while the same city was mentioned in several statements of the Peace Movement in Turkey as the transfer point for weapons and military equipment for the so-called Free Syrian Army.
Without knowing yet the details of the bomb explosions and their exact back ground, it is obvious that the policies of active political and military interference exercised by Turkey (recently with the deployment of NATO Patriot missiles in the same area) as part of the imperialist plans to destabilize and overthrow the Syrian regime, are having consequences both to the Syrian and Turkish people. They are feeding such criminal acts. We call upon the government of Turkey to not use the Reyhanli bombings as a pretext for an open attack against Syria.
The tragic bomb explosions in Reyhanli remind us the daily suffering of the Syrian people for two years now, caused by the organized armed groups which are operating from several neighbour countries and particularly from Reyhanli in Turkey.
The WPC, having organized with the Peace Association of Turkey ten days ago and only 40 km away from Reyhanli a mass solidarity event/concert with the people of Syria in the city of Antakya, is sure of the peace loving sentiments of the vast majority of the people of Turkey and in particular of the Hatay province (where Reyhanli belongs to). In the same context we express our solidarity with the ongoing demonstrations in more than ten cities of Turkey, including Antakya, which are demanding peace and end of the interference in Syria.
We reiterate our slogans and demands which we share in common with all of them:
Peace and anti-imperialist Solidarity amongst the neighbour peoples!
NATO out of the Middle East!
Down with imperialism which causes wars and misery!
The Secretariat of WPC Athens May 12, 2013
Final Communiqué of the Conference “Peoples Want Peace”
Press Releases |
The conference entitled “Peoples Want Peace”, organized by the World Peace Council and the Peace Association of Turkey, concluded successfully with the participation of more than 20 national peace committees and international organizations, peace-loving journalists and artists in Istanbul and Antakya from 25th to 29th April 2013.
*The conference program included debate sessions in Istanbul, contacts with peace loving forces of Turkey such as trade unions and mass organizations and a peace concert in Antakya which has turned to be the largest anti-war demonstration in the region for solidarity with the people of Syria.
* The conference took place during a period of growing aggressiveness of imperialism and intra-imperialist contradictions, for the sake of control of energy resources and pipelines, as well as spheres of influence in the broader Middle East. The conference stated that the actions of imperialism for hegemony in the world and, in particular, in the Middle East are the main reason behind all the conflicts, tensions and wars in the region. Despite the antagonisms and rivalries imperialists are hand in hand in the attack against peoples’ rights and peace. The imperialism of the U.S., the E.U. and the NATO, along with the pro-imperialist reactionary regimes of the region share common responsibility for the crimes against the peoples of the region. Our conference is in solidarity with and salutes all the popular forces, peace movements, oppressed peoples who resist the provocations, threats and warmongering of the imperialists and their collaborators in the world and especially in the region.
* The fact that the NATO recently set up new radar facilities and installed Patriot missiles in Turkey, have been dangerous steps for the peace in the region and in the world. Instead of reinforcing NATO in the region, we call upon all peoples and countries to raise their voice and get rid of it.
* Imperialism in the Middle East instigates and uses the Islamic inter-sect conflicts and within this context supports the religious fundamentalist provocative organizations by supporting any kind of cloaks of the war drive forces under the pretext of “humanitarian intervention”.
* We believe in the absolute right of the Syrian people, who suffer from subversive attacks and terrorist actions supported by imperialism and the reactionary regimes of the region, to determine their political path and leadership without any foreign interference. The people of Syria may exercise this right only if they terminate the foreign-backed military and political interventions. The conference declares complete and unreserved solidarity with the people of Syria, its demands for economic, political and social changes and calls upon the involved parties to solve the conflict through negotiations, nevertheless recognizing the right of self-defense of Syria.
* Our conference states that, along with the other regimes in the region, mainly Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Israel, the current government of Turkey commits a crime against humanity in Syria in collaboration with the imperialist forces as USA, EU and organizations like NATO, having thousands of innocent civilians as their victims. The conference forewarns the government of Turkey to stop these prevailing policies.
* The international conference “Peoples Want Peace” calls upon anti-imperialist forces, peace-lovers, honest jurists, intellectuals and journalists to step forward to create an international non-governmental war crimes initiative to investigate the crimes against the Syrian people. Furthermore, the conference has decided to enforce the communication and networking in order to counteract the imperialist and reactionary black propaganda, foremost, on Syria.
* The international conference welcomes the resistance and struggle of the people of Turkey against inter-sect religious conflicts and warmongers and declares its solidarity with the forces of peace.
* The conference attaches importance to the cessation of warfare with regards to the Kurdish Question, which has caused irreparable sufferings for decades. However, it is noted that the frame proposed by the government of Turkey as solution for the Kurdish question fits “religionization” of the whole society and the region, and implies changes of the borders which will necessarily cause new conflicts in the Middle East.
* Our conference underlines the demand that the Middle East be purged from imperialist powers and nuclear weapons. We, once again, underline the position of the World Peace Council for the question of Palestine to be solved in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the UN and the establishment of the independent State of Palestine within the borders of 1967 and East Jerusalem as its capital, that Israel should respect the international agreements, abolish the siege of the Gaza Strip, and cease the occupation of the Syrian Golan heights and the Lebanese Shebaa farms.
* “The Peoples Want Peace” Conference calls for a nuclear weapons -free Middle East, including known nuclear weapons as in the case of Israel and unknown ones as in the case of NATO settings in Turkey.
* Keeping the consciousness about the risks of the use of nuclear energy, that have been experienced through recent tragic accidents, we state that every country has the right to freely choose the technique of producing energy and that the nuclear energy programs cannot be a reason for allegations or threats against any country. Thus we declare our solidarity with the people of Iran who resist the imperialist threats. On the other hand we declare our solidarity with the working men and women of Iran in their struggle for freedom and democracy, social and economic rights. We also condemn the economic sanctions applied by the US and EU upon Iran, under the pretext of its nuclear program, but in fact penalizing the large masses, and demand the abolition of all sanctions.
* Our conference protests the attempts for affiliation of Cyprus to NATO using the economic crisis as additional pretext for it. We support the solution of bi–zonal bi–communal Federation with political equality, as set forth in the UN Resolutions regarding Cyprus, top level agreements between the leaders of two communities in 1977 and 1979 and the principles of International Law.
* Our conference, which gathered in Istanbul and Antakya on 25-29 April, once more, declares its solidarity with all the forces of peace which struggle against imperialism and war, with all poor and oppressed who fight against imperialist wars and exploitation.
World Peace Council-Peace Association of Turkey 7 May 2013
Participants of the Conference:
- US Peace Council
- Brazilian Center for the defense of solidarity and the struggle for peace
- Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace
- National Peace Council of Syria
- Swedish Peace Council
- Free-thinkers Association, Germany
- International Association of Democratic Lawyers
- World Federation of Trade Unions
- European Peace Forum, Ukrain Anti-fascist Committee
- Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
- Frankfurt Solidarity Committee for Syria
- Palestinian Committee for Peace and Solidarity
- Jordanian Peace and Solidarity Council
- Jordanian-Syrian Solidarity Committee
- Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
- Working Circle for Peace Policy, Germany
- Lebanonese Peace Committee
- Association for the Defense of Peace, Solidarity and Democracy of Iran
- Peace Association of Turkey
- World Peace Council
Another Massive Failure by the International Criminal Tribunal
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Neither Justice Nor Reconciliation
April 17, 2013
Do international criminal tribunals contribute to reconciliation between parties to armed conflicts? On April 10, the question was discussed during a “thematic debate” at the United Nations General Assembly – but not by everybody.
The United States boycotted the affair.
Why? It was organized by a Serb.
Richard Dicker of Human Rights Watch took on the task of warning people away in an article in the Huffington Post. The debate “will serve up a revisionist denial of the worst killings in Europe since the end of World War II”, he announced, adding that “it is unlikely much thoughtful discussion will occur.”
The Serb organizing the conference was Vuk Jeremic, who used to be Serbia’s foreign minister before becoming current president of the UN General Assembly, a position which allows such special thematic debates to be organized. With the moral weight of Human Rights Watch behind him, Dicker wrote that “the government Jeremic served is dominated by the nationalist Serbian Radical Party (SRP), whose founder, Vojislav Seselj, is on trial at the International Criminal Tribunal on Former Yugoslavia” (ICTY). Dicker accused Jeremic of deciding to “organize a ‘debate’ to serve as cover for an auto-da-fe of the tribunal.”
Take that, you Serbs! We know what you’re up to! Except that, incidentally, there has never been a Serbian government dominated by the Serbian Radical Party. That party ceased to exist during the ongoing decade-long incarceration without trial of its leader Seselj – which is perhaps precisely why Seselj is being kept indefinitely in The Hague. The government Jeremic served was in fact the submissively pro-Western Democratic Party government of President Boris Tadic, which spent its years in office doing everything it could to please its tormenters in the European Union, the United States and the Tribunal. But never mind the facts: those Serbs are all alike, extreme nationalists, of course.
Having disposed of the Serbian sponsors, Dicker concluded: “Countries with a more constructive agenda need to find a way to debate these and other lessons as we near the 20th anniversary of the Yugoslavia tribunal.”
Of course, Human Rights Watch could have brought its “constructive” views to the April 10 conference. All that was needed was for its executive director Kenneth Roth to accept the invitation from Jeremic, who also invited other champions of the ICTY.
Erin Pelton, spokeswoman for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, said the United States would not participate in the “unbalanced, inflammatory” meeting. Indeed, why should the Superpower that has systematically ensured its own immunity from the International Criminal Court discuss international criminal law with indictable riffraff?
So the debate was left to those beyond the pale of “the International Community” – such secondary countries as Argentina, South Africa, Russia, China, Cuba, India, Algeria, Turkey, Brazil, etc., etc.
Jeremic posed the paramount issue of the conference in his introductory remarks: “how international criminal justice can help reconcile former adversaries in post-conflict, transitional societies.” He ventured to suggest that: “Reconciliation will come about when all the parties to a conflict are ready to speak the truth to each other. Honoring all the victims is at the heart of this endeavor… Reconciliation is in its essence about the future, about making sure we do not allow yesterday’s tragedies to circumscribe our ability to reach out to each other, and work together for a better, more inclusive tomorrow.”
Not much of an “auto-da-fe”.
This was soon followed by the dreaded moment of scandal when the current President of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic, delivered his speech. “U.S. boycotts U.N. forum over agenda set by Serb”, headlined the International Herald Tribune, noting that: “Critics took offense that
General Assembly president, Vuk Jeremic, whose antipathy toward the Yugoslavia tribunal is well known, had invited as keynote speaker the like-minded president of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic, but not the victims of Balkans atrocities …” What Nikolic himself actually said was not reported.
So, addressing only the majority of the world that lies beyond the pale, Nikolic said that Serbia yearned for reconciliation with its neighbors with whom it used to live in the same country. But he was “deeply convinced that the Hague Tribunal has only done harm to this process and that it has probably caused an unnecessary delay that will be carried over to the next generation.”
The one-sided focus of the Tribunal on crimes by Serbs stands in the way of reconciliation, he said. The extreme imbalance between convictions of Serbs and other parties to the tragic conflicts indicates an effort to establish the conclusion that the Serbian side alone was carrying out murder and genocide while the others were passively going about their daily business.
“It is not true that in this war that destroyed us all only one side was getting killed and the other side was doing the killings”, he said, blaming the ICTY for a “lack of objectivity and impartiality”.
Nikolic recalled Serbia’s extraordinary cooperation with the Tribunal over the years, extraditing 46 defendants, including two former presidents, government ministers, three army chiefs of staff and several police and army generals, including the director of intelligence service which, Nikolic stressed, has never been done by any other country. Serbia has “almost given up sovereignty,” relieving more than 750 witnesses from the obligation to safeguard state secrets and opening its archives to prosecutors.
In return, crimes against Serbs have been almost entirely ignored by the prosecution, and the few prosecutions of the most notorious crimes of ethnic cleansing of Serbs have ended in acquittal on appeal.
The verdicts reached by the Tribunal are making the Serbian people feel frustrated and depressed while creating feelings of exaltation and triumph among Croats and Bosnian Muslims, he said. In the absence of a balanced truth, “any reconciliation will be imposed and insincere.” A convincing court “cannot be fair to some and unfair to others.” No real reconciliation is possible when one nation is made to feel that it is the victim of a great injustice, while giving the other side a feeling of great triumph.
Of the refusal of ICTY representatives to attend the conference Nikolic said that “if they did not respect the most ancient legal rule, ‘Audiatur et altera pars’ (hear the other side too), how can we expect even a minimum of law and justice of them?”
Following statements by representatives of participating countries, the conference heard discussion by two expert panels, made up of a total of two Serbs and eight speakers from the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada.
Savo Strbac, a Bosnian Serb who has collected data on war deaths, used statistics to show that the Tribunal had unfairly prosecuted a disproportionate number of Serbs. William Schabas, an American defender of the ICTY, replied that the 1945 Nuremberg Tribunal was, after all, even more one-sided against the Germans. He thus confirmed exactly what the Serbs object to, namely that the Tribunal was set up at the start of the Yugoslav wars of disintegration to put political pressure on the Serbian side, after Germany and the United States, for contrasting reasons, had decided to back the Croatian and Bosnian Muslim separatists against the Serbs. The ICTY was used as a constant threat to the Serbs, the party most opposed to dismantling Yugoslavia. The prosecution of members of the secessionist national groups have been token at best.
The second Serb panelist, Cedomir Antic, noted that over 70% of Serbs have a negative view of the Tribunal, but other national groups are not satisfied either. He protested that the underlying identification of Serbia with Nazi Germany was unfounded and unjust. By developing a condemnation of Serbia’s entire historic culture, the ICTY has even fostered hatred of their own country among some Serbs. Serbs are accused of hating others, but self-hatred is welcomed.
It is striking that not long after World War II, which left over 60 million dead, the Federal Republic of Germany was cozily rehabilitated into the West, economically and militarily, whereas years after the end of an incomparably smaller localized war, Serbia remains a criminalized pariah.
The reason for this ongoing stigmatization of Serbia lies in the need to justify the 1999 Kosovo war.
At one point, a Cuban delegate asked Canadian panelist General Lewis MacKenzie,
who commanded UN peacekeeping forces in Sarajevo during the Bosnian phase of the wars: what was the real reason that NATO bombed Serbia for 78 days in 1999? General MacKenzie replied candidly that it was because NATO was celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, the Soviet bloc had collapsed, and “NATO was looking for work”.
The 1999 bombing of Kosovo was blatantly illegal – an act of aggression, without U.N. Security Council mandate, carried out with impunity against a country that posed no threat whatsoever to any NATO member.
As Cedomir Antic observed, the nature of the Tribunal is proven by the fact that it refused to indict anyone in NATO for its illegal crime of aggression against Serbia, or for its crimes in bombing schools, hospitals and other civilian targets.
International lawyer Matthew Parish raised the problem of international criminal law “stealing ground from historians”. The “fog of war” makes it hard to know what is going on, and justice pretends to give final answers, he observed.
ICTY indictments and convictions are designed to give answers that are clearly oriented in a way to support the NATO pretext that the bombing of Serbia was a “humanitarian” war to save potential victims (Kosovo Albanians) from a hypothetical threat of “genocide”. That version casts the Serbs as villains, with all other parties as innocent victims.
U.S. leaders wanted to give NATO a new mission, and claiming to “save the Kosovars” from genocide was an ideal pretext. The main task of The Hague Tribunal for crimes in former Yugoslavia is to shore up that pretext. NATO powers proposed it, fund it, choose or vet its personnel. Quite naturally, it follows and confirms the NATO interpretation of events. The interpretation must be preserved above all because Kosovo as the “good, humanitarian war” still continues to serve as model for whatever other war the US or NATO may choose to undertake on a similar pretext.
It remained for British scholar John Laughland to conclude the debates with a scathing intellectual critique of the very principle of international criminal tribunals.
Laughland argued that the whole system is a fundamental mistake which overlooks the fact that the legal right to administer justice is the definitive characteristic of statehood which cannot rightly be usurped by such floating entities:
“This unimpeachable right to administer punishment is enjoyed by the state under very clear conditions, namely that this right is exercised in return for general protection of law-abiding citizens. The right derives, in other words, from the social contract. That social contract is systemically broken by international tribunals which offer no protection in return for the punishment they administer because they are not part of a state and have no police force. Not embedded in the structures of statehood, international criminal courts are a perfect example of power without responsibility.”
Laughland expressed his conviction that “the United Nations system is itself endangered by these developments and by the rise of that interventionism which international criminal justice embodies.”
To promote reconciliation, it would be necessary, Laughland maintained, to return to “the lost art of peace” which, until the early twentieth century, was exemplified in the amnesty clauses included in all peace treaties. Amnesty was not an individual forgetting, but an official act of sovereign states to put hostilities behind them and make a fresh start on friendly terms.
Ignoring all such issues, the mainstream media, in its indigent reporting, focused on the absent victims. Bosnian Muslim activist Munira Subasic was lengthily interviewed by the Associated Press, calling on emotion to trump reason with references to Srebrenica, genocide, rape, evil.
“As a victim of genocide, Subasic said, ‘I will never forgive. I will never forget’,” AP reported.
It was a final proof of the failure of the International Criminal Tribunal on former Yugoslavia to advance reconciliation.
DIANA JOHNSTONE is the author of Fools Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions.
Message by Zivadin Jovanovic
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31 March 2013
By the looks of it, it seems that in Brussels one can easily sign anything today, tomorrow or the day after, or give, disown, commit, or pledge anything, however Serbia stands there to gain nothing from anyone, for quite a long while. The Date is a delusion of negotiators and a mock concession of Brussels. Berlin is readying for the elections, Brussels’ commissionaires and institutions have long-term agendas crammed with topics such as the uncertain outlooks of the monetary union, of Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Slovenia etc, whereas Washington and London are preoccupied with Syria, Iran, North Korea, the Pacific, Africa, and so on and so forth.
For so long as Brussels stage belongs to Merkel and Cameron, whose attitudes towards Serbia are clearly on an ultimatum-note, whereas towards Thaci are parentally protective, Serbia has nothing to look for there, nothing to gain, but rather everything to give and surrender, to humiliate herself and consent to being humiliated. As indeed is the case all the times, not only in Brussels but even in Belgrade.
United Kingdom and Germany, supported by the US, have been instigating separatisms of former Yugoslav Republics, funding, and even supplying arms to them. The SFRY was dismembered at their tracks, on the way paved by the European Union in its former capacity of the European Economic Communities. You may recall that Budimir Lončar, then Minister of Foreign Affairs in the SFRY, claimed that the EEC was the only way out of the Yugoslav crisis. What happened next with Yugoslavia, what happened with the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro? Have we so quickly forgotten that-time predecessors of the current commissionaires? The above states plus some others have been for decades encouraging, funding, arming and training Albanian terrorists in the KLA. This month fourteen years ago, they committed an armed aggression (NATO) against Serbia (the FRY). It was for sure a war of aggression whose imminent objective was forcible seizure of Kosovo and Metohija, under wider purpose of furthering the strategy of enslaving the Balkans and incursion towards the East. This objective was not fully completed, whereas the strategy still remains under question-mark.
Vladimir Putin - Interview to the German ARD
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Ahead of the working visit to Germany, Vladimir Putin gave an interview to the German ARD.
The interview was recorded on April 2, 2013 in Novo-Ogaryovo.
JÖRG SCHÖNENBORN (retranslated): Good evening, Mr President,
Germany and Russia enjoy special relationship and, economically speaking, they are a good match. However, there exist certain difficulties from the political viewpoint. Quite a number of Germans keep track of the raids in the Russian offices of German funds with great concern. The Russian public must be frightened. Why do you act like this?
PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA VLADIMIR PUTIN: It is you who are scaring the German public instead. There is nothing like this going on here, do not scare the public, please. The media should cover the events objectively. And what does it mean, objectively? The new law adopted late last year in Russia stipulates that non-governmental organisations engaged in Russia's internal political processes and sponsored from abroad must be registered as foreign agents, that is organisations which participate in our country's political life at the expense of foreign countries. This is not an innovation in international politics. A similar law has been in force in the United States since 1938.
If you have any additional questions, I would be pleased to answer them in order to clarify the situation to you and your or, in this case, our viewers.
Press Releases |
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The question to which we have to give an answer today is essential to many small and unprotected countries, such as Serbia, of which I am the president.
The question is:
Has justice, as epitomized in laws, civilization achievements and equality, disappeared from the face of the Earth? Are those pulling all the strings of power and might on earth behaving justly? Or perhaps they think they do not have to, because the God of the mighty and powerful, whom they worship, has not provided justice for the weak and the poor but "the right of the stronger."
Is it justice, as Simone Weil would say, a fugitive from the winning camp, because the winner is not the one who is better and more just, more humane and tolerant, but the one who is simply stronger?
I am posing this question today not only in the name of my country but in the name of all countries having reconciliation and life together in forgiveness as one of their countries’ priorities. Has the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia contributed to peace in the Balkans and how far reaching have been the judgments handed down by the Tribunal in the context of the mission of reconciliation and promotion of law and justice in the world? Are we all equal before this Tribunal as we are all equal before God?
Twenty years ago, the United Nations Security Council established by res. 827 (1993), the International Tribunal for the prosecution of those held accountable for serious breaches of international humanitarian law in the territory of the former Yugoslavia after 1991.
The need for establishing such a body was argued by the political position that its establishment “will contribute to reconciliation and return and maintenance of peace” in “special circumstances” of the former Yugoslavia. Desirous of achieving these goals and believing that the purpose of its establishment was justice and reconciliation, and having nothing to hide, Serbia was among the first countries which supported the Tribunal’s establishment and has been cooperating with the Tribunal to the present day.
Serbia now feels that it has unfairly given legitimacy to the Tribunal in the hope that by applying the same benchmarks, justice will be served for all the victims of the conflict. Unfortunately, the sense that justice was not satisfied is now present among the Serbian people. The rulings of the Tribunal have made old wounds open because justice has not been done since the Second World War, when in Croatian infamous camp of Jasenovac 700, 000 Serbs and many Jews, Roma and others, including 50, 000 children, were murdered, thus creating the gap of mistrust that will burden the future generations.
“NATO only yields destructions, insecurity and misery. It must be abolished”
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Appreciated for the rigor and the accuracy of his analysis, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya (*), age 30, has emerged as one of the best scholars on NATO. His articles, which have been translated into many languages, have acquired an international audience and, today, his book "The Globalization of NATO” has become a reference guide. In 400 dense, fascinating and worrying pages it makes us realize the extent of the threat that NATO poses to world peace and to the future of many nations. It also makes us aware of the urgency involved in obtaining the dissolution of this dangerous organization,
Silvia Cattori: In your remarkable study you reveal the strategies that have been implemented by NATO to expand its military power in the world. I would like to ask you what motivated you to devote so much energy to such a difficult and demanding subject. How did you come to believe that it is an absolutely essential task to make an analysis of the role of NATO and its strategies?
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: The seeds for this particular book were laid in 2007. In 2007 I had written a small manuscript that connected the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (which followed the tragic events of September 11, 2001 or 9/11) with NATO’s expansion, the US missile shield project (which I described as ultimately taking on the mantle of a NATO project), the concept of what the neoconservatives and their Zionist allies called "creative destruction" to redraw and restructure the countries of the Middle East, and the encirclement of both Russia and China.
I had always held the position that all the negative events that the world was facing were pieces of a whole or what the Hungarian scholar and revolutionary György Lukács called a "fragmented totality". The serial wars, the increasing security laws, the War on Terror, the neo-liberal economic reforms, the colour revolutions in the post-Soviet space, the demonization of different societies by the media, the expansion of NATO and the European Union, and the false accusations about an Iranian nuclear weapons program are all part of a whole. One of my articles in 2007 [1], laid out much of the roadmap and connected all the dots of the perpetual warfare we are witnessing.
The Nato-aggression against Yugoslavia from 1999 was a model of the new wars of conquest
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“Humanitarian interventions” as a pretext for deployment of US-troops
Interview with Živadin Jovanovi, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Repbulic of Yugoslavia,
presently Chairman of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
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Zivadin Jovanovic, Chairman of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Published on March 25th, 2013.
1. Please give us some information about yourself, your career?
ZJ: Graduate of Law, Faculty of Law, Belgrade University (1961); District Administration of New Belgrade (1961 – 1964); Diplomatic service of the SFRY/FRY (1964 – 2000); Ambassador in Luanda, Angola (1988 – 1993). Assistant FA Minister (1995 – 1998), Federal FA Minister (1988 – 2000); Vice Chairman of the Socialist Party of Serbia for FA (1996 – 2002); MP, to the Parliament of Serbia (1996), to the Federal Parliament of Yugoslavia (2000). Books: “The Bridges” (2002), “Abolishing the State” (2003), “The Kosovo Mirror” (2006).
2. After leaving the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in November 2000 you joined the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals. Now you are the Chairman of this Association. Tel us what are your priorities?
ZJ: Forum`s priorities are: promotion of peace, tolerance and cooperation based on equality among individuals, nations, and states. We stand for full respect of the international law, basic principles of international relations and the role of United Nations. Use or threats of use of force, military aggressions are not admissible means in solving international problems. We consider that there are no “humanitarian” wars, or interventions. All interventions beginning with NATO aggression against Serbia (FRY) in 1999 up to now, regardless on their formal, public explanations, have been wars of conquest, some of them for geo-strategic, some for economic benefits. We promote human rights in their entirety, according UN GS Declaration – including social, economic, cultural, health, employment and other human rights.
We try to meet our objectives through various public debates, conferences, round tables, seminars, on national and international levels. Forum cooperates with associations of similar aims, within Serbia, the region and worldwide.
3. We have seen some of very interesting books published by Belgrade Forum. How do you manage to maintain your publishing activity?
ZJ: Forum has published about 70 books on different national and international issues, from development policy in conditions of crisis, Status of Kosovo and Metohija and the Hague Tribunal to the NATO policy in the Balkans, Foreign policy of Serbia, International Terrorism and the Role of Intellectuals. Some of our books have been distributed in many countries in all continents. This is the case, for example, of the book titled “NATO Aggression - the Twilight of the West”. Unfortunately, for the lack of resources, only a few of our books have been published in foreign languages.
Last month, only, we published three new books – one devoted to the great Serbian philosopher academician Mihailo Markovic, who was one of the co-founders of Belgrade Forum, the other titled “From Nuremberg to Hague” and third “From Aggression to Secession”. Promotions of our books in various towns in Serbia attract significant attention.
All our activities, including writing and publishing, are entirely based on voluntary work. We never had, nor do we have today, a single person paid for the work done within the Forum. Membership fees and donations, mainly, from Serbian Diaspora, are chief sources of Forum`s income.
4. You have mentioned promotion of peace to be one of your key objectives. But peoples of your region have been victims of wars in the last decade of 20-th century?
ZJ: True. The peoples of former Yugoslavia have suffered immensely first, from the civil wars in Bosnia and Croatia (1992 – 1995), then from the military aggression of NATO (1999), from sanctions and isolation and so on. Great many of them continue to suffer today. Consider, for example, the life of close to half a million of refugees and displaced persons living in Serbia only, who are not permitted to return to their homes in Croatia, or in Kosovo and Metohija. Consequences are still painful and will continue long in the future. What to say of the consequences of cassette bombs and missiles with depleted uranium used by NATO in 1999 taking daily tolls in human lives today and in centuries to come. History will proove that the peoples of former Yugoslavia have been victims of the concept of so called New World Order which in fact has been based on the policy of domination and exploitation.
5. Do you suggest that the foreign factors are responsible for brake-up of Yugoslavia, and not local?
ZJ: Local factors cannot be amnestied; they do bear their responsibility, of course for not being prepared to compromise. But, prevailing analyses seem to be lacking due attention to the negative role of external factors. Now we have enough proofs that certain European powers already in 1976 and 1977 had plans how to “rearrange” the territory of SFRY, in other words, how to divide, or fragment it in order to suit their own interests.
After Tito`s death, nationalism and separatism in various Yugoslav republics, as well as separatism and terrorism in the Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohija, had been encouraged, even assisted politically, financially, logistically and propaganda-wise. Later on, certain mighty countries have been involved in the civil wars helping one, against the other, side. Those countries almost openly had been supporting secession of Slovenia and Croatia, arming Croatia and Bosnia even during UN arms embargo, encouraging and facilitating incoming of mercenaries, including Mujahidin. On the other side Serbia and Montenegro had been under isolation, sanctions and stigmatization. They had been treated as the only ones responsible for the civil wars. That was not based on facts, nor helpful in extinguishing the fire.
In the place of one state, now there are six, economically unsustainable, puppet states, plus seventh one in the offing, 18 governments , six armies, six diplomatic services, etc. Foreign debt which in 1990 for the whole of SFRY amounted to about 13.5 billion rose in 2012 to about 200 billion of euro for the six former Yugoslav republics! Some of them became financially enslaved. Who has benefited from this? Until 1990 there was not a single foreign military basis in the region. Today there is u number of foreign, mainly USA, bases, Bondstil in Kosovo and Metohija being the largest in Europe . To do what, to benefit whom? Bosnia almost 18 years after Dayton Accords is not functional; FYROM ten years after Ohrid Accords is not functional, continues to be faced with profound ethnic divisions and tensions. Status of Kosovo and Metohija even14 years after UN SC resolution 1244, still remains unresolved. Tirana`s Sali Brisha and Prishtina`s Hashim Tachi are publically advocating for establishment of so called Greater Albania. Other burning problems like unemployment ranging from 30 to 70 per cent, poverty, hundreds of thousands of refugees and displaced persons, international organized crime, including trafficking of human organs, drugs, arms and immigrants, make the picture of post Yugoslavia`s reality grim and uncertain.
So, who has really benefited from fragmentation Yugoslavia?
6. Mentioning NATO intervention what are your views now, 14 years after?
ZJ: My views have not changed. This was illegal, criminal and immoral attack on a sovereign European state. Illegal because it violated all basic principles of International Law, including UN Charter, Helsinki Final Act and many international Conventions. It was undertaken without permission of UN Security Council. Criminal, because it was directed mainly against civilians, civilian infrastructure, using forbidden armament such as chemical, cassette bombs and missiles with depleted uranium. Immoral because it was based on false pretentions and untruths. Leaders of NATO are responsible first of all for killing of close to 4.000 and for wounding about 10.000 of persons, two thirds of whom were civilians. Direct material damages amounted to over 100 billion of US dollars. NATO aggression solved nothing, but it has provoked many new problems. It was war of conquest and not “humanitarian intervention”.
7. Can you be more specific?
ZJ: I have already mentioned some direct consequences. In a broader sense it should be noted that NATO aggression marked strategic change in its nature: it abandoned defensive and adopted offensive (aggressive) policy self authorizing itself to intervene any time, any spot on the globe. UN, especially, UN Security Council, had been disabled; international law and justice disregarded.
This was long prepared first war on Europe`s soil after the Second World War. It was demonstration of US domination in Europe, expansion toward East, justification of spending on NATO even after dissolution Warsaw Pact, precedent for future interventions (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya).
It was the war imposed and directed by non-European power with the consequences to stay on Europe`s soil for a long time.
Aggression had marked strategic change in Germany`s policy adopted after Second World War. Taking active part in NATO`s aggression against Serbia (FRY) Germany deviated from own constitution and widely opened the door for combat roles away from its territory, and for militarization.
Today we have on European soil more military basis than at the peak of Cold War. Mushrooming of military basis started after NATO aggression on Serbia (FRY). How to explain expansion of democracy all over the Continent and proliferation of military bases at the same time? I have not heard convincing explanation. Something seems to be wrong.
8. And what is your opinion on the future of Bosnia?
ZJ: Bosnia and Herzegovina had existed as one of the six republics of SFRY based on constituent equality of three peoples each having a right of veto – Muslims, Serbs and Croats. In that regard, it was considered being “small Yugoslavia”. When in 1992 constitutional principle of consensus was violated in the way that Muslims and Croats declared for secession ignoring Serb`s option to stay within Yugoslavia, civil war erupted. The Dayton peace Accords were success only because they reaffirmed the principle of equality of the three constituent peoples, equality of two entities (Moslem-Croat Federation and Republica Srbska) and principle of consensus. These basic principles were enshrined in the Constitution which makes integral part of the Accords.
The main source of the current crisis is the ambition of the Moslem leaders in Sarajevo to abolish the principle of consensus and to make a unitary state under their domination. In addition, they would like also to change the division of the territory guaranteed by Dayton Accords according to which Muslim-Croat Federation controls 51 and Republic of Srpska 49 percent of the whole territory. To make the problem more difficult, Muslims for their claims which obviously are contrary to Dayton stipulations, continue to enjoy support, from some power centers, primarily from Washington and Berlin. Why they want to further weaken Republic of Srpska and strengthen Moslems, I would rather not comment. These centers even pressurize Serbia`s leaders to discipline the leaders in Banja Luka so that they accept revision of Dayton and Constitution contrary to their interests which are internationally guaranteed. Serbia as guarantor of the Dayton Accords, firstly, has no power to impose anything on the leadership of Republic of Srpska and, secondly, it is not in Serbia`s interest to weaken Republic of Srpska thus provoking internal tensions and renewed spiral of ethnic tensions and even clashes in own neighborhood.
I believe that Bosnia and Herzegovina should be left alone to politically find solutions that suite the interests of the three equal constituent peoples and two equal entities. The Dayton Accords are not perfect. But, there could hardly be better compromise then Dayton Accords. Brussels claims that centralization of power in Sarajevo would apparently upgrade efficiency of the state administration. Authors of this view seems to be disregarding that it is the principle of consensus and decentralization which led to reestablishing of peace, maintaining of integrity and providing the sense of freedom and democracy. Finally, in my opinion, the Office of High Representative after 17 years of being at the same time Law making, Prosecution and Judiciary has become anachronism and should be disbanded. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the only member of UN (even member of Security Council), OSCE and other organizations, where High Representative enacts laws, removes presidents, prime ministers, ministers!
Serbia, being small, peace loving country, having neither imperial history nor imperial ambitions today, in our opinion, should remain neutral country, something like Switzerland. Concerning human rights, we stand for the concept of UN Universal Declaration on Human rights (1948) which demands respect of all human rights including cooperate
9. My colleague of CC once said that Serbia is a thorn in the conscious of Western world. What is your opinion on this?
ZJ: What I can say is that leaders and politicians of certain European countries have been far from neutral, constructive or moral during Yugoslav and Kosovo crisis. Some of them actively advocated and participated in NATO aggression which left long term serious problems for the whole of Europe. Together with leaders of USA, they at least knew about financing, training and arming Albanian terrorists and separatists in Kosovo and Metohija from their states. UN SC documents confirm this . I may not be quite objective, but I am certainly sincere. In my opinion, there is little to be proud of Europe`s role toward Serbia and Serbs in the last 20 years. I have been surprised by the measure of distortions, double standards, immoral statements practiced by certain politicians who represent European values and civilization. And it would not be worth talking about it today, if the lessons have been drawn from the past. Unfortunately, new politicians of those countries continue same policies and same dishonest methods toward Serbia.
Governments of leading western countries initiated outrageous anti-Serbian propaganda campaign based on prejudices, dishonest fabrications and even on ordinary lies. I still remember, for example, invention of German Defense minister Rudolf Sharping of the alleged “Horse shoe plan” . So called “massacre of civilians” in Rachak which served as a justification for the start of military aggression also proved to be false. Report of the findings of the international forensic experts team headed by Finish doctor Helen Ranta, which acted under EU auspices, has never been published. Apparently, it was lost somewhere in Brussels!
10. What are the lessons of the NATO aggression for you and the world?
ZJ: NATO aggression against Serbia (FRY) in 1999 was a model of new wars of conquest covered by the phrase “humanitarian intervention”. Everybody by now should know that this was not “humanitarian intervention” and that there are no “humanitarian wars”. That was a war of conquest, to take away from Serbia its province of Kosovo and Metohija and to install there USA troops for strategic reasons. This was precedent which was followed To my opinion export capitalistic social system based on single Washington’s doctrine is equally unacceptable today as was unacceptable export of socialist system based on Moscow`s doctrine in sixties of the last century. Freedom of choice should be sovereign right of every country. It is not right to divide peoples as if some have right granted to them by Good to decide on what is good even for every other nation in the world. History has thought, at least us in Europe that such ideology would be source of great danger.
11. Where is the solution for the Kosovo issue?
ZJ: Problems of Kosovo and Metohija are centuries long, deep rooted ones. The Province is the birth place of Serbian state, culture, religion, national identity. About 1.300 medieval monasteries and churches, including some UNESCO proclaimed as world heritage, are still found there. Over 150 have been destroyed by vandals and extremists. To say that basic problems there have been in the field of human rights of Albanians would be simplification. To solve the essential problems which, I believe, are in territorial expansionism of Albanians supported by western countries, primarily by USA, Germany and Great Britain, all political actors need wisdom, long term view and patience. Qualities that seem to be astonishingly in deficit.
I still believe in compromise solution based on UN SC resolution 1244 of June 10th, 1999. That resolution, like a number of other UN SC decisions preceding it, has repeatedly guaranteed sovereignty and territorial integrity of FRY (succeed by Serbia) and substantial autonomy for Kosovo and Metohija within FRY (Serbia). In the meantime great many serious mistakes have been committed, first and foremost, by so called international community, including EU, then by Serbian authorities. Those mistakes generally can be summed up as serious deviation from the UN SC resolution 1244. In March 2008, Albanian leadership in Prishtina, declared illegal, unilateral secession of the Province from Serbia proclaiming so called Republic of Kosovo. While the Province even today remains under UN Security Council mandate, UN has not reacted. USA, Germany, Turkey, Great Britain almost immediately recognized this secession. By now, 22 out of 27 EU members followed the suite. Serbia has not, and I believe, shall not recognize secession of 17 percent of its territory.. Most of the UN members, including two, out of five, permanent members of Security Concil, Russia and China, have not.
Last year the dialog has started under the EU auspices between representatives of Belgrade and Prishtina on solving some concrete issues concerning everyday life of citizens. This may be good presuming it does not prejudice the key issue – status of the Province as envisaged by UN SC resolution 1244. I personally would like to see that the dialog produces the time table for free and safe return to their homes of about 250.000 Serbs and other non-Albanians who live in miserable conditions in various towns of Serbia and Montenegro. Unfortunately, so far, this issue has not come to the agenda, partially because of the lack of interest of Prishtina, partially because of the double standard policy of the West.
There is no viable solution imposed by force, or blackmailing Serbia`s government. The so called deal sponsored by certain western countries - territory (Kosovo) for membership (of Serbia) in EU and more foreign investments, seemingly logic considering Serbia`s economy in shambles, but I do not believe it would work. It would not be fair, not balanced. It would not be acceptable by Serbs knowing their history, culture and pride.
12. What is the relationship between Serbia and the EU?
ZJ: EU is traditionally the most important economic partner of Serbia. Historic, social and cultural links remain strong. Hundreds of thousands of Serbian citizens, and their descendants work and live in EU member countries. Serbia is candidate for membership in EU. This is reflected in applying method of “stick and carrots”, in endless list of conditions towards Serbia which have not been applied, nor they are applied now to any other candidate country. EU expects Serbia to “normalize relations with Kosovo”. When Belgrade reacts that it will never recognize Ksovo, Brussels` commissars react that this is “not yet on the agenda”, that EU demands “only” IBM (Integrated Boarder Monitoring) system on the borders with Kosovo, dissolution of Serbia`s institutions in Kosovo, notably in Northern Kosovo, signing of an agreement on good neighborly relations, exchange of ambassadors, then that Serbia does not obstruct Kosovo`s membership in the UN, and alike! Imagine that quantity of hypocrisy. They do not demand diplomatic note, or any written statement on recognition, but they certainly demand relations equaling between sovereign states!
I support close cooperation between Serbia and EU in all fields of mutual interest without any obstacles: free flow of goods, capital, people, information. Having regard that EU at present does not treat Serbia as sovereign partner, Serbia should adopt policy of good neighborly relations with EU and freeze present policy defining membership in the EU as the only alternative. It cannot be in the best interest of Serbia to give away more for less. Openness, cooperation without any administrative obstacles and good neighborly relation between Serbia and EU would be quite reasonable approach for the foreseeable future.
13. How can we in Germany, Switzerland and other European countries help that your people are better in every way?
ZJ: The best way to help not Serbia only, but understanding in Europe and return to real values of our civilization, is to always defend the truth, avert distortion, semi-truths, immorality of all kinds. Serbia and Serbian nation have always through history been part and parcel of Europe, its culture, progress and civilization; this is same today and, I believe, it will stay so in the future. Nations have deep roots and faces which do not change overnight. In my opinion it would be useful if any prejudicing and one sided views characteristic of the public approaches to Serbia and Serbs in the recent past, would be replaced by more balanced and non biased views.
14. We understand that the Belgrade Forum will be hosting important international conference next March in Belgrade?
ZJ: Forum and some other independent, non partisan association in Serbia are planning international conference under title “Aggressions, militarization and world crises”, to be held in Belgrade, March 22 and 23rd, 2013. This conference and other accompanying events will mark 15th Anniversary of the beginning of 1999 NATO aggression against Serbia (FRY) and pay honor to the victims of the aggression. We plan to invite prominent scholars and intellectuals from European and other countries to address the burning issues of military interventionism, expansion of military budgets, militarization of political decision making and world crisis which, in our opinion is not only financial and economic, but also crisis of international world order.
“WE REMEMBER, AND YOU?” - NATO aggression, 14 years after
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Independent, non-partisan associations, student’s, sport and other organizations, foreign diplomatic representatives in Serbia, representatives of the Serbs in the region and Serbian Diaspora, guests from abroad and individuals have laid down flowers at the monuments to the heroes of defense and to 4000 victims of NATO aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (FRY) 14 years ago.
Delegations and individuals have laid flowers at the Monument to the 89 fallen children in Belgrade’s Tasmajdan park, as well as at the Monument “Eternal fire” in the “Usce” park, New Belgrade.
High diplomatic representatives of Russia, Belorussia and other friendly countries, have also laid flowers. On behalf of the guests from abroad flowers were laid by German professor Rudolf Hansel.
Many students of Belgrade University have laid down white rose each. Eighty nine of them, each representing one child victim, wore white T-shirts inscribed “WE REMEMBER, AND YOU?”
condolence on the death of Hugo Chavez
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Embassy of Venezuela
Mrs. Dia Nader de Elandari
Chargé d’Affaires
B e l g r a d e
The news about untimely death of Mr. Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and a sincere friend of the People of Serbia, has been received with great sorrow by thousands of members and friends of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals.
The Serbian People will always remember the principal position, solidarity and support of the President Chavez to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and his clear rejection of unilateral, illegal separation of Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohija.
We feel that not only the friendly people of Venezuela, but the whole humanity has lost a great statesman and a real force for good in the World.
We would like to extend our sincerest condolences to you, Mrs. Dia Nader de Elandari, and to all members of the Embassy of Venezuela.
Sincerely yours,
Zivadin Jovanovic,
Prezident of the Belgrade Forum
Belgrade, 06. 03. 2013
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Dear Friends,
Here I am forwarding some music that was intended as a message of international friendship.
I hope you can enjoy it.
However, the story has a bitter ending.
As current President of the UN General Assembly, Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic conformed to tradition by hosting a display of his country’s culture at the UN headquarters in New York. He chose to invite the a cappella choir “Viva Vox”, dedicating their concert to peace among nations and hopes for a peaceful world.
I suggest that you skip Ban Ki-Moon’s speech on the YouTube recording and start at around minute 12, to get Jeremic’s introduction, and then listen to the songs. They were international, with a predominance of songs in the English language. Among them, John Lennon’s “Imagine”.
In response to enthusiastic applause, the group sang as an encore a classic composition from the First World War, “the March on the River Drina”, an invigorating tune sung without words. It was composed in 1914 in commemoration of Serbian soldiers’ heroic resistance to the Austro-Hungarian invasion, in which Serbia lost a third of its male population. The spirited march is well-known in the region, and was performed for example at a 1987 New Year’s concert in Vienna conducted by Herbert von Karajan.
Ban Ki-Moon seemed carried away, and the concert ended in a happy mood.
Serbs everywhere thought that at last, they were being welcomed back into the world as a normal people.
But this illusion was soon shattered.
Leaders of the “Congress of North American Bosniaks” (meaning Muslims) and kindred organizations, claiming to represent 350,000 Bosnian (Muslim) Americans, and 50,000 Bosnian (Muslim) Canadians, promptly addressed a protest to the UN Secretary General stigmatizing the concert as “a scandalous insult to the victims of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina because the orchestra played the infamous and offensive Serb nationalist song ‘March on the River Drina’.”
(By the way, there was no orchestra, as the concert was a cappella, using voices as instruments.)
The Bosniak militants, in their status as official victims, claimed that: “The genocide that occurred in Srebrenica and Zepa, and other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was conducted by Serbian aggressors while blasting this song as they raped, murdered, and ethnically cleansed the non-Serb population. This particular fascist song is used to inspire ethnic and nationalist hatred against everything non-Serb and was used as a tool to inspire the murder of thousands of non-Serb civilians at the hand of Serbian nationalists.”
This was a preposterous falsehood, conjuring an image of the Bosnian civil war as a sort of macabre musical comedy.
It was profoundly dishonest about the song, about the 1992-1995 civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and about the spirit of the UN concert.
And yet, the office of the UN Secretary General humbly issued an apology!
This was a slap in the face of the young Serbian choir members, who from their appearance were mostly small children at the time of the war in neighboring Bosnia-Herzegovina and the 1999 NATO bombing of their own country.
But the Serbs have had to become used to such treatment.
In the tragic disintegration of Yugoslavia, the United States, for geopolitical reasons, decided to adopt the Muslim side. As a result, nearly some two decades later, the Muslims enjoy the privileged status of “official victims”, and Serbs are stigmatized as the guilty party. All in the name of “multiculturalism”, “human rights” and “our common Western values”.
This scandalously cowardly reaction of the UN Secretary General’s office makes it practically a duty to listen to this concert.
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Ms. Susana Malcorra, Chief of Staff to the UN Secretary-General
Dear Ms. Malcorra,
I am an American journalist and writer who, although having no family ties in the region, has had a keen interest in the former Yugoslavia ever since spending time there as a student in the 1950s. At the time of the wars in the 1990s, I was busy as press officer of the Green Group in the European Parliament, but after my retirement in 1996 I was able to resume my travels and investigations there and have written extensively about the region since.
When I learned that the Belgrade chorus Viva Vox had performed at the United Nations, and been applauded by the Secretary General, the Honorable Ban Ki-Moon, I hoped that this was a step toward healing the deep psychological wounds of those fratricidal wars for which the Serbs have been unjustly singled out as the only “guilty party”. Although Bosnian Muslims had their own army, which was supported by foreign Mujahidin fighters from as far away as Afghanistan, which committed documented atrocities, the Bosnian Muslim leadership managed to portray their side as passive victims of aggressive Serbs, implying that the native Bosnian Serbs were invaders from neighboring Serbia. This confusion has led to stigmatization of the Serbian people, an injustice which causes great psychic pain to all those who are blamed for tragic events for which they were in no way responsible.
Now I learn that activists claiming to represent hundreds of thousands of Bosnian Muslim immigrants to America have protested against this innocent cultural event. They use their status as members of a “victim ethnicity” to condemn the concert as an “insult to victims of genocide”, claiming that the song itself inspired such crimes.
Ms. Malcorra, as someone working for all the nations in the world, you must know that almost every people have their historic victims, and almost every nation has its patriotic songs. I live in France, whose national anthem speaks of the “impure blood” of enemies. France’s former enemies do not protest when the Marseillaise is played. There are many other examples, I am sure. Serbia is an historic nation that suffered great losses in the two World Wars of the 20th century, notably civilian victims of a Croatian fascist persecution committed largely on the territory of what is now Bosnia-Herzegovina, with complicity of some Muslims. The largest number of refugees from the wars of Yugoslav disintegration are Serbs, and Serbia has taken in the largest number of refugees – mostly Serbs, but even some Muslims from Bosnia. The Serbian people deserve to be treated like any other people, without being constantly branded as “genocidal”.
The protests of Bosnian Muslim diaspora organizations are designed to perpetuate the political advantages of “victim” status. This will not actually help the Muslim people living in Bosnia, who must eventually learn to live with their neighbors. The protest against the concert is an expression of spitefulness which does not promote peace and reconciliation.
It should not be rewarded by an unjustified “apology” for doing what should have been done: allow each nation to sing its songs.
With my sincere best wishes,
Diana Johnstone, Ph.D.
Paris, France
The Honorable Ban Ki-Moon
Secretary General
760 United Nations Plaza
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
REF: The Drina March apology
Your Excellency,
The first Allied victory of the World War I, The Battle of Cer [Mountain], opened the door towards the end of The Great War and creation of The League of Nations, predecessor of The UN.
That is exactly what The Drina March represents, fighting for freedom regardless of the odds. Individuals who objected to The Drina March belong to a group that fought against the Allies in both World Wars.
UN apology for The Drina March being performed in The UN is an affront to millions of Allies who gave their lives in WWI for freedom.
Serbs as people never demographically recovered from the loss of 56% of male population in WWI, leading to the additional loss of up to one million in WWII. By UN Genocide Convention, it is Genocide by attrition. That is what the complaint about The Drina March was all about - the fear that the truth will come out.
Media battle cry "Serben Muss Sterben" (The Serbs must die) in 1914 announced this genocide and such racist cries continue to the present day. UN apology is creating a new wave of anti-Serb media reports bordering on racism.
Living behind barbed wire is already reality for the Serbs in UN-governed Kosovo. After this apology, what Serbs can expect next from The UN, a new text of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that adds "except Serbs" to all articles?
Your Excellency, UN apology to anti-Serb racists who prefer to goose step to the tune of Die Fahne Hoch was misguided, factually inaccurate and morally wrong.
You owe an apology. To the Serbs and all Allied nations.
Yours Sincerely,
Bob Petrovich, Canada
ISSA Demands Retraction of UN "Apology" Issued as a Result of Extremist Pressures
Washington, DC, January 18, 2013: The International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA) today sent a letter to UN Secretary-General ban Ki-moon insisting that unless a retraction of a formal UN "apology" was published, the UN would lose all support from the Association and from many others around the world. The issue stemmed from the issuance of a formal apology by the Secretary-General's spokesman regarding the singing of a Serbian World War I patriotic march at a UN General Assembly session. The letter reads as follows:
Your Excellency:
It was with some outrage that we witnessed your spokesman, Martin Nesirky, on January 18, 2013, acquiescing to the demands of extremist protestors by issuing an apology to those "who may have found offensive" a song by a Serbian vocal group at the United Nations General Assembly earlier in the week. Almost any national expression at the United Nations could be said to be found offensive by at least some group, and yet no such regret - as was expressed over the Serbian tune - is issued on these occasions. To have issued the statement on this occasion was specifically a concession to extremist pressures.
The allegation that the tune, March to the Drina, was "not listed in the official program", and tacitly accepting the specious allegation that the march was "sung by Serb forces during the 1995 massacre in the Bosnian city of Srebrenica in which more than 8,000 Muslim men and boys were slaughtered", was subjective in its context, absolutely incorrect (indeed, it was a lie), and patently a bow to the extremist, racist elements who raised the protest against this tune, which celebrates a legitimate and heroic defense of a nation during World War I.
Your Excellency, you highlight on the UN Website, your words: "Terrorism festers where conflicts are endemic ... and where human rights, human dignity and human life are not protected and impunity prevails ...We have to drown out shrill appeals to intolerance and extremism with sound calls for compassion and moderation."
Excellency, the apology issued on your behalf shows that your own office has fallen under the sway of the "shrill appeals to intolerance and extremism". It is fair to say that unless this "apology" by Mr Nesirky is more sincerely rescinded, then you and the UN will lose the respect of this organization and, indeed, many people around the world.
Yours sincerely,
Gregory R. Copley, AM, FRGCS, President.
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NYT, December 7, 2012
TOO bad if you were a Serb victim of any crime in the former Yugoslavia. More Serbs were displaced abd ethnically cleansed by the wars in the Balkans than any other community. And more Serbs remain ethnically displaced to this day. Almost no one has been held to account, and it appears that no one will be. The United Nations war crimes tribunal in The Hague has acquitted Ramush Haradinaj, Kosovo`s former prime minister, of war crimes. Last month, hague-court overturns convictions of 2 croatian-generals. It acquitted on appeal, the generals who led Croatia to victory over the Serbs. Altogether, almost all of the West`s friends have been acquitted; almost all of the Serbs have been found guilty. These results do not reflect the balance of crimes committed on the ground. I have no sympathy with the Serbs who have been convicted. On the contrary. I lived through the siege of Sarajevo. I served as a witness for the prosecution in the cases against the former Serbian president, Slobodan Milosevic, the wartime leader of the Bosnian Serbs, Radovan Karadzic, and, most recently, the Bosnian Serb military commander, Ratko Mladic, who is accused of ordering the massacre at Srebrenica. The Serbs committed many of the war`s worst crimes, but were not at all alone, and it is not right, or useful, for them to carry the sole responsibility. Convicting only Serbs simply doesn`t make sense in terms of justice, in terms of reality, or in terms of politics. The Croatian leaders connived in the carve-up of Yugoslavia, and contributed mightily to the horrors on Bosnia and Herzegovina. I witnessed for myself the indiscriminate fury of the Croatian assault on the beautiful city of Mostar. I lived in a town in Bosnia where the decapitated heads of captured Muslims were displayed in the marketplace. I saw for myself tens and tens of thousands of Serb civilian refugees fleeing Croatia in the wake of the 1995 Croatian offensive that ended the war. If the acquitted generals were not responsible for this ethnic cleansing, then somebody was, somebody who will presumably go free. Nor were the Serbs and Croats alone, though they must shoulder most of the judgment of history. The Bosnian Muslim leadership had deeply compromising links to the international jihadists movement, and hosted at least three people who went on to play key roles in the 9/11 attacks on the United States. I witnessed attacks by foreign mujahedeen elements against Croat civilians in the Lasva Valley. And the Kosovar Albanian authorities deserve a special mention, having taken ethnic cleansing to its most extreme form of ridding themselves almost entirely of the Serb and Roma populations. Kosovo’s ancient Christian Orthodox monasteries are now almost the only reminder of a once-flourishing non-Albanian population. These monasteries have been the object of numerous violent attacks. Several have been destroyed; others remain under threat. Haradinaj has been cleared of the charges brought against him, but the fact remains that hundreds of thousands of Serbs, mostly the elderly, women and children, were ethnically cleansed from Kosovo by the Kosovar Albanians. What has happened at the tribunal is far from justice, and will be interpreted by observers in the Balkans and beyond as the continuation of war by legal means, with the United States, Germany and other Western powers on one side, and the Serbs on the other. This will amplify the worst political instincts of the peoples of the former Yugoslavia: the persecution complex of the Serbs; the triumphalism of the Croats; the sense of victimization of the Bosnian Muslims; the vindication of the Kosovar Albanian quest for racial purity. Each of these traits has some basis in truth, and each has been exaggerated and manipulated by politicians on all sides. The lack of legal reckoning will once again channel grievances into the political process, laying up plenty of ammunition for further rounds of conflict. It is the opposite of what the war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was created to achieve.
A version of this op-ed appeared in print on December 8, 2012, in The International Herald Tribune
Gotovina and Markac Acquittal Exposes ICTY's Political Agenda
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Why the UN war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia acquitted Gotovina and Markac in spite of the iron-clad evidence against them.
Nolan Chart: Balkan Report by Andy Wilcoxson (libertarian) November 17, 2012
On November 16th the appeals chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague acquitted and ordered the immediate release of Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac.
Markac was the Assistant Minister of the Interior and Operation Commander of the Special Police in Croatia. Gotovina was a Colonel General of the Croatian Army. In 1995, he was commander of a military offensive known as "Operation Storm".
The military operation, which took place during August of 1995, lasted 84 hours and was the largest European land offensive since World War II and resulted in the largest single movement of refugees in Europe since the USSR crushed the Hungarian uprising in 1956. According to the UNHCR, 200,000 Serbs were displaced from the Krajina region of Croatia and hundreds of civilians were killed during the operation.
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Marry Walsh
The following piece is brought to us by Iseult Henry, author of Hiding Genocide in Kosovo. She penned it as part of a collection of Kosovo-oriented essays titled Kosovo: The Score. The occasional highlighting is my own, and just a reminder to American readers: “Kosovo” means “of blackbirds”, as in “field of blackbirds”.
An observer at a Crow’s Court
Many times during my working career in Kosovo I often thought of the stories my father used to tell me about his youth growing up in County Kerry in the South West of Ireland. He…spent a lot of time up in the Kerry Mountains where he had the opportunity to see a whole variety of natural phenomena including once, a crow’s court.
America Has Already Lost Tuesday's Election
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Destroyed by Total Capitalism
A Commentary by Jakob Augstein
Germans see the US election as a battle between the good Obama and the evil Romney. But this is a mistake. Regardless of who wins the election on Tuesday, total capitalism is America's true ruler, and it has the power to destroy the country.
The United States Army is developing a weapon that can reach -- and destroy -- any location on Earth within an hour. At the same time, power lines held up by wooden poles dangle over the streets of Brooklyn, Queens and New Jersey. Hurricane Sandy ripped them apart there and in communities across the East Coast last week, and many places remain without electricity. That's America, where high-tech options are available only to the elite, and the rest live under conditions comparable to a those of a developing nation. No country has produced more Nobel Prizewinners, yet in New York City hospitals had to be evacuated during the storm because their emergency generators didn't work properly.
Anyone who sees this as a contradiction has failed to grasp the fact that America is a country of total capitalism. Its functionaries have no need of public hospitals or of a reliable power supply to private homes. The elite have their own infrastructure. Total capitalism, however, has left American society in ruins and crippled the government. America's fate is not just an accident produced by the system. It is a consequence of that system.
Obama couldn't change this, and Romney wouldn't be able to either. Europe is mistaken if it views the election as a choice between the forces of good and evil. And it certainly doesn't amount to a potentialchange in political direction as some newspapers on the Continent would have us believe.
Press Releases |
Belgrade, November 1st, 2012.
Foreign Member of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts
Dear Mr. Handke,
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals wishes to congratulate you most sincerely on the election for the Foreign Member of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts (SANU). It is indeed longstanding recognition of Serbia, not only for your extraordinary achievements in the literature, but also for your enormous intellectual courage, sacrifice and unprecedented contribution to the unveiling of the truth of the roots of the Yugoslav crisis, humanitarian consequences of the NATO 1999 aggression and of stealing the Kosovo and Metohija, heart Serbia. You are, indeed, one of the greatest friends of Serbia and Serbian Nation at the turning point in between 20th and 21st centuries.
Wishing you further achievements in your mission as the European author, independent thinker and humanist,
Sincerely yours,
Zivadin Jovanovic
President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Vassals of Europe, Unite: Leave the EU Dictatorship!
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by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Oct. 19—Europe is confronting a social explosion, and the euro system is waiting for the Big Bang, one way or another. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble are rushing to hand over the very last shred of sovereignty to the Brussels bureaucracy, while, according to the London Guardian, Greek families do not even have enough money to bury their dead—and there are more dead to bury than there were before, because of the life-shortening impact of the austerity policies demanded by the Troika (the European Central Bank, European Commission, and IMF). In Portugal, the veterans' associations have called for a demonstration on Nov. 10, charging that the government's austerity program is unconstitutional and has led Portugal to the abyss, while former President Gen. António Ramalho Eanes fears for the unity of the country. Separatism also threatens to tear Spain apart. On Nov. 14, there will be general strikes in Greece, Spain, and Portugal, and protests across Europe.
Washington’s Bizarre Kosovo Strategy Could Destroy NATO
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by F. William Engdahl … for Veterans Today
In one of the more bizarre foreign policy announcements of a bizarre Obama Administration, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that Washington will “help” Kosovo to join NATO as well as the European Union.
Americans Take Over Bulgarian Base
Pat Buchanan on Balkans: In long term, Serbs & Kosovars & Albanians will resent US
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For 78 days, US pilots flew thousands of missions against Serbia, destroying bridges, electrical grids, and, yes, even hospitals, schools and the occasional embassy. Yet, before launching his war, Clinton never received the authorization of Congress. But as a consequence of our triumph over Serbia, our young men and women are in Kosovo policing territory that has been violently contested for hundreds of years.
As of now, we do not know if US troops will end up fighting Serbs, or Kosovar Albanians, or first one, then the other. But it is a near certainty that the US will one day be forced to pull out of Kosovo, after having earned the lasting hatred of Serbs--a people who never harmed the US--and of the Albanians, whose aspirations will not be satisfied until the US helps to carve out an ethnically pure Greater Albania.
Press Releases |
Živadin Jovanović, President of the Belgrade Forum was awarded the Peace and Tolerance Charter
On the occasion of the International Peace Day (21st September), at the solemn ceremony held in the Endowment of Milić of Mačva “Kosovo the First Doorstep of Serbia”, City of Krusevac, Živadin Jovanović, President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals was awarded with the Charter of Peace and Tolerance. The decision on awarding this prominent acknowledgment was announced by Mr. Siniša Maksimović, Chairman of the Assembly of the Association of Culture of Peace and Tolerance. The Charter was presented by Bratislav Gašić, Mayor of the City of Kruševac. The City of Krusevac is one of the leading members of the World Asociation of Cities Messengers of Peace.
Al-Qaeda and Other Terrorist Patsies: America Biting Off More Than She Can Chew
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The old cliche rings truer than ever. Under the false pretenses of “democracy,” “humanitarianism,” and “peacekeeping,” the oath-breakers of the United States government nibble at geopolitically significant regions like grinding erodes the enamel of a tooth.
Pretty soon, the root is exposed and you have two choices: Kill the root or crown the tooth.
It’s time for the American people to wake up to the cold reality of present-day United States. The tip of our iceberg has passed, and last week's raiding of the US Consulate in Benghazi—which left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others dead—is the new “shot heard around the world.”
Do people really believe that an obscure, amateurish movie called “Innocence of Muslims” -- which was shelved for months and all of a sudden reappeared -- is the reason for this attack? Take a good, yet discerning look around, my fellow Americans. Think hard about history and strategically about motive. You no longer govern your republic; it has been hijacked by the global banking cartels, corporatocracies, and elitists. To sustain their business interests, they create policies and stage scenarios that permit the conquering and exploitation of energy-rich geopolitical regions under the false pretense of freedom, humanitarian aid, and peacekeeping. What started in Afghanistan has extended throughout the Balkans, Africa, and now Syria. Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Taliban, as well as various terrorists groups such as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) are a way to justify their means of securing energy and geopolitical control.
Manufacturing Failed States
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[Z Magazine, September 2012]
Edward S. Herman
During the Vietnam War, a sign over one of the U.S. army bases read “Killing Is Our Business, and Business Is Good.” Well, it was a very good business in Vietnam (and Cambodia, Laos, and Korea as well), the number of civilian deaths running into the millions. And it has been quite respectable in the years after Vietnam. The killings have been carried out both directly and via proxies on every continent, as U.S. “national security” has required bases, garrisons, assassinations, invasions, bombing wars, and the sponsorship of killer regimes, real terror networks, and programs everywhere in response to terrorist threats and challenges to the pitiful giant. Jan Knippers Black pointed out years ago in her great book United States Penetration of Brazil (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977) that “national security” is a wonderfully elastic concept, expanding in accord with “what a nation, class or institution…thinks it should have,” with the result that it is those “whose wealth and power would appear to make them most secure who are, in fact, most paranoid, and who, by their frenetic attempts to ensure their security, bring on their own destruction.” (She was addressing the 1960s Brazilian threat of social democracy and its termination by a U.S.-supported counter-revolution and military dictatorship.) Add to this the search by the vested interests of the military-industrial-complex for missions to justify budget increases, and the mainstream media’s full cooperation in this search, and we have a frightening reality.
Turkey Resurgent - by Srdja Trifkovic
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August 10, 2012Almost a year has passed since we last took note of Turkey’s increasing clout in three key areas of neo-Ottoman expansion: the Balkans, the Arab world, and the predominantly Muslim regions of the former Soviet Union. Each has played a significant part in reshaping the geopolitics of the Greater Middle East over the past decade. This complex project, which remains under-reported in the Western media and denied or ignored by policy-makers in Washington, is going well for Prime Minister Rejep Tayyip Erdoğan and his AKP (Justice and Development Party).
On the external front, Ankara’s decision to support the uprising against Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria has changed the equation in the region. Until last spring, Erdoğan’s team was advising Bashar to follow the path of political and economic reform in order to avoid descent into violent anarchy. Within months, however, Turkey has become a key player in Washington’s regime-change strategy by not only providing operational bases and supply channels to the rebels, but by simultaneously confronting Iran over Syria. The war of words between them is escalating. Earlier this week, Iranian Chief of Staff General Hassan Firousabadi accused Turkey of assisting the “war-waging goals of America. The AKP government has reinforced Turkey’s old position as a key U.S. regional partner. It is skillfully pursuing its distinct regional objectives, which in the long run are bound to collide with those of the U.S., while appearing to act at the behest of Washington and revamping its Cold War role as a reliable NATO-“Western” outpost in the region.
This newly gained credit has enabled Erdoğan to make a series of problematic moves with impunity, the most notable being Turkey’s growing support for Hamas in the Palestinian Authority and its treatment of Iraq as a state with de facto limited sovereignty. In a highly publicized symbolic gesture, on July 24 Erdoğan met Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal at his official residence to break the daily fast during the holy Muslim month of Ramadan. Ties between Turkey and Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, have blossomed since Turkey’s alliance with Israel collapsed following a raid by Israeli troops on a Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza in 2010. At the same time, Ankara’s links with the more moderate Fatah movement, which rules the West Bank, are at a standstill; Turkey wants Hamas to prevail in the Palestinian power struggle.
Franz Weber, l’intrépide défenseur de la nature et de la civilisation
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Le grand humaniste et écologiste suisse Franz Weber, directeur de la Fondation portant son nom, vient de célébrer, le 27 juillet 2012, son 85-ième anniversaire. A cette occasion une dizaine d’auteurs, dont Komnen Becirovic, lui ont rendu hommage, dans le numéro spécial du journal de sa prestigieuse Fondation.
Ma première rencontre avec Franz Weber s’est faite sous les auspices d’ Apollon, dieu de la lumière. En fait, j’avais vu par hasard, je crois en 1987, une émission à la Télévision française, consacrée à Franz Weber lors de sa campagne pour empêcher l’implantation d’une industrie dévastatrice et polluante dans un des sites les plus célèbres du monde antique, celui de Delphes abritant le sanctuaire d’ Apollon. C’est là que je pris connaissance de l’action qu’il menait ou plutôt de la mission qu’il accomplissait en vue de protéger les œuvres de la nature et de la civilisation, menacées par l’inconscience et la cupidité des hommes.
Cela venait comme un don du ciel, car à l’époque, le gouvernement yougoslave, passant outre à l’opposition de l’opinion publique, avait développé une activité intense pour la construction de centrales hydrauliques dans la vallée de la Moratcha au Monténégro, qui se trouve être mon pays natal, et de la Stoudénitsa en Serbie, nécessitant l’édification de barrages et la formation de lacs artificiels qui auraient englouti ou menacé des biens inestimables précisément de la nature et de la civilisation. En effet, des canyons vieux de dizaines de millions d’années, la flore unique s’y étant développée au cours des âges, des sites préhistoriques datant de 120 mille ans, devaient disparaître, en cas de la réalisation de ces projets néfastes. En même temps, les deux hauts lieux de la nation serbe, les monastères médiévaux de Moratcha et de Stoudénitsa, véritables joyaux de l’architecture et de l’art universels, s’élevant sur les bords de ces rivières, se seraient trouvés mortellement menacés par l’action des eaux souterraines et par l’effet de l’humidité.
Naturellement, j’écrivis aussitôt à Franz Weber dont la réaction fut immédiate, si bien qu’il se rendit, d’abord seul avec moi, puis accompagné d’un groupe de journalistes, à Moratcha et à Stoudénitsa dont les sites abritant des monuments historiques provoquèrent son admiration. Je le vois et l’entends encore en ce début d’avril 1988, alors que, venant de Podgorica, nous nous enfoncions dans le canyon de la Moratcha, s’exclamer : «Nous voici dans la cathédrale de l’éternité ! » Et devant le spectacle de la Moratcha roulant dans les profondeurs de l’abîme ses vagues blanc-émeraude gonflées par la fonte de neiges : « Mais c’est une symphonie de Beethoven ! » Puis, face à la magnifique église de l’Assomption sise sur une falaise à la sortie du canyon: « La prière accomplie dans la pierre! », avant de découvrir durant la liturgie célébrée par le métropolite Amphilochie, ce panthéiste grave, recueilli, tel un fidèle, sous les hautes voûtes multiséculaires ornées de fresques dont Saint Elie au désert qui, de par l’attitude pensive de saint, constitue une des plus réussies métaphores imagées de l’interrogation humaine. Il en alla de même le jour suivant dans la laure royale de Stoudénitsa, édifiée dans une nature plus calme, où le sublime Crucifix peint sur le mur occidental du sanctuaire, nous accueillit aux chants sacrés des moines s’unissant au chant immémorial de la rivière éponyme.
