‘Migrant crisis: Result of EU blindly joining US strategy’ – ex Yugoslav FM
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Europe is facing a backlash over its wrong policy in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and the Middle East, says Zivadin Jovanovic ,Yugoslav Foreign Minister from 1998-2000, now President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals. The EU blindly joined the US strategy of global interventionism and now gets returns - opinioned Jovanovic.
Q: Just months ago, in the spring, the flow of migrants was relatively low, but now it's in the hundreds of thousands. What has changed?
Živadin Jovanovic: I think that there has been growing inflow in the refugee centers and camps in Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and other countries surrounding adjacent to the conflicts areas in the Middle East. As a consequence, we have a tremendous pace now of incoming refugees and immigrants here through the Balkans…For example, Serbia has received [within] the last couple of months over 170,000 immigrants and refugees. Last night (September 20th, 2015) Serbia received a group of 5,000 new refugees. At the same time Serbia`s border crossings to Hungary and Croatia have been almost closed. Seven border crossings to Croatia several days have been closed by Croatian authorities for trucks and trade. Only passengers can pass these crossings. Serious incidents have occurred in border area with Hungary since Hungarian authorities erected wire fence preventing immigrants to continue traveling towards Austria, Germany and Scandinavian countries. Today (September 21st, 2015) official spokesman of EU Commission announced that EU countries have a right to return refugees or immigrants to Serbia. Serbia is receiving a great many from the south - from Greece and Macedonia, and it appears now that it may be obliged to receive back from the north those who are not accepted in EU countries. This makes the situation very difficult for Serbia and may lead to provoking tension in relations with neighboring countries.
Q: Germany has pointed the blaming finger at US foreign policy. But how much is Europe to blame?
ŽJ: I heard the assessment of a German analyst, who said immigrants tide is joint project of the US, Turkey and elements of extreme Islamists. I just cannot confirm this, but I believe there is some truth in that. However, Europe is to be blamed. It seems to me, that Europe is receiving back the fruits of own wrong policy in the past. Firstly, Europe has been almost blindly following the US interests and strategy of global interventionism, beginning with NATO aggression on Yugoslavia in 1999, then Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Mali and many other countries. Secondly, after decolonization, instead of helping African, Asian and other countries to advance their economic and social development, Europe continued to exploit them even harder, especially their energy and mineral resources. Now Europe is faced with the fruits of its own wrong policy. I just hope that Europe will have to think twice in the future on how to define and conduct own long term interest and own policy.
Q: There is growing concern that there could be terrorists hiding among the refugees. How genuine is that risk?
ŽJ: It’s estimated that over one million immigrants will come to Europe from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe before the end of this year. Only Germany has consented to accept 800,000. If they don’t handle this problem properly, as appears to be the case, instead of 1.5 million this year, Europe may have two or three million next year. When you have such high figures, such an enormous inflow, you can safely suppose, even by theory of great numbers, that among them may be all kinds of people. Having regard that they are coming from war-torn area terrorists may come too.
Serbian government has just announced that they are preparing a new anti-terrorist strategy. While ne document cannot be attributed to the risks coming with the flow of immigrants, it is certainly coinciding with a growing number of immigrants…
Q. So far Europe has responded with fences, border checks, police and military troops. Will that work in the long term?
ŽJ. Of course not. This reflects short-sidedness, desperate lack of statesmanship of European politicians. They try to solve the problem dealing with consequences, misunderstanding or avoiding real causes. The worst of all is use of military against refugees and immigrants, their boats.
Q. There are fears that refugee inflow will inevitably change the face of Europe. Are these concerns justified?
ŽJ.: Yes, there are fears, some are real, some magnified by politicians who, for their own interests, exploit situation with immigrants to encourage rightist and fascist extremism. New situation with immigrants, incompetency or unwillingness of politicians to deal with it, has greatly contributed to furthering of right-wing extremism which has been reality in Europe for years now. Otherwise, immigrant-inflow has uncovered many deficiencies and deep problems within EU. Some, pillars of EU structure such as solidarity, Dublin, Lisbon and Schengen agreements appeared weak and devalued faced with sudden eruption of national egoisms of individual member countries.
Q. So, what in your opinion should be done?
ŽJ.: It is very difficult to foresee further developments and even more to offer solution. But, I personally believe in framework with these elements:
First, it is necessary to end the war and bloodshed in Syria, through negotiations under umbrella of UN SC. After all, the most of refugees and immigrants come from war-torn Syria, then Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of destabilized East and Africa;
Second, engage EU, UN, G-20 governments and agencies, to urgently assess immediate and medium term needs of refugees on the spot - in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon - provide resources and logistic to meet those needs, while working for peaceful solution of the conflict;
Third, reinforce authority of the basic principles of international relations, such as sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs of other countries;
Fourth, stop militarization and aggressive policy, global military interventionism under any cover, be it “right to protect” (RTP), “leading role” (mission), democratization, struggle against international terrorism and alike;
Fifth, recognize multi-polar world, accept shared responsibility for peace, stability and development based on UN Charter and UN system.
(Part of this interview was published on TV RT, on September 21st, 2015. All questions authored by TV RT)
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