New Era - By Zivadin Jovanovic
Download this article: China Investment Zivadin Jovanovic New Era Jan Feb 2024.pdf THE BELT AND ROAD TO BETTER LIFE
Renown Chinese and World economic magazine China Investment has published in its December 2023 issue the article authored by Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals titled "The Belt and Road to Better Life", which is reproduced bellow. Link to the article: The Message of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of CC of CP of China Liu Jianchao to the Belgrade Forum
Zivadin Jovanovic Beijing, 1 December 2022 Dear Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic, On the occasion of the successful concluding of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the election of the new central leadership at the first plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, I wish to place on record my appreciation for the message of congratulations you sent on the opening of the congress and the re-election of Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Your insightful comments on the major achievements and significance of the congress have demonstrated the good will of you and the Belgrade forum for a World of Equals to the Communist Party of China. Liu Jianchao (Signed) CHINA’S PRIORITIES – SCIENCE, THECNOLOGY, AND EDUCATION
Chinese path to modernization and the new form for human advancement, bear specific characteristics. Without ambition to list them all or elaborate in details, here are some to be mentioned. First, modernization and human advancement is the core of Chinese development philosophy, in general. It is based on the unprecedented achievements of China in all spheres of socio-economic, scientific, technologic and cultural development over the period of building the moderately prosperous society which has been successfully completed. The unique, enormous success of eradication of poverty of the hundreds of millions of the people, not to mention many other great achievements, comprises not only economic and financial resources, but even more, political, cultural, moral and human values, vision and persistence. With such achievements with no comparison in history China is entering the new era of further building and modernizing own society. President Xi Jinping pointed out at the recent 20th Congress of CPC – that “Chinese people of all ethnic groups will realize the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and to advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization”. Second, Chinese path to modernization stems from the unique socio-economic system of socialism with the Chinese characteristics the core sense of which is satisfying the needs and expectations of the people. Therefore, the Chinese path to modernization is scientifically based as actually, the whole socio-economic system. Its core objective is better life of the people. Therefore the policy of modernization and New Form of Human Advancement is not partial, sectoral, but comprehensive strategy applicable to all fields and all strata of socio-economic, political, governmental and non-governmental, scientific, technologic, educational, cultural and other fields and levels of organizations and entities. Third, the vision of modernization bears the seal of deep rooted six millennia-long culture of the Chinese nation which has been continuously, enriching humanity with so many innovations, modern solutions and discoveries so that it is hardly possible to find comparison in the history of civilization, This, of course, is contributing factor to stability of the process of modernization, essential element of the people’s self-confidence and self-reliance. It is also durable and stable foundation for the successful implementation of the strategy for the New Era including the new path to modernization and human advancement. Fourth, Chinese path to modernization presumes firm commitment to deepening of the policy of reform and opening up, but at the same time includes self reliance, further development of the socialist market economy, focusing on domestic economy and interplay between domestic and international economic processes. The new development philosophy adopted at the 20 th Congress of CPC is well based on domestic experiences as well as on good command of the global trends which require built in precaution and adaptability. Fifth, the new Chinese development philosophy attaches the highest importance to self-reliance in science and technology which are termed “the primary productive forces”, to the advancement of education as “the high priority” and to the innovation as “primary driver of growth”. Such a resolute strategy deserves highest recognition and should serve as inspiration for better understanding of the importance of investing in science, technology, education and culture. This, of course is not left to the automatic solution by market and the private sector but primarily to the government and public sector. Sixth, the new form of human advancement is based on equality of all nations and all Human beings. It encompasses openness, inclusiveness and human solidarity, excluding any protectionism, privileges or egoism. One of the important directions to strengthen mutual understanding and remove mistrust should be encouraging people-to-people exchange, including exchange and cooperation in the fields of science, education, culture, sports, NGO and think tanks. Chinese concept of building community of the shared future of humanity deserves global promotion and support. Drawing attention of the world community to the coming problem of starvation of about a billion of human beings on our planet and concrete steps to prevent this to happen is the most urgent, top priority of humanity today. Chinese policy of peace, win win cooperation, support to the democratization of international relations, creation of the new, democratic, multi-polar World Order and adherence to the five principles of peaceful coexistence are also part and parcel of Chinese path to modernization and new form of Human advancement. China has been implementing this policy in many concrete ways, particularly by contributing to the open and inclusive global development, demonstrating impressive solidarity in the global struggle to achieve control of the Covid 19 pandemic, by helping development of the least developed nations and by launching Global Development Initiative Belt and Road decade ago – to mention some. Being comprehensive strategic partner with China, active participant in the process of the Global Belt and Road Initiative (2013) and in China+CEEC cooperation framework (2012), I am convinced that Serbia will continue win win cooperation in the Chinese New Era of modernization and Human Advancement. SERBIA AND CHINA –LASTING STEEL FRIENDS