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Zivadin Jovanovic
President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals Kathmandu, July 23, 2012.
The World of today is undergoing profound changes. The most distinct one is the process of ending of uni-pollar and the beginning of multi-pollar world order. Such inevitable development is resisted by, among other means, by frequent military interventions violating the basic principles of International Law. Faced with the growing financial, economic, social and political crisis, developed part of the world, in fact, most of the western hemisphere, is trying to redirect the burden of the crisis to the less developed countries, especially to the ones reach in oil, natural gas and strategic minerals. International economic, trade and financial institutions, still under domination of the West, continue to serve the interest of privileged ones. The blatant interference in internal affairs of other countries, fragmentation of sovereign countries by force, military interventions, aggressions and threats by force (to Syria, Iran) have become the (dis)order of the day. Universal world organization - United Nations, particularly Security Council, continues to be ignored, abused, or bypassed. Minority of the world countries and their regional economic and military organizations have proclaimed themselves to be - “international community” claiming legitimacy beyond the system of UN.
Individual military interventions and aggressions during the past two decades do certainly differ from one case to the other. Yet, there are some essential characteristics common for all of them, beginning from destruction of SFR of Yugoslavia (1991-1995), NATO 1999. aggression on FR Yugoslavia, to the NATO intervention in Libya 2011 and present threats to Syria, Iran and other countries perceived as disobedient.
Lettre ouverte au Président Joachim Gauck - Rudolf Hänsel
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Après deux guerres mondiales nous autres Allemands nous sommes fait notre idée de la guerre et la paix et ne voulons plus de propagande belliciste
« Il est dur pour notre société assoiffée de bonheur de voir à nouveau tomber des soldats allemands.»
Joachim Gauck à l’Académie des cadres de la Bundeswehr, le 12 juin 2012 à Hambourg
Monsieur le Président !
Permettez au citoyen allemand né dans les années d’après-guerre que je suis de faire quelques remarques au sujet de votre intervention remarquée à l’Académie militaire allemande des cadres et de quelques-unes de vos affirmations.
Comment notre chef d’État peut-il - ainsi ai-je spontanément réagi avec mes tripes à la lecture de
votre discours - nous dire à nous autres Allemands ce que nous devons penser de la guerre et de la paix. Puisque, pasteur et « révolutionnaire pacifique », vous n’avez à ma connaissance jamais tenu d’arme en main, je ne peux m’expliquer comment vous pouvez, devenu Président de la République fédérale, changer d’opinion au point de faire de la publicité pour des engagements militaires à l’étranger, justifier le recours à la force armée, et plaider en faveur d’une accoutumance à voir tomber nos soldats - donc faire de la propagande belliciste. Est-ce là votre intime conviction ou le chef d’État que vous êtes est-il là pour nous dicter ce qu’on doit penser en Allemagne? Je ne suis pas en mesure de décider si votre discours viole indirectement des principes constitutionnels, par exemple le refus des guerres d’agression ou l’interdiction de toute propagande belliciste, mais il faudrait voir au cas par cas.
Is Imperial Grip on Serbia Easing Somewhat?
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Modern Tokyo Times by Vojin Joksimovich, PhD June 21st, 2012
After the 1989 Annus Mirabilis—Berlin Wall falls, Cold War was over, Soviet Union falling apart, reunification of Germany—-President Bush declared the New World Order (NWO): The US led unipolar world, which amounted to Pax Americana after dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. In 1992, Francis Fukuyama added the philosophical dimension by authoring The End of History and the Last Man, which argued that the progression of human history, as a struggle between ideologies, is largely at an end with the world settling on liberal democracies and free market capitalism of the West and its lifestyle. However, in his subsequent 1995 book Trust: Social Values and Creation of Prosperity, he modified his views to acknowledge that culture cannot be clearly separated from economics. The Western free market capitalism evolved into the era of corporatocracy as discussed in Chapter 4 of my book Kosovo is Serbia. Furthermore, the NWO added the military component in case democracy and the market economy did not achieve its intended objectives against recalcitrant regimes worldwide. The US at the apex of its power provided military strength, second to none in the world. Preferably the US military power was to be used through NATO, the US proxy.
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By Charles Lane, Published: May 29 The Washington Post
Once upon a time in Europe, there was a confederation. It stretched from the Alps to the Adriatic and straddled the ancient line between Western Christendom and Byzantium.
The confederation promised an eternal end to the wars that had historically bedeviled its component peoples. It built goodwill and interdependence through a common currency and free movement of labor and capital.
Lane is a Post editorial writer, specializing in economic policy, financial issues and trade, and a contributor to the PostPartisan blog.
Espousing peace, equality and human rights, the confederation offered a “third way” between the callousness of American-style capitalism and the inefficiency of central planning.
It also offered an alternative power center to countries not content to choose their allies from among the United States, China and Russia.
But Yugoslavia collapsed in 1991, after more than a decade of steadily escalating strife. And its downfall was accompanied by renewed ethnic warfare even bloodier than the World War II-era fighting the postwar confederation was supposed to abolish.
It is not a crisis, the bills have finally arrived!!!
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Every now and then we listen about one of the greatest economic crisis’s which hit the world at the end of 2008, and how we must save our state budgets, cut public spending, make all sorts of cuts in public administration, including the number of employees etc. To be honest, at first most of us believed in this fairy tale, repeated over and over again, in known and unknown public media. But let us just go a little bit back in time and we will see the naked truth, as it is, and the sad truth is the bills have finally arrived.
When we talk about an economy we must think of the income into any state budget and all its components, as well as about costs and payments the state has had to make for many services, in terms of goods and works. One would say that there is nothing unusual in this, but the general public has never been privy to seeingthe true cost in expenditure which occurredthrough the military intervention in foreign countries. It is evident that the tax payers were misled by the public media citing all sorts of “human rights” organizations which were mostly located in London and not in the country which was being invaded. That was the case of Libya and now Syria, how convenient, but let us go back now to the economy.
NATO through its acts of aggression against sovereign countries usedcostly long range weaponry, of which the aftermath was the land occupation of the country and deployment of military equipment, to supply the forces in the foreign zone or country etc. Now we are not talking about millions, now we are talking about billions of funds of tax payer’s money. Oh, I forgot to mention all donor conferences for the restoration of a crippled country through the destruction wrought by NATO. Now we come to the question, where does that money come from?It certainlyis not money earned by any Government from the private sector, or from any multinational company. The money used for all NATO aggressions is simply thatwhich has been taken from the citizen states, members of NATO. NATO does not care about any citizens of any country, NATO cares only about itself and about its masters’ interest.
Let me recall an anecdote. When during negotiations the representative of the strongest country was presented with a document signed on behalf of his country, he was asked why his government does not comply with the signed agreement, the answer that followed was striking: “The privilege of the mighty ones is to ignore even own signatures”. The privilege of the powerful then is to blackmail and to suppress other NATO member states, to do as it pleases, regardless of the impact on the weaker countries. Has anyone noticed that it is not feasible to negate your countries membership of NATO?
Membership in NATO means, besides the requirement of a 2% contribution of any given country’s GDP, deployment of military staff, equipment, donor conferences, grants, military members brought back to homeland in coffins, disabled military staff, in one word, a huge hole in the countries budget.
Nowadays we are talking about professionalism, transparency, accountability, values and principles the world desperately need. But the fact remains, whenever anyone in any specific country wants to find out exactly how much in fundinghas been contributed for NATO missions, the information has been declared as not permissible and secret. How come that does not surprise me at all?
So, lets once again get back to the economic crisis…. For more than a decade member states of NATO have spent more than they have had, destroying countries around the globe, starting with Serbia, then Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now they are trying to impose so called democracy in Syria, all at the expense of the citizens of NATO member states. That funding as an investment, will never came back to the source, besides the fact that the budgets of the member states have already been severely depleted.
Besides being a NATO member state, it is worth to mention that the Europeansreal economy was transferred to the East, and as a consequence Europe is nagging about Tiger economies. But who created them, and who is to blame??? Most European countries, instead of making products with new added value, they boosted countless bureaucracy, and through this made all kinds of other stupid mistakes, which will at the end fall on the backs of the common citizens, who were misled and misused for a greater cause because Europe was led by politicians and not by statesman. And at the end let me tell you the name of that greater cause “Our future is gone; it is not a crisis, as the bills have finally arrived”.
Nada Pejnović
Reputation of Council of Europe at stake
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Those who followed and admired the Council of Europe suspect that in the middle of its reform, this Organization became impotent. Instead of achieving a stronger role to become a true warrior for human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the international arena, it became just another impotent bureaucratic institution unable to deal with questions such as what its members are doing outside borders of Europe.
The Council of Europe was founded on 5 May 1949 just after WWII. The oldest European institution seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. It is composed of Parliamentary Assembly and Congress of Local and regional democracy with representatives from all 47 member states. One of the bodies of Council of Europe is European Commission for Democracy through Law also so called Venice Commission and an independent body European Court of Human Rights.
The primary aim of the Council of Europe is to create a common democratic and legal area throughout the whole of the continent, ensuring respect for its fundamental values: human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The European Convention of Human Rights and its ratification is a prerequisite for joining the Council of Europe. It was adopted in 1950 and entered into force in 1953.
More than 200 conventions are a part of the Council of Europe legal framework. They are legally binding agreements with which a member state is obliged to comply once it has signed and ratified them. At the same time countries with observer status are: Holly See, Canada, Japan, Israel, Mexico and United States.
Serbia says ‘nyet’ to NATO membership
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Russia Today 28 May, 2012
President-elect Tomislav Nikolic, who is looking for more intensive relations with Russia, has promised that Serbia will never become a member of NATO.
Nikolic, who met Putin in the Russian president’s first meeting with a foreign leader since being elected, stated that Serbia is “on the road” to the European Union, admitting that it will be “a long road, and we will base our relations on the rules of international law.”
He added that he wasn’t sure if Serbia would be admitted into the EU unless “we recognize the independence of Kosovo and Metohija.”
Many Serbs are ambivalent, if not outright hostile to the idea of restoring full relations with the European Union, not to mention the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In 1999 Belgrade was on the receiving end of a massive 78-day bombing campaign by the alliance (March 24 – June 10) aimed at removing Yugoslav forces from Kosovo.
"Our constitution forbids us to abandon Kosovo and Metohija," Nikolic said.
NATO loses debate to “demonstrators”
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Voice of Russia May 23, 2012 - Audio at URL above, Recorded on May 17Hello, this is John Robles. I am speaking with Rick Rozoff, the Manager and Owner of the Stop NATO website and mailing list.
Hello, Rick. Thanks a lot for agreeing to speak with me. We would like to do a summary on the debate you had last night. Do you think the format was fair and who originally was supposed to speak and why do you think they were removed? And do you think you were treated in a proper manner? In the beginning you were called “demonstrators”.
Yeah right, days before the demonstration, as though our role is simply limited to marching and protests and so forth. That wasn’t fair. I assume that it was inadvertent mistake, though I can assure you that had this been a NATO official, they would have dealt with him with a lot more reverence and deference. But overall I would have to say, given the limitations - the fact that it was held at the Pritzker Military Library and was sponsored by the National Strategy Forum - that they dealt with our side better than we’re accustomed to being dealt with.
The moderator, he made a point of saying that there were only 60 people in the audience? Can you tell us a little bit about the security situation, that was going on there?
It was a very tight security situation, but the venue was small – could only accommodate about 60 people and both sides, as it were, the pro-NATO and anti-NATO forces, were allowed inside, were allowed some 35 people, so that is actually more than 60, isn't it?. But somehow or another it worked out fairly evenly. The Rev. Jesse Jackson was there, there were international media, but it was a very select audience and kept that way evidently.
We of course, on our end, those opposed to NATO, would have preferred a larger venue, with a larger audience, but these are elite organizations – think tanks and so forth - and they live in their own circumscribed world.
Why do you think the original speakers were taken off the schedule, do you think that was planned?
I am glad you asked that. I’d love to know. As you are aware and as you’ve covered in the past, John, the two pro-NATO spokesmen were to have been the assistant or deputy, whatever he is, Assistant Secretary General James Appathurai and former U.S. ambassador to NATO and State Department official R. Nicholas Burns.
Executive Order on measures to implement foreign policy
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May 7, 2012, 18:20
Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On Measures to Implement the Russian Federation Foreign Policy.
The Executive Order aims to implement a coherent foreign policy of the Russian Federation that would protect its national interests based on the principles of pragmatism, transparency and a multiple-vector approach in forming a new, polycentric system of international relations.
The Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation has been instructed, jointly with other federal executive authorities, as follows:
- to assist in creating favourable external conditions for the Russian Federation’s long-term development, modernisation of its economy, and strengthening its positions as an equal partner on global markets;
- to seek to assert the rule of law in international relations, to advocate the leading role of the UN in global affairs and the fundamental principles of the UN Charter that require the development of friendly relations between nations on the basis of equality, respect for each others’ sovereignty and territorial integrity, and recognition of the UN Security Council’s primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security, and to broaden the Russian Federation’s input into UN peacekeeping operations;
- to make active use of various forms of multilateral diplomacy, including BRICS, the G20, the G8, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation;
- to encourage more active joint international efforts to counter global challenges and threats, including the danger of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and means of their transportation, international terrorism, drug trafficking, organised crime and regional conflicts.
Kosovo's "Mafia State" and Camp Bondsteel: Towards a Permanent US Military Presence in Southeast Europe
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Washington’s Bizarre Kosovo Strategy could destroy NATO
by F. William Engdahl Global Research, April 12, 2012
In one of the more bizarre foreign policy announcements of a bizarre Obama Administration, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that Washington will “help” Kosovo to join NATO as well as the European Union. She made the pledge after a recent Washington meeting with Kosovan Prime Minister Hashim Thaci in Washington where she praised the progress of the Thaci government in its progress in “European integration and economic development.” 1
Her announcement no doubt caused serious gas pains among government and military officials in the various capitals of European NATO. Few people appreciate just how mad Clinton’s plan to push Kosovo into NATO and the EU is.
Basic Kosovo geopolitics
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By Mirjana Andjelkovic LukicYou cannot talk about Serbia without mentioning the recent bombings, which are the cause of all our current problems. Exactly 13 years ago, on 24 March 1999 at 8:45 pm the bombing of Serbia began. The first return of the NATO aircraft to Aviano in Italy was accompanied by a festive mood in Europe. The pilots were praised for having hit their targets with surgical precision. Pictures of villages and towns full of smoke, destroyed homes and crying people as the first victims of war were shown. Germany’s roleIn the twentieth century, the Serbs havebeen attacked 3 times. Enormous human suffering and material damage was inflicted to them. As in 1941, when on 6 April Germany bombed Belgrade without any declaration of war very early in the morning, the forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization attacked Serbia again without prior notice. This time there were Germans among the ranks of NATO forces. Once again they flew over the land, which they knew well from two previous world wars. Belgrade is the only capital that has been bombed more than 40 times since it came into existence. The reason for the war was worked out under the government of Schröder, Fischer and Scharping in Germany. Lacking the real reasons for an attack, they made use of big lies, such as a massacre of civilians in Racak. Another one was the supposedly massive expulsion of the Albanian population, which was actually on the run, because they had been informed by the Western countries about the attack on our country. In order to justify the longed-for war, Scharping claimed the Serbs had turned the soccer stadium in Pristina into a concentration camp. This allegation has never proven right. Apart from these lies, they also spoke about the alleged plan of the Serbs to torture the Albanian population and expulse them. Scharping was handed out this plan in Serbian language. He ignored, however, that this document with the name “Horseshoe Plan” was written in the Croatian language. In Serbia, the document was known to nobody. Moreover, a Serb never writes in Croatian. The reports of German officers, and many witnesses who tried to tell that this was a lie, were also ignored. Helena Ranta, the Finnish member of the commission investigating the events in Racak, was also involved in the network of lies. In her biography she later admitted to having worked under great pressure from the Finnish foreign ministry and the then head of the Kosovo mission, William Walker. They searched and ordered hard-hitting facts about Serbian crimes. Since Walker was not satisfied with her coverage, he broke a pencil and threw it at Mrs Ranta, from whom he demanded a more convincing account of the Serbian crimes which they needed to be able to start the war. “It started with a lie”Only a few years later, German media revealedthat story about the alleged crimes was false. “It started with a lie” was the title of the TV program in which Scharping was confronted with his lies. He played the innocent ignorant. Another one who has also spoken, but too late, was Carla del Ponte in her book “The Hunt” in which she revealed the awful truth that during the KFOR occupation organs of kidnapped Serbs and other non-Albanians were harvested and sold in Europe. There are indications that this is still being carried out today. The Italian journalist Marilina Veca also wrote about these facts. The entire Italian public was therefore in a state of turmoil. Dick Marty, politician in Switzerland, member of the Council of Europe and member of the Commission on Human Rights in the OSCE, also reported on this issue. On 14 December 2010, he published a report for the Council of Europe in which he confirmed that Hashim Taci and other leaders of the UÇK were involved in the sale of organs of Serb prisoners, in many ********************************** “Emotional Charge“ – “a great bluff“ The campaign, which Ruder Finn set in motion in August 1992, had particularly grave consequences on the perception and assessment not only of the Bosnian war, but later on the conflict in Kosovo, when first Western media reports about prisoner camps in Bosnia were published. According to James Harff the PR agency then succeeded in engaging Jewish circles in the United States for the Bosnian issue, and thus brought about the comparison of events in the Bosnian war with the Holocaust against the Jews. James Harff described as his greatest PR success that during the war in Bosnia he had succeeded “masterfully […]. We outwitted three Jewish organizations” (quoted according to Merlino 1999, 155). And in fact, three of the largest Jewish organizations in the US published a full-page protest ad in the “New York Times” in August 1992, in which the Serbs were equated with the Nazis and the Bosnians with the Jews. According to Harff, the following happened after that: “That was a tremendous coup. When the Jewish organizations entered the game on the side of the [Muslim] Bosnians we could promptly equate the Serbs with the Nazis in the public mind. […] Almost immediately there was a clear change of language in the press, with the use of words with high emotional content such as ethnic cleansing, concentration camps, etc, which evoke images of Nazi Germany and the gas chambers of Auschwitz. The emotional charge was so powerful that no one risked to contradict, to avoid of being accused of revisionism. We had hit the mark.” Source: Jörg Becker/Mira Beham. Operation Balkan: Werbung für Krieg und Tod. ISBN 978-3-8329-3591-7. (English quotation see: https://www.antipasministries. com/html/file0000059.htm) *** Mirjana Andjelkovic Lukic studied in Belgrade at the faculty of technology and metallurgy, where she met her husband Mirko Lukic. After he finished his studies at the Army High School in Paris both received their doctorate in the field of technology applied to explosives and later became research assistants at the institute of military technology for research and processing of explosives. During the war professor Mirko Lukic visited some of the bombed areas in Belgrade and its surroundings. As a result he developed cancer and died in 2003. Mirjana Lukic paid particular attention to the ecological affects of the bombings. After her husband had died she continued the activities she had previously shared with him which were the investigation of the bombings’ chemical and radiological effects on the citizens of Serbia. Besides numerous publications about politics and ecology she worked as judicial consultant in the field of technology applied to explosives. She also published a book which deals with her investigations into the ramifications of the Nato-war: “The presence of the merciful angle” (Serbian: Darovi milosrdnog andjela). ********************************** contract killings as well as in various other crimes. Everything was too late
None of the people responsible for this |
former stations were later attacked with Environmental and
“Srebrenica” as Holocaust: Trifkovic, the “Genocide Denier” - by Srdja Trifkovic
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by Srdja Trifkovic • April 27, 2012 •
In the latest issue of The Jewish Chronicle (UK) a polemicist by the name of Oliver Kamm takes The Jerusalem Post to task for publishing an article last February “by one Srdja Trifkovic claiming that US recognition of Kosovo was an advance for jihadism.” In a fact-free diatribe Kamm complains that the JP “did not mention that Trifkovic has described Srebrenica as ‘a myth based on a lie,’ the number of whose victims ‘remain[s] unknown and misrepresented’,” and adds:
To paraphrase the late Christopher Hitchens: it’s impossible to eat enough in order to vomit enough on reading such material. The Muslim populations of Bosnia and Kosovo bear as much relation to al-Qaeda as the Archbishop of Canterbury does to the snake-handling sects of Appalachia. Milosevic’s victims should be remembered. The truth about their fate should be defended.
“It is not just the equivalent of Holocaust denial,” Kamm goes on, “but the same fraudulent argument. It should be recognised and named for what it is: genocide denial.”
BEFORE WE REVISIT “Srebrenica,” let us deal briefly with Kamm’s interesting contention that the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo are immune to the well-known pursuits and obsessions of their coreligionists around the world.
For a reorientation of Greece - Doing one’s duty towards the ideals of freedom and justice until the end - by Mikis Theodorakis
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Production has come to a standstill, cost us one million people dead and the total destruction of our country, how is it possible for us Greeks to accept Ms Merkel’s threats and the Germans’ intention to impose on us a new Gauleiter… This time wearing a tie… And to prove just how rich a country is Greece and how hard working and conscious the Greek people (conscious of their Debt to Freedom and love of their country), I cite as an example the time of the German occupation from 1941 until October of 1944. When the SS and hunger killed one million citizens and the Wehrmacht was systematically destroying the country, and stealing all its agricultural production and the gold from the Banks, Greeks saved the people from hunger by creating the National Solidarity Movement and a partisan army of 100.000, which tied down 20 German divisions in our country. At the same time not only did Greeks manage to survive thanks to their hard work, but there was also a large growth in Modern Greek art -especially in literature and music- under the terrible conditions of the occupation. Greece chose the path of self-sacrifice for the sake of freedom and simultaneously of survival. That is when we were unnecessarily punished, and we responded with Solidarity and Resistance and we survived. Now we are doing exactly the same thing, with the certainty that the Greek people will be the ultimate victors. They are threatening to throw us out of Europe. If Europe doesn’t want Greece to be a part of it, Greece, for her part, is 10 times more unwilling to be a part of this Merkel- Sarkozy Europe. Today, Sunday February 12, 2012, I am about to take part in the demonstrations, along with Manolis Glezos, the hero who, in the past, took the swastika down from the Acropolis, signaling the beginning of resistance against Hitler, not only in Greece but throughout Europe. Today, our streets and our squares will be flooded with hundreds of thousands of citizens who will demonstrate their rage against the government and against theTroika. Aiming for cooperation with Russia At this point in time, I have devoted all my efforts to an attempt to dynamically unify the Greek people. I am trying to convince them that IMF and Troika is not a one-way street, that there is an alternative solution. And that solution is to radically change the course of our nation and turn towards Russia for economic co-operation and the setting up of joint ventures in order to exploit our natural wealth under beneficial terms that will safeguard our national interests. As for Europe, I suggest we stop buying war material from Germany and France. And that we do everything in our power so that Germany pays back the war reparations they owe us and which currently amount to approximately–including the appropriate interest- 500 billion Euros. The only force capable of effecting all these revolutionary changes is the Greek people, unified under a huge Front of Resistance and Solidarity in order to remove the Troika (the IMF and the European banks) from our country. At the same time all their illegal actions (loans, debts, interest, taxes, privatization of national wealth) should be considered as if they never took place. Naturally, their Greek partners, already condemned in our conscience as traitors, will have to be punished. I am totally dedicated, body and soul, to this cause (the unification of the People in one Front) and I believe that I will be proved right in the end. I have fought, gun in hand, against Hitler’s occupation. I have experienced the Gestapo’s dungeons. I have been sentenced to death by Germans and have miraculously survived. In 1967 I founded PAF (The Patriotic Anti-dictatorial Front), the first resistance organization against the military junta. I fought underground, was caught and imprisoned in the junta’s “slaughterhouse”. Once again I survived. I am today 87 years old and it is very possible that I will not live to see the salvation of my beloved country. But I will die with a clear conscience, because I will continue doing my Duty towards the ideals of Freedom and Justice until the end. • (Source: Excerpts from “The truth about Greece” – an open letter to international public opinion by Mikis Theodorakis, 12.2.2012, mikis-theodora |
Press Releases |
The Belgrade Forum welcomes initiative of the Head office of the World Peace Council (WPC), in Athens and the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation to hold this meeting, which we consider very important. The dramatic events in several countries over the recent years, planned and implemented by direct involvement of the USA, NATO and the EU, also threatening to propagate to some other countries, are a huge threat to peace and security, especially in the region of the Mediterranean, Asia Minor and Middle East. We are faced with new and dangerous challenges, with new threats and with the introducing of new unrests and turmoil in various parts of the world, targeted by conquering and domination intent of the masterminds of the new world order. The leading Western countries with imperialist ambitions, primarily the USA, are increasingly assuming the right to decide on who can and who cannot lead any given country in the world. The new arms race imposed by the USA, NATO and the EU, establishment of new military bases and new zones of influence, ever more frequent use of force and blatant violation of the fundamental principles of the international law are the ultimate threat to peace, stability and security.
After the failure of bipolar world from the early 1990s, the world revealed true colors of NATO and true intentions of its masters, first of all, the USA. Ever since, the USA and its Western allies, with the use of their NATO arm, have been trying to introduce new rules of international conduct, such as concepts of “humanitarian intervention”, “human rights above sovereignty”, “exceptionalism” and “responsibility to protect” in a bid to secure the excuse for the use of force to instigate civil wars, change of regimes, dissolution of sovereign states.
Serbia: Marzo 1999 - Marzo 2012 - Per non dimenticare
NATO Aggression |
Representative and Editor Enrico Vigna
Il Forum Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali, la Lega dei Veterani della Lotta di Liberazione della Serbia ed l’Associazione dei Generali e Ammiragli di Serbia, hanno organizzato una serie di iniziative per commemorare il 13° anniversario dell’aggressione della NATO contro la Serbia ( RF Jugoslavia).
Un aggressione costata oltre 3500 morti, oltre 10.000 feriti, due terzi di essi civili e oltre 100 miliardi di dollari in danni economici.
Durante i 78 giorni di bombardamenti continui la Nato ha usato missili e proiettili all’uranio impoverito, provocando un avvelenamento e inquinamento per decine di anni del suolo, dell’acqua, del cibo e uno spaventoso aumento di decessi per tumori e leucemie, nella popolazione civile.
Indipendenti, le associazioni senza partito civiche - Il Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali, La Lega dei veterani della lotta di liberazione popolare della Serbia e del Club di generali e ammiragli di Serbia stanno organizzando le tradizionali attività commemorative in occasione del 13 ° anniversario della NATO 1999 aggressione contro la Serbia (RF Yugoslavia). L'aggressione ha causato oltre 3.500 morti, oltre 10.000 feriti, due terzi dei quali erano civili e oltre 100 miliardi di dollari danni economici. Durante 78 giorni di continui bombardamenti NATO ha usato missili con l'uranio impoverito provoca inquinamento duratura dei decessi suolo, acqua e cibo e maligne e morti.
George Pumphrey - Six Sources of the Srebrenica Legend
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"During the months following the fall of Srebrenica, 24 international journalists, among them Mike Wallace of CBS, a BBC team and several CNN journalists attempted to follow the indications derived from the known US satellite photos and all on-the-spot information about known mass graves – to no avail. The results of their fruitless search were not made public."
The debate around President Boris Tadic's resolution on Srebrenica has again focused the spotlight on this Bosnian town in the Drina Valley. Inspired by the ad hoc tribunal set up in The Hague to punish (Serb) war crimes during the Bosnian Civil War, the resolution is causing dissention about whether Serbia should plead mea culpa and beg forgiveness for the crime supposedly committed nearly fifteen years ago.
There are many aspects to this debate. Whereas Rasim Ljajic, Serbia's Labor Minister and President of the National Council for Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, says that he believes it is "important that the resolution on Srebrenica is adopted for moral and political reason(s), " other parties insist that there be a resolution condemning also the war crimes committed against Serbs.
Biden’s Buddy: Organ Trafficker
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BY: Adam Kredo - April 2, 2012
Biden to welcome accused trafficker of human organs to White House
Vice President Joe Biden is set to welcome to the White House a man who is currently under investigation for trafficking human organs on behalf of a “mafia-like” crime ring.
Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci is schedule to meet with Biden this Thursday at the White House, according to the vice president’s public schedule.
Thaci is accused by the Council of Europe of being one of the central players in a crime syndicate that smuggled guns, drugs, and human organs in run-up to the 1998 Kosovo war.
Ce mal qui frappe les nations, Serbie, Afghanistan, Irak, Libye, Syrie…
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Allocution prononcée lors de la soirée consacrée à la Syrie, organisée par Investigaction de Michel Collon, le 31 mars 2012 à Paris.
Je suis heureux de vous voir venus si nombreux ce soir, preuve, s’il en faut, qu’il reste beaucoup de gens épris de vérité en ces temps d’imposture générale. Cela ne peut que dynamiser notre espoir pour persévérer sur le chemin de la vérité que nous poursuivons depuis de nombreuses années.
Oui, comme notre médiatrice vient de l’annoncer, je vous parlerai, en tant que Serbe, en toute connaissance de cause, mon peuple ayant été dans un passé récent victime du même mal qui risque de s’abattre aujourd’hui sur le peuple syrien.
Thirteen Years Later, Effects Of NATO Bombing Of Serbia Still Linger
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March 24, 2012 marked the 13th anniversary of the start of the U.S.-led NATO bombing of Serbia. That war lasted 78 days. It is now almost totally forgotten as NATO’s focus turns to the Middle East.
Yet those who care about the poisoning of our planet should know that NATO’s 1999 bombing escapade resulted in contamination in Serbia and throughout the Balkans from an assorted arsenal of ammunitions containing depleted uranium, dumped on that region on a daily basis.
NATO’s bombing of Serbia was especially intense in Kosovo, resulting in thousands of civilian deaths, including children. Yet, to hear NATO’s spin about its dalliance in the Balkans, one is led to believe that it was a humanitarian bombing. Humanitarian?
What happened in 1999 was solely the U.S. and NATO could gain a foothold in the Balkans. The U.S. quickly set up a huge military base, Camp Bondsteel, on confiscated farmland near Urosevac, in Kosovo.
Also, that war of convenience came about due to NATO rapidly becoming irrelevant after the end of the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Thus, a new, reinvented and invigorated NATO was reborn, ready and willing to attack all over the planet and ask questions later.
Serbia was NATO’s guinea pig and it was bombed simply because NATO knew it could get away with it, using phoney pretexts.
A very dangerous game is being played out and it shows no signs of slowing down.
Former U.S. president Dwight Eisenhower wisely warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex. It’s best that his warning be heeded sooner rather than later.
Fidel Castro Ruz - The Roads Leading to Disaster
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Reflections by Fidel Castro
March 21, 2012
This Reflection could be written today, tomorrow or any other day without the risk of being mistaken. Our species faces new problems. When 20 years ago I stated at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro that a species was in danger of extinction, I had fewer reasons than today for warning about a danger that I was seeing perhaps 100 years away. At that time, a handful of leaders of the most powerful countries were in charge of the world. They applauded my words as a matter of mere courtesy and placidly continued to dig for the burial of our species. It seemed that on our planet, common sense and order reigned. For a while economic development, backed by technology and science appeared to be the Alpha and Omega of human society. Today, everything is much clearer. Profound truths have been surfacing. Almost 200 States, supposedly independent, constitute the political organization which in theory has the job of governing the destiny of the world. Approximately 25,000 nuclear weapons in the hands of allied or enemy forces ready to defend the changing order, by interest or necessity, virtually reduce to zero the rights of billions of people. I shall not commit the naïveté of assigning the blame to Russia or China for the development of that kind of weaponry, after the monstrous massacre at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ordered by Truman after Roosvelt’s death
Salute of EEDYE
Kosovo and Metohija 13 years after NATO Aggression |
The usual hypocritical and cynical excuse of NATO military aggression against any country is the protection of human rights. In the case of Yugoslavia (Serbia) the aggression, which started 13 years ago, using among other “smart” weapons depleted uranium missiles, left behind thousands of dead, wounded and cancer suffering people, mostly civilians. It was launched to allegedly protect human rights of Kosovo Albanians. Later the same pretext was used in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, and in the future most certainly will be used against other countries like Syria, Iran, North Korea or any other country.
The capitalist and imperialist aggressiveness have one target: to safeguard the profitability of capital, which is its holy objective, with or without memoranda, within or outside the EU or other imperialist organizations, under the supervision of the IMF or not. Furthermore capitalism now asks back, with high interest rate, concessions that made, or was forced to make in the past century. The carrot is gone and only the yardstick is left for the peoples, to warn them and to punish them. As always the imperialists are united when they declare war against the people but they fight for the division of the loot like wolves, while their competition always leads to wars.
The peoples of every country, who are the only producers of the wealth, will have no benefits as long as the criterion for the development of the states is the profit of the capitalists and the participation in the imperialist plans. The deep, synchronized capitalist crisis has its basis in the sharpening of the basic contradiction capital-labor and demonstrates the historical boundaries of the capitalist system. Thus, the interests of the people, more than in any other instance, are connected to the struggle for their own power, for the organization of the economy with as its criterion the satisfaction of the needs of the people.
In that context the line of Bertolt Brecht, “Their War kills whatever their Peace leaves standing”, is timelier than ever.
We call on the Serbian people, the peoples of the whole world together with the organizations of the anti-imperialist peace movement and the organizations of the labor movement in a struggle against the imperialist plans, against the unjust wars, and for the respect of fundamental human rights, like the right to work, to educate, to health care, to live in peace. We call on them to create their own alliance, to choose their own path, to fight for the development which will satisfy their contemporary economic, cultural and environmental needs and their true peace and cooperation.
Stavros TASSOS, President of the Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace.
Kosovo and Metohija 13 years after NATO Aggression |
On the occasion of the 13TH anniversary of the NATO aggression against Serbia (FRY).
Copenhagen, 22. March 2012
Dear Friends,
On the occasion of 13th anniversary of the NATO 1999 aggression against Serbia I salute you and your courageous people.
Although it has not proven possible for me to attend your activities in person, rest assured that my thoughts will be with you firmly in the days to come.
On 18th February 1999 - about a month in advance of the NATO attack - as an ordinary citizen of Denmark I wrote a letter to mr. Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, then Prime Minister of a Social-Democratic gvt. in this country:
I voiced the opinion that while pretending to support the early conclusion of a political settlement and all international efforts to "bring peace to Kosovo" the Statement on Kosovo adopted by the North Atlantic Council on 30th January, 1999, had in fact "the character of an ultimatum".
NATO was exercising a direct threat against a sovereing state, thus violating the UN Charter and international law - and as co-responsible for these threats the Danish gvt. of Nyrup Rasmussen was acting in violation of the Danish Constitution as well.
Could I trust that as Head of the Danish gvt. Nyrup Rasmussen would take appropriate action? No - of course not...
Insofar that situation has not been entirely forgotten about true solutions seem as far away as ever.
But you and your people have ever since stood up to the challenges in a way which will prepare for the Serbs a place in history forever - and for that I salute you.
Sincerely yours,
Godfred Louis-Jensen, architect.
Kosovo – beware triumphalism
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Posted on March 6th, 2012 in the category Kosovo by TransConflict
The EU seems bent on using the leverage of the still-to-be-granted accession date to press Belgrade for more concessions, particularly concerning north Kosovo, thereby risking an escalation of tensions.
By Gerard M. Gallucci
After squeezing everything it could from Serbia’s president, Boris Tadic, on Kosovo, the EU agreed last week to grant Serbia candidacy without a date to begin accession talks. To win that prize, Belgrade agreed to last minute deals with Pristina to informally recognize Kosovo as an independent entity and to work with it to transform the northern boundary into a functional border. These steps are, in the end, an inevitable bow to reality. Serbia has lost Kosovo – at least from the Ibar south – and nothing practical is gained pretending otherwise. The EU, however, seems bent on using the leverage of the still-to-be-granted accession date to press Belgrade for more concessions. Beware triumphalism.
Commemoratiev events on the 13th anyverssary of the NATO aggression
Press Releases |
Independent, nonparty civic associations – The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, The League of Veterans of the People’s Liberation Struggle of Serbia and the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia are organizing traditional commemorative activities on the occasion of 13th anniversary of the NATO 1999 aggression against Serbia (FR Yugoslavia). The aggression has caused over 3.500 deaths, over 10.000 wounded, two thirds of whom were civilians and over 100 billion US dollars economic damage. During 78 days of constant bombings NATO has used missiles with the depleted uranium causing lasting pollution of the soil, water and food and malignant deceases and deaths.
On Friday, March 23rd, 2012, at 11 a.m. there will be held the round table “Kosovo and Metohija 13 years after NATO Aggression”, in the Sava Conference Center (Amphitheater), Main entrance, Street Milentije Popovic No.9. The Round table will be followed by the documentary film “From Belgrade to Baghdad”, of Canadian authors Radoslav Ognjenovic, Director, and Scott Taylor, journalist and publicist. Free Entrance.
On Saturday, March 24rth, 2012, at 11 a.m. delegations will lay flowers at the Monument to the children victims in the Tasmajdan Park and at 12 noon to the Monument of Eternal Flame at Usce, New Belgrade
The public is welcome to attend these events to pay respect to the victims and send common message of peace.
Prof. Miodrag Zecevic
Ljubisa Stojimirovic
Zivadin Jovanovic
Violation of Human rights of Serbs in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija [1]
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Zivadin Jovanovic, President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Serbia
13 years since NATO aggression against Serbia (FR of Yugoslavia)
The struggle for peace and the struggle for full respect of universal human rights, as defined by UN Declaration on protection of human rights, are interdependent and non-separable. Violations of sovereignty and territorial integrity, military interventions, aggressions and occupations go hand in hand with massive violations of the basic human rights.
It is clear that there are no humanitarian military interventions.
NATO military aggression against Yugoslavia ( Serbia ) which started March 24rth, 1999 was launched to allegedly protect human rights of Kosovo Albanians. It was carried out in blatant violation of the basic principals of International Law and without approval of UN Security Council. The precedent was used later in various other parts of the world whenever it suited the interests of USA and NATO: Afghanistan , Iraq , and Libya . There are threats that it may be used against other countries like Syria, Iran, North Korea or any other country.
Europe needs to reflect on its Western Christian roots
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“The peaceful united Europe
[...] has brought us peace, freedom,
justice, human rights and
democracy over half a century.”
Angela Merkel in her New Year’s address 2012
Open letter to Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel:
Madam Federal Chancellor,
dear Dr Merkel
First all the best wishes for the new year 2012 to you and your family.
Allow me some comments on the above-quoted statement in your New Year’s address. In recent times you can hear frequently that the peaceful united Europe had brought us peace, freedom, justice, human rights and democracy over half a century. Politicians justify the establishment of an united European state on the American model with this argumentation.
But I can only agree to this historical assessment to a limited extent.
If you mean Germany with “us”, then in my opinion it also applies to a limited extent.
Peace yes, but freedom in the light of subordination to the dictates of our American allies and Big Business? And justice, human rights and democracy? In the light of rampant child and old-age poverty, the monetary turmoil and the lack of a right to a say, many citizens are not feeling treated fairly and humanely or as mature citizens by the government, and they look worryingly towards an uncertain future.
But if by “us” all the peoples in Europe and all our brothers and sisters in the world are meant, then what is said is in stark contradiction to the stories of some of my friends from Serbia, Palestine, Somalia, Congo, Iraq or Afghanistan. Since more than a decade they have been covering news about bombed-out home countries, dead, war-injured, suffering from cancer and vegetating relatives, friends and acquaintances, who became homeless and hopeless. The people in the 1999 bombarded Serbia and in other parts of the world such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Congo, Somalia or Libya and elsewhere in Africa will perceive it as a cynicism that Europe – if you think about the European NATO countries which are allied with the USA – would have brought peace, freedom, justice, human rights and democracy in the light of the devastating bombing with partial nuclear weapons and in the light of the humiliating forays with which these countries were covered.
Europe would indeed be able bring the human achievements which you mentioned to all its citizens and the people of different cultures, if it reflected on its Western Christian roots. However, the will to do so does not exist yet.
Madam Federal Chancellor, I ask you to help ensure that Europe will do that someday.
My friends and I will play our part in that with pleasure.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Rudolf Hänsel, Lindau on Lake Constance
Kosovo massacre fraud to justify yugoslav war
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19th February 2012
German Television programme "Time Travel" broadcast in January 2012
Narrator: These are the photos that Rudolf Scharping didn't show. He didn't show the Albanians' weapons, their UCK badges and membership cards and their ammunition. He didn't show the clear evidence of fighting."
Henning Hensch (the photographer): "There can be no talk of a massacre here, and however inconvenient this might sound, these were military battles."
The extent of the lies told about what was happening in Yugoslavia in the 1990s in order to justify the war waged by NATO has long been known - but not acknowledged by the press and mass media in Europe or the USA.
The Sarajevo market bomb [Feb 1994]
was not set by Serbs but by Bosnian Muslims, as the UN later confirmed.
The skeletal "Serb concentration camp" victim was a nonsense,
as the BBC's John Simpson confirmed and the "10,000 deaths in Kosovo" were proved to be a complete myth.
Both the Commander of the OSCE's Kosovo Verification Mission in 1999 (just before Yugoslavia was attacked) Roland Keith and the former Canadian Ambassador in Belgrade James Bissett have condemned the war and defended the Yugoslav Government. Bissett said that the 1999 attack was a "put up job" and quotes the most revealing admission by the former British Defense Minister, Lord Gilbert, who told the British House of Commons in July 2000 that the terms that NATO sought to force upon Milosevic at Rambouillet were deliberately designed to provoke war.
Commander Keith described the KLA as a terrorist organisation which had a grip on most villages in Kosovo. He had direct experience of the lies told by villagers about ethnic cleansing and he said he never saw the Yugoslav Federal Army mistreat anyone in Kosovo.
Now we have a respected German televisions programme providing clear proof of the fraud practised by the German Government to justify to their public an attack on Yugoslavia in 1999. It is the equivalent of the "dodgy dossier" of that other great "builder of Europe" Tony Blair.
13 years since the start of the NATO aggression against Serbia (FRY)(SRY)!!!
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Germany's ambassador to Serbia, Wolfram Maas:
Serbs must explain to their children that 78 days of the NATO bombardment in 1999 was justified, so that they would not hate the Atlantic Alliance. ...
At a press conference in Belgrade regarding NATO, Germany's ambassador to Serbia, Wolfram Maas, said Serbs must explain to their children that the bombardment [78 days in 1999] was justified, so that they won't hate the Atlantic Alliance. "I must criticize government figures in Belgrade who continue to use expressions like 'NATO bombing'. "
Imagine you are walking down Knez Milosh street and your child asks you 'Daddy, who did this?' You answer him 'NATO'. And what do you expect that child to think about NATO? "
"That's not," Maas explained, "like when I was a boy in Germany and looked at the ruins in my city. I did not hate the one who had done that, because there were people who could tell me why he did that."
Road to Damascus… and on to Armageddon?
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What if pollsters put this question to citizens of the United States and the European Union :
“Which is more important, ensuring disgruntled Islamists freedom to overthrow the secular regime in Syria, or avoiding World War Three?”
I’ll bet that there might be a majority for avoiding World War III.
But of course, the question is never framed like that.
That would be a “realistic” question, and we Westerners from the heights of our moral superiority have no time for vulgar “realism” in foreign policy (except the eccentric Ron Paul, crying out in the wilderness of Republican primaries).
Because, in the minds of our political ruling class, the United States has the power to “make reality”, we need pay no attention to the remnants of whatever reality we didn’t invent ourselves.
Our artificial reality is coming into collision with the reality perceived by most or at least much of the rest of the world. The tenants of these conflicting views of reality are armed to the teeth, including with nuclear weapons capable of leaving the planet to insects.
Twenty-eight MPs raise German war reparations issue
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Twenty-eight MPs tabled a proposal in parliament on Thursday requesting a debate on the so-called occupation loan paid by the collaborationist government to Germany during the Second World War as well as the issues of reparations for victims of Nazi atrocities and looted treasures.
The proposal, signed by MPs from Pasok, New Democracy (ND), the Radical Left Coalition (Syriza) and independent deputies, calls on the issues be discussed in the presence of the ministers of finance, foreign affairs, defence and justice as well as representatives of all interested parties.
The signatories also called on parliament to adopt a clear stance on what they described as a “crucial national issue”.
The 28 MPs underlined that at an Italian-German financial conference held in Rome in 1942, the Axis powers arbitrarily decided that occupied Greece, as it had fought on the side of the Allies, was obliged to fund the country’s occupation through a "loan".
The MPs stressed that the now united German state owes Greece, a Second World War victor, roughly 54bn euros before interest, underlining that Greece was the victim of unparalleled cruelty inflicted by the Nazi forces.
The signatories stressed that Greece has been the subject of an obvious injustice because it is the only country to which Germany has not paid reparations. (AMNA, Athens News)
Truly Disgusting - the West in Kosovo
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Aleksandar PAVIC
In the tantrums thrown by the Western powers in the wake of the Russo-Chinese veto of their UN Security Council resolution on Syria, the US’s UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, expressed «disgust» at these two states’ behavior. In addition to these kinds of «hysterics» – as Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov so aptly described them – being calculated to rally the global media further against the two Eurasian giants, they also serve the purpose of directing attention away from the West’s own disastrous intervention track record. On February 8, just four days after the failed Syria resolution, the UNSC had a chance to discuss another Western interventionist «success story» – Kosovo.
Many might think that Russia’s and China’s reluctance to give a green light to foreign intervention in Syria is mostly based on the recent Libya (and Iraq and Afghanistan) experience. That is only partly true. For the occupied Serbian province of Kosovo has been under NATO/EU control for more than 12 years now – since June 10, 1999 – and offers a much better view of what Western intervention brings than the still-fresh, although already clearly disastrous, Libyan case.
The first thing that struck attention was the fact that the Assistant Secretary-General for UN Peacekeeping Operations, Edmond Mulet, referred to the situation in Kosovo at February 8 session as one of «fragile calm.» Remember – this is more than 12 years after Western powers have taken complete control of the territory, and almost four years since they have unilaterally recognized its «independence.» With tens of thousands of Western «peacekeepers» on the ground for over a decade and several billion dollars spent – we have nothing more than «fragile calm.» A «success story» – this is not.
Vuk Jeremić, the Foreign Minister of Serbia, whose province Kosovo still is according to UNSC Resolution 1244 (as well as Resolutions 1160, 1199, 1203 and 1239, all of which the Western powers have trampled in their unilateral recognition of the breakaway province), characterized the situation in Kosovo as «ghetto and barbed wire,» with the Serbian population being «the most imperiled in Europe.» Practically none of the over 200,000 people expelled from Kosovo since NATO and the EU have taken over have returned. The 100,000 or so Serbs and non-Albanians that have remained are waging a daily battle, not just for survival but for basic human rights. Pointing to this state of affairs, the Serbian FM cited reports of international organizations such as Human Rights Watch, OSCE and Transparency International, which talk of rampant corruption, discrimination against non-Albanians, politically influenced judiciary, inadequate witness protection, etc., while the European Commission has qualified the fight against corruption and organized crime as «inefficient.»
White Books - NATO Aggression
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4 White books in one PDF file - Evidence of the NATO aggression on Serbia 1999!
Download (750MB):
Free download (HQ PDF eBooks for printing):
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia - Documentary Evidence 24 March - 24 April 1999 - Part One:
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia - Documentary Evidence 25 April - 10 June 1999 - Part Two:
Feel free to distribute and promote this evidence of NATO aggression.
Where does America’s imperial hubris lead to?
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Voice of Russia
December 29, 2011
John Robles
Interview with Rick Rozoff, the. Recorded on December 21, 2011:
Can you give us the latest on NATO and your predictions for 2012, as far as the ABM system in Europe and NATO global expansion in general? I know it’s a big question.
The past year, of course, has been a momentous one. I think it’s been a very troubling one in many regards. What we’ve seen this year in regard to NATO and what we’re likely to see an intensification of next year, 2012, is a follow-up on the Strategic Concept, as they call it, adopted at the Lisbon summit in November 2010, which is unveiling – and unleashing – NATO as an increasingly global political and military player. We saw this with the seven-month aerial campaign, air war, against Libya earlier this year where NATO flew an estimated 26,000 air missions against a small country with six million people, over 9,000 of which were combat sorties. We’re seeing that as a template. That’s pretty much how NATO officials and heads of state of major NATO countries have characterized it.
Who decides on waging wars?
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by Hannes Hofbauer
To eliminate a development project: Was this the reason behind waging war against Libya?
Since the breakdown of the Soviet Union, the Comecon and the Warsaw Treaty Organisation in 1991, three heads of states, odious to Western governments and institutions such as USA, EU and NATO were killed by them, respectively died under their responsibility. This is remarkable.
On the 11 March 1996 Slobodan Miloševic, former president of Yugoslavia, was left without medical help during his trial in the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in Den Haag and died in his cell in Scheveningen.
On the 30 December 2006 Saddam Hussein, former prime minister and president of Iraq was hanged in Al-Kadhimiya North-East of Baghdad.
On the 20 October 2011 Muammar al-Gaddafi was lynched in Sirte.
What do these three dead leaders have in common?
First and visible the brutal form of their elimination. No serious trial, no hearing, no international examination took place concerning their guilt or responsibility for alleged war crimes.
Western media convicted them by following the will of the Western military alliance surrounding NATO.
In the moment of their elimination all of them were presented as the personification of evil. This demonization even allowed exposing – in the case of Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein and his sons – their distorted dead bodies to the public.
Media consumers were supposed to look at them as devils not as human beings. This form of brutalisation also shows a historical step backwards in terms of standards of civilization.Miloševic, Saddam Hussein, and Gaddafi were physically eliminated because they were enemies, not because of their crimes, and for sure: all three were criminals, responsible for monstrous crimes. But these crimes – repressive policy towards ethnic minorities and political opposition – served the West only as a pretext for military interventions.
This is the only interpretation possible because political oppression is taking place all over the world without the “international community” considering a military intervention.
From Saudi Arabia to Spain [Basque country], from Nigeria to Indonesia: Nato would have their hands full of work to send their armada to combat for human rights.
Only in specific cases the Western allies take military action, allegedly to protect civilians.
When and where are they doing that and what are the reasons behind?
The Western allies did not hunt down Slobodan Miloševic, Saddam Hussein and Muammar al-Gaddafi because of their bad politics, but because of their good ones.
All three of them can be seen as different symbols of a “development dictatorship”.
This included social policy for the masses, efforts to achieve regional balance and economic modernization.
For some decades Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya had used a huge amount of public money to modernise society. Instead of administering the
state in favour of foreign investors, they used the means of the nationalization of industries for social and regional development.Western firms had only restricted access to the markets. This was one of the reasons why Miloševic, Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi were considered as “odious” by the troika of Nato, USA ,and EU.
But also their geopolitical position made them suspicious to the Western allies.
Miloševic, Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi were leaders of societies on the periphery of the Western sphere of influence, historically as well as presently.
Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya – all three of them were key states between the two blocks in the period of the Cold War and they saw no reason to relinquish their independent stance towards western take-overs and eastern greediness.
Moscow and Washington, each guaranteed indirectly one half of this independence, leading to an increase in national self-confidence.
After the breakdown of the Soviet Union their self-confidence lost its backing leading directly into disaster. It looks as if the “in-betweens” of the two old geopolitical blocks had to suffer most under the advance of imperial strategies to streamline political regimes in order to take over economic core pieces.
And they were not willing to giveup political and economic independence completely, as they were asked for after the breakdown of the Soviet Union.
Call to Action: Retire NATO, Create Jobs & Fund Peace
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Chicago – May 2012
Sponsored by: Network for a NATO-Free World: Global Peace and Justice*
In a land that's known as freedom
How can such a thing be fair
Won't you please come to Chicago
For the help that we can bring
We can change the world
Re-arrange the world
It's dying ... to get better
Crosby, Stills & Nash
NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is holding a summit meeting in Chicago, May 2012. We, peace and justice activists, will gather at a counter summit to voice a new vision of global security and peace.
Join us in Chicago May 18 & 19 for a counter-summit conference to conceive and help build a more peaceful, economically secure and environmentally sustainable world.
As the majority of the U.S. people know, it’s long past time to end the U.S./NATO war in Afghanistan, bring home all U.S. and NATO troops from Afghanistan, Iraq and around the world, to end the attacks on Libya and to begin to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction and redirect monies from wars and weapons back to our communities.
Despite its claims, NATO was never a defensive alliance, and since the end of the Cold War has been transformed into global alliance structured to wage “out of area” wars in Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, as well as to “contain” China. NATO’s creed is aggressive, expansionist, militarist and undemocratic.
Nazi memorial in Croatia a disgrace to Europe
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01/04/2012 23:28
A service for Hitler is unthinkable.
So why is the world quiet in response to a service for Ante Pavelić?
Imagine for a minute that memorial masses were held in two major cities in Germany on the anniversary of the death of Adolf Hitler. Needless to say, such a ceremony would arouse fury, indignation, and widespread protests not only in Germany, but throughout the entire world. Last week, the local equivalent of such an event took place in Croatia, but instead of anger and demonstrations, not a single word of protest was heard from anywhere in the country.
I am referring to the December 28 memorial masses conducted in Zagreb and Split (and perhaps elsewhere as well) to mark the 51st anniversary of the death of Ante Pavelić, the head of state of the infamous Independent State of Croatia, created by the Nazis and their Italian allies in 1941. Following its establishment, rule was turned over to the local fascist movement, the Ustasha, headed by its Poglavnik (leader) Ante Pavelić.
During the entire course of its brief existence (1941- 1945), the Ustasha sought to rid the country (which consisted of the area of today’s Croatia plus most of Bosnia-Herzegovina) of all its minorities, as well as their local political opponents. In order to do so, they established a network of concentration camps all over the country, the largest and most notorious of which was Jasenovac, located on the banks of the Sava River, southeast of Zagreb. There, many tens of thousands of innocent civilians were murdered in a variety of brutal ways, which earned the camp the nickname of the “Auschwitz of the Balkans.”
Chek association Soldiers against War condemn ilegal secession of Kosovo
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Dear friend, comrade
The civic association Soldiers against War in the Czech Republic as a part of world peace and anti-war movement principally condemn any violation of sovereignty and aggressive war actions against the sovereign member states of the UNO.
We fully agree with your critical attitude towards the USA policy.
From the very beginning we condemn the USA/NATO aggression against FRY(Serbia) in 1999. In particular, we resolutely refuse a cynical statement of former president of the Czech Republic Václav Havel, who had the impudence to support the aggression as "humanitarian bombardment".
We evaluate the violent secession of Kosovo from the FRY (Serbia) as an act of aggression against the sovereign state incompatible with the UNO Charter.
We strongly refuse the unjustifiable recognition of this unilateral illegal act by the Czech government. This standpoint we have repeatedly expressed, both
on international forums and in our statements, addressed to constitutional representatives of the Czech Republic.
The building of the biggest USA military basis on the territory of Serbia in the Kosovo Province we condemn as the occupation of a part of the sovereign state. This illegally built basis not only violates Serbia´s sovereignty, but represent a serious threat to the region´s security and international peace, as well.
We shall always support rightful interests and rights of Serbia, not only in relation to the Kosovo Province.
We shall also support, and together with you demand the abolition of the USA/NATO military basis on the territory of Kosovo.
Sincerely yours,
Jiři Bureš
President of the Association
Soldiers Against War
Czech Republic /e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Movie - It started with a lie
Movies |
Shocking video, possibly the best documentary ever made about political manipulations aimed at justifying the bombing of Serbia. This video was shown only once on the German Chanel One TV and then moved away.
Playlists of five parts:
Playlists on Youtube:;list=PLA7FAD5AE9B50224B&feature=plpp_play_all
A Balkan Travelogue
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by Srdja Trifkovic• December 15, 2011 •
It’s been some years since Tom Fleming and I have indulged in seven-day mad dashes across the Balkans, speaking, lecturing and giving interviews, meeting interesting people over good food and drink. Last week’s tour, which took us to Belgrade and Banja Luka, had the tempo and feel of the old times, but it was on balance a melancholy affair. After two decades of trials and tribulations, Serbia is on what appears to be an irreversible downward spiral.
The dilemma facing the country was summed up by Dr. Fleming [start watching at 0:05:15] at a symposium at Belgrade’s Media Center on December 5. How does a small and weak nation respond to the challenge of a hostile and mighty foreign power which seeks to subjugate it? What is the right balance between defiance and subservience? That dilemma will not be resolved by a party program or by intellectuals writing manifestos. The only way to meet the challenge is to maintain faith and identity… and to procreate. In other words, the solution to Serbia’s woes is not structurally different from the solution to the malaise of some bigger and more important countries on both sides of the Atlantic which are also experiencing moral and cultural decrepitude and demographic decline.
This was inevitably the topic of conversation at a dinner we shared that evening with Dragan Acoviæ, our polyglot friend whose professional and social pursuits make him one of the best informed people in Belgrade. His assessment was gloomy: the West may be declining, but Serbia’s decline is far swifter. The country may be further fragmented (Vojvodina, Sanjak) well before America finally gives up her imperial pretensions and the European Union disintegrates under the weight of its insoluble contradictions. The cumulative effect of relentless Western hostility over the past two decades, currently on display in northern Kosovo, has taken its toll. Belgrade’s political scene is dominated by a corrupt “pro-European” coalition led by the Democratic Party (DS) of Boris Tadiæ. While it claims to be more patriotic, the leading opposition party—the Serbian National Party (SNS) of Tomislav Nikoliæ—is almost equally enthusiastic about the alleged advantages of joining the EU, and just as ambivalent when it comes to maintaining and defending Serbia’s claim to Kosovo. The Socialists (SPS), opportunistic as ever, are likely to remain in the ruling coalition no matter who forms the government after the next election. The Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) of my old friend Vojislav Koštunica and Šešelj’s Radicals (SRS) may get a third of the vote between them but are more or less certain to remain in the opposition.
Whate, realy, is very bad in Kosovo?
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“WASHINGTON -- U.S. Ambassador in Belgrade Mary Warlick stated for Voice of America that progress has been made in the dialogue, but that Kosovo's participation in regional forums has not been resolved yet, as well as that it is very bad that there are barricades in Kosovo”…
First of all, it is very bad to take way 15% of the Serbian state territory by force and hand it over to the former terrorist leader Hashim Tachi and co;
Second, it is very bad that the US government violated sovereignty and territorial integrity of FRY (Serbia), guarantied by UN SC resolution 1244 (1244) and Serbia’s Constitution, by recognizing unilateral illegal secession of Prishtina and lobbying world-wide recognition of such an illegal act;
Third, it is very bad that the US established military base Bondstil in Kosovo, said to be the biggest US base in the world, immediately following the NATO aggression in 1999, without asking permission neither from Serbia to which the territory belongs, nor from UN SC which still has mandate over the Province;
In The Land of Blood and Honey, a movie by Angelina Jolie
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By William Dorich
I preface this review by admitting that I am not a film critic—however, I have written six books on Balkan history and as a journalist, many of my articles have been published dealing with the Balkans that have been reproduced in the International Herald Tribune, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times among others and published in the Serbian press for two decades.
In the Land of Blood and Honey, I wish to correct what I observed and relate my opinion as to the distortion of historic facts. I will leave the artistic side to those who are more qualified. Sex, violence and fabrication appear alive and well in Hollywood as cinematic tricks are used to distract and “entertain” us.
"USA for Kosova" Exhibition
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The letter to Eliot Engel, Member of USA Congress
by Stella L. Jatras,
5 December 2011
Please grant me the courtesy of reading my letter regarding the "USA for Kosova" Exhibition.
Congressman Engel, during one of your trips to Pristina, you spoke to the Kosovo Albanians stating that you wanted to be the first U.S. Ambassador to an "Independent Kosovo," in essence fomenting anarchy. At one time, there were 80,000 Serbs living in Pristina. Today, there are fewer than 150 elderly living in ghettos in fear for their lives from Albanian mobs.
If you are aware of the fact that Kosovo is Serbia’s Jerusalem, the cradle of the Serbian Orthodox Christian Church, it was not evident since you proceeded to support the Kosovo Liberation Army, an army that was described a terrorist one by Bosnian Envoy Robert Gelbard when he said, "I know a terrorist when I see one, and these men are terrorists." Does this mean nothing to you? Furthermore, these jihadists whom you support are engaged in sex slavery, prostitution, kidnapping and drugs. Over 80% of drugs going into Europe now come from Kosovo, your friends. All of this information is available to you.
Human rights of Serbs in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija
Conference in Sao Paulo 2011 |
Zivadin Jovanovic,
President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Serbia
- Theses for a case study -
(Paper presented at the International Conference “Human Rights with the view to building a Culture of Peace”, held in Sao Paolo, Brazil, on 2nd and 3rd of December 2011)
It is true that the struggle for peace and the struggle for full respect of universal human rights, as defined by UN Declaration on protection of human rights, are interdependent and non-separable. Threats to peace, violations of sovereignty and territorial integrity, military interventions, aggressions and occupations go hand in hand with massive violations of the basic human rights.
It is clear that there are no humanitarian military interventions.
NATO military aggression against Yugoslavia (Serbia) in the spring 1999 was launched to allegedly protect human rights of Kosovo Albanians. It was the first of that sort and without approval of UN Security Council. The precedent was used later in various other parts of the world whenever it suited the interests of USA and NATO: Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. There are threats that it may be used against Syria, Iran or any other country.
Is Justice Going To Be Served:Grisly Albanian Organ Harvesting Crimes
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Vojin Joksimovich, Ph.D
Modern Tokyo Times
In my late December essay in 2010 called Amorality of US Kosovo Policy: Friends with the Snake I have published reactions to the Council of Europe (CoE) 27-page report authored by the Swiss-Italian politician, senator and prosecuting lawyer Dick Marty. The report, after his two-year investigation, claimed that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) thugs headed by the current Kosovo prime minister Hashim Thaci, known as the “Snake,” abducted mostly Kosovo Serbs but also some Albanian so called “collaborators,” transported them to northern Albania, murdered them, extracted their organs like the kidneys, and sold them on the black market. These macabre Nazi/Croatian Nazi style crimes were covered up by the leading international organizations such as the UN, NATO, OSCE as well as the governments of leading western countries. NATO’s secret documents as well as an UN report have been leaked out clearly demonstrating that both of those international organizations had full knowledge of these grisly crimes and opted to cover them up in addition to several western governments, the U.S. and Germany in particular. While a EULEX investigation is being launched, it will focus on the grisly crimes committed by the Snake and his thugs but will not include an investigation of those who enabled these crimes to be covered up for over a decade. In addition, it is doubtful if EULEX is capable of conducting an all-encompassing inquiry. Hence, the most important question needs to be posed: Is the justice going to be served.
NATO hunting season in full swing
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October 27, 2011
Robert Bridge
Like dominoes they are falling: Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya. Even al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was taken out in a surprise ambush by US special forces at his secret hideout inside of nuclear-armed Pakistan.
Since its first act of aggression on the territory of a sovereign state (on February 28, 1994, NATO aircraft shot down four jets in the Bosnian War) each successive NATO operation is revealing an increasingly disturbing trend: the leaders of the condemned countries are meeting violent, even barbaric ends. Has the rule of law taken a back seat in NATO's global juggernaut?
Compare the ‘natural’ death of Slobodan Milosevic, former President of Serbia and Yugoslavia, with that of the grisly murder of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Shortly after the end of the Yugoslavian War, which saw a massive NATO aerial bombardment that lasted from March 24, 1999 to June 10, 1999, Milosevic was sent to The Hague to stand trial for charges of war crimes. Milosevic surprised his accusers by deciding to represent himself in the five-year trial. The case, however, abruptly ended without a verdict when the former four-term leader died of an apparent heart attack.
The History of "Pro-Democracy" Regime Change: In Bed With the NED. The National Evisceration of Democracy
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By George Szamuely
Global Research, October 23, 2011 - 2001-05-05
This article was first published in 2001 by
There was good news recently in Washington. Six new directors joined the board of the US Government agency, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The six included such stalwart democrats like former NATO Supreme Commander Wesley "Demented Bomber" Clark, former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke and Francis Fukuyama, who since his 1989 National Interest article "The End of History" has been ideologist-in-chief of post-Cold War neoconservatism.. Another new member is someone by the name of Julie Finley, described in the NED handout as "a prominent Republican Party activist who, as a Founder and Board Member of the US Committee on NATO, has worked actively on issues related to NATO expansion and the conflict in the Balkan region." A NATO expansionist and a Balkan activist – it does not sound as if "democracy’ is high on her agenda. Last year we learned that upon her departure from Foggy Bottom, Madeleine "Hideous Harridan" Albright would become president of the National Democratic Institute, an organization the NED bankrolls.
Revolutions, interventions and trends
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Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Europe and the World are undergoing profound, historic changes. The World is faced with tectonic economic and social crisis with unpredictable consequences. Social unrest and demands of impoverished masses are getting global proportions. The roots of the crisis have been misinterpreted, or misunderstood in mass media and establishment responsible to offer solutions. The ruling elites of the imperial powers are trying to solve the problems by printing money, subsidizing banks and corporations, drastically cutting social benefits, sale of public sectors and alike. Budgetary cuts, have been affecting all spheres of public services, but military expenditure. Military interventions under false pretexts, foreign military bases, violent changes of governments, militarization of political decision making have been expanding, particularly since NATO 1999 aggression against FR of Yugoslavia. So called “colored”, “spring” and other “democratic revolutions” have been mushrooming in parallel, or in combination, with military interventions of NATO dominated by USA. Both, military interventions and “democratic revolutions” let aside neo-colonial propaganda, have the same strategic objective – prolonging end expanding of the liberal corporate capitalistic system. Redistribution of the Planet’s natural, particularly, energy resources and the transfer of the burden of the crises to the underdeveloped part of the world are preconditions of such strategy.
NATO evil turns against Serbs
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Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
NATO's next stop? It will have to be somewhere where there are Islamist terrorists to side with, somewhere whose population can be easily bombed, meaning somewhere defenceless and somewhere where the worst dregs of society can be turned into governors, politicians and ministers. Where could that be?
When we speak about Serbia and Kosovo, let us get certain things right from the start. Facts: Kosovo is Serbian. The Serbian nation has always included Kosovo. Kosovo is the heart that beats at the centre of the Serb psyche. The ones who planned for a Greater Albania were Hitler and Mussolini. Kosovo is Serbia. Kosovo always was Serbia, Kosovo always has been Serbia and Kosovo always will be Serbia, however many lines they draw on maps.
Support to serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija
Forum´s Declarations |
Declaration of this Convention of Support to Serbian People in Kosovo and Metohija condemns in strongest terms the armed attack of NATO/KFOR troops against the Serbian civilians in Jarinje, who were at the time engaged in a peaceful protest against the blockade of alternative road communication and forcible installation of Albanian Police and Customs at the administrative line checkpoints.
We further demand an investigation to be conducted under the auspices of the United Nations, and call for the action of the International Red Cross and other independent humanitarian organizations; this is necessary in order to establish the circumstances that had led to wounding a significant number of Serbian civilians and ill treatment of detained Serbs who were subsequently arrested in the aftermath of that event in joint actions of KFOR, UNMIK and the Albanian Police.
Occupy Wall Street and "The American Autumn": a "Colored Revolution"?
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Global Research, October 13, 2011
Part I
by Michel Chossudovsky
There is a grassroots protest movement unfolding across America, which includes people from all walks of life, from all age groups, conscious of the need for social change and committed to reversing the tide.
The grassroots of this movement constitutes a response to the "Wall Street agenda" of financial fraud and manipulation which has served to trigger unemployment and poverty across the land.
Does this movement constitute in its present form an instrument of meaningful reform and social change in America?
What is the organizational structure of the movement? Who are its main architects?
Has the movement or segments within this movement been co-opted?
This is an important question, which must be addressed by those who are part of the Occupy Wall Street Movement as well as those who, across America, support real democracy.
What Really Happened in Bosnia
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June 1, 2011 | From
The untold truth about Ratko Mladic By Richard Palmer
It was genocide. Charles Krauthammer called it “the largest ethnic cleansing of the entire Balkan wars.” A March 1999 New York Times article agreed with him.
“Investigators with the war-crimes tribunal in the Hague have concluded that this campaign was carried out with brutality, wanton murder and indiscriminate shelling of civilians,” Krauthammer wrote.
Is this the dreaded “Srebrenica” massacre, the “worst atrocity in Europe since the Second World War” perpetrated by the evil Serbs led by Ratko Mladic, who has now been arrested and will be brought to justice?
This genocide was carried out by the Croats—the “good guys”—and so it was encouraged and praised by the West.
