We Europeans say NO to a war against Russia!
Two World Wars are enough! In the past Germany let itself be dragged in the First World War We will not allow such a crime to happen again! If the German Vassal government, in complicity with the warmongers in Britain and France under the leadership of the US and NATO, is planning a new war of aggression against Russia, then they do that On war and peace, we, the citizens, have the last word! We say NO to war and violence in international relations and condemn continued warmongering, rearmament and militarization! Bildmotiv: "To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the Pope John Paul II on January 13, 2003: "War is never an inevitable fate. Nikolaj Desjatnitschenko, Russian student in his speech on people's day of mourning before the German Bundestag on November 22, 2017: "I sincerely hope that once in the world common sense will prevail and the world will never again see wars." First signatories: Dr. Rudolf Hänsel |
Overstatement from Davos 2017. |
Liberal corporative capitalism, for reasons of lowering traveling costs, proposed not to travel to history alone but packed togather with NATO, EU and unipollar World Order. Workers participation has good chances to step in provisionally, buying time for full scale workers selfmanagment. |