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Manlio Dinucci
“Israel has known Hamas' attack plan for over a year,” reveals the New York Times. A 40-page document code-named by Israeli intelligence as "Walls of Jericho" proves it. Without specifying the date, it outlines point by point exactly the attack carried out by Hamas on October 7, 2023. The plan has circulated widely for over a year before October 7, 2023, among Israeli military and intelligence leaders. Still, they concluded that “an attack of this magnitude is beyond the capabilities of Hamas.” Last July, just three months before the attack, a veteran analyst from Unit 8200 Israel's intelligence agency warned that Hamas had conducted an intense exercise similar to the one described in the plan. But an intelligence agency colonel trashed her report. On October 7, 2023, Hamas executed the attack plan with "astonishing precision": a barrage of rockets, drones to disable security cameras and automatic machine guns along the barrier surrounding Gaza, armed men entering Israeli territory from gaps opened with bulldozers in the barrier. Exactly as it was written in the plan called the "Walls of Jericho" by Israeli intelligence.
This exceptional documentation - the political-media mainstream has essentially passed over it in silence - confirms what we have demonstrated based on facts and not opinions since episode 113 of Grandangolo entitled "September 11th in the Middle East": the leaders of Israel were not taken by surprise by the Hamas attack, but contributed to its execution to have the pretext of implementing their strategic plan. It consists of exterminating the population of Gaza: the dead and seriously injured people, mostly women and children, have so far amounted to around 60 thousand, equivalent to around 2 million dead and seriously injured in Italy (if we were in a similar situation). At the same time, the plan consists of making Gaza uninhabitable by pounding it with thousands of bombs supplied by the USA: in less than seven weeks Israeli bombings have destroyed almost 70% of the buildings in the North, and they are now doing the same in the South, while in throughout the Second World War, Allied bombing of Germany destroyed 60% of the buildings in Dresden and other cities.
In the plan of Israeli leaders, the final solution involves the deportation of the Gaza population to the Sinai desert and the cancellation of Gaza as Palestinian territory, then they will do the same thing with the West Bank. The leaders of Israel are thus committing not only crimes of war but a real crime of genocide. This international crime consists of the methodical destruction of an ethnic, racial, or religious group as such, carried out through the extermination of individuals, the dissociation and dispersion of family groups, and the dismantling of all social, political, religious, and cultural institutions.
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Overstatement from Davos 2017. |
Liberal corporative capitalism, for reasons of lowering traveling costs, proposed not to travel to history alone but packed togather with NATO, EU and unipollar World Order. Workers participation has good chances to step in provisionally, buying time for full scale workers selfmanagment. |