The massacre Krauthammer was describing was in the region of Krajina in Croatia. Croatian troops forced an estimated 200,000 Serbs to flee (National Post, March 13, 2004).
“A war that begins with civilian areas being shelled at 5 a.m. when women and children are asleep in their beds and ends with a massive exodus of more than 100,000 people is surely tantamount to ethnic cleansing,” said UN spokesman Chris Gunness.
According to Robert Fisk, writing in the Independent, the European Union’s confidential assessment from Krajina stated the following:
Evidence of atrocities; an average of six corpses p/day, continues to emerge … the corpses; some fresh, some decomposed, are mainly of old men. Many have been shot in the back of the head or had throats slit, others have been mutilated. Isolated pockets of elderly civilians report people recently gone missing or detained …. Endless Croat invitations for Serbs to return, guarantees of citizens’ rights and property rights, etc., have gushed forth from all levels …. However, Serbian homes and lands … continue to be torched and looted.
Contrary to official statements blaming it on fleeing Serbs and uncontrollable elements, the crimes have been perpetrated by the HV Croatian Army, the CR Croatian police and CR civilians. There have been no observed attempts to stop it and the indications point to a scorched-earth policy.
Two senior Canadian military officers present in Croatia at the time testified that the Croatians attacked indiscriminately and targeted civilians.
One of these officers, Maj. Gen. Andrew Leslie, estimated around 500 civilians were murdered.
“In the hospital itself, there were bodies stacked in the corridors,” he said. “There were bodies in almost every hospital bed. And there were bodies lying in the foyer, the reception area and some of the corridors” (National Post, Dec. 9, 2005).
Yugoslav envoy Vladimir Pavicevic claimed that 15,000 Serbs were dead in Krajina, and that this total included slain refugees and soldiers who had already surrendered (Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Aug. 14, 1995). The International Committee of the Red Cross reported that 10,000 to 15,000 refugees were still missing, over three weeks after the initial attack (Sun Herald, Aug. 27, 1995).
Kosovo Serbs dig in as border dispute turns bloody
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Irish Times
October 1, 2011
Daniel McLaughlin in Jarinje
-Serbs accuse Nato troops, specifically Americans, of using live ammunition to disperse people who were protesting against ethnic-Albanian Kosovo police efforts to take control of customs points along the border with Serbia – a frontier that local Serbs insist they will never recognise.
-“Serbs are disappearing everywhere,” he adds. “Croatia, Macedonia, and they are under pressure in Montenegro. What could we possibly hope for from the Albanians?”
NATO Tries to Force Christian Serbs to Submit to Criminal Albanian Muslim “Authority”
September 27, 2011: Today, NATO forces in Kosovo opened fire on Serbian demonstrators protesting efforts by KFOR (NATO’s “Kosovo Force”) and the ironically designated European Union “rule of law” mission (“EULEX”) to force Serbs to submit to the illegal Albanian Muslim “authority” posing as an independent government in Priština. As summarized by retired U.S. diplomat Gerard Gallucci, who formerly served in Kosovo:
Mileva Premovic and her neighbours while away the afternoon in the shade of a broad tree. The unseasonable warmth makes it hard to imagine that the green Kapaonik mountains, rising up a few miles away in Serbia, will soon be white with snow and busy with skiers.
It would also be hard to believe that bullets were fired and blood shed here just a few days ago, were it not for the scars that blight Kosovo’s border zone.
Nearby fields are burned black from recent rioting and, just over the rise, US soldiers move warily behind a huge earth barricade and glinting coils of barbed wire. They warn off anyone approaching their position while they are still hundreds of metres away, their rifles clearly showing.
“It was frightening to see the demonstrators running, tumbling over each other to get away,” Premovic says of Tuesday’s clashes between Serbs and Nato troops. “There were hundreds of local people, young and old, and I could hear gunfire – tap-tap-tap. If the Americans want to kill me, then go ahead, I have nowhere else to go. But this has always been Serb land; there have never been Albanians here.”
Serbs accuse Nato troops, specifically Americans, of using live ammunition to disperse people who were protesting against ethnic-Albanian Kosovo police efforts to take control of customs points along the border with Serbia – a frontier that local Serbs insist they will never recognise.
Telegram of support from Dick Marty
Press Releases |
Dear Mister Jovanović,
many thanks for your email and support, which I truly appreciate.
I wish you lot of success to your Assembly today.
With kindest regards
Dick Marty
Honorable Mr. Dick MARTI,
It is our honor to inform you that a number of independent, nonpartisan associations of Serbia organize the Assembly of Solidarity and support to the Serbian People in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija on September 27th, 2011, the Sava Conference Center, New Belgrade. Among the organizers are Association of the Families of abducted and lost persons, Association of Women from Kosovo and Metohija, Belgrade Forum, Serbian Diaspora and many others. All are grateful to you for your enormous courage and efforts to bring the truth of the destiny of the lost and abducted to the light of the day. We are aware of many obstacles and machinations to annul your efforts and results achieved so far in uncovering the truth, but we urge you to continue. Your great Project with the same devotion and energy. In this regard we would like you to just know that almost the whole nation of Serbia stands united behind you believing that Europe and the world are entitled to know the truth. Please, Mr. Dick Marti, accept assurances of our highest respect.
Živadin Jovanović
Beyond the “Strategic Partnership”
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by Srdja Trifkovic • September 15th, 2011
The E.U.-Russia Centre Conference, Munich, September 15, 2011
The “Strategic Partnership” between Berlin and Moscow is usually understood in the English-speaking world in somewhat simplified terms: Russian energy meets German technology with a lot of high-minded political rhetoric on top. In the meantime, the received wisdom goes, Germany remains firmly anchored in the Euro-Atlantic framework of political, economic and military institutions and relationships. In other words, Moscow may be Germany’s partner, “strategic” or otherwise, but Washington remains Berlin’s primary ally and its primary institutional focus is still in Brussels.
This may have been so over the years but it need not be so in the future. A foreign policy realist would argue that in the years ahead of us the German decision-making elite would be well advised to critically reconsider old assumptions and to develop an overall strategy of greater equidistance vis-à-vis Moscow and Washington. (Instead of equidistance, “more equal proximity” may be a better term.)
If German political, economic and civilizational interests are considered in realist terms, without the rhetorical ideological shackles of common values and ideals, it transpires that the Federal Republic has a more natural community of long-term geopolitical interests with Russia than with the United States.
Depleted uranium continues to claim victims
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Voice of Russia
August 13, 2011
A court in Cagliari in Italy has ruled that the Ministry of Defence must pay a half million euros in compensation to the family of a soldier who died from exposure to depleted uranium in NATO bombs that were dropped on Kosovo.
Depleted uranium is used in rockets and bombs for increasing their piercing capacity. It is slightly radioactive and highly toxic. The first Italian death from exposure to it was reported in 2001.
NATO widely used DU munitions during its 1990s campaigns in Kosovo and Bosnia.
Depleted uranium continues to claim victims
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Voice of Russia
August 13, 2011
A court in Cagliari in Italy has ruled that the Ministry of Defence must pay a half million euros in compensation to the family of a soldier who died from exposure to depleted uranium in NATO bombs that were dropped on Kosovo.
Depleted uranium is used in rockets and bombs for increasing their piercing capacity. It is slightly radioactive and highly toxic. The first Italian death from exposure to it was reported in 2001.
NATO widely used DU munitions during its 1990s campaigns in Kosovo and Bosnia.
Manufactured revolutions
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Please take a look how it is organized and who stands behind it:
Democratic change has been demanded across the Middle East. But was what seems like a spontaneous revolution actually a strategically planned event, fabricated by 'revolution consultants' long in advance?
Revolution consultants are the worst nightmare of every regime. Srdja Popovic was a founder of the organisation 'Otpor', a revolution training school. It was instrumental in the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic in the 1990s and has now inspired a new generation of activists. Political commentators like William Engdahl are convinced Otpor is being financed by the USA. "The people from Otpor gave us a book in which they described all their strategies", says Ezzedine Zaatour of the Tunisian uprising. That book was written by an American, Gene Sharp, and is now considered the "revolution guide book", being used by opposition movements worldwide. As Optor release their latest gadget, a resistance training computer game sponsored by American organisations, world leaders are voicing their concerns. "This is called a gentle coup!", insists Hugo Chavez.
Visegrad: A New European Military Force
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May 17, 2011
By George Friedman
With the Palestinians demonstrating and the International Monetary Fund in turmoil, it would seem odd to focus this week on something called the Visegrad Group. But this is not a frivolous choice. What the Visegrad Group decided to do last week will, I think, resonate for years, long after the alleged attempted rape by Dominique Strauss-Kahn is forgotten and long before the Israeli-Palestinian issue is resolved. The obscurity of the decision to most people outside the region should not be allowed to obscure its importance.
Five lessons of the Balkan conflict
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By Alexei Fenenko*
On June 25, twenty years ago, Slovenia and Croatia declared independence from Yugoslavia. This was followed by the Serbo-Croatian (1991 - 1995), Bosnian (1992 - 1995), Kosovo (1998 - 1999) and Macedonian (2001) wars, which became the official facts in textbooks on the history of international relations. Thus, the question arises: Do the Balkan wars of the 1990s offer something more than academic interest?
I think they do. The conflicts in the former Yugoslavia took on global significance almost immediately. They became the platform for the formation of the contemporary world order, while at the same time revealing its new contradictions. In this sense, the Balkan wars of the 1990s taught us five lessons that are still relevant today.
Le centenaire du général Gallois
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Ce 29 juin 2011, le général Gallois aurait eu cent ans. Il ne lui eût manqué que quelques dix mois pour gravir ce sommet de l’existence que peu d'humains atteignent, avant de basculer dans l’au-delà, que ce soit la vie éternelle ou le néant. De sorte que nous, ses amis, ses disciples, ses admirateurs, ne célébrerons pas cette année son anniversaire, comme nous l’avions fait pendant plus de trois lustres depuis que j’ai eu la chance de le connaître, de bénéficier de sa pensée rayonnante, de son amitié, de son indéfectible soutien moral dans les épreuves que traversait mon peuple. Il aura été pendant de nombreuses années le patriarche de la juste cause serbe dans un Occident fourvoyé, ayant fait sienne la cause des ennemis héréditaires des Serbes.
Cash and cyberware on the US offensive
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by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff
June 27, 2011
After the State Department announced its new programs aimed at spreading democracy around the world, some activists say the US is fostering regime change in countries not aligned with American foreign policy goals.
The State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor has requested proposals on how to foster change in a number of countries in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as Cuba. The US claims the best of intentions, saying it wants to strengthen independent civil society groups in those countries.
Lawyer and journalist Eva Golinger believes differently: “It's just really another form of provoking regime change. They're just trying to do it under a different guise or different facade, saying that somehow with the best intentions they are promoting democracy, but in reality it's just promoting the US agenda.”
Among other things, the State Department is financing the creation of stealth wireless networks that would enable activists to communicate outside the reach of governments in countries like Iran, Syria and Libya, according to participants in the projects.
Movie - European security in the light of Elections 2012
European Security in the Light of 2012 Elections |
Web link to Youtube playlist "European security in the light of Elections 2012":
Anti-NATO actions in USA
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Fw: UNAC Announces Major Mobilization Against NATO/G8 in Chicago
Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"
Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:38 pm (PDT)
From the United National Antiwar Committee coordinating committee:
Challenge the NATO War Makers in Chicago May 15-22, 2012
The White House has just announced that the U.S. will host a major international meeting of NATO, the US-commanded and financed 28-nation military alliance, in Chicago from May 15 to May 22, 2012. It was further announced that at the same time and place, there will be a summit of the G-8 world powers. The meetings are expected to draw heads of state, generals and countless others.
At a day-long meeting in New York City on Saturday, June 18, the United National Antiwar Committee’s national coordinating committee of 69 participants, representing, 47 organizations, unanimously passed a resolution to call for action at the upcoming NATO meeting.
UNAC is determined to mount a massive united outpouring in Chicago during the NATO gathering to put forth demands opposing endless wars and calling for billions spent on war and destruction be spent instead on people’s needs for jobs, health care, housing and education.
Why Regime Change in Libya?
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Global Research, June 19, 2011
Ismael Hossein-zadeh:
In light of the brutal death and destruction wrought on Libya by the relentless US/NATO bombardment, the professed claims of “humanitarian concerns” as grounds for intervention can readily be dismissed as a blatantly specious imperialist ploy in pursuit of “regime change” in that country.
There is undeniable evidence that contrary to the spontaneous, unarmed and peaceful protest demonstrations in Egypt, Tunisia and Bahrain, the rebellion in Libya has been nurtured, armed and orchestrated largely from abroad, in collaboration with expat opposition groups and their local allies at home. Indeed, evidence shows that plans of “regime change” in Libya were drawn long before the insurgency actually started in Benghazi; it has all the hallmarks of a well-orchestrated civil war [1].
It is very tempting to seek the answer to the question “why regime change in Libya?” in oil/energy. While oil is undoubtedly a concern, it falls short of a satisfactory explanation because major Western oil companies were already extensively involved in the Libyan oil industry. Indeed, since Gathafi relented to the US-UK pressure in 1993 and established “normal” economic and diplomatic relations with these and other Western countries, major US and European oil companies struck quite lucrative deals with the National Oil Corporation of Libya.
Twelve years after NATO aggression on Yugoslavia
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Statements of the former Nuremberg prosecutor. He died in 2002.
Chicago Tribune, May 10, 1999
Opinion of the people:
U.S. aggression
WASHINGTON-As the bombs, smart and dumb, fall ceaselessly on Serbia, Montenegrins and sometimes Albanians, on bridges, waterworks,electric generation plants and factories, and on trains, trucks and homes, the remorseless crusade for
"humanitariansm" presses forward to the applause of journalistic and academic shills. To paraphrase the Roman historian Tacitus, we are busy creating a desert, which we can then call peace.
For the United States, alias "NATO," the planning and launching of this war by the president heightens the abuse and undermining of warmaking authority under the Constitution. (It seems to be accepted that the president can order his personal army to attack any country he pleases). The bombing war also violates and shreds the basic provisions of the United Nations Charter and other conventions and treaties; the attack on Yugoslavia constitutes the most brazen international aggression since the
Nazis attacked Poland to prevent "Polish atrocities" against Germans.
Overwhelming Majority Of Serbs Reject NATO
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Overwhelming Majority Of Serbs Reject NATO
Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"
Jun 14, 2011 6:43 pm
Voice of Russia:
June 14, 2011
Serbians not too keen on joining NATO - Alexander Vatutin
-“NATO bombed Yugoslavia for 79 days. Over 800 children were killed, the number of cancer patients has increased by six times because the alliance used shells with depleted uranium, and the country suffered damage of more than $200 billion. In the end, it was due to NATO that Serbia lost Kosovo which makes up 15% of its territory. This is how the alliance contributed to the good of our country”.
An overwhelming majority of the Serbians have a negative opinion of the plans of their leadership to start the process of joining NATO. This was obviously demonstrated on Monday, ahead of the NATO conference on strategic military partnership in Belgrade. Hundreds of people went into the streets to protest against President Boris Tadic’s pro-NATO policy.
For ordinary Serbians NATO is first of all associated with devastating bombings of Belgrade in 1999. According to public opinion polls, 75% of Serbian citizens do not accept the policy of joining the alliance.
Many people believe that holding a NATO conference so soon after the extradition of General Ratko Mladic to the Hague is an act of national humiliation. Instead of suing NATO in the International Court for numerous victims and the collapse of Yugoslavia, the authorities are developing a close military cooperation with the bloc.
Moreover, the Serbian Defence Ministry has declared that “holding the conference will raise the clout of the country on the international arena”. This is not a very politically correct explanation for their own people, believes the head of the Centre for Studying the Current Balkan Crisis Yelena Guskova:
“People have not forgotten the bombings, deprivations, grief and isolation of the country. This is why they march in the streets protesting against NATO. The country’s leadership is sure that holding the conference in Belgrade is a sign of a good attitude to Serbia. But if Serbia, which was bombed in the past, joins NATO, this will be the justification of the NATO policy in that period and Serbia will pass its own indictment.”
Serbians who live in Kosovo and Metohija are also utterly disappointed. Serbia lost its lands exactly because of the NATO policy. Serbian politician Marko Jaksic calls the decision of the Serbian authorities to host the NATO conference “masochistic”:
“NATO bombed Yugoslavia for 79 days. Over 800 children were killed, the number of cancer patients has increased by six times because the alliance used shells with depleted uranium, and the country suffered damage of more than $200 billion. In the end, it was due to NATO that Serbia lost Kosovo which makes up 15% of its territory. This is how the alliance contributed to the good of our country”.
However, it would be wrong to say that all Serbians are against integration with Europe. They support cooperation with the EU and joining it in the future, but they do not want to join NATO. This is what Alexander Karasiov, the head of a department of the Institute of Slavonic Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences, says:
“There is a consensus about joining the EU. Most Serbians are in favour of this, joining the EU is important for both intellectuals and businessmen. As for relations with NATO, the problem is much more complicated. We can see a definite rift here. The majority of those who want the country to join the EU are against Serbia joining NATO”.
Serbian Patriarch condemns NATO
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The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irenaeus condemned the holding of a NATO conference in Belgrade. According to him, the wounds inflicted by the alliance on the Serbian people have not yet healed.
In March 1999, NATO countries, led by the United States, began a bombing campaign in Yugoslavia, mainly in Serbia and Montenegro.
Due to the fact that aircraft used shells with depleted uranium cores the local residents who were in the areas of the bombing have seen a dramatic increase in mortality rates and an increased number of congenital diseases in children.
The NATO operation, undertaken without UN sanctions, continued for about three months. Its purpose was to protect Kosovar Albanians from the Serbian authorities, who started a military operation against the militant Albanian terrorist organization "The Kosovo Liberation Army."
Washington Using NATO For Proxy Conflict With China In Libya
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Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"
June 14, 2011
Written by John Daly:
Is NATO Being Used by Washington In Libya to Hurt Chinese Interests?
-Africans (which of course includes Libyans) apparently prefer Chinese goods and Chinese-built schools to hectoring human rights lectures, loans with interest fees and conditions that would make a Mafia don blanch and a hail of bombs and bullets.
Russia, which has not deployed its military outside its borders since the collapse of the USSR, is viewing events in North Africa with more dispassion and insight than the chattering punditry in Washington.
James George Jatras - European Security and 2012 Elections
European Security in the Light of 2012 Elections |
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
European Security and 2012 Elections
Belgrade – June 9, 2011
James George Jatras - U.S.A.
In America, we have an expression for eliminating a political opponent. We say we have “nailed his scalp to the wall.” This of course is a reference to the practice among some American native Indian peoples of taking as trophies the scalps of their enemies. European settlers also adopted the custom, even paying bounties for Indian scalps.
The actual practice of scalping vanished with our frontier, but to this day we Americans use the expression if a targeted politician is defeated, or if a notorious criminal is apprehended. This is especially true of evil foreign enemies. You can Google it for yourself and see.
Douze ans de désastre des Occidentaux au Kosovo et dans le monde
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Komnen Becirovic et Marc Portemont:
(version fort opportunément illustrée renvoyant à de nombreux liens) (I) (II)
List of participants of international conference “European Security in the light of Elections 2012”
European Security in the Light of 2012 Elections |
International Conference “European Security in the light of Elections 2012”
List of participants
(June 9th, 2011, Belgrade, Sava Conference Center )
I. Serbia:
- Ivica Dacic, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior, Serbia ( to be confirmed)
- Vuk Jeremic, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Serbia ( to be confirmed)
- Dusan Bajatovic, MP (SPS), Chairman of the Board for Defense and Security, Serbia
- Zivadin Jovanovic, Chairman of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Eaquals
- Tomislav Nikolic, MP, Head of SNS MPs Group, President of Serbian Progressive Party, Serbia
- Dragan Todorovic, MP, Head of the SRS MPs Group, Deputy President of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS)
- Bozidar Delic, MP (SRS), Vice-Chairman of the National Assembly, Serbia
- Jovan Palalic, MP (DSS) Chairman of the Board for local self-government, Serbia
- Dejan Mirovic, MP, Serbian Raical Party, Serbia
- Dragutin Matanovic, Advisor to the Vice-Prime Minister and the Minister of Interior, Serbia
- Stevica Dedjanski, Center for International Corporation, Serbia
- Dragomir Andjelkovic, political analyst, Serbia
- Dr Dragan Petrovic, IMPP, Serbia
- Prof. dr Miodrag Zecevic, President of SUBNOR, Serbia
- Milos Mitrovic, President, Millennium Group, Serbia
- Biljana Jorgacevic, Millennium Group, Serbia
- Dragomir Vucicevic, Chairman of the Assembly of Belgrade Forum.
- Prof. Dr Radovan Radinovic, Belgrade Forum
- Prof. Oskar Kovac, Megatrend University, Belgrade Forum
- Milan Bjelogrlic, Belgrade Forum
- Dr Stanislav Stojanovic, Belgrade Forum
- Milica Arezina, Belgrade Forum
- Dr Zoran Vujovic, Belgrade Forum
- Zlatan Kikic, Belgrade Forum
- Veljko Curcic, Belgrade Forum
- Radoslav Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum
- Prof. Dr Djordje Blagojevic, Belgrade University
- Vladimir Krsljanin, Belgrade Forum
- Miroslav Lazanski, Commentator, “Politika” daily'', Serbia
- Prof. Djordje Blagojevic, Belgrade University
- Prof. Sava Zivanov, Belgrade University
- Radoslav Jovanovic, Belgrade Forum
II- From Other Countries:
- Alexander Babakov, Vice-speaker of State Duma, Russia
- Mikhail Starshinov, MP, member of Committee for Security, State Duma, Russia
- James Jatras, USA
- Arno Carica, France
- Anton Kutev, MP, Bulgaria
- Nikolay Petrov, MP, Bulgaria
- Helen Teplitskaia, President, American-Russian Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Managing Director, Imnex International, USA
- Charles Crawford, Diplomat, Great Britain
- Slavko Mitrovic, Adviser to the President of Republic of Srpska
- Mladen Bosic, MP, President of SDS, Republic of Serbska
- Guliano Godino, MP, Italy
- Enrico Paoli, MP, Italy
- Alessandro Bertoldi, Italy
- Alessandro Musolino, PdL, Italy
- Christopher Black, Lowyer, Canada
- Nikolay Kabanov, MP,Latvia
- Tamas Vargha, MP, member of Foreign Affairs Committee, Hungary
- Vladimir Lepekhin, Director, Institute of EvraAZES, Russia
- Serguey Serebrennikov, Director, Institute of International Integration, Russia
- Serguey Pravosudov, Director, Institute of National Energy, Russia
- Dragan Stanojevic, President, International Organization of Serbian Diaspora of Euro-Asia
- Anatoly Tolstoukhov, Special Adviser to the Prime-minister of Ukraine
- Mikhail Plisyuk, Institute ODKB, Russia
- Jan Mladek, Czekh Republic
- Alexander Vorobyev, Russia
- Kornel Andzsans-Balogh, Energy Expert, Korvinus University, Hungary
- Radojica Živković, MP, Montenegro
- Ivan Vasilkovic, MP, President of the Serbian Democratic Parties, Macedonia
- Dejan Besliev, Macedonia
III- Ambassadors:
- H.E. Mr. Alexandar V. Konuzin, Ambassador of Russian Federation to Serbia
International conference program “European Security in the Light of 2012 Elections”
European Security in the Light of 2012 Elections |
International conference
“European Security in the Light of 2012 Elections”
Belgrade, June 9, 2011, Sava-Centre
June 8, 2011
During the day - Arrival of participants (airport pick up, transfer to Belgrade Intercontinental Hotel)
June 9, 2011
9.00 – 9.30 – Registrations of participants
9.30 – 10.00 – Conference opening
Address by Ivica Dacic, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior, Serbia (to be confirmed)
Address by H.E.Alexander Konuzin, Ambassador of Russia to Serbia
10.00 – 12.00 1-st Plenary Session “Political and Economic Cooperation in Europe after 2012 Elections”
- Zivadin Jovanovic, President of Belgrade Forum “Trends and challenges in International Relations”
- Serguey Serebrennikov, General Director, Institute of International Integration (Russia) “Expectations of Russian citizens from 2011-12 electoral campaigns”
- Tomislav Nikolic, MP, Chairman, Serbian Progressive Party “2012 Elections in Serbia and Russia: scenarios and consequences”
- Anton Kutev, MP, Bulgaria “Political confrontation between left, right and nationalist forces in Europe”
- Jan Mladek, Czech Republic “Cooperation between USA and Central and Eastern Europe: expectations from 2012 US Presidential elections”
- Vladimir Lepekhin, Director, Institute of Euro-Asian Economic Community “Prospects of development of Euro-Asian Economic Community and the Custom Union”
- Jovan Palalic, MP, and Serbian Democratic Party “Serbia after 2012 elections: possible scenarious”
- Helen Teplitskaya, USA “Possibilities for Western Investments in the Balkans and Russia: main trends and obstacles”
- Alessandro Bertoldi, MP, Italy, “Political mood of European young generation and their attitude to electoral campaigns: Italian example“.
11.30 - 12.00 – Discussion ( up to 5 minutes )
12.00 – 12.30 – coffee-break
12.30 -14.30 2-nd Plenary Session “European Security After 2012 elections”
- Charles Crawford, Former ambassador, Great Britain, “ European Security in theLlight of 2012 elections from the UK Prospective”.
- Mikhail Starshinov, MP, Member of Security Committee, State Duma of Russia “Cooperation between Russia and NATO”
- Dragan Todorovic, MP, Serbian Radical Party, Chairman, “External security of Serbia: NATO, CSTO or non-block status?”
- Mikhail Plisyuk, Executive director, Collective Security Treaty Organization Institute “CSTO - a factor of stability and security”
- Alessandro Musolino, Italy, member of Youth Parliament “ The role of Italy and Russia in th Light of a new European Security Policy”
- James Jatras, Balkan expert, USA, “Electoral campaign in the USA: relations with Europe and Russia”
14.00 – 14.30 – Discussion (up to 5 minutes)
14.30 – 15.30 – lunch, Sava Center restaurant
15.30 – 16.45 3-rd Plenary Session “Energy cooperation in Europe after 2012 elections”
- Dusan Bajatovic, MP, Chairman of Security and Defense Committee, Deputy Chair of Socialist Party of Serbia
- Tamas Vargha, MP, Hungary “ Energy Security challenges – an EU perspective”
- Serguey Pravosudov, Director General, Institute of National Energy, Russia “Russia-EU Energy dialogue: problems and prospects”
- Nikolay Kabanov, MP, Latvia “LNG-Terminal in Riga: political or economic solution?”
- Kornel Andzsans- Balogh, Hungary “ Energy Corporation in Europe after 2012 elections”
- Dragan Stanojevic, President, International Organizations of Serbian Diaspora of Euro-Asia, “Security of transit states”.
16.15 –16.45 - Discussion (up to 5 minutes)
16.45-17.00 – concluding remarks, Alexander Babakov, Vice-speaker of State Duma of Russia
17.30 – 19.30 – Cocktail, Sava Center restaurant
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The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Belgrade, 24. 05. 2011.
To the participants of the 16th Congress of the Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace (EEDYE)
Dear Friends and Comrades,
On behalf of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, I wish to extend to all participants of the 16th Congress of the Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace my best and warmest greetings and sincere expressions of solidarity, with the best wishes for your successful work.
The leadership and members of the Belgrade Forum hold in highest regard our thriving cooperation, an outstanding level of our mutual friendship and the evident closeness in opinions on key issues, such as those concerning peace, security, democracy and overall progress.
Today and in the times to come, not only members and friends of the Belgrade Forum, but rather the entire Serbian nation will cherish a treasured memory of valiant and unreserved solidarity, support and noble assistance of activists and leaders of the EEDYE and the friendly Greek nation, given to Serbian people during NATO aggression against Serbia in 1999.
Comradely yours,
Zivadin Jovanovic
President of the Belgrade Forum
For a World of Equals
Letter of gratitude by the Secretariat EEDYE:
Dear comrades and friends
On behalf of the new elected National Council and Secretariat of EEDYE we would like to thank you for the warm message of support of your Organisations to our 16th Congress held last weekend in Athens.
The 16th Congress was attended by 233 elected delegates from 58 Local Peace Committees and concluded with the Political resolution and election of a 65 member National Council and a 11 member Secretariat.
The Secretariat elected as its new President comrade Stavros Tassos,the other posts will be filled in its next meeting. The old president Evangelos Machairas,got elected President of Honor of EEDYE.
Your message to our Congress was very encouraging and was read out to the delegates.It was warmly received and considered as very encouraging.
We are looking forward in strengthening further our bilateral bonds and our cooperation in the framework of the World Peace Council.
Comradely yours
The Secretariat of the EEDYE 31.5.2011
Douze ans de désastre des Occidentaux au Kosovo et ailleurs
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C’est tout un symbole de constater que trois guerres apocalyptiques sur quatre, menées au cours des douze dernières années par les Occidentaux, plus ou moins solidaires, d’abord contre la Serbie en 1999, puis contre l’Irak en 2003, enfin contre la Libye en 2011, ont été déclenchées au début du printemps; seule la guerre d’Afghanistan ayant été lancée en automne 2001. Comme si les décideurs de ces criminelles entreprises se plaisaient à transformer en deuil la fête de la nature, semant la mort et la désolation en plein réveil de la vie, obscurcissant par des myriades de leurs oiseaux de la mort le pur ciel et le radieux soleil printaniers vers lesquels tendent les créatures.
De même qu'en ce printemps 2011 où les bombes de l’Otan ne cessent de tomber sur la Libye, elles s’abattaient tout au long du printemps 1999 sur la Serbie, touchant indistinctement les objectifs militaires et civils, les habitations, les écoles, les hôpitaux, les immeubles administratifs, les centrales électriques, les stations d’épuration d’eau, les trains et les autobus en marche, les usines, les voies ferrées, les ponts, voire les monuments historiques, les églises, les cimetières, les parcs nationaux. Le spectacle qui s’offrait le plus souvent était celui des immeubles éventrés, de corps déchiquetés, carbonisés, réduits en cendres ayant encore la forme humaine, ou celui de gens hagards, désespérés errant dans les ruines.
Et ce brigandage sur la Serbie, cyniquement baptisé Merciful Angel, Ange miséricordieux, devait se poursuivre durant 78 jours et nuits, sans être interrompu même le jour de Pâques, provoquant des milliers de morts et de blessés, ainsi que la terreur des populations, la destruction des biens matériels se chiffrant à des dizaines de milliards de dollars, la contamination de l’environnement par l’uranium appauvri et d’autres matières toxiques. A ces grondements de l’apocalypse s’ajoutait le vacarme de la géhenne de la propagande médiatique déchaînée justifiant et vantant tous ces effroyables méfaits comme autant de glorieux exploits. Dans le même temps, les hommes d’Etat beuglaient à l’unisson qu’ils ne faisaient pas la guerre au peuple serbe, mais à Milosevic. Tout comme on entendra la même rengaine au sujet de Saddam Hussein en 2003 et actuellement à propos de Khadafi.
Quelle faute inexpugnable, quel crime affreux avait commis la Serbie, comptant une huitaine de millions d’âmes, pour être si cruellement châtiée par la plus grande coalition militaire de l’histoire, regroupant sept à huit cent millions d’hommes et disposant de moyens militaires, économiques et médiatiques illimités? Avait-elle porté le moindre tort à une seule parmi la vingtaine de nations composant la fautive Alliance? Disposait-elle d'armes de destruction massive ou bien devenait-elle le terroir du fascisme qu’il fallait étouffer dans l’œuf, comme le soutenait certains de ces inhumains humanistes parisiens dont Jacques Julliard, dans son ouvrage Ce fascisme qui vient ?
Pas la moindre ombre de tout cela, bien évidemment! Tout ce dont la Serbie avait été coupable, ce fut de tenter de juguler la rébellion armée d’une fraction de la population albanaise dans la province du Kosovo où elle avait développé une splendide civilisation au Moyen-âge et où se décida, lors de la fameuse bataille avec les Turcs en 1389, son sort pour des siècles. En fait, il s'agissait de la dernière phase d’un contentieux entre Serbes et Albanais qui remontait précisément à l’époque de la conquête turque des Balkans et à la conversion massive des Albanais à l’islam, la religion de l’occupant, ce qui les favorisa par rapport aux Serbes demeurés fidèles à la foi chrétienne. En tant que bras armé de la Turquie dans la région, les Albanais furent autorisés et même incités à se répandre par des moyens violents, tels que les massacres, les exodes, l'albanisation forcée des Serbes, sur la terre de Kossovo et de Métochie, en en devenant ainsi majoritaires.
Une fois rompus à l’art de se mettre au service du plus fort et d’en recevoir la récompense, les Albanais poursuivirent la même stratégie sous la tyrannie fasciste et communiste, en attendant la tyrannie droit-de-l’hommiste mondialiste, pour parachever leur emprise quasi-totale sur le Kosovo, la Jérusalem serbe. Suite à la désintégration de la Yougoslavie en 1992 et, malgré la pleine autonomie dont ils bénéficiaient au sein de la Serbie, les Albanais firent sécession, recourant d’abord au boycott des institutions d’Etat, puis aux actes terroristes sanglants perpétrés par la soi-disant Armée de libération du Kossovo, la redoutable Uçk.
Et alors que les forces de police et de l’armée serbes, en ce début de l’année 1999, avaient pratiquement neutralisé cette organisation qualifiée de terroriste seulement un an plutôt par l’envoyé du gouvernement américain dans les Balkans, Robert Gelbart, on se mit à la soutenir et exalter ses membres comme des combattants de la liberté. On extrapola, en présentant dans les médias l’opération des forces serbes comme un génocide en cours, en même temps qu’on dévoya l’antagonisme historique entre deux peuples, en une affaire idéologique, celle des droits de l’homme et de la démocratie dont les Albanais auraient été respectueux, contrairement aux Serbes qui en auraient été les violeurs.
Tandis que les autorités serbes s’efforçaient de juguler la terreur de l’Uçk qui faisait rage au Kosovo, on se livra à une supercherie télévisuelle en présentant une quarantaine de cadavres de rebelles ayant péri dans l’affrontement avec les forces serbes dans le village Ratchak, le 15 janvier 1999, comme étant des victimes civiles. Il fallait provoquer l’indignation générale et trouver une justification à la guerre. L’ordonnateur de ce macabre spectacle fut le chef de la Mission internationale d’observateurs au Kosovo, le sinistre William Walker qui avait fait ses preuves dans nombre de sales besognes dans plusieurs pays d'Amérique Centrale. Les Albanais sachant être redevables à leurs bienfaiteurs, une avenue à Pristina porte aujourd’hui son nom, tout comme un boulevard porte le nom de son patron Bill Clinton et une place celui de Madeleine Albright.
En fait, les humanitaristes de l’Ouest ne voulaient à aucun prix laisser échapper leur proie ni une occasion idéale d'assouvir enfin la soif du mal qui les habitait, puisque leur vœu le plus ardent durant des années était de bombarder les Serbes. Ceux-ci, à leurs yeux, étaient coupables de tous les maux de l’ex-Yougoslavie, alors que tous les autres, les Croates, les Slovènes, les Bosniaques et les Albanais, les vrais responsables du drame yougoslave, en étaient exonérés et passaient pour des êtres pacifiques, démocrates, respectueux des droits de l’homme, et qui n’auraient jamais au cours de l’histoire porté le moindre tort aux Serbes. C’est sur cette grossière simplification à laquelle s’ajoutait l’ignorance, que les médias avaient fait porter leur choix et dans la voie duquel ils allaient désormais marcher. Il n’y avait dorénavant de cause plus sacrée sous le ciel que de secourir les civilisés albanais contre les barbares serbes!
Quant à l’Otan, elle se trouvait, depuis la chute du mur de Berlin en 1989, depuis la dissolution du pacte de Varsovie et l’effondrement de l’Union soviétique en 1991, en manque d’adversaire et en pleine mutation d’une alliance défensive en une alliance offensive en vue de l’établissement de l’hégémonie des Etats-Unis et, à leur traîne, de l’Europe, sur le monde. L’incurable russophobe Zbigniew Brzezinski en avait développé les grandes lignes dans son Grand échiquier, paru en 1997. Il fallait d'urgence à l’Otan un ennemi, fût-ce une victime, pour justifier sa raison d’être, pour affirmer sa crédibilité et se faire redouter, ce qui s’accordait parfaitement avec l’impatience des bonnes âmes de s’abreuver des malheurs serbes. Ainsi, les pourparlers de Rambouillet en février-mars 1999, où l’on posa à la Serbie la condition impossible d’accepter que son territoire soit purement et simplement occupé par les forces de l’Otan, ne furent qu’une mascarade préludant à la guerre envisagée et planifiée de longue date.
Il faut dire que derrière les motivations humanistes, démocrates et droit-de-l’hommistes ostensiblement affichées, s'en cachaient d’autres beaucoup moins louables, voire réellement sordides, tant il est vrai que l'on peut parer les pires abominations par de plus hautes vertus. D’abord, le président étasunien, Bill Clinton, empêtré dans les mensonges sur ses relations avec sa stagiaire Monica Lewinsky, et ayant échappé de justesse à l’Impeachment au Congrès, voulait redorer son image universellement ternie, en se muant soudain de vulgaire libertin en archange de la morale internationale. Il se peut que, lorsque le Maître du monde prit la décision de bombarder la Serbie afin de voir fleurir sur ses ruines la démocratie et les droits de l’homme dans les Balkans, son cerveau eût été encore embué par la fumée du fameux cigare qu’il plongeait, avant de le déguster, dans la partie la plus intime du corps de la Stagiaire. A un moment, alors que les Serbes faisaient admirablement face au fléau, il proféra que les bombardements devraient se poursuivre pendant de longs mois, s’il le fallait.
Il ne pouvait avoir, dans ce dessein de se racheter de ses turpitudes aux yeux de l’opinion, de meilleur soutien qu'en la personne d’une femme âgée, trapue et obèse à la figure dont nulle cosmétique ne pouvait dissimuler le peu d’attrait, mais maladivement belliciste. Au point que, quelques années auparavant, alors qu’elle était ambassadrice américaine à l’Onu, elle avait admonesté le général Colin Powell, chef d’état-major de l’Armée américaine, en lui lançant: à quoi bon disposer de tant de puissance militaire dont on parle tout le temps, si on ne l'emploie jamais! C’est également sur sa proposition au Conseil de sécurité que fut créée, en 1993, l’inquisition antiserbe de la Haye, dite Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie. Au début de son deuxième mandat en 1997, Clinton la nomma Secrétaire du Département d’Etat où elle donnera pleine mesure à ses talents, notamment avec la guerre du Kosovo.
Le lecteur l’a sans doute deviné: il s’agit de Madeleine Korbel Albright qui, en même temps que par des ardeurs guerrières, était mue, malgré son âge avancé, par d’autres ardeurs, si bien que sa vertu ne tarda à succomber au good looking du chef de l’Uçk, Hashim Thaci. La fameuse scène où devant les caméras elle fond dans les bras de l’Albanais, n’est que trop éloquente, certes, mais aussi le propre aveu de l’intéressée selon lequel Thaci était la seule personne qui pouvait entrer dans sa chambre à coucher sans s’annoncer.
En tout cas, parfaite incarnation de la communauté internationale au propre et au figuré, elle s’employa à entraîner celle-ci dans la guerre contre les Serbes, et en devint même l’âme damnée. Son origine tchèque juive, le martyre que les Serbes et les Juifs avaient subi dans la Croatie oustachie, l’engagement des Albanais du côté de l’Allemagne nazie, le salut qu’elle devait aux Serbes, son père étant diplomate à Belgrade en 1941, qui l’aidèrent avec sa famille à échapper aux camps de la mort allemands, ne constituèrent qu’une quantité négligeable devant sa soudaine compassion envers les pauvres Albanais et son ambition de contribuer à ce que la puissante Amérique, dans sa mission de répandre la démocratie sur la planète, trouve des appuis dans les Balkans, notamment dans le groupement terroriste albanais au Kosovo. Si bien que, lorsque, le dos au mur, le gouvernement serbe se montra prêt à accepter l’installation d’une base militaire américaine au Kosovo, elle refusa, persistant dans son option guerrière et justifiant ainsi pleinement le qualificatif bombing Albright, que la presse américaine elle-même ne tarda pas à lui attribuer.
C’est ainsi que l’Otan s’engouffra dans la brèche ouverte par l’Histoire entre Serbes et Albanais, agissant en glaive, pire encore, en mercenaire de ces derniers. Mises à part les frappes relativement brèves que l’Alliance effectua sur les Serbes de Bosnie au début de l’automne 1995, c’est au Kosovo que l’Otan passa le Rubicon, en s’arrogeant désormais le droit d’intervenir hors des limites fixées par sa Charte fondatrice et en débutant la suite des guerres précitées, dans l'attente d’autres. Initiée et développée grandement en Bosnie, notamment avec la fable des camps de mort et de viol serbes, avec les massacres télévisuels de Sarajevo, puis avec le «génocide» de Srebrenica, c’est pourtant au Kosovo que s’élabora définitivement et à grande échelle la stratégie maudite qui depuis ne cesse d’être appliquée en produisant partout des ravages.
Elle consiste, suivant l’ancien précepte divide et impera, à semer la discorde, à allumer une ethnie contre une autre, à monter la minorité contre la majorité, à soutenir une poignée d’opposants, à exacerber les antagonismes du passé, au lieu de les calmer, à attiser les mécontentements, à contester les résultats électoraux, bref à créer les conditions du chaos au sein d’un Etat, pour pouvoir crier à la catastrophe humanitaire, à la répression, à l’apartheid, voire au génocide afin de trouver le prétexte pour voler à la rescousse de ses protégés à l'aide des bombes dont les détonations accompagnent le déchaînement des média-mensonges. Le but ultime étant d’installer un régime d’obédience, d’établir son influence, de disposer des richesses du pays et d’utiliser son territoire comme un point stratégique en vue d’autres conquêtes.
Si l’on excepte l’art sacré et l’épopée kosoviens naturellement serbes qui font partie intégrante du patrimoine de l’humanité, le Kosovo, qui était jusqu’alors essentiellement une question serbo-turco-albanaise, a acquis depuis 1999 une dimension mondiale, universelle, voire cosmique vu le branle-bas qu’il a provoqué dans l’univers. Comme s’il était dans les desseins de la Providence que le mal du monde se révélât précisément sur la terre du Kosovo qui, avec ses mille trois cents monastères, églises et chapelles, fut en réalité un vaste temple du Christ dont on s'apprêtait à célébrer le Deuxième millénaire. En effet, les guides de l’Occident chrétien ne trouvèrent rien de mieux pour le faire que d’y écraser sous les bombes, ainsi que dans toute la Serbie, les fidèles et les sanctuaires du Christ pour le compte des apostats du Christ, multiséculaires ravageurs du Kosovo!
Désormais l’Otan devait continuer à rimer avec Satan. Sans évoquer l’Afghanistan et l’Irak, il suffit, pour s’en persuader, de considérer les ravages opérés depuis deux mois en Libye, le pays le plus prospère du continent africain: des milliers de morts et de blessés sur place auxquels s’ajoutent ceux qui, sur des embarcations de fortune, fuyant l’enfer, périssent en mer; le bouleversement cataclysmique de la vie des populations, la fuite d’environ un million de travailleurs étrangers de toutes les catégories contraints de quitter le pays et s’entassant dans des camps installés dans les pays voisins en attendant de pouvoir regagner les leurs; l’anéantissement de biens matériels immenses réalisés pendant un demi-siècle; la contamination de l’environnement par les particules mortelles de l’uranium appauvri; la destruction de la couche d’ozone par le vol des milliers de bombardiers de l’Otan au-dessus de la Méditerranée en ajoutant le risque de voir les champs pétroliers s'enflammer et cette partie du monde étouffer sous des nuages apocalyptiques. Sans parler du coût que supportent les pays engagés dans la guerre, ni de la pollution par les mensonges déversés jour et nuit à travers les médias, de l'âme de centaines de millions de gens, en particulier en Europe et en Amérique, ainsi que dans le monde arabe. L’enfer libyen, tout comme l’enfer serbe, afghan et irakien, attend son Dante qui n’aura rien à inventer, mais à qui il suffira de copier la réalité, celle-ci dépassant la fiction, pour reprendre le mot célèbre de Dostoïevski.
C'est pourquoi, aujourd'hui, force est d’établir un bilan de ces douze années écoulées, en même temps que d'engager une réflexion tant en ce qui concerne la situation sur place qu’en ce qui concerne la tournure qu’a prise la politique de la fameuse communauté internationale, autrement dit les Occidentaux avec en tête l’Amérique ayant usurpé ce rôle, dans le sillage sanglant du Kosovo. De prime à bord, on peut affirmer qu’il n’y a pas de quoi pavoiser, bien au contraire: le bilan est des plus catastrophiques de sorte qu’on peut parler de cette période comme de douze années de désastre des Occidentaux au Kosovo, et ailleurs dans le monde où ils ont cherché à appliquer la stratégie kosovienne. Mais, pour dresser ce bref panorama, procédons par l’évocation des événements en suivant l’ordre chronologique.
S’étant mêlé d’un conflit historique multiséculaire entre Serbes et Albanais, l’Otan, du haut du ciel, a mis la Serbie à feu et à sang près de deux mois et demi durant, provoquant une orgie dévastatrice. Embourbée dans ses crimes qui commençaient à choquer l'opinion occidentale elle-même, l’Otan signa, le 9 juin 1999, sous une tente à Kumanovo, un cessez-le-feu avec les Serbes, prévoyant le retrait de leurs forces de la province et son occupation par les troupes de l’Otan dans le cadre de la résolution 1214 du Conseil de sécurité, qui fut votée peu avant. Elle garantissait la souveraineté de la Serbie sur la province du Kosovo sous l’égide des troupes de l’Otan, la Kfor, Kosovo Force, afin d’assurer la paix et la sécurité de tous les habitants de la province jusqu'à la mise en place de l’administration de l’Onu. Celle-ci prit corps dans la mission de l'Unmik, United Nations Mission in Kosovo, à la tête de laquelle fut nommé Bernard Kouchner ainsi récompensé d’avoir été l’un des principaux fauteurs de guerre contre les Serbes, aussi bien en Croatie et en Bosnie qu’au Kosovo.
Néanmoins, deux jours après la signature des accords de Kumanovo, le 11 juin, le monde se trouva un moment au bord de l’abîme: les unités russes commandées par le général Léonid Ivachov et faisant partie des casques bleus en Bosnie, traversèrent la Drina et descendirent au Kosovo où, devançant les troupes de l’Otan, elles occupèrent l’aéroport de Pristina. Le général Wesley Clark, commandant de l’Otan, envisagea de les bombarder, mais en fut dissuadé par son adjoint, le général britannique Michael Jackson qui déclara n’avoir aucune intention de déclencher une troisième guerre mondiale. L’affaire finit par être résolue au niveau diplomatique.
Cependant, loin d’assurer la sécurité de la population serbe, la Kfor, soit par incurie, soit intentionnellement, l'abandonna aux mains de l’Uçk et de la population albanaise qui se mirent à assassiner les Serbes, à les enlever pour les conduire dans les camps en Albanie, à forcer environ un quart de million d’entre eux à l’exode, à piller leurs biens, à profaner et détruire leurs églises et leurs cimetières. Et c’est au milieu de ce désastre, s’y ajoutant la pollution du pays du fait de l’emploi des armes à l’uranium appauvri, que Bernard Kouchner s’écriait: «L’Europe est née au Kosovo, celle de droits de l’homme, celle que nous aimons». Un autre humaniste redoutable, Bernard-Henri Lévy renchérissait: «Merci aux avions de l’Otan, ce sont des avions de la liberté et de la démocratie.» Vu les ravages qu’ils font aujourd’hui à son instigation en Libye, on imagine le philosophe dans l’état d’extrême extase.
Devant les malheurs spectaculaires des Serbes et la dévastation du Kosovo par les Albanais sous l’œil indifférent des troupes otanesques d'occupation, la classe politico-médiatique de l’Ouest se gaussait, quand elle ne ricanait pas, n’ayant d’autres mots que celui-ci : «Les Albanais se vengent.» Comme l’écrivait l’un de ses spécimens, Alexandre Adler, lors de l’exode d’un quart de million de Serbes de la Krajina, en août 1995, soutenant dans son Courrier international, qu’il ne fallait avoir aucune pitié envers les civils serbes. Quant à Kouchner, il fut promu héros national kosovar, comme le titrait avec condescendance Le Monde à l’époque. Ce fut pour peu qu’il ne portât de l’ombre au grand Skanderbeg qui, d’ailleurs, était d’origine serbe.
En cette même année 1999, fut entreprise, près de la ville d’Urosevac au Kosovo, la construction de la gigantesque base militaire américaine Bondsteel, qui devait abriter la garnison de plusieurs milliers d’hommes, considérée comme une étape de plus sur le chemin de l’encerclement de la Russie. Certains yeux se dessillèrent enfin sur le caractère altruiste de l’engagement des Etats-Unis dans l’affaire du Kosovo, d’autres demeurèrent dans leur cécité. Parallèlement à cette implantation, l’Uçk fut transformée en Corps de Protection du Kosovo, alors que ses anciens chefs, tels Hashim Thaci, Agim Ceku, Ramus Haradinaj et d’autres, se métamorphosèrent en interlocuteurs valables et viables, en démocrates, en politiciens respectables. Quelques 80 mille Serbes qui réussirent à se maintenir dans la province, se trouvèrent désormais enfermés dans des enclaves, véritables ghettos entourés de barbelés, leurs habitants ne pouvant se déplacer, ni même les enfants se rendre à l’école, que sous l’escorte des soldats de la Kfor qui finalement leur offrit quelque protection.
Telle fut, très brièvement, l’abomination qui vit le jour suite au banditisme humanitariste de l’Otan dans les Balkans, et qui en même temps s'avéra la première guerre de l’Alliance depuis sa création en 1948. Faute d’adversaire, l’Union soviétique n’existant plus, elle s’en était trouvé un, en fait une victime, pour se livrer à une démonstration de sa puissance, à des manœuvres in vivo afin d’asseoir sa crédibilité et se montrer dorénavant redoutable pour quiconque serait tenté d’en contester la politique d’expansion en vue de la domination du monde. Cependant, bien davantage que la défaite des Serbes, c’est une gigantesque défaite morale de l’Occident qui se produisit au Kosovo.
Il faut être armé de la foi de Job pour pouvoir croire, après cette abomination, à des valeurs telles que la démocratie, les droits de l’homme, etc., tant prônées par les élites de l’Ouest et si effrontément bafouées par elles au Kosovo. Pire encore, avec la quantité de maux qui fut alors vomie dans l’univers, les hurlements s’unissant aux grondements de l’apocalypse, les mots meurtriers aux armes destructrices, c’est le bourreau incurable en l’homme qui y apparut! Tel que l’avait dévoilé le génie de Dostoïevski. Et on eût franchement désespéré de la créature humaine, si précisément de tels génies, et dans les domaines les plus divers, ne la rachetaient pas en démontrant qu’elle était capable d’autre chose aussi. Du reste, quelques consciences qui s’étaient levées de par le monde, alors que l’horreur de l’Otan battait son plein, le prouvèrent, en dépit du peu d’accès qu’elles eurent aux grands médias.
Puisque les caciques de l’Occident, Clinton, Blair, Schroeder et Chirac, avec la walkyrie Albright en tête, s’étaient jurés d’avoir la peau de Milosevic, ce fut chose faite: le 5 octobre 2000, suite aux résultats électoraux contestés, le régime de Milosevic fut renversé lors des manifestations organisées par l’Opposition démocratique de Serbie conduite par Vojislav Kostunica et Zoran Djindjic. Le noyau militant Otpor qui joua un rôle décisif dans cette opération, reçut du gouvernement étasunien, d’après l’information divulguée par celui-ci, des subsides d’un montant s'élevant à environ 72 millions de dollars. Tactique qui sera appliquée lors d'événements semblables, à savoir lors des fameuses révolutions colorées fomentées pour installer des régimes d’obédience: notamment en Géorgie à travers la dite révolution des Roses en novembre 2003 amenant au pouvoir le fantoche Saakachvili, puis en Ukraine à travers la révolution baptisée orange intronisant le tout aussi fantoche Iouchtchenko, en décembre 2004.
Le 28 juin 2001, le jour sacré de Vidovdan pour les Serbes, en souvenir de la bataille homérique de Kosovo entre eux et les Turcs en 1389, Milosevic est mis aux fers et livré au tribunal de la Haye, qualifié à juste titre par les mal-pensants d’inquisition antiserbe, puisqu' elle est financée par les Etats de l’Otan. Comme l’enfer réclamait son lot de victimes, d’autres personnalités politiques et militaires serbes furent déférées par la suite au tribunal de la Haye. La magistrate suisse Carla Del Ponte qui en fut nommée la procureure, ne cessera des années durant de sévir contre les Serbes, en fermant quasiment les yeux sur les crimes des autres, des Albanais, des Bosniaques et des Croates, sans parler des crimes de l’Otan hissés au rang de bonnes actions.
Le monstre s’étant senti pousser des ailes durant la guerre contre la Serbie, l’Otan se lança, en octobre 2001 dans sa deuxième guerre, celle d’Afghanistan, accusé d’abriter les bases de l'organisation terroriste Al-Qaïda présumée responsable de l’attentat du World Trade Center à New-York, le 11 septembre 2001. Des voix n’ont cessé, depuis, de se faire entendre, expliquant que cette tragédie, qui se solda par environ 3000 morts, n’était en fait qu’une monstrueuse machination du gouvernement américain afin de pouvoir, sous prétexte de la lutte contre le terrorisme, entreprendre une guerre de conquête visant d'importants territoires stratégiques en Asie centrale. Les talibans, jusqu’alors enfants chéris de l’Amérique, en devinrent, à partir du moment où ils refusèrent de continuer d’obtempérer, ses pires ennemis. Et leur chef, fondateur d’Al-Qaïda, Bin Laden, créature américaine lors de l’occupation soviétique de l'Afghanistan et que l’on retrouve apparemment en Bosnie, de faire l’objet d’une longue traque qui ne devait se terminer que par son assassinat le 2 mai dernier au Pakistan, à moins qu'il ne fût mort bien avant de mort naturelle.
Une guerre qui s’éternise au prix d’immenses malheurs pour les Afghans, mais aussi provoquant des milliers de morts et de blessés dans les rangs de la coalition. Les meurtres d’innombrables civils afghans innocents, mis officiellement sur le compte de dégâts collatéraux, ont pris de telles proportions que le président fantoche Hamid Karzaï lui-même a récemment pu évoquer le départ des troupes de l’Otan, qui de toute façon est envisagé par le gouvernement américain, l’Otan ne pouvant venir à bout de la résistance afghane.
Cependant, la boîte de Pandore une fois ouverte avec le Kosovo, les maux, prenant de l'ampleur, ne tardèrent pas à s’en échapper: le 20 mars 2003, l’Otan, sans la France et l’Allemagne, débute sa troisième guerre, celle contre l’Irak avec l’intention de renverser le régime de Saddam Hussein faussement accusé de fabriquer des armes de destruction massive, opération baptisée Iraqui Freedom qui soumit la terre de Mésopotamie où vit le jour la première civilisation, à la barbarie de nos humanistes. En effet, l’Irak demeure plongé dans un véritable enfer du fait d’un million de morts et peut-être autant de blessés, du fait de 4 millions de refugiés, du fait de la contamination de l’environnement par l’uranium appauvri, et du déchaînement quasi quotidien de la terreur exercée par les islamistes fondamentalistes qui n’existaient point sous Saddam. A ceux, bien majoritaires, qui s’opposaient à cette guerre, les sempiternels pousse-au-crime, tels que Bernard Kouchner, André Glucksmann, Bernard-Henri Lévy et le restant de la clique instigatrice de l’agression, rétorquaient: puisque l'on a réussi au Kosovo il n’y a pas de raison que l’on ne réussisse pas en Irak. On voit aujourd’hui la réussite: huit ans après tant de malheurs et des sommes astronomiques englouties, les Américains avec leurs affidés sont sur le point de décamper. Encore un désastre consécutif à celui du Kosovo.
L’administration onusienne de la province serbe n’ayant cessé d’agir en collusion avec les Albanais, ceux-ci déclenchèrent, le 17 mars 2004, un pogrom à vaste échelle sur le restant des Serbes du Kosovo en les violentant, en les forçant de quitter leurs foyers, en se saisissant de leurs biens ou en les détruisant, sans épargner leurs églises, une trentaine s’ajoutant à la centaine vandalisées en 1999. Le prétexte pour cette vague de terreur sous l’œil indifférent ou presque de l’occupant otanien, fut la désinformation répandue par les médias albanais selon laquelle des garçons serbes avaient poussé trois garçons albanais dans la rivière Ibar en crue qui les avait emportés. Une désinformation que même l’Unmik, pourtant si favorable aux Albanais, finira par démentir.
La connivence entre les responsables occidentaux et les anciens chefs de l’Uçk, convertis en politiciens, était telle que l’un des plus redoutables d’entre eux, Ramus Haradinaj, fut nommé, en décembre 2004, premier ministre du Kosovo. Mais il s’avéra bientôt qu’il avait commis des crimes de guerre et des crimes contre l’humanité, de sorte qu’il dut abandonner son poste et être transféré à la Haye où il fut jugé, puis relâché en 2008, faute de preuves. Et pour cause, puisque dans son cas, comme dans plusieurs autres, les témoins avaient été liquidés. Néanmoins, il sera de nouveau arrêté en 2010 pour être rejugé.
Venue brièvement en amazone de la communauté internationale, le 29 juillet 1999, au Kosovo afin d’y sceller en compagnie de Kouchner le méfait de celle-ci sur les Serbes, Madeleine Albright devait y revenir au début de l'année 2004 en tant que businesswoman prospère pour recueillir ses dividendes bien mérités. Son Albright Group avait mis la main sur Ipko Net, la téléphonie mobile du Kosovo, après l’éviction d’un tycoon local, Ekrem Luka, qui fut menacé de poursuites pour crimes de guerre et d'interdiction de visa vers les Etats-Unis. Pareillement, certains hauts fonctionnaires de l’Unmik s’embrigadèrent, à l’expiration de leur mandat, comme conseillers dans le gouvernement de Thaci.
Quant à Slobodan Milosevic, il fit face durant près d’un lustre à l’inquisition de la Haye, démolissant point par point les chefs d’accusation portés contre lui, confondant les témoins, démontrant la responsabilité des autres dirigeants yougoslaves, ainsi que de leurs mentors étrangers dans la dislocation tragique de la Yougoslavie, dont il était désigné comme le seul coupable. Son livre My Defense témoigne de ce combat surhumain, livre traduit en plusieurs langues dont le français sous le titre Ma vérité et édité par la revue mensuelle BI, Balkans-Infos, qu’un groupe d’intellectuels français et serbes avec Louis Dalmas, avait fondée à l’époque où sévissait la pire désinformation sur les événements en ex-Yougoslavie, et qui naturellement existe toujours. Ne sachant quoi faire de ce prisonnier dont on ne pouvait venir à bout, le tribunal de Carla Del Ponte laissa mourir Slobodan Milosevic, le 11 mars 2006, faute de lui avoir prodigué les soins nécessaires qu’exigeait sa santé compromise durant des années d’enfermement. Cependant, un autre célèbre prisonnier serbe, éminent juriste et historien, Vojislav Seselj, fondateur du Parti radical serbe, continue avec le courage du héros mythique à faire face au fléau, tout en espérant ne pas subir le même sort que celui de Slobodan Milosevic.
Cependant, en dépit du basculement du Kosovo, au lendemain de la guerre contre la Serbie, dans les griffes de la mafia, dans le crime organisé, dans la corruption, dans le trafic en tous genres y compris celui des êtres humains, les politiciens de l’Ouest, loin de reconsidérer leur politique kosovienne incitèrent, bien au contraire, les dirigeants kosovars avec Hashim Thaci en premier lieu, à proclamer le Kosovo Etat indépendant. Ceux-ci le firent, le 18 février 2008, en violation totale de la résolution 1244 du Conseil de sécurité de juin 1999 qui, nous l’avons vu, garantissait le maintien de la province au sein de la Serbie. Le président Sarkozy avec son ministre des Affaires étrangères qui n’était autre que Bernard Kouchner, lança un appel vibrant aux membres de l’Union européenne afin qu'ils reconnaissent unanimement l’Etat kosovar. L’auteur de ces lignes lui adressa via Internet une lettre ouverte intitulée Prôner la civilisation à Paris, cautionner la barbarie au Kosovo, que reprit une douzaine de sites et qui est toujours accessible sur le réseau.
Chose faite, excepté par les cinq Etats de l’Union ayant des problèmes avec leurs propres minorités, à savoir la Grèce, la Roumanie, la Slovaquie, l’Espagne, ainsi que Chypre. Devant l’évidence de l’arbitraire qui régnait au Kosovo, les Européens sous l'égide des Américains créèrent, en décembre 2008, un organisme nommé Eulex, European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, afin d’aider tant soit peu leur avorton d’Etat kosovar à faire ses premiers pas. Et naturellement, depuis que la communauté internationale moyennant le crime de l’Otan en avait accouché, l’avorton se trouvait sous la perfusion, chiffrée en milliards d’euros, de ses parrains.
Tout au long du conflit kosovien et durant la période qui suivit, en dépit du fait que des hommes et des femmes de conscience de par le monde n’avaient cessé, dans la mesure de leur moyens, de clamer la vérité sur le Kosovo, scandaleusement occultée par les responsables politiques et médiatiques de l’Ouest, rien n’était valable ni crédible venant du côté des Serbes ou de leurs amis, seules ayant droit de cité les vérités officielles politically correct. Or, le printemps 2008 vit venir un peu de lumière d’où on l’attendait le moins, à savoir de la part de Carla Del Ponte elle-même. Piquée dans son amour-propre suite à son remplacement par le juriste belge Serge Brammertz à la tête du tribunal de la Haye, ou bien touchée par la grâce du repentir d’avoir sévi contre les Serbes, elle publia, au mois d’avril, un livre intitulé La Chasse, moi et les criminels de guerre, qui allait être explosif.
C’est qu’elle y révélait que durant les événements du Kosovo, les chefs de l’Uçk, loués à l’Ouest comme les combattants de la liberté et dont la cause avait mis en branle la plus grand force de l’univers, l’Otan, se livraient à des crimes épouvantables tant sur les Serbes que sur les Albanais loyaux à l'égard de la Serbie, notamment à la sinistre pratique de l’extraction d’organes humains et de leur commerce. En outre, elle affirmait que toutes les tentatives d'enquête de la part de son tribunal s'étaient heurtées à des obstacles insurmontables, soit que les responsables de l’Unmik se taisaient, soit que l’on procédait à la liquidation des témoins albanais gênants. Soudain les Albanais qui jusqu’alors voyaient en Carla Del Ponte l’incarnation de la Justice, qui l’adulaient à l’instar de Mère Teresa, béatifiée par le pape, ou à l’instar de Madeleine Albright, promue par l’écrivain Ismaïl Kadaré, tante de tous les Albanais pour avoir fait guerroyer l’Amérique du côté albanais, se mirent à l’outrager, n’étant plus en reste derrière son célèbre captif Vojislav Seselj qui alla, dans un livre consacrée à sa geôlière, jusqu’à la traiter de prostituée, vu le peu d’impartialité dont faisait preuve son tribunal. Quant à l'Etat suisse, qui compte une importante minorité albanaise et qui, par là même, avait aussitôt reconnu l’Etat fantoche kosovar, il essaya d’étouffer l’affaire en reléguant Carla Del Ponte à l’autre bout de la planète en tant qu’ambassadrice de Suisse en Argentine.
Grisés par leurs tristes exploits au Kosovo, les otaniens dont le rôle principal se trouve toujours joué par les Américains, ne tardèrent pas à se livrer à des gesticulations ayant pour but l’installation d'un bouclier antimissile en Europe centrale et orientale, en Tchéquie, en Pologne, en Roumanie, afin de contrer la menace qui viendrait de l’Iran sur quelques 900 millions de gentils, paisibles et pacifiques Européens et Américains. En fait, c’était une manigance, une de plus depuis la chute du mur de Berlin, contre la Russie qui, en cas de réalisation de ce projet, se trouverait à la portée immédiate et presque instantanée de ces missiles. Depuis l’arrivée de Barack Obama à la Maison Blanche, l’affaire semble plus ou moins mise en sourdine, à l’exception toutefois de la Roumanie qui vient de commettre une grosse imprudence en acceptant de prêter son sol à l’installation des éléments ce fameux bouclier.
C’est dans ce climat malsain d’hostilité envers la Russie que le pitre géorgien Saakachvili, à l’instigation de ses maîtres de l’Ouest, lança, dans la nuit du 7 au 8 août 2008, une offensive sur l’Ossétie du Sud afin de recouvrer l’intégrité territoriale de la Géorgie, cette province avec celle de l'Abkhazie voisine se trouvant, depuis l’éclatement de l’Union en 1992, dans le cadre de la Fédération de Russie. La riposte de celle-ci fut foudroyante, l’invasion fut repoussée et la débâcle en quelques jours consumée. C’est en vain que la Russie fut vilipendée par les médias euro-américains, que l’Otan gesticula des menaces envers elle en envoyant ses navires dans la mer Noire, que d’aucuns, comme Kouchner, prônèrent des sanctions internationales, sinon la guerre, contre elle qui n’en tint absolument pas compte, mais alla jusqu’à laisser les Ossètes proclamer leur province Etat indépendant. Les Occidentaux crièrent à la violation du droit international, à l’atteinte à l’intégrité territoriale de la Géorgie, mais la réponse du berger à la bergère ne se fit pas attendre, les Russes invoquant le précédent de l'atteinte à la souveraineté de la Serbie par la reconnaissance du Kosovo, berceau de la nation serbe, comme un second Etat indépendant albanais dans les Balkans. Alors, pourquoi pas un Etat indépendant ossète dans le Caucase?
Bien que pressée par les puissances de l’Ouest de reconnaître leur marionnette d’Etat kosovar afin qu’elle puisse envisager l’entrée dans l’Union européenne, la Serbie s’opposa farouchement à cette reconnaissance et porta l’affaire, en octobre 2008, devant l’Assemblée Générale de l’Onu en faisant valoir que le droit international, à travers la transformation de sa province du Kosovo en un Etat étranger, avait été violé. Elle en obtint un succès diplomatique, puisque l’écrasante majorité des Etats votèrent pour la résolution de la Serbie, mais les Occidentaux essayèrent de noyer le poisson, de sorte que le contentieux fut porté devant la Cour International de Justice de la Haye qui, en juillet 2010, publia l’avis selon lequel le droit international par les dirigeants albanais et leurs parrains de l’Ouest n’avait pas été violé. Il reste que sur environ 192 Etats que comptent l’Onu, seules quelques dizaines ont jusqu’à présent reconnu l’Etat croupion kosovar. Les grands pays, tels que la Russie, la Chine, l’Inde, le Brésil, l’Afrique du Sud, ne l’ont pas fait. Nombre de pays islamiques, dont la Libye, non plus.
Malgré la conspiration du silence sur le Kosovo, entretenue par les fauteurs du mal et les médias sous leur coupe, nombre de commémorations en Serbie et dans le monde, organisées en mars 2009, à l’occasion du dixième anniversaire du martyre de la Serbie, victime de l’Otan, fit rompre ce silence. La plus importante de ces manifestations fut la conférence internationale qui se tint le 24 et le 25 mars sous les auspices du Forum de Belgrade animé par Zivadin Jovanovic, ministre des Affaires étrangères durant les événements du Kosovo. Ce fut l’occasion pour une cinquantaine de personnalités de divers pays de s’exprimer de la façon la plus défavorable sur la guerre de l’Otan contre la Serbie. Leurs interventions se trouvent réunies en un gros volume, intitulé The Twilight of the West. La conscience de la planète aura parlé, notamment à travers la voix de Pierre-Marie Gallois, de Louis Dalmas, de Michel Collon, de Franz Weber, de Michel Chossudovsky, de Rick Rozoff, de Neil Clark, de Velko Vekanov, de Serge Babourine, de Ramsay Clark, de Diana Johnstone, de Yelena Guskova, de Jean Visconti, de Fulvio Grimaldi, d’Alexandre Latsa, de James Bissett, de Jürgen Elsässer, de Willy Wimmer, de Thanassis Paphilis, d’Elmar Schmelling, de Kadaru Prabhakar Rao, de Soccoro Gomes et de nombreux autres.
