Tenth Anniversary of NATO's Drive Into Eastern Europe - Rick Rozoff
Activities - NATO Aggression |
Stop NATO !
March 13, 2009
March 12 of this year marked the tenth anniversary of NATO expanding into
Eastern Europe and incorporating former members of its Warsaw Pact rival.
Nine years after the George H.W. Bush's administration's Secretary of State
James Baker had assured the Soviet Union's last president Mikhail Gorbachev that
"there would be no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch
to the east," the Alliance, in the case of one of its new members, Poland, moved
directly to the border of Russia's Kaliningrad territory.
Om March 12, 1999 Baker's successor once-removed, Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright, gathered the the foreign ministers of the new inductees, the Czech
Republic, Hungary and Poland, to the Truman Presidential Library in
Independence, Missouri where in NATOese she "accepted the instruments of
accession to NATO of the three countries."
The speeches of all four foreign policy chiefs were larded with celebratory and
self-congratulatory effusions about the end of the Cold War, with the Hungarian,
Czech and Polish foreign ministers competing with each other in claiming that
the beginning of the new Jerusalem and the advent of post-history - or the
Eschaton - was first signaled by events in Budapest in 1956, Prague in 1968 or
Gdansk in 1981.
The Polish foreign minister of the time, Bronislaw Geremek, in noting the
proximity of Independence to another city of some note, observed that
"Fifty-three years ago, in nearby Fulton, Missouri, Winston Churchill delivered
his famous address."
Geremek was of course referring to the Iron Curtain speech of 1946 and the
official trumpet blast of the Cold War. The Polish foreign minister also
dutifully quoted the US president of the same time, Harry Truman, he who lent
his name to the doctrine of the following year, one which was immediately
implemented with the US and its Western allies intervening in civil conflicts in
Greece and Korea, the latter leading to direct combat between the United States
and China.
Forty full years of Western-instigated wars - conventional, colonial,
counterinsurgency, proxy and civil - and military-backed coups d'etat throughout
Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America would be the fruits of the
policies advocated by Churchill, inaugurated by Truman and continued by his
successors in history's longest self-proclaimed crusade, that of "containing
It was the victory of that campaign that Madeleine Albright and her three
Eastern European counterparts were celebrating ten years ago by welcoming three
former Warsaw Pact nations into what was at the time and remains today the
world's only military bloc.
The Polish visitor's speech contained a line about the end of the bipolar era,
meaning that of the US and Soviet led alliances.
Many in 1991, though far fewer when Geremek spoke eight years later, hoped that
the alternative to a bipolar world be be non-polar or at any rate a multipolar
The formal accession of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland to NATO and
events that followed close on its heels would soon dispel any such illusions.
The bipolar world had given way to history's first unipolar global order.
Even at the time of the accession ceremony the contours of the evolving
post-Cold War US- and NATO-dominated world were becoming incontestably clear.
The speeches at Independence were replete with words like freedom, democracy,
liberty, independence and self-determination; words that have in earlier periods
been noble and inspiring ones, the concepts and practices they represent causes
that countless millions have lived and often died for.
However, there have been few occasions throughout human history when even the
most ambitious and ruthless tyrants and empire-builders have not invoked one or
more of these terms, according to their own lights and for their own purposes,
to justify conquest, pillage and in the worst cases extermination.
Grand words are like coins that have become effaced by passing through too many
hands, often in illicit transactions.
How sincerely the words were used by Albright and her collaborators was
demonstrated even at the time of their meeting and with a savage vengeance
shortly thereafter.
There was an empty seat in the Truman Library on March 12 of ten years ago: That
of the foreign minister of Slovakia.
The Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland are three of the four members of Visegrad
Four grouping established in 1991 to "further European integration."
The fourth is Slovakia. All four nations joined the European Union
simultaneously in 2004.
The Visegrad Four group has been routinely characterized as an alliance of
Central European nations; not Eastern European, as the same countries were
referred to during the Cold War era.
Geography as well as terminology assume a hugh degree of plasticity in the view
of NATO nations' planners and both are harnessed to the cart of geopolitical and
military expediency.
Even more preposterously, political leaders of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are
now referring to their nations as being in Central Europe; all three countries
are on the Baltic Sea and border Russia in one manner or another.
Officials in Georgia and their Western sponsors frequently speak of the nation,
especially in reference to NATO membership, as "rejoining Europe." Georgia lies
to the south of Turkey and a sizeable part of the nation is to the east of the
eastern-most part of Turkey, which the West considers an Asian nation.