2. Chinese people have experienced through history horrors of foreign aggressions, occupations and imposed foreign domination. This is why China has been investing tremendous efforts in safeguarding peace and stability in the world. Being the largest contributor to the UN peace keeping operations among the permanent members of UN SC and the second largest funding contributor to the UN and UN peacekeeping operations, China demonstrates in practice her continuous devotion to peace and solution of all international problems by peaceful means. As the permanent member of UN SC China has always advanced principled, constructive and conducive positions for peaceful, just and sustainable solutions of all disputes. We recall that in May 1992 China’s representative had not voted in favor of UN SC inhumane sanctions against FRF of Yugoslavia. Peace and global development are unthinkable objectives without equitable economic cooperation and inclusive development. In this regard, BRICS, Shanghai Organization for Cooperation, New Development Bank and a number of other new international institutions initiated, founded or cofounded by China, clearly illustrate China’s comprehensive approach to safeguarding peace and stability through cooperation and development. Peace through development and win win cooperation without any political, ideological or other preconditions, have become main features of China’s international policy. 3. NATO 1999 aggression against Serbia (FRY) was the peak of moral bankruptcy of the USA led Western Alliance. It was illegal act based on untruths. Illegal, because it was launched without authorization of the UN Security Council, in violation of the UN Charter, OSCE Final Document (1975) and International Law, in general. Based on untruths, because there was nothing of alleged “massive violation of human rights” of Albanian national minority in the autonomous region of Kosovo and Metohija, there was no alleged “massacre of civilians” in Rachak, there was no alleged “horseshoe plan” and so called “Rambouillet talks” were only cover up, alibi, to justify premeditated military aggression against one independent, sovereign, peace loving European country. In fact, NATO aggression was notorious abuse of alleged human rights for geopolitical expansion of NATO to the East. Thousands people (including three Chinese journalists in the premises of Chinese Embassy in Belgrade) had been killed, our economy, infrastructure, schools, hospitals, all destroyed, depleted uranium sewed to poise the soil, waters and air for billions of years. But, they also inflicted irreparable damage to the European and global UN security order established after the end of the Second WW. The time has come for the western powers to recognize historic mistake committed toward Serbia and Serbian people, to apologize for the crimes and pay the war damage estimated at over 100 billion USD. It is of paramount importance for the UN to reinforce full respect of the international law, particularly UN Charter, to reaffirm the role of the Security Council as the highest authority for peace and security, to upgrade efficiency of preventive measures and, particularly, to stop any abuse of human rights for interfering in internal affairs of other countries. Humanity of the 21 century is fed up of the policy of force, cold war alignments and perceptions, “theories” of limited sovereignty and exceptionality of any country or nation, reminiscent of not too glorious strategies of “higher races”. Multi polar, equitable and inclusive new world order is irreversible reality providing the ground for democratic, inclusive New World Order. 4. China’s success in eradicating poverty 10 years ahead of the target set up by the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is unique achievement of global importance for humanity. In the period of growing socio economic gaps and poverty, China’s success continues to attract worldwide attention and to inspire new approaches and strategies to future development. No doubt, that the system of socialism of Chinese characteristics placing people’s needs in the very center of development strategy have played primary role. Consequently, eliminating of poverty is historic contribution to human rights, be they of socio economic, political, or cultural. China’s multi millennium culture, deep rooted sense of humanity, justice and solidarity as well as Chinese people’s devotion their glorious identity, creativity and progress, have also contributed to this unprecedented achievement of eliminating poverty of millions of people. 5. Success of China in eradicating poverty is shining example of responsible approach to the internationally accepted objectives as well as encouragement to other governments and nations to reinforce their resources and energy in the same direction. China has proved that poverty is not human destiny but the challenge which can be resolved by appropriate strategy, including international coordination and solidarity. Eliminating poverty globally require active, coordinated and comprehensive approach. This includes openness of reach countries to reexamine their relative policies in practice, including redistribution and the level of budget funds for the elimination of global poverty. Generally, there is need for broader understanding that the poverty is often the source of instability, extremism, massive migrations, national and international conflicts. It is disturbing to see such level misunderstanding among political elites of some rich countries who believe that new walls, barb wired and militarized borders, destroyer fleet patrols and alike, are appropriate defense against massive migrations of desperate, hungry people from the war thorn countries and regions, primarily from Africa and Euro-Assia . 