Par contre, les voix des malfaiteurs et de leurs thuriféraires, si tonitruantes dix ans plutôt, furent quasiment absentes à l’occasion de cet anniversaire qui, toutefois, ne resta pas sans être marqué de façon plutôt aléatoire par le principal protagoniste de la guerre du Kosovo, Bill Clinton, depuis en retraite. Heureusement pour le monde, aimerait-on dire, si son successeur George Bush n’avait pas continué dans la même voie. Clinton se rendit, le 1 novembre 2009, au Kosovo – le criminel revient sur le lieu de son crime qu’il avait fait commettre du haut du ciel – pour inaugurer à Pristina sa propre statue dorée, mesurant plus de 3 mètres, élevée en haut du boulevard portant son nom. Il fut accueilli par une multitude d’Albanais en délire, le glorifiant comme leur héros, leur libérateur, lui témoignant son attachement sans bornes et perpétuant la tradition de leurs aînés qui en avaient fait autant en 1941, en s’écriant: le baba (père) Hitler est arrivé ou, plus loin encore, celle de leurs ancêtres qui s’enorgueillissaient d’être les meilleurs fils du sultan. De sa voix gutturale, Clinton exprima sa satisfaction en caquetant qu’il n’avait jamais pensé que quelqu’un le représenterait aussi grand.
Et alors qu’il avait transformé le Kosovo en un véritable ghetto pour les Serbes et en une création mono-ethnique, corrompue et mafieuse, il se lança dans les éloges de la libre démocratie, free democracy, que sa guerre contre la Serbie aurait permis de voir s’épanouir au Kosovo. Il promit que son épouse Hillary, Secrétaire d’Etat de l’Administration Obama, veillerait sur eux en bonne mère, comme il l'avait fait en bon père. Une affaire de famille! Sauf que le haut visiteur n’avait pas apporté son fameux saxophone pour que la musique de cet instrument se mêlât à celle des instruments indigènes qui accompagnaient bruyamment la cérémonie.
Clinton fut suivi , le 8 juillet 2010, par son acolyte Tony Blair dont la visite se révéla l’occasion que lui soient présentés huit garçons albanais nommés d’après son prénom Tony qui, en même temps que son nom, restera comme l’un des plus infâmes de l’histoire du fait d’avoir engagé son pays dans des crimes contre trois nations qui n'avaient point nui à la Grande-Bretagne, à savoir contre la Serbie, contre l’Irak et l’Afghanistan. Bien au contraire, la Serbie durant les deux guerres mondiales avait combattu aux côtés de l’Angleterre et de la France, alors que les Albanais ont été exactement du côté adverse. Qui plus est, lors de cette visite, Blair beugla que, jusqu'en 1918, le Kosovo n’avait jamais fait partie de la Serbie, alors que, comme tout le monde le sait, il en fut le berceau dès sa création à l’époque médiévale.
Entre temps se produisit au Kosovo un événement qui serait historique s’il n’était pas grand-guignolesque: le 1 mars 2010, Bernard Kouchner, en visite dans la province du Kosovo, fit un tour dans l’enclave serbe de Gratchanitsa où, lors de la conférence de presse, un journaliste lui demanda s’il était au courant de l’affaire du trafic d’organes humains qui se déroulait à l’époque où il était le chef de l’Unmik. Kouchner joue l’étonné, éclate d’un rire forcé et insulte le journalise en lui recommandant d’aller se faire soigner.
Près d’un an après son époux, Hillary Clinton, Secrétaire du Département d’Etat, visita, le 13 octobre 2010, le Kosovo et loua, elle aussi, la plus jeune démocratie, the youngest democracy! Dire le contraire de la vérité et agir contrairement à la réalité, tel est devenu aujourd’hui le mode de gouvernement. De même que l’information, tout au moins dans les cas qui nous occupent, a dégénéré en désinformation. Naturellement, la ministresse posa devant les caméras au pied de la statue dorée de son adoré mari, le temps ayant estompé les pratiques fellatrices avec la Stagiaire dans le Bureau ovale que l’on avait rebaptisé Bureau oral.
Cependant, la fin de l'année 2010 s’avéra calamiteuse pour la communauté internationale ayant accouché de l'Etat fantoche kosovar: le 16 décembre, le magistrat et sénateur suisse Dick Marty, chargé deux ans plutôt par le Conseil de l’Europe d’enquêter sur les crimes de guerre et crimes contre l’humanité au Kosovo perpétrés par l’Uçk, avant, pendant et après l’intervention de l’Otan, présenta à Paris son rapport accablant sur le trafic d’organes mettant en cause les dirigeants kosovars en commençant par le premier d’entre eux, Hashim Thaci. Le 25 février 2011, le Rapport fut adopté par le Conseil de l’Europe à une écrasante majorité, et cela malgré les menaces du premier désigné, Hashim Thaci, d’intenter une action en justice contre Dick Marty, et la campagne qui fut lancée contre celui-ci tant parmi les Albanais du Kosovo que ceux d’Albanie et du Monténégro.
Le Rapport mettant en cause également les personnalités de l’Unmik et de l’Eulex, l’image du premier gouverneur onusien du Kosovo, Bernard Kouchner, déjà fortement écornée par tant de compromissions, fut mise en lambeaux. La bouffonnerie de Gratchanitsa inonda les sites, de même que la fameuse photo où on le voit au lendemain de la guerre, grimacer en compagnie de quatre bourreaux du Kosovo, le général Wesley Clark, le général Michael Jackson, le général Agim Ceku et le chef de l’Uçk, Hashim Thaci, les mains mêlées en démonstration de l’entente et de l’harmonie parfaites.
C’est en vain qu’il essaya de minimiser les effets dévastateurs du Rapport de Dick Marty, qui soudain dévoilait pour qui l'on avait guerroyé, de qui l'on avait été les mercenaires volontaires, à quoi les élites de l’Ouest s’étaient attelées. On se mit à parler, y compris le journal local albanais Koha Dittore, de l’horreur des camps de l’Uçk en Albanie où l’on enfermait, torturait et charcutait les Serbes, et où l’on maltraitait les Albanais qui demeuraient loyaux vis-à-vis de l’Etat serbe ou qui tout simplement refusaient d’approuver les méthodes terroristes de l'Uçk et de lui prêter concours. Les mêmes médias comme Le Monde ou le New York Times, qui avaient servi d'officines à la propagande antiserbe, publiaient enfin des textes véridiques. D’autres, comme l’Independent et le Times, qui avaient fait paraître quelques avis contraires au plus noir de la diabolisation des Serbes, firent état de rapports secrets des services occidentaux sur les crimes perpétrés par les membres de l'Uçk, parfaitement connus par les chancelleries, mais aussi par l’Otan et l’Unmik, mais volontairement tus pour ne pas nuire à l’image de leurs protégés. Les politiciens de l’Ouest n’ont-ils pas agi tout au long du drame kosovien en complices, en mercenaires des Albanais, et en persécuteurs des Serbes? Mais confrontés à l’évidence, ils se décidèrent, quoiqu’à contrecœur, de faire pression sur le gouvernement de Thaci pour que soient arrêtés certains de ses compagnons d'armes et qu'un procès soit entamé à Pristina même, en attendant le jour où s’ouvrirait le procès de Thaci en personne.
Le saint évêque Nikolaï, prophète et prédicateur serbe, l’avait bien dit: «Enfermez la vérité, broyez-la, brûlez-la, et allez vous coucher pour dormir, vous la verrez le lendemain au réveil, se dresser devant vous en montagne menaçante.» C’est ce qui s’est passé avec la vérité sur le Kosovo. Etouffée, occultée, vouée aux gémonies, elle continuait de luire dans la nuit kosovare qui suivit l’occupation otano-albanaise de la province jusqu’au moment où le brave Dick Marty, à l’instar de Guillaume Tell dont la flèche ne manqua pas son tourmenteur, visa au cœur de l’imposture qu’ en Occident même un nombre important d’hommes et de femmes de vérité n’eut de cesse de dénoncer.
Par ailleurs, son enquête a démontré toute la nécessité de l'existence de la Suisse en tant qu’Etat neutre et en dehors de l’Union Européenne, car il est certain que nulle personnalité d’un Etat appartenant à celle-ci n’aurait jamais eu le courage moral de contredire l’aberrante politique européenne et étatsunienne conduite à l'encontre du Kosovo. Malgré les tentatives de la minimiser, voire de l’étouffer, l’affaire du monstrueux trafic d’organes humains par les chouchous d’Albright et compagnie, vient d’être portée en ce mi-mai devant le Conseil de sécurité de l’Onu. Non sans que la France, qui préside actuellement cet organisme, essaie de dévier l’affaire afin de protéger sa plus grande gloire interventionniste, son prophète de l’ingérence humanitaire, Bernard Kouchner, bien évidemment.
Cependant, au lieu de tirer leçon de ce salutaire éclatement de la vérité, l'on fit tout pour reproduire le scenario kosovien, comme si, une fois engagée, la dynamique du mal, désormais, ne pouvait être arrêtée. Ainsi, le 19 mars 2011, furent déclenchées, à l’initiative du président Sarkozy, par la France, l'Angleterre et les Etats-Unis, en prélude à l’action commune de l’Otan, les frappes aériennes contre la Libye sous prétexte de se porter au secours des insurgés contre le régime de Mouammar Kadhafi, comme l’Otan il y a douze ans vola au secours des rebelles albanais contre le régime de Slobodan Milosevic. Avec la même effrayante disproportion de forces, avec la même rage destructrice, avec la même irresponsabilité d’infliger des dégâts irréparables à l’environnement, avec la même perversion de vouloir remédier à un mal en provoquant des maux innombrables, avec la même inconscience dans la dilapidation de sommes astronomiques en pleine crise économique, avec la même propagande éhontée qui fait frémir d’aise l’ombre de l'ancêtre Goebbels, avec le même aveuglement d’aller jusqu’au bout pour gagner, quitte à exterminer jusqu’au dernier des six millions de Libyens, comme l'on était prêt à le faire sur autant de Serbes.
Hier en Serbie, en Afghanistan et en Irak, aujourd’hui en Libye, demain peut-être en Syrie et en Iran, au risque de conséquences encore plus terrifiantes, les forces du mal, catalysées au Kosovo, continuent d’être à l’œuvre: on ne cesse de courir de désastre en désastre, mais on s’accorde le satisfecit, comme s’il s’agissait de réussites, naturellement des droits de l’homme et la démocratie. Du reste, il eût été illusoire de s’attendre de la part de tels coryphées du genre humain que sont les dirigeants américains et européens, à ce qu’ils acceptassent de reconsidérer l’œuvre de leurs prédécesseurs, de même que la leur propre. Toutes proportions gardées, Chateaubriand l’avait bien dit: «Lorsqu’on ne peut effacer ses erreurs, on les divinise.»
C’est qu’avec la guerre du Kosovo l'on semble être irréversiblement entré dans une spirale maudite, dans un cycle de violences à grande échelle, comme si ceux qui s’imaginent maîtres du monde, étaient saisis d’un vertige du mal, comme s’ils avaient perdu le contrôle des coursiers de l'apocalypse, enfourchés il y a douze ans au Kosovo, de sorte que ceux-ci, débridés, risquent d’entraîner le monde dans l’abîme.
Paris, le 15 mai 2011.
Blow to "imperial pit bull"
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Prepared and translated by Biljana Đorović:
Just before the publication of the American edition of the book by Edward Herman, "The Srebrenica Massacre: The Facts, Context, Politics", "Stamp" exclusively published the translation of the concluding chapter of this study. This is a release of immense importance for the Serbs, since this comprehensive analysis - scientific, documented and credible - in the west enthroned destroys the myth of Serbian Srebrenica as a paradigm of evil "Srebrenica massacre, Facts, Context, Politics" is the name of a brilliant, long-awaited study of Professor Edward Herman and associates (Philip Corwin, George Bogdanica, Tim Fenton, Jonathan Rupert, George Samuelija, Michael Mandela and Philip Hammond), which ends in triumph and falsehood dishonor of world politics, which is staging and blatant constructs and simulacra-establish the rule of discourse of the Srebrenica genocide.
This valuable book will appear in the Serbian language in the release of the fund "Historical Project Srebrenica", whose founder and director Stefan Karganović said: "This is a study whose importance to us enormous. Arrives as a gift and miracle from Professor Herman, a man devoid of vanity, which relentlessly unmasks the strategic and tactical, the system enabled and promoted technology activities neo-imperialism. "
Studies Edward Herman convincingly demonstrated the unlimited capacity of the media, intellectual elite and the public to support the aggression, terrorism and genocide, all sorts of crimes against humanity that the widespread violations of international law and norms of conduct imperial machine with NATO as a "pit bull imperial."
"Seal" has released two thematically and substantively important, interview with Professor Edward Herman: on the occasion of the English ("Monthley Review Press) and the Serbian edition of the study" a policy of genocide "(" Vesna info "), a book by its arguments largely influenced the official version of events problematization of recent world history - Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, invasion and occupation of Iraq, the Darfur war and killing, Afghanistan, the Israeli invasion of Gaza, Sabra and Shatila ... The second theme was the politicization of genocide in the context of the wars in former Yugoslavia: mythic bloodshed - Racak; Croatian Operation Storm, the policy of the Srebrenica massacre.
The book "The Srebrenica massacre, Facts, Context, Politics" is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution "and should soon go out of print in the U.S.. In preparing the edition of the Serbian language, which will appear in the issue of fund "Historical Project Srebrenica", whose founder and director Stefan Karganović.
Readers of "Seals" are in a position to be among the first in the world gain access to the study, which destroys the myth of Serbian Srebrenica as a paradigm of evil.
We selected a part of the final, tenth chapter, "Summary and Conclusions", written by Professor Edward Herman:
Institute for Research on Suffering of Serbs in Twentieth Century
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Regarding the texts that were published in The News (Vesti) from Frankfurt
(29 March, 2011) "In Bosnia 104,732 people died" and
the Evening News (Verernje novosti), Belgrade (30 March, 2011),
"The Hague: Released casualties in BiH"
The Institute for Research on the Suffering of the Serbs in the Twentieth Century states that the number of Serbian victims killed in Bosnia during the 1992-1995 war was reduced in these articles by 9,623, according to the Institute's preliminary report.
Considering that the field research is still underway, the number of Serbian victims is not final and may be higher. We cannot reveal the research sites for now, because they are located on Muslim-controlled territory, where, experience has shown, such sites are often subjected to sabotage and the concealment of facts.
We recall that the Institute has published the results of earlier phases of research, and that there were a number of documented Bulletins with the names of Serbian victims from Birac, Sarajevo, BiH, Upper Drina regions, etc. Some of these are available on the website of the Institute (
Please note that the preparation of the final document on Serbian victims by municipalities and places of residence in the year 1991 is still in progress. The Institute will begin to publish it as soon as possible. The database of Serbian victims killed in Bosnia during the 1992-1995 war includes a personal file with the necessary information and evidence and, of course, a personal ID number for each registered victim.
We emphasize that we are surprised by the reaction of some naive Serbian institutions and individuals regarding the publication of data that contain a significantly reduced number of Serbian victims during the 1992-1995 war (up to 9,623 fewer victims for now), who are obviously unaware of the horrible forgery and concealment of the true indicator of the extent of Serbian suffering, along the lines of the case of the WW II Jasenovac extermination camp in Croatia and the understated numbers of its victims.
In Belgrade, April 1, 2011
Institute for Research on the Suffering of the Serbs in the Twentieth Century
Milivoje Ivanisevic, president
La Serbie et la Libye, sœurs en martyre du même mal - par Komnen Becirovic
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Je n’ai jamais eu l’occasion dans ma vie, qui commence à être longue grâce à Dieu clément, de connaître un seul Libyen, pas plus que je n’ai jamais éprouvé une admiration particulière pour le colonel Khadafi, si ce n’est une sorte de nostalgie qui m’envahit en me remémorant le temps où il vint au pouvoir en 1969, par le fait même que j’étais alors dans la force de l’âge et que, de surcroît, je me trouvais sur une île enchantée de la Méditerranée quand j’en appris la nouvelle.
Cependant, si l’on se place sur le plan de la justice et de l’éthique les plus élémentaires, on ne peut demeurer insensible devant le sort cruel infligé soudain au peuple libyen par les dispensateurs des droits de l’homme et de la démocratie, d'autant plus que le peuple serbe dont je suis issu, subissait il y a douze ans un pareil fléau.
En effet, on constate la même promptitude à secourir, par l’apocalypse sur le pays tout entier, une fraction de la population en rupture avec le pouvoir central et se livrant au terrorisme: les séparatistes albano-kosovars dans un cas, les rebelles benghazouis dans l’autre, que l’on a allumés, aussi bien les uns que les autres, pour créer les conditions du chaos afin de trouver un prétexte pour intervenir et mettre ainsi la main sur le pays;
la même effroyable disproportion des forces dans un cas, comme dans l’autre: l’immensité des moyens militaires déployés contre la Libye, tout comme ils le furent contre la Serbie, aurait suffi pour s’attaquer à un grand Etat, tel que l'était, par exemple, l’Union soviétique au faîte de sa puissance;
la même clameur des médias, rivalisant dans l’hypocrisie, dans le mensonge et la diabolisation, modulant sur toutes les cordes du mal, assourdissant les voix véridiques, et s’unissant aux grondements de l’apocalypse qui montent à présent comme il y a douze ans, jusqu’aux astres;
la même litanie d’imprécations et de condamnations au sein de leurs conclaves où l’inhumanité mime l’humanité, la médiocrité la grandeur et où les pygmées, disposant des armes dévastatrices, s’imaginent dans le rôle des géants investis de la mission de refaçonner le monde, fût-ce au prix de sa perdition, tant est désastreuse leur vanité;
la même démentielle idée d’empêcher une prétendue catastrophe humanitaire, en en provoquant une vraie et sans bornes, ou bien d’arrêter un massacre télévisuel simulé de quelques civils, analogue à celui de Ratchak, en meurtrissant du haut des airs des milliers d'êtres humains et en en terrorisant des millions d'autres, comme cela se passa naguère en Serbie avec leur démoniaque opération cyniquement baptisée Ange miséricordieux et se produit aujourd'hui en Libye avec leur équipée crépusculaire outrageusement appelée Aube de l’Odyssée;
la même rage destructrice aveugle contre la Libye, tout comme celle contre la Serbie, que traduisait le glapissement du sinistre Jamie Shea, porte-parole de l’Otan, selon lequel on allait rejeter la Serbie à l’âge de pierre, la Libye risquant à son tour d’être transformée en terre maudite, puisque le chef de l’aviation britannique n’hésite pas à déclarer qu’il faudrait la bombarder pendant au moins six mois;
la même barbarie au nom de la civilisation, la même tyrannie au nom de la démocratie et la même carence de critères moraux que, pourtant, l’on n’a cessé d’invoquer pour justifier des entreprises monstrueuses, notamment les guerres contre la Serbie, contre l’Afghanistan, contre l’Irak, contre la Libye, sur lesquelles s’est clos le Deuxième et ouvert le Troisième millénaire du Christ, comme si dans cette accélération du mal – quatre guerres apocalyptiques en espace de douze ans seulement ! - Satan voyait son temps arrivé et se hâtait d’entraîner le monde dans l'abîme;
la même obstination pour abattre le tyran Khadafi, comme le tyran Milosevic, fût-ce au prix de l'extermination respective jusqu’au dernier des Serbes et Libyens, la fin, la prétendue instauration de la démocratie, justifiant les moyens, mais en fait dans le but de se rendre crédibles et redoutables, mus par leurs fantasmes de conquête du monde et de l’appropriation de ses richesses;
la même cohorte des humanitaristes, certes avec Kouchner en moins cette fois-ci, mais avec l’indéfectible Bernard-Henri Lévy métamorphosé en Méphisto de Sarkozy, et qui, à ses diverses impostures, bosniaque, kosovare, tchétchène, géorgienne, irakienne et afghane, ajoute l’imposture libyenne, en glorifiant les avions de l’Otan qui sèment la mort et la destruction dans ce pays d'Afrique, en tant qu'avions de la liberté et de la démocratie, pour reprendre l’expression qu’il utilisait lors des pareilles actions de la coupable coalition en Serbie;
la même irresponsabilité des responsables occidentaux, en exceptant cette foi-ci les sages dirigeants allemands, d’ensemencer l’Afrique du Nord, tout comme naguère les Balkans, par le mal de l’uranium appauvri et d’autres matières toxiques en générant une catastrophe écologique, comme si celle du Japon n’en était pas une de trop sur notre pauvre planète en proie aux puissances du mal.
Cependant, la différence entre l’opération menée contre la Serbie et celle conduite contre la Libye, serait que le relief plus ou moins montagneux de la Serbie, facilitait la tâche des résistants serbes, tandis que le terrain plat de la Libye laisse ses défenseurs exposés au fléau du haut du ciel. D’autre part, Milosevic, contrairement à Khadafi, était honni par les Occidentaux, alors que celui-ci, toutes ces dernières années, jouissait de leurs faveurs, comme en témoignent les accolades avec Berlusconi ou le spectacle mémorable avec Sarkozy dans le jardin du palais de Marignan où le Guide de sa droite serre la main du Président, tout ravissement, et de sa main gauche tient la bride de son chameau favori. Au méfait de la destruction du pays du légendaire Bédouin, qui était en plein essor, s’ajoute celui de la trahison des dirigeants occidentaux que le scandaleux Cavaliere sera le premier à expier quand le sirocco couvrira la Péninsule de poussières radioactives mortelles.
Force est de constater d'après ce qui précède, que les acteurs de la fameuse communauté internationale auront manqué cruellement d’imagination, ne trouvant rien de mieux que de fêter ce douzième anniversaire de l'assassinat du printemps serbe par l'assassinat du printemps libyen. Et quant au vieux Guide à l’altière allure, à la figure façonnée par les ans et par les luttes autant que par les soleils et les vents du désert, même si se trouvait avéré ce qu’ils ne cessent de ressasser actuellement sur lui, après l’avoir flatté, ils risquent d’en faire un martyr, voire le Héros du monde arabe et le Lion de l’Afrique, vu l’immensité des forces injustement dressées contre lui et auxquelles il fait face avec le courage des héros mythiques qui hantent les rivages libyens depuis les temps homériques.
Hillary's War - by Victor Sharpe
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American Thinker March 29, 2011
Let us first look back to the bombing of Serbia by President Clinton and who was most instrumental in encouraging him.
According to Dean Murphy in the New York Times of October 2000,
"Hillary Clinton called for the US to reject isolationism and aggressively engage itself in world affairs in the tradition of President Truman at the end of WWII.
"She cited American involvement in Bosnia and Kosovo as examples of foreign engagements she favored on moral and strategic grounds, but also suggested that Americans needed to consider becoming involved in solving crises that are not only military in nature."
In other words Hillary urged Bill to launch the first "human rights war" in Bosnia and Kosovo. But in doing so she laid the foundation for an Islamic beachhead in territory previously fought over for centuries by Christian Serbs who were resisting Muslim invasion and conquest.
Again, according to Gail Sheehy writing on December 9, 1999 in Hillary's Choice, page 345: On March 21, 1999, Hillary expressed her views by phone to the President:
"I urged him to bomb. The Clintons argued the issue over the next few days. The President expressed what-ifs: What if bombing promoted more executions? What if it took apart the NATO alliance?
"Hillary responded, "You cannot let this go on at the end of a century that has seen the major holocaust of our time. What do we have NATO for if not to defend our way of life?"
The next day the President declared that force was necessary. Thus it was Hillary Clinton who urged her husband to bomb Serbia. And it was done, predominately, with the use of U.S. aircraft wearing NATO insignia and bombing from thousands of feet. Inevitably such indiscriminate force led to the destruction of bridges in Belgrade with untold numbers of Serbian civilians killed. Some humanitarian war!
Meeting of the peace movements from the Balkans and the Middle east in Chania, Crete
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Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
Allow me to express most warmly my gratitude for your kind invitation to me to take part in this important gathering and for the warm hospitality by our friendly hosts. I feel great satisfaction to have the honor to address this distinguished meeting of Peace Movements of the Balkans and the Middle East on behalf of Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals. May I convey to you most warm greetings of the Belgrade Forum Leadership, together with their wish for the success of this gathering and for ever more successful collaboration of our movements.
Our meeting is being held at the moment when the situation in our region last few months is the matter of great concern, not only to the adherents of the Peace Movement but to all the peoples of our countries. Complete historic experience, so far, indicates that stable and prosperous Balkans and the Middle East are of prime interest, not only for our peoples, but because they have great impact on peace and stability in Europe and in the world. Situation in both of these regions is, however, very complex, with an array of political, security and socio-economic problems, carrying a danger of still deeper destabilization, even arm conflicts.
As you well know, the Balkans or, rather its western part, last twenty years was encountering many dramatic changes and was subject to experiments of the new NATO doctrine, with brutal violation of the International Law. Forceful disruption and partition of the former joint State – Yugoslavia, in a plot of internal separatist forces and external factors, was accompanied by a tragic civil war in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. NATO aggression on Serbia (then FR of Yugoslavia) in 1999 presented as a ‘Humanitarian intervention’, beyond huge number of civilian victims and destruction, led to the occupation of Kosovo and Metohija, to the purges of several hundred of thousands of Serbs and other non-Albanian inhabitants and, later, to the unulateral proclamation of independence of that Serbian province in 2008.
Kosovo and Metohia is today the main sorce of testabilization in the region. It is a spring bord for terrorism, Islamic extremism and drug, human and arms trafficking towards Central and Western Europe. We give the full support to the iniciative of the Swiss parlamentarian Mr. Dick Marty, to investigate and to unvail full truth about illegal trade of human organs, extracted from Serbs kidnaped in Kosovo and Metogia, with direct involvement of some top leaders of the terrorist KLA (''Kosovo Liberation Army'').
Although during last ten years a remarkable progress is realized in normalization of relations between the newly created states, traces of distrust are still present and they are limiting the efforts for the establishment of normal political, economic, cultural and other ties. Known in history as mixture of peoples, cultures and religions, the Balkans, after fragmentation of Yugoslavia and creation of new states, has become “wealthier” with new national minorities, constructions and proclamations of more languages, and, even, new religions and churches.
Special problem, not just for Serbia, but for the region as a whole, presents the illegal secession of Kosovo and Metohia, which remains unchanged and is the main source of destabilization in the Balkans. Serbia, regardless of pressure she has been exposed to, can not and will never recognize that illegal creation made by the NATO.
On the opposite side of the Mediterranean, dramatic happenings in the Arab world excite the international public. Protests and revolt have swept across the whole arab World, from the Atlantic costline to the shores of the Persian Gulf. Although this revolutionary movement has its specifics from country to country, their common denominator is – the overthrowing of the autocratic regimes, reassertion of their national sovereignty and a more just distribution of national wealth. Mass movements in the North African and the Middle East countries have unveiled many problems, accumulated during the decades of autocratic rule and imperialist domination, but, at the same time, they have shown maturity of the Arab peoples, which is giving them new strength. These processes reflect an awakening of the Arab peoples, whose identity, particularity and culture have been neglected and under-estimated for a long time. All in all, this are putting in question regional power set-up, which was quite convenient to the imperialist centers of power and to Israel. It is about the process that makes the situation for the Arab People to get rid of the cheek of imperialism and finally get the Palestine rid of Israel’s occupation.
The emerging of mighty popular movements, especially in Tunisia and Egypt, is not suitable to the imperialist power centers of the West. From the beginning of these mass movements, western factors, especially the U.S., NATO, E.U., are trying hard to put them under control and manage their course in the way that corresponds to their strategic interests. Events in Libya have been a particular cause of concern. Although the character and demands of the anti-Gaddafi movement are not completely clear, serious danger of the foreign intervantion, the partition of Libya and of larger and prolonged civil war is somthing that warris us all. That would be neither in the interest of Libyan people nor the Arab world as a whole. The Belgrade Forum strongly rejects outside pressure, threats and any form of foreign intervention in Libya. Libyan people have their sovereign rights to ask for the changes in political, social and economic field in their country. We are convinced that Libyan people will overcome the present crises and find out the desired political solutions. It must not be permitted that Libya becomes North African military base of the United States and NATO, the springboard for manipulation with popular movements in Arab countries in the interest of the West and Israel.
War games about Libya, to which we assist these days, managed by the United States, E.U. and NATO, are the latest warning and doubtless evidence that our broader area is in focus of intensified interest of the novel NATO strategy, adopted at its summit in Lisbon on 20th November 2010. It is evident that external intervention in Libya under disguise of humanitarianism, has the goal to install control of the processes in the region, as well as on their energy and natural resources for the advantage of the imperialistic power centers. Legitimate is the aspiration of all peoples to express their aspirations and, indeed, their sovereign right to ask for the political, democratic, social and other changes in their own country. This, however, can not be the excuse for meddling from abroad or for the imposition of the solution by way of military intervention in contravention with the interest of peoples of these countries. Tragic experience of Serbia (the FR of Yugoslavia), who was subject to aggression in 1999, shows that NATO has no purpose to keep the peace, democracy or justice, but rather for the purpose of global domination of imperialism. We remind you that NATO, during the aggression twelve years ago, committed grievous crimes against the peace and humanity, killing thousands of civilians, using forbidden weapons with depleted uranium.
Overall experience from the end of last and the beginning of this century indicates that NATO is not defensive, but rather offensive, aggressive military alliance, whose real goals and practice are in contravention with basic principles of the UN Charter and the International Law. It is about military alliance that is trying hard, primarily on behalf of the United States, to discontinue unavoidable deep transformation in global relationship in the world, appearing not as a factor of peace, but factor of sharpening, confrontation and conflicts. Aggression on Serbia (FR of Yugoslavia) meant decisive turn about in change of the NATO strategy into offensive power, based on the doctrine of the “humanitarian intervention.” Actually, NATO has evolved as a tool for the attainment of American strategic goals on the global level.
At the last Summit in Lisbon the NATO goals „Going forward” were redefined so as to take the charge in decision-making on all global and regional issues, from civil wars and type of socio-political systems, to displacement of missiles, nuclear weapons, terrorism, or cyber security. Adopted strategic concept also endeavors NATO to additionally work-out the doctrine and military capability for the expeditionary operations world wide, which indicates the possibility of undertaking of new aggressive actions anywhere on the Planet. NATO pretends to be the sole guarantor of security in Europe, regardless of the fact that a score of European countries are not members of the Alliance. As such, the new Strategic concept of NATO means a serious threat for peace and security in the Mediterranean region, and broader in the world. The authors of that concept state, with surprising cynicism, that the Alliance is dedicated to the aims and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and to the Washington Agreement, which confirm desisive responsibility of the UN Security Council for safeguarding the peace and security. Bypassing exactly the United Nations and its Security Council, NATO had undertaken the aggression on Serbia (FR of Yugoslavia) and is evermore today showing up as a self-proclaimed peace protector, promoter of democracy, human rights and stability.
Although its existence during the Cold war could be formally justified, today the NATO is obsolete, unnecessary and detrimental. NATO has become the main hurdle to the democratization of international relations and its new interventionist strategy is the source of great danger for peace and security in the world. Confirmation of this is its expansion to the East, opening of its new military bases in Kosovo and Metohia, Bulgaria, Romania and other European countries, plan for installation of new missile systems in Europe, establishment of the NATO command for Africa and many other steps. Within this expansion action, Serbia is also subject to open pressure last few years to join the NATO. Great deal of population, some 75%, is against it, considering that Serbia should not be the member of any military alliance, but rather to remain neutral. Not just for the fact that Serbia was the target of NATO aggression, but also because its vital national interests are not compatible with aggressive nature, aims and strategy of NATO.
As for many peace-loving movements in Europe and in the world, for the majority of Serbia’s people there is nothing that justifies the existence of NATO, when world peace and security are in question. Therefor, the Belgrade Forum considers that all peace-loving forces of the world have to get united in their decisive request for the dissolution of the NATO alliance.
Yes to Pece! No to NATO!
Thank you for your attention.
NATO Aggression on Yugoslavia: Challenging an Illegal War - by Diana Johnstone
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The Centre for Research on Globalization presents Diana Johnstone, filmed in Belgrade, Serbia at the March 24, 2009 commemoration of NATO aggression against Yugoslavia.
Kosovo is mistake, Italian MEP says
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27 March 2011 | 15:26 | Source: Tanjug BRUSSELS -- MEP Pinno Arlacchi has said that Kosovo is the international community's biggest mistake in the past 12 years, adding that EULEX mission is a complete failure.
“The international community avoids going below the surface and looking into problems, it avoids admitting that Kosovo was a huge mistake, the biggest one in the past 12 years,” he told Tanjug.
“We created a mafia state and we care only about not letting the truth come out,” the Italian MEP added.
He pointed out that as a mission EULEX had so far been a complete failure, pointing out that the EU and the international community should stop having a false image of Kosovo as a stable place.
“The EU countries should start facing the truth and taking measures. The political situation in Kosovo and the fact that organized crime dominates its territory represent a huge threat to the security of the EU and the regional countries, even Albania,” said Arlacchi, a member of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament who actively took part in the creation of Italy's structures for combating mafia in the 1980s.
“EULEX has been a complete failure. They have no strategy or idea what to do, and they did not take into account Europe's experience in combating organized crime,” he underscored.
Remorse - NATO officier Chris Kas repented 12 years after the bombing of Serbia
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Remorse after 12 years: Serbs, sorry for our crime
Former officer in the NATO force in Kosovo and Metohija, Christian Kas (Kristian Kahrs), has publicly asked forgiveness of the Serbian people because of the evil that they had been subjected to during and after the 1999 bombing.
At the crime scene ... Kas now lives in Belgrade and he is sorry for the injustices inflicted on the Serbs
Kas is the rank of Major 2000th The spent six months in Kosovo in the KFOR mission.
- A month ago I saw the Serbs from Kosovo in a refugee camp near Resnik Crabs and then I realized how much we have caused harm to people here. More than ten years, I felt a collective responsibility because we did not defend the Serbs in Kosovo. However, after that visit the camp I felt a personal and moral responsibility since I was a senior officer in NATO. I want to publicly ask for forgiveness from the Serbian people. We were unable to protect them from the Albanians, we are totally failed in its mission. We are responsible for ethnic cleansing, under our supervision have been expelled more than 250,000 Serbs and other non-Albanians - began Kas story for the Press.
Norway welcomed the start of the bombing of the military exercises of his army, and soon after he arrived in Kosovo. According to UN Resolution 1244, Kas was part of a mission that was supposed to protect minority populations from the persecution of Albanians.
- In early January 2000. year I arrived in Kosovo. I stayed there for six months and I worked on the staff as an officer for notification. I was a spokesman for KFOR, and in my responsibilities was the official site of the mission. I watched closely to make big mistakes in the field. I watched as the force of law enforcement, as we are too busy on the role of liberators Albanians. We were too discouraged when we were allowed to transform the KLA into the Kosovo Protection Corps and then in Kosovo police.
Black Balance:
- 78 days time the bombing of Yugoslavia, from 24 March to 10 June 1999.
- 3,500 people killed
- 89 children killed
- 1031 member of the military and police killed
- 12,500 people injured
- 2,700 children were injured
- 19 countries participated in the aggression
- 2300 air attacks carried out
- 995 facilities attacked
- 1150 combat aircraft participated
- 420 000 projectiles were fired
Kas said he did not know much about Serbia before the arrival of the mission. He was shocked by some of the details that he has learned.
- I was preparing to institute under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway. There I met a lot of scientists who knew the situation in the Balkans. He was a prominent opponent of the bombing, told me that the authorities in Kosovo holds the mafia, that organized crime is widespread. He told me that there are data that suggest that the Albanians were the main heroin dealers in Norway. Later I was convinced of the truth of it - says Kas.
He remained as an officer of NATO in Kosovo by July 2000. year. After leaving military service he returned to Kosovo as a freelance journalist and remained there until February 2001. year.
- I will never forget the 16th February 2001. year. Then the terrorist attack occurred on the bus "Nis Express" in Podujevo. The attack was carried out Florim Ejupi. Then killed 12 Serbs. I was only an hour and a half after the massacre, and I saw bodies of killed Serbs, including the body of a child. Then I decided to leave. I moved to Serbia, where they still live and work as a freelance journalist. I do not want to go back to Norway, I want to live in Serbia - ending his confession Christian Kas.
Aren’t humanitarian interventions fun? - by Don Feder
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(Excerpts from the article “Libya Shows how Goffy Intervention has Become”)
What’s even more absurd and futile than going to war to spread democracy and advance human rights? Intervention to stop regimes from “killing their own people.”
And still the administration, its media lackeys, and European amnesiacs offer the moral imperative of protecting Libyan civilians as the casus belli for the second most senseless humanitarian intervention this nation has undertaken.
The first came under another leftwing Democratic president. In 1999, then-President William Hefner Clinton dove into bed with the Islamists of the Kosovo Liberation Army. (Maybe he missed Monica.) In the 78 days we shocked and awed Yugoslavia, 3,000 civilians died.
We were there, Clinton informed us, to stop the ethnic cleansing of Albanian Muslims by Serbian Christians. When NATO turned Kosovo over to the KLA, none of the alleged mass graves were found. The ethnic cleansing came later, when victorious Albanians drove 277,000 Serbs from their homes, two-thirds of the province’s pre-war population.
In December 2010, a report by the Council of Europe charged Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim (the Snake) Thaci with harvesting the organs of Serb prisoners murdered for that purpose.
Aren’t humanitarian interventions fun?
Don Feder is a former Boston Herald writer who is now a political/communications consultant. He also maintains his own website,
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Serbia and NATO - Roundtable - 23 March 2011
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Serbia should preserve military neutrality – NATO membership issue to be decided by referendum only
It is in the lasting interest of Serbia to retain and reinforce military neutrality that was instituted by the decision of the National Assembly – is the key message of the participants in the Roundtable titled “Serbia and NATO”, held on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of launching of NATO aggression against Serbia (the FRY). NATO should not be ignored, but in mutual relations experiences from the past two decades must not be forgotten. NATO 1999 aggression was a crime against peace and humanity which marked Alliance’s turning point from a defensive into an offensive military block. NATO strategy aims at domination rather than democratization in international affairs. As demonstrated by all the aggressions and occupations committed so far, from the 1999 aggression on Serbia (the FRY), through Afghanistan, Iraq and nowadays Libya, these are but façade for taking control of energy and strategic minerals resources. NATO defends and tries to impose uni-polar world relationsin spite of global changes introducing multi-polar world order.
These are some of the positions and views presented in addresses of the participants in this Roundtable.
The Partnership for Peace (the PfP) that Serbia joined in 2006, at the Riga Summit, is quite sufficient framework for the mutual Serbia - NATO. Tactics of a “crawling” joining the Alliance is quite unacceptable. Serbia’s membership to NATO would bring much more detriment and risks upon Serbia than benefits. The concept of a balanced foreign policy requires a balanced security policy that is inexistent at present – was a unanimous view of speakers and participants in hours-long discussion.
Relations between Serbia and NATO are a strategic issue of the utmost national importance. This is supported by independent surveys, which show that more than 70% of Serbian citizens are against Serbia’s membership to the Alliance. The state leadership is obliged to respect this position. If the issue of Serbia’s membership to NATO ever comes to the agenda, it can only be decided only by citizens of Serbia at referendum.
The venue for this Roundtable was the Ceremonial Hall of the Municipal Assembly of Novi Beograd City Hall, and it was attended by several hundred guests from the country and from abroad. Exhibition of photos and books depicting the consequences of the 1999 NATO aggression accompanied the round table.
The events have been jointly organized by the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Club of Generals and Admirals, and the War veterans association of Serbia.
The participants paid tribute to the victims of aggression, recalling that, during 78-day long, incessant bombing, over 3,500 people were killed and additional 12,000 wounded. They recalled that 89 children lost their lives of NATO bombes; the infrastructure, economy, and public services were devastated; the use of depleted uranium, cluster and graphite bombes, destruction of chemical factories inflicted indiscriminate long-lasting consequences to the population and environment.
The participants gave full support to the Report of Mr. Dick Marty and the ensuing Resolution of the Council of Europe to the effect of establishing the truth about human organs harvesting of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija abducted and killed by the terrorist KLA. The participants demanded action and full contribution of relevant state bodies of Serbia. Serbia and Serbian media have a moral obligation to counter any attempt to water down this initiative of Dick Marty and the Council of Europe.
Among the participants of the Round table were Prof. Radovan Radinović, Vladislav Jovanović, Zivadin Jovanovic, Zoran Vujić(Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs), Dr Stanislav Stojanović (Head of the Strategic Planning Department of the Minsitry of Defense), General Jovo Milanović, retired, Prof. Dr. Branko Krga, Prof. Dr. Peter Strutinski (Germany), Prof. Đorđe Vukadinović (“New Serbian Political Thought”), Dr Srđa Trifković, (“Chronicle”, the USA), Prof. Miodrag Zečević, Milovan Drecun, and others.
This Roundtable was also attended by several foreign diplomats accredited in Serbia.
The papers of the speakers will be published as the Roundtable Report and also uploaded to the website of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, at: (
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Immediately stop external armed assault on Libya !
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The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals holds that the armed assault of a group of countries against Libya goes beyond the scope of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, that it violates the principle of the international affairs enshrined in the United Nations Charter and, in its essence, is aimed at gaining effective control over the natural resources of that country.
It should be as clear as a day to anyone that there is no such a thing as humanitarian aggression.
As demonstrated by NATO aggression on Serbia/FRY twelve years ago, an aggression is bound to, and does, cause massive civilian deaths, and inflict destruction of infrastructure, economy and public services necessary for daily life of citizens. Aggression in general leads to destabilizing regions, stirring secessions, inciting terrorism and thriving international organized crime.
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals hereby joins the requests for immediate cessation of armed assault by a group of countries, in order to make it possible for the Libyan nation to deal with and solve its internal problems by peaceful means, while preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.
Milosevic put his accusers on trail - By Rüdiger Göbel
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Five years ago Yugoslavia's president died in The Hague. The local UN tribunal denied him adequate medical treatment. A conversation with Catherine Schütz
Cathrin Schütz, who holds a degree in political science and is a writer/analyst for Junge Welt, was a member of the defense team of Slobodan Milosevic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) from 2002 on. Among her contributions was "The destruction of Yugoslavia - Slobodan Milosevic replies to his accusers," published by the Zambon-Verlag
On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the death of Slobodan Milosevic you will be protesting this Friday (March 11, 2011) in at the Office of the United Nations in Vienna. Why not in The Hague where the former Yugoslav and Serbian president died in his cell during his trial before the Yugoslavia Tribunal (ICTY)?
The UN has created a monster with the ICTY and we’re demanding to finally remove this monster from the world. The governments of the United States and Germany set up the ICTY in 1993 as the first ad hoc tribunal in the UN Security Council, although the SC has no legal authority for such a step. A UN body, which judges citizens of member states, is in fundamental contradiction to the UN Charter. At the illegal establishment in The Hague we see no one to discuss this with.
What interest did the U.S. and Germany pursue with the establishment of the ICTY?
Because Yugoslavia stood in the way of their drive to expand in Eastern Europe, they led the way to its destruction; both states share responsibility for the outbreak and escalation of secessionist civil wars. With full awareness of the results of their plans, they had already in 1993 by diplomatic and covert operations covered their hands with Balkan blood, and then invented a "court" that could be used as a weapon to pressure the warring parties. And it should judge the crimes committed in former Yugoslavia - in true NATO-style: bring the recalcitrant Serbs to their knees and acquit the NATO countries of their responsibility. With this in mind, protected by the ICTY, NATO conducted an aggressive war against Yugoslavia in 1999 without a UN mandate. Because of its financial resources and political connections NATO spokesman Jamie Shea had described the military alliance as a "friend of the ICTY" and thus proactively explained why there would be no charges brought for NATO's war crimes -- crimes that have been certified by Amnesty International.
But there do exist international standards for fair trials.
In order to carry out the political mission, the ICTY had to disregard standards that normally apply. The Serbian opposition leader Vojislav Seselj has been held in custody for eight years. This is a clear breach of the European Convention on Human Rights. In any rule of law a defendant has a right to know what he is accused of. The ICTY has made basic changes in the particulars of the indictments several times, even after the trial had begun. It changed its own rules umpteen times and constantly violated them. Milosevic was refused his guaranteed right to defend himself. Radovan Karadzic is threatened with the same. The principle of giving equal treatment to prosecution and defense was violated every day. The prosecutor held weekly press conferences in the ICTY, and Richard Dicker of Human Rights Watch, a renowned producer of anti-Serb propaganda, rushed regularly to the foyer to attack Milosevic to the media. Meanwhile our colleague was ejected from the building when he distributed a handout to a journalist. The huge budget of the ICTY stood behind the accusers. The Milosevic-defense had to rely on donations alone. When the German government criminalized the fundraising campaign, froze our funds and also blocked my account, the ICTY refused us any support. This greatly limited our work.
You describe the ICTY as anti-Serb. But there were also Croats and Bosnian Muslims convicted...
Although this was a three-sided civil war, about 80 percent of all defendants are Serbs, including many top politicians and senior military. Not so with the Croats and Bosnian Muslims. The Croatian General Ante Gotovina was indeed found responsible for notorious "ethnic cleansing of Krajina," which removed hundreds of thousands of Serbs, but not his superior officers. The same applies to the Bosnian Muslim Naser Oric. Although he boasted during the war to the Western press with the severed heads of Serbs, the ICTY says that no one can prove he is responsible for the attacks of his soldiers on the Serbs around Srebrenica. The U.S. journalists, who were the first to see his human war trophies, were never called to testify by the ICTY. The pseudo trials against non-Serbs are meant to demonstrate to the outside world the impartiality of the ICTY.
Former ICTY chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte will now render a judgment in the case of organ trafficking by the Albanian Kosovar mafia. Serbs from Kosovo were deported to Albania and were systematically eviscerated.
Del Ponte has demonstrated in her autobiography the information needed to expose the organ trade, which led to the investigation and the report of the Special Rapporteur of the Council of Europe, Dick Marty. But I wonder if she in her current involvement wants to cover up a bigger scandal. Marty has namely discovered that under Del Ponte 2003the ICTY destroyed evidence of organ harvesting by the criminal gangs in Kosovo!
The majority of the local media [in Berlin] then described Slobodan Milosevic as they describe Muammar al Gadhafi today. Take your pick: Either he was a megalomaniac, evil, genocidal, yes, even a new Hitler. You were part of his defense team. What was it like?
Lord David Owen, former EU Special Envoy for the Balkans, described Milosevic as a "Yugoslav” who was anything but an ideologue for a Greater Serbia or promoter of "ethnic cleansing." I agree with Owen. Milosevic often took Croats and Bosnian Muslims under his protection, and he stressed how they were used by the West and misled. He also mentioned in his defense the support of the Bosnian Muslim forces by foreign mujahideen. However, he was opposed to any overestimation of the "Islamic terror." He stressed instead that the U.S. was responsible for the importation of Islamic fighters. It was no coincidence that the non-Serbs facing charges also respected him.
I was impressed by the reports of the defense witnesses, with whom I had close contact. They were Western politicians, diplomats, military officers, journalists who, in one way or another, witnessed the war. And all of their statements they confirmed that the allegations against Milosevic were as false as everything else that has been reported about Yugoslavia.
How did Milosevic experience his imprisonment and trial?
He probably never believed that the presumption of innocence would apply to him was that he would experience a legitimate trial. But he held his head high and put his accusers on trial. He made no compromise, no deal that would bring him privileges. He was free inside, as he himself observed. He could not help but see the ICTY as a repressive political instrument that was used to punish political leaders like him who refused to unconditionally surrender to imperialism. More and more harassment was used in order to weaken his defense. Finally the Tribunal in early 2006 refused to allow him treatment at a heart clinic in Moscow, which assured that he would not survive the Tribunal.
During the wars in former Yugoslavia, most of the media were uncritically anti-Serb. How did you find the journalists at the trial?
The press was never interested in the content of the trial. When it became clear that the prosecutors couldn’t prove their allegations, and on the other hand Milosevic could expose the arming of Croatian and Bosnian Muslim sides and later the Kosovo-Albanian side by Germany and the United States, the trial was hushed up. They did not allow the image of Serbia as the aggressor to falter. The German media did not even report it when a German witness was clearly shaken at the Kosovo portion of the trial. Ex-army officer Dietmar Hartwig was head of European observers in Kosovo and on the spot until the beginning of the NATO attack. He experienced terror, not from Serbs, but from the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). And Bo Adam of the Berliner Zeitung newspaper was told by local Albanians, that the "innocent Kosovars" at Racak* were really combat deaths.
Usually no journalists were there, with the exception of Germinal Civikov, whose reports provide valuable evidence.
*In January 1999, casualties from a battle between KLA commandos and Serb police and army in Racak, Kosovo, were disguised as civilian deaths and Western politicians and media used the incident to promote anti-Serb propaganda leading to the war.
By Rüdiger Göbel, Junge Welt
Solidarity with Cyprus Peace Movement
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Statement of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
- NATO Strategy – Divide and Rule -
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals expresses its solidarity with the Cypriot people and the Cyprus Peace Council in their firm opposition to the entry of the Cyprus Republic to the “Partnership for Peace of NATO.
NATO is a military arm of imperialism and should be disbanded not supported in any form, including so-called “Partnership for Peace”. It is well known that NATO does not serve objectives of peace and justice, but objectives of global domination in the interest of corporate capital and military complex of the western countries, particularly USA.
As the painful experiences of Cyprus and Serbia show, NATO does not support territorial integrity, sovereignty and freedom, but destruction, separatism and submission of other countries. Divide and rule is NATO’s strategy.
In the eve of the twelfth anniversary of NATO aggression against Serbia (FR of Yugoslavia), we recall that NATO committed heavy crimes against peace and humanity, killing thousands of civilians, using forbidden armaments with depleted uranium and destroying economy. NATO has demonstrated in practice that it is not defensive, but offensive, aggressive military alliance, whose real objectives and practice contradict UN Charter and basic principles of international law.
Therefore, all peace loving forces in the world should unite in demanding that NATO be dissolved.
Once again, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals reaffirms its full support to Cyprus Peace Council and to brotherly people of Cyprus in rejecting initiatives for the entrance of Cyprus to the “Partnership for Peace”.
Wrong choice in Kosovo - by Gregory Clark
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A recent Council of Europe report says that during and after the 1998-99 Kosovo conflict, militia leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) tortured and killed hundreds of Serbs and political rivals in secret Albanian hideouts, removed their organs for sale and dumped their bodies in local rivers.
The report added that these people were also heavily involved in drug, sex and illegal immigrant trafficking across Europe. Yet while all this was going on, the NATO powers had decreed that Serbia should be bombed into accepting the KLA as Kosovo's legitimate rulers — rather than the more popular Democratic League of Kosovo headed by the nationalist intellectual Ibrahim Rugova advocating nonviolent independence.
Recent years have not been kind to Western policymakers. They have shown an almost unerring ability to choose the wrong people for the wrong policies. Think back to the procession of incompetents chosen to rescue Indochina from the communist enemy. Does anyone even remember their names today? Yet at the time they were supposed to be nation-savers.
Before that the United Kingdom, United States and Australia had banded to try to prevent Lee Kuan Yew from being elected prime minister of Singapore. He was seen as a crypto-communist. They preferred the incompetent pro-British Lim Yew Hock.
Then we saw the West, and Japan, throw their support behind the hapless Afghan President Hamid Karzai as the strongman to defeat the evil Taliban whom the U.S. had once embraced as the good Taliban.
If not for the end of the Cold War, we almost certainly would be seeing the U.S. and U.K. today once again backing Middle East dictators against their protesting masses.
And now we discover that the people chosen to take over Kosovo from Serbia were not quite the heroes they were made out to be at the time.
Western involvement in the breakup of the former Yugoslavia had more than its share of such mistakes. The Serbian forces resisting the breakup were accused of war crimes and ethnic cleansing. But anyone aware of that nation's troubled history should have realized that the Serbian minorities in Croatia and Bosnia would not accept domination by the successors to their former pro-Nazi oppressors.
Retaliations and violent resistance, including even the shocking Srebrenica killings, were inevitable. Besides, the final result was that close to a million Serbs had to seek refuge in Serbia itself. So who had been cleansing whom?
Kosovo too had seen wartime ethnic cleansing against Serbs by pro-Nazi elements. The cleansing continued during the 1990s as U.S.-trained KLA guerrillas targeted Serbs isolated in rural districts and towns (by then Belgrade's efforts to give the province autonomy had failed on the rock of ethnic Albanian noncooperation).
When Belgrade finally sent in troops to resist the guerrillas, it was accused of war crimes even though the illegitimate force used was much less than what we see when most other Western nations, the U.S. particularly, intervene against guerrillas they do not like.
When many ethnic Albanians fled temporarily after the NATO bombing intervention, that too was supposed to be Serbian ethnic cleansing.
Even after gaining power, the KLA violence and cleansings continued. Their victims included the Jewish and Roma minorities and ethnic Albanians who had cooperated with Serbia's attempt to offer autonomy. The trafficking of drugs, women and body organs continued, right under the noses of the U.N. forces sent in to maintain order. Rugova supporters were eliminated.
The U.S., U.K. and Germany bear most of the blame for this horror; Germany especially should have realized the passions that would be unleashed by any sudden breakup of the former Yugoslavia. But they seemed more interested in the geopolitical gains.
In exchange for helping the KLA, the U.S. got to add the strategic Bondsteel military base in Kosovo to its global base network. And the feisty U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright got to play world leader at the 1999 Rambouillet conference by decreeing that the dashing, handsome KLA leader Hashim Thaci was far preferable to the elderly, unpretentious Rugova as Kosovo's future leader, and that Serbia should be bombed if it did not agree. Belgrade's agreement to Rugova as leader of an independent Kosovo was dismissed as irrelevant.
One wonders how the Serbs saw this performance. Two generations earlier, they had been the only European nation with the courage to resist Nazi attack. They had been bombed and massacred as a result. Now they were to suffer again at the hands of the NATO-supporting European nations, most of whom had spinelessly succumbed to, or had even collaborated with, that former Nazi enemy.
True, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has now resolved that it is "extremely concerned" over the recent KLA revelations. But is that not rather too late?
And will we see apologies from the people behind the past policies, particularly from the likes of former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair who still boasts that his firm resolve against Serbian "ethnic cleansing" in Kosovo led him to support the U.S. in Iraq? I doubt it.
Gregory Clark is a former Australian diplomat and longtime resident of Japan.
UN, France knew about KLA crimes!
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Tanjug News Agency
February 26, 2011
-Ramush Haradinaj, Thaci and Haliti all began their careers in Switzerland, which was the center of KLA activities and the place where, prior to 1999, enormous money intended for the KLA financing had been collected.
FRANKFURT: The UN and France knew about KLA leaders' link with the organized crime and protected and sheltered them, Frankfurt-based Serbian language daily Vesti writes.
The daily cited statements from a testimony of a well-known French criminologist, Xavier Raufer, relating to one of the Albanian mafia bosses Xhavit Haliti, who is now deputy parliament speaker.
Haliti has been linked to the worst kind of mafia activities in reports by several Western intelligence services, as well as in a recent report by NATO and in a report Dick Marty submitted to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
Raufer, a Paris-based professor of criminology, warned members of one of the committees of the French Senate already in 2003 that, after the establishment of the UN administration in Kosovo, Haliti had been arrested possessing drugs and a large amount of money but had nevertheless been immediately protected and released.
According to the record from a hearing in the French Senate held on March 12, 2003, dedicated to the national fight against drugs, in which Raufer answered questions by Senator Paul Giraud, a large number of criminals arrived in Western Europe at the time of the admission of refugees from Kosovo.
The French criminologist said that a number of security officials and university professors had warned the French government not to grant Haliti a visa when he had come to attend the talks on Kosovo's future in Rambouillet in 1999, stressing that Haliti was much more a mafia godfather than a small bandit-patriot, that he was a “mafioso of the first order”, one of the financiers and without any doubt the godfather of the young Hashim Thaci at the time.
Ramush Haradinaj, Thaci and Haliti all began their careers in Switzerland, which was the center of KLA activities and the place where, prior to 1999, enormous money intended for the KLA financing had been collected.
Letter to Prof. Rajko Dolecek
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Belgrade, February 28th, 2011.
Dear Prof. Rajko Dolocek,
Members of Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and millions of friends in Serbia and Serbian Diaspora are grateful to you, to Mr. Vaclav Dvorzak, director of the film “Stolen Kosovo” and to all friends in the Check Republic and Poland who demonstrated last week in Prague, Bialvostok, Schechin, Krakow, Wroclaw and other cities, for their solidarity with Serbs, for continues support to the integrity of Serbia and enormous contribution to spreading of the truth about events in the Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohija. Shameful, double standard policy of the leading western governments,
which have been hiding the truth about human organs trade and other UCK mafia crimes for their “ulterior” motives, must be further exposed and condemned as complicity.
We strongly condemn current manipulations aimed at watering findings of Swiss (PACE) Parliamentarian Dick Marty about human organ trafficking. We demand independent and efficient
International Inquiry, not one by EULEX and UNMIK, which have records of bias and drastic incompetency.
With the best wishes,
Živadin Jovanović
President of the Bel;grade Forum for a World of Equals
NATO: an assault to the peace it pledged to keep
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February 25, 2011
Once the Soviet Union collapsed 20 years ago, the members of the Warsaw Pact agreed to end their alliance. Originally formed at the height of the Cold War as a deterrent to NATO, it was no longer necessary.
¬But NATO carried on, and today the organization is having trouble justifying its existence.
Born of fear, the alliance “was originally supposed to defend Western Europe from the Soviet Union,” Ivan Eland, director of the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute, said.
The fall of the Berlin Wall changed all that. Now, decades later, the military alliance formed against the Soviet threat, has been long deprived of its enemy.
Fumbling for a clear-cut mission, the North Atlantic Treaty organization has been fighting for justifiable reason to be.
That has not stopped NATO from continuing to pursue a global reach. It has been 20 years since the Warsaw Pact, formed in response to NATO, dissolved, but even without its main geopolitical rival and with the Cold War long over, NATO has aggressively expanded. Their current operations span several countries, with troops and resources in Sudan, Kosovo, the Horn of Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Mediterranean Sea.
In November, they redefined their goals going forward, at the summit in Lisbon, wanting to tackle everything from nuclear disarmament, to terrorism and cyber security.
The redefinition was adopted amidst protests on the streets.
“NATO is out of date and out of time. We need a world of peace and justice, not one preparing for yet more wars,” advocates British MP Jeremy Corbyn.
And the NATO members have already been divided over the near decade-long war in Afghanistan. NATO has not prevailed there, calling into question the alliance’s mission.
“There was every expectation that with the end of the cold war NATO would be disbanded. Instead what happened in fact and in violation of accords and agreements at that time was NATO aggressively expanded” Sara Flounders of International Action Center told RT.
Critics say US defense companies are benefiting most from this expansion, with the sales of weapons to every new NATO member and the building of every new base and that growth allows other tools to be used.
Lawyer and author Eva Golinger believes, “It has changed, altered militarily to become also this very powerful political entity that is used to pressure countries to bow down to NATO’s agenda – NATO’s agenda being primarily a US agenda.”
It is an agenda some countries see as a threat and critics of that agenda right in the US say its global expansion must be stopped.
Manager of the Stop NATO campaign Rick Rozoff shared, “I don’t believe there’s anything that justifies NATO’s existence, at least in terms of world security and peace.”
Russian honorary medal for the Belgrade forum’s president
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The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia Alexander Konuzin presented the Honorary Medal to Zivadin Jovanovic, the President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals. The Medal established to mark 65th anniversary of the victory over Fascism and Nazism, and the Diploma signed by the President Dmitrij Medvedev, were presented at the solemn ceremony held on February 7th, 2011, at the Belgrade Russian Home. The ceremony initiated by the speeches of Ambassador Konuzin and laureate Jovanovic, followed by the feature film “The Star” and coctails, was attended by hundreds of guests from Belgrade and other cities of Serbia.
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Congratulations and replies related with the receiving of the Honorary Medal
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Dear Comrade and Friend Zivadin Jovanovic,
On behalf of the World Peace Council and in mine personally I am glad to greet you for the deserved homage you are being given in receiving the Honorary Medal.
I wish health and success in going on with our tasks and cause in common.
Best regards,
Socorro Gomes
President of the WPC
Dear Friend Socorro Gomes, President of the World Peace Council,
Thank you very much for your friendly congratulation on my receiving of the Honorary Medal established on occasion of 65th anniversary of the defeat over fascism. It is indeed a great honor to be the bearer of such unique recognition from Russian Federation, the country and people which suffered dozens of millions of human lives and gave the greatest contribution for the victory over Fascism and Nazism.
Let us prevent appearances of any new forms of these the most dangerous ideologies.
I wish you personally and to the World Peace Council headed by Your Excellency further success in the continuous struggle for peace, justice and wellbeing of all nations and all human beings in the World.
Comradely yours,
Živadin Jovanović
President of the Belgrade Forum For a World of Equals
La vérité sur le Kosovo en marche par Komnen Becirovic
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(Kosovo,Komnen Becirovic,Kouchner,Dick Marty,Taci)Décidément, la fin de l’année dernière et le début de cette année auront marqué un tournant dans la difficile naissance de la vérité sur le Kossovo, occultée, étouffée, bâillonnée depuis tant de lustres. D’abord mi-octobre, l’un des fauteurs du mal antiserbe en Occident, que ce soit lors des événements de Croatie, de Bosnie et du Kossovo, Bernard Kouchner chuta, certes sans rapport avec le Kossovo, du haut de son postede chef de la diplomatie française qu’il occupait depuis plus de trois ans. Ceci malgré le fait qu’il s’était distingué en tant que fauteur de guerre, non seulement contre les Serbes, mais aussi contre les Irakiens et les Iraniens, obnubilé qu'il était par sa théorie d’ingérence dans les affaires des Etatssouverains sous prétexte d’imposer, par le feu et le fer, les droits de l’homme et la démocratie! Et il s’en est fallude peu pour qu’il appelât à la guerre contre la Russie lors du conflit quiopposa celle-ci à la Géorgie, en août 2008, puisqu'il en vintà réclamer à grands crisdessanctions internationales, avant que Sarkozy ne le calmât !
Cependant, pour revenir au Kossovo, rappelons-nous son délire au lendemain de la guerre de l’Otan contre la Serbie, en juin 1999, lorsque, à peine nommé administrateur onusien de la province, il s’exclamait : « L’Europe est née au Kossovo, celle des droits de l’homme, celle que nous aimons ! » Alors que la malheureuse y expirait du fait que la nation serbe qui, contrairement à la nation albanaise, avait combattu par deux fois en un siècle pour la liberté de l’Europe et du monde, se trouvait meurtrie ; qu’un quart de million de Serbes du Kossovo prenait le chemin de l’exode ; que leurs biens y étaient usurpés ou détruits, leurs sanctuaires et leurs cimetières profanés et vandalisés par les Albanais ; et que, comble d’horreur, certains parmi ces derniers, notamment les chefs de l’UCK, piétaille de l’Otan sur place, s’adonnaient à de sinistres pratiques sur les prisonniers serbes en leur faisant arracher les organes vitaux afin d’en tirer un sinistre profit.
Naturellement, l’humanitariste Kouchner fut promu héros national des Kossovars, en même temps que le pervers Clinton leur libérateur, la scandaleuse Albright leur tante et, bientôt, la harpie Carla Del Ponte, procureure de l’inquisition antiserbe de la Haye, l’incarnation de la justice universelle. C’est encore à l’initiative de Kouchner que Sarkozy lança, au début de janvier 2008, son appel aux Etats de l’Union européenne en vue de la reconnaissance unanimed'un Kossovo cruellement dévasté et ethniquement nettoyé par l’Otan et par les Albanais, en tant qu’Etat indépendant. Ce qui provoqua de la part de l’auteur de ces lignes, une lettre ouverte au Président de la République intitulée : Prôner la civilisation à Paris, cautionner la barbarie au Kossovo, qui fut diffusée par une douzaine de sites.
En vain, nous avions clamé pendant des années, avec un certain nombre d’hommes et de femmes de conscience qui, dans la démission générale des élites politico-médiatiques, subsistait en France et dans le monde, la vérité sur le Kossovo et sur le drame yougoslave en général. Encore que notre intérêt portait principalement sur le désastre humain et civilisationnel suite à l’apocalypse de l’Otan sur la Serbie tout au long du printemps 1999, sur l’aberration scélérate des dirigeants occidentaux dans l’affaire du Kossovo, sur leur obstination d’y persister et de promouvoir coûte que coûte un Etat fantoche reposant sur l’imposture et le crime, quitte à en faire un cas unique au vu du droit international. Tant il est vrai, pour paraphraser Chateaubriand qui disait : quand on ne peut pas effacer ses erreurs, on les divinise, que la gente politico-médiatique de l’Ouest, s’efforce de transformer sa défaite morale au Kossovo en victoire, voire en exploit.
Toujours est-ilque ce n’est que providentiellementque la vérité commença à venir d’où on l’attendait le moins : de la part de Carla Del Pontequi, durant huit ans de son magistère à la tête du tribunal de la Haye, n’avait cessé, tel un fléau, de sévir contre les Serbes, son tribunal refusant, à quelques exceptions près, d’inculper les criminels de guerre croates, bosniaques et albanais les plus notoires,ou lesacquittant. Cependant, davantage piquée dans sa vanité qu’animée par le souci de la justice, elle souleva dans son livre La chasse, paru en 2008, le rideau sur un autre cercle de l’enfer kossovien, à savoir les trafics d'organes humains effectués par les protégés de l’Ouest, les Albanais. De leur côté, les autorités serbes firent savoir que depuis longtemps elles menaient là-dessus une enquête avec des résultats tangibles. Ce fut un début de rachat de Carla Del Ponte aux yeux des Serbes et de leurs amis, mais en même temps le début de sa disgrâce auprès des Albanais qui ne tardèrent pas à s’attaquer à la statue de la justice qu’elle représentait pour eux jusqu’alors.
Bientôt, une courageuse journaliste italienne libre, Maria Lina Veca, qui s’était rendue en mission humanitaire au Kossovo une trentaine de fois depuis 2000, et qui avait publié deux livres de reportages sur le Kossovo occupé par les Albanais à l’ombre de l’Otan, Le Kossovo perdu ?, en 2003, et Le Kossovo et la Métochie – retour impossible, en 2007, fit paraître un troisième volume sous le titre Cœur de loup où elle rapportait, dansune forme à peine romancée, ce qu’elle avait entendu de la part des familles de disparus au sujet des trafics d’organes, lors de ses nombreux séjours au Kossovo. Dans le même temps,le Conseil de l’Europe chargeait d’une enquête sur cette question le sénateur suisse Dick Marty, personnalité au-dessus de tout soupçon, qui avait notamment fait preuve de son intégrité lors de l’enquête menée à bien sur les prisons secrètesde la CIA en Europe, en 2006, dont il avait été investi par ladite institution.
La présentation de son Rapport devant le Comité du Conseil de l’Europe, le 21 décembre dernier à Paris, allait provoquer un véritable séisme : l’immense tour de Babel du mensongeédifiée au Kossovo et qui projetait son ombre délétère sur le monde actuel, se mit à vaciller sur ses bases et à se lézarder. Le guignol auquel s’était livré l’un de ses architectes, Bernard Kouchner, le 3 mars 2010, dans l’enclave serbe de Gratchanitsa, éclatant d’un rire forcé accompagné d’insultes au journaliste qui l’interrogea sur les trafics d’organes perpétrés sous son règne au Kossovo, réapparut sur tous les écrans d’ordinateurs, sans que l’on puisseen dire autant des écrans de télévision – le conformisme et la pensée unique obligent. L’autre image qui envahit les écrans d’internautes, fut celle de ce guerrier de la paix, comme Kouchner se nomme lui-même, s’affichant, en juillet 1999, en compagnie du général américain Wesley Clark, commandant de l’Otan, du général britannique Michael Jackson, son adjoint, et desdeux chefs de l’Uçk, Hashim Thaci et Agim Ceku, tous les mains jointes, exultant en triomphateurs complices. Bien que l’on voit mal Kouchner touché par la grâce du repentir, le voici en train d’être rattrapé par son passé. Sartre a bien dit que nos actes nous engagent et nousaccompagnent à jamais. Et le jour n’est pas loin où le guerrier de la paix apparaîtra comme le guerrier de la paix mortuaire, tout au moins en ce qui concerne une multitude deSerbes et d'Irakiens,victimes de son délire interventionniste. Il faut se rappeler que, déjà en 1992, lors du voyage de Mitterrand à Sarajevo, l’humanitariste prônait le bombardement des Serbes de Bosnie afin de libérer les prétendus camps de viol serbes dans lesquels cent mille femmes musulmanes auraient été détenues.