If integration with NATO and the European Union demands as a prerequisite and
enforces as a membership rule the uniform subordination to Brussels of a
nation's military, security, defense industry, judicial and economic
prerogatives, it also mandates that candidates and new members be whipped into
line politically.
Slovakia wasn't invited to join NATO in 1999 because it was inhabited by a
population that interpreted the words thrown around by Western power brokers,
especially self-determination and freedom of choice, in the traditional, literal
sense. That is, according to Brussels and Washington, they persistently voted
the wrong way.
In federal election after federal election Slovaks gave the political party of
the country's first prime minister Vladimir Meciar, the People's Party -
Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS), a plurality of their votes.
And just as consistently American, European Union and even NATO officials issued
the diktat that not only could the HZDS not form, it could not join, a federal
It took five more years before NATO considered the country sufficiently tamed
and broken in to join the Alliance.
The genuine, violent and horrific, meaning of what the new expansionist NATO
portended for Europe and the world didn't take long to manifest itself.
Only twelve days after Albright's conclave in Missouri, with herself as arguably
the prime mover, NATO launched its first sustained campaign of all-out military
aggression, the 78-day Operation Allied Force onslaught against Yugoslavia.
The Czech Republic, Hungary (which then bordered Yugoslavia) and Poland hardly
had time to catch their collective breath when they were plunged into the first
war against a sovereign European nation since Hitler's blitzkrieg assaults of
Unremittingly and with increasing ferocity NATO unleashed an almost three month
attack on a small nation with 1,000 warplanes flying over 38,000 combat missions
(which included the return of the German Luftwaffe to the skies of Europe for
the first time since the defeat of the Third Reich) and, along with cruise
missiles launched from warships and submarines in the Mediterranean, spared
nothing in an aerial avalanche of cluster bombs, graphite weapons and depleted
uranium: Factories, apartment complexes, broadcasting facilities, hospitals,
power grids, passenger trains, refugee columns, religious processions and the
Chinese embassy.
A month into the conflict the NATO 50th anniversary jubilee summit was held in
Washington, DC, where the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland were formally
inducted into the bloc, one now at war for the first time.
There can be little doubt that the timing of the attack on Yugoslavia on March
24 was coordinated with the scheduled NATO summit on April 23-24 and that the
second was planned to celebrate an anticipated capitulation by Yugoslavia and
the unveiling of the new, global NATO as the world's preeminent arbiter of
internal as well as international disputes, the redrawing of national borders
and the use of military force.
This in contraposition to the United Nations and international law, both of
which had been circumvented, subverted and supplanted by a Western military bloc
with the war against Yugoslavia with neither yet recuperating from the blow.
NATO underestimated Serbian resolve, as Hitler had done in 1941, delaying the
arrival of his Wehrmacht to the gates of Moscow for several critically important
The NATO summit then, far from dragging the pennants of a subjugated nation cum
conquered province through the dust and conducting a triumph reminiscent of
those of the Rome of the Caesars, was on April 24 rather confronted with
considering a ground invasion of the nation it had failed to bomb into
The three new NATO members, none of whom had deployed troops for combat missions
since World War II, were close to discovering what joining the "alliance of free
nations" actually entailed.
Largely through the treachery of Finland's Maarti Ahtisaari and the complicity
of Russia's Viktor Chernomyrdin they weren't provided that opportunity in 1999
but neither did they have to wait long for another.
One of the catchphrases employed at the time that the Czech Republic, Hungary
and Poland were being integrated into NATO was mutual defense; that is, by
joining the world's sole remaining military bloc the three countries would
acquire powerful protectors - the United States, Britain, France and Germany
most notably - in the event any or all of the three were victims of armed
This means the activation of NATO's Article 5, which obliges all Alliance member
states to offer military assistance to any other that requests it.
In 1999 Washington and Brussels had a compliant Yeltsin government in power in
Russia, one that would have ceded the West anything it asked for short of
Cathedral Square in the center of Moscow's Kremlin, so it was evident that
Article 5 in fact had nothing to do with defense but everything to do with joint
military action of another nature.
This was two and a half years before NATO and the US seized upon the alleged war
on terrorism (prior to that they were inclined in the opposite direction), so
mythic threats by non-state actors couldn't be employed as a pretext for an
urgent need to take the three new members under NATO's collective defense - and
nuclear - umbrella.
