International conference
“European Security in the Light of 2012 Elections”
Belgrade, June 9, 2011, Sava-Centre
June 8, 2011
During the day - Arrival of participants (airport pick up, transfer to Belgrade Intercontinental Hotel)
June 9, 2011
9.00 – 9.30 – Registrations of participants
9.30 – 10.00 – Conference opening
Address by Ivica Dacic, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior, Serbia (to be confirmed)
Address by H.E.Alexander Konuzin, Ambassador of Russia to Serbia
10.00 – 12.00 1-st Plenary Session “Political and Economic Cooperation in Europe after 2012 Elections”
- Zivadin Jovanovic, President of Belgrade Forum “Trends and challenges in International Relations”
- Serguey Serebrennikov, General Director, Institute of International Integration (Russia) “Expectations of Russian citizens from 2011-12 electoral campaigns”
- Tomislav Nikolic, MP, Chairman, Serbian Progressive Party “2012 Elections in Serbia and Russia: scenarios and consequences”
- Anton Kutev, MP, Bulgaria “Political confrontation between left, right and nationalist forces in Europe”
- Jan Mladek, Czech Republic “Cooperation between USA and Central and Eastern Europe: expectations from 2012 US Presidential elections”
- Vladimir Lepekhin, Director, Institute of Euro-Asian Economic Community “Prospects of development of Euro-Asian Economic Community and the Custom Union”
- Jovan Palalic, MP, and Serbian Democratic Party “Serbia after 2012 elections: possible scenarious”
- Helen Teplitskaya, USA “Possibilities for Western Investments in the Balkans and Russia: main trends and obstacles”
- Alessandro Bertoldi, MP, Italy, “Political mood of European young generation and their attitude to electoral campaigns: Italian example“.
11.30 - 12.00 – Discussion ( up to 5 minutes )
12.00 – 12.30 – coffee-break
12.30 -14.30 2-nd Plenary Session “European Security After 2012 elections”
- Charles Crawford, Former ambassador, Great Britain, “ European Security in theLlight of 2012 elections from the UK Prospective”.
- Mikhail Starshinov, MP, Member of Security Committee, State Duma of Russia “Cooperation between Russia and NATO”
- Dragan Todorovic, MP, Serbian Radical Party, Chairman, “External security of Serbia: NATO, CSTO or non-block status?”
- Mikhail Plisyuk, Executive director, Collective Security Treaty Organization Institute “CSTO - a factor of stability and security”
- Alessandro Musolino, Italy, member of Youth Parliament “ The role of Italy and Russia in th Light of a new European Security Policy”
- James Jatras, Balkan expert, USA, “Electoral campaign in the USA: relations with Europe and Russia”
14.00 – 14.30 – Discussion (up to 5 minutes)
14.30 – 15.30 – lunch, Sava Center restaurant
15.30 – 16.45 3-rd Plenary Session “Energy cooperation in Europe after 2012 elections”
- Dusan Bajatovic, MP, Chairman of Security and Defense Committee, Deputy Chair of Socialist Party of Serbia
- Tamas Vargha, MP, Hungary “ Energy Security challenges – an EU perspective”
- Serguey Pravosudov, Director General, Institute of National Energy, Russia “Russia-EU Energy dialogue: problems and prospects”
- Nikolay Kabanov, MP, Latvia “LNG-Terminal in Riga: political or economic solution?”
- Kornel Andzsans- Balogh, Hungary “ Energy Corporation in Europe after 2012 elections”
- Dragan Stanojevic, President, International Organizations of Serbian Diaspora of Euro-Asia, “Security of transit states”.
16.15 –16.45 - Discussion (up to 5 minutes)
16.45-17.00 – concluding remarks, Alexander Babakov, Vice-speaker of State Duma of Russia
17.30 – 19.30 – Cocktail, Sava Center restaurant