6. China is the leader in contributing to the global GDP growth, her contribution being higher than contribution of EU, USA and Japan together. The global Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched by the President Xi Jinping in 2013, supported by 140 countries and 32 international organizations, has further reinforced global role of China in recovering the world economy, reforming the global economic system to be based on equality, openness and inclusiveness. Serbia and China being comprehensive strategic partners have been developing closest cooperation bilaterally and in international forums supporting one another. Serbia plays important role in the process of realization of BRI and cooperation format CEEC+China, under BRI, since its inception. The results are impressive. First Chinese bridges on European soil has been constructed in Serbia, first high speed railway Belgrade – Budapest (in progress by Chinese, Russian and Serbian companies), first steel factory (Smederevo), first thermo electric factory (Kostolac B), first Scientific - Industrial Park (Belgrade). First water purification factory, first Covid 19 laboratories. Hundreds of kilometers of modern highways in Serbia have been constructed by Chinese companies. In addition, Serbia is the first European country to have signed agreement with China on abolishment of entry visa system. 7. In the globalized world multilateralism has become the only viable framework for resolving the most important challenges of contemporary humanity. Peace, sustainable development, elimination of socioeconomic gap North-South, poverty, inevitable reforms of global governance and many other challenges are unthinkable without multilateral framework. United Nations have played vital role strengthening multilateralism; therefore it is of ultimate importance to 3further reinforce the UN role. China has been and continues to be the strong and trusted supporter of multilateralism, strengthening of the role of UN, respect of UN Charter and basic principles of International law. Many strategically important initiatives of China, particularly in the fields of global, open and inclusive development, presented at the UN conferences have been adopted. China played exceptionally important role in overcoming severe consequences of financial and economic crises 2008-2012. In addition, China has been co-founder of a number of multilateral forums such as G-20, BRICS, NDB, AIIB and other regional or universal organizations clearly showing constructive position and full understanding of relevance and the role of multilateralism in the era of globalized world. 8. Having regard to multiple crises, fundamental changes in the global relations, accumulation of global challenges and crises, in my opinion, the first and foremost step should be to normalize and intensify the dialogue among the leaders of the most responsible countries, meaning, among the leaders of of the countries - permanent members of UN Security Council. The aim would be to consider and prioritize global challenges with the view of their impact on the security and stability in the world, to find common denominator for the ways to stop further aggravation of the situation. Some challenges and problems have been already considered at the multiple conferences under the UN auspices such as sustainable development, climate change, Covid 19 pandemic. Common positions have been taken, the documents adopted, but their implementation lags behind of what has been agreed, or is hindered because os some narrow interests. Only dialogue could help removing whatever obstacles and reaffirming common, coordinated action. The fact that only few percent of all anticovid 19 vaccines went to the less developed world must have long ago ignited red light, especially especially in the offices of the leaders western wealthiest countries. The burden of resolving problem of climate change can’t be carried by developing and pore countries but primarily by the most industrialized ones. The President Xi Jinping’s proposal to build community of the shared future of mankind is visionary one comprising positive and constructive approach to the future, to building the new open and inclusive World Order free of any narrowness, national egoism or double standards. The proposal is based on the profound understanding of contemporary trends and proven experiences that nobody is self-sufficient. As Covid 19 pandemic has shown, nobody, rich or pore, big or small, militarily strong or weak on the planet can claim to be protected, isolated or exempted from calamities. To put it simply, all human beings and all nations are sovereign and equal , regardless of races, religions, or regional origins. Globalized reality calls for connectivity, solidarity understanding of interdependence; inward minded policies have become anachronism. This is why the President Xi Jinping’s conception of community of shared future, does have future. 9. China deserves highest recognition for extraordinary efficiency in putting under control Covid 19 pandemic. Having regard that China I the most populated country on the planet, this success was, at the same time important contribution in the global efforts to control the spread of pandemic to other regions of the world. It is already historic fact that China has been the first country in the world to globally provide direct assistance to other countries of the world in terms of medical personnel, disinfection materials diagnostic equipment, vaccines, masks… The scopes and quality of Chinese assistance, efficiency and perfection of distribution have set new world standards to be proud of. Serbia and China are lasting steel friends. MULTILATERALISM IS THE FEATURE OF HUMANISM
Zivadin Jovanovic President of Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, First online Summit of 17CEEC+China