Parmi ces photos et ces vidéos révélatrices de l’abîme du mal kossovien, qui surgirent, innombrables, à la suite du Rapport de Dick Marty, l’une des plus éloquentes est certainement celle de la grosse vieille Albright, fauteuse de la guerre auxSerbes, littéralementfondant dans les bras du jeune chef de l’Uçk, Hashim Thaci, surnommé le « Serpent », et qui s'avère le redoutable personnage du dit Rapport, comme on est le héros négatif ou positif d’un roman. Il y a lieu, devant ce spectacle, de s'interroger : les événements du Kossovo auraient-ils pris une autre tournure, si Mme Albright avait été plus vertueuse, un peu comme on se demande : le destin du monde eût-il été différent, si le nez de Cléopâtre avait été plus court ? En tout cas, ici on est bien loin,autant de la belle Cléopâtre que de la belle Hélène qui fut à l’origine de la guerre de Troie.
Outre qu’il provoqua et ne cesse de le faire, la propagationde ces images, ainsi qu’unvéritable raz-de-marée d’articles, le Rapport de Dick Marty, fit pénétrer quelques lumières jusqu’aux plus épaisses ténèbres des véritables antres du mal antiserbe, ainsi que le furent pendant de longues années, des journaux comme Le Monde, le New York Times ou le Washington Post. On put y lire, enfin, des articles mettant en doute les probes Albanais face aux méchants Serbes, le soi-disant Etat kossovar que l’on qualifie de plus jeune démocratie, the youngest democracy, apparaissant comme le trou noir de l’Europe, ce qui constituait dès le début pour les initiés une évidence. On vit aussi le Guardian qui, à la différence des quotidiensprécités, publiait parfois des textes véridiques sur le drame yougoslave, tout comme le faisait l’Independent, diffuser sur son site, le 14 janvier 2011, des extraits du Journal d’AlastairCampbell, conseillé de Tony Blair pour les médias, en fait son âme damnée, si toutefois Blair en avait besoin d’une.
Cette sorte d’aveux intitulés The shaping of a war leader fait entrevoir les sombres manigances de Blair et autres défenseurs de la civilisation durant la guerre du Kossovo : la recherche désespérée d’une stratégie de mensonge pour justifier devant une opinion de plus en plus dubitative, l’étendue des crimes de l’Otan contre les Serbes, le recours envisagé à l’emploi desnouvelles armes les plus meurtrières afin de venir à bout de la résistance serbe, la terreur des dirigeants de l’Ouest à la seule idée de perdre la face, comme s’ils en avaient eu une, en particulier l’obsession de Clinton de se racheter par la victoire sur les Serbes des pratiques sordides avec sa stagiaire, autrement dit de laver sa saleté morale en se vautrant dans le sang innocent serbe…
Bien davantage que la résurgence d’une inimitié multiséculaire entre Serbes et Albanais, la guerre du Kossovo aura été révélatrice de la nature humaine, du mal dans l’homme, des tristes limites de ce dernier, de la démission des élites, de l’inhumanité des humanistes. On est stupéfait de la promptitude avec laquelle de grandes nations de l’Occident, qui ont eu la malchance d’avoir des dirigeants aussi médiocres, ignorants, indignes, vaniteux, que sont Clinton, Blair, Schroeder, Chirac et leur entourage souvent animé par de basses motivations se soient faites les mercenaires d’une organisation terroriste, l’Uçk, qui était, un an avant l'éclatement du conflit auKossovo, inscrit comme telle sur toutes les listes des services secrets, en commençant parla CIA !
Ainsi, le ventriloque Chirac s'adressa à la nation rien moins que cinq fois en 78 jours et nuits que durèrent les bombardements de l'Otan sur la Serbie, afin de fustiger la prétendue barbarie serbe et de justifier l'assassinat d'un pays ami de la France depuis toujours; l'abominable Clinton, le cerveau toujours embué par la fumée du cigare plongé auparavant dans le sexe de la stagiaire, soudain mué enfoudre de la civilisation, menaçait en assénant que l'apocalypse de l'Otan allait se poursuivre sur la Serbie durant de longs mois, si nécessaire; le scélérat Blair au rictus de mort, grisé par les premières coupes de sang serbe, s'ouvrait à son conseiller médiatique en assurant qu'il méritait de gouverner un pays beaucoup plus vaste que ne l'est la Grande-Bretagne; son acolyte germain, le goguenard Schroeder, lui demandait si la désinformation battait son plein, assouvissant à l'évidence sa vengeance d'avoir perdu son père, en tant que soldat de la Wermacht, dans les Balkans. Et ainsi de suite, comme si l'on était en désespérance du mal à commettre et, dès que l'occasion se présenta, on s'y engouffra, la civilisation montrant soudain son envers barbare.
Certes, il n’a pas fallu attendre le Rapport de Dick Marty pour être conscient de tout cela, mais son grand mérite, c’est avoir eu le courage de rompre la conspiration du silence sur la réalité kossovienne, encore que la question des trafics d’organes humains ne soit qu’une partie effrayante, certes, de cette réalité. Puisque l'on s’est repu pendant des années des crimes serbes, voici l’occasion de se pencher sur l’ensemble des crimes albanais et surtout sur les crimes de l’Otan, dont cette partie de l’Europe va pâtir durant des millénaires du fait de la pollution de la nature et de l’environnement par l’emploi des armes à l’uranium appauvri et autres substances toxiques. Depuis la guerre aérienne dite humanitaire de l’Otan contre la Serbie, les maladies cancéreuses en Serbie, et en particulier dans la province du Kossovo, sont en progression galopante.
Alexandre Soljenitsyne, lors de la publication de L’Archipel du goulag, exprimait le vœu qu’elle provoquera les torrents de la justice, et son vœu d’être bientôt exaucé. On ne peut que souhaiter que le Rapport de Dick Marty soit suivi des torrents de la vérité surle Kossovo afin que cet espace du Christ par excellence, aussi bien par sa gloire que par son martyre, cesse d’être un espace de ténèbres et devienne celui dela katharsis d’un Occident fourvoyé.
En tout cas, la dynamique de vérité sur le Kossovo, que Dick Marty, selon sa propre expression, voulait lancer avec son Rapport, semble être bien enclenchée.
Komnen Becirovic
Membre Médias France Libre
Komnen Becirovic: la vérité sur le Kossovo fait son chemin
Uploaded by webtele-libre.
M.Komnen Becirovic dénonce la manipulation Kouchner/Taci
Uploaded by aloulo77.
You can download both movies here:
(Komnen Becirovic_ la vérité sur le Kossovo fait son chemin.mp4
M.Komnen Becirovic dénonce la manipulation Kouchner_Taci.mp4)
Eventually, the Actual Administration Will Also Become a “Former Regime”
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(Interview with Jelena Divkovic - journalist - newspaper Today "Данас" 5-6. 2. 2011.)
English translation: Branislava Mitrovic
Živadin Jovanović, formerly Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, gives interview to “Danas” Daily on the occasion of receiving a Russian honorary medal
Belgrade – The actual politicians lack awareness that the actual administration will, in time, become a former one. There is too much of party politics where we need state and national approaches.
“The government exercises excessive optimism, and the citizens demonstrate distrust. It is necessary to abolish feudalism within government and prevent feudalization of state territory” – this is how former Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Mr. Živadin Jovanović, sees the ongoing political situation in Serbia.
In an interview for the Belgrade “Danas” daily on the occasion of receiving a high recognition from the Russian Federation, Russian Honorary Medal, which will be awarded to him next Monday by Russian Ambassador in Belgrade, H. E. Aleksandar Konuzin, Mr. Jovanović underlines that Serbia’s legitimate aspirations to become a European Union member state “should not be exercised by renouncing vital state and national interests, especially not by conceding to requisition of Kosovo and Metohija, because nothing is comparable with the latter, not even the EU”.
How do you perceive the current relations between Serbia and Russia, and is there anything to be changed?
- Serbia needs a strategy of balanced relations with all important stakeholders. As a European country, Serbia should pay greatest attention to her relations with neighbors and the EU countries. Having said that, I am of the opinion that the pace of improving relations with Russia need to be quicker. We need greater openness for cooperation, as urges not only the tradition but also sheer interests. We have been sharing common market with Russia for the past 11 years, but it is debatable to which extent Serbia makes use of this opportunity. Further, Serbia is rather interested in establishing energy security jointly with Russia.
Still, Belgrade administration attributes the highest priority to EU integration.
- Serbia’s aspiration to become a EU member state is legitimate. However, this should not be exercised by renouncing vital state and national interests, especially not by conceding to requisition of Kosovo and Metohija, because nothing is comparable with Kosovo and Metohija, not even the EU.
What do you think of relations between Belgrade and Washington?
- Relations with the USA are important for the international standing of Serbia; however, Belgrade need have its own agenda rather than rubberstamping one coming from Washington. The entire American politics demonstrates that it favors all former Yugoslav Republics much more than Serbia. Besides, military relations between Serbia and the US should not outclass the political ones, especially bearing in mind that the US has led NATO aggression in 1999, and that it was the sponsor of the KLA, and is the key power seeking to dispossess Serbia of Kosovo and Metohija.
When should begin the dialogue with Priština? Should the talks include the question of Kosovo status?
- Dialogue with Priština is necessary, yet it has to be different than previous attempts of talks. It should begin with easier issues. However, the dialogue format should remain within United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, given that it retains permanent importance and none is questioning it. This means that the dialogue must include status of Kosovo, which may be resolved by means of a compromise solution within Resolution 1244.
Presently, the most topical issue concerning Kosovo is the Report of Dick Marty, Special Rapporteur of the Council of Europe. How do you appraise this document, and what could unfold as its follow-up?
- I deem that Marty’s Report and resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe are most important for revealing the truth about events in Kosovo and Metohija throughout 1990s and also thereafter. Now is crucial to ensure full protection of witnesses, and conduct efficient investigation to which Serbia can contribute considerably. I believe that this investigation should be conducted by an independent international team of experts, not EULEX, because the latter has already failed in this same matter.
How do you evaluate the performance of Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić?
- What Vuk Jeremić does is related with higher levels of administration, the Government of Serbia and the President of the Republic. Jeremić is not on his own in foreign policy, he executes what is agreed at the highest state level. I think Jeremić is energetic and dynamic and, if there are any objections concerning the foreign policy, he is the last one to be blamed.
Do you have any objection against the situation in Serbian ‘internal’ politics?
- It does no good to anyone to keep finding excuses for the ongoing situation in Serbia only in past regimes and global crisis. There is lack of awareness that the actual administration will someday become a former one. There is too much of party politics where we need state and national approaches. The government exercises excessive optimism, and the citizens demonstrate significant distrust. It is necessary to abolish feudalism within government and prevent feudalization of state territory.
The Russian Honorary Medal will be awarded to Živadin Jovanović on Monday, 7th February, in a ceremony in Russian Home, in marking the 75th anniversary of the beginning of fighting against fascism, and 65 years since the Allies victory in World War II. Last year, this same medal was received by President of Serbia Boris Tadić. “I am deeply honored to receive this recognition from the country who suffered the biggest human sacrifices and gave the greatest contribution to combating fascism”, said Jovanović.
Criminal Kosovo: America’s Gift to Europe - by Diana Johnstone
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U.S. media have given more attention to hearsay allegations of Julian Assange’s sexual encounters with two talkative Swedish women than to an official report accusing Kosovo prime minister Hashim Thaci of running a criminal enterprise which, among almost every other crime in the book, has murdered prisoners in order to sell their vital organs on the world market.
The report by Swiss liberal Dick Marty was mandated two years ago by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). Not to be confused with the European Union, the Council of Europe was founded in 1949 to promote human rights, the rule of law and democracy and has 47 member states (compared to 27 in the EU).
While U.S. legal experts feverishly try to trump up charges they can use to demand extradition of Assange to the United States, to be duly punished for discomfiting the empire, U.S. State Department spokesman Phillip Crowley piously reacted to the Council of Europe allegations by declaring that the United States will continue to work with Thaci since “any individual anywhere in the world is innocent until proven otherwise”.
Everyone, that is, except, among others, Bradley Manning who is in solitary confinement although he has not been found guilty of anything. All the Guantanamo prisoners have been considered guilty, period. The United States is applying the death penalty on a daily basis to men, women and children in Afghanistan and Pakistan who are innocent until proven dead.
Embarrassed supporters of Thaci’s little self-proclaimed state dismiss the accusations by saying that the Marty Report does not prove Thaci’s guilt.
Of course it doesn’t. It can’t. It is a report, not a trial. The report was mandated by the PACE precisely because judicial authorities were ignoring evidence of serious crimes. In her 2008 memoir in Italian La caccia. Io e i criminali di guerra (The Hunt. Me and the War Criminals), the former prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague, Carla del Ponte, complained that she had been prevented from carrying out a thorough investigation of reports of organ extraction from Serb and other prisoners carried out by the “Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)” in Albania. Indeed, rumors and reports of those atrocities, carried out in the months following the occupation of Kosovo by NATO-led occupation forces, have been studiously ignored by all relevant judicial authorities.
The Marty report claims to have uncovered corroborating evidence, including testimony by witnesses whose lives would be in danger if their names were revealed. The conclusion of the report is not and could not be a verdict, but a demand to competent authorities to undertake judicial proceedings capable of hearing all the evidence and issuing a verdict.
Skepticism about atrocities
It is always prudent to be skeptical about atrocity stories circulating in wartime. History shows many examples of totally invented atrocity stories that serve to stir up hatred of the enemy during wartime, such as the widely circulated World War I reports of the Germans “cutting off the hands of Belgian babies”. Western journalists and politicians abandoned all prudent skepticism regarding the wild tales that were spread of Serb atrocities used to justify the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia. Personally, my skepticism extends to all such stories, regardless of the identity of the alleged perpetrators, and I have refrained for years from writing about the Albanian organ transplant stories for that reason. I never considered Carla del Ponte a reliable source, but rather a gullible and self-aggrandizing woman who had been selected by the U.S. sponsors of the ICTY because they thought they could manipulate her. No doubt the sponsors of the Tribunal she was working for, which was set up by and for the United States and NATO allies in order to justify their choice of sides in the Yugoslav civil wars, would have called a halt before she could stray from her assigned path to stick her nose into crimes committed by America’s Albanian protégés. But that does not prove that the alleged crimes actually were committed.
However, the Marty report goes beyond vague rumors to make specific allegations against the KLA’s “Drenica group” led by Hashim Thaci. Despite refusal of Albanian authorities to cooperate, there is ample proof that the KLA operated a chain of “safe houses” on Albanian territory during and after the 1999 NATO war against Serbia, using them to hold, interrogate, torture and sometimes murder prisoners. One of these safe houses, belonging to a family identified by the initial “K”, was cited by Carla del Ponte and media reports as “the yellow house” (since painted white). To quote the Marty Report (paragraph 147):
“There are substantial elements of proof that a small number of KLA captives, including some of the abducted ethnic Serbs, met their death in Rripe, at or in the vicinity of the K. house. We have learned about these deaths not only through the testimonies of former KLA soldiers who said they had participated in detaining and transporting the captives while they were alive, but also through the testimonies of persons who independently witnessed the burial, disinterment, movement and reburial of the captives’ corpses (…)”
An undetermined but apparently small number of prisoners were transferred in vans and trucks to an operating site near Tirana international airport, from which fresh organs could be flown rapidly to recipients.
“The drivers of these vans and trucks – several of whom would become crucial witnesses to the patterns of abuse described – saw and heard captives suffering greatly during the transports, notably due to the lack of a proper air supply in their compartment of the vehicle, or due to the psychological torment of the fate that they supposed awaited them” (paragraph 155).
Captives described in the report as “victims of organised crime” included “persons whom we found were taken into central Albania to be murdered immediately before having their kidneys removed in a makeshift operating clinic” (paragraph 156).
These captives “undoubtedly endured a most horrifying ordeal in the custody of their KLA captors. According to source testimonies, the captives ‘filtered’ into this final subset were initially kept alive, fed well and allowed to sleep, and treated with relative restraint by KLA guards and henchmen who would otherwise have beaten them up indiscriminately” (paragraph 157).
“The testimonies on which we based our findings spoke credibly and consistently of a methodology by which all of the captives were killed, usually by a gunshot to the head, before being operated on to remove one or more of their organs. We learned that this was principally a trade in ‘cadaver kidneys’, i.e. the kidneys were extracted posthumously; it was not a set of advanced surgical procedures requiring controlled clinical conditions and, for example, the extensive use of anaesthetic” (paragraph 162).
Skepticism about liberation”
The Marty report also recalls what is common knowledge in Europe, namely that Hashim Thaci and his “Drenica Group” are notorious criminals. While “liberated” Kosovo sinks ever further into poverty, they have amassed fortunes in various aspects of illicit trade, notably enslaving women for prostitution and controlling illegal narcotics across Europe.
“Notably, in confidential reports spanning more than a decade, agencies dedicated to combating drug smuggling in at least five countries have named Hashim Thaci and other members of his “Drenica Group” as having exerted violent control over the trade in heroin and other narcotics” (paragraph 66).
“Similarly, intelligence analysts working for NATO, as well as those in the service of at least four independent foreign Governments, made compelling findings through their intelligence-gathering related to the immediate aftermath of the conflict in 1999. Thaci was commonly identified, and cited in secret intelligence reports, as the most dangerous of the KLA’s ‘criminal bosses’” (paragraph 67).
The leftists who fell hook, line and sinker for the “war to rescue the Kosovars from genocide” propaganda that justified NATO’s debut as aggressive bomber/invader in 1999 readily accepted the identification of the “Kosovo Liberation Army” as a national liberation movement deserving their support. Isn’t it part of romantic legend for revolutionaries to rob banks for their cause? Leftists assume such criminal activities are merely a means to the end of political independence. But what if political independence is in reality the means to sanctuarize criminal activities?
Assassinating policemen, the KLA specialty prior to being given Kosovo by NATO, is an ambiguous activity. Is the target “political oppression”, as claimed, or simply law enforcement?
What have Thaci and company done with their “liberation”? First of all, they allowed their American sponsors to build a huge military base, Camp Bondsteel, on Kosovo territory, without asking permission from anyone. Then, behind a smokescreen of talk of building democracy, they have terrorized ethnic minorities, eliminated their political rivals, fostered rampant crime and corruption, engaged in electoral fraud, and ostentatiously enriched themselves thanks to the criminal activities that constitute the real economy.
The Marty Report recalls what happened when Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic, under NATO threat of wiping out his country, agreed to withdraw from Kosovo and allow a U.N. force called KFOR (quickly taken over by NATO) to occupy Kosovo.
“First, the withdrawal of the Serb security forces from Kosovo had ceded into the hands of various KLA splinter groups, including Thaci’s “Drenica Group”, effectively unfettered control of an expanded territorial area in which to carry out various forms of smuggling and trafficking” (paragraph 84).
“KFOR and UNMIK were incapable of administering Kosovo’s law enforcement, movement of peoples, or border control, in the aftermath of the NATO bombardment in 1999. KLA factions and splinter groups that had control of distinct areas of Kosovo (villages, stretches of road, sometimes even individual buildings) were able to run organised criminal enterprises almost at will, including in disposing of the trophies of their perceived victory over the Serbs” (paragraph 85).
“Second, Thaci’s acquisition of a greater degree of political authority (Thaci having appointed himself Prime Minister of the Provisional Government of Kosovo) had seemingly emboldened the “Drenica Group” to strike out all the more aggressively at perceived rivals, traitors, and persons suspected of being “collaborators” with the Serbs” (paragraph 86).
In short, NATO drove out the existing police, turning the province of Kosovo over to violent gangsters. But this was not an accident. Hashim Thaci was not just a gangster who took advantage of the situation. He had been hand-picked by U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and her right-hand man, James Rubin, for the job.
“You ought to be in movies…”
Until February 1999, Hashim Thaci’s only claim to fame was in Serbian police records, where he was wanted for various violent crimes. Then suddenly, at a French chateau called Rambouillet, he was thrust into the world spotlight by his American handlers. It is one of the most bizarre twists to the whole tragi-comic Kosovo saga.
Ms Albright was eager to use the ethnic conflict in Kosovo to make a display of U.S. military might by bombing the Serbs, in order to reassert U.S. dominance of Europe via NATO. But some European NATO country leaders thought it politically necessary to make at least a pretense of seeking a negotiated solution to the Kosovo problem before bombing. And so a fake “negotiation” was staged at Rambouillet, designed by the United States to get the Serbs to say no to an impossible ultimatum, in order to claim that the humanitarian West had no choice but to bomb.
For that, they needed a Kosovo Albanian who would play their game.
Belgrade sent a large multi-ethnic delegation to Rambouillet, ready to propose a settlement giving Kosovo broad autonomy. On the other side was a purely ethnic Albanian delegation from Kosovo including several leading local intellectuals experienced in such negotiations, including the internationally recognized leader of the Albanian separatist movement in Kosovo, Ibrahim Rugova who, it was assumed, would lead the “Kosovar” delgation.
But to the general surprise of observers, the seasoned intellectuals were shoved aside, and leadership of the delegation was taken over by a young man, Hashim Thaci, known in law-enforcement circles as “the Snake”.
The American stage-managers chose Thaci for obvious reasons. While the older Kosovo Albanians risked actually negotiating with the Serbs, and thus reaching an agreement that would prevent war, Thaci owed everything to the United States, and would do as he was told. Moreover, putting a “wanted” criminal at the top of the delegation was an affront to the Serbs that would help scuttle negotiations. And finally, the Thaci image appealed to the Americans’ idea of what a “freedom fighter” should look like.
Albright’s closest aide, James Rubin, acted as talent scout, gushing over Thaci’s good looks, telling him he was so handsome he should be in Hollywood. Indeed, Thaci did not look like a Hollywood gangster, Edward G. Robinson style, but a clean-cut hero with a vague resemblance to the actor Robert Stack. Joe Biden is said to have complained that Madeleine Albright was “in love” with Thaci. Image is everything, after all, especially when the United States is casting its own Pentagon superproduction, “Saving the Kosovars”, in order to redesign the Balkans, with its own “independent” satellite states.
The pretext for the 1999 war was to “save the Kosovars” (the name assumed by the Albanian population of that Serbian province, to give the impression that it was a country and that they were the rightful inhabitants) from an imaginary threat of “genocide”. The official U.S. position was to respect the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia. But it was always quite obvious that behind the scenes, the United States had made a deal with Thaci to give him Kosovo as part of the destruction of Yugoslavia and the crippling of Serbia. The chaos that followed the withdrawal of Yugoslav security forces enabled the KLA gangs to take over and the United States to build Camp Bondsteel.
Cheered on by a virulent Albanian lobby in the United States, Washington has defied international law, violated its own commitments (the agreement ending the 1999 war called for Serbia to police Kosovo’s borders, which was never allowed), and ignored muted objections from European allies to sponsor the transformation of the poor Serbian province into an ethnic Albanian “independent state”. Since unilaterally declaring independence in February 2008, the failed statelet has been recognized only by 72 out of 192 U.N. members, including 22 of the European Union’s 27 members.
EULEX versus Clan Loyalty
A few months later, the European Union set up a “European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo” (EULEX) intended to take over judicial authority in the province from the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) that had ostensibly exercised such functions after NATO drove out the Serbs. The very establishment of EULEX was proof that the EU’s recognition of Kosovo’s independence was unjustified and dishonest. It was an admission that Kosovo, after being delivered to KLA bands (some in war against each other), was unable to provide even a semblance of law and order, and thus in no way prepared to be “an independent state”.
Of course the West will never admit this, but it was the complaints of the Serb minority in the 1980s that they could not count on protection by police or law courts, then run by the majority ethnic Albanian communist party, that led to the Serbian government’s limitation of Kosovo’s autonomy, portrayed in the West as a gratuitous persecution motivated by racial hatred of Hitlerian proportions.
The difficulties of obtaining justice in Kosovo are basically the same now as they were then – with the difference that the Serbian police understood the Albanian language, whereas the UNMIK and EULEX internationals are almost entirely dependent on local Albanian interpreters, whose veracity they are unable to check.
The Marty Report describes the difficulties of crime investigation in Kosovo:
“The structure of Kosovar Albanian society, still very much clan orientated, and the absence of a true civil society have made it extremely difficult to set up contacts with local sources. This is compounded by fear, often to the point of genuine terror, which we have observed in some of our informants immediately upon broaching the subject of our inquiry.
“The entrenched sense of loyalty to one’s clansmen, and the concept of honour … rendered most ethnic Albanian witnesses unreachable for us. Having seen two prominent prosecutions undertaken by the ICTY leading to the deaths of so many witnesses, and ultimately a failure to deliver justice, a Parliamentary Assembly Rapporteur with only paltry resources in comparison was hardly likely to overturn the odds of such witnesses speaking to us directly.
“Numerous persons who have worked for many years in Kosovo, and who have become among the most respected commentators on justice in the region, counseled us that organized criminal networks of Albanians (‘the Albanian mafia’) in Albania itself, in neighbouring territories including Kosovo and ‘the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’, and in the Diaspora, were probably more difficult to penetrate than the Cosa Nostra; even low-level operatives would rather take a jail term of decades, or a conviction for contempt, than turn in their clansmen.”
A second report submitted this month to the Council of Europe by rapporteur Jean-Charles Gardetto on witness protection in war crimes trials for former Yugoslavia notes that there is no witness protection law in Kosovo and, more seriously, no way to protect witnesses that might testify against fellow ethnic Albanians.
“In the most serious cases, witnesses are able to testify anonymously. However, it was made clear to the rapporteur that these measures are useless as long as the witness is physically in Kosovo, where everybody knows everybody else. Most witnesses are immediately recognised by the defence when they deliver their testimony, despite all the anonymity measures.”
“There are many limitations to the protection arrangements currently available, not least because Kosovo has a population of less than two million with very tight-knit communities. Witnesses are often perceived as betraying their community when they give evidence, which inhibits possible witnesses from coming forward. Furthermore, many people do not believe that they have a moral or legal duty to testify as a witness in criminal cases.
“Moreover, when a witness does come forward, there is a real threat of retaliation. This may not necessarily put them in direct danger, losing their job for example, but there are also examples of key witnesses being murdered. The trial of Ramush Haradinaj, the former leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army, well illustrates this. Mr. Haradinaj was indicted by the ICTY for crimes committed during the war in Kosovo but was subsequently acquitted. In its judgment, the Tribunal highlighted the difficulties that it had had in obtaining evidence from the 100 prosecution witnesses. Thirty-four of them were granted protection measures and 18 had to be issued with summonses. A number of witnesses who were going to give evidence at the trial were murdered. These included Sadik and Vesel Muriqi, both of whom had been placed under a protection program by the ICTY.”
Europes Dilemma
Naturally, European accomplices in putting the Thaci gang in charge of Kosovo have been quick to dismiss the Marty report. Tony Blair apologist and former Labour minister Dennis MacShane wrote in The Independent (UK) that, “There is not one single name or a single witness to the allegations that Thaci was involved in the harvesting of human organs from murdered victims.” To someone unfamiliar with the circumstances and with the report, that may sound like a valid objection. But Marty has made it clear that he can supply names of witnesses to competent judicial authorities. Thaci himself acknowledged that they exist when he stated that he would publish the names of Marty’s witnesses – a statement understood as a death threat by those familiar with the Pristina scene.
One of the most prominent Europeans to hope that the Marty report will disappear is the French media humanitarian Bernard Kouchner, until recently Sarkozy’s foreign minister, who officially ran Kosovo as the first head of UNMIK after the NATO occupation. Contrary to Kouchner’s protests of ignorance, the UNMIK police chief in 2000 and 2001, Canadian Captain Stu Kellock, has called it “impossible” that Kouchner was not aware of organized crime in Kosovo. The first time a reporter queried Kouchner about the organ transplant accusations, a few months ago, Kouchner responded with a loud horse laugh, before telling the reporter to go have his head examined. After the Marty report, Kouchner merely repeated his “skepticism”, and called for an investigation… by EULEX.
Other NATO defenders have taken the same line. One investigation calls for another, and so on. Investigating the charges against the KLA is beginning to look like the Middle East peace process.
The Marty Report itself concludes with a clear call on EULEX to “to persevere with its investigative work, without taking any account of the offices held by possible suspects or of the origin of the victims, doing everything to cast light on the criminal disappearances, the indications of organ trafficking, corruption and the collusion so often complained of between organized criminal groups and political circles” and “to take every measure necessary to ensure effective protection for witnesses and to gain their trust”.
This is a tall order, considering that EULEX is ultimately dependent on EU governments deeply involved in ignoring Kosovo Albanian crime for over a decade. Still, some of the most implicated personalities, such as Kouchner, are nearing the end of their careers, and there are many Europeans who consider that things have gone much too far, and that the Kosovo cesspool must be cleaned up.
EULEX is already prosecuting an organ trafficking ring in Kosovo. In November 2008, a young Turkish man who had just had a kidney removed collapsed at Pristina airport, which led police to raid the nearby Medicus clinic where a 74-year-old Israeli was convalescing from implantation of the young man’s kidney. The Israeli had allegedly paid 90,000 euros for the illegal implant, while the young Turk, like other desperately poor foreigners lured to Pristina by false promises, was cheated of the money promised. The trial is currently underway in Pristina of seven defendants charged with involvement in the illegal Medicus organ trafficking racket, including top members of the Kosovo Albanian medical profession. Still at large are Dr. Yusuf Sonmez, a notorious international organ trafficker, and Moshe Harel, an Israeli of Turkish origin accused of organizing the illicit international organ trade. Israel is known to be a prime market for organs because of Jewish religious restrictions that severely limit the number of Israeli donors.
The Marty Report notes that the information it has obtained “appears to depict a broader, more complex organized criminal conspiracy to source human organs for illicit transplant, involving co-conspirators in at least three different foreign countries besides Kosovo, enduring over more than a decade. In particular, we found a number of credible, convergent indications that the organ-trafficking component of the post-conflict detentions described in our report is closely related to the contemporary case of the Medicus Clinic, not least through prominent Kosovar Albanian and international personalities who feature as co-conspirators in both.”
But EULEX prosecution of the Medicus case does not automatically mean that the European judicial authorities in Kosovo will pursue the even more criminal organ trafficking denounced in the Marty Report. One obstacle is that the alleged crimes took place on the territory of Albania, and so far Albanian authorities have been uncooperative, to say the least. A second inhibition is fear that the attempt to prosecute leading KLA figures would lead to unrest. Indeed, on January 9, several hundred Albanians carrying Albanian flags (not the Western-imposed flag of Kosovo) demonstrated in Mitrovica against the Marty report shouting “UCK, UCK” (KLA in Albanian). Still, EULEX has indicted two former KLA commanders for war crimes committed on Albanian territory in 1999 when they allegedly tortured prisoners, ethnic Albanians from Kosovo either suspected of “collaborating” with legal Serb authorities or because they were political opponents of the KLA.
A striking and significant political fact that emerges from the Marty report is that:
“The reality is that the most significant operational activities undertaken by members of the KLA – prior to, during, and in the immediate aftermath of the conflict – took place on the territory of Albania, where the Serb security forces were never deployed” (paragraph 36).
Thus, to a very large extent, the Serbian province of Kosovo was the object of a foreign invasion from across its border, by Albanian nationalists keen on creating “Greater Albania”, and aided in this endeavor by diaspora lobbies and, decisively, NATO bombing. Far from being an “aggressor” in its own historic province, Serbia was the victim of a major two-pronged foreign invasion.
America’s disposable puppets
NATO could not have waged a ground war against Serbian forces without suffering casualties. So it waged a 78-day air war, ravaging Serbia’s infrastructure. To save his country from threatened annihilation, Milosevic gave in. For its ground force, the United States chose the KLA. The KLA was no match for Serbian forces on the ground, but it aided the United States/NATO war in peculiar ways.
The United States provided KLA fighters on the ground with GPS devices and satellite telephones to enable them to spot Serb targets for bombing (very inefficiently, as the NATO bombs missed almost all their military targets). The KLA in some places ordered Kosovo Albanian civilians to flee across the border to Albania or to ethnic Albanian parts of Macedonia, where photographers were waiting to enrich the imagery of a population persecuted by Serb “ethnic cleansing” – an enormous propaganda success. And crucially, before the NATO bombing, the KLA pursued a strategy of provocation, murdering policemen and civilians, including disobedient Albanians, designed to commit acts of repression that could be used as a pretext for NATO intervention. Thaci even boasted subsequently of the success of this strategy.
Thaci has played the role assigned to him by the empire. Still, considering the history of American disposal of collaborators who have outlived their usefulness (Ngo Dinh Diem, Noriega, Saddam Hussein…), he has reasons to be uneasy.
Thaci’s uneasiness could be sharpened by a recent trip to the region by William Walker, the U.S. agent who in 1999 created the main pretext for the NATO bombing campaign by inflating casualties from a battle between Serb police and KLA fighters in the village of Racak into a massacre of civilians, “a crime against humanity” perpetrated by “people with no value for human life”. Walker, whose main professional experience was in Central America during the Reagan administration’s bloody fight against revolutionary movements in Nicaragua and El Salvador, had been imposed by the United States as head of a European mission ostensibly mandated to monitor a cease-fire between Serb forces and the KLA. But in fact, he and his British deputy used the mission to establish close contacts with the KLA in preparation for joint war against the Serbs. The grateful gangster regime has named a street in Pristina after him;
In between receiving a decoration in Kosovo and honorary citizenship in Albania, Walker took political positions that could make both Thaci and EULEX nervous. Walker expressed support for Albin Kurti, the young leader of the radical nationalist “Self-Determination” movement (Vetëvendosje), which is gaining support with its advocacy of independence from EU governance as well as in favor of “natural Albania”, meaning a Greater Albania composed of Albania, Kosovo and parts of southern Serbia, much of Macedonia, a piece of Montenegro and even northern Greece. Was Walker on a talent-scouting mission in view of replacing the increasingly disgraced Thaci? If Kurti is the new favorite, a U.S.-chosen replacement could cause even more trouble in the troubled Balkans.
The West, that is, the United States, the European Union and NATO may be able to agree on a “curse on both their houses” approach, concluding that the Serbs they persecuted and the Albanians they helped are all barbarians, unworthy of their benevolent intervention. What they will never admit is that they chose, and to a large extent created, the wrong side in a war for which they bear criminal responsibility. And whose devastating consequences continue to be borne by the unfortunate inhabitants of the region, whatever their linguistic and cultural identity.
Diana Johnstone is author of Fools’Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions.
Genocide, Lies and the Serbs - by Stanko Stojilkjovic
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Politika Daily
Monday, 10 January 2011 (page 1 and 7)
Is it possible that the prevailing current usage of the word genocide is “an insult to the memory of the Nazi regime victims”?
(This incisive thought of Noam Chomsky was taken from the preface he wrote to an astonishing book titled “The Politics of Genocide” by Edward Herman and David Peterson, published in Belgrade in 2010 by “Vesna info”.)
Edward Herman is a professor emeritus teaching finance at the University of Pennsylvania and David Peterson is a free-lance journalist. What an unusual match, you might think at first. However, if you check the exhaustive list of references you will find out that they have worked on at least two more published books, both dedicated to the former Yugoslavia nad its disintegration. David Peterson is author of another dozen of pubished books, either alone or in cooperation with other authors.
According to Noam Chomsky, the end of the Cold War “opened an era of the Holocaust denial”, in which the humanitarian bombing of Yugoslavia (read: Serbia) is far from being the last piece of the puzzle.
According to “Counter-Revolutionary Violence: Bloodbaths in Fact and Propaganda”, written by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, in the period between 1945 and 2009 the USA organized “major” military interventions in as many as 29 countries. “Thanks to its dominant position and its global counter-revolutionary efforts, the US has been the key single instigator, organizer and provider of moral and material support for some of the heaviest bloodsheds that took place after the World War Two.
The US officials, supported by the media and intellectuals close to the administration (“genocide intellectuals”), have mastered the skills of “crime management” used to draw attention of the public away from the violence instigated and endorsed by the leading global super-power and direct the public eye towards the violence perpetrated by the US enemies. In line with this the authors have come up with an unusual classification of the bloodbaths into four categories: constructive, benign, criminal and mythical.
“The largest genocidal act undertaken in the last thirty years was the economic sanctions imposed on Iraq following the invasion of Kuwait in 1990, both in respect of the number of victims and in respect of full awareness of the impact of this policy among its creators”, reads the introductory section of the book.
The New York Times revealed that “in the long run, Iraq has been pushed back into pre-industrial times, though it still suffers from post-industrial dependence on energy and technology”. And Washington Post, quoting a reliable source, stated that “the bombs… were targeted at everything that was vital for survival of the country”. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Dennis Halliday, the leading UN humanitarian coordinator in Iraq, resigned issuing a statement that overall effects of the sanctions were comparable to that of a genocide. And Eleanor Robinson, lecturer at the Old Soul College in Oxford (England), added: ”You will have to go back in time as far as the Mongol invasion of Baghdad in 1258 to find an example of pillage of comparable magnitude”. You can guess who was doing the pillage!
Edward Herman and David Peterson have exposed the ill doings of politicians, intellectuals and reporters who used the word genocide in their reports on the most deadly world crisis since the end of the World War Two (5.4 million dead between 1998 and 2007 in DR Congo) only 17 times, while killing of 4,000 Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija was qualified as genocide as many as 323 times!
George Robertson, British Defense Minister, admitted during the hearing before the Parliament: “Before Račak this year (24 March 1999), the KLA was responsible for more deaths in Kosovo than the authorities of Yugoslavia”. The number of killings since 1998 was estimated at 2000, and 500 of these killings were attributed to Serbian forces.
“During the civil wars in the wake of disintegration of the former SFR Yugoslavia in the nineties, the USA, Germany, NATO and EU supported national minorities which insisted on breaking away from the federal state and acted against the national group of Serbs who persisted in their efforts to save the former Yugoslavia. That is why the Western powers strongly supported first Croats and Slovenes, later Bosnian Muslims, and finally Kosovo Albanians,” explained Edward Herman and David Peterson, quoting a number of critically intoned works.
We are also informed that the NATO forces supported, “even coordinated war operations, and as there were numerous cases of ethnic cleansing and ethnically motivated killings, it was only natural that expressions such as ethnic cleansing, massacre and genocide were applied primarily to the war acts of the Serbs”. Regarding the “Srebrenica massacre”, they say that there is no proof that Serbian forces killed anyone but “the Muslim men capable of army service”, taking care to evacuate all children, women and the elderly by buses.
“If Račak was a contrived crime, and we believe that it was, than the war sold to the world on the strength of this crime was based on a lie, and therefore any claims that the war was waged on humanitarian grounds must be disputed, if for no other reason then on account of this fact alone,” said Edward Herman and David Peterson, referring to their own article “CNN: Sale of a NATO War on a Global Scale” from 2009.
“The massacre of Račak” perfectly suited the needs of Bill Clinton's administration and NATO and provided them with an excuse to launch the air attacks against Yugoslavia (Serbia), which had been prepared for a long time, soon after the failure of the negotiations in Rambouillet, “one of the greatest staged deceptions in recent history”.
When Madeleine Albright was first informed that the attacks had been launched, she commented with delight: “The spring has come early to Kosovo this year”.
This valuable book meticulously reveals the double standards applied to war acts in Darfur (Sudan), Rwanda, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Guatemala, Salvador, and so on.
U.S. Use Of Depleted Uranium: A War Crime - by Mujahid Kamran
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Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"
Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:51 pm (PST)
The Nation (Pakistan)
January 4, 2011
While American scientists and scholars have played a key role in the intellectual evolution of mankind, its wealthy elite and agents - the rulers of the US - have committed the greatest crimes against humanity.
These horrific crimes continue unabated with silent intensity. With some exceptions, the US media has maintained complete silence on these crimes. The reason for this silence has to do with the vested interests of media owners - their interests lie in suppressing humanity.
Many conscientious and aware Americans do raise their voice against these crimes, but the torment and agony of these American citizens does not seem to have any effect on the pet journalists of media owners. This insensitivity is drowning the United States of America and with it the rest of the world.
One of the most diabolical advances in weaponry is the use of uranium that can no longer be used in reactors.
This is known as depleted uranium. It is radioactive. After a certain processing, it can be converted into the hardest material on earth. A steel bullet will not penetrate a steel tank. However, a bullet made of depleted uranium will penetrate through the steel body of the tank and explode inside the tank. Uranium has the property that when heated it burns intensely. In powder form, uranium automatically catches fire when heated.
Nuha al-Radi, an artist and author of Baghdad Diaries, shortly before her death due to leukaemia wrote in 2004: “Everyone seems to be dying of cancer. Every day one hears about another acquaintance or friend of a friend dying. How many more die in hospitals that one does not know? Apparently, over 30 percent of Iraqis have cancer, and there are lots of kids with leukaemia. The depleted uranium left by the US bombing campaign has turned Iraq into a cancer-infested country. For hundreds of years to come, the effects of the uranium will continue to wreak havoc on Iraq and its surrounding areas.”
The US has used depleted uranium in Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Wherever depleted uranium is used in warfare, it generates radioactivity. Burnt uranium will keep radiating for billions of years.
Radiation emitted from uranium does not travel far from the source. But if, perchance, these radioactive particles happen to enter your body either through inhalation or through contaminated water intake, then till your dying day they will keep on disrupting basic structures in your body such as DNA, etc.
Their effect is to produce deadly disorders such as cancer, which eventually leads the exposed individual to his grave. US authorities have spread this radioactive debris in various parts of the world and concealed this fact from its people.
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The movie - Meeting internazionale nel X Anniversario dei bombardamenti della NATO sulla Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia VICENZA 21-22/3/2009
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Adriatic Sea Ruined By NATO Weapons, Depleted Uranium, Toxic Waste
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Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff
January 17, 2011
Dangerous paradise: journalist claims Adriatic polluted by NATO waste:
-“Following the war in 1999, the fish have practically disappeared from our waters. The chemicals have affected our health, too, causing skin rashes, blurred vision and so forth."
-"There should be an economic compensation for those affected. Europe, NATO and, above all, the United States must be held accountable."
Sandy beaches, gentle sea and charming tourist harbors: Italy's Adriatic coast can be described as a paradise for sea-lovers. However, few are aware that tons of toxic waste disposed by NATO are piled up below the luminous surface.
According to investigative journalist Gianni Lannes, waters splashing against the coast of the southern Italian region of Puglia hide real hazards.
"An enormous amount of weaponry and toxic waste is present in these waters: US bombs from the 40s, and NATO weapons used in the 1999 war against Serbia, including depleted uranium ammunition,” he said. “These weapons often contain toxic substances, such as sulfur, mustard gas and phosphorous.”
Local fishermen say the presence of NATO weapons is seriously affecting their lives, and posing a threat to the local ecosystem.
"There are areas where these bombs keep ending up in our nets,” said local fisherman Vitantonio Tedesco. “We try to avoid them.”
“Following the war in 1999, the fish have practically disappeared from our waters,” he added. “The chemicals have affected our health, too, causing skin rashes, blurred vision and so forth."
Fishermen have had to quit their jobs because of the scarcity of fish. The fishing cooperative in the seaside town of Molfetta was once comprised of almost 200 members, now there are just five.
Although NATO says there are six contaminated areas along the Adriatic coast, Lannes claims that is just the tip of the iceberg.
"NATO is lying, 24 areas are affected, not six,” he said. “The location of these areas have not even been made public. The population is being kept in the dark."
Lannes’ repeated attempts to raise the issue with Italy's Defense Minister have led to nothing. US military spokesman Colonel Greg Julian claims the US Army does its best to remove all dangerous weaponry after its military campaigns.
“We do everything we can, first of all, to comply with environmental law when we conduct operations and exercises,” he said. “Following the jettison operations during the Kosovo campaign we conducted those clearing operations and did everything we could to remove the hazards.”
However, Gianni Lannes believes NATO has not yet owned up to its responsibilities.
"There should be an economic compensation for those affected,” he said. “Europe, NATO and, above all, the United States must be held accountable."
Silence Implies Approval - by Gabriel Wilensky
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Often, religious people cling to their religion because it provides them with solace and succor during times of despair or hardship. Many times religious people go to their priests, rabbis or imams for advice on matters related to morals and ethics. Given this background, anyone studying religion might conclude religion and its institutions are good things, and religion is a force for good in the world.
But, is that really so? Has religion in general been a force for good in the world? Has it made people more compassionate, more respectful of others, more tolerant of their beliefs? Has the advice given by the authorities of the various world religions been good and made people behave any better?
I would argue the opposite is true, and that any study of the effects of religion throughout human history would show for the most part a direct correlation between religiosity and intolerance, brutality, ignorance, discrimination, lack of compassion and immorality.
As one example out of many, we may look at the role religion played during what was likely the most horrific time in human history, the Second World War. At that time, we find man’s worst behavior toward man, at a level and scope unprecedented until that point. It will be interesting to see what role religion played during this cataclysmic event.
Unfortunately for religion, organized or otherwise, it doesn’t look very good. Clearly the Nazis went on their genocidal rampage motivated by secular reasons, but both the Germans and the vast numbers of helpers they easily recruited in the countries they occupied had all been brought up in the Christian tradition. What this meant is that when the Nazis began their anti-Jewish campaign they found that—like themselves—the population already felt deep antisemitism and already believed the Jews to be evil and enemies of everything that was good. Therefore the Nazis had very little to invent in their campaign against Jews and had no difficulty in persuading anyone to denounce, hunt down and murder their Jewish neighbors.
If the Nazis were not driven by religious zeal in the execution of the Holocaust, we must then ask the obvious question of what role religion played during that watershed event. Given that the perpetrators had been instructed by their Christian tradition to feel compassion and love for their neighbors, do we have any evidence the majority felt any moral qualms or refrained from murder when asked to kill Jews? Or did the perpetrators willingly and eagerly behave toward Jews in a way that was consistent with what they had been taught for almost two millennia, that is, with contempt and even hatred for them? The answer is also obvious.
For the sake of brevity, it will be interesting to focus on an aspect of the Holocaust that rarely gets the attention it deserves, and that is what happened in Croatia. In that country a puppet Nazi state was established in 1941, led by the terrorist group the Ustasha with its Poglavnik (leader) Ante Pavelić at its helm. From its inception until its demise in 1945 the Ustasha were responsible for the most barbaric acts of the war, making even the German SS pale in comparison. During the rule of the Ustasha regime, more than half a million innocent civilians were slaughtered, many of them using medieval methods: eyes were gouged out, limbs severed, intestines and other internal organs ripped from the bodies of the living. Some were slaughtered like beasts, their throats cut from ear to ear with special knives or saws. Others died from blows to their heads with sledgehammers. Many more were simply burned alive. Some Ustasha perpetrators wore necklaces made from the eyes or ears of their victims.
The actions of the Ustasha are important and relevant in this discussion because the Ustasha were ultra-Catholic and they killed in large part in an effort to rid Croatia of its non-Catholic elements, that is, the largely Orthodox Serbs, the Gypsies, and of course the Jews. Many of the perpetrators were actually Catholic priests. One of them was a Franciscan friar who continued to act as a member of his order as commandant of the notorious Croat concentration camp Jasenovac, where he committed the most heinous atrocities. Sometimes he even wore his Franciscan robes while perpetrating his crimes.
Did the perpetrators consult with their religious leaders before committing these crimes? Did their religious upbringing play any role in making them act the way they did? During the Croatian genocide the Vatican had compiled a list of Croatian priests who had participated in massacres of Orthodox Serbs and Jews with the intention of disciplining them after the war. They never did. Not only that, many perpetrators were protected and given passage to safe havens around the world by members of the Vatican who housed them in Vatican properties, clothed and fed them, and eventually helped them evade justice so they could regroup to fight Communism.
You’d think that during the war the Catholic Church would very publicly and loudly object to the genocide taking place in Croatia, given that the impetus behind the genocide was ultimately the propagation of Catholicism, but it didn’t. You’d think that the Catholic Church would attempt to stop the perpetrators, given that they were Catholics strongly loyal to the pope, but it didn’t. You’d think the Catholic Church would give advice and guidance to the Croatian Catholic faithful in an effort to rein them in, but it didn’t. You’d think the pope, Pius XII, would feel shame and embarrassment and distance himself from the Croat Catholics and their leader, but he didn’t.
Indeed, the leader of the Ustasha, Ante Pavelić was a mass murderer who revered Pope Pius XII, and was aware that Pius XII and his senior advisers thought highly of his militant Catholicism. In April 1941 Pavelić was received by the Pope, creating an uproar at the British Foreign Office who was dismayed that the Pope would even consider meeting with such a notorious mass murderer. They thus described the Pope as “the greatest moral coward of our age.” As the Foreign Office later told the British ambassador to the Holy See, the Pope’s reception of Pavelić “has done more to damage his reputation in this country than any other act since the war began.”
Maybe we should excuse the Pope and the Church for not acting during the war because of the fog of war, lack of communications, the desire to remain neutral, etcetera. But these are all hollow excuses. Moreover, even if we were willing to accept them, what could possibly explain the lack of acts of repudiation after the war for the genocide in Croatia?
In May 1945, after having learned of Hitler’s death, Cardinal Bertram of Breslau ordered that “a solemn requiem mass be held in commemoration of the Führer. . .” so that the Almighty’s son, Hitler, be admitted to paradise. A solemn requiem mass is celebrated only for a believing member of the Church and if it is in the public interest of the Church. Hitler was not a believing member of the Church and only a Church deeply steeped in their own anti-Jewish teachings and the grotesque twist to them that Hitler gave them could think that a solemn requiem for Hitler was a good, moral thing to do and that it was in the Church’s public interest. Did the Pope or the Catholic Church rebuke Cardinal Bertram, then or any time after that? No, it did not.
Given this background, we should not be too surprised to learn that just as the year 2010 was coming to a close a mass was celebrated in a Zagreb church honoring the 49th anniversary of the death of the Ustasha mass murderer Ante Pavelić. The mass was held by priests Vjekoslav Lasić and Stanislav Kos, who referred to Pavelić as a respectable man who made sacrifices for all of Croatia. You’d think the Catholic Church would take advantage of this opportunity to very loudly and publicly repudiate the actions of the Ustasha and its leader Pavelić, but you’d be wrong. What was the official reaction of the Catholic Church to this outrageous mass? So far their reaction is consistent with their reaction during the Holocaust: a deafening silence.
Gabriel Wilensky
Six Million Crucifixions:
How Christian Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust
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The Demolition of the Yugoslav Tribunal - by Edward S. Herman
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A review of Germinal Chivikov's book Srebrenica: The Star Witness (orig. Srebrenica: Der Kronzeuge, 2009, transl. by John Laughland) - "a devastating indictment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)."
The Demolition of the Yugoslav Tribunal - by Edward S. Herman
A review of Germinal Chivikov's book Srebrenica: The Star Witness (orig. Srebrenica: Der Kronzeuge, 2009, transl. by John Laughland) - "a devastating indictment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)."
The book shows that the Tribunal “does not behave according to the traditions of the rule of law”--it is a political rather than judicial institution, and has played this political role well. It is not the first work to effectively assail the Tribunal—Laughland’s own book Travesty (Pluto: 2006), and Michael Mandel’s How America Gets Away With Murder (Pluto: 2004) are powerful critiques. But Civikov’s book is unique in its intensive and very effective focus on a single witness, Drazen Erdemovic, and the ICTY’s prosecutors and judges handling of that witness. Erdemovic was the prosecution’s “star witness,” the only one in the trials of various Serb military and political figures to have claimed actual participation in a massacre of Bosnian Muslim prisoners. It is therefore of great interest and importance that Civikov is able to show very convincingly that this key witness was a charlatan, fraud, and mercenary, and that the ICTY’s prosecutors and judges effectively conspired to allow this witness’s extremely dubious and contradictory claims to be accepted without verification or honest challenge.
Erdemovic was a member of a Bosnian Serb military unit, the “10th Sabotage Unit,” an eight-man team of which he claimed shot to death 1,200 Bosnian Muslim prisoners at Branjevo Farm north of Srebrenica in Bosnia on July 16, 1995. Erdemovic confessed to having personally killed 70-100 prisoners. He was initially arrested by Yugoslav authorities on March 3, 1996, and quickly indicted, but was turned over to the ICTY at pressing U.S. and ICTY official request on March 30, 1996, supposedly temporarily, but in fact, permanently. He was himself eventually tried, convicted, and served three and a half years in prison for his crimes. This was a rather short term for an acknowledged killer of 70-100 prisoners, but longer than he had anticipated when he agreed to testify for the ICTY—he had expected complete immunity, as he told Le Figaro reporter Renaud Girard (“Bosnia: Confession of a War Criminal, “ Le Figaro, March 8, 1996). He claimed to have an agreement with the ICTY whereby “in return for his evidence he will be allowed to settle in a Western country with his family. He will enter the box as a witness, not as an accused, and will thus escape all punishment.” But his earlier arrest, indictment and publicity in Yugoslavia may have made some prison term necessary for the ICTY’s credibility. He ended up after his prison term in an unknown location as a “protected witness” of the ICTY. But even before his own sentencing he had begun his role as star witness in the ICTY’s (and U.S. and NATO’s) trials of accused Serbs. He appeared in five such trials, and from beginning to end was taken as a truth-teller by prosecutors, judges, and the mainstream media.
One of the most remarkable and revealing features of the Erdemovic case is that although he named seven individuals who did the killing with him, and two superiors in the chain of command who ordered or failed to stop the crime, not one of these was ever brought into an ICTY court either as an accused killer or to confirm any of Erdemovic’s claims. These co-killers have lived quietly, within easy reach of ICTY jurisdiction, but untroubled by that institution and any demands seemingly imposed by a rule of law. The commander of his unit, Milorad Pelemis, who Erdemovic claimed had given the order to kill, made it clear in an interview published in a Belgrade newspaper in November 2005, that the Hague investigators have never questioned him. He had never gone into hiding, but has lived undisturbed with his wife and children in Belgrade. Nor have ICTY investigators bothered with Brano Gojkovic, a private in the killer team who Erdemovic claimed was somehow in immediate command of the unit (a point never explained by him or prosecutors or judges). Civikov points out that only once did the judges in any of the five trials in which the star witness testified ask the prosecutors whether they were investigating these other killers. The prosecutors assured the judges in 1996 that the others were being investigated, but 14 years later the Office of the Prosecutor had not questioned one of them. And from 1996 onward the judges never came back to the subject.
As these seven were killers of many hundreds in Erdemovic’s version, and the prosecutors and judges took Erdemovic’s version as true, why were these killers left untouched? One thing immediately clear is that the ICTY was not in the business of serving impartial justice even to the point of arresting and trying wholesale killers of Bosnian Muslims in a case the ICTY itself called “genocide.” But ignoring the co-perpetrators in this case strongly suggests that the prosecutors and judges were engaged in a political project—protecting a witness who would say what the ICTY wanted said, and refusing to allow any contesting evidence or cross-examination that would discredit the star witness. Civikov points out that the only time Erdemovic was subject to serious cross-examination was when he was questioned by Milosevic himself during the marathon Milosevic trial. And Civikov shows well that the ICTY presiding judge in that case, Richard May, went to great pains to stop Milosevic whenever his questions penetrated too deeply into the area of Erdemovic’s connections or credibility.
In April 2004, a Bosnian Croat, Marko Boskic, was arrested in Peabody, Massachusetts, for having caused a hit-and-run car crash while drunk. It was soon discovered that Boskic was one of the members of Erdemovic’s killer team at Branjevo Farm But journalists at the ICTY soon discovered that the Tribunal did not intend to ask for the extradition of this accused and confessed murderer. A spokesman for the Office of the Prosecutor stated on August 2004 that the prosecutor was not applying for the extradition of Boskic because it was obligated to concentrate on “the big fish.” So killing hundreds, and being part of a “joint criminal enterprise” murdering 1,200, does not yield big enough fish for the ICTY. In fact, this is a major lie as dozens of cases have been brought against Serbs for small-scale killings or even just beatings, and the ICTY has thrived on little fish for many years. In fact, the first case ever brought by the ICTY was against one Dusko Tadic in 1996, who was charged with a dozen killings, all dismissed for lack of evidence, leaving him guilty of no killings whatsoever, but only of persecution and beatings, for which he was given a 20 year sentence. A number of other Serbs were given prison sentences, not for killing people, but for beatings or passivity in not exercising authority to constrain underlings (e.g., Dragolic Prcac, 5 years; Milojica Kos, 6 years, Mlado Radic, 20 years, among others). The dossier of ICTY prosecution of little (Serb) fish is large.
Thus, the Boskic case does not fall into any little-fish-disinterest category. Rather, it is perfectly consistent with the failure to bring to court Pelermis or any of the seven known co-perpetrators of the massacre. Civikov’s very plausible hypothesis is that this is another manifestation of star witness protection—the ICTY does not want his convenient testimony to be challenged. Little fish like Boskic might gum up a political project. Civikov contrasts the extremely alert and aggressive actions of the ICTY and U.S. authorities in getting Erdemovic transferred to the Hague in March 1996 with this remarkable reluctance to even question Erdemovic’s fellow killers. He was seen quickly as a man who might make proper connections to enemy targets, so no holds were barred then, or later..
Another remarkable feature of the handling of Erdemovic is his use as a star witness immediately after he had been declared mentally impaired and before his own sentencing. Following his first confession of guilt on May 31, 1996, on June 27, 1996 Erdemovic was declared by his trial judges to be unfit for questioning in his own sentencing hearing because psychiatrists found him to be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, the doctors urging a pre-hearing review of his mental condition in six to nine months time. But on July 5th, little more than a week after this medical report, Erdemovic was put forward as the star witness in a pre-trial hearing to publicize the current allegations against Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic.
This was a remarkable spectacle. The two accused had not been apprehended, so they were not present to defend themselves, nor were their attorneys. It was only the prosecutors and ICTY judges in action. The same judges who had just declared him mentally unfit for questioning in his own hearing now pushed him forward without any further medical examination. The presiding judge Claude Jorda explained that Erdemovic’s own trial and sentencing were postponed “because we have asked for some further medical information,” which suppresses the fact that the judgment of the doctors was that Erdemovic was “unfit to be questioned,” presumably not just in his own trial. But Jorda’s service to the political project runs deeper—he not only allows the Prosecutor to put on the stand a just-declared medically unfit person, and does this before this self-admitted murderer is sentenced, he even assures Erdemovic that his evidence as a witness for the prosecution “might be taken into consideration.” It was mainly on the basis of unverified and unchallenged (and unchallengeable) testimony of this sick man and mass killer still facing his own trial and sentencing, that arrest warrants were issued for Karadzic and Mladic.
What Erdemovic was prepared to do in service to the ICTY program was to help build the case that there was a line of command between himself and his co-murderers at Branjevo Farm and the Bosnian Serb high command, i.e., Karadzic and Mladic, and hopefully eventually Milosevic. He did this poorly, never showing those leaders’ involvement in or knowledge of this killing expedition, but mainly just asserting that its local commanders were under the authority of central Bosnian Serb headquarters. He claimed that immediate authority over the killing operation was held by Brano Gojkovic, a private in a team that also included a Lieutenant, and he mentions a mysterious and unnamed Lieutenant Colonel who took the unit to the killing site and then left. Erdemovic is not consistent on whether Pelermis ordered the killing or this unnamed Lieutenant Colonel. He also asserts that Colonel Petar Salpura, an intelligence officer of the Bosnian Serb army had direct command responsibility for the massacre. He vacillates on Gojkovic’s power, sometimes making him “commander” with great authority, sometimes merely serving as an intermediary. Erdemovic himself was allegedly without authority and coerced into killing, but Civikov makes a very good case that at that time Erdemovic was a sergeant, and that he had joined the team voluntarily. But he and a Lieutenant Franc Kos were supposedly bossed by private Gojkovic in this killing enterprise. This line of command is very messy!
Civikov shows that the prosecution and judges strove mightily and successfully to prevent any challenges to Erdemovic’s implausible and contradictory, and partly disprovable, claims about the line of command. This includes, importantly, their refusal to call before the court even one of those “little fish” co-murderers and higher commanders who might have clarified the facts. Instead of calling to the stand his boss, Lieutenant Pelermis, or Pelermis’s boss, Colonel Petar Salpura, the ICTY is happy to stop with “a psychologically disturbed and apparently demoted sergeant,” who makes the ties that this court is pursuing with undue diligence.
Erdemovic and a number of his colleagues in the .10th Sabotage Unit were clearly mercenaries, and after the ending of the Balkan wars served the French in Africa. Erdemovic himself had worked for a time with the Bosnian Muslim army, then with the Croatians, and then with the Bosnian Serbs. He was trained as a locksmith, but never managed to work that trade. He found military service, and eventually serving as a star (and protected) witness, more profitable, but he regularly claimed before the Tribunal that he was a good man, hated war, was coerced into participating in the Branjevo Farm mass murder, and confessed to his crimes there because he was a man of conscience. The ICTY judges believed him, never saw him as a mercenary despite his performing military service for all three parties in the Bosnian warfare, and the ICTY took pains to exclude any witnesses from testifying who would put him in a bad light. They could not avoid several awkward witnesses in other trials: Colonel Salpura, a defence witness in the Blagovic and Jokic trials, denied authority over the 10th Sabotage Unit, and gave clear evidence that the killer team was on holiday leave on July 16, 1995; Dragan Todorovic, a witness for the prosecution in the Popovic case and officer of the Drina Corp of the Bosnian Serb army, also testified that the killer unit was on leave, that Lieutenant Kos, not private Gojkovic, signed out for the arms to be used by the unit, and that Erdemovic volunteered to be a member of that unit, and was not coerced into joining it.
Except for these awkward witnesses, the prosecutors and judges were able to keep out of the court record the fact that the Erdemovic unit that went to the Branjevo Farm did so during a ten-day vacation leave, not during regular service hours. Erdemovic himself never mentioned this fact. They also successfully buried the fact that, according to an early interview with Erdemovic, he claimed that his colleagues received a large sum of gold, perhaps 12 kilos, for some kind of service rendered. This payment, which suggests mercenary service, and not payment by the Bosnian Serb army, was never explored by prosecutors or judges in any of the trials in which Erdemovic participated, and was only raised by Milosevic, who, as noted, was harshly limited in his questioning by Judge Richard May. The facts that members of the killing group were on leave on July 16, 1995, and later findings of a French secret service connection of Pelemis and several of his colleagues, and the subsequent recruitment of soldiers from the 10th Sabotage Unit for mercenary service in Zaire to fight in the war there on the side of Mobutu, are suggestive. So is the fact that this mass murder of prisoners was extremely unhelpful to the Bosnian Serb cause, but worked out very well for the NATO powers. And it is clear why the ICTY, in service to NATO, would refuse to explore these questions and linkages.
The protection of Erdemovic and the notable ICTY-NATO success in getting his problematic testimony accepted as truth in five separate trials of Serbs owes much to the media, which in the United States and Britain raised no questions and swallowed the party line intact (for a case study, see Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, “Marlise Simons on the Yugoslavia Tribunal: A Study in Total Propaganda Service,” ZNet, 2004). This applied not just to the mainstream media but to the supposedly left and dissident media, with only Z Magazine in the United States publishing reviews of serious critical works dealing with the ICTY (notably, Mandel, Laughland and Johnstone).
Germinal Civikov points out that killing 1,200 people in five hours, ten at a batch, as claimed by Erdemovic, would allow under three minutes for each batch, including getting them out of the buses, taking them to the shooting zone, shooting them, making sure of their being dead, and disposing of the bodies. There were also claimed interludes of drinking, arguing, and cavorting. Why did the prosecutors, judges and media never address this issue of timing? Why did the prosecutor sometimes speak of only “hundreds” killed at the Branjevo Farm? Could it be related to the fact that fewer than 200 bodies were recovered from the site, and no aerial photos were ever produced that showed body removal or reburial? Civikov says, “So something between 100 and 900? This lack of knowledge, incidentally, will not prevent the judges, several months later, from putting the figure of 1,200 in their judgment after all—mind you without any proof, then or now, apart from the accused’s own claim.” Once again, why did they not call any other perpetrator to discuss numbers?
One would love to know what the ICTY prosecutors and judges said behind the scenes in confronting Erdemovic’s numbers, lines of authority, role, lies and contradictions. Perhaps the ICTY insiders did discuss them, but they and the media have played dumb. A Wikileaks was, and still is today, desperately needed to deal with the Erdemovic/ICTY travesty—and in fact, a Wikileaks on the ICTY would wreak havoc in the trial of Karadzic and pursuit of Mladic. So will Civikov’s Srebrenica: The Star Witness if it gets the exposure that it deserves.
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Un mondo senza nazismo - di Zivadin Jovanovic
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Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali:
Discorso alla Conferenza internazionale [1] - Mosca, 17 Dicembre 2010
Zivadin Jovanovic, Presidente del Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali:
Il Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali, una organizzazione indipendente, apartitica e senza scopo di lucro, così come l'opinione pubblica in Serbia, sono profondamente preoccupati per gli incessanti tentativi di riscrittura della storia del XX secolo, per lo stravolgimento degli esiti della Seconda guerra mondiale e per la minimizzazione dell'importanza storica delle sentenze del processo di Norimberga. Manifestandosi sotto varie forme, campi e gradi d'intensità, a seconda delle concrete circostanze, questo fenomeno sembra coinvolgere l'intera Europa e oltre, diventando così un problema globale. E' necessario notare che esso avanza in parallelo con alcuni altri processi come la transizione dei paesi ex socialisti e la crisi economica mondiale, paragonata da molti studiosi con la crisi degli anni '30 del secolo scorso. Un altro processo contemporaneo degno di nota è il degrado del ruolo delle Nazioni Unite e dell'ordinamento del Diritto internazionale istituito dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale.
L'attuale crisi economica mondiale ha già portato all'ulteriore ampliamento del divario tra ricchi e poveri, a livello internazionale come all'interno dei singoli paesi, compresi quelli più ricchi. L'elevata disoccupazione, la miseria e il malcontento sono diventate realtà globali, causando profondi problemi sociali, politici e morali, incluse la xenofobia e il razzismo. Di volta in volta, viene affermato all'opinione pubblica che alcune nazioni possiedono il ruolo messianico di "aiutare" le altre nazioni a "democratizzarsi", per adottare il proprio sistema di valori anche con l'uso della forza se lo ritengono necessario. Allo stesso tempo, l'Europa e il mondo stanno subendo un processo di militarizzazione; l'espansione delle installazioni militari verso l'Europa orientale forma un reticolo comprendente più basi militari straniere oggi che durante la Guerra fredda nel momento di più alto dello scontro. Le spese mondiali per armamenti sono salite alla cifra senza precedenti di 1.500 miliardi di dollari l'anno, mentre il complesso militare-industriale è privilegiato nel processo decisionale e salvaguardato da ulteriori crolli economici.
I tentativi di revisionare gli esiti della Seconda guerra mondiale possono essere ricondotti, con misura e forme diverse, a vari ambiti ma, prima di tutto, nel campo dei mass-media, dell'istruzione e della scienza storica. Sono presenti anche nelle arti (cinema), serial televisivi, sport e musica popolare. Alcuni partiti politici nei vari paesi europei, così come alcune istituzioni nazionali e internazionali, in un modo o nell'altro, contribuiscono alla revisione della storia, alla riabilitazione dei collaborazionisti, dei governi fantoccio e dei loro leader. In alcuni casi, il sistema giudiziario nazionale ed internazionale è manipolato e abusato per gli stessi scopi.
Detto ciò, la rinascita delle ideologie nazista e fascista su così larga scala non può essere considerata spontanea. Pertanto, sarebbe utile analizzare e rispondere ad almeno due domande. In primo luogo, quali sono le fonti di finanziamento della rinascita delle ideologie nazista e fascista? E in secondo luogo, esiste una volontà politica di adottare una risposta globale al processo di rilancio di queste ideologie, o il modo di pervenire a tale risposta?
La riabilitazione del nazismo e dei diversi governi collaborazionisti è particolarmente preoccupante nei Balcani, dove i crimini degli occupanti fascisti e dei loro sodali furono estremamente crudeli, creando di campi di concentramento, incoraggiando la guerra civile, ridisegnando confini e formando stati satelliti ("Stato Indipendente di Croazia", "Grande Albania " nel 1941-1945). Particolarmente preoccupanti sono le false interpretazioni che i tentativi in corso per la riabilitazione dei governi collaborazionisti e la minimizzazione del ruolo dei movimenti antinazista e antifascista e della lotta di Liberazione sono presentati come parte integrante del processo di democratizzazione, riconciliazione e delle politiche moderne e orientate al futuro.
La crisi jugoslava degli anni '90 ha dato origine alla revisione della storia. Infatti, la distruzione della Jugoslavia è stata la revisione dei risultati, non solo della Seconda ma anche della Prima guerra mondiale e persino delle Guerre balcaniche.
In primo luogo, la Serbia, all'interno della Jugoslavia, fornì un grande contributo alla vittoria sul nazismo e il fascismo. Tuttavia, la lotta di liberazione popolare contro le forze di occupazione fasciste, in stretta collaborazione con le altre forze alleate, in particolare con l'Armata Rossa dell'Unione Sovietica, è spesso sottovalutata, trascurata o distorta dal sistema mediatico, educativo e politico.
