Activities - Kosovo and Metohija 13 years after NATO Aggression |
On the occasion of the 13TH anniversary of the NATO aggression against Serbia (FRY).
Copenhagen, 22. March 2012
Dear Friends,
On the occasion of 13th anniversary of the NATO 1999 aggression against Serbia I salute you and your courageous people.
Although it has not proven possible for me to attend your activities in person, rest assured that my thoughts will be with you firmly in the days to come.
On 18th February 1999 - about a month in advance of the NATO attack - as an ordinary citizen of Denmark I wrote a letter to mr. Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, then Prime Minister of a Social-Democratic gvt. in this country:
I voiced the opinion that while pretending to support the early conclusion of a political settlement and all international efforts to "bring peace to Kosovo" the Statement on Kosovo adopted by the North Atlantic Council on 30th January, 1999, had in fact "the character of an ultimatum".
NATO was exercising a direct threat against a sovereing state, thus violating the UN Charter and international law - and as co-responsible for these threats the Danish gvt. of Nyrup Rasmussen was acting in violation of the Danish Constitution as well.
Could I trust that as Head of the Danish gvt. Nyrup Rasmussen would take appropriate action? No - of course not...
Insofar that situation has not been entirely forgotten about true solutions seem as far away as ever.
But you and your people have ever since stood up to the challenges in a way which will prepare for the Serbs a place in history forever - and for that I salute you.
Sincerely yours,
Godfred Louis-Jensen, architect.
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Overstatement from Davos 2017. |
Liberal corporative capitalism, for reasons of lowering traveling costs, proposed not to travel to history alone but packed togather with NATO, EU and unipollar World Order. Workers participation has good chances to step in provisionally, buying time for full scale workers selfmanagment. |