Q. What expectations do you have for the coming summit of China and central and eastern European nations? I am convinced that the Summit will also produce ideas and proposals how to efficiently cope with the socio-economic, financial and other serious consequences of Covid 19 pandemic, how to revive the pace of economic development and how to adjust overall 17+1 cooperation to the new circumstances. It is good opportunity to note that 17+1 cooperation format has proved in practice to be integral part of EU-China strategic partnership and that recent signing of Investment Agreement between EU and China offers stable legal base for expansion of that cooperation. The 17+1 Summit will demonstrate that only by solidarity, new initiatives, win-win cooperation and adjustments to the new realities, international community can overcome any difficulty and create a vision of the common future for humanity. Q. What role has the Cooperation Framework played in promoting economic development in the region and relationship of China and the region? R. 17CEEC+China format of cooperation should be observed as the bridge between Europe and Asia making Euro-Asia space interconnected by modern and efficient infrastructure, facilitating growth of trade, development and people to people connectivity. It is also, important part of the global China-EU partnership which recently received new strategic incentive by signing of the EU-China Agreement on Investment. This cooperation format has helped greatly to speedier economic growth of all member countries by facilitating trade, investments, people to people exchange. It has improved bilateral communication and cooperation between the member countries as well as between CEEC and other countries along the Silk and Road. Finally, it has helped internal EU efforts to diminish the gap in levels of socioeconomic development between CEEC and countries of western parts of EU. In the midst of the straggle to establish control of pandemic, with efforts to preserve economies from further erosion and open perspective for normalization and regaining stable growth as soon as possible, there is growing interest for intensification of cooperation within 17+1 format. Therefore, the initiative of the President Xi Jinping is welcome and timely. Whenever there is important challenge, or difficulty the best is to bring new initiatives, open new perspectives and it is exactly what China does now. Q. What significance does the summit have in the situation of pandemic R. Having regard to the great achievements of Chinese science and the health sector in making China the first country in the world which succeeded in establishing full control over pandemic and in normalizing socio-economic development, the Summit will be excellent opportunity for all participants to receive first hand information, exchange experiences and plan future activities in a more efficient and coordinated way. Q. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Serbia and China cooperated closely to fight against the epidemic. Could you please give some examples to show the mutual support and help in combating the epidemic? R. China was the first country to help Serbia in fighting the pandemic. Since the beginning of the pandemic in the spring last year, the air bridge Belgrade-Beijing was established expeditiously transporting and delivering specialists, medicaments, humanitarian assistance and equipment. Two modern diagnostic centers equipped by Chinese suppliers have been set up (Nis and Belgrade) processing about 20.000 tests per day. China is Serbia’s number one supplier of anti-Covid 19 vaccines. I am sure that Serbia’s president Aleksandar Vucic will express sincere gratitude of our citizens to China and president Xi Jinping for their solidarity and enormous assistance which helped Serbia to be among the most successful countries in the world in fighting pandemic. Q. Several years ago, Chinese president Xi Jinping made a successful visit to Servbia. How do you see the fruit of the visit? R. Serbia and China have longstanding relations of friendship, cooperation without any precondition, mutual respect and trust. They support each other in the international arena, first of all in the UN, in defending principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, sovereign equality and noninterference. Q. How do you see the role of multilateralism in dealing with the global crisis like the current pandemic? R. In the era of globalization, modern communication, interconnectivity and mutual dependency multilateralism has become “sine qua non” of the common future of mankind and its prosperity. Global governance, global security, global economic growth, global environment, global space and many other areas of vital importance to common future of mankind are unthinkable without further improvement of multilateralism. Covid 19 pandemic being the global enemy of the whole humanity has clearly shown the need for human solidarity, inclusive multilateral cooperation and coordination free of any prejudices, regardless of any political divergences, religions, races, military might, or levels of socio-economic development. In fact, pandemic has reminded us that multilateralism is essential feature of humanism. Pandemic does not recognize who thinks what of oneself but what we all do jointly. AIR HEALTH BRIDGE BELGRADE – BEIJING
Zivadin Jovnovic, Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals Recently, some US politicians have linked the new corona virus to China and stigmatized China, and U.S. President Donald Trump said “Chinese virus” on social media. The World Health Organization and the international community are clearly opposed to link the virus to any specific countries and regions. Q. Could you tell us what do you think about that the US linked the virus to China? R. It is the baseless and irresponsible accusation aimed at damaging the highest international standing of China and her leadership. It is illustrative how difficult is for US Administration to adjust themselves to the new global realities without room for self-proclaimed “exceptionality”. Q. The photos taken by the Washington Post showed that Trump intentionally modified his speech to cross out the word corona virus and change it to Chinese virus. Data showed that by 22 March, more than 20,000 people were confirmed with the corona virus in the United States. R: I suppose, he did not like to sound neutral, even less to accept responsibility for overdue preventive steps in his own country. It seems safe and comfortable for him to put the blame on China and divert public attention from own responsibilities. He is adding some personal contribution to anti-Chinese propaganda trying to preempt pressure from the so called “deep state” and get something in electoral campaign. It is contradictory and self inflicting statement. Q. At present, the epidemic of the corona virus has spread in many countries around the world, and the international community urgently needs to cooperate in epidemic prevention. R: At this time of unparalleled global danger China is demonstrating in practice her policy of solidarity, openness and shared