CALL APPEAL for the protection of peace and prevention of armed conflicts
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Civic Association
Czech Republic
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Generals and officers of the armed forces of the Czech Republic in pension, grouped in the civic association Soldiers Against War, follow with interest and attention the negotiations between the United States and the Russian Federation about a new agreement replacing the expired agreement START. The new agreement should ensure to the world a further peaceful development based on the strategic balance guaranteed by two world powers – the United States and Russia. We understand that sensitive points can appear in the text of the prepared agreement – in this case a matter of anti-rocket defense that could disrupt a strategic balance. The United States and Russia keep a common and equal responsibility for a further peaceful development of the world, deprived of threats of war conflicts. We are convinced that the new agreement will be prepared in a full responsibility, without an unnecessary haste and coercive actions.
In this respect, we are alarmed by preparations for establishment of new military bases on the European continent on the basis of bilateral deals between the United States and Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic, but also Georgia. We are alarmed as well by a further strengthening of weapon system on the European continent – in this time by the Patriot rockets in Poland – without specification of the purpose of this step – it is not specified against what enemy those measures are aimed. It is an objective fact that these steps can disrupt a further course of final negotiations and induce another round of armament. .
We appeal governments
1. of the United States, Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic, Georgia and Poland to stop negotiations on the establishment of new military bases and supplies of new weapon systems,
2. of the United States and Russia, that the prepared agreement guarantees a long-term strategic balance of forces, thus ensuring a peaceful development in a global scope and creating pre-conditions for a continuing process of disarmament – not armament.
Being entrusted by the Republican Council of the c.a. Soldiers against war
retired General-Lieutenant retired Colonel retired Colonel
member of the SAW Council president of the SAW member of the SAW Council
Prague, February 28, 2010
This appeal will be distributed
to the Embassies of the United States, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Poland, to the Prime-Minister of the Czech Republic, to medias, civic initiatives in the Czech Republic, to the President of the World Peace Council and to the European Peace Forum.
Dear Friends,
The Belgrade forum for a World of Equals fully supports appeal of the Check
Civic Association SOLDIERS AGAINST WAR to stop spreading new armament and
new military basis in Europe under any explanation. We consider that
stability, security and cooperation in Europe should be sought through
negotiation aimed at lowering the present level of armament and abolishing
foreign military bases on European soil.
The future of Europe certainly is neither in unilateral expansion of new
military bases in Rumania, Bulgaria and Georgia nor in initiation of a new
arms race.
Friendly yours,
Živadin Jovanović
President of Belgrae Forum for a World of Equals
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