Condemnation of terrorist attack in Kosovska Mitrovica in Serbia
Activities - Press Releases |
The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals strongly reviles the terrorist attack in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica that took life of pediatrician Dr. Mesud Džeković and injured 11 more people. This criminal act is the last in a long line of
continued terrorism and ethnical cleansing committed against the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. It is a dire consequence of both non-compliance of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and the pro-Albanian policies of most influential western countries and representatives of the international community.
From the very onset, it was clear that Eulex, mandated to help building institutions of an illegal sham-state, was not and could not be status-neutral. Even those who have misguidedly believed or touted any “status neutrality” of Peter Feith and/or Eulex are no longer entitled to such delusion. The institutions of Serbia should transcend from the level of saying they would never recognize illegal independence of Kosovo onto the level of concrete political and diplomatic steps and initiatives aimed at defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the State. One should hope that
there has never really been any dilemma as to whether anyone, on behalf of Serbia and the Serbian people, may or dare acknowledge such stealing of a part of their state territory.
The Belgrade Forum expresses its full solidarity with the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija in their firm attachment and loyalty to Serbian state; we feel for their efforts to prevent expansion and forcible imposition of illegal separatist structure, for which they pay dearly by suffering discrimination and anguish.
The Belgrade Forum urges the relevant institutions in Serbia to address the Security Council and request a decision on concrete measures for the full implementation of latter’s Resolution 1244, which is of unfalteringly permanent character and obligatory for all the Member States to this ultimate global organization. We in particular refer to the provisions of this binding decision of the world organization that guarantee the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia (the FRY) and the equality of all citizens of Serbia living in Kosovo and Metohija.
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Overstatement from Davos 2017. |
Liberal corporative capitalism, for reasons of lowering traveling costs, proposed not to travel to history alone but packed togather with NATO, EU and unipollar World Order. Workers participation has good chances to step in provisionally, buying time for full scale workers selfmanagment. |