In secondo luogo, la Serbia subì perdite umane enormi, la parte di gran lunga maggiore delle 1,7 milioni di vittime della Jugoslavia. In realtà, la Nazione serba è stata vittima di un genocidio. Nel solo campo di concentramento di Jasanovac, situato nell'hitleriano "Stato Indipendente di Croazia", furono uccisi circa 700.000 fra serbi, ebrei e zingari. C'è la tendenza a trascurare, minimizzare o falsare le reali proporzioni delle enormi perdite umane e di sminuire le responsabilità per i crimini senza precedenti contro l'umanità.
In terzo luogo, i tentativi di riscrivere la storia non si limitano solo ai risultati della Seconda guerra mondiale, ma anche a quelli della Prima guerra mondiale, in relazione agli accordi di Versailles (Trianon). Questi tentativi a volte vanno così in là che giungono al punto di accusare la Serbia anche per lo scoppio della Prima guerra mondiale!
E così, nel corso degli ultimi venti anni la Serbia sta vivendo "in vivo" la revisione della storia del XX secolo, gli esiti delle due Guerre mondiali e attualmente i risultati delle Guerre balcaniche: la seconda e la terza Jugoslavia sono state distrutte in modo coordinato dalle forze separatiste interne e dai loro protettori stranieri, attraverso le sanguinose guerre civili. In questo senso, il ruolo delle ideologie neonaziste e dei loro seguaci nei movimenti separatisti non deve essere trascurato ("Ustascia" e altri).
Il Kosovo e Metohija, simbolo della sovranità, della religione e della cultura serba, è stato occupato attraverso la brutale aggressione militare della NATO nel 1999. Mentre era sotto mandato delle Nazioni Unite e in contrasto con la risoluzione 1244 del Consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU, questo territorio serbo è stato rubato alla Serbia e consegnato ai capi della criminalità organizzata internazionale, che sono responsabili, tra l'altro, del rapimento di massa di esseri umani e della vendita di organi umani [2].
La nazione serba, che aveva vissuto in Jugoslavia per oltre 70 anni è stata frammentata: una parte trasformata in rifugiati, una parte tramutata in nuove e palesemente discriminate minoranze nazionali e una parte in Kosovo e Metohija ancora privata dei diritti umani fondamentali. Alcuni serbi vivono nei ghetti di filo spinato del XXI secolo. I monumenti della cultura serba, 150 monasteri e chiese medievali, finanche i cimiteri secolari, sono stati distrutti mentre la provincia era sotto mandato delle Nazioni Unite. Circa 500.000 profughi e sfollati serbi sono ancora in Serbia senza il diritto al ritorno sicuro nelle loro case ancestrali in Croazia e in Kosovo e Metohija.
A dispetto di tutto ciò, nel corso degli ultimi 20 anni le grandi potenze occidentali e l'enorme macchina propagandistica hanno raffigurato la Serbia come la colpevole per lo scoppio delle guerre civili in Croazia e Bosnia, per l'aggressione del 1999 della NATO, per l'unilaterale e illegale secessione del Kosovo e Metohija del 2008; anche per la pulizia etnica dei serbi dalle loro case e per i crimini di genocidio commessi contro di loro. I mass-media dominati dal capitale societario hanno attribuito la responsabilità collettiva ai serbi e raffigurato il defunto presidente Slobodan Milosevic come un dittatore peggiore dello stesso Adolf Hitler. Il Tribunale dell'Aia, istituito senza un fondamento giuridico della Carta delle Nazioni Unite, si è in pratica trasformato in strumento politico di condanna della dirigenza civile e militare della Serbia, riscrivendo la storia dei Balcani, giustificano l'aggressione militare della NATO che ha portato alla secessione unilaterale del 15% del territorio dello Stato della Serbia.
Il sostegno alle forze secessioniste nelle ex repubbliche jugoslave, in Kosovo e Metohija, e la demonizzazione della Serbia e dei serbi, è percepita da gran parte dell'opinione pubblica serba, da molte altre nazioni amiche, da studiosi indipendenti in Europa, Stati Uniti e nel mondo come ingiusta, come una pratica imperiale in linea con il motto "divide et impera", come vendetta sia per resistere all'egemonia globalista, sia per il contributo storicamente accertato della Serbia alla vittoria degli alleati nelle due Guerre mondiali.
Oggi, la Serbia sta subendo il ricatto di accettare la perdita del Kosovo e Metohija, in cambio dell'adesione all'UE! Apparentemente, nell'interesse della pace e della stabilità! Va notato tuttavia che questo non è solo immorale e illegale, ma pericolosamente controproducente per la pace e la stabilità. Sembra che la lezione dei Sudeti del 1938 sia stata dimenticata.
Le nostre priorità devono essere:
- Una posizione attiva e creativa nella difesa dei risultati delle due Guerre mondiali, incoraggiando storici, scrittori, giornalisti e scuole a preservare la verità e resistere a tutti i tipi di distorsioni e falsificazioni della storia;
- Le agenzie governative dovrebbero fornire tutte le condizioni necessarie alle istituzioni scientifiche e alle organizzazioni civiche che vogliano impegnarsi nella realizzazione di progetti concreti per evidenziare le radici e gli obiettivi di falsificazione della storia;
- Il ruolo attivo in tutte le sedi governative e non governative, in particolare nel sistema delle Nazioni Unite (ECOSOC, UNESCO), attraverso l'Unione interparlamentare (IPU) e altre assemblee parlamentari;
- Il rafforzamento della consapevolezza nei giovani e negli studenti dell'importanza fondamentale di salvaguardare la verità del passato e le conseguenze tragiche del fascismo e del nazismo;
- Esaminare il ruolo dell'istruzione e la possibilità di canalizzare alcune iniziative attraverso l'UNESCO;
- Rafforzare i principi di base del Diritto internazionale istituito dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale, in particolare, rafforzando il ruolo primario del Consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU, nonostante le necessità di un ulteriore sviluppo e adeguamento delle istituzioni internazionali.
[1] Discorso alla Conferenza internazionale "Mondo senza nazismo: Obiettivo globale di tutta l'umanità", tenutasi a Mosca il 17 dicembre 2010, sotto gli auspici del Consiglio della Federazione dell'Assemblea Federale della Federazione Russa
[2] Relazione dell'On. Dick Marty, relatore della Commissione per le questioni giuridiche dell'Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa, presentato all'Assemblea nel dicembre 2010 per l'esame e approvazione nella seduta convocata per il 25 gennaio 2011.
Traduzione a cura del Forum Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali - Italia
No to rewriting the history - by Živadin Jovanović
Press Releases |
Moscow, December 17th, 2010.
Mr. Chairman,
Dear Friends,
First of all, I would like to thank the organizers of this extremely important Conference for the kind invitation and worm hospitality. It is indeed great honor to participate in the final events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory over Fascism and Nazism, under auspices of Federal Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Heroic City of Moscow, symbolizes the greatest contribution of the former Soviet Union to the victory over Fascism and Nazism.
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, an independent, non-party and non-profit organization, as well as the general public in Serbia, are profoundly worried by continued attempts of rewriting the history of the 20th century, distortion of the outcome of the Second World War and undervaluation of historic importance of the verdicts of the Nuremberg Trial., While appearing in various forms, fields and degrees, depending on the concrete circumstances, this process seems to be encompassing the whole of Europe and beyond, thus becoming global phenomena. It is necessary to note that it is progressing in parallel with some other processes such as transition of the former socialist countries and global economic crises compared by many scholars with the crises of the 30-ties of the last century. Another simultaneous process, worth mentioning is degradation of the role of United and the international Law Order established after the Second World War.
At the same time Europe and the world are undergoing the process of militarization, expansion of military installations towards East Europe is cross-netted by more foreign military basis today than at the time of the highest Cold War confrontation. World arms’ expenditure has risen to unprecedented 1.5 trillion USD per year, while military-industrial complex is privileged in decision making process and regarded as savor from further economic downfall.
Current world economic crises has already led to further widening of the gap between rich and poor, internationally and within individual countries, including reachest ones. High unemployment, misery and discontent have become worldwide reality causing deep social, political and moral problems, xenophobia and racism, including. From time to time, the public is told that certain nations have missionary role to “help” other nations to “democratize”, to adopt their system and values even by use of force if they deem it necessary.
These developments and practices represent very fertile soil for revival of ideologies of Nazism and Fascism, falsification of history, rehabilitation of those responsible for atrocities and war crimes during the Second World War undervaluation of the liberation struggle against Fascist occupiers.
Attempts to revise the outcome of the Second World War can be traced, with different extent and forms, in various fields, but first of all, in mass-media, education and history-science. They are also present in arts (films), TV series, sports, popular music. Some political parties in various European countries, as well as some national and international institutions, one way or the other, do contribute to revision of history, rehabilitation of collaborators, quislings’ formations and their leaders. In some instances, national and international judiciary is manipulated and abused for the same purposes.
Having regard aforesaid, revival of the Nazi and Fascist ideologies on such large scale can hardly be considered spontaneous. Therefore, it would be useful to explore and answer some questions, such as – what are the sources of financing of the revival of Nazi and Fascist ideologies? Then, is there a political will to adopt global response to the process of revival of these ideologies, or how to come to such a response?
Rehabilitation of Nazism and various quislings’ formations is particularly disturbing in the Balkans where the crimes of Fascist occupiers and their helpers were horribly cruel setting up death camps, encouraging civil war, redrawing state borders to install satellite states (“Independent State of Croatia”, “Greater Albania” from 1941-1945). Particularly worrying are false interpretations that the current attempts to rehabilitate quisling formations and downplay the role of anti-Nazi and anti-Fascist movements and Liberation struggle are part and parcel of democratization, reconciliation and modern, future oriented policies.
Yugoslav crisis of the 90-es gave a rise to revision of history. In fact, destruction of Yugoslavia was revision of the results not only of the Second, but also of the First World War, even of the Balkan wars.
Serbia has particular reasons to be worried about rewriting the history.
First, Serbia, within Yugoslavia, gave great contribution to the victory over Nazism and Fascism. However, people’s liberation struggle against occupying Fascist forces, close cooperation with other allied forces, particularly with Red Army of USSR, is often undervalued, neglected or distorted in mass media, education and political practice.
Second, Serbia suffered enormous human losses, far the most of 1.7 million of human losses of Yugoslavia. In fact, Serbs were the victim of genocide. Only in the concentration camp of Jasanovac, located in the Hitler’s puppet state “Independent State of Croatia” about 700.000 of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies were killed. There is a tendency to neglect, downplay, or distort real proportions of enormous human losses, in one hand and to downplay responsibility for unprecedented crimes against humanity, opn the other hand.
Third, attempts to rewrite the history concerns the results of the First World War, the set of Versailles agreements (Trianon). These attempts sometimes go thus far as to even accuse Serbia for the outbreak of the First World War as Richard Holbrook did in his book on Dayton!
And forth, during the last twenty years Serbia has been experiencing “in vivo” the revision of history of the 20-th century, the results of the two World Wars and even, results of the Balkan Wars: the second and third Yugoslavia has been destroyed in coordination of internal separatist forces and their foreign protectors, through the bloody civil wars. The role of neo-Nazi ideologies and its followers in separatists movements in this regard should not be neglected (“Ustashi” and others).
Kosovo and Metohija, the symbol of Serbia’s statehood, religion and culture, has been occupied through brutal 1999 NATO military aggression. While
under UN mandate and contrary to the UN SC resolution 1244 this Serbian territory has been stolen from Serbia and handed over to the leaders of international organized crimes, who are responsible, inter alia, for massive abduction of human beings and sale of human organs .
Serbian nation which had lived in Yugoslavia for over 70 years has been fragmented – part turned into refugees, part into new, openly discriminated national minorities, and part still remains deprived of the basic human rights in Kosovo and Metohija. Some Serbs are living in 21-rst century barbed-wired ghettos. Monuments of Serbian culture, 150 medieval monasteries and churches, even centuries old graveyards, have been destroyed while the Province has been under UN mandate. About 500.000 Serbian refugees and displaced persons are still in Serbia without the right to safe return to their ancestral homes in Croatia and Kosovo and Metohija.
In spite of all this, in the course of the last 20 years major western powers and huge propaganda machinery have been portraying Serbia as the culprits of the outbreak of civil wars in Croatia and Bosnia, for 1999 NATO aggression, for unilateral, illegal secession of Kosovo and Metohija 2008 - even for ethnic cleansing of Serbs from their homes and for genocidal crimes committed against them. The corporate capital dominated mass media attributed collective responsibility to Serbs and portrayed the late president Slobodan Milosevic as a dictator worse then Adolf Hitler himself. Hague tribunal established without legal basis in the UN Charter, in practice, turned into a political instrument of condemning Serbia’s civil and military leadership, rewriting the history of the Balkan, justifying NATO military aggression which led to unilateral secession of 15 per cent of Serbia’s state territory.
Support to the secessionist forces in former Yugoslav republics, in Kosovo and Metohija and satanization of Serbia and Serbs, is perceived by major part of Serbian public, by many other friendly nations, by independent-minded scholars in Europe, USA and the world, unjust, imperial practice in line with the slogan “divide et impera”, as revenge, be it for resisting to globalist hegemony, be it for Serbia’s historically verified contribution to the victory of Allies in both World Wars.
Nowadays, Serbia is undergoing blackmail to accept loosing Kosovo and Metohija in exchange for membership to EU! Apparently, in the interest of p
eace and stability! It should be noted however, that this is not immoral and illegal only, but dangerously counterproductive in relation to the peace and stability. It seems as if the 1938 Sudetes lesson has been forgotten.
Our priorities should be:
- Creative and active position in defending results of the two World Wars through encouraging historians, writers, journalists, schools in preserving the truth and resisting all kind of distortions and falsifications of the history;
- Government agencies should provide all necessary conditions for scientific institutions and civic organizations willing to engage in realization of concrete projects for uncovering the roots and objectives of falsification of history;
- Active role in all governmental and non-governmental forums, especially within the system of United Nations (ECOSOC, UNRESCO), through IPU and other parliamentary assembles;
- Upgrading awareness of the youth and students on the crucial importance of safeguarding the truth of the past and tragic consequences of Fascism and Nazism;
- Examining the role of education and viability of channeling certain initiatives through UNESCO;
- Strengthening the basic principles of the International World and Law Order established after the Second World Order, especially, reinforcing the prime role of UN Security Council, notwithstanding necessity for further development and adjustments of international institutions
Dear Friends,
Let me conclude, that Serbia and Russia have shared, more or less, the same ideals of freedom, independence and dignity, same destiny throughout the history, always being allies and never enemies one to the other. I am sure that this historic experience will be guiding our peoples in the future in common endeavors for Europe and the World without Nazism and Fascism.
Thank you.
Gift for Mr. Chairman:
The book The Twilight of the West - NATO aggression - Never to forget
1Address at the International Conference “World without Nazism: Global Goal of the entire Humanity”, held in Moscow on December 17th, 2010, under auspices of Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
2Report of Hon. Dick Marty, Reporter of the Board for legal issues of the Parliamentary Assemble of the Council of Europe submitted to the Assembly in December 2010 for consideration and adoption at the session convened for January 25th, 2011.
Richard Holbrooke, 1941-2010, Opportunist Extraordinary - by Diana Johnstone
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It is usually considered polite to avoid sharp criticism of someone who has just died. But Richard Holbrooke himself set a striking example of the breach of such etiquette. On learning of the death in prison of Slobodan Milosevic, Holbrooke did not hesitate to describe him as a "monster" comparable to Hitler and Stalin.
This was rank ingratitude, considering that Holbrooke owed his greatest career success – the 1995 Dayton Accords that ended the civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina – almost entirely to Milosevic. This was made quite clear in his memoir To End a War (Random House, 1998).
But Holbrooke’s greatest skill, made possible by media complicity, was to dress up reality in the costume favorable to himself.
The Dayton Peace Accords were presented as a heroic victory for peace extracted by the brilliant Holbrooke from a reluctant Milosevic, who had to be "bombed to the negotiating table" by the United States. In reality, the U.S. government was fully aware that Milosevic was eager for peace in Bosnia to free Serbia from crippling economic sanctions. It was the Bosnian Muslim leader Alija Izetbegovic who wanted to keep the war going, with U.S. military help. In reality, the U.S. bombed the Serbs in order to get Izetbegovic to the negotiating table. And the agreement reached in the autumn of 1995 was not very different from the agreement reached in March 1992 by the three ethnic groups under European Community auspices, which could have prevented the entire civil war, if it had not been sabotaged by Izetbegovic, who withdrew his agreement with the encouragement of the then U.S. ambassador Warren Zimmermann. In short, far from being the great peacemaker in the Balkans, the United States first encouraged the Muslim side to fight for its goal of a centralized Bosnia, and then sponsored a weakened federated Bosnia – after nearly four years of bloodshed which left the populations bereft and embittered.
The real purpose of all this, as Holbrooke made quite clear in To End a War, was to demonstrate that Europeans could not manage their own vital affairs and that the United States remained the "indispensable nation". His book also made it clear that the Muslim leaders were irritatingly reluctant to end war short of total victory, and that only the readiness of Milosevic to make concessions saved the Dayton talks from failure -- allowing Holbrooke to be proclaimed a hero.
The functional role of the Holbrooke’s diplomacy was to prove that diplomacy, as carried out by Europeans, was bound to fail. His victory was a defeat for diplomacy. The spectacle of bombing plus Dayton was designed to show that only the threat or application of U.S. military might could end conflicts.
Milosevic had hoped that his concessions would lead to peace and reconciliation with the United States. As it happened, his only reward for handing Holbrooke the victory of his career was to have his country bombed by NATO in 1999 in order to wrest from Serbia the province of Kosovo and prepare Milosevic’s own fall from office. Holbrooke played a prominent role in this scenario, suddently posing shoeless in a tent in the summer of 1998 for a photo op seated among armed Albanian secessionists which up to then had been characterized by the State Department as "terrorists", and shortly thereafter announcing to Milosevic that Serbia would be bombed unless he withdrew security forces from the province, in effect giving it to the ex-terrorists transformed by the Holbrooke blessing into freedom fighters.
In his long career from Vietnam to Afghanistan, Holbrooke was active on many fronts. In 1977, after Indonesia invaded East Timor and set about massacring the people of that former Portuguese colony, Holbrooke was dispatched by the United States supposedly to promote "human rights" but in reality to help arm the Suharto dictatorship against the East Timorese. Sometimes the government is armed against rebels, sometimes rebels are armed against the government, but despite appearances of contradiction, what is consistent throughout is the cynical exploitation and exacerbation of tragic local conflicts to extend U.S. imperial power throughout the world.
Holbrooke and Milosevic were born in the same year, 1941. When Milosevic died in 2006, Holbrooke gave a long statement to the BBC without a single syllable of human kindness. "This man wrecked the Balkans," said Holbrooke.
"He was a war criminal who caused four wars, over 300,000 deaths, 2.5million homeless. Sometimes monsters make the biggest impacts on history - Hitler and Stalin - and such is the case with this gentleman."
Holbrooke presented himself as goodness dealing with evil for a worthy cause. When negotiating with Milosevic, "you're conscious of the fact that you're sitting across the table from a monster whose role in history will be terrible and who has caused so many deaths."
Who was the monster? Nobody, including at the Hague tribunal where he died for lack of medical treatment, has ever actually proved that Milosevic was responsible for the tragic deaths in the wars of Yugoslav disintegration. But Holbrooke was never put on trial for all the deaths in Vietnam, East Timor, Afghanistan, Iraq and, yes, former Yugoslavia, which resulted at least in part from the U.S. policies he carried out.
From his self-proclaimed moral heights, Holbrooke judged the Serbian leader as an opportunist without political convictions, neither communist nor nationalist, but simply "an opportunist who sought power and wealth for himself."
In reality, there has never been any proof that Milosevic sought or obtained wealth for himself, whereas Holbrooke was, among many other things, a vice chairman of Credit Suisse First Boston, managing director of Lehman Brothers, vice chairman of the private equity firm Perseus LLC, and a member of the board of directors of AIG, the American International Group, at a time when, according to Wikipedia, "the firm engaged in wildly speculative credit default insurance schemes that may cost the taxpayer hundreds of billions to prevent AIG from bringing down the entire financial system."
Milosevic was on trial for years without ever being to present his defense before he died under troubling circumstances. Holbrooke found that outcome perfectly satisfying: "I knew as soon as he reached The Hague that he'd never see daylight again and I think that justice was served in a weird way because he died in his cell, and that was the right thing to do."
There are many other instances of lies and deceptions in Holbrooke’s manipulation of Balkan woes, as well as his totally cynical exploitation of the tragedies of Vietnam, East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan. But still, his importance should not be overstated. Moral monsters do not always make a great impact on history, when they are merely the vain instruments of a bureaucratic military machine running amok.
Who is Behind Wikileaks? - by Michel Chossudovsky
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"World bankers, by pulling a few simple levers that control the flow of money, can make or break entire economies. By controlling press releases of economic strategies that shape national trends, the power elite are able to not only tighten their stranglehold on this nation's economic structure, but can extend that control world wide. Those possessing such power would logically want to remain in the background, invisible to the average citizen." (Aldous Huxley)
Wikleaks is upheld as a breakthrough in the battle against media disinformation and the lies of the US government.
Unquestionably, the released documents constitute an important and valuable data bank. The documents have been used by critical researchers since the outset of the Wikileaks project. Wikileaks earlier revelations have focussed on US war crimes in Afghanistan (July 2010) as well as issues pertaining to civil liberties and the "militarization of the Homeland" (see Tom Burghardt, Militarizing the "Homeland" in Response to the Economic and Political Crisis, Global Research, October 11, 2008)
In October 2010, WikiLeaks was reported to have released some 400,000 classified Iraq war documents, covering events from 2004 to 2009 (Tom Burghardt, The WikiLeaks Release: U.S. Complicity and Cover-Up of Iraq Torture Exposed, Global Research, October 24, 2010). These revelations contained in the Wikileaks Iraq War Logs provide "further evidence of the Pentagon's role in the systematic torture of Iraqi citizens by the U.S.-installed post-Saddam regime." (Ibid)
Progressive organizations have praised the Wikileaks endeavor. Our own website Global Research has provided extensive coverage of the Wikileaks project.
The leaks are heralded as an immeasurable victory against corporate media censorship.
But there is more than meets the eye.
Even prior to the launching of the project, the mainstream media had contacted Wikileaks.
There are also reports from published email exchanges that Wikileaks had, at the outset of the project in January 2007, contacted and sought the advice of Freedom House including an invitation to Freedom House to participate in Wikileaks' advisory board. Freedom House is a Washington based "watchdog organization that supports the expansion of freedom around the world".
"We are looking for one or two initial advisory board member from FH who may advise on the following:
1. the needs of FH as consumer of leaks exposing business and political corruption
2. the needs for sources of leaks as experienced by FH
3. FH recommendations for other advisory board members
4. general advice on funding, coallition [sic] building and decentralised operations and political framing" (Wikileaks Leak email exchanges, January 2007).
Wikileaks had also entered into negotiations with several corporate foundations with a view to securing funding. (Wikileaks Leak email exchanges, January 2007):
The linchpin of WikiLeaks's financial network is Germany's Wau Holland Foundation. ... "We're registered as a library in Australia, we're registered as a foundation in France, we're registered as a newspaper in Sweden," Mr. Assange said. WikiLeaks has two tax-exempt charitable organizations in the U.S., known as 501C3s, that "act as a front" for the website, he said. He declined to give their names, saying they could "lose some of their grant money because of political sensitivities."
Mr. Assange said WikiLeaks gets about half its money from modest donations processed by its website, and the other half from "personal contacts," including "people with some millions who approach us...." (WikiLeaks Keeps Funding Secret,, August 23, 2010)
At the outset in early 2007, Wikileaks acknowledged that the project had been "founded by Chinese dissidents, mathematicians and startup company technologists, from the US, Taiwan, Europe, Australia and South Africa.... [Its advisory board] includes representatives from expat Russian and Tibetan refugee communities, reporters, a former US intelligence analyst and cryptographers." (Wikileaks Leak email exchanges, January 2007).
Wikileaks formulated its mandate on its website as follows: "[Wikileaks will be] an uncensorable version of Wikipedia for untraceable mass document leaking and analysis. Our primary interests are oppressive regimes in Asia, the former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, but we also expect to be of assistance to those in the west who wish to reveal unethical behavior in their own governments and corporations," CBC News - Website wants to take whistleblowing online, January 11, 2007, emphasis added).
This mandate was confirmed by Julian Assange in a June 2010 interview in The New Yorker:
"Our primary targets are those highly oppressive regimes in China, Russia and Central Eurasia, but we also expect to be of assistance to those in the West who wish to reveal illegal or immoral behavior in their own governments and corporations. (quoted in WikiLeaks and Julian Paul Assange : The New Yorker, June 7, 2010, emphasis added)
Assange also intimated that "exposing secrets" "could potentially bring down many administrations that rely on concealing reality—including the US administration." (Ibid)
From the outset, Wikileaks' geopolitical focus on "oppressive regimes" in Eurasia and the Middle East was "appealing" to America's elites, i.e. it seemingly matched stated US foreign policy objectives. Moreover, the composition of the Wikileaks team (which included Chinese dissidents), not to mention the methodology of "exposing secrets" of foreign governments, were in tune with the practices of US covert operations (and supported by Freedom House) geared towards triggering "regime change" and fostering "color revolutions" in different parts of the World.
The Role of the Corporate Media: The Central Role of the New York Times
Wikileaks is not a typical alternative media initiative. The New York Times, the Guardian and Der Spiegel are directly involved in the editing and selection of leaked documents. The London Economist has also played an important role.
While the project and its editor Julian Assange reveal a commitment and concern for truth in media, the recent Wikileaks releases of embassy cables have been carefully "redacted" by the mainstream media in liaison with the US government. (See Interview with David E. Sanger, Fresh Air, PBS, December 8, 2010)
This collaboration between Wikileaks and selected mainstream media is not fortuitous; it was part of an agreement between several major US and European newspapers and Wikileaks' editor Julian Assange.
The important question is who controls and oversees the selection, distribution and editing of released documents to the broader public?
What US foreign policy objectives are being served through this redacting process?
Is Wikileaks part of an awakening of public opinion, of a battle against the lies and fabrications which appear daily in the print media and on network TV?
If so, how can this battle against media disinformation be waged with the participation and collaboration of the corporate architects of media disinformation?
Wikileaks has enlisted the architects of media disinformation to fight media disinformation: An incongruous and self-defeating procedure.
America's corporate media and more specifically The New York Times are an integral part of the economic establishment, with links to Wall Street, the Washington think tanks and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
Moreover, the US corporate media has developed a longstanding relationship to the US intelligence apparatus, going back to "Operation Mocking Bird", an initiative of the CIA's Office of Special Projects (OSP), established in the early 1950s.
Even before the Wikileaks project got off the ground, the mainstream media was implicated. A role was defined and agreed upon for the corporate media not only in the release, but also in the selection and editing of the leaks. In a bitter irony, the "professional media", to use Julian Assange's words in an interview with The Economist, have been partners in the Wikileaks project from the outset.
Moreover, key journalists with links to the US foreign policy-national security intelligence establishment have worked closely with Wikileaks, in the distribution and dissemination of the leaked documents.
In a bitter irony, Wikileaks partner The New York Times, which has consistently promoted media disinformation is now being accused of conspiracy. For what? For revealing the truth? Or for manipulating the truth? In the words of Senator Joseph L. Lieberman:
“I certainly believe that WikiLleaks has violated the Espionage Act, but then what about the news organizations — including The Times — that accepted it and distributed it?” Mr. Lieberman said, adding: “To me, The New York Times has committed at least an act of bad citizenship, and whether they have committed a crime, I think that bears a very intensive inquiry by the Justice Department.” (WikiLeaks Prosecution Studied by Justice Department -, December 7, 2010)
This "redacting" role of The New York Times is candidly acknowledged by David E Sanger, Chief Washington correspondent of the NYT:
"[W]e went through [the cables] so carefully to try to redact material that we thought could be damaging to individuals or undercut ongoing operations. And we even took the very unusual step of showing the 100 cables or so that we were writing from to the U.S. government and asking them if they had additional redactions to suggest." (See PBS Interview; The Redacting and Selection of Wikileaks documents by the Corporate Media, PBS interview on "Fresh Air" with Terry Gross: December 8, 2010, emphasis added).
Yet Sanger also says later in the interview:
"It is the responsibility of American journalism, back to the founding of this country, to get out and try to grapple with the hardest issues of the day and to do it independently of the government." (ibid)
"Do it independently of the government" while at the same time "asking them [the US government] if they had additional redactions to suggest"?
David E. Sanger cannot be described as a model independent journalist. He is member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Aspen Institute's Strategy Group which regroups the likes of Madeleine K. Albright, Condoleeza Rice, former Defense Secretary William Perry, former CIA head John Deutch, the president of the World Bank, Robert. B. Zoellick and Philip Zelikow, former executive director of the 9/11 Commission, among other prominent establishment figures. (See also F. William Engdahl, Wikileaks: A Big Dangerous US Government Con Job, Global Research, December 10, 2010).
It is worth noting that several American journalists, members of the Council on Foreign Relations have interviewed Wikileaks, including Time Magazine's Richard Stengel (November 30, 2010) and The New Yorker's Raffi Khatchadurian. (WikiLeaks and Julian Paul Assange : The New Yorker, June 11, 2007)
Historically, The New York Times has served the interests of the Rockefeller family in the context of a longstanding relationship. The current New York Times chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr. is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, son of Arthur Ochs Sulzberger and grandson of Arthur Hays Sulzberger who served as a Trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation. Ethan Bronner, deputy foreign editor of The New York Times as well as Thomas Friedman among others are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). (Membership Roster - Council on Foreign Relations)
In turn, the Rockefellers have an important stake as shareholders of several US corporate media.
The Embassy and State Department Cables
It should come as no surprise that David E. Sanger and his colleagues at the NYT centered their attention on a highly "selective" dissemination of the Wikileaks cables, focussing on areas which would support US foreign policy interests: Iran's nuclear program, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan's support of Al Qaeda, China's relations with North Korea, etc. These releases were then used as source material in NYT articles and commentary.
The Embassy and State Department cables released by Wikileaks were redacted and filtered. They were used for propaganda purposes. They do not constitute a complete and continuous set of memoranda.
From a selected list of cables, the leaks are being used to justify a foreign policy agenda. A case in point is Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program, which is the object of numerous State Department memos, as well as Saudi Arabia's support of Islamic terrorism.
Iran's Nuclear Program
The leaked cables are used to feed the disinformation campaign concerning Iran's Weapons of Mass Destruction. While the leaked cables are heralded as "evidence" that Iran constitutes a threat, the lies and fabrications of the corporate media concerning Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program are not mentioned, nor is there any mention of them in the leaked cables.
The leaks, once they are funnelled into the corporate news chain, edited and redacted by the New York Times, indelibly serve the broader interests of US foreign policy, including US-NATO-Israel war preparations directed against Iran.
With regard to "leaked intelligence" and the coverage of Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program, David E. Sanger has played a crucial role. In November 2005, The New York Times published a report co-authored by David E. Sanger and William J. Broad entitled "Relying on Computer, U.S. Seeks to Prove Iran's Nuclear Aims".
The article refers to mysterious documents on a stolen Iranian laptop computer which included "a series of drawings of a missile re-entry vehicle" which allegedly could accommodate an Iranian produced nuclear weapon:
"In mid-July, senior American intelligence officials called the leaders of the international atomic inspection agency to the top of a skyscraper overlooking the Danube in Vienna and unveiled the contents of what they said was a stolen Iranian laptop computer.
The Americans flashed on a screen and spread over a conference table selections from more than a thousand pages of Iranian computer simulations and accounts of experiments, saying they showed a long effort to design a nuclear warhead, according to a half-dozen European and American participants in the meeting.
The documents, the Americans acknowledged from the start, do not prove that Iran has an atomic bomb. They presented them as the strongest evidence yet that, despite Iran's insistence that its nuclear program is peaceful, the country is trying to develop a compact warhead to fit atop its Shahab missile, which can reach Israel and other countries in the Middle East."(William J. Broad and David E. Sanger Relying on Computer, U.S. Seeks to Prove Iran's Nuclear Aims - New York Times, November 13, 2005, emphasis added)
These "secret documents" were subsequently submitted by the US State Department to the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA, with a view to demonstrating that Iran was developing a nuclear weapons program. They were also used as a pretext to enforce the economic sanctions regime directed against Iran, adopted by the UN Security Council.
While their authenticity has been questioned, a recent article by investigative reporter Gareth Porter confirms unequivocally that the mysterious laptop documents are fake. (See Gareth Porter, Exclusive Report: Evidence of Iran Nuclear Weapons Program May Be Fraudulent, Global Research, November 18, 2010).
The drawings contained in the documents leaked by William J. Broad and David E. Sanger do not pertain to the Shahab missile but to an obsolete North Korean missile system which was decommissioned by Iran in the mid-1990s. The drawings presented by US State Department officials pertained to the "Wrong Missile Warhead":
In July 2005, ... Robert Joseph, US undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, made a formal presentation on the purported Iranian nuclear weapons program documents to the agency's leading officials in Vienna. Joseph flashed excerpts from the documents on the screen, giving special attention to the series of technical drawings or "schematics" showing 18 different ways of fitting an unidentified payload into the re-entry vehicle or "warhead" of Iran's medium-range ballistic missile, the Shahab-3. When IAEA analysts were allowed to study the documents, however, they discovered that those schematics were based on a re-entry vehicle that the analysts knew had already been abandoned by the Iranian military in favor of a new, improved design. The warhead shown in the schematics had the familiar "dunce cap" shape of the original North Korean No Dong missile, which Iran had acquired in the mid-1990s. ... The laptop documents had depicted the wrong re-entry vehicle being redesigned. ... (Gareth Porter, op cit, emphasis added)
David E, Sanger, who worked diligently with Wikileaks under the banner of truth and transparency was also instrumental in the New York Times "leak" of what Gareth Porter describes as fake intelligence. (Ibid)
While this issue of fake intelligence received virtually no media coverage, it invalidates outright Washington's assertions regarding Iran's alleged nuclear weapons. It also questions the legitimacy of the UN Security Council Sancions regime directed against Iran.
Moreover, in a bitter irony, the selective redacting of the Wikileaks embassy cables by the NYT has usefully served not only to dismiss the central issue of fake intelligence but also to reinforce, through media disinformation, Washington's claim that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. A case in point is a November 2010 article co-authored by David E. Sanger, which quotes the Wikileaks cables as a source:
"Iran obtained 19 of the missiles from North Korea, according to a [Wikileaks] cable dated Feb. 24 of this year.... (WikiLeaks Archive — Iran Armed by North Korea -, November 28, 2010).
These missiles are said to have the "capacity to strike at capitals in Western Europe or easily reach Moscow, and American officials warned that their advanced propulsion could speed Iran’s development of intercontinental ballistic missiles." (Ibid, emphasis added).
Wikileaks, Iran and the Arab World
The released wikileaks cables have also being used to create divisions between Iran on the one hand and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States on the other:
"After WikiLeaks claimed that certain Arab states are concerned about Iran’s nuclear program and have urged the U.S. to take [military] action to contain Iran, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took advantage of the issue and said that the released cables showed U.S. concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program are shared by the international community." Tehran Times : WikiLeaks promoting Iranophobia, December 5, 2010)
The Western media has jumped on this opportunity and has quoted the State Department memoranda released by Wikleaks with a view to upholding Iran as a threat to global security as well as fostering divisions between Iran and the Arab world.
"The Global War on Terrorism"
The leaks quoted by the Western media reveal the support of the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia to several Islamic terrorist organizations, a fact which is known and amply documented.
What the reports fail to mention, however, which is crucial in an understanding of the "Global War on Terrorism", is that US intelligence historically has channelled its support to terrorist organizations via Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. (See Michel Chossudovsky, America's "War on Terrorism", Global Research, Montreal, 2005). These are US sponsored covert intelligence operations using Saudi and Pakistani intelligence as intermediaries.
In this regard, the use of the Wikleaks documents by the media tends to sustain the illusion that the CIA has nothing to do with the terror network and that Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states are "providing the lion's share of funding" to Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba, among others, when in fact this financing is undertaken in liaison and consultation with their US intelligence counterparts:
"The information came to light in the latest round of documents released Sunday by Wikileaks. In their communiques to the State Department, U.S. embassies in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states describe a situation in which wealthy private donors, often openly, lavishly support the same groups against whom Saudi Arabia claims to be fighting." ( Wikileaks: Saudis, Gulf States Big Funders of Terror Groups - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News)
Similarly, with regard to Pakistan:
The cables, obtained by WikiLeaks and made available to a number of news organizations, make it clear that underneath public reassurances lie deep clashes [between the U.S. and Pakistan] over strategic goals on issues like Pakistan's support for the Afghan Taliban and tolerance of Al Qaeda,..." (Wary Dance With Pakistan in Nuclear World, The New York Times December 1, 2010)
Reports of this nature serve to provide legitimacy to US drone attacks against alleged terrorist targets inside Pakistan.
The corporate media's use and interpretation of the Wikileaks cables serves to uphold two related myths:
1) Iran has nuclear weapons program and constitutes a threat to global security.
2) Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are state sponsors of Al Qaeda. They are financing Islamic terrorist organizations which are intent upon attacking the US and its NATO allies.
The CIA and the Corporate Media
The CIA's relationship to the US media is amply documented. The New York Times continues to entertain a close relationship not only with US intelligence, but also with the Pentagon and more recently with the Department of Homeland Security.
"Operation Mocking Bird" was an initiative of the CIA's Office of Special Projects (OSP), established in the early 1950s. Its objective was to exert influence on both the US as well as the foreign media. From the 1950s, members of the US media were routinely enlisted by the CIA.
The inner workings of the CIA's relationship to the US media are described in Carl Bernstein's 1977 article in Rolling Stone entitled The CIA and the Media:
"[M]ore than 400 American journalists who [had] secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency, according to documents on file at CIA headquarters. [1950-1977]Some of these journalists’ relationships with the Agency were tacit; some were explicit. ... Reporters shared their notebooks with the CIA. Editors shared their staffs. Some of the journalists were Pulitzer Prize winners,... Most were less exalted: foreign correspondents who found that their association with the Agency helped their work....;
Among the executives who lent their cooperation to the Agency were Williarn Paley of the Columbia Broadcasting System, Henry Luce of Tirne Inc., Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times, Barry Bingham Sr. of the LouisviIle Courier‑Journal, and James Copley of the Copley News Service. Other organizations which cooperated with the CIA include the American Broadcasting Company, the National Broadcasting Company, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps‑Howard, Newsweek magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, the Miami Herald and the old Saturday Evening Post and New York Herald‑Tribune. (The CIA and the Media by Carl Bernstein)
Bernstein suggests, in this regard, that "the CIA’s use of the American news media has been much more extensive than Agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress" (Ibid).
In recent years, the CIA's relationship to the media has become increasingly complex and sophisticated. We are dealing with a mammoth propaganda network involving a number of agencies of government.
Media disinformation has become institutionalized. The lies and fabrications have become increasingly blatant when compared to the 1970s. The US media has become the mouthpiece of US foreign policy. Disinformation is routinely "planted" by CIA operatives in the newsroom of major dailies, magazines and TV channels: "A relatively few well-connected correspondents provide the scoops, that get the coverage in the relatively few mainstream news sources, where the parameters of debate are set and the "official reality" is consecrated for the bottom feeders in the news chain."(Chaim Kupferberg, The Propaganda Preparation of 9/11, Global Research, September 19, 2002).
Since 2001, the US media has assumed a new role in sustaining the "Global War on Terrorism" (GWOT) and camouflaging US sponsored war crimes. In the wake of 9/11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld created the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI), or "Office of Disinformation" as it was labeled by its critics: "The Department of Defense said they needed to do this, and they were going to actually plant stories that were false in foreign countries -- as an effort to influence public opinion across the world.'" (Interview with Steve Adubato, Fox News, 26 December 2002, see also Michel Chossudovsky, War Propaganda, Global Research, January 3, 2003).
Today's corporate media is an instrument of war propaganda, which begs the question: why would the NYT all of a sudden promote transparency and truth in media, by assisting Wikileaks in "spreading the word"; and that people around the World would not pause for one moment and question the basis of this incongruous relationship.
On the surface, nothing proves that Wikileaks is a CIA covert operation. However, given the corporate media's cohesive and structured relationship to US intelligence, not to mention the links of individual journalists to the military-national security establishment, the issue of a CIA sponsored PsyOp must necessarily be addressed.
Wikileaks Social and Corporate Entourage
Wikileaks and The Economist have also entered into what seems to be a contradictory relationship. Wikileaks founder and editor Julian Assange was granted in 2008 The Economist's New Media Award.
The Economist has a close relationship to Britain's financial elites. It is an establishment news outlet, which has, on balance, supported Britain's involvement in the Iraq war. It bears the stamp of the Rothschild family. Sir Evelyn Robert Adrian de Rothschild was chairman of The Economist from 1972 to 1989. His wife Lynn Forester de Rothschild currently sits on The Economist's board. The Rothschild family also has a sizeable shareholder interest in The Economist.
The broader question is why would Julian Assange receive the support from Britain's foremost establishment news outfit which has consistently been involved in media disinformation?
Are we not dealing with a case of "manufactured dissent", whereby the process of supporting and rewarding Wikileaks for its endeavors, becomes a means of controlling and manipulating the Wikileaks project, while at the same time embedding it into the mainstream media.
It is also worth mentioning another important link. Julian Assange's lawyer Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent (FSI), a major London elite law firm, happens to be the legal adviser to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust. While this in itself does prove anything, it should nonetheless be examined in the broader context of Wikileaks' social and corporate entourage: the NYT, the CFR, The Economist, Time Magazine, Forbes, Finers Stephens Innocent (FSI), etc.
Manufacturing Dissent
Wikileaks has the essential features of a process of "manufactured dissent". It seeks to expose government lies. It has released important information on US war crimes. But once the project becomes embedded in the mould of mainstream journalism, it is used as an instrument of media disinformation:
"It is in the interest of the corporate elites to accept dissent and protest as a feature of the system inasmuch as they do not threaten the established social order. The purpose is not to repress dissent, but, on the contrary, to shape and mould the protest movement, to set the outer limits of dissent. To maintain their legitimacy, the economic elites favor limited and controlled forms of opposition... To be effective, however, the process of "manufacturing dissent" must be carefully regulated and monitored by those who are the object of the protest movement " (See Michel Chossudovsky, "Manufacturing Dissent": the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites, September 2010)
What this examination of the Wikileaks project also suggests is that the mechanics of New World Order propaganda, particularly with regard to its military agenda, has become increasingly sophisticated.
It no longer relies on the outright suppression of the facts regarding US-NATO war crimes. Nor does it require that the reputation of government officials at the highest levels, including the Secretary of State, be protected. New World Order politicians are in a sense "disposable". They can be replaced. What must be protected and sustained are the interests of the economic elites, which control the political apparatus from behind the scenes.
In the case of Wikileaks, the facts are contained in a data bank; many of those facts, particularly those pertaining to foreign governments serve US foreign policy interests. Other facts tend, on the other hand to discredit the US administration. With regard to financial information, the release of data pertaining to a particular bank instigated via Wikileaks by a rival financial institution, could potentially be used to trigger the collapse or bankrutpcy of the targeted financial institution.
All the Wiki-facts are selectively redacted, they are then "analyzed" and interpreted by a media which serves the economic elites.
While the numerous pieces of information contained in the Wikileaks data bank are accessible, the broader public will not normally take the trouble to consult and scan through the Wikileaks data bank. The public will read the redacted selections and interpretations presented in major news outlets.
A partial and biased picture is presented. The redacted version is accepted by public opinion because it is based on what is heralded as a "reliable source", when in fact what is presented in the pages of major newspapers and on network TV is a carefully crafted and convoluted distortion of the truth.
Limited forms of critical debate and "transparency" are tolerated while also enforcing broad public acceptance of the basic premises of US foreign policy, including its "Global War on Terrorism". With regard to a large segment of the US antiwar movement, this strategy seems to have succeeded: "We are against war but we support the 'war on terrorism'".
What this means is that truth in media can only be reached by dismantling the propaganda apparatus, --i.e. breaking the legitimacy of the corporate media which sustains the broad interests of the economic elites as well America's global military design.
In turn, we must ensure that the campaign against Wikileaks in the U.S., using the 1917 Espionage Act, will not be utilized as a means to wage a campaign to control the internet. In this regard, we should also stand firm in preventing the prosecution of Julian Assange in the US.
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Kosovo the prime cause of instability in the Balkans - by Živadin Jovanović
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Kosovo the prime cause of instability in the Balkans - by Živadin Jovanović - 17. Congress of German Peace Council
On 17. Congress of German Peace Council:
Mr. Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
Allow me, first of all, to thank you for your kind invitation and for the warm hospitality accorded to me by your leaders and activists. I am honored indeed by the opportunity to speak to this friendly audience on the issues of common interest. As this is my first opportunity to address delegates of German Peace Council from the whole of Germany, I would like also to thank you for your enormous efforts in spreading the truth about real causes and consequences of the Yugoslav crisis and real objectives of 1999 NATO aggression.
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals is an independent, nonpartisan and non-profit association founded eleven years ago. We share similar values and objectives: we are devoted to peace, justice and truth. We want Europe of peace and stability, Europe of equal nations, equal human beings, and equal opportunities, Europe without nuclear armament and foreign military bases, Continent of justice and prosperity for all. We strive against militarization and any kind of hegemony. So called new concept of the NATO strategy adopted at the recent Lisbon Summit new one. It is only codification of precedent of NATO aggression on Serbia (Yugoslavia) in 1999, Afghanistan of 2001, Iraq of 2003. So called new strategy is new attempt military complex to justify expansion of a war machinery. NATO is imposing itself as a global aggressive Alliance ready to engage its war machinery any time, in any corner of the globe, contrary to the basic principles of the international law and the role of the UN Security Council. Instead of removing military arsenal, especially nuclear, NATO has adopted plans to develop and deploy the new ones in Europe and elsewhere. Implementation of such plans would undoubtedly provoke a new arms race depriving peoples of decent life and jeopardizing peace and stability. We are disturbed by the fact that there are more military bases in Europe today, than at the peak of the Cold War era.
Dear Friends,
Stable and prosperous Balkan is of the paramount interest of the Balkan peoples as well as of Europe. The situation in the region, however, remains complex with political, security and socio-economic problems which, least in carry potential for new problems and even conflicts.
It should be noted that in the period of the last twenty years the Balkan has been testing ground for new doctrines, the region of the most dramatic changes and precedents in international relations:
- Second Yugoslavia (SFRY) was destroyed in 1992, the third Yugoslavia in 2006, both in conjunction of internal an external factors;
- NATO aggression against Serbia (Yugoslavia) in 1999 was the first war on Europe’s soil after the Second World War, presented as “humanitarian intervention”, contrary to basic principles of International Law, without approval of UN SC,
- Unilateral proclamation of Independence of Kosovo and Methija in 2008, while the Provence was under UN mandate, again, without UN SC approval, and contrary to the Constitution of Serbia;
Seven new hardly sustainable states have been created, some even through severe civil wars consequences of which will be felt over decades to come 1. In spite of some progress in the process of normalization of relations, mistrust is still there limiting the efforts to revive economic, social, cultural and other links. After over 70 years of common life, these links were abruptly cut during the secessions and conflicts. There is great need to remove all politically motivated obstacles and encourage widest possible cooperation based on recognition of mutual interests. Free flow of goods, people, ideas, culture and capital would certainly push ahead overall development, diminish dependence on foreign assistance and help dealing with consequences of the global economic and financial crisis.
New international borders while not general problem, in a number of instances are still to be defined, including parts of Serbia-Croatian border on Danube and Serbia-Bosnian border on the Drina River. The best way in resolving these issues is to apply international standards.
New national minorities have appeared in addition to old ones. Balkan renown through history as mixture of nations, cultures and religions and conflicts, of course, after further territorial fragmentation during the last two decades, has “enriched” itself by producing even more national minorities, more languages, and even more religions. For good? It is doubtful. Standards of their human, political and national rights in a number of instances are not respected.
Serbia is still hosting about 220.000 displaced persons from Kosovo and Metohija, mainly Serbs, and about 300.000 Serb refugees from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the highest figure of refugees and displaced persons in one European country. This causes not only serious socio-economic but political problems, too. Members of neither of the two groups are permitted to return to places of their origin freely and safely. Serbs in Croatia although promised territorial autonomy, are deprived even of some basic individual rights such as right to private ownership of their houses, apartments and farms.
One of the potential sources of destabilization is Bosnia and Herzegovina which is occasionally termed “failed state”. Constitutional set up of Bosnia and Herzegovina is defined by the Dayton-Paris Peace Agreement (1995) guaranteeing sovereign equality of the three constituent peoples (Moslems, Serbs and Croats) and equality of the two entities – Bosnia and Herzegovina federation (Moslems and Croats) and Republika Srpska. Attempts, channeled through High Representative, to change the con-federal and impose unitary system contrary to what was established by Dayton-Paris Peace Agreement, to annul consensus in decision making and introduce majorization are counter productive, to say, at least. They tend to return the stabilization process back to the beginning of 90-ies and, therefore, are very dangerous for the very existence of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state. In closing this chapter of my speech, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that after the recent elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina Croat Community came to openly ask for creation of own, third entity. This reveals that both, Serbs and Croats have same fear – of being discriminated Moslems dominated Bosnia.
In my opinion, Serbia does not and cannot recognize illegal secession of Kosovo and Metohija. Therefore, this remains an open issue yet to be resolved. Solution should be sought respecting basic principles of the international law, UN decisions and Constitution of Serbia as a sovereign state. Such a position is supported by major part of International community, including some of the permanent members of UN SC (Russia and China) as well as some members of EU (Spain, Greece, Romania, Slovak Republic and Cyprus). New negotiations on the status seem to be unavoidable. Any expectation on further softening the official Serbia Government’s position could turn to be counterproductive. Perhaps not so much because of the Government’s firmness in defending territorial integrity and sovereignty, but first of all because compromise is the only away to to guarantee Serbia’s internal stability which, in turn, is important for the lasting peace and stability of the Balkan.
It has been repeatedly noted that the future of the Balkan lies in the hands of the Balkan countries. This is true, but mainly theoretically. In real life one of the general problems in the region is excessive involvement of out-of-the-region power centers. Considering that Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Province of Kosovo and Metohija continue to be international protectorates, that the governments in the most of the countries in the region owe their loyalty to the West which helped them various ways to come to power (“colored revolutions”), it is rather unclear what the regional factors can do themselves, what are real margins for them to work out needed compromises.
International community, essentially being limited to NATO and EU, lacks capacity and political will for compromised solutions and continue to impose own solutions which, sooner or later, appear not to be sustainable. This, perhaps explains, why NATO and EU maintain substantial military, police and civil presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia and particularly in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija where about 10.000 NATO troops are deployed including one of the biggest military base in the world (Bondstil).
No doubt that the key source of destabilization of the Balkan today remains Kosovo and Metohija. Aparent massive violation of human rights of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija was just excuse for NATO aggression against Serbia. In my opinion, NATO aggression in 1999, was a historic mistake of the West, especially of Western Europe and Germany. It was a precedent, first ring in a chain of aggressions and occupations which ensued after. Ever since Europe has been obliged to take part in other military interventions away of its zone of defense. With recent Lisbon documents such a practice has been codified and formalized. The aggression was a blunder towards the United Nations particularly towards Security Council and its role in maintaining peace in the world. It gave a push to separatist tendencies in the region, Europe and the World. New military bases mushroomed from Kosovo to Bulgaria, Rumania, Baltic states. Economic destructions, including some of the strategic European corridors, have been valued over 100 billions of US dollars.
Unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija in February this year was also a dangerous precedent. As to whether it encouraged independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia may be disputable, but the general effect of Kosovo’s “unique case” should not be disputable.
Last month, representatives of Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija, FYROM, Greece, Montenegro and three southern districts of Serbia (Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja) gathered in Tirana to announce their devotion to the “natural Albania”. This gathering was preceded by repeated declarations of highest Albanian officials that Albanians have the right to live together and followed by the declaration of former chief of OSDE Kosovo Verification Mission, American ambassador William Walker that Albanians have the right to unite.
“Side” effects of Prishtina’s unilateral secession may be summed up in one word - divisions – divisions within EU, UN, OSCE, between EU/NATO – Russia, divisions in the Balkan and divisions within Serbia itself.
Appart from the fact that the Province is faced with dramatic socio-economic problems, unemployement at the same time, it is a safe heaven and a jumping board for extremists and clans of organized crimes whose real aim is to operate in the EU area. It is assesed that over 60 percent of the total marketing of heroin in Europe is controlled by Albanian mafia. Trafiking of human beings, their vital organs and smugling of armaments is also under their control.
Putting an end to the protectorate status of Bosnia and Herzegovina would be important step in good direction. After 15 years of peace and international governance, local institutions and politicians must be given a chance of working together, compromising and running the country without almighty so called High Representative. Reopening negotiations on the status of Kosovo and Metohija after the opinion of the International Court of Justice is announced later this year is quite reasonable expectation. Compromise based on the respect of International Law, particularly. The UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) must be considered a lasting legal document, starting point and coroner stone of any future solution for Kosovo and Metohija problem. This is the most important precondition to peace and stability in the Balkan. Foreigners come and go, their interests vary but the Balkan nations will stay here for ever. For this reason they should relay on compromises of their long term interests.
EU appears to be key partner of the Balkan states. How long will last the current financial, economic and institutional crisis in EU? What conclusions Brussels drew from up to now enlargements of the EU membership? Answering these questions would certainly help to asses realistically prospects for EU membership of a number of Balkan countries. To continue submitting to endless demands of Brussels bureaucracy in exchange for repeated promises of “European perspectives”, may turn to be loss of time and vital interests.
Democratization and transition has left, among others, profound social divisions and tensions, extremely high rate of unemployment, corruption, and organized crime. These tendencies are not assets for peace and stability. To alleviate the roots of these tendencies require political will, strategies, recourses, including financial, and – time.
Western benevolence towards obvious rise of separatism and territorial fragmentation, especially affecting Serbia and Serbian nation, in one hand, and clear support for centralization, unitarization of certain other countries, notably Bosnia and Herzegovina, are examples of double standards policy. Putting aside motives and interests of the West, it must be noted that such a policy would definitely hinder prospects of peace and stability today, up to 2020 and beyond.
Proliferation of puppet sates with unsustainable economies, national minorities with uneven level of their rights, political parties based on ethnic and religious criteria and refugees and displaced persons with the lack of political will to scure conditions for free and safe return to their homes;
Expansion of Islamism not as a religion or culture, but as overall social and governmental system. Some Islamite leaders do consider Balkan as a spring board for further expansion. (Vehabist groups, Islamic extremist organizations have been uncovered recently in a number of Balkan countries);
In my opinion, Serbia with its geostrategic position and resources is capacitated and willing to play its role in achieving sustainable stability, peace and development in the Balkans. But Serbia is faced with serious problems. First of all, stagnation of the socio-economic development, about one million of unemployed, 700.000 people billow the bottom line of poverty, disregard of her legitimate national interest.
Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty is not jeopardized by illegal unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija only, but such tendencies are present in some other parts (Vojvodina, Raska, Southern districts).
Recently “The Group of Friends of Sandzak” (Raska) was established in Belgrade composed of the ambassadors of USA, Germany, Britain and Italy! What would be real political objective of such a move? These ambassadors surely have been welcomed to Belgrade as friends of Serbia and they are expected to behave as such. Forming “Group of friends” of same states is known practice at the UN Headquarters in New York, usually, to show strong support to a country with certain problems usually pending consideration within UN. But, forming a “Group of Friends” of any particular part (region) of a sovereign country by diplomats accredited to such a country is neither diplomatic nor respecting partnership nor hospitality of particular country and nation.
Serbian public and civic society should like to see everybody investing into mutual understanding and respect so that the Balkan becomes region of integration, peace and stability leaving behind divisions, distrust and confrontation.
Dear friends,
I am aware that aforesaid is more a list of open problems, with some suggestions, than a list of solutions. Our answers should be close cooperation and coordination, , to find ways to mass media – conventional and new ones, ability to foresee developments.
In closing, let me congratulate you for great success of your Congress.
Thank you.
Zivadin Jovanovic
President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals,
Former Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of FR of Yugoslavia
1 Kosovo and Metohija’s self-proclaimed secession from Serbia has not been recognized in the region by Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Cyprus
Merchants of death
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Merchants of death - John Cherian, Bob Strong / Reuters, K. Murali Kumar
John Cherian
The big arms companies based in the U.S. are likely to create a record in arms sales worldwide this year.
The F-35 Lightning II, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter, is the most expensive fighter plane developed so far. Israel will get 20 of these between 2015 and 2017.
The extradition of the notorious Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout to the United States by the government of Thailand has once again put the spotlight on the global arms trade. Bout is described in the Western media as an individual arms dealer with few scruples who sold his lethal supplies to the highest bidder. According to the U.S., who had put Bout on its most wanted list, the former Russian naval officer had supplied arms to groups on Washington's so-called terror list, such as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the Taliban and insurgent groups in Somalia. The U.S. has given the Colombian armed forces $5 billion in military aid since the late 1990s. Many more billions have been spent in Afghanistan in the continuing efforts to defeat the Taliban.
The real “merchants of death” are the big arms companies, based mainly in the U.S. and Europe, that sell weapons worth billions to countries in the developing world. Companies in the U.S. lead the pack. The latest arms deals signed by the U.S. with Saudi Arabia and other states in the West Asian region will see the profits of Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Northrop Grumman soar in the next fiscal. The global arms trade is worth $60 billion dollars annually. The U.S. has consistently topped the list of arms exporters. The other nations on the list are Russia, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Israel, China, Sweden, the Netherlands and Italy.
In 2009, the U.S. share of the global defence market was 39 per cent, followed by Russia with around 20 per cent. China was the third biggest exporter. India has been among the top purchasers of military equipment. In 2008, India, along with Pakistan, Algeria and Malaysia, was among the top five buyers of weapons. In 2009, Brazil emerged as the biggest recipient of arms, with $7.2 billion in purchases, followed by Venezuela, which spent $6.4 billion in arms deals. Between 2002 and 2009, Saudi Arabia led the pack of recipient nations, having inked arms deals worth more than $39.9 billion, followed by India, which had entered into arms deals worth $32.4 billion.
This year, the U.S. is likely to break a record in arms sales worldwide. Financial Times has reported that the Gulf Arab states have ordered U.S. weapons systems worth $123 billion “to counter Iran's military power”. The biggest deal, worth $60 billion, is with Saudi Arabia and was formally announced in October this year. Among other things, the U.S. will be supplying the Saudis 84 new F-15 jet fighters and will be upgrading another 70 fighter planes. The U.S. expects to reap an additional $30 billion when the Saudi navy is upgraded in the near future. American commentators have said that the Saudi deal is a “huge bailout” for American military contractors.
Bob Strong / Reuters
The U.S.' biggest arms deal this year, worth $60 billion, is with Saudi Arabia. Among other things, the U.S. will be supplying the Saudis F-15 fighter jets, shown in the picture.
Many West Asia watchers are of the opinion that the region is already overflowing with arms. Saudi Arabia, many military experts have opined, is already over-armed and has military capabilities in excess of its legitimate needs. President Barack Obama's administration, however, seems determined to militarise the tense region further, regardless of the consequences. The U.S. is also sending a strong signal to its enemies that despite its declining superpower status it proposes to remain the major power in the region. “This proposed sale has tremendous significance from a strategic regional perspective,” said Andrew Shapiro, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs, while announcing the arms deal with Saudi Arabia. “It will send a strong message to the countries in the region that we are committed to support the security of our key partners and allies in the Arabian Gulf and the broader Middle East [West Asia],” said Shapiro.
U.S. Defence officials have said that Tel Aviv did not object to the sale of sophisticated weaponry to Saudi Arabia as “it will not affect Israel's upper hand in the region”. But just to make sure, the Obama administration announced that Israel would be given the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the most expensive fighter plane developed so far, which costs $184 million apiece. Israel will get 20 of these planes between 2015 and 2017. There are also reports that the Obama administration's offer of the F-35 jet fighters was made on the basis of the Israeli government's decision to once again “freeze” the building of settlements on the West Bank and go back to the dialogue table.
The UAE recently signed with the U.S. military contracts worth $35.6 billion. The purchases include that of a missile defence system called Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD), which is still in the development stage, and Patriot anti-missile batteries. The UAE also purchased 80 American-made F-16 jet fighters.
A U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report accessed by the media in September faults the Obama administration for concluding multi-billion-dollar arms deals with Gulf countries without establishing whether they were in the national interest of the U.S. The GAO, which reports to the U.S. Congress, had looked into U.S. defence deals conducted with the Gulf states from 2005 to 2009. The Obama administration has disagreed with the GAO's contention that U.S. national interests were not prioritised. Administration officials told the GAO that arms sales to the Gulf “support the U.S. defence industrial base” and represented “a key component of the U.S. security relationship in the region”.
The U.S. has for a long time been seeking to make the Gulf a front line against Iran. The huge volume of military sales to Saudi Arabia is also meant to make the biggest Gulf country a strategic buffer between Israel and Iran. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have shared a close strategic relationship for the past seven decades, which is based on oil and security. Though relations between Riyadh and Teheran have improved a lot, the Saudi monarchy seems to be in Washington's corner as far as the nuclear dispute is concerned.
K. Murali Kumar
Vice Admiral Jeffrey A. Wieringa, Director of the Pentagon's Defence Security Cooperation Agency. He has made eight visits to India so far.
Vice Admiral Jeffrey Wieringa, the Director of the Pentagon's Defence Security Cooperation Agency, has predicted that U.S. weapons sales will cross the $50-billion mark this year. Oman and Kuwait are likely to place orders with the U.S. to upgrade their air forces. Oman has reportedly earmarked $12.3 billion for arms purchases from the U.S. and Kuwait $7.1 billion. In September, the U.S. signed a deal with Iraq to sell it weapons worth $4.2 billion, including 18 F-16 fighter aircraft, Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, laser-guided bombs and reconnaissance equipment.
The other recent notable arms sales concluded by the U.S. include a $3.2-billion sale of F-16s to Egypt, $7-billion worth of Boeing F-18 bombers to Brazil and $134-million worth of Chinook helicopters to Morocco. The arms deal the U.S. signed with Taiwan in January this year triggered a diplomatic row between Washington and Beijing. Under the deal, the U.S. will sell advanced weaponry worth more than $6.3 billion to the island, which China considers its province. In retaliation, China suspended military exchanges with the U.S. and warned that the deal would have an adverse impact on bilateral relations. In 2008, the U.S. sold Taiwan aircraft and missiles worth $6.4 billion.
India is now emerging as a key market for the U.S. Wieringa has made eight visits to India so far. He boasted in a recent blog post about the huge strides the U.S. had made in weapons exports. The Indian defence market was so far virtually monopolised by Russia and Israel. A major thrust of the Obama visit to India was to sell American weaponry. The Obama administration is reportedly “investigating” ways to make the selling of defence weaponry to countries such as India easier.
While signing this year's military budget, Obama said that the document took “necessary steps towards reshaping priorities of America's defence establishment and changing the way the Pentagon does business”.
India has set aside $50 billion for the next five years to modernise its armed forces. A sum of $10 billion has been earmarked for the purchase of 126 multi-role combat fighters. If an American company clinches this deal, the U.S. could then emerge as India's biggest defence partner and military ally. This year alone, India has already gone in for some big-ticket purchases, including cargo transport aircraft, long-distance reconnaissance planes and 145 U.S.-made howitzers. The deals are worth more than $5 billion.
India, unlike Pakistan, pays for these weapons from its budget. Countries such as Pakistan and Israel pay for U.S. weaponry from the defence aid they receive from Washington. The U.S. counter-insurgency fund for Pakistan for the fiscal year of 2011 is to increase to $1.2 billion.
NATO's New Strategy: A Warning for the Balkans - by Srdja Trifkovic
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NATO’s much heralded “New Strategic Concept,” adopted at the summit in Lisbon on November 20, provides a few additional reasons why those Balkan countries that are still outside the Alliance should stay out of it.
NATO and the uses to which Washington puts it constitute a messy tangle of contradictions. Outwardly, it appears to be what it always was: a defensive organization dedicated to collective security. Inwardly it is something else entirely. NATO’s mission was to contain the USSR—universally perceived as a threat—through collective security: an attack against one would be an attack against all. Although NATO had a war fighting doctrine, it sought mainly to deter attack. In this it succeeded splendidly; but since the demise of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact, NATO has morphed from a defensive alliance to fend off a commonly acknowledged threat into a vehicle for the attainment of U.S. global hegemony.
The “Strategic Concept” does nothing to resolve this fundamental contradiction. The document’s “Core Tasks and Principles” do not offer a coherent strategic vision but rely on propagandistic rhetoric: “The Alliance remains an essential source of stability in an unpredictable world;” its member states “form a unique community of values, committed to the principles of individual liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.”
The authors assert with breathtaking audacity, in view of the aggression against Serbia 11 years ago, that “the Alliance is firmly committed to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and to the Washington Treaty, which affirms the primary responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security.”
The Concept illustrates the extent to which NATO has lost any sense of strategic purpose. Terrorism is singled out as “a direct threat,” as well as “trans-national illegal activities such as trafficking in arms, narcotics and people,” piracy, and cyber attacks by “foreign militaries and intelligence services, organised criminals, terrorist and/or extremist groups.” (The notion that NATO should combat human trafficking etc. is ridiculous not only in itself, but also because NATO protectorate Kosovo is one of the world’s great centers of human trafficking.)
The Alliance brief now includes “assessing the impact of emerging security technologies,” as well as a host of environmental issues: “health risks, climate change, water scarcity and increasing energy needs will further shape the future security environment in areas of concern to NATO and have the potential to affect significantly NATO planning and operations.” Disruption of energy supplies is listed in the same league. A truly extraordinary novelty is that each of those “risks” is from now on a potential cause of war!
The “Concept” commits NATO to “further develop doctrine and military capabilities for expeditionary operations,” which hints at the possibility of new out-of-area deployments. The fact that Concept was initially drafted by a group of experts chaired by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is an alarming indicator of the hidden agenda.
At a time of extreme political, economic, military and moral weakness, Serbia in particular would be ill advised to join an organization committed to new “expeditionary operations,” but the same applies to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro. Serbia needs to pursue its key national interest—that of maintaining friendly relations with Russia. This cannot and will not happen if Serbia resorts to provocative acts such as joining a NATO bent on Russia’s encirclement. In defining its security arrangement Belgrade should adopt certain criteria based on the conventional understanding of Serbia’s national interest. They should include:
Attention to cost. The cost of force modernization required to meet NATO standards would overburden and overwhelm the already weak Serbian economy;
Refusal to commit Serbian forces and use them as American cannon-fodder in “expeditionary” missions not directly connected to the country’s national interests;
Resistance to being pulled into geo-strategic alignments that are not in the national interest, that are overwhelmingly rejected by Serbia’s popular opinion, and would only exacerbate regional tensions.
Serbia should seek its place within a European security architecture that embraces (and balances) the diverse security arrangements maintained by European states. They include NATO members, from Portugal to Estonia and Iceland to Greece; West European states that are not in NATO, such as Austria, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, and Switzerland; ex-Communist countries with scant interest in or prospect of joining NATO (Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia); and Russia, which occupies a category of its own. Whether viewing U.S. foreign policy through the prism of geo-strategy or ideology, Russia remains in NATO’s crosshairs. It has become an important means of changing the world in America’s image. If Serbia were to join, Belgrade would be enlisting in a crusade to encircle Moscow for the benefit of those who bombed Belgrade for 78 days eleven years ago. Such policy would be not only geopolitically self-defeating, but also morally criminal.
What is NATO For?
The Strategic Concept concedes that “the Euro-Atlantic area is at peace and the threat of a conventional attack against NATO territory is low.” In other words, NATO’s Cold War area of hostility has all but disappeared, but its self-awarded areas of activity and authority are still proliferating. The Concept effectively codifies a shift from NATO’s defense of specific territories to its open-ended readiness to respond to redefined “threats” anywhere in the world.
It is not contentious that terrorism, cyber attacks, arms, drugs and people trafficking, etc. are security threats which need to be addressed. The right tools for doing so are a conceptual approach freed from the shackles of Jihad-friendly political correctitude, an enhanced Interpol, an efficient intelligence network, and a dozen global SWAT teams. A military alliance of NATO’s structure and magnitude is absurdly ill-suited to the task, however. Including such threats in NATO’s brief – not to mention the environment, health, climate change, water, etc. – is nonsensical in grand-strategic terms. It means either that the Alliance is to become a global social worker on steroids, or else that it can be dragged into countless new interventions, theoretically justifiable by its new mandate.