future of humanity. Consolidating the Covid 19 pandemic prevention and control at home China is helping more than 80 countries around the globe, including some members of G-7 and EU, unselfishly providing her experience, medical equipment, urgent medicaments and materials. Q. What kind of international relations would help to relieve the situation globally, and what can be done to lessen the economic burden of the outbreak? R: Global issues require global approach. In order to efficiently cope with Covid 19 it is necessary that the world community comes to a common platform, or plan of measures and actions, under the UN umbrella. Consensus should be reached on the efficient exchange of information, and coordination of actions. Artificial obstacles to the flow of medical supplies, such as sanctions, geopolitical calculations and alike, should be removed. In this fight nobody can succeed acting alone, behaving egoistically. There are no isolated, no privileged ones. The dialogue initiated within G-20 is welcome important step to provide common, coordinated, inclusive planning and action for both – control of Covid 19 and revival of global economic growth afterwards. Q. What’s your view on recent arrival of the Chinese medical experts? R: Chinese doctors have been helping Serbian doctors already a week now and will stay as may be necessary. This is the most important humanitarian assistance considering the highest level of knowledge and unique experience which Chinese doctors brought to Serbia. China has already delivered the most valuable humanitarian assistance in medical equipment, materials and medicaments of the highest quality. The emergency health air bridge has been functioning between Belgrade and Beijing transporting various necessities for the fight against pandemic. This assistance and cooperation is resulting from direct communication between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Belgrade officials said that Serbia will use Chinese model in fighting pandemic. Looking to the future Cooperation of Central and Eastern Europe and China – Serbia in particular
Zivadin Jovanovic* March 25, 2020 The time of adjustment The world is undergoing a period of great development, great change, and adjustment. The international order is changing with the acceleration. The fall of the Berlin Wall thirty years ago (1989) has marked the end of the bipolar World Order. The “winners” of the Cold War adopted a policy of expansion, interventionism and domination. NATO illegal aggression on Yugoslavia 1999 represented the peak of uni-polar world order but, also, the beginning of its downfall. Today, the process of multi-polarization of global relations has already gone far beyond the point of no return. It is impossible any longer that any single power imposes own will or own interests above the will and interests of the others. The driving forces of this historic transformation towards the world of equals, shared responsibilities and community of shared future are China, Russia and other countries of growing potentials. The global Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched in 2013 by President Xi Jinping has become the new paradigm integrating development and peace, building humanistic future of mankind. The worldwide support and acceptance confirm the visionary essence of the Initiative, trust to China, her enormous potentials in the economy, science and culture, as well as the mankind’s thirst for peace, justice and better life. Encompassing so many fields of cooperation and being inclusive and open to the whole planet; connecting markets, cultures and moral values; upholding tradition and identity; introducing connectivity, modernization, innovations and strikingly new technologies to be the core of the Initiative – all this makes BRI a unique achievement and an unprecedented pattern for a better future for humanity. It is high time that those who had enjoyed privileged positions learn how to accommodate to multi-polarity, true partnership and democratic governance of the world economic, financial and political relations without hegemony and dominance. Brexit done, Europe reexamining itself Prolonged turmoil around the terms of Great Britain (GB) leaving the EU brought to the surface deep political and structural deficiencies of EU. Open questions include, among others: EU with more or less unity (centralization)? What are the prospects of “an EU moving in different speeds”? Will security be provided by NATO, by an EU army, or combined? What is the future of transatlantic axis in the light of growing disagreements on trade, gas suppliers, relations with Russia, climate changes and the financing and burden-sharing of NATO? What are prospects of future EU partnership with USA, Russia and China? First structural reforms, then accepting new members (from the West Balkans), or those will be parallel processes? How to speed up scientific and technological development if internal discord prevails? How to provide rational energy security (gas) and avoid US sanctions because of “North Stream 2” and all other “streams”? Article of Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic,president of Beoforum for China investment
Central and Eastern European countries are natural ties that connect Eurasia. Combining the Belt and Road Initiative with the European Union's strategy to connect Europe and Asia will give full play to the long-term strategic role of Central and Eastern European countries ● Europe re-examines itself after Brexit ● 17 + 1 in the next ten years ● Serbian successful partner The world is undergoing tremendous development, changes and adjustments, and the international order has also changed. The process of multipolarization cannot be stopped. No single power can impose its own will or allow its own interests to override those of others. The forces driving this historic change towards a community of equality, shared responsibility and a shared future for mankind come from China, Russia and other countries with unlimited potential. The global “Belt and Road” initiative initiated by President Xi Jinping in 2013 has become a new model for promoting peace and development and building a humanistic future. Extensive support and recognition from around the world confirms the vision, trust in China of the initiative, the huge potential of the initiative in the economic, scientific, and cultural fields and the human aspiration for peace, justice, and a better life. The "Belt and Road" covers many areas of cooperation, is inclusive and open to the world; it connects different markets, cultures and values; it respects tradition and identity; it advocates connectivity, modernization, innovation and new technologies-these Features make the Belt and Road Initiative a unique achievement and an unprecedented model for the future of mankind. CHINESE SILK ROAD NGO NETWORK LETTER OF THANKS TO THE BELGRADE FORUM AND COREC