Other motives were behind doing so, including moving NATO military hardware,
surveillance, air patrols, training centers and operational contingencies
further eastward up to the Russian border.
But NATO first implemented its mutual military assistance clause because of
events and against targets in parts of the world never expected by most: The
bloc used the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States to launch a full
19-member military operation in Afghanistan.
In thirty five years as members of the Warsaw Pact the Czech Republic, Hungary
and Poland had never been called upon to send troops to a war zone; in only 30
months as NATO members they were pulled into what is soon to be an eight-year
war in South Asia.
All three nations have troops deployed in Afghanistan and all three have
suffered combat fatalities there.
The seven other Eastern European nations that followed them into NATO -
Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia - and the
three that are to follow the above ten - Albania, Croatia and Macedonia - also
have troops stationed in the world's most dangerous war zone, and most all of
them, including the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, had troops stationed in
Iraq after March of 2003.
The last three countries have all lost troops there also.
Shortly after the invasion of Iraq and the deployment of a US military
headquarters in Baghdad and a British counterpart in Basra, a third, middle zone
around the ancient city of Babylon and Karbala was under Polish military command
(consisting of 7,000 troops) with NATO assistance.
The main Polish base was called Camp Babylon in fact and was the site of
desecration and destruction of some of the world's most treasured artifacts at
the hands of new NATO's occupation forces.
Collectively the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland had not lost a single troop
in combat operations since World War II, but now all have done so in two
nations, with the Polish death toll in Iraq at 21 and in Afghanistan at 9.
Serving NATO at the expense of one's nation and people is not limited to killing
and dying overseas, however, as the Alliance has endangered the three states at
home in addition.
The US intends to station an X-Band radar transferred from the Marshall Islands
to the Czech municipality of Brdy as part of a global missile shield system and
NATO has constructed a radar installation in the city of Slavkov near the site
of the Battle of Austerlitz.
There is fierce and committed local opposition to both deployments, two of many
and illimitable obligations of NATO membership.
A comparable campaign exists in Hungary to stop the deployment of a NATO radar
facility on Tubes Hill near Pecs.
Poland is slated for the most provocative and threatening projects: Ten US
interceptor missile silos at or near the Redzikowo airport in Slupsk near the
Baltic Sea coast and a Patriot missile battery not too far from Russia's
Kaliningrad enclave.
Redzikowo formerly housed a Nazi German airbase, from where Luftwaffe warplanes
took off to bomb Poland itself in World War II.
A decade later the 1999 NATO accession was marked by expensive celebrations and
hollow speeches in Budapest, Prague and Warsaw with Madeleine Albright
condescending to visit the three capitals - recall she had summoned the foreign
ministers to Missouri to recruit them ten years earlier - and Polish Defense
Minister Bogdan Klich opening a "NATO village" on the grounds of the University
of Warsaw and decking the capital with NATO flags.
The EU's Javier Solana, NATO Secretary General during the three nations'
absorption, boasted of his own accomplishment while waxing enthusiastic over the
prospects of the bloc moving yet further east into former Soviet space.
Ex-Czech president Vaclav Havel used the occasion to call for NATO to continue
the trend by dragging in Belarus and Ukraine.
Hungarian Defence Minister Imre Szekeres was ordered to Washington during the
anniversary to get his latest marching orders from Pentagon chief Robert Gates
and current National Security Advisor and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander
James Jones.
Ten years ago there was only one NATO state bordering Russia, Norway with a
narrow corridor linking the two nations.
Now there are four new full members on Russia's borders - Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania and Poland - and four former Soviet Republics with NATO Individual
Partnership Action Plans also abutting Russia - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan
and Ukraine.
Finland, a former neutral sharing a 1,300-kilometer border with Russia, is being
prepared for further NATO integration and has proven its bona fides in this
respect by deploying troops under the Alliance's command in Afghanistan.
A decade after the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland were absorbed by NATO the
state of the world and the landscape of Europe have changed.
Yugoslavia no longer exists, even on maps.
And other nations within or against whom NATO has attacked or conducted other
military operations - Bosnia, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan and
Somalia - may suffer the same fate.
March 12 is not an occasion for celebration but a cause for the deepest concern
and a spur to oppose history's first attempt at creating a worldwide military
bloc ahead of its 60th anniversary summit beginning in less than three weeks.
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