NATO and Russia
The key issue of grand strategy, NATO’s attitude to Russia, remains unresolved. The Concept asserts that “NATO poses no threat to Russia,” with which it seeks a true strategic partnership. We’ve heard similar statements before: in 1997 Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin signed the NATO-Russia Founding Act, which was soon followed – and rendered obsolete – by the Kosovo war in 1999 and the Alliance’s eastward expansion. Russia’s ambassador to NATO Dmitry Rogozin sarcastically articulated Moscow’s misgivings: “The NATO gamekeepers invite the Russian bear to go hunting rabbits together. The bear doesn’t understand: why do they have bear-hunting rifles?”
NATO and Europe
An encouraging aspect of the European financial crisis – with Ireland as its latest episode – is that it makes further reduction of European military budgets inevitable. Since 2001, the Pentagon’s annual budget has increased by more than two-thirds in real terms from $400 billion to $700 billion, while inflation-adjusted defence spending across Europe fell by two per cent each year to just under $300 billion. Whatever new NATO “missions” are conjured in Washington, the lack of Europe’s political will to come on board will be coupled by the material inability to do so in a meaninful way.
A necessary and successful European structure during the Cold War, NATO is obsolete and harmful today. It no longer provides collective security – an attack against one is an attack against all – of limited geographic scope (Europe) against a predatory totalitarian power. Instead, NATO has morphed into a vehicle for the attainment of misguided American strategic objectives on a global scale. The Lisbon Strategic Concept merely cements and perpetuates its new, U.S.-invented “mission” as a self-appointed promoter of democracy, protector of human rights, and guardian against instability outside its original area. It was on those grounds, rather than in response to any supposed threat, that the Clinton administration pushed for the admission of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary in 1996, and President Bush brought in the Baltic republics, Bulgaria, and Rumania in 2004.
Bill Clinton’s air war against the Serbs, which started in March 1999, marked a decisive shift in NATO’s mutation from a defensive alliance into a supranational security force based on the doctrine of “humanitarian intervention.” The trusty keeper of the gate of 1949 had morphed into a roaming vigilante five decades later.
America and NATO
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia has been trying to articulate her goals and define her policies in terms of “traditional” national interests. By contrast, the early 1990’s witnessed the beginning of America’s futile attempt to assert her status as the only global “hyperpower.” The justification for their project was as ideological, and the implications were as revolutionary as anything concocted by Bolshevik revolutionaries Zinoviev or Trotsky in their heyday. When Mikhail Gorbachev’s agreement was needed for German reunification, President George H.W. Bush gave a firm and public promise that NATO wound not move eastward. Within years, however, Bill Clinton expanded NATO to include all the former Warsaw Pact countries of Central Europe. Instead of declaring victory and abolishing the alliance in the early 1990’s, the Clinton administration redesigned it as a mechanism for open-ended out-of-area interventions at a time when every rationale for its existence had disappeared. Following the air war against Serbia over a decade ago, NATO’s area of operations became unlimited, and its “mandate” entirely self-generated.
Another round of NATO expansion came under George W. Bush, when three former Soviet Baltic republics were admitted. In 2007 Bush extended U.S. military assistance to aspiring NATO members, specifically Georgia and Ukraine. Further expansion, according to former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, was “historically mandatory, geopolitically desirable.” He openly admitted that NATO’s enlargement was not about U.S. security in any conventional sense, but “about America’s role in Europe – whether America will remain a European power and whether a larger democratic Europe will remain organically linked to America.” Such attitude is the source of endless problems for America and Europe alike.
As the Lisbon Summit indicates, President Obama and his foreign policy team fail to grasp that a problem exists. There’s been a change of officials at the White House, but the Washington regime is still the same, and both NATO and America are still in need of a new strategy. That strategy should be based on the fact that the threat to Europe’s security does not come from Russia, or from a fresh bout of instability in the Balkans. The real threat to Europe’s security and to her survival comes from Islam, from the deluge of inassimilable Third World immigrants, and from collapsing birthrates. All three are due to the moral and cultural degeneracy, not to any shortage of soldiers and weaponry. The continued presence of a U.S. contingent of any size in Germany can do nothing to alleviate these problems, because they are cultural, moral and spiritual.
Dangerous NATO Doctrine
NATO is detrimental to global security. It forces America to assume nominal responsibility for open-ended maintenance of a host of disputed East European frontiers that were drawn, often arbitrarily, by Communist dictators and by long-dead Versailles diplomats, and which bear little relation to ethnicity, geography, or history. With NATO still in place, eventual adjustments – which are inevitable – will be more potentially violent for the countries concerned and more risky for the U.S. The West does not have any interest in preserving an indefinite status quo in the region.
Clinton’s 1999 war against Serbia was based on the his own doctrine of “humanitarian intervention,” which claimed the right of the United States to use military force to prevent or stop alleged human rights abuses as defined by Washington. This doctrine explicitly denied the validity of long-established norms – harking back to 1648 Westphalia – in favor of a supposedly higher “moral” objective. It paved the way for the pernicious Bush Doctrine of preventive war and “regime change” codified in the 2002 National Security Strategy.
The Clinton-Bush Doctrine represented the global extension of the Soviet model of relations with Moscow’s satellites applied in the occupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968. More than three decades after Prague 1968 the USSR was gone and the Warsaw Pact dismantled, but the principles of the Brezhnev Doctrine are not defunct. They survive in the neoliberal guise at the headquarters of NATO in Brussels. But the key difference between Brezhnev and Clinton was in the limited scope of the Soviet leader’s self-awarded outreach. His doctrine applied only to the “socialist community,” as opposed to the unlimited, potentially world-wide scope of “defending the values that give NATO meaning.” The “socialist community” led by Moscow stopped on the Elbe, after all. It was replaced by the “International Community” led by Washington, which stops nowhere.
Inevitable Failure of the Lisbon “Concept”
The latest codification of the NATO doctrine, as presented in Lisbon, is the ideological pillar and self-referential framework for the policy of permanent global interventionism. It precludes any meaningful debate about the correlation between ends and means of American power, at a time when – after a brief period of American mono-polar dominance (1991-2008) – the global distribution of power is characterized by asymmetric multipolarity.
Any attempt by a single power to keep its military strength beyond challenge is inherently destabilizing. Neither Napoleon nor Hitler knew any “natural” limits, but their ambition was confined to Europe. With the NATO doctrine today, the novelty is that this ambition is extended literally to the whole world. The globe itself is now effectively claimed as America’s sphere of influence, and NATO is the enforcement mechanism of choice. That neurotic dynamism is bound to be resisted ever more effectively and decisively by the emerging coalition of weaker powers (Russia, China, India, Brazil), acting on behalf of the essentially “conservative” principles of state sovereignty, national interest, and reaffirmation of the right to their own spheres of geopolitical dominance.
The sooner they get their act together, the better for all, NATO powers included.
Kosovo - by Enrico Vigna
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Ultime notizie (Agosto-Novembre 2010)
DAL Kosovo:
- Conseguenze dei bombardamenti: il numero di malati di cancro in Kosovo è aumentato del 200 per cento - Denuncia di una ONG serba di Mitrovica
- Kosovo, gruppo sconosciuto serbo proclama un processo di indipendenza
- Associazione delle Municipalità serbe del Kosovo Metohija: EULEX è una forza di occupazione
- La pulizia etnica dei Rom del Kosovo
SUL Kosovo:
- Condanna dell'attacco terroristico in Kosovo Metohija - Z. Jovanovic,Presidente del Forum Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali
- I clan dell'attuale e dell'ex premier coinvolti in omicidi. Il traffico di organi e di droga. L'Onu sapeva e ha insabbiato. Lo dimostrano alcuni documenti ritrovati
- Politici ed esperti militari tedeschi, chiedono la chiusura della base militare di Bondsteel
- NAZIONI UNITE: Il Kosovo è uno "Stato" narco-terrorista
- La Solidarietà concreta di SOS Kosovo Metohija- SOS Yugoslavia
- La voce dei bambini del Kosmet
- Kosovo Metohija di IERI
Kosovo dei giorni nostri
Coscienti della sempre più ristretta area di interesse mediatico che ha oggi la situazione in quell'area balcanica, perseveriamo nel fornire informazioni e documentazioni.
Perché, molti si possono chiedere? Pensiamo che ci sono almeno quattro motivi concreti per continuare questo impegno:
1) E' un area geograficamente a noi contigua come paese, e ciò che vi accade o vi può accadere, non può non riguardare i paesi intorno, perché qualsiasi evoluzione o involuzione della situazione lì, ha conseguenze dirette o indirette, in tutti gli aspetti: politici, economici, militari, sociali, nel nostro paese e nella nostra società. E, come si può comprendere dalla lettura degli avvenimenti e della situazione, è un area potenzialmente esplosiva e foriera di nuove violenze e conflittualità, che possono destabilizzare politiche ed equilibri internazionali, in cui l'Italia e tutti noi, saremo obbligatoriamente coinvolti.
2) E' un area di scontro geopolitico e geostrategico nel confronto tra logiche politiche imperialiste e potenze che non accettano la subordinazione a queste. In concreto, nel Kosovo vi è anche un confronto sottile ma frontale tra gli interessi strategici della potenza Russia e quelli di USA/NATO/ Occidente…che non coincidono. Quali che saranno gli sviluppi l'Italia ne sarà parte, anche perché interni all'apparato militare NATO, con tutto ciò che ne conseguirà.
3) Perché lavorare per la verità, significa lavorare per la giustizia, e senza verità non vi può essere giustizia. E senza giustizia non vi può essere pace per i popoli. Quindi un lavoro per la pace e l'amicizia tra i popoli, è una prospettiva concreta di impegno per un mondo e un futuro migliore per i nostri figli.
4) Per un lavoro di Memoria Storica, perché non bisogna mai dimenticare che l'Italia è direttamente responsabile per la situazione e le sofferenze della gente di quell'area, in quanto paese aggressore nel 1999, e con le sue 1381 missioni militari di bombardamenti, ha contribuito alla devastazione e immiserimento di quelle genti. E in questo paese chiamato Italia, è una forma culturale e storica, NON fare i conti con la propria storia e le proprie responsabilità storiche, come è stato sempre uso nella storia, per ogni popolo e paese.
Enrico Vigna - Forum Belgrado Italia
Grande jornada de luta: povo português contra a NATO
Press Releases |
Manifestação da campanha «Paz Sim, NATO Não»
Grande manifestação popular, promovida pela campanha «Paz Sim, NATO, Não», plataforma que integra mais de 100 organizações, juntou mais de 30 mil pessoas, hoje, em Lisboa, em luta contra a guerra, contra a NATO, pela Paz.
NATO'S True Role in US Grand Strategy - by Diana Johnstone
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November 18, 2010
(Encircling Russia, Targeting China)
On November 19 and 20, NATO leaders meet in Lisbon for what is billed as a summit on “NATO’s Strategic Concept”. Among topics of discussion will be an array of scary “threats”, from cyberwar to climate change, as well as nice protective things like nuclear weapons and a high tech Maginot Line boondoggle supposed to stop enemy missiles in mid-air. The NATO leaders will be unable to avoid talking about the war in Afghanistan, that endless crusade that unites the civilized world against the elusive Old Man of the Mountain, Hassan i Sabah, eleventh century chief of the Assassins in his latest reincarnation as Osama bin Laden. There will no doubt be much talk of “our shared values”.
Most of what they will discuss is fiction with a price tag.
The one thing missing from the Strategic Concept summit agenda is a serious discussion of strategy.
This is partly because NATO as such has no strategy, and cannot have its own strategy. NATO is in reality an instrument of United States strategy. Its only operative Strategic Concept is the one put into practice by the United States. But even that is an elusive phantom. American leaders seem to prefer striking postures, “showing resolve”, to defining strategies.
One who does presume to define strategy is Zbigniew Brzezinski, godfather of the Afghan Mujahidin back when they could be used to destroy the Soviet Union. Brzezinski was not shy about bluntly stating the strategic objective of U.S. policy in his 1993 book The Grand Chessboard: “American primacy”. As for NATO, he described it as one of the institutions serving to perpetuate American hegemony, “making the United States a key participant even in intra-European affairs.” In its “global web of specialized institutions”, which of course includes NATO, the United States exercises power through “continuous bargaining, dialogue, diffusion, and quest for formal consensus, even though that power originates ultimately from a single source, namely, Washington, D.C.”
The description perfectly fits the Lisbon “Strategic Concept” conference. Last week, NATO’s Danish secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, announced that “we are pretty close to a consensus”. And this consensus, according to the New York Times, “will probably follow President Barack Obama’s own formulation: to work toward a non-nuclear world while maintaining a nuclear deterrent”.
Wait a minute, does that make sense? No, but it is the stuff of NATO consensus. Peace through war, nuclear disarmament through nuclear armament, and above all, defense of member states by sending expeditionary forces to infuriate the natives of distant lands.
A strategy is not a consensus written by committees.
The American method of “continuous bargaining, dialogue, diffusion, and quest for formal consensus” wears down whatever resistance may occasionally appear. Thus Germany and France initially resisted Georgian membership in NATO, as well as the notorious “missile shield”, both seen as blatant provocations apt to set off a new arms race with Russia and damage fruitful German and French relations with Moscow, for no useful purpose. But the United States does not take no for an answer, and keeps repeating its imperatives until resistance fades. The one recent exception was the French refusal to join the invasion of Iraq, but the angry U.S. reaction scared the conservative French political class into supporting the pro-American Nicolas Sarkozy.
In search of “threats” and “challenges”
The very heart of what passes for a “strategic concept” was first declared and put into operation in the spring of 1999, when NATO defied international law, the United Nations and its own original charter by waging an aggressive war outside its defensive perimeter against Yugoslavia. That transformed NATO from a defensive to an offensive alliance. Ten years later, the godmother of that war, Madeleine Albright, was picked to chair the “group of experts” that spent several months holding seminars, consultations and meetings preparing the Lisbon agenda. Prominent in these gatherings were Lord Peter Levene, chairman of Lloyd’s of London, the insurance giant, and the former chief executive of Royal Dutch Shell, Jeroen van der Veer. These ruling class figures are not exactly military strategists, but their participation should reassure the international business community that their worldwide interests are being taken into consideration.
Indeed, a catalogue of threats enumerated by Rasmussen in a speech last year seemed to suggest that NATO was working for the insurance industry. NATO, he said, was needed to deal with piracy, cyber security, climate change, extreme weather events such as catastrophic storms and flooding, rising sea levels, large-scale population movement into inhabited areas, sometimes across borders, water shortages, droughts, decreasing food production, global warming, CO2 emissions, the retreat of Arctic ice uncovering hitherto inaccessible resources, fuel efficiency and dependence on foreign sources, etc.
Most of the enumerated threats cannot even remotely be construed as calling for military solutions. Surely no "rogue states" or "outposts of tyranny" or "international terrorists" are responsible for climate change, yet Rasmussen presents them as challenges to NATO.
On the other hand, some of the results of these scenarios, such as population movements caused by rising sea levels or drought, can indeed be seen as potentially causing crises. The ominous aspect of the enumeration is precisely that all such problems are eagerly snatched up by NATO as requiring military solutions.
The main threat to NATO is its own obsolescence. And the search for a “strategic concept” is the search for pretexts to keep it going.
NATO’s Threat to the World
While it searches for threats, NATO itself is a growing threat to the world. The basic threat is its contribution to strengthening the U.S.-led tendency to abandon diplomacy and negotiations in favor of military force. This is seen clearly in Rasmussen’s inclusion of weather phenomena in his list of threats to NATO, when they should, instead, be problems for international diplomacy and negotiations. The growing danger is that Western diplomacy is dying. The United States has set the tone: we are virtuous, we have the power, the rest of the world must obey or else. Diplomacy is despised as weakness. The State Department has long since ceased to be at the core of U.S. foreign policy. With its vast network of military bases the world over, as well as military attachés in embassies and countless missions to client countries, the Pentagon is incomparably more powerful and influential in the world than the State Department. Recent Secretaries of State, far from seeking diplomatic alternatives to war, have actually played a leading role in advocating war instead of diplomacy, whether Madeleine Albright in the Balkans or Colin Powell waving fake test tubes in the United Nations Security Council. Policy is defined by the National Security Advisor, various privately-funded think tanks and the Pentagon, with interference from a Congress which itself is composed of politicians eager to obtain military contracts for their constituencies.
NATO is dragging Washington’s European allies down the same path. Just as the Pentagon has replaced the State Department, NATO itself is being used by the United States as a potential substitute for the United Nations. The 1999 “Kosovo war” was a first major step in that direction. Sarkozy’s France, after rejoining the NATO joint command, is gutting the traditionally skilled French foreign service, cutting back on civilian representation throughout the world. The European Union foreign service now being created by Lady Ashton will have no policy and no authority of its own.
Bureaucratic Inertia
Behind its appeals to “common values”, NATO is driven above all by bureaucratic inertia. The alliance itself is an excrescence of the U.S. military-industrial complex. For sixty years, military procurements and Pentagon contracts have been an essential source of industrial research, profits, jobs, Congressional careers, even university funding. The interplay of these varied interests converge to determine an implicit U.S. strategy of world conquest.
An ever-expanding global network of somewhere between 800 and a thousand military bases on foreign soil.
Bilateral military accords with client states which offer training while obliging them to purchase U.S.-made weapons and redesign their armed forces away from national defense toward internal security (i.e. repression) and possible integration into U.S.-led wars of aggression.
Use of these close relationships with local armed forces to influence the domestic politics of weaker states.
Perpetual military exercises with client states, which provide the Pentagon with perfect knowledge of the military potential of client states, integrate them into the U.S. military machine, and sustain a “ready for war” mentality.
Deployment of its network of bases, “allies” and military exercises so as to surround, isolate, intimidate and eventually provoke major nations perceived as potential rivals, notably Russia and China.
The implicit strategy of the United States, as perceived by its actions, is a gradual military conquest to ensure world domination. One original feature of this world conquest project is that, although extremely active, day after day, it is virtually ignored by the vast majority of the population of the conquering nation, as well as by its most closely dominated allies, i.e., the NATO states. The endless propaganda about “terrorist threats” (the fleas on the elephant) and other diversions keep most Americans totally unaware of what is going on, all the more easily in that Americans are almost uniquely ignorant of the rest of the world and thus totally uninterested. The U.S. may bomb a country off the map before more than a small fraction of Americans know where to find it.
The main task of U.S. strategists, whose careers take them between think tanks, boards of directors, consultancy firms and the government, is to justify this giant mechanism much more than to steer it. To a large extent, it steers itself. Since the collapse of the “Soviet threat”, policy-makers have settled for invisible or potential threats. U.S. military doctrine has as its aim to move preventively against any potential rival to U.S. world hegemony. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia retains the largest arsenal outside the United States, and China is a rapidly rising economic power. Neither one threatens the United States or Western Europe. On the contrary, both are ready and willing to concentrate on peaceful business.
However, they are increasingly alarmed by the military encirclement and provocative military exercises carried on by the United States on their very doorsteps. The implicit aggressive strategy may be obscure to most Americans, but leaders in the targeted countries are quite certain they understand what it is going on.
The Russia-Iran-Israel Triangle
Currently, the main explicit “enemy” is Iran. Washington claims that the “missile shield” which it is forcing on its European allies is designed to defend the West from Iran. But the Russians see quite clearly that the missile shield is aimed at themselves. First of all, they understand quite clearly that Iran has no such missiles nor any possible motive for using them against the West. It is perfectly obvious to all informed analysts that even if Iran developed nuclear weapons and missiles, they would be conceived as a deterrent against Israel, the regional nuclear superpower which enjoys a free hand attacking neighboring countries. Israel does not want to lose that freedom to attack, and thus naturally opposes the Iranian deterrent. Israeli propagandists scream loudly about the threat from Iran, and have worked incessantly to infect NATO with their paranoia.
Israel has even been described as “Global NATO’s 29th member”. Israeli officials have assiduously worked on a receptive Madeleine Albright to make sure that Israeli interests are included in the “Strategic Concept”. During the past five years, Israel and NATO have been taking part in joint naval exercises in the Red Sea and in the Mediterranean, as well as joint ground exercises from Brussels to Ukraine. On October 16, 2006, Israel became the first non-European country to reach a so-called “Individual Cooperation Program” agreement with NATO for cooperation in 27 different areas. It is worth noting that Israel is the only country outside Europe which the U.S. includes in the area of responsibility of its European Command (rather than the Central Command that covers the rest of the Middle East).
At a NATO-Israel Relations seminar in Herzliya on October 24, 2006, the Israeli foreign minister at the time, Tzipi Livni, declared that "The alliance between NATO and Israel is only natural....Israel and NATO share a common strategic vision. In many ways, Israel is the front line defending our common way of life."
Not everybody in European countries would consider that Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine reflect “our common way of life”. This is no doubt one reason why the deepening union between NATO and Israel has not taken the open form of NATO membership. Especially after the savage attack on Gaza, such a move would arouse objections in European countries. Nevertheless, Israel continues to invite itself into NATO, ardently supported, of course, by its faithful followers in the U.S. Congress.
The principal cause of this growing Israel-NATO symbiosis has been identified by Mearsheimer and Walt: the vigorous and powerful pro-Israel lobby in the United States. Israeli lobbies are also strong in France, Britain and the UK. They have zealously developed the theme of Israel as the “front line” in the defense of “Western values” against militant Islam. The fact that militant Islam is largely a product of that “front line” creates a perfect vicious circle.
Israel’s aggressive stance toward its regional neighbors would be a serious liability for NATO, apt to be dragged into wars of Israel’s choosing which are by no means in the interest of Europe.
However, there is one subtle strategic advantage in the Israeli connection which the United States seems to be using… against Russia. By subscribing to the hysterical “Iranian threat” theory, the United States can continue to claim with a straight face that the planned missile shield is directed against Iran, not Russia. This cannot be expected to convince the Russians. But it can be used to make their protests sound “paranoid” – at least to the ears of the Western faithful. Dear me, what can they be complaining about when we “reset” our relations with Moscow and invite the Russian president to our “Strategic Concept” happy gathering?
However, the Russians know quite well that:
The missile shield is to be constructed surrounding Russia, which does have missiles, which it keeps for deterrence.
By neutralizing Russian missiles, the United States would free its own hand to attack Russia, knowing that the Russia could not retaliate.
Therefore, whatever is said, the missile shield, if it worked, would serve to facilitate eventual aggression against Russia.
Encircling Russia
The encirclement of Russia continues in the Black Sea, the Baltic and the Arctic circle.
United States officials continue to claim that Ukraine must join NATO. Just this week, in a New York Times column, Zbigniew’s son Ian J. Brzezinski advised Obama against abandoning the “vision” of a “whole, free and secure” Europe including “eventual Georgian and Ukrainian membership in NATO and the European Union.” The fact that the vast majority of the people of Ukraine are against NATO membership is of no account. For the current scion of the noble Brzezinski dynasty it is the minority that counts. Abandoning the vision “undercuts those in Georgia and Ukraine who see their future in Europe. It reinforces Kremlin aspirations for a sphere of influence…” The notion that “the Kremlin” aspires to a “sphere of influence” in Ukraine is absurd considering the extremely close historic links between Russia and Ukraine, whose capital Kiev was the cradle of the Russian state. But the Brzezinski family hailed from Galicia, the part of Western Ukraine which once belonged to Poland, and which is the center of the anti-Russian minority. U.S. foreign policy is all too frequently influenced by such foreign rivalries of which the vast majority of Americans are totally ignorant.
Relentless U.S. insistence on absorbing Ukraine continues despite the fact that it would imply expelling the Russian Black Sea fleet from its base in the Crimean peninsula, where the local population is overwhelmingly Russian speaking and pro-Russian. This is a recipe for war with Russia if ever there was one.
And meanwhile, U.S. officials continue to declare their support for Georgia, whose American-trained president openly hopes to bring NATO support into his next war against Russia. Aside from provocative naval maneuvers in the Black Sea, the United States, NATO and (as yet) non-NATO members Sweden and Finland regularly carry out major military exercises in the Baltic Sea, virtually in sight of the Russia cities Saint Petersburg and Kaliningrad. These exercises involve thousands of ground troops, hundreds of aircraft including F-15 jet fighters, AWACS, as well as naval forces including the U.S. Carrier Strike Group 12, landing craft and warships from a dozen countries.
Perhaps most ominous of all, in the Arctic region, the United States has been persistently engaging Canada and the Scandinavian states (including Denmark via Greenland) in a military deployment openly directed against Russia. The point of these Arctic deployment was stated by Fogh Rasmussen when he mentioned, among “threats” to be met by NATO, the fact that “Arctic ice is retreating, for resources that had, until now, been covered under ice.” Now, one might consider that this uncovering of resources would be an opportunity for cooperation in exploiting them. But that is not the official U.S. mind set.
Last October, US Admiral James G Stavridis, supreme Nato commander for Europe, said global warming and a race for resources could lead to a conflict in the Arctic. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Christopher C. Colvin, in charge of Alaska’s coastline, said Russian shipping activity in the Arctic Ocean was “of particular concern” for the US and called for more military facilities in the region. The US Geological Service believes that the Arctic contains up to a quarter of the world’s unexplored deposits of oil and gas. Under the 1982 United Nations Law of the Sea Convention, a coastal state is entitled to a 200-nautical mile EEZ and can claim a further 150 miles if it proves that the seabed is a continuation of its continental shelf. Russia is applying to make this claim. After pushing for the rest of the world to adopt the Convention, the United States Senate has still not ratified the Treaty. In January 2009, NATO declared the “High North” to be “of strategic interest to the Alliance,” and since then, NATO has held several major war games clearly preparing for eventual conflict with Russia over Arctic resources.
Russia largely dismantled its defenses in the Arctic after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and has called for negotiating compromises over resource control. Last September, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin called for joint efforts to protect the fragile ecosystem, attract foreign investment, promote environmentally friendly technologies and work to resolve disputes through international law. But the United States, as usual, prefers to settle the issue by throwing its weight around. This could lead to a new arms race in the Arctic, and even to armed clashes.
Despite all these provocative moves, it is most unlikely that the United States actually seeks war with Russia, although skirmishes and incidents here and there cannot be ruled out. The U.S. policy appears to be to encircle and intimidate Russia to such an extent that it accepts a semi-satellite status that neutralizes it in the anticipated future conflict with China.
Target China
The only reason to target China is like the proverbial reason to climb the mountain: it is there. It is big. And the US must be on top of everything.
The strategy for dominating China is the same as for Russia. It is classic warfare: encirclement, siege, more or less clandestine support for internal disorder. As examples of this strategy:
The United States is provocatively strengthening its military presence along the Pacific shores of China, offering “protection against China” to East Asian countries.
During the Cold War, when India got its armaments from the Soviet Union and struck a non-aligned posture, the United States armed Pakistan as its main regional ally. Now the U.S. is shifting its favors to India, in order to keep India out of the orbit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and to build it as a counterweight to China.
The United States and its allies support any internal dissidence that might weaken China, whether it is the Dalai Lama, the Uighurs, or Liu Xiaobo, the jailed dissident.
The Nobel Peace Prize was bestowed on Liu Xiaobo by a committee of Norwegian legislators headed by Thorbjorn Jagland, Norway’s echo of Tony Blair, who has served as Norway’s prime minister and foreign minister, and has been one of his country’s main cheerleaders for NATO. At a NATO-sponsored conference of European parliamentarians last year, Jagland declared: “When we are not able to stop tyranny, war starts. This is why NATO is indispensable. NATO is the only multilateral military organization rooted in international law. It is an organization that the U.N. can use when necessary — to stop tyranny, like we did in the Balkans.” This is an astoundingly bold misstatement of fact, considering that NATO openly defied international law and the United Nations to make war in the Balkans – where in reality there was ethnic conflict, but no “tyranny”.
In announcing the choice of Liu, the Norwegian Nobel committee, headed by Jagland, declared that it “has long believed that there is a close connection between human rights and peace." The “close connection”, to follow the logic of Jagland’s own statements, is that if a foreign state fails to respect human rights according to Western interpretations, it may be bombed, as NATO bombed Yugoslavia. Indeed, the very powers that make the most noise about “human rights”, notably the United States and Britain, are the ones making the most wars all over the world. The Norwegian’s statements make it clear that granting the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu (who in his youth spent time in Norway) amounted in reality to an endorsement of NATO.
“Democracies” to replace the United Nations
The European members of NATO add relatively little to the military power of the United States. Their contribution is above all political. Their presence maintains the illusion of an “International Community”. The world conquest being pursued by the bureaucratic inertia of the Pentagon can be presented as the crusade by the world’s “democracies” to spread their enlightened political order to the rest of a recalcitrant world.
The Euro-Atlantic governments proclaim their “democracy” as proof of their absolute right to intervene in the affairs of the rest of the world. On the basis of the fallacy that “human rights are necessary for peace”, they proclaim their right to make war.
A crucial question is whether “Western democracy” still has the strength to dismantle this war machine before it is too late.
Note: Grateful thanks to Rick Rozoff for his constant flow of important information.
Diana Johnstone is the author of Fools Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions.She can be reached at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
NATO “New Concept” 11 Years Old - Peace Messenger 5 (WPC)
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Article by Živadin Jovanović in The Peace Messenger 5, published by World peace council WPC.
Serbie 2010: Une plaie ouverte sur le «ventre mou» de l’Europe
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Interview exclusive de Zivadin Jovanovic, Président du Forum de Belgrade pour un Monde d’Egaux pour
Zivadin Jovanovic nous dresse un paysage de dévastation qui rompt avec le mythe du "meilleur des mondes" vendu par les milieux atlantistes européens et dont la Serbie est l’une des victimes les plus affligées depuis que les forces pro-occidentales ont pris le pouvoir le 5 octobre 2000 par ce que de nombreux analystes ne craignent plus de qualifier de putsch.
Kosovo causes instability in the Balkan - by Živadin Jovanović
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Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is essentially political. It is in line with the position of the western governments supporting the terrorist KLA/UCK from at least 1998. In fact, the view that the international law does not touch upon the declarations of independence, was in circulation by diplomatic representatives of a number of western countries, particularly USA and Great Britain, long before ICJ advisory opinion was made public.
During the NATO aggression in 1999. KLA/UCK acted as a ground force of NATO. When the Albanians proclaimed unilateral secession in March 2008, NATO member countries were among the first to recognize this illegal act. Today, those countries are establishing Kosovo's army composed of the KLA/UCK elements. At the same time they are blackmailing Serbia to enter a deal - to recognize Kosovo in exchange for membership in the EU.
From legal point of view, ICJ did not even touch the essential question - whether unilateral secession of the national minority from a sovereign state is in accordance with the international law, or not?
It should be noted that Albanian nation has its own state - Albania. Therefore, Albanians in Serbia, i.e. in Kosovo and Metohija, are national minority within Serbia. According to the international law, the right to self-determination, including own state, belongs only to nations, not to the national minorities. On the same line, Serbia as a sovereign state has internationally recognized borders, which includes Kosovo and Metohija, and according to the Helsinki Final act those borders must not be changed unilaterally, without consent of Serbia.
Finally, unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija represents a blatant violation of not only principals of UN Charter, but very concrete provisions of UN Security Council resolution 1244 (1999)guaranteeing sovergnity and territorial integrity of Serbia.
As for the implications of unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija they are visible and felt, in several directions.
Undermining the role of UN system and particularly the role of the UN Security Council is the first one. Unilateral secession was conducted in collision with the UN SC decision, while the Province was under UN SC mandate and without consent of that organ.
Unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija, which was preceded by 1999 NATO aggression against Serbia made the whole region unstable for unforeseeable period hindering development of many countries. "soft stomach" of Europe continues to be unstable. Kosovo hot potato produced primarely by USA, with significant contribution of Great Britain and Germany (!) will be burning the hands of EU for years if not decades to come. For many reasons EU would certainly be better off without rather then with „independent Kosovo“. Appart from the fact that the Province is „hole without botom“ as far as financial requirements are concerned, it is a safe heaven and a jumping board for islamic extremists and variety of bossess of organized crimes whose real aim is to cover EU member countries.
Unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija has further weakened Serbia and will remain an extremely heavy burden from security, economy and moral point of view. In fact, Serbia will be internally even more unstable from now on then before unilateral seccession was announced in Pristina. Other separatist tendencies in Serbia have grown since then, government rating is falling down, social and political tensions growing. Having regard Serbia’s potentials and geostrategic position, its instability would certainly affect situation in the region. Serbia has also weakened its international reputation after abondoning its own draft resolution at the UN General Assembley on the advisory oppinion of International Court of Justice and last minute accepting EU/USA dictated text which does not refer to unacceptability of unilateral secession neither to the UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) guaranteering sovernty and territorial integriti of Serbia. These negative effects to Serbia’s state interests, stability and reputation could hardly be compensated by „carrots“ from any side.
Recently, Albanian representatives from Kosovo and Metohija, from southern districts in Serbia (Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja), Macedonia, Albania, Greece and Montenegro gathered in Tirana from where they publicaly demanded establishment of "natural Albania", meaning "Greater Albania". This was repetadly preceded by declarations of the high government representatives of Albania, including Albanian Prime minister, that all Albanians have the right to unite. This is nothing less than asking for further redrawing of the international borders, i.e. for further violations of the Helsinki Final Act and UN Charter.
William Worker former USA ambassador and former Head of OSCE mission in Kosovo and Metohija (september 1998 to March 1999), who in fact was responsible for preparing the ground for the start of NATO aggression, declared after Tirana gathering that Albanians outside of Albania have the right to unite with Albania.
Implications include also, that 11 years after, about 220.000 of Serbs and other non Albanians displaced from the Province still are not permited to return to their homes. They live in miserable conditions various places in Serbia which has a burden of another 300.000 refugees who are not allowed to return to Croatia after being in refuge for 15 years.
Whether the case of Kosovo and Metohija had encouraged proclamations of independence of Abhazia and South Osetnia, may be disputable. But there is no doubt that illegal, unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia and its subsequent recognition by major western countries, has been and will serve as a precedent. Like it, or not. "unicality of the case of Kosovo" as claimed by USA, Britain and some other countries, has been a baseless pretention which had some temporary tactical role in preparing the public before and immediately after declaration of unilateral secession. Now, nobody mentions it.
There are and there will be many "Kosovo cases" in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America. The devil got out of the bottle.
NATO Aggression |
Gastkommentar. Neue alte NATO-Strategie
Von Zivadin Jovanovic
Die neue Strategie der NATO ist elf Jahre alt. Mit Blick auf den Gipfel des Militärpakts in Lissabon in dieser Woche ist es notwendig, daran zu erinnern, daß Serbien bzw. die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien 1999 zum Versuchsfeld und ersten Opfer des sogenannten neuen NATO-Konzepts wurde. Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der NATO-Mitgliedsländer wollen sich nun ermächtigen, Militäraktionen faktisch überall in der Welt, zu unternehmen. Die NATO wird keinesfalls um eine Autorisierung durch den UN-Sicherheitsrat nachsuchen. Sie stellt sich über die UNO, die OSZE und andere internationale Zusammenschlüsse.
Das alles und vieles mehr wurde 1999 offenkundig in Serbien bzw. Jugoslawien erprobt. Die 72 Tage andauernde militärische Aggression der NATO hinterließ Tausende Tote und Verletzte, zwei Drittel davon Zivilisten, eine völlig zerstörte Wirtschaft, eine verseuchte Umwelt durch Geschosse mit abgereichertem Uran sowie Hunderttausende Vertriebene. Noch heute sind Gebäude im Herzen von Belgrad Ruinen, und mehr als 200000 Serben aus Kosovo und Metochien können nicht in ihre Heimat zurückkehren.
Die NATO-Staaten unterstützten die illegale einseitige Abtrennung Kosovo-Metochiens von Serbien im Februar 2008, und sie führten dann den Prozeß der illegalen Anerkennung ihres Geschöpfes an. In den 90er Jahren hatten viele NATO-Länder die UCK-Terroristen finanziert, ausgebildet und bewaffnet. Folgerichtig war die kosovo-albanische UCK die Bodentruppe während der Aggression. Gegenwärtig finanziert, bewaffnet und trainiert die NATO die illegale Armee des illegalen Kosovo, die aus den früheren UCK-Terroristen besteht. Die USA, Großbritannien, Deutschland und die Türkei sind die führenden Akteure dieses Prozesses.
Es ist nicht verwunderlich, daß Kosovo von einigen als NATO-Staat, von anderen als Narco-Staat bezeichnet wird. Auf jeden Fall bleibt »Camp Bondsteel« im Kosovo die größte Militärbasis in Europa, manche sagen, in der Welt. Die Provinz mit nahezu 9000 NATO-geführten KFOR-Soldaten bleibt ein Rekrutierungsfeld für die Drogenmafia und ein Transitweg für Heroin aus Afghanistan nach Mittel- und Nordeuropa. Ende Oktober trafen sich in Tirana »Vertreter« von Albanern aus Serbien, Mazedonien, Griechenland und Montenegro. Sie proklamierten als gemeinsames Ziel die Schaffung eines Großalbaniens, die Vereinigung aller Albaner in einem Staat.
Somit haben die NATO-Aggression gegen Serbien 1999 und die NATO-Strategie generell zum Anstieg der Sezessionen, der Legitimierung von Interventionen sowie zur Untergrabung der UNO und des Völkerrechts geführt. Die NATO hat den Balkan zu einer Region dauerhafter Instabilität gemacht. Ist das die Rolle der NATO, die Europa und die Welt künftig sehen wollen?
Der Autor war von 1998 bis 2000 Außenminister der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien und ist heute Präsident des »Belgrader Forums für eine Welt der Gleichen«
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Serbia Surrenders to the EU - by Diana Johnstone
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September 15, 2010
On September 10, at the UN General Assembly, Serbia abruptly surrendered its claim to the breakaway province of Kosovo to the European Union. Serbian leaders described this surrender as a “compromise”. But for Serbia, it was all give and no take.
In its dealings with the Western powers, recent Serbian diplomacy has displayed all the perspicacity of a rabbit cornered by a rattlesnake. After some helpless spasms of movement, the poor creature lets itself be eaten.
The surrender has been implicit all along in President Boris Tadic’s two proclaimed foreign policy goals: deny Kosovo’s independence and join the European Union. These two were always mutually incompatible. Recognition of Kosovo’s independence is clearly one of the many conditions – and the most crucial – set by the Euroclub for Serbia to be considered for membership. Sacrificing Kosovo for “Europe” has always been the obvious outcome of this contradictory policy.
However, his government, and notably his foreign minister Vuk Jeremic, have tried to conceal this reality from the Serbian public by gestures meant to make it seem that they were doing everything possible to retain Kosovo.
Thus in October 2008, six months after U.S.-backed Kosovo leaders unilaterally declared that the province was an independent State, Serbia persuaded the UN General Assembly to submit the following question to the International Court of Justice for an (unbinding) advisory opinion: “Is the unilateral declaration of independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo in accordance with international law?’”
This was risky at best, because Serbia had more to lose by an unfavorable opinion than it had to gain by a favorable one. After all, most of the UN member states were already refusing to recognize Kosovo’s independence, for perfectly solid reasons of legality and self-interest. At best, a favorable ICJ opinion would merely confirm this, but would not in itself lead to any positive action. Serbia could only hope to use such a favorable opinion to ask to open genuine negotiations on the status of the province, but the Kosovo Albanian separatists and their United States backers could not be forced to do so.
One must stop here to point out that there are two major issues involved in all this: one is the status and future of Kosovo, and the other is the larger issue of national sovereignty and self-determination within the context of international law. If so many UN member states supported Serbia, it was certainly not because of Kosovo itself but because of the larger implications. Nobody objected to the splitting of Czechoslovakia, because the Czechs and the Slovaks negotiated the terms of separation. The issue is the method. There are literally hundreds, perhaps thousands, of potential ethnic secessionist movements within existing countries around the world. Kosovo sets an ominous precedent. An armed separatist movement, with heavy support from the United States, where an ethnic Albanian lobby had secured important political backing, notably from former Senator and Republican Presidential candidate Bob Dole, carried out a campaign of assassinations in 1998 in order to trigger a repression which it could then describe as “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide” as a pretext for NATO intervention.
This worked, because US leaders saw “saving the Kosovars” as the easy way to save NATO from obsolescence by transforming it into a “humanitarian” global intervention force. Bombing Serbia for two and a half months to “stop genocide” was a spectacle for public opinion. The only people killed were Yugoslav citizens out of sight on the ground. It was the lovely little war designed to rehabilitate military aggression as the proper way to settle conflicts.
The reality of this cynical manipulation has been assiduously hidden from Americans and most Europeans, but elsewhere, and in certain European countries such as Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Slovakia, the point has not been missed. Separatist movements are dangerous, and whenever the United States wants to subvert an unfriendly government, it has only to incite mass media to portray the internal problems of the targeted government as potential “genocide” and all hell may break loose.
So Serbia did not really have to work very hard to convince other countries to support its position on Kosovo. They had their own motivations – which were perhaps stronger than those of the Serbian government itself.
Peace yes, NATO no! - Focal points of the new NATO strategy
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Focal points of the new NATO strategy
to be considered and adopted at the NATO summit in Lisbon, 19-21 November 2010.
1. NATO insists on nuclear weapons as absolute necessity for the politics of deterrence. Nuclear weapons are to be continuously deployed and modernized, the British Trident Fleet Ballistic Missiles as well as the American strategic nuclear weapons. All plans concerning the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from Europe and the abandonment of nuclear sharing are cancelled.
2. The essence of the new NATO doctrine is the takeover of US plans concerning an American missile defense as a central NATO project. Europe is to be protected by an antiballistic missile defense shield. This is said to be the only way to realize the concept of deterrence and security in the 21st century.
3. The war in Afghanistan is seen as the topical challenge of NATO and shall be continued with reinforced efforts of civil-military cross-linkages until the war is won.
4. All member states are asked to intensify their defense mechanisms and to render them more effective.
5. Although NATO does not perceive itself to police the world, it does understand itself as an interventional force if its member states’ “interests” (worldwide, but particularly within the European-Asian area) are endangered. These interests explicitly include the protection of the member states’ “natural resources” and trade routes.
6. Another aim is the Eastern expansion of NATO – yet not as distinctly phrased as in previous official documents. The Eastern expansion shall include new partnership alliances with the former Southern Soviet republics as well as Indonesia and Malaysia, and also Australia and New Zealand. Japan is to be integrated in an innovative partnership.
7. According to the new strategy paper, EU-Europe is seen as partner and second pillar of NATO with a military alliance of its own, with which a “burden sharing”, a division of tasks and duties, is envisaged. This involves a significant revaluation of the EU military and defense policy as laid down in the Lisbon Treaty.
8. The need to reinforce electronical warfare is emphasized, regarding both NATO’s own action and recruitment realm and the scope of response to attacks directed at computers, communications- and power networks. The so-called “cyber war” usually includes the depletion of democratic civil rights and a further militarization of research (as regards security related topics).
9. Furthermore, the strategy paper highlights the “new” role of NATO, which shall manifest itself inter alia in the fight against global warming and other global challenges. The “security” against the consequences of climate change (migration flows) is to be ensured militarily.
10. All these challenges are classified as part of the “war against terrorism”. This war is among other things exploited for the feigned legitimation of global interventional operations of NATO.
NATO Meets to Plan Expansion, Repression and Future Wars
Press Releases |
Lisabon Summit, Oct.2010:
The leaders of 28 NATO states will meet in Lisbon Portugal November 19/20th 2010, to adopt the Concept of the new NATO strategy for the period up to 2020.
The elite gathering will be a focal point of mass protest organized by the World Peace Council (WPC) and its Portuguese affiliate the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC). It has been announced recently at the WPC (Europe) meeting in Brussels, that 107 peace, trade union, students, human rights and other associations are preparing massive anti-NATO demonstrations in Lisbon on 20th of November. They expect that their partners associations from abroad will also take part. The demonstrations will expose the so-called new NATO Strategic Concept, a euphemism for plans to expand NATO’s mandate to launch interventionist wars at will and in all corners of the globe.
Aggression against Serbia (Yugoslavia) 1999, carried out without consent of the UN Security Council and contrary to the Alliance’s Founding Act, was in fact the beginning of offensive, global interventionist’s strategy of NATO, in practice. NATO aggression left over 3.500 dead, about 10.000 wounded, over 100 billion of economic damage, polluted soil, water and air. It led to unilateral secession of the Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohija which remains long term sources of instability in this part of Europe.
Yes peace, no to NATO!
Press Conferences |
October 2010.
Apeal of Portugese Council for Peace and Cooperation and the World Peace Council...
General Pierre-Marie Gallois, RIP
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About the Author
Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, an expert on foreign affairs, is the author of The Sword of the Prophet and Defeating Jihad. His latest book is The Krajina Chronicle: A History of the Serbs in Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia.
General Pierre-Marie Gallois, RIP
by Srdja Trifkovic
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[Subscribe online to Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. Click here for details].
General Pierre-Marie Gallois, who died on August 23 in Paris at the age of 99, will be remembered primarily as the architect of France’s nuclear deterrence doctrine in the 1950s. He was the last in a long line of European geopolitical thinkers—from Clausewitz and Jomini to Liddell Hart and Guderian—who have combined superbly honed analytical skills with hands-on soldiering.
Gallois was one of the most impressive men I have met. Back in 1993 I enjoyed his hospitality at his sprawling flat at No. 8, rue Rembrandt, just south of the Parc de Monceau. He was in his early eighties then, a dynamo of physical and mental energy dividing his time between an insane writing and speaking schedule and the painting of a five-story mural on the courtyard side of the building. It was an old love: before joining the French air force in 1935 he had studied arts and worked for a company that created lighted ads that hung on the Eiffel Tower. Speaking in a staccato English, accented but fluent, he insisted that a true soldier has to be an artist at heart: “You need a vision, an image of what lies beyond, a sense of the greater reality.”
His vision was shaped by the trauma of France’s debacle of May 1940. Two years later Gallois fled from Algeria, where he was serving as an air force officer on the staff of the Fifth air region, to London. He placed himself at General Charles de Gaulle’s disposal and joined the RAF.
A decade after completing thirty bombing raids over Germany, Colonel Gallois joined the cabinet of the French minister of defense. From there he was seconded to the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), studying the effect of nuclear weapons on modern strategy. He came to the conclusion that the atomic bomb was the only opportunity for his country to regain that great power status that he knew was no longer rightfully hers on the basis of economy, demography, or spirit. The alternative, he realized then and reiterated half a century later, was to accept France’s fatal dependence on a hegemonistic yet unreliable America—a “totalitarian democracy” devoid of any sense of its normal limits.
A geopolitical realist who believed in “peace through fear,” he was attacked in the English-speaking world as an advocate of nuclear proliferation. He responded by arguing that the possession of a nuclear arsenal was the key prerequisite to ensuring deterrence, and added, provocatively, that the spread of nuclear weapons could increase international stability. He claimed that nuclear weapons raise the stakes and forces all actors to show greater restraint in crises involving more participants with nuclear weapons. As the number of nuclear actors involved increases, Gallois claimed, the likelihood of war would continue to fall.
Gallois’ tenure at SHAPE convinced him that France could not afford to entrust its strategic defense to the American nuclear umbrella in perpetuity. As he recalled many years later, he shared his concerns with his boss, General Lauris Norstad:
My idea was to explain to him that the American risk was increasing with time, with the advent of new weapons, such as long-range ballistic missiles . . . Before 1960, when the Americans were out of reach, we had no doubt in our minds that they would use atomic weapons from the onset of any serious attack against any country of Europe, because they were out of reach themselves. The risks were small, after all. But it was easy to foresee that ten years later, the situation would change: Americans being in the first line, in the same position vis-à-vis the enemy as Europe, they would change their strategy and try to reduce the atomic commitment. Hence, we had to find a substitute, and General Norstad agreed. He said to me that was probably what was going to take place, and he said you should inform your government.
In 1956 Gallois started his lobbying campaign focused on his conviction that France needed its own force de frappe, independent of America. The venture was professionally risky for him, and potentially embarrassing for his boss at SHAPE. His long talk with the Socialist prime minister, Guy Mollet, was a success. His reasoning was based on the discussions with Norstad:
Back then the ballistic missiles could not reach America, but it was obvious that, after some years, these weapons could hit American soil . . . As soon as Americans were on the frontline as we were already, they would change their strategy. Then, my country, and possibly other countries of Europe, had to find a substitute for a North American commitment. The defense of Europe was nonconditional before, but it would be conditional later.
He was right, of course, but the conditionality in question—and its implications for Western Europe—only became apparent after the Cuban missile crisis, six years later.
Three days after speaking to Mollet, Gallois met de Gaulle—then out of politics and largely out of the public eye—and talked to him at some length:
I went to see General de Gaulle at Hotel La Perousse, where every Wednesday evening he was receiving friends . . . I stayed with him until three in the morning, showing him some 40 charts . . . He said that it is not necessary to have the same number of weapons as the other side; what is mandatory is to be capable to arrachet—to ‘tear off’ one arm of the foe. . . . He said to me, ‘Look, Gallois, you should take some rest now; in the future, I shall take care of your career.’ So I went back home, and I told my wife that I had just met Louis XIV, and that my name was written down on his list.
In 1958 General de Gaulle came to power and transformed the budding force de frappe into “the weapon of the French nation,” as Gallois put it,
having in mind that the effects of these weapons are so terrible, that you cannot share their use, and that only a nation may decide to use them. Using such a weapon as a last spasm; accepting to die standing straight, instead of dying laying down. It was really a last resort weapon. You cannot share such a weapon with another state.
In the final decade of the Cold War Gallois was strongly opposed to the strategic thinking then prevalent in Washington. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union Gallois agreed with Senator Pierre Biarnès that America was becoming “unbearable” in the imposition of its brand of quasi-moral, mercantile hegemony on the rest of the world. He came to regard the U.S. policy as fundamentally detrimental to European interests, and claimed that the U.S. sought to désouverainise European nation-states. Germany goes along with this “monstrosity,” he told me, although it is not at all in Germany’s interest, because “the flawed idea of ‘one Europe’ is an old obsession for the Germans.” To push that dream, old nation-states have to be destroyed, which explains why the United States was so hell bent on undermining Russia and Serbia. France should have responded by rebuilding links with “our traditional allies,” Gallois believed.
His views on the Balkans could have come straight from the pages of Chronicles. In his 1995 book Le soleil d’Allah aveugle l’Occident (The Sun of Allah Blinding the West) he took note of the “obstinacy with which the U.S. is wishing to impose an Islamic Bosnian state in Europe” and warned that “it is not in the interest of the U.S. to support through diplomacy and weapons a Sarajevo regime that will be . . . sooner or later swept by the fundamentalist current.” Through its intervention in the Balkans, Gallois wrote, America was vainly hoping to change the fact that the majority of Muslims saw the U.S. as the Great Satan.
Disgusted by the American overt support of Croats and Muslims, Gallois wondered, in an article published by Le Figaro on September 30, 1993, “Should we return to the kind of political stability and territorial arrangements imposed by the Austro-Hungarians on one half of the Balkans and the Turks on the other half, with Germany, tomorrow, in place of the Dual Monarchy of yesterday, and the new Turkey as the latter-day Ottoman Empire?” His rhetoric was prescient: 17 years later, Croatia and Slovenia are firmly in the German orbit within an ugly caricature of “Europe,” while neo-Ottomanism thrives east of the old Military Border.
Pierre-Marie Gallois was among the last European public figures of prominence to grasp that certaine idée de l’Europe, and to live by it. He was a patriotic Frenchman contemptuous of what France has become, a proud European who therefore loathed the European Union, a royalist loyal to the Republic, a practicing Catholic who loved the Orthodox Serbs. A good man.
Télégramme de condoléances à la mort du général de Galois
Press Conferences |
M. Philippe GALLOIS
Cher M. Gallois,
La mort de votre père, le Général Pierre-Marie Gallois, a été reçu avec grande émotion et une profonde tristesse par le peuple serbe.
Confronté au calvaire et l'injustice de tout genre pendant la dernière décennie du vingtième siècle, le peuple serbe s'est senti réconforté, encouragé, rasséréné par le soutien que le général Gallois lui accordait immanquablement et résolument par sa présence, par ses paroles et par ses livres.
Après l'éclatement de ce qu'on appelle ''la crise yougoslave'' au début des années quatre-vingt dix, le Général Gallois s'est immédiatement solidarité avec le peuple serbe, s'opposant énergiquement à toute sorte de calomnie et d'injustice, dont il était l'objet.
Depuis ce moment, le général Gallois a développé à travers ses livres, ses articles, de nombreuses interventions publiques et même des voyages en Serbie et en République Serbe de Bosnie, une activité formidable, en consacrant toute son énergie, tout son talent d'écrivain, tout son temps au soutien et à la défense du peuple serbe, de la vérité et de la justice.
En ce moment de profonde tristesse, nous sommes fiers du fait que le général Gallois est le premier lauréat de la plus grande distinction du Forum de Belgrade pour le Monde des Egaux - de la Charte d'amitié, qui lui a été décerné lors de la Conférence Internationale, tenue à Belgrade du 23 au 24 mars 2009, à l'occasion du dixième anniversaire de l'agression de la Serbie (Yougoslavie), par l'OTAN.
Grâce à cet engagement exemplaire, le nom du général Gallois restera à jamais gravé dans la mémoire collective du peuple serbe.
En ce moment de grande tristesse pour nous tous, nous exprimons à vous, M.
Gallois, ainsi qu'à toute la famille du Général, nos condoléances les plus sincères.
Zivadin Jovanovic,
Président du Forum de Belgrade
pour le Monde des Egaux,
Ancien Ministre des A.E. de la
R.F.. de Yougoslavie
The new address of the Belgrade forum for the world of equals
Press Releases |
Please take note that as of July 19th, 2010, the Belgrade Forum moved to the new address which reads as follows:
Sremska Street No. 6, IV Floor
11000 B e l g r a d e
New telephones +(381 11) 32 83 778 and 32 83 763
The Genocide Myth - The Uses and Abuses of "Srebrenica"
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By Srdja Trifkovic <>
On July 11, the constituent nations of Bosnia-Herzegovina -- no longer warring, but far from reconciled -- will mark the 15th anniversary of “Srebrenica.” The name of the eastern Bosnian town will evoke different responses from different communities, however. The difference goes beyond semantics. The complexities of the issue remain reduced to a simple morality play devoid of nuance and context.
That is exactly how the sponsors of the “Srebrenica Remembrance Day” <> -- currently before the Canadian House of Commons -- want it to be:
Whereas the Srebrenica Massacre, also known as the Srebrenica Genocide, was the killing in July of 1995 of an estimated 8,000 Bosniak men and boys in the region of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Bosnian Serb forces;
Whereas the Srebrenica Massacre is the largest mass murder in Europe since World War II and the largest massacre carried out by Serb forces during the Bosnian war;
Whereas the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, located in The Hague, unanimously decided in the case of Prosecutor v. Krstić that the Srebrenica Massacre was genocide…
The trouble is that the event known to the bill’s sponsors as the “Srebernica genocide” was no such thing. The contention that as many as 8,000 Muslims were killed has no basis in available evidence; it is not an “estimate” but a political construct. The magnitude of casualties at Srebrenica and the context of events have been routinely misrepresented in official reports by the pro-Muslim governments, quasi-non-governmental institutions, and the media.
As for The Hague Tribunal, an Orwellian institution with which I am well acquainted <> , its “unanimous decisions” are as drearily predictable as those in Moscow in 1936. It is not known to the public, however, that those “decisions” are now disputed by a host of senior Western military and civilian officials, NATO intelligence officers and independent intelligence analysts who dispute the official portrayal of the capture of Srebrenica as a unique atrocity in the Bosnian conflict.
L’attaque terroriste dans le secteur nord de Kosovska Mitrovica
Press Releases |
Le Forum de Belgrade Pour un Monde Egalitaire condamne fermement l’attaque terroriste dans le secteur nord de Kosovska Mitrovica qui s’est soldé par la mort du pédiatre le Docteur Mesud Djekovic et onze blessés. Cet acte criminel se situe dans la continuité des activités terroristes et du nettoyage ethnique de la population serbe au Kosovo et en Méthohie, conséquence du non respect de la résolution du Conseil de Sécurité 1244 (1999) et de la politique pro-albanaise des grands pays occidentaux et des représentant de la communauté internationale.
Il était clair dès le début qu’EULEX, dont le mandat est de construire les institutions d’un état illégal, n’était pas et ne saurait être neutre. Si d’aucuns, dans l’égarement, pouvaient croire et allaient jusqu’à défendre « la neutralité statutaire » d’EULEX et de Peter Feit, à présent cela n’est plus possible. L’état Serbe doit abandonner sa position platonique consistant à proclamer qu’il ne reconnaitra jamais l’indépendance illégale du Kosovo et de la Méthohie pour entreprendre des mesures politiques et diplomatiques concrètes dans le but de défendre la souveraineté et l’intégrité territoriale du pays. On veut croire qu’il n’y a pas de dilemme sur la question de savoir si quelqu’un peut et dispose des pouvoirs pour, au nom de la Serbie et du peuple serbe, reconnaître le rapt d’une partie de son territoire.
Le Forum de Belgrade exprime toute sa solidarité au peuple Serbe du Kosovo et de la Méthochie. Il soutient sa volonté indéfectible de continuer à faire partie intégrante de l’état Serbe, il soutient ses efforts, accomplis jour après jour au prix de discriminations et souffrances innombrables, pour ne pas permettre qu’on lui impose par la force des découpages territoriaux illégaux. Le Forum de Belgrade Pour un Moine Egalitaire appelle le Gouvernement de la Serbie à demander au Conseil de Sécurité de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour la pleine application de sa résolution 1244 – dont la validité est durable et son caractère irremplacable - faisant obligation à tous les membres de l’organisation. Ceci se rapporte en particulier aux dispositions de la résolution concernant les garanties de souveraineté et intégrité territoriale de la Serbie ainsi que l’égalité et la sécurité de tous les citoyens serbes du Kosovo et la Méthohie.
The Twilight of the West - NATO aggression - Never to forget
Books |
The Twilight of the West - NATO aggression - Never to forget
The book which helps understanding better the so called Concept of the New NATO strategy adopted at the recent NATO Summit in Lisbon.
What was behind the first war on Europe’s soil after the Second World War?
The Belgrade Forum has published the book under the title:
The book contains presentations of the participants at the International Conference, held in Belgrade on 23 and 24 March 2009, marking tenth anniversary of the NATO aggression (1999). Its rarity and distinction comes from the fact that authors are the leaders of the defence of the aggression and some of the most prominent international scientist and intellectuals.
In 527 pages, hard cover, illustrated by over 60 unforgettable photos from the time of NATO bombing, the book offers the richest ever documentation of the methods applied by prophets of the “new world order”, globalism and doctrine of “humanitarian interventions”. Actually, the book is unique document on the first war on Europe’s soil after the Second World War. This war had several objectives: to justify the continued existence of the NATO after the end of cold war and dissolution of Warsaw Pact, to expand towards East, to lay foundations for global role and interventionism, and to reaffirm USA unchallenged position of the Europe’s power number one. By this war NATO changed its nature from defensive into offensive Alliance.
Global, expeditionary missions outside its original area of defence continued by interventions and occupations of Afghanistan and Irak. USA/NATO undertook self-authorized missions of changing the governments of other countries, exporting democracy.
The book explains hw Yugoslavia became the first victim of the Global NATO doctrine of interventions contrary to the International Law and the UN role and why the Balkans continue being unstable ten years after.
The book comes as a result of contributions of about 60 authors, prominent scientists and intellectuals from over 40 countries from all continents. While it cannot be classified as memoires it includes contributions of such personalities from Serbia as the War Prime Minister dr Momir Bulatovic, the two ex-Foreign Ministers of FR of Yugoslavia – Vladislav Jovnovic and Zivadin Jovanovic, Head of Serbo-Yugoslav Delegation at the Rambouillet talks Prof. Ratko Markovic, ex-Air Defence Chief General-Lieutenant Spasoje Smiljanic and others.
Foreign authors include, among others, ewknown Swiss ecologist Franz Webber, Canadian scientist Michel Chossudovsky, Russion scientists Elena Guskova, Alex Mezyaev and General Igor Ivashov, German intellectuals Wolfgang Richter and Elmar Schmaheling as well as german politician Willy Wimmer, USA intellectuals Ramsey Clark and Diana Johnston, Britis politician Alice Machon and writer Niel Clark, Greek politicians Vera Nicolaidou, Aleka Papariga and Thanasis Pafilis and many others. A tribute for their remarkable contribution to the book goes to renowned intellectuals from Serbian Diaspora, particularly to historian from USA Srdja Trifkovic and writer from France, Komnen Becirovic.
The English edition, hard cover, Forum sells 10 Euro per copy, while Serbian version, paperback, is 6 euro per copy. Shipping and post expenses are not included.
For additional information, please contact Secretariat :
Condemnation of terrorist attack in Kosovska Mitrovica in Serbia
Press Releases |
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals strongly reviles the terrorist attack in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica that took life of pediatrician Dr. Mesud Džeković and injured 11 more people. This criminal act is the last in a long line of
continued terrorism and ethnical cleansing committed against the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. It is a dire consequence of both non-compliance of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and the pro-Albanian policies of most influential western countries and representatives of the international community.
From the very onset, it was clear that Eulex, mandated to help building institutions of an illegal sham-state, was not and could not be status-neutral. Even those who have misguidedly believed or touted any “status neutrality” of Peter Feith and/or Eulex are no longer entitled to such delusion. The institutions of Serbia should transcend from the level of saying they would never recognize illegal independence of Kosovo onto the level of concrete political and diplomatic steps and initiatives aimed at defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the State. One should hope that
there has never really been any dilemma as to whether anyone, on behalf of Serbia and the Serbian people, may or dare acknowledge such stealing of a part of their state territory.
The Belgrade Forum expresses its full solidarity with the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija in their firm attachment and loyalty to Serbian state; we feel for their efforts to prevent expansion and forcible imposition of illegal separatist structure, for which they pay dearly by suffering discrimination and anguish.
The Belgrade Forum urges the relevant institutions in Serbia to address the Security Council and request a decision on concrete measures for the full implementation of latter’s Resolution 1244, which is of unfalteringly permanent character and obligatory for all the Member States to this ultimate global organization. We in particular refer to the provisions of this binding decision of the world organization that guarantee the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia (the FRY) and the equality of all citizens of Serbia living in Kosovo and Metohija.
Srebrenica: exclusive preview clip
Movies |
Here's a preview clip from Boris Malagurski's latest film "The Weight Of Chains" dealing with the colonization of the former Yugoslavia by Western interest groups.
The clip deals with the topic of Srebrenica and how it was used for greater geopolitical purposes. Featuring Dr. Srdja Trifkovic.
Srebrenica remembrance day - Serbian lives are not less important!
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Earlier this month, the honourable Robert Oliphant, Member of the Liberal Party of Canada and M.P. for Don Valley West, introduced Bill C-533 into the House of Commons, “calling for the establishment of a national day of remembrance in Canada called Srebrenica Remembrance Day”. In what is clearly a blatant attempt to turn the complex and multisided human tragedy of the Yugoslav Civil Wars into a one-dimensional political talking point, the honourable Robert Oliphant ignores completely the full context of the Srebrenica Massacre and the countless brutal war crimes committed by Bosnian Muslim forces and their Al-Qaeda-linked Mujahedeen allies against Serbian civilians and other ethnic minorities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In order to put pressure on the ruling Conservative Party of Canada, and in the name of cheap political points and partisan politics, the honorable Robert Oliphant and all those supporting Bill C-533 are attempting to simplify a multisided, multiethnic civil war in order to portray one side in the conflict as victims and the other as aggressors, while at the same time completely ignoring and thereby shamelessly insulting the tens of thousands of innocent Serbian civilians who were brutally murdered during the Yugoslav Civil War. In fact, many of those killed met their end at the hands of Bosnian Muslim soldiers and paramilitaries.
The Serbian community of Canada and all Canadians who value truth and justice over partisan politics wish to turn the honorable Robert Oliphant’s attention to some key issues that he has regrettably chosen to ignore and brush aside:
The Serbian people were the victims of not one but three genocides during the 20th century:
o Hundreds of thousands of Serbian civilians were brutally massacred by Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and Bulgarian forces during the First World War. Many of these crimes were committed by Bosnian Muslim forces fighting on the side of Austria-Hungary against the Serbs, a fact well documented by such war crime investigation pioneers as Dr. Archibald Rudolph Reiss.
o During the Second World War, many Bosnian Muslims joined the Nazi puppet Independent State of Croatia and contributed to the extermination of hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews and Roma peoples in concentration camps such as Jasenovac and Stara Gradiska. In fact, the SS Handschar, one of the thirty-eight divisions of the Nazi Waffen-SS, was formed largely from Bosnian Muslim recruits bent on exterminating and ethnically cleansing the Serbs, Jews and other minorities on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
o Throughout the Yugoslav Civil Wars of the 1990s, the Serbs were the victims of multiple campaigns of genocide and ethnic cleansing on the territories of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina orchestrated in large part by the direct descendents of the SS Handschar, who attempted to realize Alija Izetbegovic’s dream of an ethnically and religiously pure Islamic Bosnia as outlined in his supremacist manifesto, The Islamic Declaration, which was first published as early as 1970.
The simple fact is that the Yugoslav Civil Wars were a multisided, multiethnic civil conflict whose complex nature cannot be reduced to a one-dimensional “good guys versus bad guys” scenario. Any attempt to do so is a blatant insult to the intelligence of the Canadian public and to the memory of all the innocent civilians who perished in that war.
Regrettably, the honourable Robert Oliphant makes no attempt to properly analyze the full context of the Srebrenica Massacre. I wish to inform him that prior to the Serbian forces taking the Srebrenica enclave in July of 1995, the enclave itself was being used as a staging area for military operations by Bosnian Muslim paramilitaries led by Bosnian warlord Naser Oric. These paramilitaries, aided by Mujahedeen terrorists from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, committed countless unspeakable war crimes in and around the towns of Srebrenica and Bratunac from 1992 all the way up to July of 1995. In fact, entire Serbian villages were raised to the ground, Christian churches destroyed, graveyards desecrated, and over three and a half thousand Serbian civilians were mercilessly butchered during those three years. Due to the fact that most Serb men of the region were conscripted into the Serbian army, Naser Oric and his paramilitaries almost exclusively targeted innocent civilians, including women, children, and elderly Serbs who had no ability or opportunity to flee the carnage.
Once the Serbian forces entered the Srebrenica enclave in July of 1995, war crimes were undoubtedly committed and the Geneva Convention was violated. This is inexcusable and reprehensible, regardless of the circumstances. Nonetheless, many of the Serbian soldiers who entered Srebrenica had their families slaughtered by Bosnian Muslim paramilitaries, and to portray the Srebrenica Massacre as an isolated incident without a proper context is a direct affront to truth and justice. Furthermore, many questions about the Srebrenica Massacre remain unanswered to this day, including how many of the Bosnian Muslim men of fighting age who were allegedly executed by Serbian forces were in fact executed as prisoners and how many died in battle while trying to mount a retreat towards the Bosnian Muslim wartime stronghold of Tuzla along with Naser Oric and his paramilitaries. What is known and well documented, however, is the fact that the Bosnian Muslim civilians of Srebrenica, including women, children and the elderly, were assured safe passage to Serbia by the Serbian forces, which is more than the Bosnian Muslim paramilitaries ever offered the Serbian civilians of Srebrenica and Bratunac.
Beyond the issue of Srebrenica itself, tens of thousands of Serbian civilians lost their lives throughout the Yugoslav Civil War of the 1990s, and hundreds of thousands were ethnically cleansed from their homes in modern-day Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The vast majority of these people were never offered the opportunity to recoup their losses, and to this day Serbia remains the country with the largest number of refugees and displaced persons in all of Europe. Furthermore, Serbia, unlike Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, remains the most multiethnic and diverse of all the Former Yugoslav Republics.
With all of this in mind, the Serbian Community of Canada and all Canadians who value truth and justice demand a clear answer from the honorable Robert Oliphant as to why he believes that the lives of Serbian civilian victims who were murdered by Bosnian Muslim forces are worth less than the lives of Bosnian Muslims? Furthermore, we demand that he justify to the Canadian public why he does not feel that all the innocent victims of the Yugoslav Civil War deserve to be properly remembered, and why he is insisting that only Bosnian Muslims deserve a remembrance day? If there is to be a remembrance day, it ought to honour the memory of all innocent people, including the tens of thousands of Serbian civilians who died during the Yugoslav Civil War, and it should not serve a partisan political purpose. Moreover, if there is to be a remembrance day for the victims of genocide, then the Serbian people who suffered three genocides in the 20th century alone and lost millions of innocent lives in the process deserve to be remembered as much as anyone.
Serbian lives are not less important! Serbian victims must not be ignored! The truth cannot be brushed aside!
In the name of the Serbian Community of Canada, I invite the honourable Robert Oliphant to answer publicly for his actions, and I challenge him to defend his stance in a public forum. I am personally more than willing to engage him in debate on this important issue on any and all Canadian media outlets.