Dear Zivadin Jovanovic, Your email message is well received. Thank you for your support for China’s fight against the COVID-19 and your best wishes to the Chinese people. We will always remember your kindness and sincere friendship. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, under the strong leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have pooled the wisdom and strength of the whole country to take the most comprehensive, stringent and rigorous prevention and control measures. China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE), as the imitator of the Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network (SIRONET), is actively coordinating actions to cooperate with the CPC and Chinese government’s efforts in epidemic control, and mobilizing other NGOs to work together in the fight against the disease. Thanks to arduous efforts of all Chinese people, the spread of the epidemic in our country has been basically contained, seeing positive signs in the prevention and control situation. By going all out to contain the disease, China is not only shouldering responsibilities to its own people, but also contributing to the world’s public health. We will continue to inform you of the latest progress of China’s fight against the epidemic in various forms. We look forward to continued friendly exchanges and practical cooperation with you in the future. The attachment is the Chinese Letter of Thanks. Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network CHINA+16CEEC COOPERATION – HISTORIC ACHIEVEMENTS
Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade forum for a World of Equals
1. Since 16+1 China – CEE mechanism was launched in 2012, what benefits do you think it has brought to China and to CEE countries in general? Do you agree it has promoted cooperation of all fields among China and CEE countries? - The mechanism of cooperation established in 2012 and later included into the Belt and Road initiative is a significant novelty in the relations between China and Europe, that contributed, first of all, to the modernization and construction of infrastructure for railway, road, sea and river transport. The cooperation was of mutual benefit to all sides, which is the guiding principle of Chinese relations with foreign countries in general, and especially with countries along the Belt and Road. This credible win-win principle is well respected in practice. A significant novelty is also that the direct flights have been established between major Chinese centers such as Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing and capitals of Central and Eastern Europe – Warsaw, Prague, Belgrade and others. New cargo and passenger trains have been established. For several years already, railway connections operate between great Chinese economic centers and Warsaw, Prague and other cities of Central and Eastern Europe, stretching further to London, Madrid and other European centers. The ties (within 16+1) gained a new quality and brought new results. We also see the interconnection through sea routes such as the Land and Sea Express Line that runs from Chinese ports, through the Suez Canal to Piraeus in Greece, and then continues across land by railway from Athens, across Skopje, Belgrade, Budapest and further to Central Europe where it branches both to East and to the West. Road connections have been also significantly advanced. There are three strategic routes, Northern, Central and Southern. The third route runs across Pakistan, Iran, Middle East, Turkey, Bulgaria and Serbia (or to Romania to the north), and it is of special importance for this region. Another new and significant achievement is the blooming of tourism, which is important for direct contacts between people and nations that needs to follow the physical interconnection that strengthens economic ties. Cooperation in tourism, air transport, liberalization of visas (such as the visa-free regime between Serbia and China), culture, as well as between think-tanks and NGOs – all of this strengthens those direct connections between China and all countries of the Central and Eastern Europe. Other ways of cooperation are manifestations for young people and schoolchildren such as the “Joy of Europe” (held annually in Serbia), visits of theater groups, exhibitions, exchange in literature and poetry, advanced and accelerated dissemination of information, cooperation between media houses, televisions and newspapers… All this is a proof of a new quality in cooperation of Central and Eastern European countries XINHUA QUATES BELGRADE FORUM AND COREC ON PRESIDENT XI JINPING AND CSO SUMMIT
Chinese President Xi Jinping chairs the 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, June 10, 2018. Xi delivered a speech during the meeting. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) by Xinhua writers Deng Xianlai, Wang Haiqing BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- Scholars and officials from around the world have been speaking highly of Chinese President Xi Jinping's keynote speech delivered Sunday at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in the eastern Chinese seaside city of Qingdao. In the speech, Xi called on countries involved in the regional bloc to work closely to build an SCO community with a shared future, move toward a new type of international relations, and build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. Asanga Abeyagoonasekera, director general of the Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka, said Xi's call for moving toward a new type of international relations "captured the zeitgeist of the unfolding modern world order." "Asian nations, including Sri Lanka, should fully support this effort to create a more stable and better world order," the scholar said. Zivadin Jovanovic, an international relations expert based in Belgrade, Serbia, said Xi presented "positive, visionary views on how to approach global economic, social and security challenges." "Xi showed the world the SCO's role in global governance and cleared the way in order to reinforce peace, win-win cooperation in a multipolar world without geopolitical constraints and the relics of isolationism," he said. Jovanovic is the founder of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and the Silk Road Connectivity Research Center, two think tanks. CONGRATULATORY MESSAGE OPN OCCASION OF 19TH CONGRES OF THE COPMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA
Belgrade, Serbia, September 30th, 2017. To: Dear Friends, Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, President of Silk Road Connectivity Research Center World puts bullish bet on Chinese economy
By Wu Lejun from People’s Daily With a strong development momentum, the Chinese economy contributes a lot to the global economic growth, Maurice Obstfeld, chief economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave his thumbs up to Chinese economy. In its latest World Economic Outlook released Tuesday, the IMF expected the Chinese economy to grow 6.8 percent this year and 6.5 percent next year, both 0.1 percentage point higher than its previous forecast in July. It also predicted a strengthening economic growth across the world. It is the fourth time this year that the fund has upgraded its China forecast, following that in January, April and July. According to IMF, the upward revision to the 2017 forecast reflects "the stronger-than-expected outturn in the first half of the year underpinned by previous policy easing and supply-side reforms." The World Bank, in its latest East Asia and Pacific Economic Update report released on October 4, also raised China's growth forecast for 2017 from 6.5 percent to 6.7 percent. Their bullish bet on Chinese economy was agreed by Asian Development Bank, Citibank, and the Singapore-based ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO), who also upgraded their outlook for China’s economic growth recently. “China will continue to be a pillar of global growth. We expect China’s role in the global economy to increase in the longer term,” James Daniel, IMF Mission Chief for China, told the People’s Daily. “China is by far the biggest driver to global growth and I think that will continue for a seeable future,” said Fred Bergsten, senior fellow and director emeritus of Peterson Institute for International Economics. China’s growth has great impact on the world economy, according to Bergsten, also founding director of the institute. He explained that “China by itself is growing about twice as fast as the US and Europe”. “Chinese economy is very large, and China has a lot potential,” commented Yukon Huang, Senior Fellow of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, in a belief that the country will continue to grow for a very long period of time if dealing with challenges effectively. The structural reforms carried on by Chinese government will further stimulate its economic growth, said Huang, who was formerly the World Bank’s country director for China. Daniel also suggested the Chinese government continue to pursue reforms that rebalance the economy in a more sustainable direction. “Indeed impressive progress has been made to transform and upgrade the Chinese economy, but the progress has been uneven on rebalancing and reforms,” he explained. Interview: Next Zuckberg maybe is coming from China: IMF chief
By Zhang Niansheng, Wu lejun, Gao Shi, Zheng Qi from People’s Daily The sun is shining a lot better and under broad basis, that means the economy is recovery, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said during IMF/World Bank annual meetings in Washington D.C. “The finance ministers and the leaders should inspect the roof now, because it’s much easier to fix the roof when the sun is shining,” the director said to People’s Daily in an interview on Thursday.
IMF’s forecast is 3.6% growth this year and 3.7% next year. “It’s much better than 2016 and it’s much broad based, because about 75% of world GDP is participating in growth development,” she said, noting that China is one of them. Don’t wait for the rain to come, Lagarde said, reminding that every country has to look at its own situation. For some countries, they will need to take care of their banking system. For others might be easing or tightening their trade policies depending on their inflation situation. For all countries, structure reforms maybe required in order to facilitate the economy’s expansion on the long-term basis. For those debt is too high, find consolidate. Each of the country must look at itself thoroughly and determine what’s need to be done right now, she said. China’s growth rate is impressive, she pointed out, “the conversion of the economy is less industry, more service; less investment, more consumption; all that transition is very welcome and it’s good”. “Well reform is already under way, we will say please accelerate, it will be well done,” she said. Happy birthday to the Renminbi joined the SDR basket Since the Chinese currency renminbi, or the yuan joined the IMF Special Drawing Right (SDR) basket for one year, Lagarde also said happy birthday to renminbi. “I would say it was historic moment,” she said, noting that will continue to encourage the internationalization of the renminbi. And as the Chinese economy is still growing, it will certainly induce more frequent use of the currency, which would enhance China’s leading role in the world, she added. Next Zuckberg maybe is coming from China It could be very well that next Mark Zuckberg is coming from China, and no need to mention that you’ve already have Jack Ma, Lagarde said. China has serious strategy to invest on AI and new technology of the digital world. With creativity and open markets, well investments can be made to support the idea coming to practice, she said. President Xi Jinping has always called me an old friend of China “President Xi Jinping has always called me an old friend of China,” she said, adding that she is very impressed with the transformation of China as well as China’s determination to transit development model. So many people in China to be lifted from poverty to lower and middle income levels, it’s just amazing, she said. Lagarde repeated that reforms need to continue to be made and leadership in the world also means responsibility and caring for others, she said, “which I’m sure will be a stage where the Chinese economy will live to”. Everybody will be watching the 19th party congress of China Lagarde sent best wishes to the 19th party congress of China, depicting it as a “magic event” from Chinese perspective. It’s moment of change and also of strategic determination. “I think the world will pay attention to the size of China, the roles it plays. Everybody will be watching the congress,” she concluded. China’s Engel’s coefficient close to UN well-off line
By Xing Xue from People’s Daily China’s Engel’s coefficient, which measures food expenditure as a proportion of total household spending, has approached the well-off line set by the UN, and such changes have even benefited the European market. China’s Engel’s coefficient in 2016 stood at 30.1%, close to the well-off line of 20 to 30 percent set by the UN, said Ning Jizhe, head of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) at a press conference held by the country’s State Council Information Office on Oct. 10. More than 6 million Chinese tourists from nearly 300 cities traveled to 1,155 cities in 88 countries and regions during China’s eight-day National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays in early October, statistics released by the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) revealed. Chinese people are now more generous in traveling spending. Data showed that the revenue of domestic tourism during the eight-day vacation has hit 583.6 billion yuan (about 88.5 billion U.S. dollars), increasing by 13.9% compared with that in 2016. The week-long national holiday likely meant big paydays for traditional tourist destinations, such as London or Paris, CNBC said in a recent report. The UN uses the Engel’s coefficient to grade living standards of the countries as the spending on food will take a less part of total household expenditure if family income increases. The UN line labels a coefficient above 60% as poverty, 50-60% as barely meeting daily needs, 40-50% as a moderately well-off standard of living, 30-40% as the relatively affluent, 20% -30% as the rich while below 20% as the extremely wealthy. The rigid demand of the citizens is decreasing, thus leaving more space to satisfy their high level needs, Bai added. China’s economy continues to shine around the world
By Lu Yanan from People’s Daily China’s average annual GDP growth was 7.2 percent from 2013 to 2016, making it the highest among major global economies, above the 2.6 percent overall and 4 percent of developing economies, the head of the National Bureau of Statistics, Ning Jizhe, said at a press conference in Beijing on Tuesday. Because of its momentum, Ning said, China should see "no problem" with hitting its economic growth target of 6.5 percent, in 2017, and may even have better results. Over the past few years, the economy’s average annual growth rate was 7.2 percent, with inflation and unemployment rates stood at around 2% and 5% respectively, Ning noted, adding that such high rate of growth, expanded employment and low prices are the signs of an outstanding achievement. China is clearly making a very big contribution to the global economy. For example, in 2016, its GDP accounted for 14.8 percent of the world economy (3.4 percent higher than that in 2012), reinforcing China’s ranking as the world’s second largest economy. From 2013 to 2016, China's contribution to world economic growth stood at around 30 percent, on average, surpassing the U.S, Eurozone and Japan combined. The service industry has accounted for around half of the nation’s economy. In the first half of 2017, added value output in tertiary industries accounted for 54.1 percent of the GDP. Consumption has become the major driving force of growth, with an annual contribution of 55 percent to overall growth from 2013 to 2016 on average. The coordinated development of urban and rural areas has also demonstrated new positive signs, with China's urbanization rate by the end of 2016 standing at 57.35 percent, or 4.8 percentage points higher than that of the end of 2012. There are multiple reasons for China’s success with these eye-catching achievements over the past five years. Some new development concepts have contributed to the arrival of the “new normal” phase. Innovation-driven development is one example. In 2016, the number of domestic and overseas patent applications increased by 69.0 percent, and authorizations, by 39.7 percent, compared to 2012. At the same time, China has made an effort to reduce overcapacity, cut inventory, and lower costs by promoting supply-side structural reforms, and has managed to rebalance supply and demand in specific industries and promote economic balance as a whole, Ning said. In addition, people's livelihoods have improved remarkably, and the economic development has benefited everyone, after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In 2016, annual per capita income was 23,821 yuan ($3,621) nation-wide, an increase of 7,311 yuan from 2012, with an average annual growth of 7.4 percent. Also in 2016, the Engel coefficient,an indicator of people’s living standard, was 30.1 percent, a fall of 2.9 percentage points compared to 2012, which is close to the United Nations’ well-off mark of 20 - 30 percent. The country has made major achievement in poverty alleviation through targeted measures. According to the rural poverty line of 2,300 yuan (adjusted for inflation), the number of rural people living in poverty was 43.35 million in 2016, a reduction of 55.64 million from 2012. The social security system has also been improved. In 2016, the amount of health care expenses that individuals had to cover dropped to less than 30 percent of the total. There is now a basic medical insurance system that covers all the population in both urban and rural areas. The education level has continued to rise as the medical and health conditions improve and China's average life expectancy had gone up to 76.3 years in 2015, from 74.8 years in 2010. |
Overstatement from Davos 2017. |
Liberal corporative capitalism, for reasons of lowering traveling costs, proposed not to travel to history alone but packed togather with NATO, EU and unipollar World Order. Workers participation has good chances to step in provisionally, buying time for full scale workers selfmanagment. |