Bojan Ratkovic
Founder and President of the Serbian Youth League of Canada
TV Interventions de Komnen Becirovic sur le Kossovo
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Kossovo, une question de civilisation |
Kossovo, une question de civilisation |
Chaque Serbe a le Kossovo dans l'âme |
The Balkan in 2020: region of crisis or peace
Press Releases |
We all here are devoted to peace, stability and progress for all countries in the Balkan. In trying to project the future, however, we should consider, as objectively as possible, inheritance of the past, to assess realistically existing problems, to identify trends and key political players.
My starting remark and primary cause of concern for the future of the Balkan stems from the fact that the present set up of relations and solutions, current trends are not based on the compromise of genuine, legitimate interest of the countries and societies of the region but predominantly on the pressures, will and interest of out-of -Balkan centers of political, economic and military might.
Inheritance of the past, especially of the civil wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, of separatism and terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija and of NATO aggression on Serbia (FRY) 1999 remain causes of great concern and, naturally, do occupy our attention and energy.
Economic, cultural, informative, social and other links among the former Yugoslav republic cut during the crisis function on a rather modest level today. In any case, far below potentials and needs of the region. Cooperation and free flow of goods, people, ideas, culture, capital should definitely be encouraged, obstacles removed, reciprocity of interest duly respected. Unilateral concessions, especially expected from Serbia, are not justified.
New international borders while not general problem, in a number of instances are still to be defined, including parts of Serbia-Croatian border on Danube. International standards should be respected in accepting border line.
With the distraction of Yugoslavia, in addition to old ones, new national minorities have been created. Standards of their human, political and national rights in a number of instances are disregarded. Serbs in Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro continue to be discriminated. Appropriate reactions and guidelines from OSCE, CE or EU institutions would be quite appropriate and necessary.
Serbia is still hosting over 200.000 displaced persons from Kosovo and Metohija, mainly Serbs, and close to 300.000 Serb refugees from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This accounts to about 7-8 percent of the total population of Serbia provoking not only socio-economic but political problems, too. Members of neither of the two groups are permitted to exercise their basic right to free and safe return to places of their origin. Serbs in Croatia although promised territorial autonomy, are deprived of same basic individual right such as right to private ownership of their houses and apartments. There is need for greater involvement of appropriate international institutions, including donors in securing conditions for free, safe and return in dignity.
It has been noted today that tension prevails in Northern Kosovo and Kosovska Mitrovica. While this is true, it should not be ommited that there is tension also all over the Province provoked by continuous daily attacks on Serbs, telephone and electricity services cuts and various other forms of intimidation.
Furthermore, it should be noted that there is resentment all over Serbia because of illegal unilateral proclamation of separation of Kosovo and Metohija and particularly because of the recognition of that illegal act by major western countries (USA, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Canada).
Serbia does not and cannot recognize illegal secession of the part of its sovereign territory and considers the status of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija a serious open issue yet to be resolved respecting basic principles of the international law, UN decisions and Constitution of Serbia as a sovereign state. Such a position is supported by major part of International community, including some members of EU (Spain, Greece, Romania, Slovak Republic and Cyprus). New negotiations on the status seem to be unavoidable. Any calculation on softening the official Serbia Government position could turn to be counterproductive. Perhaps not so much because of the Government’s firmness, but first of all because compromise is better investment in Serbia’s internal stability, thus in the lasting peace and stability of the Balkan, than any imposed solution.
Constitutional set up of Bosnia and Herzegovina is part and parcel of the Dayton-Paris Peace Agreement. Attempts to change this system unilaterally, or by blackmailing the leadership of Republica Srpska, are jeopardizing stability and development.
Applying outside pressures to impose centralization of power in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in one hand, and to oblige more countries of the world to recognize illegal secession of Kosovo and Metohija, in the other, is another example of double standards policy.
I am convinced that there is no substitute to either Dayton-Paris Peace Agreement nor to UN SC resolution 1244. These should be considered as chief prerequisites of the Balkan as a zone of peace and prosperity 2020, and beyond.
Flattering Serbia as a regional leader and “Serbian Government the most democratic and the most proeuropean”, on one side, and at the same time imposing endless concessions on account of the legitimate national interest of Serbia (Kosovo and Metohija, Republica Srpska) could hardly be a way to lasting peace and stability.
Peace and stability in Europe are indivisible. Developments in Europe and developments in the Balkan have been and remain inter-conected.
It has been noted that the future of the Balkan lies in the hands of the Balkan countries. But one of the basic problems in the region remains to be excessive involvement of out-of-the-region centers. Considering that Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Province of Kosovo and Metohija continue to be international (UN) protectorates, that the governments in the most of the countries in the region owe their loyalty to the West which helped them various means to come to power, it is rather questionable what the regional factors can do themselves, what are real margins for them to find compromises of the genuine regional interests.
Putting an end to the protectorate status of Bosnia and Herzegovina would be important step in good direction. After 15 years of peace and international governance, local institutions and politicians must be capable of working, compromising and running the country themselves.
EU appears to be key partner of the Balkan states. How long will last the current financial, economic and institutional crisis in EU? What conclusions Brussels may draw from up to now enlargements of the EU membership? Answering these questions is a precondition to asses realistically prospects for EU membership of a number of Balkan countries.
Some current trends in the Balkan, especially in its western part, should be noted as relevant to the subject.
Democratization and transition has left, among others, profound social divisions and tensions, extremely high rate of unemployment, corruption, and organized crime. These tendencies are not assets for peace and stability. To alleviate the roots of these tendencies require political will, relevant strategies, recourses, including financial, and – time.
Rise of separatism and territorial fragmentation, especially affecting Serbia and Serbian nation, in one hand, and centralization, unitarization of certain other countries, notably Bosnia and Herzegovina, are examples of double standards policy. Putting aside such a policy would definitely enhance prospects of peace and stability.
Proliferation of puppet sates with unsustainable economies, national minorities with uneven level of their rights, political parties based on ethnic and religious criteria and refugees and displaced persons with the lack of political will to provide conditions for free and safe return to their homes;
Expansion of Islamism not as a religion or culture, but as overall social and governmental system. Some Islamite leaders do consider Balkan as a spring board for further expansion. (Vehabist groups, Islamic extremist organizations have been uncovered recently in a number of Balkan countries);
It should be noted that in the period of the last twenty years the Balkan has been experimental ground for new doctrines and precedents in international relations:
- NATO aggression of Yugoslavia in 1999, contrary to basic principles of International Law, without approval of UN SC;
- Unilateral proclamation of Independence of Kosovo and Methija in 2008, while the Provence was under UN mandate, without UN permission or approval, and contrary to the Constitution and will of Serbia;
These precedents have left negative consequences not only in the Balkan but in Europe and worldwide.
In my opinion, Serbia with its geostrategic position and resources is capacitated and willing to play its role in achieving sustainable stability, peace and development in the Balkans. But Serbia is faced with serious problems. First of all, stagnation of the socio-economic development, about one million of unemployed, 700.000 people billow the bottom line of poverty, disregard of her legitimate national interest.
Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty is not jeopardized by illegal unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija, only, but such tendencies are noticeable in some other parts (Vojvodina, Raska, Southern districts).
Recently The Group of Friends of Sandzak (Raska) was established in Belgrade composed of the ambassadors of USA, Germany, Britain and Italy! What would be real political objective of such a move? These ambassadors surely have been welcomed to Belgrade as friends of Serbia and they are expected to behave as such. Preferring, or undermining any part of Serbia is not undiplomatic only, but disregarding friendship and hospitality.
Of course, I am aware that aforesaid is more a list of open problems as I see them, than a list of prescriptions how to resolve them. But any serious job starts from inventory. Thank you.
Zivadin Jovanovic
President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
International intelectals demand transfer general Krstic to onother country
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Voices of Concern for Treatment of International Political Prisoners
The vicious May 7 attack on General Radislav Krstic in Wakefield Prison is a dramatic illustration of the failure to ensure the safety of the prisoners of international tribunals.
A Serb native of Bosnia, General Krstic was sentenced to 35 years in prison by the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) for complicity in 1995 Srebrenica massacres, although it is acknowledged that he was not directly involved in criminal executions. General Krstic repeatedly denied any knowledge of the massacres at the time, and his sentence is regarded as excessive and politically motivated by many informed observers who believe the case should be reopened.
On May 7, he was physically assaulted by three inmates identified as "Muslims". A 22-year-old ethnic Albanian named Indrit Krasniqi is reported to have slit the throat of General Krstic, narrowly missing the jugular.
Krasniqi, 22, was serving a life sentence for the gang torture and murder of a 16-year-old girl. Wakefield prison, in the north of England, is reserved especially for criminals serving long sentences for grave sex offenses.
We find it highly irresponsible of British authorities to incarcerate General Krstic, essentially a prisoner of war, in such an environment. General Krstic, 62, is slightly handicapped, having lost a leg in the Bosnian war. There is an obvious risk in imprisoning a Bosnian Serb accused of grave crimes against Muslims in a region of England with a particularly large Muslim population. The claim that the attack was motivated by "Muslim revenge" serves as a smokescreen to cover the responsibility of British authorities.
The near-fatal attack on General Krstic comes in the wake of an extraordinary series of deaths of prisoners of the International Criminal Tribunals for former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda.
We the undersigned demand:
* An official inquiry into the May 7 incident.
* The immediate transfer of General Krstic to a country able to ensure his personal safety, for example Norway.
* An end to the indifference of governments, human rights organizations and the media to the fate of prisoners of ad hoc criminal tribunals, often exaggeratedly stigmatized by the media and without the benefits of the protection afforded by judicial process in normal national courts.
Attack on General Krstic
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Dear friends,
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals addresses you on behalf of Ms Tamara Krstić from Belgrade, daughter of General Radislav Krstić who, pursuant to verdict of the Hague Tribunal, serves his sentence in the United Kingdom.
Last week, General Krstić became the victim of a brutal physical assault mounted by a group of inmates in the British Wakefield prison. The immediate consequences include serious injuries (lacerations) on his neck and torso, substantial loss of blood, and coma.
All the so far gathered circumstances indicate that this attack is a long prepared and premeditated. It demonstrates the failure to ensure safety to General rstic in either this, or any other prison facilities in the United Kingdom. Therefore, we beseech you to facilitate a transfer of General Krstić to another country, one that is willing and capable of guaranteeing General Kristi’s safety, preferably to Serbia. We are sending pertinent petitions to the President of the Hague Tribunal Mr. Patrick Robinson, The Hague, to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, to the President of European Union and to mass media.
We would appreciate your earnest engagement and contribution in demanding transfer, safety, and adequate medical treatment of General Radislav Krstic.
Živadin Jovanović, President
Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Ten years of Belgrade forum for the world of equals
Press Releases |
Recently Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals celebrated 10 years since its foundation.
Solemn Academy was held on March 26th in the Students Cultural Center in the heart of Belgrade.
It was attended by about 300 guests from Serbia and abroad, including Serbian Diaspora representatives from many countries.
Tanasis Pafilis, Secretary General of the WPC (Athens), greeted the audience on behalf of the World Peace Council,
admiral Elmar Schmaehling on behalf of European Peace Forum (Berlin), Prof. Jelena Guskova (Moscow).
Never to forget - 11th aniverssary of NATO aggression
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24. МАРТ 2010.
Various civic associations In Belgrade (Club of Generals and admirals of Serbia, Belgrade Forum, Veterans organizations and many others) started marking 11th anniversary of NATO aggression against Serbia (FRY).
On March 23rd the Generals and Admirals Club promoted three volumes study titled “Armed Forces of FR of Yugoslavia in defense from NATO Aggression in 1999” (700 pages). March 24rth many Civic organizations participated in the ceremonies of laying
flowers on the monuments and graveyards to over 3.500 direct victims of the 78 days of aggression. On March 26th, Belgrade Forum is promoting international study titled “NATO aggression – the Twilight of the West” (530 pages) written by
about 70 Serbian and authors from all over the world. Similar activities are continuing in Serbia until 10th of June this year, 11th anniversary of ending the NATO aggression.
1999 NATO agression against Serbia (FRY) was a crime against peace
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March 24th marks 11th anniversary of the start of NATO aggression against Serbia (Yugoslavia).
During continuous bombardments lasting 78 days between 3500 and 4000 people have been killed and about 10.000 wounded two thirds of whom were civilians. How many have died in the meantime as a consequence of heavy wounds, use of depleted uranium missiles, unexploded cluster bombs and other means of indiscriminate killings and destruction - is hard to establish. The economic damage had been evaluated at the time at over 100 billion US dollars.
Following the aggression Kosovo and Metohija has been occupied by about 40.000 NATO troops, called KFOR, under the flag of UN.
About 250.000 of Serbs and other no Albanians have been ethnically cleansed from the Serbian Autonomous Province.
Eleven years after they still have not been permitted to return to their ancestors homes. While the Provence has been run by UN mission (UNMIK) over 150 Serbian medieval monasteries and churches have been destroyed by Albanian terrorists, tens of thousands of Serbian homes have been set a fire, dozens of graveyards flattered and ploughed not to leave traces
of Serbs and Christianity. ).
Media Fabrications: The "Srebrenica Massacre” is a Western Myth
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Review of Alexander Dorin's book
“In the West, the popular mythology about 7,000-8,000 Muslim men being executed in Srebrenica in 1995 is still alive and well, but independent research shows some 2,000 Bosnian Muslim fighters were killed in battle for Srebrenica and that is the number of bodies Hague investigators were able to find”, said Swiss researcher Alexander Dorin, who has been investigating Srebrenica events for the past 14 years.
In his latest book titled “Srebrenica — The History of Salon Racism” (Srebrenica — die Geschichte eines salonfahigen Rassismus) published this month in Berlin, Dorin focuses on manipulations with the number of Muslims who lost their lives in Srebrenica.
Guilty of the past… or for the future? - by Diana Johnstone
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On the proposed Srebrenica resolution:
January 25, 2010
I learn with utter astonishment that leading Serbian politicians are undertaking to officially endorse the criminal status of their own country by adopting a parliamentary resolution expressing "regret" for the Srebrenica "genocide". This would amount not only to a betrayal of their own country, but also to a betrayal of Serbia’s defenders abroad.
Expressions of "regret" may appear to be harmless exercises in hypocrisy. It costs nothing to "regret" all the regrettable things that have happened in history. Such virtuous posturing can have no effect on past events.
But this proposed statement could have seriously harmful future effects, because it proposes to define what it claims to regret as "genocide".
I am one of a minority in the West who are continuing to stand up against insults and slander to argue that the Srebrenica massacre cannot correctly be described as "genocide". Certainly, any execution of prisoners is a war crime – and such crimes were surely committed by all sides in Bosnia’s civil war. But even if, as alleged, as many as seven or eight thousand Muslims died after the 1995 capture of Srebrenica, a single massacre of military-age men while sparing women and children cannot be described as "genocide" – unless the term "genocide" is redefined to fit the single case of Srebrenica. And this is precisely what was done by the International Criminal Tribunal on former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. In order to convict General Krstic (who was not even present at the scene) of "genocide", the ICTY judges ruled that killing a large number of Muslim men from Srebrenica was "genocide"
because of the "patriarchal" nature of their society. Women and children survivors were too insignificant in such a patriarchal society to matter! This preposterous verdict simply confirmed the obvious fact that ICTY is working for those who set it up, choose its judges and pay its
expenses: that is, essentially, NATO. It is there to justify the NATO interpretation of the conflicts in former Yugoslavia, by putting the entire burden of blame on the Serbs. Unless an Orwellian future bans free historical enquiry, I am confident that my critical appraisal of ICTY will be justified by history.
This peculiar resolution appears to be the work of "democratic"
politicians whose foreign policy for the last ten years or more has consisted in bleating, "Milosevic was bad, but /we/ are good – love us, love us, /we/ are the /good/ Serbs". This manichean posturing has prevented any serious examination or analysis of the causes and conduct of the civil wars of the 1990s. Moreover, it has been a crashing failure. In Western eyes, this policy looks like what it is: a shameless attempt to curry favor with the victors. The sponsors of this resolution no doubt hope it will bring advantages in the future, such as an approving pat on the head from the masters of NATO and the European Union. At most, it may elicit a shrug: "Yes, we know you are guilty, and it’s about time you admitted it."
Such a resolution can serve only:
* -- to justify the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia, which was carried out precisely on the pretext that Serbia had proved its "genocidal" tendencies in Srebrenica, and therefore had to be prevented militarily from committing another genocide in Kosovo. If the victims of NATO bombing endorse the pretext for that bombing, this will be used as a justification for further so-called "humanitarian" military interventions by NATO.
* -- to provide grounds for Bosnian Muslims to demand revision of the Dayton accords in order to wipe out Republika Srpska as a "product of genocide" and to centralize Bosnia-Herzegovina under Muslim rule. It would also expose Serbia to demands for reparation payments that could not only jeopardize the economic future of the Serbian people, but would perpetuate the unhealthy tendency of certain Bosnian Muslim leaders to try to live forever off their "victim" status. It would also tend to encourage other secessionist movements within Serbia against an admittedly "genocidal" state.
These are the real reasons that certain Western politicians may be putting pressure on gullible Serb leaders to adopt such a resolution, on the pretext that it would help Serbia "be part of Europe".
By saying collectively, "yes, we are a pariah nation, but it was that other guy who did it", Serbs will implicitly endorse their own collective guilt. After all, whatever his faults, Slobodan Milosevic was not really a "dictator" but a politician who was repeatedly elected. If he was guilty of "genocide", then the Serbian people who elected him share responsibility.
Do some members of the Serbian political class suffer from delusions of grandeur? Do they imagine that by elevating little Serbia to Hitlerian levels of political evil, they will suddenly be honored like Willy Brandt kneeling in the Polish ghetto? They overlook the fact that even in defeat, Germany was the industrial powerhouse of Europe, courted by (and divided between) East and West, whose leaders had overwhelming economic and political reasons to welcome penitant Germany back into the family of nations. By aspiring to such heights of wickedness, little Serbia appears at once foolishly humble and foolishly pretentious.
Do the sponsors of this resolution hope it will help them take Serbia into the European Union? The European Union will admit Serbia if and when EU leaders consider that doing so is in their interest. Not a minute before, whatever obsequious gestures are made by Serbian politicians
Do they hope it will help them take Serbia into NATO? But without submitting the question of NATO membership to a popular referendum, this would be another betrayal of the Serbian people.
Do they hope that it will help them get back Kosovo? This is most unlikely, and however painful, the loss of Kosovo is not as grave as the loss of the nation’s honor. Kosovo was seized by overwhelming military force.
This resolution would give away the national honor without a fight. It would simply announce to cynical Western leaders that they can do what they like with Serbia, a nation which once stood up to the Ottoman Empire, the Habsburg Empire and the Third Reich, but which now comes crawling on its knees to join its aggressors.
Worse still, it can only encourage them to give other small countries the same treatment. The message received would be, "We can bomb them, destroy their infrastructure, kill their civilians, detach pieces of their territory – and they will officially blame themselves! Let’s keep it up!" Serbia would thereby be not only the victim and dupe of NATO, but its accomplice in further crimes.
Six Sources of the Srebrenica Legend - by George Pumphrey
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George Pumphrey
February 2010
Introductory statement:
Under pressure from the ICTY tribunal in The Hague and the European Union, Serbia's President Boris Tadic is preparing to submit a resolution to the parliament in Belgrade, asking that the Serbian parliament acknowledge "guilt" for the Bosnian Civil War's "Srebrenica massacre" and declare that this "massacre" constitutes "genocide."
Subsequently, in an appeal ( addressed to the Serbian president and parliament, intellectuals from EU nations, the USA and Canada called on President Tadic and the Serbian parliament not to pass this resolution. But the intellectual's appeal regettably overlooks two basic facts:
1) It is not for Serbs of Serbia to take on guilt for actions that they themselves have not committed or to declare Bosnian Serbs "guilty".
2) Evidence, that a mass-execution of up to 8,000 Muslims following the takeover by Bosnian Serb forces in Srebrenica had ever taken place, has never materialized.
CALL APPEAL for the protection of peace and prevention of armed conflicts
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Civic Association
Czech Republic
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Speaking to representatives of the Belgrade Forum international border - Symposium in Lisbon, held on 31.1.2010.
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*An International Symposium had been held in Lisbon (Portugal) on 30th and 31st March 2010, titled: ‘’Against war – 60 years of struggle for peace’’, co-organised by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) and World Peace Council (WPC). In the name of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Mr. Dragomir Vucicevic attended the Symposium and here is his Speech:
Comments on article: Serbia – NATO
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Diana Johnston :
Dear Zivadin,
The issue of NATO is very important for the future of Serbia. The claim that joining NATO would somehow improve the standard of living of the Serbian people is of course a cynical fraud. There is no logic to such a claim. In reality, NATO membership is clearly designed to accomplish the following aims:
• destroy Serbia’s capacity for self-defense both by taking control of its armed forces and by redesigning them to take part in so-called "peace missions" (foreign wars), not to defend the nation;
• employ Serbia’s traditionally able soldiers on distant battlefields such as Afghanistan in order to support the United States’ effort to control and conquer the world;
• prevent the sort of neutrality that characterized Yugoslavia as member of the non-aligned movement, thus solidifying the Western European alliance against most of the world;
• prevent any possible alliance with Russia or China;
• require Serbia to spend its scarce foreign currency (perhaps through loans that would have to be repaid with interest) in order to "modernize" and "standarize" its armed forces by buying US military equipment.
Clearly, all of these aims are contrary to Serbian interests.
No doubt the majority of Serbian people are smart enough to figure this out for themselves. What is needed is a strong campaign to force politicians to defend Serbian interests without betrayal.
Current Serbian leaders’ desire to join NATO can be described as the rats trying to get aboard the sinking ship.
The future lies not with NATO but with the world of equals you advocate.
Best wishes,
Diana Johnstone
Paris, France
Reply :
Živadin Jovanović :
Dear Diana,
Thank you very much for reacting to the text Serbia – NATO.
Your comments and views I share fully.
I have published a number of articles elaborating reasons why Serbia should not become a member of NATO.
I am convinced that having regard to strong present public opposition to full membership status, both NATO (USA) and
Serbian Government have come to mutual understanding not tackle formal membership issue but in practice to
have Serbia even more involved in NATO actions then majority of member states are.
Would you agre to post your comment on the Belgrade Forum’s web page?
With the best wishes,
Živadin Jovanović
Serbia – NATO - by Živadin Jovanović
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1. Serbia as a small peace loving country should remain militarily neutral. Serbia should not be a member of any military alliance. Serbia differs from the rest of the countries in the region firstly, that it has never been a member of Warsaw nor of NATO pact and, secondly, no country in the region has ever been the victim of NATO attack, except Serbia. Serbian neutrality has been defined by the National Assembly Resolution binding the Government and all State institutions.
This has been steady principal position of Belgrade Forum.
2. As Serbia has already joined Partnership of Peace, this also is part of political reality. Austria, Sweden, Finland are constitutionally neutral countries but members of PFP.
3. Since its aggression on Serbia (Yugoslavia) in 1999, NATO has demonstrated that it was meant to be precedent for launching similar attacks and military interventions in other regions out of its jurisdiction defined by the NATO Founding Act. Its offensive character was later confirmed in Iraq and elsewhere. In addition, NATO has demonstrated its ignorance of the basic International principles, Laws and the role of UN Security Council.
4. Having played a leading role in supporting unilateral, illegal secession of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia in 2007, USA government and NATO, proved that their prime interest in 1999, was to establish NATO state on the 15 percent of Serbian State territory. USA first established Bondsteel military base in Kosovo and Metohija in 1999, the biggest American military camp outside USA soil. USA Government had no Serbia’s or UN authorization to establish such a base. It was an impetus to spreading military bases further towards East (for example, four in Bulgaria, another four in Romania and so on). USA and other NATO countries have established “independent Kosovo’s Army” by “transforming” the terrorist KLA/UCK.
5. Public opinion polls show that about 75 percent of Serbia’s population is against Serbia’s membership to NATO.
6. As the part of the present Government is clearly pro-NATO, they may be tempted to ignore the will of the majority, and force their short-cut way towards membership to NATO. That’s why many civil society associations, including the Belgrade Forum, as well as many political parties keep publically cautioning that final decision on the NATO membership is exclusively in the hands of the people who will have a say at a referendum.
7. Formally the Government agrees with inevitability of referendum. But in practice nobody dears to organize it as the result is quite clear in advance. So Serbia is faced with NATO advocates tactics - step by step getting deeper involved in NATO structures and operations directing the process to the point of no return. At the same time NATO and the Government spend huge amounts of money propagating NATO as the guardian of paradise. The masters of this operation count with effects of promises of “better life” to the nation suffering of poverty, unemployment and confusion.
Živadin Jovanović
President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
War of global goals - by Živadin Jovanović
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Živadin Jovanović,
President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
On behalf of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, I wish to greet and express my great pleasure for seeing you, friends from abroad, and also to greet all participants and guests of this International Conference, convened to mark the 10th anniversary of the launching of NATO aggression against Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. I wish to specially address all family members of military and civilian victims of NATO aggression and express our deepest sympathy for the irreplaceable loss of their family members. I wish to welcome high-ranking state officials, representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, representatives of war veterans and war invalids, representatives of the Serbian Diaspora, representatives of youth and students’ organizations, representatives of the World Peace Council, and representatives of peer organizations from Europe, North and South Americas, Asia and Africa.
This International Conference is the single largest gathering in Belgrade of the last two decades. As such, we dedicate it to the memory of more than 3,500 killed and more than 10,000 injured during NATO aggression, and to thousands of abducted, killed and missing persons who fell victims to terrorist attacks and pogroms of the terrorist KLA after the aggression ended. Further, it evokes anguish and despair of millions of Serbian citizens; finally, it is dedicated to recall huge material devastation and incalculable damage inflicted on the environment by means of using the banned weapons. This is why this International Conference and the related activities is held under the joint slogan: NEVER FORGET. Also, never and nowhere repeat.
The Belgrade forum summing up 2009 - by Živadin Jovanović
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The Assembly of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals has ended successfully today (December 26th, 2009.) adopting the Report for the year 2009, Report of Controlling Board, Framework Plan for 2010 and certain changes in the Statute required
by the new Law on Civic Associations. The Decree on the Forum’s recognitions to the supporters and donors was also adopted.
The Assembly took place in the heart of the City of Belgrade, in the Art Gallery of the “Progress” A.D. Company, located in Knez Mihajlova Street.
There were present about 150 delegates and friends of the Forum from within of Serbia as well as from Montenegro, Bosnia and Hercegovina (Republica Srpska) and Serbian Diaspora. Academicians, university professors, foreign and domestic diplomats, military experts and private company representatives were present.
The newest Forum’s publications and CD with the video message to the Serbian People of the French General Marie Pierre Galois, were presented.
Traditional New Years cocktail followed.
Details of the Assembly proceedings, documents (though in Serbian language), photos and audio recording, can bee viewed at the web page of the Forum (
We thank to all who extended their good wishes to the Belgrade forum’s Assembly.
Živadin Jovanović
President of Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Observance of law, or global kosovization
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Živadin Jovanović, President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Interview for the “Objektiv” Magazine ...
Statement on the Round table, 8.12.09.
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Press release - On Strategy of Serbian Foreign Policy
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals organized Roundtable on foreign policy and the international position of Serbia on 8 December 2009, in the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade. The speakers were experts in diplomacy and scholars in the areas of international economic, political and security developments, publicists, and journalists.
The participants shared common opinion that Serbia needs strategy of a balanced foreign policy. Special emphasis was put on the significance of economic and energy dimensions of the foreign policy and the economic diplomacy. The speakers supported the position of military neutrality of Serbia, and underlined the need for harmonizing political and military diplomacies.
Among the ideas and suggestions offered by the participants of this Roundtable, special attention was given to the position that the pillars of foreign policy should be seen within Serbia. The first of such pillars comprises internal cohesion, and political and social stability. The second is development and economical-technological power. The third pillar consists of defense and deterring armed forces. The final one comprises resources in science and culture.
Among the most interesting presentations was the intervention of Aleksandar Konuzin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia. He spoke about the proposal of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for a new treaty on Eurasian-Atlantic security.
The speakers were as follows: Živadin Jovanović, former Yugoslav Foreign Affairs minister presented outlook of developments in the world, in Europe and in the Balkans. University professor Oskar Kovač elaborated economic dimension of foreign policy. Vladislav Jovanović, former Serbian and Yugoslav Foreign affairs minister, spoke about foreign policy and about national and state priorities. Dr Dragan Petrović addressed relations with Russia; Scientists Dr Dragan Miljanić and Dr Jordan Dinić discussed relations with China. University professor Dr. Čedomir Štrbac gave an overview of relations with the non-aligned countries. The issues related with military relationships, military neutrality and relations with NATO were presented by several speakers, Dr. Radovan Radinović, former general of VJ, Miroslav Lazanski, military commentator of daily “Politika”, Milen Simić, and Dr. Branko Krga, VJ Chief of staff until 2004, Dr. Dušan Vasić, diplomat, addressed the comparative treatment of foreign policy in the constitutions of the former Yugoslav republics.
The conclusion was accepted to place the material from this Roundtable at the disposal of the relevant state institutions.
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals as the organizer of this expert gathering will undertake to print the Report comprising all papers presented. In the meantime, individual presentation will be successively presented in word, audio and video formats on the Forum’s site at:
L'Otan du Kosovo à l'Afghanistan : guerres sans frontières - by Diana Johnstone
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Il existe 761 bases américaines avouées dans le monde dont celle, gigantesque de Bondsteel au Kosovo qui a été arraché par la guerre et illégitimement à la Serbie, avec l'aide décisive des impérialistes euro- atlantistes.
CB Base états-unienne de Bondsteel au Kosovo.
Il y a vingt ans, la fin de la Guerre Froide devait introduire une ère de paix. Pourtant, depuis dix ans, l'Otan fait la guerre – d'abord au Kosovo, aujourd'hui en Afghanistan. C'est la guerre et non la paix qui est de retour. Pourquoi ?
Je veux présenter plusieurs propositions qui à mon avis sont des évidences, mais des évidences qui ne font pas partie du discours officiel relayé par les médias.
1. Première proposition. Le but principal de la guerre menée en 1999 par l'Otan contre la Yougoslavie – dite « guerre du Kosovo » – était de sauver l'Otan en la dotant d'une nouvelle mission de mener des guerres aux endroits et pour des motifs décidés par elle. (Un but secondaire était de débarrasser la Serbie d'un chef considéré comme trop peu empressé de suivre le modèle économique néo-libéral, mais je laisse de côté cet aspect des choses, qui aurait pu être traité autrement que par la guerre, bien que les bombardements aient hâté la privatisation des industries ainsi frappées de façon expéditive.)
2. Ce but a éte atteint, avec l'acceptation par les alliés européens de la nouvelle stratégie de l'Otan, qui préconise la possibilité des interventions militaires n'importe où dans le monde sous n'importe quel prétexte – voir la liste des « menaces » auxquelles ils faut faire face.
3. Ce changement de politique stratégique, avec des implications graves, a été réalisé sans le moindre débat démocratique dans les parlements européens ou ailleurs. Il a été réalisé de façon bureaucratique derrière un épais écran de fumée émotionnel – on dirait des gaz lacrymogènes – sur le besoin de sauver des populations de menaces qui n'existaient pas et qui étaient inventées précisément pour justifier une intervention qui servait les intérêts à la fois des Etats-Unis et des sécessionnistes albanais du Kosovo. En autres mots, la nouvelle politique de guerre sans limites a été décidée presque en huis clos, et vendue au public comme une grande entreprise humanitaire d'une généreuse abnégation, sans précedent dans l'histoire de l'humanité.
C'est ainsi que la « guerre du Kosovo » continue à être célébrée, surtout aux Etats-Unis, servant de preuve que la guerre n'est plus le pire des maux à éviter, mais le meilleur des véhicules du Bien.
4. Suite aux attaques criminelles contre les Tours du World Trade Center le 11 septembre 2001, les alliés européens des Etats-Unis ont suivi sans broncher l'interprétation plus que douteuse donnée par l'administration américaine Bush-Cheney selon laquelle ces attaques constituaient un « acte de guerre ». Encore pris dans un tourbillon sentimental – « nous sommes tous des Américains » – les hommes et les femmes politiques européens ne se sont pas mobilisés pour faire remarquer qu'il s'agissait plutôt d'attaques criminelles – internationales, peut-être, mais qui étaient le fait des individus ou des groupes, non pas d'un Etat, et qui exigeaient logiquement une riposte policière et non pas de guerre. Au lieu de secourir les Américains en leur apportant une dose de bon sens qui visiblement manquait à leurs dirigeants, les dirigeants européens ont invoqué l'Article 5 de l'Otan pour la première fois pour suivre les Etats-Unis agressés dans leur guerre contre les fantômes en Afghanistan. Il y sont toujours…
5. Cinquième proposition. Tout cela fait la démonstration d'une absence quasi totale de débat politique, ou même de pensée, en Europe sur les questions fondamentales de sécurité et de guerre et de paix, et encore moins sur le droit international.
6. Sixième proposition, la plus essentielle et la plus controversée sans doute. Cette lamentable inexistence morale et intellectuelle de l'Europe dans ce chemin vers le désastre est due surtout à une cause : la soi-disante « construction européenne ».
Maintenant je veux revenir sur cette suite d'événements qui nous mène de l'élan « humanitaire » du Kosovo jusqu'au bourbier sanglant d'Afghanistan.
L'Europe et la Yougoslavie
Il est courant de blâmer l'Europe pour son inaction dans l'affaire yougoslave. Mais ce reproche prend le plus souvent la forme d'une lamentation selon laquelle l'Europe aurait dû intervenir militairement pour sauver les victimes, bosniaques, il s'entend. Ce n'est pas une analyse mais une exploitation moralisante par un des partis – les Musulmans de Bosnie – d'une tragédie dans laquelle ils comptent le plus grand nombre de victimes, mais pour laquelle leurs dirigeants politiques (surtout Monsieur Izetbegovic) avaient leur part de responsabilité. Dans cette lamentation sans vraie analyse, l'inaction de l'Europe est attribuée le plus souvent à sa « lâcheté » collective, et même, par certains, à son supposé racisme anti-musulman. Un tel racisme existe en effet ici et là, mais les causes de la faillite européenne dans le cas yougoslave sont ailleurs.
Je voudrais offrir ici une autre interprétation de cette faillite. Elle est plus compliquée, et moins moralisante.
Déjà dans les années 1980, la Yougoslavie sombrait dans une crise à la fois économique et politique. L'endettement du gouvernement central, qui résultait surtout des crises pétrolières et des manipulations du dollar, favorisait la poussée séparatiste des républiques les plus riches, la Slovénie et la Croatie. L'auto-gestion socialiste, paradoxalement, contribuait aussi au mouvement centrifuge. Pourtant le sentiment unitaire restait encore probablement majoritaire. C'est l'époque où précisément une politique attentive européenne d'élargissement aurait pu empêcher le désastre. Après tout, la Yougoslavie, située entre la Grèce et l'Italie, dont le système socialiste était plus libre et plus prospère que le bloc soviétique et qui évoluait déjà vers plus de démocratie de style occidental, était logiquement le candidat prochain pour l'adhésion à la Communauté européenne.
Certaines voix isolées signalaient cette évidence, sans être entendues. Au début des années 1990, c'était le drame. Je ne peux pas raconter toute cette histoire ici, cela se trouve dans mon livre, « La Croisade des fous ». Mais en bref, en 1991, il y avait deux mondes parallèles qui se sont touchés de façon malheureuse. Il y avait le monde yougoslave, où les républiques – c'est ainsi qu'on nommait les composants de la fédération yougoslave – slovène et croate optaient pour la sécession, soutenues par l'Allemagne. Et dans le monde de la construction européenne, le gouvernement français en particulier était totalement absorbé par l'effort de convaincre le gouvernement allemand de fondre son précieux deutschemark dans une nouvelle monnaie européenne, qui servirait de colle dans la transformation de la Communauté européenne en Union européenne. Le résultat est connu. Quoiqu'au départ, aucun autre membre de la Communauté ne voulait suivre l'Allemagne dans la reconnaissance des sécessions sans négociation de la Slovénie et de la Croatie, lorsque la France, en pleines négociations sur la monnaie européenne avec l'Allemagne, a cédé sur les sécessions yougoslaves, toute la Communauté a suivi dans cette décision qui violait le principe de l'inviolabilité des frontières et menait inévitablement à la guerre civile.
Je sais que tout cela devient un peu compliqué, mais je veux souligner un aspect qui est relativement subtil mais essentiel. À cause de la sacrosainte « construction européenne », la Communauté européenne s'est alignée sur la position allemande qui au départ n'était partagée par aucun autre Etat membre. Ils n'ont examiné sérieusement ni les vrais motifs de cette position, ni sa justification, ni ses conséquences programmées. Au lieu de cela, ils ont adopté une version moralisante et unilatérale d'un conflit complexe qui servait surtout à excuser leur violation des pratiques normales – non-reconnaissance des sécessions non-négociées. Mais cela avait pour résultat de les ouvrir aux accusations moralisantes de ne pas avoir fait assez pour « sauver les victimes ». Car une fois admise une vision manichéenne, une solution manichéenne s'impose. S'étant coincée elle-même, l'Europe a essayé de combiner son discours manichéen, qui attribuait toute la culpabilité au seul « nationalisme serbe », avec des efforts de trouver une solution négociée, ce qui était contradictoire et voué à l'échec.
Imaginons par contre que les Etats membres aient agi en Etats indépendants, sans se sentir contraints par la « construction européenne ». L'Allemagne aurait sans doute soutenu ses clients historiques, les séparatistes slovènes et croates, mais elle aurait dû écouter d'autres points de vue. Car la France et la Grande Bretagne, sans doute suivies par d'autres, auraient pensé aux intérêts de leurs alliés historiques, les Serbes. Cela ne veut pas dire qu'on aurait refait la Première Guerre Mondiale – personne n'est aussi fou. Mais on aurait pu reconnaître, de part et d'autre, qu'il y avait d'authentiques conflits non seulement d'intérêts mais aussi d'interprétations juridiques en ce qui concernait le statut des frontières entre républiques, des minorités et ainsi de suite. En regardant le problème yougoslave de cette façon, au lieu de le considérer comme un conflit entre le Bien et le Mal, les puissances européennes auraient pu encourager une médiation et une négociation pour éviter le pire.
L'argument que je veux souligner est le suivant. Un des dogmes de la Construction Européenne est que l'accord entre les Etats Membres est un bien si grand que le contenu de cet accord devient secondaire. On se félicite d'être d'accord, quel que soit la qualité ou les conséquences de cet accord. On cesse de réfléchir. Et l'accord se fait, ou se justifie le plus facilement autour de quelque poncif moralisant – les « droits de l'homme » surtout.
La « construction européenne » ressemble au « processus de paix » au Moyen Orient en ce sens que le mirage d'un avenir hors d'atteinte paralyse le présent, et sert d'excuse pour n'importe quoi.
Je voudrais signaler que, dans le cas yougoslave, les Etats-Unis ne soutenaient pas non plus les sécessions sans négociation de la Slovénie et de la Croatie. L'administration de Bush père était encline à laisser ce problème aux Européens. Donc il est trop facile de blâmer les Etats-Unis. Mais devant l'incurie européenne, et très susceptibles eux-mêmes aux interprétations manichéennes, les Américains de l'administration Clinton ont profité de la situation pour exploiter le désastre yougoslave à leurs propres fins, c'est-à-dire, l'affirmation du rôle dirigeant des Etats-Unis en Europe, la renaissance de l'Otan et quelques miettes sentimentales jetées aux Musulmans pour compenser le soutien sans faille à Israël.
L'Otan et les Menaces
L'évolution des deux dernières décennies pose la question de la poule et de l'oeuf. Autrement dit, est-ce que l'idéologie cause les actions, ou l'inverse ? Je serais tentée, vu ce que je viens de décrire à propos de la Yougoslavie, de dire que c'est l'inverse – au moins, parfois. Ou plutôt, en l'absence de pensée rigoureuse et franche, on est facilement entraîné dans des aventures néfastes par une dialectique entre idéologie et bureaucratie.
Mon deuxième exemple est le rôle de l'Otan dans le monde, et de l'Europe dans l'Otan.
A travers l'Otan, la plupart des pays de l'Union Européenne ont déjà participé à deux guerres d'agression, ou au moins à l'une d'entre elles, et d'autres se préparent. Et tout cela sans véritable débat, sans décision stratégique visible. En attendant la réalisation de la Construction Européenne, l'Union Européenne réellement existante poursuit en somnambule le chemin de guerre tracé pour elle par les Etats-Unis.
Cet état d'inconscience est maintenu par un mythe qui devient plus enfantin avec l'âge, comme une sénilité : le mythe de l'Amérique protectrice, puissante et généreuse, qui est le dernier recours pour sauver l'Europe de tout et surtout d'elle-même. On objectera qu'on n'y croit plus. Mais on fait toujours comme si on y croyait. Qu'ils y croient ou non – et je ne peux pas le savoir – la plupart des dirigeants européens n'hésitent pas à raconter des balivernes à leurs populations, telles que :
Les Etats-Unis veulent mettre leur bouclier anti-missile enn Europe pour défendre les Européens des attaques iraniennes ;
La guerre en Afghanistan est nécessaire pour éviter lesn attentats terroristes en Europe ;
La France est rentrée dans le commandement de l'Otan pourn influencer les Etats-Unis ;
Nous sommes la Communauté Internationale, le monde civilisé, etn nous agissons pour défendre les droits de l'homme. Et ainsi de suite.
Les Européens acceptent le vocabulaire « newspeak » de l'Otan. Ainsi pour désigner les multiples prétextes de guerre, on utilise le mot « menaces ». Un pays ou une région qu'on entend attaquer est forcément « stratégique ». Et toute action agressive est naturellement un acte de « défense ».
Ici encore c'est idéologie qui suit la bureaucratie, mais qui devient une force extrêmement dangereuse.
Je m'explique.
L'Otan est surtout une bureaucratie lourde, soutenue par des intérêts économiques et des carrières multiples. A la base de l'Otan se trouve le complexe militaro-industriel américain (ainsi nommé par Eisenhower en 1961, mais qui devait inclure le Congrès dans sa dénomination, car l'industrie militaire est soutenue politiquement par les intérêts économiques localisés dans presque chaque circonscription électorale du pays, défendus avec acharnement par son représentant au Congrès au moment de voter le budget). Depuis cinquante ans, ce complexe forme la base de l'économie des Etats-Unis – un keynésianisme militaire qui évite un keynésianisme social qui bénéficierait à la population mais qui est interdit par un anti-socialisme dogmatique.
Lors de la « Chute du mur » il y a 20 ans, c'est-à-dire de l'écroulement du bloc soviétique, il y avait comme un vent de panique chez son adversaire. Qu'allait-on faire sans la « menace » qui faisait vivre l'économie ? Réponse facile : trouver d'autres menaces. Pour les cibler, il y a les « think tanks », ces boîtes aux idées richement financées par le secteur privé pour donner au secteur public – c'est-à-dire le Pentagone et ses émules au Congrès et à l'exécutif – les raisons d'être et d'agir dont il a besoin.
On connait la suite. On a trouvé le terrorisme sous Reagan et Saddam Hussein sous Bush premier, puis le nationalisme serbe et les violations des droits de l'homme, puis encore le terrorisme, et maintenant il y a une véritable explosion de « menaces » auxquelles « la Communauté internationale », autrement dit l'Otan, doit répondre.
UNE LISTE non exhaustive :
le sabotage cybernétiquen
les changements du climatn
le terrorismen
les violations des droits de l'hommen
le génociden
le trafic de droguen
les états manqués (failed states)n
la piraterien
la montée des niveaux de la mern
la pénurie d'eaun
la sécheressen
le mouvement des populationsn
le déclin probable de la production agricolen
la diversification des sources d'énergien
(Sources : l'Otan ; Conférence tenue le premier octobre 2009 organisée conjointement par l'Otan Lloyd's of London - "the world's leading insurance market" le soi-disant numéro un marché d'assurances du monde.)
Ce qui est à signaler est que la réponse supposée à toutes ces menaces, parmi d'autres, est forcément militaire, et non pas diplomatique. On peut parfois jouer à la diplomatie, mais puisqu'on est le plus fort militairement, à Washington celle-ci est vite amenée à préférer le traitement militaire de tout problème.
Toutes ces menaces sont nécessaires pour justifier l'expansion bureaucratique du complexe militaro-industriel et de sa branche armée, l'Otan. La seule idéologie qui peut les unifier n'est plus un système de pensée mais une émotion : la peur. La peur de l'autre, la peur de l'inconnu, la peur de n'importe quoi. Et à cette peur la seule réponse est militaire.
Cette peur tue la diplomatie. Elle tue l'analyse et le débat. Elle tue la pensée.
L'incarnation de cette peur agressive est l'Etat d'Israël. Et l'Occident, au lieu de calmer la peur israélienne, l'adopte et l'intériorise.
La Menace par habitude : la Russie
Mais il y a une menace qui ne se trouve pas sur la longue liste officielle, mais qui pourrait être la plus dangereuse de toutes, pour l'Europe en particulier. On en parle peu, elle prend une place de choix dans les activités frénétiques de l'alliance atlantique : c'est la Russie. La Russie, ou plutôt l'Union Soviétique était l'ennemi contre lequel tout était organisé, eh bien, cela continue. C'est la menace par habitude, ou par inertie bureaucratique.
De plus en plus, l'Otan se trouve engagée dans un encerclement stratégique de la Russie, à l'ouest de la Russie, au Sud de la Russie et au Nord de la Russie.
À l'ouest, notamment, tous les anciens membres du défunt Pacte de Varsovie sont devenus membres de l'Otan, ainsi que les Etats Baltes anciennement membres de l'Union Soviétique même. Certains de ces nouveaux membres appellent à cor et à cri le stationnement de plus de forces américaines en vue d'un éventuel conflit avec la Russie. A Washington il y a quelque jours, le ministre des affaires étrangères de la Pologne, Radek Sikorski, a réclamé le stationnement de troupes américaines dans son pays “pour servir de bouclier contre l'agression russe”. L'occasion était une conférence organisée par le think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) sur “les Etats-Unis et l'Europe centrale” pour célébrer la chute du mur de Berlin. Il est caractéristique de ce que l'ancien ministre de la guerre américain Donald Rumsfeld a appelé “la Nouvelle Europe”, que Sikorski a eu la citoyenneté britannique depuis 1984 (il avait alors 21 ans), a fait ses études à Oxford et a épousé une journaliste américaine, ayant lui-même travaillé comme correspondant pour plusieurs journaux et télévisions américains. Avant de devenir ministre des affaires étrangères de la Pologne, Sikorski a passé plusieurs années (de 2002 à 2005) à Washington dans les think tanks American Enterprise Institute, pépinière des néo-conservateurs, et la New Atlantic Initiative en tant que directeur exécutif. Ce Polonais appartient donc à cette couche très particulière de stratèges originaires de l'Europe centrale qui, depuis le début de la Guerre Froide en 1948, ont considérablement influencé la politique étrangère américaine. Un des plus importants de ceux-ci, Polonais lui aussi, Zbigniew Brzezinski, a parlé à la même conférence des “aspirations impériales” de la Russie, de ces menaces envers la Géorgie et l'Ukraine et de l'intention de la Russie de devenir “une puissance mondiale impériale”.
Il est largement oublié que la Russie avait volontairement et pacifiquement laissé filer ces Etats qui aujourd'hui se prétendent « menacés ». Il est encore plus oublié que les Etats-Unis avaient, le 9 février 1990, à l'occasion de négociations sur l'avenir des deux états allemands, rassuré Gorbachev en lui promettant que si l'Allemagne unifiée intégrait l'Otan, « il n'y aurait aucune extension des forces de l'Otan d'un centimètre de plus à l'est ». Et lorsque Gorbachev revenait à ce sujet, en précisant : « Toute extension de la zone de l'Otan est inacceptable », le secrétaire d'Etat américain James Baker a répondu, « Je suis d'accord ».
Ainsi rassuré, Gorbachev a accepté l'appartenance de l'Allemagne réunifiée à l'Otan en croyant – naïvement – que les choses s'arrêteraient là et que l'Otan empêcherait efficacement tout « revanchisme » allemand. Mais, déjà l'année suivante, le gouvernement de l'Allemagne réunifiée a mis le feu aux poudres balkaniques en soutenant les sécessions slovènes et croates…
Mais revenons au présent. La mobilisation contre la prétendue « menace » russe ne se limite pas aux discours. Pendant que Sikorski épatait ses anciens collègues des think tanks washingtoniens, les militaires étaient à l'oeuvre.
En octobre, des vaisseaux de guerre américains sont arrivées directement de manoeuvres au larges des côtes écossaises pour participer à des exercices militaires avec les marines polonaises et baltes. Cela fait partie de ce que le porte parole de la Marine américaine décrit comme sa « présence continue » dans la Mer Baltique, tout près de Saint Petersbourg. À cette occasion, les responsables des pays baltes parlaient de « nouvelles menaces depuis l'invasion russe de la Géorgie » et des exercices navals de grandes envergure à venir l'été prochain. Tout cela en projetant l'augmentation des budgets militaires – 60 milliards d'euros par la Pologne pour améliorer ses forces armées.
Il est important de noter que cette activité dans la Mer Baltique sert aussi à faire entrer officieusement les pays scandinaves historiquement neutres, la Suède et la Finlande, dans les exercices et les plans stratégiques de l'Otan. Les pays scandinaves, avec le Canada, auront un rôle à jouer dans la course pour s'accaparer des ressources minérales qui deviendront accessibles avec le retrait de la calotte glacière. Des manoeuvres se font déjà en préparation de cette éventualité. Ainsi l'encerclement de la Russie par le nord se poursuit.
Aujourd'hui, non contents d'avoir absorbé les Etats baltes, la Pologne, la Tchéquie, la Slovaquie, la Hongrie, la Bulgarie et j'en passe, les dirigeants américains, vigoureusement soutenus par « la Nouvelle Europe », insistent sur la nécessité de faire entrer dans le giron de l'Alliance dite « Atlantique » deux voisins proches de la Russie, la Géorgie et l'Ukraine.
Dans ces deux cas, on s'approche dangereusement à la possibilité d'une vraie guerre avec la Russie… surtout en Ukraine.
L'Ukraine est une très grande « Krajina » yougoslave… les deux mots signifient « frontières » en slave … divisée toutes les deux entre Orthodoxes et Catholiques (Uniates dans le cas de l'Ukraine), avec en prime la grande base navale russe à Sébastopol, dans une Crimée à la population majoritairement russe… réclamée par les dirigeants actuels ukrainiens qui la transféreraient volontiers aux Etats-Unis. Voilà l'endroit rêvé pour déclencher la Troisième Guerre Mondiale – qui serait sans doute la vraie « der des ders ».
Les dirigeants baltes sont là pour interpréter l'inquiétude russe devant cette expansion de l'Otan comme la preuve de la « menace russe ». Ainsi, dans une « lettre ouverte à l'administration Obama de l'Europe centrale et orientale » du juillet dernier, Lech Walesa, Vaclav Havel, Alexander Kwasniewski, Valdas Adamkus et Vaira Vike-Freiberga ont déclaré que “la Russie est de retour en tant que puissance révisionniste en train de poursuivre un programme du 19ème siècle avec les tactiques et les méthodes du 21ème siècle”. Le danger, selon eux, est que ce qu'ils appellent “l'intimidation larvée” et “l'influence colportée” (influence peddling) de la Russie pourrait à la longue mener à une “de facto neutralisation de la région”.
On peut se demander où serait le mal ? Mais le mal est dans le passé et le passé est dans le présent. Ces Américanophiles continuent : “Notre région”, disent-ils, “a souffert quand les Etats-Unis ont succombé au ‘réalisme' à Yalta. … Si un point de vue ‘réaliste' avait prévalu au début des années 1990, nous ne serions pas dans l'Otan aujourd'hui…” Mais ils y sont, et ils réclament “une renaissance de l'Otan”, qui doit “reconfirmer sa fonction centrale de défense collective en même temps que nous nous adaptons aux nouvelles menaces du 21ème siècle.” Et ils ajoutent, avec un brin de chantage, que leur “capacité de participation dans les expéditions lointaines est lié à leur sécurité chez eux.”
La Géorgie est là pour montrer le danger représenté par ces petits pays prêts à entraîner l'Alliance Atlantique dans leurs querelles de frontières avec la Russie. Mais ce qui est très curieux est le fait que ces dirigeants particulièrement belliqueux de petits pays de l'Est ont souvent passé des années aux Etats-Unis dans les institutions proches du pouvoir ou ont même la double nationalité. Ils sont patriotes de leur petit pays tout en se sentant protégés par la seule superpuissance du monde, ce qui peut mener à une agressivité particulièrement irresponsable. Ce président géorgien, Mikeil Saakachvili, qui en août 2008 n'a pas hésité à provoquer une guerre avec la Russie, a été boursier du Département d'Etat des Etats-Unis dans les années '90, recevant les diplômes des universités de Columbia et de George Washington, dans la capitale.
Parmi les signataires de la lettre citée, il faut noter que Valdas Adamkus est essentiellement un Américain, immigré de Lithanie dans les années 40, qui a servi dans le renseignement militaire américain et dans l'administration Reagan, qui l'a décoré, et qui a pris sa retraite en Lithuanie en 1997… pour être tout de suite élu comme Président de cet Etat de 1998 jusqu'au mois de juillet dernier. Le parcours de Vaira Vike-Freiberga est semblable : d'une famille qui a fuit la Lettonie pour l'Allemagne en 1945, elle a fait carrière au Canada avant de rentrer en Lettonie juste à temps pour être élue présidente de la République entre 1999 et 2007.
La Construction européenne contre le monde
En épousant ces peurs, qui à l'origine sont des constructions pour justifier une militarisation, les Etats membres de l'Union Européenne se mettent en opposition avec le reste du monde. Le reste du monde étant une source inépuisable de « menaces ». La reddition inconditionnelle de l'Europe devant la bureaucratie militaro-industrielle et son idéologie de la peur était confirmé récemment par le retour de la France dans le commandement de l'Otan. Une des raisons de cette capitulation est la psychologie du président Sarkozy lui-même, dont l'adoration pour les aspects les plus superficiels des Etats-Unis s'est exprimée dans son discours embarrassant devant le Congrès des Etats-Unis en novembre 2007.
L'autre cause, moins flagrante mais plus fondamentale, est la récente expansion de l'Union Européenne. L'absorption rapide de tous les anciens satellites d'Europe de l'Est, ainsi que des anciennes républiques soviétiques d'Estonie, de Lettonie et de Lituanie, a radicalement changé l'équilibre du pouvoir au sein de l'UE elle-même. Les nations fondatrices, la France, l'Allemagne, l'Italie et les pays du Bénélux, ne peuvent plus guider l'Union vers une politique étrangère et de sécurité unifiée. Après le refus de la France et de l'Allemagne d'accepter l'invasion de l'Irak, Donald Rumsfeld a discrédité ces deux pays comme faisant partie de la « vieille Europe » et il s'est gargarisé de la volonté de la « nouvelle Europe » de suivre l'exemple des Etats-Unis. La Grande-Bretagne à l'Ouest et les « nouveaux » satellites européens à l'Est sont plus attachés aux Etats-Unis, politiquement et émotionnellement, qu'ils ne le sont à l'Union Européenne qui les a accueillis et leur a apportés une considérable aide économique au développement et un droit de veto sur les questions politiques majeures.
Il est vrai que, même hors du commandement intégré de l'OTAN, l'indépendance de la France n'était que relative. La France a suivi les Etats-Unis dans la première guerre du Golfe – le Président François Mitterrand espéra vainement gagner ainsi de l'influence à Washington, le mirage habituel qui attire les alliés dans les opérations étasuniennes douteuses. La France s'est jointe à l'OTAN en 1999 dans la guerre contre la Yougoslavie, malgré les doutes aux plus hauts niveaux. Mais en 2003, le Président Jacques Chirac et son ministre des affaires étrangères Dominique de Villepin ont réellement usé de leur indépendance en rejetant l'invasion de l'Irak. Il est généralement reconnu que la position française a permis à l'Allemagne de faire de même. La Belgique a suivi.
Le discours de Villepin, le 14 février 2003, au Conseil de Sécurité des Nations-Unies, donnant la priorité au désarmement et à la paix sur la guerre, reçut une rare « standing ovation ». Le discours de Villepin fut immensément populaire dans le monde entier et a accru énormément le prestige de la France, en particulier dans le monde arabe. Mais, de retour à Paris, la haine personnelle entre Sarkozy et Villepin a atteint des sommets passionnels et la persécution judiciaire de Villepin dans l'affaire obscure de Clearstream représente l'ensevelissement de la dernière velléité d'indépendance politique de la France sous une avalanche de boue vengeresse.
Qui parle aujourd'hui pour la France ? Officiellement, Bernard Kouchner, prophète de l'ingérence humanitaire qui, lui, approuvait l'invasion de l'Irak. Officieusement, les soi-disant « néo-conservateurs » qu'on ferait mieux d'appeler les « impérialistes sionistes », tant leur véritable projet est un nouvel impérialisme agressif occidental au sein duquel Israël trouverait une place de choix.
Le 22 septembre 2009, le Guardian de Londres a publié une lettre demandant que l'Europe prenne fait et cause pour la Géorgie dans le conflit de l'Ossétie du Sud. Signée par Vaclav Havel, Valdas Adamkus, Mart Laar, Vytautas Landsbergis, Otto de Habsbourg, Daniel Cohn Bendit, Timothy Garton Ash, André Glucksmann, Mark Leonard, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Adam Michnik et Josep Ramoneda, la lettre proférait les habituelles platitudes prétentieuses sur les « leçons de l'histoire » , toutes justifiant l'utilisation de la puissance militaire occidentales, bien sûr : Munich, le pacte Ribbentrop-Molotov, le mur de Berlin. Les signataires exhortent les 27 dirigeants démocratiques de l'Europe à « définir une stratégie pro-active pour aider la Géorgie à reprendre pacifiquement son intégrité territoriale et obtenir le retrait des forces russes stationnées illégalement sur le sol géorgien… »
Pendant ce temps, les alliés de l'Otan continuent à tuer et à se faire tuer en Afghanistan. On peut se demander quel est le vrai but de cette guerre, qui, au début, était de capturer et punir Osama bin Laden.
Un autre objectif, plus confidentiel, est valable quelle que soit l'issue de ce conflit : l'Afghanistan sert à forger une armée internationale pour policer la « globalisation » à l'américaine. L'Europe est surtout une « boîte à outils » dans laquelle les Etats-Unis peuvent puiser pour poursuivre ce qui est essentiellement un projet de conquête de la planète. Ou, comme on dit officiellement, la « bonne gouvernance » d'un monde « globalisé ».
Les « impérialistes sionistes » sont sûrement conscients de ce but et le soutiennent. Mais les autres ? A par ces illuminés, on a l'impression d'une Europe somnambule, qui suit la voix de son maître américain, en espérant qu'Obama sauvera tout le monde, mais sans pensée et sans volonté propres. Plus triste que les tropiques.
Pour conclure, je reviens à la fameuse « construction européenne ». Je suis consciente qu'il y avait une époque où il était permis, et presque raisonnable, d'espérer que les vieilles nations européennes se mettraient ensemble paisiblement dans ce que Gorbatchev, ce grand cocu de l'histoire, appelait « notre maison commune ». Mais depuis il y a eu Maastricht, le néo-libéralisme, le Traité constitutionnel rejeté puis adopté contre toute procédure démocratique, et surtout, les élargissements irréfléchis vers les pays dont les dirigeants pensent à poursuivre la Guerre froide jusqu'à l'humiliation totale de la Russie.
Aujourd'hui, cette construction a ceci de paradoxal : elle sert d'Utopie qui distrait du présent en attendant un avenir qui domine l'horizon. Et pourtant, elle est vide de contenu. Elle est dictée beaucoup moins par un espoir d'avenir que par une peur et une honte du passé. L'Europe des nations a perdu sa fierté et même sa raison d'être dans les deux grandes guerres du vingtième siècle, dans le "totalitarisme" mais surtout – et cela est relativement récent, depuis 1967 pour être précis – à cause de l'Holocauste. L'Europe doit se rendre incapable de commettre une nouvelle Shoah en abolissant l'Etat nation, jugé intrinsèquement coupable, en devenant "multiculturelle" et en se joignant à la Croisade menée par son sauveur historique, les Etats-Unis, pour apporter la bonne gouvernance et les Droits de l'Homme au monde entier. L'Union Européenne n'a pas de contenu, elle est vouée à se fondre dans "la Communauté Internationale" à côté des Etats-Unis. La Construction européenne est donc tout d'abord une "déconstruction", pour emprunter un mot de philosophe.
Ce mirage cache un avenir totalement imprévu et, aujourd'hui, imprévisible.
Diana Johnstone est une universitaire et journaliste américaine. Diplomée d'études slaves, elle obtenu son doctorat à l'Université du Minnesota. Elle a séjourné en France, en Allemagne et en Italie, avant de s'installer définitivement à Paris en 1990.
Très active dans le mouvement contre la guerre du Vietnam, elle organise les premières rencontres internationales entre des citoyens américains et des représentants vietnamiens. Elle a été éditorialiste pour l'Europe à l'hebdomadaire américain In These Times de 1979 à 1990, continuant par la suite à travailler comme correspondante pour cette revue. Elle a été attachée de presse pour le groupe parlementaire européen des Verts de 1990 à 1996. Elle publie également régulièrement des articles d'analyse de l'actualité internationale dans le magazine en ligne Counterpunch.
En 1985, elle publie un premier livre The Politics of Euromissiles : Europe's Role in America's World. Dans son deuxième livre La Croisade des fous : Yougoslavie, première guerre de la mondialisation paru en 2005, elle porte un regard critique sur la guerre en Yougoslavie, remettant en cause la version médiatique dominante présentant le nationalisme serbe comme le principal responsable du conflit. On peut rapprocher son analyse des événements de celle d'auteurs comme Paul-Marie de La Gorce, Michel Collon et Jürgen Elsässer.
A la suite d'une interview de Noam Chomsky dans The Guardian, elle a fait l'objet d'une polémique, étant accusée de nier le massacre de Srebrenica[1], accusation qu'elle a rejetée, arguant qu'elle ne remettait pas en cause le massacre mais en dénonçait la présentation à partir de certains faits « fabriqués » et médiatisés[2].
New European Security System - by Živadin Jovanović
Press Releases |
In my opinion, European Security system hardly exists at present. It is true that Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is in place, there exist various EU – NATO military arrangements, and there are some other specific and partial arrangements of NATO and Russia, and of the U.S.A. and Russia. Clearly, none of these is truly European or offering equal guaranties of security to all European countries. Beginning from 1999, Europe, especially its Eastern and South Eastern parts, has been covered by a network of foreign military bases with unprecedented pace. Europe of today has more foreign military bases then at the height of the Cold War Era! Is this in proportion with the nature and rise of security risks? It has only provoked more distrust and tensions.
New European Security System
Press Releases |
To my opinion European Security system does not exist at present. There may be various EU – NATO military arrangements, there may be some other specific and partial arrangements but non of these is truly European nor offering equal security for all European countries.
OSCE, put aside the name (Organization for Security and Cooperation of Europe), has proved to be futile if not counterproductive in its activities. Even more, in many instances it has been subject to various manipulations favoring positions and partial interest of certain countries. It has played negative role during Yugoslav crises abandoning Final Helsinki Document principles on sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the internationally recognized state boarders. It has also violated the principle of consensus introducing new “principle” – “consensus minus one”. It’s Mission in Serbian Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, at the end of 1998. and beginning of 1999, known as Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM), acted rather as an extension and preparatory for 1999 NATO military aggression then as civil diplomatic mission as defined by Yugoslavia – OSCE October 1998 Agreement.
European Security system should be a matter of right and duty of all and each European country and not a monopoly of any regional organization, be it NATO or any other. All European countries should have equal guaranties for their own security. European Security System should be worked out through diplomatic consultations which will take time and efforts and finalized at the European Summit Conference adopting European Security Treaty.
Ten years ago NATO killed ten pedestrains in Varvarin - Serbia
Press Releases |
May 30th, 2009.
Ten civilians were killed and dozens wounded ten years ago when NATO bombers bombed the bridge over the Great Morava river close to the town of Varvarin, central Serbia. Among them were Sanja Milenkovic, 15 years old student of Mathematics Gymnazium in Belgrad and the priest of the local Serbian Ortodox Church, father Milivoje.
Today’s ceremony to mark this event was attended by thousands of family members and friends of the victims, as well as by church leaders and general public. Hundreds of young people and school students also attended the ceremony. Artists from Varvarina and the City of Krusevac have performed special programme.
Greek Committee for International Detante and Peace (EEDYE) - Athens
Press Releases |
Dear Friends,
The Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals congratulates you the Jubilee 30th Peace Marathon devoted to the Day of Victory against fascism and Nazism. Please convey our cordial greetings, solidarity and the best wishes to all the participants of this unique manifestation. Peoples and especially young generations should never forget millions of fighters who lost their lives in the struggle against fascism and Nazism defending freedom and dignity of mankind. We take a bow to millions of civilians who died in Nazi concentration camps in Europe, including in the Balkans. Approaching the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War obliges us to most strongly condemn all attempts of rewriting the history of the Second World War and tendencies of militarization posing the threat to peace and stability in Europe.
Long live to freedom and equality of all peoples
Živadin Jovanović
Declaration of the Belgrade Conference, March 23 - 24, 2009.
Forum´s Declarations |
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, in cooperation with the other independent associations in Serbia and in coordination with the World Peace Council (WPC), held in Belgrade on March 23rd - 24th, 2009, an International Conference titled „Objectives and consequences of NATO Aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) – 10 Years After“.
The Conference gathered some 700 scientists and experts in the area of international relations from Serbia and 45 countries from all continents, except Australia. About 60 participants submitted their papers on various aspects of the aggression and ensuing developments.
Opening ceremony was attended by Prof. Slavica Đukić Dejanović, the Speaker in the National Assembly of Serbia, Mr. Petar Škundrić, the Energy Minister, as well as by the representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, veterans’, youth and other organizations.
Mr. Ivica Dačić, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government and the Minister of Home Affairs addressed the Conference and welcomed foreign guests on behalf of the Government.
The special participants of the Conference were Ms Socorro Gomes, the President, and Mr. Thanasis Pafilis, the Secretary-General, of the World Peace Council.
The Conference was also attended by a number of ambassadors and senior diplomatic representatives accredited in Serbia.
The participants paid their respect to the victims of the 78-day bombardment and placed wreaths at the monuments dedicated to the victims of the aggression.
The debate with over 60 papers presented was held in the spirit of friendship, openness and solidarity of all organizations and individuals struggling for peace, development and prosperity.
Tenth Anniversary of NATO's Drive Into Eastern Europe - Rick Rozoff
NATO Aggression |
Stop NATO !
March 13, 2009
March 12 of this year marked the tenth anniversary of NATO expanding into
Eastern Europe and incorporating former members of its Warsaw Pact rival.
Nato to be desolved, Hag tribunal closed!
Press Releases |
Belgrade, March 27. Two days International conference in Belgrade marking 10 years of the start of the NATO aggression on Yugoslavia (Serbia and Crna Gora) ended up with the calls to dissolve NATO as the aggressive global alliance aiming at replacing the United Nations and to close up the Hag tribunal (ICTY) as prolonged NATO anti-Serbian arm. The Conference initiated establishment of the International Tribunal of the Human Consciences (Tribunal International de la Consciance Humaine).
The movie - There is no humanitarian war
Movies |
In this film: Zivadin Jovanovic
Watch it on YouTube
1999-2009 " there is no humanitarian war "
Integrity of the Republic of Serbia
Forum´s Declarations |
Civic Association
Soldiers against war
Czech Republik
regarding efforts to violate territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia
To international conference on militarization in Europe - Kiev
Press Releases |
Dear Mr. President,
Dear Friends and Comrades,
The Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals extends its sincere thanks to the European Peace Forum and to its Ukrainian Section for the kind invitation to participate at the important international conference in Kiev on militarization in Europe. We regret very much for being unable at this moment to be present. We would like to express our best wishes for success of the conference and we greet brotherly all participants.
The Kiev conference takes place at the time of the growing danger of militarization of Europe. Expansion of NATO, proliferation of American and NATO bases towards East and South East of Europe, growing military expenditures and degradation of civil control over military sectors all over Europe do seriously jeopardize stability, peace and basic socio-economic and other essential human rights of hundreds of millions of people of our Continent. Such development should be stopped by united resistance of all peace loving organizations and individuals.
Overstatement from Davos 2017. |
Liberal corporative capitalism, for reasons of lowering traveling costs, proposed not to travel to history alone but packed togather with NATO, EU and unipollar World Order. Workers participation has good chances to step in provisionally, buying time for full scale workers selfmanagment. |